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Grammar Search
"dayitam" has 3 results
dayitam: neuter nominative singular past passive participle stem: dayita.
dayitam: neuter accusative singular past passive participle stem: dayita.
dayitam: masculine accusative singular past passive participle stem: dayita.
Amarakosha Search
1 result
abhīpsitam3.1.53MasculineSingularpriyam, abhīṣṭam, hṛdyam, dayitam, vallabham
Vedabase Search
15 results
dayitam belovedSB 3.19.22
SB 4.7.59
dayitam dearSB 3.23.34
dayitam more dearSB 10.86.54
dayitam most pleasingSB 5.18.7
dayitam patronSB 3.4.6
dayitam so instructedSB 3.4.21
dayitam the most favoriteSB 5.24.3
dayitam their belovedSB 10.39.34
SB 10.46.4
dayitam their dearmostSB 10.16.17
dayitam very dearSB 5.2.16
muni-gaṇa-dayitam which is dear to the great saintly residentsSB 5.8.30
muni-gaṇa-dayitam which is dear to the great saintly residentsSB 5.8.30
muni-gaṇa-dayitam which is dear to the great saintly residentsSB 5.8.30
Parse Time: 1.738s Search Word: dayitam Input Encoding: IAST: dayitam