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Grammar Search
"dadhat" has 4 results
dadhat: neuter nominative singular stem: dadhat.
dadhat: neuter nominative singular stem: dadhat.
dadhat: masculine nominative singular stem: dadhat.
dadhat: neuter accusative singular stem: dadhat.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
dadhat dádhat, pr. pt. bestowing, i. 35, 8; with á̄ (following), x. 34, 6 [dhā put].
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results3 results
dadhat poṣaṃ rayiṃ mayi TS.; 5.5.2c; 6.6.3c; MS.1.5.1c: 66.13. See dadhad rayiṃ.
dadhat sahasriṇīr iṣaḥ RV.1.188.2c.
dadhat stotre suvīryam RV.9.20.7c; 62.30c; 66.27c; 67.19c; SV.2.324c,662c. Cf. dadhad asme.
Vedabase Search
15 results
Parse Time: 1.088s Search Word: dadhat" Input Encoding: IAST IAST: dadhat