ca | the 20th letter of the alphabet, 1st of the 2nd (or palatal) class of consonants, having the sound of ch in church.  |
ca | ind. and, both, also, moreover, as well as (= , Latin que,placed like these particles as an enclitic after the word which it connects with what precedes;when used with a personal pronoun this must appear in its fuller accented form(exempli gratia, 'for example' t/ava ca m/ama ca-[not te ca me ca-],"both of thee and me") , when used after verbs the first of them is accented ;it connects whole sentences as well as parts of sentences;in the double ca-occurs more frequently than the single(exempli gratia, 'for example' ah/aṃ ca tv/aṃ ca-,"I and thou", );the double ca-may also be used somewhat redundantly in class. Sanskrit(exempli gratia, 'for example' kva hariṇakānāṃ jīvitaṃ cātilolaṃ kva ca vajra-sārāḥ śarās te-,"where is the frail existence, of fawns and where are thy adamantine arrows?" );in later literature, however, the first ca-is more usually omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' ahaṃ tvaṃ ca-),and when more than two things are enumerated only one ca-is often found(exempli gratia, 'for example' tejasā yaśasā lakṣmyā sthityā ca parayā-,"in glory, in fame, in beauty, and in high position" );elsewhere, when more than two things are enumerated, ca-is placed after some and omitted after others(exempli gratia, 'for example' ṛṇa-dātā ca vaidyaś ca śrotriyo nadī-,"the payer of a debt and a physician [and] a Brahman [and] a river" );in Vedic or Veda and even in class. Sanskrit[ ] , when the double ca-would generally be used, the second may occasionally be omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' indraś ca soma-,"both indra- [and thou] soma-" ; durbhedyaś cāśusaṃdheyaḥ-,"both difficult to be divided [and] quickly united" );with lexicographers ca-may imply a reference to certain other words which are not expressed(exempli gratia, 'for example' kamaṇḍalau ca karakaḥ-,"the word karaka-has the meaning "pitcher"and other meanings");sometimes ca-is equals eva-,even, indeed, certainly, just(exempli gratia, 'for example' su-cintitaṃ cauṣadhaṃ na nāma-mātreṇa karoty arogam-,"even a well-devised remedy does not cure a disease by its mere name" ; yāvanta eva te tāvāṃśca saḥ-,"as great as they [were] just so great was he" );occasionally ca-is disjunctive,"but","on the contrary","on the other hand","yet","nevertheless"(varam ādyau na cāntimaḥ-,"better the two first but not the last" ; śāntam idam āśrama-padaṃ sphurati ca bāhuḥ-,"this hermitage is tranquil yet my arm throbs" ); ca-ca-,though-yet ; ca-na ca-,though - yet not ; ca-- na tu-(varia lectio nanu-) idem or 'm. the letter or sound ca-.', ; na ca-- ca-,though not - yet ; ca-may be used for vā-,"either","or"(exempli gratia, 'for example' iha cāmutra vā-,"either here or hereafter" ; strī vā pumān vā yac cānyat sattvam-,"either a woman or a man or any other being" ) , and when a negative particle is joined with ca-the two may then be translated by"neither","nor";occasionally one ca-or one na-is omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' na ca paribhoktuṃ naiva śaknomi hātum-,"I am able neither to enjoy nor to abandon" ; na pūrvāhṇe nā ca parāhṇe-,"neither in the forenoon nor in the afternoon"); ca-ca-may express immediate connection between two acts or their simultaneous occurrence(exempli gratia, 'for example' mama ca muktaṃ tamasā mano manasijena dhanuṣi śaraś ca niveśitaḥ-,"no sooner is my mind freed from darkness than a shaft is fixed on his bow by the heart-born god", ); ca-is sometimes equals ced-,"if"(confer, compare ;the verb is accented) ; ca-may be used as an expletive(exempli gratia, 'for example' anyaiś ca kratubhiś ca-,"and with other sacrifices"); ca-is often joined to an adverb like eva-, api-, tathā-, tathaiva-,etc., either with or without a negative particle(exempli gratia, 'for example' vairiṇaṃ nopaseveta sahāyaṃ caiva vairiṇaḥ-,"one ought not to serve either an enemy or the ally of an enemy" );(See eva-, api-,etc.) For the meaning of ca-after an interrogativeSee 2. k/a-,2. kath/ā-, k/im-, kv/a-); ([ confer, compare , Latin que,pe(innempeetc.); Gothic uh; Zend ca; Old Persian ca1.]) |
ca | mfn. pure  |
ca | mfn. moving to and fro  |
ca | mfn. mischievous  |
ca | mfn. seedless  |
ca | m. a thief.  |
ca | m. the moon  |
ca | m. a tortoise  |
ca | m. śiva-  |
cacara | mfn. ( car-?) movable (?)  |
caccapuṭa | m. (in music) a kind of measure (see cāca-p-.)  |
caccarī | f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. (in music) a kind of measure (see cāca-p-.)' (varia lectio cañc-).'  |
caccatpuṭa | m. idem or 'm. (in music) a kind of measure (see cāca-p-.)' (varia lectio cañc-).  |
caceṇḍā | f. Name of a creeper  |
cad | cl.1. dati-, date- to ask or beg (see cat-)  |
cadira | m. (equals cand-) the moon  |
cadira | m. camphor  |
cadira | m. an elephant  |
cadira | m. a snake  |
cagh | cl.5. ghnoti-, to smite or slay, kill  |
cah | cl.1.10. hati-, hayati- (Aorist acahīt- ), to cheat  |
caidika | mf(ā-, ī-). gaRa kāśy-ādi-.  |
caidya | m. patronymic fr. cedi- (plural)  |
caidya | m. a prince of the cedi-s (especially śiśu-pāla- )  |
caidya | m. (plural) the cedi- people  |
caidyā | f. a princess of the cedi-s  |
caikayata | mf(tyā-). patronymic gaRa krauḍy-ādi- ( ; caitay-[ ] Scholiast or Commentator)  |
caikīrṣata | mfn. equals cikīrṣat- (p.1. kṛ-, Intensive) gaRa prajñādi-.  |
caikīrṣita | mfn. (fr. cik-) for ṣata-  |
caikita | mfn. fr. tya- gaRa kaṇvādi- m. patr. ( ; vaikṛti- )  |
caikitāna | m. patronymic fr. cik-  |
caikitāneya | m. patronymic fr. (na- ), c/ekitāna-  |
caikitāyana | m. patronymic of dālbhya- (fr. cik- Scholiast or Commentator;or: fr. cikita-) |
caikitsita | mfn. fr. tsitya- gaRa kaṇvādi-.  |
caikitsitya | m. patronymic fr. cikitsita- gaRa gargādi-.  |
caikitya | m. patronymic fr. cikita- gaRa gargādi-.  |
caila | mfn. made of cloth (cela-)  |
caila | mfn. bred in clothes (as insects; m. equals celāśaka-)  |
caila | m. Name of a man (see c/elaka-)  |
caila | m. plural Name of a family (varia lectio, cela-, laka-)  |
caila | n. equals cela-, clothes, garment (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-)., )  |
caila | n. a piece of cloth  |
cailadhāva | m. cela-nirṇejaka-  |
cailaka | m. "clothed with a cela- (?)" , a mendicant (see celuka-.)  |
cailaki | m. patronymic fr. c/elaka- Name of jīvala-  |
cailāśaka | m. a kind of goblin feeding on moths  |
caileya | mfn. made of cloth  |
cailika | a piece of cloth (varia lectio)  |
caintita | m. metron. fr. cintitā-  |
caitaki | m. plural (fr. cetaka-) Name of a family  |
caitanya | n. (fr. c/etana-) consciousness  |
caitanya | n. intelligence, sensation, soul, spirit etc.  |
caitanya | n. the Universal Soul or Spirit  |
caitanya | m. Name of a reformer of the vaiṣṇava- faith (born about 1485 A.D. ).  |
caitanyabhairavī | f. a form of durgā-  |
caitanyacandrodaya | m. "moon-rise of the reformer caitanya-", Name of a drama.  |
caitanyacaraṇāmrita | n. "nectar of caitanya-'s life", Name of work by kṛṣṇa-dāsa- (abridgement of the caitanya-caritra- )  |
caitanyacaritāmṛta | n. equals raṇām-.  |
caitanyacaritra | m. Name of work (See before) .  |
caitanyadeva | m. Name of a man  |
caitanyamaṅgala | n. Name of work =  |
caitanyāmṛta | n. Name of a grammar.  |
caitanyayukta | mfn. endowed with consciousness (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
caitasika | mfn. relating to the mind (cetas-,as duties)  |
caiṭayata | m. patronymic  |
caitayata | (fr. cetayat-) See caikay-.  |
caiṭayatavidha | mfn. inhabited by the caiṭayata-s gaRa bhauriky-ādi-.  |
caiṭayatāyani | m. patronymic fr. ta- gaRa tikādi-.  |
caiṭayatyā | f. of ta- gaRa krauḍy-ādi-.  |
caitika | m. plural (fr. 2. caitya-? see caitya-saila-) Name of a Buddhist school.  |
caitra | m. Name of the 2nd spring month (its full moon standing in the constellation citrā- see ) etc.  |
caitra | m. the 6th year in the cycle of Jupiter  |
caitra | m. a or Jain religious mendicant  |
caitra | m. a common N. for any man (like deva-datta-), on (not in )  |
caitra | m. "son of citrā-", Name of a son of budha- and grand father of su-ratha-  |
caitra | m. equals caitriyāyaṇ/a- on  |
caitra | m. Name of two ṛṣi-s  |
caitra | m. one of the seven ranges of mountains (dividing the continent into varṣa-s)  |
caitra | n. equals caitya-, a sepulchre  |
caitra | n. a sanctuary  |
caitra | mfn. for citra- (B) or jaitra- (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
caitrabhānava | mfn. belonging to agni- (citrabhānu-)  |
caitraga | m. plural Name of a family |
caitraka | m. equals trika-  |
caitraka | m. plural Name of a warrior tribe  |
caitrakuṭī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a work on kṛt- suffixes (attributed to vara-ruci-)  |
caitrakūṭī | f. (fr. citra-kūṭa-) Name of a commentator or commentary on a grammatical work.  |
caitraratha | mfn. treating of the gandharva- citra-- ratha-  |
caitraratha | m. patronymic fr. citra-- ratha-,  |
caitraratha | m. (Name of śaśa-bindu-)  |
caitraratha | m. of a dvyaha- ceremony  |
caitraratha | n. (with or without vana-) the grove of kubera- cultivated by the gandharva- citra-- ratha-  |
caitrarathī | f. patronymic of a daughter of śaśa-bindu-  |
caitrarathi | m. patronymic fr. citra-- ratha-  |
caitrarathi | m. (śaśa-bindu-)  |
caitrarathya | n. equals tha-, kubera-'s grove  |
caitrasakha | m. "friend of month caitra-", the god of love  |
caitrasaṃkrāti | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a festival usually celebrated early in April (in Bengal).  |
caitraseni | m. patronymic fr. citra-sena-,  |
caitravāhanī | f. patronymic of citrāṅgadā- (fr. citravāhana-)  |
caitrāvalī | f. the day of full moon in month caitra-  |
caitravatī | for vetr-.  |
caitrāyaṇa | m. (gaRa naḍādi-) patronymic fr. citra-  |
caitrāyaṇa | m. see jait-  |
caitrāyaṇa | m. Name of a place gaRa pakṣādi-.  |
caitreya | mfn. coming from a speckled cow (citr/ā-)  |
caitreya | m. metron. fr. citrā-  |
caitrī | f. (with or without paurṇamāsī-) the day of full moon in month caitra-, sacrifice offered on that day  |
caitri | varia lectio for trin-  |
caitrī | f. See tra-.  |
caitrika | m. the month caitra-  |
caitrin | m. idem or 'm. the month caitra- '  |
caitrīpakṣa | m. the dark half in caitra-  |
caitriyāyaṇa | m. (for tryāy-See caitra-) patronymic of yajña-sena- ,  |
caitta | mfn. belonging to thought (citt/a-), imagined  |
caitta | mfn. mental, Scholiast or Commentator  |
caittika | mfn. belonging to thought  |
caitya | m. (fr. 5. cit-or 2. citi-) the individual soul  |
caitya | mfn. relating to a funeral pile or mound (citā-)  |
caitya | m. n. a funeral monument or stūpa- (q.v) or pyramidal column containing the ashes of deceased persons, sacred tree (especially a religious fig-tree) growing on a mound, hall or temple or place of worship (especially with and and generally containing a monument), a sanctuary near a village etc.  |
caitya | m. a Jain or image  |
caitya | m. equals tyaka-, .  |
caityadru | m. a religious fig-tree  |
caityadru | m. a large tree in a village  |
caityadruma | m. equals -taru-  |
caityaka | m. one of the 5 mountains surrounding the town giri-vraja-, .  |
caityamukha | m. "having an opening like that of a sanctuary ", a hermit's water-pot  |
caityapāla | m. the guardian of a a caitya-  |
caityaśaila | m. plural Name of a Buddhist school  |
caityaśaila | m. see caitika-.  |
caityasthāna | n. a place made sacred by a monument or a sanctuary  |
caityataru | m. a tree (especially religious fig-tree) standing on a sacred spot  |
caityavṛkṣa | m. equals -taru-  |
caityavṛkṣa | m. a religious fig-tree  |
caityayajña | m. a sacrificial ceremony performed at a monument  |
cak | cl.1 P. A1. kati-, kate-, to be satiated or contented or satisfied ; to repel, resist ; to shine, (see kan-and kam-.)  |
caka | m. ( kan-?) Name of a nāga- priest (varia lectio cakka-) (see kuṭī--.)  |
cakadra | see viś-- c-, parasmE-pada 991.  |
cakana | gaRa cūrṇādi- (vv.ll. cakkana-and cakvana-).  |
cakāra | m. the letter or sound ca-.  |
cakāra | m. the particle ca-  |
cakās | (see kāś-) cl.2 P. cakāsti- (3 plural sati- ; parasmE-pada sat- ; imperfect tense acakāt-,2. sg. kās-or kāt- ; imperative cakāddhi-, [ ]; kādhi- [on ]; perfect tense kāsāṃ cakāra-[ ] ; cl.1 A1.?3. dual number cakāśete- ), to shine, be bright: Causal cakāsayati- (Aorist acacakāsat-or acīc- ), to cause to shine, make bright  |
cakās | mfn. shining  |
cakāsita | mfn. illuminated, splendid  |
cakaṭyodana | n. bad rice  |
cakhvas | mfn. (perfect tense P. parasmE-pada khan-?[ cakṣ- ], see kh/a-) displaying (?)  |
cakita | mfn. trembling, timid, frightened etc. (a-- negative"not staggering", as the gait )  |
cakita | n. trembling, timidity, alarm etc.  |
cakitā | f. a metre of 4 x 16 syllables (see uc--, pra--.)  |
cakita | See cak-.  |
cakitacakita | mfn. greatly alarmed  |
cakitacakitam | ind. with great alarm  |
cakitagati | mfn. walking timidly or hurriedly,  |
cakitahṛdaya | mfn. faint-hearted  |
cakitam | ind. tremblingly, with great alarm  |
cakk | cl.10 P. kkayati-, to suffer ; to give or inflict pain (?)  |
cakka | varia lectio for caka-.  |
cakkala | mfn. (for cakrala-) round, circular (?)  |
cakkalaka | n. a series of 4 śloka-s (= caturbhiḥ kulaka-) (see cakra-bandha-.)  |
cakkana | varia lectio for cakana-.  |
caknasa | m. ( knas-)  |
cakora | m. ( cak- ) the Greek partridge (Perdix rufa;fabled to subsist on moonbeams[ ; see ] , hence"an eye drinking the nectar of a moon-like face"is poetically called c- ;the eyes of the cakora- are said to turn red when they look on poisoned food on ) etc.  |
cakora | m. (plural) Name of a people  |
cakora | m. (sg.) of a prince  |
cakora | m. of a town (?)  |
cakoradṛś | mfn. having (eyes like those of the cakora- bird id est having) beautiful eyes  |
cakoraka | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals ra- (Perdix rufa) .  |
cakoranetra | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. having (eyes like those of the cakora- bird id est having) beautiful eyes ' |
cakoravrata | n. "habit of a cakora- bird", enjoying the nectar of a moon-like face  |
cakorāya | Nom. A1. to act like the cakora- bird  |
cakorī | f. a female cakora- bird  |
cakra | n. (Ved. rarely m.; gaRa ardharcādi-;fr. car-?;1. kṛ- ) the wheel (of a carriage, of the Sun's chariot[ ],of Time [ ]; kr/aṃ-car-,to drive in a carriage ) etc.  |
cakra | n. a potter's wheel (see -bhrama-etc.)  |
cakra | n. a discus or sharp circular missile weapon (especially that of viṣṇu-)  |
cakra | n. an oil-mill  |
cakra | n. a circle etc. (kalāpa--,"the circle of a peacock's tail" )  |
cakra | n. an astronomical circle (exempli gratia, 'for example' rāśi--,the zodiac)  |
cakra | n. a mystical circle or diagram,  |
cakra | n. equals -bandha- q.v  |
cakra | n. a cycle, cycle of years or of seasons  |
cakra | n. "a form of military array (in a circle)" See -vyūha-  |
cakra | n. circular flight (of a bird)  |
cakra | n. a particular constellation in the form of a hexagon  |
cakra | n. a circle or depression of the body (for mystical or chiromantic purposes; 6 in number, one above the other, viz. 1. mūlādhāra-,the parts about the pubis;2. svādhiṣṭhāna-,the umbilical region;3. maṇi-pūra-,the pit of the stomach or epigastrium;4. anāhata-,the root of the nose;5. viśuddha-,the hollow between the frontal sinuses;6. ājñākhya-,the fontanelle or union of the coronal and sagittal sutures;various faculties and divinities are supposed to be present in these hollows)  |
cakra | n. Name of a metre (equals -pāta-)  |
cakra | n. a circle or a similar instrument (used in astronomy)  |
cakra | n. (also m. ) a troop, multitude (krāvalī-, q.v) etc.  |
cakra | n. the whole number of (in compound)  |
cakra | n. a troop of soldiers, army, host (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-)., )  |
cakra | n. a number of villages, province, district  |
cakra | n. (figuratively) range, department  |
cakra | n. the wheel of a monarch's chariot rolling over his dominions, sovereignty, realm  |
cakra | n. (plural) the winding of a river  |
cakra | n. a whirlpool  |
cakra | n. a crooked or fraudulent device (see cakrikā-)  |
cakra | n. the convolutions or spiral marks of the śāla-grāma- or ammonite  |
cakra | n. Name of a medicinal plant or drug  |
cakra | n. of a tīrtha-  |
cakra | m. the ruddy goose or Brahmany duck (Anas Casarca, called after its cries; see -vāk/a-)  |
cakra | m. (plural) Name of a people  |
cakra | m. (gaRa aśvādi-) Name of a man, , 1 Scholiast or Commentator  |
cakra | m. of another man  |
cakra | m. of a nāga-  |
cakra | m. of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
cakra | m. of a mountain  |
cakrā | f. a kind of Cyperus or another plant  |
cakra | m. (dual number kriyau-)  |
cakra | m. ([ confer, compare a--, aṣṭ/ā--, uccā--, /eka--, kāla--, kū--, daṇḍa--, dik--, dharma--, mahā--, mātṛ--, r/odha--, viṣṇu--, sa--, sapt/a--, hiraṇya--; tri--and sucakr/a-; confer, compare also, , Latin circus; Anglo-Saxon hveohl,Engl.wheel.])  |
cakrabālā | f. Hibiscus cannabinus  |
cakrabandha | m. a stanza artificially arranged in a diagram,  |
cakrabandha | m. all that holds a wheel, togrther, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
cakrabandham | ind. so as to fasten or bind in a particular way  |
cakrabandhanā | f. a kind of jasmine  |
cakrabāndhava | m. "friend of cakra-(-va1ka)birds (supposed to couple only in day-time)", the sun  |
cakrabhaṅga | m. break of a wheel  |
cakrabhānu | m. Name of a Brahman  |
cakrabhedinī | f. "dividing the cakra-(-va1ka) couples (see -bāndhava-) ", night  |
cakrabhrama | mfn. turning like a wheel  |
cakrabhrama | m. equals mi- (varia lectio)  |
cakrabhramaṇa | m. Name of a mountain  |
cakrabhrami | f. rotation of a wheel  |
cakrabhrānti | f. rotation of the wheels (of a chariot)  |
cakrabhṛt | m. "discus-bearer", viṣṇu-  |
cakracara | m. plural "going in a circle", Name of a class of superhuman beings,  |
cakracara | m. "a juggler" (see cakrāṭa-) or"a potter" (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
cakracara | m. "circle-goer", one who goes by turns (to the houses of Brahmans, kṣatriya-s and vaiśya-s, scilicet for alms), (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
cakracārin | mfn. flying in a circle (a bird) |
cakracūḍāmaṇi | m. "round jewel (in a coronet)", a honorific Name of  |
cakracūḍāmaṇi | m. Name of the elder brother of the astronomer bala-bhadra- (17th century)  |
cakracūḍāmaṇi | m. Name of a treatise.  |
cakradaṃṣṭra | m. "having curved tusks", a hog (varia lectio vakr-).  |
cakradantī | f. Name of a plant  |
cakradantībīja | m. "having seeds resembling those of the plant cakra-danti-", Name of a plant  |
cakradatta | m. (equals -pāṇi-datta-), Name of an author  |
cakradattanāmakagrantha | m. Name of work  |
cakradeva | m. "having the wheel (of a war-chariot) for his deity", Name of a warrior  |
cakradhanus | m. Name of a ṛṣi-,  |
cakradhara | mfn. or m. bearing a wheel, wheel-bearer (once -dhāra-)  |
cakradhara | mfn. equals -bhṛt-  |
cakradhara | mfn. driving in a carriage (?,"a snake"or"a governor"Scholiast or Commentator; see )  |
cakradhara | m. a sovereign, emperor, iii, xii  |
cakradhara | m. governor of a province  |
cakradhara | m. equals caraka-  |
cakradhara | m. a snake  |
cakradhara | m. a village tumbler (see cakrāṭa-)  |
cakradhara | m. Name of a man  |
cakradhara | m. of other men etc.  |
cakradhara | m. of a locality  |
cakradhāra | for -dhara- q.v  |
cakradhārā | f. the periphery of a wheel  |
cakradhāraṇa | n. an axle,  |
cakradharman | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- prince  |
cakrādhivāsin | m. "abode for cakra-(-va1ka) birds", the orange-tree  |
cakradīpikā | f. "diagram-illuminator", Name of a work  |
cakradṛś | mfn. "circular-eyed", Name of an asura-  |
cakradundubhya | mfn. relating to a wheel and to a drum  |
cakradvāra | m. Name of a mountain  |
cakragaja | m. Cassia Tora  |
cakragaṇḍu | m. a round pillow  |
cakragati | f. rotation, revolution  |
cakragoptṛ | m. dual number "wheel-protectors"two men whose business is to preserve the wheels of a carriage from damage (see -rakṣa-.)  |
cakragrahaṇī | f. "army-keeper", a rampart (Scholiast or Commentator) .  |
cakraguccha | m. "having circular clusters", Jonesia aśoka-  |
cakragulma | m. "having a circular excretion", a camel  |
cakrahasta | m. (equals -pāṇi-) idem or 'm. (see -bhṛt-) viṣṇu-.'  |
cakrahrada | m. Name of a lake  |
cakrāhva | m. equals hvaya- ( )  |
cakrāhva | m. equals kra-gaja-  |
cakrāhvā | f. See krāṅkā-.  |
cakrāhvaya | m. equals kra-sāhvaya-  |
cakrajāti | f. equals -bandha-.  |
cakrajīvaka | m. "living by his wheel", a potter  |
cakrajīvin | m. idem or 'm. "living by his wheel", a potter '  |
cakraka | mfn. resembling a wheel or circle, circular  |
cakraka | m. a kind of serpent (see cakra-maṇḍalin-)  |
cakraka | m. Dolichos biflorus  |
cakraka | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
cakraka | n. a particular way of fighting (varia lectio citraka-)  |
cakraka | n. arguing in a circle  |
cakrakā | f. a kind of plant having great curative properties (white Abrus )  |
cakraka | n. a crooked or fraudulent device, .  |
cakraka | m. (also) the ring on an umbrella,  |
cakrākāra | mf(ā-)n. disc-shaped (the earth)  |
cakrakāraka | n. the perfume unguis odoratus  |
cakrakāśraya | m. arguing in a circle  |
cakrākī | varia lectio for krāṅkī-.  |
cakrākṛti | mfn. equals kāra-  |
cakrakulyā | f. a kind of fern (citra-parṇī-)  |
cakrala | mfn. (see cakkala-) crisp, curled (barbara-)  |
cakralā | f. a kind of Cyperus  |
cakralakṣaṇā | f. Cocculus cordifolius  |
cakralakṣaṇikā | f. idem or 'f. Cocculus cordifolius '  |
cakralatāmra | for -talāmra-  |
cakrālu | m. equals kratalāmra-  |
cakramanda | m. Name of a nāga-  |
cakramaṇḍalin | m. the Boa constrictor  |
cakramarda | m. equals -gaja-  |
cakramardaka | m. idem or 'm. equals -gaja- '  |
cakramardikā | f. Name of a wife of līlāditya-  |
cakramāsaja | mfn. stopping the wheels (of a chariot)  |
cakramaṭha | m. Name of a college (built in a circular form by cakra-varman-)  |
cakramauli | "having a circular diadem", Name of a rākṣasa- |
cakramaulin | mfn. having the wheels turned upwards  |
cakramedinī | for -bhedinī-  |
cakramelaka | Name of a locality in Kashmir  |
cakramīmāṃsā | f. Name of work  |
cakramukha | m. equals -daṃṣṭra-  |
cakramusala | mfn. (a battle) carried on with the discus and club (see 5648) .  |
cakrāṇa | perfect tense A1. parasmE-pada 1. kṛ- q.v  |
cakranābhi | f. the nave of a wheel  |
cakraṇadī | f. equals -nadī- gaRa girinady-ādi-.  |
cakranadī | f. (gaRa girinady-ādi-) Name of a river  |
cakranakha | m. equals -kāraka-  |
cakranāman | m. equals -sāhvaya-  |
cakranāman | m. a pyritic ore of iron (mākṣika-)  |
cakranārāyaṇīsaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
cakranāyaka | m. the leader of a troop  |
cakranāyaka | m. equals -kāraka-  |
cakranemi | f. "wheel-felly", Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
cakrāṅga | m. "curved-neck", a gander  |
cakrāṅga | m. the cakra-(-va1ka) bird  |
cakrāṅga | m. "wheel-limbed (see kra-pāda-) ", a carriage  |
cakrāṅga | n. "disc-shaped", a parasol |
cakrāṅgā | f. equals ṅkā-, Cocculus tomentosus  |
cakrāṅga | n. Helleborus niger  |
cakrāṅga | n. Cocculus tomentosus  |
cakrāṅga | n. Rubia munjista  |
cakrāṅga | n. Enhydra Heloncha  |
cakrāṅga | n. the plant karkaṭa-śṛṅgī-  |
cakrāṅganā | f. the female of the cakra-(-va1ka) bird  |
cakrāṅgī | f. equals ṅkī-, a goose  |
cakraṇitamba | m. equals cakr/a-nitamba-  |
cakranitamba | m. equals cakr/a-ṇitamba- gaRa girinady-ādi-.  |
cakrāṅkā | f. Cocculus tomentosus (varia lectio krāhvā-)  |
cakrāṅkā | f. Cyperus pertenuis  |
cakrāṅkī | f. equals ṅgī-, a goose  |
cakrāṅkitā | f. a kind of plant  |
cakrāṅkitapāda | mfn. having the feet marked with a wheel, .  |
cakrāṅkitapāṇipādatalatā | f. having the palms of hands and feet marked with a wheel (one of the 32 signs of perfection),  |
cakrapāda | m. "wheel-footed", a carriage  |
cakrapāda | m. "circular-footed", an elephant  |
cakrapadmāṭa | m. equals -gaja-  |
cakrapakṣa | m. a goose,  |
cakrapāla | m. the superintendent of a province  |
cakrapāla | m. one who carries a discus  |
cakrapāla | m. a circle  |
cakrapāla | m. the horizon  |
cakrapāla | m. Name of a poet  |
cakrapālita | m. Name of a man.  |
cakrapāṇi | m. "discus-handed", viṣṇu-  |
cakrapāṇi | m. (ṇin-)  |
cakrapāṇi | m. Name of a medical author  |
cakrapāṇidatta | m. idem or 'm. Name of a medical author'  |
cakrapāṇin | for ṇi- q.v  |
cakraparivyādha | m. Cathartocarpus fistula  |
cakraparṇī | f. equals -kulyā-  |
cakrapāta | m. a metre of 4 x 14 syllables.  |
cakrapatha | m. a road for wheels, carriage-road,  |
cakraphala | n. a missile weapon (kind of discus)  |
cakrapura | n. Name of a town (built by cakra-mardikā- )  |
cakrapuṣkariṇī | f. Name of a sacred tank at Benares  |
cakrarada | m. equals -daṃṣṭra-  |
cakrarāja | m. Name of a mystical diagram  |
cakrarakṣa | m. dual number equals -goptṛ-  |
cakraratna | n. an excellent wheel or disk (one of the 7 treasures of a king),  |
cakrārdhacakravāla | a semicircle  |
cakrasāhvaya | m. the cakra-(-va1ka) bird  |
cakrasaktha | mfn. bow-legged  |
cakrasaṃjña | n. tin  |
cakrasaṃvara | m. Name of a buddha- (vajra-ṭīka-)  |
cakraśatapattra | Name of a plant  |
cakrasena | m. Name of a son of tārā-candra- and father of siṃha-  |
cakrasenā | f. Name of a princess  |
cakrāśman | m. a sling for throwing stones, .  |
cakraśreṇī | f. Odina pinnata (bearing a curved fruit)  |
cakrasvāmin | m. (see -bhṛt-) viṣṇu-.  |
cakrasvastikanandyāvarta | m. "having the wheel the svastika- and the nandy-āvarta- emblems", Name of buddha-  |
cakrāṭa | m. (equals kra-cara-) a juggler, snake-catcher, snake-charmer  |
cakrāṭa | m. a knave, cheat  |
cakrāṭa | m. a gold coin, Dinar  |
cakrataila | n. oil prepared from the cakra-(- gaja- ?) plant  |
cakratalāmra | m. a kind of mango tree  |
cakrāti | m. plural Name of a people (vakrātapa- edition Calc.)  |
cakratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- (see cakra-) etc.  |
cakratuṇḍa | m. (kr/a--) "circular-beaked", a kind of mythical being  |
cakratuṇḍa | m. a kind of fish  |
cakravāḍa | m. fire  |
cakravāḍa | m. the mountain-range cakra-vāla-  |
cakravāḍa | n. "a circle", or"a troop, multitude"  |
cakravadgati | mfn. turning like a wheel  |
cakravāka | m. the cakra- bird (Anas Casarca;the couples are supposed to be separated and to mourn during night) etc.  |
cakravāka | f(ī-). the female of the cakra-(vāka-) bird  |
cakravākabandhu | m. equals kra-bāndhava-  |
cakravākamaya | mfn. consisting of cakra- birds  |
cakravākavatī | f. "abounding in cakra-vāka-s", (probably) Name of a river gaRa ajirādi-  |
cakravākin | mfn. filled with cakra-vāka-s  |
cakravākopakūjita | mfn. made resonant with the cooing or cry of the cakra-vāka-  |
cakravāla | n. (fr. -vāḍa-) a circle  |
cakravāla | n. equals la-yamaka-  |
cakravāla | m. n. a mass, multitude, number, assemblage etc.  |
cakravāla | m. Name of a mythical range of mountains (encircling the orb of the earth and being the limit of light and darkness) : (lādri-)  |
cakravāladhi | m. "curved-tail", a dog (see vakr-.)  |
cakravālaka | n. a kind of rhetorical figure,  |
cakravālātman | f. Name of a goddess  |
cakravālayamaka | n. a kind of artificial stanza (as )  |
cakrāvalī | f. a number, multitude  |
cakravarman | m. Name of a king of Kashmir  |
cakravarta | See -vṛtta-.  |
cakrāvarta | m. whirling or rotatory motion  |
cakravartin | mfn. rolling everywhere without obstruction  |
cakravartin | m. a ruler the wheels of whose chariot roll everywhere without obstruction, emperor, sovereign of the world, ruler of a cakra- (or country described as extending from sea to sea; 12 princes beginning with bharata- are especially considered as cakravartin-s) etc.  |
cakravartin | mfn. supreme, holding the highest rank among (genitive case or in compound)  |
cakravartin | m. Chenopodium album  |
cakravartin | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on ,  |
cakravartin | m. Nardostachys jaṭāmāṃsi-  |
cakravartin | m. equals alaktaka-  |
cakravartinī | f. the fragrant plant jantukā-  |
cakravartitā | f. the state of a universal emperor  |
cakravartitva | n. idem or 'f. the state of a universal emperor '  |
cakravat | mfn. furnished with wheels, wheeled  |
cakravat | mfn. armed with a discus  |
cakravat | mfn. circular  |
cakravat | m. an oil-grinder  |
cakravat | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
cakravat | m. a sovereign, emperor  |
cakravat | m. Name of a mountain  |
cakravat | n. a chariot  |
cakravat | ind. like a wheel, in rotation  |
cakravāṭa | m. a limit, boundary  |
cakravāṭa | m. a lamp-stand  |
cakravāṭa | m. engaging in an action (?, kriyāroha-)  |
cakravāta | m. a whirlwind  |
cakravimala | Name of a plant  |
cakravṛddhi | f. interest upon interest  |
cakravṛddhi | f.  |
cakravṛddhi | f. wages for transporting goods in a carriage, 156.  |
cakravṛtta | mfn. (kr/a--) turned on a potter's wheel  |
cakravṛtta | mfn. (a-cakravarta-,for vṛtta- negative) (see kru-v-.)  |
cakravyūha | m. any circular array of troops (see also 3108)  |
cakravyūha | m. Name of a kiṃnara- prince  |
cakrayāna | n. any wheel-carriage  |
cakrayodhin | m. "discus-fighter", Name of a dānava-  |
cakrāyodhya | m. "not to be conquered by a discus"Name of a prince  |
cakrayoga | m. applying a splint or similar instrument by means of pulleys (in case of dislocation of the thigh)  |
cakrāyudha | m. "whose weapon is the discus", viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
cakrendraka | m. a kind of mustard  |
cakreśa | m. (equals kra-vartin-) sovereign of the world  |
cakreśvara | m. "lord of the discus", viṣṇu-  |
cakreśvara | m. "lord of the troops", bhairava-  |
cakreśvara | m. equals śa-  |
cakreśvarī | f. one of the vidyā-devī-s (executing the orders of the 1st arhat-)  |
cakrī | f. a wheel (instrumental case sg. kr/iyā-; genitive case dual number kry/os-)  |
cakrī | ind. in compound  |
cakrī | f. of kr/a- q.v  |
cakri | mfn. ( Va1rtt. 3) doing, effecting (with accusative), active  |
cakri | mfn. (or cakrin-?) Name of a man (see uru-c/akri-.)  |
cakrībhū | to be made circular or bent (a bow)  |
cakrikā | f. a troop, multitude  |
cakrika | m. a discus-bearer  |
cakrika | m. (equals kraka-) Dolichos biflorus  |
cakrikā | f. See kraka-.  |
cakrīkṛ | to make round or circular, curve or bend (a bow)  |
cakrin | mfn. having wheels  |
cakrin | mfn. driving in a carriage  |
cakrin | mfn. bearing a discus, or (m.)"discus-bearer", kṛṣṇa-  |
cakrin | m. a potter  |
cakrin | m. an oil-grinder  |
cakrin | m. Name of śiva-  |
cakrin | m. a sovereign of the world, king  |
cakrin | m. the governor of a province (grāma-jālika-; grāmayājin-,"one who offers sacrifices for a whole village" )  |
cakrin | m. a kind of juggler or tumbler who exhibits tricks with a discus or a wheel (jālika-bhid-)  |
cakrin | m. an informer (sūcaka-)  |
cakrin | m. a cheat, rogue  |
cakrin | m. a snake  |
cakrin | m. the cakra-(-va1ka) bird  |
cakrin | m. an ass  |
cakrin | m. a crow.  |
cakrin | m. equals kra-gaja-  |
cakrin | m. "Name of a man"(?) See c/akri-  |
cakrin | m. Dalbergia ujjeinensis  |
cakrin | m. equals kra-kāraka-  |
cakrin | m. plural Name of a vaiṣṇava- sect (see sa--.)  |
cakrīvat | mfn. ( ) furnished with wheels, wheeled  |
cakrīvat | mfn. driving in a carriage  |
cakrīvat | m. an ass  |
cakrīvat | m. Name of a prince  |
cakrīvat | n. a carriage  |
cakriya | mfn. belonging to a wheel or carriage  |
cakriya | mfn. going on a carriage, being on a journey (genitive case plural yāṇām-;fr. cakrin-and yā- )  |
cakrollāsa | m. Name of work  |
cakrottha | m. a kind of mustard  |
cakru | equals kr/a- "a wheel", only in compound  |
cakru | mfn. doing effecting  |
cakruvṛtta | mfn. circular, (a-- negative)  |
cakṛvat | n. (for vas- perfect tense P. parasmE-pada) a perfect form (of any verb)  |
cakṣ | (a reduplicated form of kāś- equals kśā-;in the non-conjugational tenses khyā-is substituted ;some perfect tense forms, however, are found) cl.2 A1. c/aṣṭe- (2. dual number cakṣathe- ; perfect tense parasmE-pada c/akṣāṇa- [ a-- negative ];rarely P. imperfect tense 2. sg. acakṣas- plural acakṣma- ;Ved. infinitive mood c/akṣase- ), to appear, become visible ; to see, look at, observe, notice ; to tell, inform ; to take any one (accusative) for (accusative) |
cakṣa | m. a false friend  |
cakṣan | n. dual number the eyes  |
cakṣaṇa | n. appearing, appearance, aspect  |
cakṣaṇa | n. speaking, saying  |
cakṣaṇa | n. (for jakṣ-?) eating a relish to promote drinking (see viśv/a--; abhi--and prati-c/akṣ-; vi-cakṣaṇ/a-.)  |
cakṣaṇi | m. an illuminator  |
cakṣas | n. radiance, clearness  |
cakṣas | n. (of the sea)  |
cakṣas | n. look, sight, eye  |
cakṣas | n. (ase-) dative case infinitive mood cakṣ- q.v  |
cakṣas | m. a teacher, spiritual instructor  |
cakṣas | m. "teacher of the gods", bṛhaspati- (see /apāka--, īya--, upāk/a--, ghor/a--, viśv/a--, s/ūra--, sv/ar--; uru--, duś--, nṛ--and su-c/akṣ-.)  |
cakṣorākṣa | mf(ī-)n. equals ra-dṛś-  |
cakṣu | m. the eye  |
cakṣu | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' )  |
cakṣu | m. Name of a prince  |
cakṣu | m. (for vakṣu-?) the Oxus river  |
cakṣū | in compound for kṣus-.  |
cakṣuḥ | in compound for kṣus-.  |
cakṣuḥpatha | See kṣuṣ-p-.  |
cakṣuḥpīḍā | f. pain of the eyes  |
cakṣuḥśravas | m. "using the eyes for ears", a snake  |
cakṣuḥśrotra | mfn. possessing sight and hearing,  |
cakṣuḥśruti | m. idem or 'm. "using the eyes for ears", a snake ' (see dṛk-ś-.)  |
cakṣūkṛ |  |
cakṣunirodha | m. equals kṣur-n-  |
cakṣupīḍana | mfn. causing pain to the eye  |
cakṣur | in compound for kṣus-.  |
cakṣūrāga | m. equals kṣūṣ-prīti-  |
cakṣurapeta | mfn. one who has lost his eyes, blind  |
cakṣurbahala | m. Odina pinnata  |
cakṣurbhṛt | mfn. promoting sight  |
cakṣurdā | mfn. giving sight  |
cakṣurdāna | n. "gift of sight", the ceremony of anointing the eyes of an image at the time of consecration  |
cakṣurgocara | mfn. coming within the range of the eye  |
cakṣurgrahaṇa | n. morbid affection of the eyes, .  |
cakṣurhan | mfn. (m. accusative -haṇam-; Nominal verb plural -hanas-) killing with a look  |
cakṣurindriya | n. the organ of sight  |
cakṣurloka | (c/akṣ-) mfn. seeing with the eyes  |
cakṣurmala | n. the excretion of the eyes  |
cakṣurmantra | (c/akṣ-) mfn. bewitching with the eye  |
cakṣurmaya | mfn. resembling the eye  |
cakṣurmukha | (c/akṣ-) mfn. having eyes in the mouth (?)  |
cakṣurmuṣ | mfn. "robbing the sight", blinding the eyes  |
cakṣurnimita | (c/akṣ-) mfn. fixed by (a measure taken by) the eye  |
cakṣurnirodha | m. (equals kṣu-n-) a cover or a hindrance for the eyesight (varia lectio)  |
cakṣūroga | m. disease of the eye (varia lectio kṣu-r-).  |
cakṣurvahana | m. equals -bahala-  |
cakṣurvanya | mfn. suffering from disease of the eyes  |
cakṣurvardhanikā | f. "refreshing the eyes", Name of a river  |
cakṣurviṣaya | m. the range of sight (locative case e-,"in the presence of")  |
cakṣurviṣaya | m. a visible object  |
cakṣuś | in comp, for kṣus-.  |
cakṣuṣ | in compound for kṣus-.  |
cakṣus | mfn. seeing  |
cakṣus | mfn. |
cakṣus | m. Name of a marut-  |
cakṣus | m. of a ṛṣi- (with the patronymic mānava-, author of )  |
cakṣus | m. of another ṛṣi- (with the patronymic saurya-, author of )  |
cakṣus | m. of a son of anu-  |
cakṣus | f. Name of a river  |
cakṣus | n. light, clearness  |
cakṣus | n. the act of seeing (dative case infinitive mood equals kṣase-)  |
cakṣus | n. aspect  |
cakṣus | n. faculty of seeing, sight etc.  |
cakṣus | n. a look  |
cakṣus | n. the eye etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see a--, /a-ghora--, /a-dabdha--,etc.)  |
cakṣus | n. prajāpates trīṇi cakṣūṃṣi-,"the 3 eyes of prajā-pati-", Name of a sāman-  |
cakṣus | n. mitrā-varuṇayoś cakṣuḥ-,"the eye of mitra- and varuṇa-" (see ), another sāman-  |
cakṣus | n. equals kṣur-bahala-  |
cakṣuṣa | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "the eye" See sa--  |
cakṣuṣa | m. Name of a son of ripu- (varia lectio cākṣ-)  |
cakṣuścit | mfn. collecting the faculty of sight  |
cakṣuṣkāma | (c/akṣ-) mfn. wishing for the faculty of seeing  |
cakṣuṣkarṇa | m. equals kṣuḥ-śravas-  |
cakṣuṣmat | mfn. (c/akṣ-) endowed with the faculty of sight, furnished with eyes, seeing etc.  |
cakṣuṣmat | mfn. representing the eye  |
cakṣuṣmattā | f. the faculty of sight  |
cakṣuṣmattva | n. idem or 'f. the faculty of sight '  |
cakṣuṣpā | mfn. protecting the eyesight  |
cakṣuṣpatha | m. the range of sight  |
cakṣuṣpati | m. the lord of the eyes  |
cakṣuṣprīti | f. delight of the eyes.  |
cakṣuṣṭas | ind. away from the eye  |
cakṣuṣṭva | n. the state or condition of the eye  |
cakṣuṣya | mfn. pleasing to the eyes, wholesome for the eyes or the eyesight  |
cakṣuṣya | mfn. agreeable to the eyes, pleasing, good-looking, beautiful  |
cakṣuṣya | mfn. "being in any one's (instrumental case) range of sight "and"dear to any one (instrumental case) "  |
cakṣuṣya | m. a kind of collyrium (extracted from Amomum antorhiza)  |
cakṣuṣya | m. Pandanus odoratissimus  |
cakṣuṣya | m. Hyperanthera Moringa  |
cakṣuṣya | m. also Name of other plants (puṇḍarīka-, kanaka-)  |
cakṣuṣya | n. two kinds of collyrium (kharparī-tuttha-and sauvīrāñjana-)  |
cakṣuṣya | n. the small shrub prapauṇḍarīka-  |
cakṣuṣyā | f. a kind of collyrium (calx of brass or a blue stone)  |
cakṣuṣya | n. Pandanus odoratissimus  |
cakṣuṣya | n. Glycine labialis  |
cakṣuṣya | n. equals kṣurbahala-  |
cakvana | varia lectio for cakana-.  |
cal | (confer, compare car-and also caṭ-) cl.1. lati- (metrically also A1. te-; perf. cacāla- plural celur-; future caliṣyati-; Aorist acālīt-), to be moved, stir, tremble, shake, quiver, be agitated, palpitate etc. ; to move on or forward, proceed, go away, start off, depart (āsanebhyo 'calan-,"they rose from their seat", ) etc. ; to set (said of the day) ; to be moved from one's usual course, be disturbed, become confused or disordered, go astray etc. ; to turn away from, swerve, deviate from (ablative exempli gratia, 'for example' dharmāt-,to swerve from virtue ), fall off (with ablative) etc. ; to sport about, frolic, play ( ) : Causal calayati- ( ) , to cause to move, move, shake, jog, push, agitate, disturb ; to cause to deviate, turn off from (ablative) : Causal cālay- (Passive voice cālyate-) to cause to move, shake, jog, push, agitate etc. ; to drive, drive away, remove or expel from (ablative) ; to disturb, make confused or disordered ; to cause to deviate from (ablative) ; to cherish, foster (varia lectio for bal-): Intensive cañcalyate- (confer, compare cañcala-) or cāc- (confer, compare /a-vicācala-ff.) ; ([ confer, compare, ; Latin celer,pro-cello,ex-.])  |
cala | mf(ā-)n. (gaRa pacādi-) moving, trembling, shaking, loose etc.  |
cala | mf(ā-)n. unsteady, fluctuating, perishable  |
cala | mf(ā-)n. disturbed, confused  |
cala | m. "agitation, shaking" See bhūmi--  |
cala | m. wind  |
cala | m. wind (in med.)  |
cala | m. quicksilver  |
cala | m. a sprout, shoot  |
cala | n. water  |
calā | f. lightning  |
cala | n. incense  |
cala | n. the goddess of fortune  |
cala | n. a metre of 4 x 18 syllables (see a--, niś--, puṃścalī-, cāla-.)  |
calācala | mfn. movable and immovable, locomotive and stationary  |
calācala | mfn. ( cal- reduplicated Va1rtt. 6; vii, 4, 58 ) ever-moving (the wheel of saṃsāra-)  |
calācala | mfn.  |
calācala | mfn. moving to and fro, movable, tremulous, unfixed, loose  |
calācala | mfn. unsteady, changeable  |
calācala | m. a crow  |
calācala | m. Name of a man,  |
calācaleṣu | mfn. one whose arrow wavers or flies unsteadily  |
calacañcu | m. "moving its beak", the Greek partridge  |
calacitta | mf(ā-)n. fickle-minded |
calacitta | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
calacitta | m. Name of a man,  |
calacitta | n. fickleness of mind  |
calacittatā | f. idem or 'n. fickleness of mind '  |
calacittatā | f. frivolity  |
calad | in compound for lat-.  |
caladala | m. "tremulous-leaved", Ficus religiosa  |
caladaṅga | m. "of a palpitating body", the fish Ophiocephalus aurantiacus  |
caladaṅgaka | m. "of a palpitating body", the fish Ophiocephalus aurantiacus  |
caladanta | m. a loose tooth  |
caladgu | mfn. one under whom the earth trembles  |
caladruma | m. Tribulus lanuginosus  |
calaghnī | f. Trigonella corniculata  |
calakarṇa | m. (in astronomy) the changeable hypothenuse ("the true distance of a planet from the earth" )  |
calaketu | m. (in astronomy) Name of a moving ketu-  |
calakuṇḍala | m. Name of a man ( )  |
calana | mf(ā-)n. moving, movable, tremulous, shaking  |
calana | mf(ā-)n. moving on feet  |
calana | mf(ā-)n. wanton (a woman),  |
calana | m. a foot  |
calana | m. an antelope  |
calana | n. shaking motion, shaking, trembling etc.  |
calana | n. "motion", action, function  |
calana | n. walking about, wandering, roaming  |
calana | n. turning off from (ablative),  |
calana | n. (a-- negative) and  |
calana | n. the being disturbed  |
calana | n. the rope for tying an elephant  |
calanaka | m. n. a short petticoat (worn by dancing girls, etc.)  |
calanī | f. equals naka-  |
calanikā | f. silken fringes  |
calaniketa | mfn. having a perishable abode  |
calanīya | mfn. to be moved or shaken  |
calapattra | m. equals -dala-  |
calaprakṛti | mfn. of unsteady or wanton nature  |
calapuccha | m. Coracias indica  |
calas | n. wood-sorrel  |
calasaṃdhi | m. loose articulation of the bones, diarthrosis  |
calasvabhāva | mf(ā-)n. equals -prakṛti-  |
calat | pr. p. cal- q.v  |
calatā | f. shaking, tremulous motion  |
calātaṅka | m. "fluctuating disease", rheumatism  |
calātman | mfn. fickle-minded  |
calatpadam | ind. so as to move  |
calatpūrṇimā | f. the fish candraka-  |
calatsaṭa | mfn. with flying mane,  |
calatva | n. idem or 'f. shaking, tremulous motion '  |
calendriya | mfn. having unsteady organs  |
caleṣu | for calācal-  |
cali | m. a cover  |
cali | m. a surtout  |
calīkṛ | to cause to move  |
calita | mfn. shaking, tremulous, unfixed etc.  |
calita | mfn. one who has moved on  |
calita | mfn. gone, departed (exempli gratia, 'for example' sa calitaḥ-,"he started off" )  |
calita | mfn. walked (varia lectio)  |
calita | mfn. being on the march (an army)  |
calita | mfn. moved from one's usual course, disturbed, disordered (the mind, senses, fortune, etc.) etc.  |
calita | mfn. caused to deviate, turned off from (ablative)  |
calita | n. unsteady motion (of eyes)  |
calitasthāna | mfn. changing its place, R (B) iv, 1, 14.  |
calitavya | n. impersonal or used impersonally to be gone away  |
calormi | mfn. having agitated waves  |
calu | m. a monthful of water  |
caluka | m. (equals cul-) idem or 'm. a monthful of water '  |
caluka | m. a small pot, gallipot  |
caluka | m. Name of a man  |
cam | cl.1. mati- (perf. cacāma- Aorist acamīt- ; Passive voice acami- ), to sip, drink ; to eat : Vedic or Veda cl.5. camnoti- : Causal cāmayati-, (see ā-, anv-ā--; paryā-cānta-, sam-ā-camya-.)  |
cama | m. plural equals camaka-sūkta- Va1rtt. 2  |
camaka | m. Name of a man  |
camakasūkta | n. "the hymn containing came- ", Name of on  |
camakasūkta | n. see nam-.  |
camakasūkta | See cama-.  |
camana | n. sipping  |
camara | m. a kind of ox called the Yak (Bos grunniens) etc.  |
camara | mn. the bushy tail of the Yak (employed as chowrie or long brush for whisking off insects, flies, etc.;one of the insignia of royalty; see cām-) |
camara | mn. a particular high number  |
camara | m. Name of a daitya-  |
camaraka | m. a bee  |
camarākṛti | m. "resembling the Yak", a kind of animal (equals sṛmara-)  |
camarapuccha | n. a Yak's tail  |
camarapuccha | m. "having a bushy tail", the Indian fox  |
camaravāla | m. "having hair as fine as that of a camara- tail", Name of a prince  |
camarī | f. the Bos grunniens etc.  |
camarī | f. a compound pedicle  |
camarika | m. "growing in clusters resembling a chowrie", Bauhinia variegata  |
camasa | m. (n. gaRa ardharcādi-;f(ī-). ;fr. cam-) a vessel used at sacrifices for drinking the soma-, kind of flat dish or cup or ladle (generally of a square shape, made of wood and furnished with a handle) etc.  |
camasa | m. a cake (made of barley, rice, or lentils, ground to meal), sweetmeat, flour  |
camasa | m. (gaRa gargādi-) Name of a son of ṛṣabha-  |
camasa | m. equals camasodbheda-  |
camasādhvaryu | m. the priest who manages the drinking-vessels etc.  |
camasī | f. ( gaRa gaurādi- ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' gaRa cūrṇādi-) a cake  |
camasi | f. equals sī-, a kind of cake  |
camasin | mfn. entitled to receive a camasa- (filled with soma-)  |
camasin | m. Name of a man gaRa 1. naḍādi-.  |
camasodbheda | m.  |
camasodbhedana | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage (spot of bursting forth of the river sarasvatī-)  |
camat | ind. "an interjection of surprise", only in compound  |
camatkāra | m. astonishment, surprise etc.  |
camatkāra | m. show, spectacle  |
camatkāra | m. riot, festive turbulence  |
camatkāra | m. high poetical composition  |
camatkāra | m. Achyranthes aspera  |
camatkāracandrikā | f. Name of a grammar  |
camatkāracintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
camatkaraṇa | n. astonishment  |
camatkaraṇa | n. producing wonder, causing surprise  |
camatkaraṇa | n. spectacle, festival  |
camatkaraṇa | n. high poetical composition  |
camatkāranagara | n. Name of a town (equals vṛddha-n-)  |
camatkāranṛtya | n. a kind of dance.  |
camatkārin | mfn. astonishing  |
camatkārita | mfn. astonished  |
camatkāritā | f. the producing of astonishment,  |
camatkṛ | to express astonishment ; to produce astonishment  |
camatkṛta | mfn. equals -kārita-  |
camatkṛta | mfn. become proud  |
camatkṛti | f. astonishment, surprise.  |
camb | cl.1. bati-, to go  |
camīkāra | m. reciting the camaka-sūkta-  |
camīkṛ | to recite the camaka-sūkta- over anything  |
camp | (see kamp-, capala-) cl.10. payati- varia lectio for champ-  |
campa | m. Bauhinia variegata  |
campa | m. Name of the founder of campā- (son of pṛthulākṣa- or of harita-)  |
campā | f. Name of a town in aṅga- (the modern Bhagapur or a place in its vicinity;residence of karṇa- ;of brahma-datta- )  |
campā | f. of pa- q.v  |
campādhipa | (pādh-) m. a prince of campā- equals peśa-  |
campaka | m. Michelia Campaka (bearing a yellow fragrant flower) etc.  |
campaka | m. a kind of perfume  |
campaka | m. a particular part of the bread-fruit  |
campaka | m. Name of a man  |
campaka | m. of a relation of the jaina- meru-tuṅga-  |
campaka | m. of a country  |
campaka | n. the flower of the Campaka tree etc.  |
campaka | n. the fruit of a variety of the plantain  |
campakā | f. Name of a town,  |
campakacaturdaśī | f. "the 14th day in the light half of jyaiṣṭha-", Name of a festival.  |
campakadeśa | m. the Campaka country.  |
campakagandha | m. "Campaka-fragrance", a kind of incense (varia lectio dhi-or dhin-)  |
campakalatā | f. Name of a woman,  |
campakālu | m. the bread-fruit tree  |
campakamālā | f. a metre of 4 x 10 syllables  |
campakamālā | f. Name of a woman  |
campakanātha | m. Name of an author.  |
campakaprabhu | m. Name of kalhaṇa-'s father.  |
campakapura | n. Name of a town,  |
campakarambhā | f. a kind of plantain  |
campakāraṇya | n. "Campaka forest", Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
campakaśreṣṭhikathānaka | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a tale.  |
campakavatī | f. Name of a wood in magadha- (vv.ll. kā-v-and kāvalī-)  |
campakavatī | f. of a town, 5, 0/1 (varia lectio) |
campakāvatī | varia lectio for ka-v- (see )  |
campakavyavahārikathā | f. Name of a tale (about the merchant Campaka).  |
campakolba | m. equals kālu-  |
campakośa | for kolba-  |
campakunda | m. a kind of fish  |
campālu | m. for pakālu-  |
campana | n. a jump (?)  |
campāpurī | f. the town campā-  |
campāṣaṣṭhī | f. the 6th day in the bright half of mārgaśīrṣa- or bhādrapada-,  |
campāvatī | f. idem or 'f. the town campā- '  |
campāvatī | f. Name of nidhi-pati-'s wife  |
campeśa | m. "lord of campā-", karṇa-  |
campopalakṣita | mfn. "marked by campā-", dwelling in campā- and its vicinity  |
campū | f. a kind of elaborate composition in which the same subject is continued through alternations in prose and verse (gadya-and padya-) (see gaṅgā--, nala--.)  |
campūbhārata | n. Name of a reproduction in prose and verse of the contents of (by ananta-bhaṭṭa-) .  |
campūkathāsūtra | n. Name of work  |
campūrāmāyaṇa | n. Name of a reproduction in prose and verse of the contents of (by lakṣmaṇakavi-) .  |
camriṣ | f. "libations (contained) in sacrificial ladles" ( fr. camas/a-)  |
camrīṣa | mfn. "contained in the cam/ū- " ( ),  |
camū | f. (Ved. locative case m/ū- six times;once mv/i-, ; Nominal verb dual number mv/ā-,iii, 55, 20; genitive case locative case mv/os-; Nominal verb plural mv/as-,viii, 2, 8; locative case plural m/ūṣu-) a vessel or part (two or more in number) of the reservoir into which the soma- is poured  |
camū | f. dual number mv/au- "the two great receptacles of all living beings", heaven and earth (see )  |
camū | f. sg. a coffin (?)  |
camū | f. an army or division of an army (129 elephants, as many cars, 2187 horse, and 3645 foot )  |
camūcara | m. a warrior ,  |
camūhara | m. Name of one of the viśve- devā-s  |
camūnātha | m. leader of a division, general  |
camūnātha | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
camūnāyaka | m. idem or 'm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') '  |
camūpa | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ' '  |
camūpāla | m. idem or 'm. (camu-p- )'  |
camupati | See mū-p-.  |
camūpati | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ' ' ' etc.  |
camūpati | m. (camu-p- )  |
camūru | m. a kind of deer (see sam-)  |
camūrudṛś | f. an antelope-eyed woman ( iv, 3/4) .  |
camūrunetrā | f. idem or 'f. an antelope-eyed woman ( iv, 3/4) .'  |
camūṣad | mfn. lying on the camū- vessel  |
camūṣad | mfn.  |
caṇ | (see can-) cl.1 P. ṇati-, to give ; to go ; to injure ; to sound (varia lectio for vaṇ-), : Causal Aorist acicaṇat-, or acacāṇat-  |
can | cl.1. nati-, to sound, utter a sound ; to hurt, injure  |
can | (see kan-), only Aorist subjunctive 2. dual number caniṣṭ/am- "to delight in, be satisfied with (locative case) " ; and 3. sg. c/aniṣṭhat- ([ jan- ]),"to satisfy, please"  |
caṇa | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ( ; equals cañcu-) renowned or famous for  |
caṇa | m. the chick-pea (see akṣara--, kathā--, cāra--, māyā--).  |
cana | ind. (ca n/a- ) and not, also not, even not, not even (this particle is placed after the word to which it gives force;a preceding verb is accentuated[ ];in Vedic language it is generally, but not always, found without any other negative particle, whereas in the later language another negative is usually added exempli gratia, 'for example' /āpaś can/apr/a minanti vrat/aṃ vāṃ-,"not even the waters violate your ordinance" ; n/āha vivyāca pṛthiv/ī can/āinaṃ-,"the earth even does not contain him", iii, 36, 4;in class. Sanskrit it is only used after the interrogatives k/a-, katar/a-, katam/a-, katham-, k/ad-, kad/ā-, kim-, k/utas-, kva-,making them indefinite) etc. also  |
caṇabhojin | m. "eating chick-pease", a horse  |
caṇadruma | m. a kind of Tribulus  |
caṇaka | m. the chick-pea  |
caṇaka | m. Name of cāṇakya-'s father  |
caṇaka | m. of a village  |
caṇakā | f. linseed  |
caṇakalavaṇa | n. pease with salt, sour pease  |
caṇakaloṇī | f. (for -lavaṇī-) idem or 'n. pease with salt, sour pease '  |
caṇakāmlaka | n. equals ka-lavaṇa-  |
caṇakāmlavār | n. acid water drops on cicer leaves  |
caṇakātmaja | m. " caṇaka-'s son", cāṇakya-  |
caṇapattrī | f. the shrub rudantī-  |
caṇārarūpya | n. Name of a village Va1rtt. 3  |
canas | n. "delight, satisfaction", only with dhā- P. and A1. to delight in, be satisfied with (accusative or locative case), enjoy (see s/a--and sa-c/anas-.)  |
canasaya | Nom. yati-, to address with the word canasita-  |
canasita | mfn. (Passive voice parasmE-pada fr. sya-) "satisfied, gracious"(only the vocative case is used in the address to a Brahman, added after his N. ) ( )  |
canasitavat | mfn. (speech or address) containing the word canasita-,  |
canasitottara | mfn. followed by canasita- (a N.)  |
canasya | Nom. (imperative 2. dual number sy/atam-) to delight in (accusative), enjoy  |
caṇatva | n. the being famous for (in compound)  |
caṇava | m. an inferior kind of grain,  |
cañc | cl.1 P. cati-, to leap, jump, move, dangle, be unsteady, shake ( )  |
cañca | m. a basket  |
cañcā | f. anything made of cane or reeds, basket-work  |
cañcā | f. equals ñcā-puruṣa- Va1rtt. 5 , and  |
cañcā | f. of ca- q.v  |
cañcala | mf(ā-)n. (fr. Intensive cal-) moving to and fro, movable, unsteady, shaking, quivering, flickering etc.  |
cañcala | mf(ā-)n. unsteady, inconstant, inconsiderate  |
cañcala | m. the wind  |
cañcala | m. a lover, libertine  |
cañcala | m. Name of an asura-  |
cañcalā | f. lightning  |
cañcala | m. a river  |
cañcala | m. long pepper  |
cañcala | m. fortune, goddess of fortune (lakṣmī-) (see etc.)  |
cañcala | m. a metre of 4 x 16 syllables  |
cañcala | m. (also) a wagtail,  |
cañcalahṛdaya | mfn. "unsteady-hearted", capricious, fickle |
cañcalākhya | m. incense  |
cañcalākṣikā | f. "unsteady-eyed"(so called as not having a fixed caesura), a metre of 4 x 12 syllables.  |
cañcalatā | f. unsteadiness, fickleness  |
cañcalataila | n. Liquidambar orientale  |
cañcalatara | mfn. (Comparative degree) extremely unsteady  |
cañcalatva | n. equals -tā-  |
cañcalī | f. a kind of cricket  |
cañcalita | mfn. caused to shake or quiver  |
cañcāpuruṣa | m. a strawman, doll (said contemptuously of a man) ( ) .  |
cañcarī | f. (fr. Intensive car-) a bee  |
cañcarīka | m. idem or 'f. (fr. Intensive car-) a bee '  |
cañcarīkāvalī | f. "row of bees", a metre or 4 x 13 syllables.  |
cañcarin | m. (fr. Intensive car-) a bee  |
cañcatka | mfn. (fr. pr. p. cat-) leaping, jumping, dangling, vArttika  |
cañcatpuṭa | m. equals cacc-  |
cañcu | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (equals caṇa-, cuñcu-) renowned or famous for  |
cañcu | skilled, clever in  |
cañcu | m. a deer  |
cañcu | m. the castor-oil plant (see -taila-)  |
cañcu | m. a red kind of the same plant  |
cañcu | m. the plant go-nāḍīka- (or nāḍīca-)  |
cañcu | m. the plant kṣudracañcu-  |
cañcu | m. Name of a son of harita-  |
cañcu | f. a beak, bill  |
cañcu | f. equals -pattra-  |
cañcu | f. (n. ?) a box (applied as a N. to one of the 3 kinds of famine)  |
cañcū | f. a beak, bill  |
cañcū | f. equals ñcu-pattra-  |
cañcubhṛt | "having a beak", a bird  |
cañcūḍa | m. equals ñcu-pattra-  |
cañcukā | f. a beak, bill  |
cañcūka | m. equals ñcu-pattra-  |
cañcūka | m. plural Name of a people (south-west of madhya-deśa-)  |
cañcula | varia lectio for cuñc-.  |
cañcumat | m. idem or '"having a beak", a bird '  |
cañcuparṇikā | f. idem or 'm. "beak-leaved", a kind of vegetable '  |
cañcupattra | m. "beak-leaved", a kind of vegetable  |
cañcuprahāra | m. a peck with a beak  |
cañcupuṭa | m. or n. the cavity of a beak, a bird's bill when shut  |
cañcūpuṭa | equals ñcu-p-  |
cañcupuṭaka | equals ṭa-  |
cañcupuṭī | f. idem or 'm. or n. the cavity of a beak, a bird's bill when shut '  |
cañcupuṭī | f. Name of a plant  |
cañcura | m. equals cu-pattra-  |
cañcura | (?) . See puṇya--.  |
cañcūryamāṇa | mfn. fr. Intensive car- q.v  |
cañcusūci | m. "using the beak as a needle", the tailor-bird (Sylvia sutoria)  |
cañcusūcika | m. "using the beak as a needle", the tailor-bird (Sylvia sutoria)  |
cañcutā | f. equals -tva-  |
cañcutā | f. skill, cleverness  |
cañcutā | f. the state of a beak  |
cañcutaila | n. castor-oil  |
cañcutva | n. the being famous for (in compound)  |
cañcutva | n. skill, cleverness  |
caṇḍ | (derived fr. c/aṇḍa-) cl.1.10. A1. ṇḍate-, ṇḍayate-, to be angry or wrathful  |
cand | (fr. ścand- q.v) cl.1. dati- ( ) , to shine, be bright ; to gladden ; ([ confer, compare Latin candeo,candela.])  |
caṇḍa | mf(ā- ; ī- etc.)n. (probably fr. candr/a-,"glowing"with passion) fierce, violent, cruel, impetuous, hot, ardent with passion, passionate, angry etc.  |
caṇḍa | mf(ā-)n. circumcised  |
caṇḍa | m. Name of a mythical being (c/aṇḍasya napty/as-,"daughters of caṇḍa-", a class of female demons ),  |
caṇḍa | m. śiva- or bhairava- (equals sūrya-)  |
caṇḍa | m. Name of a demon causing diseases  |
caṇḍa | m. of a daitya-,  |
caṇḍa | m. of an attendant of yama- or of śiva-  |
caṇḍa | m. of one of the 7 clouds enveloping the earth at the deluge  |
caṇḍa | m. equals -cukrā-  |
caṇḍa | n. heat  |
caṇḍa | n. passion, wrath  |
caṇḍā | f. (gaRa bahv-ādi-), Name of durgā- (especially as incarnation for the purpose of destroying the asura- mahiṣa-, this exploit forming the subject of the and being particularly celebrated in Bengal at the durgāpūjā- about Oct. Nov.)  |
caṇḍā | f. Name of one of the 8 nāyikā-s or sakti-s of durgā-  |
caṇḍā | f. Name of an attendant of the 12th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
caṇḍā | f. of a river  |
caṇḍā | f. of a plant (Andropogon aciculatus ;Mucuna pruritus ;Salvinia cucullata ;white dūrvā- grass ; liṅginī- )  |
caṇḍā | f. a kind of perfume (commonly Chor)  |
canda | m. (for dr/a-) the moon  |
canda | m. Name of the author of the work pṛthivi-rāja-rāsaka-.  |
caṇḍabala | m. Name of one of rāma-'s monkey followers  |
caṇḍabhānu | m. Name of a man  |
caṇḍabhārgava | m. Name of a Brahman of cyavana-'s family  |
caṇḍabhujaṃga | m. Name of a man  |
caṇḍacukrā | f. the tamarind tree  |
caṇḍadhāman | m. idem or 'm. equals -kara- '  |
caṇḍadīdhiti | m. equals -kara-  |
caṇḍādityatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
caṇḍaghaṇṭā | f. "having hot bells", Name of durgā-, (see caṇḍikaghaṇṭa-.)  |
caṇḍaghoṣa | m. Name of a man |
caṇḍagirika | m. Name of a man,  |
caṇḍagrāhavat | mfn. filled with fierce crocodiles (a river)  |
candaka | mfn. pleasing  |
candaka | m. the moon  |
candaka | m. moonlight  |
candaka | m. varia lectio for draka- q.v  |
caṇḍakāpālika | m. Name of a teacher, (see ṣaṇḍ-.)  |
candakapuṣpa | for candana-p-  |
caṇḍakara | m. "hot-rayed", the sun  |
caṇḍakarāya | Nom. rāyate-, to resemble the sun  |
caṇḍakarman | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
caṇḍakauśika | m. Name of a son of kakṣīvat-  |
caṇḍakauśika | n. Name of a drama  |
caṇḍaketu | m. Name of a man  |
caṇḍakiraṇa | m. equals -kara-  |
caṇḍakolāhalā | f. a kind of musical instrument  |
caṇḍāla | m. (equals cāṇḍāl/a-) an outcast, man of the lowest and most despised of the mixed tribes (born from a śūdra- father and a Brahman mother) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"a very low representative of." )  |
caṇḍālā | f. a caṇḍāla- woman  |
candalā | f. Name of a woman (see dralā-)  |
candaladevī | f. Name of the princess candralekhā-  |
caṇḍālakanda | m. Name of a bulbous plant  |
caṇḍālatā | f. the condition of a caṇḍāla-  |
caṇḍālatva | n. idem or 'f. the condition of a caṇḍāla- ' , 8.  |
caṇḍālavallakī | f. the caṇḍāla- or common lute  |
caṇḍālī | f. (gaRa śārṅgaravādi-) idem or 'f. a caṇḍāla- woman ' (one of the 8 kinds of women attending on kaula- worship)  |
caṇḍālī | f. Name of a plant  |
caṇḍālikā | f. equals la-vallakī-  |
caṇḍālikā | f. Name of a plant  |
caṇḍālikā | f. of durgā-  |
caṇḍālikābandham | ind. so as to form a particular knot (not in )  |
caṇḍam | ind. violently, in anger  |
caṇḍamahāroṣaṇatantra | n. Name of a Buddhist work.  |
caṇḍamahāsena | m. Name of a king of ujjayinī-  |
caṇḍamarīci | m. equals -kara-  |
caṇḍamāruta | Name of work  |
caṇḍamṛga | m. a wild animal (applied to a passionate man)  |
caṇḍāṃśu | m. equals ṇḍa-kara-  |
caṇḍamuṇḍā | f. a form of durgā- (see carma-m-, cāmuṇḍā-.)  |
candana | mn. sandal (Sirium myrtifolium, either the tree, wood, or the unctuous preparation of the wood held in high estimation as perfumes;hence in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' a term for anything which is the most excellent of its kind gaRa vyāghrādi-) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
candana | m. Name of a divine being  |
candana | m. of a prince  |
candana | m. equals naka-  |
candana | m. Name of an ape  |
candana | n. the grass bhadra-kālī-  |
candanā | f. a kind of creeper  |
candana | n. Name of a river (varia lectio for ndrā-)  |
candanabhānu | Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
candanācala | m. equals na-giri-  |
candanadāsa | m. Name of a man  |
candanadāsa | m. of a merchant  |
candanādri | m. idem or 'm. equals na-giri- '  |
candanagandha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
candanagaura | mfn. white as the moon,  |
candanagiri | m. "sandal-mountain", the Malaya  |
candanagopā | f. a kind of Ichnocarpus  |
candanāgrya | m. Name of a man  |
candanaka | m. Name of a man  |
candanamaya | mfn. made or consisting of sandal-wood, |
candanāmbhas | n. equals na-rasa-  |
candanapāla | m. Name of a prince  |
candanapaṅka | m. sandal-unguent  |
candanapāta | m. laying on of sandal-unguent  |
candanapura | n. Name of a town ,  |
candanapuṣpa | n. cloves  |
candanapuṣpaka | n. cloves  |
candanaputri | f. Name of a mythical doll  |
candanaputrikā | f. Name of a mythical doll  |
candanarasa | m. sandal-water  |
candanasāra | m. idem or 'n. idem or 'f. a sandal wood, ' ' ,  |
candanasāra | m. a kind of alkali  |
candanasārivā | f. equals -gopā-  |
candanavanī | f. a sandal wood,  |
candanavāri | n. idem or 'f. a sandal wood, '  |
candanāvatī | f. Name of a river (?),  |
candanāya | Nom. yate-, to become a sandal-tree  |
caṇḍanāyikā | f. Name of one of the 8 nāyikā-s of durgā-  |
caṇḍanāyikā | f. Name of durgā-  |
candanī | f. Name of a river (see ku--, pīta--, rakta--, śveta--, hari--.)  |
candanin | mfn. anointed with sandal (śiva-)  |
candanīyā | f. a kind of yellow pigment  |
candanodaka | n. equals na-rasa-  |
candanodakadundubhi | m. Name of bhava-  |
caṇḍāntika | n. for c/aṇḍātaka-  |
caṇḍapotaka | m. Name of an elephant  |
caṇḍaprabha | m. Name of a man  |
caṇḍapradyota | m. Name of a prince  |
caṇḍaprayāta | n. caṇḍavṛṣṭiprapāta |
caṇḍaraśmi | m. equals -kara-  |
caṇḍarava | m. "crying harshly", Name of a jackal  |
caṇḍarocis | m. equals -kara-  |
caṇḍarudrikā | f. knowledge of mystical nature (acquired by worship of the nāyikā-s)  |
caṇḍarūpā | f. "terribly formed", Name of a goddess  |
caṇḍaśakti | m. "of impetuous valour", Name of a daitya-  |
caṇḍaśīla | mfn. "of an impetuous character", passionate  |
caṇḍasiṃha | m. Name of a prince  |
caṇḍāśoka | m. "impetuous aśoka-", Name of a prince (also called kāmāśoka-, and as protector of Buddhism dharmāśoka-)  |
caṇḍatā | f. warmth, pungency  |
caṇḍatā | f. equals -tva-  |
caṇḍāta | m. Nerium odorum (see caṇḍī-kusuma-)  |
caṇḍātaka | n. a short petticoat  |
caṇḍātaka | n. see caṇḍāntika-.  |
caṇḍatāla | m. (in music) a kind of measure.  |
caṇḍatuṇḍaka | m. "powerful-beaked", Name of a son of the bird garuḍa-  |
caṇḍatva | n. warmth of temper, passionateness,  |
caṇḍavarman | m. Name of a prince  |
caṇḍavat | mfn. violent, warm, passionate  |
caṇḍavatī | f. Name of one of the 8 nāyikā-s of durgā-  |
caṇḍavatī | f. Name of durgā-  |
caṇḍavega | mfn. having an impetuous course or current (said of the sea, of the battle, and of time)  |
caṇḍavega | m. Name of a metre  |
caṇḍavega | m. of a gandharva- chief. 27, 13  |
caṇḍavegā | f. "Name of a river"  |
caṇḍavegāsaṃgamatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
caṇḍavikrama | mfn. of impetuous valour  |
caṇḍavikrama | mfn. Name of a prince  |
caṇḍavīra | m. Name of a Buddhist deity.  |
caṇḍavṛṣṭiprapāta | m. (or? caṇḍaprayāta c/aṇḍa--prayāta- n.) "impetuous rainfall", a metre of 4 lines of 27 syllables each (the first 6 being short and the rest forming 7 Amphimacers).  |
caṇḍavṛtti | mfn. "of an impetuous character", obstinate, rebellious  |
caṇḍeśa | Name of a liṅga-  |
caṇḍeśvara | m. " caṇḍā-'s lord", śiva-  |
caṇḍeśvara | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
caṇḍeśvara | m. Name of a writer on jurisprudence,  |
caṇḍeśvara | m. of an astronomer  |
caṇḍeśvara | m. of an ancestor of jagaddhara- (mentioned in his commentator or commentary on )  |
caṇḍeśvara | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
caṇḍeśvarapraśnavidyā | f. "knowledge of caṇḍeśvara-'s questions", Name of work  |
caṇḍeśvararasa | m. Name of a medical preparation (made of mercury, arsenic, etc.)  |
candhana | See cāndhanāyana-.  |
caṇḍī | f. (gaRa bahv-ādi-) a passionate woman, vixen  |
caṇḍī | f. a term of endearment applied to a mistress  |
caṇḍī | f. Name of durgā-  |
caṇḍī | f. of a female attendant of durgā-  |
caṇḍī | f. of uddālaka-'s wife,  |
caṇḍī | f. a short Name of the  |
caṇḍī | f. a metre of 4 x 13 syllables (see uc--, pra--; a-caṇḍī-, cāṇḍa-.)  |
caṇḍi | f. equals ḍī-  |
caṇḍi | f. Name of durgā-  |
caṇḍī | ind.  |
caṇḍī | f. of ḍa- q.v  |
caṇḍi | ḍika-, etc. See c/aṇḍa-.  |
caṇḍīcarita | n. Name of a drama.  |
caṇḍīḍāmara | m. Name of work  |
caṇḍidāsa | m. equals ṇḍī-d-.  |
caṇḍīdāsa | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on (ṇḍi-d-) and .  |
caṇḍīdevīśarman | |