ācar | -carati-, to come near to (accusative), approach ; to lead hither (as a path) ; to address, apply to (accusative) ; to proceed, manage, behave one's self. ; to use, apply ; to examine (a witness) ; (with or without saha-) to have intercourse with ; to act, undertake, do, exercise, practise, perform ( imperfect tense ācarat-,"has done it") etc. ; to throw into the fire |
mithus | ind. equals mithuy/ā- (mithuścar- P. -carati-,to go astray ; mithurbhū- P. -bhavati-,to turn out badly, fail )  |
niścar | P. -carati- (perfect tense 3. plural -cerur- infinitive mood -caritum-), to come forth, go out, issue out, proceed, appear, rise (as sounds) etc. etc.: Causal -cārayati-, to cause to issue or come forth  |
nyavacar | P. -carati-, to enter into, penetrate  |
parācar | P. -carati-, to go away. depart  |
paricar | P. -carati- (perfect tense -cacāra- ind.p. -carya-), to move or walk about, go round (accusative), circumambulate etc. ; to attend upon or to (accusative,rarely genitive case), serve, honour : Causal P. -cārayati- (ind.p. -cārya-), to surround ; to wait on, attend to ; to cohabit ; (A1. te-), to be served or waited upon  |
parivicar | P. -carati-, to stream forth in all directions  |
pracar | P. -carati- (Epic also A1. te-), to proceed towards, go or come to, arrive at (accusative) etc. ; to come forth, appear etc. ; to roam, wander ; to circulate, be or become current (as a story) ; to set about, perform, discharge (especially sacred functions, with instrumental case of the object or of the means employed) ; to be active or busy, be occupied or engaged in (locative case) ; to proceed, behave, act in peculiar manner etc. ; to come off, take place : Causal -cārayati-, to allow to roam, turn out to graze ; to make public  |
prasnavitrīya | Nom. P. yati- = prasnavitevācarati-  |
praticar | P. -carati-, to advance towards, approach ; Causal -cārayati- See below.  |
pratisaṃcar | P. -carati-, to meet, come together  |
pratyabhicar | P. -carati-, to use spells or charms against  |
pravicar | P. -carati-, to go forwards, advance ; to roam about ; to walk or wander through (accusative) : Causal -cārayati- See below.  |
proccar | (pra-ud-car-) P. -carati-, to utter a sound, utter, pronounce : Causal -carayati-, to cause to sound  |
samācar | P. -carati- (Epic also A1. te-), to act or behave or conduct one's self towards (locative case) ; to practise, perform thoroughly, do, accomplish (with āhāram-and instrumental case,"to feed upon") etc. ; to associate with (instrumental case) ; (with dūrāt-) to remove  |
saṃcar | P. -carati- (rarely A1. te-; see ), to go or come together, meet, join ; to come near, approach, appear ; to go or wander about, walk about, roam, go or drive or ride in or on (instrumental case) etc. ; to reach to (ā-) ; to go in or through, enter, traverse, pervade etc. ; to pass over to, pass from one to another (genitive case) ; to issue from (ablative) ; to move, live, exist, be ; to practise, perform : Causal -cārayati-, to cause to come together, make to meet, bring into contact ; to cause to go, set in motion ; to lead about, turn out (to graze) ; to cause to pass through ; to let pass, hand round  |
samparicar | P. -carati-, to attend on, serve  |
sampracar | P. -carati-, to advance, begin to move ; to go on, be carried on, take place : Causal -cārayati-, to dismiss  |
samuccar | (-ud-- car-) P. -carati-, to go out together ; to go up, be borne upwards, ascend ; to utter, pronounce, repeat : Causal -cārayati-, to utter sounds together, talk together  |
samudācar | A1. -carate-, to move or travel about (exempli gratia, 'for example' rathena-,"in a chariot") ; P. -carati-, to act towards, treat ; to practise, accomplish, do ; to speak to, address  |
samupācar | P. -carati-, to attend, wait on, treat (medically) ; to practise, attend to, be intent upon (accusative)  |
sva | Nom. P. svati- (perfect tense svām-āsa-) equals sva ivācarati-, he acts like himself or his kindred  |
svāya | (see 2. sva-) Nom. A1. yate- = sva ivācarati-, he acts like himself or his own kindred  |
uccar | (ud-car-) P. A1. -carati-, -te- ([ ]), to go upwards, ascend, rise (as the sun) , issue forth, go forth etc. ; to let the contents (of anything) issue out ; to empty the body by evacuations ; to emit (sounds), utter, pronounce etc. ; to quit, leave ; to sin against, be unfaithful to (a husband) ; to trespass against : Causal P. -cārayati-, to cause to go forth ; to evacuate the body by excretion, discharge feces ; to emit, cause to sound, utter, pronounce, declare  |
upacar | P. -carati-, to go towards, come near, approach ; to come near, wait upon, serve, attend, assist, bear a hand etc. ; to approach, set about, undertake, perform ; to attend on (a patient), physic (a person), treat, tend, nurse ; to use figuratively or metaphorically, apply figuratively (generally Passive voice -caryate-)  |
upācar | P. -carati-, to come near to, approach ; to attend upon, wait on, serve, be obedient ; to physic  |
upasaṃcar | P. -carati-, to approach, enter ; to approach (bhartāram-,a husband sexually)  |
vicar | P. -carati-, to move in different directions, spread, expand, be diffused ; to rove, ramble about or through, traverse, pervade etc. ; to sally forth, march against, make an attack or assault etc. ; to wander from the right path, go astray, be dissolute ; to commit a mistake or blunder (with words) ; to run out, come to an end ; to stand or be situated in (locative case;applied to heavenly bodies) ; to associate or have intercourse with (instrumental case) ; to act, proceed, behave, live ; to practise, perform, accomplish, make, do etc. ; to graze upon, feed upon (a pasture) : Causal -cārayati-, to cause to go or roam about ; to cause to go astray, seduce ; to move hither and thither (in the mind), ponder, reflect, consider etc. ; to doubt, hesitate ; to examine, investigate, ascertain  |
viniścar | P. -carati-, to go forth in all directions  |
vyabhicar | P. A1. -carati-, to act in an unfriendly way towards (accusative or genitive case), sin against, offend, injure : ; to bewitch, practise sorcery (plural"against each other") ; to come to naught, fail, ; to go beyond, transgress, deviate from (accusative)  |
vyuccar | (-ud-car-) P. A1. -carati-, te-, to go forth in different directions ; to go out of the right path, transgress or offend against, be faithless or disloyal towards (accusative) ; to commit adultery with (instrumental case)  |
yavamatya | Nom. P. yati-, = yava-mān ivācarati-  |