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"dhas" has 4 results
dhas: masculine nominative singular stem: dhī
dhas: masculine accusative plural stem: dhā
dhas: masculine ablative singular stem: dhā
dhas: masculine genitive singular stem: dhā
Amarakosha Search
4 results
gandhasāraḥ1.2.132MasculineSingularcandanaḥ, malayajaḥ, bhadraśrīḥ
Monier-Williams Search
86 results for dhas
anavamadarśinm. Name (also title or epithet) of one of the 24 mythical buddha-s, n. 1. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anupapādakam. plural "having no material parent", Name of a class of buddha-s, called dhyānibuddha-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arapacanam. a mystical collective Name of the five buddha-s (each being represented by a letter). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ardhamāgadhakamfn. belonging to half the magadha-s (as a country) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arthadarśinm. Name (also title or epithet) of one of the 14 mythical buddha-s, . n. 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
astif. (as-ti- equals s-ti- q.v), Name of a sister of prāpti- (daughter of jarāsandhas- and wife of kaṃsa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhīṣmagarjitaghoṣasvararājam. Name of a number of buddha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
buddham. (with Buddhists) a fully enlightened man who has achieved perfect knowledge of the truth and thereby is liberated from all existence and before his own attainment of nirvāṇa- reveals the method of obtaining it, (especially) the principal buddha- of the present age (born at kapila-vastu- about the year 500 B.C. his father, śuddhodana-, of the śākya- tribe or family, being the rāja- of that district, and his mother, māyā-- devī-, being the daughter of rāja- su-prabuddha- ;hence he belonged to the kṣatriya- caste and his original name śākya-muni- or śākya-siṃha- was really his family name, while that of gautama- was taken from the race to which his family belonged;for his other namesSee ;he is said to have died when he was 80 years of age, prob. about 420 B.C. ;he was preceded by 3 mythical buddha-s of the present kalpa-, or by 24, reckoning previous kalpa-, or according to others by 6 principal buddha-s ;sometimes he is regarded as the 9th incarnation of viṣṇu- etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
buddhagayāf. Buddha's gayā-, Name of a sacred place near gaya- (in Behar), where gautama- Buddha and all the other Buddhas are said to have attained to true wisdom View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
buddhakāpam. Name of the present buddha- era (which has already had 4 buddha-s, gautama- being the fourth). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
buddhapiṇḍīf. a mass of buddha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
candraprabhāsvararājam. Name of several buddha-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chandogaśākhāf. a branch of the (quoted in a work on śrāddha-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhūmrākṣam. of a king of the niṣadha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhvajavatīf. Name of a divine female (the daughter of hari-medhas-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dundubhisvararājam. Name of several buddha-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gadāvasāna(v-) n. "resting-place of the mace (thrown by jarāsandhas-)", Name of a place near mathurā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṇeśam. plural (equals vidyeśa-or śvara-) a class of siddha-s (with śaiva-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gautamam. patronymic fr. gotama- (Name of kuśri-, uddālaka-, aruṇa- ;of śaradvat- ;of śatānanda- ;of śākya-muni-;of nodhas- and vāma-deva- ;of a teacher of ritual ;of a grammarian [with the epithet sthavira-];of a legislator ;the father of ekata-, dvita-, and trita- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harṣaṇam. of a man ( also,"a particular disease of the eyes ";"a particular śrāddha-";"a deity presiding over śrāddha-s";"the 14th of the astron ") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kākṣīvatam. (patronymic fr. kakṣīvat-), Name of nodhas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kauṇḍinyaone of the 24 mythical buddha-s, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kauśikam. of one of jarāsandhas-'s generals View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
krakucchandam. Name of the 1st of the five buddha-s of the present kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kukuram. Name of a people (branch of the yadu- race) (often named in connection with the andhaka-s or andhas-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokam. the wide space or world (either"the universe"or,"any division of it", especially "the sky or heaven" ; 3 loka-s are commonly enumerated, viz. heaven, earth, and the atmosphere or lower regions; sometimes only the first two; but a fuller classification gives 7 worlds, viz. bhū-loka-, the earth; bhuvar-loka-, the space between the earth and sun inhabited by muni-s, siddha-s etc.; svarloka-, indra-'s heaven above the sun or between it and the polar star; maharloka-, a region above the polar star and inhabited by bhṛgu- and other saints who survive the destruction of the 3 lower worlds; janarloka-, inhabited by brahmā-'s son sanat-kumāra- etc.; tapar-loka-, inhabited by deified vairāgin-s; satya-loka- or brahma-- loka-, abode of brahmā-, translation to which exempts from rebirth; elsewhere these 7 worlds are described as earth, sky, heaven, middle region, place of re-births, mansion of the blest, and abode of truth; sometimes 14 worlds are mentioned, viz. the 7 above, and 7 lower regions called in the order of their descent below the earth --- a-tala-, vi-tala-, su-tala-, rasā-tala-, talā-tala-, mahā-tala-, and pātāla-; see ) etc.
magadham. the country of the magadha-s, South Behar (plural the people of that country) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
magadhāf. the town of the magadha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māgadhamf(ī-)n. relating to or born in or living in or customary among the magadha-s or the magadha- country etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māgadhāf. a princess of the magadha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māgadham. (with or scilicet bhāṣā-), the language of the magadha-s (one of the prakṛt- dialects) etc. (see ardha-m-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
magadhadeśam. the country of magadha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māgadhadeśīyamfn. belonging to or born in the land of the magadha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māgadhapuran. "city of the magadha-s", Name of a city View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
magadheśvaram. Name of a king of the magadha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māgadhīf. a princess of the magadha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māgadhikam. a prince of the magadha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maṇibhavam. Name of one of the 5 dhyāni-buddha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meghasvaram. Name of two buddha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meghasvararājam. Name of two buddha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mitrāvasum. Name of a son of viśvā-vasu- (king of the siddha-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naiṣadham. a prince of the niṣadha-s (especially Name of nala-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naiṣadhyamfn. belonging or peculiar to the niṣadha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nalam. of a king of the niṣadha-s (son of vīra-sena- and husband of damayantī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāradam. of one of the 24 mythic. buddha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navaśrāddhan. the first series of śrāddha-s collectively (offered on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th day after a person's death) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niṣadham. the sovereign of the niṣadha-s (Name of a son of janam-ejaya-;of kuśa- the father of nala-;of a grandson of kuśa- etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nityanaimittikan. (with or scilicet karman-) any regularly recurring occasional act or ceremony or any rite constantly performed to accomplish some object (as śrāddha-s at fixed lunar periods) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcaskandhīf. sg. the 5 skandhas- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) or constituent elements View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
piṇḍakamn. the ball of rice etc. offered at śrāddha-s (see tri-p-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pitṛm. plural (taras-) the fathers, forefathers, ancestors, (especially) the pitṛ-s or deceased ancestors (they are of 2 classes, viz. the deceased father, grandfathers and great-grandfathers of any particular person, and the progenitors of mankind generally;in honour of both these classes rites called śrāddha-s are performed and oblations called piṇḍa-s [ q.v ] are presented;they inhabit a peculiar region, which, according to some, is the bhuvas- ar region of the air, according to others, the orbit of the moon, and are considered as the regents of the nakṣatra-s maghā- and mūla-; see ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyekabuddham. a buddha- who lives in seclusion and obtains emancipation for himself only (as opp. to those buddha-s who liberate others also) (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṇḍarīkan. ( puṇ-[?]; see ) a lotus-flower (especially a white lotus; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' expressive of beauty see gaRa vyāghrādi-) etc.(it is sacred to śikhin-, one of the buddha-s ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pūrvamagadham. pl. the eastern magadha-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pūrvamāgadhakamfn. relating or belonging to the eastern magadha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṣyam. of one of the 24 mythical buddha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājaśekharam. (also with kavi-, sūri-etc.) Name of various authors and teachers; (especially) of a poet (son of durdaka- and śīla-vatī-, tutor of mahendrapāla-, king of kānyakubja-; he lived in the 10th century and wrote 4 plays, viz. pracaṇḍa-pāṇḍava- or bāla-bhārata-, bāla-rāmāyaṇa-, viddhaśāla-bhañjikā-, and karpūra-mañjarī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratnaketum. a N. common to 2000 future buddha-s (also tu-rāja-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rohiṇan. Name of the ninth muhūrta- (a part of the forenoon extending to midday, in which śrāddha-s are especially to be performed) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rūpan. (with Buddhists) material form id est the organized body (as one of the 5 constituent elements or skandhas-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sādhyam. (plural) "they that are to be propitiated", Name of a class of celestial beings (belonging to the gaṇa-devatā- q.v,sometimes mentioned in the veda- [see ];in the their world is said to be above the sphere of the gods;according to yāska-[ ] their locality is the bhuvarloka- or middle region between the earth and sun;in , the sādhya-s are described as created after the gods with natures exquisitely refined, and in , as children of the soma-sad-s, sons of virāj-;in the purāṇa-s they are sons of sādhyā-, and their number is variously twelve or seventeen;in the later mythology they seem to be superseded by the siddha-sSee siddha-;and their names are manas-, mantṛ-, prāṇa-, nara-, pāna-, vinirbhaya-, naya-, daṃśa-, nārāyaṇa-, vṛṣa-, prabhu-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃjñāf. (with Buddhists) perception (one of the 5 skandhas- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkusumitamfn. fully blown or budded, fully expanded or manifested (occurring in the names of various buddha-s). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃskāram. (plural,with Buddhists) a mental conformation or creation of the mind (such as that of the external world, regarded by it as real, though actually non-existent, and forming the second link in the twelvefold chain of causation or the fourth of the 5 skandhas-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sanātanam. a guest of deceased ancestors, one who must always be fed whenever he attends śrāddha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvamāgadhakamfn. consisting entirely of magadha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddham. a siddha- or semidivine being of great purity and perfection and said to possess the eight supernatural faculties (See 2. siddhi-; according to to some, the siddha-s inhabit, together with the muni-s etc., the bhuvar-loka- or atmosphere between the earth and heaven; according to to eighty-eight thousand of them occupy the regions of the sky north of the sun and south of the seven ṛṣi-s;they are regarded as immortal, but only as living to the end of a kalpa- [ quod vide ];in the later mythology the are some times confused with the; sādhya-s [ quod vide ] or take their place) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhakṣetran. "land of the Blest", a region inhabited by the siddha-s (also as Name of various sacred regions) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhārim. "enemy of the siddha-s", Name of a particular mantra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhasaṃgham. a company of siddha-s, assemblage of perfected beings View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhasevitam. "honoured or worshipped by siddha-s", Name of a form of bhairava- or śiva- (equals baṭuka-bhairava-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhasindhum. "river of the siddha-s", Name of the heavenly Ganges. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrāddhinmfn. performing śrāddha-s (see a-śr-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumagadham. plural the happy magadha-s ( sumagadham am- ind.) on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tārākṣam. of a king of the niṣadha-s (uncle of dhūmrākṣa-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tathāgatamfn. "he who comes and goes in the same way [as the buddha-s who preceded him]", gautama- buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
triskandhan. "consisting of 3 skandhas-", the jyotiḥ-śāstra- Introd. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upanimantraṇasinging the two sāman-s śyaitana- and audhasa-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vairocanam. of a class of siddha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārṣāgiram. pl. (fr. vṛṣā-gir-) patronymic of ambarīṣa-, ṛjrāśva-, bhajamāna-, saha-deva-, and surādhas- (authors of ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāyodhasamfn. relating or belonging to vayo-dhas- (id est indra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedanan. feeling, sensation (with Buddhists one of the 5 skandhas- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijñānan. (with Buddhists) consciousness or thought-faculty (one of the 5 constituent elements or skandhas-, also considered as one of the 6 elements or dhātu-s, and as one of the 12 links of the chain of causation) (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipaśyinm. Name of a buddha- (sometimes mentioned as the first of the 7 tathāgata-s or principal buddha-s, the other six being śikhin-, viśva-bhū-, kraku-cchanda-, kanaka-- muni-, kāśyapa-, and śākya-siṃha-) (see ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvam. plural (v/iśve-,with or scilicet dev/ās- see viśve-deva-,p.995)"all the gods collectively"or the"All-gods"(a particular class of gods, forming one of the 9 gaṇa-s enumerated under gaṇadevatā- q.v; according to to the viṣṇu- and other purāṇa-s they were sons of viśvā-, daughter of dakṣa-, and their names are as follow, 1. vasu-, 2. satya-, 3. kratu-, 4. dakṣa-, 5. kāla-, 6. kāma-, 7. dhṛti-, 8. kuru-, 9. purū-ravas-, 10. mādravas- [?];two others are added by some, viz. 11. rocaka- or locana-, 12. dhvani- [or dhūri-;or this may make 13]: they are particularly worshipped at śrāddha-s and at the vaiśvadeva- ceremony[ ];moreover according to to manu- [ ], offerings should be made to them daily - these privileges having been bestowed on them by brahmā- and the pitṛ-s, as a reward for severe austerities they had performed on the himālaya-: sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the expression viśve devāḥ-refers to all the gods or to the particular troop of deities described above) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvāvasum. of a prince of the siddha-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
32 results
dhas धस् a. [धा-कसुन्] Holding; रेतोधस्, पुरोधस् &c. -m. 1 N. of Brahman. -2 Bṛihaspati.
adhas अधस् अधः ind. [अधर-असि, अधरशव्दस्थाने अध् आदेशः P.V.3.39.] 1 Below, down; पतत्यधो धाम विसारि सर्वतः Śi.1.2; in lower region, to the infernal regions or hell; व्यसन्यधो$धो व्रजति स्वर्यात्यव्यसनी मृतः Ms.7.53. (According to the context अधः may have the sense of the nominative, ˚अङ्कुशः &c.; ablative, अधो वृक्षात् पतति; or locative, अधो गृहे शेते). -2 Beneath, under, used like a preposition with gen.; तरूणाम्˚ Ś.1.14; rarely with abl. also; बाहित्थं तु ततो$प्यधः Hemachandra; (when repeated) lower and lower, down and down; अधोधः पश्यतः कस्य महिमा नोपचीयते H.2.2; यात्यधोधो- व्रजत्युच्चैर्नरः स्वैरेव कर्मभिः H.2.47; अधोधो गङ्गेयं पदमुपगता स्तोकं Bh.2.1; from under, just below (with acc.); नवानधो$धो बृहतः पयोधरान् Śi.1.4. In comp. with nouns अधः has the sense of (a) lower, under, as ˚भुवनं, ˚लोकः the lower world; ˚वासः or ˚अंशुकम् an under-garment; or (b) the lower part; ˚कायः the lower part of the body; अधःकृ means to surpass, eclipse, overcome, vanquish, despise, scorn; तपः शरीरैः कठिनैरुपार्जितं तपस्विनां दूरमधश्चकार सा Ku.5.29; अधःकृताशेषान्तःपुरेण K.177; ˚कृतकुसुमायुधं 179; Śi.1.35; क्षितिप्रतिष्ठो$पि मुखारविन्दैवर्धूजनश्च- न्द्रमधश्चकार 3.52; ˚कृतैनसः Śi.16.8. dispelled. (c) अधस्, अधस्तात् -Pudendum muliebre. -Comp. -अक्ष a. situated below the axle or car. (-क्षम्) adv. below the car, under the axle. -अक्षजः [अक्षात् इन्द्रियाज्वायते इति अक्षजं प्रत्यक्षज्ञानम्, तदधरं ग्राहकत्वाभावात् हीनं यस्य सः Tv.; अधःकृतं अक्षजम् इन्द्रियज्ञानं येन Malli.] N. of Viṣṇu; other etymologies of the name are also found; (1) अधो न क्षीयते जातु यस्मात्तस्मादधोक्षजः; (2) द्यौरक्षं पृथिवी चाधस्तयोर्यस्मादजायत । मध्ये वैराजरूपेण ततो$धोक्षज इष्यते ॥ -अधस् See above. -उपास- नम् sexual intercourse. -अङ्गम्, -द्वारम्, -मर्म the anus; Pudendum Muliebre. -करः the lower part of the hand (करभ). -करणम् excelling, defeating, degradation; K.22; so ˚क्रिया; सहते न जनोप्यधःक्रियाम् Ki.2.47. degradation, dishonour. -खननम् undermining. -गतिः f., गमनम् -पातः 1 a downward fall or motion, descent; going downwards. -2 degradation, downfall, going to perdition or hell; मूलानामधोगतिः K.41 (where ˚ति has both senses); ˚तिम् आयाति Pt.1.15 sinks, comes down (feels dishonoured); Ms.3.17; अरक्षितारमत्तारं नृपं विद्याद- धोगतिम् 8.39 destined to go to hell. -गन्तृ m. one who digs downwards. a mouse. -ग-घ-ण्टा [अधरात् अधस्तादा- रभ्य घण्टेव तदाकारफलत्वात्] a plant Achyranthes Aspera (अपामार्ग. Mar. आघाडा). -चरः [अधः खनित्वा चरति-अच्] 1 thief. -2 one who goes downwards. -जानु n. the lower part of the knee. -ind. below the knee. -जिह्विका [अल्पा जिह्वा जिह्विका, अधरा जिह्विका] the uvula (Mar. पडजीभ). -तलम् the lower part or surface; शय्या˚, खट्वा˚. -दिश् f. the lower region, the nadir; the southern direction. -दृष्टि a. casting a downward look, a posture in Yoga; करणान्यबहिष्कृत्य स्थाणुवन्निश्चलात्मकः । आत्मानं हृदये ध्यायेत् नासाग्रन्यस्तलोचनः ॥ इति योगसारे. cf. also Ku.3.47. (-ष्टिः) a downward look. -पदं [अधोवृत्ति पदं, पादस्याधःस्थानं वा] the place under the foot, a lower place. -पातः = ˚गति q. v. above. -पुष्पी [अधोमुखानि पुष्पाणि यस्याः] Names of two plants अवाक्- पुष्पी (Pimpinella Anisum) and गोजिह्वा Elephantopus (Seaber). -प्रस्तरः a seat of grass for persons in mourning to sit upon. -भक्तम् [अधरं भक्तं यस्मात्] a dose of water, medicine &c. to be taken after meals &c. (भोजनान्ते पीयमानं जलादिकम्). -भागः 1 the lower part (of the body); पूर्वभागो गुरुः पुंसामधोभागस्तु योषितां Suśr. -2 the lower part of any thing, the region below, down below; ˚व्यवस्थितं किंचित्पुरमालोकितं Pt.1. situated down below, See पाताल. -भूः f. lower ground, land at the foot of a hill. -मुख, -वदन a. having the face downwards; ˚खी तिष्ठति; ˚खैः पत्रिभिः R.3.37. -2 head-long, precipitate, flying downwards. -3 upside down, topsyturvy. (-खः) N. of Viṣṇu. (-खा, -खी) N. of a plant गोजिह्वा. (-खम्) (नक्षत्रम्) 1 flying downwards, having a downward motion; these nakṣatras are : मूलाश्लेषा कृत्तिका च विशाखा भरणी तथा । मघा पूर्वात्रयं चैव अधोमुखगणः स्मृतः ॥ Jyotiṣa. -2 N. of a hell. -यन्त्रम् a still. -रक्तपित्तम् discharge of blood from the anus and urethra. -राम a. [अधोभागे रामः शुक्लः, दृष्टितर्पकत्वात् तस्य रामत्वम्] having a white colour or white marks on the lower part of the body (said of a goat); -लम्बः 1 a plummet. -2 a perpendicular. -3 the lower world. -वर्चस् a. strong _x001F_3in the lower regions; whose lustre penetrates downwards. -वशः Pudendum Muliebre. -वायुः [अधोगामी वायुः शाक. त.] breaking wind, flatulency. -वेदः to marry a second wife when the first is alive. -शय, -य्य a. sleeping on the ground. (-य्या) sleeping on the ground; अग्नीन्धनं भैक्षचर्यामधःशय्यां गुरोर्हितए । आसमावर्तनात् कुर्यात्कृतोपनयनो द्विजः ॥ Ms.2.18. -शिरस् a. -मुख (n.) N. of a hell. -स्थ, स्थित a. situated below, -स्वस्तिकम् the nadir.
adhastana अधस्तन a. (-नी f.) [अधोभवः अधस्-टयु तुट् च] 1 Lower, situated beneath. -2 Prior, previous.
adhastarā अधस्तरा (मा) म् ind. [अतिशयेनाधः] Very low.
adhastāt अधस्तात् adv. or prep. [अधर-अस्ताति, अध् आदेशः P.V.3.39-4.] Down, below, under, beneath, underneath &c. (with gen.), See अधः, अधस्तान्नोपदध्याच्च Ms. 4.54; धर्मेण गमनमूर्ध्वं गमनमधस्ताद्भवत्यधर्मेण Sāṅkhya K; ˚तादागतः Pt.3; तस्याधस्ताद्वयमपि रतास्तेषु पर्णोटजेषु U.2.25; यस्य सर्वमेवाधस्ताद् गतं K.289; gone to hell.
andhas अन्धस् n. [अद्-असुन् नुम् धश्च; अदेर्नुम्धौ च Uṇ.4.25] 1 Food; द्विजातिशेषेण यदेतदन्धसा Ki.1.39; सशेष एवान्धसि असावतृप्यत् Dk.133,157 Viś. Guṇa.11; Mb.3.193.34. (supposed to have in the Veda the senses of Soma, the herb itself, or its juice; juice, ghee or boiled rice, but usually taken to mean 'food' only by Indian lexicographers and commentators. -2 Grassy ground उभे यत्ते महिना शुभ्रे अन्धसी अधिक्षियन्ति पूरवः Rv.7.96.2. [cf. Gr. andhos.]
amedhas अमेधस् a. [अ-मेधा; नित्यमसिच् P.V.4.122] Foolish, stupid, an idiot.
arādhas अराधस् a. [राधः; धनम्- Nir. न. ब.] Poor, not able to perform sacrifices, stingy; hard.
āndhasaḥ आन्धसः The scum of boiled rice.
āndhasikaḥ आन्धसिकः [अन्धो भक्तं शिल्पमस्य ठक्] A cook.
uddhasta उद्धस्त a. Extending or raising the hands.
udhas उधस् An udder; see ऊधस्.
ūdhas ऊधस् n. An udder (changed to ऊधन् in Bah. Comp. ऊधसो$नङ् P.V.4.131.) भुवं कोष्णेन कुण्डोध्नी मेध्ये- नावमृथादपि R.1.84. -2 A covered secret place to which only friends are admitted. -3 The bosom. -4 The breast of a cattle. -Comp. -वती (a female, female animal) with full udders; Bhāg.
edhas एधस् n. 1 Fuel; यथैधांसि समिद्धो$ग्निर्भस्मसात् कुरुते$र्जुन Bg.4.37; अनलायागुरुचन्दनैधसे R.8.71; Ms.11.71; Y.2.166. -2 Prosperity (in comp.).
odhas ओधस् n. An udder.
audhasa औधस a. (-सी f.) [ऊधसः इदं अण्] Being or contained in the udder (as milk); यवसं जग्ध्यनुदिनं नैवं दोग्ध्यौधसं पयः Bhāg.4.17.23.
audhasyam औधस्यम् Milk (produced from the udder); R.2.66. v.1.
purodhas पुरोधस् m. A family-priest (particularly that of a king.)
paurodhasam पौरोधसम् The office of a family-priest; पौरोधसं हृष्यति येन दुर्मतिः Bhāg.6.7.37.
mṛdhas मृधस् n. Ved. 1 War; दैत्यराजस्य च ब्रह्मन् कस्माद् हेतोरभून्मृधः Bhāg.3.14.3. -2 Contempt, disregard.
radhasaḥ रधसः [Uṇ.3.116.] A kind of demon.
dhas राधस् n. Ved. 1 Food. -2 Kindness, favour. -3 A gift, present. -4 Liberality. -5 Wealth, riches. -6 Accomplishment of one's wishes, success; तस्मा अप्यनु- भावेन स्वेनैवावाप्तराधसे Bhāg.4.7.57 -7 Desire; ईश्वरालम्बनं चित्तं कुर्वतो$नन्यराधसः Bhāg.9.21.17. -8 Power, sovereignty; निरस्तसाम्यातिशयेन राधसा Bhāg.2.4.14. -9 Device, proper application; बुद्ध्या वा किं निपुणया बलेनेन्द्रियराधसा Bhāg. 4.31.11. -1 Maintaining, keeping (पालनम्); आत्मारामो$पि यस्त्वस्य लोककल्पस्य राधसे Bhāg.4.24.18. -1 The sensual pleasure; कृष्णे कमलपत्राक्षे संन्यस्ताखिलराधसः Bhāg.1.65.6.
rodhas रोधस् n. [रुध्-असुन्] 1 A bank, an embankment, a dam; गङ्गा रोधःपतनकलुषा गृह्णतीव प्रसादम् V.1.8; R.5.42; Me.43. -2 A shore, high bank; अथ रोधसि दक्षिणोदधेः R.8.33. -3 A mountain slope; स दण्डस्तत्र राजभूद्रम्ये पर्वतरोधसि Rām.7.79.17; Ki.16.55. -4 The brink of a well; Bhāg. -5 A woman's hips; cf. तट. -Comp. -वक्रा, -वती 1 a river. -2 a rapid river. -वप्रः a rapid river.
vayodhas वयोधस् m. A young or middle-aged man.
vidhas विधस् m. N. of Brahman, the creator.
vṛdhasānaḥ वृधसानः [वृधेः छन्दसि असानच्-कित् Uṇ.2.83.84] A man.
vṛdhasānuḥ वृधसानुः 1 A man. -2 A leaf. -3 An act or action.
vedhas वेधस् m. [विधा असुन् गुणः] 1 A creator; मदनश्च वेधाः Māl.1.21. -2 N. of Brahman, the creator; तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना R.1.29; Ku.2.16;5.41. -3 A secondary creator (such as Dakṣa, sprung from Bhrahman); विधाता वेधसामपि Ku.2.14. -4 N. of Śiva. -5 Of Viṣṇu. -6 The sun. -7 The Arka plant. -8 A learned man. -9 A priest. -1 N. of Soma. -11 A poet. -a. Performing, accomplishing; गम्भीरवेधा उपगुप्त- वित्तः Bhāg.4.16.1.
vedhasam वेधसम् The part of the hand under the root of the thumb.
vaidhasa वैधस a. 1 Composed by Brahmā. -2 Derived from fate.
śardhas शर्धस् n. Ved. 1 A troop, host (particularly of Maruts). -2 Strength, power.
skandhas स्कन्धस् n. 1 The shoulder. -2 The trunk of a tree.
Macdonell Vedic Search
4 results
adhas adhás, adv. below, x. 129, 5.
triṣadhastha tri-ṣadhasthá, a. (Bv.) occupying three seats, iv. 50, 1; n. threefold abode, v. 11, 2 [sadhá-stha, n.gathering-place]. [235]
dha 1. dhá put, III. dádhāti, v. 83, 1; supply with (inst.), ii. 35, 12; bestow, ipv. dhehí, x. 14, 11; dhattá, i. 85, 12; ii. 12, 5; x. 15, 7; dadhāta, x. 15, 4. [237] 7; dadhātana, x. 15, 11; dhattá̄m, iv. 51, 11; dadhantu, vii. 63, 6; perform, ipf. dhatta, i. 85, 9; bestow, s ao. sb. dhāsathas, i. 160, 5; establish,pf. dadhé, x. 129, 7; ds. desire to bestow, didhiṣanti, ii. 35, 5; support, dídhiṣāmi, ii. 35, 12 [Gk. τἰθημι]. ádhi- put on (acc.): pf. dadhire, i. 85, 2; ao. ádhita, x. 127, 1. á̄- deposit, root ao. sb. dhās, v. 83, 7. ní- deposit, root ao. dhātam, vii. 71, 5; ps. ao. ádhāyi, viii. 48, 10. pári- put around, vi. 54, 10. prá- put from (ab.) into (lc.), vii. 61, 3. ví- impose: pf. dadhur, iv. 51, 6; divide, ipf. ádadhur, x. 90, 11. purás- place at the head, appoint Purohita: pf. dadhire, iv. 50, 1.
sumedhas su-medhás, a. (Bv.) having a good understanding, wise, viii. 48, 1.
Macdonell Search
15 results
alpaparīvāra a. of slender retinue; -pâyin, a. sucking badly (leeches); -punya, a. whose good works are few; -pra- bhâva, a. insignificant; -bala, n. small force; -bala-prâna, a. weak and short-winded; -buddha, pp. only just awakened; -buddhi, a. of mean intellect; -bhâgya, a. luckless: -tva, n. abst. n.; -bhuga½antara, a. narrow-chested; -medhas, a. of small wit.
aśvattha m. [standing-place (ttha for stha) for horses], sacred fig-tree; -tthâman, m. N. of a son of Drona; -da, -d&asharp;, a. giving horses; -pâda, m. N. of a Siddha; -pâ dâta-sârameya-maya, a. (î) consisting of horses, pedestrians, and dogs; -pâla, m. groom; -prishtha, n. horseback; -pluta, n. horse's leap; -budhna, a. borne by steeds; -budh ya, a. characterised by horses; -mandurâ, f. stable; -mukhá,m. Kimnara; î, f. Kimnara's wife; -medhá, m. horse-sacrifice; N.; -yúg, a. yoking or yoked with horses; f. sg. & du. N. of a lunar mansion; -râga, m. king of horses (Ukkaihsravas); -râdhas, a. horse equipping; -vat, in horses; -vâra, m. horseman; -vrishá, m. stallion; -sâlâ, f. stable; -sâdá, -sâdin, m. rider; -sâra thya, n. training of horses and charioteering; -sena, m. N. of a serpent demon.
edhas n. fuel (√ idh); 2. edhas, n. prosperity (√ edh).
kuvivāha m. low marriage; -vritti, f. poor maintenance; -vedhas, m. evil fate; -vaidya, m. bad physician; -vyâpâra, m. low occupation.
durmanuṣya m. bad man, villain; -mántu, a. hard to comprehend; -mantra, m. bad advice; -mantrita, pp. ill-advised; n. bad advice; -mantrin, m. bad minister; a. having a bad minister; -mára, a.dying hard; n. it is hard for (in.) to die: -tva, n. dying hard; -marana, n. id.; -maryâda, a. knowing no bounds: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -már sha, a. not to be forgotten; intolerable; re fractory, hostile; -marshana, a. hard to manage, intractable; -mâtsarya, n. bad jealousy; -mitrá, a. unfriendly; m. N.; -mukha, a. (î) ugly-faced, hideous; foul-mouthed, scurrilous; m. N.; -muhûrta, n. fatal hour; -medha, -medhás, a. of small wit, stupid, foolish; -medhâvin, a. id.; -maitra, a. hostile.
naiṣadha m. prince of the Nishadhas, esp. Nala: pl. the Nishadhas: -½anveshana, n. searching for Nala.
paurogava a. superintendent of a princely kitchen; -dhas-a, n. office of Purohita; -bhâg-ya, n. ill-will, envy; -hitya, n. office of Purohita.
viśvātithi m. universal guest =going everywhere; -½âtman, m. universal soul; -½ad, a. all-consuming (V.); -½âdhâra, m. support of the universe; -½adhipa, m. lord of the universe; â-nara, a.relating, dear etc. to all men (V.); m. N. of Agni's father; -½antara, m. N. of a king; â-púsh, a. all-sustaining (RV.1); &asharp;-mitra, m. N. of a celebrated Rishi, chief author of Rig-veda III (with the pat. Gâthina, Gâdheya, and Gâh nava), engaged in a great contest with Vas ishtha: pl. family of Visvâmitra; a&halfacute;âyu, a. moving among, known or dear to all (V.); n. all people (RV.); â-vatva, m. N.; &asharp;-vasu, a.beneficent to all; m. N. of a Gandharva; N. of a prince of the Siddhas.
vaidhasa a. (î) derived from fate (vedhas; said of writing on the forehead); m. pat. of Hariskandra.
satyaka m. N.; -karman, n. vera city; a. whose actions are true (RV.1); (á) kâma, a. truth-loving (V.); m. N. (V.); -gir, a. true to his word; -m-kâra, m. promise: -krita, pp. delivered as earnest-money;-gâ, a. born of truth (Br.); -gít, a. truly vic torious, conquering by truth (V.); m. N.; -tas, ad. in truth, truly, really; -t&asharp;, f. reality, truth (Br., C.); love of truth, veracity (C.): agrya-satyatâm gam, be recognised inone's true character; (á)-tâti, f. reality: lc. â, in reality (RV.1); a. making true (RV.1); -ti tikshâ-vat, a. truthful and patient; -tva, n. reality; -darsin, a. seeing or discerning the truth; -dris, a. id.; -dhana, a. rich in truth, exceedingly truthful; -dhara, m. N.; -dhar ma, m. law of truth: -patha, m. path of eter nal truth, -parâyana, a. devoted to truth and virtue; (á)-dharman, a. whose ordinances are true (V.); adhering to or speaking the truth (S.); (á)-dhriti, a. sincere in purpose; strictly truthful; m. N.; -nâma-tâ, f. cor rectness of name; -nâman, a. having a correct name, entitled to one's name; -parâkrama, a. truly valiant, heroic or mighty (person); -bhâmâ, f. N. of a daughter of Satrâgit and one of the wives of Krishna; -bhâshana, n. speaking of truth; (á)-mantra, a. whose words are true (RV.); (á)-manman, a. whose thoughts are true (V.); -maya, a. (î) consisting of truth, truthful; -mrishâ-viveka, m. discrimination of truth and falsehood; -yuga, n. first or Krita age; (á)-yoni, a. hav ing a permanent abode (RV.1); (á)-râdhas, a. bestowing real blessings, truly beneficent (RV.); -rûpa, a. whose appearance is true; credible, probable; -loka, m. world of truth (highest of the seven worlds); -vakana, n. speaking of truth; giving of a promise, solemn assurance; a. speaking the truth; -vat, a. true, truthful; containing the word satya (Br.): m. N.: -î, f. N. of the wife of Parâsara (Samtanu) and mother of Vyâsa; -vadana, n. speaking of truth: -sîla, a. habi tually truthful; -vara, incorr. for sattva vara; -varman, m. N.;-vâkya, n. true speech; a. true of speech; -v&asharp;k, f. true speech (C.); assurance (RV.); a. truthful; -vâkaka, a. speaking the truth, truthful; -vâd-ín, a. id.: (-i)-tâ, f., (-i)-tva, n. truth fulness; -vâhana, a. conveying the truth (dream); -vikrama, a. truly valiant; -vya vasthâ, f. ascertainment of the truth; -vra ta, n. vow of truthfulness; a. strictly truthful; m. N.; -sîla, a. addicted to truth; (á)-sush ma, a. truly valiant (V.); (á)-sravas, n. true renown (V.); m. N.; -srâvana, n. tak ing a solemn oath; -srut, a. listening to the truth (RV.); -samrakshana, n. keeping one's word; -samhita, a. true to one's agreement or promise (Br.); (á)-samkalpa, a. whose purpose is true (=realised); -samgara, a. keeping one's promise; -sad, a.=rita-sad; (á)-samdha, a. true to engagements, keeping one's agreement or promise; m. N.: -tâ, f. fidelity to one's promise, trustworthiness; -sâkshin, m.veracious witness; -stha, a. holding fast to the truth, keeping one's word; -½ânanda, m. true bliss: -kid-âtman, m. true bliss and pure intellect; -½anritá, n. du. truth and falsehood (V.); sg. du. practice of truth and falsehood, trade, commerce (C.).
sabala a. powerful, mighty; together with Bala (Krishna's eldest brother): -tva, n. power, might; -bala-vâhana, a. together with army and transport; -bahu-mânam, ad. with great respect; -bâdha, a.disadvan tageous to (g.); -b&asharp;dhas, ad. urgently, ar dently (V.); -bâshpa, a. shedding tears: -m, ad. tearfully; -bâshpa-gadgadam, ad. weeping and faltering; -bâhya½antah-kara- na, a. with the external and internal senses: w. âtman, m.=one's whole self; -bîbhatsam, ad. with aversion or disgust; -brahma-kâr ika, a. relating to a fellow-student; -brah ma-kârin, m.: (n)-î, f. fellow-pupil, student of the same branch of the Veda; --°ree;, partici pator or companion in; a. (--°ree;) vying with; -brâhmanî-ka, a. accompanied by Brâhman women.
siddha pp. (√ sidh) hit (mark); ac complished, achieved, effected, fulfilled, real ized, successful; ready (money); prepared, made ready; cooked (food); gained, acquired; peculiar; unchangeable; cured (person); established, settled, substantiated, proved; well known, in (--°ree;); possessed of magical power (things); subject, ready to serve one (spirits, charms); perfected, adept in (d., --°ree;); become perfect, possessing super natural power, emancipated from the laws of nature; m. seer, sorcerer, magician; saint, Siddha (a class of demi-gods, such as Kapila, Vyâsa etc., possessing supernatural powers, esp. that of flying through the air); = Gina (with the Jains); N.; n. magical or super natural power: -kârya, a. having accomplished one's purpose; -kshetra, n. region inhabited by Siddhas, land of the Blest; N. of certain sacred regions: -parvata, m. mountain in the land of the Blest; -tâp asa, m., î, f. ascetic endowed with super natural knowledge and power; -tva, n. correct ness; establishment, demonstration; perfec tion; -dhâman, n. abode of the Blest;-bhûmi, f. fairyland; -mantra, m. magical spell; -yoga, m. magical agency; -yogin-î, f. sorceress, witch, fairy; -ratna, a. possess ing a magical jewel; -rasa, m. quicksilver; -rasâyana, a. possessed of an elixir of life; -râga, m. N. of a king; -laksha, a. hitting the mark (arrow); -vat, ad. as established or proved: -kri, regard as settled or proved; -varti, f. magical wick; -vâsa, m. abode of the Blest, N. of a locality; -sambandha, a. whose kin is known; -sarit, f. (famous river) Ganges.
sukha a. having a good axle-hole, running easily (only of cars in RV.); com fortable, pleasant, mild (rare in V., very common in C.); C.: soothing, agreeable to (the ear etc., --°ree;), by reason of (--°ree;); easy to (lc. of vbl. n.); m. (sc. danda) kind of mili tary array (C.); n. ease, comfort, pleasure, enjoyment, happiness, joy (C.; rare in V.): (á)-m, in., °ree;--, happily, comfortably, agree ably, easily, without trouble (C.; rare in V.); -m, easy to (inf.); -m -na punah, more easily -than; kadalî-sukham, as easily as a Kadalî; mahatâ sukhena, with great enjoyment: -kara, a. (î) giving pleasure; easy to be done or performed, by (g.); -kârin, -krit, a. giv ing pleasure; -kârya, a. having pleasure as an object; -gamya, fp. easy to traverse; -grâhya, fp. easy to seize or catch; easy to comprehend; -ghâtya, fp. easy to kill; -kkhedya, fp. easy to destroy; -gâta,n. any thing pleasant; -tara, cpv. easier: -m, ad. more easily; -tva, n. pleasantness, enjoyable ness; -da, a. giving pleasure; -duhkha, n. du. pleasure and pain: -maya, a. (î) con sisting of or feeling joy or sorrow; -dhana,m. N. of a merchant; -para, a. intent on enjoyment, pleasure-seeking; -peya, fp. to be drunk easily; -prasna, m. enquiry as to welfare; -prasupta, pp. sleeping placidly; -prâpya, fp. easy to win or obtain (girl); -bandhana,a. (fettered by=) addicted to worldly pleasure; -bodha-rûpa, a. easily un derstood; -bhâgin, -bhâg, a. participating in fortune; lucky, happy; -bhedya, fp. easily broken; easy to separate, prone to faithless ness; -bhogya,fp. easy to enjoy or dispose of (wealth); -maya, a. (î) full of enjoyment; -m-edhas, a. prospering well.
sumanomattaka m. N.; -mano-latâ, f. flowering creeper; -mano hara, a. very charming or attractive; -mán tu, a. easily known, well-known (RV.); m. N. of a teacher; -mantra, a. following good counsels; m. N. of various men; -mantrita, pp. well-deliberated: n. imps. good counsel has been taken; n. good counsel: -m kri, take good counsel; -mantrin, a. having a good minister; -mánman, a. uttering good wishes, very devout (RV.); -marma-ga, a. deeply penetrating the joints, causing great agony (arrow); -marshana, a. easy to bear; (sú)-mahat, a. very great, huge, vast (of time, space, quantity, number, degree); very important; -mahas, a. glorious (RV., always vc.); -mahâ, °ree;--: a. extremely great; ad. very greatly; -mahâ-kaksha, a. very high-walled; -mahâ-tapas, a. extremely ascetic or pious; -mahâ-tegas, a. very glorious; -mahât man, a. very noble-minded or high-souled; -mahâ-bala, a. extremely powerful or effica cious; -mahâ-manas, a. very high-minded; -mahârha, a. very splendid; -mahausha dha, n. herb of marvellous efficacy; -mâyá, a. having noble counsels (Maruts; RV.); m. N. of a prince of the Asuras; N. of a fairy: â, f. N. of a daughter of Maya: (a)-ka, m. N. of a fairy; -mitrá, m. kind friend; N., esp. of kings: â, f. N. of a Yakshinî; N. of a wife of Dasaratha, mother of Satrughna and Lakshmana; -mukha, n. beautiful mouth; bright face: in. cheerfully; a. (î) fair-faced; bright-faced, glad; inclined or disposed to (--°ree;); m. N. of a king; -mundîka, m. N. of an Asura; -mridîká, -mrilîká, V. a. com passionate, gracious; -mrishta, pp. well polished; very dainty: -pushpa½âdhya, a. abounding in very bright flowers; -méka, V. a. well-established, firm; unvarying; -medhás, a.having a good understanding, intelligent, wise (ac. also -medh&asharp;m, RV.); -meru, m. N. of a mtn. (=Meru); N. of a fairy; -mná, a. [√ mnâ=√ man] well-dis posed, gracious (V.); n. (V.) benevolence, favour, grace; devotion, prayer; satisfac tion, gladness, peace: -yú, V. a. devout, be lieving; favourable; -mnâ-várî, a. f. gracious, bringing gladness (Dawn, RV.1).
suradāru n. a tree (=Deva-dâru); -druma, m. celestial tree; -dvipa, m. celes tial elephant; -dvish, m. foe of the gods, demon; ep. of Râhu; -dhanus, n. bow of the gods, rainbow; -nadî, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -nâyaka, m. leader of the gods, ep. of Indra; -nimnagâ, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -pati, m. lord of the gods, Indra: -tva, n. sovereignty of the gods, -dhanus, n. bow of Indra, rainbow; -patha, m. path of the gods (a part of the sky); -pâmsulâ, f. Apsaras: -gana, m. Apsaras folk; -pâdapa, m. celestial tree; -pura, n. city of the gods, Amarâvatî; -purodhas, m. domestic priest of the gods=Brihaspati; -pushpa, n. celestial flower: -vrishti, f. shower of celestial flowers; -pratishthâ, f. erection of a divine image.
Bloomfield Vedic
15 results0 results52 results
akruddhasya yotsyamānasya # TA.1.4.2a.
adabdhasya vratasya ye # RV.7.66.6b; SV.2.703b; JB.3.208b.
adabdhasya svadhāvataḥ # RV.8.44.20a; KS.40.14a.
adabdhasya svayaśaso virapśinaḥ # RV.10.75.9d.
adhastād bhūmyā vada # HG.1.15.6b. Cf. adhaspadān.
adhas te aśmano manyum # AVś.6.42.2c.
adhaspadaṃ śatravas te bhavantu # AVP.1.75.1b.
adhaspadaṃ kṛṇutāṃ (AVś.7.34.1c, kṛṇuṣva; TS. kṛṇute) ye pṛtanyavaḥ # AVś.7.34.1c; 62.1d; VS.15.51d; TS.; MS.2.12.4d: 147.12; KS.18.18d; śB.
adhaspadaṃ kṛṇuṣva durdharāyataḥ # AVP.2.72.5b.
adhaspadaṃ kṛṇuṣva ye pṛtanyavaḥ # see prec. but one.
adhaspadaṃ tam īṃ kṛdhi # RV.10.133.4c; 134.2c; SV.2.442c; TS.; MS.4.12.3c: 183.13.
adhaspadaṃ dviṣatas pādayāmi # AVś.11.1.12d,21d.
adhaspadaṃ pṛtanyavaḥ # AVP.5.29.8c.
adhaspadā ic caidyasya kṛṣṭayaḥ # RV.8.5.38c.
adhaspadād āmayataḥ # AVP.7.15.8a.
adhaspadān ma ud vadata # RV.10.166.5d. Cf. adhastād.
adhaspadena te padam # AVś.10.4.24c.
adhas padyantām adhare bhavantu # AVP.2.19.4a; 3.19.4a. See nīcaiḥ padyantām etc.
andhase svāhā # śB.
andhasya cin nāsatyā kṛśasya cit # RV.10.39.3c.
ayuddhaseno vibhvā vibhindatā # RV.10.138.5a.
arkāsadhasthā cakṣuṣmantaṃ māsmiñ jane kurutam # KA.3.147A.
avabādhasva pṛtanāyataḥ # PG.1.7.1d. Cf. avabādhe pṛtanyataḥ.
aśvamedhasya dānāḥ # RV.5.27.5c.
āśvamedhasya rohitā # RV.8.68.15c.
ūdhas te bhadre parjanyaḥ # AVś.10.10.7c.
ṛtasadhastha # Apś.2.3.13.
edhasva yamarājasu # AVś.18.2.25d. See next.
kruddhasyeva lohinī # TA.1.4.2b.
gandhas te somam (TS. kāmam) avatu # VS.20.27c; TS.
tavaivādhaspadaṃ carān # AVP.2.89.5b.
triṣadhasthas tataruṣo na jaṃhaḥ # RV.6.12.2c.
triṣadhasthasya jāvataḥ # RV.8.94.5c; SV.2.1136c.
triṣadhasthā saptadhātuḥ # RV.6.61.12a.
triṣadhasthe barhiṣi viśvavedasā # RV.1.47.4a.
nṛmedhas tatre aṃhasaḥ # RV.10.132.7d.
naudhasaṃ ca kāleyaṃ cānūcye # AB.8.17.2.
paṅktirādhasa udagdiśyasya sthāne svatejasā bhāni # TA.1.18.1.
purudhasmānaṃ vṛṣabhaṃ sthirapsnum # SV.1.327b.
priyamedhastutā harī # RV.8.6.45b; 32.30b.
dhase janān vṛṣabheva manyunā # RV.6.46.4a.
dhasva dūre (TS. dveṣo) nirṛtiṃ parācaiḥ # RV.1.24.9c; TS. See āre bādhasva nir-, and cf. bādhethāṃ dūraṃ.
dhasva dviṣo (MS. ripūn) rakṣaso amīvāḥ # RV.3.15.1b; VS.11.49b; TS.; MS.2.7.5b: 79.14; KS.16.4b; śB.
dhasva dveṣo etc. # see bādhasva dūre.
dhasva parirāpiṇaḥ # AVP.7.19.2b.
dhasva mūradevinaḥ # AVP.7.19.2d.
dhasva ripūn etc. # see bādhasva dviṣo.
dhasvetaḥ kimīdinaḥ # AVś.8.6.25d.
mṛdhas te samrāḍ vahantu (read avahantu ?) sarvān # AVP.1.74.3a.
medhasātā vājinam ahraye dhane # RV.10.147.3d.
medhasātā saniṣyavaḥ # RV.7.94.6c; SV.2.152c; TS.
medhasātā so arvatā # RV.4.37.6d.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"dhas" has 1 results
śuddhāśubodhasūtrārthavyākaraṇaa gloss on the Asubodha-grammar, written by a grammarian named Ramesvara.
Vedabase Search
212 results
abudhasya a great foolSB 5.8.29
abudhasya of one who does not knowSB 6.5.15
abudhasya of one who does not knowSB 6.5.17
abudhasya of one who does not know (this principle of time)SB 6.5.19
adhastāt downSB 2.7.8
adhastāt from belowSB 3.8.18
adhastāt from belowSB 3.30.34
adhastāt belowSB 5.24.1
adhastāt belowSB 5.24.4
tataḥ adhastāt beneath the planets occupied by the Siddhas, Cāraṇas and VidyādharasSB 5.24.5
tataḥ adhastāt beneath thatSB 5.24.6
adhastāt beneathSB 5.24.7
adhastāt beneathSB 5.24.17
tataḥ adhastāt beneath the planet known as VitalaSB 5.24.18
adhastāt belowSB 5.24.28
adhastāt beneathSB 5.24.29
tataḥ adhastāt below the planetary system MahātalaSB 5.24.30
tataḥ adhastāt beneath that planet RasātalaSB 5.24.31
adhastāt beneathSB 5.26.5
upari-adhastāt above and beneathSB 5.26.14
adhastāt afterSB 6.4.53
meroḥ adhastāt at the foot of Mount MeruSB 9.1.25
akuṇṭha-medhase unto one whose brain activity is never checkedSB 4.24.42
akuṇṭha-medhase whose memory and knowledge are never disturbed by anxietySB 9.11.7
akuṇṭha-medhase whose intelligence is never restrictedSB 10.23.50
akuṇṭha-medhase whose power is never impededSB 12.6.35
alpa-medhasām of those of small intelligenceBG 7.23
alpa-medhasaḥ less intelligentSB 1.3.21
alpa-medhasaḥ of one who is unintelligentSB 10.49.22
ananya-rādhasaḥ for Rantideva, who was undeviating and desired nothing other than to serve the Supreme LordSB 9.21.17
andhasā saha with her foodSB 9.8.4
andhasā with foodSB 10.86.41
andhasā with foodstuffsSB 11.6.37-38
andhasā by foodSB 11.18.25
andhasaḥ of foodSB 4.4.18
andhasya darknessSB 3.25.8
andhasya blindedSB 3.25.9
andhasya for such a blind personSB 8.24.50
śrī-mada-andhasya who is blinded by temporarily possessing riches and opulenceSB 10.10.13
andhasya one who is blindCC Antya 1.2
andhasya who is blindMM 36
sa-anubandhasya with that which is relatedSB 3.30.3
anuvidhasya who is imitatingSB 10.50.29
apratibuddhasya of one who is sleepingSB 3.27.25
apratibuddhasya for one who has not awakenedSB 11.28.14
ārādhasā by the all-perfectSB 4.24.33
para-ardhasya of the superior halfSB 3.11.35
asmat-vidhasya of a person like meSB 5.2.12
ātma-medhasā well versed in spiritual knowledgeSB 4.22.41
ātma-medhasā considering like one's selfSB 4.31.2
ātma-medhasā by my own intelligenceSB 9.5.20
audhasam in the milk bagSB 4.17.23
sravat audhasam payaḥ abundant milk flowing from their milk bagsSB 10.13.24
svapna-avabodhasya sleep and wakefulnessBG 6.17
avabodhasya of one whose keeping awakeCC Antya 8.67-68
avāpta-rādhase having attained perfectionSB 4.7.57
kusuma-āyudhasya of Cupid, who has a flower arrow in his handSB 5.2.6
āyudhasya whose weaponSB 10.90.47
baddhasya about Him who was capturedSB 10.63.2
baddhasya of the conditioned soulSB 11.11.5
dhase You drive awaySB 10.51.29
budhasya for such a learned manSB 5.1.17
dagdhasya of one who is so punishedSB 3.14.43
nidāgha-dagdhasya of one scorched by the heat of the sunSB 5.12.2
edhasā fuelSB 4.1.21
edhasaḥ from fuel woodSB 7.3.23
edhasaḥ from kindling woodSB 10.53.3
edhasām in kindling woodSB 10.37.10-11
edhasi fuelSB 3.15.10
edhasi in woodSB 8.6.12
edhasi within firewoodSB 10.46.36
edhasi in firewoodSB 11.7.47
etat-vidhasya of suchSB 10.39.26
gandhasya aromaSB 3.6.14
gandhasya of aromaSB 3.27.18
hari-medhasaḥ who destroys the material existence of the devoteeSB 3.13.48
hari-medhasaḥ of Lord HariSB 3.32.18
hari-medhase whose brain works only for the deliverance of the conditioned soulSB 4.30.24
hari-medhasaḥ whose intelligence is always absorbed in thoughts of Hari, the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 9.13.9
hari-medhasā by the Supreme Lord, whose intelligence takes away the misery of material lifeSB 11.29.45
harimedhasaḥ begotten by HarimedhāSB 8.1.30
indriya-rādhasā by power of the sensesSB 4.31.11
jagdhasya which has been eatenSB 4.4.18
krodhasya of angerSB 7.15.20
krodhasya of angerSB 11.4.11
kruddhasya when angeredSB 7.8.6
ku-medhasaḥ wicked-mindedSB 3.20.33
ku-medhasam who are unintelligentSB 10.58.11
kusuma-āyudhasya of Cupid, who has a flower arrow in his handSB 5.2.6
lubdhasya avariciousSB 10.89.23
śrī-mada-andhasya who is blinded by temporarily possessing riches and opulenceSB 10.10.13
maithuna-ruddhasya who had to restrain sexual lifeSB 9.22.26
ātma-medhasā well versed in spiritual knowledgeSB 4.22.41
ātma-medhasā considering like one's selfSB 4.31.2
ātma-medhasā by my own intelligenceSB 9.5.20
su-medhasā and intelligentSB 11.7.31
hari-medhasā by the Supreme Lord, whose intelligence takes away the misery of material lifeSB 11.29.45
alpa-medhasaḥ less intelligentSB 1.3.21
medhasaḥ of one who has such a brainSB 3.10.18
hari-medhasaḥ who destroys the material existence of the devoteeSB 3.13.48
ku-medhasaḥ wicked-mindedSB 3.20.33
medhasaḥ whose intelligenceSB 3.21.14
hari-medhasaḥ of Lord HariSB 3.32.18
hari-medhasaḥ whose intelligence is always absorbed in thoughts of Hari, the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 9.13.9
alpa-medhasaḥ of one who is unintelligentSB 10.49.22
medhasaḥ whose intelligenceSB 10.66.7
medhasaḥ whose wisdomSB 10.84.14
su-medhasaḥ intelligent personsSB 11.5.32
su-medhasaḥ intelligent personsCC Adi 3.52
su-medhasaḥ those who are intelligentCC Madhya 6.103
su-medhasaḥ intelligent personsCC Madhya 11.100
su-medhasaḥ intelligent personsCC Madhya 20.342
su-medhasaḥ intelligent personsCC Antya 20.10
alpa-medhasām of those of small intelligenceBG 7.23
medhasam one who has sufficient intelligenceSB 1.19.31
ku-medhasam who are unintelligentSB 10.58.11
akuṇṭha-medhase unto one whose brain activity is never checkedSB 4.24.42
hari-medhase whose brain works only for the deliverance of the conditioned soulSB 4.30.24
akuṇṭha-medhase whose memory and knowledge are never disturbed by anxietySB 9.11.7
akuṇṭha-medhase whose intelligence is never restrictedSB 10.23.50
medhase whose wisdomSB 10.84.22
medhase whose intelligenceSB 10.86.35
akuṇṭha-medhase whose power is never impededSB 12.6.35
medhasya of sacrificesSB 2.6.4
meroḥ adhastāt at the foot of Mount MeruSB 9.1.25
mugdhasya of a person bewildered or not in perfect knowledgeSB 7.6.7
mūrdhasu beyond the material coveringsSB 2.6.19
mūrdhasu on the topSB 5.17.6
mūrdhasu on their headsSB 10.2.33
mūrdhasu and to the headSB 11.15.24
nidāgha-dagdhasya of one scorched by the heat of the sunSB 5.12.2
nitya-siddhasya which is eternally presentCC Madhya 22.105
sva-odhasam payaḥ their own milk flowing from the milk bagsSB 10.13.31
para-ardhasya of the superior halfSB 3.11.35
paramasya vedhasaḥ of the supreme creatorSB 10.12.38
paurodhasam the duty of priesthoodSB 6.7.36
sravat audhasam payaḥ abundant milk flowing from their milk bagsSB 10.13.24
sva-odhasam payaḥ their own milk flowing from the milk bagsSB 10.13.31
payasā udhasvatīḥ due to swollen milk bagsSB 1.10.4
pratibuddhasya of one who is awakeSB 3.27.25
pratibuddhasya for one who has awakenedSB 11.28.14
purodhasā by a priestSB 10.45.26
purodhasaḥ to the priestsSB 4.17.2
purodhasām of all priestsBG 10.24
purodhasām among priestsSB 11.16.22
dhasā by opulenceSB 2.4.14
indriya-rādhasā by power of the sensesSB 4.31.11
dhasā whose powerSB 7.3.22
ananya-rādhasaḥ for Rantideva, who was undeviating and desired nothing other than to serve the Supreme LordSB 9.21.17
dhasaḥ whose good fortuneSB 10.53.23
dhasaḥ material possessionsSB 10.65.4-6
avāpta-rādhase having attained perfectionSB 4.7.57
dhase for the matter of helping its existenceSB 4.24.18
rodhasam having hipsSB 3.20.29
rodhasi on the beach of the seaSB 8.10.5
rodhasī at the edge of the wellSB 9.19.4
rodhasi on the bankCC Madhya 1.58
rodhasi on the bankCC Madhya 13.121
rodhasi on the bankCC Antya 1.78
su-rodhasoḥ the charming banksSB 3.22.26-27
rodhasoḥ of the banksSB 5.16.20-21
rodhasvatī RodhasvatīSB 5.19.17-18
maithuna-ruddhasya who had to restrain sexual lifeSB 9.22.26
rundhasi You blockCC Antya 1.144
sa-anubandhasya with that which is relatedSB 3.30.3
andhasā saha with her foodSB 9.8.4
saṃsiddhasya of one who is all-perfectSB 1.19.36
siddhasya of a perfect yogīSB 3.27.30
nitya-siddhasya which is eternally presentCC Madhya 22.105
skandhasya whose portionSB 11.23.10
snigdhasya of the one who is submissiveSB 1.1.8
snigdhasya submissiveSB 10.13.3
śrāddhasya of the periodical offerings of respectsSB 3.7.33
sravat audhasam payaḥ abundant milk flowing from their milk bagsSB 10.13.24
śrī-mada-andhasya who is blinded by temporarily possessing riches and opulenceSB 10.10.13
su-rodhasoḥ the charming banksSB 3.22.26-27
su-medhasaḥ intelligent personsSB 11.5.32
su-medhasā and intelligentSB 11.7.31
su-medhasaḥ intelligent personsCC Adi 3.52
su-medhasaḥ those who are intelligentCC Madhya 6.103
su-medhasaḥ intelligent personsCC Madhya 11.100
su-medhasaḥ intelligent personsCC Madhya 20.342
su-medhasaḥ intelligent personsCC Antya 20.10
sumedhasaḥ who are all very intelligentSB 9.4.3
sva-odhasam payaḥ their own milk flowing from the milk bagsSB 10.13.31
svapna-avabodhasya sleep and wakefulnessBG 6.17
tataḥ adhastāt beneath the planets occupied by the Siddhas, Cāraṇas and VidyādharasSB 5.24.5
tataḥ adhastāt beneath thatSB 5.24.6
tataḥ adhastāt beneath the planet known as VitalaSB 5.24.18
tataḥ adhastāt below the planetary system MahātalaSB 5.24.30
tataḥ adhastāt beneath that planet RasātalaSB 5.24.31
uddhasantaḥ loudly laughingSB 10.12.24
uddhasat laughing loudlySB 3.17.6
payasā udhasvatīḥ due to swollen milk bagsSB 1.10.4
upari-adhastāt above and beneathSB 5.26.14
vedhasaḥ of the supreme creatorSB 1.5.31
vedhasaḥ with Lord BrahmāSB 4.7.7
paramasya vedhasaḥ of the supreme creatorSB 10.12.38
vedhasam even to Lord BrahmāCC Antya 1.164
vedhase the compiler of the Vedic literaturesSB 2.4.24
vedhase unto the cause of all causesSB 4.17.33
vedhase who are full of knowledgeSB 8.17.26
vedhase unto Lord BrahmāSB 8.24.57
vedhase the creator of everythingSB 9.19.29
vedhase unto the origin of creationSB 10.10.33
vedhase the creatorSB 10.85.39
vedhase the creatorSB 12.12.1
vibādhase you tantalizeSB 3.20.34
asmat-vidhasya of a person like meSB 5.2.12
etat-vidhasya of suchSB 10.39.26
vivardhasva increaseSB 6.9.11
vyādhasya of the hunterSB 3.14.36


a commentary on Suśrutasamhita by Ḍalḥaṇa in 12th Century


7th century work on medicine by Ravigupta.


medical thesaurus compiled by Ravigupta in 7th Century part of Siddhasāra.


an expert in agadatantra and adherent of Jainism.

Wordnet Search
"dhas" has 40 results.


nipuṇa, pravīṇa, abhijña, vijña, niṣṇāta, śikṣita, vaijñānika, kṛtamukha, kṛtin, kuśala, saṅkhyāvat, matimat, kuśagrīyamati, kṛṣṭi, vidura, budha, dakṣa, nediṣṭha, kṛtadhī, sudhin, vidvas, kṛtakarman, vicakṣaṇa, vidagdha, catura, prauḍha, boddhṛ, viśārada, sumedhas, sumati, tīkṣṇa, prekṣāvat, vibudha, vidan, vijñānika, kuśalin   

yaḥ prakarṣeṇa kāryakṣamaḥ asti।

arjunaḥ dhanurvidyāyāṃ nipuṇaḥ āsīt।


dugdham, kṣīram, pīyūṣam, udhasyam, stanyam, payaḥ, amṛtam, bālajīvanam   


dhāroṣṇaṃ dugdham amṛtatulyam asti।


puruṣaḥ, naraḥ, nā, manuṣyaḥ, mānuṣaḥ, mānavaḥ, manujaḥ, janaḥ, pumān, martyaḥ, pūruṣaḥ, manuḥ, pañca़janaḥ, manubhūḥ, puṃvyaktiḥ, vīraḥ, mālaḥ, vṛdhasānaḥ, vṛdhasānuḥ, carṣaṇiḥ, bhūspṛk   

pumān mānavajātīyaḥ।

dvidhā kṛtvātmano deham arddhena puruṣo'bhavat। arddhena nārī tasyāṃ sa virājam asṛjat prabhuḥ।


talam, adhobhāgaḥ, adhasthānam, adhovaśaḥ   

vastunaḥ nimnaḥ antaḥ bhāgaḥ।

pātrasya tale rakṣā sañcitā।



pariśuddhaṃ suvarṇam।

eṣā śuddhasuvarṇasya mudrā asti।


adhaḥ, adhoऽdhaḥ, adhastāt, avāk, avācīnam   

adho diśāyām।

adho nirdiṣṭānāṃ praśnānām uttarāṇi dadatu।


suvarṇam, svarṇam, kanakam, hiraṇyam, hema, hāṭakam, kāñcanam, tapanīyam, śātakumbham, gāṅgeyam, bharmam, karvaram, cāmīkaram, jātarūpam, mahārajatam, rukmam, kārtasvaram, jāmbunadam, aṣṭāpadam, śātakaumbham, karcuram, rugmam, bhadram, bhūri, piñjaram, draviṇam, gairikam, cāmpeyam, bharuḥ, candraḥ, kaladhautam, abhrakam, agnibījam, lohavaram, uddhasārukam, sparśamaṇiprabhavam, mukhyadhātu, ujjvalam, kalyāṇam, manoharam, agnivīryam, agni, bhāskaram, piñajānam, apiñjaram, tejaḥ, dīptam, agnibham, dīptakam, maṅgalyam, saumañjakam, bhṛṅgāram, jāmbavam, āgneyam, niṣkam, agniśikham   

dhātuviśeṣaḥ-pītavarṇīyaḥ dhātuḥ yaḥ alaṅkāranirmāṇe upayujyate।

suvarṇasya mūlyaṃ vardhitam।


gaṅgā, mandākinī, jāhnavī, puṇyā, alakanandā, viṣṇupadī, jahnutanayā, suranimnagā, bhāgīrathī, tripathagā, tistrotāḥ, bhīṣmasūḥ, arghyatīrtham, tīrtharījaḥ, tridaśadīrghikā, kumārasūḥ, saridvarā, siddhāpagā, svarāpagā, svargyāpagā, khāpagā, ṛṣikulyā, haimavratī, sarvāpī, haraśekharā, surāpagā, dharmadravī, sudhā, jahnukanyā, gāndinī, rudraśekharā, nandinī, sitasindhuḥ, adhvagā, ugraśekharā, siddhasindhuḥ, svargasarīdvarā, samudrasubhagā, svarnadī, suradīrghikā, suranadī, svardhunī, jyeṣṭhā, jahnusutā, bhīṣmajananī, śubhrā, śailendrajā, bhavāyanā, mahānadī, śailaputrī, sitā, bhuvanapāvanī, śailaputrī   

bhāratadeśasthāḥ pradhānā nadī yā hindudharmānusāreṇa mokṣadāyinī asti iti manyante।

dharmagranthāḥ kathayanti rājñā bhagīrathena svargāt gaṅgā ānītā।


skandaḥ, ṣaḍānanaḥ, kumāraḥ, kārttikeyaḥ, ṣāṇmāturaḥ, mayūraketuḥ, siddhasenaḥ, viśākhaḥ, agnibhūḥ, āmbikeyaḥ, āgneyaḥ, kāmajitaḥ, gāṅgeyaḥ, candrānanaḥ, tārakāriḥ, devavrataḥ, mayūreśaḥ, śikhīśvaraḥ, kārtikaḥ, harihayaḥ, krauñcāriḥ, mahiṣārdanaḥ, rudratejaḥ, bhavātmajaḥ, śāṅkariḥ, śikhībhūḥ, ṣaṇmukhaḥ, kāntaḥ, jaṭādharaḥ, subrahmaṇyaḥ   

bhagavataḥ śivasya jyeṣṭhaputraḥ।

senānīnāmaham skandaḥ।


yuddharaṅgaḥ, yuddhabhūmiḥ, yuddhakṣetram, yuddhasthalam, raṇabhūmiḥ, raṇakṣetram, samarāṅgam   

yuddhasya kṣetram।

saḥ antimakālaparyantaṃ yuddharaṅge eva āsīt।


āpīnam, odhaḥ, ūdhasam, udhas, vāṇaḥ, vāmaḥ   

sastanapaśūnāṃ avayavaviśeṣaḥ yena strījātīyaḥ teṣāṃ navajātān dugdhaṃ pāyayanti ।

asyāḥ goḥ āpīnam bṛhat asti।


sūpakāraḥ, pacakaḥ, pācakaḥ, pacaḥ, pacelukaḥ, sūdādhyakṣaḥ, bhakṣyakāraḥ, annasaṃskartā, bhaktakāraḥ, audenikaḥ, āndhasikaḥ   

yaḥ anyān kṛte annaṃ pacati।

asmākaṃ sūpakāraḥ svādayuktam annaṃ pacati।


adhastanam, adhaḥ   

kasyacana vastunaḥ arvāk।

kañcukasya adhastanaṃ svedakaṃ paridhattaṃ tathāpi śithilaḥ eva asti।


antaḥsthaḥ, ardhasvaraḥ   

madhye sthitaḥ।

ya ra la va itye antaḥsthāḥ santi।


adhaḥsvastikam, adharasvastikam, adhodiśā, adhastāddiśā, adharā   

ākāśaṃ paśyataḥ manujasya pādayoḥ adhaḥ kalpitaḥ binduḥ।

adhaḥsvastikam tu khasvastikasya vilomaṃ bhavati।


nirandhas, anāhārin   

yena kimapi na khāditam।

nirandhasaḥ puruṣaḥ kārye magnaḥ na bhavati।


kopalatā, ardhacandrikā, analaprabhā, kaṭabhī, kanakaprabhā, kukundanī, kaiḍaryaḥ, gīrlatā, jyotiṣkā, jyotirlatā, tīktakā, tīkṣṇā, dīptaḥ, niphalā, paṇyā, parāpatapadī, pītatailā, piṇyā, pūtitailā, bahurasā, matidā, lagaṇā, latā, latāpuṭakī, lavaṇaḥ, vāyasādanī, śṛṅgin, śleṣmaghnī, sarasvatī, supiṅgalā, suvegā, suvarṇalatā, svarṇalatā, sumedhas, sphuṭavalkalī, sphuṭaraṅgiṇī   

ekā latā।

kopalatā oṣadhyāṃ prayujyate।



yuddhe prayuktā sāmagrī।

yuddhasāmagryā samāhitaṃ vāhanaṃ kṣatigrastam।


adhastana, adhara, sannatara, nihīnatara, adhobhava, pratyavara   


asyāḥ argalāyāḥ adhastanaḥ bhāgaḥ naṣṭaḥ jātaḥ asti।



sumālinaḥ daśasu putreṣu anyatamaḥ।

pradhasaḥ varṇanaṃ rāmāyaṇe asti।



vṛttaviśeṣaḥ yasya prathamāḥ catvāraḥ pādāḥ samānāḥ bhavanti।

dohāḥ ca sāraṭhāḥ ca ardhasamavṛttau staḥ।



ardheṇa tulyam।

eteṣām ardhasamānāṃ saṅkhyānāṃ yogaḥ kaḥ।


antaḥsthavarṇaḥ, ardhasvaraḥ   

ya ra la va ityādayaḥ catvāraḥ varṇāḥ।

sparśāṇām uṣmaṇāṃ ca madhye vartamānatvāt ete antaḥsthavarṇāḥ iti kathyante।



puruṣasya nāmaviśeṣaḥ ।

viśuddhasiṃhasya varṇanaṃ bauddhasāhitye asti



ekaṃ puṇyakṣetram ।

vedhasyāḥ ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

buddhasiṃhaḥ bauddhasāhitye nirdiṣṭaḥ



ekaḥ rājā ।

rājā buddhasenaḥ mṛgayārthe vanam agacchat



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

buddhasiṃhaḥ bauddhasāhitye nirdiṣṭaḥ



ekaḥ rājā ।

rājā buddhasenaḥ mṛgayārthe vanam agacchat



ekaṃ jagat ।

sarvabuddhasandarśanasya ullekhaḥ bauddhasāhitye asti



bhuvaneśvarīstotrasya ṭīkāgranthaḥ ।

siddhasārasvatadīpikāyāḥ lekhakaḥ padmanābhaḥ



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

siddhasenavākyakārasya ullekhaḥ sarvadarśana-saṅgrahe asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

siddhasenasūryaḥ ullekhaḥ vikramāditya-caritre asti



ekaḥ rājā ।

skandhastambheḥ ullekhaḥ viṣṇupurāṇe asti



ekaḥ rājā ।

skandhasvāteḥ ullekhaḥ viṣṇupurāṇe asti



ekaḥ kṣupaḥ ।

āyudhasāhvayasya ullekhaḥ suśrutena kṛtaḥ


pāṇicandrasya ullekhaḥ bauddhasāhitye asti   

pāṇicandra ।

ekaḥ rājā



ekaṃ sūktam ।

daśavidhasnānamantrasya ullekhaḥ āśvalāyana-śākhoktā-mantra-saṃhitāyāṃ vartate



ekaṃ stotram ।

dvātriṃśadaparādhastotrasya ullekhaḥ varāhapurāṇe vartate


timirapratiṣedhasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti   

timirapratiṣedha ।

aṣṭāṅga-hṛdayasya aparaṃ nāma

Parse Time: 1.718s Search Word: dhas Input Encoding: IAST IAST: dhas