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Bloomfield Vedic
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ā bhandiṣṭhasya sumatiṃ cikiddhi # RV.5.1.10c; MS.4.11.4c: 172.6; KS.7.16c; TB.
idaṃ su me jaritar ā cikiddhi # RV.10.28.4a.
ṛtaṃ cikitva ṛtam ic cikiddhi # RV.5.12.2a.
tūṣṇīm āsīnaḥ sumatiṃ cikiddhi naḥ # RV.2.43.3b; RVKh.2.43.6b; Kauś.46.54b.
tvaṃ no asya vacasaś cikiddhi # RV.4.4.11c; TS.; MS.4.11.5c: 173.15; KS.6.11c.
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