barhis | n. (rarely m.)"that which is plucked up", sacrificial grass, a bed or layer of kuśa- grass (usually strewed over the sacrificial ground and especially over the vedi-, to serve as a sacred surface on which to present the oblations, and as a seat for the gods and for the sacrificers) etc. | ||||||
barhis | n. Sacrificial Grass personified (and enumerated among the prayāja- and anuyāja- deities) | ||||||
barhis | n. sacrifice | ||||||
barhis | n. ether | ||||||
barhis | n. water | ||||||
barhis | n. a kind of perfume | ||||||
barhis | m. fire, light, splendour | ||||||
barhis | m. Plumbago Zeylanica | ||||||
barhis | m. Name of a man | ||||||
barhis | m. of a son of bṛhad-rāja- | ||||||
barhis | m. plural the descendants of barhis- | ||||||
barhistṛṇa | n. a blade of the sacrificial grass | ||||||
apabarhis | mfn. not having the portion constituting the barhis- | ||||||
citrabarhis | (tr/a--) mfn. having a brilliant bed (of stars;the moon) | ||||||
idhmābarhis | ([ ]) n. sg. and (iṣī-) dual number fuel and grass. | ||||||
jīvabarhis | (v/a-.) mfn. having a fresh bed of sacrificial grass | ||||||
kevalabarhis | (k/ev-) mfn. having its own sacrificial straw | ||||||
kulmalabarhis | m. idem or 'm. Name of a Vedic poet (author of ) ' | ||||||
prācīnabarhis | m. (Nominal verb hi-before ṛ-) "eastern light (?)", Name of indra- | ||||||
prācīnabarhis | m. of a prajā-pati- of the race of atri- | ||||||
prācīnabarhis | m. of a son of havir-dhāman- (or havir-dhāna-) and father of the 10 pracetas- | ||||||
prācīnabarhis | m. of a son of manu- | ||||||
sabarhis | mfn. furnished with sacrificial grass | ||||||
sadmabarhis | (s/adma--) mfn. preparing the sacrificial grass | ||||||
samānabarhis | (n/a--) mfn. having the same sacrificial grass | ||||||
śarabarhis | n. a layer of reed | ||||||
stīrṇabarhis | (stīrṇ/a--) mfn. one who has strewn the sacrificial grass | ||||||
subarhis | mfn. having good sacrificial grass | ||||||
tribarhis | mfn. having 3 seats of sacrificial grass | ||||||
udbarhis | mfn. having sacrificial grass above | ||||||
ūrdhvabarhis | mfn. being over the sacrificial grass | ||||||
uttānabarhis | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
uttarabarhis | n. the sacrificial grass on the north of the fire. | ||||||
vṛktabarhis | mfn. (vṛkt/a--) one who has gathered and spread the sacrificial grass (and so is prepared to receive the gods), sacrificing or loving to sacrifice | ||||||
vṛktabarhis | m. a priest |
barhis | बर्हिस् m., n. [बर्ह् कर्मणि इसि] 1 Kuśa grass; प्राक् कूले बर्हिष्यासीनो गङ्गाकुल उदङ्मुखः Bhāg.12.6.1; नियमविधिजलानां बर्हिषां चोपनेत्री Ku.1.6. -2 A bed or layer of Kuśa grass. -3 A sacrifice, oblation; ये बर्हिषो भागभाजं परादुः Bhāg.4.6.5. -m. 1 Fire. -2 Light, splendour. -n. 1 Water. -2 Sacrifice. -3 Ether. _x001F_--4 A kind of perfume. -Comp. -उत्थः, -केशः, -ज्योतिस् m. an epithet of fire. -मुखः (बर्हिर्मुखः) 1 an epithet of fire. -2 a god (whose mouth is fire). -शुष्मन् m. an epithet of fire. -सद् (बर्हिषद्) a. seated on a layer of Kuśa grass. (-m.) 1 the manes (pl.); Ms.3.199. -2 a Pitṛi or deified progenitor. |
apabarhis | अपबर्हिस् a. Not having the use of Barhis (बर्हिर्होम- रहित.) |
barhis | barh-ís, n. sacrificial grass, i. 85, 6. 7; v. 11, 2; x. 14, 5; 15, 11; 90, 7. |
vṛktabarhis | vṛktá-barhis, a. (Bv.) whose sacrificial grass is spread, iii. 59, 9 [vṛktá, pp. of vṛj + barhís, q. v.]. |
barhis | (m.) n. [what is pulled up, plucking], sacrificial grass (gnly. kusa) strewn on the place of sacrifice, esp. the Vedi, and forming a layer on which the offerings are placed and the gods as well as the sacrificers are supposed to sit; n. Sacred Grass personified among the Prayâga and Anuyâga divinities; sacrifice. |
barhis | Is found repeatedly in the Rigveda and later denoting the litter of grass strewn on the sacrificial ground on which the gods are summoned to seat themselves. |
kumalabarhis | Is mentioned in the Pañcavimśa Brāhmana as the seer of a Sāman or Chant. |
barhis | tasthāv (KS. tasthā) asaṃdinam RV.8.102.14b; SV.2.921b; KS.40.14b. |
barhis | noun (masculine neuter) a bed or layer of Kuśa grass (usually strewed over the sacrificial ground and esp. over the Vedi) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sacrificial grass (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 11021/72933 | |
barhis | noun (masculine) fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) light (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Plumbago Zeylanica (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) splendour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the descendants of Barhis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37575/72933 | |
kambalabarhis | noun (masculine) name of a son of Maruta Frequency rank 48610/72933 | |
prācīnabarhis | noun (masculine) name of a Prajāpati of the race of Atrī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Havirdhāman (or Havirdhāna) and father of the 10 Pracetas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Indra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13660/72933 |