bhu | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') = 2 bhū-, becoming being existing, produced (see agni--, pra-bhu-etc.) |
bhuḍḍa | m. Name of a poet (contemporary of maṅkha-) |
bhugna | See 1. bhuj-. |
bhugna | mfn. bent, curved, crooked, distorted etc. |
bhugna | mfn. furrowed (as the brows) |
bhugna | mfn. forced aside |
bhugna | mfn. bent down, cowed, disheartened |
bhugna | mfn. Name of the saṃdhi- of o- and, au- before non-labial vowels |
bhugnadṛś | mfn. accompanied by distortion of the eyes (as a fever) |
bhugnanetra | mfn. accompanied by distortion of the eyes (as a fever) |
bhuḥkhāra | m. a country in Tartary, Bokhara (see bhūḥkhāra-). |
bhuj | cl.6 P. () bhuj/ati- (perfect tense bubhoja- Aorist abhaukṣīt- future bhokṣyati-and ktā- grammar;really only proper stem Aorist -/abubhojīs-and ind.p. -bhujya-after nir-and, pari-; confer, compare also bhujam-in bhujaṃ-ga-and bhujaṃgama-), to bend, curve ; (?) to sweep (confer, compare 1. bhuj/i-) : Passive voice bhujyate-, to be bent down or disheartened [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin fugio; Gothic biugan,baugjan(?); German biogan,biegen; Anglo-Saxon bu4gan; English bow.] |
bhuj | See tri-bh/uj-. |
bhuj | cl.7 P.A1. () bhun/akti-, bhuṅkt/e- (rarely cl.6 P. A1. bhuñjati-, te- ;3. plural A1. bhuñjat/e- ; Potential P. bhuñjīyāt- ; perfect tense A1. bubhuj/e-, jm/ahe-, jrir/e- plural P. juḥ- ; Aorist abhaukṣīt-, abhnkta- grammar; bh/ojam-, bh/ojate-, bhujema- ; bhukṣiṣīya- ; future bhokṣyati-, te- etc.; bhoktā- ; infinitive mood bh/ojase-, bh/ujam-, bhuje- : bhoktum- etc.; ind.p. bhuktvā-or bhuṅktvā- ) . to enjoy, use, possess, (especially) enjoy a meal, eat, eat and drink, consume (mostly A1.;in Vedic or Veda generally with instrumental case,later with accusative) etc. ; to enjoy (carnally) ; to make use of, utilize, exploit etc. ; (with pṛthivīm-, mahīm-etc.) to take possession of, rule, govern etc. ; to suffer, experience, undergo, be requited or rewarded for (accusative) or at the hands of (genitive case) etc. ; (P.) to be of use or service to (accusative) ; to pass, live through, last (a time) ; (in astronomy) to pass through, fulfil : Passive voice bhujyate- (Aorist abhoji-), to be enjoyed or eaten or possessed or made use of etc.: Causal bhojayati- (te-, mc.; confer, compare ;once bhuñjāpayati- varia lectio; Aorist abūbhujat-, jata- grammar), to cause to enjoy or eat, feed with (two accusative or accusative of Persian and instrumental case of thing; confer, compare ) etc. ; etc. ; to use as food : Desiderative bubhukṣati- (once), te-, to wish to eat, be hungry ; to wish to enjoy or partake of (confer, compare bubhukṣā-, kṣita-, kṣu-): Intensive bobhujyate-, to be eaten frequently ; bobhokti- and bobhujīti-, to eat or enjoy frequently grammar ([ confer, compare Latin fungor.]) |
bhuj | f. enjoyment, profit, advantage, possession or use of (genitive case) (bhuj/e-,also as infin.) |
bhuj | m. an enjoyer, eater (said of agni-) |
bhuj | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') enjoying (also carnally), eating, consuming, partaking of, possessing, ruling and o. (with words meaning"earth"-"king"; see kṣitibh-etc.) |
bhuj | m. enjoying the reward of. suffering for (kilbiṣa-bh-) |
bhuj | m. passing, through, fulfilling (vyakta-bh-) |
bhuja | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the arm etc. (bhujayor antaram-,the breast ; see bhujāntara-) |
bhuja | m. the hand |
bhuja | m. the trunk of an elephant |
bhuja | m. a branch, bough |
bhuja | m. a bending, curve, coil (of a serpent;See compound below) |
bhuja | m. the side of any geometrical figure |
bhuja | m. the base of a triangle |
bhuja | m. the base of a shadow |
bhuja | m. the supplement of 2 or 4 right angles or the complement of 3 right angles |
bhujā | f. See column 2. |
bhujā | f. a winding, curve, coil (of a snake) |
bhujā | f. the arm or hand, (see compound) |
bhujā | f. the side of any geometrical figure, |
bhujabalabhīma | m. Name of an author |
bhujabalin | m. "strong in the arm", Name of a jaina- teacher. |
bhujabandhana | n. clasping in the arms, an embrace |
bhujābhuji | ind. arm to arm, in close fight (see keśā-keśi-). |
bhujacchāyā | f. shadow of the arms, secure shelter |
bhujadala | m. "arm-leaf", the hand |
bhujādala | m. equals bhuja-d- |
bhujadaṇḍa | () m. "arm-staff", a long arm. |
bhujadaṇḍaka | () m. "arm-staff", a long arm. |
bhujaga | See bhujaga-. |
bhujaga | m. (fr. bhuja-+ ga-) "going in curves", a snake, serpent, serpent-demon (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc. ( bhujagatva -tva- n. ) |
bhujaga | n. (prob.) tin or lead |
bhujagabhojin | m. "serpent-eater", a peacock |
bhujagābhojin | m. equals gāśana- |
bhujagadāraṇa | m. "serpent-destroyer", Name of garuḍa- |
bhujagāhvaya | n. lead |
bhujagalatā | f. betel-pepper |
bhujagāntaka | m. "serpent-destroyer", Name of garuḍa- |
bhujagapati | m. the king of serpents |
bhujagapuṣpa | m. a species of plant |
bhujagarāja | m. "serpent-king", Name of śeṣa- |
bhujagarājāya | Nom. P. yate-, to become a serpent-king |
bhujagāri | m. "serpent-foe", a peacock |
bhujagāśana | m. "serpent-eater", Name of garuḍa- |
bhujagaśiśusṛta | mf(ā-)n. going like a young serpent |
bhujagaśiśusṛtā | f. Name of a metre |
bhujagātmajā | f. "serpent-daughter", a young female serpent |
bhujagatva | n. bhujaga |
bhujagavalaya | m. a bracelet consisting of a snake |
bhujagendra | m. "serpent-king", a large serpent |
bhujageśvara | m. "serpent-lord", Name of śeṣa- |
bhujāghāta | m. a blow with the arm |
bhujagī | f. a female snake, a serpent-maid |
bhujagī | f. a species of shrub |
bhujagī | f. Name of a river |
bhujajyā | f. (in astronomy) the base sine |
bhujākaṇṭa | m. "hand-thorn", a finger-nail |
bhujakoṭara | m. the armpit |
bhujalatā | f. "arm-creeper", a long slender arm |
bhujālatā | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) equals bhuja-latā-, |
bhujamadhya | n. "space between the arms", the breast |
bhujāmadhya | n. "the middle of the arm", the elbow (see bhuja-m-). |
bhujaṃga | See bhujaṃga- and bhujaṃgama-. |
bhujaṃga | m. (fr. bhujam- ind. parasmE-pada of bhuj-+ ga-) a serpent, snake, serpent-demon |
bhujaṃga | m. Name of the number eight |
bhujaṃga | m. the paramour of a prostitute |
bhujaṃga | m. the dissolute friend of a prince |
bhujaṃga | m. any constant companion of a prince |
bhujaṃga | m. a lover (See pṛthivī-bh-), the keeper of a prostitute |
bhujaṃga | m. a species of daṇḍaka- metre |
bhujaṃga | m. Name of a man |
bhujaṃga | n. (prob.) tin or lead |
bhujaṃgabha | n. "serpent-asterism", Name of the nakṣatra- āśleṣa- |
bhujaṃgabhogin | m. "id.", a peacock (varia lectio -bhojin-). |
bhujaṃgabhojin | m. idem or 'm. "id.", a peacock (varia lectio -bhojin-).' |
bhujaṃgabhojin | m. a kind of snake. |
bhujaṃgabhojin | m. Name of garuḍa- |
bhujaṃgabhuj | m. "species-eater", a peacock |
bhujaṃgabhuj | m. Name of garuḍa- |
bhujaṃgadamanī | f. |
bhujaṃgadīrgha | mfn. as long as a snake, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
bhujaṃgaghātinī | f. "killing snakes", a species of plant (used as an antidote) |
bhujaṃgahan | m. "serpent-killer", Name of garuḍa- |
bhujaṃgajihvā | f. "serpent's-tongue", a species of plant similar to Sita Cordifolia |
bhujaṃgakanyā | f. a young female snake or a serpent. nymph |
bhujaṃgākhya | m. Mesua Roxburghii |
bhujaṃgākṣī | f. Name of 2 plants (equals nakuleṣṭā-and rāsnā-) |
bhujaṃgalatā | f. betel-pepper |
bhujaṃgama | See bhujaṃga- and bhujaṃgama-. |
bhujaṃgama | m. (bhujaṃ-gama-) a serpent, serpent-demon |
bhujaṃgama | m. Name of the number eight |
bhujaṃgama | m. of rāhu- |
bhujaṃgama | m. of a nāga- |
bhujaṃgamā | f. a female serpent, a serpent-maid |
bhujaṃgama | n. lead |
bhujaṃgamamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of snakes |
bhujaṃgaparṇinī | f. two species of plants |
bhujaṃgapihita | mfn. covered with species's |
bhujaṃgaprayāta | n. "species like course", Name of a metre |
bhujaṃgaprayātāṣṭaka | n. Name of work |
bhujaṃgaprayātastotra | n. Name of a hymn addressed to śiva- |
bhujaṃgapuṣpa | m. a species of plant |
bhujaṃgasaṃgatā | f. Name of a metre |
bhujaṃgaśatru | m. "species-foe", Name of garuḍa- |
bhujaṃgaśiśu | m. a kind of bṛhatī- metre |
bhujaṃgastotra | n. Name of a stotra-. |
bhujaṃgavijṛmbhita | n. a species of the utkṛti- metre |
bhujaṃgendra | m. the king of snakes |
bhujaṃgerita | n. a kind of metre |
bhujaṃgeśa | m. "species-lord", Name of piṅgala-. |
bhujaṃgī | f. a serpent-nymph |
bhujaṃgī | f. a kind of shrub |
bhujaṃgikā | f. Name of a village |
bhujāṃsadeśa | m. the upper end of the arm, . |
bhujamūla | n. "arm-root", the shoulder |
bhujāmūla | n. equals bhuja-m- |
bhujanagara | n. Name of a town |
bhujāṅka | m. an embrace |
bhujāntara | n. "between the arms", the breast ( bhujāntaram am- ind.between the arms, in the embrace) |
bhujāntara | n. a particular astron, correction |
bhujāntarāla | n. equals bhujāntara-, the breast, chest |
bhujāntaram | ind. bhujāntara |
bhujaphala | n. equals bāhu-phala-, the result from the base sine |
bhujāpīḍa | m. clasping or embracing in the arms |
bhujapratibhuja | n. opposite sides in a plane figure |
bhujarāma | m. Name of an author (equals bhajanānanda-) |
bhujaśālin | mfn. possessing strong arms |
bhujasambhoga | m. "union of arms", an embrace |
bhujasaṃśraya | m. going to or taking refuge in the arms (of another) |
bhujaśikhara | () n. "arm-head", the shoulder |
bhujaśiras | () n. "arm-head", the shoulder |
bhujastambha | m. paralysis of the arms |
bhujasūtra | n. the base sine |
bhujataruvana | n. a forest the trees of which are its arms |
bhujavīrya | mfn. strong in the arm, |
bhujavīrya | n. vigour of arm |
bhujayaṣṭi | f. equals -daṇḍa- |
bhujayoktra | n. clasping or embracing arms |
bhuji | f. (for 2.See column 3) clasping, enfolding (others"sweeping") (see d/aśa--and śat/a-bhuji-). |
bhuji | f. (for 1.See column 2) the granting of enjoyment, favour |
bhuji | f. one who grants favours, a protector, patron (said of the aśvin-s) |
bhuji | m. Name of agni- |
bhujiṅga | m. plural Name of a people (Bombay edition kaliṅga-). |
bhujiṣya | mfn. granting food, useful (see a-bh-) |
bhujiṣya | mfn. free, independent |
bhujiṣya | m. a slave, servant ( bhujiṣyatā -tā- f.) (see ) |
bhujiṣya | m. a comrade, companion |
bhujiṣya | m. a person who has regained his liberty by redeeming his pledge |
bhujiṣya | m. a cord wound round the wrist of a girl before her marriage (-hasta-sūtraka-) |
bhujiṣya | m. the hand |
bhujiṣya | m. a string |
bhujiṣyā | f. any woman dependent on or working for others, a slave-girl, maid-servant etc. |
bhujiṣya | m. a harlot, courtezan |
bhujiṣyatā | f. bhujiṣya |
bhujman | mfn. abounding in windings or valleys, fertile (;read bhujmā-). |
bhujopapīḍam | ind. by or while clasping in the arms |
bhujyu | f. (for 2.See column 3) a snake or viper (see bhujaṃga-ga-1. bhoga-etc.) (others"a doe") |
bhujyu | mfn. (for 1.See column 2) wealthy, rich ( equals rakṣaka-;others"easily guided", fr.1. bhuj-) |
bhujyu | mfn. Name of a son of tugra- (protected by the aśvin-s) |
bhujyu | mfn. of a man with the patronymic lāhyāyani- |
bhujyu | mfn. a pot, vessel |
bhujyu | mfn. food |
bhujyu | mfn. fire |
bhuk | ind. an exclamation of surprise |
bhukabhūpāla | m. king bhukka- |
bhukka | m. Name of a king |
bhukta | bhukti- See 2. bhuj-. |
bhukta | mfn. enjoyed, eaten, made use of, possessed etc. etc. |
bhukta | mfn. one who has eaten a meal (equals bhukta-vat- ) (see bhukta-pīta-) |
bhukta | n. the act of eating |
bhukta | n. the thing eaten or enjoyed, food (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' feeding or living on ) |
bhukta | n. the place where any person has eaten (see ) |
bhuktabhoga | mf(ā-)n. made use of, used, enjoyed |
bhuktabhoga | mf(ā-)n. one who has enjoyed an enjoyment or suffered a suffering |
bhuktabhogya | mf(ā-)n. of which, that which is to be enjoyed has been enjoyed (varia lectio -bhoga-). |
bhuktamātre | ind. immediately on having eaten |
bhuktapīta | mfn. one who has eaten and drunk |
bhuktapūrvin | mfn. one who has eaten before |
bhuktasamujjhita | n. equals prec. n. |
bhuktāsava | m. (in astronomy) the equivalent in respirations of the part of the sign traversed |
bhuktaśeṣa | n. the remnants of a meal, leavings (also ṣaka- ) |
bhuktaśeṣa | n. left from a meal |
bhuktasupta | mfn. sleeping after a meal |
bhuktavat | mfn. one who has eaten (as finite verb) |
bhuktavatvajjane | ind. when people have eaten their meal |
bhuktavibhukta | mfn. gaRa śāka-pārthivādi-. |
bhuktavṛddhi | f. the swelling of food (in the stomach) |
bhukti | f. enjoyment, eating, consuming, |
bhukti | f. fruition, possession, usufruct |
bhukti | f. food, victuals |
bhukti | f. (in astronomy) the daily motion of a planet (see pakṣa-bh-) |
bhukti | f. a limit |
bhuktidāna | n. giving for fruition |
bhuktimatī | f. Name of a river (varia lectio mukti-m-). |
bhuktipātra | n. a food-dish |
bhuktiprada | m. Phaseolus Mungo |
bhuktiprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
bhuktisaptaśatī | f. Name of a poem. |
bhuktivarjita | mfn. not allowed to he enjoyed |
bhuktocchiṣṭa | n. the rejected leavings or remnants of food |
bhuktotohiṣṭa | mfn. left after being used, |
bhuktvā | ind. having enjoyed or eaten or possessed (see under3. bhuj-) |
bhuktvāsuhita | mfn. satisfied after eating gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-. |
bhumanyu | m. Name of a son of bharata- |
bhumanyu | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- (see bhavan-manyu-). |
bhuṅ | a syllable inserted in particular sāman-s |
bhuṇḍ | cl.1 A1. bhuṇḍate-, to support ; to select (see huṇḍ-). |
bhuṇika | m. Name of a man on (see bhauṇikyā-). |
bhuñjāpaya | yati-. See 3. bhuj-, Causal |
bhur | (prob. a secondary form of bhri-not in ), P. A1. bhur/ati-, te-, to move rapidly or convulsively, stir, palpitate, quiver, struggle (in swimming) : Intensive j/arbhurīti- (parasmE-pada j/arbhurat-, rāṇa-), to flicker (as fire) (confer, compare Greek , ; Latin furere.) |
bhuraj | (prob. connected with bhṛjj-and bhrajj-), only 3. plural imperfect tense A1. bhur/ajanta-, to boil, bubble |
bhuraṇa | mfn. quick, active (said of the aśvin-s) |
bhuraṇya | Nom. P. y/ati-, to be active or restless, stir ; to stir (trans.), agitate (a liquid) |
bhuraṇyu | mfn. quivering, stirring, quick, eager, restless, active |
bhuraṇyu | mfn. the sun |
bhuraṇyu | mfn. Name of viṣṇu- |
bhurbhurikā | and bhurbhurī- f. a soft of sweetmeat |
bhurij | f. dual number the arms or hands (as"quick in moving") (this meaning, given ,seems to suit all passages;others translate "scissors"or"a carpenter's vice") |
bhurij | f. heaven and earth |
bhurij | f. sg. the earth |
bhurij | f. a metre with one or two superfluous syllables, hypermeter etc. (opp. to ni-cṛt- q.v) |
bhurij | f. Name of particular insertions in liturgical formularies |
bhuriṣah | (strong form -ṣāh-; equals bhūrisah-) mfn. bearing much |
bhuruṇḍa | m. a species of animal (see bhāraṇḍa-, bhāruṇḍa-, bheruṇḍa-) |
bhuruṇḍa | m. Name of a man |
bhurvan | restless motion (of water) |
bhurvaṇi | mfn. restless, impatient |
bhusuka | bhusukha-or bhusura- m. Name of a yogin- |
bhuśuṇḍa | m. Name of a man |
bhuśuṇḍi | f. a kind of weapon (perhaps fire-arms;also written bhuṣuṇḍi-, ḍī-,and bhūśuṇḍi-, ḍī-) |
bhuśuṇḍī | f. a kind of weapon (perhaps fire-arms;also written bhuṣuṇḍi-, ḍī-,and bhūśuṇḍi-, ḍī-) |
bhutopasṛṣṭa | mfn. possessed by an evil spirit |
bhuṭṭa | m. Name of a man |
bhuṭṭapura | n. Name of a town built by bhuṭṭa- |
bhuṭṭeśvara | m. Name of a temple built by bhuṭṭa- |
bhuṭva | varia lectio for bhuṭṭa-. |
bhuva | vat-, vana- etc. See columns 2. 3. |
bhuva | m. Name of agni- () |
bhuva | m. of a son of pratihartṛ- |
bhuva | m. a mushroom |
bhuva | n. (prob.) equals bhuvas-, the atmosphere. |
bhuvabhartṛ | m. idem or '(bh/uva--) m. the lord of the atmosphere.' |
bhuvad | in compound for vat- (prob. an old pr. p. of bhū-). |
bhuvādivarṇana | n. Name of work |
bhuvadvasu | mfn. giving wealth (prob. a mistake of ,where read bhuvad-[for abhuvat-] v/asuḥ-). |
bhuvadvat | (bh/uvad--) mfn. giving prosperity (said of the āditya-s) |
bhuvana | n. a being, living creature, man, mankind etc. |
bhuvana | n. (rarely m.) the world, earth (generally 3 worlds are reckoned [see tri-bhuvana-and bhuvana-traya-],but also 2 [see bhuva na-dvaya-],or 7[ ] or 14[ ]; see ) |
bhuvana | n. place of being, abode, residence |
bhuvana | n. a house (varia lectio for bhavana-) |
bhuvana | n. (?) causing to exist (equals bhāvana-) |
bhuvana | n. water |
bhuvana | m. Name of a particular month |
bhuvana | m. of a rudra- |
bhuvana | m. of an āptya- (author of ) |
bhuvana | m. of a teacher of yoga- |
bhuvana | m. of another man |
bhuvanabhartṛ | m. equals -pati- |
bhuvanabhāvana | m. the creator of the world, |
bhuvanābhyudaya | m. "prosperity of the world"Name of a poem, etc. |
bhuvanacandra | m. "moon of the world", Name of a man |
bhuvanacarita | n. the doings of the world |
bhuvanacyava | mfn. shaking the world |
bhuvanādbhuta | mfn. astonishing the world |
bhuvanādhīśa | () m. "lord of the world", Name of a rudra-. |
bhuvanādhīśvara | () m. "lord of the world", Name of a rudra-. |
bhuvanadīpa | m. Name of work |
bhuvanadīpaka | m. Name of work (and bhuvanadīpakaśāstra ka-śāstra- n.) |
bhuvanadīpakaśāstra | n. bhuvanadīpaka |
bhuvanadīpikā | f. Name of work |
bhuvanadvaya | n. the two worlds (heaven and earth) |
bhuvanadviṣ | m. an enemy of the world or earth |
bhuvanahita | n. the welfare of the world |
bhuvanajñāna | n. knowledge of the world |
bhuvanakośa | m. the globe or sphere of the earth |
bhuvanakośa | m. Name of several works. |
bhuvanālokana | n. the sight of the world |
bhuvanamallavīra | m. Name of a man |
bhuvanamatī | f. Name of a princess |
bhuvanamātṛ | f. "world-mother", Name of durgā- |
bhuvanānanda | m. "joy of the world", Name of an author |
bhuvanāṇḍaka | n. the world-egg |
bhuvanapāla | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on hāla-'s gāthā-kośa- |
bhuvanapati | (bh/uv-) m. the lord of beings or of the world (also wrong reading for bhavana-p-). |
bhuvanapāvana | mf(ī-)n. world purifying |
bhuvanapāvanī | f. Name of Ganges |
bhuvanapradīpikā | f. Name of work |
bhuvanapraṇetṛ | m. "leader of being", Time (personified as the Creator) |
bhuvanapratiṣṭhādānavidhi | m. Name of a chapter of |
bhuvanarāja | m. Name of a king |
bhuvanasad | mfn. reposing or situated in the world |
bhuvanaśāsin | m. "world-ruler", a king, prince |
bhuvanatala | n. the surface of the earth |
bhuvanatraya | n. the three world (heaven, atmosphere, and earth) |
bhuvanaukas | m. "inhabitant of heaven", a god |
bhuvanavidita | mfn. known in the world |
bhuvanavinyāsa | m. Name of chapter of |
bhuvanavṛttānta | m. equals -carita- |
bhuvaneśa | m. lord of the world |
bhuvaneśa | m. Name of a rudra- |
bhuvaneśa | m. of a place |
bhuvaneśānī | f. the mistress of the world |
bhuvaneśī | f. Name of a goddess |
bhuvaneśīpārijāta | m. Name of work |
bhuvaneśīyantra | n. Name of a mystical diagram |
bhuvaneṣṭhā | mfn. being in the world or in all existing things |
bhuvaneśvara | m. "lord of the world", a prince, king |
bhuvaneśvara | m. Name of śiva- |
bhuvaneśvara | m. of an author |
bhuvaneśvara | n. Name of a temple and city sacred to śiva- |
bhuvaneśvaramāhātmya | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarī | f. See below |
bhuvaneśvarī | f. "mistress of the world", Name of various goddesses |
bhuvaneśvarīdaṇḍaka | mn. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīdīpadāna | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīkakṣapuṭatantra | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīkalpa | m. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīkavaca | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīpaddhati | f. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīpañcāṅga | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīpaṭala | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīpūjāyantra | n. Name of a mystical diagram |
bhuvaneśvarīrahasya | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīsahasranāman | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīsahasranāmastotra | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīśāntiprayoga | m. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīstotra | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīvarivasyārahasya | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvaryarcanapaddhati | f. Name of work |
bhuvanti | m. equals bhuvaṃ tanoti-, bhū-maṇḍa vistāraka- () |
bhuvapati | (bh/uva--) m. the lord of the atmosphere. |
bhuvas | ind. (originally Nominal verb or vocative case plural of 2. bh/ū-) the air, atmosphere (one of the 3 sacred utterances or vyāhṛti-s [q.v.] uttered between bhūr-,earth, and svar-[qq. vv.], heaven;it comes 2nd of the series when 7 or 14 worlds are enumerated ) etc. (it becomes bhuvar-in bhuvar-loka-,"the world of the air" ) |
bhuvas | ind. one of the mind-born sons of brahmā- |
bhuvas | ind. Name of the 2nd and 11th kalpa- (q.v) |
bhuvi | locative case of 2. bh/ū-, in compound |
bhuvis | m. (?) the sea, ocean |
bhuvis | f. heaven |
bhuvispṛś | mfn. touching the ground |
bhuviṣṭha | mfn. (for stha-) standing on the earth (not in a chariot) |
bhuviṣṭha | mfn. dwelling on earth (not in heaven) |
bhuyya | m. Name of a man |
abhibhu | or 2. |
abhibhu | m. Name of a month |
abhibhuj | P. to be useful to (accusative) |
ābhu | mfn. empty, void ("pervading, reaching") |
ābhu | mfn. one whose hands are empty, stingy |
abhugna | mfn. not bent, straight |
abhugna | mfn. free from disease, well. |
ābhugna | mfn. (1. bhuj-), a little curved or bent |
abhugnakukṣitā | f. the having the loins not bent (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-), . |
ābhugnasaktha | mf(ī-)n. crooked-thighed, |
abhuj | mfn. one who has not experienced or enjoyed |
ābhuj | P. -bhujati-, to bend in, bend down, (paryaṅkam ā-bhujya-,bending down in the paryaṅka-(q.v)posture.) |
abhuja | mfn. armless, maimed. |
abhujaṃgavat | mfn. without snakes (and"withont libertines"), . |
abhujiṣya | mf. not liberal, stingy |
abhujiṣya | mf. not a servant. |
abhujiṣyātva | n. the state of a woman who lives independently (see a-bh/aujiṣya-.) |
abhukta | mfn. uneaten |
abhukta | mfn. unenjoyed, unused, unexpended |
abhukta | mfn. one who has not eaten, enjoyed or expended. |
abhuktapūrva | mfn. what has not been enjoyed before |
abhuktavat | mfn. one who has not eaten |
abhuñjāna | mfn. not eating, fasting |
abhuñjat | mfn. not being useful to, not liberal, stingy |
abhuñjat | mfn. not eating. |
abhuva | n. ( bhū-),"no real or common being", a monster (see a-bhva-.) |
adbhuta | mfn. extraordinary |
adbhuta | mfn. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order |
adbhuta | mfn. ([once adbhut/a- ]) (See 1. at-), supernatural, wonderful, marvellous |
adbhuta | m. the marvellous (in style) |
adbhuta | m. surprise |
adbhuta | m. Name of the indra- of the ninth manvantara- |
adbhuta | n. a marvel, a wonder, a prodigy. |
adbhutabhīmakarman | mfn. performing wonderful and fearful works. |
adbhutabrāhmaṇa | n. Name of a portion of a brāhmaṇa- belonging to the sāma-veda-. |
adbhutadarpaṇa | Name (also title or epithet) of a nāṭaka- |
adbhutadarśana | mfn. having a wonderful aspect. |
adbhutadharma | m. "a system or series of marvels or prodigies", Name of one of the nine aṅga-s of the Buddhists. |
adbhutagandha | mfn. having a wonderful smell. |
adbhutainas | mfn. one in whom no fault is visible |
adbhutakarman | mfn. performing wonderful works, exhibiting wonderful workmanship. |
adbhutakratu | (/adbhuta--) mfn. possessing wonderful intelligence |
adbhutakṛṣṇarāja | (or kr2-?), Name (also title or epithet) of a chief, |
adbhutarāmāyaṇa | n. Name of work ascribed to vālmīki-. |
adbhutaraṅga | Name (also title or epithet) of a prahasana- |
adbhutarasa | m. the marvellous style (of poetry). |
adbhutārtha | mfn. containing wonderful things, |
adbhutarūpa | mfn. having a wonderful shape. |
adbhutasaṃkāsa | mfn. resembling a wonder. |
adbhutaśānti | m. or f. Name of the sixty-seventh pariśiṣṭa- of the atharva- veda-. |
adbhutasāra | m. "wonderful resin"of the khadira- tree (Mimosa Catechu) |
adbhutasāra | m. Name of a book on the essence of prodigies. |
adbhutasvana | m. "having a wonderful voice", Name of śiva-. |
adbhutatama | n. an extraordinary wonder. |
adbhutatva | n. wonderfulness. |
adbhutopama | mfn. resembling a wonder. |
adbhutopamā | f. (in rhetoric) a simile implying a miracle, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
adbhutotpāta | m. plural miracles and prodigies, |
adbhutottarakāṇḍa | n. Name of work , an appendix to or imitation of the rāmāyaṇa-. |
adhibhuj | to enjoy. |
adhobhuvana | n. the lower world. |
agnibhu | n. "fire produced", water |
agrabhuj | mfn. having the precedence in eating |
agrabhuj | mfn. Name of the sun |
ahibhuj | m. "eating snakes", a peacock |
ahibhuj | m. the ichneumon plant |
ahibhuj | m. a Name of garuḍa- |
ajñātabhukta | mfn. eaten unawares |
ājyabhuj | m. "consumer of clarified butter", agni- |
ākhubhuj | m. "mouse-eater", a cat |
alpabhujāntara | mfn. narrow-chested, |
amaraprabhu | m. "lord of the immortals", one of the thousand names of viṣṇu- |
amartyabhuvana | n. "world of the immortals", the heaven |
ambhudhipallava | m. coral |
ambhudhivallabha | m. coral |
āmiṣabhuj | mfn. carnivorous. |
amṛṣṭabhuj | mfn. not eating delicate food or dainties (see 1. mṛṣṭa-) |
amṛtabhuj | m. equals -prāsana- q.v |
amṛtabhuj | m. one who eats the residue of a sacrifice |
anālambhukā | ([ ]) f. "intangible", a woman during menstruation. |
ānandabhuj | mfn. enjoying happiness |
anatidbhuta | mfn. unsurpassed |
annabhuj | mfn. eating food |
annabhuj | m. (k-) a Name of śiva- |
annabhuj | m. (also) fire (of digestion), |
annabubhukṣu | mfn. desirous of eating food. |
anubhuj | to suffer the consequence of one's actions ; to enjoy successively ; to enjoy, participate ; to pass (an asterism) |
anupabhujyamāna | mfn. not being enjoyed. |
anupabhukta | mfn. unenjoyed, unpossessed. |
apathyabhuj | mfn. eating what is forbidden. |
aprabhu | mfn. wanting power, unable, incompetent (with locative case) |
aprabhutva | n. want of power, insufficiency |
āśrayabhuj | m. fire |
āśrayabhuj | m. See āśrayāśa-. |
aṣṭābhujā | f. "having eighteen arms", a Name of durgā- |
asthibhuj | m. equals -bhakṣa- q.v |
atyadbhuta | mfn. very wonderful |
atyadbhuta | m. Name of the indra- in the ninth manvantara- |
atyadbhuta | n. a great wonder. |
avabhugna | mfn. bent down |
avabhuj | to incurve |
avibhuj | m. enjoying (id est devouring) sheep, a wolf. |
avibhuj | See /avi-. |
bahubhuj | mfn. equals -bhakṣa- |
bahubhuja | mfn. having many arms |
bahubhujā | f. Name of durgā- |
balibhuj | mfn. devouring oblations |
balibhuj | mfn. enjoying offerings (said of gods) |
balibhuj | m. a crow |
balibhuj | m. a sparrow |
balibhuj | m. a crane |
baubhukṣa | mf(ī-)n. one who is always hungry, a starveling gaRa chattrādi- |
bhadrabhuja | m. whose arms confer prosperity (said of princes) |
bhadrabhuja | m. Name of a man |
bhāgabhuj | m. "tax-enjoyer", a king |
bhaikṣabhuj | mfn. living on alms |
bhaikṣabhuj | m. a mendicant |
bhaktibhuṣaṇasaṃdarbha | m. Name of work |
bharaṇyabhuj | m. "receiving wages", a hireling, servant, labourer |
bhavānībhujaṃga | Name of a stotra-, |
bhekabhuj | m. "frog-eater", a snake |
bhikṣābhuj | mfn. living on alms |
bhīmabhuja | m. "having formidable arms", Name of a man |
bhogabhuj | mfn. enjoying pleasures |
bhogabhuj | m. a wealthy man |
bhogibhuj | m. "serpent-eater", an ichneumon |
bhṛtibhuj | mfn. enjoying or receiving wages |
bhṛtibhuj | m. equals prec. |
bhūbhuj | m. "earth-possessor", a king, prince |
bhūmibhuj | m. "earth-possessor", a king, prince |
bhūmībhuj | m. equals bhūmi-bh- q.v , |
bhūrbhuva | m. Name of one of the mind-born sons of brahmā- |
bhūrbhuvakara | m. a dog |
bhūrbhuvatīrtha | n. Name of tīrtha-s |
bhūrbhuveśvaratīrtha | n. Name of tīrtha-s |
brahmabhuvana | n. brahmā-'s world |
brāhmaṇabhuyiṣṭha | mfn. principally consisting of (or containing) brāhmaṇa- |
brahmaśambhu | m. Name of an astronomer |
bṛhadbhuja | mfn. long-armed |
bubhukṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative of3. bhuj-) desire of enjoying anything |
bubhukṣā | f. wish to eat, appetise, hunger etc. |
bubhukṣāpanaya | m. "that which takes away hunger", food |
bubhukṣāpīdita | mfn. pained by hunger, hungry |
bubhukṣita | mfn. hungry, starving, ravenous , |
bubhukṣu | mfn. wishing to eat, hungry |
bubhukṣu | mfn. desirous of worldly enjoyment (opp. to mumukṣu-) on |
bubhutsā | f. (fr. Desiderative) desire to know, curiosity about (accusative or compound) |
bubhutsā | etc. See . |
bubhutsātsu | mfn. wishing to know (accusative or compound) etc. |
bubhutsātsu | mfn. curious, inquisitive |
bubhutsātsu | mfn. desirous to know everything (said of the gods) |
bubhutsita | n. idem or 'f. (fr. Desiderative) desire to know, curiosity about (accusative or compound) ' |
campakaprabhu | m. Name of kalhaṇa-'s father. |
caṇḍabhujaṃga | m. Name of a man |
caturbhuja | (in compound) 4 arms |
caturbhuja | mf(ā-)n. four-armed |
caturbhuja | mf(ā-)n. quadrangular |
caturbhuja | m. viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- (see ) |
caturbhuja | m. Name of gaṇeśa- |
caturbhuja | m. a quadrangular figure |
caturbhuja | m. Name of a dānava- |
caturbhuja | m. of the instructor of (the author of a commentator or commentary on ) rāmānanda- |
caturbhuja | m. of the father of śiva-datta- |
caturbhujabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of an author |
caturbhujamiśra | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on |
cāturbhuji | a son of catur-bhuja-, |
cedibhūbhuj | m. "earth-enjoyer of the cedi-s", equals -pati- |
dārabalibhuj | wrong reading for dvāra-b-. |
daśabhujā | f. "ten-armed", durgā- |
daśabhuji | (d/aś-) mfn. equals -guṇa- |
dattabhujaṃgastotra | n. Name of a hymn ascribed to śaṃkarācārya-. |
dehabhuj | m. "possessing a body", Name of śiva- |
devībhujaṃga | m. or n. Name of a stotra-. |
dharābhuj | m. "earth-enjoyer", a king |
dharaṇibhuj | () m. a prince or king. |
dīrghabhuja | mfn. "long armed" |
dīrghabhuja | m. Name of one of the attendants on śiva- |
diṣṭabhuj | mfn. reaping the appointed results of one's works |
dvādaśabhuja | m. "having 12 arms", Name of one of skanda-'s attendants |
dvārabalibhuj | m.,"eater of offering at door", Ardea nivea |
dvārabalibhuj | m. a crow or a sparrow |
dvibhuja | mfn. "2-armed" |
dvibhuja | n. an angle |
dvibhujarāmadhyāna | n. Name of work |
dvisamatribhuja | m. an isosceles quadrangle or triangle, algebra |
ekaprabhutva | n. the sovereignty of one, monarchy. |
gajabhujaṃgama | m. dual number an elephant and a serpent |
gaṇadīkṣāprabhu | m. Name of an author of mantra-s (with śākta-s). |
gaṇeśabhujaṃgaprayātastotra | n. Name of a hymn in praise of gaṇeśa- (attributed to śaṃkarācārya-) |
gobhuj | m. "enjoying the earth", a king |
gṛhabalibhuj | m. "enjoying domestic oblations", a sparrow |
gṛhabalibhuj | m. a crow |
gṛhabalibhuj | m. the crane Ardea nivea |
guṇabhuj | mfn. equals -bhāj- |
haribhuj | m. "frog-eater", a snake |
hautabhuja | mfn. (fr. huta-bhuj-) relating or belonging to or presided over by agni- |
hautabhuja | n. the nakṣatra- kṛttikā- |
hautabhuja | hautra-, haumīya- etc. See column 2. |
havirbhuj | m. "eating the oblation", fire or agni- the god of fire (also applied to śiva- and other gods) |
havirbhuj | m. plural Name of the pitṛ-s of the kṣatriya-s |
havirucohiṣṭabhuj | mfn. eating the residue of an oblation |
haviṣyabhuj | mfn. idem or 'mfn. eating sacrificial food (rice or other grain, clarified butter and e.; haviṣyabhakṣatā -tā- f.) ' |
havyabhuj | m. "oblations-eater", fire or the god of fire |
hutabhugdiś | f. hutabhuj |
hutabhuj | m. "oblation-eater", fire etc. ( hutabhukpriyā bhuk-priyā- f." agni-'s wife"; hutabhugdiś bhug-diś- f." agni-'s quarter" id est the south-east ) |
hutabhuj | m. Plumbago Ceylanica |
hutabhuj | m. Name of a particular star (Tauri) |
hutabhukpriyā | f. hutabhuj |
jagatībhuj | m. "earth-enjoyer", a king |
jagatprabhu | m. the lord of the world |
jagatprabhu | m. brahmā- |
jagatprabhu | m. śiva- |
jagatprabhu | m. viṣṇu- |
jagatprabhu | m. Name of an arhat- of the jaina-s |
jālapādabhuja | mfn. having toe- and finger-membranes |
jambhāribhujastambhana | n. paralysing indra-'s arm (one of śiva-'s heroic deeds) |
jarbhurat | rāṇa- See bhur-. |
jñātiprabhuka | mf(ā-)n. foremost among relations |
kambhu | n. the fragrant root of Andropogon Muricatus. |
kaṇabhuj | m. equals kaṇāda- below. |
kāṇabhuja | mf(ī-)n. descended from kaṇa-bhuj- or kaṇāda- (q.v), composed by or relating to kaṇāda- commentator or commentary on |
kāṇabhuja | m. a follower of kaṇāda- |
kaṇṭakabhuj | m. "eating thorns", a camel |
kapiprabhu | m. "master of the monkeys", Name of rāma- |
karavīrabhujā | f. Cajanus Indicus |
karmaṇyabhuj | mfn. receiving wages, working for hire |
karmaṇyābhuj | mfn. idem or 'mfn. receiving wages, working for hire ' |
kāśyapībhuj | m. "enjoying the earth", a king |
kavyabhuj | m. plural "oblation-eaters", the manes or a class of manes |
kavyahavyabhuj | m. Name (also title or epithet) of agni-, |
kedāraśambhu | m. Name of a tīrtha- |
keśavaprabhu | m. Name of a man. |
kimprabhu | m. a bad lord or master |
krāntibhujā | f. the cosinus of declination |
kratubhuj | m. "one who eats the sacrificial oblation", a god, deity |
kravyabhuj | mfn. idem or 'mfn. eating carrion, carnivorous ' |
kravyabhuj | m. (k-) a rākṣasa- |
kṛṣṇabhujaṃga | m. "black snake", Coluber nāga-. |
kṣamābhuj | m. patient |
kṣamābhuj | m. (k-) "earth-enjoying", a prince, king |
kṣauṇībhuj | m. "enjoying the earth", a king, . |
kṣitibhuj | m. "one who possesses the earth", a king |
kṣitilavabhuj | m. "possessing only a small tract of the earth", a petty prince |
kṣmābhuj | m. "enjoying the earth", a king |
kubhukta | n. bad food |
kubhukti | f. idem or 'n. bad food ' |
kuṇapabhuj | m. "carcase-eater", a rākṣasa-, |
kuprabhu | m. a bad lord |
kuprabhu | etc. See 1. ku-. |
laghubhuj | mfn. eating little |
lagnabhuja | m. (in astronomy) ascensional difference id est the difference between the time of rising of a heavenly body at laṅkā- and at any other place |
lambhuka | mfn. one who is accustomed to receive (accusative) |
lepabhuj | m. idem or 'm. "sharing the lepa-", a paternal ancestor (in the 4th, 5th, and 6th degrees; see above ) ' |
loladbhuja | mfn. having swinging arms |
madhubhuj | mfn. enjoying sweetness or gladness |
mahābhuja | mfn. having long arms |
mahādbhuta | mfn. (hād-) very wonderful |
mahādbhuta | n. a great marvel |
mahādbhuta | n. Name of the 72nd pariśiṣṭa- of the |
mahāprabhu | m. a great master, mighty lord, king, prince ( mahāprabhutva -tva- n.) |
mahāprabhu | m. a very holy man or great saint |
mahāprabhu | m. a chief |
mahāprabhu | m. Name of indra- |
mahāprabhu | m. of śiva- |
mahāprabhu | m. of viṣṇu- |
mahāprabhutva | n. mahāprabhu |
mahāśambhu | m. the great śiva- |
mahībhuj | m. "earth-enjoyer", a king |
malabhuj | mfn. feeding on impurity |
malabhuj | m. a crow |
mallāribhujaṃga | m. Name of work |
mārābhibhu | m. "overthrower of māra-", Name of a buddha- |
martyabhuvana | n. the world of mortals, the earth (varia lectio) |
māsabhukti | f. the (sun's) monthly course |
mayobhu | mf(/ū-)n. equals -bhava- |
mayobhuva | mfn. equals -bhava- |
meruvirahatantrebhuvaneśvarīsahasranāmastotra | n. Name of a stotra-. |
miśracaturbhuja | m. Name of a man |
miṣṭabhuj | mfn. eating dainties |
mitabhuj | ( ) mfn. eating sparingly, moderate in diet. |
mitabhukta | () mfn. eating sparingly, moderate in diet. |
mṛgaprabhu | m. "lord of beasts", the lion |
mudgabhuj | m. "bean-eater", a horse |
mūḍhaprabhu | m. the chief of fools, a great blockhead |
muhurbhuj | m. "constantly eating", a horse |
muhūrtabhuvanonmārtaṇḍa | m. |
mūlavibhuja | mfn. bending down roots vArttika |
mūlavibhuja | m. a chariot |
mūrkhabhuya | n. stupidity |
naḍbhuvaka | m. Name of a poet |
nāgābhibhu | m. Name of a buddha- (bhū-,of another man) |
nakṣatrabhuktaghaṭīcakra | n. Name of work |
narabhuj | mfn. man-eating, cannibal |
narasiṃhabhujaṃga | m. Name of work |
nibhuj | P. -bhujati-, to bend (head and knees) |
nidhiprabhu | m. lord of treasures, Name of kubera- |
niḥsvībhuta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (svī-in compound for -sva-) deprived of one's property, impoverished ' |
nirbhugna | mfn. not bent, straight, flat |
nirbhugna | mfn. bent awry, distorted |
nirbhuj | P. bhujati-, to bend awry, distort (mouth, eyes etc.) |
nirbhuja | mf(ā-)n. Name of a kind of saṃdhi- or saṃhitā-, |
nirbhuja | n. equals saṃhitā- |
niṣkambhu | m. Name of a particular divine being (varia lectio ni-kumbha-and niṣ-k-). |
padmaprabhu | m. Name of an author |
pakṣabhukti | f. the course traversed by the sun in a fortnight |
pañcabhuja | m. 5-armed, pentagonal |
pañcabhuja | m. Name of gaṇeśa- |
pañcabhuja | m. a pentagon |
pāṇibhuj | m. Ficus Glomerata |
paradārabhuj | m. one who takes or approaches or enjoys another's wife or wives, an adulterer () |
paribhugna | mfn. bowed, bent () |
paribhuj | P. -bhujati-, (-/abubhojīr- ), to span, encompass, embrace |
paribhuj | P. A1. -bhunakti-, -bhuṅkte-, (infinitive mood -bhoktum-), to eat before another (with accusative) ; to neglect to feed ; to feed upon, eat, consume, enjoy |
paribhukta | mfn. eaten before another, anticipated in eating |
paribhukta | mfn. eaten, enjoyed, possessed |
paribhukta | mfn. worn (as a garment) |
paribubhukṣita | mfn. (Desiderative of pari--3. bhuj-), very hungry |
parijarbhurāṇa | mfn. (from Intensive of bhur-) quivering, flickering, . |
parimitabhuj | mfn. eating sparingly, abstemious |
phalabhuj | mfn. enjoying fruit |
phalabhuj | m. a monkey |
phaṇibhuj | m. "serpent-eater", a peacock |
piśitabhuj | mfn. eating flesh, a flaccid-eater |
piṣṭabhuj | mfn. eating meal |
pīyūṣabhuj | m. "nectar-quaffer", a god |
prabhavaprabhu | m. (with jaina-s) Name of one of the 6 śruta-kevalin-s |
prabhu | See under pra-bhū- below. |
prabhu | mfn. (Ved. also /ū- f(vī-).) excelling, mighty, powerful, rich, abundant etc. |
prabhu | mfn. more powerful than (ablative) |
prabhu | mfn. having power over (genitive case) |
prabhu | mfn. able, capable, having power to (locative case infinitive mood or compound) |
prabhu | mfn. a match for (dative case) Va1rtt. 2 |
prabhu | mfn. constant, eternal |
prabhu | m. a master, lord, king (also applied to gods exempli gratia, 'for example' to sūrya- and agni- ;to prajā-pati- ;to brahmā- ;to indra- ;to śiva- ;to viṣṇu- ) |
prabhu | m. the chief or leader of a sect |
prabhu | m. a sound, word |
prabhu | m. quicksilver |
prabhu | m. Name of a deity under the 8th manu- |
prabhu | m. of a son of kardama- |
prabhu | m. of a son of śuka- and pīvarī- |
prabhu | m. of a son of bhaga- and siddhi- |
prabhu | m. of a poet |
prabhu | m. of several other men |
prabhu | m. ( prabhvī bhvī- f.Name of a śakti- ) |
prabhubhakta | mfn. devoted to his master (as a dog) |
prabhubhakta | m. a good horse |
prabhubhakti | f. loyalty, faithfulness |
prabhudeva | m. Name of a yoga- teacher |
prabhudevī | f. (with lāṭī-) Name of a poetess |
prabhugna | mfn. |
prabhuj | (only ind.p. -bhujya-), to bend, incline |
prabhuj | (only pr. p. -bhuñjat/ī-), to befriend, protect (?) |
prabhukathā | f. Name of work |
prabhukta | mfn. begun to be eaten (as rice) |
prabhuliṅgacaritra | n. Name of work |
prabhuliṅgalīlā | f. Name of work |
prabhuliṅgavaṃśa | n. Name of work |
prabhuśabdaśeṣa | mfn. having only the title of lord remaining |
prabhutā | f. lordship, dominion, supremacy (varia lectio) |
prabhutā | f. power over (locative case) |
prabhutā | f. possession of (compound) |
prabhutā | f. prevalence (instrumental case"for the most part") |
prabhutva | n. lordship, sovereignty, high rank, might, power over (genitive case locative case or compound) etc. |
prabhutva | n. prevalence (instrumental case"for the most part") |
prabhutvabodhi | f. knowledge joined with supreme power |
prabhutvākṣepa | m. (in rhetoric) an objection based on power (id est on a word of command) |
pracalalatābhuja | mfn. having tremulous arm-creepers (= slender arms that tremble) |
prājyabhuja | mfn. long-armed |
prakāmabhuj | mfn. eating till satisfied, eating enough |
pralambabhuja | mfn. one whose arms hang down |
pralambabhuja | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- |
pramāṇabhuta | m. "authoritative", Name of śiva- (see -jña-). |
praśithilabhujagranthi | mfn. one who loosens the clasp of the arms |
prasṛtāgrabhuj | mfn. eating the best etc. |
pratibhuj | P. -bhunakti-, to enjoy ; to eat food besides the prescribed diet |
pratibhuja | m. equals -bāhu- |
pratibhukta | mfn. one who has eaten food reserved for him |
pratibhukta | mfn. one who has eaten food other than the prescribed diet |
pratyavabhuj | P. -bhujati-, to bend back |
pratyupabhuj | A1. -bhuṅkte-, to eat, enjoy |
pratyupabhupabhoga | m. enjoyment |
pravibhuj | P. -bhujati-, to bend back, |
praviviktabhuj | mfn. eating delicate food |
pretapiṇḍabhuj | mfn. one who partakes of the piṇḍa- (q.v) at a śrāddha- |
pṛthivībhuj | m. "earth-enjoyer", a king |
pṛthivībhujaṃga | m. "earth-lover", a king |
pṛthubhuvana | n. the wide world |
pṛthvībhuj | m. "earth-enjoyer", a prince, king |
punaruktabhuktaviṣaya | mfn. (an occupation) in which the objects of sense are repeatedly enjoyed |
puroḍāśabhuj | m. eater of the sacrificial cake, a god |
purubhuj | mfn. enjoying much |
puruṣaprabhu | m. Name of a prince |
pūrvabhukti | f. prior or long-continued possession |
pūyabhuj | mfn. eating purulent carcasses |
rajanībhujaṃga | m. "lover of night" idem or 'm. "lord of night", the moon, ' |
rāmabhujaṃga | n. Name of two stotra-s. |
rātribhujaṃga | m. "night-lover", the moon |
raviprabhu | m. Name of a Brahman |
ṛbhu | mfn. ( rabh-), clever, skilful, inventive, prudent (said of indra-, agni-, and the āditya-s ;also of property or wealth ;of an arrow ) |
ṛbhu | m. an artist, one who works in iron, a smith, builder (of carriages etc.), Name of three semi-divine beings (ṛbhu-, vāja-, and vibhvan-, the name of the first being applied to all of them;thought by some to represent the three seasons of the year[ ],and celebrated for their skill as artists;they are supposed to dwell in the solar sphere, and are the artists who formed the horses of indra-, the carriage of the aśvin-s, and the miraculous cow of bṛhaspati-;they made their parents young, and performed other wonderful works [Sv-apas];they are supposed to take their ease and remain idle for twelve days [the twelve intercalary days of the winter solstice] every year in the house of the Sun [Agohya];after which they recommence working;when the gods heard of their skill, they sent agni- to them with the one cup of their rival tvaṣṭṛ-, the artificer of the gods, bidding the ṛbhu-s construct four cups from it;when they had successfully executed this task, the gods received the ṛbhu-s amongst themselves and allowed them to partake of their sacrifices etc.; see Kaegi ) etc. |
ṛbhu | m. they appear generally as accompanying indra-, especially at the evening sacrifice |
ṛbhu | m. in later mythology ṛbhu- is a son of brahman- |
ṛbhu | m. a deity |
ṛbhu | m. (avas-) a class of deities |
ṛbhu | m. ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin labor; Gothic arb-aiths; Anglo-Saxon $; Slavonic or Slavonian rab-u8.]) |
ṛbhukṣa | m. indra- |
ṛbhukṣa | m. (indra-'s) heaven commentator or commentary on |
ṛbhukṣa | m. indra-'s thunderbolt |
ṛbhukṣa | m. (this word appears to owe its origin to the next.) |
ṛbhukṣin | m. (See grammar 162 ), Name of the above ṛbhu-s, and especially of the first of them |
ṛbhukṣin | m. Name of indra- (as the lord of the ṛbhu-s ) |
ṛbhukṣin | m. of the marut-s |
ṛbhukṣin | m. great, best ([ ]) |
ṛbhukṣīṇa | Nom. P. ṛbhukṣīṇati-, to behave like ṛbhukṣin- |
ṛbhumat | mfn. clever, skilful, prudent |
ṛbhumat | mfn. accompanied by or connected with the ṛbhu-s |
ṛbhuṣṭhira | (vocative case) mfn. clever and wise (said of indra-) |
ṛtabhuj | mfn. enjoying (the fruit of) one's righteousness or pious works |
saccidānandabhujaṃga | m. Name of work |
ṣaḍbhuja | mf(ā-)n. six-armed |
ṣaḍbhuja | mf(ā-)n. six-sided |
ṣaḍbhuja | m. or n. (?) a hexagon |
ṣaḍbhujā | f. Name of durgā- |
ṣaḍbhuja | m. a water-melon |
sādbhuta | mfn. astonished, surprised |
sahabhuj | mfn. eating together with (compound), |
sahasrabhuja | mf(ā-)n. thousand-armed |
sahasrabhuja | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
sahasrabhuja | m. of a gandharva- |
sahasrabhujā | f. Name of durgā- |
sahasrabhujajihvākṣa | mfn. having a thousand arms and tongues and eyes |
sahasrabhujarāmadhyāna | n. Name of work (wrong reading -dhyāna-rāma-). |
sakalabhuvanamaya | mf(ī-)n. containing the whole world |
śakrabhuvana | n. equals -bhavana- |
samābhuj | P. -bhunakti-, to enjoy or possess entirely, rule over (accusative) |
samacaturbhuja | mfn. having four equal sides |
samacaturbhuja | m. or n. (?) a square or rhombus |
samadvibhuja | mfn. having 2 equal sides |
samadvibhuja | m. n. a rhomboid having 2 sides equal |
samadvidvibhuja | mfn. having 2 x 2 equal sides |
samadvidvibhuja | m. or n. (?) a rhomboid |
samantabhuj | m. "all-devouring", Name of agni- or fire |
samatribhuja | mfn. having 3 equal sides |
samatribhuja | m. n. any figure containing 3 equal sides |
samatribhuja | m. an equilateral triangle |
śambhu | See śambhu-, p.1055. |
śambhu | mfn. being or existing for happiness or welfare, granting or causing happiness, beneficent, benevolent, helpful, kind |
śambhu | m. Name of śiva- etc. |
śambhu | m. of brahmā- |
śambhu | m. of a particular agni- |
śambhu | m. of viṣṇu- |
śambhu | m. of a son of viṣṇu- |
śambhu | m. of indra- in the 10th manvantara- |
śambhu | m. of one of the 11 rudra-s |
śambhu | m. of a king of the daitya-s |
śambhu | m. of an arhat- |
śambhu | m. of a siddha- |
śambhu | m. of a king (varia lectio śanku-) |
śambhu | m. of a son of śuka- |
śambhu | m. of a son of ambarīṣa- |
śambhu | m. (also with bhaṭṭa-) of various authors and other men |
śambhu | m. a kind of Asclepias |
śambhu | m. a kind of metre |
śambhu | f. Name of the wife of dhruva- |
śambhu | for śam-bh/u-, śam-bh/ū- etc. See columns 1, 2. |
sambhu | mfn. produced from, made of (compound) |
sambhu | m. a parent, progenitor |
sambhu | m. Name of a metre |
śambhubhairava | m. a form of śiva- |
śambhubhaṭṭīya | n. Name of a nyāya- work |
śambhucandra | m. Name of a Zamindar (who wrote the vikrama-bhārata- in the beginning of this century) |
śambhudāsa | m. |
śambhudeva | m. Name of authors. |
śambhugiri | m. Name of a mountain |
sambhugna | mfn. (1. bhuj-) completely bent or curved |
śambhuhorāprakāśa | m. Name of an astronomy work |
sambhuj | P. A1. -bhunakti-, -bhuṅkte-, (Aorist subjunctive -bhujam- ) to eat together, make a meal in common ; to enjoy (especially carnally) ; to partake of (genitive case) : Causal -bhojayati-, to cause to enjoy or eat, feed any one (accusative) with (instrumental case) |
śambhukāntā | f. " śiva-'s wife", Name of durgā- |
sambhukta | mfn. eaten, enjoyed etc. |
sambhukta | mfn. run through, traversed |
śambhumahādevakṣetramāhātmya | n. Name of work |
śambhumāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of the |
śambhumayobhū | f. du. Name of the hymns |
śambhunandana | m. equals -tanaya- |
śambhunātha | m. Name of a temple of śiva- in Nepal. |
śambhunātha | m. (also with ācārya-and siddhāntav/agīśa-) Name of various authors etc. |
śambhunātharasa | m. a particular mixture |
śambhunāthārcana | n. Name of a Tantric work |
śambhunityā | f. Name of a Tantric work |
śambhupriyā | f. "dear to śiva-", Name of durgā- |
śambhupriyā | f. Emblic Myrobolan |
śambhurahasya | n. Name of work |
śambhurāja | m. Name of the author of the nyāya-mañjari- |
śambhurājacaritra | n. Name of work |
śambhurāma | m. Name of various authors |
śambhuśikṣā | f. Name of work on Vedic phonetics. |
śambhutanaya | m. " śiva-'s son", Name of skanda- and gaṇeśa- |
śambhutattvānusaṃdhāna | n. Name of a śaiva- work by śambhu-nātha-. |
śambhuvākyapelāśāṭīkā | f. Name of an astronomy work |
śambhuvallabha | n. "beloved by śiva-", the white lotus |
śambhuvardhana | m. Name of a man |
sāmibhukta | mfn. half-eaten |
saṃjarbhurāṇa | mfn. (fr. Intensive of sam-bhur-) quivering, flickering |
saṃsthānabhukti | f. (with kālasya-) the passage through various periods of time |
samucchritabhuja | mf(ā-)n. having arms well raised |
samupabhuj | A1. -bhuṅkte-, to enjoy sexually, have sexual union with (accusative) |
saṃvatsarabhukti | f. a year's course (of the sun) |
saptabhuvana | n. plural the 7 worlds (one above the otherSee loka-) |
sārabhuj | mfn. eating the essence or best part of anything |
sarpabhuj | m. "snake-eater", a peacock |
sarpabhuj | m. a crane |
sarpabhuj | m. a large snake or a kind of snake |
sarvabhuj | mfn. all-devouring |
sarvādbhutaśānti | f. Name of work |
sarvaprabhu | m. the lord of all |
śaṣpabhuj | m. "grass-eater", any animal feeding on grass |
śatabhuji | mf(ī-)n. (śat/a--) hundred-fold |
śatabhuji | mf(ī-)n. having a hundred enclosures or fortifications |
śaubhuśubha | mfn. shining intensely or repeatedly, |
saurabhuvana | n. equals sūrya-loka- (q.v) |
śeṣabhuj | mfn. one who eats leavings |
simbhuka | m. Name of a mythical bird |
śivabhujaṃga | (in the beginning of a compound), śiva- compared to a serpent |
śivabhujaṃgāṣṭaka | n. Name of work |
śivabhujaṃgastotra | n. Name of work |
śobhuśubha | mfn. shining intensely or repeatedly, |
ṣoḍaśabhuja | mfn. 16-armed |
ṣoḍaśabhujā | f. a form of durgā-, |
ṣoḍaśabhujarāmadhyāna | n. Name of work |
somabhūbhuj | m. Name of a king |
somabhujagāvalī | f. Name of work |
somaśambhu | m. Name of an author |
śrāddhabhuj | mfn. eating food prepared at a śrāddha- |
śrībhuja | (in the beginning of a compound), the arms of a person of high rank |
śrīkaṇṭhaśambhu | m. Name of author etc. |
śṛṅgabhuja | m. Name of a man |
stabhu | (See next) . |
stanābhuj | (in stana-bh-) mfn. enjoying the udder (said of calves) |
stanābhuja | mfn. feeding or nourishing with the udder (said of cows) |
stanyabhuj | mfn. sucking milk from the breast, unweaned |
sthūlabhuja | m. "strong-armed", Name of a vidyā-dhara- |
subhuja | mfn. having handsome arms |
subhujā | f. Name of an apsaras- |
subhukta | mfn. well eaten |
sudhābhuj | m. "feeding on nectar", a god, deity |
sukhabhuj | mfn. enjoying happiness, happy, lucky |
śukrabhuj | m. "seed-eater", a peacock |
surabhuvana | wrong reading for -bhavana- |
śūraṇodbhuja | m. a kind of bird |
suvarṇabhujendra | m. Name of a king |
suvibhu | m. Name of a king (son of vibhu-) |
svadhābhuj | m. "id.", a god |
svadhābhuj | m. plural equals prec. |
svāhābhuj | m. " svāhā--eater", a god |
svaprabhutā | f. own or arbitrary power ( svaprabhutayā tayā- ind."arbitrarily") |
svaprabhutayā | ind. svaprabhutā |
svayambhu | m. "self-existent", Name of brahman- |
svayambhu | m. of śiva- |
svayambhu | n. of -bhū- (q.v) |
svayambhucaitanya | n. Name of a temple of ādi-buddha-, |
svayambhuva | mfn. equals -bhū- |
svayambhuva | m. Name of the first manu- (wrong reading for svāyam-bh-) |
svayambhuvā | f. a kind of shrub |
svāyambhuva | mfn. (fr. svayambhū-) relating to svayam-bhū- or the Self-existent, derived from the Self-existent (id est brahman-) etc. |
svāyambhuva | mfn. relating to or derived from manu- svāyambhuva- |
svāyambhuva | m. "son of svayam-bhū-", Name of various sages (especially of the first manu-, of marīci-, atri-, nārada- etc.) |
svāyambhuva | n. Name of a śaiva- tantra-. |
svāyambhuvamanupitṛ | m. "father of manu- svāyambhuva-", Name of brahmā- |
svāyambhuvī | f. Ruta Graveolens |
svayamprabhu | m. self-powerful |
śvetabhujaṃga | m. Name of an incarnation of brahmā- |
tairabhukta | mfn. fr. tīra-bhukti-. |
tarubhuj | m. "tree-eater", the parasitical plant Vanda Roxburghii |
tīrabhukti | m. Tirhut (province in the east of central Hindustan) |
tīrabhuktīya | mfn. coming from Tirhut |
tribhuj | mfn. threefold |
tribhuja | mfn. triangular |
tribhuja | m. a triangle |
tribhuktirāja | m. Name of a tīrtha- |
tribhuvana | n. ( Va1rtt. 3 Sch. ) equals -jagat- etc. |
tribhuvana | n. Name of a town |
tribhuvana | m. Name of a prince |
tribhuvanābhoga | m. the extension of the 3 worlds |
tribhuvanaguru | m. "the 3 worlds' master", śiva- |
tribhuvanamalladeva | m. the hero of |
tribhuvanamāṇikyacarita | n. Name of work |
tribhuvanapāladeva | m. Name of a prince |
tribhuvanapati | m. viṣṇu- |
tribhuvanaprabhā | f. Name of the daughter of a dānava- |
tribhuvaneśvara | m. equals na-guru- |
tribhuvaneśvara | m. indra- |
tribhuvaneśvaraliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga- |
tṛṇabhuj | mfn. graminivorous |
uccairbhuja | mfn. having the arms outstretched or elevated |
udbhuja | mfn. with uplifted arms, |
uñchabhuj | mfn.=- vartin- |
upabhuj | A1. -bhuṅkte-, (Epic also -bhuñjate-) to enjoy, eat, eat up, consume etc. ; to enjoy, make use of, partake of ; to experience (happiness or misfortune etc.) etc. ; to enjoy (a woman) etc. ; to receive as a reward : P. (1. plural -bhuñjāmas-) to be useful : Causal -bhojayati-, to cause to take (medicine) |
upabhukta | mfn. enjoyed, eaten, consumed |
upabhukta | mfn. used, possessed etc. |
upabhuktadhana | mfn. one who has enjoyed or made use of his riches |
upabhuktadhana | m. Name of a merchant's son (also in the former meaning) . |
upabhukti | f. enjoyment, use |
upabhukti | f. (in astronomy) the daily course of a star (equals bhukti- q.v) |
urvībhuj | m. "earth-enjoyer", a king, sovereign |
vaḍabāvaktrahutabhuj | m. equals vaḍabālgni- |
vaibhujāgnaka | mfn. on |
vaikuṇṭhabhuvana | n. vaikuṇṭha-'s (viṣṇu-'s) heaven |
vakrabhuja | m. "crooked-armed", Name of gaṇeśa- |
vanabhuj | m. a particular bulbous plant (growing on the himavat-) |
varṣabhuj | m. the ruler of a varṣa- |
vaśībhuta | mfn. become subject, subject, obedient |
vaśībhuta | mfn. become powerful |
vāyubhuj | m. one who feeds only on air (as an ascetic, a snake etc.) |
velibhukpriya | m. a kind of fragrant mango (prob. wrong reading for bali-bhuk-priya-). |
vetanabhuj | m. "earning wages", a servant |
vibhu | etc. See column 3. |
vibhu | mfn. or See vibhū- |
vibhugna | mfn. (1. bhuj-) bent, bowed, crooked |
vibhuja | mfn. in mūla-v- (q.v) |
vibhukta | (3. bhuj-), in bhukta-v- gaRa śāka-pārthivādi- ( on ) . |
vibhumat | mfn. joined with the vibhu-s or ṛbhu-s |
vibhupramita | n. the hall of brahmā- |
vibhutva | n. being everywhere, omnipresence |
vibhutva | n. omnipotence, sovereignty |
vibhuvarī | f. (prob. f.of vi-bhvan-) far-reaching |
vibobhuvat | mfn. (fr. Intensive) spreading or expanding exceedingly over (locative case) |
viḍbhuj | mfn. feeding on ordure |
viḍbhuj | m. a dung-beetle or a similar insect |
vidheyībhuya | ind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') submissive or subject to |
vimānaprabhutā | f. the ownership of a celestial car |
viṃśatibhuja | m. equals -bāhu- |
vinirbhuj | (only ind.p. -bhujya-), to bend or turn on one side |
vīrabhuja | m. Name of two kings |
vīrabhukti | f. Name of a place (prob. for tīra-bhukti-). |
viruddhabhuj | mfn. eating incompatible or unsuitable food |
viṣabhujaṃga | m. a poisonous snake |
viṣamacaturbhuja | m. an unequal four-sided figure, trapezium |
viṣamatribhuja | m. a scalene triangle |
viskumbhu | See vi-ṣkambha-. |
viṣṇubhujaṃga | n. |
viṣṇubhujaṃgastotra | n. |
viṣṇubhujaṃgī | f. Name of stotra-s. |
viśvabhuj | mfn. all-enjoying, all-possessing |
viśvabhuj | mfn. eating all things |
viśvabhuj | m. Name of indra- |
viśvabhuj | m. of a son of lunar |
viśvabhuj | m. of a fire, |
viśvabhuj | m. of a class of deceased ancestors |
viśvabhujā | f. Name of a goddess |
viśvambharābhuj | m. a king |
viśvaśambhu | m. Name of a lexicographer |
viśvaśambhumuni | m. Name of a lexicographer |
vrajabhuṣaṇamiśra | m. Name of authors |
vṛttāyatabhuja | mfn. one who has round or long arms |
vyābhugna | mfn. (1. bhuj-) bent down or awry (varia lectio for -bhagna-). |
vyaktabhuj | mfn. consuming all manifested or visible things (said of time) |
yajñabhāgabhuj | m. enjoyer of a share in a sacrifice, a god |
yajñabhuj | m. "sacrifice-enjoyer", a god (especially viṣṇu-) |
yajñāṃśabhuj | m. "enjoying a share in the sacrifice", a god, deity |
yatibhuṣaṇī | f. Name of work |