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Grammar Search
"dadhati" has 8 results
dadhati: neuter nominative plural stem: dadhat.
dadhati: neuter accusative plural stem: dadhat.
dadhati: neuter locative singular stem: dadhat.
dadhati: masculine locative singular stem: dadhat.
dadhati: neuter locative singular stem: dadhat.
dadhati: masculine locative singular stem: dadhat.
dadhati: third person plural present present class 3 parasmaipadadhā
dadhati: third person singular present present class 1 parasmaipadadhā
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
dha 1. dhá put, III. dádhāti, v. 83, 1; supply with (inst.), ii. 35, 12; bestow, ipv. dhehí, x. 14, 11; dhattá, i. 85, 12; ii. 12, 5; x. 15, 7; dadhāta, x. 15, 4. [237] 7; dadhātana, x. 15, 11; dhattá̄m, iv. 51, 11; dadhantu, vii. 63, 6; perform, ipf. dhatta, i. 85, 9; bestow, s ao. sb. dhāsathas, i. 160, 5; establish,pf. dadhé, x. 129, 7; ds. desire to bestow, didhiṣanti, ii. 35, 5; support, dídhiṣāmi, ii. 35, 12 [Gk. τἰθημι]. ádhi- put on (acc.): pf. dadhire, i. 85, 2; ao. ádhita, x. 127, 1. á̄- deposit, root ao. sb. dhās, v. 83, 7. ní- deposit, root ao. dhātam, vii. 71, 5; ps. ao. ádhāyi, viii. 48, 10. pári- put around, vi. 54, 10. prá- put from (ab.) into (lc.), vii. 61, 3. ví- impose: pf. dadhur, iv. 51, 6; divide, ipf. ádadhur, x. 90, 11. purás- place at the head, appoint Purohita: pf. dadhire, iv. 50, 1.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results1 result
paryādadhati sarvadā # AVś.12.2.51d.
Vedabase Search
7 results
dadhati placeSB 4.4.16
dadhati renderSB 10.87.32
dadhati turnSB 10.87.35
sandadhati api although she was joining one after anotherSB 10.9.17
sandadhati api although she was joining one after anotherSB 10.9.17
vidadhati performSB 4.31.21
vidadhati executeSB 10.87.28
Parse Time: 1.584s Search Word: dadhati Input Encoding: IAST: dadhati