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Grammar Search
"bilam" has 2 results
bilam: neuter nominative singular stem: bila
bilam: neuter accusative singular stem: bila
Amarakosha Search
Apte Search
1 result
bilam बिलम् 1 A hole, cavity, burrow; खनन्नाखुबिलं सिंहः... प्राप्नोति नखभङ्गं हि Pt.3.17; R.12.5; Ms.1.49. -2 A gap, pit, chasm. -3 An aperture, opening, outlet. -4 A cave, hollow. -5 The hollow of a dish. -6 The vagina. -लः 1 N. of उच्चैःश्रवस्, the horse of Indra. -2 A sort of cane. -Comp. -अयनम् a subterranean cave or cavern. -ओकस् m. any animal that lives in holes. -कारिन् m. a mouse. -योनि a. of the breed of उच्चैः- श्रवस्; यत्राश्वा बिलयोनयः Ku.6.39. -वासः a pole-cat. -वासिन् (also बिलेवासिन्) m. a snake. -शायिन् m. any animal living in burrows. -स्वर्गः the lower region, hell; Bhāg.5.24.8.
Vedabase Search
8 results
bilam the caveSB 10.56.19
SB 10.56.33
bilam the holeSB 6.5.6-8
bilam to the caveSB 10.56.31
ākhu-bilam the hole of a mouseSB 5.8.26
ākhu-bilam the hole of a mouseSB 5.8.26
mahā-bilam the planet known as SutalaSB 8.23.11-12
mahā-bilam the planet known as SutalaSB 8.23.11-12
Wordnet Search
"bilam" has 3 results.


vivaram, bilam, randhram, chidram, kuharam, śuṣiram, śuṣiḥ, śuṣī, kūpaḥ, avaḍhaḥ, avaḍhiḥ   

kasyacit vastunaḥ madhye riktam।

sarpaḥ vivarāt koṣṭhaṃ praviṣṭaḥ।


bilam, khātam, vivaram, gahvaram   

bhūmyāḥ antare khanitvā jantunā vasanārthe kṛtam sthānam।

sarpaḥ bile gataḥ।



ekaṃ sthānam ।

kacchanīrabilasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti

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