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Grammar Search
"dhena" has 2 results
dhena: masculine instrumentative singular stem: dhī
dhena: neuter instrumentative singular stem: dhī
Monier-Williams Search
13 results for dhena
dhenam. the ocean or a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādhenavan. (fr. a-dhenu-), want of cows commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ājadhenavim. (fr. aja-dhenu-), a patronymic, (gaRa bāhv-ādi- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asaṃrodhenaind. instrumental case without injury to (with genitive case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aupadhenavam. a descendant of upadhenu-, Name of a physician View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirbandhenaind. nirbandha
sāmidhenamfn. (fr. sam-idh-) relating to fuel and the kindling of the sacrificial fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śarīrabandhenaind. in bodily from, bodily View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svadhenava(sv/a--) mfn. coming from one's own cows View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvadhenavam. (fr. viśva-dhenu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvadhenavabhaktamfn. gaRa aiṣukāry-ādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
visṛṣṭadhenamfn. (v/i-) streaming or yielding milk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvadhenamf(ā-)n. (viśv/a--.) all-feeding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
2 results
dhena धेनः [धयन्ति एनं धे-नन् इच्च] 1 The ocean. -2 A male river (नद). -ना 1 A river. -2 Speech. -3 A milch cow (Ved.)
ādhenavam आधेनवम् [अधेनु-अञ्] अधेनूनां समूहः Mbh. on P.IV. 2.45. Want of cows.
Macdonell Search
1 result
sāmidhena a. relating to fuel and kinding (Br.): &isharp;, f. (sc. rik) verse of this kind (V., C.).
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results19 results
dhenavo 'tichandase (MS. jagatyai) VS.24.13; MS.3.13.18: 172.3.
adabdhena tvā cakṣuṣā pratīkṣe # Apś.6.10.11.
adabdhena tvā cakṣuṣāvapaśyāmi # VS.1.30; śB. P: adabdhena Kś.2.7.4. See the next two, and adabdhena vaś.
adabdhena tvā cakṣuṣāvapaśyāmi rāyaspoṣāya suprajāstvāya suvīryāya (KS. omits last word) # KS.1.10; śś.4.8.1. See under prec.
adabdhena tvā cakṣuṣāvekṣe (TS. -kṣe suprajāstvāya; MS. -kṣe rāyaspoṣāya suprajāstvāya) # TS.; MS.1.1.11: 7.1; Apś.3.19.7; 6.6.6; Mś.; MG.2.2.9. See under prec. but one.
adabdhena brahmaṇā vāvṛdhānaḥ # AVś.17.1.12c.
adabdhena vaś cakṣuṣāvapaśyāmi rāyaspoṣāya varcase (KS. omits varcase) suprajāstvāya # KS.1.6; 31.5; Apś.1.20.11. See adabdhena tvā etc.
adabdhena vaś cakṣuṣāvekṣe # Apś.1.21.7. Cf. adabdhena tvā etc., and mitrasya vaś etc.
adhenave vayase # AVś.6.59.1c.
andhena tamasāvṛtāḥ (AVP. -vṛtam) # AVP.10.12.12b; VS.40.3b; śB.; īśāU.3b.
andhena tamasā saha # AVP.15.19.4b.
andhena yat (TA. yā) tamasā prāvṛtāsīt (TA. prāvṛtāsi) # AVś.18.3.3c; TA.6.12.1c.
ardhena viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ jajāna # AVś.10.8.7c,13c; 11.4.22c.
ardhena śuṣma vardhase amura (AVP. śuṣmaṃ vardhase 'mura) # AVś.5.1.9b; AVP.6.2.8d.
aśvamedhena taurvaśāḥ # śB.
digdhena ca viddhasya # AVP.15.16.4a.
nyagrodhena vanaspatīn # TS.; KSA.3.4.
pratībodhena nāśaya # AVś.8.6.15g; 19.35.3d; AVP.11.4.3d.
pratyagvadhena pracyutān # AVP.10.12.9a.
Vedabase Search
96 results
dhenavaḥ the cowsSB 10.20.26
abodhena because of their lack of understandingSB 10.85.15
bodhena aṃśena with his part of intelligenceSB 3.6.23
andhena by dense darknessSB 7.3.26-27
andhena tamasā by blinding darknessSB 10.56.19
andhena by ignoranceIso 3
anubaddhena being attachedSB 3.22.33
vaira-anubandhena by constant enmitySB 7.1.26
vaira-anubandhena by constant enmitySB 7.1.27
vaira-anubandhena by the bondage of considering the Lord an enemySB 7.10.38
vaira-anubandhena by continuously treating as an enemySB 8.22.6-7
anubandhena with the conceptionCC Antya 3.85
krama-anurodhena in order of chronologySB 4.29.68
karma-anurodhena with consideration of the activities performedSB 6.1.43
anurodhena according to the prescribed regulationsSB 11.20.19
anuviddhena being increasedSB 5.10.8
aparādhena with the offenseSB 4.11.9
apratiruddhena without hindranceSB 2.9.25
ārabdhena begunSB 5.19.19
kṣaṇa-ardhena by half a momentSB 4.24.57
ardhena by halfSB 5.1.30
ardhena by halfSB 5.1.30
ardhena halfSB 5.22.6
ardhena with halfSB 7.2.54
aśva-medhena by the aśvamedha sacrificeSB 4.19.11
aśvamedhena by the horse sacrifice ceremonySB 1.12.32
aśvamedhena by the aśvamedha sacrificeSB 6.13.8-9
avabodhena by understandingSB 3.32.34-36
avarodhena for achievingSB 5.4.14
avirodhena by freedom from obstructionNBS 18
āyudhena by Him who possesses the weaponsSB 5.9.20
baddhena closed togetherMM 18
bodhena aṃśena with his part of intelligenceSB 3.6.23
catuḥ-vidhena of four varietiesSB 10.23.36
etat-virodhena because of going against himSB 7.5.47
gandhena by the fragranceSB 3.15.17
madhu-gandhena with the scent of honeySB 4.2.25
gandhena by the odorSB 6.13.12-13
gandhena aromaSB 10.65.19
gandhena whose fragranceSB 10.80.20-22
gandhena by the fragranceSB 11.4.13
hayamedhena by the horse sacrificeSB 6.13.6
hayamedhena by the sacrifice known as aśvamedhaSB 6.13.7
hayamedhena with an aśvamedha sacrificeSB 6.13.18
karma-anurodhena with consideration of the activities performedSB 6.1.43
krama-anurodhena in order of chronologySB 4.29.68
kruddhena who had been angeredSB 12.6.11
kṣaṇa-ardhena by half a momentSB 4.24.57
labdhena with what is achievedSB 3.28.2
labdhena with that which is obtainedSB 11.17.19
labdhena with that obtainedSB 11.18.18
madhu-gandhena with the scent of honeySB 4.2.25
māgadhena by the King of Magadha, JarāsandhaSB 10.50.7-8
māgadhena by JarāsandhaSB 10.72.46
malla-yuddhena with wrestlingSB 10.43.34
aśva-medhena by the aśvamedha sacrificeSB 4.19.11
puruṣa-medhena by sacrifice of a manSB 5.26.31
puruṣa-medhena by sacrificing a man in the yajñaSB 9.7.21
nirbandhena with determinationSB 7.5.42
nirodhena by the strict controlSB 10.20.41
niṣedhena forbidsCC Antya 4.134
niyuddhena with fightingSB 10.18.12
paraśvadhena by the great chopperSB 2.7.22
pariśuddhena completely purifiedSB 3.32.6
puruṣa-medhena by sacrifice of a manSB 5.26.31
puruṣa-medhena by sacrificing a man in the yajñaSB 9.7.21
yoga-rāddhena by dint of mystic visionSB 3.11.17
rāndhena cooksCC Madhya 16.57
siddhena by perfectionSB 4.23.8
skandhena on the shoulderSB 4.29.33
skandhena by the shoulderSB 5.8.13
snigdhena by sex desireSB 4.25.25
śodhena cleansesCC Madhya 12.84
śodhena cleansesCC Madhya 12.85
śodhena purifiesCC Antya 7.118
stabdhena being devoid of proper actionsSB 4.2.10
śuddhena pure, executed in devotional serviceSB 5.4.6
andhena tamasā by blinding darknessSB 10.56.19
upalabdhena with what is obtainedSB 3.27.8
yoga-upalabdhena obtained by the yoga processSB 6.1.1
uparodhena because of being surroundedSB 5.2.6
vadhena by killing themSB 1.11.34
vadhena by killingSB 10.48.24
vaira-anubandhena by constant enmitySB 7.1.26
vaira-anubandhena by constant enmitySB 7.1.27
vaira-anubandhena by the bondage of considering the Lord an enemySB 7.10.38
vaira-anubandhena by continuously treating as an enemySB 8.22.6-7
vājimedhena by the aśvamedha sacrificeSB 6.13.21
catuḥ-vidhena of four varietiesSB 10.23.36
etat-virodhena because of going against himSB 7.5.47
viśuddhena pureSB 3.24.11
viśuddhena by purificationSB 3.33.24-25
vṛddhena which has grown strongSB 11.9.12
yoga-rāddhena by dint of mystic visionSB 3.11.17
yoga-upalabdhena obtained by the yoga processSB 6.1.1
malla-yuddhena with wrestlingSB 10.43.34


student of Dhanvantari and colleague of Suśruta.

Wordnet Search
"dhena" has 1 results.


aviratam, nirantaram, anavaratam, avicchinnam, prabandhena   

virāmeṇa vinā।

dvau horāṃ yāvat avirataṃ varṣā bhavati।

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