bha | aspirate of ba-.  |
bha | (in gram.) Name of the weakest base of nouns (as opp. to pada-and aṅga- q.v) id est of the base before the vowel terminations except in strong cases, before feminine suffixes, and before taddhita-s beginning with vowels or y-  |
bha | (in prosody) a dactyl.  |
bha | m. (1. bhā-) Name of the planet Venus or its regent, (equals śukra-)  |
bha | m. semblance, delusion, error  |
bha | n. a star, planet, asterism, lunar asterism or mansion (and so also the number 27; see nakṣatra-), sign of the zodiac  |
bha | m. (prob. onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) a bee  |
bhabhrama | m. "star-revolution", a sidereal day  |
bhacakra | n. the whole multitude of stars or asterisms  |
bhacakranābhi | f. the centre of the zodiac  |
bhaḍa | m. Name of a particular mixed caste (see bhaṭa-).  |
bhaḍaharīmātṛtīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- (see bhaṭabhaṭa-m-).  |
bhadāka | m. fortune, prosperity (or mfn.auspicious, fortunate) (kalyāṇe-).  |
bhadanta | dāka-, dra- See under bhand- below.  |
bhadanta | m. ( ) a term of respect applied to a Buddhist, a Buddhist mendicant  |
bhadanta | m. varia lectio for bha-datta- q.v  |
bhadantadharmatrāta | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantaghoṣaka | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantagopadatta | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantajñānavarman | m. Name of a poet  |
bhadantarāma | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantaśrīlābha | m. Name of a Buddhist teacher.  |
bhadantavarman | m. Name of a poet  |
bhadatta | m. Name of an astronomer (varia lectio badanta- q.v)  |
bhaddālin | m. Name of a man  |
bhaḍila | m. a servant or a hero  |
bhaḍila | m. Name of a man gaRa aśvādi-  |
bhaḍila | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
bhaḍita | m. Name of a man gaRa gargādi-  |
bhaḍita | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. blessed, auspicious, fortunate, prosperous, happy etc.  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. good, gracious, friendly, kind  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. excellent, fair, beautiful, lovely, pleasant, dear  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. good id est skilful in (locative case)  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. great  |
bhadra | mf(/ā-)n. (with nṛpati- m.a good or gracious king ;with kānta- m.a beautiful lover or husband ;with diś- f.the auspicious quarter id est the south ;with vāc- f.kind or friendly speech ; vocative case m.and f. sg. and plural bhadra-, dre-, drāḥ-,often in familiar address = my good sir or lady, my dear or my dears, good people etc.)  |
bhadra | m. (prob.) a sanctimonious hypocrite (varia lectio dra-prekṣaṇikaiḥ-)  |
bhadra | m. a particular kind of elephant (also Name of a world elephant ) a bullock  |
bhadra | m. a water wagtail (see -nāman-)  |
bhadra | m. Nauclea Cadamba or Tithymalus Antiquorum  |
bhadra | m. Name of śiva-  |
bhadra | m. of mount meru-  |
bhadra | m. of a class of gods (plural) under the third manu-  |
bhadra | m. of a people (plural)  |
bhadra | m. of one of the 12 sons of viṣṇu- and one of the tuṣita- deities in the svāyambhava- manv-antara-  |
bhadra | m. (with jaina-s) of the third of the 9 white bala-s  |
bhadra | m. of a son of vasu-deva- and devakī- (or pauravī-)  |
bhadra | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadra | m. of a son of upacārumat-  |
bhadra | m. of an actor  |
bhadra | m. of a friend of bāṇa-  |
bhadra | m. (with Buddhists) Name of a particular world  |
bhadrā | f. a cow  |
bhadra | m. Name of various plants (equals anantā-, aparijātā-, kṛṣṇā-, jīvantī-, nīlī-, rāsnā-etc.) |
bhadra | m. Name of a metre  |
bhadra | m. of the 2nd, 7th and 12th days of the lunar fortnight  |
bhadra | m. of the 7th movable karaṇa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order; see also 2. bhadrā-karaṇa-)  |
bhadra | m. of a form of durgā-  |
bhadra | m. of a goddess  |
bhadra | m. of a Buddhist deity  |
bhadra | m. of a śakti-  |
bhadra | m. of dākṣāyaṇī- in bhadreśvara-  |
bhadra | m. of a vidyā-dharī-  |
bhadra | m. of a surāṅganā-  |
bhadra | m. of a daughter of surabhi-  |
bhadra | m. of a wife of vasu-devi-  |
bhadra | m. of the wife of vaiśravaṇa-  |
bhadra | m. of a daughter of soma- and wife of utathya-  |
bhadra | m. of a daughter of raudrāśva- and the apsaras- ghṛtācī-  |
bhadra | m. of a kākṣīvatī- and wife of vyuṣitāśva-  |
bhadra | m. of a daughter of meru- and wife of bhadrāśva-  |
bhadra | m. of a daughter of śruta-kīrti- and wife of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadra | m. of various rivers (especially of one described as rising on the northern summit of meru- and flowing through uttarakuru- into the northern ocean)  |
bhadra | m. the celestial Ganges  |
bhadra | m. of a lake  |
bhadra | n. prosperity, happiness, health, welfare, good fortune (also plural) etc. (bhadraṃ tasya-or tasmai-,prosperity to him! ; bhadraṃ te-or vaḥ-often used parenthetically in a sentence ="if you please", or to fill up a verse; bhadram upalāh-,happiness to you, O stones! ; bhadram-with kṛ-and dative case,to grant welfare to, bless )  |
bhadra | n. gold  |
bhadra | n. iron or steel  |
bhadra | n. kind of Cyperus (equals -musta-)  |
bhadra | n. a particular posture in sitting  |
bhadra | n. a particular karaṇa- (see f.)  |
bhadra | n. a particular mystic sign  |
bhadra | n. a particular part of a house  |
bhadra | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
bhadrā | f. of bhadra-, in compound  |
bhadrā | ind. (gaRa sākṣād-ādi-), in compound  |
bhadrabāhu | m. Name of a particular four-footed animal  |
bhadrabāhu | m. "auspicious-armed", Name of a son of vasu-deva- and rohiṇī- (pauravī-)  |
bhadrabāhu | m. of a king of magadha-  |
bhadrabāhu | m. (also -svāmin-) Name of a celebrated jaina- author (one of the 6 śruta-kevalin-s; bhadrabāhucaritra -caritra- n. bhadrabāhuśāstra -śāstra- n. bhadrabāhusaṃhitā -saṃhitā- f.Name of works.)  |
bhadrabāhu | f. Name of a woman  |
bhadrabāhucaritra | n. bhadrabāhu |
bhadrabāhusaṃhitā | f. bhadrabāhu |
bhadrabāhuśāstra | n. bhadrabāhu |
bhadrabalā | f. Paederia Foetida or Sida Cordifolia  |
bhadrabalana | m. equals balabhadra- Name of the elder brother of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadrabhadra | mfn. good and bad  |
bhadrabhadra | n. good and evil  |
bhadrabhaṭa | m. Name of a man  |
bhadrabhuja | m. whose arms confer prosperity (said of princes)  |
bhadrabhuja | m. Name of a man  |
bhadrabhūṣaṇā | f. Name of a goddess  |
bhadracāru | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadracūḍa | m. Euphorbia Tirucalli  |
bhadradanta | m. Name of an elephant  |
bhadradantikā | f. a species of Croton  |
bhadradāru | m. n. Pinus Deodora  |
bhadradāru | m. Pinus Longifolia  |
bhadradatta | m. (in dramatic language) a name given to śaka-s  |
bhadradeha | m. Name of a son of vasu-deva-  |
bhadradeva | varia lectio for next.  |
bhadradīpa | m. Name of work  |
bhadrados | m. "auspicious-armed", Name of a man  |
bhadradvīpa | m. Name of an island  |
bhadragandhikā | f. Cyperus Rotundus  |
bhadragandhikā | f. Asclepias Pseudosarsa  |
bhadragaṇita | n. the construction of magical squares or diagrams  |
bhadragaura | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhadraghaṭa | ( ) m. "vase of fortune", a lottery vase.  |
bhadraghaṭaka | ( ) m. "vase of fortune", a lottery vase.  |
bhadragupta | m. Name of a jaina- saint  |
bhadrāha | n. an auspicious day, favourable season  |
bhadrahasta | mfn. having beautiful or auspicious hands (said of the aśvin-s)  |
bhadrahrada | m. (prob.) equals -saras-  |
bhadrailā | f. large cardamoms  |
bhadraja | m. Wrightia Antidysenterica  |
bhadrajāni | mfn. having a beautiful wife  |
bhadrajātika | mfn. "of noble birth"and"descended from the elephant called bhadra-"  |
bhadrajaya | m. Name of a man  |
bhadraka | mf(ikā-)n. good, brave (m. vocative case plural kāḥ-in address )  |
bhadraka | mf(ikā-)n. fine, handsome, beautiful  |
bhadraka | m. a kind of bean (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
bhadraka | m. Cyperus Pertenuis (?)  |
bhadraka | m. Pinus Deodora  |
bhadraka | m. (plural) Name of a people  |
bhadraka | m. Name of a prince  |
bhadraka | m. varia lectio for bhadrika- q.v  |
bhadrakā | f. Name of a woman  |
bhadraka | n. Cyperus Rotundus  |
bhadraka | n. a particular posture in sitting (equals bhadrāsana-)  |
bhadraka | n. a kind of metre  |
bhadraka | n. a particular mystic sign  |
bhadraka | n. a harem  |
bhadrakālī | f. Name of a goddess (later a form of durgā-) etc.  |
bhadrakālī | f. of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhadrakālī | f. of a village on the right bank of the Ganges  |
bhadrakālī | f. of a plant (equals gandholī-)  |
bhadrakālīcintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
bhadrakālīkavaca | n. Name of chapter of  |
bhadrakālīmāhātmya | n. Name of work or chapter of work  |
bhadrakālīmantra | m. plural Name of work or chapter of work  |
bhadrakālīmanu | m. Name of work or chapter of work  |
bhadrakālīpūjāvidhi | m. Name of work or chapter of work  |
bhadrakālīpūjāyantra | n. Name of a mystical diagram  |
bhadrakālīpurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhadrakaṇṭa | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
bhadrakanyā | f. Name of the mother, of maudgalyāyana-  |
bhadrakāpa | m. "the good or beautiful kalpa-", Name of the present age (see )  |
bhadrakāpa | n. of a sūtra- work  |
bhadrakāpika | mfn. living in the bhadra-kalpa-  |
bhadrakapila | m. Name of śiva-  |
bhadrakāpya | m. Name of a man  |
bhadrakāra | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadrakāra | m. (plural) of a people  |
bhadrākāra | mfn. of auspicious features  |
bhadrakāraka | mfn. causing prosperity, prosperous, auspicious  |
bhadrākaraṇa | n. the karaṇa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) called bhadrā-  |
bhadrākaraṇa | n. "making beautiful", the act of shaving  |
bhadrakarṇeśvara | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
bhadrakarṇikā | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- in go-karṇa-  |
bhadrakāśī | f. a kind of Cyperus  |
bhadrakāṣṭha | n. the wood of Pinus Deodora  |
bhadrākṛ | P. -karoti-, to shave (see madrā-and )  |
bhadrakṛt | mfn. causing prosperity or welfare  |
bhadrakṛt | mfn. (with jaina-s) Name of the 24th arhat- of the future utsarpiṇī-  |
bhadrākṛti | mfn. of auspicious features  |
bhadrākṣa | m. "auspicious-eyed", Name of a king (see bhallākṣa-).  |
bhadrakumbha | m. "auspicious jar", a golden jar filled with water from a holy place or from the Ganges (used especially at the consecration of a king)  |
bhadralakṣaṇa | n. the mark of a bhadra- elephant (whose chief and inferior limbs are in good proportion)  |
bhadrālapattrikā | f. Paederia Foetida (equals gandhālī-)  |
bhadralatā | f. Gaertnera Racemosa  |
bhadrālī | f. Paederia Foetida (equals gandhālī-)  |
bhadram | ind. happily, fortunately, joyfully  |
bhadram | ind. with kṛ- or ā-car-, to do well  |
bhadrāmahiman | m. Name of work  |
bhadramallikā | f. Name of a particular plant (= gavākṣī-)  |
bhadramanas | f. Name of the mother of the elephant airāvata-  |
bhadramanda | m. a particular kind of elephant (also dra-and dra-mṛga-) (Bombay edition)  |
bhadramanda | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadramātṛ | (See bhādramātura-).  |
bhadraṃkara | mfn. equals drakāraka-  |
bhadraṃkara | m. Name of a man  |
bhadraṃkara | m. (plural) of a country  |
bhadraṃkara | n. Name of a town in vidarbha-  |
bhadraṃkaraṇa | mfn. equals prec. mfn. Va1rtt. 8  |
bhadramṛga | m. a kind of elephant  |
bhadramukha | mfn. one whose face (or whose look) confers prosperity etc. (only used in the vocative case or in the Nominal verb with the meaning of a 2nd Persian ="good or gentle sir" plural"good people"; according to to a prince is so to be addressed by the inferior characters in plays;in the it is a term of address to inferior persons).  |
bhadramuñja | m. a species of plant akin to Saccharum Sara  |
bhadramusta | m. ( ) ( ) a kind of Cyperus (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhadramustā | f. ( ) a kind of Cyperus (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhadramustaka | m. ( ) a kind of Cyperus (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhadraṃyā | f.  |
bhadraṃyikā | f.  |
bhadrānagara | n. Name of a city (see bhadra-pura-).  |
bhadranāman | m. Name of a bird (the water wagtail or the woodpecker)  |
bhadranāmikā | f. Ficus Heterophylla  |
bhadrānanda | m. Name of an author  |
bhadrānanda | See drānanda- under bhadra-.  |
bhadrāṅga | m. "beauteous-framed", Name of bala-bhadra-  |
bhadranidhi | m. "treasure of fortune", Name of a costly vessel offered to viṣṇu-  |
bhadrapada | n. Name of a metre |
bhadrapadā | f. Name of the 3rd and 4th lunar asterisms etc. (also n.; bhadrapadāyoga dā-yoga- m.Name of chapter of bhaṭṭotpala-'s commentator or commentary on )  |
bhadrapāda | mfn. born under the nakṣatra- bhadra-padā-  |
bhadrapadāyoga | m. bhadrapadā |
bhadrapāla | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
bhadrapāpa | n. sg. good and evil  |
bhadrapāpa | m. plural the good and the evil  |
bhadraparṇā | f. Paederia Foetida  |
bhadraparṇī | f. Gmelina Arborea on  |
bhadraparṇī | f. equals prec.  |
bhadrapīṭha | n. a splendid seat, throne etc.  |
bhadrapīṭha | n. (prob. m.) a kind of winged insect  |
bhadrapura | n. Name of a city (see, bhadrā-nagara-).  |
bhadrarāja | m. Name of 2 men  |
bhadrāraka | m. Name of one of the 18 lesser dvīpa-s  |
bhadrarāma | m. Name of an author  |
bhadraratha | m. Name of 2 men  |
bhadrareṇu | m. Name of indra-'s elephant (varia lectio -veṇu-).  |
bhadrarohiṇī | f. a species of plant (equals kaṭukā-)  |
bhadraruci | m. Name of a man  |
bhadrarūpā | f. Name of a woman  |
bhadraśākha | m. Name of a form of skanda-  |
bhadraśālavana | varia lectio for sāla-v- q.v  |
bhadrasālavana | n. Name of a forest (Bombay edition; Calcutta edition śāla-v-).  |
bhadrasāman | m. Name of a man (see bhādrasāma-).  |
bhadrāsana | n. a splendid seat, throne etc.  |
bhadrāsana | n. a particular posture of a devotee during meditation  |
bhadrasāra | m. Name of a king  |
bhadrasaras | n. Name of a lake  |
bhadraśarman | m. Name of a man (see gaRa bāhv-ādi-).  |
bhadraṣaṣṭhī | f. Name of a form of durgā-  |
bhadraśaunaka | m. Name of an ancient physician  |
bhadrasena | m. Name of a man with the patronymic ājātaśatrava-  |
bhadrasena | m. of a son of vasu-deva- and devakī-  |
bhadrasena | m. of a son of ṛṣabha-  |
bhadrasena | m. of a son of mahiṣmat- (also naka-) |
bhadrasena | m. of a king of kaśmīra-  |
bhadrasena | m. (with Buddhists) Name of the leader of the host of the evil spirit māra-pāpīyas-  |
bhadraśilā | f. Name of a town  |
bhadraśīla | m. Name of a man  |
bhadraśoci | mfn. beautifully shining, glittering  |
bhadrasomā | f. Name of a river in uttara-kuru-  |
bhadrasomā | f. of the Ganges  |
bhadrāśrama | (or drāśr-?) m. Name of a hermitage  |
bhadrāśrama | (drāś-) See bhadrāśr- under bhadra-.  |
bhadraśravas | m. Name of a son of dharma-  |
bhadraśraya | n. sandalwood  |
bhadrāśraya | n. equals dra-śraya-  |
bhadraśreṇya | m. Name of a king  |
bhadraśrī | f. idem or 'n. sandal-wood '  |
bhadraśrī | m. the sandal tree  |
bhadraśriya | n. sandal-wood  |
bhadraśrut | mfn. hearing good or pleasant things  |
bhadrasuta | m. equals bhadrātmaja-  |
bhadrāśva | m. Name of a son of vasu-deva- and rohiṇī-  |
bhadrāśva | m. of a son of dhundhu-māra-  |
bhadrāśva | m. of a king also called śveta-vāhana-  |
bhadrāśva | m. of a son of āgnīdhra- and (also n.) a dvīpa- or varṣa- called after him (the eastern division) etc.  |
bhadrāśva | n. Name of a country lying east of the ilāvṛta- country  |
bhadrasvapna | (bhadr/ā--) m. a good dream  |
bhadratā | f. honesty, probity  |
bhadratā | f. prosperity, good fortune (also bhadratātva -tva- n.)  |
bhadratara | mfn. more prosperous, happier, better  |
bhadrataruṇī | f. Rosa Moschata  |
bhadratas | ind. fortunately, happily  |
bhadratātva | n. bhadratā |
bhadrātmaja | m. "son of iron (?)", a sword  |
bhadratuṅga | m. Name of a tīrtha-  |
bhadraturaga | n. Name of a varṣa-  |
bhadratva | n. See -tā-.  |
bhadraudanī | f. Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia  |
bhadravāc | mfn. speaking auspiciously  |
bhadravācya | n. wishing well, congratulation  |
bhadravadana | m. "auspicious-faced", Name of bala-rāma-  |
bhadravādin | mfn. uttering auspicious cries (said of a bird)  |
bhadrāvaha | mfn. causing prosperity  |
bhadrāvaha | n. (with ghṛta-) a particular medicine preparation  |
bhadrāvakāśā | f. Name of a river  |
bhadravallī | f. Jasminum Sambac  |
bhadravallī | f. Gaertnera Racemosa  |
bhadravallī | f. Vallaris Dichotomus  |
bhadravallikā | f. Hemidesmus Indicus  |
bhadravargīya | m. plural Name of the first 5 disciples of gautama- buddha-  |
bhadravarman | m. Arabian jasmine  |
bhadravarman | m. Name of a man (see bhādravarmaṇa-).  |
bhadravasana | n. splendid apparel  |
bhadravat | mfn. fraught with good, auspicious  |
bhadravat | n. Pinus Deodora  |
bhadravaṭa | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
bhadravatī | f. a wanton woman, courtezan  |
bhadravatī | f. Gmelina Arborea  |
bhadravatī | f. Name of a daughter of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadravatī | f. of a wife of madhu-  |
bhadravatī | f. of a female elephant  |
bhadrāvatī | (for dra-v-?) f. a species of tree (= kaṭphala-)  |
bhadraveṇu | m. See -reṇu-.  |
bhadravihāra | m. Name of a Buddhist monastery.  |
bhadravinda | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
bhadravirāj | f. Name of a metre  |
bhadravrāta | (bhadr/a--) mfn. having or forming a happy assemblage  |
bhadrāvrata | n. a particular religious ceremony (also called vithṭi-vrata-)  |
bhadrayā | ind. happily, fortunately, joyfully  |
bhadrayāna | m. Name of a man  |
bhadrayānīya | m. plural his school (bhadrāyana-,prob. wrong reading)  |
bhadrayava | n. the seed of Wrightia Antidysenterica  |
bhadrayoga | m. a particular astrological yoga-  |
bhadrāyudha | m. "handsome-weaponed", Name of a warrior  |
bhadrāyudha | m. of a giant  |
bhadrāyus | m. Name of a man  |
bhadrendra | m. Name of a man  |
bhadreśa | See bhadreśa- etc. 1. bhadrā- below.  |
bhadreśa | m. "husband of bhadrā- id est durgā- ", Name of śiva- (see umeśa-).  |
bhadreśvara | See bhadreśa- etc. 1. bhadrā- below.  |
bhadreśvara | m. Name of various statues and liṅga-s of śiva- (see prec.)  |
bhadreśvara | m. of a place  |
bhadreśvara | m. of a kāyastha-  |
bhadreśvara | m. of an author (also -sūri-and rācārya-).  |
bhadrikā | f. an amulet  |
bhadrikā | f. Myrica Sapida  |
bhadrikā | f. Name of 2 metres  |
bhadrika | m. Name of a prince of the śākya-s (varia lectio bhadraka-).  |
bhadriṇa | m. Name of a man  |
bhadrodaya | n. a particular medicine compound  |
bhadropavāsavrata | n. a particular religious observance  |
bhaga | See .  |
bhaga | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-and ī-). gaRa bahv-ādi-) "dispenser", gracious lord, patron (applied to gods, especially to savitṛ-)  |
bhaga | m. Name of an āditya- (bestowing wealth and presiding over love and marriage, brother of the Dawn, regent of the nakṣatra- uttara-phalgunī-; yāska- enumerates him among the divinities of the highest sphere;according to a later legend his eyes were destroyed by rudra-) etc. |
bhaga | m. the nakṣatra- uttara-- phalgunī-  |
bhaga | m. the sun  |
bhaga | m. the moon  |
bhaga | m. Name of a rudra-  |
bhaga | m. good fortune, happiness, welfare, prosperity  |
bhaga | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) dignity, majesty, distinction, excellence, beauty, loveliness  |
bhaga | m. (also n. ) love, affection, sexual passion, amorous pleasure, dalliance  |
bhaga | m. (n. ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the female organs, pudendum muliebre, vulva etc.  |
bhagā | f. in bhagā-nāmnī- below  |
bhaga | n. a particular muhūrta-  |
bhaga | n. the perinaeum of males  |
bhaga | mn. equals yatna-, prayatna-, kīrti-, yaśas-, vairāgya-, icchā-, jñāna-, mukti-, mokṣa-, dharma-, śrī- [ confer, compare Zend bagha= Old Persian baga; Greek ; Slavonic or Slavonian bogu8,bogatu8; Lithuanian bago4tas,na-ba4gas.],  |
bhagabhakṣaka | m. "living by the vulva", a procurer, pander  |
bhagabhakta | (bh/aga--) mfn. fortune-favoured, endowed with prosperity  |
bhagadā | f. "giving welfare", Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhagadaivata | mfn. equals prec. mfn. (with nakṣatra-)  |
bhagadaivata | mfn. conferring conjugal felicity  |
bhagadaivata | n. the nakṣatra- uttara- phalgunī-  |
bhagadaivatamāsa | m. the month phālguna-  |
bhagadāraṇa | n. a particular disease (see bhagaṃ-dara-).  |
bhagadatta | m. "given by bhaga-", Name of a prince of prāg-jyotiṣa-  |
bhagadatta | m. of a king of Kamrup  |
bhagadatta | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a mythical king.  |
bhagadeva | mfn. "whose god is the female organ", lustful, a libertine  |
bhagadevata | mf(ā-)n. having bhaga- for a deity  |
bhagadevatā | f. a hymeneal divinity  |
bhagādhāna | mfn. bestowing matrimonial felicity  |
bhagadheya | m. Name of a man  |
bhagaghna | m. "slayer of bhaga-", Name of śiva-  |
bhagahan | m. "slayer of bhaga-", Name of śiva- (transferred to viṣṇu-)  |
bhagahārin | m. equals -ghna-  |
bhagakāma | mf(ā-)n. desirous of sexual pleasure  |
bhagākṣihan | m. equals bhaganetra-han-  |
bhagala | m. Name of a man (see gaRa arīhaṇādi-)  |
bhagalā | f. Name of a woman gaRa bāhvādi- (see bhāgala-, laka-etc.)  |
bhagāla | n. equals kapāla-, a skull (see )  |
bhagālin | m. "bedecked with skulls", Name of śiva-  |
bhagama | m. the revolution of a planet  |
bhagaṃdara | m. "lacerating the vulva", a fistula in the pudendum muliebre or in the anus etc. (5 to 8 forms enumerated; see bhaga-dāraṇa-) (see on )  |
bhagaṃdara | m. Name of an ancient sage  |
bhagaṇa | m. equals -cakra-  |
bhagaṇa | m. equals next  |
bhagana | wrong reading for bha-gaṇa- (See under 4. bha-, column 2) .  |
bhagānāmnī | f. having the name" bhagā-"  |
bhaganandā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhaganarāya | m. Name of a man  |
bhaganetra | (in the beginning of a compound) bhaga-'s eyes  |
bhaganetraghna | m. "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
bhaganetrahan | m. "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
bhaganetrahara | m. ( ) "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
bhaganetrahṛt | m. ( ) "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
bhaganetranipātana | m. "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
bhaganetrāntaka | m. ( ) "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
bhaganetrāpahārin | m. ( ) "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-.  |
bhagāṅka | m. the mark of the vulva (as a brand)  |
bhagāṅka | mf(ā-)n. marked or branded with a vulva  |
bhagāṅkita | mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
bhagāṅkura | m. the clitoris  |
bhagāpahārin | mfn. receiving a share  |
bhagapura | n. Name of the city of Multan  |
bhagas | n. equals bhaga-  |
bhagāsya | mfn. whose mouth is used as a vulva  |
bhagatti | (bh/aga--) f. (for bh-+ datti-) a gift of fortune  |
bhagavac | in compound for vat-.  |
bhagavaccaraṇāravindadhyāna | n. Name of work  |
bhagavacchāstra | (for vat-śā-) n. Name of chapter of  |
bhagavad | in compound for vat-.  |
bhagavadānanda | m. Name of an author  |
bhagavadārādhana | n. "propitiation of bhagavat-"  |
bhagavadārādhanakrama | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadārādhanasamarthana | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadarcana | n. "worship of bhagavat- id est kṛṣṇa- "  |
bhagavadarcanamāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
bhagavadarcanaprastāva | m. Name of chapter of  |
bhagavadāśrayabhūta | mfn. being the seat or resting-place of bhagavat-  |
bhagavadbhakti | (in the beginning of a compound),"devotion to bhagavat- or kṛṣṇa-"  |
bhagavadbhakticandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhakticandrikollāsa | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktimāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktinirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktirasāyaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktiratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktisādhana | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktisārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktistotra | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktitaraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktivilāsa | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhaktiviveka | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadbhāskara | m. Name of work (= bhagavanta-bh-).  |
bhagavadbhaṭṭa | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on the rasa-taraṃgiṇī-  |
bhagavadbhāvaka | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on  |
bhagavaddāsa | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on  |
bhagavaddharmavarṇana | n. Name of work  |
bhagavaddhyānamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavaddhyānasopāna | n. Name of work  |
bhagavaddṛśa | mf(ī-)n. resembling the Supreme  |
bhagavaddruma | m. " bhagavat-'s (id est Buddha's) tree", (prob.) the sacred fig-tree  |
bhagavadgītā | f. plural (sometimes with upaniṣad-;once n(ta-). ) " kṛṣṇa-'s song", Name of a celebrated mystical poem (interpolated in the where it forms an episode of 18 chapters , containing a dialogue between kṛṣṇa- and arjuna-, in which the Pantheism of the vedānta- is combined with a tinge of the sāṃkhya- and the later principle of bhakti-or devotion to kṛṣṇa- as the Supreme Being; see )  |
bhagavadgītābhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītābhāṣyavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītābhāvaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītābodhaka | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāgūḍhārthadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāhetunirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītālaghuvyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītālakṣābharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāmāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāprasthāna | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāpratipada | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītārahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītārtharakṣā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītārthasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītārthasāra | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītārthastotra | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāsamaṅgalācāraślokapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāsāra | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāsārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāśaya | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītātatparya | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītātatparyabodhikā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītātatparyabodhinī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītātatparyacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītātatparyadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītātatparyanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāvivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāvyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadgovinda | m. Name of a poet  |
bhagavadguṇa | (in the beginning of a compound),"the qualities or virtues of bhagavat-"  |
bhagavadguṇadarpaṇa | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadguṇasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhagavadīya | m. a worshipper of bhagavat- id est viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- ( bhagavadīyatva -tva- n.)  |
bhagavadīyatva | n. bhagavadīya |
bhagavadrāta | m. Name of a man  |
bhagavadudyamanāṭaka | n. Name of a play.  |
bhagavadupanayana | n. "initiation of bhagavat-", Name of work  |
bhagavadvilāsaratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadviśeṣa | m. Name of a man  |
bhagavadyauvanodgama | m. Name of chapter of the kṛṣṇa-krīḍita-.  |
bhagaval | in compound for vat-.  |
bhagavallāñchanadhāraṇapramāṇaśatapradarśana | n. Name of work  |
bhagavallilācintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
bhagavan | in compound for vat-.  |
bhagavanmānapūjā | f. Name of a hymn by śaṃkarācārya-.  |
bhagavanmaya | mf(ī-)n. wholly devoted to viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
bhagavannāma | (in the beginning of a compound for man-),"the name or names of bhagavat- id est viṣṇu- "  |
bhagavannāmakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmamāhātmyasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmāmṛtarasodaya | m. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmasmaraṇastuti | f. Name of work  |
bhagavannāmāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavannandasaṃvāda | m. Name of  |
bhagavanta | m. Name of the author of the mukunda-vilāsa-.  |
bhagavantabhāskara | m. Name of a law-book by nīla-kaṇṭha- (17th cent.)  |
bhagavantadeva | m. Name of a prince (king of bhareha-, son of sāhi-deva- and a patron of nīlakaṇṭha- see next)  |
bhagavat | ind. like a vulva  |
bhagavat | mfn. See below.  |
bhagavat | mfn. (for 1.See under bh/aga-) possessing fortune, fortunate, prosperous, happy  |
bhagavat | mfn. glorious, illustrious, divine, adorable, venerable etc.  |
bhagavat | mfn. holy (applied to gods, demigods, and saints as a term of address, either in vocative case bhagavan-, bhagavas-, bhagos-[ see Va1rtt. 2 ] f. bhagavatī- m. plural bhagavantaḥ-;or in Nominal verb with 3. sg. of the verb;with Buddhists often prefixed to the titles of their sacred writings)  |
bhagavat | m. "the divine or adorable one", Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
bhagavat | m. of śiva-  |
bhagavat | m. of a buddha- or a bodhi-sattva- or a jina- (see )  |
bhagavatī | f. See below.  |
bhagavatī | f. (of vat-) Name of lakṣmī-  |
bhagavatī | f. of durgā-  |
bhagavatī | f. equals ty-aṅga- (below) .  |
bhagavatībhāgavatapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhagavatīdāsa | m. Name of a man  |
bhagavatīgītā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavatīkeśādipādastava | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatīkīlaka | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatīpadyapuṣpāñjali | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatīpurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhagavatīstuti | f. Name of work  |
bhagavatīsūtra | n. Name of work  |
bhagavatpādābhāṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhagavatpādācārya | m. Name of an author  |
bhagavatpadī | f. Name of the source of the gaṅgā- (said to have sprung from viṣṇu-'s foot or from an aperture made in the mundane egg by the toe-nail of viṣṇu-)  |
bhagavatprasādamālā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavatpratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatpūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatsamārādhanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatsiddhāntasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatsmṛti | f. Name of work |
bhagavatsvarūpa | n. Name of work  |
bhagavatsvarūpaviṣayaśaṅkānirāsa | m. Name of work  |
bhagavatsvatantratā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavattama | mfn. more or most holy or adorable  |
bhagavattara | mfn. more or most holy or adorable  |
bhagavattattvadipikā | f. Name of work  |
bhagavattattvamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
bhagavattva | n. the condition or rank of viṣṇu-  |
bhagavatyaṅga | n. Name of the 5th aṅga- of the jaina-s.  |
bhagavedana | mfn. proclaiming connubial felicity (varia lectio for -daivata-).  |
bhagavitta | m. Name of a man  |
bhagavṛtti | mfn. subsisting by the vulva  |
bhageśa | See .  |
bhageśa | m. the lord of fortune or prosperity  |
bhagevita | (equals bhage-+ avita- ), satisfied with good fortune or prosperity  |
bhagin | bhagīratha- See p.744.  |
bhagin | mfn. prosperous, happy, fortunate, perfect, splendid, glorious (superl. g/i-tama-)  |
bhagin | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on amara-koṣa- (abridged fr. bhagī-ratha- q.v)  |
bhagīna | See viśo-- and veśa-bhag/īna-.  |
bhaginī | f. See below.  |
bhaginī | f. a sister ("the happy or fortunate one", as having a brother) etc. (in familiar speech, also for -bhrātṛ-,"brother" )  |
bhaginī | f. any woman or wife  |
bhaginībhartṛ | (gaRa yuktārohy-ādi-) m. a sister's husband.  |
bhaginībhrātṛ | m. dual number sister and brother  |
bhaginikā | f. a little sister, (see next) .  |
bhaginīpati | ( ) m. a sister's husband.  |
bhaginīsuta | m. a sister's son  |
bhaginīya | m. (prob.) a sister's son.  |
bhagīratha | m. (prob. fr. bhagin-+ ratha-,"having a glorious chariot"), Name of an ancient king (son of dilīpa- and great-grandfather of sagara-, king of ayodhyā-;he brought down the sacred gaṅgā- from heaven to earth and then conducted this river to the ocean in order to purify the ashes of his ancestors, the 60,000 sons of sagara-; see ) etc. |
bhagīratha | m. Name of several authors (also with ṭhakkura-and megha-; see bhagin-)  |
bhagīratha | m. of an architect of recent date  |
bhagīratha | m. of a mountain  |
bhagīrathadatta | m. Name of a poet  |
bhagīrathakanyā | f. "daughter of bhagī-ratha-", Name of gaṅgā-  |
bhagīrathapatha | (A.) m. " bhagī-ratha-'s path or labour", Name of any Herculean effort or exertion.  |
bhagīrathaprayatna | ( ) m. " bhagī-ratha-'s path or labour", Name of any Herculean effort or exertion.  |
bhagīrathasutā | f. equals -kanyā-  |
bhagīrathayaśas | f. Name of a daughter of prasena-jit-  |
bhagīrathopākhyāna | n. Name of chapter xxxv of the vāsiṣṭha-rāmāyaṇa-.  |
bhagna | mfn. broken (literally and figuratively), shattered, split, torn, defeated, checked, frustrated, disturbed, disappointed etc. (sometimes forming the first instead of the second part of a compound exempli gratia, 'for example' grīvā-bhagna-, dharma-bh-for bhagna-grīva-, -dharma-;also"one who has broken a limb" )  |
bhagna | mfn. bent, curved  |
bhagna | mfn. lost  |
bhagna | n. the fracture of a leg  |
bhagnabāhu | mfn. broken-armed  |
bhagnabhāṇḍa | mfn. one who has broken his pots  |
bhagnaceṣṭa | mfn. broken in effort, disappointed  |
bhagnadaṃṣṭra | mfn. having the tusks or fangs broken  |
bhagnadantanakha | mfn. having the teeth and claws broken  |
bhagnadarpa | mfn. one whose pride is broken, humiliated  |
bhagnajānu | m. having a broken knee or leg  |
bhagnakāma | See a-bhagnak-.  |
bhagnakrama | n. the breaking id est violating of grammatical order or construction  |
bhagnamāna | mfn. equals -darpa- |
bhagnamanas | mfn. "broken-hearted", discouraged, disappointed  |
bhagnamanoratha | mf(ā-)n. one whose wishes are disappointed  |
bhagnanetra | mfn. affecting the eyes (said of a kind of fever)  |
bhagnanidra | mfn. one whose sleep is broken or interrupted  |
bhagnāpad | mfn. one who has conquered adversity,  |
bhagnapādarkṣa | (da-ṛk-) n. Name of 6 nakṣatra-s collectively (viz. punarvasū-, uttarāṣāḍhā-, kṛttikā-, uttara-phalgunī-, pūrva-bhādrapadā-, and viśākhā-; see puṣkara-)  |
bhagnapariṇāma | mfn. prevented from finishing (anything)  |
bhagnapārśva | mfn. suffering from pain in the side  |
bhagnaprakrama | n. "broken arrangement", (in rhetoric) the use of a word which does not correspond to one used before (also bhagnaprakramatā -tā- f. )  |
bhagnaprakramatā | f. bhagnaprakrama |
bhagnapratijña | mfn. one who has broken a promise, faithless  |
bhagnapṛṣṭha | mfn. "broken-backed", coming before or in front of (?)  |
bhagnāśa | mfn. one whose hopes are broken, disappointed in expectation  |
bhagnaśakti | mfn. one whose strength is broken  |
bhagnasaṃdhi | mfn. one whose joints are broken  |
bhagnasaṃdhika | n. buttermilk (equals ghola-)  |
bhagnaśṛṅga | mfn. equals -viṣāṇaka- (varia lectio)  |
bhagnāsthi | mfn. one whose bones are broken  |
bhagnāsthibandha | m. a splint  |
bhagnatā | f. the condition of being broken  |
bhagnatā | f. (with pravahaṇasya-) shipwreck  |
bhagnatāla | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
bhagnātman | m. "broken-bodied", Name of the Moon (cut in two by the trident of śiva-)  |
bhagnaviṣāṇaka | mfn. having broken horns or tusks  |
bhagnavrata | mfn. one who has broken a vow  |
bhagnayācña | mf(ā-)n. one whose request has been refused  |
bhagnayuge | ind. when the yoke is broken  |
bhagnī | See .  |
bhagnī | f. equals bhaginī-, a sister  |
bhagnodyama | mfn. one whose efforts have been frustrated  |
bhagnorudaṇḍa | mfn. "broken-thighed", having the bone of the thigh fractured  |
bhagnotsāhakriyātman | mfn. one whose energy and labour have been frustrated  |
bhagola | m. the starry sphere, vault of heaven  |
bhagos | See bhagavat-.  |
bhaiḍaka | and bhaiṇḍaka- mfn. (fr. bheḍa-, bheṇḍa-) relating to or coming from a sheep  |
bhaidika | mfn. equals bhedaṃ nityam arhati-  |
bhaikṣa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. bhikṣā-) living on alms, subsisting by charity  |
bhaikṣa | n. asking alms, begging, mendicancy (kṣāya-with gam-,to beg for alms, kṣam-[ in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ]with car-,to go about begging for; kṣam-with ā-hṛ-,or sam-ā-hṛ-,to collect alms or food; kṣeṇa-with Causal of vṛt-,to subsist on alms) etc.  |
bhaikṣa | n. anything obtained by begging, begged food, charity, alms etc.  |
bhaikṣa | n. a multitude of alms  |
bhaikṣabhuj | mfn. living on alms  |
bhaikṣabhuj | m. a mendicant  |
bhaikṣacaraṇa | n. going about begging, collecting alms (ṇaṃ-car-,to practise mendicancy)  |
bhaikṣacarya | n.  |
bhaikṣacaryā | f. equals prec.  |
bhaikṣāhāra | mfn. living on alms, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
bhaikṣāhāra | mfn. equals kṣāśin-  |
bhaikṣajīvikā | f. subsisting by alms or charity  |
bhaikṣaka | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals bhaikṣa-, alms  |
bhaikṣāka | n. mendicancy,  |
bhaikṣakāla | m. "alms-time", the time for bringing home anything obtained as alms  |
bhaikṣākula | n. (kṣāk-?) a charitable house  |
bhaikṣānna | n. begged food  |
bhaikṣārthin | mfn. seeking for alms,  |
bhaikṣāśin | mfn. eating begged food, a mendicant  |
bhaikṣāśya | n. (fr. prec.) equals kṣa-jīvikā-  |
bhaikṣava | mfn. (fr. bhikṣu-) belonging to a religious mendicant |
bhaikṣavat | ind. as or for alms  |
bhaikṣavṛtti | f. equals -jīvikā-,  |
bhaikṣavṛtti | mfn. living by charity  |
bhaikṣopajīvin | mfn. living on alms  |
bhaikṣuka | n. (fr. bhikṣuka-) a multitude of beggars or mendicants gaRa khaṇḍikādi-  |
bhaikṣuka | m. (scilicet āś/ama-) the fourth stage in the life of a Brahman, the life of a religious mendicant  |
bhaikṣya | wrong reading for bhaikṣa-.  |
bhaima | mf(ī-)n. (fr. bhīma-,of which it is also the vṛddhi- form in compound) relating or belonging to bhīma-  |
bhaima | m. a descendant of bhīma-  |
bhaima | m. Name of the 11th day in the light half of māgha- and a festival kept on it (equals bhīmaikādaśī-)  |
bhaima | m. of a grammar.  |
bhaimagava | m. patronymic fr. bhīma-gava-, or bhīma-gu-  |
bhaimapravīṇa | m. the bravest or chief of the bhīma-s  |
bhaimaratha | mf(ī-)n. relating to bhīma-ratha-  |
bhaimarathī | f. (with niśīthinī-) prob. equals bhīmarathī- (q.v)  |
bhaimasena | (bh/aima--) m. patronymic fr. bhīma-s-,  |
bhaimaseni | m. (fr. bhīma-sena-) patronymic of divo-dāsa-  |
bhaimaseni | m. of ghaṭotkaca-  |
bhaimasenya | m. patronymic fr. bhima-sena- Va1rtt. 7  |
bhaimāyana | m. patronymic fr. bhaima-  |
bhaimī | f. bhīma-'s daughter id est damayantī- , ( bhaimīpariṇaya mī-pariṇaya- n." damayantī-'s wedding", Name of a drama)  |
bhaimi | m. (fr. bhīma-) patronymic of ghaṭotkaca-  |
bhaimīpariṇaya | n. bhaimī |
bhairava | mf(ā-and ī-)n. (fr. bhīru-) frightful, terrible, horrible, formidable ( bhairavam am- ind.) etc.  |
bhairava | mf(ā-and ī-)n. relating to bhairava-  |
bhairava | m. Name of a form of śiva- (cf ) (in the latter 8 bhairava-'s are enumerated, viz. mahā--, saṃhāra--, asitāṅga--, ruru-- kāla--, krodha--, tāmracūḍa--,or kapāla--, candracūḍa--or rudra-bh-;sometimes other names are given exempli gratia, 'for example' vidyā-rāja-, kāma-r-, nāga-r-, svacchanda-r-, lambita-r-, deva-r-, ugra-r-, vighna-r-)  |
bhairava | m. a man representing bhairava-'s  |
bhairava | m. a jackal  |
bhairava | m. a mountain  |
bhairava | m. (in music) Name of a rāga-  |
bhairava | m. Name of a chief of śiva-'s host,  |
bhairava | m. of a son of śiva- by tārā-vatī- (wife of candra-śekhara-, king of karavīra-pura-)  |
bhairava | m. of a nāga-  |
bhairava | m. of a yakṣa-  |
bhairava | m. of a hunter  |
bhairava | m. of 2 kings and various teachers and authors (also with tripāṭhin-, daivajña-, tilaka-, dīkṣita-, ācārya-, bhaṭṭa-and miśra-)  |
bhairava | m. of a river  |
bhairava | m. plural Name of a particular sect  |
bhairavā | f. Name of nirṛti-  |
bhairavā | f. plural of a class of apsaras-  |
bhairava | n. terror or the property of exciting terror  |
bhairava | n. equals bhairava-tantra- below.  |
bhairavadatta | m. Name of various authors  |
bhairavadīpadāna | n. Name of work  |
bhairavadīpana | n. Name of work  |
bhairavāgratas | ind. in the presence of bhairava-  |
bhairavakāraka | mfn. causing terror, formidable  |
bhairavam | ind. bhairava |
bhairavamantra | m. Name of work  |
bhairavanāmāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhairavānanda | m. Name of a yogin-  |
bhairavānanda | m. of an author  |
bhairavanāthatantra | n. Name of work  |
bhairavanavarasaratna | n. Name of work  |
bhairavapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhairavaprādurbhāvanāṭaka | n. Name of work  |
bhairavaprasāda | m. Name of work  |
bhairavaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bhairavapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhairavārādhana | n. Name of work  |
bhairavārcanakalpalatā | f. Name of work  |
bhairavārcāpārijāta | m. Name of work  |
bhairavasahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
bhairavasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
bhairavasaparyāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhairavasiṃha | m. Name of a son of narasiṃha- and patron of ruci-pati-  |
bhairavāṣṭaka | n. Name of a collection of 8  |
bhairavastava | m.  |
bhairavastotra | n. Name of various hymns.  |
bhairavatantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
bhairavatarjaka | m. "threatening terrible things", Name of viṣṇu- (properly of śiva-)  |
bhairavatva | n. the state of being bhairava- or a form of śivi-  |
bhairavayātanā | f. pain inflicted by śiva- (as a penance)  |
bhairavendra | m. Name of a king  |
bhairaveśa | m. "lord of terror", Name of viṣṇu- (properly of śiva-; see bhairava-tarjaka-).  |
bhairavī | f. See below  |
bhairavī | f. of va-  |
bhairavī | f. Name of a particular form of durgā-  |
bhairavī | f. a girl of 12 years (representing durgā- at the durgā- festival)  |
bhairavī | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī-.  |
bhairavīpaṭala | m. or n. Name of work  |
bhairavīrahasya | n. Name of work  |
bhairavīrahasyavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhairavītantra | n.  |
bhairavīya | mfn. relating, to bhairava-  |
bhairavīyapañcasaṃdhi | m. Name of work  |
bhairavīyatantra | n. Name of work  |
bhairavyaṣṭottaraśatanāmāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhairika | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa- by satyabhāmā-  |
bhais | See 1. bhī-, p.758.  |
bhaiṣaja | m. (fr. bheṣaja-) Perdix Chinensis  |
bhaiṣaja | n. a drug, medicine  |
bhaiṣaja | mfn. relating to bhaiṣajya- gaRa kaṇvādi-. |
bhaiṣajya | m. patronymic fr. bhiṣaj-, or bhiṣaja- gaRa gargādi- ( )  |
bhaiṣajya | n. curativeness, healing efficacy  |
bhaiṣajya | n. a particular ceremony performed as a remedy for sickness  |
bhaiṣajya | n. any remedy, drug or medicine ("against" genitive case)  |
bhaiṣajya | n. the administering of medicines etc.  |
bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabhā | f. Name of a Buddhist work  |
bhaiṣajyarāja | m. Name of 2 bodhi-sattva-s  |
bhaiṣajyaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
bhaiṣajyaratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhaiṣajyasamudgata | m. Name of 2 bodhi-sattva-s  |
bhaiṣajyasāra | m. Name of work  |
bhaiṣajyasārāmṛtasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
bhaiṣajyasena | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
bhaiṣajyayajña | m. a sacrifice performed as a remedy for sickness  |
bhaiṣmaka | mf(ī-)n., fr. bhīṣmaka-  |
bhaiṣmakī | f. patronymic of rukmiṇī-  |
bhaiṣṇaja | mfn. fr. bhaithṇajya- gaRa kaṇvādi- (varia lectio bhaiṣaja-).  |
bhaiṣṇajya | m. patronymic fr. bhiṣṇaja- gaRa gargādi- (varia lectio bhaiṣaja-)  |
bhaiyābhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author  |
bhaj | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) bh/ajati-, te- (2. sg. as imperative bhakṣi- ; perfect tense P. babh/āja- A1. bhej/e- etc.;2. sg. babhaktha- ; bhejitha- ; Aorist P.2. 3. sg. abhāk- ; abhākṣīt-, kṣus- ; subjunctive bhakṣat- ; A1. /abhakṣi-, kta- etc.; preceding A1. bhakṣīy/a- ;3. sg. kṣīṣṭa- ; kṣīta- ; future bhakṣyati-, te- etc.; bhajiṣyati-, te- etc.; bhaktā- grammar; infinitive mood bhaktum- etc.; bhajitum- ; ind.p. bhaktvā- etc., tvāya- ; -bhajya-and -bh/ājam- ), to divide, distribute, allot or apportion to (dative case or genitive case), share with (instrumental case) etc. ; (A1.) to grant, bestow, furnish, supply ; A1. (rarely P.) to obtain as one's share, receive as (two accusative), partake of, enjoy (also carnally) , possess, have (accusative,Ved. also genitive case) ; (A1.,rarely P.) to turn or resort to, engage in, assume (as a form) , put on (garments) , experience, incur, undergo, feel, go or fall into (with accusative, especially of abstract noun exempli gratia, 'for example' bhītim-,to feel terror; nidrām-,to fall asleep; maunam-,to become silent) etc. ; to pursue, practise, cultivate ; to fall to the lot or share of (accusative) etc. ; to declare for, prefer, choose (exempli gratia, 'for example' as a servant) ; to serve, honour, revere, love, adore etc.: Causal bhāj/ayati-, te- (Aorist abībhajuḥ- , ababhājat- grammar), to divide ; to deal out, distribute ; to cause any one (accusative) to partake of or enjoy (accusative or genitive case) ; to put to flight, pursue, chase, drive into (accusative) ; to cook, dress (food) : Desiderative bibhakṣati-, te- (confer, compare bhikṣ-): Intensive bābhajyate-, bābhakti-, [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin fa1gus; Gothic Old S.bo1k; German Buch,Buchstabe; English buck-,beech.]  |
bhajagovindastotra | n. Name of work (see bhagavad-govinda-).  |
bhajaka | m. a distributer, apportioner (See civara-bh-)  |
bhajaka | m. a worshipper  |
bhajamāna | mfn. apportioning etc.  |
bhajamāna | mfn. fitting, meet, appropriate  |
bhajamāna | mfn. Name of various princes  |
bhajana | m. Name of a prince  |
bhajana | n. the act of sharing  |
bhajana | n. possession  |
bhajana | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') reverence, worship, adoration (also bhajanatā -tā- f.with locative case )  |
bhajanāmṛta | n. Name of work  |
bhajanānanda | m. Name of an author  |
bhajanatā | f. bhajana |
bhajanavārika | m. a particular official in a Buddhist monastery  |
bhajanīya | mfn. to be loved or revered or waited upon, venerable  |
bhajenya | ( ) mfn. equals janīya-.  |
bhajeratha | ( bhaje-+ aratha-), prob. bhaj/e- (infinitive mood) or bh/aje- (1. sg. fr. bhaj-) + r/athasya-.  |
bhaji | m. Name of a prince (also jin-and jina-)  |
bhajitavya | ( ) mfn. equals janīya-.  |
bhajya | ( ) mfn. equals janīya-.  |
bhakabhakāya | (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds); confer, compare bheka-,a frog, and Greek ) Nom. A1. yate-, to croak (confer, compare bakabakāya-, makamakāya-).  |
bhakakṣā | f. the path of the asterisms  |
bhakāra | m. the letter or sound bha-.  |
bhakkikā | f. a cricket (see phaḍiṅgā-).  |
bhakkuḍa | or bhakkura- m. a species of fish  |
bhakṣ | (prob. a secondary form fr. bhaj-,or Nom.fr. bhakṣ/a-; see also bhikṣ-and bhañj-) cl.10 P. ( ) bhakṣ/ayati- (rarely A1. te-), and in later language also cl.1 P. A1. ( ) bhakṣati-, te- (perfect tense bhakṣayām āsa- etc. future bhakṣayiṣyati-, te- ; Aorist ababhakṣat- ; Passive voice abhakṣi- ; infinitive mood bhakṣayitum- , kṣitum- ; ind.p. bhakṣayitvā- ; -bhakṣya- ; -bhakṣam- ), to eat or drink, devour, partake of (with accusative,in Vedic or Veda also with genitive case;in the older language usually of fluids, in the later only exceptionally so) etc. ; to sting, bite ; to consume, use up, waste, destroy etc. ; to drain the resources of, impoverish : Causal bhakṣ/ayati- See above ; to cause anything (accusative) to be eaten by (accusative or instrumental case) Va1rtt. 7 : Desiderative bibhakṣiṣati- or kṣayiṣati-, to wish to eat or devour (see bibhakṣayiṣu-). |
bhakṣa | m. drinking or eating, drink or (in later language) food etc. etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',withf(ā-).,having anything for food or beverage, eating, drinking, living upon)  |
bhakṣabīja | m. wrong reading for bhakṣya-b-  |
bhakṣacchandas | n. a metre used while eating the sacrificial food,  |
bhakṣāhāra | m. a meal of leavings  |
bhakṣajapa | m. the prayer muttered while drinking soma-  |
bhakṣaka | mfn. one who eats, an eater, enjoyer, one who feeds or lives upon (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhakṣaka | mfn. voracious, gluttonous, a gourmand  |
bhakṣaka | m. food  |
bhakṣaka | m. a meal, food (see uṣṭra-bh-).  |
bhakṣakāra | m. "food-maker", a cook, baker  |
bhakṣālī | f. Name of a place gaRa dhūmādi- (not in )  |
bhakṣamantra | m. a verse spoken while drinking soma-  |
bhakṣaṃkāra | mfn. furnishing food (see Va1rtt. 2 )  |
bhakṣaṃkṛta | mfn. (kṣ/aṃ--) drunk or eaten, enjoyed  |
bhakṣaṇa | mfn. eating, one who eats (see dāḍima--, pāpa-bh-)  |
bhakṣaṇa | n. the act of eating, drinking, feeding etc.  |
bhakṣaṇa | n. eating what excites thirst  |
bhakṣaṇa | n. chewing  |
bhakṣaṇa | n. the being eaten by (instrumental case)  |
bhakṣaṇa | n. (bh/a-) a drinking vessel  |
bhakṣaṇīya | mfn. to be (or being) eaten  |
bhakṣaṇīyatā | f. eatableness  |
bhakṣapattrī | f. betel-pepper (the leaf of which serves for food)  |
bhakṣaṭaka | m. a variety of Asteracantha Longifolia  |
bhakṣavikāra | m. plural various dishes of food,  |
bhakṣayitavya | mfn. to be eaten or devoured, edible  |
bhakṣayitṛ | m. an eater, enjoyer  |
bhakṣikā | f. eating, chewing (see ikṣu-bh-)  |
bhakṣin | mfn. (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; bhakṣitva ṣi-tva- n.) eating, devouring  |
bhakṣiṇī | f. Coix Barbata  |
bhakṣita | mfn. eaten or drunk, chewed, masticated, devoured, enjoyed, partaken of etc.  |
bhakṣita | mfn. eaten (said of a particular bad pronunciation of words)  |
bhakṣita | n. the being eaten by (instrumental case)  |
bhakṣitaśeṣa | m. remnants of food, leavings  |
bhakṣitṛ | m. equals kṣayitṛ-  |
bhakṣitva | n. bhakṣin |
bhakṣivan | mfn. eating, enjoying (see bhakti-v/an-, -v/as-).  |
bhakṣya | mfn. to be eaten, eatable, fit for food etc.  |
bhakṣya | n. anything eaten, food (especially such as requires mastication)  |
bhakṣya | m. food, dish (prob. wrong reading for bhakṣa-)  |
bhakṣyabhakṣaka | m. dual number food and the eater  |
bhakṣyābhakṣya | n. what may and may not be eaten, food allowed and prohibited  |
bhakṣyabhojyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of food of all kinds  |
bhakṣyabhojyavihāravat | mfn. furnished with various kinds of food and places of refection  |
bhakṣyabija | m. Buchanania Latifolia  |
bhakṣyakāra | m. a baker  |
bhakṣyakāraka | m. a baker  |
bhakṣyālābu | f. a variety of cucumber (equals rājālābu-)  |
bhakṣyamālyāpaṇa | m. a market where victuals and garlands are sold  |
bhakṣyaṃkāra | m. a baker  |
bhakṣyavastu | n. edible matter, victuals, viands  |
bhakta | bhakti- etc. See p.743.  |
bhakta | mfn. distributed, assigned, allotted etc.  |
bhakta | mfn. divided  |
bhakta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') forming part of, belonging to  |
bhakta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') loved, liked  |
bhakta | mfn. served, worshipped  |
bhakta | mfn. dressed, cooked  |
bhakta | mfn. engaged in, occupied with, attached or devoted to, loyal, faithful, honouring, worshipping, serving (locative case genitive case accusative or compound) etc.  |
bhakta | m. a worshipper, votary (especially as Name of a division of the śākta-s)  |
bhakta | n. food or a meal etc.  |
bhakta | n. boiled rice  |
bhakta | n. any eatable grain boiled with water  |
bhakta | n. a vessel  |
bhakta | n. a share, portion  |
bhaktābhilāṣa | m. equals ta-cchanda-  |
bhaktābhisāra | m. an eating room (others"giving of food")  |
bhaktacchanda | m. desire of food, hunger, appetite  |
bhaktada | ( ) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer.  |
bhaktadāsa | m. "food-slave", a slave who serves for his daily food  |
bhaktadātṛ | ( ) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer.  |
bhaktadāyaka | ( ) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer.  |
bhaktadāyin | ( ) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer.  |
bhaktadveṣa | m. aversion from food, loss of appetite  |
bhaktadveṣin | mfn. one who has lost his appetite  |
bhaktagītāṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktāgra | m. or n. a refectory  |
bhaktajā | f. nectar  |
bhaktajayantī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktakaṃsa | m. a dish of food  |
bhaktākāṅkṣā | f. equals ta-cchanda-  |
bhaktakara | m. equals -kāra-  |
bhaktakara | m. artificially prepared incense  |
bhaktakāra | m. "food-preparer", a cook  |
bhaktakṛtya | n. preparations for a meal (kṛta-bh-,one who has made a meal )  |
bhaktamālā | f. (and bhaktamālāgragrantha lāgra-grantha- m. see )  |
bhaktamālāgragrantha | m. bhaktamālā |
bhaktamaṇḍa | m. n. the scum of boiled rice  |
bhaktamaṇḍaka | m. n. the scum of boiled rice  |
bhaktamayastotra | n.  |
bhaktamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktamodataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktāmṛta | n. Name of work  |
bhaktapātra | n. equals -kaṃsa-  |
bhaktapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktapulāka | m. or n. (?) a mouthful of rice kneaded into a ball  |
bhaktārādhanaprayogamaṇimālikā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktarocana | mfn. exciting appetite  |
bhaktaruci | f. equals -cchanda-  |
bhaktāruci | f. equals ta-dveṣa-  |
bhaktaśālā | f. "food-hall", (prob.) equals prec. (others"audience-chamber")  |
bhaktaśaraṇa | n. "food-receptacle", a store-room or kitchen  |
bhaktasiktha | m. equals -pulāka-  |
bhaktasikthaka | m. equals -pulāka-  |
bhaktatā | f. devotedness, attachment, inclination  |
bhaktatūrya | n. music played during a meal  |
bhaktatva | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the forming part of, belonging to Va1rtt. 2 Sch.  |
bhaktavaibhava | n. Name of work  |
bhaktavatsala | mfn. kind to worshippers or to faithful attendants  |
bhaktavatsalamāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
bhaktavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
bhaktavrātasaṃtoṣika | mn. Name of work  |
bhakti | f. distribution, partition, separation etc. (see kṣetra--, bhaṅgī-bh-)  |
bhakti | f. a division, portion, share  |
bhakti | f. a division of a sāman- (also called vidhi-,of which 7 or 5 are enumerated) |
bhakti | f. division by streaks or lines  |
bhakti | f. a streak, line, variegated decoration  |
bhakti | f. a row, series, succession, order ( bhaktyā tyā- ind.and bhaktitas ti-tas- ind.in succession)  |
bhakti | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') the being a part of (ajbhakteḥ-,"on the part of the vowels") , belonging to etc.  |
bhakti | f. that which belongs to or is contained in anything else, an attribute  |
bhakti | f. predisposition (of body to any disease)  |
bhakti | f. attachment, devotion, fondness for, devotion to (with locative case, genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'), trust, homage, worship, piety, faith or love or devotion (as a religious principle or means of salvation, together with karman-,"works", and jñāna-,"spiritual knowledge"; see ) etc.  |
bhakti | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') assumption of the form of  |
bhakti | f. often wrong reading for bhaṅgi- or bhukti-  |
bhaktibhāj | mfn. possessing true devotion, firmly attached or devoted to (locative case or compound)  |
bhaktibhava | m. Name of work  |
bhaktibhāvapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
bhaktibhuṣaṇasaṃdarbha | m. Name of work  |
bhaktibindu | m. Name of work  |
bhakticandrikā | f. Name of work  |
bhakticandrikollāsa | m. Name of work  |
bhakticandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
bhakticcheda | m. plural divided lines or streaks of painting or decoration (especially the separating or distinguishing marks on the forehead, nose, cheeks, breast and arms, which denote devotion to viṣṇu-, kṛṣṇa- etc.)  |
bhaktidīpikā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktidūtī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktīdyāvāpṛthivī | f. dual number Name of the deities to whom the garbha-puroḍāśa- is offered  |
bhaktīdyāvāpṛthivya | mfn. sacred to these deities  |
bhaktigamya | mfn. accessible by devotion (śiva-)  |
bhaktihaṃsa | m. Name of work  |
bhaktihetunirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
bhaktihīna | mfn. destitute of devotion  |
bhaktijña | mfn. knowing faith or devotion, faithfully attached  |
bhaktijñatā | f. ( ) devotion, faithfulness, loyalty.  |
bhaktijñatva | n. ( ) devotion, faithfulness, loyalty.  |
bhaktika | only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'  |
bhaktika | See uttara--, eka--, and paurva-bhaktika-.  |
bhaktikalpataru | m. Name of work  |
bhaktikāpalatā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktikara | mf(ī-)n.  |
bhaktila | mfn. attached, faithful, trusty (said of horses)  |
bhaktilaharī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktimahat | mfn. truly devoted  |
bhaktimahodaya | m. Name of work  |
bhaktimañjarī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktimārga | m. "the way of devotion"(regarded as a means of salvation and opp. to karma--and jñāna-m-; see above )  |
bhaktimārganirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhaktimārgopadeśadīkṣā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktimat | mfn. equals -bhāj- etc.  |
bhaktimat | mfn. accompanied by devotion or loyalty  |
bhaktimīmāṃsasūtra | n. Name of work  |
bhaktimuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktinamra | mfn. bent down in devotion, making a humble obeisance  |
bhaktiprabhā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktiprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhaktiprārthanā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktipraśaṃsāvarṇana | n. Name of work  |
bhaktipratipādaka | mn. Name of work  |
bhaktipravaṇa | mfn. faithfully devoted,  |
bhaktipūrvakam | ( ) ind. preceded by devotion, devoutly, reverentially.  |
bhaktipūrvam | ( ) ind. preceded by devotion, devoutly, reverentially.  |
bhaktipūrvapakṣa | m. Name of work  |
bhaktirāga | m. affection or predilection for (locative case)  |
bhaktirasa | m. a sense of devotion, feeling of loving faith  |
bhaktirasābdhikaṇikā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktirasāmṛta | n. Name of work  |
bhaktirasāmṛtabindu | m. Name of work  |
bhaktirasāmṛtasindhu | m. Name of work  |
bhaktirasāyana | n. Name of work  |
bhaktiratna | n. Name of work  |
bhaktiratnākara | m. Name of work  |
bhaktiratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktisāgara | m. Name of work  |
bhaktisāmānyanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhaktisaṃdarbha | m. (and bhaktisaṃdarbhapadyāvalī bha-padyāvalī- f.) Name of work  |
bhaktisaṃdarbhapadyāvalī | f. bhaktisaṃdarbha |
bhaktisaṃnyāsanirṇayavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhaktisaṃvardhanaśataka | n. Name of work  |
bhaktisāra | m. (and bhaktisārasaṃgraha ra-saṃgraha-,m.) Name of work  |
bhaktisārasaṃgraha | m. bhaktisāra |
bhaktiśāstra | n. Name of work  |
bhaktiśata | n. Name of work  |
bhaktiśataka | n. Name of work  |
bhaktisiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
bhaktisudhodaya | m. Name of work  |
bhaktisūtra | n. Name of work ( )  |
bhaktitaraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktitas | ind. bhakti |
bhaktitattvarasāyana | n. Name of work  |
bhaktivāda | m. declaration of devotion or attachment  |
bhaktivan | ( ) mfn. partaking of (with genitive case; see bhakṣi-v/an-).  |
bhaktivardhinī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktivas | ( ) mfn. partaking of (with genitive case; see bhakṣi-v/an-).  |
bhaktivijaya | m. Name of work  |
bhaktivilāsa | m. (and bhaktivilāsatattvadīpikā sa-tattva-dīpikā- f.) Name of work  |
bhaktivilāsatattvadīpikā | f. bhaktivilāsa |
bhaktivivṛddhyupāyagrantha | m. Name of work  |
bhaktiyoga | m. devoted attachment, loving devotion  |
bhaktiyoga | m. Name of 1st chapter of śiva-gītā-.  |
bhaktoddeśaka | m. "food-prescriber", a particular official in a Buddhist monastery  |
bhaktopasādhaka | m. "food-dresser", a cook  |
bhaktṛ | mfn. devotedly attached, an adorer, worshipper  |
bhaktṛtva | n. adoration, worship  |
bhaktyā | ind. not in the regular sense, figuratively  |
bhaktyā | ind. bhakti |
bhaktyadhikaraṇamālā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktyullāsamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
bhaktyupakrama | m. Name of work  |
bhal | (or bal-) cl.1 A1. bhalate-, to describe or expound or hurt or give ; cl.10 A1. bhālayate-, to describe or behold ; to throw up(?), (see ni--, nir--, śam-bhal-). |
bhala | ind. certainly, indeed (see bal-, baṭ-,and Marathi bhalla-,"well")  |
bhala | m. (only dative case bhalāya-) a term used in addressing the Sun (see bhalla-).  |
bhalānas | m. plural Name of a particular race or tribe  |
bhalandana | m. Name of a man (father of vatsa-prī- or vatsa-prīti-)  |
bhalandana | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi- (bhanandana-, bhalanda-and dava-prob. wrong reading)  |
bhalatā | f. Paederia Foetida  |
bhalatā | See under 4. bha-, p.742.  |
bhalatra | (?) n.  |
bhall | cl.1. A1. bhallate- equals bhal-, bhalate-  |
bhalla | mfn. auspicious, favourable (equals bhadra-or śiva-)  |
bhalla | m. a bear (see accha-bhalla-, bhalluka-, bhallūka-)  |
bhalla | m. a term used in addressing the Sun (only dative case; see 2. bhala-)  |
bhalla | m. (plural) Name of a people (varia lectio malla-)  |
bhalla | m. Name of śiva- (see above)  |
bhalla | m. a kind of arrow or missile with a point of a particular shape etc. (alsof(ī-).and n.)  |
bhalla | m. a particular part of an arrow  |
bhalla | n. an arrow-head of a particular shape  |
bhallaka | m. a bear,  |
bhallāka | See bhallāṭa- below.  |
bhallakīya | gaRa utsādi-.  |
bhallākṣa | m. a term used in addressing a flamingo (= bhadrākṣa-)  |
bhallāla | m. Name of an author  |
bhallālasaṃgraha | m. Name of bhallāla-'s work.  |
bhallapāla | gaRa sakhy-ādi- (varia lectio for bhalla-, pāla-).  |
bhallapucchī | f. "bear's tail", Hedysarum Lagopodioides  |
bhallāta | m. the marking-nut plant, Semecarpus Anacardium (n. equals next n.)  |
bhallaṭa | m. Name of a poet  |
bhallāṭa | m. a bear (see bhalla-, bhalluka-)  |
bhallāṭa | m. Name of a particular supernatural being (wrong reading bhalvāṭa-)  |
bhallāṭa | m. of a king (varia lectio lāka-and lāda-)  |
bhallāṭa | m. of a mountain  |
bhallāṭa | m. of a gate  |
bhallāṭa | m. of a poet (prob. wrong reading for bhallaṭa-,or bhallāla- q.v)  |
bhallāta | taka- See above.  |
bhallātaka | m. idem or 'm. the marking-nut plant, Semecarpus Anacardium (n. equals next n.)' (also bhallātakī kī- f. )  |
bhallātaka | n. the Acajou or cashew-nut, she marking-nut (from which is extracted an acid juice used for medicinal purposes, and a black liquid used for marking linen)  |
bhallātakataila | n. the oil of the cashew-nut  |
bhallātakī | f. bhallātaka |
bhallāṭanagara | n. Name of the capital of king śaśi-dhvaja-  |
bhallaṭaśataka | n. the 100 couplets of bhallaṭa-.  |
bhallavi | m. Name of a man  |
bhallī | f. Semecarpus Anacardium  |
bhalli | f. a kind of arrow (equals bhallī-)  |
bhallikā | f. Semecarpus Anacardium  |
bhallika | m. Name of a man  |
bhallika | m. See above  |
bhallikā | f. See under bhallaka-.  |
bhallu | mfn. applied to a species of fever (others phalgu-)  |
bhallu | m. Name of a teacher  |
bhalluka | m. a bear ( )  |
bhalluka | m. a monkey  |
bhallūka | m. idem or 'm. a monkey '  |
bhallūka | m. a dog  |
bhallūka | m. a kind of shell  |
bhallūka | m. a particular plant (a species of śyonāka- or Bignonia Indica )  |
bhalluka | bhallūka- See above.  |
bhallūkayuvan | m. the cub of a bear, a young bear  |
bhaluha | m. a dog  |
bhalūṭa | m. Name of an author  |
bhalvāci | (?) m. Name of a man  |
bhalvāṭa | wrong reading for bhallāṭa- above.  |
bhamaṇḍala | n. equals -cakra-  |
bhambha | mn. the mouth or aperture of an oven or stove  |
bhambha | m. smoke  |
bhambha | m. a fly  |
bhambhā | f. a kettledrum  |
bhambharālī | f. a fly  |
bhambharālikā | (or rāl-?) f. a gnat, mosquito  |
bhambhārava | m. the lowing of cows (varia lectio for bambhā-rava-)  |
bhambhāsāra | m. Name of a king (varia lectio bimbisāra-)  |
bhaṃkārī | f. "uttering the sound bham-, humming ", a gad-fly  |
bhaṃsas | n. a particular part of the intestine or abdomen (see bhas/ad-).  |
bhaṇ | cl.1 P. ( ) bhaṇati- (perfect tense babhāṇa-,2. sg. babhaṇitha- ; Aorist abhāṇīt- ; future bhaṇiṣyati-, ṇitā- grammar; ind.p. bhaṇitvā- ; infinitive mood bhaṇitum- grammar : Passive voice bhaṇyate- ; Aorist abhāṇi- ), to speak, say to (accusative with or without prati-) ; to call, name (two accusative) : Causal bhāṇayati- ; Aorist abībhaṇat-, or ababhāṇat- (Prob. a later form of bhan-.)  |
bhan | cl.1 P. bh/anati- (prob. connected with bhā-; see the later form bhaṇ-), to sound, resound, call aloud, speak, declare (equals arcati- ) .  |
bhaṇa | See dur-bhaṇa-.  |
bhaṇana | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') speaking, proclaiming  |
bhanandana | m. Name of a man (prob. wrong reading for bhalandana-).  |
bhaṇanīya | mfn. to be told or said  |
bhaṇati | wrong reading for ṇiti-.  |
bhaṇḍ | cl.1 A1. bhaṇḍate-, to reprove ; to deride ; to jest ; to speak ; cl.1. 10. P. bhaṇḍati-, ḍayati-, to be or render fortunate ; to do an auspicious act (kalyāṇe-,or śive-), (Prob. a later form of bhand-.) |
bhand | cl.1 A1. ( ) bh/andate-, to be greeted with praise, receive applause ( also = to be or make fortunate or excellent;to be or make glad;to shine;to honour or worship) : Causal bhandayati-, to cause to prosper  |
bhaṇḍa | m. a jester, buffoon, mime (also as Name of a particular mixed caste)  |
bhaṇḍā | f. See śveta-bh-  |
bhaṇḍa | n. equals bhaṇḍa-  |
bhaṇḍa | n. plural utensils, implements  |
bhaṇḍadhūrtaniśācara | m. plural (prob.) jesters and rogues and night-revellers  |
bhandadiṣṭi | mfn. (prob.) hastening along with shouts and yells (said of the marut-s) (see krand/ad-iṣṭi-).  |
bhaṇḍahāsinī | f. a harlot, prostitute  |
bhaṇḍaka | m. a water wagtail  |
bhaṇḍaka | m. Name of a poet  |
bhaṇḍākī | See bhaṇṭākī-.  |
bhaṇḍana | n. mischief.  |
bhaṇḍana | n. war  |
bhaṇḍana | n. armour (see bhāṇḍana-).  |
bhandana | mf(ā-)n. shouting, yelling ( "gladdening"or"beautifying")  |
bhandanā | f. (also plural) acclamation, applause, praise  |
bhandanā | f. plural rain-making sun-rays  |
bhandanāya | (Nom.fr. prec.) , only pr. p. y/at-, to shout loudly, yell  |
bhaṇḍanīya | mfn. to be derided  |
bhandanīya | mfn. a word formed in , to explain bhadra- q.v  |
bhaṇḍara | m. a particular kind of combat  |
bhaṇḍatapasvin | m. a hypocritical ascetic  |
bhaṇḍatva | n. buffoonery  |
bhandhruka | m. Name of a place  |
bhandhuka | m. Name of a place  |
bhaṇḍī | f. See below  |
bhaṇḍi | m. Name of a minister of śrī-harṣa-  |
bhaṇḍi | f. a wave (see bhṛṇḍi-)  |
bhaṇḍī | f. Rubia Munjista  |
bhaṇḍijaṅgha | m. Name of a man Scholiast or Commentator on  |
bhaṇḍikā | f. Rubia Munjista  |
bhaṇḍila | m. fortune, welfare  |
bhaṇḍila | m. a messenger  |
bhaṇḍila | m. an artisan  |
bhaṇḍila | m. Acacia or Mimosa Sirissa  |
bhaṇḍila | m. Name of a man gaRa aśvādi-  |
bhaṇḍila | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
bhaṇḍīla | m. Rubia Munjista  |
bhandila | n. fortune  |
bhandila | n. tremulous motion  |
bhandila | n. a messenger (?)  |
bhaṇḍiman | m. deceit  |
bhaṇḍin | wrong reading for ḍi-.  |
bhaṇḍīpuṣpanikāśa | mfn. resembling the flowers of Rubia Munjista  |
bhaṇḍira | m. Acacia Sirissa  |
bhaṇḍīra | m. Ficus Indica (Bombay edition) Scholiast or Commentator  |
bhaṇḍīra | m. Amaranthus Polygonoides or Acacia Sirissa  |
bhaṇḍīra | m. Name of a lofty nyagrodha- tree upon the go-vardhana- mountain (varia lectio bāṇḍ-)  |
bhaṇḍīralatikā | f. equals next  |
bhaṇḍīratha | m. Name of a man gaRa tika-kitavādi-.  |
bhaṇḍirī | f. Rubia Munjista  |
bhaṇḍīrī | f. equals bhaṇḍī-  |
bhaṇḍīrī | f. Hydrocotyle Asiatica  |
bhandiṣṭha | mfn. (superl.) shouting most loudly, praising most highly |
bhaṇḍita | mfn. derided  |
bhaṇḍita | m. Name of a man gaRa gargādi-  |
bhaṇḍita | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
bhaṇḍītakī | f. equals ḍī-  |
bhandra | n. = bhadra-,  |
bhaṇḍu | gaRa suvāstv-ādi-.  |
bhaṇḍuka | m. Calosanthes Indica  |
bhaṇḍūka | m. idem or 'm. Calosanthes Indica '  |
bhaṇḍūka | m. a kind of fish  |
bhaṅga | mfn. breaking, bursting (said of the soma-)  |
bhaṅga | m. breaking, splitting, dividing, shattering, breaking down or up etc.  |
bhaṅga | m. a break or breach (literally and figuratively), disturbance, interruption, frustration, humiliation, abatement, downfall, decay, ruin, destruction etc.  |
bhaṅga | m. fracture (See asthi-bh-)  |
bhaṅga | m. paralysis, palsy  |
bhaṅga | m. bending, bowing, stretching out (See karṇa--, gātra--, -grīvā-bh-)  |
bhaṅga | m. knitting, contraction (See bhrū-bh-)  |
bhaṅga | m. separation, analysis (of words)  |
bhaṅga | m. overthrow, rout, defeat (also in a lawsuit)  |
bhaṅga | m. rejection, refusal  |
bhaṅga | m. refutation  |
bhaṅga | m. panic, fear  |
bhaṅga | m. pain (See pārśva-bh-)  |
bhaṅga | m. a piece broken off, morsel, fragment  |
bhaṅga | m. a bend, fold, sah-. (confer, compare vastra-bh-) ; a wave ([ confer, compare Lithuanian banga4])  |
bhaṅga | m. a water-course, channel  |
bhaṅga | m. fraud, deceit  |
bhaṅga | m. a tortuous course, roundabout way of speaking (= or wrong reading for bhaṅgi-)  |
bhaṅga | m. toilet, fashion (for bhaṅgi-?)  |
bhaṅga | m. equals gamana-  |
bhaṅga | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
bhaṅga | m. (with Buddhists) the constant decay taking place in the universe, constant flux or change  |
bhaṅga | m. (with jaina-s) a dialectical formula beginning with syāt- q.v  |
bhaṅga | m. hemp  |
bhaṅgā | f. See below.  |
bhaṅgā | f. hemp (Cannabis Sativa)  |
bhaṅgā | f. an intoxicating beverage (or narcotic drug commonly called"Bhang") prepared from the hemp plant  |
bhaṅgā | f. Convolvulus Turpethum  |
bhaṅgabhāj | mfn. being broken  |
bhaṅgakara | m. Name of two men (sons of avikṣit- and sattrājit-)  |
bhaṅgākaṭa | m. the pollen of hemp  |
bhaṅgāna | m. Cyprinus Bangana  |
bhaṅganaya | m. removal of obstacles  |
bhaṅgārī | f. equals bhaṃ-kārī-, a gad-fly  |
bhaṅgasārtha | mfn. deceitful, fraudulent  |
bhaṅgaśravas | m. Name of a man  |
bhaṅgāsura | m. Name of a man (see bhāṅgāsuri-).  |
bhaṅgāsvana | m. Name of a rājarṣi-  |
bhaṅgavāsā | f. turmeric  |
bhaṅgavat | mfn. "having folds"and"having waves",  |
bhaṅgi | gu-, gura- etc. See p.744. |
bhaṅgi | f. breaking  |
bhaṅgi | f. a bend, curve  |
bhaṅgi | f. a roundabout mode of acting or speaking, circumlocution ( bhaṅgyā gyā-, ind."in an indirect manner") etc.  |
bhaṅgi | f. explaining  |
bhaṅgi | f. mode, manner, way  |
bhaṅgi | f. way of dressing, fashion, toilet  |
bhaṅgi | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') mere appearance or semblance of  |
bhaṅgi | f. fraud, deception  |
bhaṅgi | f. irony, wit, repartee  |
bhaṅgi | f. modesty  |
bhaṅgi | f. equals bhaṅga- (with jaina-s)  |
bhaṅgi | f. figure, shape  |
bhaṅgi | f. a step (See bhakti-)  |
bhaṅgi | f. a wave  |
bhaṅgī | f. breaking  |
bhaṅgī | f. a bend, curve  |
bhaṅgī | f. a roundabout mode of acting or speaking, circumlocution ( bhaṅgyā gyā-, ind."in an indirect manner") etc.  |
bhaṅgī | f. explaining  |
bhaṅgī | f. mode, manner, way  |
bhaṅgī | f. way of dressing, fashion, toilet  |
bhaṅgī | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') mere appearance or semblance of  |
bhaṅgī | f. fraud, deception  |
bhaṅgī | f. irony, wit, repartee  |
bhaṅgī | f. modesty  |
bhaṅgī | f. equals bhaṅga- (with jaina-s) < |