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Grammar Search
"bali" has 3 results
bali: neuter nominative singular stem: balin
bali: neuter accusative singular stem: balin
bali: neuter vocative singular stem: balin
Amarakosha Search
Results for bali
adhobhuvanamNeuterSingularpātālam, balisadma, rasātalam, nāgalokaḥa festival
bāḍham3.3.50NeuterSingularbalisutaḥ, śaraḥ
bali3.3.203MasculineSingularāyudham, ruk
kākaḥ2.5.22MasculineSingularcirañjīvī, parabhṛt, sakṛtprajaḥ, karaṭaḥ, maukuliḥ, vāyasaḥ, ātmaghoṣaḥ, balipuṣṭaḥ, ekadṛṣṭiḥ, balibhuk, dhvāṅkṣaḥ, ariṣṭaḥ
karaḥ2.8.27MasculineSingularbhāgadheyaḥ, bali
kiṃśāruḥ3.3.171MasculineSingularbali, hastaḥ, aṃśuḥ
pīluḥ3.3.201MasculineSingularprāṇyaṅgajābali, karaḥ, upahāraḥ
viṣṇuḥ1.1.18-21MasculineSingularadhokṣajaḥ, vidhuḥ, yajñapuruṣaḥ, viśvarūpaḥ, vaikuṇṭhaḥ, hṛṣīkeśaḥ, svabhūḥ, govindaḥ, acyutaḥ, janārdanaḥ, cakrapāṇiḥ, madhuripuḥ, devakīnandanaḥ, puruṣottamaḥ, kaṃsārātiḥ, kaiṭabhajit, purāṇapuruṣaḥ, jalaśāyī, muramardanaḥ, kṛṣṇaḥ, dāmodaraḥ, mādhavaḥ, puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ, pītāmbaraḥ, viśvaksenaḥ, indrāvarajaḥ, padmanābhaḥ, trivikramaḥ, śrīpatiḥ, balidhvaṃsī, viśvambharaḥ, śrīvatsalāñchanaḥ, narakāntakaḥ, mukundaḥ, nārāyaṇaḥ, viṣṭaraśravāḥ, keśavaḥ, daityāriḥ, garuḍadhvajaḥ, śārṅgī, upendraḥ, caturbhujaḥ, vāsudevaḥ, śauriḥ, vanamālī(45)vishnu, the god
Monier-Williams Search
Results for bali
balim. (perhaps fr. bhṛ-) tribute, offering, gift, oblation (in later language always with hṛ-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balim. tax, impost, royal revenue etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balim. any offering or propitiatory oblation (especially an offering of portions of food, such as grain, rice etc., to certain gods, semi-divine beings, household divinities, spirits, men, birds, other animals and all creatures including even lifeless objects; it is made before the daily meal by arranging portions of food in a circle or by throwing them into the air outside the house or into the sacred fire; it is also called bhūta-yajña-and was one of the 5 mahā-yajñas-,or great devotional acts; see ) etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with the object, the receiver, the time, or the place of the offering) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balim. fragments of food at a meal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balim. a victim (often a goat or buffalo) offered to durgā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balim. the handle of a chowrie or fly-flapper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balim. Name of a daitya- (son of virocana-;priding himself on his empire over the three worlds, he was humiliated by viṣṇu-, who appeared before him in the form of a vāmana- or dwarf. son of kaśyapa- and aditi- and younger brother of indra-, and obtained from him the promise of as much land as he could pace in three steps, whereupon the dwarf expanding himself deprived him of heaven and earth in two steps, but left him the sovereignty of pātāla- or the lower regions) etc. (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balim. Name of indra- in the 8th manv-antara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balim. of a muni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balim. of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balim. of a son of su-tapas- (see vali-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balibandhanam. "binder or killer of bali-", Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balibhadra wrong reading for bala-bh-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balibhoja m. a crow (see bhuj-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balibhojanam. a crow (see bhuj-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balibhṛtmfn. paying tribute, tributary (see -hṛt-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balibhujmfn. devouring oblations View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balibhujmfn. enjoying offerings (said of gods) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balibhujm. a crow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balibhujm. a sparrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balibhujm. a crane View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliceṣṭitavarṇanan. Name of chapter of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balidānan. the presentation of an offering to a deity (consisting of rice, milk, fruits etc. when presented to viṣṇu-, or of living victims when offered to śiva- or durgā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balidānan. presentation of grain etc. to all creatures
balidānapaddhatif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balidānavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balidhvaṃsinm. "destroyer of bali-" idem or 'm. "hater of bali-", Name of viṣṇu- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balidviṣm. "hater of bali-", Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baligāyatrīf. Name of a mantra- employed by the śākta-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balihanm. "slayer of bali-", Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balihāramfn. paying taxes or tribute View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balihāram. equals -haraṇa- n. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliharaṇamf(ī-)n. adapted for the presentation of oblations, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliharaṇan. the presentation of oblations (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliharaṇavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balihomam. the offering of oblations View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balihritmfn. equals -hāra- mfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balihritoffering oblations, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balikam. (see valika-) Name of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balif. Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balikamfn. one who takes his food every 6th day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balikaram. plural taxes and duties View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balikaramfn. offering propitiatory sacrifices (see ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balikarambham. sacrificial cake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balikarmann. offering oblations to all creatures etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balikarmann. presentation or payment of tribute View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balikṛtmfn. paying taxes, tributary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balimahānarendrākhyānan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balimanm. power, strength (in a-b-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balimandiran. " bali-'s abode", the infernal regions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balimatmfn. receiving taxes or tribute (said of agni-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balimatmfn. provided with food -oblations (said of a house) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balimātran. a mere offering (to all beings), as much in quantity as an oblation to all creatures View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliṃdamam. "tamer of bali-", Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliṃdamaprakhyamfn. equal to viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balinmfn. powerful, strong, mighty, stout, robust etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balinm. a soldier (see balastha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balinm. Name of vatsa-prī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balinm. (only L) a hog bull, buffalo, camel, kind of sheep, serpent, Phaseolus Radiatus, a sort of jasmine, the phlegmatic humour, Name of a bala-rāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balinandanam. "son of bali-", Name of the asura- bāṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balif. Sida Cordifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliniyamanodyutamfn. prepared to subdue bali- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balipīṭhalakṣaṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balipodakīf. Basella Cordifolia View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balipratigrāhakamf(ikā-)n. receiving oblations View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balipriyamf(ā-)n. fond of offering oblations View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balipriyam. Symplocos Racemosa (fabled to grow faster if presented with oblations consisting of incense, lights etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balipuṣṭam. "nourished by food-offerings", a crow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliputram. equals -nandana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliputramokṣaṇan. Name of chapter of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliśanf(i-or śī-). (also written val-) a hook, fish-hook (see baḍiśa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliṣaḍbhāgam. the sixth part as tribute View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliṣaḍbhāgahārinmfn. taking the sixth part as tribute View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balisadmann. equals -mandira- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliśeṣam. the remains of an oblation, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliṣṇumfn. disregarded, despised (arrogant, disrespectful ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliṣṭhamfn. (superl. fr. bal/in-) most powerful, very. strong or mighty etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliṣṭhamfn. stronger or mightier than (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliṣṭham. a camel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliṣṭha b/aliyas- See . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliṣṭhatamamfn. most powerful, mightiest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balisudana wrong reading for bala-s-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balitantran. the regular form of an oblation to all creatures View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balivāhanamfn. carrying tribute, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balivākam. Name of a muni- (varia lectio baliv-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balivardam. a bull or ox etc. etc. (also balīv-; wrong reading vardha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balivardīf. Name of a woman gaRa kalyāṇy-ādi- () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baliveśmann. equals mandira- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balividhānan. the offering of an oblation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balivindhyam. Name of a son of manu- raivata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balivṛṣahanm. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balivyākulamfn. busied in offering oblations View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abalimanm. enfeeblement, weakness, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abaliṣṭhasuperl. mfn. weakest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāhubalim. (fr. bahu-bala-?) Name of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāhubalinmfn. strong in arm, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāhubalinmfn. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhujabalinm. "strong in the arm", Name of a jaina- teacher. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtabalim. equals -yājña- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtabalim. Name of a grammarian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhūtibalim. Name of a grammarian (see bhūta-b-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmabalim. Name of a teacher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dārabalibhuj wrong reading for dvāra-b-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daśabalabalinmfn. possessing the 10 powers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devabalim. oblation to the gods View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durbalim. ( varia lectio la-) () a kind of bird (equals bhāṇḍīka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durbalikam. () a kind of bird (equals bhāṇḍīka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durbalitamfn. weakened, rendered ineffective View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvārabalibhujm.,"eater of offering at door", Ardea nivea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvārabalibhujm. a crow or a sparrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhabalim. a domestic oblation (offering of the remnants of a meal to all creatures, such as animals and certain deities;See p.422) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhabalibhujm. "enjoying domestic oblations", a sparrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhabalibhujm. a crow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhabalibhujm. the crane Ardea nivea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhabalidevatāf. plural certain deities to whom domestic oblations are offered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhabalipriyam. "fond of domestic oblations", the crane Ardea nivea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadbalim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hetubalikamfn. strong in argument View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
īśānabalim. a particular sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kākabalim. "crow-offering", Name of the bali-karaṇa- or offerings of food for crows and other animals View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambalif. gaRa pakṣādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāmbalikam. sour milk-mixed with whey and vinegar, gruel, barley-water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāmbalikāyanamfn. (fr. kambalikā-) gaRa pakṣādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambalinmfn. covered with a woollen cloth or blanket, wearing a woollen garment View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambalinm. "having a dewlap", an ox View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kambalivāhyakan. a carriage drawn by oxen. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāpilabalim. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
klībaliṅgan. the neuter gender View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahābalim. Name of the giant bali- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhebalinm. a rhinoceros View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāgabalim. an oblation to the nāga-s (a particular marriage ceremony) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāgabalim. Name of work attributed to śaunaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narabalim. a human sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārāyaṇabalim. "oblation to narāyaṇa-", a particular funeral ceremony View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārāyaṇabalim. Name of work (also nārāyaṇabaliprayoga -prayoga- m. nārāyaṇabalividhi -vidhi- m. nārāyaṇabalisamarthana -samarthana- n. nārāyaṇabalisvayamprayojanasañcikā -svayam-prayojana-sañcikā- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārāyaṇabaliprayogam. nārāyaṇabali
nārāyaṇabalisamarthanan. nārāyaṇabali
nārāyaṇabalisvayamprayojanasañcikāf. nārāyaṇabali
nārāyaṇabalividhim. nārāyaṇabali
navagrahabalidānaprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niravattabalimfn. whereof oblations have been distributed all round View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāṇḍukambalinmfn. () covered or lined with a white woollen blanket. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paśubalim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṣpabalim. an oblation of flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rudrabalim. an oblation of flesh etc. presented to the rudra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sabalimfn. endowed with royal revenue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sabalimfn. accompanied with the bali- offering View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sabalim. evening twilight (when the offering is made) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śabalif. a kind of bird (incorrectly written sab-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śabalimanm. variegated state or condition, mottled look or appearance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śabalitamfn. variegated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śakabali(ś/aka--) m. an oblation of cow-dung View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdhyābalim. the evening or twilight oblation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdhyābalim. a bull (or its image) in a temple of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sapuṣpabalimfn. filled with offerings of flowers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarpabalim. an offering to Serpents, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarpabalim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarpabalikarmann. (equals -bali-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarpabalividhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatabalim. a kind of fish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatabalim. Name of a monkey View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatabalim. (prob. more correct -vali-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śivābalim. an offering to durgā- (offered at night and consisting chiefly of flesh;also Name of a chapter of the rudra-yāmala- tantra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrāvaṇakarmasarpabaliprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrībalim. Name of a village View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
surābali(s/urā--) mfn. receiving an oblation of surā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryabalim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryabalirāmam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taṇḍulakusumabaliprakāra m. plural Name of a kalā- (q.v). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
taṇḍulakusumabalivikāram. plural Name of a kalā- (q.v). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
traibalim. (fr. tri-bala-) Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upodbalitamfn. confirmed, asserted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāgbalim. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvadevabalikarmann. dual number Name of the above two ceremonies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vicchinnabalikarmanmfn. having sacrificial rites interrupted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīrabalim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yakṣabalim. an oblation to the yakṣa-s (a particular nuptial ceremony) commentator or commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
Results for bali15 results
bali बलिः [बल्-इन्] 1 An oblation, a gift or offering (usually religious); नीवारबलिं विलोकयतः Ś.4.21; U.1.5. -2 The offering of a portion of the daily meal of rice, grain, ghee &c. to all creatures, (also called भूतयज्ञ), one of the five daily Yajñas to be performed by a householder; see Ms.3.67,91; it is usually performed by throwing up into the air, near the housedoor, portions of the daily meal before partaking of it; यासां बलिः सपदि मद्गृहदेहलीनां हंसैश्च सारसगणैश्च विलुप्तपूर्वः Mk.1.9. -3 Worship, adoration; Rām.2.3. 8; अवचितबलिपुष्पा वेदिसंमार्गदक्षा Ku.1.6; Me.57; अव- चितानि बलिकर्मपर्याप्तानि पुष्पाणि Ś.4. -4 Fragments of food left at a meal. -5 A victim offered to a deity. -6 A tax, tribute, impost; also 'religious tax'; (cf. सीता, भागो, बलिः, करो......च राष्ट्रम्); Kau. A.2.6.24; प्रजानामेव भूत्यर्थं स ताभ्यो बलिमग्रहीत् R.1.18; Ms.7.8;8.37; प्रजिघाय बलिं तथा Śiva B.29.42; न चाजिहीर्षीद् बलिमप्रवृत्तम् Bu. Ch.2.44. -7 The handle of a chowrie. -8 N. of a celebrated demon; येन बद्धो बली राजा दानवेन्द्रो महाबलः Rakṣābandhanamantra. [He was a son of Virochana, the son of Prahlāda. He was a very powerful demon and oppressed the gods very much. They, therefore, prayed to Viṣṇu for succour, who descended on earth as a son of Kaśyapa and Aditi in the form of a dwarf. He assumed the dress of a mendicant, and having gone to Bali prayed him to give him as much earth as he could cover in three steps. Bali, who was noted for his liberality, unhesitatingly acceded to this apparently simple request. But the dwarf soon assumed a mighty form, and began to measure the three steps. The first step covered the earth, the second the heavens; and not knowing where to place the third, he planted it on the head of Bali and sent him and all his legions to the Pātāla and allowed him to be its ruler. Thus the universe was once more restored to the rule of Indra; cf. छलयसि विक्रमणे बलिमद्भुतवामन Gīt. 1; R.7.35; Me.59. Viṣṇu is said to still guard his door in Pātāla. He is one of the seven Chirajivins; cf. चिरजीविन्]. -लिः f. 1 A fold, wrinkle &c. (usually written वलि q. v.). -2 The fold of skin in stout persons or females. -3 The ridge of a thatched roof. -Comp. -करः a. 1 paying tribute. -2 offering sacrifices. -3 producing wrinkles. -करम्भः a sacrificial cake. -कर्मन् n. 1 offering oblations to all creatures. -2 the act of worshipping. -3 payment of tribute. -क्रिया a line on the forehead; नतभ्रुवो मण्डयति स्म विग्रहे बलिक्रिया चातिलकं तदास्पदम् Ki.8.52. -दानम् 1 presentation of an offering to a deity. -2 offering oblations to all creatures. -द्विष्, -ध्वंसिन् m. an epithet of Viṣṇu. -नन्दनः, -पुत्रः, -सुतः epithets of Bāṇa, the son of Bali. -पुष्टः a crow; भ्रमेण द्रष्टुं बलिपुष्टलोकः समापतत्याशु तमिस्ररूपः Rām. Ch.6.25. -प्रियः the Lodhra tree. -बन्धनः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -भुज् m. 1 a crow; अहो अधर्मः पालानां पीव्नां बलिभुजामिव Bhāg.1.18.33. -2 a sparrow. -3 a crane. -भृत् a. tributary. -भोजः, -भोजनः a crow; द्वितीयो बलिभोजानां (पन्थाः) Rām.4.58.25. -मन्दिरम्, -वेश्मन्, -सद्मन् n. the lower regions, the abode of Bali. -मुखः a monkey. -विधानम् the offering of an oblation. -व्याकुल a. engaged in worship or in offering oblations to all creatures; आलोके ते निपतति पुरा सा बलिव्याकुला वा Me.87. -षड्भागः the sixth part as a tribute; अरक्षितारं राजानं बलिषड्भागहारिणम् Ms.8.38. -हन् m. an epithet of Viṣṇu. -हरणम् an offering of oblations to all creatures. -होमः the offering of oblations.
balika बलिक a. One who takes his food every sixth day.
baliman बलिमन् m. Strength, might, power.
balimat बलिमत् a. 1 Having materials of worship or oblation ready; बाष्पायमाणो बलिमन्निकेतमालेख्यशेषस्य पितुर्विवेशं R.14.15. -2 Receiving taxes. -3 Wrinkled.
baliṃdamaḥ बलिंदमः An epithet of Viṣṇu.
balin बलिन् a. [बलमस्त्यस्य इनि] 1 Strong, powerful, mighty कुलध्वजस्तानि चलध्वजानि निवेशयामास बली बलानि R.16.37 Ms.7.174. -2 Stout, robust. -m 1 A buffalo. -2 A hog. -3 A camel. -4 A bull. -5 A soldier. -6 A kind of jasmine. -7 The phlegmatic humour. -8 An epithet of Balarāma.
balina बलिन बलिभ See वलिन-भ.
baliṣṇu बलिष्णु a. Dishonoured, degraded, despised (अप- मानित).
baliṣṭha बलिष्ठ a. Most powerful, strongest, very powerful (superl. of बलवत् or बलिन् q. v.). -ष्ठः A camel.
balivardaḥ बलिवर्दः See बलीवर्द. बलिशम् baliśam बलिशिः baliśiḥ शी śī बलिशम् बलिशिः शी A hook, a fish-hook.
kambali कम्बलिका 1 A small blanket. -2 A kind of female deer.
kambalin कम्बलिन् a. Covered with a blanket. -m. A bullock, ox. -Comp. -वाह्यक a carriage covered with blankets and drawn by oxen, a bullock-cart.
kāmbalikaḥ काम्बलिकः Gruel, barley-water.
śabaliman शबलिमन् Variegated condition or appearance; शबलिमा बलिमानमुषो वपुः Śi.6.27.
sabali सबलिः Evening twilight.
Macdonell Search
Results for bali9 results
bali m. tax, impost, tribute; offering, gift, oblation; offering of food (generally rice, grain, or ghee) thrown up into the air and made to living creatures, esp. birds (also called bhûta-yagña): very often --°ree; with the object, the time, the place, or material of the offering; handle (of a fly-whisk); N. of a Daitya, a son of Virokana, who obtained the sovereignty of the three worlds, but was deprived of it by Vishnu in the form of a dwarf after promising the latter as much land as he could measure in three steps; he was cast down by Vishnu to Pâtâla, which he was allowed to rule; N.; incorrect for vali, fold: -kara, m. pl. taxes and duties;-karman, n. performance of the Bali or food offering; -krit, a. paying taxes; -dâna, n. presentation of an offering or oblation.
baliharaṇa a. (î) suitable for presenting an offering; n. presentation of an offering; -hârá, a. paying taxes; m. presenta tion of offerings; -hrít, a. paying tribute.
balin a. strong, powerful; m. sol dier; N.
baliniyamanodyata pp. bent on vanquishing Bali; -putra, m. son of Bali, pat. of the Asura Bâna; -push- ta, (pp.) m. (fed on the rice-offering), crow; -bhug, a. eating the food-offering;m. crow; -bhrit, a. paying tribute; -bhogana, m. crow; -mát, a. receiving tribute; attended with food oblations.
baliṣṭha spv. strongest, mightiest; most powerful; stronger than (ab.): -tama, dbl. spv. id.
balivarda m. bull.
balivyākula a. engaged in offering oblations; -shad-bhâga, m. sixth part as tribute: -hârin, a. taking the sixth part as tribute.
upacitabali a. covered with offerings; -vapus, a. whose bulk is increased; -kiti, f. accumulation, store; increase, aug mentation; gain.
śabalita pp. den. variegated; -i-man, m. variegated appearance; -î-kri, variegate.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
Results for bali9 resultsResults for bali1 result
bali Occurs several times in the Rigveda and often later in the sense of tribute to a king or offering to a god. Zimmer thinks that the offerings were in both cases voluntary. He compares the notices of the Germans in Tacitus, where the kings of the tribes are said to receive gifts in kind as presents, but not a regular tribute. There seems to be no ground what­ever for this view. No doubt in origin the prerogatives of monarchy were due to voluntary action on the part of the tribesmen, but that the Vedic peoples, who were essentially a body of conquering invaders, were in this state is most improbable, and the attitude of the Vedic Indian to his gods was at least as compatible with tribute as with voluntary gifts. Zimmer admits that in the case of hostile tribes tribute must be meant even in the Rigveda. See also Rājan.
Bloomfield Vedic
Results for bali9 resultsResults for bali1 resultResults for bali11 results
balihārāya mṛḍatān mahyam eva AVś.11.1.20d.
balihāro 'stu sarpāṇām MG.2.16.3.
balihikeṣu nyocaraḥ AVP.12.1.7d. See balhikeṣu ny-.
bali śīrṣāṇi jabhrur aśvyāni RV.7.18.19d.
balim agne antita ota dūrāt RV.5.1.10b; MS.4.11.4b: 172.5; KS.7.16b; TB.
balim ichanto vitudasya (AG. vi tu tasya) preṣyāḥ (MahānU.AG. preṣṭhāḥ) Tā.10.67.2b; MahānU.20.1b; AG.1.2.5b (crit. notes).
balim ebhyo harāmīmam (PG.1.12.4, harāmi) PG.1.12.4; 2.17.13f,14e,15f,16f. Cf. under tebhya imaṃ baliṃ.
bali bhakṣantu vāyasaḥ (!) AG.1.2.8d (crit. notes).
baliś ca pitṛyajñaś ca GB.1.5.23c.
balivardāya (KSA. -vandāya) svāhā KSA.12.1; TB.; Apś.20.21.6.
pākabali # AVś.20.131.15.
Vedabase Search
Results for bali697 results
bali BaliSB 8.5.2
SB 8.7.14
bali Bali MahārājaCC Antya 9.10
bali by token offerings of foodSB 11.17.50
bali I sayCC Adi 16.94
CC Adi 4.165
bali if I sayCC Adi 4.255
bali of tributeSB 10.60.37
bali offerings of foodSB 6.19.19-20
bali presentationsSB 6.18.53
bali sayingCC Antya 13.28
CC Antya 3.57
CC Madhya 20.65
CC Madhya 6.91
bali hari hari chanting 'Hari, Hari.'CC Madhya 15.18
bali hari hari chanting 'Hari, Hari.'CC Madhya 15.18
bali hari hari chanting 'Hari, Hari.'CC Madhya 15.18
bali-am by forceCC Antya 1.144
bali-am by forceCC Antya 1.144
bali-bhujām for the great enjoyers of tributeSB 10.60.37
bali-bhujām for the great enjoyers of tributeSB 10.60.37
bali-bhujām like the crowsSB 1.18.33
bali-bhujām like the crowsSB 1.18.33
bali-hārāḥ who are obedient to the worshipSB 7.3.7
bali-hārāḥ who are obedient to the worshipSB 7.3.7
bali-nandanaḥ the son of Bali (Bāṇāsura)SB 10.62.33
bali-nandanaḥ the son of Bali (Bāṇāsura)SB 10.62.33
bali-sakhaḥ a very intimate friend of Bali MahārājaSB 8.11.13
bali-sakhaḥ a very intimate friend of Bali MahārājaSB 8.11.13
bali-samaḥ like Bali MahārājaSB 1.12.25
bali-samaḥ like Bali MahārājaSB 1.12.25
bali-sutaiḥ with the sons of BaliSB 8.10.30-31
bali-sutaiḥ with the sons of BaliSB 8.10.30-31
bali-vidhānam making offeringsSB 11.11.34-41
bali-vidhānam making offeringsSB 11.11.34-41
bali' acceptingCC Madhya 1.277
bali' accusing himCC Adi 7.121
bali' addressing Him thusCC Adi 13.25
bali' asCC Adi 2.9
CC Antya 10.39
CC Antya 12.46-47
CC Antya 6.11
CC Antya 6.142
CC Antya 7.164
CC Madhya 4.118
CC Madhya 9.130
bali' becauseCC Antya 10.17
bali' because ofCC Antya 13.74
bali' because of thisCC Madhya 19.27
bali' callingCC Madhya 20.139
CC Madhya 22.109
bali' calling as suchCC Antya 19.69
bali' calling himCC Adi 10.66
bali' chantingCC Adi 17.223
CC Antya 3.138
CC Madhya 17.45
CC Madhya 17.48-49
CC Madhya 7.87
bali' cryingCC Madhya 14.14
bali' known asCC Madhya 5.118
bali' loudly cryingCC Madhya 1.272
bali' sayingCC Adi 13.95
CC Adi 17.232
CC Adi 5.167
CC Adi 5.183
CC Adi 9.53
CC Antya 10.110
CC Antya 10.127
CC Antya 11.21
CC Antya 11.88
CC Antya 11.98
CC Antya 12.57
CC Antya 13.112
CC Antya 13.83
CC Antya 16.67
CC Antya 16.81
CC Antya 18.62
CC Antya 19.23
CC Antya 2.63
CC Antya 3.53
CC Antya 5.67
CC Antya 6.323
CC Antya 8.19
CC Antya 8.22
CC Madhya 1.231
CC Madhya 12.148
CC Madhya 12.96
CC Madhya 14.231
CC Madhya 14.9
CC Madhya 16.203
CC Madhya 16.233
CC Madhya 16.275
CC Madhya 17.31
CC Madhya 19.93
CC Madhya 3.156
CC Madhya 3.178
CC Madhya 6.172
CC Madhya 6.238
CC Madhya 6.48
bali' sayingCC Madhya 6.48
CC Madhya 9.288
CC Madhya 9.350
bali' saying thisCC Antya 1.96
CC Madhya 6.250
bali' so calledCC Adi 10.27
bali' speakingCC Madhya 15.278
bali' taking asCC Antya 20.100
bali' thinking to beCC Antya 18.48
bali' utteringCC Antya 15.90
CC Madhya 16.125
balibāre to speakCC Madhya 13.96
balibe will utterCC Adi 17.27
balibhiḥ all of whom were very strong and stout and who could therefore assemble the parts without difficultySB 10.7.12
balibhiḥ along with articles for worshipSB 1.11.15
balibhiḥ and giftsSB 10.53.47-48
balibhiḥ and offerings of tributeSB 10.71.31-32
balibhiḥ and presentation of giftsSB 10.35.20-21
balibhiḥ and presentsSB 10.53.42-43
balibhiḥ auspicious presentationsSB 4.9.57
balibhiḥ by different types of worship through sacrificeSB 10.2.10
balibhiḥ by the powerful demigods and demonsSB 8.7.6
balibhiḥ paraphernaliaSB 3.8.5
balibhiḥ powerfulMM 36
balibhiḥ with giftsSB 10.22.2-3
balibhiḥ with presentations in their handsSB 10.5.10
balibhiḥ with those who are strongSB 10.43.40
balibhujaḥ crowsSB 9.18.16
bali BaliSB 2.7.43-45
SB 6.18.10
SB 6.18.16
SB 9.23.2
bali Bali MahārājaSB 10.38.17
SB 11.12.3-6
SB 5.24.18
SB 6.3.20-21
SB 8.15.33
SB 8.18.27
SB 8.20.1
SB 8.21.18
SB 8.22.14
SB 8.23.3
bali Bali Mahārāja, the son of VirocanaSB 11.16.35
bali King BaliSB 10.41.14
bali Mahārāja BaliCC Madhya 22.136
SB 8.10.16-18
SB 8.10.28
SB 8.10.41
SB 8.11.48
SB 8.13.12
SB 8.15.3
SB 8.20.22
SB 8.22.1
SB 8.8.3
bali offering of tributeSB 10.17.2-3
bali respectful offeringsSB 10.24.28
baliḥ uvāca Bali saidSB 10.85.39
baliḥ uvāca Bali saidSB 10.85.39
balila calledCC Madhya 12.162
bali He saidCC Madhya 19.48
balila repliedCC Adi 14.30
bali repliedCC Adi 14.33
balila saidCC Adi 10.132
bali saidCC Adi 7.102
CC Adi 7.82
balila saidCC Madhya 1.217
CC Madhya 18.27
bali saidCC Madhya 3.173
CC Madhya 3.188
CC Madhya 4.126
balila saidCC Madhya 4.24
bali saidCC Madhya 6.68
balila saidCC Madhya 6.92
bali spokeCC Madhya 9.48
balila utteredCC Madhya 17.40
balilā vacana began to speakCC Madhya 9.288
balilā vacana began to speakCC Madhya 9.288
balilā vacana said these wordsCC Madhya 17.176
balilā vacana said these wordsCC Madhya 17.176
balile if one chantsCC Adi 8.24
balile on sayingCC Adi 17.249
balim a presentation or taxationCC Madhya 21.33
balim a small presentation of taxesSB 6.3.13
balim BaliSB 8.21.26
balim Bali MahārājaSB 8.15.29
SB 8.18.20
SB 8.23.5
balim contributionSB 6.14.20
balim different paraphernalia of worshipSB 8.21.5
balim his tributeSB 10.47.17
balim ingredients of offeringsSB 3.11.15
balim King BaliCC Antya 1.164
SB 10.47.17
SB 8.6.27
balim Mahārāja BaliSB 8.11.46
balim means of worshipSB 1.13.41
balim oblationsSB 3.21.16
balim offeringsSB 11.27.42
SB 3.5.49
balim offeringsSB 3.5.49
SB 4.11.27
balim ordersSB 1.13.42
balim orders to please HimSB 5.1.14
balim paraphernalia for worshipSB 4.14.20
SB 4.14.28
balim presentationSB 5.15.11
SB 6.9.21
balim presentation sSB 6.19.7
balim presentation, ingredients for worshipSB 3.15.8
balim presentationsSB 1.15.8
SB 3.18.5
SB 4.16.21
SB 6.4.53
balim shareSB 10.83.12
balim strengthSB 1.16.12
balim taxesSB 1.15.9
SB 4.14.17
SB 4.23.36
SB 4.27.18
balim the offeringSB 10.17.4
balim the offeringsSB 10.24.35
balim the tributeSB 10.52.39
balim these giftsSB 11.4.8
balim tributeSB 10.45.14
SB 10.60.37
SB 10.60.40
SB 10.87.28
balim worshiping paraphernaliaSB 3.2.21
bali by whose subsistenceSB 3.1.15
bali strongSB 12.2.1
bali the powerfulSB 10.44.24-25
bali with a powerful enemySB 3.18.11
balinā saha accompanied by Bali MahārājaSB 8.23.11-12
balinā saha accompanied by Bali MahārājaSB 8.23.11-12
balinaḥ (or does it belong) to the person who takes this body away by forceSB 10.10.11
balinaḥ less strongSB 1.15.25-26
balinaḥ powerfulSB 3.30.1
balinaḥ the strongerSB 1.15.25-26
balinaḥ very powerfulSB 4.10.7
SB 8.2.33
balinaḥ very powerful soldiersSB 4.27.13
balinaḥ very strongSB 11.9.2
balinām among powerful menSB 10.71.5
balinām of the strongSB 10.25.30
SB 10.43.39
SB 10.56.21
SB 7.8.7
balinām than the powerfulSB 10.51.19
balinām very powerfulSB 1.16.24
baliṣṭha more powerfulCC Antya 6.193
baliṣṭha dayitā' gaṇa very strong dayitās, or carriers of JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.8
baliṣṭha dayitā' gaṇa very strong dayitās, or carriers of JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.8
baliṣṭha dayitā' gaṇa very strong dayitās, or carriers of JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.8
baliṣṭha jāniyā knowing it to be more prominentCC Antya 8.79
baliṣṭha jāniyā knowing it to be more prominentCC Antya 8.79
baliṣṭhaiḥ by the strongestSB 1.15.25-26
baliṣṭhām very powerfulSB 3.5.47
balite to sayCC Adi 14.29
CC Adi 17.107
CC Adi 17.248
balite to speakCC Adi 10.163
CC Antya 17.54
CC Madhya 21.144
CC Madhya 9.47
balite lāgila began to sayCC Antya 6.277
balite lāgila began to sayCC Antya 6.277
balite lāgilā began to speakCC Antya 13.55
balite lāgilā began to speakCC Antya 13.55
CC Antya 3.239
balite lāgilā began to speakCC Antya 3.239
CC Antya 9.129
balite lāgilā began to speakCC Antya 9.129
balite nā pāre could not say anythingCC Antya 3.8
balite nā pāre could not say anythingCC Antya 3.8
balite nā pāre could not say anythingCC Antya 3.8
balite nārena could not sayCC Antya 12.138
balite nārena could not sayCC Antya 12.138
balite pāre can estimateCC Antya 9.108
balite pāre can estimateCC Antya 9.108
bali asCC Madhya 7.66
CC Madhya 8.246
bali consideringCC Adi 2.117
bali informingCC Madhya 1.93
bali sayingCC Adi 5.189
bali taking asCC Madhya 8.129
baliyāchi I have saidCC Madhya 5.57
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
akrūra bali' famous as AkrūraCC Adi 10.76
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
balābali accusing and counteraccusingCC Madhya 12.196
hari bali' chanting the holy nameCC Adi 3.62
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 5.171
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 5.196
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 6.87
bhakta bali' as a devoteeCC Adi 6.89
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 7.33
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 7.75
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 7.93
akrūra bali' famous as AkrūraCC Adi 10.76
eta bali' after this conversationCC Adi 13.86
hari bali' by saying the word HariCC Adi 13.96
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 14.25
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 14.35
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 17.54
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 17.98
eta bali' thus sayingCC Adi 17.129
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 17.187
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa bali' saying 'Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa'CC Adi 17.194
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 17.272
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 17.287
eta bali saying thisCC Adi 17.289
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 1.70
eta bali saying thisCC Madhya 1.216
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 1.226
eta bali' thus sayingCC Madhya 1.282
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 2.41
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.10
hari hari bali' vibrating the sounds 'Hari Hari'CC Madhya 3.13
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.26
eta bali' after saying thisCC Madhya 3.27
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.29
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.40
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.69
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.78
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.94
vipra bali' considering as a brāhmaṇaCC Madhya 3.98
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.102
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.118
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.149
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.192
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.215
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.32
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.44
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.45
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.138
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.162
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.191
eta bali' speaking thisCC Madhya 5.34
hari hari bali' chanting Hari, HariCC Madhya 6.38
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 6.46
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 7.70
kṛṣṇa bali' saying the holy name of Lord KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 7.100
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 8.193
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 8.242
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 8.299
kṛṣṇa bali' chanting the holy name of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 9.62
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 9.103
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 9.162
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 9.173
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 9.217
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 9.290
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 10.60
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 10.141
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 10.153
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 10.183
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 11.73
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 11.123
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 11.158
eta bali saying thisCC Madhya 11.193
eta bali' deciding like thisCC Madhya 12.16
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 12.62
hari bali' chanting the holy name of HariCC Madhya 12.149
haridāsa bali' calling HaridāsaCC Madhya 12.160
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 12.175
hari hari bali' chanting the holy names Hari, HariCC Madhya 13.51
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 14.12
hari-bola bali' chanting 'Haribol'CC Madhya 14.45
hari-bola bali' by chanting 'Haribol'CC Madhya 14.46
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 14.209
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 14.250
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.84
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.92
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.145
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.258
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.268
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.281
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.285
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.295
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 16.136
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 16.142
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 16.176
kṛṣṇa bali' chanting the holy name of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 17.44
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 17.146
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 18.137
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 18.157
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 18.204
rāmadāsa bali' of the name RāmadāsaCC Madhya 18.207
kṛṣṇa bali' chanting the holy name of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 18.209
pāṭhāna-vaiṣṇava bali' known as Pāṭhāna VaiṣṇavasCC Madhya 18.211
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa bali' saying 'Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa'CC Madhya 19.39
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 19.105
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 19.112
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 19.237
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 20.21
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 20.88
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 24.281
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 25.87
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 25.108
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 25.184
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 1.174
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 1.220
kṛṣṇa bali' chanting KṛṣṇaCC Antya 2.11
śivānanda bali calling loudly the name of ŚivānandaCC Antya 2.28
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 2.133
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 2.137
eta bali saying thisCC Antya 2.141
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.18
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.138
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.156
eta bali saying thisCC Antya 3.222
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.238
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.243
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.259
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 4.50
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 4.133
eta bali' talking like thisCC Antya 4.145
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 4.201
hari bali' saying 'Hari'CC Antya 6.86
hari hari bali' chanting 'Hari, Hari'CC Antya 6.87
eta bali' after saying thisCC Antya 6.209
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 6.287
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 6.322
hari-bola bali' uttering 'Haribol'CC Antya 7.73-74
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 7.159
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 9.21
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 9.80
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 9.104
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 9.107
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 9.144
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 10.117
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 10.145
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 10.151
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 11.20
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 11.98
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 12.24
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 12.36
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 12.119
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 12.123
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 13.41
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 13.88
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 13.99
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 13.114
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 13.122
hari-bola bali' saying 'Haribol'CC Antya 14.70
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 14.76
hari-bola bali' uttering 'Haribol'CC Antya 14.101
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 14.112
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 15.55
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 16.83
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 16.101
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 18.37
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
ki baliba what will I sayCC Adi 5.226
kichu nā balibe he will not say anythingCC Madhya 7.40
dīpa-balibhiḥ with lampsSB 4.21.4
upāhṛta-uru-balibhiḥ who brought all kinds of presentations to herSB 10.4.9
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.11.7
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.18.29
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.19.18
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.20.2
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.22.2
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.23.2
śibiḥ bali Śibi and BaliSB 10.72.21
baliha do not sayCC Antya 12.38
bali did not sayCC Antya 12.59
bhūta-balim a presentation for all living entitiesSB 6.11.18
mahā-mahā-baliṣṭha who are very strongCC Madhya 4.53
nityānanda balite while talking of Nityānanda PrabhuCC Adi 8.23
ki balite pāre can speakCC Antya 2.135
ke pāre balite who can talkCC Antya 3.14
ki balite pāri what can I sayCC Antya 9.53
pāri balite can I sayCC Antya 12.69
mahā-prasāda bali calling it mahā-prasādamCC Madhya 9.53
vyāsa bhrānta bali accusing Vyāsadeva of being mistakenCC Madhya 25.41
bali not sayingCC Antya 2.146
bhakta bali' as a devoteeCC Adi 6.89
vyāsa bhrānta bali accusing Vyāsadeva of being mistakenCC Madhya 25.41
bhūta-balim a presentation for all living entitiesSB 6.11.18
hari-bola bali' chanting 'Haribol'CC Madhya 14.45
hari-bola bali' by chanting 'Haribol'CC Madhya 14.46
hari-bola bali' uttering 'Haribol'CC Antya 7.73-74
hari-bola bali' saying 'Haribol'CC Antya 14.70
hari-bola bali' uttering 'Haribol'CC Antya 14.101
śauklāyaniḥ brahmabali Śauklāyani and BrahmabaliSB 12.7.2
dīpa-balibhiḥ with lampsSB 4.21.4
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 5.171
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 5.196
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 6.87
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 7.33
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 7.75
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 7.93
eta bali' after this conversationCC Adi 13.86
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 14.25
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 14.35
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 17.54
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 17.98
eta bali' thus sayingCC Adi 17.129
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 17.187
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 17.272
eta bali' saying thisCC Adi 17.287
eta bali saying thisCC Adi 17.289
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 1.70
eta bali saying thisCC Madhya 1.216
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 1.226
eta bali' thus sayingCC Madhya 1.282
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 2.41
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.10
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.26
eta bali' after saying thisCC Madhya 3.27
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.29
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.40
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.69
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.78
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.94
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.102
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.118
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.149
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.192
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 3.215
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.32
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.44
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.45
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.138
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.162
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 4.191
eta bali' speaking thisCC Madhya 5.34
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 6.46
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 7.70
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 8.193
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 8.242
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 8.299
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 9.103
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 9.162
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 9.173
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 9.217
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 9.290
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 10.60
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 10.141
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 10.153
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 10.183
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 11.73
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 11.123
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 11.158
eta bali saying thisCC Madhya 11.193
eta bali' deciding like thisCC Madhya 12.16
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 12.62
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 12.175
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 14.12
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 14.209
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 14.250
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.84
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.92
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.145
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.258
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.268
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.281
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.285
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 15.295
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 16.136
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 16.142
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 16.176
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 17.146
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 18.137
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 18.157
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 18.204
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 19.105
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 19.112
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 19.237
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 20.21
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 20.88
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 24.281
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 25.87
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 25.108
eta bali' saying thisCC Madhya 25.184
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 1.174
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 1.220
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 2.133
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 2.137
eta bali saying thisCC Antya 2.141
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.18
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.138
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.156
eta bali saying thisCC Antya 3.222
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.238
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.243
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 3.259
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 4.50
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 4.133
eta bali' talking like thisCC Antya 4.145
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 4.201
eta bali' after saying thisCC Antya 6.209
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 6.287
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 6.322
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 7.159
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 9.21
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 9.80
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 9.104
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 9.107
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 9.144
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 10.117
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 10.145
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 10.151
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 11.20
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 11.98
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 12.24
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 12.36
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 12.119
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 12.123
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 13.41
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 13.88
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 13.99
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 13.114
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 13.122
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 14.76
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 14.112
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 15.55
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 16.83
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 16.101
eta bali' saying thisCC Antya 18.37
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
hari bali' chanting the holy nameCC Adi 3.62
hari bali' by saying the word HariCC Adi 13.96
hari hari bali' vibrating the sounds 'Hari Hari'CC Madhya 3.13
hari hari bali' vibrating the sounds 'Hari Hari'CC Madhya 3.13
hari hari bali' chanting Hari, HariCC Madhya 6.38
hari hari bali' chanting Hari, HariCC Madhya 6.38
hari bali' chanting the holy name of HariCC Madhya 12.149
hari hari bali' chanting the holy names Hari, HariCC Madhya 13.51
hari hari bali' chanting the holy names Hari, HariCC Madhya 13.51
hari-bola bali' chanting 'Haribol'CC Madhya 14.45
hari-bola bali' by chanting 'Haribol'CC Madhya 14.46
hari bali' saying 'Hari'CC Antya 6.86
hari hari bali' chanting 'Hari, Hari'CC Antya 6.87
hari hari bali' chanting 'Hari, Hari'CC Antya 6.87
hari-bola bali' uttering 'Haribol'CC Antya 7.73-74
hari-bola bali' saying 'Haribol'CC Antya 14.70
hari-bola bali' uttering 'Haribol'CC Antya 14.101
haridāsa bali' calling HaridāsaCC Madhya 12.160
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
ke pāre balite who can talkCC Antya 3.14
ki baliba what will I sayCC Adi 5.226
ki balite pāre can speakCC Antya 2.135
ki balite pāri what can I sayCC Antya 9.53
kichu nā balibe he will not say anythingCC Madhya 7.40
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa bali' saying 'Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa'CC Adi 17.194
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa bali' saying 'Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa'CC Adi 17.194
kṛṣṇa bali' saying the holy name of Lord KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 7.100
kṛṣṇa bali' chanting the holy name of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 9.62
kṛṣṇa bali' chanting the holy name of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 17.44
kṛṣṇa bali' chanting the holy name of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 18.209
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa bali' saying 'Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa'CC Madhya 19.39
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa bali' saying 'Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa'CC Madhya 19.39
kṛṣṇa bali' chanting KṛṣṇaCC Antya 2.11
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
mahā-mahā-baliṣṭha who are very strongCC Madhya 4.53
mahā-mahā-baliṣṭha who are very strongCC Madhya 4.53
mahā-prasāda bali calling it mahā-prasādamCC Madhya 9.53
kichu nā balibe he will not say anythingCC Madhya 7.40
bali not sayingCC Antya 2.146
baliha do not sayCC Antya 12.38
bali did not sayCC Antya 12.59
nityānanda balite while talking of Nityānanda PrabhuCC Adi 8.23
ki balite pāre can speakCC Antya 2.135
ke pāre balite who can talkCC Antya 3.14
ki balite pāri what can I sayCC Antya 9.53
pāri balite can I sayCC Antya 12.69
pāṭhāna-vaiṣṇava bali' known as Pāṭhāna VaiṣṇavasCC Madhya 18.211
mahā-prasāda bali calling it mahā-prasādamCC Madhya 9.53
rāmadāsa bali' of the name RāmadāsaCC Madhya 18.207
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
śauklāyaniḥ brahmabali Śauklāyani and BrahmabaliSB 12.7.2
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
śibiḥ bali Śibi and BaliSB 10.72.21
śivānanda bali calling loudly the name of ŚivānandaCC Antya 2.28
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.11.7
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.18.29
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.19.18
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.20.2
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.22.2
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.23.2
subalita very strongly builtCC Madhya 8.18
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
upāhṛta-uru-balibhiḥ who brought all kinds of presentations to herSB 10.4.9
upāhṛta-uru-balibhiḥ who brought all kinds of presentations to herSB 10.4.9
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.11.7
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.18.29
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.19.18
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.20.2
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.22.2
śrī-baliḥ uvāca Bali Mahārāja saidSB 8.23.2
pāṭhāna-vaiṣṇava bali' known as Pāṭhāna VaiṣṇavasCC Madhya 18.211
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
vipra bali' considering as a brāhmaṇaCC Madhya 3.98
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
vyāsa bhrānta bali accusing Vyāsadeva of being mistakenCC Madhya 25.41
kumāra-vyāsa-śuka-śāṇḍilya-garga-viṣṇu-kauṇḍilya-śeṣa-uddhava-aruṇi-bali-hanūmat-vibhīṣaṇa-ādayaḥ the Kumāras, Vyāsa, Śuka, Śāṇḍilya, Garga, Viṣṇu, Kauṇḍilya, Śeṣa, Uddhava, Aruṇi, Bali, Hanumān, Vibhīṣaṇa, and othersNBS 83
Results for bali31 results
bali noun (masculine) a victim (often a goat or buffalo) offered to Durgā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
any offering or propitiatory oblation (esp. an offering of portions of food) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fragments of food at a meal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
gift (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
impost (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Daitya (son of Virocana) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Muni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Siddha name of a son of Sutapas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Indra in the 8th Manvantara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
oblation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
offering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
royal revenue (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sulfur (Vāgbhaṭa (1952), 32) tax (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the handle of a chowrie or fly-flapper (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
tribute (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sulfur (?!? a substance?)
Frequency rank 822/72933
balibhoja noun (masculine) a crow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60055/72933
balibhojana noun (masculine) a crow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37595/72933
balibhuj noun (masculine) a crane (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a crow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a form of Bhairava a sparrow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 21909/72933
balidhvaṃsin noun (masculine) Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60054/72933
balidāna noun (neuter) presentation of grain etc. to all creatures (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the presentation of an offering to a deity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37593/72933
bali noun (feminine) Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60052/72933
balin noun (masculine) a hog bull (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a lion a soldier (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a sort of jasmine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a wild boar buffalo (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
camel (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
kind of sheep (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Balarāma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Vatsapril (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Phaseolus Radiatus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
serpent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sheep the phlegmatic humour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
bali (m) sulfur
Frequency rank 11371/72933
balin adjective mighty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
powerful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
robust (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stout (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
strong (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 871/72933
balipuṣṭa noun (masculine) a crow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37594/72933
balisadman noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 60059/72933
balitīrtha noun (neuter) [rel.] name of a Tīrtha at the Narmadā
Frequency rank 60053/72933
balivasā noun (masculine feminine) a kind of sulfur
Frequency rank 10439/72933
balivatsā noun (feminine) sulfur
Frequency rank 60056/72933
baliṣṭha noun (masculine) a camel (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60057/72933
baliṣṭha adjective most powerful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stronger or mightier than (abl.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
very mighty very strong (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18235/72933
baliṣṭhatā noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 60058/72933
abaliman noun (masculine) weakness
Frequency rank 44036/72933
abaliṣṭha adjective
Frequency rank 44037/72933
upodbalita adjective asserted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
confirmed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 47765/72933
kambali noun (masculine) name of a teacher
Frequency rank 48609/72933
kambali noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 48611/72933
kāpilabali noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49113/72933
kāmbalika noun (masculine) barley-water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
gruel (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sour milk-mixed with whey and vinegar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 15613/72933
gṛhabali noun (masculine) a domestic oblation (offering of the remnants of a meal to all creatures) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 51479/72933
durgājapapūjābalimantranirūpaṇa noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.38
Frequency rank 54661/72933
mukhebalin noun (masculine) a rhinoceros (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 62317/72933
yathābali indeclinable
Frequency rank 62866/72933
śatabali noun (masculine) a kind of fish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a monkey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 16171/72933
śabalita adjective variegated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 67207/72933
saṃdhyābali noun (masculine) a bull (or its image) in a temple of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the evening or twilight oblation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 69902/72933


1. offering to gods. 2. sulphur or sulfur.


1. barley-water, 2. gruel, sour milk mixed with whey and vinegar.


immobalizing mercury, a process in medicinal alchemy.


rasasindhūra (a mercurial preparation) prepared from six parts sulfur and one part mercury.


Plant four o’ clock flower, Mirbalis jalapa.

Wordnet Search
"bali" has 32 results.


pātālam, adhobhuvanam, nāgalokaḥ, balisadma, rasātalam, ardhaḥ, uragasthānam   

purāṇānusāreṇa pṛthvyāḥ adhastāt vartamāneṣu saptalokeṣu saptamaḥ lokaḥ।

nāgānāṃ nivāsaḥ pātāle asti iti manyate।


viṣṇuḥ, nārāyaṇaḥ, kṛṣṇaḥ, vaikuṇṭhaḥ, viṣṭaraśravāḥ, dāmodaraḥ, hṛṣīkeśaḥ, keśavaḥ, mādhavaḥ, svabhūḥ, daityāriḥ, puṇḍarīkākṣaḥ, govindaḥ, garuḍadhvajaḥ, pītāmbaraḥ, acyutaḥ, śārṅgī, viṣvaksenaḥ, janārdanaḥ, upendraḥ, indrāvarajaḥ, cakrapāṇiḥ, caturbhujaḥ, padmanābhaḥ, madhuripuḥ, vāsudevaḥ, trivikramaḥ, daivakīnandanaḥ, śauriḥ, śrīpatiḥ, puruṣottamaḥ, vanamālī, balidhvaṃsī, kaṃsārātiḥ, adhokṣajaḥ, viśvambharaḥ, kaiṭabhajit, vidhuḥ, śrīvatsalāñachanaḥ, purāṇapuruṣaḥ, vṛṣṇiḥ, śatadhāmā, gadāgrajaḥ, ekaśṛṅgaḥ, jagannāthaḥ, viśvarūpaḥ, sanātanaḥ, mukundaḥ, rāhubhedī, vāmanaḥ, śivakīrtanaḥ, śrīnivāsaḥ, ajaḥ, vāsuḥ, śrīhariḥ, kaṃsāriḥ, nṛhariḥ, vibhuḥ, madhujit, madhusūdanaḥ, kāntaḥ, puruṣaḥ, śrīgarbhaḥ, śrīkaraḥ, śrīmān, śrīdharaḥ, śrīniketanaḥ, śrīkāntaḥ, śrīśaḥ, prabhuḥ, jagadīśaḥ, gadādharaḥ, ajitaḥ, jitāmitraḥ, ṛtadhāmā, śaśabinduḥ, punarvasuḥ, ādidevaḥ, śrīvarāhaḥ, sahasravadanaḥ, tripāt, ūrdhvadevaḥ, gṛdhnuḥ, hariḥ, yādavaḥ, cāṇūrasūdanaḥ, sadāyogī, dhruvaḥ, hemaśaṅkhaḥ, śatāvarttī, kālanemiripuḥ, somasindhuḥ, viriñciḥ, dharaṇīdharaḥ, bahumūrddhā, vardhamānaḥ, śatānandaḥ, vṛṣāntakaḥ, rantidevaḥ, vṛṣākapiḥ, jiṣṇuḥ, dāśārhaḥ, abdhiśayanaḥ, indrānujaḥ, jalaśayaḥ, yajñapuruṣaḥ, tārkṣadhvajaḥ, ṣaḍbinduḥ, padmeśaḥ, mārjaḥ, jinaḥ, kumodakaḥ, jahnuḥ, vasuḥ, śatāvartaḥ, muñjakeśī, babhruḥ, vedhāḥ, prasniśṛṅgaḥ, ātmabhūḥ, suvarṇabinduḥ, śrīvatsaḥ, gadābhṛt, śārṅgabhṛt, cakrabhṛt, śrīvatsabhṛt, śaṅkhabhṛt, jalaśāyī, muramardanaḥ, lakṣmīpatiḥ, murāriḥ, amṛtaḥ, ariṣṭanemaḥ, kapiḥ, keśaḥ, jagadīśaḥ, janārdanaḥ, jinaḥ, jiṣṇuḥ, vikramaḥ, śarvaḥ   

devatāviśeṣaḥ hindudharmānusāraṃ jagataḥ pālanakartā।

ekādaśastathā tvaṣṭā dvādaśo viṣṇurucyate jaghanyajastu sarveṣāmādityānāṃ guṇādhikaḥ।



baleḥ arpaṇakriyā।

tena mandire meṣasya balidānaṃ dattam।



saḥ jīvaḥ yaḥ devatāyai arpyate।

ajādīnāṃ baliḥ arpyate।/ajāputraṃ baliṃ dadyāt।


śaktimat, śaktiśālin, balaśālin, baliṣṭha   

yaḥ adhikaḥ balavān asti।

aśokaḥ śaktimān rājā āsīt।


kākaḥ, vāyasaḥ, dhmākṣaḥ, dhvāṃkṣaḥ, dhvāṃkṣarāvī, karaṭaḥ, balibhuk, balibhuj, gṛhabalibhuj, gṛhabalibhuk, balipuṣṭaḥ, balipuṣṭā, balipuṣṭam, cirañjīvī, kāṇaḥ, kāṇūkaḥ, maukuliḥ, divāṭanaḥ, śakrajaḥ, sakṛtprajaḥ, malabhuk, malabhuj, prātarbhoktā, kāravaḥ, anyabhṛt, yūkāriḥ, ariṣṭaḥ, ātmaghoṣaḥ   

khagaviśeṣaḥ- kṛṣṇavarṇīyaḥ khagaḥ yasya dhvaniḥ karkaśaḥ।

kākaḥ śākhāyāṃ sthitvā kākadhvaniṃ karoti।


palāvaḥ, śuṣkalam, matsyabandhanam, biliśaḥ, baliśam   

matsyabandhanārthe pāśaḥ।

matsyaṃ baddhuṃ mohanena palāve pralobhanaṃ sthāpitam।


durgā, umā, kātyāyanī, gaurī, brahmāṇī, kālī, haimavatī, īśvarā, śivā, bhavānī, rudrāṇī, sarvāṇī, sarvamaṅgalā, aparṇā, pārvatī, mṛḍānī, līlāvatī, caṇaḍikā, ambikā, śāradā, caṇḍī, caṇḍā, caṇḍanāyikā, girijā, maṅgalā, nārāyaṇī, mahāmāyā, vaiṣṇavī, maheśvarī, koṭṭavī, ṣaṣṭhī, mādhavī, naganandinī, jayantī, bhārgavī, rambhā, siṃharathā, satī, bhrāmarī, dakṣakanyā, mahiṣamardinī, herambajananī, sāvitrī, kṛṣṇapiṅgalā, vṛṣākapāyī, lambā, himaśailajā, kārttikeyaprasūḥ, ādyā, nityā, vidyā, śubhahkarī, sāttvikī, rājasī, tāmasī, bhīmā, nandanandinī, mahāmāyī, śūladharā, sunandā, śumyabhaghātinī, hrī, parvatarājatanayā, himālayasutā, maheśvaravanitā, satyā, bhagavatī, īśānā, sanātanī, mahākālī, śivānī, haravallabhā, ugracaṇḍā, cāmuṇḍā, vidhātrī, ānandā, mahāmātrā, mahāmudrā, mākarī, bhaumī, kalyāṇī, kṛṣṇā, mānadātrī, madālasā, māninī, cārvaṅgī, vāṇī, īśā, valeśī, bhramarī, bhūṣyā, phālgunī, yatī, brahmamayī, bhāvinī, devī, acintā, trinetrā, triśūlā, carcikā, tīvrā, nandinī, nandā, dharitriṇī, mātṛkā, cidānandasvarūpiṇī, manasvinī, mahādevī, nidrārūpā, bhavānikā, tārā, nīlasarasvatī, kālikā, ugratārā, kāmeśvarī, sundarī, bhairavī, rājarājeśvarī, bhuvaneśī, tvaritā, mahālakṣmī, rājīvalocanī, dhanadā, vāgīśvarī, tripurā, jvālmukhī, vagalāmukhī, siddhavidyā, annapūrṇā, viśālākṣī, subhagā, saguṇā, nirguṇā, dhavalā, gītiḥ, gītavādyapriyā, aṭṭālavāsinī, aṭṭahāsinī, ghorā, premā, vaṭeśvarī, kīrtidā, buddhidā, avīrā, paṇḍitālayavāsinī, maṇḍitā, saṃvatsarā, kṛṣṇarūpā, balipriyā, tumulā, kāminī, kāmarūpā, puṇyadā, viṣṇucakradharā, pañcamā, vṛndāvanasvarūpiṇī, ayodhyārupiṇī, māyāvatī, jīmūtavasanā, jagannāthasvarūpiṇī, kṛttivasanā, triyāmā, jamalārjunī, yāminī, yaśodā, yādavī, jagatī, kṛṣṇajāyā, satyabhāmā, subhadrikā, lakṣmaṇā, digambarī, pṛthukā, tīkṣṇā, ācārā, akrūrā, jāhnavī, gaṇḍakī, dhyeyā, jṛmbhaṇī, mohinī, vikārā, akṣaravāsinī, aṃśakā, patrikā, pavitrikā, tulasī, atulā, jānakī, vandyā, kāmanā, nārasiṃhī, girīśā, sādhvī, kalyāṇī, kamalā, kāntā, śāntā, kulā, vedamātā, karmadā, sandhyā, tripurasundarī, rāseśī, dakṣayajñavināśinī, anantā, dharmeśvarī, cakreśvarī, khañjanā, vidagdhā, kuñjikā, citrā, sulekhā, caturbhujā, rākā, prajñā, ṛdbhidā, tāpinī, tapā, sumantrā, dūtī, aśanī, karālā, kālakī, kuṣmāṇḍī, kaiṭabhā, kaiṭabhī, kṣatriyā, kṣamā, kṣemā, caṇḍālikā, jayantī, bheruṇḍā   

sā devī yayā naike daityāḥ hatāḥ tathā ca yā ādiśaktiḥ asti iti manyate।

navarātrotsave sthāne sthāne durgāyāḥ pratiṣṭhāpanā kriyate।


caṭakā, gṛhanīḍā, vṛṣāyaṇā, gṛhabalibhuk, kalaviṅkā, kalaviṅkakā, kalāvikalā   

khagaviśeṣaḥ laghupakṣiṇī yasyāḥ nīḍaṃ prāyaḥ gṛhe asti।

caṭakā śiśum annaṃ bhojayati।


ātmabaliṃ dā, prāṇārpaṇaṃ kṛ   

kāryoddeśajanya prāṇārpaṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

bhāratasya suputraiḥ deśarakṣaṇārtham ātmabalim adadāt।



kasyāpi devatāyāḥ kṛte yaḥ paśuḥ hanyate।

kecana janāḥ baleḥ māṃsaṃ paktvā prasādaṃ matvā khādanti।


bakaḥ, dvārabalibhuk, kakṣeruḥ, śuklavāyasaḥ, dīrghajaṅghaḥ, bakoṭaḥ, gṛhabalipriyaḥ, niśaitaḥ, śikhī, candravihaṅgamaḥ, tīrthasevī, tāpasaḥ, mīnaghātī, mṛṣādhyāyī, niścalāṅgaḥ, dāmbhikaḥ   

khagaviśeṣaḥ-yasya kaṇṭha tathā ca pādau dīrghau।

matsyān bhakṣayituṃ bakaḥ taṭe avasthitaḥ।


viśālā, pūtikā, vṛścikapatrikā, picchilacchadā, balipodakī   

varṣākālikā latā yasyāḥ parṇaiḥ śākam apūpañca nirmīyate।

adya mātā viśālāyāḥ apūpaṃ nirmāti।


baliṃ dā   

devatām uddiśya ajādīnām ālabhanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

bhāratavarṣe keṣucana rājyeṣu durgāpūjāyāṃ paśūn eva baliṃ dadāti।/ajāputraṃ baliṃ dadyāt।



devatādīnāṃ pūjārthe kriyamāṇā manuṣyahatyā।

narabaliḥ iti paddhatiṃ niṣedhayet।



yaḥ atīva balavān asti।

pāṇḍuputraḥ bhīmaḥ mahābalī āsīt।


nṛpāṃśaḥ, rājasvam, karaḥ, kāraḥ, baliḥ, āyaḥ   

rājñe sarvakārāya vā śulkarūpeṇa jāyamānā prāptiḥ।

kecit rājñaḥ nṛpāṃśaḥ prajāyāḥ hitārtham upayujyante।/prajānāmeva bhūtyarthaṃ sa tābhyo balim agrahīt।


baliḥ, virocanasutaḥ, indrasenaḥ, asurādhipaḥ   

prahlādasya pautraḥ tathā virocanasya putraḥ ekaḥ mahādānī daityarājaḥ।

baliṃ vañcayituṃ bhagavān vāmanāvatāram agṛhṇāt।



āyaralaiṇḍadeśasya rājadhānī।

ḍabalinanagaram āyaralaiṇḍadeśasya mahiṣṭhaṃ nagaram asti।



uttarapradeśe vartamānam ekaṃ nagaram।

baliyānagaram uttarapradeśasya bihārarājyasya ca sīmni asti।



uttarapradeśe vartamānam ekaṃ maṇḍalam।

baliyāmaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ baliyānagare asti।


uṣṭraḥ, karabhaḥ, dāserakaḥ, dīrghagrīvaḥ, dhūsaraḥ, lamboṣṭhaḥ, ravaṇaḥ, mahājaṅghaḥ, javī, jāṅghikaḥ, kramelakaḥ, mayaḥ, mahāṅgaḥ, dīrghagatiḥ, dīrghaḥ, śṛṅkhalakaḥ, mahān, mahāgrīvaḥ, mahānādaḥ, mahādhvagaḥ, mahāpṛṣṭhaḥ, baliṣṭhaḥ, dīrghajaṅghaḥ, grīvī, dhūmrakaḥ, śarabhaḥ, kramelaḥ, kaṇṭakāśanaḥ, bholiḥ, bahukaraḥ, adhvagaḥ, marudvipaḥ, vakragrīvaḥ, vāsantaḥ, kulanāśaḥ, kuśanāmā, marupriyaḥ, dvikakut, durgalaṅghanaḥ, bhūtaghnaḥ, dāseraḥ, kelikīrṇaḥ   

paśuviśeṣaḥ- yaḥ prāyaḥ marusthale dṛśyate।

tena uṣṭraṃ datvā uṣṭrī krītā।



vīraḥ vānaraḥ yasya varṇanaṃ rāmāyaṇe prāpyate।

sītāyāḥ anveṣaṇārtham uttarasyāṃ diśi gatāyāḥ vānarasenāyāḥ nāyakaḥ śatabaliḥ āsīt।



ekaḥ paurāṇikaḥ ṛṣiḥ।

traibāleḥ varṇanaṃ mahābhārate ādhikyena prāpyate।




balipratipadāyāḥ dine baliḥ pūjyate।



ekā kriyā ।

vaiśvadevabalikarma iti nāmnau dvau kriye staḥ



kalyāṇyādi gaṇeṣu ekā strī ।

kāśikā-vṛttyāṃ balivardī varṇitā prāpyate



ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

viṣṇu-purāṇe balivṛṣahā varṇitaḥ prāpyate


balīvardī, balivardī   

śubhrādi gaṇeṣu ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

kāśikā-vṛttyāṃ balīvardī varṇitaḥ prāpyate



ekaḥ grāmaḥ ।

śrībaleḥ ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ ācāryaḥ ।

brahmabaliḥ kośeṣu varṇitaḥ



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

kāpilabaliḥ carakeṇa parigaṇitaḥ

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