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Amarakosha Search
Results for dig
digdhaḥ2.8.90MasculineSingular‍viṣāktaḥ, liptakaḥ
nagnaḥ3.1.38MasculineSingulardigambaraḥ, avāsāḥ
nidigdhikāFeminineSingularrāṣṭrikā, kulī, bṛhatī, duḥsparśā, pracodanī, vyāghrī, kṣudrā, kaṇṭakārikā, spṛśī
Monier-Williams Search
Results for dig
digin compound for 2 . diś-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digadhipam. equals dik-pati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digāgatamfn. come from a distant quarter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digambaramfn. "sky clothed" id est quite naked View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digambaram. (also -ka-) a naked mendicant (especially of the jaina- or bauddha- sect see 1. kṣapaṇa-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digambaram. Name of śiva- or skanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digambaram. of a grammarian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digambaram. darkness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digambaratvan. entire nakedness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digambarīf. Name of durgā- (see -vastra-and -vāsas-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digaṅganāf. equals dik-kanyā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digantam. "the end of the horizon", remote distance
digantamfn. being in remote distance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digantaran. another region, a foreign country etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digantaran. a quarter of the sky View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digantaran. (also plural) space, the atmosphere View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digavasthānan. air View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digbandham. equals grahana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digbhāgam. equals dik-provibh- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digbhedam. difference of direction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digbhramam. perplexity about points of the compass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digbhramam. mistaking the way or direction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdāham. glowing id est preternatural redness of the horizon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdaivatan. equals -devatā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdantinm. equals dik-karin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdarśanan. the act of looking to every quarter, a general survey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdarśinmfn. looking round on all sides, having a general view View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdeśam. a distant region or country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdeśam. in gaRa region, country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdevatāf. equals dik-pati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdhamfn. ( dih-) smeared, anointed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdhamfn. soiled, defiled View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdhamfn. poisoned etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdham. a poisoned arrow (see below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdham. fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdham. oil View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdham. a tale View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdhahastamfn. (a hunter) having (in his hand) or using poisoned arrows View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdhahastamfn. having the hands smeared or soiled View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdhahatamfn. hit by a poisoned arrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdhāṅgamf(ī-)n. having the limbs anointed or smeared with (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdhaphalan. the point of a poisoned arrow, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdhasahaśayamfn. lying in mud or along with any soiled person Va1rtt. 2 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digdhaviddha(di-) mfn. pierced by a poisoned arrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
diggajam. equals dik-karin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
diggrahaṇan. observing and fixing the quarters of the compass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digibham. equals dik-karin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digīśa() () m. equals dik-pati-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digīśvara() m. equals dik-pati-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digjayam. the conquest of various countries in all directions (see -vijaya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digjyāf. the azimuth cosine of a place, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
diglābham. profit or gain in a distant region View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digmaṇḍalasee, diṅ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dignāgaSee din--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvadhūf. equals -aṅganā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvakrasaṃsthamfn. standing apart from the right direction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvalayam. n. the universe, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvāraṇam. equals dik-karin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvasanam. a jaina- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvasanan. nakedness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvāsasmfn. equals -ambara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvāsasm. a naked mendicant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvāsasm. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvāsasm. of a grammarian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvastramfn. equals -ambara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvastram. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvastram. of a grammarian (equals deva-nandin-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvibhāgam. quarter, point, direction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvibhāvitamfn. celebrated or known in all quarters View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvidhānan. Name of a chapter of the View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvidiksthamfn. situated towards the cardinal and intermediate points, encompassing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvijayam. equals dig-jaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvijayam. Name of a section of the describing the victories of yudhi-ṣṭhira- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvijayam. of a work by śaṃkarācārya- describing his controversial victories over various sects View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvijayakramam. going forth to conquer the world, invasion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvilokanan. equals dik-prekṣaṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digviratif. the not passing beyond boundaries in any direction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvratan. equals -virati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvyāghāraṇan. sprinkling of the quarters of the sky , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digvyāpinmfn. spreading through all space or every quarter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digyātrāf. a procession in different directions , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhidigdhamfn. polished, glazed (in the fire, t/apasā-) id est sharp View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādigadādharam. "the first club-bearer", Name of an image of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādigdhaSee under ā-dih-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādigdhamfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' besmeared, anointed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādigrantham. Name (also title or epithet) of the first division or principal section of the sacred book of the Sikhs, IW, 325, note 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādigurum. `first father', Name (also title or epithet) of brahmā-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudigdhamfn. ( dih-), covered (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asaṃdigdhamfn. not indistinct View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asaṃdigdhamfn. undoubted, unsuspected, certain (Prakrit diddha-); View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asaṃdigdhamind. without any doubt, certainly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atidigdhaa poisoned arrow, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bandigraham. taking prisoner, capture View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bandigrāha() m. "plunder-seizer", a housebreaker (especially one breaking into a temple or place where sacred fire is preserved), burglar, robber. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāṣpasaṃdigdhamfn. (a voice) indistinct by suppressed tears View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhādigam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chardighnam. "anti-emetic", Azadirachta indica View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daśadigyavalokanam. Name of a samādhi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devācāryadigvijayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāṃdigbhūtamfn. run away View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maladigdhāṅgamfn. having the limbs defiled with dirt, having the body soiled with dust View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
digam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānādigdeśam. sg. the regions or countries of the different quarters View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānādigdeśātind. from everywhere View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānārthasaṃdigdhārthavicāram. Name of a nyāya- work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nandighoṣam. cry or music of joy, (especially) the proclamation of a panegyrist or herald View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nandighoṣam. arjuna-'s chariot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nandighoṣavijayam. Name of a drama. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nandigirim. Name of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nandigirimāhātmyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nandigrāmam. Name of a village near Daulatabad (where bharata- resided during rāma-'s banishment) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nandigrāmadarśanan. Name of chapter of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nandiguptam. Name of a prince of kaśmīra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nidigdhamfn. ( dih-) smeared plastered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nidigdhamfn. clinging to View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nidigdhamfn. heaped or piled up View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nidigdhāf. cardamoms. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nidigdigdhikāf. Solanum Jacquini (see nir-dagdhikā-and nir-digdh-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nidigdigdhikāf. cardamoms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niḥsaṃdigdhamfn. not doubtful, certain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niḥsaṃdigdhamind. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirdigdhamfn. ( dih-) anointed, smeared View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirdigdhamfn. well-fed, stout, lusty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirdigdhāf. Solanum Jacquini (also dhikā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅkadigdhamfn. mud-smeared View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅkadigdhāṅgam. "having mud-smeared limbs", Name of a being attending on skanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅkadigdhaśarīram. "having a mud-smeared body", Name of a dānava- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paridigdhan. meat covered with meal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pradigdhaSee pra-- dih-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pradigdhamfn. smeared over, anointed, stained or covered with (instrumental case or compound) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pradigdhan. (scilicet māṃsa-) a kind of dish prepared with meat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pradigdham. a kind of sauce or gravy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāguttaradigbhāgam. the north-eastern side of (genitive case) () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāguttaradigvibhāgam. the north-eastern side of (genitive case) () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāyaścittādigodānan. Name of work
pūrvadigīśam. "regent of the eastern quarter"Name of indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rudhirapradigdhamfn. besmeared with blood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhamfn. smeared over, besmeared or covered with (instrumental case or compound) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhamfn. confused, confounded with, mistaken for (instrumental case or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhamfn. questioned, questionable etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhamfn. precarious, doubtful, dubious, uncertain, unsettled, doubtful about, despairing of (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhamfn. riskful, dangerous, unsafe (as a ship) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhan. an ambiguous suggestion or expression View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhabuddhi() mfn. having a doubtful mind, sceptical View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhākṣaramfn. having indistinct utterance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhalekhyan. a writing or document of doubtful meaning or authority View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhamati() mfn. having a doubtful mind, sceptical View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhaniścayamfn. one who hesitates to hold a firm opinion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhaphalamfn. having arrows with poisoned tips (according to to others "of uncertain result or efficacy") , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhapunaruktatvan. uncertainty and tautology View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhārthamfn. having doubtful meaning, dubious in sense View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhārtham. a doubtful or disputed matter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhatāf. () uncertainty, hesitation, indistinctness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhatvan. () uncertainty, hesitation, indistinctness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdigdhīkṛtamfn. made to present a doubtful resemblance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṃkaradigvijayam. " śaṃkara-'s victory over every quarter (of the world)", Name of a fanciful account of the controversial exploits of śaṃkarācārya- (q.v) by mādhavācārya- (also called saṃkṣepa-saṃkarajaya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṃkaradigvijayam. equals śaṃkara-vijaya- below View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṃkaradigvijayaḍiṇḍimam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṃkaradigvijayasāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntyagniparīkṣādigrantham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sardigṛdim. a facetious expression for the female organ View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvadigvijayam. conquest of all regions, universal conquest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śoṇitādigdhamfn. blood-stained View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śūlinīdurgādigbandhanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryādigrahaphalakuṇḍalīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryadigrahaprītyarthadānan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryādigrahasādhanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upadigdhaSee upa-dih-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upadigdhamfn. smeared, covered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upadigdhamfn. fat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upadigdhatāf. the state of being smeared or covered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttaradigīśam. Name of kuvera-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dighaṭamudgaram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣadigdhamfn. smeared with poison, empoisoned, poisoned View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣapradigdhamfn. smeared with poison, empoisoned View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yakṣadigvijayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
Results for dig9 results
digdha दिग्ध p. p. [दिह्-क्त] 1 Smeared, anointed, daubed; हस्तावसृग्दिग्धौ Ms.3.132; R.16.15. दिग्धो$मृतेन च विषेण च पक्ष्मलाक्ष्या गाढं निखात इव मे हृदये कटाक्षः Māl.1.29. -2 Soiled, defiled, polluted. -3 Poisoned, envenomed; अथ तैः परिदेविताक्षरैर्हृदये दिग्धशरैरिवाहतः Ku.4.25. -ग्धः 1 Oil, ointment. -2 Any oily substance or unguent. -3 Fire. -4 A poisoned arrow; 'दिग्धो विषाक्तबाणे स्यात्' Medinī. करेणुमिव दिग्धेन विद्धां मृगयुना वने Rām.2.1.26; Mb.12. 69.57. -5 A story (true or fictitious.)
digdha दिग्ध See under दिह्.
upadigdha उपदिग्ध a. 1 Smeared, covered, anointed. -2 Spotted over.
kāndigbhūta कान्दिग्भूत a. Runaway, frightened; कान्दिग्भूतं छिन्नगात्रं विसंज्ञं, दुर्योधनो द्रक्ष्यति सर्वसैन्यम् Mb.5.48.62.
nidigdha निदिग्ध p. p. [नि-दिह्-क्त] 1 Smeared, annointed. -2 Increased, accumulated. -ग्धा Small cardamoms. निदिग्धिकादिक्वाथः nidigdhikādikvāthḥ निदिग्धिकादिक्वाथः A kind of Āyurvedic decoction; निदिग्धिकानागरकामृतानां क्वाथं पिबेन्मिश्रितपिपप्लीकम् । जीर्णज्वरा- रोचककासशूलश्वासाग्निमान्द्यार्दितपीनसेषु ॥ Com. of Chakradatta on Charaka. निदिध्यासः nididhyāsḥ निदिध्यासनम् nididhyāsanam निदिध्यासः निदिध्यासनम् See under निध्यै; निरन्तरं विचारो यः श्रुतार्थस्य गुरोर्मुखात् । तन्निदिध्यासनं प्रोक्तं तच्चैकाग्ऱ्येण लभ्यते ॥
nirdigdha निर्दिग्ध p. p. 1 Anointed, smeared. -2 Well-fed, corpulent, stout. -ग्धा Solanum Jacquini (Mar. कांटे रिंगणी).
pradigdha प्रदिग्ध p. p. Besmeared, bedaubed, anointed. -ग्धम् Meat fried in a particular way; (मांस)...... तदेव घृत- तक्राढ्यं प्रदिग्धं सत्रिजातकम् Śabdachandrikā.
saṃdigdha संदिग्ध p. p. 1 Besmeared, covered. -2 Dubious, doubtful, uncertain; as in संदिग्धमति-बुद्धि &c. -3 Mistaken for or confounded with. -4 Doubted, questioned. -5 Confused, obscure, unintelligible (as a sentence). -6 Dangerous, risky, unsafe. -7 Envenomed. -ग्धम् 1 A doubt, uncertainty. -2 Besmearing. -Comp. -अर्थ a. ambiguous, dubious in sense. (-र्थः) 1 an ambiguous or doubtful meaning. -2 a disputed matter. -पुनरुक्तत्वम् (Rhet.) uncertainty and tautology. -फल a. having arrows with poisoned tips; Dk. -मति, -बुद्धि a. sceptical, doubtful.
saṃdigdhīkṛta संदिग्धीकृत p. p. Made to present a doubtful resemblance; संदिग्धीकृतबाष्पबिन्दुरुदितं पौराङ्गनाभिस्तथा B. R.6.31.
Macdonell Vedic Search
4 results
ari a-rí, m. niggard, enemy, gen. aryás, ii. 12, 4. 5; iv. 50, 11; viii. 48, 8 [having no wealth: ri = rai; 1.indigent; 2. niggardly].
khanitrima Khan-í-trima, a. produced by digging, vii. 49, 2 [khan dig].
khāta khā-tá, pp. dug, iv. 50, 3 [khan dig].
rad dig rad dig, I. ráda: pf. rará̄da, vii. 49, 1.
Macdonell Search
Results for dig7 results
digadhipa m. regent of a quarter; -anta, m. end of the horizon, end of the world, extreme distance; -antara, n. another region; foreign parts; a particular quarter (w. paski metara, the east): pl. all the quarters; -am bara, a. clad with the quarters only, stark naked; m. naked mendicant monk, esp. among the Jains: î, f. ep. of Durgâ.
digambaratva n. nakedness.
digbhāga m. point of the compass; -vadhû, f.=dik-kanyâ; -vasana, n. naked ness; -vârana, m. elephant of the quarters; -vâsas, a. clad in the quarters, stark naked; -vigaya, m. conquest in all directions, world conquest; -vibhâga, m. point of the compass, quarter of the sky; -vilokana, n. looking about in all directions (in fear); -vyâghâr ana, n. sprinkling of the quarters; -vyâpin, a. pervading the quarters, extending in all directions.
digdha pp. of √ dih; m. poisoned arrow.
diggaja m. elephant of the quarters; -gaya, m. conquest of the world; -dâha, m. preternatural redness of the horizon; -deva tâ, f. deity of a quarter; -desa, m. remote region.
upadigdhatā f. being covered with (--°ree;).
bandigraha m. taking prisoner, capture; -grâha, m. burglar.
Bloomfield Vedic
Results for dig7 results0 resultsResults for dig24 results
digbhya enaṃ pāta MS.2.6.9: 69.10; 4.4.3: 53.14. See next, and digbhyo mā.
digbhyaḥ pāta VS.10.8; śB. See under prec.
digbhyaḥ śrotram TB. Cf. diśaḥ śrotram.
digbhyaḥ svargaṃ lokam anusaṃtanu MS.2.13.3: 153.11. Cf. divaḥ svaḥ.
digbhyaḥ svāhā VS.6.19; 22.27; 39.2; TS.; MS.3.12.7: 162.13; KSA.1.6; śB.;;; 9.3.6; BṛhU.6.3.6; Aś.2.4.13. See svāhā digbhyaḥ.
digbhyaś cakravākaḥ (KSA. cakṛvākaḥ) TS.; KSA.7.3.
digbhyaś candramase PG.2.10.7.
digbhyas taṃ nir bhajāmo yo 'smān dveṣṭi yaṃ vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ AVś.10.5.28.
digbhyas te śrotraṃ spṛṇomi svāhā śB.; Kś.25.6.11.
digbhyo nakulān VS.24.26; MS.3.14.7: 173.11.
digbhyo mā pāta TS.; TB. See under digbhya.
digbhyo vaḍabe (KSA. vaḍave) TS.; KSA.10.1.
digdhaviddhām iva mādaya śB.; BṛhU.6.4.8d.
digdhena ca viddhasya AVP.15.16.4a.
digdheveṣuḥ pra padyatām AVP.9.28.5b.
adhodigadhipataye 'nantāya namaḥ # Mś.
āgneyadigadhipataye 'gnaye namaḥ # Mś.
īśānadigadhipataya īśānāya namaḥ # Mś. Cf. īśānāya namaḥ.
udagdigadhipataye kuberāya namaḥ # Mś. Cf. kuberāya.
ūrdhvādigadhipataye brahmaṇe namaḥ # Mś.
dakṣiṇādigadhipataye yamāya namaḥ # Mś.
nairṛtyadigadhipataye nirṛtaye namaḥ # Mś.
paścimadigadhipataye varuṇāya namaḥ # Mś.
prācīdigadhipataya indrāya namaḥ # Mś.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"dig" has 17 results
akṣadyūtādigaṇaa class of words headed by अक्षद्यूत which take the taddhita affix. affix hak ( इक) in the sense of 'resulting from' e. g. अाक्षद्यूतिकं वैरम्, जानुप्रहृतिक्रम्, गातागार्तकम् et cetera, and others confer, compare P IV.4.19.
agnipadādigaṇaa class of words headed by the word अग्निपद to which the taddhita affix. affix अण् is added in the senses of 'given there' or 'done there' e. g. अग्निपदम्. confer, compare अण्प्रकरणे अग्निपदादिभ्य उपसंख्यानम् P. V.1.97 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 1.
aṅgulyādigaṇaclass of words headed by अङ्गुलि to which the taddhita affix. afix ठक् ( इक् ) is added in the sense of comparison ( इवार्थे ); e. g. अङ्गुलीव अाड्गुलिक: confer, compare Kāś. on P. V.3.108.
ajādigaṇaclass of words headed by अज to which the feminine.affix अा is added, sometimes inspite of the affix ई being applicable by other rules such as जातेरस्त्रीविषयात्o P. IV. 1.63 and other rules in the section. e. अजा, एडका, त्रिफला, उष्णिहा, जेष्ठा, दंष्ट्रा. cf P. IV.1.4.
ājirādigaṇaclass of words headed by the word अजिर which do not allow lengthening of the final vowel by P. VI.3.119. although they form technical terms e. g. अजिरवती, पुलिनवती et cetera, and others confer, compare Kāś on P. VI.3.119.
atyādigaṇathe group of prepositions headed by अति which are compounded with a noun in the acc. case ; confer, compare अत्यादयः क्रान्ताद्यर्थे द्वितीयया Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). om P. II. 2.18.
krayādigaṇaa class of roots headed by the root क्री ( डुक्रीञ् ) to which the conjugational sign ना ( श्ना ) is added; roots of the ninth conjugation.
gargādigaṇaa class of words headed by गर्ग to which the affix यञ्, ( य ) causing Vṛddhi to the first vowel of the word, is added in the sense of a descendant barring the son or daughter; confer, compare गर्गादिभ्यो यञ् P. IV. 1.105 and the instances गार्ग्यः, वात्स्यः, वैयाघ्रपद्यः, पौलस्यः confer, compare Kāś. on P. IV. 1. 105.
juhotyādigaṇathe class of roots headed by हु after which the vikarana Sap is elided and the root is reduplicated in the four conjugational tenses; third conjugation of roots.
digādia class of words headed by the word दिक् to which the taddhita affix.affix य ( यत् ) is added in the sense of 'produced therein' ( तत्र भवः ), exempli gratia, for example दिशि भवं दिश्यम्, similarly वर्ग्यम्, गण्यः et cetera, and others; confer, compare Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.IV.3.54.
pāraskarādigaṇaor पारस्करप्रभृति, words headed by the word पारस्कर which have got some irregularity, especially the insertion of स् between the constituent words. For details see पारस्करप्रभृतीनि च संज्ञायाम् P. VI. 1.153 and the commentary thereon.
bhvādigaṇathe class of roots headed by भू ; the first conjugation of roots.
dighaṭamudgaraname of a commentary on the Sarasvata Vykarana by a grammarian Jayanta.
āgarvīyaa class of roots forming a subdivision of the Curādigaṇa or the tenth conjugation beginning with पद् and ending with गर्व् which are only ātmanepadin; exempli gratia, for example पदयते, मृगयते, अर्थयते, गर्वयते.
jayantaauthor of तत्वचन्द्र a commentary on पाणिनिसूत्रवृत्ति written by Vitthala; (2) writer of a commentary named Vadighatamudgara on the Sarasvataprakriya.
pāṇinithe illustrious ancient grammarian of India who is wellknown by his magnum opus, the Astaka or Astaadhyaayi which has maintained its position as a unique work on Sanskrit grammar unparalleled upto the present day by any other work on grammar, not only of the Sanskrit language, but ofany other language, classical as well as spoken. His mighty intelligence grasped, studied and digested not only the niceties of accentuation and formation of Vedic words, scattered in the vast Vedic Literature of his time, but those of classical words in the classical literature and the spoken Sanskrit language of his time in all its different aspects and shades, noticeable in the various provinces and districts of the vast country. The result of his careful study of the Vedic Literature and close observation ofeminine.the classical Sanskrit, which was a spoken language in his days, was the production of the wonderful and monumental work, the Astaadhyaayi,which gives an authoritative description of the Sanskrit language, to have a complete exposition of which,several life times have to be spent,in spite of several commentaries upon it, written from time to time by several distinguished scholars. The work is a linguist's and not a language teacher's. Some Western scholars have described it as a wonderful specimen of human intelligence,or as a notable manifestation of human intelligence. Very little is known unfortunately about his native place,parentage or personal history. The account given about these in the Kathaasaritsaagara and other books is only legendary and hence, it has very little historical value. The internal evidence, supplied by his work shows that he lived in the sixth or the seventh century B. C., if not earlier, in the north western province of India of those days. Jinendrabuddhi, the author of the Kaasikavivaranapanjikaa or Nyasa, has stated that the word शलातुर् mentioned by him in his sUtra ( IV. 3.94 ) refers to his native place and the word शालातुरीय derived by him from the word शलातुर by that sUtra was, in fact his own name, based upon the name of the town which formed his native placcusative case. Paanini has shown in his work his close knowledge of, and familiarity with, the names of towns, villages, districts, rivers and mountains in and near Vaahika, the north-western Punjab of the present day, and it is very likely that he was educated at the ancient University of Taksasilaa. Apart from the authors of the Pratisaakhya works, which in a way could be styled as grammar works, there were scholars of grammar as such, who preceded him and out of whom he has mentioned ten viz., Apisali, Saakataayana, Gaargya, Saakalya, Kaasyapa, Bharadwaja, Gaalava, Caakravarmana Senaka and Sphotaayana. The grammarian Indra has not been mentioned by Paanini, although tradition says that he was the first grammarian of the Sanskrit language. It is very likely that Paanini had no grammar work of Indra before him, but at the same time it can be said that the works of some grammarians , mentioned by Panini such as Saakaatyana, Apisali, Gaargya and others had been based on the work of Indra. The mention of several ganas as also the exhaustive enumeration of all the two thousand and two hundred roots in the Dhaatupaatha can very well testify to the existence of systematic grammatical works before Paarnini of which he has made a thorough study and a careful use in the composition of his Ganapaatha and Dhaatupatha. His exhaustive grammar of a rich language like Sanskrit has not only remained superb in spite of several other grammars of the language written subsequently, but its careful study is felt as a supreme necessity by scholars of philology and linguistics of the present day for doing any real work in the vast field of linguistic research. For details see pp.151154 Vol. VII of Paatanjala Mahaabhsya, D. E. Society's Edition.
vibhaktipratirūpakaa term applied to such words ending with kṛt affixes as appear similar to words ending with case-affixes; such words have no further case affixes put after them, and hence, they are called by the term 'avyaya'; exempli gratia, for example कर्तुम् confer, compare विभक्तिप्रतिरूपकमव्ययम् similar to उपसर्गविभक्तिस्वरप्रतिरूपकाश्च निपाताः gaṇasūtra inside the Cādigaṇa P. I.4.57.
Vedabase Search
Results for dig43 results
dig-daraśana a general surveyCC Madhya 1.90
dig-daraśana a general surveyCC Madhya 1.90
dig-daraśana a glimpse of the directionCC Adi 12.78
dig-daraśana a glimpse of the directionCC Adi 12.78
dig-vijayī Keśava KāśmīrīCC Adi 16.29
dig-vijayī Keśava KāśmīrīCC Adi 16.29
CC Adi 16.30
dig-vijayī Keśava KāśmīrīCC Adi 16.30
CC Adi 16.40
dig-vijayī Keśava KāśmīrīCC Adi 16.40
dig-vijayī the championCC Adi 16.25
dig-vijayī the championCC Adi 16.25
CC Adi 16.42
dig-vijayī the championCC Adi 16.42
CC Adi 16.87
dig-vijayī the championCC Adi 16.87
CC Adi 16.95
dig-vijayī the championCC Adi 16.95
dig-vijayī the conquering paṇḍitaCC Adi 16.27
dig-vijayī the conquering paṇḍitaCC Adi 16.27
dig-vijayī the poetic championCC Adi 16.108
dig-vijayī the poetic championCC Adi 16.108
digambara without any dressCC Adi 6.81
digbhiḥ all the directionsSB 12.9.15
digbhyaḥ directionsSB 4.3.5-7
digbhyaḥ from all directionsSB 1.15.8
SB 10.45.15-16
digbhyaḥ from every directionSB 3.19.18
digbhyaḥ from the different directionsSB 10.72.14
digdhām smearedSB 3.28.28
digibhāḥ all the elephants guarding the quartersSB 7.8.32
digibhāḥ the great elephantsSB 8.8.14
digibhāt from which even the great elephantsSB 7.9.15
digvijayāya for the purpose of conqueringSB 1.16.11
digvijaye during the time of his world tourSB 1.16.5
digvijaye on his way to conquer the worldSB 1.16.4
ādigdha-uddeśaḥ His body thus smearedSB 5.5.32
sandigdha-cetasaḥ became doubtful about what could be done (because Gargamuni had predicted that this child would be equal to Nārāyaṇa)SB 10.11.5
nandigrāmāt from His residence, known as NandigrāmaSB 9.10.35-38
pradigdhān tainted withBG 2.5
sandigdha-cetasaḥ became doubtful about what could be done (because Gargamuni had predicted that this child would be equal to Nārāyaṇa)SB 10.11.5
sandigdhāḥ obscuredSB 10.20.16
ādigdha-uddeśaḥ His body thus smearedSB 5.5.32
Results for dig46 results
digambara noun (masculine) a naked mendicant (esp. of the Jaina or Bauddha sect) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
darkness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a grammarian (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva or Skanda (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 11650/72933
digambara adjective naked nude
Frequency rank 28344/72933
diganta adjective being in remote distance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54407/72933
diganta noun (masculine) remote distance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 35647/72933
digantara noun (neuter) a foreign country (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a quarter of the sky (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
another region (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
space (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the atmosphere (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 21448/72933
digbandha noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 24199/72933
digbandhana noun (neuter) (Tantrism:) surrounding the area of sacrifice with a magic boundary consisting of arrows (Sanjukta Gupta; Dirk Jan Hoens; Teun Goudriaan (19) observing and fixing the quarters of the compass
Frequency rank 24200/72933
digbhrama noun (masculine) mistaking the way or direction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
perplexity about points of the compass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54410/72933
digbhāga noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 8616/72933
digdantin noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 35648/72933
digdarśana noun (neuter) a general survey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the act of looking to every quarter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54409/72933
digdevatā noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 35649/72933
digdha noun (masculine) a poisoned arrow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a tale (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
oil (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 15757/72933
digdāha noun (masculine) preternatural redness of the horizon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 16853/72933
diggaja noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 13544/72933
digi noun (neuter) [gramm.] substitute for root de
Frequency rank 54406/72933
digibha noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 54408/72933
digjaya noun (masculine) the conquest of various countries in all directions (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24198/72933
diglābha noun (masculine) profit or gain in a distant region (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54411/72933
digvastra noun (masculine) name of a grammarian (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54412/72933
digvijaya noun (masculine) name of a section of the Mbh (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a wk. (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17985/72933
digvāraṇa noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 28345/72933
digvāsas noun (masculine) a naked mendicant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a grammarian (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 28346/72933
digvāsas adjective naked nude
Frequency rank 10673/72933
digīśa noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 21449/72933
digīśvara noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 21450/72933
adigdha adjective
Frequency rank 42388/72933
asaṃdigdha adjective certain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not indistinct (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
undoubted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unsuspected (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8930/72933
ādigadādhara noun (masculine) name of an image of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17661/72933
upadigdha adjective covered (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
smeared (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 47506/72933
chardighna noun (masculine) Azadirachta indica (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52529/72933
nandigrāma noun (masculine) name of a village near Daulatābād (where Bharata resided during Rāmas exile) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10391/72933
nandighoṣa noun (masculine) (esp.) the proclamation of a panegyrist or herald (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Arjuna's chariot (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
cry or music of joy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55668/72933
nidigdhā noun (feminine) cardamoms (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 36239/72933
nidigdhikā noun (feminine) cardamoms (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Solanum Jacquini (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9860/72933
nirupadigdha adjective
Frequency rank 56158/72933
niḥsaṃdigdha adjective certain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not doubtful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 21612/72933
paruṣādigaṇa noun (masculine) name of a varga
Frequency rank 57493/72933
bhādiga noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60651/72933
vidāryādigaṇa noun (masculine) name of a medical gaṇa
Frequency rank 65588/72933
vyāghrikādigaṇa noun (masculine) name of an alchemical varga
Frequency rank 66902/72933
śatāvaryādighṛta noun (neuter) [medic.] name of a medical preparation used agaist raktapitta
Frequency rank 67188/72933
sarpākṣyādigaṇa noun (masculine) name of a alchemical varga
Frequency rank 69420/72933
saṃdigdha adjective besmeared or covered with (instr. or comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
confounded with (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
confused (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dangerous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
despairing of (comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
doubtful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
doubtful about (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dubious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mistaken for (instr. or comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
precarious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
questionable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
questioned (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
riskful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
smeared over (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
uncertain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unsafe (as a ship) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unsettled (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12718/72933
saṃdigdha noun (neuter) an ambiguous suggestion or expression (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 40652/72933
saṃdigdhatva noun (neuter) Unsicherheit (einer Aussage etc.) Zweifelhaftigkeit
Frequency rank 69872/72933


ayurvedic medicine in fermented liquid form containing the extract of Chebulic myrobalan (harītaki) used to harmonize the digestive functions.


pellucid choler; a byproduct of second stage of digestion or amlāvasthāpāka.


eating too soon after a meal; eating before the digestion of earlier meal.


(digestive) fire; the digestive activity; agnikarma thermal cautery; agnimāndya weak digestion power; agnisāda lowered digestive capacity.


herbo-mineral preparation used in digestive disorders.


medicine made in distillation process using ajāmoda; it is indicated in diseases ofdigestive system.


indigestion; dyspepsia.


1. raw or uncooked; immature; undigested; 2. immature rasa; unboiled.


(āma.doṣa) clinical manifestations resulting from undigested fo


(āma.grahaṅi) sprue associated with indigestion.


dyspepsia caused by indigestion.


rheumatism, non-specific older term for medical conditions which affect connective tissue and the joints; arthritis caused by undigested stuff.


1. digestive power; 2. gastric juice; 3. bile; 4. fire; 5. wind.


digit; finger’s breadth; linear measurement equal to 1.95 centimeter.


the digestive system, channel that carries food from stomach to small intestine.


medicine taken after the digestion of food or between two meals.


1. purging; push excretory products out of the body; 2. carminative, that prevents formation of gas in the digestive system.


unsatiable hunger and digestion; bulimia nervosa.


(avastha.pāka) process of digestion; ingested substances pass through three stages in which they become successively sweet, acid and pungent.




digestion-external (of mercury)


glow-choler; one of the five pittas located in skin, that ascribes glow to the skin and helps digest oils applied on.


a semi-solid preparation from bael fruit and ten other ingredients; indicated in problems of digestive system.


Plant indigo plant, Indigofera tinctoria.


powdered preparation used in digestive system complaints.


1. ingestion; intake of food; promoting digestion; 2. Plant root of crape jasmine. 3. stimulation (in science of mercury).


fermented stuff made from grapes and other medicinal herbs, useful in respiratory and digestive disorders.


internal liquefication (of mercury); internal digestion; liquefication of conusmed substance within mercury.


herbo-mineral preparation used in urinary diseases.


roasting; oxidizing metals; amalgamation of mercury; assimilation; digestion of metals by mercury.


digestive fire; fire in the belly.


medicated ghee with jasmine as main ingredient for wound healing.


1. digestion; 2. old; 3. dilapated; 4. ruined.


herbo-mineral preparation used in digestive problems.


Plant giant potato, dried root of Ipomoea digitata.


impacted fracture of bone, that digs into marrow.


low digestive fire, dyspepsia.


Plant indigo, hornwort plant dye, dried leaf of Indigofera tinctoria.


(during the process of digestion) the tastes are subject to a process governed by the rule that sweet, acid and pungent substances do not change their taste, whereas the salt taste is transformed into sweet one, and the bitter and astringent taste into a pungent one.


digestive fire.


process of digestion, regulating agni.


cooking, inflammation, maturation, digestion, inflammatory maturation.


cooking, digestion.


receptacle for digestion; gut, intestines.


alcoholism, indigestion from drinking.


distant (para), ulterior (apara), planning (yukti), categories (sankhya), combination (samyoya), disjunction (vibhāga), isolation (pṛthakkarana), measurement (parimāṇa), refining (samskāra), usage (abhyāsa).


paṭola, candana, raktacandana, mūrva, guḍūci, paṭhā, kaṭukarohiṇi.


1. taste, flavour; 2. mercury; 3. essence of digested food that produces blood; 4. nutritive juice; 5. chyme or chyle; 6. gold.


rasa (taste), guṇa (property), vīrya (potency), vipāka (post-digestive taste), prabhāva (effect) according to ayurvedic pharmacology.


one of the five winds, mid-breath; located in stomach and responsible for deglutition and digestion.


conciliating, postoperative management, graduated readministration of diet to rekindle digestive fire.


Plant Tephrosia purpurea, wild indigo.


Plant pala indigo plant, Wrightia tinctoria.


Plant pala indigo plant, Wrightia tinctoria


1. Plant various plants: Calatropis gingantea, Agati grandiflora, Adhatoda vasika, Borreria articularis, Indigofera enneaphylla, Osmanthus fragrans and Chenopodium; Spermacoce hispida; 2. a kind of salt.


retardation of evacuation; indigestion.


post digestive taste, transformed flavor, final transformation.


deranged digestive fire.


diffusive, pervading, those pervading the entire body before getting digested.


medicine in powdered form made from Trachyspermum ammi and others, used in the diseases of digestive system.

Wordnet Search
"dig" has 38 results.


aspaṣṭataḥ, saṃdigdhataḥ   

aspaṣṭena rūpeṇa।

kimarthaṃ aspaṣṭataḥ vadasi spaṣṭaṃ vada।



sarvāsu dikṣu।

śikāgosammelanāt paścāt svāmīvivekānandaḥ caturdiganteṣu vikhyātaḥ abhavat।


digvijayī, viśvavijayī   

yena viśvaṃ jitam।

digvijayī bhavitum aicchat sikandaraḥ।


allā, khudā, kha़ुdā, allāha, karīma, paravaradigāra, mālika, maulā, raba, rahamāna, raja़्ja़ाka़, rajjāka   

islāmadharme īśvarārthe prayuktaṃ nāma।

īśvaraḥ tathā ca allā iti anayoḥ dvayoḥ madhye abhedaḥ asti।


nimbaḥ, ariṣṭaḥ, sarvatobhadraḥ, hiṅguniryāsaḥ, mālakaḥ, picumardaḥ, arkapādapaḥ, kaiṭaryaḥ, varatvacaḥ, chardighnaḥ, prabhadraḥ, pāribhadrakaḥ, kākaphalaḥ, kīreṣṭaḥ, netā, sumanāḥ, viśīrṇaparṇaḥ, yavaneṣṭaḥ, pītasārakaḥ, śītaḥ, picumandaḥ, tiktakaḥ, kīkaṭaḥ, śūkamālakaḥ   

vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ asya guṇāḥ tiktatvaśītatvakaphavraṇakrimivamiśophaśāntikāritvādayaḥ।

nimbaḥ atīva upayogī vṛkṣaḥ asti।


śaṅkāśīla, śaṅkābuddhi, saṃśayaśīla, saṃśayabuddhi, sandigdhacitta, sandigdhamati, saṃśayālu, śaṅkin, aviśvāsī, kutarkaśīla, kutarkasvabhāva, apratyayī, kuhakacakita   

yaḥ na viśvasīti।

saḥ śaṅkāśīlaḥ ataḥ tasya udbodhanena kim।


asandigdha, aśaṅkita, sandehahīna, avikalpa   

yad sandigdham nāsti।

saḥ vyaktiḥ asandigdhaḥ, sandeho māstu।


asandigdha, niḥsandeha, asaṃśaya   

yasmin sandeho nāsti।

mātuḥ asandigdhaṃ vacanaṃ śrutvā aham āśvastaḥ abhavat।


aniyata, aniścita, anirṇīta, anirdhārita, anirdiṣṭa, avyavasthita, alakṣita, alakṣaṇaँ, aparimita, vaikalpika, sandigdha, avivakṣita   

yad nirdhāritam nāsti।

avakāśāt sarvāṇi yānāni anirdhārite samaye gacchanti।


digambarasādhuḥ, kṣapaṇaḥ   

jainasādhuḥ yaḥ digeva vastram iti manyate।

atra digambarasādhuḥ vasati।


śivaḥ, śambhuḥ, īśaḥ, paśupatiḥ, pinākapāṇiḥ, śūlī, maheśvaraḥ, īśvaraḥ, sarvaḥ, īśānaḥ, śaṅkaraḥ, candraśekharaḥ, phaṇadharadharaḥ, kailāsaniketanaḥ, himādritanayāpatiḥ, bhūteśaḥ, khaṇḍaparaśuḥ, girīśaḥ, giriśaḥ, mṛḍaḥ, mṛtyañjayaḥ, kṛttivāsāḥ, pinākī, prathamādhipaḥ, ugraḥ, kapardī, śrīkaṇṭhaḥ, śitikaṇṭhaḥ, kapālabhṛt, vāmadevaḥ, mahādevaḥ, virūpākṣaḥ, trilocanaḥ, kṛśānuretāḥ, sarvajñaḥ, dhūrjaṭiḥ, nīlalohitaḥ, haraḥ, smaraharaḥ, bhargaḥ, tryambakaḥ, tripurāntakaḥ, gaṅgādharaḥ, andhakaripuḥ, kratudhvaṃsī, vṛṣadhvajaḥ, vyomakeśaḥ, bhavaḥ, bhaumaḥ, sthāṇuḥ, rudraḥ, umāpatiḥ, vṛṣaparvā, rerihāṇaḥ, bhagālī, pāśucandanaḥ, digambaraḥ, aṭṭahāsaḥ, kālañjaraḥ, purahiṭ, vṛṣākapiḥ, mahākālaḥ, varākaḥ, nandivardhanaḥ, hīraḥ, vīraḥ, kharuḥ, bhūriḥ, kaṭaprūḥ, bhairavaḥ, dhruvaḥ, śivipiṣṭaḥ, guḍākeśaḥ, devadevaḥ, mahānaṭaḥ, tīvraḥ, khaṇḍaparśuḥ, pañcānanaḥ, kaṇṭhekālaḥ, bharuḥ, bhīruḥ, bhīṣaṇaḥ, kaṅkālamālī, jaṭādharaḥ, vyomadevaḥ, siddhadevaḥ, dharaṇīśvaraḥ, viśveśaḥ, jayantaḥ, hararūpaḥ, sandhyānāṭī, suprasādaḥ, candrāpīḍaḥ, śūladharaḥ, vṛṣāṅgaḥ, vṛṣabhadhvajaḥ, bhūtanāthaḥ, śipiviṣṭaḥ, vareśvaraḥ, viśveśvaraḥ, viśvanāthaḥ, kāśīnāthaḥ, kuleśvaraḥ, asthimālī, viśālākṣaḥ, hiṇḍī, priyatamaḥ, viṣamākṣaḥ, bhadraḥ, ūrddharetā, yamāntakaḥ, nandīśvaraḥ, aṣṭamūrtiḥ, arghīśaḥ, khecaraḥ, bhṛṅgīśaḥ, ardhanārīśaḥ, rasanāyakaḥ, uḥ, hariḥ, abhīruḥ, amṛtaḥ, aśaniḥ, ānandabhairavaḥ, kaliḥ, pṛṣadaśvaḥ, kālaḥ, kālañjaraḥ, kuśalaḥ, kolaḥ, kauśikaḥ, kṣāntaḥ, gaṇeśaḥ, gopālaḥ, ghoṣaḥ, caṇḍaḥ, jagadīśaḥ, jaṭādharaḥ, jaṭilaḥ, jayantaḥ, raktaḥ, vāraḥ, vilohitaḥ, sudarśanaḥ, vṛṣāṇakaḥ, śarvaḥ, satīrthaḥ, subrahmaṇyaḥ   

devatāviśeṣaḥ- hindūdharmānusāraṃ sṛṣṭeḥ vināśikā devatā।

śivasya arcanā liṅgarūpeṇa pracalitā asti।


mārgadarśakaḥ, digdarśakaḥ   

yaḥ mārgaṃ pradarśayati।

adhunā mārgadarśakāṇāṃ alpasaṃkhyatvāt yuvakāḥ mārgāt anyatra gacchanti।


nimbaphalam, ariṣṭaphalam, hiṅguniryāsaphalam, mālakaphalam, picumardaphalam, arkapādapaphalam, kaiṭaryaphalam, chardighnaphalam, prabhadraphalam, pāribhadrakaphalam, kākaphalam, kīreṣṭaphalam, netāphalam, viśīrṇaparṇaphalam, yavaneṣṭaphalam, pītasārakaphalam, śītaphalam, picumandaphalam, tiktakaphalam, kīkaṭaphalam, śūkamālakaphalam   

nimbasya phalam।

nimbaphalaṃ bheṣajanirmāṇe upayujyate।


niḥsaṃśayam, asandigdham, asaṃśayam   

vinā kam api sandeham।

bhoḥ, niḥsaṃśayam aham etat kāryaṃ kartuṃ samartho asmi।


nāgaramustā, nāgarotthā, nāgarādighanasaṃjñakā, cakrāṅkā, nādeyī, cūḍālā, piṇḍamustā, śiśirā, vṛṣadhmāṅkṣī, kaccharuhā, cārukesarā, uccaṭā, pūrṇakoṣchasaṃjñā, kalāpinī, jaṭā   

tṛṇaviśeṣaḥ yasya mūlāni kaphapittajvarātisārārucyādiṣu bheṣajarupeṇa yujyate।

vaidyena bheṣajārthe samūlaṃ nāgaramustā ānītā।


nagna, vivastra, nirvastra, anambara, avastra, udghāṭitāṅga, kākaruka, kīśa, āśāvāsas, digambara, digvāsas   

yaḥ āvaraṇaprāvaraṇavirahitaḥ asti।

nagnaḥ bālakaḥ bhūmyāṃ krīḍati।


diksūcakaḥ, digdarśaka-yantra   

tad yantraṃ yad diśāṃ darśayati।

vane yadā digbhramaḥ jātaḥ tadā diksūcakasya sāhāyyena mayā diśā jñātā।


durgā, umā, kātyāyanī, gaurī, brahmāṇī, kālī, haimavatī, īśvarā, śivā, bhavānī, rudrāṇī, sarvāṇī, sarvamaṅgalā, aparṇā, pārvatī, mṛḍānī, līlāvatī, caṇaḍikā, ambikā, śāradā, caṇḍī, caṇḍā, caṇḍanāyikā, girijā, maṅgalā, nārāyaṇī, mahāmāyā, vaiṣṇavī, maheśvarī, koṭṭavī, ṣaṣṭhī, mādhavī, naganandinī, jayantī, bhārgavī, rambhā, siṃharathā, satī, bhrāmarī, dakṣakanyā, mahiṣamardinī, herambajananī, sāvitrī, kṛṣṇapiṅgalā, vṛṣākapāyī, lambā, himaśailajā, kārttikeyaprasūḥ, ādyā, nityā, vidyā, śubhahkarī, sāttvikī, rājasī, tāmasī, bhīmā, nandanandinī, mahāmāyī, śūladharā, sunandā, śumyabhaghātinī, hrī, parvatarājatanayā, himālayasutā, maheśvaravanitā, satyā, bhagavatī, īśānā, sanātanī, mahākālī, śivānī, haravallabhā, ugracaṇḍā, cāmuṇḍā, vidhātrī, ānandā, mahāmātrā, mahāmudrā, mākarī, bhaumī, kalyāṇī, kṛṣṇā, mānadātrī, madālasā, māninī, cārvaṅgī, vāṇī, īśā, valeśī, bhramarī, bhūṣyā, phālgunī, yatī, brahmamayī, bhāvinī, devī, acintā, trinetrā, triśūlā, carcikā, tīvrā, nandinī, nandā, dharitriṇī, mātṛkā, cidānandasvarūpiṇī, manasvinī, mahādevī, nidrārūpā, bhavānikā, tārā, nīlasarasvatī, kālikā, ugratārā, kāmeśvarī, sundarī, bhairavī, rājarājeśvarī, bhuvaneśī, tvaritā, mahālakṣmī, rājīvalocanī, dhanadā, vāgīśvarī, tripurā, jvālmukhī, vagalāmukhī, siddhavidyā, annapūrṇā, viśālākṣī, subhagā, saguṇā, nirguṇā, dhavalā, gītiḥ, gītavādyapriyā, aṭṭālavāsinī, aṭṭahāsinī, ghorā, premā, vaṭeśvarī, kīrtidā, buddhidā, avīrā, paṇḍitālayavāsinī, maṇḍitā, saṃvatsarā, kṛṣṇarūpā, balipriyā, tumulā, kāminī, kāmarūpā, puṇyadā, viṣṇucakradharā, pañcamā, vṛndāvanasvarūpiṇī, ayodhyārupiṇī, māyāvatī, jīmūtavasanā, jagannāthasvarūpiṇī, kṛttivasanā, triyāmā, jamalārjunī, yāminī, yaśodā, yādavī, jagatī, kṛṣṇajāyā, satyabhāmā, subhadrikā, lakṣmaṇā, digambarī, pṛthukā, tīkṣṇā, ācārā, akrūrā, jāhnavī, gaṇḍakī, dhyeyā, jṛmbhaṇī, mohinī, vikārā, akṣaravāsinī, aṃśakā, patrikā, pavitrikā, tulasī, atulā, jānakī, vandyā, kāmanā, nārasiṃhī, girīśā, sādhvī, kalyāṇī, kamalā, kāntā, śāntā, kulā, vedamātā, karmadā, sandhyā, tripurasundarī, rāseśī, dakṣayajñavināśinī, anantā, dharmeśvarī, cakreśvarī, khañjanā, vidagdhā, kuñjikā, citrā, sulekhā, caturbhujā, rākā, prajñā, ṛdbhidā, tāpinī, tapā, sumantrā, dūtī, aśanī, karālā, kālakī, kuṣmāṇḍī, kaiṭabhā, kaiṭabhī, kṣatriyā, kṣamā, kṣemā, caṇḍālikā, jayantī, bheruṇḍā   

sā devī yayā naike daityāḥ hatāḥ tathā ca yā ādiśaktiḥ asti iti manyate।

navarātrotsave sthāne sthāne durgāyāḥ pratiṣṭhāpanā kriyate।


nigrahaṇam, upagrahaṇam, bandigrahaḥ, bandhaḥ   

balāt grahaṇasya kriyā।

adya netṝṇāṃ nigrahaṇasya vārtāḥ śrūyante।



purāṇānusāreṇa aṣṭadiśāṃ rakṣakāḥ aṣṭagajāḥ।

pūrvadiśaṃ diggajaḥ airāvataḥ rakṣati।


sandigdhatā, sandigdhatvam, sāṃśayikatvam, dvaidhībhāvaḥ, anirṇayaḥ, dvaidhībhāvaḥ   

sandehapūrṇā avasthā।

ārakṣakāḥ sandigdhatāṃ dūrīkurvanti।


sandigdha, sandehapūrṇa   


sandigdhāt kāryāt rakṣa।



darśanapathasya sīmni vartamānaṃ vartulākāraṃ sthānaṃ yatra gaganapṛthivyoḥ saṃyogaḥ iva bhāsate।

digante astaṃ gacchati sūryaḥ atīva śobhate।


digbhramita, diśāhīna   

yaḥ yogyamārgāt bhraṣṭaḥ।

digbhramitān bālakān samyak mārgadarśanasya āvaśyakatā asti।



diksambaddhaḥ bhramaḥ।

ajñānatā digbhramam utpādayati।



ekaḥ dānavaḥ।

paṅkadigdhaśarīrasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu vartate।



kārtikeyasya ekaḥ anucaraḥ।

paṅkadigdhāṅgasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu vartate।


saṃdigdha, saṃdehin, saṃśayāpanna, saṃśayin, sāṃśayika   

śaṅkayā yuktaḥ।

saṃdigdhaḥ manuṣyaḥ kāryaṃ kartum asamarthaḥ āsīt।


diś, dik, dig   

niyatasthānasya pūrvāparavistāraḥ।

kasyāṃ diśi gacchati bhoḥ।


asaṃśayaḥ, niścayaḥ, niścitam, nirdhāraṇam, asaṃdigdhatvam, dhruvatvam   

saṃśayasya abhāvaḥ।

asaṃśayaḥ manaḥ dṛḍhīkaroti।




ādigranthe 243 sūktayaḥ santi।


nimbabījam, ariṣṭabījam, hiṅguniryāsabījam, sarvatobhadrabījam, mālakabījam, picumardabījam, arkapādapabījam, varatvacabījam, kaiṭaryabījam, chardighnabījam, prabhadrabījam, pāribhadrakabījam, kākaphalabījam, viśīrṇaparṇabījam, yavaneṣṭabījam, pītasārakabījam, kīkaṭabījam   

nimbavṛkṣasya bījam।

nimbabījasya cūrṇaṃ kīṭanāśakarūpeṇa upayujyate।



ekā kṛtiḥ ।

saṃskṛta-vāṅmaye prāyaścittādigodānam iti khyātā racanā



ekaḥ parvataḥ ।

nandigireḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaṃ nāṭakam ।

nandighoṣavijayasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

nādigasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti


tikasya ullekhaḥ naḍādigaṇe asti   

tika ।

ekaḥ puruṣaḥ


devatarasya ullekhaḥ śubhrādigaṇe asti   

devatara ।

ekaḥ puruṣaḥ

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