bhutopasṛṣṭa | mfn. possessed by an evil spirit |
adbhuta | mfn. extraordinary |
adbhuta | mfn. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order |
adbhuta | mfn. ([once adbhut/a- ]) (See 1. at-), supernatural, wonderful, marvellous |
adbhuta | m. the marvellous (in style) |
adbhuta | m. surprise |
adbhuta | m. Name of the indra- of the ninth manvantara- |
adbhuta | n. a marvel, a wonder, a prodigy. |
adbhutabhīmakarman | mfn. performing wonderful and fearful works. |
adbhutabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a portion of a brāhmaṇa- belonging to the sāma-veda-. |
adbhutadarpaṇa | Name (also title or epithet) of a nāṭaka- |
adbhutadarśana | mfn. having a wonderful aspect. |
adbhutadharma | m. "a system or series of marvels or prodigies", Name of one of the nine aṅga-s of the Buddhists. |
adbhutagandha | mfn. having a wonderful smell. |
adbhutainas | mfn. one in whom no fault is visible |
adbhutakarman | mfn. performing wonderful works, exhibiting wonderful workmanship. |
adbhutakratu | (/adbhuta--) mfn. possessing wonderful intelligence |
adbhutakṛṣṇarāja | (or kr2-?), Name (also title or epithet) of a chief, |
adbhutarāmāyaṇa | n. Name of work ascribed to vālmīki-. |
adbhutaraṅga | Name (also title or epithet) of a prahasana- |
adbhutarasa | m. the marvellous style (of poetry). |
adbhutārtha | mfn. containing wonderful things, |
adbhutarūpa | mfn. having a wonderful shape. |
adbhutasaṃkāsa | mfn. resembling a wonder. |
adbhutaśānti | m. or f. Name of the sixty-seventh pariśiṣṭa- of the atharva- veda-. |
adbhutasāra | m. "wonderful resin"of the khadira- tree (Mimosa Catechu) |
adbhutasāra | m. Name of a book on the essence of prodigies. |
adbhutasvana | m. "having a wonderful voice", Name of śiva-. |
adbhutatama | n. an extraordinary wonder. |
adbhutatva | n. wonderfulness. |
adbhutopama | mfn. resembling a wonder. |
adbhutopamā | f. (in rhetoric) a simile implying a miracle, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
adbhutotpāta | m. plural miracles and prodigies, |
adbhutottarakāṇḍa | n. Name of work , an appendix to or imitation of the rāmāyaṇa-. |
anatidbhuta | mfn. unsurpassed |
aprabhutva | n. want of power, insufficiency |
atyadbhuta | mfn. very wonderful |
atyadbhuta | m. Name of the indra- in the ninth manvantara- |
atyadbhuta | n. a great wonder. |
bhuvanādbhuta | mfn. astonishing the world |
bubhutsā | f. (fr. Desiderative) desire to know, curiosity about (accusative or compound) |
bubhutsā | etc. See . |
bubhutsātsu | mfn. wishing to know (accusative or compound) etc. |
bubhutsātsu | mfn. curious, inquisitive |
bubhutsātsu | mfn. desirous to know everything (said of the gods) |
bubhutsita | n. idem or 'f. (fr. Desiderative) desire to know, curiosity about (accusative or compound) ' |
ekaprabhutva | n. the sovereignty of one, monarchy. |
mahādbhuta | mfn. (hād-) very wonderful |
mahādbhuta | n. a great marvel |
mahādbhuta | n. Name of the 72nd pariśiṣṭa- of the |
mahāprabhutva | n. mahāprabhu |
niḥsvībhuta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (svī-in compound for -sva-) deprived of one's property, impoverished ' |
prabhutā | f. lordship, dominion, supremacy (varia lectio) |
prabhutā | f. power over (locative case) |
prabhutā | f. possession of (compound) |
prabhutā | f. prevalence (instrumental case"for the most part") |
prabhutva | n. lordship, sovereignty, high rank, might, power over (genitive case locative case or compound) etc. |
prabhutva | n. prevalence (instrumental case"for the most part") |
prabhutvabodhi | f. knowledge joined with supreme power |
prabhutvākṣepa | m. (in rhetoric) an objection based on power (id est on a word of command) |
pramāṇabhuta | m. "authoritative", Name of śiva- (see -jña-). |
sādbhuta | mfn. astonished, surprised |
śambhutanaya | m. " śiva-'s son", Name of skanda- and gaṇeśa- |
śambhutattvānusaṃdhāna | n. Name of a śaiva- work by śambhu-nātha-. |
sarvādbhutaśānti | f. Name of work |
svaprabhutā | f. own or arbitrary power ( svaprabhutayā tayā- ind."arbitrarily") |
svaprabhutayā | ind. svaprabhutā |
vaśībhuta | mfn. become subject, subject, obedient |
vaśībhuta | mfn. become powerful |
vibhutva | n. being everywhere, omnipresence |
vibhutva | n. omnipotence, sovereignty |
vimānaprabhutā | f. the ownership of a celestial car |