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Grammar Search
"bhajati" has 3 results
bhajati: third person singular present present class 1 parasmaipadabhaj
bhajati: neuter locative singular stem: bhajat.
bhajati: masculine locative singular stem: bhajat.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results4 results
aṃśo rājā vibhajati # Kauś.71.1a.
ā devayuṃ bhajati gomati vraje # RV.5.34.5d.
māsārdhamāsān vibhajati # HG.2.17.2c.
yajved ayajyor vi bhajāti bhojanam # RV.2.26.1d.
Vedabase Search
16 results
bhajati a person worshipsSB 11.25.10
bhajati acceptsSB 4.31.21
bhajati achievesSB 7.2.46
bhajati cares forSB 4.31.22
bhajati enjoysBs 5.47
SB 5.11.8
bhajati he takes onSB 10.87.38
bhajati renders devotional serviceBG 15.19
bhajati serves in devotional serviceBG 6.31
bhajati worshipsSB 10.60.45
SB 11.14.25
na bhajati does not worshipSB 10.51.45
na bhajati he does not worshipSB 10.51.46
na bhajati does not worshipSB 10.51.45
na bhajati he does not worshipSB 10.51.46
vibhajati divides their portionSB 10.8.29
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