dra | m. (fr. 2. drā-?) (see uttara-dr/a-[or dr/u-?], kriṣṇa--, madhu--).  |
dra | according to to some in "that which is free", opp. to vr/a-.  |
drā | See drai-.  |
drā | cl.2 P. dr/āti- (imperative dr/ātu-, dr/āntu- ; perfect tense dadrur-, parasmE-pada A1. dadrāṇ/a- ; Aorist adrāsīt-; subjunctive drāsat- ), to run, make haste: Causal drāpayati- (Desiderative of Causal d/idrāpayiṣati-) ; Aorist adidrapat- : Intensive d/aridrāti- ; 3 plural daridrati- ; to run hither and thither ; to be in need or poor: Desiderative of Intensive didaridrāsati- and didaridriṣati- Va1rtt. 2 [ confer, compare 2. dru-and dram-; Greek , .] |
drabuddha | m. or n. a particular high number  |
drāḍ | cl.1 A1. drāḍate-, to split, divide ; to go to pieces (see dhrāḍ-).  |
dradhas | n. (for ḍhas-?) garment  |
draḍhaya | (fr. dṛḍha-) Nom. P. yati-, to make firm, fasten, tighten, strengthen ; confirm, assert ; to stop, restrain, (see ḍriḍhaya-).  |
draḍhika | m. Name of a man  |
draḍhiman | m. firm place, stronghold against persecutors Scholiast or Commentator on  |
draḍhiman | m. firmness, resolution  |
draḍhiman | m. affirmation, assertion  |
draḍhiṣṭha | mfn. superl. and Comparative degree of d/ṛḍha-  |
draḍhīyas | mfn. superl. and Comparative degree of d/ṛḍha-  |
drāgbhṛtaka | n. water just drawn from a well  |
drāgh | cl.1 A1. drāghate-, to be able ; to stretch, lengthen ; to exert one's self ; to be tired ; to tire, torment ; to roam, stroll : Causal drāghayati-, to lengthen (also prosod. ), extend, stretch ; to be long or slow, tarry, delay  |
drāghiman | m. length  |
drāghiman | m. a degree of longitude  |
drāghimavat | mfn. long, lengthy  |
drāghiṣṭha | mfn. (superl. fr. dīrgha- q.v) longest etc.  |
drāghiṣṭha | m. a bear  |
drāghiṣṭha | n. a kind of fragrant grass  |
drāghita | mfn. lengthened (metrically)  |
drāghīyas | mfn. (Comparative degree fr. dirgha- q.v) longer  |
drāghmā | ind. instrumental case in length or along  |
drāghman | m. equals ghim/an-  |
drāh | cl.1 A1. drāhate-, to wake ; to deposit, put down  |
draha | m. equals hrada-, a deep lake  |
drahya | m. (fr. dṛh-) Name of a man (see drāhyāyaṇa-).  |
drahyat | ind. firmly, strongly  |
drāhyāyaṇa | m. (fr. drahya-) patronymic of an author of certain sūtra-s  |
drāhyāyaṇagṛhya | n. drāhyāyaṇa-'s work  |
drāhyāyaṇaka | n. the sūtra- of drāhyāyaṇa-.  |
drāhyāyaṇasūtra | n. plural drāhyāyaṇa-'s work  |
drāhyāyaṇi | m. patronymic fr. drāhyāyaṇa-.  |
drāhyāyaṇīya | mfn. relating to drāhyāyaṇa-, composed by him  |
drai | or drā- ( ) cl.1 P. A1. drāyati-, te- (confer, compare ni--) or cl.2 P. drāti- (perfect tense -dadrau- ; Aorist adrāsīt- ; future drāsy/ati- ) to sleep. [ confer, compare Greek , Latin dormio].  |
drāk | ind. (fr.2. drā-+ añc-or fr. dṛś-) quickly, speedily, shortly, soon  |
drakaṭa | or dragaḍa- m. a kettle-drum for awakening sleepers  |
drākh | cl.1 P. drākhati-, to become dry or arid ; to be able or competent ; to adorn ; to prohibit or prevent (see dhrāk-).  |
drākkendra | n. eccentricity, the distance of a planet from the point of its greatest velocity  |
drākpratimaṇḍala | n. a second eccentric circle  |
drākṣā | f. vine, grape : etc.  |
drākṣa | mf(ī-)n. (as-, ī-, am-) made of grapes  |
drākṣāghṛta | n. a particular medicine  |
drākṣālatā | f. vine, vine-tendril  |
drākṣāmat | mfn. furnished with grapes gaRa yavādi-.  |
drākṣāprastha | n. Name of a city gaRa mālādi-.  |
drākṣārāmeśvara | (kṣār-) m. "lord of the vineyard", Name of śiva-  |
drākṣārasa | m. grape-juice, wine =  |
drākṣāriṣṭa | m. (in med.) a particular beverage.  |
drākṣāsava | (kṣās-) m. liquor made of grapes  |
drākṣāvalayabhūmi | f. a place furnished with vineyards  |
drākṣāvana | n. vineyard  |
drākṣāvāruṇī | f.  |
dram | cl.1 P. dr/amati- ( ) to run about, roam, wander ; perfect tense dadramur- : Intensive dandramyate- idem or 'm. or n. a particular high number ' [ confer, compare drā-and 2. dru-; Greek , .]  |
dramiḍa | m. plural Name of a school of grammarians (opposed to the ārya-s). (see next and draviḍa-).  |
dramiḍabhāṣya | n. Name of commentator or commentary on the brahma-sūtra-.  |
drāmiḍī | f. small cardamoms (varia lectio drāviḍī-).  |
dramila | m. Name of a country (also equals draviḍa-)  |
dramila | m. of a lexicographer (varia lectio drim-)  |
dramila | m. plural his school  |
drāmila | m. "born in dramila-", Name of cāṇakya- (varia lectio dromiṇa-).  |
dramiṭa | m. Name of a serpent-king  |
dramita | m. Name of a serpent-king  |
dramma | fr. and = Greek  |
drāṇa | See an-ava--, ni--, vi--.  |
drāṇa | mf. run, flown  |
draṅga | m. a town, city  |
draṅgā | f. idem or 'm. a town, city ' (see udr-[for ud-dr-], ku-dr-; traṅga-).  |
drāṅgavadha | m. Name of a man  |
drāṅkṣ | cl.1 P. drāṅkṣati-, to utter a discordant sound, croak or caw ; to desire, long for, (see dhrāṅkṣ-).  |
draṅkṣaṇa | n. a measure of weight (equals tolaka-),  |
drāpa | m. (only ) mud, mire  |
drāpa | m. heaven, sky  |
drāpa | m. fool, idiot  |
drāpa | m. Name of śiva- with his hair twisted or matted  |
drāpa | m. a small shell, Cypraea Moneta.  |
drāpi | m. mantle, garment  |
drāpi | mfn. (Causal of2. drā-) causing to run (said of rudra-)  |
drapsa | m. (2. dru-?) a drop (as of soma-, rain, semen etc.)  |
drapsa | m. a spark of fire  |
drapsa | m. the moon (see indu-),  |
drapsa | m. flag, banner  |
drapsa | n. thin or diluted curds  |
drapsavat | mfn. (ps/a--) besprinkled  |
drapsavat | mfn. containing the word drapsa-  |
drapsin | mfn. falling in drops  |
drapsin | mfn. flowing thickly  |
drapsin | mfn. distilling.  |
drapsya | n. thin or diluted curds  |
draṣṭavya | mfn. (fr. dṛś-.) to be seen, visible, apparent etc.  |
draṣṭavya | mfn. to be examined or investigated  |
draṣṭavya | mfn. to be regarded or considered as (Nominal verb)  |
draṣṭṛ | m. one who sees etc. (also as 2nd sg. future )  |
draṣṭṛ | m. one who sees well  |
draṣṭṛ | m. one who examines or decides in a court of law, a judge  |
draṣṭritva | n. the faculty of seeing  |
draṣṭu | infinitive mood -stem of driś- in compound  |
draṣṭukāma | mfn. wishing to see, desirous of seeing ,  |
draṣṭumanas | mfn. having a mind to see, wishing to see  |
draṣṭuśakya | mfn. able to be seen  |
draughaṇa | ( ) and ṇaka- (gaRa arīhaṇādi-) fr. dru-ghaṇa-.  |
drauhika | mfn. fr. droha- (gaRa chedādi-).  |
drauhya | (gaRa śivādi-) and hyava- ( ) patronymic fr. druhyu-.  |
drauṇa | mf(ī-)n. containing a droṇa- vArttika  |
drauṇāyana | ( ) m. patronymic of aśvatthāman-.  |
drauṇāyani | ( ) m. patronymic of aśvatthāman-.  |
drauṇeya | n. a kind of salt  |
drauṇi | m. idem or '( ) m. patronymic of aśvatthāman-.' etc.  |
drauṇi | m. Name of vyāsa- in a future dvāpara-  |
drauṇī | ( ) wrong reading for droṇī-.  |
drauṇika | mf(ī-)n. equals drauṇa- gaRa niṣkādi-  |
drauṇika | mf(ī-)n. (with or scilicet kṣetra-) a field sown with a dvāpara- of grain  |
draupada | mf(ī-)n. belonging to or descendant from drupada-  |
draupadāditya | varia lectio for drup- q.v  |
draupadāyani | fr. drupada- gaRa karṇādi-. |
draupadeya | m. plural metron. of the 5 sons of draupadī- (viz. of prativindhya-, son of yudhi-ṣṭhira-;of suta-soma-, son of bhīma-;of śruta-kīrti- or śrutakarman-, son of arjuna-;of śatānīka-, son of nakula-;and of śruta-sena-, son of sahadeva-)  |
draupadī | f. See below.  |
draupadī | f. patronymic of kṛṣṇā- (wife of the dual number princes) (identified with umā-, )  |
draupadīharaṇa | n. "the forcible abduction of draupadī-", Name of chapter of  |
draupadija | m. plural (for dī--) the sons of draupadī-, .  |
draupadīpariṇayacampū | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a poem.  |
draupadīpramātha | m. equals -haraṇa-.  |
draupadīsvayaṃvara | m. Name of a drama.  |
draupadīvastrāharaṇa | n. "the seizure of draupadī-'s garments", Name of a poem.  |
drava | mfn. (fr.2. dru-) running (as a horse)  |
drava | mfn. flowing, fluid, dropping, dripping, trickling or overflowing with (compound)  |
drava | mfn. fused, liquefied, melted  |
drava | m. going, quick motion, flight  |
drava | m. play, sport  |
drava | m. distilling, trickling, fluidity  |
drava | m. juice, essence, decoction  |
drava | m. stream or gush of (compound)  |
drava | m. (dramatic language) the flying out against one's superior  |
drava | m. Name of one of the viśve- devā-s,  |
drāva | m. (fr.2. dru-) going quickly, speed, flight  |
drāva | m. fusing, liquefaction  |
drāva | m. heat  |
dravaccakra | mfn. having rapid wheels  |
dravadaśva | mfn. drawn by swift horses,  |
dravādhāra | m. "fluid-holder", a small vessel or receiver  |
dravadravya | n. a fluid substance  |
dravaja | m. treacle  |
dravaka | mfn. running  |
drāvaka | mfn. (fr.2. dru-, Causal;only ) causing to run  |
drāvaka | mfn. captivating, enchanting  |
drāvaka | mfn. enchanting  |
drāvaka | m. a pursuer or chaser  |
drāvaka | m. a thief  |
drāvaka | m. a wit, clever man  |
drāvaka | m. a libertine  |
drāvaka | m. a loadstone  |
drāvaka | m. a flux to assist the fusion of metals  |
drāvaka | m. distilled mineral acids  |
drāvaka | m. a kind of rasa- or sentiment  |
drāvaka | n. bee's wax (as melting)  |
drāvaka | n. a drug employed in diseases of spleen.  |
drāvakanda | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
drāvakara | m. a kind of borax  |
drāvakara | m. a flux  |
dravamāṇa | mfn. running, flowing, fluid, melted  |
dravamaya | mf(ī-)n. liquid, soft  |
dravamūrti | f. fluid condition  |
dravaṇa | n. running  |
dravaṇa | n. melting, becoming fluid,  |
dravaṇa | n. dropping, exuding  |
dravaṇa | n. heat  |
drāvaṇa | mfn. causing to run, putting to flight  |
drāvaṇa | n. the act of causing to run etc.  |
drāvaṇa | n. fusing, distilling  |
drāvaṇa | n. softening, touching  |
drāvaṇa | n. the clearing-nut  |
drāvaṇabāṇa | mfn. whose arrow puts to flight (kāma-deva-)  |
dravantī | f. a river  |
dravantī | f. Anthericum Juberosum  |
dravaprāya | mfn. chiefly fluid (food)  |
dravara | mfn. running quickly  |
dravarāga | mfn. dropping or wet with unguent, .  |
dravarasā | f. "having fluid essence", lac, gum, extract  |
dravasveda | m. a hot bath  |
dravasya | Nom. P. yati- (fr. dravas-[ dru-?] gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-), to harass one's self, toil, serve.  |
dravat | mfn. running, swift etc.  |
dravat | mfn. trickling, oozing  |
dravat | ind. quickly, speedily.  |
dravatā | f. ( ) natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance, fluidity, wetness.  |
dravatpāṇi | mfn. swift-footed |
dravatpāṇi | mfn. having swift horses, .  |
dravatpattrī | f. a kind of shrub (equals śimṛḍī-)  |
dravatva | ( ) n. natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance, fluidity, wetness.  |
dravatvaka | ( ) n. natural or artificial fluid condition of a substance, fluidity, wetness.  |
dravatya | Nom. P. yati-, to become fluid  |
dravavasu | m. Name of a prince  |
dravaya | Nom. A1. yate-, to run, flow  |
drāvayāṇa | mfn. putting to flight |
drāvayatsakha | mfn. (parasmE-pada Causal of2. dru-+ sakhi-) speeding the comrade (id est carrying the rider quickly away, said of a horse)  |
drāvayitnu | mfn. melting  |
dravetara | mfn. "other than fluid", hard, solid, congealed  |
dravi | m. a smelter, one who melts metal  |
dravī | in compound for drava-.  |
dravībhāva | m. melting id est becoming soft or moved  |
dravībhū | to become fluid  |
draviḍa | m. Name of a people (regarded as degraded kṣatriya-s and said to be descendants of draviḍa-, sons of vṛṣabha-svāmin- ) and of a district on the east coast of the Deccan etc.  |
draviḍa | m. collect. N. for 5 peoples, viz. the āndhra-s, karṇāṭaka-s, gurjara-s, tailaṅga-s, and mahārāṣṭra-s (see dāviḍa-below)  |
draviḍa | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
draviḍa | m. of an author  |
draviḍa | m. plural of a school of grammarians  |
drāviḍa | mf(ī-)n. Dravidian, a draviḍa- etc.  |
drāviḍa | m. plural the draviḍa- people  |
drāviḍa | m. also collect. N. for the above 5 peoples, and of the 5 chief draviḍa- languages, Tamil, Telugu, Kanarese, Malayalam and Tulu  |
drāviḍa | m. sg. a patronymic fr. draviḍa-  |
drāviḍa | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on the amara-koṣa-  |
drāviḍa | m. a particular number  |
drāviḍa | m. Curcunia Zedoaria or a kindred plant  |
drāviḍa | m. small cardamoms  |
drāviḍa | See .  |
draviḍabhāṣya | n. Name of commentator or commentary  |
drāviḍabhūtika | m. Curcuma Zedoaria.  |
draviḍācārya | m. Name of a teacher.  |
draviḍadeśa | m. the country of the Dravidians  |
draviḍadeśīya | mfn. coming from or born in it  |
draviḍagauḍaka | m. (in music) Name of a rāga-.  |
drāviḍagauḍaka | m. equals draviḍa-g-.  |
drāviḍajāti | f. Name of work  |
drāviḍaka | m. Curcuma Zedoaria  |
drāviḍaka | n. a kind of salt  |
drāviḍalipi | f. the Dravidian writing or character  |
draviḍaśiśu | m. "son of draviḍa-", Name of an author  |
drāviḍavedapārāyaṇapramāṇa | n. Name of work.  |
draviḍī | f. (with strī-) a Dravidian female  |
draviḍī | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī-.  |
drāviḍī | f. a Dravidian woman  |
draviḍopaniṣacchekhara | m. Name of work relating to draviḍopaniṣad-  |
draviḍopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
draviḍopaniṣatsāra | m. Name of work relating to draviḍopaniṣad-  |
draviḍopaniṣatsāraratnāvalīvyākhyā | f. Name of work relating to draviḍopaniṣad-  |
draviḍopaniṣattātparyaratnāvali | f. Name of work relating to draviḍopaniṣad-  |
drāvikā | f. saliva (as flowing)  |
dravīkaraṇa | n. liquefaction, melting  |
dravīkṛ | to liquefy, melt  |
drāvila | m. equals vātsyāyana-  |
drāvin | mfn. getting in motion (see laghu--)  |
drāvin | mfn. dissolving, removing (see pitta--, mala--, māṃsa--).  |
draviṇa | n. movable property (as opp. to house and field), substance, goods (m.pl. ), wealth, money etc.  |
draviṇa | n. essence, substantiality, strength, power etc.  |
draviṇa | n. Name of a sāman-  |
draviṇa | m. Name of a son of vasu- dhara- (or dhava-)  |
draviṇa | m. of a son of pṛthu-  |
draviṇa | m. of a mountain  |
draviṇa | m. plural the inhabitants of a varṣa- in krauñca-dvīpa-  |
draviṇādhipati | m. "lord of wealth", Name of kubera-  |
draviṇāgama | m. acquirement of property or wealth (Bombay edition ṇodaya-).  |
draviṇaka | m. Name of a son of agni-  |
draviṇanāśana | m.,"destroying vigour", Hyperanthera Moriaga  |
draviṇapati | m. Name (also title or epithet) of kubera-,  |
draviṇarāśi | m. a heap of wealth or riches  |
draviṇas | n. movable property, substance etc. (= dr/aviṇa-)  |
draviṇas | n. concr. bestower of wealth (said of agni- "moving, ever moving"),  |
draviṇas | m. Name of a son of pṛthu- (equals draviṇa-)  |
draviṇasvat | mfn. possessing or bestowing goods  |
draviṇasyu | mfn. desiring or bestowing goods  |
draviṇavat | mfn. possessing or bestowing goods  |
draviṇavat | mfn. strong, powerful  |
draviṇendrātmaja | m. kubera-'s son, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
draviṇeśvara | m. equals ṇādhipati-  |
draviṇeśvara | m. possessor of wealth  |
draviṇīya | Nom. P. yati-  |
draviṇo | in compound for ṇas-.  |
draviṇoda | mfn. granting wealth or any desired good  |
draviṇodā | mfn. granting wealth or any desired good  |
draviṇodas | mfn. granting wealth or any desired good  |
drāviṇodasa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. draviṇo-das-) coming from or belonging to or destined for those who present gifts (id est the sacrificers)  |
drāviṇodasa | mf(ī-)n. relating to draviṇo-das- (agni-)  |
draviṇodaya | See ṇāgama-.  |
draviṇovid | mfn. idem or 'mfn. granting wealth or any desired good '  |
drāvita | mfn. made to run or fly, chased  |
drāvita | mfn. melted, liquefied  |
drāvita | mfn. softened, mollified  |
dravitnu | mfn. running, quick  |
dravitṛ | m. runner  |
dravottara | mfn. chiefly fluid, very fluid  |
dravya | n. a substance, thing, object etc.  |
dravya | n. the ingredients or materials of anything  |
dravya | n. medicinal substance or drug  |
dravya | n. (philosophy) elementary substance (9 in the nyāya-, viz. pṛthivī-, ap-, tejas-, vāyu-, ākāśa kāla-, diś-, ātman-, manas-; 6 with jaina-s, viz. jīva-, dharma-, adharma-, pudgala-, kāla-, ākāśa-)  |
dravya | n. (grammar) single object or person, individual (see eka--)  |
dravya | n. fit object or person (see ā--.)  |
dravya | n. object of possession, wealth, goods, money etc.  |
dravya | n. gold  |
dravya | n. bell-metal, brass  |
dravya | n. ointment  |
dravya | n. spirituous liquor  |
dravya | n. a stake, a wager  |
dravya | mfn. (fr. 4. dru-) derived from or relating to a tree  |
dravya | mfn. tree-like or corresponding to a tree  |
dravya | n. lac, gum, resin  |
drāvya | mfn. to be made to run or put to flight  |
drāvya | mfn. fusible, liquefiable.  |
dravyabhāṣā | f. Name of Comm.  |
dravyabhāṣāṭīkā | f. Name of Comm.  |
dravyādarśa | m. Name of work  |
dravyadevatā | f. the deity of a substance  |
dravyadīpaka | n. a kind of simile , Scholiast or Commentator  |
dravyadvaita | n. duality of substance, instrumental cause (?)  |
dravyagaṇa | m. a class of similar substances  |
dravyagarvita | mfn. proud of money  |
dravyaguṇa | m. Name of work  |
dravyaguṇa | m. plural the accessories of (id est unimportant) things,  |
dravyaguṇādarśanighaṇṭu | m. Name of work  |
dravyaguṇādhirāja | m. Name of work  |
dravyaguṇadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
dravyaguṇākara | m. Name of work  |
dravyaguṇaparyāya | m. Name of work  |
dravyaguṇasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
dravyaguṇaśataślokī | f. Name of work  |
dravyaguṇavicāra | m. Name of work  |
dravyaguṇaviveka | m. Name of work  |
dravyahasta | mfn. holding anything in the hand  |
dravyajāta | n. a kind of substance  |
dravyajāta | n. all kinds of things  |
dravyaka | m. a carrier or taker of anything  |
dravyakiraṇāvalī | f. Name of work  |
dravyakṛśa | mfn. poor in goods  |
dravyalakṣaṇa | n. characteristic of a thing or person, definition, kan-. |
dravyamātra | n. only the money (Bombay edition) (v.l tral-)  |
dravyamaya | mf(ī-)n. material, substantial  |
dravyanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
dravyaniścaya | m. Name of chapter of bhaṭṭotpala-'s commentator or commentary on  |
dravyāntara | n. another thing gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-.  |
dravyapadārtha | m. Name of work  |
dravyaparigraha | m. the acquirement or possession of property or wealth  |
dravyapatākā | f. Name of work  |
dravyaprakalpana | n. procuring materials for a sacrifice  |
dravyaprakarṣa | m. the excellence of a matter ,  |
dravyaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
dravyaprakṛti | f. the nature of a matter  |
dravyaprakṛti | f. plural the constituent elements or necessary attributes (of a king)  |
dravyaprayojana | n. use or employment of any article  |
dravyapūjā | f. Name of chapter of the  |
dravyaratnāvali | f. Name of work  |
dravyārjana | n. acquirement of property or wealth.  |
dravyaśabda | m. equals -vācaka-  |
dravyaśaktimat | mfn. possessed of the power to produce matter,  |
dravyasaṃcaya | m. accumulation of property or wealth  |
dravyasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
dravyasaṃskāra | m. consecration of articles for a sacrifice  |
dravyasaṃskāra | m. purification or cleansing of soiled or defiled articles  |
dravyasamuccaya | m. accumulation (of things),  |
dravyasamuddeśa | m. Name of chapter of the vākyapādīya-.  |
dravyasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
dravyasiddhi | f. acquirement of wealth  |
dravyasiddhi | f. success by wealth  |
dravyaśodhanavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
dravyāśrita | mfn. inherent in a substance  |
dravyaśuddhi | f. cleansing of soiled articles  |
dravyaśuddhi | f. Name of work  |
dravyaśuddhidīpikā | f. of a commentator or commentary on it.  |
dravyatas | ind. in substance, according to substance etc.  |
dravyātmaka | mfn. substantial, containing a substance  |
dravyātmakāryasiddhi | f. effecting one's object by means of wealth  |
dravyatva | n. substantiality, substance  |
dravyatvajātimānavicāra | m. Name of work  |
dravyaugha | n. abundance of wealth  |
dravyavācaka | mfn. expressive of a (single) thing or person  |
dravyavācaka | m. a substantive  |
dravyavādin | mfn. equals prec. (opp. to jāti--)  |
dravyavardhana | m. Name of an author  |
dravyavat | mfn. inherent in the substance  |
dravyavat | mfn. rich, wealthy,  |
dravyavattva | n. wealth, opulence  |
dravyavṛddhi | f. increase of wealth  |
dravyayajña | mfn. offering a material sacrifice  |
drek | cl.1 A1. drekate-, to sound ; to be in high spirits ; to grow or increase (see dhrek-).  |
drekā | f. Melia Sempervifrens  |
drekka | or drekkāṇa- or dreṣkāṇa- equals dṛkāna-  |
dreṣkāṇādhyāya | m. Name of chapter of  |
dreśya | mfn. (prob. fr. dris.- equals dṛ-) visible  |
dreśya | mfn. see a--.  |
drimila | See dramila-.  |
drogdhavya | mfn. to be injured  |
drogdhṛ | m. injurer, ill-wisher  |
drogha | in ghāya v/acase- for drogha-vacase-, using injurious or malicious words  |
droghamitra | (dr/ogha--) m. a mischievous friend, .  |
droghavāc | mfn. equals -vacas- (above)  |
droha | m. injury, mischief. harm, perfidy, treachery, wrong, offence  |
drohabhāva | m. hostile disposition  |
drohabuddhi | mfn. maliciously-minded, malevolent  |
drohacintana | n. injurious design  |
drohapara | mfn. full of malice,  |
drohāṭa | m. (hāṭa-?) a false man  |
drohāṭa | m. a hunter  |
drohāṭa | m. a form of metre ( ) .  |
drohavacana | n. injurious language  |
drohavṛtti | mfn. malicious, wicked  |
drohin | mfn. hurting, harming  |
drohin | mfn. perfidious against, hostile to (genitive case or compound)  |
drohita | mfn. hostile, maliciously inclined  |
dromiṇa | m. Name of cāṇakya- (see drāmila-).  |
droṇa | n. (fr. 4. dru-) a wooden vessel, bucket, trough etc.; a soma- vessel ([ confer, compare Zend draona]) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
droṇa | mn. a measure of capacity (= 4 āḍhaka-s = 16 puṣkala-s = 128 kuñci-s = 1024 muṣṭi-s, or = 200 pala-s = 1/20 kumbha-, or = 1/16 kharī-= 4 āḍhaka-s, or = 2 āḍhaka-s = 1/2 śūrpa-= 64 Seras, or = 32 Seras) etc.  |
droṇa | mn. a measure for measuring fields (as much land as is sown with a droṇa- of corn)  |
droṇa | n. an altar shaped like a trough  |
droṇa | m. a lake or large piece of water of 400 poles length  |
droṇa | m. a kind of cloud (from which the rain streams forth as from a bucket) (see -megha-and -vṛṣṭi-below) |
droṇa | m. a raven or crow (see -kāka-)  |
droṇa | m. a scorpion (see druṇa-)  |
droṇa | m. a kind of plant (prob. Leucas Linifolia)  |
droṇa | m. Name of one of the 8 vasu-s (husband of abhimati- and father of harṣa-, śoka-, bhaya- etc.)  |
droṇa | m. of a Brahman said to have been generated by bharad-vāja- in a bucket (the military preceptor of both the kuru- and paṇḍu- princes;afterwards king of a part of pañcāla- and general of the kuru-s, the husband of kṛpī- and father of aśvatthāman-) etc.  |
droṇa | m. of one of the 4 sons of mandapāla- and jaritā- (born as birds) (as author of ,with the patronymic śārṅga-)  |
droṇa | m. of a Brahman  |
droṇa | m. of several other men  |
droṇa | m. of several mountains  |
droṇā | f. a kind of shrub  |
droṇā | f. Name of a daughter of siṃha-hanu-  |
droṇācārya | m. droṇa- as teacher of the kuru- and pāṇḍu- princes  |
droṇacit | mfn. arranged in a trough form  |
droṇaciti | f. arrangement in trough form  |
droṇadugdhā | f. equals -kṣīrā-  |
droṇadughā | f. equals -kṣīrā-  |
droṇagandhikā | f. a kind of plant (equals rāsnā-)  |
droṇaghā | f. (and corrupted from ?) dughlā-  |
droṇāhāva | mfn. having a droṇa- for a bucket (= streaming abundantly)  |
droṇaka | m. plural "the inhabitants of a valley."Name of a people  |
droṇakāka | m. a raven (see above-).  |
droṇakākala | m. a raven (see above-).  |
droṇakalaśa | m. a large wooden vessel for the soma-  |
droṇakṣīrā | f. (a cow) yielding a droṇa- of milk  |
droṇamānā | f. equals -kṣīrā-  |
droṇamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of the droṇa- measure  |
droṇamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting only of droṇa-  |
droṇamegha | m. a kind of cloud (See above)  |
droṇampaca | mfn. "cooking a droṇa-", liberal in entertaining  |
droṇamukha | n. the chief of 400 villages (khya- )  |
droṇamukha | n. the end of a valley (varia lectio ṇī-m-).  |
droṇapadī | f. "trough-footed"  |
droṇaparṇī | f. "trough-leaved", Musa Sapientum  |
droṇaparvan | n.," droṇa- section", Name of  |
droṇapuṣpa | n. flower of Leucas Linifolia (see above) .  |
droṇapuṣpī | f. Phlomis Zeylanica or other plant  |
droṇaripu | m. " droṇa-'sfoe", Name of dhṛṣṭa-dyumna-  |
droṇāsa | m. "trough-mouthed", Name of a demon who causes diseases (longitude nosed Scholiast or Commentator; see dru-ṇasa-).  |
droṇasāc | mfn. clinging to the trough, united with it (soma-)  |
droṇaśarmapada | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
droṇasiṃha | m. Name of a prince of the vallabhī- dynasty  |
droṇastūpa | m. Name of a stūpa- (said to contain a droṇa- holding relics of gautama- buddha-)  |
droṇavṛṣṭi | f. rain streaming forth as from a trough (see droṇa-and -megha-).  |
droṇeya | n. equals ṇī-lavaṇa-  |
droṇī | f. a wooden trough or tub etc.  |
droṇī | f. any vessel or implement made of wood,  |
droṇī | f. a measure of capacity (= 2 śūrpa-s = 128 Seras)  |
droṇī | f. a valley  |
droṇī | f. a kind of creeper  |
droṇī | f. of coloquintida (equals indra-c/irbitī-)  |
droṇī | f. of salt  |
droṇī | f. Name of a country, of a mountain and of a river  |
droṇi | f. trough, tub  |
droṇi | f. a valley  |
droṇi | f. Name of a country  |
droṇī | f. of droṇa- q.v  |
droṇīdala | m. Pandanus Odoratissimus  |
droṇīja | n. equals -lavaṇa-  |
droṇikā | f. trough, tub  |
droṇikā | f. the tongue bent in the form of a trough (to pronounce ṣ-)  |
droṇikā | f. the indigo plant  |
droṇīlavaṇa | n. a kind of salt coming from droṇī-  |
droṇīmukha | See ṇa-m-.  |
droṇīpadī | f. equals ṇa-p-.  |
droṇodana | m. Name of a son of siṃha-hanu- and uncle of buddha-  |
droṇya | mfn. belonging to or longing for the manger  |
droṇyāmaya | m. a kind of disease (equals ariṣṭy-āmaya-)  |
droṇyāśva | mfn. having troughs (id est clouds) for horses  |
dru | cl.5 P. druṇoti-, to hurt, injure (perfect tense dudrāva- ) ; to repent ; to go (see 1. drū-).  |
dru | cl.1. P. ( ; Epic also A1.) dr/avati-, te- etc. (perfect tense dudrāva- ; drotha-, druma- ; druvur- etc.; Aorist adudruvat- ; drot- subjunctive dudr/avat- ; future droṣyati- ; infinitive mood -drotum- ; ind.p. druṭv/ā-and -drutya- ) to run, hasten, flee etc. ; to run up to (accusative), attack, assault ; to become fluid, dissolve, melt : Causal drāv/ayati- (Epic also te-; dravayate-See under drav/a-) to cause to run, make flow ; to make fluid, melt, ; to drive away, put to flight (Passive voice drāvyate-, ) : Desiderative dudrūṣati- grammar : Desiderative of Causal dudrāvayiṣati- or dud- : Intensive dodrūyate- or dodroti- grammar (dodrāva- ) . ([ confer, compare 2. drā-and dram-; Zend dru,drvant.])  |
dru | mfn. running, going (see mita--, raghu--, śatā-.)  |
dru | f. going, motion  |
dru | mn. (= 3. dāru-) wood or any wooden implement (as a cup, an oar etc.)  |
dru | m. a tree or branch (see indra-- su--, harid--, hari--).  |
drū | cl.9 P. drūṇāti-, to hurl, throw (varia lectio druṇ-) ; cl.5 P. drūṇoti-, to kill or to go (varia lectio)  |
drū | mfn. taking any shape at will  |
drū | f. (?) gold  |
druḍ | cl.1.6. P. droḍati- and druḍati-, to sink, perish (varia lectio).  |
drūḍ | cl.1. drūḍati- (Lati) , to go  |
drugdha | See under 1. druh-.  |
drugdha | mfn. one who has tried to harm, hurtful, malicious  |
drugdha | n. offence, misdeed,  |
drugdha | n. impersonal or used impersonally harm has been done  |
drugha | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi-  |
drughaṇa | m. a wooden mace etc.  |
drughaṇa | m. axe, hatchet (also na-)  |
drughaṇa | m. Kaempferia Rotunda  |
drughaṇa | m. Name of brahmā-  |
drūghaṇa | m. equals dru-ghana-  |
drughnī | f. a hatchet for cutting wood  |
druh | cl.4 P. dr/uhyati- (Epic and metr. also A1. te-) etc. (perfect tense dudrbha- , hitha- ; Aorist adruhat-,Gr., subjunctive 2 sg. druhas- plural druhan-[with mā-] sg. adrukshas- ; future dhrokṣyati- , drohiṣyati- ; drogdhā-, droḍhā-or drohitā- grammar; infinitive mood drogdhavai- ; ind.p. drugdhvā-, drochitvā-, druhitvā- grammar; -druhya- ) to hurt, seek to harm, be hostile to (dative case;rarely genitive case [ ] locative case [ ] or acc.[ ]) ; absol. to bear malice or hatred ; to be a foe or rival : Causal drohayati-: Desiderative dudrohiṣati-, dudruh- grammar ; dudrukṣat- (confer, compare abhi--and dudhrukṣu-). ([Orig. dhrugh-; confer, compare Zend druj; German triogan,tru1gen.]) |
druh | mfn. (Nominal verb dhruk-or dhruṭ- ;wrongly druk-; see n/idrā--.) injuring, hurtful, hostile to (genitive case or compound)  |
druh | mf. injurer, foe, fiend, demon  |
druh | f. injury, harm, offence [ confer, compare Zend druj; German gidrog,gethroc.]  |
druha | m. a son  |
druha | m. a lake (see draha-)  |
druhaṃtara | mfn. ( trī-) overcoming the injurer or demon  |
druhaṇa | m. (either fr.1. druh-,or equals dru-ghaṇa-) Name of brahmā-  |
druhī | f. a daughter  |
druhiṇa | m. idem or 'm. (either fr.1. druh-,or equals dru-ghaṇa-) Name of brahmā- '  |
druhiṇa | m. Name of śiva- or viṣṇu- (wrong reading hina-).  |
druhu | mf. = dr/uh-2  |
druhvan | mfn. hurting, injuring  |
druhya | m. Name of a man  |
druhya | m. gaRa śivādi- plural his descendants  |
druhya | m. gaRa yaskādi- (also varia lectio for the next )  |
druhyu | m. plural Name of a people  |
druhyu | m. sg. Name of a son of yayāti- and brother of yadu- etc. (wrong reading d/uhyu-) (varia lectio druhya-)  |
drukilima | n. Pinus Deodora  |
druma | m. a tree etc. (sometimes also any plant;according to some especially a tree of indra-'s paradise equals pārijāta-)  |
druma | m. Name of a prince of the kim-puruṣa-s  |
druma | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa- and rukmiṇī-  |
drumā | f. Name of a river,  |
drumābjaketu | m. "having the sign of a tree and a lotus", the moon, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding v, 3.  |
drumacchedaprāyaścitta | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
drumada | m. Name of a man  |
drumāgra | n. treetop  |
drumakhaṇḍa | m. n. a group of trees (varia lectio ṣaṇḍa-).  |
drumakiṃnaraprabha | m. Name of a prince of the gandharva-s.  |
drumakiṃnararāja | m. druma-, prince of the kiṃ-nara-s  |
drumakiṃnararājaparipricchā | f. "the questioning of druma- etc.", Name of a Buddhist work  |
drumākṣa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
drumakulya | m. Name of a place  |
drumala | n. a wood,  |
drumālaya | m. a place of shelter or dwelling in trees  |
drumamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of wood, wooden  |
drumāmaya | m. equals ma-vyādhi-  |
drumanakha | m. equals dru-n-  |
drumara | m. "tree-death", a thorn  |
drumara | See under 4. dru-.  |
drumaratnaśākhāprabha | m. Name of a prince of the kiṃ-nara-s  |
drumāri | m. "enemy of trees", an elephant  |
drumaṣaṇḍa | mn. equals -khaṇḍa-  |
drumasena | m. Name of a king (identified with the asura- gaviṣṭha-)  |
drumaśīrṣa | n. "tree-head", a sort of decoration on the upper part of a building or wall  |
drumāśraya | mfn. seeking shelter in trees  |
drumāśraya | m. lizard, chameleon  |
drumaśreṣṭha | m. "the best of trees", Name of the palm-tree (equals tāla-)  |
drumat | mfn. furnished with wood gaRa yuvādi-.  |
drumavālka | m. or n. the bark of a tree  |
drumavāsin | m. "tree-dweller", ape (Bombay edition).  |
drumavat | mfn. overgrown with trees, woody  |
drumavyādhi | m. "tree disease", lac, resin  |
drumāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to pass for or be like a tree  |
drumbhūlī | f. a kind of reed, stalk  |
drumeśvara | m. "tree-king", the pārijāta-  |
drumeśvara | m. the palm-tree  |
drumeśvara | m. Name of the Moon  |
drumila | m. Name of a dānava- (prince of saubha-)  |
drumila | m. of a son of ṛṣabha-  |
drumila | m. of a cowherd (husband of kalāvatī- and father of nārada-)  |
drumiṇī | f. an assemblage of trees, a forest gaRa khalādi- ( ) .  |
drumm | cl.1 P. drummati-, to go  |
drumotpala | m. Pierospermum Acerifolium  |
druṇ | cl.6 P. druṇati-, to make crooked, bend ; to go, move ; to hurt, kill (see 1. dru-and 1. drū-).  |
druṇa | m. (only ) a scorpion  |
druṇa | m. a bee  |
druṇa | m. a defamer  |
druṇā | f. bow-string  |
druṇa | n. bow  |
druṇa | n. sword.  |
drūṇa | m. a scorpion  |
drūṇa | n. a bow (see druṇa-).  |
druṇaha | (or -naha- ) m. scabbard, sheath of a sword  |
druṇaha | See druṇaha- under 4. dru-.  |
drunakha | m. "tree-nail", thorn  |
druṇasa | mfn. "tree-nosed" id est large-nosed  |
druṇī | f. a small or female tortoise  |
druṇī | f. water-trough (also ṇi-; see droṇa-and ṇi-)  |
druṇī | f. centipede  |
drupada | n. a wooden pillar, a post (to which captives are tied), any pillar or column  |
drupada | m. Name of a king of the pañcāla-s (son of pṛṣata- and father of dhṛṣṭa-dyumna-, of śikhaṇḍinī- or śikhaṇḍinī-, and of kṛṣṇā-, the wife of the pāṇḍu- princes, hence called draupadī-) |
drupadā | f. (with or scilicet sāvitrī- or ṛc-) Name of a sacred formula  |
drupāda | mf(padī-)n. large-footed gaRa kumbha-pady-ādi-  |
drupadāditya | m. a form of the Sun  |
drupadaputra | m. patronymic of dhṛṣṭa-dyumna-  |
drupadātmajā | f. patronymic of kṛṣṇā- or draupadī- (see above) , who is sometimes identified with umā-  |
drupadī | f. a splay-footed female  |
druṣad | mfn. sitting in or on a piece of wood or a tree  |
druṣadvan | mfn. sitting in or on a piece of wood or a tree  |
drusallaka | m. Buchanania Latifolia  |
druta | mfn. quick, speedy, swift  |
druta | mfn. quickly or indistinctly spoken  |
druta | mfn. flown, run away or asunder  |
druta | mfn. dissolved, melted, fluid  |
druta | m. a scorpion  |
druta | m. a tree (see druṇa-and druma-)  |
druta | n. a particular faulty pronunciation of vowels  |
drutabodha | m. "quick understanding", Name of a grammar.  |
drutabodhikā | f. Name of a modern commentator or commentary on  |
drutacaurya | n. a theft rapidly committed,  |
drutagati | mfn. going quickly, hastening  |
drutam | ind. quickly, rapidly, without delay.  |
drutamadhyā | f. "quick in the middle", a kind of metre,  |
drutameru | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
drutapada | n. a quick pace or step  |
drutapada | n. a form of metre  |
drutapadam | ind. quickly  |
drutatara | mfn. (Comparative degree) quicker, swifter ( drutataragati -gati- mfn.quicker in motion )  |
drutataragati | mfn. drutatara |
drutataram | ind. very quickly, as quickly as possible  |
drutatva | n. melting, softening, touching  |
drutavāhana | mfn. having swift chariots or horses  |
drutavarāhakula | n. a herd of running boars  |
drutavikrama | mfn. having a quick step  |
drutavilambita | n. "quick and slow motion alternately"  |
drutavilambita | n. a kind of metre (also-ka-)  |
drutayāna | n. swift going, running  |
druti | f. melting (see garbha--)  |
druti | f. being softened or touched  |
druti | f. Name of the wife of nakta- and mother of gaya-  |
druvaya | m. a wooden vessel or dish  |
druvaya | m. the wooden part of a drum  |
druvaya | mn. a wooden measure ( )  |
drvanna | mfn. one whose food is wood  |
abhadra | mfn. inauspicious, mischievous  |
abhadra | n. mischief.  |
abhidrā | (Aorist subjunctive -drāsat-) to overtake  |
abhidroha | m. injuring  |
abhidru | to run up to or near ; to attack, overrun, infest.  |
abhidrugdha | mfn. injured, oppressed  |
abhidrugdha | mfn. injuring, oppressing  |
abhidruh | -dr/uhyati- (Aorist subjunctive 3. plural -druhan-; perf. 1. p. -dudr/oha-) to hate, seek to injure or maliciously assail etc.: Desiderative (p. -dudrukṣat-) idem or ' ind.p. having attacked.'  |
abhidruh | mfn. seeking to injure, inimical (Nominal verb -dhr/uk-) (see /an-abhidruh-.)  |
abhidruhyamāṇa | mfn. being injured.  |
abhidruta | mfn. run towards, attacked.  |
abhidrutya | ind.p. having attacked.  |
abhinavacandrārghavidhi | m. "a ceremony performed at the time of the new moon", Name of the 114th chapter in the  |
abhipradrā | See - dṝ-.  |
abhipradru | (perf. A1. -dudruve-) to rush towards (accusative), assail  |
abhiṣekārdraśiras | mfn. wet on the head with the royal unction.  |
abhīṣmadroṇa | mfn. without bhīṣma- and droṇa-  |
abhividruta | mfn. (2. dru-), run towards  |
abhividruta | mfn. run away, fled  |
abhyādru | (perf. -dudrāva-) to run towards (accusative)  |
abhyuddravaṇa | n. running forth, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
abhyuddru | -dr/avati-, to run up to (accusative)  |
acandra | mfn. moonless.  |
ācandram | ind. as long as there is a moon.  |
ācandratārakam | ind. as long as there are moon and stars  |
ācāracandrikā | f. Name of work on the religious customs of the śūdra-s.  |
acchādru | to run near  |
acchidra | mfn. free from clefts or flaws, unbroken, uninterrupted, uninjured  |
acchidra | n. unbroken or uninjured condition, an action free from defect or flaw  |
acchidrakāṇḍa | n. Name of a chapter of the taittirīya-- brāhmaṇa-.  |
acchidreṇa | ind. uninterruptedly, without break from first to last. |
acchidrodhnī | f. (a cow) having a faultless udder  |
acchidroktha | mfn. having (its) verses complete,  |
acchidroti | mfn. affording perfect protection  |
adadryañc | aṅ-, īcī-, ak- (fr. adas-+ añc-), inclining or going to that  |
adamudryañc | aṅ-, īcī-, ak-, going to that  |
adaridra | mf(ā-)n. having no beggars,  |
adhidru | to cover (said of a bull) : Causal -drāvayati-, to cause to cover |
ādityacandrau | m. dual number sun and moon.  |
ādrava | (?) m. Name of a man  |
adrava | mfn. not liquid.  |
adravya | n. a nothing, a worthless thing  |
adravya | mfn. having no possessions.  |
adreśya | mfn. invisible  |
adri | m. ( ad- ), a stone, a rock, a mountain  |
adri | m. a stone for pounding soma- with or grinding it on  |
adri | m. a stone for a sling, a thunderbolt  |
adri | m. a mountain-shaped mass of clouds  |
adri | m. a cloud (the mountains are the clouds personified, and regarded as the enemies of indra-)  |
adri | m. a tree  |
adri | m. the sun  |
adri | m. Name of a measure  |
adri | m. the number seven  |
adri | m. Name of a grandson of pṛthu-.  |
adribarhas | (adri--) mfn. fast as a rock  |
adribhedana | n. the splitting of the soma- stone,  |
adribhid | mfn. splitting mountains or clouds  |
adribhid | m. (t-) Name of indra-  |
adribhū | mfn. mountain-born, found or living among mountains  |
adribhū | f. (ūs-)the plant Salvinia Cucullata.  |
adribudhna | (/adri--) mfn. rooted in or produced on a rock or mountain  |
adridhṛt | m. "mountain-holder", Name (also title or epithet) of kṛṣṇa- (confer, compare govardhana-, parasmE-pada 366),  |
adridugdha | (/adri--) mfn. not pressed out or extracted with stones  |
adridviṣ | m. the enemy of mountains or clouds id est indra-  |
adrija | mfn. produced from or found among rocks or mountains  |
adrijā | f. the plant saiṃhalī-, Name of pārvatī- or durgā-  |
adrija | n. red chalk.  |
adrijā | mfn. produced from (the friction of) stones  |
adrijā | mfn. Name of the soul  |
adrijūta | (/adri--) mfn. excited by (the friction of) stones  |
adrikā | f. Name of an apsaras-.  |
adrikarṇī | f. the plant Clitoria Ternatea Lin.  |
adrikīlā | f. the earth  |
adrikṛtasthalī | f. Name of an apsaras-.  |
adrimātṛ | (/adri--) mfn. having a rock or mountain for a mother  |
adrimūrdhan | m. the head or summit of a mountain.  |
adrinandinī | f. Name of pārvatī-.  |
adrīndra | m. "lord of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
adripati | m. "lord of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
adrirāj | m. "king of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
adrirāja | m. "king of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
adrīśa | m. "lord of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
adrisaṃhata | (/adri--) mfn. expressed with stones  |
adrisānu | mfn. lingering on the mountains  |
ādrisāra | mf(ī-)n. (fr. adri-s-), made of iron, iron  |
adrisāra | m. "essence of stones"iron.  |
adrisāramaya | mfn. made of iron.  |
adriśayya | m. "having the mountain for a couch", śiva-  |
adriśṛṅga | n. a mountain-peak.  |
adriṣuta | (/adri--) mfn. prepared with stones  |
adritanayā | f. "mountain-daughter", Name of pārvatī-  |
adritanayā | f. Name of a metre (of four lines, each containing twenty-three syllables).  |
adrivahni | m. fire on or in a mountain or rock.  |
adrivat | (vocative case vas-) m. armed with stones or thunderbolts  |
adrogha | mfn. free from falsehood, true  |
adrogham | (/a-drogham-) ind. without falsehood  |
adroghavāc | (/adrogha--) mfn. free from malice or treachery in speech  |
adroghāvita | mfn. loving freedom from malice or treachery  |
adroha | m. freedom from malice or treachery.  |
adrohavṛtti | f. conduct free from malice or treachery.  |
adrohin | mfn. free from malice or treachery.  |
ādru | P. -dravati-, to run towards, hasten towards, approach running  |
adruh | (Nominal verb a-dhr/uk-) mfn. free from malice or treachery  |
adruhāṇa | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. idem or '(Nominal verb a-dhr/uk-) mfn. free from malice or treachery '  |
adruhvan | ([ ]) mfn. idem or '([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. idem or '(Nominal verb a-dhr/uk-) mfn. free from malice or treachery ' '  |
adruta | mfn. not accelerated,  |
āgamacandrikā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208)  |
āgamakalpadruma | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208)  |
agastidru | f. agasti |
āgnendra | mf(ī-)n. ( ) idem or 'mfn. consecrated to agni- and indra- '  |
āgneyaindra | mfn. belonging to agni- and indra-  |
āgneyaindrā | f. āgneyy-aindrī- id est ṛc-, a verse addressed to agni- and indra-  |
āgneyyaindrī | f. See āgneyaīndra- above.  |
āgnīndra | mfn. consecrated to agni- and indra-  |
agnīndrau | m. dual number agni- and indra-  |
agradravasaṃhati | f. the thin upper part of milk or curds,  |
ahambhadra | n. equals ahaṃ-śreyas- below  |
ahaṃcandrasūri | m. Name of an author  |
ahamindra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a divine being,  |
ahīndra | m. "lord of the snakes", patañjali- (mentioned under this name in mahīpa-'s anekārthatilaka-).  |
āhnikacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
aindra | mf(ī-)n. (fr. indra-), belonging to or sacred to indra-, coming or proceeding from indra-, similar to indra- etc.  |
aindra | m. (scilicet bhāga-) that part of a sacrifice which is offered to indra-  |
aindra | m. (scilicet diś-) indra-'s quarter, the east  |
aindra | m. (scilicet tithi-) the eighth day in the second half of the month mārgaśīrṣa-  |
aindra | m. (scilicet śakti-) indra-'s energy (personified as his wife and sometimes identified with durgā-) etc.  |
aindra | m. Name of the lunar mansion jyeṣṭhā-  |
aindra | m. a species of cucumber  |
aindra | m. Cardamom  |
aindra | m. misfortune  |
aindra | n. the lunar mansion jyeṣṭhā-  |
aindra | n. Name of several sāman-s  |
aindra | n. of a country in bhāratavarṣa-  |
aindra | n. wild ginger  |
aindrābārhaspatya | mfn. belonging to indra- and bṛhaspati-  |
aindrādṛśa | mfn. made of indrādṛśa- or the cochineal insect ([ ]) gaRa tālādi-  |
aindradyumna | mfn. relating to or treating of indradyumna-  |
aindradyumni | m. a descendant of indradyumna-, Name of janaka-  |
aindrāgna | mf(ī-)n. sacred or belonging to or coming from indra- and agni-  |
aindrāgna | mf(ī-)n.  |
aindrāgna | n. the nakṣatra- viśākhā- |
aindrāgnakulāya | m. a particular ekāha- (q.v)  |
aindrāgnya | mfn. varia lectio for aindrāgna- (edition Calc.)  |
aindrahava | mfn. belonging to aindrahavya-  |
aindrahavya | m. a descendant of indrahū- gaRa gargādi-  |
aindrājāgata | mfn. addressed to indra- and composed in the jagatī- metre (as a prayer)  |
aindrajāla | n. (fr. indra-jāla-), magic, sorcery  |
aindrajālika | mf(ī-)n. familiar with or relating to magic, magical  |
aindrajālika | m. a juggler, magician  |
aindralājya | mfn. a descendant of indralājī- gaRa kurv-ādi- ( reads indrajāli-).  |
aindrāliśa | mfn. made of indrāliśa- or the cochineal insect ([ ]) gaRa tālādi-  |
aindraluptika | mfn. (fr. indra-lupta-), afflicted with morbid baldness of the head  |
aindramahika | mfn. serving for an indra-maha- festival on  |
aindramāruta | mfn. relating to indra- and the marut-s  |
aindrāmāruta | mfn. belonging to indra- and the marut-s  |
aindrānairṛta | mfn. belonging to indra- and nirṛti-  |
aindranighanṭu | Name (also title or epithet) of a glossary by vara-ruci-.  |
aindranīla | mf(ī-)n. (fr. indra-nīla-), made of sapphire,  |
aindrāpauṣṇa | mfn. belonging to indra- and pūṣan-  |
aindrārbhava | mfn. relating to indra- and the ṛbhu-s  |
aindrāsaumya | mfn. belonging to indra- and soma-  |
aindraseni | m. a descendant of indra-sena  |
aindraśira | m. (fr. indra-śira-Name of a country commentator or commentary) , a species of elephant  |
aindraturīya | m. (scilicet graha-) a libation the fourth part of which belongs to indra-  |
aindrāvaiṣṇava | mf(ī-)n. relating to indra- and viṣṇu-  |
aindrāvaruṇa | mfn. relating to indra- and varuṇa-  |
aindrāvāruṇa | mfn. equals aindrāvaruṇa- above  |
aindrāvasāna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. indrāvasāna- gaRa utsādi- ), inhabiting a desert ([ equals marubhava- ])  |
aindravāyava | mfn. belonging or relating to indra- and vāyu-  |
aindrāyaṇa | m. a descendant of indra-  |
aindrāyaṇaka | mfn. belonging or relating to aindrāyaṇa- gaRa arīhaṇādi-  |
aindrāyaṇī | f. Name of a woman.  |
aindrāyudha | mfn. (fr. indrāyudha- gaRa tālādi- ), made of (?) or relating to indra-'s rainbow.  |
aindrī | f. (scilicet ṛc-) a verse addressed to indra- etc.  |
aindri | m. a descendant of indra-  |
aindri | m. Name of jayanta-  |
aindri | m. of arjuna-  |
aindri | m. of the monkey-king vālin-  |
aindri | m. a crow  |
aindriya | mfn. (fr. indriya-), relating to the senses, sensual commentator or commentary on  |
aindriya | n. sensual pleasure, world of senses  |
aindriyaka | mfn. relating to the senses, sensual  |
aindriyakatva | n. the state of relating to senses commentator or commentary on  |
aindriyedhī | mfn. one whose mind is fixed upon sensual pleasure only  |
aindroti | m. a descendant of indrota-  |
ajitendriya | mfn. having unsubdued passions.  |
akhidra | mf(ā-)n. not weak  |
akhidrayāman | (/akhidra--) mfn. unwearied in course  |
akṣadrugdha | (akṣ/a--) mfn. hated by (unlucky at) dice, or injuring with dice (a sharper)  |
akṣṇayādruh | mfn. injuring wrongly or in a bad way  |
akṣudra | mfn. not small  |
akṣudra | mfn. not low or vulgar  |
ākulendriya | mfn. confused in mind  |
alabdhanidra | mfn. not obtaining sleep, unable to fall asleep  |
alaṃkāracandrikā | f. work on rhetoric  |
āmandra | mfn. having a slightly deep tone, making a low muttering sound (as thunder)  |
amaracandra | m. Name of the author of the bāla-bhārata-.  |
amarādri | m. equals amara-parvata- q.v  |
amarādri | m. Name of sumeru- or meru-  |
amaradruma | m. the pārijāta- tree,  |
amladrava | m. the acid juice (of fruits)  |
amlaharidrā | f. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet Roxb.  |
āmragandhiharidrā | f. Curcuma Reclinata  |
amṛtadrava | mfn. shedding (said of the rays of the moon)  |
amudra | mfn. having no seal (by which to prove one's self legitimate),  |
amudra | having no impression or image of one's self, having no equal,  |
amudryañc | mfn. turned in that direction,  |
anabhidruh | mfn. not malicious  |
ānandabodhendra | m. Name of a scholiast.  |
anavadrāṇa | mfn. ( drā-), not going to sleep, not sleepy  |
andraka | equals ārdraka- q.v  |
aṅgulimudrā | f. a seal-ring,  |
aṅgulimudrikā | f. a seal-ring,  |
anidra | mf(ā-)n. sleepless, awake  |
anidrā | f. sleeplessness.  |
anidrita | mfn. not asleep, awake.  |
anindra | mf(/ā-)n. dispensing with or disregarding indra-  |
anindriya | n. that which is not the senses, the soul, the reason  |
annadravaśūla | n. a kind of colic,  |
ānobhadrasūkta | n. Name (also title or epithet) of  |
antakadruh | Nominal verb -dhr/uk- f. demon of death  |
antarindriya | n. (in vedānta- philosophy) an internal organ (of which there are four, viz. manas-, buddhi-, ahaṃkāra-,and citta-).  |
antarmudra | m. "sealed inside", Name of a form of devotion.  |
anūddru | to run after (accusative)  |
anudra | mfn. waterless  |
anudraṣṭavya | mfn. to be observed, visible.  |
anudraṣṭavya | ( ) mfn. unextinguished  |
anudravaṇa | n. quick recitation, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
anudru | to run after, follow ; to accompany ; to pursue ; to run over in reciting  |
anudruta | mfn. followed, pursued  |
anudruta | mfn. having followed or pursued  |
anudruta | mfn. accompanied  |
anudruta | n. a measure of time in music (half a druta-, or one-fourth of a mātrā- or of the time taken to articulate a short vowel).  |
anupahatakarṇendriyatā | f. having the organ of hearing uninjured (one of the 80 minor marks 0f a buddha-), .  |
anusamudram | ind. along the sea  |
apadrā | (Imper. 3. plural -drāntu-,2. sg. -drāhi-) to run away  |
apadravya | n. a bad thing.  |
apadru | idem or '(Imper. 3. plural -drāntu-,2. sg. -drāhi-) to run away '  |
apanidra | mfn. sleepless.  |
apanidra | mfn. ( drā-), opening (as a flower)  |
apanidra | bristling, erect (as the hair on the body),  |
apanidrat | mfn. idem or 'bristling, erect (as the hair on the body), '  |
aparārkacandrikā | f. the name of his comment.  |
apendra | mfn. without indra-  |
apidraṣṭṛ | m. a superintendent, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
araṇyajārdrakā | f. wild ginger  |
araudra | mfn. not formidable.  |
ardhacandra | m. half moon  |
ardhacandra | m. the semi circular marks on a peacock's tail  |
ardhacandra | m. the semicircular scratch of the finger nail  |
ardhacandra | m. an arrow, the head of which is like a half-moon (see ardhacandra-mukha-and ardha candrāpama-below)  |
ardhacandra | m. the hand bent into a semicircle or the shape of a claw (as for the purpose of seizing anybody by the neck;generally accusative am-with1. dā-,to seize any one by his neck)  |
ardhacandra | m. Name of the anusvāra- (from its being written in the older manuscripts in a semilunar form)  |
ardhacandra | m. Name of a constellation  |
ardhacandrā | f. the plant Convolvulus Torpethum  |
ardhacandra | mfn. crescent shaped, of a semilunar form  |
ardhacandrabhāgin | mfn. seized by the neck  |
ardhacandraka | m. (equals ardhacandra-) the hand bent into a semicircle for grasping any one's throat, in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ( dattārdhacandraka dattārdhacandraka- mfn.) "seized at the throat"  |
ardhacandraka | n. the semilunar point of an arrow,  |
ardhacandrākāra | mfn. half moon shaped, crescent shaped  |
ardhacandrākṛta | mfn. half moon shaped, crescent shaped  |
ardhacandrakuṇḍa | n. Name of a mystical figure of semilunar form  |
ardhacandramukha | mfn. (an arrow) the head of which is like a half-moon  |
ardhacandrikā | f. Name of a climbing plant (Gynandropsis Pentaphylla or Convolvulus Torpethum;See ardhacandrā-above ).  |
ardhacandropama | mfn. "like a half-moon", of semilunar form (said of an arrow, the head of which is like a half moon)  |
ardhadrauṇika | mfn. equals ārdhadr- q.v , measuring half a droṇa-  |
ārdhadrauṇika | mfn. measuring or bought with half a droṇa-  |
ardhendra | mfn. that of which a half belongs to indra-  |
ārdra | mf(ā-)n. ( ard- ) wet, moist, damp etc.  |
ārdra | mf(ā-)n. fresh, not dry, succulent, green (as a plant), living etc.  |
ārdra | mf(ā-)n. fresh, new  |
ārdra | mf(ā-)n. soft, tender, full of feeling, warm  |
ārdra | mf(ā-)n. loose, flaccid etc.  |
ārdra | m. Name of a grandson of pṛthu-  |
ārdrā | f. the fourth or sixth nakṣatra- or lunar mansion  |
ārdra | n. fresh ginger  |
ārdra | n. dampness, moisture  |
ārdrabhāva | m. wetness, dampness  |
ārdrabhāva | m. tenderness of heart  |
ārdradānu | mfn. granting or having moisture  |
ārdrahasta | mf(ā-)n. moist-handed  |
ārdraidhāgni | m. a fire maintained by wet wood  |
ārdraja | n. dry ginger  |
ārdraka | mf(ikā-)n. wet, moist  |
ārdraka | mf(ikā-)n. born under the constellation ārdrā-  |
ārdraka | m. Name of a king  |
ārdraka | n. ([and f(ikā-). ]) ginger in its undried state  |
ārdrakāṣṭha | n. green wood, timber not dry.  |
ārdrālubdhaka | m. the dragon's tail or descending node  |
ārdramañjarī | f. a cluster of fresh blossoms commentator or commentary on  |
ārdramāṣā | f. a leguminous shrub, Glycine Debilis  |
ārdramūla | mf(ā-)n. having damp roots  |
ārdranayana | mfn. moist-eyed, weeping, suffused with tears.  |
ārdrānulepana | mfn. wet with unguents,  |
ārdrapada | mf(ī-)n. moist-footed  |
ārdrapada | mfn. having wet feet,  |
ārdrapaṭī | f. a kind of magic ceremony (performed to destroy an enemy)  |
ārdrapattraka | m. bamboo  |
ārdrapavi | mfn. having moist or dripping fellies (as a carriage)  |
ārdrapavitra | mfn. having a wet strainer (said of the soma-)  |
ārdraśāka | n. fresh ginger  |
ārdratā | f. wetness, moisture  |
ārdratā | f. freshness, greenness  |
ārdratā | f. softness, tenderness.  |
ārdratva | n. wetness, moisture  |
ārdratva | n. freshness, greenness  |
ārdratva | n. softness, tenderness.  |
ārdravāsas | mfn. dressed in wet clothes, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding vi, 23  |
ārdravastratā | f. the state of having or standing in wet clothes  |
ārdraya | Nom. P. ārdrayati-, to make wet, moisten ; to soften, move  |
ārdrīkṛ | to make wet, moisten ; to refresh ; to soften, move  |
ārdrya | n. wetness, dampness  |
arthadravyavirodha | m. opposition between the purpose and the thing,  |
arthadriṣṭi | f. seeing profit  |
āṣāḍhādripura | n. Name of a mythical mountain  |
āsamudrāntam | ind. as far as the shore of the ocean (including it)  |
āsavadru | m. Name of the Palmyra tree Borassus Flabelliformis (its juice, on fermenting, affords a spirituous liquor )  |
asitadruma | m. the tree Xanthochymus Pictorius  |
asmadrāta | (asm/ad--) mfn. given by us  |
asmadrāta | mfn. given by us,  |
asmadruh | (Nominal verb -dhr/uh-), (Nominal verb -dhr/uk-), mfn. (fur asmad-dr/uh-by defective spelling) , forming a plot against us, inimical to us  |
asmadryak | ind. (dry/ak-) towards us  |
asmadryañc | mfn. (4) turned towards us  |
astādri | m. idem or 'm. equals asta-kṣitibhṛt- q.v '  |
astatandri | mfn. who has laid aside sloth  |
aśūdra | m. not a śūdra-  |
aśūdrocchiṣṭin | mfn. not coming into contact with śūdra-s or with leavings  |
aśūdrocchiṣṭin | mfn. not giving the remnants of food to a śūdra-,  |
asuradruh | m. "enemy of the asura-s", a god  |
asurendra | m. lord of the asura-s  |
aśvaścandra | (/aśva--), brilliant with horses  |
atandra | mfn. free from lassitude, alert, unwearied  |
atandrī | mfn. (Nominal verb īs-) = a-- tandrin-, (Bombay edition).  |
atandrin | mfn. idem or ' mfn. idem or 'mfn. free from lassitude, alert, unwearied ' '  |
atandrita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. free from lassitude, alert, unwearied '  |
ātharvaṇīyarudropaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
atidru | to run by, pass hastily ; to pass over  |
atīndriya | mfn. beyond the (cognizance of the) senses  |
atīndriya | m. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) the soul  |
atīndriya | n. Name of pradhāna-  |
atīndriya | n. the mind.  |
atinidra | mfn. given to excessive sleep  |
atinidrā | f. excessive sleep  |
atinidram | ind. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order () .  |
atinidram | ind. beyond sleeping time See also ati-nidra- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ati-.  |
ātmadrohin | mfn. self-tormenting, fretful  |
audrāyaṇa | m. (for Prakrit uddāyan-- a-) Name (also title or epithet) of a prince,  |
aunnidrya | n. sleeplessness,  |
aupadraṣṭrya | n. (fr. upadraṣṭṛ-), the state of being an eye-witness, super-intendence  |
aupadravika | mfn. (fr. upa-drava-), relating to or treating of symptoms  |
aupendra | mfn. relating to viṣṇu-,  |
avacandramasa | n. disappearance of the moon  |
avadrai | (future p. -drāsy/at-) to fall asleep (see an-avadrāṇ/a-.)  |
avadraṅga | an earnest (?),  |
avadraṅga | See avaḍanga-.  |
avaśedriyacitta | mfn. whose mind and senses are not held in subjection  |
avaśyendriya | mfn. one who does not control his senses,  |
avicalendriya | mfn. whose senses do not waver, id est are under control  |
avidriya | mfn. ( dṛ-), not to be split or dispersed, indestructible  |
āyurdravya | n. a medicament  |
bahirindriya | n. an outer organ, organ of sense or perception (as the eye) or of action (as the hand)  |
bahirmudra | m. (?) Name of a form of devotion (opp. to antar-m-)  |
bahubhadra | m. plural Name of a people  |
bāhyadruti | f. "external solution", a process in the preparation of quicksilver  |
bāhyendriya | n. an outer organ of sense  |
bailmavegarudra | m. plural Name of a particular class of śaiva- ascetics |
bājabahāduracandra | m. Name of a son of nīla-candra- and patron of anantadeva- (see bāhādura-).  |
balabhadra | mfn. strong, powerful  |
balabhadra | mfn. Bos Gavaeus  |
balabhadra | mfn. Symplocos Racemosa  |
balabhadra | mfn. a species of Kadamba  |
balabhadra | mfn. Name of balarāma- or of an-anta- (the great serpent identified with him)  |
balabhadra | mfn. of a descendant of bharata-, of various men (especially teachers and authors, also with also, ācārya-, kāyastha-, pancānana-, bhaṭṭa-, mitra-, śukla-, sūri-)  |
balabhadra | mfn. of a mountain in śāka-dvīpa-  |
balabhadrā | f. a young girl, maiden  |
balabhadrā | f. Ficus Heterophylla  |
bālabhadraka | n. a kind of mineral poison (?)  |
balabhadrikā | f. Ficus Heterophylla  |
balabhadrikā | f. a kind of cake made of bean-flour  |
bālacandra | m. the young or waxing moon (also dra-mas-)  |
bālacandra | n. a cavity of a particular shape (made in a wall)  |
bālacandrikā | f. Name of a woman  |
bālacāturbhadrikā | f. a particular mixture for children  |
bālagopālayatīdra | m. Name of an author  |
balibhadra | wrong reading for bala-bh-.  |
balimahānarendrākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
balīndrasahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
bandhamudrā | f. the impression or mark of fetters  |
barhacandraka | m. the eye in a peacock's tail  |
bārhadratha | mf(ī-)n. relating to bṛhad-ratha-  |
bārhadratha | m. patronymic of jarāsaṃdha-  |
bārhadratha | m. plural (With bhū-pālāḥ-)  |
bārhadrathi | m. plural patronymic of jarā-saṃdha-  |
bāṣpacandra | m. Name of an author  |
baṭukārcanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. blessed, auspicious, fortunate, prosperous, happy etc.  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. good, gracious, friendly, kind  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. excellent, fair, beautiful, lovely, pleasant, dear  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. good id est skilful in (locative case)  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. great  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. (with nṛpati- m.a good or gracious king ;with kānta- m.a beautiful lover or husband ;with diś- f.the auspicious quarter id est the south ;with vāc- f.kind or friendly speech ; vocative case m.and f. sg. and plural bhadra-, dre-, drāḥ-,often in familiar address = my good sir or lady, my dear or my dears, good people etc.)  |
bhadra | m. (prob.) a sanctimonious hypocrite (varia lectio dra-prekṣaṇikaiḥ-)  |
bhadra | m. a particular kind of elephant (also Name of a world elephant ) a bullock  |
bhadra | m. a water wagtail (see -nāman-)  |
bhadra | m. Nauclea Cadamba or Tithymalus Antiquorum  |
bhadra | m. Name of śiva-  |
bhadra | m. of mount meru-  |
bhadra | m. of a class of gods (plural) under the third manu-  |
bhadra | m. of a people (plural)  |
bhadra | m. of one of the 12 sons of viṣṇu- and one of the tuṣita- deities in the svāyambhava- manv-antara-  |
bhadra | m. (with jaina-s) of the third of the 9 white bala-s  |
bhadra | m. of a son of vasu-deva- and devakī- (or pauravī-)  |
bhadra | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadra | m. of a son of upacārumat-  |
bhadra | m. of an actor  |
bhadra | m. of a friend of bāṇa-  |
bhadra | m. (with Buddhists) Name of a particular world  |
bhadrā | f. a cow  |
bhadra | m. Name of various plants (equals anantā-, aparijātā-, kṛṣṇā-, jīvantī-, nīlī-, rāsnā-etc.) |
bhadra | m. Name of a metre  |
bhadra | m. of the 2nd, 7th and 12th days of the lunar fortnight  |
bhadra | m. of the 7th movable karaṇa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order; see also 2. bhadrā-karaṇa-)  |
bhadra | m. of a form of durgā-  |
bhadra | m. of a goddess  |
bhadra | m. of a Buddhist deity  |
bhadra | m. of a śakti-  |
bhadra | m. of dākṣāyaṇī- in bhadreśvara-  |
bhadra | m. of a vidyā-dharī-  |
bhadra | m. of a surāṅganā-  |
bhadra | m. of a daughter of surabhi-  |
bhadra | m. of a wife of vasu-devi-  |
bhadra | m. of the wife of vaiśravaṇa-  |
bhadra | m. of a daughter of soma- and wife of utathya-  |
bhadra | m. of a daughter of raudrāśva- and the apsaras- ghṛtācī-  |
bhadra | m. of a kākṣīvatī- and wife of vyuṣitāśva-  |
bhadra | m. of a daughter of meru- and wife of bhadrāśva-  |
bhadra | m. of a daughter of śruta-kīrti- and wife of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadra | m. of various rivers (especially of one described as rising on the northern summit of meru- and flowing through uttarakuru- into the northern ocean)  |
bhadra | m. the celestial Ganges  |
bhadra | m. of a lake  |
bhadra | n. prosperity, happiness, health, welfare, good fortune (also plural) etc. (bhadraṃ tasya-or tasmai-,prosperity to him! ; bhadraṃ te-or vaḥ-often used parenthetically in a sentence ="if you please", or to fill up a verse; bhadram upalāh-,happiness to you, O stones! ; bhadram-with kṛ-and dative case,to grant welfare to, bless )  |
bhadra | n. gold  |
bhadra | n. iron or steel  |
bhadra | n. kind of Cyperus (equals -musta-)  |
bhadra | n. a particular posture in sitting  |
bhadra | n. a particular karaṇa- (see f.)  |
bhadra | n. a particular mystic sign  |
bhadra | n. a particular part of a house  |
bhadra | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
bhadrā | f. of bhadra-, in compound  |
bhadrā | ind. (gaRa sākṣād-ādi-), in compound  |
bhādra | m. (fr. bhadra-,of which it is also the vṛddhi- form in compound) the month bhādra- (equals -pada-below)  |
bhādrabāhavī | f. (with saṃhitā-) Name of work  |
bhādrabāheya | m. metron. fr. bhadra-bāhu-  |
bhadrabāhu | m. Name of a particular four-footed animal  |
bhadrabāhu | m. "auspicious-armed", Name of a son of vasu-deva- and rohiṇī- (pauravī-)  |
bhadrabāhu | m. of a king of magadha-  |
bhadrabāhu | m. (also -svāmin-) Name of a celebrated jaina- author (one of the 6 śruta-kevalin-s; bhadrabāhucaritra -caritra- n. bhadrabāhuśāstra -śāstra- n. bhadrabāhusaṃhitā -saṃhitā- f.Name of works.)  |
bhadrabāhu | f. Name of a woman  |
bhadrabāhucaritra | n. bhadrabāhu |
bhadrabāhusaṃhitā | f. bhadrabāhu |
bhadrabāhuśāstra | n. bhadrabāhu |
bhadrabalā | f. Paederia Foetida or Sida Cordifolia  |
bhadrabalana | m. equals balabhadra- Name of the elder brother of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadrabhadra | mfn. good and bad  |
bhadrabhadra | n. good and evil  |
bhadrabhaṭa | m. Name of a man  |
bhadrabhuja | m. whose arms confer prosperity (said of princes)  |
bhadrabhuja | m. Name of a man  |
bhadrabhūṣaṇā | f. Name of a goddess  |
bhadracāru | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadracūḍa | m. Euphorbia Tirucalli  |
bhadradanta | m. Name of an elephant  |
bhadradantikā | f. a species of Croton  |
bhādradārava | mfn. relating to or coming from bhadra-dāru-  |
bhadradāru | m. n. Pinus Deodora  |
bhadradāru | m. Pinus Longifolia  |
bhadradatta | m. (in dramatic language) a name given to śaka-s  |
bhadradeha | m. Name of a son of vasu-deva-  |
bhadradeva | varia lectio for next.  |
bhadradīpa | m. Name of work  |
bhadrados | m. "auspicious-armed", Name of a man  |
bhadradvīpa | m. Name of an island  |
bhadragandhikā | f. Cyperus Rotundus  |
bhadragandhikā | f. Asclepias Pseudosarsa  |
bhadragaṇita | n. the construction of magical squares or diagrams  |
bhadragaura | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhadraghaṭa | ( ) m. "vase of fortune", a lottery vase.  |
bhadraghaṭaka | ( ) m. "vase of fortune", a lottery vase.  |
bhadragupta | m. Name of a jaina- saint  |
bhadrāha | n. an auspicious day, favourable season  |
bhadrahasta | mfn. having beautiful or auspicious hands (said of the aśvin-s)  |
bhadrahrada | m. (prob.) equals -saras-  |
bhadrailā | f. large cardamoms  |
bhadraja | m. Wrightia Antidysenterica  |
bhadrajāni | mfn. having a beautiful wife  |
bhadrajātika | mfn. "of noble birth"and"descended from the elephant called bhadra-"  |
bhadrajaya | m. Name of a man  |
bhadraka | mf(ikā-)n. good, brave (m. vocative case plural kāḥ-in address )  |
bhadraka | mf(ikā-)n. fine, handsome, beautiful  |
bhadraka | m. a kind of bean (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
bhadraka | m. Cyperus Pertenuis (?)  |
bhadraka | m. Pinus Deodora  |
bhadraka | m. (plural) Name of a people  |
bhadraka | m. Name of a prince  |
bhadraka | m. varia lectio for bhadrika- q.v  |
bhadrakā | f. Name of a woman  |
bhadraka | n. Cyperus Rotundus  |
bhadraka | n. a particular posture in sitting (equals bhadrāsana-)  |
bhadraka | n. a kind of metre  |
bhadraka | n. a particular mystic sign  |
bhadraka | n. a harem  |
bhadrakālī | f. Name of a goddess (later a form of durgā-) etc.  |
bhadrakālī | f. of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhadrakālī | f. of a village on the right bank of the Ganges  |
bhadrakālī | f. of a plant (equals gandholī-)  |
bhadrakālīcintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
bhadrakālīkavaca | n. Name of chapter of  |
bhadrakālīmāhātmya | n. Name of work or chapter of work  |
bhadrakālīmantra | m. plural Name of work or chapter of work  |
bhadrakālīmanu | m. Name of work or chapter of work  |
bhadrakālīpūjāvidhi | m. Name of work or chapter of work  |
bhadrakālīpūjāyantra | n. Name of a mystical diagram  |
bhadrakālīpurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhadrakaṇṭa | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
bhadrakanyā | f. Name of the mother, of maudgalyāyana-  |
bhadrakāpa | m. "the good or beautiful kalpa-", Name of the present age (see )  |
bhadrakāpa | n. of a sūtra- work  |
bhadrakāpika | mfn. living in the bhadra-kalpa-  |
bhadrakapila | m. Name of śiva-  |
bhadrakāpya | m. Name of a man  |
bhadrakāra | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadrakāra | m. (plural) of a people  |
bhadrākāra | mfn. of auspicious features  |
bhadrakāraka | mfn. causing prosperity, prosperous, auspicious  |
bhadrākaraṇa | n. the karaṇa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) called bhadrā-  |
bhadrākaraṇa | n. "making beautiful", the act of shaving  |
bhadrakarṇeśvara | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
bhadrakarṇikā | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- in go-karṇa-  |
bhadrakāśī | f. a kind of Cyperus  |
bhadrakāṣṭha | n. the wood of Pinus Deodora  |
bhadrākṛ | P. -karoti-, to shave (see madrā-and )  |
bhadrakṛt | mfn. causing prosperity or welfare  |
bhadrakṛt | mfn. (with jaina-s) Name of the 24th arhat- of the future utsarpiṇī-  |
bhadrākṛti | mfn. of auspicious features  |
bhadrākṣa | m. "auspicious-eyed", Name of a king (see bhallākṣa-).  |
bhadrakumbha | m. "auspicious jar", a golden jar filled with water from a holy place or from the Ganges (used especially at the consecration of a king)  |
bhadralakṣaṇa | n. the mark of a bhadra- elephant (whose chief and inferior limbs are in good proportion)  |
bhadrālapattrikā | f. Paederia Foetida (equals gandhālī-)  |
bhadralatā | f. Gaertnera Racemosa  |
bhadrālī | f. Paederia Foetida (equals gandhālī-)  |
bhadram | ind. happily, fortunately, joyfully  |
bhadram | ind. with kṛ- or ā-car-, to do well  |
bhadrāmahiman | m. Name of work  |
bhadramallikā | f. Name of a particular plant (= gavākṣī-)  |
bhadramanas | f. Name of the mother of the elephant airāvata-  |
bhadramanda | m. a particular kind of elephant (also dra-and dra-mṛga-) (Bombay edition)  |
bhadramanda | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadramātṛ | (See bhādramātura-).  |
bhādramātura | m. (fr. bhadra-mātṛ-) the son of a virtuous or handsome mother  |
bhādramauñja | mf(ī-)n. made from the plants bhadra- and muñja- (as a girdle)  |
bhadraṃkara | mfn. equals drakāraka-  |
bhadraṃkara | m. Name of a man  |
bhadraṃkara | m. (plural) of a country  |
bhadraṃkara | n. Name of a town in vidarbha-  |
bhadraṃkaraṇa | mfn. equals prec. mfn. Va1rtt. 8  |
bhadramṛga | m. a kind of elephant  |
bhadramukha | mfn. one whose face (or whose look) confers prosperity etc. (only used in the vocative case or in the Nominal verb with the meaning of a 2nd Persian ="good or gentle sir" plural"good people"; according to to a prince is so to be addressed by the inferior characters in plays;in the it is a term of address to inferior persons).  |
bhadramuñja | m. a species of plant akin to Saccharum Sara  |
bhadramusta | m. ( ) ( ) a kind of Cyperus (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhadramustā | f. ( ) a kind of Cyperus (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhadramustaka | m. ( ) a kind of Cyperus (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhadraṃyā | f.  |
bhadraṃyikā | f.  |
bhadrānagara | n. Name of a city (see bhadra-pura-).  |
bhadranāman | m. Name of a bird (the water wagtail or the woodpecker)  |
bhadranāmikā | f. Ficus Heterophylla  |
bhadrānanda | m. Name of an author  |
bhadrānanda | See drānanda- under bhadra-.  |
bhadrāṅga | m. "beauteous-framed", Name of bala-bhadra-  |
bhadranidhi | m. "treasure of fortune", Name of a costly vessel offered to viṣṇu-  |
bhadrapada | n. Name of a metre |
bhadrapadā | f. Name of the 3rd and 4th lunar asterisms etc. (also n.; bhadrapadāyoga dā-yoga- m.Name of chapter of bhaṭṭotpala-'s commentator or commentary on )  |
bhadrapāda | mfn. born under the nakṣatra- bhadra-padā-  |
bhādrapada | m. (fr. bhadra-padā-) the month bhādra- (a rainy month corresponding to the period from about the middle of August to the middle of September)  |
bhādrapadā | f. dual number and plural equals bhadra-padā- N. common to the 3rd and 4th nakṣatra-s (q.v)  |
bhadrapadāyoga | m. bhadrapadā |
bhādrapadī | f. the day of full moon in the month bhādra-  |
bhadrapāla | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
bhadrapāpa | n. sg. good and evil  |
bhadrapāpa | m. plural the good and the evil  |
bhadraparṇā | f. Paederia Foetida  |
bhadraparṇī | f. Gmelina Arborea on  |
bhadraparṇī | f. equals prec.  |
bhadrapīṭha | n. a splendid seat, throne etc.  |
bhadrapīṭha | n. (prob. m.) a kind of winged insect  |
bhadrapura | n. Name of a city (see, bhadrā-nagara-).  |
bhadrarāja | m. Name of 2 men  |
bhadrāraka | m. Name of one of the 18 lesser dvīpa-s  |
bhadrarāma | m. Name of an author  |
bhadraratha | m. Name of 2 men  |
bhadrareṇu | m. Name of indra-'s elephant (varia lectio -veṇu-).  |
bhadrarohiṇī | f. a species of plant (equals kaṭukā-)  |
bhadraruci | m. Name of a man  |
bhadrarūpā | f. Name of a woman  |
bhadraśākha | m. Name of a form of skanda-  |
bhadraśālavana | varia lectio for sāla-v- q.v  |
bhadrasālavana | n. Name of a forest (Bombay edition; Calcutta edition śāla-v-).  |
bhādrasāma | m. patronymic fr. bhadra-sāman-  |
bhadrasāman | m. Name of a man (see bhādrasāma-).  |
bhadrāsana | n. a splendid seat, throne etc.  |
bhadrāsana | n. a particular posture of a devotee during meditation  |
bhadrasāra | m. Name of a king  |
bhadrasaras | n. Name of a lake  |
bhadraśarman | m. Name of a man (see gaRa bāhv-ādi-).  |
bhādraśarmi | m. patronymic fr. bhadra-śarman- gaRa bāhv-ādi-.  |
bhadraṣaṣṭhī | f. Name of a form of durgā-  |
bhadraśaunaka | m. Name of an ancient physician  |
bhadrasena | m. Name of a man with the patronymic ājātaśatrava-  |
bhadrasena | m. of a son of vasu-deva- and devakī-  |
bhadrasena | m. of a son of ṛṣabha-  |
bhadrasena | m. of a son of mahiṣmat- (also naka-) |
bhadrasena | m. of a king of kaśmīra-  |
bhadrasena | m. (with Buddhists) Name of the leader of the host of the evil spirit māra-pāpīyas-  |
bhadraśilā | f. Name of a town  |
bhadraśīla | m. Name of a man  |
bhadraśoci | mfn. beautifully shining, glittering  |
bhadrasomā | f. Name of a river in uttara-kuru-  |
bhadrasomā | f. of the Ganges  |
bhadrāśrama | (or drāśr-?) m. Name of a hermitage  |
bhadrāśrama | (drāś-) See bhadrāśr- under bhadra- |