dhana | n. the prize of a contest or the contest itself (literally a running match, race, or the thing raced for; hit/aṃ- dhānam-,a proposed prize or contest; dhanaṃ-ji-,to win the prize or the fight)  |
dhana | n. booty, prey (dhanam-bhṛ- A1.,to carry off the prize or booty)  |
dhana | n. any valued object, (especially) wealth, riches, (movable) property, money, treasure, gift etc.  |
dhana | n. capital (opp. to vṛddhi-interest)  |
dhana | n. equals go-dhana-  |
dhana | n. (arithmetic) the affirmative quantity or plus (opp. to ṛṇa-, kṣaya-, vyaya-, hāni-)  |
dhana | n. Name of the 2nd mansion  |
dhana | m. Name of a merchant  |
dhanabhakṣa | m. plural booty and enjoyments  |
dhanacandra | Name of an author.  |
dhanacchū | m. the Numidian crane (equals kareṭavyā-)  |
dhanacyuta | mfn. fallen from wealth, poor  |
dhanada | mf(ā-)n. "wealth-giving", liberal  |
dhanada | m. Barringtonia Acutangula  |
dhanada | m. Name of kubera- etc.  |
dhanada | m. a guhyaka-  |
dhanada | m. Name of a servant of padma-pāṇi-  |
dhanada | m. of several men  |
dhanada | m. of a monkey  |
dhanada | m. of a mountain  |
dhanadā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
dhanada | m. of a tantra- deity  |
dhanada | n. a kind of house  |
dhanadā | mfn. prize. giving, giving booty or treasures (see -da-).  |
dhanadadeva | m. Name of a poetry or poetic  |
dhanadākṣī | f. a kind of tree (equals kuberākṣī-)  |
dhanadāmantra | m. Name of a particular prayer  |
dhanadaṇḍa | m. fine, amercement  |
dhanadānuja | m. the younger brother of kubera-, Name of rāvaṇa-  |
dhanadāpūjāyantra | n. Name of a mystical diagram  |
dhanadarpa | m. pride of wealth  |
dhanadastotra | n. Name of a stotra-  |
dhanadāstotra | n. Name of a stotra-  |
dhanadatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
dhanadatta | m. "wealth-given", Name of several merchants  |
dhanadāvāsa | m. kubera-'s residence, Name of the mountain kailāsa-  |
dhanadāya | Nom. P. yate-, to resemble kubera-  |
dhanadāyin | mfn. giving rewards or treasures  |
dhanadāyin | m. Name of agni-  |
dhanadeśvara | m. "wealth giving lord", Name of kubera-  |
dhanadeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
dhanadeva | m. Name of a minister and author  |
dhanadeva | m. of another man  |
dhanadhānī | (dh/ana--) f. receptacle for valuable articles  |
dhanadhānya | n. money and grain ( dhanadhānyādhika nyādhika- mfn.rich in money and grain )  |
dhanadhānya | n. a spell for restraining certain magical weapons  |
dhanadhānyādhika | mfn. dhanadhānya |
dhanadharma | m. Name of a king  |
dhanadharman | m. Name of a king  |
dhanadharman | n. dual number (maṇī-) (prajā-pateḥ-) Name of 2 sāman-s  |
dhanagarva | m. "purse-proud", Name of a man  |
dhanagarvita | mfn. proud of money  |
dhanagiri | m. "money-mountain", Name of a man  |
dhanagoptṛ | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
dhanagupta | mfn. (for gupta-dh-) one who guards his money carefully  |
dhanagupta | m. Name of a merchant's son ( dhanaguptatā -tā- f. )  |
dhanaguptatā | f. dhanagupta |
dhanahara | mfn. money-stealing  |
dhanahara | m. a thief or an heir  |
dhanahara | m. a kind of plant  |
dhanahāraka | mfn. with money  |
dhanaharī | f. a kind of perfume commonly called Chora  |
dhanaharin | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
dhanahārin | mfn. equals -hara-  |
dhanahārya | mfn. to be won by money  |
dhanahīna | mfn. equals -varjita-  |
dhanahīnatā | f. poverty  |
dhanahṛt | mfn. equals -hara-  |
dhanahṛt | m. a thief.  |
dhanahṛt | m. a kind of bulbous plant  |
dhanaiṣin | mfn. longing for riches, wishing for money |
dhanaiṣin | m. a creditor who claims his money  |
dhanaiśvarya | n. dominion over riches  |
dhanajāta | mfn. arising from wealth, produced by wealth  |
dhanajāta | n. plural goods of every kind  |
dhanajit | mfn. winning a prize or booty, victorious, wealth-acquiring  |
dhanajit | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
dhanaka | m. avarice, covetousness  |
dhanaka | m. Name of a yādava- (son of dur-dama- or dur-mada-)  |
dhanaka | m. of another man  |
dhanakāma | (dh/ana-.) mfn. desirous of wealth, covetous  |
dhanakāmya | mfn. desirous of wealth, covetous  |
dhanakeli | m. "sporting with wealth", Name of kubera-  |
dhanakośa | m. treasure of wealth or money  |
dhanakrītā | f. a woman bought with money  |
dhanakrītī | f. a woman bought with money  |
dhanakṣaya | m. loss of money or property  |
dhanakṣaya | m. Name of a man  |
dhanalobha | m. desire of wealth, covetousness  |
dhanalobhin | mfn. equals -lubdha-  |
dhanalubdha | mfn. greedy of wealth, avaricious  |
dhanamada | m. pride of money  |
dhanamada | mfn. equals -vat- proud of money  |
dhanaṃdadā | f. "wealth-granting", Name of a Buddhist deity.  |
dhanamitra | m. Name of several men  |
dhanaṃjaya | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. fire,  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. a particular vital air supposed to nourish the body  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. Plumbago Zeylanica  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. Name of arjuna-  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. the 9th day of the karma-māsa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order), the plant Terminalia Arjuna  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a vyāsa-  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a king of kaliṅga-  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a king of Kausthalapura  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of the author of the dala-rūpaka- etc. (See below)  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a merchant  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a Brahman plural his descendants  |
dhanaṃjayakośa | m. Name of dictionary  |
dhanaṃjayanāmamālā | f. Name of dictionary  |
dhanaṃjayanighaṇṭu | m. Name of dictionary  |
dhanaṃjayasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
dhanaṃjayasena | m. Name of a poet  |
dhanaṃjayavijaya | m. "the victory of dhanaṃ-jaya- or arjuna-", Name of a vyāyoga- by kāñcana-  |
dhanamohana | m. Name of a merchant's son  |
dhanamūla | n. principal, capital  |
dhanamūla | mfn. proceeding from or founded on wealth  |
dhanamūlya | n. wealth root, capital  |
dhanamūlyatā | f.  |
dhananāsa | m. loss of wealth or property  |
dhananetṛ | m. "bringer of wealth", prince, king  |
dhanapāla | m. guardian of treasure, treasurer  |
dhanapāla | m. king  |
dhanapāla | m. Name of a grammarian  |
dhanapāla | m. of the author of the Palya-lacchi etc.  |
dhanapāla | m. of other men |
dhanapara | mf(ā-)n. fond of money  |
dhanapati | m. (dh/ana--) lord of wealth (with or scilicet dhanānām-)  |
dhanapati | m. a rich man  |
dhanapati | m. a king  |
dhanapati | m. Name of kubera-  |
dhanapati | m. Name of several authors (also -misra-and -sūri-).  |
dhanapiśācī | f. thirst for wealth, avarice  |
dhanapiśācikā | f. thirst for wealth, avarice  |
dhanapriya | mfn. fond of wealth  |
dhanapriyā | f. Name of a plant (prob. wrong reading for ghana--).  |
dhanarakṣa | m. keeping money, not spending it  |
dhanarakṣaka | m. Name of kubera-  |
dhanarca | ( )  |
dhanarci | ( ) mfn. shining with booty (fr. -ṛca-, -ṛci-; arc-).  |
dhanarṇa | (for -ṛṇa-) n. (in, arithmetic) positive and negative quantities  |
dhanarūpa | n. a particular kind of property  |
dhanasā | mfn. equals -s/ani-  |
dhanasādhana | n. idem or '(dh/ana--) f. acquisition of wealth '  |
dhanasaṃcaya | m. ( ) collection of money, riches.  |
dhanasaṃcayana | n. ( ) collection of money, riches.  |
dhanasaṃcayin | mfn. having a collection of money  |
dhanasaṃcayin | mfn. of money  |
dhanasaṃcayin | mfn. a rich man  |
dhanasammata | m. Name of a prince  |
dhanasampad | ( ) f. accumulation or abundance of wealth.  |
dhanasampatti | ( ) f. accumulation or abundance of wealth.  |
dhanasani | mfn. granting or winning wealth  |
dhanasāti | (dh/ana--) f. acquisition of wealth  |
dhanaspṛt | mfn. carrying away the prize or booty  |
dhanaśrī | f. Name of a woman  |
dhanastha | mfn. "living in wealth", wealthy, rich  |
dhanasthāna | n. "receptacle for wealth", treasury  |
dhanasthāna | n. (astronomy) the 2nd mansion  |
dhanasthānādhikārin | m. "superintendent of treasury"a treasurer  |
dhanasū | m.,"wealth-producer", the fork-tailed shrike  |
dhanasvāmin | m. owner of money, capitalist on  |
dhanasyaka | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
dhanatama | m. (with dāya-) an exceedingly rich donation  |
dhanatṛpti | f. sufficiency of money  |
dhanatṛṣṇā | f. thirst for money, covetousness  |
dhanatyaj | mfn. resigning wealth  |
dhanava | Nom. (fr. the next) P., vati-, to become rich  |
dhanavarjita | mfn. destitute of wealth, poor  |
dhanavarman | m. Name of a man  |
dhanavat | mfn. wealthy, rich  |
dhanavat | m. a rich man etc.  |
dhanavat | m. the sea or ocean  |
dhanavat | m. Name of a vidyā-dharī- and a merchant's daughter  |
dhanavatī | f. the constellation dhaniṣṭhā-  |
dhanavibhāga | m. distribution of wealth  |
dhanaviparyaya | m. equals -nāśa-  |
dhanavṛddha | mfn. rich in money  |
dhanavṛddhi | f. increase of property  |
dhanavyaya | m. the spending of money or treasure, extravagance  |
dhanayauvanaśālin | mfn. endowed with wealth and youth  |
abandhana | mfn. without fetters, free  |
ābandhana | n. tying or binding on or round  |
abhinidhana | n. Name of different verses of the sāma-veda-  |
abhisambodhana | n. attaining the bodhi-  |
abhisaṃrādhana | n. pacifying, conciliating  |
abhivardhana | n. strengthening, increasing,  |
abindhana | m. "having water (ap-) for fuel ", submarine fire  |
adhana | mfn. destitute of wealth.  |
adhobandhana | n. an under girth.  |
ādityavardhana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Kanouj king,  |
agnīndhana | n. kindling or feeding the fire  |
agnivardhana | mfn. promoting digestion, stomachic.  |
aindhana | mfn. (fr. indhana-), produced from fuel (as fire)  |
ajñānabandhana | n. the bond of ignorance.  |
akrodhana | mfn. free from anger  |
akrodhana | m. Name of a prince, son of ayutāyu-  |
alaṃdhana | mfn. possessing sufficient wealth  |
alpadhana | mfn. of little wealth, not affluent  |
ambuvardhana | n. high sea-tide,  |
amṛtavardhana | m. Name of a poet (quoted in śārṅgadhara-'s anthology).  |
anādinidhana | mfn. having neither beginning nor end, eternal.  |
ānandavardhana | mfn. enhancing enjoyment  |
ānandavardhana | m. Name of a poet  |
aṇḍavardhana | n. swelling of the scrotum, hydrocele.  |
anibandhana | mfn. causeless, accidental,  |
ānidhana | n. (scilicet sāman-) Name of a sāman-.  |
añjalibandhana | n. salutation with the añjali- raised to the forehead.  |
antardadhana | n. the distillation of spirituous liquor (or a substance used to cause fermentation)  |
antardhana | n. a hidden or inner treasure,  |
antyadhana | n. last member of an arithmetical series.  |
anubandhana | n. binding, connection, succession, unbroken series.  |
anubodhana | n. recollecting, reminding.  |
anurodhana | n. obliging or fulfilling the wishes of  |
anurodhana | n. means for winning the affection of.  |
ārādhana | mfn. propitiating, rendering favourable to one's self  |
ārādhana | n. gratifying, propitiation, homage, worship, adoration etc.  |
ārādhana | n. effecting, accomplishment  |
ārādhana | n. acquirement, attainment  |
ārādhana | n. cooking  |
ārādhanaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
ārodhana | n. innermost part, secret place ([ ])  |
ārodhana | n. (fr.1. rudh-= ruh-), mounting, ascent [Pischel and ]  |
arthanibandhana | mfn. having its cause in wealth, contingent on affluence and respectability |
arthasādhana | n. accomplishment of a purpose, means of attaining an object,  |
āryadhana | n. (with Buddhists) a noble treasure (7 in number),  |
asādhana | mfn. without means, destitute of resources or materials or instruments or implements etc.  |
asādhana | n. not a means, anything not effective of an object,  |
aśokavardhana | m. Name of a king  |
asthibandhana | n. a sinew  |
aśvabandhana | n. fastening of horses  |
aśvabandhana | mf(ī-)n. used for fastening horses.  |
aśvasādhana | mfn. effective by horses,  |
ativiśrabdhanavoḍhā | f. a fond but pert young wife.  |
avabodhana | n. informing, teaching, instruction  |
avantivardhana | m. Name of a son of pālaka-  |
avarodhana | mf(ī-)n. procuring  |
avarodhana | n. siege, blockade  |
avarodhana | n. secluding, imprisonment  |
avarodhana | n. a closed or private place, the innermost part of anything  |
avarodhana | n. obtaining |
avarodhana | n. the inner or women's apartments (in a royal palace)  |
avarodhana | n. plural equals ava-rodhās- m. plural  |
avarodhana | n. descending motion (opposed to ud rodhana- q.v)  |
avaṭavirodhana | m. a particular hell  |
aviddhanas | mfn. (said of a bull) having the nose not bored (by a nose-ring)  |
āyodhana | n. war, battle  |
āyodhana | n. battle-field  |
āyodhana | n. killing, slaughter  |
bādhana | mfn. oppressing, harassing (See śatrub-)  |
bādhana | mfn. opposing, refuting  |
bādhana | n. opposition, resistance, oppression, molestation, affliction (also plural)  |
bādhana | n. removing, suspending, annulment (of a rule etc.)  |
bahirṇidhana | wrong reading for -nidh- q.v  |
bahirnidhana | n. the singing of a finale outside or apart  |
bāhubandhana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "arm-fetter", encircling arms,  |
bāhubandhana | m. the shoulder-blade  |
bahudhana | mfn. possessing much wealth, wealthy, rich ( bahudhanatva -tva- n.)  |
bahudhana | m. Name of a man  |
bahudhanatva | n. bahudhana |
bahusādhana | mfn. possessing many resources ( bahusādhanatā -tā- f.)  |
bahusādhanatā | f. bahusādhana |
bālabandhana | m. "child-binder", Name of a demon  |
bāladhana | n. the property of a minor or infant  |
balāsavardhana | mfn. increasing the phlegmatic humour  |
bālāvabodhana | n. bālāvabodha |
balavardhana | mfn. increasing power, strengthening  |
balavardhana | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
balibandhana | m. "binder or killer of bali-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
bandhana | mf(ī-)n. binding, tying, fettering etc.  |
bandhana | mf(ī-)n. captivating (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see bhāva-b-and )  |
bandhana | mf(ī-)n. holding fast, stopping  |
bandhana | mf(ī-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') dependent on  |
bandhana | n. the act of binding, tying, fastening, fettering etc.  |
bandhana | n. (alsof(ī-). ) a bond, tie (also figuratively), rope, cord, tether etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with f(ā-). = bound to or fettered by)  |
bandhana | n. binding on or round, clasping  |
bandhana | n. binding up, bandaging, a bandage  |
bandhana | n. catching, capturing, confining, detention, custody, imprisonment or a prison  |
bandhana | n. building, construction etc.  |
bandhana | n. embanking or an embankment  |
bandhana | n. bridging over  |
bandhana | n. alloying (of metals)  |
bandhana | n. joining, junction, connection, coherence  |
bandhana | n. fixing upon, directing towards (locative case)  |
bandhana | n. checking, suppressing  |
bandhana | n. (in philosophy) mundane bondage (opp. to final liberation)  |
bandhana | n. hurting, killing  |
bandhana | n. a stalk, stem, peduncle (of a flower) etc.  |
bandhana | n. a sinew, muscle  |
bandhanagranthi | m. a noose, rope for tying cattle  |
bandhanakārin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') fettering id est clasping, embracing ( bandhanakāritā ri-tā- f.)  |
bandhanakāritā | f. bandhanakārin |
bandhanapālaka | m. a gaol-keeper  |
bandhanarajju | f. a rope or string for tying  |
bandhanastha | mfn. being in prison or captivity, a captive, prisoner  |
bandhanasthāna | n. "place for fastening", a stall, stable  |
bandhanaveśman | n. "house of bondage", a prison  |
bhagavadārādhana | n. "propitiation of bhagavat-"  |
bhagavadārādhanakrama | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadārādhanasamarthana | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktisādhana | n. Name of work  |
bhāgavatapurāṇabandhana | n. Name of work connected with the  |
bhagavatsamārādhanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhairavārādhana | n. Name of work  |
bhaktārādhanaprayogamaṇimālikā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktisaṃvardhanaśataka | n. Name of work  |
bhārasādhana | mfn. accomplishing great things (said of weapons), very efficacious  |
bhartṛhāryadhana | mfn. (a slave) whose possessions may be taken by his master  |
bhāvabandhana | mfn. fettering or joining hearts (as love)  |
bhavasaṃśodhana | m. a particular samādhi-  |
bhayadhana | mfn. fearful, terrible  |
bhogavardhana | m. plural Name of a people  |
bhṛśaśokavardhana | mf(ī-)n. greatly increasing grief or sorrow  |
bhūdhana | m. "whose property is the earth", a king, prince  |
bhujabandhana | n. clasping in the arms, an embrace  |
bhūmivardhana | mn. "earth-increasing", a dead body, corpse  |
bhūridhana | (bh/ūri--) mfn. having much wealth or property  |
bhūrinidhana | mfn. perishing in many ways  |
bhūtasādhana | mf(ī-)n. leading all creatures towards their end ( "producing creatures")  |
bhūtivardhana | mfn. increasing welfare  |
bodhana | mf(ī-)n. causing to awake or expand (a flower), arousing, exciting  |
bodhana | mf(ī-)n. enlightening, teaching, instructing (see bāla-bodhinī-)  |
bodhana | m. the planet Mercury  |
bodhana | m. Name of a mountain  |
bodhana | n. waking, being awake  |
bodhana | n. perceiving, understanding  |
bodhana | n. causing to wake, awakening, arousing etc.  |
bodhana | n. causing (a spell) to take effect  |
bodhana | n. calling forth a perfume, burning incense  |
bodhana | n. causing to perceive or understand  |
bodhana | n. instructing, teaching, informing  |
bodhana | n. denoting, indicating, signifying  |
bodhana | n. "the awaking of durgā-", Name of a festival on the 9th day of the dark half of the month bhādra-  |
bodhanamantra | m. Name of chapter of  |
brāhmaṇadhana | n. the fee bestowed on brāhmaṇa-  |
brahmāṇḍayāmalepañcamīsādhana | n. Name of work  |
brahmāstrakāryasādhana | n. Name of work  |
brahmavardhana | n. copper (as peculiarly suitable for sacrificial utensils)  |
brahmavivardhana | mfn. "increasing sacred knowledge", Name of viṣṇu-  |
buddhanandi | (?) m. Name of the 8th Buddhist patriarch  |
buddhivivardhana | mfn. increasing the understanding  |
candhana | See cāndhanāyana-.  |
carmabandhana | n. pepper  |
catuḥsādhana | mfn. yielding 4 ways of attaining an object  |
caturnidhana | (c/at-) mfn. consisting of 4 concluding passages  |
chinnabandhana | mfn. having the bands broken, liberated  |
dadhana | n. "putting" See antar--.  |
dakṣaṇidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dakṣanidhana | n. equals nidh-.  |
dakṣasādhana | mfn. effective of cleverness  |
dānaviśodhana | n. dual number addition and subtraction,  |
dantaśodhana | n. equals -dhāva-  |
dantaśodhanacūrṇa | n. tooth-powder  |
daśendhana | m. "wick-kindling", a lamp  |
dauryodhana | mf(ī-)n. belonging or relating to dur-yodhana-  |
dāvasunidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dehasiddhisādhana | n. Name of work  |
devārādhana | n.  |
devatārādhana | (tār-) n. homage to the gods  |
devavardhana | m. Name of a son of devaka-  |
dhanādānanibandhana | mfn. contingent on the possession or non-possession of wealth  |
dhānyadhana | n. sg. corn and wealth  |
dhānyadhanatas | ind. on account of possessing corn and wealth  |
dhānyadhanavat | mfn. rich in corn and wealth  |
dhānyavardhana | n. usury with grain  |
dharmasādhana | n. fulfilment of duties  |
dharmasādhana | n. means of the father of duties, any act or virtue essential to a system of duties  |
dharmavardhana | mfn. increasing right or virtue (śiva-)  |
dharmavardhana | mfn. Name of a king of śrāvastī-  |
dharmavardhana | mfn. of a poet  |
dharmavardhana | n. Name of a town  |
dharmavivardhana | m. "promoter of law or right", Name of a son of aśoka- (equals kunāla-)  |
dhātusādhana | n. "complete scheme of verbal roots", Name of work containing paradigms of conjugation.  |
dhātuśodhana | m. or n. lead  |
dhvanibodhana | m. a kind of grass (equals rohiṣa-)  |
diksādhanayantra | n. Name of work  |
dīpārādhana | n. worshipping an idol by waving a lamp before it  |
dravyaśodhanavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
dravyavardhana | m. Name of an author  |
dṛḍhabandhanabaddha | mfn. caught fast in a snare |
dṛḍhadhana | m. "having secure wealth", Name of gautama- buddha-  |
dṛḍhavedhana | n. piercing strongly  |
duḥsvapnapratibodhana | mfn. difficult to be awakened from sleep  |
durādhana | m. Name of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra- (see next) .  |
durlabhavardhana | m. Name of a king of kaśmīra- (also called pratāpāditya-)  |
duryodhana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. difficult to be conquered ' ( duryodhanatā -tā- f. )  |
duryodhana | mfn. Name of the eldest son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- (leader of the kaurava-s in their war with the pāṇḍava-s) etc. (see su-y-)  |
duryodhana | mfn. of a son of su-durjaya-  |
duryodhanarakṣābandhana | n. Name of work  |
duryodhanatā | f. duryodhana |
duryodhanavīryajñānamudrā | f. "mark of knowledge of invincible heroism", a particular intertwining of the fingers  |
duṣkarasādhana | n. means of overcoming difficulties  |
duṣprasādhana | ( ) ( ) mfn. difficult to be managed or dealt with.  |
dvādaśanidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dvibhāgadhana | n. double the goods or property  |
dvinidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dyumnavardhana | mfn. increasing strength, ix, 31, 2.  |
ekadhana | n. a choice portion of wealth  |
ekadhana | n. (/eka-dhana-),"put down in an odd number", Name of particular water-vessels by means of which water is taken up at certain sacrificial observances etc.  |
ekadhana | f. plural (scilicet āpas-) the water taken up by means of those vessels etc.  |
ekadhanavid | mfn. obtaining the chief portion of wealth  |
gādhana | a kind of arrow  |
gajabandhana | n. a post to which an elephant is bound  |
gaṇapatyārādhana | m. a hymn in honour of gaṇeśa- (attributed to kaṅkola-)  |
gandhana | n. hurting, injury  |
gandhana | n. pointing out or alluding to the faults of others, derision |
gandhana | n. continued effort, perseverance  |
gandhana | n. the spreading or diffusion of odours ( )  |
gandhana | m. (equals dha-taṇḍula-etc.) a kind of rice  |
gandhanakula | m. the musk rat of Bengal (Sorex moschatus)  |
gardhana | mf(ā-)n. greedy, covetous  |
gatanidhana | n. Name of a sāman-,  |
gayasādhana | mfn. promoting domestic wealth (soma-)  |
ghaṭaśodhanakāraka | n. "cleaning the water-jar", a collective N. for 6 actions of an ascetic (dhautī-, vastī-, netī-, trāṭaka-, naulika-and kapālabhātī-),  |
ghṛtaścunnidhana | n. equals -(ścyun)-nidhana-.  |
ghṛtaścyunnidhana | n. Name of a sāman-,  |
gītabandhana | n. an epic poem to be sung  |
godhana | n. possession of cows, herd of cows, multitude of cattle (especially considered as property)  |
godhana | n. a station of cows  |
godhana | m. a broad-pointed arrow (varia lectio gādh-)  |
godhana | m. Name of a son of śvaphalka- 133>(gandhamoca- )  |
godhana | -dhara-, etc. See g/o-, p.365.  |
gotravardhana | m. Name of a prince  |
govardhana | m. a celebrated hill in vṛndāvana- near mathurā- (lifted up and supported by kṛṣṇa- upon one finger for 7 days to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by indra- to test kṛṣṇa-'s divinity see p.113) etc.  |
govardhana | m. Name of a holy fig-tree in the country of the bāhīka-s  |
govardhana | m. Name of the author of nasaptaśatī- (of the 12th or 13th century A.D.) on etc.  |
govardhana | m. Name of one of the 5 śruta-kevalin-s  |
govardhana | m. equals na-dhara-  |
govardhanadhara | m. " govardhana--supporter", kṛṣṇa-  |
govardhanamāhātmya | n. "the glory of the govardhana- hill", Name of a part of  |
govardhanasaptaśatī | f. 700 stanzas in the āryā- metre on chiefly erotic subjects by govardhanācārya-  |
granthibandhana | n. tying a knot  |
granthibandhana | n. tying together the garments of the bride and bridegroom at the marriage ceremony  |
guptadhana | n. money kept secret  |
guptadhana | mfn. guarding one's money  |
guptasādhanatantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
harihariharivāhanasādhana | Name of work  |
harisādhanacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
hariśrīnidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
harṣavardhana | m. a kind of musical composition  |
harṣavardhana | m. Name of a powerful king of Northern India (said to have founded an era, A.D. 605 or 606)  |
harṣavardhana | m. plural Name of a people  |
harṣavivardhana | mfn. increasing or promoting joy  |
havyaśodhana | mfn. purifying the oblations  |
hiraṇyabandhana | (h/iraṇya-.) mf(ā-)n. having golden bands (said of the cordage of a ship)  |
homendhana | n. sacrificial firewood  |
hṛcchayavardhana | mfn. augmenting love  |
hṛdayabandhana | mfn. captivating or winning the heart  |
hṛtadhana | mfn. spoiled of wealth  |
indhana | n. kindling, lighting, ([ see agnīndhana-])  |
indhana | n. fuel  |
indhana | n. wood, grass etc. used for this purpose  |
indhanavat | mfn. possessed of fuel.  |
indriyabodhana | mfn. arousing the bodily powers, sharpening the senses  |
indriyabodhana | n. any excitement of sense, an object of perception, a stimulus, etc.  |
īṣāntabandhana | n. a yoke,  |
iṣunibandhana | a quiver,  |
jalendhana | m. submarine fire  |
janmaśodhana | n. discharging the obligation derived from birth  |
jayavardhana | m. Name of a poet, .  |
jiḍadhana | m. Name of a man.  |
jihvāśodhana | n. "tongue-cleaning", recitation of particular mystical syllables,  |
jinavardhana | m. Name of the founder of the 5th subdivision of the kharatara-gaccha- of the Jain community (died A.D. 1458;author of candraprabhacaritra- and 4 other caritra-s).  |
jīvadhana | n. live stock, wealth in flocks and herds  |
jīvasādhana | n. "means of subsistence", rice, grain  |
jīvendhana | n. blazing wood  |
kaliviṣṇuvardhana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
kalyāṇavardhana | m. "increase of prosperity"Name of a man  |
kamalavardhana | m. Name of a king of kampana-  |
kaṃsanidhana | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a poem (without labial letters, in 17 cantos)  |
kandavardhana | m. the esculent root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus.  |
kanyādhana | n. a girl's property, portion, dowry  |
kanyādhana | n. (if a girl dies unmarried her property falls to her brother's share )  |
kaphavardhana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. exciting or increasing phlegm.'  |
kaphavardhana | m. a species of Tabernaemontana.  |
karajavardhana | m. Name of a prince  |
karmabandhana | n. idem or 'm. the bonds of action (id est transmigration or repeated existence as a result of actions) '  |
karmabandhana | mfn. bound by bonds of actions (as worldly existence)  |
karmasādhana | n. implement, means  |
karmasādhana | n. articles essential to the performance of any religious act.  |
kartanasādhana | n. a spindle  |
kāśivardhana | n. (with nagara-) the city of Benares,  |
kāyabandhana | n. "body-fastening", a girdle  |
keśasaṃvardhana | see saṃv-, parasmE-pada l1 16.  |
keśavardhana | mf(ī-)n. causing the hair to grow  |
kiṃsādhana | mfn. having what proof? commentator or commentary on |
krodhana | mf(ā-)n. ( ) inclined to wrath, passionate, angry (with locative case ) etc.  |
krodhana | m. (equals krodha-) the 59th year in the sixty years' bṛhaspati- cycle  |
krodhana | m. Name of a son of kauśika- and pupil of garga-  |
krodhana | m. of a son of a-yuta- and father of devātithi-  |
krodhana | m. of a man  |
krodhana | m. of a śākta- author of mantra-s  |
krodhana | m. Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue  |
krodhana | m. of a yoginī-  |
krodhana | n. "the being angry, anger", only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' sa-kr- (q.v)  |
krodhavardhana | m. Name of a dānava-  |
kṛśadhana | mfn. having little property, poor  |
kṛtavedhana | m. idem or 'm. a sort of ghoṣā- with white flowers '  |
kṛtavyadhana | mf(ī-)n. skilled in piercing  |
kṣatravardhana | mfn. promoting dominion  |
kṣīṇadhana | mfn. having diminished wealth, impoverished.  |
kṣitivardhana | m. a corpse  |
kṣudvibodhana | m. black mustard  |
kulavardhana | mfn. increasing or advancing or propagating a family  |
kuntalavardhana | m. the plant Eclipta prostrata  |
labdhadhana | mfn. one who has acquired wealth, wealthy  |
laddhanadeva | m. Name of a man  |
lakṣmivardhana | mfn. increasing good fortune  |
lalitapadabandhana | n. an amorous composition in verse, a metrical composition treating of love  |
lekhanasādhana | n. writing materials (varia lectio lekha-s-).  |
lekhasādhana | varia lectio for lekhana-s- q.v  |
liṅgavardhana | mfn. causing erections of the male organ  |
liṅgavardhana | m. Feronia Elephantum (also -vardha-).  |
madbandhanasamudbhava | mfn. caused by the binding of me id est by my bondage  |
madhuścyunnidhana | n. Name of a sāman- (also called prajā-pater madhu-ścy- )  |
madhyebhabandhana | n. a band or rope round an elephant's body  |
madhyenidhana | mfn. having the passage called nidhana- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) in the middle  |
mahādhana | n. great spoil or booty (taken in battle)  |
mahādhana | n. a great contest, great battle  |
mahādhana | n. great wealth or riches  |
mahādhana | n. agriculture  |
mahādhana | mf(ā-)n. costing much money, very costly or precious or valuable  |
mahādhana | mf(ā-)n. having much money, rich, wealthy etc.  |
mahādhana | m. Name of a merchant  |
mahādhana | n. anything costly or precious  |
mahādhana | n. gold  |
mahādhana | n. incense  |
mahādhana | n. costly raiment  |
mahādhanapati | m. a very rich man  |
mahāsādhanabhāga | m. a great executive minister or officer of state  |
makuṭabandhana | n. Name of a temple  |
malarodhana | n. constipation of the bowels  |
mālāśodhana | n. Name of work  |
malaviśodhana | mfn. cleansing away filth  |
mānadhana | mfn. rich in honour  |
mānavardhana | mfn. increasing (a person's) honour, indicating respect  |
maṇḍūkaplutasādhana | n. Name of work  |
maṇibandhana | n. the fastening on of jewel  |
maṇibandhana | n. a string of pearls, an ornament of pearls  |
maṇibandhana | n. the part of a ring or bracelet where the jewel are set  |
maṇibandhana | n. the wrist  |
maṇibandhana | n. etc.  |
manmasādhana | mfn. accomplishing the heart's desires or wishes  |
mantrārādhana | n. accomplishment by spells and incantations, conjuring  |
mantrasādhana | n. (or mantrasādhanā nā- f.) the performance of an incantation  |
mantraśodhana | n. Name of work  |
mānuṣapradhana | (m/ān-) mfn. fighting for men  |
mārgabandhana | n. obstruction of a road or way  |
maṣivardhana | n. myrrh  |
mativardhana | m. Name of an author (also na-gaṇi-)  |
matsyabandhana | n. a fish-hook  |
matsyavedhana | n. "fish-piercing", a fish-hook, angle  |
mauñjibandhana | n. equals mauñjī-bandhana-  |
mauñjībandhana | n. equals -nibanahana-  |
mauñjībandhanacihnita | mfn. distinguished by the binding of the muñja- girdle  |
mauñjīnibandhana | n. the binding on of the girdle of muñja--grass or of the sacred cord  |
meruvardhana | m. Name of a man  |
miśradhana | n. principal and interest  |
mitravardhana | mfn. prospering friends  |
mitravardhana | m. Name of a demon (said to steal oblations)  |
mokṣasādhana | n. means of emancipation  |
mṛtisādhana | mfn. causing death  |
mukhabandhana | n. "top-fastening", a lid, cover  |
mukhabandhana | n. "head-composition", introduction, preface  |
mukhabandhana | n. the fifth change which takes place in warm milk when mixed with takra-  |
mukhaprasādhana | n. decorating or painting the face  |
mukhaśodhana | mfn. cleansing the mouth  |
mukhaśodhana | mfn. sharp, pungent  |
mukhaśodhana | m. pungency, sharp or pungent flavour  |
mukhaśodhana | n. the cleansing of the mouth  |
mukhaśodhana | n. cinnamon  |
muktabandhana | mfn. released from bonds  |
mūladhana | n. equals -dravya-  |
mūlasādhana | n. a chief instrument, principal expedient  |
mūlavaṇigdhana | n. a merchant's original property or capital  |
muñjabandhana | n. investiture with the Brahmanical girdle  |
mūtramārganirodhana | n. mūtramārga |
nābhivardhana | n. ( vardh-) equals -kṛntana-  |
nābhivardhana | n. ( vṛdh-) umbilical hernia  |
nābhivardhana | n. corpulency  |
nagaradhanasaṃghārāma | m. Name of a Buddhist monastery.  |
nagaradhanavihāra | m. Name of a Buddhist monastery.  |
nāgavardhana | m. Name of men  |
naidhana | mfn. (fr. 2. ni-dhana-) subject to death, perishable, deadly, funereal, final etc.  |
naidhana | mfn. (in astrology with or sc. gṛha-) the 8th house, the house of death  |
nandavardhana | m. Name of authors  |
nandivardhana | mfn. increasing pleasure, promoting happiness (with genitive case)  |
nandivardhana | m. son  |
nandivardhana | m. friend  |
nandivardhana | m. the end of a half-month, the day of full moon or of new moon  |
nandivardhana | m. a particular form of temple (see nandana-and din-)  |
nandivardhana | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
nandivardhana | m. Name of śiva-  |
nandivardhana | m. of a prince (son of udāvasu-)  |
nandivardhana | m. of a son of janaka-  |
nandivardhana | m. of a son of udayāśva-  |
nandivardhana | m. of a son of rājaka-  |
nandivardhana | m. of a son of a-jaya-  |
nandivardhana | m. of a brother of mahāvīra-  |
nandivardhana | m. Name of a town  |
nandivivardhana | mfn. equals -vardhana- mfn.  |
narakatiryaksaṃśodhana | n. a particular samādhi-  |
naubandhana | n. "ship-anchorage", Name of the highest peak of the himālaya-s (to which in the great flood manu- fastened his ship)  |
naubandhanamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
nayasādhana | n. political conduct  |
nāyikāsādhana | n. Name of work  |
nibandhana | mf(ī-)n. binding, fastening, fettering  |
nibandhana | m. Name of a son of aruṇa- (varia lectio tri-b-)  |
nibandhana | n. tying, fastening, binding together, ligation  |
nibandhana | n. holding fast, restraining etc.  |
nibandhana | n. constructing, building (as a bridge)  |
nibandhana | n. band, fetter (literally and figuratively), support, stay  |
nibandhana | n. cause, origin, basis, foundation etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = supported by, fastened to, based or dependent on, connected with, relating to)  |
nibandhana | n. seat, receptacle (see iṣu-n-)  |
nibandhana | n. the peg of a lute  |
nibandhana | n. a grant, an assignment or royal gift  |
nibandhana | n. composition, arrangement  |
nibandhana | n. a literary composition or treatise  |
nibandhana | n. (in gram.) syntax  |
nibandhana | n. a commentary  |
nibandhanagrantha | m. Name of a class of works.  |
nibandhanaka | See dhaka- above.  |
nibandhanavanīta | m. or n. Name of work |
nidhana | mfn. (for 2.See column 3) having no property, poor  |
nidhana | (for 1.See column 2) n. (m.only ; gaRa ardharcādi-) settling down, residence or place of residence, domicile, receptacle  |
nidhana | n. conclusion, end, death, destruction, loss, annihilation etc.  |
nidhana | n. (in music) the concluding passage of a sāman- which is sung in chorus  |
nidhana | n. any finale etc.  |
nidhana | n. Name of the 8th mansion  |
nidhana | n. race, family  |
nidhana | m. the head of a family  |
nidhanabhūta | mfn. (in music) forming a finale  |
nidhanakāma | n. Name of several sāman-s  |
nidhanakārin | mfn. causing death, destroying  |
nidhanakriyā | f. a funeral ceremony  |
nidhanakṛta | mfn. put to an end, destroyed,  |
nidhanapati | m. lord of the end or of destruction  |
nidhanasūtra | n. Name of work  |
nidhanasūtravṛtti | f. Name of work  |
nidhanatā | f. poverty  |
nidhanavāda | m. a word used as nidhana-,  |
nidhanavat | mfn. (dh/ana--) having a finale etc.  |
nigrahasādhana | n. Name of work  |
nijakarmabandhana | mfn. fettered by one's own works  |
nirdhana | mfn. without property, poor etc.  |
nirdhana | mfn. (an enterprise) undertaken without money  |
nirdhana | m. an old bull  |
nirdhanatā | f. ( ) poverty, indigence  |
nirdhanatva | n. ( ) poverty, indigence  |
nirindhana | mfn. destitute of fuel  |
nirodhana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. obstructing, confining, hindering (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') '  |
nirodhana | n. confining, imprisonment  |
nirodhana | n. keeping back, restraining, subduing, suppressing etc.  |
nirodhana | n. denying, refusing  |
nirodhana | n. (in dramatic language) equals rodha-  |
niṣedhana | n. the act of warding off or defending, prevention  |
nityārādhana | n. Name of work  |
nityārādhanakrama | m. Name of work  |
nityārādhanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
nṛmṇavardhana | mfn. enhancing courage  |
nṛsiṃhārādhana | n. Name of work  |
okonidhana | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
pācalarādhanadravya | n. dissolving or a dissolvent.  |
pādabandhana | n. idem or 'm. a tie or fetter for the feet '  |
pādabandhana | n. a stock of cattle  |
padanidhana | mfn. having the nidhana- (q.v) at the end of every quarter of a verse (as a sāman-),  |
paitṛkadhana | n. ancestral property, patrimony  |
palabhāsādhana | n. Name of work  |
paṇabandhana | n. paṇabandha |
pañcagavadhana | mfn. one whose property consists of 5 cows  |
pañcāgnisādhana | n. "doing the 5 fire penance"(a form of self-mortification) (see pañcatapas-)  |
pañcamīsādhana | n. Name of work  |
pañcāṅgasādhana | n. Name of work  |
pañcāṅgasādhanagrahodāharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
pañcāṅgasādhanasāraṇī | f. Name of work  |
pañcāṅgaśodhana | n. Name of work  |
pañcanidhana | n. Name of several sāman-s  |
pāñcarātrārādhana | n. Name of work  |
pañcavardhana | m. a species of plant  |
pāpaśodhana | n. "washing away sins", Name of a tīrtha-  |
paradhana | n. another's wealth  |
pārameśvarārādhanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
parasparavibandhana | mfn. vibandhana |
paribandhana | n. tying round  |
paribodhana | n. exhortation, admonition (alsof(ā-).)  |
parimuktabandhana | mfn. released from bonds, unfettered  |
parisādhana | n. accomplishing, settling, arranging  |
parisādhana | n. determining, ascertaining  |
pariśodhana | n. cleaning, purification  |
pariśodhana | n. discharging, paying off  |
parivardhana | n. increasing, augmenting, multiplying  |
parivardhana | n. breeding, rearing (as of cattle)  |
pārthivaliṅgapūjārādhana | n. Name of work or chapter of work  |
paryaṅkabandhana | n. ( ) the act of sitting with the legs bent and binding a cloth round the back and loins and knees.  |
pāśabandhana | n. a snare, fetter  |
pāśabandhana | mfn. hanging in a snare  |
paśudhānyadhanarddhimat | (r-for ṛ-) mfn. rich in cattle and corn and money  |
paśusādhana | mf(ī-)n. leading or guiding cattle  |
paśusādhanaka | mfn. (a sacrifice) performed by means of cattle,  |
paśuvardhana | mfn. increasing cattle (wrong reading for paśur v-?).  |
paṭavardhana | m. Name of a family  |
paṭṭabandhana | n. binding or crowning the head with a turban or tiara  |
pauṇḍravardhana | n. Name of a city (equals puṇḍra-v-) (also -vivardhana- )  |
pauṇḍravardhana | m. Name of a country (Behar)  |
payonidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
phalasādhana | n. effecting any result on  |
phalasādhana | n. a means of effecting any result  |
prabādhana | n. keeping off, keeping at a distance  |
prabādhana | n. pressing hard upon, tormenting, paining (alsof(ā-). )  |
prabādhana | n. refusing, denying  |
prabandhana | n. binding, fettering  |
prabandhana | n. connection, bond, tie  |
prabhākaravardhana | m. Name of a king  |
prabhūtadhanadhānyavat | mfn. rich in money and corn  |
prabhūtayavasendhana | mfn. abounding in fresh grass and fuel  |
prabodhana | mfn. awaking, arousing,  |
prabodhana | m. Name of a buddha-  |
prabodhana | m. Alhagi Maurorum  |
prabodhana | n. waking, awaking etc.  |
prabodhana | n. awakening, arousing,  |
prabodhana | n. knowledge, understanding, comprehension  |
prabodhana | n. enlightening, instructing  |
prabodhana | n. reviving of an evaporated scent  |
pradhana | n. (see dh/ana-) spoil taken in battle, a prize gained by a victor, the battle or contest itself etc.  |
pradhana | n. the best of one's goods, valuables  |
pradhana | n. tearing, bursting etc. (equals dāraṇa-)  |
pradhana | m. Name of a man  |
pradhana | m. plural his descendants  |
prajñāvardhanastotra | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
prājyendhanatṛṇa | mfn. (a place) abounding in fuel and grass  |
prakaṭaprītivardhana | m. "evidently increaser of joy", Name of śiva-  |
prāṇiyodhana | n. setting animals to fight (= -dyūta-above )  |
prarodhana | n. rising, ascending  |
prasādhana | mf(ī-)n. accomplishing, effecting  |
prasādhana | m. a comb  |
prasādhana | m. a particular drug (equals siddhi-)  |
prasādhana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) bringing about, perfecting  |
prasādhana | n. arranging, preparing.  |
prasādhana | n. embellishment, decoration, toilet and its requisites etc.  |
prasādhana | n. wrong reading for sādana-  |
prasādhanavidhi | m. mode of decoration or embellishment  |
prasādhanaviśeṣa | m. the highest decoration, most excellent ornament |
prasavabandhana | n. the footstalk of a leaf or flower  |
pratibādhana | n. beating back, repulsion (genitive case, accusative,or compound)  |
pratibandhana | n. binding, confinement, obstruction  |
pratibodhana | mfn. awakening, enlivening, refreshing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratibodhana | n. awaking, expanding, spreading  |
pratibodhana | n. awakening (trans.)  |
pratibodhana | n. instruction, explanation  |
pratigrahadhana | n. money received as a present |
pratigrahadhana | mfn. one whose wealth consists only in presents  |
pratirodhana | n. obstruction, prevention  |
pratirodhana | n. allowing anything (genitive case) to pass by fruitlessly  |
pratiṣedhana | mfn. keeping or, warding off  |
pratiṣedhana | n. the act of keeping or warding off, restraining from (ablative), prevention, repulsion (of a disease) |
pratiṣedhana | n. rejection, refutation  |
pratiyodhana | n. fighting against, assailing in turn  |
pratyavavarodhana | n. obstruction, interruption  |
pravardhana | mfn. id  |
pravardhana | n. augmenting, increase  |
premabandhana | n. ( ) the ties of love, love, affection.  |
pretaprasādhana | n. adornment of a corpse  |
prītidhana | n. money given from love or friendship.  |
prītivardhana | mfn. increasing love or joy.  |
prītivardhana | m. the 4th month  |
prītivardhana | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
puṇḍavardhana | wrong reading for puṇḍra-k- and -v-.  |
puṇḍravardhana | n. Name of a town in gauḍa- (wrong reading puṇḍa-v-).  |
puṇyavardhana | mfn. "increasing merit"  |
puṇyavardhana | n. Name of a city (see puṇḍra-v-).  |
puṣṭivardhana | mfn. increasing prosperity or welfare etc.  |
puṣṭivardhana | m. a cock  |
pūtabandhana | mf(ī-)n. attached to that which is purified  |
rādhana | n. (only ), propitiating, conciliating  |
rādhana | n. pleasure, satisfaction |
rādhana | n. obtaining, acquisition  |
rādhana | n. the means or instrument of accomplishing anything ( rādhanadravya -dravya- n. equals pācala-)  |
rādhanadravya | n. rādhana |
rāgavardhana | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
rājavardhana | wrong reading for rājya-v-.  |
rājyavardhana | m. Name of a king (son of dama-)  |
rājyavardhana | m. of another king (son of pratāpa-śīla- or prabhākara-vardhana-)  |
rakṣābandhanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
raktavardhana | m. "blood-increasing", Solanum Melongena  |
rāmānujārādhanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
rāmavardhana | m. Name of a man  |
randhana | mfn. destroying (in abhadra-r-)  |
randhana | n. destruction cooking  |
rasabandhana | n. (prob.) a particular pan of the intestines  |
rasaśodhana | m. borax  |
rasaśodhana | n. purification of quicksilver  |
rasaśodhana | n. Name of work  |
rāśībhūtadhana | mfn. one who has piled up treasures  |
rasoparasaśodhana | n. rasoparasa |
rāṣṭravardhana | mfn. increasing a kingdom, exalting dominion  |
rāṣṭravardhana | m. Name of a minister of daśa-ratha- and rāma-  |
rativardhana | mfn. increasing love  |
ratnavardhana | m. Name of a man  |
ravivardhana | gaṇi-, m. Name (also title or epithet) of an author,  |
ṛṇaśodhana | n. payment or discharge of a debt  |
rodhana | See 2. ava-- ud--, -pra-r-.  |
rodhana | mf(ī-)n. (for 1.See above, column 1) obstructing, impeding, being an obstacle or hindrance  |
rodhana | m. the planet Mercury  |
rodhana | n. shutting up, confinement  |
rodhana | n. stopping, restraining, checking, preventing, impeding  |
ṛtanidhana | n. "having proper nidhana-s" (q.v), Name of a sāman-  |
śabdasādhana | mfn. hitting a mere sound (id est hitting an object perceived only by the ear; see śabda-vedhin-)  |
saddhana | n. good wealth or property  |
sadhana | n. (id est 7. sa-+ dh-) common property  |
sadhana | mfn. possessing riches, wealthy, opulent  |
sadhana | mfn. together with riches  |
sādhana | mf(ī-or ā-)n. leading straight to a goal, guiding well, furthering  |
sādhana | mf(ī-or ā-)n. effective, efficient, productive of (compound) etc.  |
sādhana | mf(ī-or ā-)n. procuring  |
sādhana | mf(ī-or ā-)n. conjuring up (a spirit)  |
sādhana | mf(ī-or ā-)n. denoting, designating, expressive of (compound)  |
sādhana | m. Name of the author of (having the patronymic bhauvana-)  |
sādhana | m. propitiation, worship, adoration  |
sādhana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the act of mastering, overpowering, subduing  |
sādhana | n. subduing by charms, conjuring up, summoning (spirits etc.)  |
sādhana | n. subduing a disease, healing, cure etc.  |
sādhana | n. enforcing payment or recovery (of a debt)  |
sādhana | n. bringing about, carrying out, accomplishment, fulfilment, completion, perfection etc.  |
sādhana | n. establishment of a truth, proof, argument, demonstration  |
sādhana | n. reason or premiss (in a syllogism, leading to a conclusion)  |
sādhana | n. any means of effecting or accomplishing, any agent or instrument or implement or utensil or apparatus, an expedient, requisite for (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
sādhana | n. a means of summoning or conjuring up a spirit (or deity)  |
sādhana | n. means or materials of warfare, military forces, army or portion of an army (sg. and plural)  |
sādhana | n. conflict, battle  |
sādhana | n. means of correcting or punishing (as"a stick","rod"etc.)  |
sādhana | n. means of enjoyment, goods, commodities etc.  |
sādhana | n. efficient cause or source (in general)  |
sādhana | n. organ of generation (male or female), sah-.  |
sādhana | n. (in gram.) the sense of the instrumental or agent (as expressed by the case of a noun, opp. to the action itself)  |
sādhana | n. preparing, making ready, preparation (of food, poison etc.)  |
sādhana | n. obtaining, procuring, gain, acquisition  |
sādhana | n. finding out by calculation, computation  |
sādhana | n. fruit, result  |
sādhana | n. the conjugational affix or suffix which is placed between the root and terminations (equals vīharaṇa- q.v) Va1rtt. 1  |
sādhana | n. (only "matter, material, substance, ingredient, drug, medicine;good works, penance, self-mortification, attainment of beatitude;conciliation, propitiation, worship;killing, destroying;killing metals, depriving them by oxydation etc. of their metallic properties [ especially said of mercury];burning on a funeral pile, obsequies;setting out, proceeding, going;going quickly;going after, following")  |
sādhanabhāga | See mahā-s-.  |
sādhanacatuṣṭaya | n. (in philosophy) four kinds of proof.  |
sādhanadīpikā | f. Name of work on bhakti- by nārāyaṇa-bhaṭṭa-.  |
sādhanaka | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals sādhana-, a means, expedient (exempli gratia, 'for example' paśu-s-,"[a sacrifice] offered by means of cattle") on  |
sādhanakriyā | f. the act of performing etc.  |
sādhanakriyā | f. an action connected with a kāraka-  |
sādhanakriyā | f. a finite verb  |
sādhanakriyā | f. a kṛd-anta- affix  |
sādhanakṣama | mfn. admitting of Proof or evidence  |
sādhanamālātantra | n. Name of work  |
sādhanamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
sādhananirdeśa | m. production of proof (in law)  |
sādhananirdeśa | m. the statement of premisses leading to a conclusion  |
sādhanapaddhati | f. Name of work on the worship of rādhā- and kṛṣṇa-. |
sādhanapañcaka | n. Name of five stanzas giving rules for the attainment of praśānti- or quietude.  |
sādhanapattra | n. any written document used as evidence or proof  |
sādhanarūpin | mfn. having the form or character of an instrument or expedient  |
sādhanasāgara | m. Name of work  |
sādhanasubodhanī | f. Name of work  |
sadhanatā | f. wealthiness  |
sādhanatā | f. the being a means of (compound see bahu-s-)  |
sādhanatva | n. efficacy  |
sādhanatva | n. equals prec.  |
sādhanatva | n. the being a proof or argument on  |
sādhanatva | n. state of perfection  |
sādhanavat | mfn. furnished with proof or evidence  |
sādhāraṇadhana | n. joint or common property  |
sādhyasādhana | n. the means of establishing what is to be proved (exempli gratia, 'for example' a hetu- or reason) , effecting what has to be done etc.  |
sādhyasādhanakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
sādhyasādhanakhaṇḍa | f. Name of work  |
sahasrapradhana | mfn. (sah/asra--) having a thousand prizes gained in battle  |
sahasrapradhana | mfn. one who has experienced a thousand battles  |
sakrodhana | mfn. equals -krodha-  |
śaktiśodhana | n. "purification of śakti-", a ceremony performed with the woman representing śakti-  |
salilendhana | m. "water -ignition", the submarine fire (see vaḍabāgni-)  |
samagradhana | mfn. possessing the whole of one's property  |
samānanidhana | (n/a--) mfn. having the same conclusion  |
samānasambandhana | (n/a--) mf(ā-)n. equally connected  |
sāmanidhana | n. the closing sentence of a sāman-.  |
sāmānyābhāvasādhana | n. Name of work  |
samāptisādhana | n. means of accomplishment or completion  |
samārādhana | n. conciliation, propitiation, gratification |
samārādhana | n. a means of propitiating or winning  |
samardhana | mf(ī-)n. causing to prosper or succeed  |
sāmarthyabandhana | mfn. having Power as a bond of union, cemented by or contingent on power or fitness  |
samaśodhana | n. equal subtraction, subtraction of the same quantity on both sides of the equation  |
samavabodhana | n. thorough knowledge, intelligence, perception  |
samayabandhana | mfn. bound by an agreement  |
sambādhana | n. (only ) compressing, obstructing, opposing  |
sambādhana | n. a barrier, gate  |
sambādhana | n. the female organ  |
sambādhana | n. a door keeper  |
sambādhana | n. the point of a stake or spit  |
śambhuvardhana | m. Name of a man  |
sambodhana | mfn. (partly fr. Causal) awaking, arousing  |
sambodhana | mfn. perceiving, noticing, observing  |
sambodhana | mfn. recognizing  |
sambodhana | mfn. the act of causing to know, reminding  |
sambodhana | mfn. calling to  |
sambodhana | mfn. the vocative case or its termination  |
śambuvardhana | m. Name of a man  |
saṃdhanajit | mfn. (equals dhanasaṃ-jit-) winning booty together, accumulating booty by conquest  |
saṃdhibandhana | n. "joint-binding", a ligament, tendon  |
saṃdhiprabandhana | n. (in anatomy) the ligament of a joint  |
samedhana | n. thriving, prospering, growth, increase  |
saṃghavardhana | m. Name of men  |
saṃgrāmavardhana | m. Name of two men  |
samindhana | m. Name of a man  |
samindhana | n. the act of kindling  |
samindhana | n. fuel, firewood  |
samindhana | n. a means of swelling or increasing of (genitive case)  |
śaṃkaravardhana | m. Name of a man  |
saṃnibanibandhana | n. the act of lying firmly or binding fast  |
saṃnyāsinsamārādhana | n. Name of work  |
samprasādhana | n. accomplishing, arranging, decorating  |
samprasādhana | n. the act of effecting or accomplishing  |
saṃrādhana | mfn. (s/aṃ--) conciliating, satisfying  |
saṃrādhana | n. the act of conciliating or pleasing by worship  |
saṃrādhana | n. perfect concentration of mind, meditation  |
saṃrādhana | n. shouting, applause  |
saṃrodhana | n. complete obstruction, the act of stopping, checking, restraining, suppressing etc.  |
saṃrodhana | n. fettering, confining  |
saṃsādhana | n. performance, accomplishment, fulfilment  |
saṃsādhana | n. preparation on  |
saṃsārabandhana | n. the bonds or fetters of the world  |
saṃśodhana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. Causal) completely purifying, destroying impurity (of the bodily humours)  |
saṃśodhana | n. purification or a means of purification refining, clearing  |
saṃśodhana | n. paying off, correcting  |
saṃśodhanaśamanīya | mfn. treating of purifying and calming remedies  |
saṃtānavardhana | mfn. propagating a family  |
samudbandhana | is. hanging up (ātmanaḥ-,"one's self")  |
samudbodhana | n. (fr. Causal) thorough rousing up, awakening (from a swoon) , resuscitation  |
saṃvardhana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. augmenting, increasing '  |
saṃvardhana | m. Name of a man  |
saṃvardhana | n. growing up, complete growth  |
saṃvardhana | n. rearing up, festering  |
saṃvardhana | n. a means for causing growth (as of the hair),  |
saṃvardhana | n. prospering, thriving  |
saṃvardhana | n. causing to thrive, furthering, promoting  |
saṃyamadhana | mfn. rich in self-restraint  |
ṣaṇṇidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
sapatnībādhana | n. overcoming rivals or co-wives,  |
saptanidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
śardhana | n. the act of breaking wind  |
śardhana | etc. See .  |
sarvadhana | n. all one's property  |
sarvadhana | n. (in arithmetic) a sum total, sum or total of a series (in progression)  |
sarvanidhana | m. a particular ekāha-  |
sarvārthasādhana | mfn. equals -sādhaka-  |
sarvārthasādhana | n. a means of accomplishing everything,  |
sarvasādhana | mfn. accomplishing everything  |
sarvasādhana | m. śiva-  |
sarvatathāgatabandhanajñānamudrā | f. Name of particular positions of the fingers  |
sarvavāṅnidhana | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
sasādhana | mfn. having means  |
sasādhana | mfn. with materials or instruments (of, war etc.)  |
śaśivardhana | m. Name of a poet  |
ṣaṣṭhyādikalpabodhana | n. a festival in honour of durgā- on the 6th day of the month āśvina- (when she is supposed to be awakened)  |
śastranidhana | mfn. dying by the sword  |
ṣaṭpadānandavardhana | m. "increasing the joy of bees", red and yellow amaranth  |
ṣaṭpadānandavardhana | m. Jonesia Asoka:  |
ṣaṭpadānandavardhana | m. a kind of acacia  |
śatrubādhana | ( ) mfn. harassing or distressing enemies.  |
sattravardhana | mfn. increasing or promoting sacrifice  |
satyadhana | mfn. rich in truth, exceedingly truthful  |
satyasādhana | mfn. making true  |
śauryavardhana | mfn. strengthening or increasing heroic  |
śavasādhana | n. "corpses-rite", a magical ceremony performed with a corpses  |
sāvaśeṣabandhana | mfn. having bonds still remaining, still bound  |
sedhana | n. on  |
setubandhana | n. the construction of a bridge or dam  |
setubandhana | n. a bridge or dam  |
setubandhana | n. a limit, barrier  |
setubandhana | n. Name of a Pauranic work  |
siddhanagārjuna | m. Name of an author  |
siddhanandin | m. Name of a grammarian  |
siddhanara | m. a sorcerer, fortune-teller  |
siddhasādhana | m. white mustard  |
siddhasādhana | n. the performance of magical or mystical rites (for acquiring supernatural powers etc.)  |
siddhasādhana | n. the materials employed in those rites  |
siddhasādhana | n. the proving of anything already proved  |
siddhasādhanadoṣa | m. the mistake of doing so  |
siddhisādhana | n. a means of obtaining beatitude or perfection or magical power  |
śikhābandhana | n. the binding together of locks of hair  |
siṃhanādasādhana | n. Name of work  |
sirāvedhana | n. ( ) piercing the veins, venesection.  |
sirāvyadhana | n. ( ) piercing the veins, venesection.  |
śivārādhanadipikā | f. Name of work  |
ślathabandhana | mfn. having the muscles relaxed  |
śmaśānasādhana | n. magical rites performed in a burning-grounds to obtain control over evil spirits  |
śmaśānasādhana | n. Name of work  |
snāyubandhana | n. a sinews-ligament  |
snigdhanakhatā | f. having soft nails (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
śodhana | mfn. cleaning, purifying, cleansing, refining, purgative  |
śodhana | m. the citron tree  |
śodhana | m. Alangium Hexapetalum  |
śodhana | n. the act of cleaning, purifying, correcting, improving etc.  |
śodhana | n. refining (as of metals for chemical or medicinal purposes)  |
śodhana | n. a means of purification  |
śodhana | n. clearing up, sifting, investigation, examination, correction  |
śodhana | n. payment, acquittance  |
śodhana | n. justifying, exculpating  |
śodhana | n. expiation  |
śodhana | n. retaliation, punishment  |
śodhana | n. removal, eradication etc.  |
śodhana | n. (in arithmetic) subtraction,  |
śodhana | n. excrement, ordure  |
śodhana | n. green vitriol  |
śodhanaka | m. a kind of official or servant in a judge's court (charged with cleaning and keeping it in order)  |
śokavivardhana | mfn. increasing sorrow  |
somavṛddhivardhana | n. a particular fast regulated by the moon equals cāndrāyaṇa- (q.v)  |
spardhana | n. emulation, rivalry, envy  |
śrāddhanavakaṇḍikāsūtra | n.  |
śrāvakārādhana | n. Name of jaina- work  |
śrīdhana | Name of a place (-kataka-,of a caitya-)  |
śrīpāñcarātrārādhana | n. Name of work |
śrīraṅganāthārādhanakrama | m. Name of work  |
śrīvardhana | m. "increase or increaser of fortune", a kind of musical composition,  |
śrīvardhana | m. Name of śiva-  |
śrīvardhana | m. of a man  |
śrīvardhana | m. of a poet  |
śṛṅkhalābandhana | n. ( ) confining by chains or fetters.  |
śrutavardhana | m. Name of a physician  |
stabdhanayana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having motionless (id est unwinking) eyes '  |
sthirasādhanaka | m. Vitex Negundo  |
stomavardhana | mfn. augmenting (or delighting in) hymns of praise  |
strīdhana | n. "women's wealth", a wife's peculiar property (said to be of six kinds, adhy-agnika-, adhy-āvāhanika-, ādhi-vedanika-, prīti-datta-, śulka-, anv-ādheya-) etc. (see )  |
strīdhanalolupa | mfn. coveting (another's) wife and property  |
strīdhananirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
strīdhanaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
strīnibandhana | n. a woman's peculiar province, domestic duty, housewifery  |
subandhanavimocana | m. "good deliverer from bonds", Name of śiva-  |
subhadrādhanaṃjaya | n. Name of a nāṭaka-  |
sudarśananṛsiṃhārādhana | n. Name of work  |
sudarśanārādhana | n. Name of work  |
sudarśanārādhanakrama | m. Name of work  |
śuddhanaṭṭā | f. (in music) a particular rāgiṇī-,  |
sudhana | mfn. very rich  |
sudhana | mfn. Name of various men  |
suhṛcchokavivardhana | (for -śok-), augmenting the grief of a friend  |
sukhabandhana | mfn. attached to the pleasures or enjoyments of the world  |
sukhabodhana | n. (equals -buddhi-)  |
sukhabodhanadīpikā | f. Name of a Commentary.  |
sukhadhana | n. plural comfort and riches  |
sukhadhana | m. sg. Name of a merchant  |
sukhagrāhyanibandhana | n. a composition easy to be comprehended, easily intelligible language  |
sukhaprāptadhana | mfn. one who has obtained wealth easily  |
sukhasādhana | n. means of obtaining pleasure  |
śūlinīdurgādigbandhana | n. Name of work  |
śundhana | mf(ī-)n. purifying  |
śundhana | n. removal of anything impure (genitive case)  |
surāśodhana | n. Name of work  |
sūryādigrahasādhana | n. Name of work  |
susādhana | mfn. easy to be proved ( susādhanatva -tva- n.)  |
susādhanatva | n. susādhana |
suyodhana | m. "fighting well", euphemistic Name of dur-yodhana- (q.v)  |
svargasādhana | mfn. means of attaining heaven  |
svarjyotirnidhana | mfn. (sv^ar--) having svar-jyotis- as final part  |
svarjyotirnidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
svarṇidhana | n. svar- as a conclusion  |
svārthasādhana | n. accomplishment of one's own object or desire  |
svārthasādhanatatpara | mfn. intent upon it  |
svarūpasambodhana | n. Name of work  |
svarūpasambodhanapañcaviṃśativṛtti | f. Name of work  |
svarvannidhana | mfn. svarvat |
śvaśrūsnuṣādhanasaṃvāda | m. "agreement in respect of the property of mother and daughter-in-law", Name of work  |
svatvabodhana | n. declaration or proof of ownership  |
śyāmalāmantrasādhana | n. Name of work  |
taddhana | mfn. niggardly  |
tailasādhana | n. Name of a perfume  |
tantuvardhana | m. "race-increaser", viṣṇu-  |
tantuvardhana | m. śiva-.  |
tapodhana | mf(ā-)n. rich in religious austerities, (m.) a great ascetic  |
tapodhana | m. Name of a son of manu- tāmasa-,  |
tapodhana | m. of a ṛṣi- of the 12th manv-antara-  |
tapodhana | m. of a muni-  |
tapodhana | m. equals pasvipattra-  |
tiraścīnanidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
tribandhana | m. Name of a son of aruṇa- (varia lectio ni-b-).  |
triṇidhana | n. Name of a sāman- (varia lectio nidh-)  |
triṇidhana | n. agneḥ-  |
trinidhana | See -ṇidh-.  |
trisādhana | mf(ā-)n. having a threefold causality  |
tūlaśodhana | n.  |
tulyaśodhana | n. removal of like magnitudes (on both sides of an equation).  |
udbandhana | mf(ī-)n. serving for hanging up (as a string)  |
udbandhana | n. hanging, hanging one's self  |
udbodhana | n. awaking, arousing  |
udbodhana | n. recalling, reminding  |
uddhana | m. ( han-) a wooden swordlike instrument for stirring boiled rice,  |
uddhanana | n. the act of throwing up or turning up commentator or commentary on  |
udgāraśodhana | m. black caraway  |
udrodhana | n. (1. rudh-= ruh-), rising, growing  |
udvardhana | See ud-vṛdh-.  |
udvardhana | n. sly or suppressed laughter  |
ukthavardhana | mfn. having hymns as a cause of refreshment, one who is refreshed or delighted by praise  |
upabhuktadhana | mfn. one who has enjoyed or made use of his riches  |
upabhuktadhana | m. Name of a merchant's son (also in the former meaning) .  |
upanibandhana | mfn. manifesting, explaining  |
upanibandhana | n. description  |
uparodhana | n. the act of besieging or blockading  |
uparodhana | n. obstruction, impediment  |
upasamindhana | n. the act of kindling on  |
ūrdhvaśodhana | n. "purifying or emptying upwards", vomiting  |
utsādhana | n. cleaning with perfumes,  |
utsāhaśauryadhanasāhasavat | mfn. having boldness and wealth and heroism and energy  |
utsāhavardhana | mfn. increasing energy  |
utsāhavardhana | m. (scilicet rasa-) the sentiment of heroism  |
utsāhavardhana | n. increase of energy, heroism  |
vādasādhana | n. proof of an assertion, maintaining of an argument, controversy  |
vadhūdhana | n. a wife's private property  |
vagalāmantrasādhana | n. Name of work  |
vāgbandhana | n. the obstruction or suppression of speech, silencing, silence (nampra-kṛ-,to silence)  |
vaikhānasārādhana | n. Name of work  |
vairasādhana | n. cause or motive of enmity  |
vairasādhana | n. retaliation  |
vaiṣṇavavardhana | n. Name of work  |
vaktraśodhana | n. "mouth-cleansing", the fruit of Dillenia Speciosa or of Averrhoa Carambola  |
vālabandhana | n. a crupper (see prec.)  |
vaṃśavardhana | mf(ī-)n. increasing or prospering a family  |
vaṃśavardhana | n. the act of causing prosperity to a family  |
vaṃśavardhana | m. a son  |
vāṅnidhana | vāṅ-matī- etc. See p.937, columns 1 and 2.  |
vāṅnidhana | mfn. having vāc- as the burden or refrain (in a recitation) |
vāṅnidhana | n. (with krauñca- n.or sauhaviṣa- n.Name of sāman-s.)  |
vardhana | n. the act of cutting or cutting off (See nābhi-v-)  |
vardhana | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after a proper N. prob. ="town" (see puṇḍra-v-,and Old Persian vardana-).  |
vardhana | mf(ī-)n. increasing, growing, thriving  |
vardhana | mf(ī-)n. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') causing to increase, strengthening, granting prosperity etc.  |
vardhana | mf(ī-)n. (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') animating, gladdening, exhilarating  |
vardhana | m. a granter of increase, bestower of prosperity  |
vardhana | m. a tooth growing over another tooth  |
vardhana | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
vardhana | m. Name of śiva-  |
vardhana | m. of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
vardhana | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa- and mitra-vindā-  |
vardhana | m. a water-jar of a particular shape (see vārdhani-)  |
vardhana | m. the act of increasing, increase, growth, prosperity, success  |
vardhana | m. enlarging magnifying, strengthening, promoting  |
vardhana | m. a means of strengthening, restorative, comfort  |
vardhana | m. educating, rearing  |
vardhana | etc. See .  |
vardhanaka | mf(ikā-)n. exhilarating, gladdening (See cakṣur-vardhanikā-)  |
vardhanaśīla | mfn. having a tendency to increase or grow, increasing, growing  |
vardhanasūri | m. Name of a jaina- preceptor  |
vardhanasvāmin | m. Name of a particular temple or image  |
vāribandhana | n. the damming or banking up of water  |
varṣavardhana | mfn. causing increase of years  |
varṣavardhana | n. increase of years  |
vārttāmātrāvabodhana | n. knowledge based only on hearsay  |
vaṣaṭkāranidhana | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
vastiśodhana | m. "bladder-cleanser", Vangueria Spinosa  |
vāstubandhana | n. the building of a homestead  |
vāsudevamahārādhana | n. Name of work  |
vedhana | n. piercing, hitting (with an arrow)  |
vedhana | n. penetration, excavation  |
vedhana | n. affecting with (instrumental case)  |
vedhana | n. depth (see 2. vedha-)  |
vedhana | n. puncturing, pricking, wounding  |
vedisādhanaprakāra | m. Name of work  |
vetālasādhana | n. winning or securing (the favour of) a vetāla-  |
vibandhana | mfn. obstructing, constipating  |
vibandhana | n. the act of fastening or binding on both sides ( parasparavibandhana paraspara-vi-bandhana-, mfn.mutually bound, depending on each other)  |
vibodhana | m. an arouser, promoter of (genitive case)  |
vibodhana | n. awaking, awakening (trans. and intrans.)  |
vibudhanadī | f. equals -taṭinī-  |
vidhana | mfn. devoid of wealth, poor  |
vidhana | vi-dhanuṣka- etc. See .  |
vidhanatā | f. poverty  |
vidhutabandhana | mfn. released from bonds  |
vidyādhana | n. the treasure of knowledge, wealth consisting in learning  |
vidyāsādhana | n. Name of work  |
vinīlabandhana | mfn. having dark-blue stalks  |
virādhana | n. failure, want of success  |
virādhana | n. injury, offence  |
virodhana | mfn. opposing, fighting  |
virodhana | n. checking, restraining (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
virodhana | n. quarrel, contest, resistance, opposition to (genitive case) etc.  |
virodhana | n. harming, injuring  |
virodhana | n. (in dramatic language) either"angry altercation" (exempli gratia, 'for example' in the dialogue between the king and śārṅgarava-)  |
virodhana | n. or"consciousness of the risk of an enterprise" (exempli gratia, 'for example' )  |
virodhana | n. incongruity, inconsistency  |
virodhana | n. investing, blockading  |
viśālanetrīsādhana | n. Name of work  |
viṣṇuvardhana | m. Name of various kings (also kali-viṣṇu-va-, kubja-viṣṇuva-)  |
viśodhana | mf(ī-)n. cleansing, purging, washing away etc.  |
viśodhana | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
viśodhana | m. Name of the capital of brahmā-  |
viśodhana | n. cleansing  |
viśodhana | n. lopping (of trees)  |
viśodhana | n. purification (in the ritual sense)  |
viśodhana | n. a laxative  |
viśodhana | n. the becoming decided or certain (a-v-)  |
viśodhana | n. subtraction  |
viśrabdhanavoḍhā | f. a confiding bride (one of the several classes into which brides are divided)  |
visraṃsraṃsitakeśabandhana | mfn. one whose hair-band has become loose  |
visrastabandhana | mfn. having bonds or fetters unfastened  |
vittavardhana | mf(ī-)n. increasing wealth, lucrative  |
vivardhana | n. (for 2.See under vi-vṛdh-) the act of cutting off, cutting, dividing  |
vivardhana | mf(ī-,rarely ā-)n. (for 1.See under vi-vardh-) augmenting, increasing, furthering, promoting (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
vivardhana | m. Name of a warrior  |
vivardhana | n. growth, increase, prosperity  |
vraṇaśodhana | n. the cleansing or cicatrizing of a sore  |
vrātyadhana | n. the property of a vrātya-  |
vṛddhanagara | n. Name of a town  |
vṛttinibandhana | n. means of support  |
vyadhana | mfn. piercing, perforating  |
vyadhana | n. the act of piercing or perforating or severing (a vein)  |
vyadhana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') chase, hunting  |
vyājatapodhana | m. a feigned or false ascetic  |
yajñanidhana | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
yajñasādhana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. performing sacrifice '  |
yajñasādhana | mfn. occasioning or causing sacrifice (said of viṣṇu-) |
yajñavardhana | mfn. increasing or promoting sacrifice  |
yajurvedamantrasaṃhitāsukhabodhana | n. Name of work  |
yakṣiṇīsādhana | n. Name of work  |
yakṣiṇīvetālasādhana | n. Name of work  |
yaśodhana | n. a fund or stock of fame  |
yaśodhana | mfn. whose wealth is fame, renowned, famous etc.  |
yaśodhana | m. Name of a king  |
yaśodhana | m. of the author of the dhanaṃjaya-vijaya-.  |
yaśovardhana | m. Name of a man  |
yatisamārādhanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
yavasānnodakendhana | n. grass, corn, water and fuel  |
yodhana | n. the act of fighting, battle, war  |
yodhana | n. battle-cry  |
yodhanapuratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
yogasādhana | n. Name of work  |
yoginīsādhana | n. Name of work  |