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Grammar Search
"divya" has 2 results
divya: masculine vocative singular stem: divya
divya: neuter vocative singular stem: divya
Amarakosha Search
2 results
vaśā3.3.225FeminineSingulardivya, kuḍmalaḥ, khaḍgapidhānam, arthaughaḥ
viṭapaḥ3.3.138MasculineSingulardivyagāyanaḥ, antarābhavasattvaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
97 results for divya
divyaNom. P. yati-, to long for heaven View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyamfn. (d/ivya- ) divine, heavenly, celestial (opp. to pārthiva-, āntarīkṣa-or mānuṣa-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyamfn. supernatural, wonderful, magical (aṅgāra- ; auṣadha- ; vāsas- ; see -cakṣus-, -jñāna-etc. below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyamfn. charming, beautiful, agreeable etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyam. a kind of animal (equals dhanvana-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyam. barley View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyam. bdellium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyam. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyam. of the author of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyan. the divine world or anything divine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyan. plural the celestial regions, the sky, heaven View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyan. an ordeal (10 kinds, viz. tulā-, agni-, jala-, viṣa-, kośa-, taṇḍula-, tapta-māṣa-, phāla-, dharmādharma-, tulasī- see ss.vv.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyan. oath, solemn promise cloves View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyan. a sort of sandal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyan. Name of a grammar, [ confer, compare Greek for ; Latin di1usfordiviusinsub@dIo.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyacakṣusn. a divine eye, supernatural vision View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyacakṣusmfn. having a divine eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyacakṣusmfn. fair-eyed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyacakṣusmfn. having (only) the divine eye, (in other respects) blind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyacakṣusm. a monkey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyacakṣusm. a kind of perfume View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyadarśanamfn. of a divine aspect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyadarśinmfn. having a divine vision View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyadeham. a divine body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyadevīf. Name of a goddess View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyadharminmfn. "having a divine nature", virtuous, agreeable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyadohadan. divine desire, the object of a deity's desire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyadohadamfn. fit for an offering or oblation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyadṛśmfn. seeing divine things View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyadṛśm. an astrologer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyadṛṣṭif. equals -cakṣus- n. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyagandham. "having a divine odour", sulphur View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyagandhāf. large cardamoms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyagandhāf. a kind of vegetable (equals mahā-cañcu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyagandhan. cloves View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyagāyanam. "divine songster", a gandharva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyajñānan. divine knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyajñānamfn. possessing it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyakam. a kind of serpent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyakam. another kind of animal (equals divya-, dhanvana-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyakālinīf. a kind of non poisonous snake, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyakānanan. celestial grove View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyakānanadarśanamfn. in aspect like to it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyakārinmfn. undergoing an ordeal, taking an oath , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyakaṭan. Name of a town View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyakriyāf. the application of an ordeal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyakuṇḍan. Name of a lake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyalatāf. "the divine creeper", Sanseviera Zeylanica (equals mūrvā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyamānan. measuring time according to the days and years of the gods View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyamantram. "the divine syllable", Om, 20. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyamānuṣam. "divine man", demi-god View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyanadīf. a divine stream View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyanārīf. a divine female, an apsaras- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyapañcāmṛtan. "the five divine ambrosias", viz. ghee, milk, coagulated milk, honey, and sugar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyapāṭalam. "having a divine pale-red colour", Name of a plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyaprabhāvamfn. having celestial power View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyaprajñānan. equals -jñāna- n. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyaprajñānaṣālinmfn. = idem or 'n. equals -jñāna- n.' mfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyapraśnam. inquiring into divine phenomena, augury View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyapuruṣam. "a divine man", ghost View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyapuṣpam. Nerium Odorum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyapuṣpāf. a kind of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyapuṣpikāf. a kind of Calotropis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyarasam. "divine fluid", quicksilver View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyarasendrasāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyaratham. "divine car", vehicle of the gods View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyaratnan. "divine gem", the fabulous gem cintā-maṇi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyarūpa mfn. of a divine aspect, beautiful, handsome View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyarūpinmfn. of a divine aspect, beautiful, handsome View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyasaṃgraham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyasaṃkāśamfn. having a divine appearance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyasānum. "divine eminence", Name of one of the viśve- devā-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyasāram. "having divine juice or resin", Thorea Robusta View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyasraganulepinmfn. adorned with divine garlands and unguents View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyaśrotran. "a divine ear"(which hears everything) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyastrīf. a divine female, an apsaras- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyasūrim. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyasūricaritan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyasūriprabhāvadīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyaf. divinity, divine nature View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyatattvan. "divine truth", Name of a work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyatejasn. a kind of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyatumbīf. a kind of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyatvan. equals -ta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyaugham. plural "the divine hosts", forms of śiva- and durgā- (with the śākta-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyauṣadhan. heavenly herbs or medicine, a magical potion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyauṣadhif. red arsenic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyavākyan. a divine voice. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyavarmabhṛtmfn. wearing divine armour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyavastram. "divinely dressed", a kind of flower (equals sūryaśobhā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyavijñānavatmfn. equals -jñana- mfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyayamunāf. "the divine Jamna", Name of a river in kāma-rūpa-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyādivyamfn. divine and not divine (id est partly divine partly human) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padārthīyadivyacakṣusn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāmānujadivyacaritran. Name of work
sītādivyacaritran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
stryādivyatyāsamind. alternating with the wife so that the wife begins
Apte Search
1 result
divya दिव्य a. [दिवि भवः यत्] 1 Divine, heavenly, celestial; दिव्यस्त्वं हि न मानुषः Mb.3.252.8. -2 Supernatural, wonderful; परदोषेक्षणदिव्यचक्षुषः Śi.16.29; दिव्यं ददामि ते चक्षुः Bg.11.8. -3 Brilliant, splendid. -4 Charming, beautiful. -व्यः 1 A superhuman or celestial being; दिव्यानामपि कृतविस्मयां पुरस्तात् Śi.8.64. -2 Barley. -3 An epithet of Yama. -4 A fragrant resin, bdellium. -5 A philosopher. -व्यम् 1 Celestial nature, divinity. -2 The sky. -3 An ordeal (of which 1 kinds are enumerated); cf. Y.2.22,95. -4 An oath, a solemn declaration. -5 Cloves. -6 A kind of sandal. -7 A kind of water. -Comp. -अंशुः the sun. -अङ्गना, -नारी, -स्त्री a heavenly nymph, celestial damsel, an apsaras. -अदिव्य a. partly human and partly divine (as a hero, such as Arjuna). -अवदानम् N. of Buddhistic work from Nepal (written in Sanskrit). -उदकम् rainwater. -उपपादुकः a god. -ओषधिः f. a herb of great supernatural efficacy, i. e. curing snake-poison; हिमवति दिव्यौषधयः Mu.1.23. -कारिन् a. 1 taking an oath. -2 undergoing an ordeal. -क्रिया the application of an ordeal; निःसंभ्रमः स्तम्भयितुं देव दिव्यक्रियामयम् Rāj. T.4.94. -गन्धः sulphur. (-न्धा) large cardamoms. (-न्धम्) cloves. -गायनः a Gandharva. -चक्षुस् a. 1 having divine vision, heavenly-eyed; त्वया नियम्या ननु दिव्यचक्षुषा R.3.45. -2 blind. (-m.) 1 a monkey. -2 an Astrologer. -3 Arjuna. -4 one who has prophetic vision; दिव्यचक्षुर्ज्योतिषिके पार्थात्मज्ञानिनोरपि Nm. (-n.) a divine or prophetic eye, supernatural vision, the power of seeing what is invisible by the human eye. -ज्ञानम् supernatural knowledge. -दृश् m. an astrologer. -दोहदम् a present offered to a deity for the accomplishment of one's desired object. -धुनी N. of Bhāgīrathī; दिव्यधुनि मकरन्दे˚ Stotra. -पुष्पः the Karavīra tree. -प्रश्नः inquiry into celestial phenomena or future course of events, augury. -मन्त्रः Om (ओम्); Amṛit. Up.2 -मानम् measuring the time according to the days and years of the gods. -मानुषः a demi-god; दिव्यमानुषचेष्टा तु परभागे न हारिणी Ks.1.47. -रत्नम् a fabulous gem said to grant all desires of its possessor, the philosopher's stone; cf. चिन्तामणि. -रथः a celestial car moving through the air. -रसः 1 quicksilver. 2 heavenly water or love; V.2. -वस्त्र a. divinely dressed. (-स्त्रः) 1 sunshine. -2 a kind of sun-flower. -वाक्यम् a celestial word or voice. -श्रोत्रम् an ear which hears everything. -सरित् f. the celestial Ganges. -सानुः N. of one of the Viśvedevas. -सारः the Sāla tree. -स्त्री an Apsaras.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
divya div-yá, a. coming from heaven, divine, vii. 49, 1; 103, 2; x. 34, 9 [dív heaven].
Macdonell Search
2 results
divya a. celestial; divine; magical; heavenly; magnificent; n. the divine (pl. the heavens); ordeal, oath.
divyakriyā f. employment of an ordeal; -kakshus, n. divine eye transcend ing time and space; a. having a divine eye, for (--°ree;); -gñâna, a. possessed of divine knowledge; -tâ, f. divine nature; -darsin, -dris, a. having a divine eye transcending time and space; -nadî, f. celestial river; -nârî, f. celestial woman, Apsaras; -purusha, m. demi-god, spirit; -pragñâna-sâlin, a. possessed of divine knowledge; -mânusha,m. demi-god; -rûpa, a. having a divine form; -vi gñâna-vat, a. possessed of divine knowledge; -samkâsa, a. resembling or reminding of heaven; -strî, f. divine woman, Apsaras.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
2 results2 results
divya ‘Ordeal,’ is a term not found until the later literature, but several references to the practice of ordeals have been seen in Vedic literature. The fire ordeal seen in the Atharvaveda1 by Schlagintweit, Weber, Ludwig, Zimmer, and others, has been disproved by Grill, Bloomfield, and Whitney. But such an ordeal appears in the Pañcavimśa Brāhmana, and an ordeal with a glowing axe occurs in the Chāndogya Upanisad as applied in an accusation of theft. Geldner suggests that this usage is referred to even in the Rigveda, but this is most improbable. Ludwig and Griffith discover in another passage of the Rigveda references to Dīrghatamas’ having been subjected to the fire and water ordeals, but this view cannot be supported. According to Weber the 'balance’ ordeal is referred to in the śatapatha Brāhmana, but see Tulā.
divya śvan The ‘ divine dog,’ in one passage of the Athar­vaveda appears to denote Canis major or Sirius. But Bloom­field thinks that the two divine dogs referred to in the Maitrāyanī Samhitā and the Taittirīya Brāhmana are the sun and moon, and that the sun is meant in the Atharvaveda.
Bloomfield Vedic
2 results2 results23 results
divya karmaṇyo hito bṛhan nāma TB. Cf. divyo naryo.
divya kośaḥ samukṣitaḥ MS.1.11.4b: 165.15. See devakośaḥ, and daivyaḥ kośaḥ.
divya suparṇaḥ pratikhyātaḥ KS.34.14. See nṛcakṣāḥ prati-.
divya suparṇaḥ sa vīro vy akhyat AVś.13.2.9c.
divya suparṇo 'va cakṣata kṣām RV.9.71.9c.
divya suparṇo 'va cakṣi soma RV.9.97.33a.
divyaliṅgāya namaḥ Tā.10.16.
divya śardhaḥ pṛtanāsu jiṣṇu TS.; MS.3.16.5b: 191.12; KS.22.15b. See mārutaṃ śardhaḥ.
divya suparṇaṃ (AVP. samudraṃ) vāyasaṃ (AVś.AVP. payasaṃ; KS.VS.śBṭS., vayasā; MSṭS., vayasaṃ) bṛhantam RV.1.164.52a; AVś.4.14.6b; 7.39.1a; AVP.3.38.5b; VS.18.51b; TS.;; MS.2.12.3b: 146.5; KS.18.15b; 19.14a; śB.; Aś.2.8.3; 3.8.1; Suparṇ.17.4. P: divyaṃ suparṇam śś.6.11.8; Kauś.24.9.
divya citram ṛtuyā kalpayantam Kauś.99.2a.
divya chadmāsi saṃtatināma viśvajanasya chāyā Lś.1.7.15. Cf. divaś chadmāsi.
divya dhāmāśāste (also, with ūha, āśāse) śB.; TB.; Aś.1.9.5; śś.1.14.17; Apś.8.3.4,5; 7.8; 12.5; 21.1.
divya nabho gachatu yat svāhā VS.2.22d; śB.; TB.; Apś.4.12.3d.
divya nabho gacha svāhā VS.6.21; MS.1.2.18: 28.3; 3.10.7: 139.1; śB. See nabho gacha, and nabho divyaṃ.
divyam artham asādhayann iva HG.1.15.8d.
divya pavasva dhārayā RV.9.29.6b.
divya pārthivaṃ vasu RV.9.19.1b; SV.2.349b.
divya bhayaṃ rakṣata dharmam udyatam GB.1.5.24c.
divyas tvā mā dhāg vidyutā saha AVś.8.1.11d.
divyasya suparṇasya AVś.4.20.3a. See divyasya suparṇasya.
divyasyaikā dhanurārtniḥ TA.1.5.1a.
divyasyeśāthe uta pārthivasya RV.7.97.10b; AVś.20.17.12b; 87.7b; TB.; Apś.22.7.11b.
divya saraghayā kṛtam AVP.9.8.3b.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"divya" has 1 results
taddhitaa term of the ancient prePaninian grammarians used by Panini just like सर्वनामन् or अव्यय without giving any specific definition of it. The term occurs in the Nirukta of Yaska and the Vajasaneyi-Pratisakhya ; confer, compare अथ तद्वितसमासेषु एकपर्वसु चानेकपर्वसु पूर्वे पूर्वमपरमपरं प्रविभज्य निर्ब्रूयात् । द्ण्डय्ः पुरुषः । दण्डमर्हतीति वा, दण्डेन संपद्यते इति वा Nirukta of Yāska.II.2; also confer, compare तिङ्कृत्तद्धितचतुथ्यसमासाः इाब्दमयम् Vaj Prati.I. 27. It is to be noted that the word तद्वित is used by the ancient grammarians in the sense of a word derived from a substantive ( प्रातिपादक ) by the application of suffixes like अ, यत् et cetera, and others, and not in the sense of words derived from roots by affixes like अन, ति et cetera, and others which were termed नामकरण, as possibly contrasted with the word ताद्धित used by Yaska in II. 5. Panini has used the word तद्धित not for words, but for the suffixes which are added to form such words at all places (e. g. in I. 1.38, IV.1.17, 76, VI.1.61 et cetera, and others). in fact, he has begun the enumeration of taddhita affixes with the rule तद्धिता: (P.IV.1. 76) by putting the term तद्धित for affixes such as ति, ष्यङ्, अण् et cetera, and others which are mentioned thereafter. In his rule कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च and in the Varttika समासकृत्तद्धिताव्यय(I.4.1Vart. 41) which are similar to V.Pr.1. 27 quoted a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. the word तद्धित appears to be actually used for words derived from nouns by secondary affixes, along with the word कृत् which also means words derived from roots, although commentators have explained there the terms कृत् and तद्धित for कृदन्त and तद्धितान्त. The term तद्वित is evidently echoed in the Sutra तस्मै हितम् which, although it is not the first Sutra there were possibly long lists of secondary nouns with the senses of secondary suffixes, and तद्धित was perhaps,the first sense given there. The number of taddhita suffixes mentioned by Panini is quite a large one; there are in fact 1110 rules given in the taddhita section covering almost two Adhyayas viz. from P. IV. 1.76 to the end of the fifth Adhyaya. The main sub-divisions of taddhita affixes mentioned by commentators are, Apatyadyarthaka (IV. 1.92 to 178), Raktadyarthaka (IV.2.1 to 91), Saisika {IV.2. 92 to IV.3.133), Pragdivyatiya (IV. 3 134 to 168), Pragvahatiya (IV.4.1 to IV.4.74), Pragghitiya (IV.4.75 to IV.4.109), Arhiya (V.1.1 to 71),Thanadhikarastha (V. 1.72 to V. 1.1.114), Bhavakarmarthaka (V. 1.115 to V.1.136), Pancamika (V. 2.1 to V. 2.93), Matvarthiya (V. 2.94 to V. 2. 140), Vibhaktisamjaaka (V. 3.1 to V. 3.26) and Svarthika (V. 3.27 to V. 4.160). The samasanta affixes (V.4.68 to V.4.160) can be included in the Svarthika affixes.
Vedabase Search
147 results
divya beautifulSB 10.5.17
divya celestialCC Adi 13.112
CC Adi 14.80
divya celestialCC Adi 14.80
divya divineBG 11.10-11
divya divineBG 11.10-11
divya divineBG 11.10-11
divya divineBG 11.10-11
CC Adi 3.7
CC Antya 17.60
SB 10.16.65-67
divya divineSB 10.16.65-67
SB 10.17.13-14
SB 10.35.8-11
SB 10.70.11
SB 10.76.17
SB 10.80.20-22
SB 10.82.7-8
SB 5.19.19
divya first classCC Antya 4.53
divya heavenlySB 4.24.23
divya of the demigodsSB 12.2.34
divya of the heavenly planetsSB 4.30.17
divya spiritualCC Adi 8.52
divya spiritualCC Adi 8.52
divya transcendentalCC Adi 13.116
CC Adi 17.5
divya transcendentalCC Adi 17.5
CC Madhya 1.157
CC Madhya 21.10
CC Madhya 24.110
MM 32
SB 10.15.45
SB 3.8.25
SB 6.9.19
divya valuableCC Madhya 14.130
divya very niceCC Madhya 9.351
SB 4.25.17
divya wonderfulSB 3.23.14-15
SB 5.24.13
divya alańkāra beautiful ornamentsCC Madhya 13.169
divya alańkāra beautiful ornamentsCC Madhya 13.169
divya śālyanna fine cooked riceCC Antya 6.110
divya śālyanna fine cooked riceCC Antya 6.110
divya-āsana a nice sitting placeCC Madhya 19.85
divya-āsana a nice sitting placeCC Madhya 19.85
divya-deha a transcendental bodyCC Madhya 24.134
divya-deha a transcendental bodyCC Madhya 24.134
divya-dehe in a spiritual bodyCC Antya 2.148
divya-dehe in a spiritual bodyCC Antya 2.148
divya-gandha-anulepanaiḥ by many kinds of pulp, like sandalwood and aguru, to smear upon the body of Lord VāmanadevaSB 8.21.6-7
divya-gandha-anulepanaiḥ by many kinds of pulp, like sandalwood and aguru, to smear upon the body of Lord VāmanadevaSB 8.21.6-7
divya-gandha-anulepanaiḥ by many kinds of pulp, like sandalwood and aguru, to smear upon the body of Lord VāmanadevaSB 8.21.6-7
divya-gatiḥ whose movements are wonderfulSB 8.18.12
divya-gatiḥ whose movements are wonderfulSB 8.18.12
divya-gīta transcendental musicCC Madhya 14.224
divya-gīta transcendental musicCC Madhya 14.224
divya-guṇa-gaṇa of transcendental qualitiesCC Madhya 21.120
divya-guṇa-gaṇa of transcendental qualitiesCC Madhya 21.120
divya-guṇa-gaṇa of transcendental qualitiesCC Madhya 21.120
divya-latā-parītam surrounded by transcendental creepersCC Antya 1.159
divya-latā-parītam surrounded by transcendental creepersCC Antya 1.159
divya-latā-parītam surrounded by transcendental creepersCC Antya 1.159
divya-līlā transcendental activitiesCC Antya 1.33
divya-līlā transcendental activitiesCC Antya 1.33
divya-loka celestial denizensCC Adi 14.76
divya-loka celestial denizensCC Adi 14.76
divya-māyā with the spiritual energySB 6.9.42
divya-māyā with the spiritual energySB 6.9.42
divya-mūrti brilliant formsCC Adi 13.83
divya-mūrti brilliant formsCC Adi 13.83
divya-nṛtya transcendental dancingCC Antya 19.101
divya-nṛtya transcendental dancingCC Antya 19.101
divya-ratnam a transcendental gemCC Madhya 22.42
divya-ratnam a transcendental gemCC Madhya 22.42
CC Madhya 24.219
divya-ratnam a transcendental gemCC Madhya 24.219
divya-rūpā nārī celestially beautiful womanCC Antya 1.41
divya-rūpā nārī celestially beautiful womanCC Antya 1.41
divya-rūpā nārī celestially beautiful womanCC Antya 1.41
divya-śakti transcendental potencyCC Antya 19.103
divya-śakti transcendental potencyCC Antya 19.103
divya-samāḥ celestial yearsSB 7.3.19
divya-samāḥ celestial yearsSB 7.3.19
divya-śarat-śate vṛtte after the expiry of one hundred years by the measurement of the demigodsSB 10.10.20-22
divya-śarat-śate vṛtte after the expiry of one hundred years by the measurement of the demigodsSB 10.10.20-22
divya-śarat-śate vṛtte after the expiry of one hundred years by the measurement of the demigodsSB 10.10.20-22
divya-śarat-śate vṛtte after the expiry of one hundred years by the measurement of the demigodsSB 10.10.20-22
divya-srak-ambara-ālepa she then assumed the form of a demigoddess, completely decorated with sandalwood pulp, flower garlands and a nice dressSB 10.4.9
divya-srak-ambara-ālepa she then assumed the form of a demigoddess, completely decorated with sandalwood pulp, flower garlands and a nice dressSB 10.4.9
divya-srak-ambara-ālepa she then assumed the form of a demigoddess, completely decorated with sandalwood pulp, flower garlands and a nice dressSB 10.4.9
divya-srak-ambara-ālepa she then assumed the form of a demigoddess, completely decorated with sandalwood pulp, flower garlands and a nice dressSB 10.4.9
divya-unmāda in transcendental madnessCC Antya 14.15
divya-unmāda in transcendental madnessCC Antya 14.15
CC Antya 17.1
divya-unmāda in transcendental madnessCC Antya 17.1
divya-unmāda transcendental madnessCC Antya 14.16
divya-unmāda transcendental madnessCC Antya 14.16
CC Madhya 2.64
divya-unmāda transcendental madnessCC Madhya 2.64
divya-unmāda-ārambha the beginning of the spiritual trance of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 20.123
divya-unmāda-ārambha the beginning of the spiritual trance of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 20.123
divya-unmāda-ārambha the beginning of the spiritual trance of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 20.123
divya-unmāda-bhāva transcendental ecstatic emotionsCC Antya 14.118
divya-unmāda-bhāva transcendental ecstatic emotionsCC Antya 14.118
divya-unmāda-bhāva transcendental ecstatic emotionsCC Antya 14.118
divya-unmāda-nāma named transcendental madnessCC Madhya 23.61
divya-unmāda-nāma named transcendental madnessCC Madhya 23.61
divya-unmāda-nāma named transcendental madnessCC Madhya 23.61
divya-unmāde in transcendental madnessCC Antya 14.15
divya-unmāde in transcendental madnessCC Antya 14.15
divya-varṣa celestial years, or years counted according to the higher planetary systemSB 10.3.36
divya-varṣa celestial years, or years counted according to the higher planetary systemSB 10.3.36
divya-veśa-ādaraḥ the hankering for first-class dressCC Antya 1.165
divya-veśa-ādaraḥ the hankering for first-class dressCC Antya 1.165
divya-veśa-ādaraḥ the hankering for first-class dressCC Antya 1.165
divya DivyaSB 9.24.5
divyaiḥ celestialSB 10.48.15-16
divyaiḥ of the demigodsSB 3.11.18
divyaiḥ pertaining to the demigodsSB 8.2.9-13
divyaiḥ with transcendentalSB 12.13.1
divyam celestialSB 3.10.4
SB 4.8.21
SB 8.15.6
SB 8.15.8-9
divyam divineBG 11.8
SB 10.89.46
SB 3.29.37
SB 5.5.1
divyam easily obtained because of rainfall from the skySB 7.14.7
divyam extraordinarySB 3.13.21
divyam heavenlySB 5.1.41
divyam in the spiritual kingdomBG 8.10
divyam of the demigodsSB 4.28.39
divyam pertaining to the demigods in the higher planetsSB 2.9.8
divyam spiritualSB 3.15.26
divyam superhumanSB 2.7.29
divyam transcendentalBG 10.12-13
BG 4.9
BG 8.8
SB 3.3.10
divyam uncommonSB 8.15.6
divyam wonderfulSB 3.23.13
SB 4.10.16
divyau transcendentalBG 1.14
dhanuḥ divyam a first-class or transcendental bowSB 9.6.15-16
dhanuḥ divyam a first-class or transcendental bowSB 9.6.15-16
23 results
divya noun (masculine) a kind of animal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
barley (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bdellium (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mercury name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 21454/72933
divya noun (neuter) a sort of sandal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an ordeal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
heaven (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a grammar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
oath (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
solemn promise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the celestial regions (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the divine world or anything divine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sky (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 7004/72933
divya adjective agreeable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
beautiful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
celestial (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
charming (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
divine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
heavenly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
magical (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
supernatural (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wonderful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 140/72933
divyacakṣus noun (masculine) a kind of perfume (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a monkey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva
Frequency rank 35669/72933
divyagandha noun (masculine) sulphur (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35668/72933
divyagandhā noun (feminine) a kind of vegetable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
large cardamoms (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[rel.] name of Devī
Frequency rank 28359/72933
divyaka noun (masculine) a kind of serpent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
another kind of animal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54451/72933
divyakauṣadhī noun (feminine) divyauṣadhī
Frequency rank 54453/72933
divyakhecarī noun (feminine) name of a magical guṭikā
Frequency rank 28358/72933
divyakuṇḍa noun (neuter) name of a lake (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a well (?) at Śrīśaila
Frequency rank 54452/72933
divyalatā noun (feminine) Sanseviera Zeylanica (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35671/72933
divyamāna noun (neuter) measuring time according to the days and years of the gods (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54460/72933
divyapuṣpa noun (masculine) Nerium Odorum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54459/72933
divyapuṣpā noun (feminine) a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54458/72933
divyarasa noun (masculine) quicksilver (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35670/72933
divyasāra noun (masculine) Shorea Robusta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54461/72933
divyatejas noun (feminine neuter) a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54457/72933
divyatumbī noun (feminine) a kind of cucumber a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54456/72933
divya noun (feminine) divine nature (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
divinity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54455/72933
divyauṣadha noun (neuter) a magical potion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
heavenly herbs or medicine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 9843/72933
divyauṣadhi noun (feminine) red arsenic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a group of ... plants manaḥśilā
Frequency rank 3911/72933
divyaṅgama adjective
Frequency rank 54454/72933
adivya adjective
Frequency rank 15395/72933


water from sky; celestial, angelic, heavenly

Wordnet Search
"divya" has 22 results.


divyaśaktiḥ, sarvoccaśaktiḥ   

sā śaktiḥ yā sarvasampannā asti tathā ca yasyāḥ sattā sarvopari vartate।

dharmagranthānusāreṇa prakṛtyāḥ pratyekaṃ kāryaṃ divyaśaktyā sañcālitam asti।


īśvarīya, divya, devakīya, daiva, devaka, daivika, aiśvara, aiśa, aiśvarīya   


bhaktiyugīnaiḥ satkavibhiḥ īśvarīyasya jñānasya pracāraḥ prabhutatayā kṛtaḥ।


pāralaukika, alaukika, divya, lokottara, ādhidaivika   


sajjanaḥ pāralaukikāḥ vārtāḥ kathayati।


tejomaṇḍita, tejapūrṇa, kāntimāna, jājvalyamāna, dedīpyamāna, prakāśamāna, divya   

tejasā maṇḍitam।

sādhūnāṃ lalāṭaḥ tejomaṇḍitaḥ asti।



sā mānasikī śaktiḥ yayā apratyakṣaṃ pratyakṣaṃ bhavati।

saṃjayena divyadṛṣṭyā dhṛtarāṣṭraṃ mahābhāratasya varṇanaṃ kṛtam।


pāradaḥ, rasarājaḥ, rasanāthaḥ, mahārasaḥ, rasaḥ, mahātejaḥ, rasalehaḥ, rasottamaḥ, sūtarāṭ, capalaḥ, jaitraḥ, rasendraḥ, śivabījaḥ, śivaḥ, amṛtam, lokeśaḥ, durdharaḥ, prabhuḥ, rudrajaḥ, haratejaḥ, rasadhātuḥ, acintyajaḥ, khecaraḥ, amaraḥ, dehadaḥ, mṛtyunāśakaḥ, sūtaḥ, skandaḥ, skandāṃśakaḥ, devaḥ, divyarasaḥ, śreṣṭhaḥ, yaśodaḥ, sūtakaḥ, siddhadhātuḥ, pārataḥ, harabījam, rajasvalaḥ, śivavīryam, śivāhvayaḥ   

dhātuviśeṣaḥ, kramikuṣṭhanāśakaḥ ojayuktaḥ rasamayaḥ dhātuḥ।

pāradaḥ nikhilayogavāhakaḥ asti।


sundara, cāru, rucira, sudṛśya, śobhana, kānta, vāma, surupa, manorama, manojña, sādhu, saumya, śrīyukta, sumukha, abhirāma, suṣama, peśala, rucya, mañju, mañjula, vṛndāra, manohārin, lāvaṇyavat, rūpavat, bhadraka, ramaṇīya, rāmaṇīyaka, bandhūra, bandhura, valgu, hāri, svarūpa, abhirūpa, divya   


bālakaḥ sundaraḥ asti।


divya, daiva, daivya, suropama, saura   


himdudharmagrantheṣu varṇitaṃ yad divyaṃ śaktiṃ prāptum asuraiḥ naikaṃ varṣaṃ yāvat tapaḥ taptam।


śapathaḥ, divyam, satyam, samayaḥ, pratyayaḥ, abhīṣaṅgaḥ, abhiṣaṅgaḥ, parigrahaḥ, kriyā, śāpaḥ, śapaḥ, śapanam, abhiśāpaḥ, pariśāpaḥ   

dṛḍhaniścayātmakaṃ vacanam।

bhoḥ śapathaḥ asti na kimapi kathitaṃ mayā।


gandhakaḥ, gandhikaḥ, gandhapāṣāṇaḥ, pāmāghnaḥ, gandhamodanaḥ, pūtigandhaḥ, atigandhaḥ, varaḥ, gandhamodanam, sugandhaḥ, divyagandhaḥ, rasagandhakaḥ, kuṣṭhāri, śulvāriḥ, pānāriḥ, svarṇariḥ, dhātuvairī, śukapucchaḥ, gandhapāṣāṇaḥ, krūragandhaḥ, kīṭaghnaḥ, śarabhūmijaḥ, gandhī   

rāsāyanikadhātuviśeṣaḥ, yasya gandhaḥ atīva ugraḥ asti tathā ca āyurvede asya ativahnikāritvaṃ viṣakuṣṭhakaṇḍūtisvajutvagadoṣanāśitvādayaḥ guṇāḥ proktāḥ।

prayogaśālāyāṃ vaijñānikāḥ gandhakasya sambandhitāḥ prayogāḥ kurvanti। / caturdhā gandhakaḥ prokto raktaḥ pītaḥ sitaḥ asitaḥ।


gandharvaḥ, gātuḥ, divyagāyanaḥ, hāhāḥ   

nṛtyagāyanādiṣu nipuṇā devayoniḥ।

gandharvāḥ nṛtyagāyanena devatānāṃ vinodanaṃ kurvanti।


mandākinī, ākāśagaṅgā, svarganadī, nabhonadī, divyasaritā, suranadī, viyadgaṅgā, svarnadī, suradīrghikā, svarṇapadmā, sureśvarī   

svarge vartamānā gaṅgāyāḥ dhārā।

pūrvajān trātuṃ bhagīrathena tapasyāṃ kṛtvā mandākinī pṛthivyām ānītā।


yavaḥ, yavakaḥ, tīkṣṇaśūkaḥ, praveṭaḥ, śitaśūkaḥ, medhyaḥ, divyaḥ, akṣataḥ, kañcukī, dhānyarājaḥ, turagapriyaḥ, śaktuḥ, maheṣṭaḥ, pavitradhānyam   

sasya-viśeṣaḥ, yasya bījasya guṇāḥ kaṣāyatva-madhuratva-pramehapittakaphāpahārakatvādayaḥ।

śyāmaḥ bhūmau yavaṃ ropayati।


yavaḥ, śitaśrūkaḥ, sitaśrūkaḥ, medhyaḥ, divyaḥ, akṣataḥ, kañcukī, dhānyarājaḥ, tīkṣṇaśrūkaḥ, turagapriyaḥ, śaktuḥ, maheṣṭaḥ, pavitradhānyam   

śrūkadhānyaviśeṣaḥ। asya guṇāḥ - kaṣāyatva-madhuratva-suśītalatvādayaḥ। sītā yavān caṇakān ca pinaṣṭi।/

yavaḥ kaṣāyamadhuro bahuvātaśakṛd guruḥ। rūkṣaḥ sthairyakaraḥ śīto mūtramedakaphāpahaḥ॥


brāhmī, somalatā, sarasvatī, saumyā, suraśreṣṭhā, śāradā, suvarcalā, kapotavagā, vaidhātrī, divyatejāḥ, mahauṣadhī, svayaṃbhuvī, saumyalatā, sureṣṭā, brahmakanyakā, maṇaḍūkamātā, maṇḍukī, surasā, medhyā, vīrā, bhāratī, varā, parameṣṭhinī, divyā, śāradā   

kṣupaviśeṣaḥ-yaḥ bheṣajarupeṇa upayujyate yasya guṇāḥ vātāmlapittanāśitvaṃ tathā ca buddhiprajñāmedhākārītvam।

brāhmī prāyaḥ gaṅgātaṭe haridvāranagarasya samīpe dṛśyate।


devatvam, daivatvam, divyatā, devatānubhāvaḥ, devabhūyam, devasāyujyam, amaratā, amaratvam, tridaśatvam   

devasya bhāvaḥ।

devatāyāḥ devatvaṃ tasyāḥ satkarmaṇāṃ kāraṇāt eva asti।


lavaṅgam, lavaṅgapuṣpam, lavaṅgakalikā, divyam, śekharam, lavam, śrīpuṣpam, ruciram, vārisambhavam, bhṛṅgāram, gīrvāṇakusumam, candanapuṣpam, devakusumam, śrīsaṃjñam, śrīprasūnam   

ekasyāḥ latāyāḥ kalikā yāṃ śoṣayitvā tasyāḥ vyañjanarūpeṇa auṣadharūpeṇa ca upayogaḥ prayogaḥ bhavati।

lavaṅgasya tailasya upayogaḥ dantapīḍānivāraṇārthaṃ kriyate।


svargīya, divya   


sādhanayā svargīyaṃ sukhaṃ prāpyate।


karavīraḥ, pratihāsaḥ, śataprāsaḥ, caṇḍātaḥ, hayamārakaḥ, pratīhāsaḥ, aśvaghnaḥ, hayāriḥ, aśvamārakaḥ, śītakumbhaḥ, turaṅgāriḥ, aśvahā, vīraḥ, hayamāraḥ, hayaghnaḥ, śatakundaḥ, aśvarodhakaḥ, vīrakaḥ, kundaḥ, śakundaḥ, śvetapuṣpakaḥ, aśvāntakaḥ, nakharāhvaḥ, aśvanāśanaḥ, sthalakumudaḥ, divyapuṣpaḥ, haripriyaḥ, gaurīpuṣpaḥ, siddhapuṣpaḥ   

ekaḥ madhyāmākāraḥ vṛkṣaḥ।

karavīre pītaraktaśuklāni puṣpāṇi bhavanti।



islāmadharmasya anusāram allāhasya dūtaḥ।

nakīraḥ tathā ca munakiraḥ ityetau divyajanau gartasthāya śavāya praśnaṃ pṛcchataḥ।



ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

divyasya ullekhaḥ purāṇe vartate



vyākaraṇaviśeṣaḥ ।

divyasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate

Parse Time: 1.710s Search Word: divya Input Encoding: IAST: divya