cara | mfn. (gaRa pacādi-) moving, locomotive (as animals opposed to plants, or as the karaṇa-s in astrology) etc.  |
cara | mfn. (equals saṃcārin-) forming the retinue of any one  |
cara | mfn. movable, shaking, unsteady  |
cara | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' going, walking, wandering, being, living, practising (exempli gratia, 'for example' adhaś--, anta--, antarikṣa--, ap--, ādāya--, udake--,etc.; see )  |
cara | mf(ī-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ( ) having been formerly (exempli gratia, 'for example' āḍhya--, devadatta--, qq. vv.; a-dṛṣṭa--or nadṛṣṭa--,"not seen before" [once f. irregular ā-, ] ; an-ālokita-- idem or 'mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' going, walking, wandering, being, living, practising (exempli gratia, 'for example' adhaś--, anta--, antarikṣa--, ap--, ādāya--, udake--,etc.; see )' )  |
cara | m. a spy, secret emissary or agent etc.  |
cara | m. equals caraṭa-  |
cara | m. the small shell Cypraea moneta  |
cara | m. the wind, air  |
cara | m. the planet Mars  |
cara | m. a game played with dice (similar to backgammon)  |
cara | m. a cowrie  |
cara | m. "passage" See a--, duś--  |
cara | n. (in astronomy) ascensional difference  |
cara | in astronomy, read,"the difference of time between the rising of a heavenly body at laṅkā- or Ceylon, over which the first meridian passes, and that of its rising at any particular place".  |
cara | n. (in music) Name of a mūrchanā-  |
cara | n. equals digambaraprasiddhā- gaRa gaurādi-  |
cara | n. also in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See anu-- and sahacarī-.  |
carabha | n. equals -griha-  |
carabhavana | n. idem or 'n. equals -griha- '  |
caradala | n. equals -khaṇḍa-  |
caradalajā | f. equals cara-jā-, .  |
caradeva | m. Name of a man  |
caradravya | n. plural "movables", goods and chattels  |
caragṛha | n. a moving or varying sign of the zodiac, id est the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th vci, 3 and 14  |
carahārdha | n. the half of the foot  |
carahārdha | n. half of the fourth of a stanza  |
carajā | f. (scilicet jyā-) the sign of -khaṇḍa-  |
carajyā | f. idem or 'f. (scilicet jyā-) the sign of -khaṇḍa- ' , 34 Scholiast or Commentator  |
caraka | m. a wanderer, wandering religious student  |
caraka | m. a spy  |
caraka | m. a kind of ascetic  |
caraka | m. a kind of medicinal plant  |
caraka | m. Name of a muni- and physician (the Serpent-king śeṣa-, who was the recipient of the āyur-veda-;once on visiting the earth and finding it full of sickness he became moved with pity and determined to become incarnate as the son of a muni- for alleviating disease;he was called caraka- because he had visited the earth as a kind of spy or cara-;he then composed a new book on medicine, based on older works of agni-veśa- and other pupils of ātreya- )  |
caraka | m. Name of a lexicographer  |
caraka | m. plural (see ) Name of a branch of the black yajur-veda- (the practises and rites-enjoined by which are different in some respects from those in ) on and  |
caraka | m. Name of an evil spirit  |
carakabhāṣya | n. Name of another commentator or commentary on by kṛṣṇa-.  |
carakācārya | m. a teacher of the caraka-s  |
carakādhvaryu | m. idem or 'm. a teacher of the caraka-s ' (generally plural)  |
carakagrantha | m. caraka-'s book (on med.)  |
carakatantra | n. idem or 'm. caraka-'s book (on med.)'  |
carakatantravyākhyā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on by hari-candra-.  |
carakhaṇḍa | n. (in astronomy) the amount of the ascensional difference  |
carakī | f. a kind of venomous fish  |
carama | m. (Nominal verb plural me-,or mās- )f(ā-)n. (in compound ) last, ultimate, final etc. (mā kriyā-,"the [final id est ]funeral ceremony " )  |
carama | m. the outermost (first or last, opposed to the middle one)  |
carama | m. later  |
carama | m. (maṃ kiṃ-,"what more?" )  |
carama | m. "western", in compound  |
carama | m. lowest, least  |
carama | m. a particular high number  |
carama | m. at last, at the end  |
carama | m. after any one (genitive case)  |
caramabhavika | mfn. being in the last earthly state  |
caramācala | m. equals ma-giri-  |
caramādri | m. equals ma-giri-  |
caramagiri | m. idem or 'm. the western ("earth-supporter"or) mountain '  |
caramājā | f. the last or smallest she-goat  |
caramakāla | m. the last moments, hour of death  |
caramakṣmābhṛt | m. the western ("earth-supporter"or) mountain  |
caramam | ind. last  |
caramaśairṣika | mf(ī-)n. having the points turned towards the west  |
caramatas | ind. at the outermost end  |
caramavaiyākaraṇa | m. (the last id est) an ignorant grammarian  |
caramāvasthā | f. the last state  |
caramavayas | mfn. (see ) being in the last stage of life, old  |
caramūrti | f. an idol which is carried about in procession  |
caramya | Nom. myati-, to be the last gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-.  |
caraṇa | mn. (gaRa ardharcādi-) a foot etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
caraṇa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' plural) "the feet of", the venerable (N. N.)  |
caraṇa | m. a pillar, support  |
caraṇa | m. the root (of a tree)  |
caraṇa | m. a pāda- or line of a stanza,  |
caraṇa | m. a dactyl  |
caraṇa | m. a 4th part (pāda-)  |
caraṇa | m. a section, subdivision (catuś-- q.v)  |
caraṇa | m. a school or branch of the veda-  |
caraṇa | n. going round or about, motion, course |
caraṇa | n. acting, dealing, managing, (liturgical) performance, observance  |
caraṇa | n. behaviour, conduct of life  |
caraṇa | n. good or moral conduct  |
caraṇa | n. practising (generally in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see tapaś--[ tapasaś c- ], bhikṣā--, bhaikṣa--)  |
caraṇa | n. grazing  |
caraṇa | n. consuming, eating  |
caraṇa | n. a particular high number (see dvi--, puraś--, ratha--).  |
caraṇabhaṅga | m. fracture of the foot  |
caraṇābharaṇa | n. a foot-ornament  |
caraṇadāsa | m. Name of the author of the guru-śiṣya-saṃvāda- and of the philos. poem nāciketopākhyāna-.  |
caraṇagata | mfn. fallen at one's feet  |
caraṇagranthi | m. "foot-joint", the ancle  |
caraṇaka | n. a small foot,  |
caraṇakamala | n. "foot-lotus", a beautiful foot  |
caraṇakisalaya | n. idem or 'n. "foot-lotus", a beautiful foot '  |
caraṇākṣa | m. (equals akṣa-pāda-) gautama-  |
caraṇalagna | mfn. equals -gata-  |
caraṇāmṛta | n. "foot-nectar", the water in which the feet of a Brahman or spiritual guide have been washed  |
caraṇānamita | mfn. bent under the feet, trodden down  |
caraṇānati | f. equals ṇa-patana- ( ) .  |
caraṇanyāsa | m. footstep  |
caraṇanyāsa | m. foot-mark  |
caraṇapa | m. "root-drinker", a tree  |
caraṇapadma | mn. equals -kamala-  |
caraṇaparvan | n. equals -granthi-  |
caraṇapāta | m. equals -patana-  |
caraṇapāta | m. tread, kick  |
caraṇapatana | n. a foot-fall  |
caraṇapatita | mfn. equals -ga-  |
caraṇaprasāra | m. stretching the legs  |
caraṇapṛṣṭha | m. the back of the foot  |
caraṇāravinda | n. equals ṇakamala-  |
caraṇasa | mfn. fr. ṇa- gaRa tṛṇādi-.  |
caraṇasevā | f. "service on one's feet", devotion  |
caraṇāskandana | n. treading down with the feet  |
caraṇaśuśrūṣā | f. equals -patana-  |
caraṇatra | "foot-saver", a shoe,  |
caraṇavat | mfn. of good conduct  |
caraṇavyūha | m. Name of a treatise on the schools of the veda-.  |
caraṇayodhin | m. "foot-fighter", a cock  |
caraṇāyudha | mfn. having the feet for weapons  |
caraṇāyudha | m. a cock  |
caraṇayuga | n. both feet  |
caraṇayuga | n. two lines of a stanza  |
caraṇi | (only genitive case plural ṇīnām-) mfn. "movable", active ( )  |
caraṇila | mfn. fr. ṇa- gaRa kāśādi-.  |
caraṇīyamāna | mf(ā-)n. engaged in, carrying on (with accusative)  |
caraṇodaka | n. equals ṇāmṛta-  |
caraṇopadhāna | n. a foot-rest  |
caraṇopaga | mfn. in contact with the feet, at the feet  |
caranta | m. Name of a man  |
caraṇṭī | f. equals raṭī-  |
caraṇya | Nom. ṇyati-, to move gaRa kaṇḍvādi- (see ā--, uc--).  |
caraṇya | mfn. foot-like gaRa śākhādi-.  |
caraṇyu | mfn. movable  |
carapuṣṭa | m. "spy-nourished", a mediator  |
caraśiñjinī | f. equals -jā-  |
caraṭa | m. (equals cara-) a wagtail  |
caratha | mfn. moving, living (ca r/atha- manuscripts) ; 72, 6  |
caratha | n. going, wandering, course ( car/ātha-) ; iii, 31, 15; viii, 33, 8; x, 92, 13  |
caratha | n. (āya-) dative case infinitive mood equals carāyai-  |
caraṭī | f. (equals raṇṭī-, ciraṭī-, ciraṇṭī-) a woman married or single who after maturity resides in her father's house  |
caravya | See car/u-.  |
caravya | mfn. ( Va1rtt. 3 ) destined for the caru- oblation  |
abhicara | m. a servant  |
abhicaraṇa | n. spell, incantation (see sā- bhicaraṇika-)  |
ābhicaraṇika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. abhicaraṇa-), maledictory, imprecatory, serving for incantation or cursing or enchantment  |
abhicaraṇīya | mfn. fit for enchanting or exorcising etc.  |
abhicaraṇīya | mfn. (negative an--) commentator or commentary on  |
abhitaścara | m. plural the attendants, retinue  |
acara | or /a-carat- ([ ]) mfn. immovable.  |
acara | impassable,  |
ācara | See dur-āc/ara-.  |
acarama | mfn. not last, not least  |
acarama | mfn. said of the marut-s  |
acaramavayas | n. youth  |
acaramavayas | n. "not the last age", youth,  |
acaraṇa | n. improper conduct,  |
acaraṇa | mf(ā-)n.  |
ācaraṇa | n. approaching, arrival (as of the dawn)  |
ācaraṇa | n. undertaking, practising, performing  |
ācaraṇa | n. conduct, behaviour , (see sv-āc-)  |
ācaraṇa | n. a cart, carriage (m. commentator or commentary)  |
acaraṇīya | mfn. (probably) not to be associated with,  |
ācaraṇīya | mfn. to be done or performed  |
ācaraṇya | Nom. P. (subjunctive -caraṇyāt-) to move or extend towards (accusative) (varia lectio Potential ṇyet- ).  |
ādāyacara | mf(ī-)n. one who goes away after having taken  |
adharmacaraṇa | n. ( ), practice of wickedness, injustice  |
adhaścara | m. "creeping on the ground", a thief.  |
adhicara | mfn. redundant, superfluous,  |
adhicaraṇa | n. the act of walking or moving or being on or over.  |
āḍhyacara | mfn. once opulent  |
ādṛṣṭigocaram | ind. within range of sight  |
agocara | mfn. not within range, unattainable, inaccessible (see driṣṭy-agocara-), imperceptible by the senses  |
agocara | n. anything that is beyond the cognizance of the senses  |
agocara | n. brahma-  |
agocara | n. the not being seen, absence  |
agocara | insett m. after"Brahma"  |
ahaścara | mfn. wandering during the day,  |
ahaścara | and ahaś-śas- See /ahar-.  |
akṣacaraṇa | etc. See column 3.  |
akṣacaraṇa | m. (probably)"having his eyes fixed in abstraction on his feet" , Name of the philosopher gautama-  |
akṣacaraṇa | m. see ākṣapāda-.  |
ambaracara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. sky-going '  |
ambaracara | mfn. a bird  |
ambaracara | mfn. a vidyādhara-  |
ambucara | mfn. moving in the water, aquatic.  |
anācaraṇa | n. non-performance of what is right or customary, improper behaviour  |
anācaraṇa | n. misconduct.  |
ānanacara | mf(ī-)n. falling into the mouth of (genitive case),  |
anekacara | mfn. gregarious.  |
aniścara | mfn. not wavering, firm, resolute,  |
antacara | mfn. going to the frontiers, walking about the frontiers  |
antaḥpuracara | m. guardian of the women's apartments.  |
antaḥpurāvacara | m. an attendant in the women's apartments,  |
antardhānacara | mfn. going invisibly.  |
antarikṣacara | mfn. passing through the atmosphere  |
antarikṣacara | m. a bird.  |
antarjalacara | mfn. going in the water.  |
antaścara | mfn. penetrating within,  |
anucara | mf(/ī-)n. following, attending  |
anucara | m. companion, follower, servant  |
anucaraṇa | n. going after, wandering,  |
anucaraṇacarita | n. acts, deeds, adventures,  |
anusaṃcara | mfn. following or accompanying (with accusative)  |
apcara | m. an aquatic animal  |
apsucara | mfn. (Ved.) going in the waters commentator or commentary  |
araṇyacara | mfn. living in forests, wild  |
arundhatīsahacara | m. companion of arundhatī-, vasiṣṭha-.  |
arūpāvacara | m. plural (with devāḥ-) the gods of the formless heaven, .  |
asaṃcara | m. not a passage which is frequented or accessible  |
asaṃcarat | mfn. (pr.p.) not moving about (said of a prāṇa-)  |
āsannacara | mfn. moving round about in the proximity  |
aticara | mfn. transient, changeable  |
aticaraṇa | n. excessive practice.  |
aticaraṇa | See .  |
avacara | m. the dominion or sphere or department of (in compound See kāmāvacara-, dhyānāv-,etc.) (see tālāvacara-and yajñāvacar/a-.)  |
avacaraka | m. a footman, runner,  |
avacarantikā | f. (diminutive of pr. p. f. ntī-) stepping down from (ablative) (see pravar tamanak/a-.)  |
avanicara | mfn. roving over the earth, vagabond.  |
bahiścara | mfn. going out, moving or appearing outside, external  |
bahiścara | m. (with prāṇa- m.or hṛdaya- n.another life or heart outside one's self dear as one's own life or heart etc.)  |
bahiścara | m. "crawling out of its shell", a crab  |
bahiścara | m. an external spy  |
bahiṣkuṭīcara | m. a crab (see bahiś-cara-).  |
bakacara | m. equals -vratin-  |
bakavratacara | m. equals next  |
bālānucaragopta | m. Name of śiva-  |
bālānucaragupta | m. Name of śiva-  |
bālāpañcaratna | n. Name of work  |
bālopacaraṇa | n. medical treatment of children (also cāra-)  |
bālopacaraṇiya | mfn. relating to it  |
bālopacaraṇiya | n. Name of chapter of work  |
bāṇagocara | m. the range of an arrow  |
baudhāyanacarakasautrāmaṇī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavaccaraṇāravindadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
bhaikṣacaraṇa | n. going about begging, collecting alms (ṇaṃ-car-,to practise mendicancy)  |
bhaṇḍadhūrtaniśācara | m. plural (prob.) jesters and rogues and night-revellers  |
bhāvārthacaraṇa | m. Name of work  |
bhāvārthacaraṇabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
bhikṣācara | mf(ī-)n. going about begging, a mendicant  |
bhikṣācara | m. Name of a son of bhoja- (also called, bhikṣu-)  |
bhikṣācaraṇa | n. ( ) going about for alms, mendicancy.  |
bhikṣācaryacaraṇa | n. bhikṣācarya |
bhūcara | mf(ā-)n. going on the earth, inhabiting the earth (also m.) etc.  |
bhūcara | mf(ā-)n. moving or living on land  |
bhūmigocara | m. an inhabitant of the earth a man  |
cacara | mfn. ( car-?) movable (?)  |
caitanyacaraṇāmrita | n. "nectar of caitanya-'s life", Name of work by kṛṣṇa-dāsa- (abridgement of the caitanya-caritra- )  |
cakracara | m. plural "going in a circle", Name of a class of superhuman beings,  |
cakracara | m. "a juggler" (see cakrāṭa-) or"a potter" (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
cakracara | m. "circle-goer", one who goes by turns (to the houses of Brahmans, kṣatriya-s and vaiśya-s, scilicet for alms), (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
cakṣurgocara | mfn. coming within the range of the eye  |
camūcara | m. a warrior ,  |
carācara | mfn. movable and immovable, locomotive and stationary, moving and fixed (as animals and plants)  |
carācara | n. the aggregate of all created things whether animate or inanimate, world  |
carācara | mfn. ( car- reduplicated Va1rtt. 6; vii, 4, 58 ) moving, locomotive, running  |
carācara | n. Cypraea moneta  |
carācara | and carāc- See car-.  |
carācaraguru | m. the lord of the world (brahmā-)  |
carācaraguru | m. Name of śiva-,  |
carcara | mfn. ( car- reduplicated) equals caraṇa-śīla- ( )  |
carcara | rikā-, etc. See car-.  |
caryācaraṇa | n. the practice of discipline, .  |
caturṛddhipādacaraṇatalasupratiṣṭhita | mfn. well-established on the soles of the feet of the supernatural power (Buddha)  |
catuścaraṇa | mfn. consisting of 4 parts  |
catuścaraṇa | m. "having 4 feet", a quadruped  |
cātuścaraṇika | mfn. versed in a branch (caraṇa-) of each of the 4 veda-s  |
cātuścaraṇikā | f. the 4 veda-s  |
dakṣiṇāsaṃcara | m. See -patha-.  |
dakṣiṇāvacara | mfn. (an embryo) moving in the right part (of the womb)  |
darśanagocara | m. the range of sight  |
dehacara | mfn. being on or in a body, bodily (as disease)  |
devadatttacara | mfn. formerly in the possession of deva-datta-  |
devānucara | m. a follower or attendant of a god  |
devīpañcaratna | n. Name of work  |
dhanvacara | mfn. going in a desert land  |
dhārāntaracara | (rānt-) mfn. "moving among swords", daring, audacious, impudent (varia lectio dharānt-and hārānt-).  |
dharmacara | m. "law-observer", Name of a deva-putra-  |
dharmacaraṇa | n. ( ) observance of the law, performance of duty.  |
dhyānagocara | m. plural a particular class of deities  |
dhyānāvacara | m. plural Name of a class of Buddhist deities (see na-gocara-).  |
divācara | mfn. going by day  |
divasacara | mfn. "day-walking"(opp. to niśā-cara-)  |
divāsaṃcara | mfn. equals -cara-  |
divicara | (div/i--) mfn. moving in the sky (as a planet)  |
dṛggocara | m. range of sight, horizon  |
dṛṣṭacara | mf(ī-)n. seen before, not quite unknown  |
dṛṣṭigocara | m. range of sight  |
dṛṣṭigocara | mfn. visible  |
durācara | mfn. difficult to be practised or performed  |
durācara | mfn. difficult to be treated or cured, incurable  |
dūracara | mfn. walking or being far  |
dūracara | mfn. keeping away from (ablative)  |
dūrecara | mfn. going or being far, distant  |
dūrepānīyagocara | mfn. having remote watering places (said of animals)  |
durgasaṃcara | m. difficult passage, defile  |
duścara | mfn. difficult to be gone or passed  |
duścara | mfn. difficult to be performed ( duścaratva -tva- n. )  |
duścara | mfn. going with trouble or difficulty  |
duścara | mfn. acting ill, behaving wickedly  |
duścara | m. a bear  |
duścara | m. a bivalve shell (prob. both as moving slowly)  |
duścaracārin | mfn. practising very difficult penance  |
duścaratva | n. duścara |
dvaṃdvacara | (L.) ( ) m. "living in couples", the ruddy goose, Anas Casarca.  |
dvicaraṇa | mfn. 2-legged,  |
dyucara | mfn. walking or moving in heaven, an inhabitant of heaven  |
dyucara | m. a vidyā-dhara-, (rī-bhū-,to become a vidyā-dhara- )  |
dyucara | m. a planet  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. wandering or living alone, not living in company, solitary, segregarious  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. (said of certain animals)  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. (Name of a thief)  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. moving at the same time  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. Name of śiva-rudra-  |
ekacara | mf(ā-)n. of bala-deva-  |
ekacara | m. a rhinoceros  |
ekacaraṇa | mfn. one-footed  |
ekacaraṇa | m. plural Name of a fabulous race  |
gaganacara | m. "moving in the air", a bird  |
gaganecara | mfn. going in the air  |
gaganecara | m. a bird  |
gaganecara | m. a planet  |
gaganecara | m. a lunar mansion  |
gaganecara | m. a heavenly spirit  |
gāyatrīpuraścaraṇa | n. Name of work on the gāyatrī-.  |
giricara | mfn. living in mountains  |
giricara | mfn. (as elephants)  |
giricara | m. a wild elephant  |
gocara | m. pasture ground for cattle  |
gocara | m. ( )  |
gocara | m. range, field for action, abode, dwelling-place, district (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"abiding in, relating to";"offering range or field or scope for action, within the range of, accessible, attainable, within the power") etc.  |
gocara | m. the range of the organs of sense, object of sense, anything perceptible by the senses, especially the range of the eye (exempli gratia, 'for example' locana-gocaraṃ-yā-,to come within range of the eye, become visible ) |
gocara | m. the distance of the planets from the lagna- and from each other  |
gocara | a place where birds are fed,  |
gocara | mf(ā-)n. being within the range of, attainable for (genitive case)  |
gocara | mf(ā-)n. perceptible (especially to the eye)  |
gocara | mf(ā-)n. having (or used in) the meaning of (locative case)  |
gocaragata | mfn. one who has come within the range of or in connection with (genitive case)  |
gocaraphala | n. Name of  |
gocarapīḍā | f. inauspicious position of stars within the ecliptic  |
gocaraprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
gocaratā | f. the state of being liable to (in compound)  |
gocaratva | n. idem or 'f. the state of being liable to (in compound) ' , 42  |
gocaraya | Nom. P. yati-, to be current  |
goṣṭhacara | m. a kind of hawk  |
goṣṭhagocara | m. idem or 'm. a kind of crow '  |
goṣucara | mfn. walking among cattle Va1rtt. 5.  |
grahagocara | n. Name of work  |
grāmacara | m. inhabitant of a village, husbandman  |
grāmecara | m. a villager, householder  |
guhācara | mfn. moving in secret id est in the heart  |
guptacara | m. "going secretly", bala-rāma-  |
haṃsacarasvārodaya | m. Name of works.  |
haricaraṇadāsa | m. Name of an author  |
haricaraṇapurī | m. Name of a teacher  |
harmyacara | mfn. moving or living in a mansion or palace,  |
hastacaraṇa | m. dual number hands and feet  |
indriyagocara | mfn. being within the range of the senses, perceptible, capable of being ascertained by the senses.  |
indriyāgocara | mfn. imperceptible by the senses.  |
irācara | n. hail  |
irācara | mfn. earthborn, terrestrial  |
irācara | mfn. aquatic  |
īśagocara | m. " śiva-'s region", the north-east,  |
iṭcara | m. (fr. 4. iṣ-and cara-), a bull or steer allowed to go at liberty  |
jagatīcara | m. "earth-walker", man  |
jalacara | m. "water-goer", an aquatic animal  |
jalacara | m. a fish  |
jalacarajīva | m. plural varia lectio for lajājīva-  |
jalapakṣacara | m. equals khaga-  |
jalecara | mf(ī-)n. living in water  |
jalecara | m. an aquatic animal (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
jalecara | m. a fish  |
jalecara | m. any kind of water-fowl =  |
kācara | mfn. "consisting of glass", glass-like (said of a cat's eyes)  |
kaccara | mfn. dirty, foul, spoiled by dirt  |
kaccara | mfn. vile, wicked, bad  |
kaccara | n. buttermilk diluted with water (see kaṅkara-, kaṭura-,etc.)  |
kāmacara | mf(ī-)n. moving freely, following one's own pleasure, unrestrained  |
kāmacaraṇa | n. free or unchecked motion  |
kāmacaratva | n. the state of being free to move or act as one likes  |
kāmāvacara | m. plural the spheres or worlds of desire (six in number, also called devaloka-,q.v)  |
kāmāvacara | m. the gods or inhabitants of the worlds of desire (1. cāturmahārāja-kāyikās-;2. trāyastriṃśās-;3. tuṣitās-;4. yāmās-;5. nirmāṇa-ratayas-;6. paranirmitavaśa-vartinas-)  |
kāṇḍagocara | m. an iron arrow  |
kāntācaraṇadohada | m. "having a longing desire for contact with the foot of a beautiful woman"(to hasten its blossoms), the tree Jonesia Asoka  |
kapotacaraṇā | f. a kind of perfume  |
karṇagocara | m. the range of hearing, anything perceptible by the ear  |
karṇāntikacara | mfn. going close to the ear  |
khacara | mfn. moving in the air, flying  |
khacara | m. a bird  |
khacara | m. a planet  |
khacara | m. the sun  |
khacara | m. a cloud  |
khacara | m. the wind  |
khacara | m. an aerial spirit, vidyādhara-  |
khacara | m. a rakṣas- or demon  |
khacara | m. (in music) a kind of rūpaka- or measure  |
khacara | m. plural Name of a fabulous people  |
khacaratva | n. the state of a rakṣas- or demon  |
khañjacaraṇa | mfn. limping, lame  |
khecara | mf(ī-)n. moving in the air, flying etc.  |
khecara | m. a bird  |
khecara | m. any aerial being (as a messenger of the gods)  |
khecara | m. a gandharva-,  |
khecara | m. a vidyā-dhara-  |
khecara | m. a rakṣas-  |
khecara | m. a planet  |
khecara | m. (hence) the number,"nine"  |
khecara | m. quicksilver  |
khecara | m. Name of śiva-  |
khecara | m. durgā-  |
khecara | m. a vidyā-dharī-  |
khecara | m. a particular mudrā- or position of the fingers  |
khecara | m. an earring or a cylinder of wood passed through the lobe of the ear  |
khecara | n. green vitriol  |
khecaratā | f. the magical power of flying  |
khecaratva | n. idem or 'f. the magical power of flying '  |
krauñcarandhra | n. the krauñca- pass (split by the deity kārttikeya- and by paraśu-rāma-)  |
kṛṣṇacara | mfn. belonging formerly or in a former existence to kṛṣṇa-  |
kṣamācara | mfn. being in the ground or under the earth  |
kṣaṇadācara | m. "night-walker", rakṣas-, goblin  |
kṣapācara | m. "night-walker", a rakṣas-, goblin  |
kṣapācara | m. any animal that goes out for prey in the night (as owls, jackals, etc.)  |
kṣudraṃcara | mfn. grazing on small or minute herbs (as a deer)  |
kucandanacara | etc. See  |
kucara | mfn. roaming about  |
kucara | mfn. following evil practices, wicked  |
kucara | mfn. speaking ill of any one, detracting  |
kucara | m. a wicked man  |
kūlacara | mfn. frequenting the banks of rivers, grazing there etc.  |
kulecara | a kind of plant  |
kulecara | etc. See k/ula-.  |
kūlecara | mfn. equals kūla-c-  |
kupathacara | mfn. going in a wrong road, wicked.  |
kurucara | mf(ī-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).  |
kuṭicara | m. a crocodile  |
kuṭīcara | m. idem or 'm. "delighting in staying in the house", a kind of religious mendicant (who lives at his son's expense) '  |
kuṭīcara | m. (equals bahiṣ-kuṭ-) craw-fish  |
kuṭṭapracaraṇa | m. plural Name of a people  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhapañcaratnamālikā | f. Name of work  |
liṅgacaraṇabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
locanagocara | m. the range or horizon of the eye  |
locanagocara | mf(ā-)n. being within the range of vision, visible  |
lokacara | mfn. wandering through the world  |
lopāmudrāsahacara | m. husband of lopā-mudrā-, Name of agastya-  |
mahābhāratapañcaratna | n. plural Name of work  |
mahāpuraścaraṇaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mahāyogapañcaratneāśvalāyanopayogyādhānaprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mahīcara | mfn. moving on the earth  |
mahiṣacara | mfn. equals -ga-  |
maṅgalācaraṇa | n. benediction, prayer for the success of anything  |
maṅgalācaraṇa | n. pronouncing a blessing, wishing joy  |
māṇicara | m. a particular deity  |
mantrapuraścaraṇaprakāra | m. plural Name of work  |
manuṣyacara | mfn. having dealings or intercourse with men  |
marmacara | n. the heart  |
mataṃgānucara | m. the keeper or driver of an elephant  |
mīnākṣīpañcaratna | n. Name of work  |
mithunecara | m. "going or living in pairs", the cakra-vāka-  |
mocarasa | m.  |
mṛgagartāśrayāpcara | mfn. containing wild beasts and animals living in holes and aquatic animals  |
mūrtisaṃcara | mfn. going about with a body, embodied, incarnate,  |
nabhaścara | mf(ī-)n. "sky-going", aerial, celestial  |
nabhaścara | m. a god  |
nabhaścara | m. a vidyādhara-  |
nabhaścara | m. a bird  |
nabhaścara | m. a cloud  |
nabhaścara | m. the wind  |
nāḍīcaraṇa | m. "stalk-legged", a bird  |
naikacara | mf(ī-)n. going in troops, gregarious (animal)  |
nākacara | mfn. walking in the sky  |
naktaṃcara | mf(ī-)n. walking about at night  |
naktaṃcara | m. any night-animal or creature etc.  |
naktaṃcara | m. nocturnal demon, rakṣas- etc. ( naktaṃcareśvara reśvara- m.the lord of the rovers or fiends )  |
naktaṃcara | m. the bdellium tree  |
nāmacaraṇabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
nāmacaraṇavārttika | n. Name of work  |
nārācarasa | m. Name of particular medicaments (see above) .  |
naradurācara | mfn. difficult (for men) to perform,  |
narasiṃhapañcaratna | n. Name of stotra-  |
naucara | mfn. going in a ship  |
naucara | m. a sailor  |
nayanagocara | mfn. being within the eye's range, visible (-tva- ; rī-kṛ-,to perceive or behold )  |
netragocara | mfn. within the range of the eyes, visible  |
nīcarata | mfn. delighting in mean things  |
nīracara | m. "moving in water", a fish or any aquatic animal  |
niśācara | mfn. night-walking, moving about by night  |
niśācara | m. a fiend or rākṣasa- etc.  |
niśācara | m. a jackal  |
niśācara | m. an owl  |
niśācara | m. Anas Casarca  |
niśācara | m. a snake  |
niśācara | m. a kind of granthi-parṇa-  |
niśācara | m. Name of śiva- (see )  |
niśācara | m. a woman going to meet her lover at night (where also=female fiend)  |
niśācara | m. a bat  |
niśācara | m. Name of a plant (equals keśinī-)  |
niśācarapati | m. "lord of night-walkers", Name of śiva-  |
niśācarapūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
niścara | m. Name of one of the saptarṣi-s in the 2nd manv-antara-  |
nṛpānucara | m. a king's attendant, a minister  |
nṛsiṃhamantrarājapuraścaraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
nṛsiṃhapañcaratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
nyocara | mfn. (prob.) belonging to or fit for a place  |
padmacaraṇa | m. "lotus-foot", Name of a disciple of śaṃkarācārya-  |
pākajavicara | m. Name of work  |
pakṣacara | m. equals -gama- m. (see jala-pakṣa-c-)  |
pakṣacara | m. an elephant strayed from the herd  |
pakṣacara | m. the moon  |
pañcarakṣā | f. Name of work  |
pañcarakṣaka | m. a species of plant  |
pañcarasā | f. the Emblic Myrobolan tree  |
pañcaraśmi | (p/añca--) mfn. (a chariot) having 5 strings or traces  |
pañcaratna | n. a collection of 5 jewels or precious things (viz. gold, diamond, sapphire, ruby, and pearl ;or gold, silver, coral, pearl, and rāga-paṭṭa- )  |
pañcaratna | n. Name of several works.  |
pañcaratna | n. plural the 5 gems or most admired episodes of the  |
pañcaratnakalā | f. Name of work  |
pañcaratnākarastotra | n. Name of stotra-.  |
pañcaratnakiraṇāvali | f. Name of work  |
pañcaratnamālikā | f. Name of stotra-.  |
pañcaratnamaya | mf(ā-!)n. consisting of the 5jewels  |
pañcaratnaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
pañcaratnastava | m. Name of stotra-.  |
pānīyagocara | See dūre-pānīya-gocara-.  |
paṅkticara | m. "going in lines", an osprey  |
pāpacara | m. "walking in sin", Name of king in a Play |
pāpagocara | mfn. evidently involved in (the consequences of) sin  |
pāracara | mf(ī-)n. arrived at the opposite shore, emancipated for ever  |
parameśvarapañcaratna | n. Name of work  |
parārthacara | mfn. intent upon another's welfare  |
paricara | mf(/ā-)n. moving, flowing  |
paricara | m. an attendant, servant, follower  |
paricara | m. a patrol or body-guard  |
paricara | m. homage, service  |
paricaraṇa | m. an assistant, servant  |
paricaraṇa | n. going about  |
paricaraṇa | n. serving, attending to, waiting upon  |
paricaraṇīya | mfn. to be served or attended to  |
paricaraṇīya | mfn. belonging to attendance  |
paripārśvacara | mfn. going at or by one's side  |
parisaṃcara | mfn. ( car-) roving about, vagrant  |
parisaṃcara | m. "a very difficult pass or defile", a critical period  |
parṇacara | m. "leaf-stalker", a kind of deer  |
pārśvacara | m. an attendant  |
pārśvacara | m. plural attendants, retinue  |
pārśvānucara | m. "attending at the side", an attendant, body. servant  |
paścāccara | mfn. coming or approaching behind  |
paṭaccara | m. (fr. next + cara-?) a thief or robber ( "a class of asura-s")  |
paṭaccara | m. plural Name of a people  |
paṭaccara | n. old or ragged clothes, a worn garment  |
pāṭaccara | m. (fr. paṭaccara-) a thief. robber  |
patikhecara | m. Name of śiva- ( " garuḍa-") .  |
pauraścaraṇika | mfn. (fr. puraś-caraṇa-)  |
pitṛvanecara | m. "haunting the groves of the dead", Name of śiva-  |
pitṛvanecara | m. a demon, goblin, vetāla- etc.  |
pracara | m. a road, way, path  |
pracara | m. usage, custom, currency  |
pracara | m. going well or widely  |
pracara | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio praccara-and pra-stara-).  |
pracaraṇa | n. going to graze  |
pracaraṇa | n. proceeding with, beginning, undertaking  |
pracaraṇa | n. circulating, being current  |
pracaraṇa | n. employing, using  |
pracaraṇī | f. (sc. sruc-) a wooden ladle employed for want of a better at a sacrifice  |
pracaraṇīya | mfn. being in actual use  |
prākcaraṇa | mfn. previously excited (said of the female generative organs previous to coitus)  |
prāntacara | mfn. idem or 'mfn. living close by ' (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
praticaraṇam | ind. in every school or branch  |
pratisaṃcara | m. going or moving backwards (a-pr-)  |
pratisaṃcara | m. re-absorption or resolution (back again into prakṛti-)  |
pratisaṃcara | m. that into which anything is re-absorbed or resolved  |
pratisaṃcara | m. a place of resort, haunt  |
pratyabhicaraṇa | mfn. using spells or charms against  |
prayogapañcaratna | n. Name of work  |
pṛthakcara | mf(ī-)n. going separately or alone  |
punaścara | mfn. running back, returning  |
puraścaraṇa | mfn. making preparations, preparatory to (compound; puraścaraṇatā -tā- f.)  |
puraścaraṇa | n. a preparatory or introductory rite, preparation  |
puraścaraṇacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇakarman | n. idem or 'n. a preparatory or introductory rite, preparation '  |
puraścaraṇakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇakaustubha | m. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇapaddhatimālā | f. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇaprapañca | m. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇarasollāsa | m. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇatā | f. puraścaraṇa |
puraścaraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇaviveka | m. Name of work  |
rādhācaraṇa | m. (with kavīndra cakra-vartin-) Name of a man  |
raghunāthapañcaratna | n. Name of work  |
rahasyapuraścaraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
rahasyātirahasyapuraścaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
rajanicara | m. "night-rover", a rākṣasa-  |
rajanicara | m. a night-watcher  |
rajanīcara | mfn. wandering in the night (as the moon)  |
rajanīcara | m. a night-rover ( rajanīcaranātha -nātha- m."lord of the night-rover", the moon; wrong reading rajanī-caran-)  |
rajanīcara | m. a rākṣasa-  |
rajanīcara | m. a night-watcher  |
rajanīcara | m. a thief  |
rajanīcaranātha | m. rajanīcara |
rāmacara | m. Name of bala-rāma-  |
rāmacaraṇa | m. Name of various authors (also with tarkavāg-īśa-)  |
ramaṇīyacaraṇa | mfn. of pleasant conduct or behaviour  |
raṇagocara | mfn. engaged in war, fighting  |
raṇecara | mfn. going or moving about in the field of battle (said of viṣṇu-)  |
raṅgacara | m. "stage-goer", a player, actor, gladiator etc.  |
rathacaraṇa | m. a chariots-wheel  |
rathacaraṇa | m. Anas Casarca  |
rathaṃtaracaraṇabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
raticaraṇasamantasvara | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
ratisahacara | m. " rati-'s consort", Name of kāma-deva-  |
rātricara | m. "night-wandering", a thief, robber  |
rātricara | m. a night-watcher, watchman  |
rātricara | m. a rākṣasa- (f(ī-). )  |
rātriṃcara | m. equals rātri-c-, a rākṣasa-  |
rūpāvacara | m. plural (with Buddhists) Name of one of the 18 classes of gods of the world of form (see kāmāv-).  |
śabdagocara | m. the aim or object of speech (exempli gratia, 'for example' any one who is spoken to or spoken about)  |
sabhācara | mfn. equals -g/a-  |
sābhicaraṇika | mfn. possessing the same rules for exorcising or counteracting enchantments  |
sacarācara | mfn. comprehending everything moving and motionless  |
sacarācara | n. the universe  |
sacaraṇalākṣārāga | mfn. having the colour of lac or dye used for the feet  |
sadācaraṇa | n. the manner of acting or behaviour of the good or wise  |
sādhucaraṇa | mfn. well-conducted, righteous  |
sahacara | mfn. going with, accompanying, associating with etc.  |
sahacara | mfn. belonging together  |
sahacara | mfn. similar, like  |
sahacara | m. a companion, friend, follower  |
sahacara | m. a surety  |
sahacara | m. Barleria Prionitis and Cristata  |
sahacara | m. equals pratibandhaka-  |
sahacara | m. Barleria Prionitis or Cristata  |
sahācara | m. (for saha-c-) a Baeleria with yellow flowers  |
sāhacara | mfn. (fr. saha-c-) belonging to the plant saha-cara-  |
sahacarabhinna | m. (in rhetoric) separation of what belongs together, joining discordant things or ideas (also sahacarabhinnnatā nna-tā- f. sahacarabhinnatva -tva- n.)  |
sahacarabhinnatva | n. sahacarabhinna |
sahacarabhinnnatā | f. sahacarabhinna |
sahacaraṇa | mfn. going or belonging together  |
sahacarat | mfn. going with, accompanying, attending  |
sahadharmacara | mfn. one following the same law or duties  |
sahadharmacaraṇa | n. the fulfilment of duties (in common with a husband)  |
sahasracaraṇa | mfn. thousand footed (said of viṣṇu-)  |
śailasutācaraṇarāgayoni | mfn. produced by the colour of pārvati-'s feet  |
salilacara | m. "water-goer", an aquatic animal  |
salilacaraketana | m. "fish-bannered", the god of love  |
salilasthalacara | m. "living in water and on land", an amphibious animal  |
salilecara | mfn. moving about in water  |
samācara | mfn. practising, observing  |
samācaraṇa | n. practising, performing, observing, be having, performance  |
samācaraṇīya | mfn. to be practised or observed  |
saṃcara | mfn. going about, moving (See divā-s-)  |
saṃcara | mfn. going or belonging together, simultaneous  |
saṃcara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) passage, a way, road, path, place for walking (especially the space assigned to each person who takes part in a rite)  |
saṃcara | m. a difficult passage, defile, bridge over a torrent etc.  |
saṃcara | m. (in sāṃkhya-) evolution, development, emanation  |
saṃcara | m. the body  |
saṃcara | m. killing  |
saṃcarabhāgin | mfn. obtaining a share with difficulty (?)  |
saṃcaraṇa | mf(ī-)n. fit or suitable for going or walking upon, accessible, practicable  |
saṃcaraṇa | mf(ī-)n. going or coming together, meeting, converging  |
saṃcaraṇa | n. going together or through, passage, motion, passing over from (ablative) or in (locative case or compound) or by means of (compound)  |
saṃcaraṇa | n. (with samudr/am-) navigation  |
saṃcaraṇa | n. setting in motion, use  |
saṃkṣepapuraścaraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
sampratisaṃcara | m. re-absorption or resolution (brāhmaḥsam-pratisaṃcara-,"re-absorption into brahma-")  |
saṃtrastagocara | mfn. one who is looked at with terror  |
samuccara | m. going or coming forth together  |
samuccara | m. ascending, flying upwards  |
samuccara | m. traversing  |
śanaiścara | mfn. walking or moving slowly  |
śanaiścara | m. the planet Saturn or its regent (see śani-) etc. (in also applied to other planets and even the sun)  |
śanaiścara | m. Saturday  |
śānaiścara | mfn. (fr. śanaiś-cara-) relating to Saturn or to his day, falling on a Saturday  |
śanaiścarakavaca | mn. Name of work  |
śanaiścarapūjā | f. Name of work  |
śanaiścarasaṃvatsara | m. the year of Saturn (during which this planet completes his course through the 28 nakṣatra-s;in modern astronomy = 30 of our years)  |
śanaiścaravāra | m. Saturday  |
śanaiścaravidhāna | n. Name of work  |
śanaiścaravrata | n. Name of work  |
śanakaiścara | m. (fr. next + cara) equals śanaiścara-  |
sanigaḍacaraṇa | mfn. dragging a chain on the foot ( sanigaḍacaraṇatva -tva- n.)  |
sanigaḍacaraṇatva | n. sanigaḍacaraṇa |
śāṅkhāyanacaraṇa | m. or n. Name of a caraṇa- of the ṛg-- veda-.  |
sānucara | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. having attendants, with followers ' |
sapuraścaraṇa | (s/a--) mfn. together with preparations  |
śaragocara | m. the range of an arrow  |
śāstrācaraṇa | n. observance of sacred precepts  |
śāstrācaraṇa | n. the study of the śāstra-  |
śāstrācaraṇa | m. one versed in the śāstra-, a Pandit  |
śāstrācaraṇa | m. a student of the veda-s or one whose conduct is regulated by their precepts  |
śatacaraṇā | f. a centipede  |
ṣaṭcaraṇa | mfn. six-footed  |
ṣaṭcaraṇa | m. a bee  |
ṣaṭcaraṇa | m. a louse  |
ṣaṭcaraṇa | m. a locust  |
ṣaṭcaraṇatā | f. the state or nature of a bee  |
ṣaṭcaraṇāya | Nom. A1. ṇāyate-, to represent or act like a bee,  |
śaṭhatācaraṇa | n. śaṭhatā |
śaunakīyacaraṇa | n. Name of a caraṇa- (q.v)  |
savyabhicaraṇa | mfn. liable to inaccuracy, possibly inexact or false, not absolutely exact or certain  |
senācara | m. "going with an army", a soldier, warrior  |
sītācaraṇacāmara | m. Name of work  |
sitakācara | mfn. dark-smoky white  |
sitakācara | m. dark-smoky whiteness  |
śivapañcaratna | n. plural Name of work  |
ślokacaraṇa | m. a single stanza of a śloka-s  |
śmaśānagocara | mfn. frequenting burning-grounds, going about in places for burning the dead  |
smṛticaraṇa | mn. Name of work  |
somavāravratācaraṇakrama | m. somavāravrata |
sopānapañcaratna | n. Name of work  |
sphuṭitacaraṇa | mfn. having too flat or wide feet, splay-footed  |
śravaṇagocara | m. range of hearing  |
śravaṇagocara | mfn. being within hearing ( śravaṇagocaratā -tā- f.)  |
śravaṇagocaratā | f. śravaṇagocara |
śrutigocara | mf(ā-)n. perceptible by the ear,  |
śrutigocara | mf(ā-)n. permitted to be heard by (genitive case)  |
śrutisārapañcaratna | n. Name of work  |
sthalacara | mfn. equals -ga-  |
subrahmaṇyapañcaratna | n. Name of work  |
śuddhāntacara | mfn. attending on the women's apartments  |
suduścara | mfn. very difficult of access, inaccessible  |
suduścara | mfn. very arduous or painful  |
sugocara | wrong reading for sva-g-  |
sukhacara | mf(ī-)n. going or moving easily  |
sukhacara | m. Name of a village  |
sūkṣmaṣaṭcaraṇa | m. a minute insect, a sort of tick or louse (said to infest the roots of the eyelashes)  |
sūnāparicara | mfn. flying around a slaughterhouse (as a vulture)  |
sūpacara | mfn. easily accessible, complaisant, kind to (dative case)  |
sūpacara | mfn. easy to be had or got (superl. -tama- ,in a quotation)  |
sūpacara | mfn. easily treated or cured  |
sūpacaraṇa | mf(ā-)n. easy of access or approach  |
supratiṣṭhitacaraṇa | m. a particular samādhi-  |
sūtracaraṇa | n. Name of a class of caraṇa-s or Vedic schools who introduced various sūtra- works  |
svacara | mfn. self-moving, having one's own motion  |
svacara | sva-cetas- etc. See .  |
svācaraṇa | n. good conduct or behaviour  |
svācaraṇa | mfn. well-conducted  |
svacaraṇaparṣad | f. a college or community of members of one's own caraṇa- or sect  |
svacchandacara | mf(ā-)n. moving about at will, independent  |
svadharmācaraṇa | n. the practising one's own duties  |
svadhicaraṇa | mf(/ā-)n. good to be walked upon  |
svagocara | mfn. subject to one's self (raṃ-kṛ-,"to subject to one's self")  |
svagocara | m. one's own sphere or range (conjectural)  |
śvetacaraṇa | m. a kind of bird  |
śyāmācara | m. "night-goer", a rakṣas-  |
tāḍāvacara | n. a kind of musical instrument  |
tāḍāvacara | n.  |
taittirīyacaraṇa | n. the school of the taittirīya-s.  |
tālacara | m. plural Name of a people  |
tālāpacara | m. equals la-dhāraka-  |
tālāvacara | m. (see tādāv-) idem or 'm. equals la-dhāraka- ' ,  |
tālāvacaraṇa | m. idem or 'm. (see tādāv-) idem or 'm. equals la-dhāraka- ', '  |
taṇḍāpracara | m.? (a term relating to the )  |
tanticara | mfn. going with (id est led by) a cord  |
tapaścaraṇa | n. the practice of austerities  |
tapaścaraṇa | n. (pasaś c- ) .  |
toyacara | mfn. moving in water, (m.) an aquatic animal  |
tṛṇacara | m. Name of a gem  |
ubhayacara | mfn. "moving in or on both", living in water and on land or in the air, amphibious.  |
uccaraṇa | n. going up or out  |
uccaraṇa | n. uttering, articulating.  |
uccaraṇya | Nom. P. uccaraṇyati-, to move out, stretch out to.  |
udakecara | mfn. moving in or inhabiting water  |
unnatacaraṇa | mfn. with uplifted feet or paws  |
unnatacaraṇa | mfn. rampant  |
upacara | mfn. accessory, supplementary  |
upacara | m. access, approach  |
upacara | m. attendance, cure (see sūpacara-.)  |
upacaradhyai | (Ved.inf. of upa-. car-), Sch.  |
upacaraka | m. a spy,  |
upacaraṇa | n. approach. See sūpacaraṇ/a-.  |
upacaraṇīya | mfn. to be approached  |
upacaraṇīya | mfn. to be attended  |
upacaraṇīya | mfn. to be applied or attributed on  |
uparicara | mfn. moving or walking above or in the air  |
uparicara | m. Name of the king vasu-  |
uparicara | m. a bird  |
ūrdhvacaraṇa | mfn. having the feet upwards  |
ūrdhvacaraṇa | m. a kind of ascetic or devotee  |
ūrdhvacaraṇa | m. Name of the fabulous animal śarabha- (which has four of its eight feet upwards)  |
vacanagocara | mfn. forming a subject of conversation  |
vacara | m. a cock  |
vacara | m. a low person  |
vāmāvacara | mfn. keeping on the left side  |
vanacara | mf(ī-)n. roaming in woods, living in a forest etc.  |
vanacara | m. a woodman, forester  |
vanacara | m. a wild animal  |
vanacara | m. the fabulous eight legged animal sarabha-  |
vanagocara | mf(ā-)n. dwelling in a forest, denizen or inhabitant of forests (said of men and animals) etc.  |
vanagocara | mf(ā-)n. living in water  |
vanagocara | m. a hunter, forester  |
vanagocara | n. a forest  |
vanāntaracara | mfn. roaming about in a forest  |
vanecara | mf(ī-)n. wandering or dwelling in a wood, inhabitant of a forest (applied to men, animals and demons) etc.  |
vāricara | mfn. or m. living in or near water, aquatic, an aquatic animal  |
vāricara | m. a fish  |
vāricara | m. plural Name of a people  |
varṣācara | mfn. (of obscure meaning)  |
vāyugocara | m. the track or range of the wind  |
vāyugocara | m. the north-west  |
vibudhānucara | m. a god's attendant  |
vicara | mfn. wandered or swerved from (ablative)  |
vicaraṇa | mfn. (for 2.See vi-car-) footless  |
vicaraṇa | n. (for 1.See) wandering, motion  |
vicaraṇīya | mfn. it is to be acted or proceeded  |
vidyācaraṇasampanna | mfn. perfect in knowledge and of good moral conduct  |
virodhācarana | m. (in rhetoric) apparent conduct  |
viruddhācaraṇa | n. wrong or improper course of conduct  |
visaṃsthitasaṃcara | m. the place taken as long as the savana- is not completed  |
viṣṭabdhacaraṇa | mfn. with rigid feet  |
viśvagocara | mfn. accessible to all men  |
viṭcara | m. "filth-goer", a tame or village hog  |
viyaccara | mfn. flying through the air  |
vratācaraṇa | n. the act of observing a vow or religious obligation (especially that of continence)  |
vrātyacaraṇa | n. ( ) the life and practice of a vagrant.  |
vṛkṣacara | mfn. going or living in trees  |
vṛkṣacara | m. "tree-goer", a monkey  |
vyabhicaraṇa | n. uncertainty, doubt (See savyabhīcaraṇa-).  |
vyomacara | mfn. idem or 'm. "quality of the air", sound '  |
vyomacara | m. a planet  |
yajñapuraścaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
yajñāvacara | mfn. having its sphere in the sacrifice  |
yamānucara | m. a servant of yama-  |
yogacara | m. Name of hanumat-  |