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drai has 1 results
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drai has 1 results
Root WordIAST MeaningMonier Williams PageClass
√द्रैdraisleeping / svapna1280/3Cl.1
Amarakosha Search
1 result
bhramaḥMasculinePluraljalanirgamaḥa drain
Monier-Williams Search
10 results for drai
drai or drā- () cl.1 P. A1. drāyati-, te- (confer, compare ni--) or cl.2 P. drāti- (perfect tense -dadrau- ; Aorist adrāsīt- ; future drāsy/ati- ) to sleep. [ confer, compare Greek , Latin dormio]. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ārdraidhāgnim. a fire maintained by wet wood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadrai(future p. -drāsy/at-) to fall asleep (see an-avadrāṇ/a-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhadraif. large cardamoms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣudraif. small cardamoms (different from those called sūkṣmai-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rudraikādaśakamantram. plural () () the 11 rudra- hymns (anuvāka- in the taittirīya- saṃhitā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rudraikādaśavastradānavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rudraikādaśikāf. = daśinī-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rudraikādaśinīf. () the 11 rudra- hymns (anuvāka- in the taittirīya- saṃhitā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidrai(or drā-,only A1. pr.p. -drāṇa-), to awake from sleep View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
drai द्रै 1 P. (द्रायति) To sleep; cf. द्रा.
Macdonell Search
7 results
kośa m. butt, tub, pail, coop (esp. of clouds); box, chest; sheath; case; shell; abode; store-room; treasury, treasure; vocabulary, dictionary; treasury of poetry, collection of stanzas; bud, calix (esp. of the lotus); cocoon; cup of peace; sacred draught used in ordeals; oath: -kâraka, m. silk-worm; -griha, n. treasury; -gâta, n. treasure, wealth; -danda, m. du. treasury and army; -dâsa, m. N.; -pîthin, a. draining orhaving drained any one's treasury; -petaka, m. n. casket; *-phala, n. kind of perfume; -rakshin, m. guardian of the treasury.
gṛhakapota m. domestic pigeon; -karma-kara, m. domestic; -karma-dâsa, m. domestic slave; -karman, n. household affair; -kâraka, m. carpenter; -kârin, m. kind of wasp; -kârya, n. household affair; -kritya, n. id.; kind of tax; -gupta, (pp.) m. N.; -kkhidra, n. hole or weak point in the house; -ga, a. born in the house; -gana, m. family; -gâta, pp. born in the house; -dâru, n. beam of a house; -dâha, m. con flagration; -dîpti, f. light (=ornament) of the house; -devatâ, f. pl. domestic deities; -dvâra, n. house-door; -nadikâ, f. drain of a house; -nirvâha, m. housekeeping; -pá, m. guardian of the house; (á)-pati, m. master of the house, paterfamilias; ep. of Agni; one who has precedence at a Sattra; village magistrate; -pâta, m. collapse of a house; -pâla, m. guardian of the house; -poshana, n. maintenance of the household; -bali, m.domestic offering: -bhug, m. bird that feeds on the domestic offering (sparrows, crows, and other birds); -bhartri, m. master of the house; -bhogin, m. member of the house hold; -medhá, 1. m. domestic sacrifice; 2. a.performing or taking part in the domestic sacrifices; m. householder, paterfamilias; -medhín, a. id.; m. married Brâhman house holder (second stage in his religious life): -î, f. Brâhman housewife.
parivāda m. detraction, censure (of, g., lc., --°ree;): -kathâ, f. id.; -vâdin, a. slandering, censuring: -î, f. seven-stringed lute; -vâpá, m. parched grains of rice; -vâra, m. cover; attendants, train, retinue (--°ree;, a. surrounded by); sheath: -tâ, f. condition of a retinue; -vârita, cs. pp. (√ 1. vri) encircled; -vâsa, m. 1. sojourn; 2. perfume; -vâha, m. overflow; drain for carrying off excess of water; -vâhín, a. (n-î) overflowing, with (--°ree;).
parīmāṇa n.=parimâna; -ram- bha, m. embrace; -varta, m. exchange, bar ter; change; -vâda, m. detraction; -vâra, m. retinue; -vâha, m. drain or channel for carrying off the overflow of a pond, waste pipe; -sesha, m. remnant.
pūrvadakṣiṇa a. south-eastern; -datta, pp. previously given or presented; -dis, f. eastern quarter, east; -dishta, pp. determined by previous actions; -dîkshin, a. taking the first consecration (of two or more who sacrifice at the same time and place); -dugdha, pp. previously (milked=) drained or plundered; -drishtá, pp. seen before; formerly seen, ancient; looked upon of old or long regarded as (nm.); -deva, m.primaeval god; -devatâ, f. primaeval deity; -desa, m. eastern direction: lc. to the east of (ab.); eastern country; -deha, m. former body: lc.=in a previous existence.
marutvat a. accompanied by the Maruts; m. ep. of Indra: -&isharp;ya, a. relating to Indra Marutvat; sp. said of three grahas at the midday libation and of the sastra recited after they have been drained.
vip a. inwardly stirred, inspired (RV.); f. (RV.) switch, rod, shaft (of an arrow); in the preparation of Soma, the staves forming the bottom of the drainer and supporting the straining cloth.
Bloomfield Vedic
7 results0 results12 results
adbhir yāti varuṇaḥ samudraiḥ # RV.1.161.14c.
adhi na indraiṣām (VS. indreṣām) # RV.8.83.7a; VS.33.47a.
ādityai rudrair vasubhir na ā gahi # RV.10.150.1c.
ādityai rudrair vasubhiḥ sacābhuvā # RV.2.31.1b; 8.35.1b. Fragment: vasubhiḥ sacābhuvā N.5.5.
ā mandrair indra haribhiḥ # RV.3.45.1a; AVś.7.117.1a; SV.1.246a; 2.1068a; VS.20.53a; TA.1.12.2a (bis); śś.9.5.9; 18.11.3; AG.3.10.5; Svidh.1.4.19. Ps: ā mandrair indra śś.12.9.11; ā mandraiḥ Vait.23.9; Kauś.59.14; Rvidh.2.2.4; Svidh.2.4.6.
indras tvā rudrair dakṣiṇato rocayatu traiṣṭubhena chandasā # TA.4.6.1; 5.5.1.
eṣa te rudra bhāgaḥ # VS.3.57 (bis); TS.,2;; MS.1.10.4: 144.4; 1.10.20: 160.5; KS.9.7 (bis); 36.14 (bis); śB.,10; TB.,5; Lś.5.3.12; Mś.; Apś.8.18.1,8; 12.23.11. Ps: eṣa te rudra BṛhPDh.9.118; eṣa te Kś.5.10.12; eṣa Kś.5.10.13. See rudraiṣa.
candro yāti sabhām upa # RV.8.4.9d. See candrair.
dyaur devebhiḥ pṛthivī samudraiḥ # RV.6.50.13d.
na samudraiḥ parvatair indra te rathaḥ # RV.2.16.3b.
pracetā vo rudraiḥ paścād upa dadhatām # TA.1.20.1. See next, and rudrās tvā pracetasaḥ.
pracetās tvā rudraiḥ paścāt pātu # VS.5.11; TS.; KS.2.9; śB. See under prec.
4 results
drai indeclinable a kind of bīja
Frequency rank 28492/72933
kṣudrai noun (feminine) small cardamoms (different from those called sūkṣmaŒlā) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34448/72933
bhadrai noun (feminine) large cardamoms (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 21935/72933
rudraikādaśinī noun (feminine) the 11 Rudra hymns (Anuvāka in the TS) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38781/72933


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draining, causing to flow.


draining, bleeding.

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