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Grammar Search
"dotum" has 1 results
dotum: Infinitivedu
Monier-Williams Search
3 results for dotum
du (also written -), cl.5. P. cl.4. A1. ( ) dunoti-, dūyate- (Epic also ti-; perfect tense dudāva-; future doṣyati-; Aorist adauṣīt-; infinitive mood dotum-), to be burnt, to be consumed with internal heat or sorrow (Pres. dunoti- ;but oftener dūyate-,which is at once Passive voice) etc. ; (only dun/oti-) to burn, consume with fire, cause internal heat, pain, or sorrow, afflict, distress : Causal dāvayati- Aorist adūduvat-: Desiderative dudūṣati-: Intensive dodūyate-, dodoti-. ([Cf. . for;, pain;Lit.davyti,to torment;Sl.daviti,to worry.])
(also written du-), cl.5. P. cl.4. A1. ( ) dunoti-, dūyate- (Epic also ti-; perfect tense dudāva-; future doṣyati-; Aorist adauṣīt-; infinitive mood dotum-), to be burnt, to be consumed with internal heat or sorrow (Pres. dunoti- ;but oftener dūyate-,which is at once Passive voice) etc. ; (only dun/oti-) to burn, consume with fire, cause internal heat, pain, or sorrow, afflict, distress : Causal dāvayati- Aorist adūduvat-: Desiderative dudūṣati-: Intensive dodūyate-, dodoti-. ([Cf. . for;, pain;Lit.davyti,to torment;Sl.daviti,to worry.])
vidhūP. A1. -dhūnoti-, -dhūnute- (later also -dhunoti-, -dhunute-; infinitive mood -dhavitum-,or -dhotum-), to shake about, move to and fro, agitate, toss about (A1.also "one's self") etc. ; to fan, kindle (fire) ; to shake off, drive away, scatter, disperse, remove, destroy etc. ; (A1.) to shake off from one's self, relinquish, abandon, give up etc.: Passive voice -dhūyate- (Epic also ti-), to be shaken or agitated : Causal -dhūnayati-, to cause to shake about etc. ; to shake violently, agitate, harass, annoy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Parse Time: 1.656s Search Word: dotum Input Encoding: IAST: dotum