dharma | m. (rarely n. gaRa ardharcā | ||||||
dharma | m. usage, practice, customary observance or prescribed conduct, duty | ||||||
dharma | m. right, justice (often as a synonym of punishment) | ||||||
dharma | m. virtue, morality, religion, religious merit, good works ( dharmeṇa dh/armeṇa- ind.or dharmāt māt- ind.according to right or rule, rightly, justly, according to the nature of anything; see below; dharmesthita mesthita- mfn.holding to the law, doing one's duty) etc. | ||||||
dharma | m. Law or Justice personified (as indra- etc.;as yama- ;as born from the right breast of yama- and father of śama-, kāma- and harṣa- ;as viṣṇu- ;as prajā-pati- and son-in-law of dakṣa- etc.;as one of the attendants of the Sun ;as a Bull ;as a Dove ) | ||||||
dharma | m. the law or doctrine of Buddhism (as distinguished from the saṅgha-or monastic order ) | ||||||
dharma | m. the ethical precepts of Buddhism (or the principal dharma-called sūsra-,as distinguished from the abhi-dharma-or,"further dharma-"and from the vinaya-or"discipline", these three constituting the canon of Southern Buddhism ) | ||||||
dharma | m. the law of Northern Buddhism (in 9 canonical scriptures, viz. prajñā-pāramitā-, gaṇḍa-vyūha-, daśa-bhūmīśvara-, samādhirāja-, laṅkāvatāra-, saddharma-puṇḍarīka-, tathā-gata-guhyaka-, lalita-vistara-, suvarṇa-prabhāsa-, ) | ||||||
dharma | m. nature, character, peculiar condition or essential quality, property, mark, peculiarity (equals sva-bhāva- ; see daśa-dharma-gata- etc.; upamāno | ||||||
dharma | m. a particular ceremony | ||||||
dharma | m. sacrifice | ||||||
dharma | m. the ninth mansion | ||||||
dharma | m. an upaniṣad- | ||||||
dharma | m. associating with the virtuous | ||||||
dharma | m. religious abstraction, devotion | ||||||
dharma | m. equals upamā- (see above) | ||||||
dharma | m. a bow | ||||||
dharma | a thing, | ||||||
dharma | m. a soma--drinker | ||||||
dharma | m. Name of the 15th arhat- of the present ava-sarpiṇī- | ||||||
dharma | m. of a son of anu- and father of ghṛta- | ||||||
dharma | m. of a son of gāndhāra- and father of dhṛta- | ||||||
dharma | m. of a son of haihaya- and father of netra- | ||||||
dharma | m. of a son of pṛthu-śravas- and of uśanas- | ||||||
dharma | m. of a son of su-vrata- (see dharma-sūtra-) | ||||||
dharma | m. of a son of dīrgha-tapas-, | ||||||
dharma | m. of a king of kaśmīra-, | ||||||
dharma | m. of another man | ||||||
dharma | m. of a lexicographer etc. (also -paṇḍita-, -bhaṭṭa-and -śāstrin-) [ confer, compare Latin firmus, Lithuanian derme4.] | ||||||
dharma | Nom. P. mati-, to become, law | ||||||
dharma | in compound for man- q.v 2. | ||||||
dharma | See . | ||||||
dharmabāhya | mfn. "outside the law", contrary to what is right | ||||||
dharmabala | m. "law-strength", Name of a man | ||||||
dharmabhāgin | mfn. possessed of virtue, virtuous | ||||||
dharmabhaginī | f. a female that has the rights of a sister | ||||||
dharmabhaginī | f. a sister in respect of religion (see -bhrātri-). | ||||||
dharmabhagna | mfn. one who has neglected his duty | ||||||
dharmabhāṇaka | m. law-expounder, preacher | ||||||
dharmabhāṇaka | m. lecturer, public reader of the and other sacred works. | ||||||
dharmabhikṣuka | m. a mendicant from virtuous motives | ||||||
dharmabhīru | mfn. forgetful (literally afraid) of duty | ||||||
dharmabhīruka | mfn. tremblingly alive to duty | ||||||
dharmabhrātṛ | m. a brother in respect of religion or piety (see -bhaginī-). | ||||||
dharmabhṛt | m. "law-supporter", Name of princes and other men (see -dhṛt-). | ||||||
dharmabhṛta | m. Name of a son of the 13th manu- (varia lectio bhṛtha-). | ||||||
dharmabindu | m. "a drop of the law", Name of work | ||||||
dharmabuddhi | mfn. having a virtuous mind | ||||||
dharmabuddhi | mfn. Name of a merchant | ||||||
dharmacakra | n. the wheel or range of the law | ||||||
dharmacakra | n. a particular mythical weapon | ||||||
dharmacakra | m. "having or turning the wheel of the law", a buddha- | ||||||
dharmacakrabhṛt | m. "holding the wheel of the law", a buddha- or jaina- | ||||||
dharmacakrapravartana | n. setting in motion the wheel of the law, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding ; | ||||||
dharmacakṣus | n. the eye of the law | ||||||
dharmacakṣus | mfn. having an eye for the law or for what is right | ||||||
dharmacandra | m. "law-moon", Name of a man | ||||||
dharmacara | m. "law-observer", Name of a deva-putra- | ||||||
dharmacaraṇa | n. () observance of the law, performance of duty. | ||||||
dharmacārin | mfn. observing the law, fulfilling one's duties, virtuous, dutiful, moral etc. | ||||||
dharmacārin | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
dharmacārin | m. of a deva-putra- | ||||||
dharmacārin | m. of a deity of the bodhi- tree | ||||||
dharmacārin | m. an honest wife, a virtuous woman (see saha-dharma-c-). | ||||||
dharmacāriṇī | f. a female helpmate in the fulfilment of duties | ||||||
dharmacaryā | f. () observance of the law, performance of duty. | ||||||
dharmacchala | m. fraudulent transgression of law or duty | ||||||
dharmacintā | f. () consideration of the law or duty, virtuous reflection. | ||||||
dharmacintaka | mfn. meditating on the law, familiar with it | ||||||
dharmacintana | n. () consideration of the law or duty, virtuous reflection. | ||||||
dharmacintin | mfn. equals -cintaka- | ||||||
dharmada | mfn. giving or granting virtue | ||||||
dharmada | m. Name of one of the attendants of skanda- | ||||||
dharmadakṣiṇā | f. fee for instruction in the law | ||||||
dharmadāna | n. a gift made from duty | ||||||
dharmadānapaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmadāra | m. plural a lawful wife | ||||||
dharmadarśana | n. knowledge of duty or law | ||||||
dharmadarśin | mfn. seeing what is right (Bombay edition) commentator or commentary | ||||||
dharmadāsa | m. "duty-slave", Name of a man | ||||||
dharmadāsa | m. of several authors (a poet, a grammarian and a Scholiast or Commentator on karpūra-mañjarī-) | ||||||
dharmadatta | m. Name of a poet and a writer on rhetoric | ||||||
dharmadeśaka | m. teacher of the law (varia lectio mā | ||||||
dharmadeśanā | f. instruction in the law (Bombay edition; varia lectio mā | ||||||
dharmadeśanā | f. with Buddhists= sermon | ||||||
dharmadeva | m. the god of justice | ||||||
dharmadhara | m.,"law-supporter", Name of a particular samādhi- | ||||||
dharmadhara | m. of a prince of the kiṃnara-s | ||||||
dharmadhara | m. of a bodhi-sattva- | ||||||
dharmadhāraya | mfn. maintaining the law, | ||||||
dharmadhātrī | f. female law-supporter etc. (said of the water) | ||||||
dharmadhātu | m. "the element of law or of existence", one of the 18 dhātu-s of the Buddhists | ||||||
dharmadhātu | m. a buddha- (whose essence is law) | ||||||
dharmadhātuniyata | m. a particular samādhi- | ||||||
dharmadhātuparirakṣiṇī | f. Name of a kiṃ-narī- | ||||||
dharmadhātuvāgīśvara | m. Name of a Buddhist deity. | ||||||
dharmadhenu | f. equals -dogdhrī- | ||||||
dharmadhṛk | m. Name of a son of śiva-phalka- (literally equals next or fr. | ||||||
dharmadhṛt | mfn. "upholding order", applied to the gods | ||||||
dharmadhurya | mfn. foremost in justice | ||||||
dharmadhvaja | mfn. "whose banner is law", feigning virtue, hypocritical, an impostor (also -vat-and jika- ; jin- ) | ||||||
dharmadhvaja | m. Name of the sun | ||||||
dharmadhvaja | m. of a king of mithilā- (son of kuśa-dhvaja-, father of amitadhvaja- and kṛta-dhvaja-) | ||||||
dharmadhvaja | m. of a brother of kuśadhvaja- | ||||||
dharmadhvaja | m. of a king of kāñcana-pura- | ||||||
dharmadhvaja | m. of another person | ||||||
dharmadinnā | f. (pāli- equals dattā-) "given by religion", Name of a female | ||||||
dharmadīpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmadīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmadogdhrī | f. a cow whose milk is destined for sacrifice (see -dughā-). | ||||||
dharmadravī | f. "having law or virtue for its waters", Name of the Ganges | ||||||
dharmadṛḍhābhedyasunilambba | m. Name of a king of the garuḍa-s | ||||||
dharmadrohin | mfn. equals -druh- | ||||||
dharmadrohin | m. a rākṣasa- | ||||||
dharmadroṇa | m. or n. "law-vessel", Name of the law-books of and on | ||||||
dharmadṛś | mfn. seeing the right, regarding piety | ||||||
dharmadṛṣṭi | mfn. idem or 'mfn. seeing the right, regarding piety ' | ||||||
dharmadruh | mfn. violating the law or right | ||||||
dharmadughā | f. a cow milked for a sacrifice | ||||||
dharmadvaitanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmadvāra | n. plural the virtues or duties as a means of acquiring the highest wisdom | ||||||
dharmadveṣin | m. Terminalia Bellerica (see -ghna-). | ||||||
dharmagahanābhyudgatarāja | m. "a prince who has penetrated the depths of the law", Name of a buddha-. | ||||||
dharmagañja | m. the treasury of law | ||||||
dharmagañja | m. Name of a library consisting of sacred books | ||||||
dharmagaveṣa | m. "virtue seeking", Name of a man | ||||||
dharmaghaṭa | m. a jar of fragrant water offered daily in the month vaiśākha- | ||||||
dharmaghaṭavratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaghna | mf(ī-)n. "destroying law or right", unlawful, immoral | ||||||
dharmaghna | m. Terminalia Bellerica (whose seeds are used as dice) | ||||||
dharmaghoṣa | m. Name of an author | ||||||
dharmagopa | m. Name of a king | ||||||
dharmagup | mfn. protecting or observing the law | ||||||
dharmagupta | m. "law-protected", Name of men (also -miśra-), of a poet | ||||||
dharmagupta | m. of a Buddhist school | ||||||
dharmaguptacarita | n. Name of work | ||||||
dharmahāni | f. neglect of duty | ||||||
dharmahantṛ | mf(trī-)n. transgressing the law or justice | ||||||
dharmahīna | mfn. standing out side the law | ||||||
dharmaja | mfn. produced by a sense of duty | ||||||
dharmaja | m. = the next. | ||||||
dharmajanman | m. "son of dharma- id est yama- ", Name of yudhi-ṣṭhira- | ||||||
dharmajīvana | mfn. living by fulfilment of duties | ||||||
dharmajīvana | m. a Brahman who lives according to rule | ||||||
dharmajña | mfn. knowing the law or what is right etc. | ||||||
dharmajñāna | n. knowledge of law or duty, Hit | ||||||
dharmajñatama | mfn. superl. | ||||||
dharmaka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = dh/arma-1 | ||||||
dharmaka | m. Name of a man | ||||||
dharmakāla | m. (kāya-?) a jina- | ||||||
dharmakāma | mfn. loving justice, observing right | ||||||
dharmakāma | m. Name of a demon, on (son of pāpīyas-) | ||||||
dharmakāmārtha | m. plural virtue, pleasure, and wealth | ||||||
dharmakāmārthasaṃbaddha | mfn. joined with or containing virtue, pleasure, and wealth | ||||||
dharmakāmārthasambandha | m. alliance for virtue, pleasure, and wealth id est matrimony | ||||||
dharmakañcuka | m. or n. armour or garb of virtue | ||||||
dharmakañcukapraveśin | mfn. putting it on , | ||||||
dharmakāṇḍa | m. n. Name of work | ||||||
dharmakāṅkṣiṇī | f. Name of a gandharvī- and a kiṃ-narī- | ||||||
dharmakāra | m. "law-doer", Name of a man | ||||||
dharmakāraṇa | n. cause of virtue | ||||||
dharmakarman | n. work of duty, pious action | ||||||
dharmakaropādhyāya | m. Name of an author | ||||||
dharmakārya | n. any act of duty or religion, good work, virtuous conduct | ||||||
dharmakathā | f. discourse upon law etc. | ||||||
dharmakathaka | m. propounder of the law (varia lectio thika-) | ||||||
dharmakāya | m. "law-body", Name of one of the 3 bodies of a buddha- | ||||||
dharmakāya | m. "having the law for body", a buddha- | ||||||
dharmakāya | m. a jaina- saint | ||||||
dharmakāya | m. Name of avalokite | ||||||
dharmakāya | m. of a god of the bodhi- tree | ||||||
dharmaketu | m. "having justice for a banner", Name of a son of su-ketu- and father of satya-ketu- | ||||||
dharmaketu | m. a buddha- | ||||||
dharmaketu | m. a jaina- saint | ||||||
dharmakhaṇḍa | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmakīla | m. royal edict or grant (also -ka-) | ||||||
dharmakīla | m. husband | ||||||
dharmakīrti | m. "glory of the law", Name of a philosopher and poet | ||||||
dharmakīrti | m. of a grammarian | ||||||
dharmakīrti | m. of a king | ||||||
dharmakīrti | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher, | ||||||
dharmakośa | m. the treasury or collective body of laws and duties | ||||||
dharmakośa | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmakoṣa | m. the treasury or collective body of laws and duties | ||||||
dharmakoṣa | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmakośavyākhyā | f. Name of a | ||||||
dharmakṛcchra | n. a difficult point of duty or right | ||||||
dharmakritya | n. fulfilment of duty, virtue, any moral or religious observance | ||||||
dharmakriyā | f. observance of duties, pious work, righteous conduct | ||||||
dharmakṛt | mfn. (2.See under 3. dharma-) doing one's duty, virtuous | ||||||
dharmakṛt | m. maintainer of order (indra-) | ||||||
dharmakṣetra | n. "law-field" equals kuru-kṣetra-, q.v | ||||||
dharmakṣetra | m. a man of piety and virtue | ||||||
dharmakṣetra | m. Name of a man | ||||||
dharmakūpa | m. "holy well", Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
dharmakūṭa | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on | ||||||
dharmalakṣaṇa | n. an essential mark of law or ethics (as place, time etc.) | ||||||
dharmalopa | m. violation of law, neglect of duty, irreligion | ||||||
dharmalopa | m. absence of an attribute | ||||||
dharmamahāmātra | m. a minister in matters of religion | ||||||
dharmamārga | m. the path of virtue or duty | ||||||
dharmamati | m. "pious-minded", Name of a prince and of a god of the bodhi- tree. | ||||||
dharmamativinanditarāga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, | ||||||
dharmamātra | mfn. depending only on modality or on the method, only attributive ( dharmamātratva -tva- n. ) | ||||||
dharmamātra | n. mere modality, the manner or method on | ||||||
dharmamātratva | n. dharmamātra | ||||||
dharmamatsara | mfn. jealous of merit, | ||||||
dharmamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting merely in law or virtue, moral, righteous | ||||||
dharmambodhi | m. "law-ocean", Name of work | ||||||
dharmaṃdada | mfn. giving the law | ||||||
dharmaṃdadā | f. Name of a gandharvī- | ||||||
dharmamegha | m. a particular samādhi- ( dharmameghadhyāna -dhyāna-; n.a particular state of mind connected with it ) | ||||||
dharmameghā | f. Name of one of the 10 bhūmi-s | ||||||
dharmameghadhyāna | n. dharmamegha | ||||||
dharmameru | m. Name of commentator or commentary on | ||||||
dharmamīmāṃsā | f. Name of the pūrvamīmāṃsā- of jaimini- | ||||||
dharmamīmāṃsāparibhāṣā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmamīmāṃsāsaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmamīmāṃsāsārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmamitra | m. "friend of the law", Name of a man | ||||||
dharmamṛj | m. (Nominal verb mṛk-) varia lectio for -dhṛk- | ||||||
dharmamūla | the foundation of law and religion, the veda-s | ||||||
dharman | m. bearer, supporter, arranger | ||||||
dharman | m. Name of a son of bṛhad-rāja- and father of kṛtaṃ-jaya- | ||||||
dharman | n. (older than dh/arma- q.v,in later language mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see below) support, prop, hold | ||||||
dharman | n. established order of things, steadfast decree (of a god, especially of mitra-- varuṇa-), any arrangement or disposition | ||||||
dharman | n. will, pleasure | ||||||
dharman | n. law, rule, duty | ||||||
dharman | n. practice, custom, mode, manner (dh/armaṇā-, mabhis-; maṇas p/ari-in regular order, naturally; svāya dhar maṇe-at one's own pleasure; dharmaṇi-with the permission of, /adhi dh-against the will of [gen.]) | ||||||
dharman | n. (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') nature, quality, characteristic mark or attribute (see an-ucchitti--) (see uñcha--[add.], kṣatra--, phala--, phena-.) (see dasyu--[add.]) (see cid-dh-[add.]) (see vināśa--.). | ||||||
dharmaṇa | m. a kind of snake | ||||||
dharmaṇa | m. a kind of tree, Grewia Elastica | ||||||
dharmanābha | m. "law-centre", Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
dharmanābha | m. of a king | ||||||
dharmanada | m. Name of a sacred lake | ||||||
dharmanandana | m. " dharma-'s joy or son", Name of yudhi-ṣṭhira- | ||||||
dharmanandana | m. plural the sons of pāṇḍu- (see -ja-, -janman-etc.) | ||||||
dharmanandin | m. Name of a Buddhist author. | ||||||
dharmanāśā | f. "law-ruin", Name of a fictitious city, | ||||||
dharmanātha | m. legal protector | ||||||
dharmanetra | m. "law-eyed", Name of a grandson of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- | ||||||
dharmanetra | m. of a son of taṃsu- and father of duṣmanta- | ||||||
dharmanetra | m. of a son of haihaya- | ||||||
dharmanetra | m. of a son of su-vrata- (varia lectio -sūtra-). | ||||||
dharmanibandha | m. attachment to law, virtue, piety ( dharmanibandhin dhin- mfn.pious, holy ) | ||||||
dharmanibandha | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmanibandhin | mfn. dharmanibandha | ||||||
dharmañijñāsā | f. "inquiry into the law", Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of | ||||||
dharmaniṣpatti | f. fulfilment of duty, moral or religious observance | ||||||
dharmaniṣṭha | mfn. grounded on or devoted to virtue | ||||||
dharmanitya | mfn. constant in duty | ||||||
dharmaniveśa | m. religious devotion | ||||||
dharmapāla | m. "law guardian" figuratively = punishment or sword | ||||||
dharmapāla | m. Name of a minister of king daśa-ratha- | ||||||
dharmapāla | m. of a great scholar | ||||||
dharmapāla | m. of a prince | ||||||
dharmapāla | m. of a poet | ||||||
dharmapañcaviṃśatikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmapara | mfn. intent on virtue, pious, righteous | ||||||
dharmaparāyaṇa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. intent on virtue, pious, righteous ' | ||||||
dharmaparikṣā | f. "inquiry into the law", Name of work | ||||||
dharmaparyāya | m. Name of particular Buddhist works. | ||||||
dharmapāśa | m. "band of law or duty", Name of a particular mythical weapon | ||||||
dharmapatha | m. equals next | ||||||
dharmapatha | m. Name of a merchant | ||||||
dharmapāṭhaka | m. a teacher of law, lawyer | ||||||
dharmapathin | m. (Nominal verb -panthās-) the way of duty or virtue, R | ||||||
dharmapati | (dh/arma--) m. the lord or guardian of law and order | ||||||
dharmapatnī | f. a lawful wife (see -dāra-). | ||||||
dharmapaṭṭa | m. the band of law or duty | ||||||
dharmapaṭṭana | varia lectio for -pattana- q.v | ||||||
dharmapattana | n. "the city of the law", Name of the city of śrāvastī- (varia lectio pattana- ) | ||||||
dharmapattana | n. pepper | ||||||
dharmapattra | n. Ficus Glomerata | ||||||
dharmapīḍā | f. transgression of law or duty | ||||||
dharmapīṭha | m.,"law-seat", Name of a place in vārāṇasī- | ||||||
dharmapīṭhā | f. Name of a serpent-maiden | ||||||
dharmaplava | m. boat of virtue (a son) | ||||||
dharmaprabhāsa | m. "illuminator of the law", Name of a buddha-. | ||||||
dharmapracāra | m. "the course of law or right" figuratively = sword | ||||||
dharmapradhāna | mfn. eminent in piety | ||||||
dharmapradīpa | m. "light of the law", Name of several works. | ||||||
dharmapradīpavyākhyāna | n. Name of a commentator or commentary | ||||||
dharmaprakāśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmapramāṇapariccheda | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmapraśna | m. "inquiry into the law", Name of work | ||||||
dharmapraśnavyakhyā | f. Name of a Comm. on it. | ||||||
dharmaprastha | m. "habitation of the god dharma-", Name of a place of pilgrimage | ||||||
dharmapratirūpaka | m. counterfeit of virtue | ||||||
dharmapravacana | n. promulgation of the law | ||||||
dharmapravaktri | m. teacher of law | ||||||
dharmapravṛtti | f. practice of virtue, pious act | ||||||
dharmapravṛtti | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaprekṣa | mfn. having an eye for what is right | ||||||
dharmapriya | m. "law-friend", Name of a gandharva- prince | ||||||
dharmapriya | m. Name of a Buddhist scholar. | ||||||
dharmapura | n. "law-city", Name of ayodhyā- | ||||||
dharmapura | n. of a town situated on the narmadā- river | ||||||
dharmapurāṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
dharmapuraskāra | mfn. placing duty above all | ||||||
dharmapūta | mfn. purified by virtue, most virtuous, | ||||||
dharmaputra | m. a son begot from a sense of duty | ||||||
dharmaputra | m. Name of yudhi-ṣṭhira- (see -janman-) | ||||||
dharmaputra | m. of the 11th manu- | ||||||
dharmaputra | m. dual number of the ṛṣi-s nara- and nārāyaṇa- | ||||||
dharmaputraka | m. adopted son (see pārvatī-dharmaputraka-). | ||||||
dharmarahasya | n. Name of work | ||||||
dharmarāj | m. "king of justice", Name of yama- | ||||||
dharmarāj | m. of yudhi-ṣṭhira- | ||||||
dharmarāj | m. of a king of the herons (son of kaśyapa- and an apsaras-) (see rāja-dharman-and dharmā | ||||||
dharmarāja | m. "id."a just or righteous king | ||||||
dharmarāja | m. any king or prince | ||||||
dharmarāja | m. a buddha- | ||||||
dharmarāja | m. Name of yama- etc. ( dharmarājatā -tā- f. ) | ||||||
dharmarāja | m. of yudhiṣṭhira- ( dharmarājapurogama -purogama- mfn.headed by yudhiṣṭhira- ) | ||||||
dharmarāja | m. Law conceived as a king | ||||||
dharmarāja | m. Name of several authors (also dharmarājadīkṣita -dīkṣita- m.[ dharmarājadīkṣitīya -dīkṣitīya- n.his work ], dharmarājaputra -putra- m., dharmarājabhaṭṭa -bhaṭṭa-m., dharmarājādhvarivara jā | ||||||
dharmarājabhaṭṭa | m. dharmarāja | ||||||
dharmarājādhvarindra | m. dharmarāja | ||||||
dharmarājādhvarivara | m. dharmarāja | ||||||
dharmarājadīkṣita | m. dharmarāja | ||||||
dharmarājadīkṣitīya | n. dharmarāja | ||||||
dharmarājan | m. "id.", Name of yudhi-ṣṭhira- | ||||||
dharmarājapurogama | mfn. dharmarāja | ||||||
dharmarājaputra | m. dharmarāja | ||||||
dharmarājatā | f. dharmarāja | ||||||
dharmarājikā | f. a stūpa- | ||||||
dharmarakṣitā | f. "law-protected", Name of a female | ||||||
dharmarasāyana | n. Name of work | ||||||
dharmarata | mfn. "delighting in virtue", virtuous | ||||||
dharmaratha | m. "law-chariot", Name of a son of sagara- | ||||||
dharmaratha | m. of divi-ratha- | ||||||
dharmarathābhirūḍha | m. a particular samādhi- | ||||||
dharmarati | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "delighting in virtue", virtuous ' | ||||||
dharmarati | mfn. Name of a demon | ||||||
dharmaratna | n. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaratnākara | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaratnamañjūṣā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmarātrī | f. wrong reading for -dhātrī- | ||||||
dharmarodhin | mfn. opposed to law, illegal, immoral | ||||||
dharmaruci | mfn. delighting in or devoted to virtue | ||||||
dharmaruci | m. Name of a dānava- | ||||||
dharmaruci | m. of a god of the bodhi- tree | ||||||
dharmaruci | m. of a man | ||||||
dharmasabhā | f. court of justice, tribunal | ||||||
dharmasādhana | n. fulfilment of duties | ||||||
dharmasādhana | n. means of the father of duties, any act or virtue essential to a system of duties | ||||||
dharmasāgara | m. "ocean of justice", Name of an author. | ||||||
dharmasāgara | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a preceptor, | ||||||
dharmasahāya | m. a companion in religious duties sāh- | ||||||
dharmaśālā | f. court of justice, tribunal | ||||||
dharmaśālā | f. charitable asylum, hospital especially religious asylum | ||||||
dharmasamaya | m. a legal obligation | ||||||
dharmasaṃcaya | m. store of good works. | ||||||
dharmasaṃgara | m. equals -yuddha- | ||||||
dharmasaṃgīti | f. "discussion about the law", a Buddhist council | ||||||
dharmasaṃgīti | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmasaṃgraha | m. Name of a collection of technical terms | ||||||
dharmasaṃgrahanivṛtti | f. Name of a jaina- work | ||||||
dharmasaṃhitā | f. code or collection of law (as manu- etc.) | ||||||
dharmasaṃhitā | f. Name of a particular work | ||||||
dharmasaṃjña | mfn. having the sense of duty | ||||||
dharmasaṃjñatā | f. () the sense of duty. | ||||||
dharmasaṃjñatva | n. () the sense of duty. | ||||||
dharmasaṃkathā | f. plural pious conversation | ||||||
dharmasāṃkathya | n. discussion about the law, | ||||||
dharmasampradāyadīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmasaṃśraya | m. the practice of religion, | ||||||
dharmasaṃsṛta | mfn. virtuous, pious | ||||||
dharmasaṃtānasū | mfn. producing virtuous offspring or actions | ||||||
dharmasaṃyukta | mfn. lawful, legal Scholiast or Commentator on | ||||||
dharmasaṅga | m. devotion to justice or virtue | ||||||
dharmasaṅga | m. hypocrisy | ||||||
dharmasāra | m. "law-essence", Name of work | ||||||
dharmasārasamuccaya | m. "collection of laws", Name of work. | ||||||
dharmasārathi | m. "charioteer of dharma-", Name of a son of tri-kakud- | ||||||
dharmaśarīra | n. a body or collection of virtues or sacred relics | ||||||
dharmaśarīra | n. a kind of small Buddhist stūpa-. | ||||||
dharmaśarmabhyudaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaśarman | m. "refuge of law or virtue", Name of a preceptor | ||||||
dharmaśāsana | n. law-book, code of laws | ||||||
dharmaśāstra | n. idem or 'n. law-book, code of laws ' | ||||||
dharmaśāstradīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaśāstrakārikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaśāstranibandha | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaśāstrasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaśāstrasaṃgrahaśloka | m. plural Name of work | ||||||
dharmaśāstrasarvasva | n. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaśāstrasudhānidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaśāstravacana | n. Name of work | ||||||
dharmasāstrin | m. an adherent of the law-books | ||||||
dharmasāstrin | m. plural Name of a particular school | ||||||
dharmaśāstroddhṛtavacana | n. plural Name of work | ||||||
dharmasāṭapraticchanna | mfn. clothed with the garb of righteousness, naked | ||||||
dharmasatyavrata | mfn. devoted to truth and virtue | ||||||
dharmasatyavrateyu | m. plural dharmeyu-, satyeyu- and vrateyu- | ||||||
dharmasāvarṇi | m. Name of the 11th manu- | ||||||
dharmasāvarṇika | m. Name of the 11th manu- | ||||||
dharmasena | m. Name of a king | ||||||
dharmasena | m. of an author | ||||||
dharmaśeravaṇa | n. the hearing of a sermon | ||||||
dharmasetu | m. barrier of law or justice | ||||||
dharmasetu | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
dharmasetu | m. of a son of āryaka- | ||||||
dharmasevana | n. fulfilment of duties | ||||||
dharmaśīla | mfn. of a virtuous disposition, just, pious | ||||||
dharmaśīla | m. Name of a man | ||||||
dharmaśīla | m. of a woman | ||||||
dharmasiṃha | m. "lion of virtue", Name of a man | ||||||
dharmasindhu | m. "ocean of law"Name of several works. | ||||||
dharmasindhusāra | m. "essence of the ocean of law", Name of work | ||||||
dharmaskandha | m. "law-collection", Name of work | ||||||
dharmaskandha | m. chief section of a work relating to laws | ||||||
dharmasmāraka | m. law-teacher. | ||||||
dharmasmṛti | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaśreṣṭhin | m. Name of a Buddhist arhat-. | ||||||
dharmastha | m. "abiding in the law", a judge | ||||||
dharmasthala | n. "place of justice", Name of a town | ||||||
dharmasthavira | m. "firm in law", Name of a man | ||||||
dharmasthititā | f. the constant nature of dharma- | ||||||
dharmasthūṇārāja | m. chief pillar of the law | ||||||
dharmasū | mfn. promoting order or justice | ||||||
dharmasū | m. the fork-tailed shrike | ||||||
dharmasubodhinī | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmaśuddhi | f. a correct knowledge of the law | ||||||
dharmasūkta | n. Name of work | ||||||
dharmasuta | m. "son of dharma-", Name of yudhiṣṭhira- | ||||||
dharmasūtra | n. a sūtra- work treating on law and custom ( dharmasūtrakāra -kāra- m.the author of a sūtra- work dharmasūtravyākhyā -vyākhyā- f.Name of work) | ||||||
dharmasūtra | m. Name of a son of su-nata- | ||||||
dharmasūtrakāra | m. dharmasūtra | ||||||
dharmasūtravyākhyā | f. dharmasūtra | ||||||
dharmasvāmin | m. "lord of law and right", Name of a buddha- | ||||||
dharmasvāmin | m. of a sanctuary built by dharma- (king of kaśmīra-) | ||||||
dharmatā | f. essence, inherent nature | ||||||
dharmatā | f. the being law or right | ||||||
dharmatantra | n. sg. and plural the beginning and end of the law, summum jus | ||||||
dharmatantra | m. Name of a man | ||||||
dharmatas | ind. according to law or rule, rightly, justly | ||||||
dharmatas | ind. from a virtuous motive | ||||||
dharmatas | ind. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals dharmāt-, from the rules of. | ||||||
dharmatattva | n. the real essence of the law ( dharmatattvatas -tas- ind.in a manner entirely corresponding to the law ) | ||||||
dharmatattva | n. Name of work by kamalākara- | ||||||
dharmatattva | n. of a modern work | ||||||
dharmatattvaprakāśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmatattvārthacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmatattvasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmatattvatas | ind. dharmatattva | ||||||
dharmatattvavid | mfn. knowing the truths of laws or religion | ||||||
dharmatayā | ind. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' by way or means of. | ||||||
dharmatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
dharmatrāta | m. "law-protected", Name of a Buddhist author. | ||||||
dharmatva | n. inherent nature, peculiar property, | ||||||
dharmatva | n. morality, piety | ||||||
dharmatyāga | m. abandonment of religion, apostacy | ||||||
dharmavācaspati | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on | ||||||
dharmavāda | m. discussion or argument about law or duty | ||||||
dharmavādin | mfn. discussing law or duty | ||||||
dharmavāha | m. "whose vehicle is the law", just, virtuous | ||||||
dharmavāhana | m. "id." | ||||||
dharmavāhana | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
dharmavahikā | f. an accountbook of charitable expenditure, | ||||||
dharmavāhya | See -bāhya-. | ||||||
dharmavaitaṃsika | m. "merit-catcher", one who gives away money unlawfully acquired in the hope of acquiring merit | ||||||
dharmavallabha | m. a lover of religion, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding | ||||||
dharmavāṇijaka | () m. one who tries to make a profit out of his virtue like a merchant. | ||||||
dharmavāṇijika | () m. one who tries to make a profit out of his virtue like a merchant. | ||||||
dharmavāṇijyaka | () m. one who tries to make a profit out of his virtue like a merchant. | ||||||
dharmavardhana | mfn. increasing right or virtue (śiva-) | ||||||
dharmavardhana | mfn. Name of a king of śrāvastī- | ||||||
dharmavardhana | mfn. of a poet | ||||||
dharmavardhana | n. Name of a town | ||||||
dharmavarman | n. "shield or armour of justice"Name of kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
dharmavartin | mfn. "abiding in duty", righteous | ||||||
dharmavāsara | m. day of religious duties, the day of full moon | ||||||
dharmavāsara | m. yesterday (equals pūrve-dyus-) (see dharnā | ||||||
dharmavasuprada | mfn. granting virtue and wealth (viṣṇu-) | ||||||
dharmavat | mfn. (2.See under 3. dharma-) virtuous, pious, just | ||||||
dharmavat | (dh/arma-) mfn. accompanied by dharman- or the law (aśvin-s), | ||||||
dharmavatī | f. Name of a mudrā- | ||||||
dharmavatī | f. Name of women | ||||||
dharmavatsala | mfn. tenderly alive to duty, loving piety | ||||||
dharmavicāra | m. "discussion of law or duty" | ||||||
dharmavicārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
dharmavicāraśāstra | n. Name of work | ||||||
dharmavid | mfn. knowing the law or duty, virtuous, pious | ||||||
dharmavidharman | n. plural (prajāpater dharmav-) Name of 4 sāman-s | ||||||
dharmavidhi | m. course of law legal precept or injunction | ||||||
dharmavidyā | f. knowledge of the law or right | ||||||
dharmavijaya | m. the victory of justice or virtue | ||||||
dharmavijaya | m. Name of a drama | ||||||
dharmavijayagaṇi | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on | ||||||
dharmaviplava | m. violation of law or duty, wickedness | ||||||
dharmavīra | n. virtuous heroism, | ||||||
dharmavirodhavat | mfn. equals -rodhin- (Bombay edition) | ||||||
dharmavivaraṇa | n. | ||||||
dharmavivardhana | m. "promoter of law or right", Name of a son of aśoka- (equals kunāla-) | ||||||
dharmavivecana | n. judicial investigation | ||||||
dharmaviveka | m. "discussion on the law", Name of works. | ||||||
dharmavivekavākya | n. Name of a short poem ascribed to halāyudha-. | ||||||
dharmavivriti | f. "explanation of the law", Name of works. | ||||||
dharmavṛddha | mfn. "advanced in virtue" | ||||||
dharmavṛddha | mfn. Name of a son of śva-phalka- (see -dhṛk-and -bhṛt-) | ||||||
dharmavṛddha | mfn. of other men | ||||||
dharmavṛtti | f. "explanation of the law", Name of chapter of | ||||||
dharmavyādha | m. "the righteous hunter", Name of a Brahman changed into a hunter in consequence of a curse (according to the of a Brahman killer born as a hunter from the body of vasu-, king of kaśmīra-) . | ||||||
dharmavyatikrama | m. transgression of the law | ||||||
dharmavyavasthā | m. judicial decision, decisive sentence | ||||||
dharmayajña | m. sacrifice of virtue, an unbloody son | ||||||
dharmayaśas | m. "glory of the law", Name of a man | ||||||
dharmayogeśvara | m. Name of a poetry or poetic | ||||||
dharmayoni | m. the womb or source of law, Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
dharmayu | mfn. righteous, virtuous | ||||||
dharmayuddha | n. an honest fight | ||||||
dharmayuga | n. "age of religion", the kṛta-yuga-, | ||||||
dharmayuj | mfn. equals -yukta- | ||||||
dharmayukta | mfn. righteous | ||||||
dharmayukta | mfn. accordant with the law | ||||||
dharmayyadīkṣita | m. Name of a man | ||||||
abhidharma | m. the dogmas of Buddhist philosophy or metaphysics. | ||||||
abhidharmakośa | m. Name of work on the preceding. | ||||||
abhidharmapiṭaka | m. "basket of metaphysics", Name of the third section of Buddhist writings. | ||||||
adbhutadharma | m. "a system or series of marvels or prodigies", Name of one of the nine aṅga-s of the Buddhists. | ||||||
adharma | m. unrighteousness, injustice, irreligion, wickedness | ||||||
adharma | m. demerit, guilt | ||||||
adharma | m. Name of a prajāpati- (son of brahmā-, husband of hiṃsā- or mṛṣā-) | ||||||
adharma | m. Name of an attendant of the sun | ||||||
adharmacaraṇa | n. (), practice of wickedness, injustice | ||||||
adharmacārin | mfn. practising wickedness. | ||||||
adharmacaryā | f. () practice of wickedness, injustice | ||||||
adharmadaṇḍana | n. unjust punishment | ||||||
adharmamaya | mfn. made up of wickedness | ||||||
adharmastikāya | m. the category (astikāya-) of adharma-, (one of the five categories of the jaina- ontology) . | ||||||
adharmatas | ind. unrighteously, unjustly. | ||||||
agradharma | m. high spiritual state, | ||||||
akṣadharma | m. the laws or rules of gambling, | ||||||
anekadharmakathā | f. different exposition of the law. | ||||||
anucchittidharman | (/anucchitti--) mfn. possessing the virtue (or faculty) of being indestructible | ||||||
anutpattikadharmakṣānti | f. acquiescence in the state which is still future, preparation for a future state | ||||||
anutpattikadharmakṣānti | f. (with Buddhists) resignation to consequences which have not yet arisen, (confer, compare ). | ||||||
anyadharma | m. different characteristic | ||||||
anyadharma | m. characteristic of another | ||||||
anyadharma | mfn. having different characteristics. | ||||||
āpaddharma | m. a practice only allowable in time of distress | ||||||
āpaddharma | m. misfortune ([ ]) | ||||||
āpastambadharma | m. Name of work by āpastamba- and his school. | ||||||
apṛthagdharmaśīla | mfn. of the same religion. | ||||||
araṇyadharma | m. forest usage, wild or savage state | ||||||
āryadharma | m. religion of the Aryans, etc. | ||||||
asaddharma | m. evil practice or custom | ||||||
asammoṣadharman | m. Name (also title or epithet) of buddha-, | ||||||
āśramadharma | m. the special duty of each period of life. | ||||||
asvadharma | m. neglect of one's duty, diś-. | ||||||
atithidharma | m. rights of hospitality | ||||||
avayavadharma | m. the property or quality of a part | ||||||
bhadantadharmatrāta | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers. | ||||||
bhagavaddharmavarṇana | n. Name of work | ||||||
bhāvadharmagaṇi | m. Name of men | ||||||
bījadharman | mfn. having the condition of a seed, | ||||||
bodhidharma | m. Name of a Buddhist patriarch (whose original name was bodhi-dhana-) | ||||||
bodhipakṣadharma | m. a quality belonging to (or a constituent of) perfect intelligence | ||||||
bodhipakṣadharmanirdeśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
brahmadharmadviṣ | mfn. hostile to sacred knowledge and the law | ||||||
bṛhaddharman | () m. Name of king. | ||||||
bṛhaddharmaprakāśa | m. "the large dharma-prakāśa-", Name of work | ||||||
bṛhaddharmapurāṇa | n. "the large dharma-purāṇa-", Name of work | ||||||
buddhadharma | m. Buddha's law | ||||||
buddhadharma | m. Buddha's marks or peculiarities | ||||||
cakradharman | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- prince | ||||||
cārudharman | varia lectio for -varman-. | ||||||
citradharman | m. Name of a prince (identified with the asura- virūpākṣa-), | ||||||
cyavanadharma | mfn. destined to sink down in the series of re-births | ||||||
cyavanadharman | mfn. destined to fall from any divine existence (so as to be re-born as a man) | ||||||
daivikadharmanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
dānadharma | m. duty of liberality | ||||||
dānadharmakathana | n. Name of work on alms-giving. | ||||||
dānadharmavidhi | m. Name of work on alms-giving. | ||||||
daśadharmagata | mfn. addicted to the practices of the 10 (kinds of mental non-restraint) | ||||||
dehadharma | m. function or law of the body | ||||||
deśadharma | m. law or usage of a country | ||||||
devadharma | m. religious duty or office | ||||||
devadharman | m. Name of a king | ||||||
deyadharma | m. "the duty of giving", charity | ||||||
dhanadharma | m. Name of a king | ||||||
dhanadharman | m. Name of a king | ||||||
dhanadharman | n. dual number (maṇī-) (prajā | ||||||
dharmādharma | m. dual number right and wrong, justice and injustice | ||||||
dharmādharmajña | mfn. knowing right and wrong | ||||||
dharmādharmaparīkṣā | f. the test of right and wrong, a kind of ordeal by drawing lots or slips of black and white paper Scholiast or Commentator on | ||||||
dharmādharmaparīkṣaṇa | n. the test of right and wrong, a kind of ordeal by drawing lots or slips of black and white paper Scholiast or Commentator on | ||||||
dharmādharmaprabodhinī | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmādharmasenāhanana | n. Name of chapter of the | ||||||
dharmādharmavyavasthā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dṛṣṭadharma | mfn. who has seen dharma- | ||||||
dṛṣṭadharma | m. this world, mundane existence, the present | ||||||
dṛṣṭadharman | varia lectio for -śarman-. | ||||||
durdharma | mfn. having or obeying bad laws | ||||||
dyūtadharma | m. the laws concerning gambling | ||||||
ekadharma | mfn. of the same properties or kind, | ||||||
godharma | m. "rule of cattle" id est open and unconcealed intercourse of the sexes | ||||||
grāmadharma | m. the observances or customs of a village | ||||||
grāmyadharma | m. a villager's duty | ||||||
grāmyadharma | m. "a villager's right (opposed to the right of a recluse)", sexual intercourse | ||||||
gṛhasthadharma | m. a householder's duty | ||||||
guṇadharma | m. the virtue or duty incident to the possession of certain qualities (as clemency is the virtue and duty of royalty etc.) | ||||||
hārītadharmaśāstra | n. hārīta-'s law-book | ||||||
hemadharma | m. Name of a man | ||||||
hemadharman | m. Name of a man | ||||||
hindudharma | m. the Hindu religion | ||||||
jarādharma | m. plural the laws of old age or decay | ||||||
jātidharma | m. caste, duty | ||||||
jātidharma | m. generic or specific property | ||||||
jayadharman | m. Name of a kaurava- hero | ||||||
jinadharma | m. the doctrine of jina- (mahā-vīra-) | ||||||
jinadharma | m. Name of work | ||||||
jñātādharmakathā | f. the 6th aṅga- of the Jains. | ||||||
kāladharma | m. the law or rule or operation of time, death, dying | ||||||
kāladharma | m. line of conduct suitable to any time or season | ||||||
kāladharma | m. influence of time, seasonableness | ||||||
kāladharma | m. effects suited to the time or season. | ||||||
kāladharman | m. the law or operation of time, death | ||||||
kalidharmanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
kalidharmasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of a work. | ||||||
kalyāṇadharman | mfn. of virtuous character or conduct. | ||||||
kāmadharma | m. amorous behaviour. | ||||||
ketudharman | m. Name of a man (varia lectio -varman-) | ||||||
kiṃdharmaka | mfn. of what nature or character? commentator or commentary on | ||||||
kṛṣṇayudhiṣṭhiradharmagoṣṭhī | f. Name of work | ||||||
kṛtadharma | m. "one who performs his duty", Name of a man | ||||||
kṛtadharman | m. idem or 'm. "one who performs his duty", Name of a man ' | ||||||
kṣatradharma | m. the duty of the second caste or of a kṣatriya-, bravery, military conduct | ||||||
kṣatradharma | m. Name of a prince (equals rman-) | ||||||
kṣatradharman | mfn. fulfilling the duties of the second caste | ||||||
kṣatradharman | mfn. Name of a prince | ||||||
kṣatriyadharma | m. the duty or occupation of the warrior-tribe, war, government, etc. | ||||||
kṣatriyadharman | mfn. having the duties of a soldier or of the second caste | ||||||
kṣemadharman | varia lectio for -karman- (q.v) | ||||||
kṣetradharman | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
kudharma | m. a bad practice. | ||||||
kudharman | n. bad or no justice | ||||||
kuladharma | m. practice or observance peculiar to a tribe or family, peculiar duty of caste or race | ||||||
kuladharma | m. peculiar practice or duty of the kaula-s. | ||||||
kūṭadharma | mfn. (a country) where falsehood is considered a duty | ||||||
lokadharma | m. a worldly matter | ||||||
lokadharma | m. worldly condition (eight with Buddhists) | ||||||
luptadharmakriya | mfn. excluded from or deprived of religious ordinances | ||||||
mahādharma | m. Name of a prince of the kiṃ-nara-s | ||||||
mahādharmadhvaja | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, | ||||||
mahādharmadundubhi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, | ||||||
mahāyānābhidharmasaṃgītiśāstra | n. Name of work | ||||||
maheśvaradharmādharma | m. Name of work | ||||||
mānavadharmaśāstra | n. Name of the code of laws attributed to manu- (equals manusaṃhitā-). | ||||||
manuṣyadharma | m. the law or duty or state or character of man | ||||||
manuṣyadharma | m. (with uttara-), highest condition | ||||||
manuṣyadharman | m. "having the nature or character of man", Name of kubera- | ||||||
manuṣyadharman | m. = child of men | ||||||
maraṇadharma | m. the law of death (instrumental case with Causal of | ||||||
maraṇadharman | mfn. subject to the law of death, mortal | ||||||
martyadharma | m. plural the laws or conditions of human life | ||||||
martyadharman | mfn. having the character or properties of a mortal, any human being | ||||||
mitradharman | m. Name of a demon (said to steal oblations) | ||||||
mokṣadharma | m. law or rule of emancipation | ||||||
mokṣadharma | m. Name of a section of the 12th book of the mahābhārata- (from adhyāya- 174 to the end;also mokṣadharmaparvan -parvan- n.) | ||||||
mokṣadharmadīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
mokṣadharmaparvan | n. mokṣadharma | ||||||
mokṣadharmasāroddhāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
mokṣadharmaṭīkā | f. Name of work | ||||||
mokṣadharmavyākhyā | f. Name of work | ||||||
mokṣadharmavyākhyāna | n. Name of work | ||||||
mṛgadharma | () mfn. having the nature of game. | ||||||
mṛgadharman | () mfn. having the nature of game. | ||||||
mṛgayādharma | m. the law or rules of hunting | ||||||
mūlābhidharmaśāstra | n. the original abhidharma-śāstra- | ||||||
nāgārjunīyadharmaśāstra | n. Name of work | ||||||
naikadharma | m. plural several properties, | ||||||
nānādharman | (n/ānā-.) mfn. having different customs | ||||||
nandidharma | m. nandi-'s or nandin-'s precepts | ||||||
nārāyaṇadharmasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
nimittadharma | m. expiation, any occasional or special penance or rite or obligation | ||||||
nirdharma | mfn. unrighteous, lawless, impious, | ||||||
nirdharma | mfn. "unproper. tied" ( nirdharmatva -tva- n.) | ||||||
nirdharma | m. unrighteousness, in nirdharmamūrkhatā ma-mūrkhatā- f. unrighteousness and foolishness | ||||||
nirdharmamūrkhatā | f. nirdharma | ||||||
nirdharmatva | n. nirdharma | ||||||
niyamadharma | m. a law prescribing restraints | ||||||
nṛdharman | m. "acting as a man", Name of kubera- | ||||||
padārthadharmasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
pakṣadharmatāvāda | m. Name of work | ||||||
pāṇidharma | m. form of marriage | ||||||
paradharma | m. another's duty or business, the duties of another caste | ||||||
paradharma | m. another's peculiarity ( paradharmatva -tva- n.) | ||||||
paradharmatva | n. paradharma | ||||||
paramahaṃsadharmanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
paramahaṃsaparivrājakadharmasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
paramasvadharman | mfn. most exact in the observance of the duties of one's own (caste or tribe) | ||||||
parāśaradharma | m. Name of work | ||||||
paropakāradharmakṣānti | f. | ||||||
pārvatīdharmaputraka | m. "adopted son of pārvatī-"Name of paraśu-rāma-, | ||||||
paśudharma | m. the law of animals, manner of beasts (said of the re-marriage of widows) | ||||||
paśudharma | m. copulation | ||||||
paśudharma | m. the treatment of animals, manner in which animals are treated (meṇa vyāpādayāmi-). | ||||||
paśudharman | m. the manner in which the animals sacrifice is performed | ||||||
patidharma | m. duty towards a husband | ||||||
patidharmavatī | f. fulfilling the duties towards a husband, faithfully devoted to a husband | ||||||
paurṇamāsadharma | m. paurṇamāsa | ||||||
phaladharman | mfn. "having the nature of fruit", ripening soon and then falling to the ground or perishing | ||||||
phenadharman | mfn. "having the nature of foam", transient | ||||||
prasavadharman | mfn. subject to the condition of birth, | ||||||
pratyakṣadharman | mfn. keeping in view the merits (of men) | ||||||
pṛthagdharmavid | m. plural each knowing different laws | ||||||
pṛthudharma | m. varia lectio for -karman-. | ||||||
pūrṇadharma | m. w.r. for pūrta-dh- (below) . | ||||||
pūrtadharma | (wrong reading pūrṇa-dh-) m. a meritorious work (see pūrta-) | ||||||
puruṣadharma | m. personal rule or precept | ||||||
puṣyadharman | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
putradharma | m. filial duty | ||||||
putradharmatas | ind. according to the ceremonies usual on the birth of a son | ||||||
rājadharma | m. a kings's duty | ||||||
rājadharma | m. plural rules or laws relating to kings etc. | ||||||
rājadharma | m. equals mā | ||||||
rājadharmabhṛt | mfn. maintaining or fulfilling a kings's duties | ||||||
rājadharmakāṇḍa | mn. Name of work | ||||||
rājadharmakaustubha | m. Name of work | ||||||
rājadharmalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
rājadharman | m. Name of the kings of the cranes or herons (son of kaśyapa-) | ||||||
rājadharmaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
rājadharmasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
rājadharmavid | mfn. knowing a king's duties, | ||||||
ravidharman | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on the kavi-rahasya- | ||||||
sadācāradharma | m. Name of work | ||||||
saddharma | m. the good law, true justice | ||||||
saddharma | m. (with Buddhists and jaina-s) designation of the Buddhist or jaina- doctrines | ||||||
saddharmacandrodaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
saddharmacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work | ||||||
saddharmalaṅkāvatāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
saddharmapuṇḍarīka | n. Name of work () | ||||||
saddharmasamparigraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
saddharmatattvākhyāhnika | n. Name of work | ||||||
sādhāraṇadharma | m. common or universal duty, conduct or duty binding on all castes and orders alike (as humanity etc.) | ||||||
sadharma | m. the same nature or qualities | ||||||
sadharma | mfn. having the same nature or qualities | ||||||
sadharma | mfn. subject to, the same law, equal, like (also maka- ) | ||||||
sadharma | mfn. virtuous, honest | ||||||
sadharmacāriṇī | f. "practising the same duties (with a husband)", a wife, (especially) a legal or virtuous wife etc. | ||||||
sadharmaka | mfn. equals -dharma- above. | ||||||
sadharman | mfn. having the same duties (varia lectio min-) | ||||||
sadharman | mfn. having the same nature or similar properties, resembling, like, equal to (genitive case instrumental case,or compound) | ||||||
sadharmatva | n. the having a similar nature, homogeneousness | ||||||
sahacarīdharma | m. "the wife's duty", sexual intercourse | ||||||
sahadharma | m. community of duty or law, common usage or characteristic | ||||||
sahadharmacara | mfn. one following the same law or duties | ||||||
sahadharmacaraṇa | n. the fulfilment of duties (in common with a husband) | ||||||
sahadharmacarī | f. a wife who helps in the fulfilment of duties | ||||||
sahadharmacārin | mfn. sharing the duties of (genitive case) | ||||||
sahadharmacāriṇī | f. a wife who helps a husband in fulfilling duties, a helpmate, lawful or legitimate wife | ||||||
sahadharman | mfn. along with duties, sharing duties etc. | ||||||
śaivadharmamaṇḍana | n. Name of work on dharma-. | ||||||
sākṣāddharma | m. the personified incarnation of law, Justice himself | ||||||
sākṣātkṛtadharman | mfn. one who has an intuitive perception of duty | ||||||
samadharma | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') of equal nature or character, resembling | ||||||
samānadharman | mfn. having the same qualities, similar to (instrumental case) | ||||||
samānadharman | mfn. a sympathizer, appreciator of merits | ||||||
samayadharma | m. a duty based on agreement, covenant, stipulation | ||||||
saṃnyāsadharmasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
saṃyuktābhidharmaśāstra | n. Name of a Buddhist work | ||||||
sarvadharmamaya | mf(ī-)n. containing all laws | ||||||
sarvadharmamudra | m. a particular samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharman | m. Name of a king | ||||||
sarvadharmapadaprabheda | m. a particular samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmaprakāśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
sarvadharmapraveśamudra | m. Name of a particular samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmapraveśana | n. Name of a particular samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmaramatā | f. Name of a samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmasamatājñānamudrā | f. a particular position of the fingers | ||||||
sarvadharmasamavaśaraṇasāgaramudrā | f. Name of a samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmasamavasaraṇasāgaramudra | m. Name of a samādhi- | ||||||
sarvadharmavid | mfn. knowing all laws | ||||||
sarvatathāgatadharmavāṅnithprapañcajñānamudrā | f. Name of particular positions of the fingers | ||||||
śaśadharman | m. Name of a king | ||||||
satataparigrahadharmakāṅkṣiṇī | f. Name of a kiṃnarī- | ||||||
ṣaṭpadābhidharma | m. Name of work | ||||||
satyadharma | m. the law of truth, eternal truth | ||||||
satyadharma | mfn. one whose ordinances are true | ||||||
satyadharma | m. Name of a son of the 13th manu- | ||||||
satyadharma | m. of a Brahman | ||||||
satyadharman | mfn. (saty/a--) one whose ordinances are true | ||||||
satyadharman | mfn. adhering to or speaking the truth | ||||||
satyadharman | mfn. ruling by fixed ordinances | ||||||
satyadharmaparāyaṇa | mfn. devoted to truth and virtue | ||||||
satyadharmapatha | m. the path of eternal truth | ||||||
satyadharmatīrtha | m. Name of a scholar | ||||||
satyadharmavipulakīrti | m. Name of a buddha- | ||||||
saudharma | m. (fr. su-dharma-) "having rectitude", a particular abode of the gods (with jaina-s) | ||||||
saudharmaja | m. plural (with jaina-s) a particular class of gods | ||||||
sauradharma | m. Name of work | ||||||
śeṣadharma | m. Name of a chapter of the hari-vaṃśa-. | ||||||
sevādharma | m. the duties or functions of service | ||||||
sīmāvivādadharma | m. the law respecting disputes about boundaries | ||||||
śivadharma | n. Name of a chapter of the nandikeśvara-saṃhitā- | ||||||
śrautasmārtadharma | m. a duty enjoined by the veda- and smṛti- | ||||||
śreṇīdharma | m. plural the customs of trades or guilds | ||||||
śrutadharman | m. Name of a son of udā | ||||||
strīdharma | m. the duty of a woman | ||||||
strīdharma | m. the laws concerning women | ||||||
strīdharma | m. copulation | ||||||
strīdharma | m. menstruation | ||||||
strīdharmapaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
strīdharmayoga | m. the application of laws or customs relative to women | ||||||
strīpuṃdharma | m. the law (or duties) of husband and wife () . | ||||||
sudharma | m. good law, justice, duty | ||||||
sudharma | m. "maintaining law or justice", Name of a man | ||||||
sudharma | m. of a mahā-brahman- (q.v) | ||||||
sudharma | m. one of the 10 disciples of the celebrated jaina- teacher and arhat- mahā-vīra- | ||||||
sudharma | m. of a king of the kiṃ-nara-s | ||||||
sudharma | m. of a palace | ||||||
sudharma | m. plural Name of a class of deities | ||||||
sudharman | mfn. well supporting or maintaining | ||||||
sudharman | mfn. practising justice, attending well to duty | ||||||
sudharman | m. the maintainer of a family (equals kuṭumbin-) | ||||||
sudharman | m. the assembly hall of the gods | ||||||
sudharman | m. Name of a being reckoned among the viśve- devāḥ- | ||||||
sudharman | m. of a king of the daśārṇa-s | ||||||
sudharman | m. of a son of dṛḍha-nemi- | ||||||
sudharman | m. of a son of citraka- | ||||||
sudharman | m. (with jaina-s) of a gaṇā | ||||||
sudharman | m. (plural) Name of various classes of gods under various manu-s | ||||||
śūdradharma | m. the duty of a śūdra- | ||||||
śūdradharmabodhinī | f. Name of work | ||||||
śūdradharmatattva | n. Name of work | ||||||
śukladharma | m. the pure law, . | ||||||
sūkṣmadharma | m. a subtle law or duty (see ) . | ||||||
svadharma | m. one's own rights (maṃ- | ||||||
svadharma | m. one's own duty etc. | ||||||
svadharma | m. peculiar property, peculiarity | ||||||
svadharmacyuta | mfn. deprived of one's own rights, fallen from or neglecting one's own duty | ||||||
svadharman | mfn. abiding in one's own customs | ||||||
svadharmaskhalana | n. falling from or neglect of one's own duty | ||||||
svadharmastha | mfn. abiding in one's own duty | ||||||
svadharmatyāga | m. dereliction or neglect of one's own duty | ||||||
svadharmatyāga | m. abandoning one's own religion, apostasy | ||||||
svadharmavartin | mfn. applying one's self to one's duties ( svadharmavartitva ti-tva- n.) | ||||||
svadharmavartitva | n. svadharmavartin | ||||||
taddharma | mfn. having the same qualities, | ||||||
taddharman | mfn. practising that, | ||||||
taddharman | mfn. accomplishing his business (see tāddharmya-) | ||||||
taddharmatva | n. the having his or its peculiarity (a-- negative) | ||||||
tapodharma | m. Name of a son of the 13th manu- (varia lectio rma-bhṛtha-). | ||||||
tārādharma | m. Name of a prince of -pura- | ||||||
trayīdharma | m. the duty enjoined by the 3 veda-s | ||||||
tridharman | m. śiva- | ||||||
uddharma | m. unsound doctrine, heresy. | ||||||
uñchadharman | mfn.=- vartin- | ||||||
upadharma | m. a minor or subordinate duty | ||||||
upadharma | m. a by-law | ||||||
upadharma | m. a false faith, heresy | ||||||
uttaradharma | m. Name of a teacher () | ||||||
vaidikadharmanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
vaiṣṇavadharmamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work | ||||||
vaiṣṇavadharmasuradrumamañjari | f. Name of work | ||||||
vānaprasthadharma | mfn. the law or duty of a vānaprastha- | ||||||
varadharma | m. a noble act of justice, excellent work etc. | ||||||
varṇadharma | m. the particular duty or occupation of any caste or tribe | ||||||
varṇāśramadharma | m. the duties of caste and order | ||||||
varṇāśramadharma | m. Name of work (also varṇāśramadīpa madīpa-,m.) | ||||||
vastudharma | m. sg. and plural the true nature of things ( vastudharmatva -tva- n.) | ||||||
vastudharmatva | n. vastudharma | ||||||
vasudharman | m. Name of a man | ||||||
vedadharma | m. Name of a son of paila- | ||||||
vibhāgadharma | m. the law of division, rule of inheritance | ||||||
vidharma | mfn. (for 2.See vi- | ||||||
vidharma | mfn. devoid of attributes or qualities (equals nir-guṇa-,said of kṛṣṇa-) () | ||||||
vidharma | m. wrong, injustice | ||||||
vidharman | mfn. (for 2.See vi- | ||||||
vidharman | m. (for 1.See) a maintainer, arranger, disposer | ||||||
vidharman | n. that which encircles or surrounds, receptacle, boundaries, circumference | ||||||
vidharman | n. disposition, arrangement, order, rule | ||||||
vidharman | n. Name of a sāman- | ||||||
vidharmastha | mfn. "abiding in wrong", unjust | ||||||
vidharmatas | ind. wrongly, unlawfully | ||||||
vidhavādharma | m. "duty of a widow", Name of chapter of the | ||||||
vināśadharman | mfn. subject to the law of decay (varia lectio min-;but see ) | ||||||
vinaṣṭadharma | mfn. (a country) whose laws are corrupted | ||||||
viśeṣadharma | m. a peculiar or different duty | ||||||
viśeṣadharma | m. a special law | ||||||
viṣṇudharma | m. a kind of śrāddha- | ||||||
viṣṇudharma | m. Name of various works. | ||||||
viṣṇudharmamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work | ||||||
viṣṇudharman | m. Name of a son of garuḍa- | ||||||
vṛṣṭadharma | m. Name of a king | ||||||
vyutkrāntadharma | mfn. neglectful of duty | ||||||
yājñavalkīyadharmaśāstranibandha | m. Name of work | ||||||
yājñavalkyadharmaśāstra | n. Name of work | ||||||
yamadharmanirbhayastotra | n. Name of a stotra-. | ||||||
yaśodharman | m. Name (also title or epithet) of king, | ||||||
yathādharmam | ind. accusative to duty or right, in proper form or order etc. | ||||||
yathādharmam | ind. according to nature or character | ||||||
yathākuladharmam | ind. according to family usage | ||||||
yatidharma | m. the duty of a yati- | ||||||
yatidharman | m. Name of a son of śvaphalka-. | ||||||
yatidharmaprakāśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
yatidharmasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
yatidharmasamuccaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
yatisvadharmabhikṣāvidhi | m. Name of a work (containing rules for the regulation of life on the part of religious mendicants, attributed to śaṃkarā | ||||||
yodhadharma | m. the law of soldiers, duty of the kṣatriya- caste | ||||||
yuddhadharma | m. the law of battle, law of war (plural) | ||||||
yugmadharman | mfn. (?) |
dharmaḥ | धर्मः [ध्रियते लोको$नेन, धरति लोकं वा धृ-मन्; cf. Uṇ 1. 137] 1 Religion; the customary observances of a caste, sect, &c. -2 Law, usage, practice, custom, ordinance, statue. -3 Religious or moral merit, virtue, righteousness, good works (regarded as one of the four ends of human existence); अनेन धर्मः सविशेषमद्य मे त्रिवर्ग- सारः प्रतिभाति भाविनि Ku.5.38, and see त्रिवर्ग also; एक एव सुहृद्धर्मो निधने$प्यनुयाति यः H.1.63. -4 Duty, prescribed course of conduct; षष्ठांशवृत्तेरपि धर्म एषः Ś.5.4; Ms.1.114. -5 Right, justice, equity, impartiality. -6 Piety, propriety, decorum. -7 Morality, ethics -8 Nature. disposition, character; उत्पत्स्यते$स्ति मम को$पि समानधर्मा Māl.1.6; प्राणि˚, जीव˚. -9 An essential quality, peculiarity, characteristic property, (peculiar) attribute; वदन्ति वर्ण्यावर्ण्यानां धर्मैक्यं दीपकं बुधाः Chandr.5.45; Pt.1.34. -1 Manner, resemblance, likeness. -11 A sacrifice. -12 Good company, associating with the virtuous -13> Devotion, religious abstraction. -14 Manner, mode. -15 An Upaniṣad q. v. -16 N. of Yudhiṣṭhira, the eldest Pāṇḍava. -17 N. of Yama, the god of death. -18 A bow. -19 A drinker of Soma juice. -2 (In astrol.) N. of the ninth lunar mansion. -21 An Arhat of the Jainas. -22 The soul. -23 Mastery, great skill; दिव्यास्त्रगुणसंपन्नः परं धर्मं गतो युधि Rām.3.31.15. -र्मम् A virtuous deed. -Comp. -अक्षरम् (pl.) holy mantras; a formula of faith; धर्माक्षराण्युदाहरामि Mk.8.45-46. -अङ्गः (-ङ्गा f.) the Indian crane. -अधर्मौ m. (du.) right and wrong, religion and irreligion; धर्माधर्मौ सपदि गलितौ पुण्यपापे विशीर्णे. ˚विद् m. a Mīmāṁsaka who knows the right and wrong course of action. -अधिकरणम् 1 administration of the laws. 1 a court of justice. (-णः) a judge. -अधिकरणिकः, -अधिकारिन् m. a judge, magistrate, any judicial functionary. -अधिकरणिन् m. a judge, magistrate. -अधिकारः 1 superintendence of religious affairs; Ś1. -2 administration of justice. -3 the office of a judge. -अधि- ष्ठानम् a court of justice. -अध्यक्षः 1 a judge. -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu. -अनुष्ठानम् acting according to religion, virtuous or moral conduct. -अनुसारः conformity to virtue or justice. -अपेत a. deviating from virtue, wicked, immoral, irreligious. (-तम्) vice, immorality, injustice. -अयनम् course of law, law-suit. -अरण्यम् a sacred or penance grove, a wood inhabited by ascetics; धर्मारण्यं प्रविशति गजः Śi.1.32. -अर्थौः religious merit and wealth; धर्मार्थौ यत्र न स्याताम् Ms.2.112. -अर्थम् ind. 1 for religious purposes. -2 justly, according to justice or right. -अलीक a. having a false character. -अस्तिकायः (with Jainas) the category or predicament of virtue; cf. अस्तिकाय. -अहन् Yesterday. -आगमः a religious statute, lawbook. -आचार्यः 1 a religious teacher. -2 a teacher of law or customs. -आत्मजः an epithet of Yudhiṣṭhira q. v. -आत्मता religiousmindedness; justice, virtue. -आत्मन् a. just righteous, pious, virtuous. (-m.) a saint, a pious man. -आश्रय, -आश्रित a. righteous, virtuous; धर्माश्रयं पापिनः (निन्दन्ति) Pt.1.415. -आसनम् the throne of justice, judgmentseat, tribunal; न संभावितमद्य धर्मासनमध्यासितुम् Ś.6; धर्मासनाद्विशति वासगृहं नरेन्द्रः U.1.7. -इन्द्रः, -ईशः an epithet of Yama; पितॄणामिव धर्मेन्द्रः Mb.7.6.6. -ईप्सु a. wishing to gain religious merit; Ms.1.127. -उत्तर a. 'rich in virtue,' chiefly characterized by justice, eminently just and impartial; धर्मोत्तरं मध्यममाश्रयन्ते R.13.7. -उपचायिन् a. religious; यच्च वः प्रेक्षमाणानां सर्व- धर्मोपचायिनाम् Mb.5.137.16. -उपदेशः 1 instruction in law or duty, religious or moral instruction. आर्षं धर्मोपदेशं च वेदशास्त्राविरोधिना । यस्तर्केणानुसंधत्ते स धर्मं वेद नेतरः ॥ Ms.12.16. -2 the collective body of laws. -उपदेशकः 1 a teacher of the law. -2 a spiritual teacher, a Guru. -कथकः an expounder of law. -कर्मन् n., -कार्यम्, -क्रिया 1 any act of duty or religion, any moral or religious observance, a religious act or rite. -2 virtuous conduct. -कथादरिद्रः the Kali age. -काम a. 1 devoted to virtue. -2 observing duty or right. -कायः 1 an epithet of Buddha. -2 a Jaina saint. -कारणम् Cause of virtue. -कीलः 1 a grant, royal edict or decree. -2 husband. -कृत् a. observing duty, acting justly. (-m.) 1 N. of Viṣṇu. -2 a pious man. धर्मा- धर्मविहीनो$पि धर्ममर्यादास्थापनार्थं धर्ममेव करोतीति धर्मकृत् Bhāg. -केतुः an epithet of Buddha. -कोशः, -षः the collective body of laws or duties; धर्मकोषस्य गुप्तये Ms.1.99. -क्रिया, -कृत्यम् any act of religion, any moral or religious rite. -क्षेत्रम् 1 Bhāratavarṣa (the land of religion). -2 N. of a plain near Delhi, the scene of the great battle between the Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas; धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः Bg.1.1. (-त्रः) a virtuous or pious man. -गुप्त a. observing and protecting religion. (-प्तः) N. of Viṣṇu. -ग्रन्थः a sacred work or scripture. -घटः a jar of fragrant water offered daily (to a Brāhmaṇa) in the month of Vaiśākha; एष धर्मघटो दत्तो ब्रह्माविष्णुशिवात्मकः । अस्य प्रदानात् सफला मम सन्तु मनोरथाः ॥ -घ्न a. immoral, unlawful. -चक्रः 1 The wheel or range of the law; Bhddh. Jain. -2 a Buddha. ˚मृत् m. a Buddha or Jaina. -चरणम्, -चर्या observance of the law, performance of religious duties; शिवेन भर्त्रा सह धर्मचर्या कार्या त्वया मुक्तविचारयेति Ku.7.83; वयसि प्रथमे, मतौ चलायां बहुदोषां हि वदन्ति धर्मचर्याम् Bu. Ch.5.3. चारिन् a. practising virtue, observing the law, virtuous, righteous; स चेत्स्वयं कर्मसु धर्मचारिणां त्वमन्त- रायो भवसि R.3.45. (-m.) an ascetic. चारिणी 1 a wife. -2 a chaste or virtuous wife. cf. सह˚; इयं चोर्वशी यावदायुस्तव सहधर्मचारिणी भवत्विति V.5.19/2. -चिन्तक a. 1 studying or familiar with duty. -2 reflecting on the law. -चिन्तनम्, चिन्ता study of virtue, consideration of moral duties, moral reflection. -च्छलः fraudulent transgression of law or duty. -जः 1 'duly or lawfully born', a legitimate son; cf. Ms.9.17. -2 N. of युधिष्ठिर; Mb.15.1.44. -जन्मन् m. N. of युधिष्ठिर. -जिज्ञासा inquiry into religion or the proper course of conduct; अथातो धर्मजिज्ञासा Jaimini's Sūtra. -जीवन a. one who acts according to the rules of his caste or fulfils prescribed duties. (-नः) a Brāhmaṇa who maintains himself by assisting other men in the performance of their religious rites; यश्चापि धर्मसमयात्प्रच्युतो धर्मजीवनः Ms.9.273. -ज्ञ a. 1 knowing what is right, conversant with civil or religious law; Ms.7.141;8.179;1.127. -2 just, righteous, pious. -त्यागः abandoning one's religion, apostacy. -दक्षिणा a fee for instruction in the law. -दानम् a charitable gift (made without any self-interest.) पात्रेभ्यो दीयते नित्यमनपेक्ष्य प्रयोजनम् । केवलं धर्मबुद्ध्या यद् धर्मदानं प्रचक्षते ॥ Ms.3.262. -दुघा a cow milked for religious purposes only. -द्रवी N. of the Ganges. -दारा m. (pl.) a lawful wife; स्त्रीणां भर्ता धर्मदाराश्च पुंसाम् Māl. 6.18. -द्रुह् a. voilating the law or right; निसर्गेण स धर्मस्य गोप्ता धर्मद्रुहो वयम् Mv.2.7. -द्रोहिन् m. a demon. -धातुः an epithet of Buddha. -ध्वजः -ध्वजिन् m. a religious hypocrite, an impostor; Bhāg.3.32.39. -नन्दनः an epithet of युधिष्ठिर. -नाथः a legal protector, rightful master. -नाभः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -निबन्धिन् a. pious, holy. -निवेशः religious devotion. -निष्ठ a. devoted to religion or virtue; श्रीमन्तः पान्तु पृथ्वीं प्रशमित- रिपवो धर्मनिष्ठाश्च भूपाः Mk.1.61. -निष्पत्तिः f. 1 discharge or fulfilment of duty. -2 moral or religious observance; -पत्नी a lawful wife; R.2.2,2,72;8.7; Y.2.128. -पथः the way of virtue, a virtuous course of conduct. -पर a. religious-minded, pious, righteous. -परिणामः rise of righteous conduct in the heart (Jainism); cf. also एतेन भूतेन्द्रियेषु धर्मलक्षणावस्थापरिणामा व्याख्याताः Yoga-darśana. -पाठकः a teacher of civil or religious law; Ms.12.111. -पालः 'protector of the law', said metaphorically of (दण्ड) 'punishment or chastisement', or 'sword'. -पाडा transgressing the law, an offence against law. -पुत्रः 1 a lawful son, a son begotten from a sense of duty and not from mere lust or sensual pleasure. -2 an epithet of युधिष्ठिर. -3 any one regarded as a son for religious purposes, a spiritual son. -प्रचारः (fig.) sword. -प्रतिरूपकः a counterfeit of virtue; Ms.11.9. -प्रधान a. eminent in piety; धर्मप्रधानं पुरुषं तपसा हतकिल्बिषम् Ms.4.243. -प्रवक्तृ m. 1 an expounder of the law, a legal adviser. -2 a religious teacher, preacher. -प्रवचनम् 1 the science of duty; U.5.23. -2 expounding the law. (-नः) an epithet of Buddha. -प्रेक्ष्य a. religious or virtuous (धर्मदृष्टि); Rām.2.85.16. -बाणिजिकः, -वाणिजिकः 1 one who tries to make profit out of his virtue like a merchant. -2 one who performs religious rites with a view to reward, like a merchant dealing in transactions for profit. -बाह्यः a. contrary to religion or what is right. -भगिनी 1 a lawful sister. -2 a daughter of the spiritual preceptor. -3 a spiritual sister, any one regarded as a sister or discharging the same religious duties एतस्मिन्विहारे मम धर्मभगिनी तिष्ठति Mk.8.46/47. -भागिनी a virtuous wife. -भाणकः a lecturer or public reader who reads and explains to audiences sacred books like the Bhārata, Bhāgavata, &c. -भिक्षुकः a mendicant from virtuous motives; Ms. 11.2. -भृत् m. 1 'a preserver or defender of justice,' a king. -2 a virtuous person. -भ्रातृ m. 1 a fellow religious student, a spiritual brother. -2 any one regarded as a brother from discharging the same religious duties. वानप्रस्थयतिब्रह्मचारिणां रिक्थभागिनः । क्रमेणाचार्यसच्छिष्य- धर्मभ्रात्रेकतीर्थिनः ॥ Y.2.137. -महामात्रः a minister of religion, a minister in charge of religious affairs. -मूलम् the foundation of civil or religious law, the Vedas. -मेघः a particular Samādhi. -युगम् the Kṛita age; अथ धर्मयुगे तस्मिन्योगधर्ममनुष्ठिता । महीमनुचचारैका सुलभा नाम भिक्षुकी Mb.12.32.7. -यूपः, -योनिः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -रति a. 'delighting in virtue or justice', righteous, pious, just; तस्य धर्मरतेरासीद् वृद्धत्वं जरसा विना R.1.23. -रत्नम् N. of a Jaina स्मृतिग्रन्थ prepared by Jīmūtavāhana. -राज् -m. an epithet of Yama. -राज a. धर्मशील q. v.; धर्मराजेन जनकेन महात्मना (विदेहान् रक्षितान्) Mb.12.325 19. -राजः an epithet of 1 Yama. -2 Jina. -3 युधिष्ठिर. -4 a king. -राजन् m. N. of युधिष्ठिर. -राजिका a monument, a stūpa (Sārnāth Inscrip. of Mahīpāla; Ind. Ant. Vol.14, p.14.) -रोधिन् a. 1 opposed to law, illegal, unlawful. -2 immoral. -लक्षणम् 1 the essential mark of law. -2 the Vedas. (-णा) the Mīmāṁsā philosophy. -लोपः 1 irreligion, immorality. -2 violation of duty; धर्मलोपभयाद्राज्ञीमृतुस्नातामिमां स्मरन् R. 1.76. -वत्सल a. loving piety or duty. -वर्तिन् a. just, virtuous. -वर्धनः an epithet of Śiva. -वादः discussion about law or duty, religious controversy; अनुकल्पः परो धर्मो धर्मवादैस्तु केवलम् Mb.12.165.15. -वासरः 1 the day of full moon. -2 yesterday. -वाहनः 1 an epithet of Śiva. -2 a buffalo (being the vehicle of Yama). -विद् a. familiar with the law (civil or religious). ˚उत्तमः N. of Viṣṇu. -विद्या knowledge of the law or right. -विधिः a legal precept or injunction; एष धर्मविधिः कृत्स्नश्चातुर्वर्ण्यस्य कीर्तितः Ms.1.131. -विप्लवः violation of duty, immorality. -विवेचनम् 1 judicial investigation; यस्य शूद्रस्तु कुरुते राज्ञो धर्मविवेचनम् । तस्य सीदति तद्राष्ट्रं पङ्के गौरिव पश्यतः ॥ Ms.8.21. -2 dissertation on duty. -वीरः (in Rhet.) the sentiment of heroism arising out of virtue or piety, the sentiment of chivalrous piety; the following instance is given in R. G.:-- सपदि विलयमेतु राज्यलक्ष्मीरुपरि पतन्त्वथवा कृपाणधाराः । अपहरतुतरां शिरः कृतान्तो मम तु मतिर्न मनागपैतु धर्मात् ॥ स च दानधर्मयुद्धैर्दयया च समन्वितश्चतुर्धा स्यात् S. D. -वृद्ध a. advanced in virtue or piety; न धर्मवृद्धेषु वयः समीक्ष्यते Ku.5.16. -वैतंसिकः one who gives away money unlawfully acquired in the hope of appearing generous. -व्यवस्था m. judicial decision, decisive sentence. -शाला 1 a court of justice, tribunal. -2 any charitabla institution. -शासनम्, शास्त्रम् a code of laws, jurisprudence; न धर्मशास्त्रं पठतीति कारणम् H.1.17; Y.1.5. [मनुर्यमो वसिष्ठो$त्रिः दक्षो विष्णुस्तथाङ्गिराः । उशना वाक्पतिर्व्यास आपस्तम्बो$ थ गौतमः ॥ कात्यायनो नारदश्च याज्ञवल्क्यः पराशरः । संवर्तश्चैव शङ्खश्च हारीतो लिखितस्तथा ॥ एतैर्यानि प्रणीतानि धर्मशास्त्राणि वै पुरा । तान्येवातिप्रमाणानि न हन्तव्यानि हेतुभिः ॥] -शील a. just, pious, virtuous. -शुद्धिः a correct knowledge of the law; प्रत्यक्षं चानुमानं च शास्त्रं च विविधागमम् । त्रयं सुविदितं कार्यं धर्मशुद्धिमभीप्सता ॥ Ms.12.15. -संहिता a code of laws (especially compiled by sages like Manu, Yājñavalkya, &c.). -संगः 1 attachmet to justice or virtue. -2 hypocrisy. -संगीतिः 1 discussion about law. -2 (with Buddhists) a council. -सभा a court of justice. -समयः a legal obligation; यश्चापि धर्मसमयात्प्रच्युतो धर्मजीवनः Ms.9.273. -सहायः a partner or companion in the discharge of religious duties. -सूः m. the fork-tailed shrike. -सूत्रम् a book on पूर्वमीमांसा written by Jaimini. -सेतुः an epithet of Śiva. -सेवनम् fulfilment of duties. -स्थः a judge; धर्मस्थः कारणैरेतैर्हीनं तमिति निर्दिशेत् Ms.8.57. -स्थीय a. Concerning law; धर्मस्थीयं तृतीयं प्रकरणम् Kau. A.3. -स्वामिन् m. an epithet of Buddha. |
dharmamaya | धर्ममय a. Virtuous, righteous, pious. |
dharman | धर्मन् m. [धृ-मनिन्] 1 A preserver, maintainer, supporter. -n. 1 A religious rite. -2 Support, stay. -3 Religion, duty. -4 Law, custom. -5 A mode, manner. -6 Characteristic quality or mark. |
dharmataḥ | धर्मतः ind. 1 According to law or rule, rightly, religiously, justly. -2 Virtuously, righteously. -3 From a virtuous or religious motive. |
dharmatvam | धर्मत्वम् 1 Morality, virtue, righteousness. -2 Inherent property or nature. |
dharmavat | धर्मवत् a. -1 Holy, virtuous. -2 Upright, just. -3 Lawful, legal. |
dharmayu | धर्मयु a. Virtuous, just, pious, righteous. |
atidharmaḥ | अतिधर्मः The highest type of Dharma; Rām.7. |
adharmaḥ | अधर्मः [न. त.] 1 Unrighteousness, irreligion, impiousness, wickedness, injustice; ˚दण्डनम् Ms.8.127 unjust punishment; अधर्मेण unjustly, in an improper way; यश्चाधर्मेण पृच्छति Ms.2.111; an unjust act; a guilty or wicked deed; sin; ˚चारिन् committing unjust or unrighteous deeds; so ˚आत्मन् of an irreligious spirit; तदा कथम्˚ भीरुः Ś.5; ˚मय full of wickedness or sin; for definitions &c. of धर्म and अधर्म See Tarka K. P.19. (धर्म and अधर्म are two of the 24 qualities mentioned in Nyāya, and they pertain only to the soul. They are the peculiar causes of pleasure and pain respectively. They are imperceptible, but inferred from reasoning and from transmigration.) -2 N. of a Prajāpati or of an attendant of the sun. -र्मा Unrighteousness personified. -र्मम् Devoid of attributes, an epithet of ब्रह्म -Comp. -अस्तिकायः the category of अधर्म, See अस्तिकाय. |
abhidharmaḥ | अभिधर्मः The supreme truth or Metaphysics according to Buddhistic dogmas. -Comp. -पिटकः 'basket of Metaphysics', one of the three sections (पिटक) of Buddhist holy writings which treat of अभिधर्म. |
upadharmaḥ | उपधर्मः A bylaw, a secondary or minor religious precept (opp. पर); एष धर्मः परः साक्षादुपधर्मो$न्य उच्यते Ms.2.237,4.147. -2 A heretic, false faith. |
vidharma | विधर्म a. 1 Wrong, unjust, unlawful. -र्मः 1 Wrong, injustice. -2 An irreligious or unjust action done with a good intention; विधर्मः परधर्मश्च आभास उपमा छलः । अधर्म- शाखाः पञ्चेमः धर्मज्ञो$धर्मवत् त्यजेत् ॥ Bhāg.7.15.12. |
vidharman | विधर्मन् a. Acting wrongly, untruly; प्रमदा शीलसंपूर्णा पत्येव च विधर्मणा Rām.4.17.42; Mb.12.59.94. |
sadharmaḥ | सधर्मः The same nature or qualities; गृहीतनरलोक- सधर्मं भगवन्तम् Bhāg.5.4.4. |
sadharman | सधर्मन् a. 1 Having similar properties. -2 Having similar duties. -3 Of the same sect or caste. -4 Like, resembling. -Comp. -चारिणी a legal wife, a legally married wife. |
dharman | dhár-man, n. ordinance, law, i. 160, 1; x. 90, 16 [that which holds or is established: dhṛ hold]. |
satyadharman | satyá-dharman, a. (Bv.) whose ordinances are true, x. 34, 8. |
dharma | m. established order, usage, institution, custom, prescription; rule; duty; virtue, moral merit, good works; right; jus tice; law (concerning, g. or --°ree;); often per sonified, esp. as Yama, judge of the dead, and as a Pragâpati; nature, character, es sential quality, characteristic attribute, pro perty: in. dhármena, in accordance with law, custom, or duty, as is or was right; --°ree;, after the manner of, in accordance with; dharme sthita, observing the law, true to one's duty. |
dharmakarman | n. virtuous ac tion, good work; -kârya, n. religious duty; -kritya, n. performance of duty, religious rite; -kosa, m. treasury of the law; -kriyâ, f. performance of meritorious acts; religious ceremonies; -kshetra, n. Field of Law (= Kurukshetra); -gupta, pp. N. (law-protected); -gopa, m. N. of a prince; -ghna, a. violat ing the law, illegal; -kakra, n. wheel of the law (as a symbol of far-reaching justice); -karana, m., -karyâ, f. fulfilment of duties; -kârin, a. fulfilling one's duty, virtuous: (n)î, f. wife who is a companion in duty; -ga, a. begotten for the sake of duty; -gîv ana, a. living by the performance of good works; -gña, a. knowing the law, -one's duty or what is right: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -gñâna, n. knowledge of the law, -of what is right. |
dharman | m. bearer, supporter. |
dharman | n. (C. only --°ree;) sup port; settled order, law, usage, manner; law of a thing's being, characteristic, property; right conduct; duty towards (lc.): in. in order, duly. |
dharmanātha | m. lawful pro tector; -nitya, a. persistent in duty; -pati, m. lord of order; -patnî, f. lawful wife; -patha, m. path of duty or virtue; -para, -parâyana, a. devoted to duty, righteous; -pâthaka, m. teacher of law, jurist; -pîdâ, f. violation of duty; -pûta, pp. of unsullied virtue; -pratibhû, a. for which justice is surety; -pravaktri, m. teacher of law, jurist; -pravritti, f. practice of virtue, virtuous con duct; -buddhi, a. righteous-minded; N.; -bhaginî, f. woman admitted to the rights of a sister; sister in faith (Pr.); -bhâgin, a. possessed of virtue, virtuous; -bhikshu-ka, m. beggar for virtuous reasons; -bhrit, a. maintaining the law, just (king); -bhrâtri, m. brother in the sacred law, co-religionist; -máya, a. consisting of virtue; -mâtra, n. the manner only; a. relating to attributes only; only attributive; -mârga, m. path of virtue; -mûla, n.source of the sacred law or of justice; -yukta, pp. endowed with virtue, virtuous, just; harmonizing with the law; -yuddha, n. fair contest; -rakshitâ, f. N.; -rata, pp. delighting in virtue; -rati, a. id.; -râg, m. king of justice, ep. of Yama; -râga, m. just king, ep. of Yama; -râgan, m. ep. of Yudhishthira; -ruki, a. delighting in virtue; N. of a Dânava; -lopa, m. neglect of duty; absence of an attribute (rh.); -vat, a. virtuous, just: -î, f. N.; -vardhana, a. increasing virtue (Siva); m. N.; -vâda, m. discourse on virtue or duty; -vâdin, a. discoursing on duty; -vahikâ, f. vehicle of religious merit = account-book of charitable gifts; -vigaya, m. triumph of virtue orjustice; -vid, a. knowing the sacred law or one's duty; versed in customary law; -viplava, m. violation of the law; -vi vekana, n. discussion of the law or of duty; -vriddha, pp. rich in virtue; -vyatikrama, m. transgression of the law; -vyavasthâ, f. judicial decision; -vyâdha, m. N. of a virtuous hunter. |
dharmaśāsana | n. manual of law; -sâstra, n. authoritative compendium of law; law-book; -sâstrin, m. adherent of the law-books: pl. a certain school; -sîla, a. just, virtuous; m. N.; -samyukta, pp.legal; -samsrita, pp. just, virtuous; -samka thâ, f. pl. discourses on virtue; -samgñâ, f. sense of duty; -samaya, m. obligation entered into; -sâdhana, n. fulfilment of duty; necessary means for the fulfilment of duty; -sûtra, n. sûtra treatise on customary law; -sena, m. N. of a merchant; -sevana, n. fulfilment of duty; -skandha, m. chapter on law; -stha, m. judge; -sthûnâ-râga, m. main pillar of the law; -svâmin, m. N. of a temple erected by king Dharma; -hantri, m. (-trî, f.) violator of the law; -hâni, f. neglect of duty; -hîna, pp. excluded from the pale of the law. |
adharmaṇa | m. debtor. |
adharma | m. unrighteousness, breach of duty; injustice: -tas, in. unjustly, iniquitously; -gña, a. ignorant of the law, -of justice; -dandana, n. unjust punishment; -bhîru, a. shrinking from wrong;-sarana, a. not based on law. |
asvadharma | n. neglect of duty. |
upadharma | m. subordinate duty. |
kṣatradharma | m. duty of the warrior caste; -dharman, a. fulfilling the duties of the warrior caste; -bandhu, m. member of the second caste; -vidyâ, f. science of the warrior caste; -vriddhi, f.increase of military power. |
dānadharma | m. duty of alms giving or liberality; -pattaka, n. deed of gift; -pati, m. chief in liberality, very charitable man; -para, a. intent on liberality, generous, charitable: -tâ, f. generosity; -pârami-tâ, f. acme of generosity; -yogya, fp. worthy of a gift. |
sadharma | m. similar nature; a. subject to the same law, similar: -kârinî, f. (practising the same duties), wife; -tva, n. homogeneousness. |
sadharman | a. of like nature, homo geneous, equal, similar (to, in., g., --°ree;). |
dharma | Are the regular words, the latter in the Rigveda, and both later, for ‘ law ’ or ‘ custom.’ But there is very little evidence in the early literature as to the administration of justice or the code of law followed. On the other hand, the Dharma Sūtras contain full particulars.Criminal Law.—The crimes recognized in Vedic literature vary greatly in importance, while there is no distinction adopted in principle between real crimes and what now are regarded as fanciful bodily defects or infringements of merely conventional practices. The crimes enumerated include the slaying of an embryo ( |
dharma | (ApMB. dharmas te) sthūṇārājaḥ śG.3.3.8; ApMB.2.15.10 (ApG.7.17.6). See next. |
dharma | indro rājā (Aś.śś. dharma indras) tasya devā viśas ta ima āsate sāmāni (Aś.śś. sāmavedo) vedaḥ so 'yam śB.; Aś.10.7.10; śś.16.2.28--30. |
dharmagopāyam | ājūgupam aham ApDh. |
dharmagupto | mā gopāya GB.1.2.4. |
dharmaḥ | TA.10.62.1; MahānU.21.2. |
dharmakṛte | vipaścite panasyave RV.8.98.1c; AVś.20.62.5c. See brahmakṛte etc. |
dharmaṃ | jinva TS.;; KS.17.7; 37.17; PB.1.9.2; Vait.20.13. |
dharmaṃ | tarpayāmi BDh. |
dharmaṃ | dharmavido janāḥ VāDh.1.16b. |
dharmaṃ | purāṇam anu pālayantī AVś.18.3.1c. See viśvaṃ pu-. |
dharman | divo dharuṇe satyam arpitam RV.10.170.2b; SV.2.804b. |
dharmaṇā | mitrāvaruṇā vipaścitā RV.5.63.7a. |
dharmaṇā | yātayajjanā RV.5.72.2b. |
dharmaṇā | vāyum ā viśa (SV. āruhaḥ; JB. ā ruha) RV.9.25.2c; SV.2.271c; JB.3.66. |
dharmaṇe | kaṃ svadhayā paprathanta RV.10.88.1d; N.7.25d. |
dharmaṇe | tvā KS.17.7; GB.2.2.13; PB.1.9.2; Vait.20.13. |
dharmann | ṛtasya suśriyaḥ RV.9.7.1b; SV.2.478b. |
dharmapatnī | pativratā RVKh.10.85.1d. |
dharmarājaṃ | tarpayāmi BDh. |
dharmarājāya | svāhā Rvidh.3.7.4. |
dharmasthūṇārājaṃ | śrīstūpam ahorātre dvāraphalake PG.3.4.18. See prec. |
dharmasya | goptājani AB.8.12.5; 17.5. |
dharma | activities | CC Adi 9.32 |
CC Antya 4.81 | ||
CC Antya 8.77 | ||
dharma | acts of religion | SB 1.9.1 |
dharma | by Mahārāja Dharma, or Dharmarāja | SB 9.22.26 |
dharma | by their pious activities | SB 3.32.12-15 |
dharma | characteristic function | CC Adi 5.29 |
dharma | characteristic nature | CC Antya 18.97 |
dharma | characteristics | CC Adi 4.129 |
CC Madhya 20.247 | ||
dharma | characteristics of age | CC Adi 2.98 |
dharma | codes of religious duty | SB 10.74.35 |
dharma | Dharmeyu | SB 9.20.3 |
dharma | duties | CC Adi 7.69 |
CC Madhya 3.178 | ||
dharma | duty | CC Antya 4.179 |
CC Madhya 3.177 | ||
dharma | factual occupation | CC Madhya 6.121 |
dharma | for the right cause | SB 1.8.50 |
dharma | in religiosity | SB 11.7.27 |
dharma | in religious activities | SB 3.21.26 |
dharma | in religious rituals | SB 12.6.45 |
dharma | in the form of dedication to the husband, etc. | CC Antya 1.167 |
dharma | in the religious principles | SB 10.51.62 |
dharma | My religion | CC Madhya 15.49 |
dharma | O personality of religion | SB 1.17.25 |
dharma | O personality of religious principles | SB 1.16.25 |
dharma | O Vidura | SB 3.20.31 |
dharma | occupation | CC Madhya 11.189 |
SB 4.30.16 | ||
dharma | occupation | SB 4.30.16 |
dharma | occupational duties | SB 1.9.28 |
SB 4.21.35 | ||
dharma | occupational duty | SB 3.6.33 |
dharma | of Dharma, the god of piety | SB 3.21.51 |
dharma | of his religious duty | SB 10.76.27 |
dharma | of religion | BG 12.20 |
SB 10.50.10 | ||
SB 10.64.31 | ||
SB 10.69.14 | ||
SB 10.84.8 | ||
dharma | of religiosity | SB 10.90.28 |
dharma | of religious duty | SB 10.64.19-20 |
SB 12.2.2 | ||
dharma | of religious life | SB 4.19.31 |
dharma | of religious principles | CC Adi 17.255 |
SB 10.44.9 | ||
SB 10.80.28 | ||
SB 11.19.11 | ||
dharma | of the lord of religion (Yamarāja) | SB 10.75.30 |
dharma | of the principles of religion | SB 10.78.24 |
SB 10.89.58 | ||
dharma | of the religious duties | SB 11.4.5 |
dharma | piety | SB 1.9.12 |
dharma | principle | CC Madhya 8.183-184 |
dharma | principles of devotional service | CC Antya 10.100 |
dharma | principles of religion | BG 4.8 |
dharma | regular activities | CC Adi 7.48 |
dharma | religion | BG 2.7 |
CC Adi 12.49 | ||
CC Adi 12.52 | ||
CC Adi 17.154 | ||
CC Adi 17.193 | ||
CC Adi 3.100 | ||
CC Adi 3.21 | ||
CC Adi 4.53 | ||
CC Antya 12.30 | ||
CC Antya 16.121-122 | ||
CC Antya 16.126 | ||
CC Antya 16.127 | ||
CC Madhya 8.250 | ||
SB 1.1.23 | ||
SB 1.3.43 | ||
SB 2.7.39 | ||
SB 4.19.12 | ||
SB 4.22.34 | ||
SB 4.23.35 | ||
SB 4.7.27 | ||
SB 5.19.9 | ||
SB 7.10.65-66 | ||
SB 7.6.26 | ||
SB 8.1.5 | ||
dharma | religiosity | BG 18.34 |
CC Adi 1.90 | ||
CC Adi 4.33 | ||
SB 11.23.12 | ||
SB 11.23.9 | ||
SB 3.7.32 | ||
SB 4.24.13 | ||
dharma | religious | CC Adi 3.61 |
dharma | religious activities | SB 11.11.23-24 |
dharma | religious duties | SB 11.13.38 |
dharma | religious practice | SB 3.28.3 |
dharma | religious practice | SB 3.28.3 |
dharma | religious principle | CC Adi 7.74 |
CC Antya 7.104 | ||
CC Antya 8.64 | ||
CC Madhya 11.98 | ||
CC Madhya 15.188 | ||
CC Madhya 9.362 | ||
dharma | religious principles | CC Adi 17.204 |
CC Adi 3.23 | ||
CC Antya 17.36 | ||
dharma | religious principles | CC Antya 17.36 |
CC Antya 3.23 | ||
CC Antya 7.105 | ||
CC Antya 8.84 | ||
CC Madhya 19.146 | ||
CC Madhya 20.219 | ||
CC Madhya 5.42 | ||
CC Madhya 5.47 | ||
SB 10.51.39-40 | ||
SB 4.20.15 | ||
SB 5.1.29 | ||
SB 5.2.1 | ||
SB 5.4.14 | ||
SB 6.1.47 | ||
SB 7.8.44 | ||
dharma | religious procedures | CC Adi 13.65 |
dharma | religious standards | SB 10.58.40 |
dharma | the character | CC Adi 1.94 |
dharma | the duty | CC Adi 14.89 |
CC Antya 7.11 | ||
dharma | the occupation | CC Madhya 6.127 |
dharma | the occupational duty | CC Madhya 20.335 |
CC Madhya 20.336 | ||
dharma | the principles | CC Antya 6.222 |
CC Madhya 6.234 | ||
dharma | the principles of religion | SB 10.85.20 |
dharma | the religion | CC Adi 3.50 |
CC Adi 4.226 | ||
dharma | the religious principles | CC Adi 17.210 |
CC Madhya 5.88 | ||
dharma | their principles of religion | SB 10.16.50 |
dharma | to the religious duty | SB 10.49.24 |
dharma | vow | CC Madhya 9.118 |
dharma | with maintenance of religious standards | SB 10.87.6 |
dharma | with religiousness | SB 11.25.13 |
dharma bujhāite | to establish principles of religion or duty | CC Antya 2.143 |
dharma bujhāite | to establish principles of religion or duty | CC Antya 2.143 |
dharma chāḍi' | giving up religious customs | CC Adi 4.31 |
dharma chāḍi' | giving up religious customs | CC Adi 4.31 |
dharma dekhi' | observing religious principles | CC Madhya 20.27 |
dharma dekhi' | observing religious principles | CC Madhya 20.27 |
dharma nahe | it is not My religion | CC Madhya 15.48 |
dharma nahe | it is not My religion | CC Madhya 15.48 |
dharma nahe | it is not the duty | CC Madhya 3.74 |
dharma nahe | it is not the duty | CC Madhya 3.74 |
dharma pravartana kare | introduces a particular type of religious activity | CC Madhya 20.341 |
dharma pravartana kare | introduces a particular type of religious activity | CC Madhya 20.341 |
dharma pravartana kare | introduces a particular type of religious activity | CC Madhya 20.341 |
dharma saṃsthāpana kare | establishes the principles of religion | CC Adi 5.113 |
dharma saṃsthāpana kare | establishes the principles of religion | CC Adi 5.113 |
dharma saṃsthāpana kare | establishes the principles of religion | CC Adi 5.113 |
dharma sāra | the essence of all religion | CC Madhya 17.185 |
dharma sāra | the essence of all religion | CC Madhya 17.185 |
dharma śikhāite | to teach religious principles | CC Antya 4.82 |
dharma śikhāite | to teach religious principles | CC Antya 4.82 |
dharma-abhiratāya | unto one who has taken this religious vow | SB 3.8.7 |
dharma-abhiratāya | unto one who has taken this religious vow | SB 3.8.7 |
dharma-ācāri-madhye | among persons who actually follow the Vedic principles or religious system | CC Madhya 19.147 |
dharma-ācāri-madhye | among persons who actually follow the Vedic principles or religious system | CC Madhya 19.147 |
dharma-ācāri-madhye | among persons who actually follow the Vedic principles or religious system | CC Madhya 19.147 |
dharma-ādayaḥ | all four principles of religious behavior | SB 1.5.9 |
dharma-ādayaḥ | all four principles of religious behavior | SB 1.5.9 |
dharma-ādayaḥ | the three principles of material advancement, namely religion, economic development and sense gratification | SB 7.6.25 |
dharma-ādayaḥ | the three principles of material advancement, namely religion, economic development and sense gratification | SB 7.6.25 |
dharma-adharma | piety and impiety | CC Antya 15.72 |
dharma-adharma | piety and impiety | CC Antya 15.72 |
dharma-adharma | what is pious and what is impious | CC Antya 4.77 |
dharma-adharma | what is pious and what is impious | CC Antya 4.77 |
dharma-ādi | four principles of liberation | SB 1.7.24 |
dharma-ādi | four principles of liberation | SB 1.7.24 |
dharma-ādi | of religious activities and so on | CC Madhya 25.121 |
dharma-ādi | of religious activities and so on | CC Madhya 25.121 |
dharma-ādi | religiosity and so on | SB 10.74.22 |
dharma-ādi | religiosity and so on | SB 10.74.22 |
dharma-ādi | religious performances, etc. | SB 7.14.27-28 |
dharma-ādi | religious performances, etc. | SB 7.14.27-28 |
dharma-ādibhiḥ | with the personifications of religion, knowledge, renunciation and opulence | SB 11.27.25-26 |
dharma-ādibhiḥ | with the personifications of religion, knowledge, renunciation and opulence | SB 11.27.25-26 |
dharma-ādibhyaḥ | to the demigods, beginning with Yamarāja | SB 11.27.38-41 |
dharma-ādibhyaḥ | to the demigods, beginning with Yamarāja | SB 11.27.38-41 |
dharma-ādiḥ | the path of religion | SB 1.4.28-29 |
dharma-ādiḥ | the path of religion | SB 1.4.28-29 |
dharma-ādīnām | of all religion, austerity and penance | SB 4.7.40 |
dharma-ādīnām | of all religion, austerity and penance | SB 4.7.40 |
dharma-ādiṣu | regarding spiritual life and economic development | SB 4.8.59-60 |
dharma-ādiṣu | regarding spiritual life and economic development | SB 4.8.59-60 |
dharma-ākhyam | by the name of religion | SB 5.7.6 |
dharma-ākhyam | by the name of religion | SB 5.7.6 |
dharma-alīkam | cheating in religious principles (pretending to be the priest of the demigods, but secretly acting as the priest of the demons also) | SB 6.9.4 |
dharma-alīkam | cheating in religious principles (pretending to be the priest of the demigods, but secretly acting as the priest of the demons also) | SB 6.9.4 |
dharma-amṛtam | eternal religious principle of Kṛṣṇa consciousness | CC Madhya 23.113 |
dharma-amṛtam | eternal religious principle of Kṛṣṇa consciousness | CC Madhya 23.113 |
dharma-anuvartinaḥ | those who are pious and act according to the regulative principles or Vedic injunctions | SB 5.26.37 |
dharma-anuvartinaḥ | those who are pious and act according to the regulative principles or Vedic injunctions | SB 5.26.37 |
dharma-artha-dugha | benefit derived from religion and economic development | SB 4.6.44 |
dharma-artha-dugha | benefit derived from religion and economic development | SB 4.6.44 |
dharma-artha-dugha | benefit derived from religion and economic development | SB 4.6.44 |
dharma-artha-kāma-mokṣa | the four principles religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation | SB 4.8.41 |
dharma-artha-kāma-mokṣa | the four principles religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation | SB 4.8.41 |
dharma-artha-kāma-mokṣa | the four principles religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation | SB 4.8.41 |
dharma-artha-kāma-mokṣa | the four principles religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation | SB 4.8.41 |
dharma-arthaḥ | for spiritual advancement | SB 2.3.8 |
dharma-arthaḥ | for spiritual advancement | SB 2.3.8 |
dharma-artham | for the purpose of religious activities | SB 11.21.3 |
dharma-artham | for the purpose of religious activities | SB 11.21.3 |
dharma-artham | in religion or economic development | SB 7.15.15 |
dharma-artham | in religion or economic development | SB 7.15.15 |
dharma-ātmā | righteous | BG 9.31 |
dharma-ātmā | righteous | BG 9.31 |
dharma-aupayikam | which is a means to religious principles | SB 5.14.2 |
dharma-aupayikam | which is a means to religious principles | SB 5.14.2 |
dharma-avanāya | for the protection of religious principles | SB 6.8.19 |
dharma-avanāya | for the protection of religious principles | SB 6.8.19 |
dharma-aviruddhaḥ | not against religious principles | BG 7.11 |
dharma-aviruddhaḥ | not against religious principles | BG 7.11 |
dharma-avitari | the controller of religion | SB 4.4.17 |
dharma-avitari | the controller of religion | SB 4.4.17 |
dharma-bādhaḥ | obstructs the execution of one's own religious principles | SB 7.15.13 |
dharma-bādhaḥ | obstructs the execution of one's own religious principles | SB 7.15.13 |
dharma-bhaya | religious principles | CC Madhya 5.63 |
dharma-bhaya | religious principles | CC Madhya 5.63 |
dharma-bhṛt | one who observes the religious principles | SB 4.23.1-3 |
dharma-bhṛt | one who observes the religious principles | SB 4.23.1-3 |
dharma-bhṛtām | of all the protectors of religion | SB 1.17.37 |
dharma-bhṛtām | of all the protectors of religion | SB 1.17.37 |
dharma-bhṛtām | of persons executing religious activities | SB 4.16.4 |
dharma-bhṛtām | of persons executing religious activities | SB 4.16.4 |
dharma-bhṛtām | of those who strictly follow religious principles | SB 1.10.1 |
dharma-bhṛtām | of those who strictly follow religious principles | SB 1.10.1 |
dharma-dhvajaḥ | a religious hypocrite | SB 11.23.37 |
dharma-dhvajaḥ | a religious hypocrite | SB 11.23.37 |
dharma-dhvajāya | to the hypocrites | SB 3.32.39 |
dharma-dhvajāya | to the hypocrites | SB 3.32.39 |
dharma-dhvajinaḥ | those who pose as religious | SB 10.78.27 |
dharma-dhvajinaḥ | those who pose as religious | SB 10.78.27 |
dharma-dhyāna | religious principles and meditation | CC Madhya 20.334 |
dharma-dhyāna | religious principles and meditation | CC Madhya 20.334 |
dharma-dṛk | possessing vision of religion | SB 6.18.71 |
dharma-dṛk | possessing vision of religion | SB 6.18.71 |
dharma-dṛśām | of persons interested in maintaining religion | SB 6.2.2 |
dharma-dṛśām | of persons interested in maintaining religion | SB 6.2.2 |
dharma-dughā | producing sufficient milk for religiosity | SB 4.19.7 |
dharma-dughā | producing sufficient milk for religiosity | SB 4.19.7 |
dharma-dughām | beneficial because one can draw religion from her | SB 1.17.3 |
dharma-dughām | beneficial because one can draw religion from her | SB 1.17.3 |
dharma-eka-antasya | for one who is engaged in the ultimate occupational service | SB 1.2.9 |
dharma-eka-antasya | for one who is engaged in the ultimate occupational service | SB 1.2.9 |
dharma-eka-antasya | for one who is engaged in the ultimate occupational service | SB 1.2.9 |
dharma-eka-phalam | whose only proper fruit is religiosity | SB 11.5.12 |
dharma-eka-phalam | whose only proper fruit is religiosity | SB 11.5.12 |
dharma-eka-phalam | whose only proper fruit is religiosity | SB 11.5.12 |
dharma-ghnāḥ | they who break the principles of religion | SB 6.2.29 |
dharma-ghnāḥ | they who break the principles of religion | SB 6.2.29 |
dharma-goptā | protector of the occupational duties of everyone | SB 5.15.9 |
dharma-goptā | protector of the occupational duties of everyone | SB 5.15.9 |
dharma-guhya | with the secret essence of religion | SB 12.10.26 |
dharma-guhya | with the secret essence of religion | SB 12.10.26 |
dharma-gup | the protector of righteousness | SB 1.12.11 |
dharma-gup | the protector of righteousness | SB 1.12.11 |
dharma-guptaye | for the protection of religious principles | CC Madhya 8.146 |
dharma-guptaye | for the protection of religious principles | CC Madhya 8.146 |
dharma-guptaye | for the protection of the principles of religion | SB 12.6.48-49 |
dharma-guptaye | for the protection of the principles of religion | SB 12.6.48-49 |
dharma-hāni haya | that is a religious discrepancy | CC Madhya 20.92 |
dharma-hāni haya | that is a religious discrepancy | CC Madhya 20.92 |
dharma-hāni haya | that is a religious discrepancy | CC Madhya 20.92 |
dharma-hetuḥ | the cause of advancement in spiritual life | SB 7.13.9 |
dharma-hetuḥ | the cause of advancement in spiritual life | SB 7.13.9 |
dharma-jijñāsayā | with a desire to know the supreme, ultimate religious principle (devotional service) | SB 6.12.23 |
dharma-jijñāsayā | with a desire to know the supreme, ultimate religious principle (devotional service) | SB 6.12.23 |
dharma-jñā | fully conversant with religious principles | SB 7.11.28 |
dharma-jñā | fully conversant with religious principles | SB 7.11.28 |
dharma-jña | O knower of religion | SB 10.22.15 |
dharma-jña | O knower of religion | SB 10.22.15 |
dharma-jña | O knower of religious principles | SB 10.44.45 |
dharma-jña | O knower of religious principles | SB 10.44.45 |
dharma-jña | O knower of the principles of religion | SB 4.17.18 |
dharma-jña | O knower of the principles of religion | SB 4.17.18 |
dharma-jña | O one who knows the codes of religion | SB 1.17.22 |
dharma-jña | O one who knows the codes of religion | SB 1.17.22 |
dharma-jña | O you, who are quite aware of religious principles | SB 9.9.30 |
dharma-jña | O you, who are quite aware of religious principles | SB 9.9.30 |
dharma-jña | one who is aware of the principles of religion | SB 1.7.46 |
dharma-jña | one who is aware of the principles of religion | SB 1.7.46 |
dharma-jñaḥ | Dadhīci, who knows the principles of religion | SB 6.9.54 |
dharma-jñaḥ | Dadhīci, who knows the principles of religion | SB 6.9.54 |
dharma-jñāḥ | fully imbued with knowledge of religious principles | SB 6.1.13-14 |
dharma-jñāḥ | fully imbued with knowledge of religious principles | SB 6.1.13-14 |
dharma-jñaḥ | one who is aware of religious principles | SB 7.15.12 |
dharma-jñaḥ | one who is aware of religious principles | SB 7.15.12 |
dharma-jñaḥ | one who knows religious principles | SB 1.9.9 |
dharma-jñaḥ | one who knows religious principles | SB 1.9.9 |
dharma-jñaḥ | one who knows the principles of religion | SB 1.19.40 |
dharma-jñaḥ | one who knows the principles of religion | SB 1.19.40 |
SB 9.4.38 | ||
dharma-jñaḥ | one who knows the principles of religion | SB 9.4.38 |
dharma-jñaḥ | the knower of religious principles | SB 4.17.19 |
dharma-jñaḥ | the knower of religious principles | SB 4.17.19 |
dharma-jñam | knower of religious principles | SB 4.28.43 |
dharma-jñam | knower of religious principles | SB 4.28.43 |
dharma-jñān | persons who are aware of religious principles | SB 4.24.26 |
dharma-jñān | persons who are aware of religious principles | SB 4.24.26 |
dharma-jñāna-ādibhiḥ | together with religion, knowledge and so on | SB 12.11.13 |
dharma-jñāna-ādibhiḥ | together with religion, knowledge and so on | SB 12.11.13 |
dharma-jñāna-ādibhiḥ | together with religion, knowledge and so on | SB 12.11.13 |
dharma-jñāna-ādibhiḥ saha | along with religious principles, transcendental knowledge, and so on | CC Madhya 24.321 |
dharma-jñāna-ādibhiḥ saha | along with religious principles, transcendental knowledge, and so on | CC Madhya 24.321 |
dharma-jñāna-ādibhiḥ saha | along with religious principles, transcendental knowledge, and so on | CC Madhya 24.321 |
dharma-jñāna-ādibhiḥ saha | along with religious principles, transcendental knowledge, and so on | CC Madhya 24.321 |
dharma-jñāna-vairāgya | of religion, pure knowledge and renunciation | SB 5.20.40 |
dharma-jñāna-vairāgya | of religion, pure knowledge and renunciation | SB 5.20.40 |
dharma-jñāna-vairāgya | of religion, pure knowledge and renunciation | SB 5.20.40 |
dharma-jñe | because He was fully religious | SB 9.10.51 |
dharma-jñe | because He was fully religious | SB 9.10.51 |
dharma-kalā | wife of Dharmarāja | SB 1.3.9 |
dharma-kalā | wife of Dharmarāja | SB 1.3.9 |
dharma-kāma-artha-vimukti-kāmāḥ | persons who desire the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation | SB 8.3.19 |
dharma-kāma-artha-vimukti-kāmāḥ | persons who desire the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation | SB 8.3.19 |
dharma-kāma-artha-vimukti-kāmāḥ | persons who desire the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation | SB 8.3.19 |
dharma-kāma-artha-vimukti-kāmāḥ | persons who desire the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation | SB 8.3.19 |
dharma-kāma-artha-vimukti-kāmāḥ | persons who desire the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation | SB 8.3.19 |
dharma-karma | all prescribed duties | CC Madhya 16.148 |
dharma-karma | all prescribed duties | CC Madhya 16.148 |
dharma-karma | all religious activities and regulative principles | CC Antya 3.184 |
dharma-karma | all religious activities and regulative principles | CC Antya 3.184 |
dharma-kovidāḥ | completely conversant with religious principles | SB 4.13.22 |
dharma-kovidāḥ | completely conversant with religious principles | SB 4.13.22 |
dharma-kṛte | for the matter of religion | SB 1.5.15 |
dharma-kṛte | for the matter of religion | SB 1.5.15 |
dharma-kṣetre | in the place of pilgrimage | BG 1.1 |
dharma-kṣetre | in the place of pilgrimage | BG 1.1 |
dharma-māninaḥ | accepting as religious | SB 4.14.23 |
dharma-māninaḥ | accepting as religious | SB 4.14.23 |
dharma-marma | real religious principles | CC Antya 7.106 |
dharma-marma | real religious principles | CC Antya 7.106 |
dharma-marma | religion and morality | CC Adi 14.87 |
dharma-marma | religion and morality | CC Adi 14.87 |
dharma-maryādā | etiquette of religious principles | CC Adi 6.41 |
dharma-maryādā | etiquette of religious principles | CC Adi 6.41 |
dharma-mayaḥ | full of religious principles | SB 7.2.11 |
dharma-mayaḥ | full of religious principles | SB 7.2.11 |
dharma-mayaḥ | personified religious scripture | SB 2.4.19 |
dharma-mayaḥ | personified religious scripture | SB 2.4.19 |
dharma-maye | in He who is always situated in piety | SB 11.15.18 |
dharma-maye | in He who is always situated in piety | SB 11.15.18 |
dharma-mayena | which is full of religious principles | SB 9.5.7 |
dharma-mayena | which is full of religious principles | SB 9.5.7 |
dharma-mayīm | the director of all religious principles | SB 5.18.1 |
dharma-mayīm | the director of all religious principles | SB 5.18.1 |
dharma-mūlam | the root of religious principles | SB 7.11.7 |
dharma-mūlam | the root of religious principles | SB 7.11.7 |
dharma-nandanāḥ | sons of religion personified | SB 1.9.12 |
dharma-nandanāḥ | sons of religion personified | SB 1.9.12 |
dharma-nāśa | destruction of religion | CC Antya 19.9 |
dharma-nāśa | destruction of religion | CC Antya 19.9 |
dharma-pādānām | of the legs of religion | SB 12.3.20 |
dharma-pādānām | of the legs of religion | SB 12.3.20 |
SB 12.3.24 | ||
dharma-pādānām | of the legs of religion | SB 12.3.24 |
dharma-pālaḥ | the protector of religion | SB 1.18.46 |
dharma-pālaḥ | the protector of religion | SB 1.18.46 |
dharma-pālasya | of Yamarāja, the maintainer of religious principles | SB 6.1.34-36 |
dharma-pālasya | of Yamarāja, the maintainer of religious principles | SB 6.1.34-36 |
dharma-paraḥ | one who is strictly following religious principles | SB 4.17.31 |
dharma-paraḥ | one who is strictly following religious principles | SB 4.17.31 |
dharma-parāyaṇa | religious | CC Madhya 5.83 |
dharma-parāyaṇa | religious | CC Madhya 5.83 |
dharma-pataye | unto the master or propounder of religious principles | SB 5.14.45 |
dharma-pataye | unto the master or propounder of religious principles | SB 5.14.45 |
dharma-pathe | on the path of piety | SB 4.16.13 |
dharma-pathe | on the path of piety | SB 4.16.13 |
dharma-patiḥ | the father of religious life | SB 2.9.40 |
dharma-patiḥ | the father of religious life | SB 2.9.40 |
dharma-patiḥ | the master of religion | SB 12.2.23 |
dharma-patiḥ | the master of religion | SB 12.2.23 |
dharma-patnīḥ | bona fide wives | SB 8.4.17-24 |
dharma-patnīḥ | bona fide wives | SB 8.4.17-24 |
dharma-patnīnām | of the pious wives | SB 12.12.12 |
dharma-patnīnām | of the pious wives | SB 12.12.12 |
dharma-patnyaḥ | the wives of Yamarāja | SB 6.6.4 |
dharma-patnyaḥ | the wives of Yamarāja | SB 6.6.4 |
dharma-pracāraṇa | preaching of real religion | CC Madhya 11.98 |
dharma-pracāraṇa | preaching of real religion | CC Madhya 11.98 |
dharma-putraḥ | the pious king | SB 1.12.34 |
dharma-putraḥ | the pious king | SB 1.12.34 |
dharma-putraḥ | Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 1.13.3-4 |
dharma-putraḥ | Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 1.13.3-4 |
dharma-rājaḥ | King Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 1.12.4 |
dharma-rājaḥ | King Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 1.12.4 |
dharma-rājaḥ | the king of religion, Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 10.73.35 |
dharma-rājaḥ | the king of religion, Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 10.73.35 |
dharma-rājaḥ | the king of religiosity, Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 10.71.43 |
dharma-rājaḥ | the king of religiosity, Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 10.71.43 |
dharma-rājaḥ | Yamarāja, the superintendent of death and the judge of religious and irreligious activities | SB 6.3.1 |
dharma-rājaḥ | Yamarāja, the superintendent of death and the judge of religious and irreligious activities | SB 6.3.1 |
dharma-rājam | to King Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 10.58.23 |
dharma-rājam | to King Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 10.58.23 |
dharma-rājasya | of King Yamarāja, who knows the religious principles | SB 6.1.38 |
dharma-rājasya | of King Yamarāja, who knows the religious principles | SB 6.1.38 |
dharma-rājasya | of the king of religious principles, Yamarāja | SB 6.1.32 |
dharma-rājasya | of the king of religious principles, Yamarāja | SB 6.1.32 |
dharma-rājena | by King Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 1.13.12 |
dharma-rājena | by King Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 1.13.12 |
dharma-rāṭ iva | like King Yamarāja (the superintendent of death) | SB 4.22.59 |
dharma-rāṭ iva | like King Yamarāja (the superintendent of death) | SB 4.22.59 |
dharma-rāṭ iva | like King Yamarāja (the superintendent of death) | SB 4.22.59 |
dharma-rūpa-dhṛk | assuming the form of religious principles | SB 2.10.42 |
dharma-rūpa-dhṛk | assuming the form of religious principles | SB 2.10.42 |
dharma-rūpa-dhṛk | assuming the form of religious principles | SB 2.10.42 |
dharma-sadane | in the house of Dharma | SB 4.1.56 |
dharma-sadane | in the house of Dharma | SB 4.1.56 |
dharma-saṃśrayaḥ | under the protection of piety | SB 4.9.22 |
dharma-saṃśrayaḥ | under the protection of piety | SB 4.9.22 |
dharma-saṃsthāpana lāgi' | for establishing the etiquette of religious principles | CC Madhya 12.124 |
dharma-saṃsthāpana lāgi' | for establishing the etiquette of religious principles | CC Madhya 12.124 |
dharma-saṃsthāpana lāgi' | for establishing the etiquette of religious principles | CC Madhya 12.124 |
dharma-sārathiḥ | Dharmasārathi | SB 9.17.11 |
dharma-sārathiḥ | Dharmasārathi | SB 9.17.11 |
dharma-śāstrāṇi | scriptures giving right directions to progressive life | SB 1.1.6 |
dharma-śāstrāṇi | scriptures giving right directions to progressive life | SB 1.1.6 |
dharma-śāstrāṇi | the scriptures describing the religious duties of man | SB 10.78.25-26 |
dharma-śāstrāṇi | the scriptures describing the religious duties of man | SB 10.78.25-26 |
dharma-sāvarṇiḥ | Dharmasāvarṇi | SB 8.13.24 |
dharma-sāvarṇiḥ | Dharmasāvarṇi | SB 8.13.24 |
dharma-sāvarṇye | in the Dharma-sāvarṇya-manvantara | CC Madhya 20.327 |
dharma-sāvarṇye | in the Dharma-sāvarṇya-manvantara | CC Madhya 20.327 |
dharma-setave | who protects religious principles | SB 7.11.5 |
dharma-setave | who protects religious principles | SB 7.11.5 |
dharma-setoḥ | the bridge of religion | CC Antya 1.155 |
dharma-setoḥ | the bridge of religion | CC Antya 1.155 |
dharma-setu | protector of religion | CC Adi 3.110 |
dharma-setu | protector of religion | CC Adi 3.110 |
dharma-setūn | the bounds of prescribed religious principles | SB 5.26.22 |
dharma-setūn | the bounds of prescribed religious principles | SB 5.26.22 |
dharma-setūnām | of religious principles | SB 4.12.12 |
dharma-setūnām | of religious principles | SB 4.12.12 |
dharma-setūnām | of the principles of religion | SB 4.16.4 |
dharma-setūnām | of the principles of religion | SB 4.16.4 |
dharma-setūnām | of the restrictive codes of moral behavior | SB 10.33.26-27 |
dharma-setūnām | of the restrictive codes of moral behavior | SB 10.33.26-27 |
dharma-sevanam | observance of religious principles | SB 12.2.6 |
dharma-sevanam | observance of religious principles | SB 12.2.6 |
dharma-śikṣā | religious teaching | CC Adi 14.83 |
dharma-śikṣā | religious teaching | CC Adi 14.83 |
dharma-śīlāḥ | good character and behavior | SB 6.5.2 |
dharma-śīlāḥ | good character and behavior | SB 6.5.2 |
dharma-śīlaḥ | those who are on the progressive path of liberation | SB 1.17.41 |
dharma-śīlaḥ | those who are on the progressive path of liberation | SB 1.17.41 |
dharma-śīlaiḥ | by persons respectful to the religious principles | SB 6.7.35 |
dharma-śīlaiḥ | by persons respectful to the religious principles | SB 6.7.35 |
dharma-śīlānām | always righteous in their behavior | SB 10.46.17 |
dharma-śīlānām | always righteous in their behavior | SB 10.46.17 |
dharma-śīlasya | who were strictly attached to religious principles | SB 10.1.2 |
dharma-śīlasya | who were strictly attached to religious principles | SB 10.1.2 |
dharma-sthāpana-hetu | to establish the principles of religion | CC Madhya 17.185 |
dharma-sthāpana-hetu | to establish the principles of religion | CC Madhya 17.185 |
dharma-sthāpana-hetu | to establish the principles of religion | CC Madhya 17.185 |
dharma-sūnoḥ | of Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 3.2.13 |
dharma-sūnoḥ | of Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 3.2.13 |
dharma-sūnunā | by the son of Yamarāja, religion personified (King Yudhiṣṭhira) | SB 10.77.6-7 |
dharma-sūnunā | by the son of Yamarāja, religion personified (King Yudhiṣṭhira) | SB 10.77.6-7 |
dharma-suta-ādibhiḥ | by Yudhiṣṭhira (the son of Dharma) and others | SB 10.89.65 |
dharma-suta-ādibhiḥ | by Yudhiṣṭhira (the son of Dharma) and others | SB 10.89.65 |
dharma-suta-ādibhiḥ | by Yudhiṣṭhira (the son of Dharma) and others | SB 10.89.65 |
dharma-sutaḥ | son | SB 1.7.49 |
dharma-sutaḥ | son | SB 1.7.49 |
dharma-sutaḥ | the son of Dharma (Yamarāja) | SB 1.8.47 |
dharma-sutaḥ | the son of Dharma (Yamarāja) | SB 1.8.47 |
dharma-sutaḥ | the son of Dharmarāja | SB 1.9.15 |
dharma-sutaḥ | the son of Dharmarāja | SB 1.9.15 |
SB 5.18.1 | ||
dharma-sutaḥ | the son of Dharmarāja | SB 5.18.1 |
dharma-sutaḥ | the son of Yamarāja (Yudhiṣṭhira) | SB 10.75.34-35 |
dharma-sutaḥ | the son of Yamarāja (Yudhiṣṭhira) | SB 10.75.34-35 |
dharma-sutam | by the son of Dharma (Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira) | SB 3.3.18 |
dharma-sutam | by the son of Dharma (Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira) | SB 3.3.18 |
dharma-tattva-vit | one who is actually learned in regard to religious activities | SB 7.15.7 |
dharma-tattva-vit | one who is actually learned in regard to religious activities | SB 7.15.7 |
dharma-tattva-vit | one who is actually learned in regard to religious activities | SB 7.15.7 |
dharma-trāṇāya | for the deliverance of religion | SB 12.2.12-16 |
dharma-trāṇāya | for the deliverance of religion | SB 12.2.12-16 |
dharma-trāṇāya | for the protection of religion | SB 12.2.17 |
dharma-trāṇāya | for the protection of religion | SB 12.2.17 |
dharma-varmaṇi | the strong arms of religious principles | CC Madhya 24.320 |
dharma-varmaṇi | the strong arms of religious principles | CC Madhya 24.320 |
dharma-vatsalaḥ | adherent to the principles of religion | SB 9.4.11 |
dharma-vatsalaḥ | adherent to the principles of religion | SB 9.4.11 |
dharma-vatsalāḥ | extremely religious | SB 9.2.16 |
dharma-vatsalāḥ | extremely religious | SB 9.2.16 |
dharma-vatsalaḥ | very much fond of religious principles | SB 4.24.26 |
dharma-vatsalaḥ | very much fond of religious principles | SB 4.24.26 |
dharma-vatsalāḥ | very religious | SB 9.1.41 |
dharma-vatsalāḥ | very religious | SB 9.1.41 |
dharma-vidā | by the knower of religion | SB 10.29.32 |
dharma-vidā | by the knower of religion | SB 10.29.32 |
dharma-vimohitān | bewildered on the path of religion | SB 4.21.30 |
dharma-vimohitān | bewildered on the path of religion | SB 4.21.30 |
dharma-vinirṇayaḥ | the ascertainment of the principles of religion | SB 12.12.42-43 |
dharma-vinirṇayaḥ | the ascertainment of the principles of religion | SB 12.12.42-43 |
dharma-vit | aware of all religious principles | SB 9.18.32 |
dharma-vit | aware of all religious principles | SB 9.18.32 |
dharma-vit | completely aware of religious principles | SB 8.18.28 |
dharma-vit | completely aware of religious principles | SB 8.18.28 |
dharma-vit | expert in religious principles | SB 11.7.25 |
dharma-vit | expert in religious principles | SB 11.7.25 |
dharma-vit | knower of religious principles | SB 10.38.40 |
dharma-vit | knower of religious principles | SB 10.38.40 |
dharma-vit | knowing the religious principles | SB 6.5.31 |
dharma-vit | knowing the religious principles | SB 6.5.31 |
dharma-vit | one who is actually advanced in religious principles | SB 7.15.11 |
dharma-vit | one who is actually advanced in religious principles | SB 7.15.11 |
dharma-vit | one who knows the principles of religion | SB 1.7.36 |
dharma-vit | one who knows the principles of religion | SB 1.7.36 |
dharma-vit | one who knows what religion is | SB 1.4.27 |
dharma-vit | one who knows what religion is | SB 1.4.27 |
dharma-vit-tamāḥ | O best knowers of the principles of religion | SB 10.23.7 |
dharma-vit-tamāḥ | O best knowers of the principles of religion | SB 10.23.7 |
dharma-vit-tamāḥ | O best knowers of the principles of religion | SB 10.23.7 |
dharma-vyatikaraḥ | violation of religious principles | SB 4.19.35 |
dharma-vyatikaraḥ | violation of religious principles | SB 4.19.35 |
dharma-vyatikramaḥ | the transgression of religious or moral principles | SB 10.33.29 |
dharma-vyatikramaḥ | the transgression of religious or moral principles | SB 10.33.29 |
dharma-vyatikramam | the transgression of the regulative principles of religion | SB 9.4.44 |
dharma-vyatikramam | the transgression of the regulative principles of religion | SB 9.4.44 |
dharma-yoniḥ | the father of all religion | SB 3.7.35 |
dharma-yoniḥ | the father of all religion | SB 3.7.35 |
dharma-yuktam | in terms of religious principles | SB 8.19.1 |
dharma-yuktam | in terms of religious principles | SB 8.19.1 |
dharma-yutam | completely in accord with the principles of religion | SB 8.19.2 |
dharma-yutam | completely in accord with the principles of religion | SB 8.19.2 |
dharmabhiḥ | acting according to the nature | SB 12.2.8 |
dharmadhvajaḥ | Dharmadhvaja | SB 9.13.19 |
dharmadhvajasya | from this Dharmadhvaja | SB 9.13.19 |
dharmaḥ | a religious principle | SB 8.20.2 |
dharmaḥ | a son known as Dharma | SB 9.23.15 |
dharmaḥ | code of sacred duty | SB 10.54.40 |
dharmaḥ | Dharma | SB 4.9.20-21 |
SB 5.23.5 | ||
SB 9.23.33 | ||
dharmaḥ | duties to My husband | CC Antya 1.152 |
dharmaḥ | duty | SB 11.17.21 |
SB 3.7.34 | ||
dharmaḥ | engagement | SB 1.18.45 |
dharmaḥ | execution of the system of varṇa and āśrama | CC Antya 5.10 |
dharmaḥ | following the nature of | SB 11.9.26 |
dharmaḥ | is our duty | SB 8.21.13 |
dharmaḥ | is religion | SB 11.29.21 |
dharmaḥ | is the process | SB 4.4.17 |
dharmaḥ | King Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 3.1.36 |
dharmaḥ | nature | SB 1.5.25 |
dharmaḥ | occupation | SB 1.17.10-11 |
SB 1.2.6 | ||
SB 1.2.8 | ||
SB 3.16.18 | ||
dharmaḥ | occupational duties | SB 8.14.4 |
dharmaḥ | occupational duty | SB 1.17.16 |
SB 2.8.18 | ||
dharmaḥ | one is fixed in religious principles | SB 11.13.6 |
dharmaḥ | one's execution of regulated duties according to Vedic injunctions | SB 11.10.22 |
dharmaḥ | ordinary piety such as nonviolence | SB 11.12.1-2 |
dharmaḥ | pious activities within the varṇāśrama system | SB 11.14.20 |
dharmaḥ | religion | SB 1.1.23 |
SB 1.2.28-29 | ||
SB 1.5.15 | ||
SB 10.63.35-36 | ||
SB 10.89.14-17 | ||
SB 11.19.27 | ||
SB 11.26.33 | ||
dharmaḥ | Religion | SB 11.31.7 |
dharmaḥ | religion | SB 12.2.1 |
SB 12.3.18 | ||
SB 2.1.32 | ||
SB 3.11.20 | ||
SB 3.11.21 | ||
SB 3.12.25 | ||
SB 3.9.13 | ||
SB 7.10.8 | ||
SB 7.15.8 | ||
SB 8.8.21 | ||
SB 8.8.39-40 | ||
SB 9.5.5 | ||
dharmaḥ | religion personified | SB 9.24.52 |
dharmaḥ | religiosity | CC Adi 1.91 |
CC Madhya 24.100 | ||
CC Madhya 25.149 | ||
SB 1.1.2 | ||
dharmaḥ | religious activities | SB 6.1.45 |
SB 7.14.30-33 | ||
dharmaḥ | religious affiliation | SB 2.8.18 |
dharmaḥ | religious duty | SB 10.16.35 |
SB 10.29.24 | ||
SB 10.32.18 | ||
SB 10.84.36 | ||
dharmaḥ | religious principle | SB 11.18.47 |
SB 4.27.26 | ||
SB 6.10.9 | ||
SB 6.16.43 | ||
SB 6.7.28 | ||
SB 7.11.8-12 | ||
SB 7.15.14 | ||
dharmaḥ | religious principles | SB 10.4.39 |
SB 10.52.30 | ||
SB 11.10.34 | ||
SB 11.13.2 | ||
dharmaḥ | religious principles | SB 11.13.2 |
SB 11.14.22 | ||
SB 11.14.3 | ||
SB 11.17.1-2 | ||
SB 4.14.15 | ||
SB 5.14.2 | ||
SB 6.1.40 | ||
SB 7.10.45 | ||
SB 9.6.35-36 | ||
dharmaḥ | religious principles based on devotional service | SB 11.13.3 |
dharmaḥ | religious ritual | SB 4.25.39 |
dharmaḥ | religious rituals | SB 4.8.64 |
dharmaḥ | religiousness | SB 11.19.36-39 |
SB 11.21.15 | ||
dharmaḥ | such an occupation | CC Adi 17.76 |
CC Antya 4.59 | ||
CC Madhya 20.137 | ||
CC Madhya 25.137 | ||
dharmaḥ | system of religion | SB 4.19.24-25 |
dharmaḥ | that religious process | SB 7.15.74 |
dharmaḥ | the characteristics | SB 3.26.49 |
dharmaḥ | the duty | SB 7.5.51 |
dharmaḥ | the invisible power of fruitive results | SB 10.23.10-11 |
dharmaḥ | the King of religion | SB 4.15.15 |
dharmaḥ | the main religious principle | SB 11.18.42 |
dharmaḥ | the maintainer of religion | SB 11.5.23 |
dharmaḥ | the object of mental activities | SB 11.17.11 |
dharmaḥ | the occupational duty | SB 7.11.31 |
dharmaḥ | the particular occupational duty | SB 2.8.17 |
dharmaḥ | the personality of religion | SB 1.17.22 |
dharmaḥ | the personality of religious principles | SB 1.16.18 |
dharmaḥ | the pious reaction | SB 10.23.48-49 |
dharmaḥ | the principle of religion | SB 8.5.40 |
dharmaḥ | the principles of religion | SB 11.6.22 |
dharmaḥ | the process of obtaining | SB 11.18.38 |
dharmaḥ | the real platform of religion, bhakti-yoga | SB 5.5.19 |
dharmaḥ | the religious principles | CC Madhya 24.320 |
SB 10.90.47 | ||
SB 6.3.22 | ||
SB 8.22.29-30 | ||
dharmaḥ | the religious principles for executing the ritualistic ceremonies | SB 6.4.46 |
dharmaḥ | the spiritual path | SB 11.17.7 |
dharmaḥ | the system of religion | SB 11.21.18 |
dharmaḥ | true religiosity | SB 10.32.17 |
dharmaḥ | two different types of religion | SB 8.7.25 |
dharmaḥ | virtue | Bs 5.53 |
dharmaḥ | who accepts by religious performance | SB 6.4.52 |
dharmaḥ | Yamarāja | SB 9.4.57-59 |
dharmaḥ | Yamarāja or the Supersoul | SB 6.1.42 |
dharmaḥ tu | Dharma, however | SB 9.23.22 |
dharmaḥ tu | Dharma, however | SB 9.23.22 |
dharmaḥ uvāca | Dharma inquired | SB 1.16.19 |
dharmaḥ uvāca | Dharma inquired | SB 1.16.19 |
dharmaḥ uvāca | the personality of religion said | SB 1.17.17 |
dharmaḥ uvāca | the personality of religion said | SB 1.17.17 |
dharmahā | ruining religious principles | SB 11.18.40-41 |
dharmaiḥ | by such religious principles | SB 11.19.20-24 |
dharmaiḥ | by the inseparable features | SB 11.2.49 |
dharmaiḥ | by the power of religion | SB 5.1.12 |
dharmajam | Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira | SB 3.3.16 |
dharmaketuḥ | Dharmaketu | SB 9.17.8 |
dharmam | actual religious principles | SB 6.2.24-25 |
dharmam | devotional service | SB 3.29.32 |
SB 8.4.17-24 | ||
dharmam | doctrines | BG 9.21 |
dharmam | duty | SB 3.22.5 |
dharmam | in the matter of duty | SB 1.7.40 |
dharmam | mundane occupational duty | SB 7.5.52 |
dharmam | occupational duties | SB 1.9.29 |
dharmam | occupational duty | SB 7.11.5 |
dharmam | of religion | SB 6.17.6 |
dharmam | pious activities | SB 11.14.10 |
dharmam | pious or religious | SB 4.19.14 |
dharmam | prescribed duty | SB 10.76.32 |
dharmam | real religion | SB 6.2.20 |
dharmam | real religious principles | SB 6.3.20-21 |
dharmam | real religious principles, or bona fide laws of religion | SB 6.3.19 |
dharmam | religion | BG 18.32 |
CC Madhya 15.270 | ||
CC Madhya 25.84 | ||
SB 1.17.22 | ||
SB 10.4.46 | ||
SB 12.10.29 | ||
SB 12.11.18 | ||
SB 3.12.32 | ||
SB 8.12.9 | ||
SB 8.20.25-29 | ||
dharmam | religiosity | SB 10.69.29 |
SB 11.19.25 | ||
dharmam | religious obligation | SB 10.69.34 |
dharmam | religious principle | SB 7.11.4 |
dharmam | religious principles | SB 10.90.29 |
SB 11.17.3-4 | ||
SB 11.17.43 | ||
SB 11.21.4 | ||
SB 3.21.2 | ||
SB 4.21.21 | ||
SB 5.6.14 | ||
SB 6.10.8 | ||
SB 9.11.36 | ||
SB 9.13.5 | ||
SB 9.18.32 | ||
dharmam | religious principles or the goal of life | SB 6.2.5-6 |
dharmam | religious rites | SB 4.1.2 |
dharmam | religious system | SB 4.19.37 |
dharmam | righteousness | SB 3.19.5 |
dharmam | the code of combat | SB 3.19.4 |
dharmam | the code of eternal religion | SB 12.2.38 |
dharmam | the codes of religion | SB 6.7.13 |
dharmam | the duties | SB 5.5.28 |
dharmam | the occupational duties | SB 7.11.2 |
dharmam | the occupational duty | SB 7.13.46 |
dharmam | the personality of religion | SB 1.17.28 |
dharmam | the principles of religion | BG 18.31 |
SB 10.89.59 | ||
SB 10.89.65 | ||
SB 10.90.28 | ||
SB 12.3.38 | ||
SB 6.10.7 | ||
SB 6.11.1 | ||
SB 7.9.38 | ||
dharmam | the procedures of religious principles | SB 4.14.6 |
dharmam | the religious principle | SB 10.24.11 |
SB 8.14.5 | ||
dharmam | the religious principles | SB 6.17.12 |
dharmam | the religious process | SB 6.16.40 |
dharmam | the varṇāśrama-dharma | SB 5.4.14 |
dharmam | transcendental religion | SB 7.6.28 |
dharmam | truth | SB 9.4.10 |
dharmarāja-puruṣāḥ | the commanding men of Yamarāja | SB 5.26.36 |
dharmarāja-puruṣāḥ | the commanding men of Yamarāja | SB 5.26.36 |
dharmarathaḥ | Dharmaratha | SB 9.23.6 |
dharmasetu | the avatāra named Dharmasetu | CC Madhya 20.327 |
dharmasetuḥ | Dharmasetu | SB 8.13.26 |
dharmasūtraḥ | Dharmasūtra | SB 9.22.43 |
dharmasya | (the wife) of Dharma | SB 11.4.6 |
dharmasya | occupation | BG 2.40 |
dharmasya | occupational | SB 1.2.13 |
dharmasya | occupational engagement | SB 1.2.9 |
dharmasya | of all principles of religion | SB 8.23.22-23 |
dharmasya | of Dharma | SB 4.1.49-52 |
dharmasya | of Dharma (the controller of religious principles) | SB 2.7.6 |
dharmasya | of justice | SB 10.63.37 |
dharmasya | of religion | BG 4.7 |
SB 1.12.26 | ||
SB 10.69.40 | ||
SB 12.3.22 | ||
SB 3.10.9 | ||
SB 3.12.41 | ||
SB 7.7.15 | ||
dharmasya | of religiosity | SB 3.12.35 |
dharmasya | of religious principles | CC Adi 3.22 |
CC Madhya 17.186 | ||
CC Madhya 25.57 | ||
SB 10.33.26-27 | ||
SB 3.16.18 | ||
SB 6.1.38 | ||
SB 6.7.29-30 | ||
SB 8.16.4 | ||
dharmasya | of religious principles, or of Yamarāja | SB 2.6.12 |
dharmasya | of supreme religious principles | SB 11.17.5-6 |
dharmasya | of the constitutional position | BG 14.27 |
dharmasya | of the demigod in charge of religion | SB 8.1.25 |
dharmasya | of the execution of duties | SB 5.25.15 |
dharmasya | of the personification of all religion | SB 3.16.22 |
dharmasya | of the principles of religion | SB 10.27.5 |
SB 8.16.5 | ||
SB 8.24.5 | ||
SB 9.24.56 | ||
dharmasya | of the religious principles | SB 7.2.11 |
dharmasya | of work executed without personal desire | SB 11.15.35 |
dharmasya | religious | SB 10.64.23 |
dharmasya | toward the process of religion | BG 9.3 |
dharmasya asya | of the religious principles mentioned in śāstra | SB 8.16.11 |
dharmasya asya | of the religious principles mentioned in śāstra | SB 8.16.11 |
dharmataḥ | fairly | SB 10.61.33 |
dharmataḥ | from Dharma Mahārāja | SB 7.11.6 |
dharmataḥ | under disciplinary regulations | SB 1.5.7 |
dharmau | religion (two sides of the wheel, up and down) | SB 7.15.42 |
dharmavṛddhaḥ | Dharmavṛddha | SB 9.24.15 |
dharmayoḥ | and the personality of religion | SB 1.16.36 |
sva-dharma-ācaraṇam | executing one's prescribed duties | SB 3.28.2 |
sva-dharma-ācaraṇe | by executing one's occupational duty | CC Madhya 8.57 |
satyadharma-ādayaḥ | Satyadharma and others | SB 8.13.24 |
adharma | irreligion | BG 1.40 |
adharma | irreligious | SB 1.14.5 |
adharma | irreligion | SB 1.15.37 |
adharma | principle of irreligion | SB 1.15.45 |
adharma-kṛtaḥ | one who acts irreligiously | SB 1.17.22 |
adharma | irreligiosity | SB 1.17.24 |
adharma | irreligion | SB 1.17.28 |
adharma-bandhuḥ | the friend of irreligion | SB 1.17.31 |
adharma | irreligious principles | SB 1.17.32 |
adharma | irreligiosity | SB 1.17.33 |
adharma | irreligious principles | SB 1.17.40 |
adharma | irreligion | SB 1.18.6 |
adharma | irreligion | SB 2.1.32 |
adharma | irreligion | SB 2.7.39 |
adharma-śīlasya | of one who is engaged in irreligion | SB 3.5.3 |
adharma | of irreligion | SB 4.13.39 |
adharma-kṛt | the most mischievous | SB 4.14.12 |
adharma | irreligious | SB 4.24.41 |
adharma-bahulena | with an abundance of irreligion | SB 5.6.10 |
adharma-vartinaḥ | persons not following the Vedic principles or regulative principles | SB 5.26.37 |
adharma-lakṣaṇāḥ | symptomized by impious activities | SB 6.1.3 |
adharma | irreligious principles | SB 6.1.47 |
adharma-jam | produced from irreligious actions | SB 6.2.17 |
adharma-bahulaḥ | full of irreligion | SB 6.16.41 |
adharma-śākhāḥ | which are different branches of irreligion | SB 7.15.12 |
adharma-vat | accepting them as irreligious | SB 7.15.12 |
adharma | irreligion | SB 7.15.42 |
adharma-ūrmiṣu | in the waves of irreligion, like kāma, krodha, lobha and moha | SB 8.7.30 |
adharma-śīla | who are irreligious | SB 9.5.6 |
adharma-vartine | who was induced to irreligious principles (because he cursed his offenseless disciple) | SB 9.13.5 |
adharma-jñāḥ | because they did not know religious principles | SB 9.18.41 |
adharma | by irreligious means | SB 10.49.22 |
adharma | in irreligion | SB 11.10.27-29 |
adharma | to irreligion | SB 12.1.38 |
adharma-pādaiḥ | by the legs of irreligion | SB 12.3.20 |
adharma-lakṣaṇaiḥ | by the qualities of irreligion | SB 12.3.22 |
adharma | of irreligion | SB 12.3.24 |
adharma-jñāḥ | those who know nothing about religion | SB 12.3.38 |
adharma | irreligious | CC Adi 3.61 |
adharma saṃhāra | vanquishing irreligious principles | CC Adi 5.113 |
adharma | irreligious principles | CC Madhya 20.219 |
adharma | irreligion | CC Antya 4.28 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | BG 1.39 |
adharmaḥ | the personality of irreligion | SB 1.17.25 |
adharmaḥ | sinful activities | SB 1.17.38 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | SB 1.18.33 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | SB 3.12.25 |
adharmaḥ | unrighteousness | SB 3.21.55 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | SB 4.13.44 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | SB 5.5.19 |
adharmaḥ | irreligious principles | SB 6.1.40 |
adharmaḥ | deviation from the regulative principles | SB 6.1.43 |
adharmaḥ | irreligious activities | SB 6.1.45 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | SB 6.2.2 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | SB 6.16.42 |
adharmaḥ | impiety | SB 6.18.38 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | SB 8.20.4 |
adharmaḥ | what is irreligious | SB 9.4.39-40 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | SB 10.43.38 |
adharmaḥ | act of irreligion | SB 10.44.7 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | SB 10.44.9 |
adharmaḥ | an irreligious act | SB 10.78.29 |
adharmaḥ | irreligion | SB 11.13.3 |
adharmaḥ | irreligiosity | SB 11.21.15 |
adharmam | irreligion | BG 18.31 |
adharmam | irreligion | BG 18.32 |
adharmam | irreligious principles | SB 6.2.5-6 |
adharmam | irreligion | SB 8.20.25-29 |
adharmam | irreligious act | SB 9.9.26-27 |
adharmam | irreligion | SB 10.61.25 |
adharmam | demons or the impious | SB 10.90.48 |
adharmam | irreligion | SB 11.16.7 |
adharmam | demons or the impious | CC Madhya 13.79 |
adharmasya | of irreligion | BG 4.7 |
adharmasya | of immorality | SB 2.6.10 |
adharmasya | of Irreligion | SB 4.8.2 |
adharmasya | of impious activities | SB 5.26.3 |
adharmasya | of impious activities | SB 6.1.38 |
adharmasya | of irreligion | SB 10.50.10 |
adharmasya | of irreligion | CC Adi 3.22 |
adharmataḥ | impiously | SB 10.45.28 |
akhila-dharma-bhāvanam | who is the master of all religious principles or the occupational duties for a human being | SB 8.1.16 |
akhila-dharma-setave | whose spokes are considered to be a breech of the entire universe | SB 9.5.6 |
sva-dharma-ākhya | known as the soul's proper duty | SB 12.6.70 |
sva-dharmam anuvartamānaḥ | being perfectly situated in his own occupational duty | SB 5.7.4 |
asat-dharmaiḥ | abominable actions | SB 7.5.45 |
varṇa-āśrama-dharma | the institution of four castes and four āśramas | CC Madhya 9.256 |
varṇa-āśrama-dharma | the regulative principle of four varṇas and four āśramas | CC Madhya 22.93 |
ati-dharma-ātmā | exceedingly religious | SB 9.24.9 |
ati-dharma-ātmā | exceedingly religious | SB 9.24.9 |
adharma-bahulaḥ | full of irreligion | SB 6.16.41 |
adharma-bahulena | with an abundance of irreligion | SB 5.6.10 |
adharma-bandhuḥ | the friend of irreligion | SB 1.17.31 |
bhagavat-dharma | devotional service | SB 4.22.22 |
bhāgavata-dharma-darśanāḥ | authorized preachers of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam | SB 5.4.11-12 |
bhakta-dharma | of the duty of a devotee | CC Madhya 16.148 |
bhakti-dharma | of devotional service | CC Adi 17.30 |
akhila-dharma-bhāvanam | who is the master of all religious principles or the occupational duties for a human being | SB 8.1.16 |
nija-dharma-bhāvite | being situated in one's original constitutional position | SB 4.8.22 |
bhinna bhinna dharma | different grades of religious principles | CC Madhya 17.184 |
bhinna bhinna dharma | different grades of religious principles | CC Madhya 17.184 |
vidhi-dharma chāḍi' | giving up all regulative principles of the varṇa and āśrama institution | CC Madhya 22.142 |
yati-dharma-cihna | the symptom of a person in the renounced order of life | CC Madhya 15.189 |
bhāgavata-dharma-darśanāḥ | authorized preachers of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam | SB 5.4.11-12 |
deha-dharma | necessities of the body | CC Adi 4.167-169 |
śāśvata-dharma-goptā | maintainer of the eternal religion | BG 11.18 |
yuga-dharma | acts in terms of the millennium | SB 1.4.16 |
sva-dharma-stha | one who is faithful to his prescribed duty | SB 1.17.16 |
sva-dharma | particular occupational duty | SB 2.1.6 |
sva-dharma | own religious life | SB 3.23.7 |
nija-dharma | by your own principles of devotion | SB 3.23.8 |
sat-dharma | of the eternal occupation | SB 3.25.11 |
sva-dharma-ācaraṇam | executing one's prescribed duties | SB 3.28.2 |
nivṛtti-dharma | in religious activities for detachment | SB 3.32.6 |
sva-dharma | by one's own occupational duties | SB 3.32.6 |
nija-dharma-bhāvite | being situated in one's original constitutional position | SB 4.8.22 |
sva-dharma-śīlaiḥ | executing sacrificial duties | SB 4.13.4 |
mokṣa-dharma-vit | the knower of the path of liberation | SB 4.19.32 |
sva-dharma | occupational duties | SB 4.21.36 |
tat-dharma-paraiḥ | by following in the footsteps of the Lord | SB 4.21.39 |
bhagavat-dharma | devotional service | SB 4.22.22 |
vrata-dharma | vow to serve him | SB 4.23.20 |
sva-dharma-niṣṭhaḥ | one who is situated in his own dharma, or occupation | SB 4.24.29 |
bhāgavata-dharma-darśanāḥ | authorized preachers of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam | SB 5.4.11-12 |
sva-dharma-patham | the path of religion | SB 5.6.9 |
sva-dharma-hā | the killer of his own principles of religion | SB 5.26.15 |
sva-dharma | executing varṇāśrama-dharma | SB 7.9.46 |
akhila-dharma-bhāvanam | who is the master of all religious principles or the occupational duties for a human being | SB 8.1.16 |
parama-dharma-vit | the most learned scholar in religious principles | SB 9.1.6 |
tat-dharma | concerning that religious principle | SB 9.4.38 |
akhila-dharma-setave | whose spokes are considered to be a breech of the entire universe | SB 9.5.6 |
sva-dharma-niratāḥ | fully engaged in their respective occupational duties | SB 9.10.50 |
sarva-dharma-vidām | of all religious persons | SB 9.22.11 |
ati-dharma-ātmā | exceedingly religious | SB 9.24.9 |
sarva-dharma-jña | O perfect knower of the nature of all beings | SB 10.19.10 |
mokṣa-dharma | the process of attaining liberation | SB 11.2.16 |
sarva-dharma-jña | O supreme knower of religious principles | SB 11.17.7 |
sva-dharma | by performing his prescribed duty | SB 11.18.46 |
sva-dharma | in one's prescribed duty | SB 11.18.48 |
sva-dharma | in one's prescribed duties | SB 11.20.10 |
sva-dharma | in one's prescribed duty | SB 11.20.11 |
tvat-dharma | in Your devotional service | SB 11.22.61 |
sva-dharma | in his own duty | SB 11.23.41 |
mat-dharma | My devotional service | SB 11.29.9 |
mat-dharma | My transcendental qualities | SB 11.29.41-44 |
sva-dharma-ākhya | known as the soul's proper duty | SB 12.6.70 |
yuga-dharma | the religion of the age | CC Adi 3.19 |
yuga-dharma | of the religion of the age | CC Adi 3.26 |
yuga-dharma | the religious practice for the age | CC Adi 3.40 |
yuga-dharma | the religion of the age | CC Adi 4.36-37 |
yuga-dharma | for the religion of the age | CC Adi 4.38 |
vayaḥ-dharma | characteristics of age | CC Adi 4.112 |
viruddha-dharma | of conflicting characteristics | CC Adi 4.127 |
viruddha-dharma-maya | consists of conflicting characteristics | CC Adi 4.127 |
loka-dharma | customs of the people | CC Adi 4.167-169 |
veda-dharma | Vedic injunctions | CC Adi 4.167-169 |
deha-dharma | necessities of the body | CC Adi 4.167-169 |
yuga-dharma | the religion of the age | CC Adi 4.220 |
nija-dharma | own duty | CC Adi 7.42 |
veda-dharma | performance of Vedic rituals | CC Adi 8.8 |
mālā-kāra-dharma | the business of a gardener | CC Adi 9.8 |
veda-dharma | the principles of Vedic religion | CC Adi 11.9 |
vidhi-dharma | regulative principles of religion | CC Adi 13.108 |
sva-dharma | duty | CC Adi 14.87 |
gṛha-dharma | activities of family life | CC Adi 15.25 |
gṛha-dharma | duties of family life | CC Adi 15.26 |
bhakti-dharma | of devotional service | CC Adi 17.30 |
e-dharma kemata | what kind of etiquette is this | CC Adi 17.145 |
hindu-dharma | the religious principles of the Hindus | CC Adi 17.174 |
yuga-dharma | the religion of the millennium | CC Adi 17.316 |
smṛti-dharma | regulative principles of the smṛti-śāstra | CC Madhya 3.101 |
sannyāsa-dharma | principles of a sannyāsī | CC Madhya 6.74 |
sannyāsa-dharma | regulative principles of sannyāsa | CC Madhya 6.117 |
sannyāsa-dharma | My regulative principles in the renounced order | CC Madhya 7.23 |
sva-dharma-ācaraṇe | by executing one's occupational duty | CC Madhya 8.57 |
sva-dharma-tyāga | relinquishing one's occupational duties | CC Madhya 8.61 |
veda-dharma | religious principles of the Vedas | CC Madhya 8.220 |
pati-vratā-dharma | the vow of chastity | CC Madhya 9.116 |
varṇa-āśrama-dharma | the institution of four castes and four āśramas | CC Madhya 9.256 |
sei vidhi-dharma | that is a regulative principle | CC Madhya 11.112 |
sūkṣma-dharma-marma | subtle intricacies of the religious system | CC Madhya 11.112 |
loka-dharma | social etiquette | CC Madhya 11.117 |
nija dharma-nāśa | destruction of My religious principles | CC Madhya 15.48 |
yati-dharma-cihna | the symptom of a person in the renounced order of life | CC Madhya 15.189 |
dui dharma | two principles | CC Madhya 16.140 |
bhakta-dharma | of the duty of a devotee | CC Madhya 16.148 |
jīvera dharma | the situation of the conditioned soul | CC Madhya 17.132 |
bhinna bhinna dharma | different grades of religious principles | CC Madhya 17.184 |
nija-dharma | one's own religion | CC Madhya 20.6 |
karena yuga-dharma | manifests His pastimes in different millenniums | CC Madhya 20.330 |
kali-yugera dharma | the occupational duty in the Age of Kali | CC Madhya 20.339 |
gṛha-dharma | household duties | CC Madhya 21.143 |
loka-dharma | social etiquette | CC Madhya 21.143 |
veda-dharma | performance of Vedic ritualistic ceremonies | CC Madhya 22.59 |
varṇa-āśrama-dharma | the regulative principle of four varṇas and four āśramas | CC Madhya 22.93 |
sat-dharma-śikṣā | instruction in the transcendental process of devotional service | CC Madhya 22.115 |
vidhi-dharma chāḍi' | giving up all regulative principles of the varṇa and āśrama institution | CC Madhya 22.142 |
prema-dharma | character of love of Godhead | CC Antya 1.149 |
vairāgya-dharma | from the life of a mendicant | CC Antya 3.105 |
vaiṣṇava-dharma | the cult of Vaiṣṇavism | CC Antya 3.147 |
kula-dharma | family business | CC Antya 4.28 |
tamaḥ-dharma | performed under the mode of ignorance | CC Antya 4.57 |
tamaḥ-dharma | on the platform of the mode of ignorance | CC Antya 4.60 |
manaḥ-dharma | speculative mental creations | CC Antya 4.176 |
nija-dharma yāya | I deviate from My duty | CC Antya 4.180 |
pati-vratā-dharma | the religious principle of a chaste woman | CC Antya 7.106 |
kare dharma nāśa | destroys the regulative principles | CC Antya 8.16 |
sannyāsīra dharma | the religion of a sannyāsī | CC Antya 8.65 |
kara dharma nāśa | you spoil their religious principles | CC Antya 8.75 |
yatira dharma | the religious principle of a sannyāsī | CC Antya 8.85 |
mora nija-dharma | my own religious duty | CC Antya 13.97 |
loka-veda-dharma | social and Vedic religious principles | CC Antya 14.43 |
lajjā-dharma | shame and religion | CC Antya 16.128 |
sva-dharmaḥ | one's prescribed duties | BG 3.35 |
para-dharmaḥ | duties prescribed for others | BG 3.35 |
sva-dharmaḥ | one's own occupation | BG 18.47 |
sva-dharmaḥ | consequential occupation | SB 1.18.22 |
sat-dharmaḥ | perfect occupational duty | SB 2.10.4 |
para-dharmaḥ | religious principles practiced by others | SB 7.15.12 |
para-dharmaḥ | imitating religious systems for which one is unfit | SB 7.15.13 |
sarva-dharmaḥ | all kinds of religion | SB 8.7.28 |
sva-dharmaḥ | occupational duty | SB 9.5.10 |
sva-dharmaḥ | the proper religious duty | SB 10.29.32 |
sat-dharmaḥ | pure devotional service | SB 11.2.12 |
yat-dharmaḥ | having what duties | SB 11.2.44 |
sva-dharmaḥ | carrying out one's prescribed duties | SB 11.23.45 |
asat-dharmaiḥ | abominable actions | SB 7.5.45 |
martya-dharmaiḥ | by the laws of mortality | SB 10.50.54 |
nīra-dharmaiḥ | the characteristics of water | NoI 6 |
kāpālika-dharmakaḥ | the religious principles of a kāpālika-yogī, a kind of mendicant | CC Antya 14.41 |
sva-dharmam | one's own religious principles | BG 2.31 |
sva-dharmam | your religious duty | BG 2.33 |
sva-dharmam | one's own occupational engagement | SB 1.5.17 |
saha-dharmam | along with religious principles | SB 3.15.24 |
sva-dharmam | one's own occupational duties | SB 4.24.53 |
sva-dharmam | one's occupational duties | SB 4.24.69 |
sakala-dharmam | which includes all different types of occupational duties | SB 5.4.16 |
sva-dharmam anuvartamānaḥ | being perfectly situated in his own occupational duty | SB 5.7.4 |
sva-dharmam | one's own occupational duty | SB 5.10.23 |
sat-dharmam | superior religion | SB 7.15.8 |
sva-dharmam | one's own occupational duty | SB 9.10.54 |
yathā-dharmam | exactly according to the principles of religion (because Nārāyaṇa becomes the witness in an ordinary religious marriage also) | SB 9.20.16 |
sva-dharmam | their own proper duty | SB 11.5.13 |
mat-dharmam | in My devotional service | SB 11.30.49 |
mat-dharmaṇaḥ | of My devotee | SB 3.29.19 |
prakṛti-dharmaṇaḥ | of Him, by whom the three guṇas, or qualities of material nature | SB 7.9.33 |
sama-dharmaṇām | exactly like | SB 4.29.54 |
viruddha-dharmaṇoḥ | and opposing characteristics | SB 6.4.32 |
mat-dharmasya | of My devotional service | SB 11.29.20 |
sat-dharmasya | of the path of progressive devotional service | CC Madhya 20.106 |
sat-dharmasya | of the path of progressive devotional service | CC Madhya 24.170 |