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Grammar Search
"dhruk" has 7 results
dhruk: masculine nominative singular stem: druh
dhruk: neuter nominative singular stem: druh
dhruk: feminine nominative singular stem: druh
dhruk: neuter accusative singular stem: druh
dhruk: masculine vocative singular stem: druh
dhruk: neuter vocative singular stem: druh
dhruk: feminine vocative singular stem: druh
Macdonell Search
3 results
adruh a. not hurting, benevolent (nm. a-dhruk).
druh a. (nm. dhruk) injuring, betraying (--°ree;, g.); m. f. injurer, avenger, fiend; f. injury.
mitra m. [prob. for mit-tra, either fr. √ mith, accompany, or √ mid, be oily, ad here: cp. sneha], companion, friend; N. of an Âditya, generally invoked with Varuna (mostly V.); sun (C.); n.friendship (RV.); friend (ord. mg. and gender; in polity the prince whose territory adjoins that of an immediate neighbour is called a &open;friend&close;); friend=image of: --°ree;,=resembling: -kar man, n. friendly actor service; friendship: -karma kri, conclude friendship with (in.); -kâma, a. wishing for friends; -kârya, n. business of a friend, friendly service; -kriti, f. friendly act; -kritya, n. business of a friend, friendly service; (á)-gupta, pp. guarded by Mitra; m. N.; -tâ, f. friendship; similarity with (--°ree;); -tva,; -druh, a. (nm. -dhruk) seeking to injure a friend, treacherous; -droha, m. injury of a friend, treachery; -drohin, a. treacherous; -bandhu-hîna, pp. desti tute of friends and relations; -bhâva, m. friendship; -bheda, m. separation of friends, breach of friendship; T. of the first book of the Pañkatantra; -máhas, a. having abun dance of friends (gnly. vc.; RV.); -mitra, n. friend's friend (in polity a prince whose dominions are separated from those of an other by the territories of three other princes); -lâbha, m. acquisition of friends; T. of the first book of the Hitopadesa; -vat, ad. like a friend (ac.); a. possessed of friends; -vat sala, a. devoted to one's friends; -varana, n. choice of friends; -varman, m. N.; -vi dhvasta, pp. ruined by a friend; -vaira, n. dissension among friends;-sarman, m. N. of various men; -samprâpti, f. acquisition of friends, T. of the second book of the Pañka tantra; -saha, m. (indulgent to friends), N. of a prince; -sâha, a. indulgent towards friends; -sneha, m. friendly affection, friend ship; -han, -hana, a. murdering a friend.
Bloomfield Vedic
3 results0 results1 result
etāvatainasāntakadhruk # RV.10.132.4d.
Vedabase Search
22 results
dhruk an enemySB 12.2.41
dhruk causing harmSB 10.44.47
dhruk rebelliousSB 1.8.43
SB 12.11.25
dhruk the opponentSB 10.14.40
dhruk who have committed violenceSB 10.78.5
ātma-dhruk envious of himselfSB 4.23.28
bhūta-dhruk he who harms othersSB 6.18.25
bhūta-dhruk a person who does not accept the śāstric injunctions and is unnecessarily envious of other living entitiesSB 10.10.10
brahma-dhruk the ultimate truth in BrahmanSB 2.7.22
brahma-dhruk unworthy to be a brāhmaṇaSB 4.4.30
brahma-dhruk the killer of a brāhmaṇaSB 5.26.14
brahma-dhruk the ultimate truth in BrahmanSB 2.7.22
brahma-dhruk unworthy to be a brāhmaṇaSB 4.4.30
yajña-dhruk creating a disturbance in the performance of the sacrificeSB 4.19.36
ātma-dhruk envious of himselfSB 4.23.28
brahma-dhruk the killer of a brāhmaṇaSB 5.26.14
mitra-dhruk one who turns against a friend or relativeSB 6.2.9-10
bhūta-dhruk he who harms othersSB 6.18.25
bhūta-dhruk a person who does not accept the śāstric injunctions and is unnecessarily envious of other living entitiesSB 10.10.10
mitra-dhruk one who turns against a friend or relativeSB 6.2.9-10
yajña-dhruk creating a disturbance in the performance of the sacrificeSB 4.19.36
Wordnet Search
"dhruk" has 1 results.


ātmaghnaḥ, ātmaghātī, ātmahā, ātmaghātakaḥ, ātmatyāgī, ātmadhruk, jīvitatyāgī   

svam eva hanyamānaḥ।

ātmaghnaḥ kaḥ asti iti ito'pi na jñāyate।

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