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3 results for ciketi
ci Ved. cl.3. (ciketi-,fr. ki- ; imperative ciketu- ; subjunctive A1. c/iketa-; imperfect tense aciket- ; Aorist 2. plural A1. /acidhvam- ;3. sg. acait-; cikayām akaḥ-[fr.4. cit- ], ) to observe, perceive (with accusative or genitive case) ; to fix the gaze upon, be intent upon ; to seek for : Class. cl.5. cinoti- (parasmE-pada nvat-, A1. nvāna-) to seek for, investigate, search through, make inquiries (confer, compare 1. ci-) : Intensive cekite- See 4. cit-; ([ confer, compare Latin scio.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niciP. -ciketi-, (perfect tense -cikāya-,3. plural kyur-), to perceive, notice, observe, recognise : Desiderative -cikīṣate-, to observe, watch, guard View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vici(see prec.) P. -ciketi-, -cinoti- etc. (pr. p. -cinvat-and -cinvāna-), to discern, distinguish ; to make anything discernible or clear, cause to appear, illumine ; to search through, investigate, inspect, examine etc. ; to look for, long for, strive after View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Parse Time: 1.619s Search Word: ciketi Input Encoding: IAST: ciketi