bandhu | m. connection, relation, association etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with f(ū-).= belonging to, coming under the head of id est"being only in name"; see kṣatra--, dvija-b-etc.;"resembling","frequented by","favourable for"; see ) | ||||||
bandhu | m. respect, reference (kena bandhunā-"in what respect?") | ||||||
bandhu | m. kinship, kindred | ||||||
bandhu | m. a kinsman (especially on the mother's side), relative, kindred etc. etc. (in law, a cognate kinsman in a remote degree, one subsequent in right of inheritance to the sa-gotra-;three kinds are enumerated, personal, paternal and maternal) | ||||||
bandhu | m. a friend (opp. to ripu-) | ||||||
bandhu | m. a husband | ||||||
bandhu | m. a brother | ||||||
bandhu | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea (equals bandhūka-) | ||||||
bandhu | m. Name of a metre | ||||||
bandhu | m. (in astrology) of the fourth mansion | ||||||
bandhu | m. of a ṛṣi- with the patronymic gaupāyana- or laupāyana- (author of ) | ||||||
bandhu | m. of manmatha- | ||||||
bandhubhāṣita | n. the talk or speech of relations | ||||||
bandhubhāva | m. relationship, friendship | ||||||
bandhudagdha | mfn. "cursed by relations", an abandoned wretch (equals hataka-) | ||||||
bandhudatta | mfn. "given by relations" | ||||||
bandhudatta | m. Name of a man | ||||||
bandhudattā | f. Name of a woman | ||||||
bandhudāyāda | m. kinsman and heir | ||||||
bandhudāyāda | mfn. entitled to inheritance by relationship | ||||||
bandhuhīna | mfn. destitute of relations, friendless | ||||||
bandhujana | m. a kinsman, friend | ||||||
bandhujana | m. kinsfolk, relations | ||||||
bandhujīva | m. "living in groups", Pentapetes Phoenicea (a plant with a red flower which opens at midday and withers away the next morning) | ||||||
bandhujīva | n. its flower | ||||||
bandhujīvābhitāmra | mfn. deep-red like the blossom of Pentapetes Phoenicea | ||||||
bandhujīvaka | m. equals prec. m. | ||||||
bandhujīvaka | m. Name of a cakra-vartin- | ||||||
bandhujīvin | m. a kind of ruby | ||||||
bandhuka | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea | ||||||
bandhuka | m. a bastard (see bandhuta-) | ||||||
bandhukā | f. gaRa pre | ||||||
bandhukāma | mfn. loving relations or friends | ||||||
bandhukī | f. an unchaste woman (see bandhakī-). | ||||||
bandhukin | mfn. gaRa pre | ||||||
bandhukṛt | See /a-bandhukṛt-. | ||||||
bandhukṛtya | n. the duty of a kinsman, friendly service | ||||||
bandhukṣit | mfn. dwelling among relations | ||||||
bandhula | mfn. inclined, bent, depressed | ||||||
bandhula | mfn. lovely, charming | ||||||
bandhula | m. a bastard | ||||||
bandhula | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea | ||||||
bandhula | m. Name of a ṛṣi- | ||||||
bandhulānvaya | m. he posterity of bandhula- | ||||||
bandhumat | mfn. (b/andhu--) having relations etc. | ||||||
bandhumat | mfn. surrounded by relations | ||||||
bandhumat | m. Name of a king | ||||||
bandhumat | m. of another man | ||||||
bandhumatī | f. (atī-) Name of several women | ||||||
bandhumatī | f. of a town | ||||||
bandhumatīyaka | mfn. belonging to this town | ||||||
bandhumitra | m. "friend of relations", Name of a man | ||||||
bandhupāla | m. "kindred-protector", Name of a man | ||||||
bandhupālita | m. "kindred-protected", Name of a prince | ||||||
bandhupati | m. lord of kindred or relations gaRa aśvapaty-ādi-. | ||||||
bandhuprabha | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- | ||||||
bandhupṛch | mfn. seeking or caring for relations (see pṛṣṭa-bandhu-). | ||||||
bandhuprīti | f. love of friends or relations | ||||||
bandhupriya | mfn. dear to friends or relations | ||||||
bandhupuṣpamāla | mfn. wearing a chaplet of bandhu- flowers | ||||||
bandhura | mf(ā-)n. (; see ) bent, inclined | ||||||
bandhura | mf(ā-)n. curved, rounded, pleasant, beautiful, charming | ||||||
bandhura | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') adorned with | ||||||
bandhura | mf(ā-)n. undulating, uneven | ||||||
bandhura | mf(ā-)n. deaf (see badhira-) | ||||||
bandhura | mf(ā-)n. injurious, mischievous | ||||||
bandhura | m. (only ) a bird | ||||||
bandhura | m. a goose | ||||||
bandhura | m. Ardea Nivea | ||||||
bandhura | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea | ||||||
bandhura | m. Embelia Ribes | ||||||
bandhura | m. a particular bulbous plant growing on the hima-vat- mountain | ||||||
bandhura | m. oil-cake | ||||||
bandhura | m. the vulva | ||||||
bandhurā | f. a harlot | ||||||
bandhura | m. Name of a procuress | ||||||
bandhura | m. (plural) the meal of parched corn | ||||||
bandhura | n. a diadem, crest | ||||||
bandhura | n. (for 1.See above) equals vandhura- (Bombay edition) | ||||||
bandhuragātrī | f. (a woman) who has lovely or rounded limbs | ||||||
bandhuraḥ | (plural of bandhur?-), . | ||||||
bandhurakomalāṅguli | mfn. (a hand) that has rounded or delicate fingers | ||||||
bandhurita | mfn. inclined, bent | ||||||
bandhurita | mfn. curved | ||||||
bandhurīya | wrong reading for bandhur eṣa- | ||||||
bandhuśoka | m. mourning for a relative, | ||||||
bandhutā | f. (dh/u--) connection, relation, kinship | ||||||
bandhutā | f. relations, kinsfolk | ||||||
bandhutva | n. relationship, affinity | ||||||
bandhuvañcaka | m. "deceiver of relations", Name of a vidūṣaka- | ||||||
bandhuvarga | m. the whole body of relations, kindred | ||||||
bandhuvarman | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a prince, | ||||||
bandhuvat | mfn. having relations | ||||||
bandhuvat | ind. like a relations | ||||||
abandhu | mfn. without kindred, without companions, friendless | ||||||
abandhukṛt | (/a-bandhu--) mfn. causing want of companions | ||||||
abandhura | mfn. high, elevated, | ||||||
ābandhura | mfn. a little deep. | ||||||
abandhuram | ind. dejectedly, sadly, | ||||||
ādityabandhu | m. "the sun's friend", Name of śākyamuni-. | ||||||
ambhojabandhu | m. "lotus-friend"the sun, | ||||||
amṛtabandhu | m. (amṛta--) friend or keeper of immortality | ||||||
amṛtabandhu | m. "friend of Nectar", a horse (so called because produced from the ocean along with the Nectar) | ||||||
anyabandhu | mfn. related to another, | ||||||
arkabandhu | m. a Name of buddha- śākya-muni- | ||||||
arkabandhu | , m. "belonging to the kindred of the Sun", Name (also title or epithet) of buddha-, | ||||||
ārtabandhu | m. friend of the distressed. | ||||||
asabandhu | mfn. not related | ||||||
ātmabandhu | m. "one's own kinsman", a first cousin or father's sister's son, mother's brother's son, mother's sister's son | ||||||
balabandhu | m. Name of a son of manu- raivata- | ||||||
balabandhu | m. of a son of bhṛgu- in the 10th dvāpara- | ||||||
brahmabandhu | m. an unworthy or merely nominal Brahman ("a Brahman who omits his saṃdhyā- devotions") etc. ( brahmabandhū dhū- f. ; brahmabandhutā dhu-tā- f. ; Comparative degree and superl. dhū | ||||||
brahmabandhutā | f. brahmabandhu | ||||||
cakravākabandhu | m. equals kra-bāndhava- | ||||||
dāyabandhu | m. partner in inheritance, brother | ||||||
devabandhu | mfn. (v/a--) related to the gods | ||||||
devabandhu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- | ||||||
dinabandhu | m. "day-friend", the sun | ||||||
dṛṣṭibandhu | m. "friend of sight", a fire-fly | ||||||
dūrabandhu | mfn. having one's kinsmen distant, banished from wife and kindred | ||||||
dvibandhu | m. Name of a man | ||||||
dvijabandhu | m. "a mere twice-born", a Brahman etc. -only by name (see kṣatra--). | ||||||
gānabandhu | m. "friend of songs", Name of an interlocutor in a work imitative of the | ||||||
gandhabandhu | m. the mango tree | ||||||
gobandhu | (g/o--) mfn. (equals -mātṛ-) having a cow as a relative (the marut-s) | ||||||
jalabandhu | m. "friend of water", a fish | ||||||
jalajinībandhu | m. "lotus-friend", the sun | ||||||
jaṅghābandhu | m. Name of a man | ||||||
jyeṣṭhabandhu | (ṣṭh/a--) m. the chief of a family | ||||||
kairavabandhu | m. "friend of the lotus flower"Name of the moon | ||||||
kamalinībandhu | m. idem or 'm. "the lover of the lotus", Name of the sun ' | ||||||
kokabandhu | m. "friend of the ruddy goose", the sun | ||||||
kṛṣṇabandhu | m. friend of darkness | ||||||
kṛtabandhu | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
kṣatrabandhu | mfn. one who belongs to the military order | ||||||
kṣatrabandhu | m. a member of the kṣatriya- caste etc. | ||||||
kṣatrabandhu | m. "a mere kṣatriya-" id est a kṣatriya- by birth but not by his actions (a term of abuse) | ||||||
kubandhu | m. a bad relative. | ||||||
kumudabandhu | m. "friend of the lotus"(the white esculent lotus expanding its petals during the night and closing them in the daytime), the moon | ||||||
lokabandhu | m. "universal friend, friend of all"Name of śiva- | ||||||
lokabandhu | m. of the sun | ||||||
lokaikabandhu | m. "the only friend of the world", Name of gotama- and of śākya-muni- | ||||||
maheśabandhu | m. Aegle Marmelos | ||||||
maheśānabandhu | m. maheśāna | ||||||
manmathabandhu | m. "friend of love", the moon | ||||||
manorathabandhabandhu | m. manorathabandha | ||||||
mātṛbandhu | m. a relation on the mother's side | ||||||
mātṛbandhu | n. blood relationship on the mother's side | ||||||
mitrabandhuhīna | mfn. destitute of friend or relations , | ||||||
mṛgāṅkabandhu | m. the god of love | ||||||
mṛtyubandhu | ( , or mṛty/u-bandhu- ) m. companion of disease. | ||||||
nāgabandhu | m. "elephant-friend", Ficus Religiosa | ||||||
nirbandhu | mfn. without relations or friends | ||||||
nṛbandhu | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
padmabandhu | m. "friend of the lotus", Name of the sun | ||||||
padmabandhu | m. a bee | ||||||
padmabandhukula | n. Name of a family | ||||||
pañcabandhura | See -vandh-. | ||||||
parokṣabandhu | mfn. (paro | ||||||
pitṛbandhu | m. a kinsman by the father's side | ||||||
pitṛbandhu | n. relationship by the father's side | ||||||
pratibandhu | m. an equal in rank or station | ||||||
pratyakṣabandhu | (praty/akṣa--) mfn. with evident relation | ||||||
pṛṣṭabandhu | mfn. one by whom adherents or praisers are wished for (agni-) | ||||||
pūrṇabandhura | for -vandhura- | ||||||
pūrvabandhu | m. first id est best friend | ||||||
pūtabandhu | (pūt/a--) mfn. of purified descent or noble race | ||||||
rājanyabandhu | m. (ny/a--). the the friend or connection of a prince (generally used in contempt) | ||||||
rājanyabandhu | m. a kṣatriya- | ||||||
rākendīvarabandhu | m. full moon | ||||||
ratibandhu | m. a husband, lover | ||||||
ṛṣibandhu | mfn. related to the ṛṣi-s | ||||||
sabandhu | mfn. (s/a--) being of the same race or family, related, of kin | ||||||
sabandhu | mfn. possessing a kinsman having a friend, befriended | ||||||
samānabandhu | (n/a--) mf(u-)n. having the same relatives | ||||||
sambandhu | m. a kinsman, relative | ||||||
sāmudrabandhu | m. "sailor's friend", the moon | ||||||
sarasīruhabandhu | m. "friend of the lotus", the sun | ||||||
somabandhu | m. "friend of the moon", the white esculent water-lily (as expanding at night) | ||||||
śrutabandhu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic gaupāyana-or laupāyana-and author of ) | ||||||
subandhu | mfn. closely connected or related, good friend | ||||||
subandhu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic gaupāyana- or laupāyana- and author of various hymns in ) | ||||||
subandhu | m. Name of the author of the vāsava-dattā- (who prob. lived in 7th century A.D.) | ||||||
subandhu | m. of a merchant | ||||||
subandhu | m. of various other persons | ||||||
subandhu | mfn. closely connected or related, good friend | ||||||
subandhu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic gaupāyana- or laupāyana- and author of various hymns in ) | ||||||
subandhu | m. Name of the author of the vāsava-dattā- (who prob. lived in 7th century A.D.) | ||||||
subandhu | m. of a merchant | ||||||
subandhu | m. of various other persons | ||||||
śucibandhu | (ś/uci--) mfn. having a brilliant relative (said of soma- as related to fire) | ||||||
śūnyabandhu | m. Name of a son of tṛṇa-bindu- | ||||||
svabandhu | m. one's own relation or friend | ||||||
svabandhupaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
svadeśabandhu | m. (equals -ja-) | ||||||
tadbandhu | (t/ad--) mfn. belonging to that family or race | ||||||
trailokyabandhu | m. "Trailokya-friend", the sun | ||||||
tribandhu | mfn. being the friend of the 3 worlds (indra-) | ||||||
udbandhuka | mfn. one who hangs up | ||||||
vaidehībandhu | m. "friend or husband of the princess of videha- (sītā-)", Name of rāma- | ||||||
vaidyabandhu | m. Cathartocarpus (Cassia) Fistula | ||||||
vājabandhu | m. an ally in battle (or Name of a man) | ||||||
vaṇigbandhu | m. "merchant's friend", the indigo plant | ||||||
vasantabandhu | m. "friend of Spring", Name of kāma-deva- (god of love) | ||||||
vasubandhu | m. Name of a celebrated Buddhist scholar (wrong reading -bandha-). | ||||||
veṇīmādhavabandhu | m. Name of the father of raṅga-nātha- | ||||||
vibandhu | (v/i--) mfn. having no relations | ||||||
vibandhu | vi-bala-, vi-bāṇa- etc. See . | ||||||
viprabandhu | m. "Brahman's friend", Name of the author of (having the patronymic gaupāyana- or laupāyana-) | ||||||
viśvabandhu | m. a friend of the whole world | ||||||
vṛkabandhu | m. Name of a man gaRa revaty-ādi-. | ||||||
yajñabandhu | (yajñ/a--) m. associate in sacrifice | ||||||
yāvatsabandhu | ind. as far as relationship extends, inclusive of all relations | ||||||
yugāntabandhu | m. a real and constant friend |
bandhudā | बन्धुदा An unchaste woman. |
bandhuḥ | बन्धुः [बध्नाति मनः स्नेहादिना बन्ध्-उ] 1 A relation, kinsman, relative in general; यत्र द्रुमा अपि मृगा अपि बन्धवो मे U.3.8; मातृबन्धुनिवासिनम् R.12.12; Ś.6.23; Bg.6.9; Ms.2.136. -2 Any one connected or associated with another, a brother; प्रवासबन्धुः a brothertraveller; धर्मबन्धुः a spiritual brother; अनुमतगमना शकुन्तला तरुभिरियं वनवासबन्धुभिः Ś.4.1. -3 (In law) A cognate kinsman, one's own kindred or kinsmen generally; (three kinds are enumerated :-- आत्म˚ personal, पितृ˚ paternal, and मातृ˚ maternal; see these three words). -4 A friend (in general); as in बन्धुकृत्य below; oft. at the end of comp.; मकरन्दगन्धबन्धो Māl.1.38 'a friend of, (i. e.) charged with fragrance'; &c.; 9.13. -5 A husband; वैदेहिबन्धोर्हृदयं विदद्रे R.14.33. -6 A father. -7 A mother. -8 A brother. -9 The tree called बन्धुजीव q. v. -1 One who belongs to or is connected with any tribe or profession only nominally; i. e. one who belongs to it, but does not do the duties pertaining thereto (often used by way of contempt); स्वयमेव ब्रह्मबन्धुनोद्भिन्नो दुर्गप्रयोगः M.4; cf. क्षत्रबन्धु. -11 Connection, relationship, association in general; समुद्र एवास्य बन्धुः Bṛi. Up.1.1.2; B. R.3.89. -12 A controller, governor; (नमः) गुणत्रयाभासनिमित्तबन्धवे Bhāg.6.4.23. -13 (In astrol.) N. of the 3rd mansion. -Comp. -काम a. affectionate towards kinsmen. -कृत्यम् 1 the duty of a kinsman; त्वयि तु परिसमाप्तं बन्धुकृत्यं प्रजानाम् Ś.5.8. -2 the business of a friend, a friendly or kind act or service; कच्चित् सौम्य व्यवसितमिदं बन्धुकृत्यं त्वया मे Me.116. -जनः 1 a relative, kinsman. -2 kindred, kinsmen taken collectively. -जीवः, -जीवकः N. of a tree; दृश्यन्ते बन्धुजीवाश्च श्यामाश्च गिरिसानुषु Rām.4.3.62; बन्धुजीवमधुरा- धरपल्लवमुल्लसितस्मितशोभम् Gīt.2; R.11.24. -दग्धः an abandoned wretch (हतक). -दत्तम् a kind of Strīdhana or woman's property, the property given to a girl by her relatives at the time of marriage; बन्धुदत्तं तथा शुल्कमन्वा- धेयकमेव च Y.2.144; बान्धवा भ्रातरो बन्धुदत्तप्रदेन कन्यादशायां यत् पितृभ्यां दत्तं तदुच्यते Dāy. B. -दायादः kinsman and heir; Ms.9.158. -a. entitled to inheritance by relationship. -प्रिय a. dear to friends or relations. -प्रीतिः f. 1 love of a relative; बन्धुप्रीत्या Me.51 (v. l.). -2 love for a friend. -भावः 1 friendship. -2 relationship. -वर्गः kinsmen, kindred. -हीन a. destitute of relatives or friends. |
bandhukaḥ | बन्धुकः 1 The tree called बन्धुजीव. -2 A bastard. -का, -की An unchaste woman (see बन्धकी). |
bandhula | बन्धुल a. [बन्ध्-उलच्] 1 Bent, curved, inclined. -2 Pleasing, delightful, attractive, beautiful. -लः 1 A bastard; परगृहललिताः परान्नपुष्टाः परपुरुषैर्जनिताः पराङ्गनासु । परधननिरता गुणेष्ववाच्या गजकलभा इव बन्धुला ललामः Mk.4.28 (which is an answer given by the bandhulas themselves to the Vidūṣaka's question भोः के यूयं बन्धुला नाम). -2 An attendant in a harlot's chamber. -3 The tree called बन्धूक q. v. |
bandhumat | बन्धुमत् a. Having relations or kinsmen. |
bandhura | बन्धुर a. [बन्ध्-उरच्] 1 Undulating, wavy, uneven; प्रसकलकुचबन्धुरोद्धुरोरः Śi.7.34; Ku.1.42; U.6.25; अयं रक्षोनाथः क्षितिधरशिरोबन्धुरतरे (रथे तिष्ठन्) Mv.6.3. -2 Bent, inclined, bowed; बन्धुरगात्रि R.13.47; (= सन्नताङ्गि). -3 Crooked, curved. -4 Pleasing, handsome, beautiful, lovely; कथं नु तं बन्धुरकोमलाङ्गुलिम् Ś.6.12 (where it may mean 'undulating' also); समस्तशास्त्रस्मृतिबन्धुरे मुखे K.3; बन्धुरा लावण्यधरा कन्धरा Dk.1.1. -5 Deaf. -6 Injurious, mischievous. -रः 1 A goose. -2 A crane. -3 A drug. -4 An oil-cake. -5 The vulva. -6 The बन्धुजीव tree. -राः m. (pl.) Parched corn or meal thereof. -रा An unchaste woman. -रम् 1 A diadem. -2 A band, rope; पञ्चबन्धुरम् (रथम्) Bhāg.4.26.1. |
bandhurita | बन्धुरित a. Inclined, bent, curved. |
bandhutā | बन्धुता 1 Relatives, kinsmen, kindred (taken collectively); प्रेयो मित्रं बन्धुता वा समग्रा Māl.6.18;9.21; Ki. 1.1. -2 Relationship, affinity. |
bandhutvam | बन्धुत्वम् Relationship, brotherhood, affinity. |
abandhu | अबन्धु बान्धव a. 1 Friendless, lonely. त्वमेताञ्जनराज्ञो द्विर्दशा$बन्धुना सुश्रवसोपजम्मुषः Rv.1.53.9. -2 Unowned. -Comp. -कृत् a. causing want of companions. -कृत a. not brought about by relatives, growing spontaneously; त्वय्यस्याः कथमप्यबान्धवकृतां स्नेहप्रवृत्तिं च ताम् Ś.4.16. |
ābandhura | आबन्धुर a. A little deep. |
udbandhukaḥ | उद्बन्धुकः One who hangs up (Ved.). |
vibandhu | विबन्धु a. Having no relations; भ्रातुर्यविष्ठस्य सुतान् विबन्धून् प्रवेश्य लाक्षाभवने ददाह Bhāg.3.1.6. |
sabandhu | सबन्धु a. 1 Closely connected. -2 Having a friend, befriended. -3 Of the same family. -न्धुः A relation, kinsman. |
bandhu | bándh-u, a. akin, i. 154, 5; m. bond, x. 129, 4 [bandh bind]. |
bandhu | m. connexion, relation; kinship, kindred; (maternal) kinsman; relative; friend; husband; --°ree;, relation of=extremely like; friend of=visited by or favourable for; --°ree; a. (û), coming under the head of, i. e. being only in name: -kritya, n. duty of a kinsman; business of a friend, friendly service; -ksít, a. dwelling among kinsmen (RV.1); -gana, m. kinsfolk; relative; friend; -gîva, m. (liv ing in the family), a tree (Pentapetes phoenicea; it has a beautiful red flower which opens at noon and falls off next morning at sunrise): -ka, m. id.; N. of a kakravartin; (ú)-tâ, f. connexion, relation; kinship; -tva, n. kinship, relationship; -datta,pp. given by relatives; m. N. of a man; â, f. N.; -pâla, m. N.; -príkkh, a. seeking one's kin (RV.1); -prabha, m. N. of a fairy; -prîti, f. love of one's friend; -bhâva, m. relationship. |
bandhula | m. bastard. |
bandhumat | a. possessed of kins folk; surrounded by kinsmen: -î, f. N.; -mitra, m. N. |
bandhura | a. charming, lovely, beautiful, handsome; inclined, bent; addicted: --°ree; =adorned with: -gâtrî, a. f. having lovely or curved i. e. rounded limbs; -komala½a&ndot; guli, a. having rounded and delicate fingers (hand). |
bandhurita | (den.) pp. inclined, bent; curved. |
bandhuvat | ad. like a relative (=nm. or ac.); -varga, m. whole body of one's kinsmen; -hîna, pp. destitute of kindred; friendless. |
abandhura | a. elevated, high; sad: -m, ad. sadly. |
abandhu | a. lacking relations, com panionless. |
bandhu | Denoting ‘relationship’ in the abstract and ‘relation’ in the concrete, occurs in the Rigveda and later. |
dvibandhu | Is in an obscure hymn of the Rigveda, according to Roth and Grassmann, the name of a man, while Ludwig renders it as a simple adjective meaning of double kinship.’ |
brahmabandhu | (‘Priest fellow ’) denotes, in a deprecatory sense, an ‘unworthy priest,’ ‘priest in name only,’ in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa and the Chāndogya Upanisad. Cf. Bājanyabandhu. |
rājanyabandhu | Denotes a Rājanya, but usually with a depreciating sense. Thus in the śatapatha Brāhmaṇa Janaka is called by the Brahmins, whom he defeated in disputation, ‘ a fellow of a Rājanya’; the same description is applied to Pravāh- aṇa Jaivali in the Brhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad for a similar reason. On the other hand, in one passage where reference is made to men eating apart from women, princes are said to do so most of all: the term Rājanyabandhu cannot here be deemed to be contemptuous, unless, indeed, it is the expression of Brahmin contempt for princes, such as clearly appears in the treatment of Nagnajit in another passage. Again, in a passage in which the four castes are mentioned, the Vaiśya precedes the Rājanyabandhu, a curious inversion of the order of the second and third castes. |
vājabandhu | In one verse of the Rigveda may be a proper name. It may, however, merely be an adjective meaning ‘ally in conflict.’ |
sabandhu | (‘Of the same kin’) in the Rigveda and later denotes ‘related.’ |
subandhu | In the hymns of the Rigveda is taken by Sāyaṇa to be a proper name; but this is not certain, Roth seeing in the passages only an ordinary noun meaning ‘a good friend.’ The later tradition explains that Subandhu and his brothers, called Gaupāyanas, were priests of Asamāti, who cast them off and took two others, Kirāta and Ákuli. By these two in pigeon form Subandhu was caused to swoon, but was revived by his three brothers, who recited certain hymns. |
bandhukṣidbhyo | gaveṣaṇaḥ RV.1.132.3g. |
bandhur | me (AVś. no) mātā pṛthivī mahīyam RV.1.164.33b; AVś.9.10.12b; N.4.21b. |
bandhurā | kābavasya ca AVś.3.9.4d; AVP.3.7.5d. |
abandhunā | suśravasopajagmuṣaḥ # RV.1.53.9b; AVś.20.21.9b. |
tadbandhuḥ | sūrir divi te dhiyaṃdhāḥ # RV.10.61.18a. Designated as nābhānediṣṭha-hymn śś.12.18.2. |
tribandhureṇa | etc. # see trivandhureṇa etc. |
tribandhuro | manasā yātu yuktaḥ # TB. See trivandhuro etc. |
bandhu | and relationships | SB 10.68.29 |
bandhu | another friend | CC Madhya 17.201 |
bandhu | binder or relative | CC Antya 5.145 |
bandhu | family relations | SB 5.24.8 |
bandhu | for your family members | SB 10.29.20 |
bandhu | friend | CC Antya 3.236 |
CC Madhya 17.202 | ||
bandhu | friends | CC Adi 15.24 |
CC Madhya 5.36 | ||
CC Madhya 7.9 | ||
SB 1.14.6 | ||
SB 10.1.61 | ||
SB 6.16.5 | ||
bandhu | friends and relatives | SB 1.14.1 |
bandhu | his friend (Lord Kṛṣṇa) | SB 10.58.54 |
bandhu | of a family member | SB 10.78.6 |
bandhu | of friends or relatives | CC Antya 18.40 |
bandhu | of relatives | SB 10.50.17 |
bandhu | other relatives | SB 10.23.30 |
SB 10.79.32 | ||
bandhu | to his relatives | SB 10.84.59 |
bandhu | with loving friendship | SB 11.11.43-45 |
bandhu dekhi' | seeing one friend | CC Madhya 17.201 |
bandhu dekhi' | seeing one friend | CC Madhya 17.201 |
bandhu-bāndhava | of friends and relatives | CC Adi 14.92 |
bandhu-bāndhava | of friends and relatives | CC Adi 14.92 |
bandhu-gaṇa | and friends | CC Madhya 21.43 |
bandhu-gaṇa | and friends | CC Madhya 21.43 |
bandhu-gaṇa | friends | CC Madhya 13.143 |
bandhu-gaṇa | friends | CC Madhya 13.143 |
CC Madhya 17.202 | ||
bandhu-gaṇa | friends | CC Madhya 17.202 |
bandhu-hā | killer of sons | SB 1.7.39 |
bandhu-hā | killer of sons | SB 1.7.39 |
bandhu-han | killer of Your own relatives | CC Antya 5.143 |
bandhu-han | killer of Your own relatives | CC Antya 5.143 |
bandhu-han-śabde | by the word bandhu-han | CC Antya 5.145 |
bandhu-han-śabde | by the word bandhu-han | CC Antya 5.145 |
bandhu-han-śabde | by the word bandhu-han | CC Antya 5.145 |
bandhu-jana | friends | CC Adi 13.24 |
bandhu-jana | friends | CC Adi 13.24 |
bandhu-kṛtya | duties of a friend | CC Madhya 7.9 |
bandhu-kṛtya | duties of a friend | CC Madhya 7.9 |
bandhu-kṛtyam | the duty of a friend | SB 4.26.22 |
bandhu-kṛtyam | the duty of a friend | SB 4.26.22 |
bandhu-rūpiṇā | as if an intimate friend | SB 1.15.5 |
bandhu-rūpiṇā | as if an intimate friend | SB 1.15.5 |
bandhu-sańge | to worldly friends | CC Adi 5.224 |
bandhu-sańge | to worldly friends | CC Adi 5.224 |
bandhu-tyāga | renouncing the friends | SB 2.10.49-50 |
bandhu-tyāga | renouncing the friends | SB 2.10.49-50 |
bandhubhiḥ | and friends | SB 4.9.39-40 |
bandhubhiḥ | and other relatives | SB 10.29.8 |
bandhubhiḥ | by his family members | SB 10.75.34-35 |
bandhubhiḥ | by other relatives | SB 10.23.20-21 |
bandhubhiḥ | by their family | SB 10.45.22 |
bandhubhiḥ | by well-wishing relatives (Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Balarāma) | SB 10.49.16 |
bandhubhiḥ | friends and relatives | SB 6.19.24 |
SB 8.16.56 | ||
bandhubhiḥ | other relatives | SB 1.12.36 |
bandhubhiḥ | relatives | SB 10.84.50 |
bandhubhiḥ | with his relatives and friends | SB 10.49.3 |
bandhubhyaḥ | relatives | SB 5.8.9 |
bandhubhyaḥ | to Our family members | SB 11.30.46 |
bandhuḥ | a friend | SB 11.19.28-32 |
bandhuḥ | a relative | SB 10.54.39 |
bandhuḥ | friend | BG 6.5 |
BG 6.6 | ||
SB 10.48.29 | ||
SB 4.7.30 | ||
SB 6.17.22 | ||
bandhuḥ | the close relative | SB 10.29.32 |
bandhuḥ | the real friend | SB 11.19.40-45 |
bandhuḥ | whose beloved | SB 10.90.16 |
bandhuḥ | whose help | SB 11.12.18 |
bandhuḥ iva | just like a friend | SB 5.8.7 |
bandhuḥ iva | just like a friend | SB 5.8.7 |
bandhum | friend | SB 1.16.19 |
SB 3.8.30 | ||
bandhum | relative | SB 1.13.3-4 |
bandhunā | friend | SB 11.29.47 |
bandhunā | of his relative (his mother Aditi) | SB 10.59.2-3 |
bandhuraḥ | bondage | SB 4.29.18-20 |
bandhuram | bondage | SB 7.15.41 |
bandhuram | obstacles | SB 4.26.1-3 |
bandhuṣu | all her relatives | SB 11.9.5 |
bandhuṣu | among friends | SB 4.3.16 |
bandhuṣu | among friends and relatives | SB 5.18.10 |
bandhuṣu | and the relatives or well-wishers | BG 6.9 |
bandhuṣu | family ties | SB 12.2.12-16 |
bandhuṣu | in friends | SB 3.30.6 |
bandhuṣu | in friends and relatives | SB 9.4.27 |
bandhuṣu | their relatives | SB 10.84.70 |
bandhuṣu | unto friends and relatives | SB 2.4.2 |
bandhuṣu | who are the friends | SB 10.20.17 |
abandhum | without a friend | SB 4.28.47 |
adharma-bandhuḥ | the friend of irreligion | SB 1.17.31 |
anāthera bandhu | friend of the helpless | CC Madhya 2.59 |
ārta-bandhum | the friend of the distressed | SB 3.3.7 |
ātma-bandhunā | own friend Lord Kṛṣṇa | SB 1.14.44 |
babandhuḥ | they bound in chains | SB 11.23.38-39 |
dvija-bandhu-lińga | by the characteristics of a person born in a brāhmaṇa family but not executing the duties of a brāhmaṇa | SB 5.12.1 |
dīna-bandhu | the friend of the fallen | CC Madhya 1.6 |
anāthera bandhu | friend of the helpless | CC Madhya 2.59 |
parāṇa-bandhu | friend of the heart | CC Madhya 2.69 |
dui-bandhu lañā | with two friends | CC Antya 20.6 |
dui-bandhu-sane | with two friends, namely Rāmānanda Rāya and Svarūpa Dāmodara Gosvāmī | CC Antya 20.69 |
kṣatra-bandhubhiḥ | by the lower kṣatriya | SB 1.18.31 |
sva-bandhubhiḥ | by his relatives and friends | SB 3.30.17 |
sva-bandhubhiḥ | with all my friends | SB 4.25.36 |
saha bandhubhiḥ | accompanied by friends | SB 9.2.15 |
sva-bandhubhiḥ | along with your relatives | SB 11.30.47 |
kṣatra-bandhubhyaḥ | from the unclean kings | SB 4.28.48 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | the relative of a brāhmaṇa | SB 1.7.53-54 |
hata-bandhuḥ | one who has lost all his sons | SB 1.13.33 |
adharma-bandhuḥ | the friend of irreligion | SB 1.17.31 |
kṣatra-bandhuḥ | the sons of the kṣatriyas | SB 1.18.34 |
kṣatra-bandhuḥ | the son of a kṣatriya | SB 4.12.43 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | a friend of a brāhmaṇa | SB 5.9.9-10 |
puṇya-bandhuḥ | highly pious | SB 6.5.31 |
kṣatra-bandhuḥ | the lowest of the kṣatriyas | SB 6.17.13 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | Vāmanadeva, in the form of a brāhmaṇa | SB 8.21.10 |
kṣatra-bandhuḥ | the family member of a kṣatriya | SB 9.2.9 |
kṣatra-bandhuḥ | belonged to the kṣatriya class | SB 9.18.5 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | the friend of a brāhmaṇa, not fit even to be called a brāhmaṇa | SB 10.81.16 |
rājanya-bandhuḥ | a fallen member of the royal order | SB 10.89.26-27 |
bhāva-bandhuḥ | the intimate loving friend | SB 12.8.40 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | a caste brāhmaṇa without brahminical qualifications | CC Adi 17.78 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | the friend of a brāhmaṇa, not fit even to be called a brāhmaṇa | CC Madhya 7.143 |
brahma-bandhum | a relative of a brāhmaṇa | SB 1.7.35 |
ārta-bandhum | the friend of the distressed | SB 3.3.7 |
sataḥ bandhum | the support of the material cause | SB 3.27.11 |
ātma-bandhunā | own friend Lord Kṛṣṇa | SB 1.14.44 |
kṣatra-bandhunā | with a fallen kṣatriya | SB 10.72.26 |
brahma-bandhuṣu | unto an unqualified brāhmaṇa | SB 4.7.13 |
tat-bandhuṣu | unto the friends and relatives of the husband | SB 7.11.25 |
sva-bandhuṣu | to His family members | SB 10.38.23 |
sva-jana-bandhuṣu | for your relatives and friends | SB 11.7.6 |
bhāva-bandhuḥ | the intimate loving friend | SB 12.8.40 |
brahma-bandhum | a relative of a brāhmaṇa | SB 1.7.35 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | the relative of a brāhmaṇa | SB 1.7.53-54 |
brahma-bandhuṣu | unto an unqualified brāhmaṇa | SB 4.7.13 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | a friend of a brāhmaṇa | SB 5.9.9-10 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | Vāmanadeva, in the form of a brāhmaṇa | SB 8.21.10 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | the friend of a brāhmaṇa, not fit even to be called a brāhmaṇa | SB 10.81.16 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | a caste brāhmaṇa without brahminical qualifications | CC Adi 17.78 |
brahma-bandhuḥ | the friend of a brāhmaṇa, not fit even to be called a brāhmaṇa | CC Madhya 7.143 |
dīna-bandhu | the friend of the fallen | CC Madhya 1.6 |
dui-bandhu lañā | with two friends | CC Antya 20.6 |
dui-bandhu-sane | with two friends, namely Rāmānanda Rāya and Svarūpa Dāmodara Gosvāmī | CC Antya 20.69 |
dvija-bandhu-lińga | by the characteristics of a person born in a brāhmaṇa family but not executing the duties of a brāhmaṇa | SB 5.12.1 |
hata-bandhuḥ | one who has lost all his sons | SB 1.13.33 |
sva-jana-bandhuṣu | for your relatives and friends | SB 11.7.6 |
kṣatra-bandhubhiḥ | by the lower kṣatriya | SB 1.18.31 |
kṣatra-bandhuḥ | the sons of the kṣatriyas | SB 1.18.34 |
kṣatra-bandhuḥ | the son of a kṣatriya | SB 4.12.43 |
kṣatra-bandhubhyaḥ | from the unclean kings | SB 4.28.48 |
kṣatra-bandhuḥ | the lowest of the kṣatriyas | SB 6.17.13 |
kṣatra-bandhuḥ | the family member of a kṣatriya | SB 9.2.9 |
kṣatra-bandhuḥ | belonged to the kṣatriya class | SB 9.18.5 |
kṣatra-bandhunā | with a fallen kṣatriya | SB 10.72.26 |
dui-bandhu lañā | with two friends | CC Antya 20.6 |
dvija-bandhu-lińga | by the characteristics of a person born in a brāhmaṇa family but not executing the duties of a brāhmaṇa | SB 5.12.1 |
parāṇa-bandhu | friend of the heart | CC Madhya 2.69 |
puṇya-bandhuḥ | highly pious | SB 6.5.31 |
rājanya-bandhuḥ | a fallen member of the royal order | SB 10.89.26-27 |
saha bandhubhiḥ | accompanied by friends | SB 9.2.15 |
dui-bandhu-sane | with two friends, namely Rāmānanda Rāya and Svarūpa Dāmodara Gosvāmī | CC Antya 20.69 |
sataḥ bandhum | the support of the material cause | SB 3.27.11 |
śūnyabandhuḥ | named Śūnyabandhu | SB 9.2.33 |
sva-bandhubhiḥ | by his relatives and friends | SB 3.30.17 |
sva-bandhubhiḥ | with all my friends | SB 4.25.36 |
sva-bandhuṣu | to His family members | SB 10.38.23 |
sva-jana-bandhuṣu | for your relatives and friends | SB 11.7.6 |
sva-bandhubhiḥ | along with your relatives | SB 11.30.47 |
tat-bandhuṣu | unto the friends and relatives of the husband | SB 7.11.25 |
bandhu | noun (masculine) (in astrol.) of the fourth mansion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a brother (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a cognate kinsman in a remote degree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a friend (opp. to ripu) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a husband (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kinsman (esp. on the mother's side) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) association (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) connection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) kindred (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) kindred. etc. (in law) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) kinship (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a ṣi with the patr. Gaupāyana or Laupāyana (author of) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a metre (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Manmatha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one subsequent in right of inheritance to the Sagotra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Pentapetes Phoenicea (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) reference (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) relation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) relative (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) respect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 1172/72933 | |
bandhu | noun (neuter) [gramm.] the word bandhu Frequency rank 37562/72933 | |
bandhujīva | noun (masculine) Pentapetes phoenicea Linn. (a plant with a red flower which opens at midday and withers away the next morning) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13667/72933 | |
bandhujīva | noun (neuter) the flower of bandhujīva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59988/72933 | |
bandhujīvaka | noun (masculine) a kind of plant
name of a Cakravartin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37566/72933 | |
bandhuka | noun (masculine) a bastard (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Pentapetes phoenicea Linn. (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37565/72933 | |
bandhula | noun (masculine) a bastard (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a ṣi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Pentapetes Phoenicea (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59990/72933 | |
bandhumant | adjective having relations (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of another man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) surrounded by relations (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18233/72933 | |
bandhupāla | noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18232/72933 | |
bandhura | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 24820/72933 | |
bandhura | adjective adorned with (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) beautiful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) charming (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) curved (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) deaf (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) inclined (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) injurious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) mischievous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) pleasant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) rounded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) undulating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) uneven (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15952/72933 | |
bandhura | noun (masculine) Ardea Nivea (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a bird (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a goose (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a particular bulbous plant growing on the Hima-vat mountain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Embelia Ribes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) oil-cake (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Pentapetes Phoenicea (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the vulva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21906/72933 | |
bandhurita | adjective bent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) curved (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) inclined (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59989/72933 | |
bandhutā | noun (feminine) connection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) kinsfolk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) kinship (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) relation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) relations (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37567/72933 | |
abandhu | adjective friendless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) without companions (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) without kindred (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26500/72933 | |
arkabandhu | noun (masculine) a name of Buddha Śākyamuni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 44891/72933 | |
ātmabandhu | noun (masculine) a first cousin or father's sister's son (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) mother's brother's son (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) mother's sister's son (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 46328/72933 | |
kumudabandhu | noun (masculine) the moon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49715/72933 | |
kṛtabandhu | noun (masculine) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49920/72933 | |
kṛbandhu | noun (masculine) name of a man (?) Frequency rank 49963/72933 | |
kṣatrabandhu | noun (masculine) a Kṣatriya by birth but not by his actions (a term of abuse) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a member of the Kṣatriya caste (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 10927/72933 | |
gānabandhu | noun (masculine) name of an interlocutor in a work imitative of the (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an owl who teaches Nārada how to praise Viṣṇu Frequency rank 14144/72933 | |
jaṅghābandhu | noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 52622/72933 | |
jalabandhu | noun (masculine) a fish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) jalabandhurasa Frequency rank 35143/72933 | |
jalabandhurasa | noun (masculine) a kind of alchemical preparation Frequency rank 52773/72933 | |
dvijabandhu | noun (masculine) a Brāhman etc. only by name (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 55206/72933 | |
nirbandhu | adjective without relations or friends (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21587/72933 | |
padmabandhu | noun (masculine) a bee (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 57097/72933 | |
pikabandhu | noun (masculine) the mango tree Frequency rank 57922/72933 | |
pratibandhu | noun (masculine) an equal in rank or station (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 58830/72933 | |
balabandhu | noun (masculine) name of a son of Bhṛgu in the 10th Dvāpara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Manu Raivata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 24823/72933 | |
brahmabandhu | noun (masculine) an unworthy Brāhman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13097/72933 | |
rājanyabandhu | noun (masculine) a Kṣatriya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the the friend or connection of a prince (generally used in contempt) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38718/72933 | |
lokabandhu | noun (masculine) name of the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38934/72933 | |
vanabandhu | noun (masculine) name of a man Frequency rank 64571/72933 | |
vasantabandhu | noun (masculine) name of Kāmadeva (god of love) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 64857/72933 | |
vasubandhu | noun (masculine) name of a celebrated Buddhist scholar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 64880/72933 | |
vibandhu | adjective having no relations (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 65877/72933 | |
sabandhu | adjective befriended (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) being of the same race or family (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) of kin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) possessing a kinsman having a friend (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) related (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 68856/72933 |