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Bloomfield Vedic
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chindhi darbha sapatnān me AVś.19.28.6a; AVP.12.21.6a.
chindhi me dviṣato maṇe AVś.19.28.6d; AVP.12.21.6d.
chindhi me pṛtanāyataḥ AVś.19.28.6b; AVP.12.21.6b.
chindhi me sarvān durhārdaḥ AVś.19.28.6c; AVP.12.21.6c.
chindhi vaṭūriṇā padā RV.1.133.2c.
Vedabase Search
11 results
chindhi chopSB 7.5.39-40
chindhi cut offSB 1.8.41
SB 8.24.53
chindhi cut to piecesSB 8.10.48
chindhi kindly eradicateSB 3.10.2
chindhi please cutSB 10.33.28
SB 10.48.27
SB 12.8.2-5
chindhi please dispelSB 7.6.29-30
chindhi chindhi chop to pieces, chop to piecesSB 6.8.26
chindhi chindhi chop to pieces, chop to piecesSB 6.8.26
Parse Time: 1.889s Search Word: chindhi Input Encoding: IAST IAST: chindhi