Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
dhanuḥ | 2.8.84 | Feminine | Singular | kārmukam, iṣvāsaḥ, cāpaḥ, dhanva, śarāsanam, kodaṇḍam | |
dhanurdharaḥ | 2.8.70 | Masculine | Singular | dhanuṣmān, dhānuṣkaḥ, niṣaṅgī, atrī, dhanvī | |
indrāyudham | Neuter | Singular | śakradhanuḥ, rohitam | rainbow | |
lastakaḥ | 2.8.86 | Masculine | Singular | dhanurmadhyam | |
mūrtiḥ | 3.3.73 | Feminine | Singular | pīḍā, dhanuṣkoṭiḥ | |
rājādanam | Masculine | Singular | sannakadruḥ, dhanuṣpaṭaḥ, piyālaḥ |
dhanu | m. or () 2. dhanū- f. (fr. | ||||||
dhanu | m. a measure of 4 hasta-s or cubits (see dhanv-antara-below) | ||||||
dhanu | m. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius | ||||||
dhanu | m. Buchanania Latifolia | ||||||
dhanu | m. Semecarpus Anacardium | ||||||
dhanu | according to to some also,"water, juice etc."; confer, compare | ||||||
dhanu | f. (dh/anu-,or dhan/ū-) a dry sandbank, a sandy shore ([ confer, compare English bight, German Bucht]) (Nominal verb n/ūs-). | ||||||
dhanugupta | m. Name of a man | ||||||
dhanuḥ | in comp. for nus-. | ||||||
dhanuhastā | f. Name of a being attendant on devī- | ||||||
dhanuḥkāṇḍa | equals dhanuṣ-k-, -kh-, -p- (below) . | ||||||
dhanuḥkhaṇḍa | equals dhanuṣ-k-, -kh-, -p- (below) . | ||||||
dhanuḥpaṭa | equals dhanuṣ-k-, -kh-, -p- (below) . | ||||||
dhanuḥśākhā | f. equals nur-guṇā- (below) | ||||||
dhanuḥśālā | f. bow-room | ||||||
dhanuḥsaṃstha | mfn. shaped like a bow | ||||||
dhanuḥśata | n. 100 dhanus- or 400 hasta-s or cubits | ||||||
dhanuḥśreṇī | f. equals dhanu-ś- or = mahe | ||||||
dhanuḥstambha | tn. a kind of spasmodic contraction of the body | ||||||
dhanuketakī | f. a kind of flower | ||||||
dhanur | in compound for nus-. | ||||||
dhanurāja | m. Name of one of the ancestors of śakya-- muni- | ||||||
dhanurākāra | mfn. bow-shaped, curved, bent | ||||||
dhanurākṛti | mfn. bow-shaped, curved, bent | ||||||
dhanurārtnī | f. the end of a bow (where the string is fastened) | ||||||
dhanurāsana | n. a particular mode of sitting | ||||||
dhanurāśi | m. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius | ||||||
dhanurbhṛt | () m. bow-man, archer. | ||||||
dhanurdhara | m. equals -graha- etc. (also as Name of śiva-) | ||||||
dhanurdhara | m. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius | ||||||
dhanurdhara | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- | ||||||
dhanurdhārin | () m. bow-man, archer. | ||||||
dhanurdruma | m. "bow tree", the bamboo (used for bows) | ||||||
dhanurdurga | mfn. made inaccessible or protected by a desert | ||||||
dhanurdurga | n. a place so protected ( dhanva--). | ||||||
dhanurdvitīya | mfn. furnished with a bow | ||||||
dhanurgraha | m. bearing a bow, an archer | ||||||
dhanurgraha | m. the art of managing a bow | ||||||
dhanurgraha | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- | ||||||
dhanurgrāha | () m. an archer. | ||||||
dhanurgrāhin | () m. an archer. | ||||||
dhanurguṇa | m. a bow-string | ||||||
dhanurguṇā | f. Sanseviera Zeylanica (from the leaves of which a tough thread is extracted of which bow-strings were made) | ||||||
dhanurhasta | mfn. bow in hand, having a bow | ||||||
dhanurjyā | f. a bowstring | ||||||
dhanurjyātalaśabda | m. the mere twanging noise of the bow-string | ||||||
dhanurlatā | f. a bow (literally bow-creeper) | ||||||
dhanurlatā | f. equals soma-vallī- | ||||||
dhanurmadhya | n. the middle part of a bow (= lastaka-) | ||||||
dhanurmaha | m. the consecration of a b | ||||||
dhanurmakha | varia lectio for -maha-. | ||||||
dhanurmālā | f. equals -guṇā- | ||||||
dhanurmārga | m.,"bow line", curve | ||||||
dhanurmāsamāhātmya | n. Name of work | ||||||
dhanurvakra | mfn. crooked like a bow | ||||||
dhanurvaktra | m. "bow-mouth", Name of one of skanda-'s attendants | ||||||
dhanurvāta | m. a kind of disease | ||||||
dhanurveda | m. the science of archery, an archery treatise (regarded as an upa-veda- connected with the yajur-veda-, and derived from viśvāmitra- or bhṛgu-) etc. | ||||||
dhanurveda | m. Name of work by śārṅga-datta- | ||||||
dhanurvedacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work | ||||||
dhanurvedapara | mfn. devoted to archery | ||||||
dhanurvedaparāyaṇa | mfn. devoted to archery | ||||||
dhanurvedaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
dhanurvedasāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
dhanurvedin | mfn. versed in archery | ||||||
dhanurvedin | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
dhanurvidyā | f. "bow-science", archery | ||||||
dhanurvidyādīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dhanurvidyārambhaprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
dhanurvṛkṣa | m. "bow-plant", the bamboo | ||||||
dhanurvṛkṣa | m. Ficus Religiosa | ||||||
dhanurvṛkṣa | m. Semecarpus Anacardium | ||||||
dhanurvṛkṣa | m. Isora Corylifolia | ||||||
dhanurvṛkṣa | m. a measure of 4 cubits | ||||||
dhanurvṛkṣa | m. (geometry) an arc | ||||||
dhanuryantra | n. () a bow (literally bow-instrument, bow stick) . | ||||||
dhanuryāsa | m. Alhagi Maurorum | ||||||
dhanuryaṣṭi | f. () a bow (literally bow-instrument, bow stick) . | ||||||
dhanuryogyā | f. bow-exercise, archery | ||||||
dhanuṣ | in compound for nus-. | ||||||
dhanus | n. (m. gaRa ardharcā | ||||||
dhanus | n. a measure of length = 4 hasta-s or 1/2000 gavyūti- etc. | ||||||
dhanus | n. (geometry) an arc or part of a circle | ||||||
dhanus | n. (astronomy) an arc or quadrant for ascertaining the sun's altitude and zenith-distance | ||||||
dhanus | n. a fiddlestick | ||||||
dhanus | n. the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius | ||||||
dhanus | n. Buchanania Latifolia | ||||||
dhanus | n. Name of śiva- (armed with a bow , or equals dhanuḥsvarūpa- ) | ||||||
dhanus | n. a desert, arid land (see nur-/aur-.ga) . | ||||||
dhanuṣa | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (ṣā | ||||||
dhanuṣākṣa | (or ṣā | ||||||
dhanuṣka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals dhanus- See sa-- | ||||||
dhanuṣka | n. a small bow | ||||||
dhanuṣkāṇḍa | n. sg. bow and arrow | ||||||
dhanuṣkapāla | n. gaRa kaskā | ||||||
dhanuṣkara | m. a bow-maker | ||||||
dhanuṣkara | mfn. bow in hand, armed with a bow | ||||||
dhanuṣkāra | m. a bow-maker | ||||||
dhanuṣkarī | f. a kind of flower | ||||||
dhanuṣkarṣaṇa | n. bending a bow | ||||||
dhanuṣkhaṇḍa | n. a portion of a bow | ||||||
dhanuṣkhātā | f. Name of a river on | ||||||
dhanuṣkoṭi | f. the curved end of bow | ||||||
dhanuṣkoṭī | f. the curved end of bow | ||||||
dhanuṣkṛt | m. a bow-maker | ||||||
dhanuṣmat | mfn. armed with a bow, an archer etc. | ||||||
dhanuṣmat | m. Name of a mountain to the north of madhya-deśa- | ||||||
dhanuṣmatī | f. Name of the tutelary deity in the family of vyāghra-pād- | ||||||
dhanuṣmattā | f. archery | ||||||
dhanuṣpāṇi | mfn. bow in hand, armed with a bow | ||||||
dhanuṣpaṭa | m. Buchanania Latifolia | ||||||
dhanuśreṇī | f. Sanseviera Zeylanica | ||||||
dhanustambha | See dhanuḥ-st-. | ||||||
dhanustambha | See nuḥ-st-. | ||||||
dhanutṛ | mfn. running, moving quickly | ||||||
ākhaṇḍaladhanus | n. idem or 'm. n. "indra-'s bow", the rainbow ' | ||||||
bṛhaddhanus | ( ) m. Name of king. | ||||||
cakradhanus | m. Name of a ṛṣi-, | ||||||
daśadhanus | m. Name of an ancestor of śākya-muni- | ||||||
dhṛtadhanus | m. equals -cāpa- | ||||||
dṛḍhadhanus | m. "having a strong bow", Name of an ancestor of gautama- (varia lectio -hanu-and ḍhā | ||||||
gṛhītadhanus | mfn. armed with a bow, | ||||||
hiraṇyadhanus | m. "golden-bowed", Name of a king | ||||||
indradhanus | n. indra-'s bow, the rainbow | ||||||
kusumadhanus | m. equals -kārmuka- | ||||||
mahādhanurdhara | m. () a great archer. | ||||||
mahādhanus | mfn. having a great bow (śiva-) | ||||||
mahādhanuṣmat | m. () a great archer. | ||||||
maṇidhanu | m. ( ) (Gaut ) "jewel-bow", a rain-bow. | ||||||
maṇidhanus | n. (Gaut ) "jewel-bow", a rain-bow. | ||||||
navatidhanus | m. Name of an ancestor of gautama- buddha- | ||||||
pañcadhanus | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
puṣpadhanus | m. "armed with a bow of flower"Name of the god of love | ||||||
rohitendradhanus | n. plural imperfect and perfect rainbows | ||||||
sadhanus | mfn. having or armed with a bow | ||||||
sadhanuṣka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having or armed with a bow ' | ||||||
sadhanuṣka | mfn. together with a bow | ||||||
sadhanuṣpāṇi | mfn. bow in hand | ||||||
sahasrākṣadhanuṣmat | mfn. provided with a rainbow | ||||||
śakradhanus | n. equals -kārmuka- | ||||||
śārṅgadhanurdhara | m. śārṅgadhanus | ||||||
śārṅgadhanus | m. "armed with the bow śārṅga-", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- ( śārṅgadhanurdhara nurdhara- m. idem or 'm. Name of the author of the saṃgīta-ratnākara- ' ) | ||||||
śatadhanu | () ( ) m. Name of various men. | ||||||
śatadhanus | ( ) m. Name of various men. | ||||||
śatadhanutantra | n. Name of work | ||||||
sautrāmaṇadhanus | n. " indra-'s bow", the rainbow | ||||||
śivadhanurveda | m. Name of work attributed to vyāsa- | ||||||
sudhanus | m. Name of a son of kuru- | ||||||
sudhanus | m. of an ancestor of gautama- buddha- | ||||||
suradhanurlekhāya | to resemble a rainbow (yita- mfn.) | ||||||
suradhanus | n. "bow of the gods", a rainbow | ||||||
surapatidhanus | n. (equals -cāpa-) | ||||||
sureśvaradhanus | n. " indra-'s bow", the rainbow | ||||||
vidhanus | mfn. having no bow | ||||||
vidhanuṣka | mfn. having no bow |
dhanus | धनुस् a. [धन् शब्दे-असि] Armed with a bow. n. 1 A bow; धनुर्वंशविशुद्धो$पि निर्गुणः किं करिष्यति Subhāṣ. धनुष्यमोघं समधत्त बाणम् Ku.3.66; so इन्द्रधनुः &c. (At the end of Bahu. comp. धनुस् is changed to धन्वन्; अधिज्यधन्वा विचचार दावम् R.2.8.). -2 A measure of length equal to four hastas; धनुःशतं परीणाहो ग्रामे क्षेत्रान्तरं भवेत् Y.2.167; Ms. 8.237. -3 An arc of a circle. -4 The sign Sagittarius of the zodiac. -5 A desert; cf. धन्वन् -m. N. of Śiva. -Comp. -आकार a. (धनुराकार) bow-shaped, curved, bent. -आसनम् (धनुरासनम्) a particular mode of sitting. -कर (धनुष्कर) a. having or armed with a bow. (-रः) a bow-maker. -काण्डम् (धनु- ष्काण्डम्) a bow and arrow. -खण्डम् (धनुष्खण्डम्) part of a bow. Me.15. -गुणः (धनुर्गुणः) a bowstring. -ग्रहः (धनुर्ग्रहः), ग्राहः an archer. धनुर्ग्रहवरो यस्यं बाणखड्गास्त्रभृत्स्वयम् Rām.2.44.2. -ग्रहम् a measure, a cubit of 27 aṅgulas; Māna.2.52. -ज्या (धनुर्ज्या) a bow-string; अनवरतधनुर्ज्यास्फालनक्रूरपूर्वम् Ś2.4. -दुर्गम् (धनुर्दुर्गम्) a place protected by a desert; Ms.7.7. -द्रुमः (धनुर्द्रुमः) a bamboo. -धरः, -भृत् m. (धनुर्धरः &c.) 1 an archer; धनुर्भृतो$प्यस्य दयार्द्रभावम् R.2.11; धनुर्धरः केसरिणं ददर्श 29;3.31,38,39;9.11;12.97; 16.77. -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu. -3 the sign Sagittarius of the zodiac. -धारिन् (धनुर्धारिन्) m. an archer. -पाणि a. (धनुष्पाणि) armed with a bow, with a bow in hand; अहमेव धनुष्पाणिर्योद्धा समरमूर्धनि Rām. -मार्गः (धनुर्मार्गः) a line curved like a bow, a curve. -मासः (धनुर्मासः) The period during which the sun is in Sagittarius. -मुष्टिः (धनुर्मुष्टिः) a measure, a cubit of 26 aṅgulas; Māna 2.51. -लता 1 bow. -2 Soma creeper. -वातः (धनुर्वातः) a kind of disease. -विद्या (धनुर्विद्या) the science of archery. -वृक्षः (धनुर्वक्षः) 1 a bamboo. -2 the अश्वत्थ tree. -वेदः (धनुर्वेदः) the science of archery, one of the four Upavedas q. v. चतुष्पादं धनुर्वेदं वेद पञ्चविधं द्विज । रथनागाश्वपत्तीनां योधांश्चाश्रित्य कीर्तितम् ॥ यन्त्रमुक्तं पाणिमुक्तं मुक्तसन्धारितं तथा । अमुक्तं बाहुयुद्धं च पञ्चधा तत् प्रकीर्तितम् ॥ Agni P. -वेदिन् m. an epithet of Śiva. -स्तम्भः Tetanus. |
dhanuṣmat | धनुष्मत् m. An archer. |
dhanu | f. sandbank; shore; island (also of clouds). |
dhanu | m. bow. |
dhanurgraha | m. bowman, archer; -grâha, -grâhin, m. id.; -gyâ, f. bowstring; -durga, a. inaccessible because of a desert; n. fortress protected by a desert; -dhara, a. bearing a bow; m. archer; -dhârin, -bhrit, a. m. id.; -yantra, n. bow; -yashti, f. id.; -yogyâ, f. practice in archery; -latâ, f. bow; -vidyâ, f. archery; -veda, m. id. |
dhanus | n. bow; a measure of length (=4 hastas). |
dhanus | n. desert. |
dhanuṣkāṇḍa | n. sg. bow and arrow; -k&asharp;ra, -krít, m. bow-maker; -koti (or î), notched end of a bow; -khanda, n. piece of a bow; -pâni, a. bow in hand, armed with a bow; -mat, a. (-î) armed with a bow; m. bowman: -tâ, f. archery. |
sautrāmadhanus | n. rainbow. |
dhanu | (fem.), ‘sandbank,’ occurs several times in the Rigveda, but only metaphorically of the clouds in the atmosphere. Dhanū is found in the Atharvaveda, where it seems to denote a sandbag used to prevent bleeding. Cf Dhanvan. |
dhanus | The ‘ bow,’ frequently mentioned in the Rigveda and later, was the chief weapon of the Vedic Indian. The last act of the funeral rite included the removal of the bow from the right hand of the dead man. The weapon was composed of a stout staff bent into a curved shape (vakra), and of a bowstring (Jyā) made of a strip of cowhide which joined the ends. The tips of the bow, when the string was fastened, were called Ártnī. Relaxed when not in actual use, the bow was specially strung up when needed for shooting. The stages of the process are given in detail in the Vājasaneyi Samhitā : the stringing (ā-tan) of the bow, the placing (prati-dhā) of the arrow, the bending (<ū-yam) of the bow, and the shooting (as). The arrow was discharged from the ear, and is hence called karna-yoni, having the ear as its point of origin.’ The making of bows was a regular profession (dhanus-kāra, dhanus-krt). For the arrow see Isu, and for the handguard Hastaghna. |
dhanuḥ | śatror apakāmaṃ kṛṇoti (AVPṃS. kṛṇotu) RV.6.75.2c; AVP.15.10.2c; VS.29.39c; TS.; MS.3.16.3c: 185.13; KSA.6.1c; N.9.17c. |
dhanuḥ | snāvneva nahyata AVś.7.50.9d; AVP.1.49.2d. |
dhanur | iva (AVP. ivā) tānayā pasaḥ AVś.4.4.6d; 6.101.2d; AVP.4.5.8d. |
dhanur | enam ātatyedhvā vidhya JB.1.129. |
dhanur | jyām achinat svayam TA.1.5.2d. |
dhanur | bibharṣi haritaṃ hiraṇyayam AVś.11.2.12a. |
dhanur | vottatam iti cakramitha AVP.5.36.8d. |
dhanur | hastād ādadāno (TA. -nā) mṛtasya RV.10.18.9a; AVś.18.2.60a; TA.6.1.3a; AG.4.2.20. P: dhanur hastāt Kauś.80.49. Cf. BṛhD.7.15. Cf. daṇḍaṃ. |
dhanuṣ | ṭanvanti etc. see dhanus etc. |
dhanuṣ | ṭe arasārasam AVś.4.6.6d; AVP.5.8.5d. |
dhanus | tanvanti (SV. dhanuṣ ṭa-) pauṃsyam RV.9.99.1b; SV.1.551b. |
dhanuspṛtaṃ | (Padap. dhanaspṛtaṃ) śūśuvāṃsaṃ sudakṣam MS.4.14.8b: 227.15. See dhanaspṛtaṃ etc. |
dhanu | noun (masculine feminine) a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a measure of 4 Hastas or cubits (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Buchanania Latifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Śamīka Semecarpus Anacardium (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14964/72933 | |
dhanudruma | noun (masculine) a bamboo Frequency rank 55301/72933 | |
dhanurbhṛt | noun (masculine) archer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bow-man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15784/72933 | |
dhanurbīja | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 55302/72933 | |
dhanurdhara | noun (masculine) name of a son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Agni [rel.] name of Śiva Frequency rank 5382/72933 | |
dhanurgraha | noun (masculine) an archer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bearing a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the art of managing a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 24297/72933 | |
dhanurlatā | noun (feminine) a bow (lit. bow-creeper) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Tinospora cordifolia Miers Frequency rank 35963/72933 | |
dhanurvakra | adjective crooked like a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) semicircular (G.J. Meulenbeld (0), 217) Frequency rank 55304/72933 | |
dhanurvakṣa | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 55305/72933 | |
dhanurveda | noun (masculine) an archery treatise (regarded as an Upaveda connected with the Yajurveda) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a work by Śārṅgadatta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the science of archery (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 3813/72933 | |
dhanurvāta | noun (masculine) a kind of disease (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13570/72933 | |
dhanurvṛkṣa | noun (masculine) (geom.) an arc (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a measure of 4 cubits (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Isora Corylifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Semecarpus Anacardium (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the bamboo Ficus Religiosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55306/72933 | |
dhanuryaṣṭi | noun (feminine) a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55303/72933 | |
dhanurāsana | noun (neuter) a particular mode of sitting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 28522/72933 | |
dhanus | noun (neuter) (astron.) an are or quadrant for ascertaining the sun's altitude and śenith-distance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) (geom.) an Arc or past of a circle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a desert (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a fiddlestick (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a measure of length 4 Hastas or 1/2000 Gavyūti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) arid land (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Buchanania Latifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (armed with a bow) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 413/72933 | |
dhanuvṛkṣa | noun (masculine) a kind of tree Frequency rank 55307/72933 | |
dhanuḥstambha | noun (masculine) a kind of spasmodic contraction of the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35966/72933 | |
dhanuṣa | noun (masculine) name of a Ṛṣi; [<- Satyadhṛti <- Puṇyavant] (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55308/72933 | |
dhanuṣka | noun (neuter) a small bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 28523/72933 | |
dhanuṣkambha | noun (masculine) a kind of disease (bāhyāyāma) Frequency rank 55310/72933 | |
dhanuṣkambhin | adjective [medic.] suffering from dhanuṣkambha Frequency rank 55309/72933 | |
dhanuṣkara | noun (masculine) a bow-maker (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55311/72933 | |
dhanuṣkoṭi | noun (feminine) the curved end of bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15785/72933 | |
dhanuṣkoṭī | noun (feminine) the curved end of bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35965/72933 | |
dhanuṣkāṇḍa | noun (neuter) bow and arrow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35964/72933 | |
dhanuṣmant | adjective an archer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) armed with a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 5130/72933 | |
dhanuṣpaṭa | noun (masculine) Buchanania Latifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55312/72933 | |
dhanuṣpāṇi | adjective armed with a bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bow in hand (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6790/72933 | |
dhanuṣya | noun (masculine) a bamboo Frequency rank 55313/72933 | |
dhanuṣākṣa | noun (masculine) name of a man Frequency rank 24298/72933 | |
ākhaṇḍaladhanus | noun (neuter) the rainbow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 46210/72933 | |
indradhanus | noun (neuter) Indra's bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the rainbow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9332/72933 | |
nirdhanuṣka | adjective without a bow Frequency rank 56225/72933 | |
puṣpadhanus | noun (masculine) name of the god of love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 58289/72933 | |
bṛhaddhanus | noun (masculine) name of kings (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37698/72933 | |
maṇidhanus | noun (neuter) a rain-bow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61181/72933 | |
vidhanuṣka | adjective without a bow Frequency rank 22243/72933 | |
śakradhanus | noun (neuter) name of a bow Frequency rank 18509/72933 | |
śatadhanu | noun (masculine) name of various men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67159/72933 | |
śatadhanus | noun (masculine) name of various men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67160/72933 | |
śārṅgadhanus | noun (masculine) name of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67481/72933 | |
sudhanus | noun (masculine) name of a son of Kuru (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an ancestor of Gautama Buddha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 31036/72933 | |
hiraṇyadhanus | noun (masculine) name of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 41449/72933 |