cid | in compound for cit-. | ||||||
cid | ind. even, indeed, also (often merely laying stress on a preceding word;requiring a preceding simple verb to be accentuated[ ] as well as a verb following, if cid-is preceded by an interrogative pronoun [48];in Class. only used after interrogative pronouns and adverbs to render them indefinite, and after jātu- q.v) | ||||||
cid | ind. like (added to the stem of a substantive exempli gratia, 'for example' agni--, rāja--) | ||||||
cid | ind. cid-cid- or cid-ca- or cid-u-, as well as, both, and | ||||||
cidacicchaktiyukta | mfn. having power (śakti-) over mind and matter | ||||||
cidacinmaya | mfn. consisting of mind and matter | ||||||
cidacit | "thought and non-thought, mind and matter", in compound | ||||||
cidambara | m. Name of the author of a law-book | ||||||
cidambara | n. Name of a town | ||||||
cidambarapura | n. idem or 'n. Name of a town ' | ||||||
cidambararahasya | n. Name of work | ||||||
cidambarasthala | n. equals -pura- | ||||||
cidānanda | "thought and joy", in compound | ||||||
cidānandadaśaślokī | f. ten verses in praise of thought and joy | ||||||
cidānandamaya | mfn. consisting of thought and joy | ||||||
cidānandāśrama | m. Name of a teacher (equals paramā | ||||||
cidānandastavarāja | m. equals -daśa-ślokī- | ||||||
cidasthimālā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on a grammatical work. | ||||||
cidātmaka | mfn. consisting of pure thought | ||||||
cidātman | m. pure thought or intelligence, | ||||||
cidgaganacandrikā | f. Name of work Scholiast or Commentator | ||||||
cidghana | m. equals -ātman- | ||||||
cidratha | m. Name of a sāman- | ||||||
cidrathī | f. Name of a commentator or commentary | ||||||
cidratnacaṣaka | Name of work | ||||||
cidrūpa | mfn. () equals cin-maya- ( cidrūpatva -tva- n.abstr.) | ||||||
cidrūpa | mfn. wise | ||||||
cidrūpa | n. the Universal Spirit as identified with pure thought | ||||||
cidrūpatva | n. cidrūpa | ||||||
cidullāsa | mfn. shining like thoughts | ||||||
cidvilāsa | m. Name of a pupil of śaṃkarā | ||||||
cidvṛtti | f. spiritual action | ||||||
akiṃcid | mfn. not able to do anything, insignificant | ||||||
akiṃcid | n. nothing, | ||||||
akutaścid | ind. not for any reason, unintentionally, | ||||||
akutaścidbhaya | mfn. having no fear from any quarter, secure. | ||||||
ānandacidghana | mfn. consisting only of joy and thought, | ||||||
kaccid | See under 2. kad-. | ||||||
kañcideka | n. Name of a village | ||||||
kañcidevā | f. idem or 'n. Name of a village ' | ||||||
kiṃcid | n. (See 2. k/a-) "something", Name of a particular measure (= eight handfuls) commentator or commentary on | ||||||
kiṃcidcheṣa | mf(ā-)n. (cid-ś-) of which only a small remainder is left | ||||||
kiṃcidpare | ind. locative case a little after | ||||||
kiṃcidprāṇa | mfn. having a little life left | ||||||
kūcid | ind. (k/ū--) anywhere | ||||||
kūcidarthin | mfn. (kūcid-) striving to get anywhere ["seeking oblations from any quarter" ] | ||||||
kūcidarthin | See 2. k/ū-. | ||||||
kuhacid | ind. (k/uha--) wherever | ||||||
kuhacid | ind. to any place | ||||||
kuhacidvid | mfn. wherever being | ||||||
māyācidyoga | m. the union of cit- and māyā- | ||||||
nakiṃcid | n. nothing | ||||||
nakiṃcidapisaṃkalpa | m. no desire for anything | ||||||
nakutaścid | ind. from nowhere, in nakutaścidbhaya -bhaya- mfn. equals a-kutaścid-bh- | ||||||
nakutaścidbhaya | mfn. nakutaścid | ||||||
namucidviṣ | () m. "hater or killer of namuci-", Name of indra-. | ||||||
paurarucideva | m. Name of a man | ||||||
rucidatta | m. Name of various authors | ||||||
rucidattabhāskya | n. Name of work | ||||||
rucidattiya | n. Name of work | ||||||
rucideva | m. Name of a man | ||||||
rucidhāman | mfn. having light for an abode | ||||||
rucidhāman | n. "abode of light", the sun | ||||||
saccid | in compound for sac-cit- above. | ||||||
saccidaṃśa | m. a portion of existence and thought | ||||||
saccidānanda | m. plural existence and thought and joy | ||||||
saccidānanda | mfn. consisting of existence and thought and joy | ||||||
saccidānanda | n. (pure)"Existence and Thought and Joy", Name of the One self-existing Spirit (= brahma | ||||||
saccidānanda | n. Name of viṣṇu- as identified with brahma | ||||||
saccidānandabhāratī | m. Name of scholars and authors | ||||||
saccidānandabhujaṃga | m. Name of work | ||||||
saccidānandacāṭu | m. Name of work | ||||||
saccidānandamaya | mfn. consisting of existence and thought and joy | ||||||
saccidānandanātha | m. Name of scholars and authors | ||||||
saccidānandānubhavadīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
saccidānandānubhavapradīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
saccidānandasarasvatī | m. Name of scholars and authors | ||||||
saccidānandaśāstrin | m. Name of scholars and authors | ||||||
saccidānandāśrama | m. Name of scholars and authors | ||||||
saccidānandastotra | n. Name of a hymn. | ||||||
saccidānandasvāmin | m. Name of scholars and authors | ||||||
saccidānandatīrtha | m. Name of scholars and authors | ||||||
saccidānandayogīndra | m. Name of scholars and authors | ||||||
saccidātman | m. the soul which consists of existence and thought | ||||||
sadānandacidātmaka | mfn. consisting of existence and joy and thought | ||||||
satyānandacidātman | m. true bliss and true intellect ( satyānandacidātmatā ma-tā- f. ) | ||||||
satyānandacidātmatā | f. satyānandacidātman | ||||||
śucidat | (ś/uci--) mfn. bright-toothed | ||||||
śucidratha | m. Name of a king (prob. wrong reading for śucad--or śuci-ratha-). | ||||||
śucidrava | (?) m. Name of a king | ||||||
śucidravya | (?) m. Name of a king | ||||||
śucidruma | m. "holy tree", the sacred fig-tree | ||||||
vedāntāmṛtacidratnacaṣaka | m. Name of work | ||||||
yatkiṃcid | See under yad- above | ||||||
yatkiṃcidduḥkha | n. plural pains of whatever kind |
anīcidarśin | अनीचिदर्शिन् m. A form of Buddha. |
cid | cid, enc. pcl. just, even, i. 85, 4. 10; ii. 12, 8. 13. 15; 33, 12; vii. 86, 1. 3. 8; x. 34, 82; 127, 5 [Lat.quid]. |
cid | enc. pcl. [n. of interrogative, Lat. -quid] in V. emphasizing preceding word (but often to be rendered by stress merely), even, just, very, at least; generalizing nouns, every, all, and esp. pns. and cjs., -- ever, all: with neg. not even; in C. it is used only with in terrogatives (and gâtu), rendering them in definite. |
cidātman | m. the thinking soul, pure intellect; -ânanda-maya, a. consisting of intellect and joy. |
akutaścidbhaya | a. afraid of nothing. |
nakiṃcid | n. nothing: -api-sam kalpa, m. no desire for anything. |
nakutaścidbhaya | a. not endangered from any quarter. |
cid | asi VS.4.19; 12.53; TS.;; (bis); MS.1.1.8: 4.11; 1.2.4: 13.3; 2.7.11: 90.3; 3.7.5: 81.14; 4.2.5: 26.14; 4.9.4: 124.7; 4.9.15: 134.12; KS.2.5; 16.11; 24.3; śB.;; Kś.7.6.15; 17.1.12; Apś.1.22.3; 4.10.4; 10.22.8; 16.14.7; Mś.;;; --4.2.21;;; N.5.5. |
cid | asi samudrayoniḥ TS.; MS.4.9.11: 132.6; TB.; TA.4.11.6a; 5.9.9. |
takacid | aśamīd idam # AVP.1.94.4d. |
dakacid | asravīt purā # AVP.1.94.4c. |
paricid | asi # VS.12.53; TS.; MS.1.1.8: 4.11; 2.7.11: 90.3; KS.16.11; śB.; Apś.1.22.3; 16.14.7; Mś.; |
yatrācidhvaṃ | maruto gachathed u tat # RV.5.55.7b. |
cidghana | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 23975/72933 | |
cidi | noun (masculine) name of a son of Kaiśika Frequency rank 52350/72933 | |
cidvant | adjective possessing cit Frequency rank 34983/72933 | |
cidāhlādā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 34982/72933 | |
cidānanda | noun (masculine) (Trika:) Name einer der Ānandabhūmis Frequency rank 23974/72933 | |
cidānandāy | verb (denominative ātmanepada) Frequency rank 52351/72933 | |
cidātman | noun (masculine) pure thought or intelligence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 23973/72933 | |
akutaścidbhaya | adjective having no fear from any quarter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) secure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 41547/72933 | |
uccidiṅga | noun (masculine) a kind of animal (?) Frequency rank 47051/72933 | |
uccidiṅgaka | noun (neuter) a kind of animal (?) Frequency rank 47052/72933 | |
katicid | indeclinable Frequency rank 9343/72933 | |
kathaṃcid | indeclinable Frequency rank 2622/72933 | |
kadācid | indeclinable irgendwann Frequency rank 905/72933 | |
kaścid | pronoun someone Frequency rank 56/72933 | |
kutaścid | indeclinable Frequency rank 9811/72933 | |
kutracid | indeclinable anywhere
somewhere Frequency rank 6135/72933 | |
kvacid | indeclinable anywhere
at any time
somewhere Frequency rank 593/72933 | |
śucidratha | noun (masculine) name of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67864/72933 | |
śucidrava | noun (masculine) name of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 40090/72933 | |
śucidruma | noun (masculine) the sacred fig-tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67865/72933 | |
saccidānanda | noun (neuter) (pure) "Existence and Thought and Joy" (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the One self-existing spirit (Brahma) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu as identified with Brahma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15272/72933 | |
saccidānandaka | adjective Frequency rank 68613/72933 |