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Grammar Search
"ayam" has 4 results
ayam: neuter nominative singular stem: aya
ayam: masculine nominative singular stem: ayam
ayam: masculine accusative singular stem: aya
ayam: neuter accusative singular stem: aya
Amarakosha Search
21 results
bhairavam1.7.19MasculineSingularbhīṣaṇam, pratibhayam, bhīṣmam, ghoram, bhīmam, bhayānakam, dāruṇam, bhayaṅkaramhorrer
cittamNeuterSingularmanaḥ, cetaḥ, hṛdayam, svāntam, hṛt, mānasammalice
daraḥMasculineSingularsādhvasam, bhayam, trāsaḥ, bhītiḥ, bhīḥfear or terror
padmam1.10.39-40MasculineSingularpaṅkeruham, kamalam, aravindam, rājīvam, sārasam, kuśeśayam, sahasrapattram, nalinam, ambhoruham, bisaprasūnam, tāmarasam, śatapattram, mahotpalam, puṣkaram, sarasīruhama lotus
pratihāsaḥMasculineSingularkaravīraḥ, śataprāsaḥ, caṇḍātaḥ, hayamārakaḥ
prāyaḥ3.3.161MasculineSingularbhavyam, guṇāśrayam
saikatamNeuterSingularsikatāmayama sand bank
uśīramMasculineSingularlaghulayam, amṛṇālam, abhayam, iṣṭakāpatham, lāmajjakam, sevyam, avadāham, jalāśayam, naladam
utpalamNeuterSingularkuvalayamwhite lotus
vivāhaḥ2.7.60MasculineSingularpariṇayaḥ, udvāhaḥ, upayāmaḥ, pāṇipīḍanam, upayamaḥ
āhayamMasculineSingularbelonging of a snake
svayambarā2.6.7FeminineSingularvaryā, ‍patiṃvarā
Monier-Williams Search
270 results for ayam
ayamthis one. See id/am-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayamāsyam. (said to be the fuller form of a yāsya-, quod vide), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayamitamfn. "unchecked." View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayamitanakhamfn. with untrimmed nails View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhisvayamātṛṇṇamind. on the brick (used in sacrifices and called) svayamātṛṇṇ/ā- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adayamind. ardently. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhārayamāṇamfn. not resisting, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādyantayamakan. "homophony in the beginning and end of a stanza", Name of a figure in poetry (occurring in etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akṣayamatim. Name of a Buddhist. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āmreḍitayamakan. a yamaka- (in which every pāda- ends with a word repeated twice). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anunayamind. fitly becomingly. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anunayamānamfn. conciliating, honouring. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuprayamto offer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apavyayamānamfn. See apa-vye-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āprayamP. (imperative -pr/ayaccha- ) to hand over, to reach. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asaṃśayamind. without doubt etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atiprayamto give or hand over View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atiśayamind. eminently, very. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ativayam(Nominal verb plural of aty-aham- q.v), surpassing me. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aviṣayamanasmfn. one whose mind is not turned to the objects of sense View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayugmapādayamakan. (a species of alliteration) the repetition of the odd (id est the first and third) pāda-s of a stanza (in such a manner that the sense of the sounds repeated is different in the first and third pāda-) commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayukpādayamakan. equals ayugma-p- q.v commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayukpādayamakan. = a-- yugma-- p-, , Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhayamānam. Name of a man (;accord, to the author of ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cakravālayamakan. a kind of artificial stanza (as ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
candrodayamakaradhvajam. Name of a medicinal preparation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturvyavasitayamakan. a kind of yamaka- (in which the four quarters of a stanza are homophonous), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divyayamunāf. "the divine Jamna", Name of a river in kāma-rūpa-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvayamind. between [ confer, compare Zend dvaya; Greek .] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekayamamfn. monotonous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
garbhayamakan. (in rhetoric) a yamaka- (q.v) exhibited in an inserted phrase (exempli gratia, 'for example' ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
godhūmasaṃcayamayamfn. consisting of a heap of wheat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gomayamayamf(ī-)n. made of cow-dung View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumadviṣayamantram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hayamāra m. "horses-killer", Nerium Odorum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hayamārakam. "horses-killer", Nerium Odorum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hayamāraṇam. "id.", Ficus Religiosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hayamedham. a horses sacrifice (See aśva-m-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hayamedhayājm. (Nominal verb -yāṭ-) one who performs a horses sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hayamukhan. a horse's face View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hayamukhan. Name of a country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hayamukhīf. Name of a rākṣasī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayamādhavam. Name of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayamallam. "victorious fighter", a subduer of (in compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayamaṅgalāf. jayamaṅgala
jayamaṅgalam. a royal elephant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayamaṅgalam. a remedy for fever View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayamaṅgalam. (in music) a kind of measure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayamaṅgalam. Name of a dhruvaka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayamaṅgalam. of an elephant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayamaṅgalam. of a scholiast on ( jayamaṅgalā - f.Name of his commentator or commentary) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayamaṅgalam. equals -śabda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayamatim. Name of a bodhi-sattva-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayamatīf. (fr. -mat- equals -vat-) Name of several women, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jyotayamāmakam. night-fire (?) (gandharv/a- ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jyotayamāmakasome read - mānak/a-,"little shiner". View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jyotīrūpasvayambhūm. brahmā- in the form of light View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kālāntakayamam. all-destroying time in the form of yama- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kālāntayamam. idem or 'm. all-destroying time in the form of yama- ' (see yamāntaka-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārayamāṇa pr. p. Causal kṛ- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣayamāsam. a lunar month that is omitted in the adjustment of the lunar and the solar calendar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣetrayamānikāf. Name of a plant (equals vacā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuśeśayamayamf(ī-)n. consisting of water-lilies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuvalayamālāf. Name of a mare View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuvalayamayamf(ī-)n. consisting of blue water-lilies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
layamadhyamfn. to be performed in mean or moderate time (as a piece of music) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyāntayamakan. a yamaka- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) in the midland and end of averse (exempli gratia, 'for example' ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāmṛtyuṃjayamantram. mahāmṛtyuṃjaya
mahiṣayamanam. "buffalo-tamer", Name of yama- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
malayamālinm. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
malayamarutm. wind (blowing) from Malaya (an odoriferous wind prevalent in Southern and Central India during the hot season) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mayamatan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mithunayamakan. a particular kind of yamaka- (exempli gratia, 'for example' ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛtyuṃjayamānasan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārāyaṇabalisvayamprayojanasañcikāf. nārāyaṇabali
nayamāṇimālikāf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nayamaṇimañjarīf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nayamārtaṇḍam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nayamayūkhamālikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niḥsaṃśayamind. undoubtedly, surely View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirāmayamind. (in mayaṃ devadattāya-,or ttasya-good health or hail to durga-! ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirbhayamind. nirbhaya
nirdayamind. unmercifully, passionately, violently, greatly (ya-taram- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirṇayamañjarīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pādādimadhyayamakan. paronomasia at the beginning and in the middle of a verse (as ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pādādyantayamakan. paronomasia at the beginning and end of a verse () . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pādamadhyayamakan. paronomasia in the middle of the 4 verses of a stanza (as in ). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pādāntayamakan. paronomasia at the end of a verse (as ).
pādayamakan. paronomasia within the pāda-s or single verses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pārasīkayamānīf. Hyoscyamus Niger View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryastamayamind. about sunset View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryudayamind. about sunrise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāṇayamam. equals prāṇāyāma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praṇayamadhuramfn. sweet through affection View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praṇayamānam. "love-pride", the jealousy of love View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praṇayamayamf(ī-)n. full of confidence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratibhayamind. formidably, frightfully View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratihṛdayamind. in every heart View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratiprayamP. -yacchati-, to give back, return, restore View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prativiṣayamind. (and in the beginning of a compound) in relation to each single object of single View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyālayamind. in every house View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayamauktikamālāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayamP. A1. -yacchati-, te-, to hold out towards, stretch forth, extend ; to place upon (locative case) ; to offer, present, give, grant, bestow, deliver, despatch, send, effect, produce, cause (with dative case genitive case or locative case of Persian and accusative of thing) etc. etc. (with vikrayeṇa-,to sell;with uttaram-,to answer;with śāpam-,to pronounce a curse;with yuddham-,to give battle, fight;with viṣam-,to administer poison;with buddhau-,to set forth or present to the mind) ; to restore, pay (a debt), requite (a benefit) etc. ; to give (a daughter) in marriage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayamaṇan. purification View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṣpayamakan. a yamaka- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) of the final syllables of all lines of a stanza exempli gratia, 'for example' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rahasyatrayamīmāṃsāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratnatrayajayamālāf. (prob. wrong reading for -japam-) Name of a jaina- work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rayamaṇim. Name of two sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sabhayamind. sabhaya
sābhinayamind. with dramatic gesture or gesticulations, pantomimically View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaḍanvayamahāratnan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sadayamind. sadaya
samānayamam. the same pitch of voice, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samayamātrikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samayamayūkham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdaṣṭayamakan. a yamaka- in which each quarter of the stanza begins with a word twice repeated, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samprayamP. A1. -yacchati-, te-, to offer or present or bestow together (A1.also, "mutually") , give or present to (dative case genitive case according to to also instrumental case) etc. ; to give in marriage ; to give back, restore View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samudgayamakan. idem or 'm. (in rhetoric) a kind of paronomasia (in which a verse or part of a verse identical in sound but different in meaning is repeated) ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sānuśayamind. sānuśaya
sapraṇayamind. sapraṇaya
sapraśrayamind. affectionately, respectfully View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptayamamfn. with or having 7 tones or pitches of the voice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvapratyayamālāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvayamakan. congruity in sound of all the 4 pāda-s (exempli gratia, 'for example' ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sasmayamind. sasmaya
śatruṃjayamāhātmyan. śatruṃjaya View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savinayamind. savinaya
savismayamind. savismaya
ṣoḍaśakāraṇajayamālāf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryayamaSee sauryayāma-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
susāntvayamanamfn. being thoroughly conciliated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamind. (prob. originally a Nominal verb of 1. sva-,formed like aham-) self, one's self (applicable to all persons exempli gratia, 'for example' myself, thyself, himself etc.), of or by one's self spontaneously, voluntarily, of one's own accord (also used emphatically with other pronouns[ exempli gratia, 'for example' ahaṃ svayaṃ tat kṛtavān-,"I myself did that"];sometimes alone[ exempli gratia, 'for example' svayaṃ tat kṛtavān-,"he himself did that"; svayaṃ tat kurvanti-,"they themselves do that"];connected in sense with a Nominal verb [either the subject or predicate] or with instrumental case [when the subject] or with a genitive case,and sometimes with accusative or locative case;often in compound)
svayamabhigūrta(svay/am--) mfn. self-welcomed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamadhigatamfn. self-acquired View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamāgatamfn. come of one's own accord, intruding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamagurutvan. state of lightness existing in one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamāhṛtamfn. brought by one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamāhṛtyabhojinmfn. enjoying things brought by one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamānītamfn. self-brought, brought by one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamanuṣṭhānan. one's own performance or achievement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamapoditan. that from which one is by one's self exempted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamarjitamfn. acquired or gained by one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamāsanaḍhaukanan. fetching one's self a seat or chair View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamātṛnṇamf(-)n. full of natural holes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamātṛnṇāf. a kind of brick View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamātṛnṇṇavatmfn. full of natural holes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamavadīrṇan. a natural fissure on the surface of the earth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamavapannamf(-)n. self-fallen, dropped down spontaneously View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhagnamf(ā-)n. broken spontaneously View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhojam. Name of a son of pratikṣatra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhojam. of a son of śini- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhrami mfn. self-revolving View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhraminmfn. self-revolving View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhṛtamfn. self-maintained or nourished View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhum. "self-existent", Name of brahman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhum. of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhun. of -bhū- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūmfn. self-existing, independent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. Name of brahman- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. of buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. of ādi-buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. of a pratyeka-buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. of kāla- or time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. of kāmadeva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. of vyāsa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. (with jaina-s) of the third black vāsudeva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. of various plants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūm. the air (equals antarikṣa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūmfn. relating or belonging to buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhucaitanyan. Name of a temple of ādi-buddha-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūkṣetramāhātmyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūliṅgan. Name of a liṅga- (equals jyotir-l-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūliṅgasambhūtāf. a particular plant (equals liṅginī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūmātṛkātantran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūpurāṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhūtam. "self-created", Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhuvamfn. equals -bhū- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhuvam. Name of the first manu- (wrong reading for svāyam-bh-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambhuvāf. a kind of shrub View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayambodham. Name of a vedānta- work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamīhitalabdhamfn. gained by one's own effort View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamindriyamocanan. spontaneous emission of semen View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamīśvaram. one's own lord, an absolute sovereign View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayammathitamfn. self-churned View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayammlānamfn. faded or withered of itself (id est naturally) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayammṛtamfn. one who has died a natural death (literally of his own accord) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayammurtamfn. self-curdled, self-coagulated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayampāpa(svay/am--) mfn. (prob.) injuring one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayampāṭham. an original text View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayampatitamfn. equals -avapanna- on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprabhamfn. self-shininh View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprabham. (with jaina-s) Name of the fourth arhat- of the future utsarpiṇī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprabhāf. Name of an apsaras- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprabham. of a daughter of hemasāvarṇi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprabham. of a daughter of maya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprabhum. self-powerful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayampradīrṇan. equals avadīrṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprajvalitamfn. self-kindled View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprakāśamfn. self-manifesting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprakāśam. Name of various authors (also with yati-, yog/endra-, muni-, sarasvatī-etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprakāśamānamfn. self-luminous ( svayamprakāśamānatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprakāśamānatvan. svayamprakāśamāna
svayamprakāśānandam. (muni-) Name of author. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprakāśatīrtham. Name of author. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprakāśātmanm. (sarasvatī-) Name of author. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprakāśendram. (sarasvatī-) Name of author. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprasīrṇamfn. equals -avapanna- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamprastutamfn. self-praised View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamproktamfn. self-announced View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamudghāṭitamfn. opened spontaneously (as a door) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamudgīrṇamfn. unsheathed by itself (said of a sword) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamuditamfn. risen spontaneously View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamudyatamf(ā-)n. offered spontaneously View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamujjvalamfn. self-radiant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamuktim. a deponent or witness who volunteers to give evidence in a lawsuit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamuktif. voluntary declaration or information View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamuktif. (in law) voluntary testimony or evidence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamupāgatamfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. come voluntarily or of one's own accord ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamupāgatam. a child who offers himself voluntarily for adoption View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamupasthitamf(ā-)n. come voluntarily or of one's own accord View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svayamupetamfn. approached of one's own accord View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatpratyayamind. to make anything sure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tattvatrayamayamfn. consisting of the 3 realities View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ubhayamukhamf(ī-)n. "having a face towards either way","two-faced", a pregnant female (so called because the embryo has its face turned in an opposite direction to that of the mother) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upaprayamP. -yacchati-, to present in addition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upāstamayamind. about the time of sunset
upayamP. A1. -yacchati-, -te-, to seize, lay hold of, touch (P.if not in the sense of appropriating on ) etc. ; to reach forth, offer (Passive voice Aorist -ayāmi-) ; to put under, prop, stay ; to take for one's self, receive, appropriate ; to take as one's wife, marry (only A1. ;butSee ) etc. ; to sleep with (a woman) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upayamam. () appropriation, taking possession of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upayamam. marrying, marriage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upayamam. kindling a fire, (kanyāgny-upayama-,taking a wife and kindling the domestic fire )
upayamam. a support, stay View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upayamanamfn. serving as support (as grass) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upayamanan. a support, stay View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upayamanan. the taking a wife, marrying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upayamanan. sleeping with (a woman) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upayamanīf. (upa-y/amani-) any support (of stone, clay, gravel etc. for holding fire-wood) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upayamanīf. a ladle (used at sacrifices) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upodayamind. about the time of sunrise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vanayamānīf. Cnidium Diffusum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
varṇadvayamayamf(ī-)n. consisting of two syllables View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vayam Nominal verb plural of 1. Persian pronoun , we (see asma-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
veśayamanamfn. ruling or managing people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
veśayamanan. the act of ruling etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijayamādhavam. Name of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijayamahādevīf. Name of a princess View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijayamālikāf. Name of a woman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijayamālinm. Name of a merchant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijayamallam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijayamaṅgaladīpikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijayamardalam. equals -ḍiṇḍima- above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijayamitram. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinayamayamf(ī-)n. consisting of propriety View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipathayamakan. a kind of yamaka- (q.v) in which the paronomasia is only at the beginning and end of the verse (exempli gratia, 'for example' ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
visaṃśayamind. without doubt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛndāvanayamakan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛntayamakan. a kind of yamaka- (exempli gratia, 'for example' ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttayamakan. a kind of verse containing a play on words (See yamaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyayamānamfn. expending, wasting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāmayamam. a regular or stated occupation for every hour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathānilayamind. each in its own resting-place or lair View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāsamayamind. according to agreement, according to established custom View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāsamayamind. according to time, at the proper time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāsampratyayamind. according to agreement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāśayamind. according to intention or wish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāśayamind. according to stipulation or presumption View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāśrayam(thāś-) ind. in respect of or in regard to the connection View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāviṣayamind. according to the subject or point under discussion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathodayamind. in proportion to one's income, according to means or circumstances View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
23 results
ayamita अयमित a. 1 Unrestrained, unchecked. -2 Untrimmed, undecorated (as nails &c.); स्पर्शक्लिष्टामयमितनखेना- सकृत्सारयन्तीम् Me.93.
atyāhārayamāṇa अत्याहारयमाण a. Making exactions from. लोभादैल- श्चातुर्वर्ण्यमत्याहारयमाणः (विननाश) Kau. A.1.
ayānayam अयानयम् [अयश्च अनयश्च तयोः समाहारः] Good or bad luck. -यः A particular position of the pieces on a chess-board. A place on a chess-board, which the pieces of the opponents cannot occupy. (आनीयन्ते शारा अस्मिन् इत्यानयः; अयेन दक्षिणावर्तेन अपसव्यगमनेन आनयः अयानयः शीर्षस्थानम् Saralā).
upayam उपयम् 1 U. 1 To marry, take a wife (Ā. in this sense); भवान् मिथः समयादिमामुपायंस्त Ś.5; आत्मानुरूपां विधिनोपयेमे Ku.1.18; R.14.87; Śi.15.27; Ms.3.11; Bk.4.2, 28;7.11. -2 (a) To seize, hold; उपयच्छ शूर्पम् Av.; उपायंस्त महास्त्राणि Bk.15.21; शस्त्राण्युपायंसत जित्वराणि 1.16. (b) To take, receive, accept; कोपात्काश्चित्प्रियैः प्रत्तमुपायंसत नासवम् Bk.8.33. -3 To show, indicate (सूच्); मोपयध्वं भयम् Bk.7.11. -4 To lie under, support, prop up (Ved.). -5 To go to (a woman); एतास्तिस्रस्तु भार्यार्थे नोपयच्छेत्तु बुद्धिमान् Ms.11.172. -6 To curb, restrain.
upayamaḥ उपयमः 1 Marriage, marrying; कन्या त्वजातोपयमा सलज्जा नवयौवना S. D. -2 Restraint. -3 A support; stay.
upayamanam उपयमनम् 1 Marrying, taking a wife; P.I.2.16. विभाषोपयमने -2 Restraining, curbing. -3 Placing down the fire -4 Support. -नी 1 Any support of stone for holding fire-wood; उपयमनीरुपकल्पयन्ति Śat. Br. -2 A sacrificial ladle.
upāstamayam उपास्तमयम् ind. About sunset.
kaṇṭāhvayam कण्टाह्वयम् The tuberous root of the lotus.
kuvalayam कुवलयम् 1 The blue water-lily; कुवलयदलस्निग्धैरङ्गैर्ददौ नयनोत्सवम् U.3.22. -2 A water-lily in general. -3 The earth (-m. also). -Comp. -आनन्द N. of a work on rhetoric by अप्पय्या दीक्षित. -ईशः a king.
kuśeśayam कुशेशयम् A water-lily, a lotus in general; भूयात्केश- शयरजोमृदुरेणुरस्याः (पन्थाः) Ś.4.1; R.6.18. कुशेशयैरत्र जलाशयोषिता Śi.4.33. -यः The (Indian) crane or Sārasa bird.
tāmrayam ताम्रयम् Redness.
taucchayam तौच्छयम् 1 Emptiness. -2 meanness, worthlessness.
daurhṛdayam दौर्हृदयम् Evil disposition of mind, enmity.
nirṇayam निर्णयम् 1 Ascertainment, determination. -2 Positive conclusion, settlement.
prayam प्रयम् 1 P. 1 To give, grant (with dat. of person). -2 To curb, check, restrain, control. -3 To deliver, restore. -4 To give in marriage. -5 To pay, discharge (as a debt).
bhayam भयम् [विमेत्यस्मात्, भी-अपादाने अच्] 1 Fear, alarm, dread, apprehension, (oft. with abl.); भोगे रोगमयं कुले च्युतिभयं वित्ते नृपालाद्भयम् Bh.3.35; यदि समरमपास्य नास्ति मृत्योर्भयम् Ve.3.4. -2 Fright, terror; जगद्भयम् &c. -3 A danger, risk, hazard; तावद्भयस्य भेतव्यं यावद्भयमनागतम् । आगतं तु भयं वीक्ष्य नरः कुर्याद्यथोचितम् H.1.54. -4 The sentiment of fear; see भयानक below; रौद्रशक्त्या तु जनितं चित्तवैकल्यजं भयम् S. D.6. -5 The blossom of Trapa Bispinosa (Mar. शिंगाडा) -यः Sickness, disease. -Comp. अन्वित, -आक्रान्त a. overcome with fear. -अपह a. warding off or removing fear. (-हः) 1 N. of Viṣṇu. -2 a king. -आतुर, -आर्त a. afraid, alarmed, frightened. -आवह a. 1 causing fear, formidable. -2 risky; स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः परधर्मो भयावहः Bg.3.35. -उत्तर a. attended with or succeeded by fear. -एकप्रवण a. wholly overpowered by fear. -कम्पः tremour of fear. -कर (also भयंकर) a. 1 frightening, terrible, fearful. -2 dangerous, perilous; so भयकारक, -भयकृत्. -कृत् m. N. of Viṣṇu; भयकृद् भयनाशन V. Sah. -डिण्डिमः a drum used in battle. -त्रातृ a. a deliverer from fear. -दर्शिन् a. 1 fearful. -2 intimidating. -द्रुत a. fleeing from fear, routed, put to flight. -नाशन removing fear. (-नः) N. of Viṣṇu; भयकृद् भयनाशनः V. Sah. -प्रतीकारः warding off or removal of fears. -प्रद a. inspiring fear, fearful, terrible. -प्रस्तावः an occasion of fear. -ब्राह्मणः a timid Brāhmaṇa, a Brāhmaṇa who, to save himself from danger, declares his caste relying on the inviolability of a Brāhmaṇa. -भ्रष्ट a. put to flight. -विप्लुत a. panic-struck. -व्यूहः a particular array of troops when they are threatened with danger; सर्वतः सर्वतोभद्रं भयव्यूहं प्रकल्पयेत् Kām. -शील a. timid. -स्थानम्, -हेतुः a cause of fear; हर्षस्थानसहस्राणि भयस्थानशतानि च Mb.18.5.61. -हर्तृ, हारिन् a. removing fear, dispelling alarm.
raimayam रैमयम् Gold; Rām. Ch.4.34.
sapraśrayam सप्रश्रयम् ind. Respectfully, with great courtesy.
sāpāśrayam सापाश्रयम् A house with an open gallery at the back.
sābhinayam साभिनयम् ind. With dramatic gesture.
smayamāna स्मयमान a. One who wonders; तमगस्त्यं मुहुर्दृष्ट्वा स्मय- मनो$भ्यभाषत Rām.7.4.2.
svayam स्वयम् ind. 1 Oneself, in one's own person (used reflexively and applicable to all persons, such as myself, ourselves, thyself, himself &c. &c., and sometimes used with other pronouns for the sake of emphasis); विषवृक्षो$पि संवर्ध्य स्वयं छेत्तुमसांप्रतम् Ku.2.55; यस्य नास्ति स्वयं प्रज्ञा शास्त्रं तस्य करोति किम् Subhāṣ.; R.1.7;3.2; 2.56; Ms.5.39. -2 Spontaneously, of one's own accord, without trouble or exertion; स्वयमेवोत्पद्यन्त एवंविधाः कुलपांशवो निःस्नेहाः पशवः K. -Comp. -अधिगत a. self-acquired. -अनुष्ठानम् one's own achievement. -अर्जित a. self-acquired. -इन्द्रियमोचनम् spontaneous emission of semen. -ईश्वरः an absolute sovereign. -ईहितलब्ध a. gained by one's own effort; अनुपध्नन् पितृद्रव्यं श्रमेण यदु- पार्जितम् । स्वयमीहितलब्धं तन्नाकामो दातुमर्हति ॥ Ms.9.28. -उक्तिः f. 1 voluntary declaraion. -2 information, deposition (in law). -उद्यत a. offered spontaneously. -उपागतः a son who offers himself voluntarily to an adoptive parent. -कृत a. self-made, natural. (-तः) an artificial or adopted son. -गुप्ता Mucuna Pruritus (Mar. कुयली). -ग्रहः taking for one-self (without leave). -ग्राह a. 1 voluntary, self-choosing. -2 one who takes forcibly. (-हः) self-choice, self-election; नितम्बिनीमिच्छसि मुक्तलज्जां कण्ठे स्वयंग्राहनिषक्तबाहुम् Ku.3.7; Māl.6.7. -जात a. self-born. -ज्योतिस् self-shining. -दत्त a. self-given. (-त्तः) a boy who has given himself to be adopted (by his adoptive parents); one of the twelve kinds of sons recognised in Hindu law; मातापितृविहीनो यस्त्यक्तो वा स्यादकारणात् । आत्मानं स्पर्शयेद्यस्मै स्वयंदत्तुस्तु स स्मृतः ॥ Ms.9.177. -दृश् a. self-evident. -पाठः an original text. -प्रकाश a. self-manifesting. -प्रभ a. self-shining. -प्रभु a. self-powerful. -भुः N. of Brahman; शंभुस्वयंभुहरयो हरिणेक्षणानां येनाक्रियन्त सततं गृहकर्मदासाः Bh.1. 1. -भुवः 1 the first Manu. -2 N. of Brahman. -3 of Śiva. -भू a. self-existent; त्वमेको ह्यस्य सर्वस्य विधानस्य स्वयंभुवः Ms.1.3. (-भूः) 1 N. of Brahman. -2 of Viṣṇu. -3 Of Śiva. -4 of Kāla or time personified. -5 of Kāmadeva. -6 a Jaina deified saint. -7 the female breast. -8 the Supreme Being. -भूतः N. of Śiva. -भृत a. self-maintained. -वरः self-choice, self-election (of a husband by the bride herself), choicemarriage. -वरा a maiden who chooses her own husband; ततस्ते शुश्रुवुः कृष्णां पञ्चलेषु स्वयंवराम् Mb.1.61.3. -श्रेष्ठः N. of Śiva.
hṛdayam हृदयम् 1 The heart, soul, mind; हृदये दिग्धशरैरिवाहतः Ku.4.25; so अयोहृदयः R.9.9; पाषाणहृदय &c. -2 The bosom, chest, breast; बाणभिन्नहृदया निपेतुषी R.11.19. -3 Love, affection. -4 The interior or essence of anything. -5 The secret science; अश्व˚, अक्ष˚ &c.; ऋतुपर्णो नलसखो यो$श्वविद्यामयान्नलात् । दत्वा$क्षहृदयं चास्मै सर्वकामस्तु तत्सुतः ॥ Bhag.9.9.17. -6 True or divine knowledge. -7 The Veda. -8 Wish, intention; एवं विरिञ्चादिभिरीडितस्तद्विज्ञाय तेषां हृदयं तथैव Bhāg.8.6.16. -9 = अहंकारम् q. v.; मनो विसृजते भावं बुद्धिरध्यवसायिनी । हृदयं प्रियाप्रिये वेद त्रिविधा कर्मचोदना Mb.12.248.1. -Comp. -आत्मन् m. a heron. -आविध् a. heart-rending, heart-piercing; रोचनैर्भूषितां पम्पामस्माकं हृदयाविधम् Bk.6.73. -ईशः, -ईश्वरः a husband. (-शा, -री f.) 1 a wife. -2 a mistress. -उदङ्कः heaving of the heart. -उद्वेष्टनम् contraction of the heart. -उन्मादकर a. bewitching hearts. -कम्पः tremor of the heart, palpitation. -क्लमः weakness of the heart. -क्षोभः agitation of the heart. -ग्रन्थिः anything which binds the soul or grieves the heart (as अविद्यारूपसंसार- बन्धन); भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः Muṇd.2.2.8. -ग्रहः spasm of the heart. -ग्राहिन् a. heart-captivating. -चोरः one who steals the heart or affections. -छिद् a. heart-rending, heart-piercing. -जः a son. -ज्ञ a. knowing the heart or its secret. -दाहिन् a. heart-burning. -दीपः, -दीपकः N. of a glossary of materia medica by Vopadeva. -दौर्बल्यम् faint-heartedness. -पुरुषः beating of the heart. -प्रमाथिन् a. agitating the heart; क्व रुजा हृदयप्रमाथिनी क्व च ते विश्वसनीयमायुधम् M.3.1. -प्रस्तर a. cruel. -रज्जुः (in geom.) a central line. -रोगः, -शल्यम् a thorn or wound in the heart, a heartdisease; P.VI.3.51; समुत्खाता नन्दा नव हृदयशल्या इव भुवः Mu.1.13. -लेखः 1 knowledge. -2 heart-ache, anxiety. -विध्, -वेधिन् a. heart-piercing. -विरोधः oppression of the heart. -वृत्ति f. disposition of the heart. -शैथिल्यम् depression, faintheartedness. -शोषण a. heart-withering. -संघट्टः paralysis of the heart. -संमित a. breast-high. -स्थ a. being or cherished in the heart. -स्थानम् the breast, bosom.
Macdonell Vedic Search
3 results
ayam a-y-ám, dem. prn. N. s. m. this, iii. 59, 4; vii. 86, 3. 8; viii. 48, 10; x. 34, 13 (= here); he, i. 160, 4; x. 135, 7.
vayam vay-ám, prs. prn. N. pl. we, i. 1, 7; ii. 12, 15; iii, 59, 3. 4; iv. 50, 6; 51, 11; vi. 54, 8. 9; vii. 86, 5; viii. 48, 9. 13. 14; x. 14, 6; 127, 4 [Av. vaem, Go. wais, Eng. we].
svayam sva-y-ám, ref. prn. self, ii. 35, 14; of their own accord, iv. 50, 8 [115 a].
Macdonell Search
9 results
ayam pn. nm. sg. m. this; often=here; (n. idam, f. iyam.)
ayamita pp. not kept in order; untrimmed (nails).
abhayaṃkara abhayam-kará, ˚kṛt a. crea ting security.
asaṃcetayamāna pt. pt. not observing.
airayam impf. cs. of √ îr.
katpayam ad. somehow.
vayam nm. pl. we.
svayamagurutva n. one's own lightness; -anushthâna, n. performance by oneself; -apodita, pp. n. imps. one is by oneself exempted from (ab.; Br.); -argita, pp. acquired by oneself; -âgata, pp.come of one's own accord; -âhrita, pp. brought by oneself; -îhita-labdha, pp. acquired by one's own effort; -udyata, pp. offered spontaneously.
svayam indecl. oneself (himself, etc.); of oneself, of one's own accord: in C. agreeing in sense with a nm. (as subject or predicate), with an in. (as logical subject), or with a g. (sts. also an ac., or a lc.).
Bloomfield Vedic
9 results0 results68 results
ayam akṛṇod uṣasaḥ supatnīḥ RV.6.44.23a.
ayam agniḥ purīṣyaḥ VS.3.40a; Aś.2.5.12a; śś.2.15.4a.
ayam agniḥ pṛtanāṣāṭ suvīraḥ RV.3.29.9c; AVś.11.1.2c.
ayam agnir amūmuhat AVś.3.2.2a; AVP.3.5.2a.
ayam agnir upasadyaḥ AVś.5.30.11a; AVP.9.14.1a.
ayam agnir uruṣyati RV.10.176.4a; TS.; MS.4.10.4a: 152.1; KS.15.12a; AB.1.28.17. P: ayam agniḥ Mś.
ayam agnir gṛhapatiḥ VS.3.39a; śB.; Aś.2.5.12a; śś.2.15.5a; ApMB.1.8.4a (ApG.2.6.10).
ayam agnir dīdāyad dīrgham (AVP. āhnam) eva AVś.3.8.3c; AVP.1.18.3c.
ayam agnir vadhryaśvasya vṛtrahā RV.10.69.12a.
ayam agnir vareṇyaḥ AVś.7.53.6d; TS.; TA.2.5.1b; Aś.2.10.4b; śG.1.25.7b.
ayam agnir vīratamaḥ PG.3.2.7a. See ayam agniḥ śreṣṭhatamaḥ, and ayaṃ no agnir adhyakṣaḥ.
ayam agnir vīratamo vayodhāḥ VS.15.52a; TS.; MS.2.12.4a: 147.13; KS.17.14a; śB. Ps: ayam agnir vīratamaḥ MS.4.12.4: 190.11; ayam agniḥ KS.39.14; Mś. (24).
ayam agniḥ śreṣṭhatamaḥ TS.; KS.7.14a; Svidh.3.4.4. See under ayam agnir vīratamaḥ.
ayam agniḥ satpatir vṛddhavṛṣṇaḥ AVś.7.62.1a. P: ayam agniḥ satpatiḥ Vait.29.9; Kauś.69.7. See next.
ayam agniḥ satpatiś cekitānaḥ VS.15.51b; TS.; MS.2.12.4b: 147.11; KS.18.18b; śB. See prec.
ayam agniḥ sahasriṇaḥ RV.8.75.4a; VS.15.21a; TS.;; MS.2.7.15a: 97.17; 2.13.7: 155.13; 4.11.6: 175.1; KS.7.17; 16.15a; Aś.1.6.1; śś.2.11.2; Mś.; P: ayam agniḥ Aś.4.13.7.
ayam agniḥ suvīryasya RV.3.16.1a; SV.1.60a; śś.6.4.7; Svidh.2.8.1.
ayam agne jaritā tve abhūd api RV.10.142.1a. P: ayam agne jaritā Rvidh.4.11.1. Cf. BṛhD.8.54.
ayam agne tve api RV.2.5.8c; 8.44.28a.
ayam annasyānnapatir astu vīraḥ AVP.1.80.5.
ayam amuṣya pitāsāv asya pitā VS.10.20; 23.65; VSK.29.36; śB. See asāv amuṣya.
ayam asau (KS. asā āmuṣyāyaṇaḥ) KS.23.5; ApMB.2.1.3.
ayam astu dhanapatir dhanānām AVś.4.22.3a; AVP.3.21.2a.
ayam astu yaśastamaḥ KS.7.14b.
ayam astu saṃgamano vasūnām śG.1.7.9b; 3.4.2b.
ayam asmān vanaspatiḥ RV.3.53.20a.
ayam asmāsu kāvyaḥ RV.10.144.2a.
ayam asmi jaritaḥ paśya meha RV.8.100.4a. Cf. BṛhD.6.118.
ayam asmīti pūruṣaḥ śB.; BṛhU.4.4.16b.
ayam asmīty etya AVś.1.7.4d; AVP.4.4.4d.
ayam asyāsau yasya ta ime agnayaḥ Apś.9.11.23.
ayam ahaṃ bhoḥ śG.1.6.3. See aham ayaṃ bhoḥ, and cf. under asāv asmi.
ayam ā pyāyatāṃ punaḥ AVś.6.78.2b; ApMB.1.8.6b.
ayam ā yāty aryamā AVś.6.60.1a. P: ayam ā yāti Kauś.34.22.
ayam id vai pratīvartaḥ AVś.8.5.16a.
ayam indra vṛṣākapiḥ RV.10.86.18a; AVś.20.126.18a.
ayam indro marutsakhā RV.8.76.2a.
ayam iha prathamo dhāyi dhātṛbhiḥ RV.4.7.1a; VS.3.15a; 15.26a; 33.6a; TS.; 7.2; MS.1.5.1a: 65.12; 1.15.5: 73.14; 1.15.6: 74.5; KS.6.9a; 7.4,5; AB.1.28.10; śB.; Aś.2.17.7; Mś. P: ayam iha MS.2.7.3: 77.19; 2.13.5: 154.3; śś.2.11.2; Kś.17.12.8.
ayam ihāgato arvā AVś.20.129.11.
ayam īyata ṛtayugbhir aśvaiḥ RV.6.39.4c.
ayam ugro vihavyo yathāsat VS.8.46d; 17.24d; TS.; MS.2.10.2d: 133.15; KS.18.2d; śB. Cf. sa hi hantā.
ayam uta pra kṛṇute yudhā gāḥ RV.4.17.10b; MS.4.14.12b: 235.5; TB.
ayam u te sam atasi RV.1.30.4a; AVś.20.45.1a; SV.1.183a; 2.949a; Vait.39.9; 41.13; N.1.10.
ayam u te sarasvati vasiṣṭhaḥ RV.7.95.6a; MS.4.14.7a: 226.7.
ayam uttarāt saṃyadvasuḥ VS.15.18; TS.; MS.2.8.10: 115.2; KS.17.9; śB.
ayam u tvā vicarṣaṇe RV.8.17.7a; AVś.20.5.1a; GB.2.3.14; Vait.21.2.
ayam upary arvāgvasuḥ VS.15.19; TS.; MS.2.8.10: 115.5; KS.17.9; śB.
ayam u vāṃ purutamo rayīyan RV.3.62.2a.
ayam uśānaḥ pary adrim usrāḥ RV.6.39.2a.
ayam u ṣya pra devayuḥ RV.10.176.3a; TS.; MS.4.10.4a: 151.14; KS.15.12a; AB.1.28.13. P: ayam u ṣya Mś.
ayam u ṣya sumahāṃ avedi RV.7.8.2a.
ayam ūrjāvato vṛkṣaḥ śG.1.22.10a; SMB.1.5.1a; GG.2.7.4; PG.1.15.6a; KhG.2.2.25.
ayam ūrjo 'yaṃ rasaḥ MG.2.11.11b.
ayam eka itthā puru RV.8.25.16a.
ayam emi vicākaśat RV.10.86.19a; AVś.20.126.19a.
ayam aukṣo atho bhagaḥ AVś.2.36.7b; AVP.2.21.6b.
ayam audumbaro maṇiḥ AVś.19.31.14a; AVP.10.5.14a. Cf. ayaṃ caudumbaro.
akṣyāmayam udumbarāt # GG.4.7.23d.
annamayaprāṇamayamanomayavijñānamayānandamayā me śudhyantām # TA.10.57.1; Tā.10.66; MahānU.20.21; BDh.3.8.12.
āhvayamānāṃ ava hanmanāhanam # RV.10.48.6c.
upayachopayamanīḥ # śB.; Kś.18.3.16.
ubhayam # JB.1.340.
kāmayamāno etc. # see kāyamāno.
kṣayam agne śatāyuṣam # RV.6.2.5d.
gavayam āraṇyam anu te diśāmi # VS.13.49; TS.; MS.2.7.17: 102.16; KS.16.17; śB.
pṛthujrayam aśvinā saṃgatiṃ goḥ # RV.4.44.1b; AVś.20.143.1b.
prayamyamānān prati ṣū gṛbhāya # RV.3.36.2c; TB.
yātayamāno adhi sānu pṛśneḥ # RV.6.6.4d.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"ayam" has 1 results
paribhāṣāpradīpārcisa scholarly independent treatise on Vyakarana Paribhasas written by Udayamkara Pathaka, called also Nana Pathaka, a Nagara Brahmana, who lived at Benares in the middle of the 18th century A. D. He has also written commentaries on the two Sekharas of Naagesa.
Vedabase Search
2151 results
ayam a personSB 8.22.26
ayam all theseSB 1.17.32
ayam all these (common men)SB 1.11.37
ayam extraordinary it isSB 1.14.18
ayam heBG 15.9
BG 2.58
BG 6.20-23
ayam HeSB 10.46.42
SB 10.58.36
SB 10.59.35
SB 10.61.27-28
ayam heSB 10.63.47
SB 10.81.6-7
ayam HeSB 11.8.35
SB 4.1.57
ayam heSB 8.24.47
SB 8.24.60
ayam he (Śiva)SB 4.2.10
ayam HimSB 2.7.7
ayam HisSB 2.7.51
ayam I amCC Adi 13.1
ayam in thisBG 4.40
ayam KṛṣṇaSB 7.15.76
ayam Lord RāmacandraSB 9.11.4
ayam of thisSB 1.17.45
ayam oneBG 3.36
ayam people in generalSB 8.3.29
ayam Śrī KṛṣṇaSB 3.1.2
ayam such a poor manSB 8.22.21
ayam Śukadeva GosvāmīSB 3.1.5
ayam thatSB 4.2.18
SB 4.4.30
ayam that isSB 8.20.2
ayam the LordSB 3.9.22
ayam the Lord Śrī KṛṣṇaSB 1.13.49
ayam the sameSB 11.22.45
ayam the sameSB 11.22.45
SB 2.7.50
ayam the sannyāsīSB 11.18.14
ayam theseBG 7.25
SB 10.24.6
SB 11.23.42
SB 11.3.44
SB 3.21.16
SB 4.27.28
ayam thisBG 11.1
BG 13.32
BG 17.3
BG 2.19
BG 2.20
ayam thisBG 2.20
BG 3.9
BG 4.3
BG 4.31
BG 8.19
Bs 5.10
CC Adi 1.12
CC Adi 1.3
CC Adi 4.146
CC Adi 6.4
CC Adi 8.1
CC Antya 1.108
CC Antya 1.114
CC Antya 1.136
CC Antya 1.138
CC Antya 1.145
CC Antya 1.154
CC Antya 1.165
CC Antya 1.167
CC Antya 1.190
CC Antya 1.79
CC Antya 14.86
CC Antya 16.140
CC Antya 19.105
CC Antya 20.154
CC Antya 3.85
CC Antya 5.123
CC Antya 6.264
CC Antya 6.285
CC Antya 7.29
CC Madhya 1.76
CC Madhya 15.110
CC Madhya 17.210
CC Madhya 18.34
CC Madhya 19.140
CC Madhya 2.18
CC Madhya 2.74
CC Madhya 20.182
CC Madhya 23.100
CC Madhya 23.14-15
CC Madhya 23.40
CC Madhya 25.143-144
CC Madhya 8.149
CC Madhya 8.232
CC Madhya 8.6
CC Madhya 8.80
CC Madhya 9.121
MM 2
SB 1.10.21
SB 1.10.23
SB 1.10.24
SB 1.13.20
SB 1.13.25
SB 1.13.46
SB 1.14.12
SB 1.14.14
SB 1.14.8
SB 1.17.25
SB 1.18.43
SB 1.19.21
SB 1.3.14
SB 1.7.25
SB 10.1.60
SB 10.13.2
SB 10.16.34
SB 10.21.18
SB 10.21.9
SB 10.24.25
SB 10.24.3
SB 10.24.30
SB 10.26.22
SB 10.27.4
SB 10.27.9
SB 10.3.26
SB 10.34.6
SB 10.35.4-5
SB 10.37.14
SB 10.40.12
SB 10.40.23
SB 10.43.29
SB 10.43.30
SB 10.44.13
SB 10.44.7
SB 10.46.47
SB 10.47.1-2
SB 10.47.60
SB 10.48.23
SB 10.50.32-33
SB 10.50.46
SB 10.50.9
SB 10.51.1-6
SB 10.51.41
SB 10.51.45
SB 10.54.40
SB 10.55.31
SB 10.56.40-42
SB 10.59.30
SB 10.59.31
SB 10.60.31
SB 10.63.37
SB 10.63.45
SB 10.68.2
SB 10.72.32
SB 10.72.8
SB 10.77.10
SB 10.8.12
SB 10.8.19
SB 10.8.34
SB 10.80.12-13
SB 10.81.20
SB 10.84.36
SB 10.84.37
SB 10.87.10
SB 10.88.29
SB 10.9.21
SB 11.10.10
SB 11.12.20
SB 11.17.21
SB 11.17.34-35
SB 11.17.42
SB 11.21.4
SB 11.22.46
SB 11.23.26
SB 11.23.54
SB 11.25.7
SB 11.26.18
SB 11.28.37
SB 11.28.38
SB 11.28.6-7
SB 11.29.19
SB 11.6.30
SB 11.7.15
SB 11.7.4
ayam thisSB 11.7.4
SB 11.8.37
SB 12.10.36
SB 12.10.7
SB 12.11.29
SB 12.11.9
SB 12.13.19
SB 12.7.12
SB 12.8.6
SB 2.1.24
SB 2.10.8
SB 2.7.18
SB 2.8.8
SB 2.9.22
SB 3.11.37
SB 3.11.39
SB 3.11.40
SB 3.14.7
SB 3.19.30
SB 3.2.8
SB 3.21.55
SB 3.23.6
SB 3.25.42
SB 3.26.52
SB 3.27.19
SB 3.29.40
SB 3.3.14
SB 3.3.5
SB 3.30.1
SB 3.9.17
SB 4.10.14
SB 4.11.10
SB 4.15.4
SB 4.17.30
SB 4.25.27
SB 4.25.35
SB 4.27.30
SB 4.28.60
SB 4.29.70
SB 4.31.29
SB 4.6.51
SB 4.7.30
SB 4.7.33
SB 4.7.35
SB 4.8.26
SB 4.8.35
SB 5.1.2
SB 5.1.4
SB 5.11.7
SB 5.12.5-6
SB 5.14.1
SB 5.14.4
SB 5.16.5
SB 5.17.24
SB 5.18.3
SB 5.20.2
SB 5.20.38
SB 5.24.24
SB 5.3.10
SB 5.3.13
SB 5.5.1
SB 5.5.4
SB 5.5.8
SB 5.8.9
SB 6.1.17
SB 6.12.17
SB 6.15.2
SB 6.15.25
SB 6.15.8
ayam thisSB 6.15.8
SB 6.17.11
SB 6.17.34-35
SB 6.3.25
SB 6.7.22
SB 6.9.34
SB 6.9.39
SB 6.9.40
SB 7.1.25
SB 7.10.49
SB 7.10.61
SB 7.10.62
SB 7.11.8-12
SB 7.13.16-17
SB 7.13.18
SB 7.14.17
SB 7.2.44
SB 7.2.45
SB 7.2.48
SB 7.3.8
SB 7.5.17
SB 7.5.34
SB 7.5.35
ayam thisSB 7.5.35
SB 7.5.46
SB 7.5.47
SB 7.7.29
SB 7.8.18
SB 7.8.23
SB 7.8.41
SB 7.8.53
SB 7.8.56
SB 7.9.11
SB 8.1.1
SB 8.11.37
SB 8.16.60
SB 8.18.30
SB 8.19.25
SB 8.21.10
SB 8.21.19
SB 8.24.21
SB 8.3.22-24
SB 8.4.10
SB 9.14.35
SB 9.20.39
SB 9.22.11
SB 9.6.31
SB 9.6.44
SB 9.8.28
SB 9.9.28
SB 9.9.30
ayam this (as measured by Brahmā's duration of life)SB 3.11.38
ayam this (Caitanya-caritāmṛta)CC Antya 20.157
ayam this (child within the womb)SB 7.7.10
ayam this (child)SB 9.14.11
ayam this (fish)SB 10.83.19
ayam this (gross body)SB 11.10.10
ayam this (Kṛṣṇa)CC Madhya 23.70
ayam this (Lord Śiva)SB 6.17.8
ayam this (rascal)SB 10.3.22
ayam this (what has been described)SB 9.12.16
ayam this (world)SB 10.70.26
ayam this action taken by youSB 9.4.69
ayam this animalSB 10.12.24
ayam this Bali MahārājaSB 8.22.29-30
SB 8.22.31
ayam this brāhmaṇaSB 9.9.32
ayam this childSB 10.26.17
SB 10.8.14
SB 9.20.38
ayam this demonSB 3.18.28
ayam this formSB 10.3.31
ayam this group of relativesSB 11.16.7
ayam this incarnation of KapilaSB 3.33.5
ayam this isSB 10.4.42
SB 11.13.28
SB 11.23.49
ayam this KingSB 4.16.15
SB 4.16.18
SB 4.16.19
SB 4.16.20
SB 4.16.22
SB 4.17.31
ayam this King PṛthuSB 4.16.6
ayam this KṛṣṇaSB 10.12.14
ayam this living entitySB 3.31.15
SB 3.31.19
SB 8.1.9
SB 8.22.25
ayam this Lord Śrī KṛṣṇaCC Antya 7.27
CC Madhya 24.86
CC Madhya 8.227
CC Madhya 9.132
ayam this manSB 4.14.32
SB 4.28.52
SB 5.10.4
ayam this oneCC Adi 2.5
CC Madhya 22.141
SB 11.5.41
ayam this one (the Supreme Lord)SB 7.15.57
ayam this otherSB 10.72.29
ayam this periodSB 8.5.23
ayam this personCC Antya 6.285
ayam this personCC Antya 6.285
ayam this personCC Antya 6.285
SB 10.28.7
SB 10.88.38-39
SB 11.17.58
SB 11.23.36
SB 3.25.27
SB 6.17.13
SB 6.17.14
ayam this person (Ajāmila)SB 6.1.66
SB 6.2.7
ayam this person (known as Ajāmila)SB 6.1.56-57
ayam this Personality of GodheadSB 3.24.19
ayam this process of creation and annihilationSB 2.10.46
ayam this soulBG 2.24
ayam this soulBG 2.24
ayam this soulBG 2.24
BG 2.25
ayam this soulBG 2.25
ayam this soulBG 2.25
BG 2.30
ayam this Vedic knowledgeSB 2.4.24
ayam this worldSB 10.54.12
SB 10.74.22
ayam VasudevaSB 10.3.32
ayam wentSB 10.62.7
ayam ātmā the soul or spiritual identitySB 10.4.19
ayam ātmā the soul or spiritual identitySB 10.4.19
ayam avatāraḥ this incarnation (Lord ṛṣabhadeva)SB 5.6.12
ayam avatāraḥ this incarnation (Lord ṛṣabhadeva)SB 5.6.12
ayam ślokaḥ there is this famous verseSB 5.15.16
ayam ślokaḥ there is this famous verseSB 5.15.16
ayam yat one whoSB 1.6.38
ayam yat one whoSB 1.6.38
a-punaḥ-anvayam from which one does not returnSB 6.14.58
abhayam fearlessnessBG 10.4-5
abhayam fearlessnessBG 16.1-3
abhayam fearlessnessSB 1.8.9
abhayam freedom from all fearsSB 1.17.17
abhayam freedomSB 2.1.5
abhayam fully safeSB 2.1.13
abhayam fearlessnessSB 2.6.19
abhayam without fearSB 2.7.47
abhayam courageSB 3.5.43
ańghrim abhayam safe lotus feetSB 3.9.6
abhayam assurance of safetySB 3.21.31
abhayam fearlessnessSB 3.23.51
abhayam fearlessnessSB 3.24.39
abhayam without fearSB 3.33.11
abhayam AbhayaSB 4.1.49-52
abhayam fearlessSB 4.7.26
abhayam fearlessness, liberationSB 4.11.32
abhayam fearlessnessSB 5.6.19
abhayam fearlessnessSB 5.18.8
abhayam fearlessnessSB 5.18.8
abhayam where there is no anxietySB 5.19.23
abhayam AbhayaSB 5.20.3-4
abhayam fearlessnessSB 6.16.59
kṛta-abhayam which causes fearlessnessSB 7.9.5
abhayam safetySB 8.7.38
abhayam assurancesSB 9.7.3
abhayam-karaḥ always killing the causes of fearSB 10.2.16
abhayam fearlessSB 10.27.7
abhayam fearlessnessSB 10.29.39
abhayam fearlessnessSB 10.31.5
abhayam fearlessnessSB 10.38.16
abhayam fearlessSB 10.51.57
abhayam fearlessnessSB 10.59.32
abhayam fearlessnessSB 10.63.24
abhayam fearlessnessSB 10.63.45
abhayam freedom from fearSB 10.63.50
abhayam relief from fearSB 10.68.49
abhayam for fearlessnessSB 10.87.50
abhayam fearlessnessSB 10.89.14-17
abhayam fearlessnessSB 11.2.38
abhayam fearlessSB 11.19.33-35
abhayam fearlessnessSB 11.25.16
abhayam fearlessnessSB 12.6.5
abhayam fearlessnessSB 12.8.46
abhayam fearlessnessSB 12.11.11-12
abhayam fearlessCC Madhya 22.16
abhayam fearlessnessCC Madhya 22.34
abhayam freedom from the fearful condition of material existenceCC Madhya 22.110
datta-abhayam which assure fearlessnessCC Madhya 24.50
datta-abhayam which assure fearlessnessCC Antya 15.70
acintayam thought overSB 1.6.15
sālokya-ādi-catuṣṭayam the four different types of liberation (sālokya, sārūpya, sāmīpya and sārṣṭi, what to speak of sāyujya)SB 9.4.67
advayam nondualSB 1.2.11
advayam without any rivalSB 2.6.40-41
advayam without a secondSB 3.27.11
advayam nondifferentSB 5.20.33
advayam without dualitySB 8.12.8
advayam without a secondSB 10.13.61
advayam one without a secondSB 10.14.18
advayam nondualSB 10.51.56
advayam nondualCC Adi 2.11
advayam nondualCC Adi 2.63
advayam nondualCC Madhya 20.158
advayam nondualCC Madhya 24.74
advayam nondualCC Madhya 24.81
jñānam advayam identical knowledgeCC Madhya 25.132
svayam āgatām who has personally arrivedSB 9.14.23
aguṇa-āśrayam the reservoir of all transcendental qualitiesSB 8.8.23
nārāyaṇa-āhvayam named NārāyaṇaSB 6.1.28-29
gaja-āhvayam to Gajāhvaya (Hastināpura, the capital of the Kuru dynasty)SB 10.48.32
gaja-āhvayam to HastināpuraSB 10.75.39
aklinna-hṛdayam hard heartedSB 6.18.24
akṣa-viṣayam now a subject matter for seeingSB 3.15.38
akṣa-hṛdayam the secrets of the art of gamblingSB 9.9.16-17
akṣayam unlimitedBG 5.21
akṣayam everlastingSB 7.15.5
akutaḥ-bhayam the life of fearlessnessSB 1.12.28
akutaḥ-bhayam free from all doubts and fearSB 2.1.11
akutaḥ-bhayam fearing no oneSB 3.17.22
akutaḥ-bhayam fearlesslySB 3.19.2
akutaḥ-bhayam without fearSB 3.25.43
akutaḥ-bhayam giving relief from all fearSB 3.31.12
akutaḥ-bhayam which is free from all kinds of fearful dangerSB 5.6.9
akutaḥ-bhayam the shelter of fearlessnessSB 5.18.14
akutaḥ-bhayam fearlessnessSB 5.24.25
akutaḥ-bhayam where there is no fear anywhere or at any timeSB 7.10.47
akutaḥ-bhayam completely free of fearSB 8.22.10
akutaḥ-bhayam which drive away all fearSB 10.17.24
akutaḥ-bhayam complete freedom from fearSB 10.70.35
akutaḥ-bhayam without fear for any reasonSB 11.7.25
akutaḥ-bhayam free from fearSB 12.11.19
akutaścit-bhayam fearlessnessSB 11.2.33
akutobhayam without fearSB 10.6.18
duḥkha-ālayam place of miseriesBG 8.15
ālayam until liberation, or even in a liberated conditionSB 1.1.3
kṛta-ālayam abidingSB 3.29.27
kṛta-ālayam residingSB 3.32.11
guhyaka-ālayam to the abode of the Guhyakas (Kailāsa)SB 4.5.26
puṇya-jana-ālayam to the city of the YakṣasSB 4.10.4
guṇa-ālayam the reservoir of all transcendental qualitiesSB 4.20.27
sva-ālayam to his own abodeSB 8.12.41
sutala-ālayam to the place known as SutalaSB 8.23.9
guṇa-ālayam the reservoir of all good qualitiesSB 9.2.31
ālayam to the residenceSB 9.6.18
nanda-ālayam to the house of Mahārāja NandaSB 10.5.11
ālayam the residenceSB 10.17.1
ālayam residenceSB 10.36.40
ālayam whose residenceSB 10.45.42-44
ālayam the residenceSB 10.52.4
ambikā-ālayam to the temple of Goddess AmbikāSB 10.53.39
ālayam the place of residenceSB 10.60.42
alayam the abodeSB 10.71.26
ālayam the residenceSB 10.79.11-15
ālayam residenceSB 10.81.13
ālayam the residenceSB 11.31.23
rasam ālayam the reservoir of all mellowsCC Madhya 25.151
ālayam to the residenceMM 20
āmayam diseaseSB 1.5.33
āmayam diseaseSB 4.11.31
āmayam the diseaseSB 10.74.53
ambhaḥ rasa-mayam water with tasteSB 3.5.35
ambikā-ālayam to the temple of Goddess AmbikāSB 10.53.39
anāmayam without miseriesBG 2.51
anāmayam without any sinful reactionBG 14.6
anāmayam health is all rightSB 1.14.39
anāmayam quite hale and heartySB 1.16.19
anāmayam healthSB 6.14.17
anāmayam all-auspicious inquiriesSB 10.5.22
anāmayam the well-beingSB 10.29.18
anāmayam about healthSB 10.65.4-6
anāmayam and healthSB 10.68.20
anāmayam healthSB 10.82.40
ananta-vijayam the conch named Ananta-vijayaBG 1.16-18
ananvayam disruptionSB 1.18.44
anayam injusticeSB 10.22.14
ańghrim abhayam safe lotus feetSB 3.9.6
anguṣṭha-trayam a length of three fingersCC Antya 1.161
antaḥ-hṛdayam in the core of the heartSB 5.25.8
antaḥ-hṛdayam within the core of the heartSB 9.11.6
anuśayam designationSB 4.23.18
anuśayam the resultant contaminationSB 11.14.25
a-punaḥ-anvayam from which one does not returnSB 6.14.58
anvayam the dynastySB 9.17.1-3
anvayam and his familySB 10.86.40
apacayam diminutionSB 4.11.21
āpaḥ-mayam Varuṇa, the lord of waterSB 5.20.22
apāśrayam under full controlSB 1.7.4
mat-apāśrayam within MeSB 11.25.29
vayam api we alsoCC Madhya 8.224
vayam api we alsoCC Madhya 9.123
aprati-bhayam without fear of othersSB 10.16.9
apūjayam I worshipedSB 11.2.8
apyayam vanquishedSB 3.5.13
apyayam disappearanceSB 7.13.6
apyayam and again merged with the unmanifested ('for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return')SB 10.10.12
apyayam and annihilationSB 11.18.45
apyayam and annihilationSB 12.12.4
arājaka-bhayam due to fear of the danger of an unregulated governmentSB 9.13.12
arthaḥ ayam this is the meaningCC Madhya 25.143-144
asaṃśayam undoubtedlyBG 6.35
asaṃśayam without doubtBG 7.1
asaṃśayam without any doubt (because it was spoken by the Supreme Lord)SB 8.24.56
asat-aviṣayam not understood by the atheistsSB 8.12.47
jala-āśayam reservoir of waterSB 1.18.24-25
vidūṣita-āśayam polluted aim of lifeSB 2.2.37
āśayam containingSB 3.23.25
āśayam dwellingSB 3.24.39
guhā-āśayam the Lord dwelling in the heartSB 3.28.19
jala-āśayam lakesSB 4.6.29
bhūta-indriya-āśayam resting place of the senses and the objects of the sensesSB 4.8.77
āśayam desireSB 4.22.39
āśayam taken shelter ofSB 4.24.20
karma-āśayam the desire for fruitive activitiesSB 5.5.14
yathā-āśayam according to the desireSB 6.4.34
kāma-āśayam full of lusty desiresSB 7.11.33-34
jala-āśayam to the lakesideSB 9.18.5
guha-āśayam who exists in everyone's heartSB 9.18.50
āśayam all tracesSB 10.46.32-33
āśayam a reservoirSB 10.73.11
yathā-āśayam according to the particular locationsSB 10.85.25
āśayam the subtle covering of contaminated consciousness, the lińga-śarīraSB 11.3.39
āśayam the subtle body (filled with designations created by the three modes of material nature)SB 11.12.24
āśayam to a reservoirSB 11.18.19
aśubha-āśayam the dirty mindSB 12.3.47
kāma-āśayam all lusty desiresSB 12.6.6
jala-āśayam having reservoirs of waterSB 12.8.18-20
ātma-indriya-āśayam his body, senses and mindSB 12.10.4
karkaśa-āśayam whose heart was hardCC Madhya 6.1
āścarya-mayam wonderfulBG 11.10-11
sarva-āścarya-mayam wonderful in every respectSB 8.10.16-18
aśmasāra-mayam made of steelSB 8.11.30
para-āśrayam shelter for othersSB 1.4.12
kathā-āśrayam related with His topicsSB 1.16.5
āśrayam under the shelter ofSB 2.1.21
ubhaya-āśrayam dependent on both the demigod and the handSB 2.10.24
ubhaya-āśrayam shelter for bothSB 2.10.26
āśrayam shelterSB 2.10.28
mat-āśrayam concerning MyselfSB 3.4.30
āśrayam and ultimate restSB 3.7.28
mat-āśrayam under My protectionSB 3.27.28-29
āśrayam dwellingSB 3.28.30
mukta-āśrayam situated in liberationSB 3.28.35
rūpa-āśrayam very beautifulSB 4.15.17
kathā-āśrayam connected with the narrationSB 4.17.6-7
vṛddha-āśrayam one who takes shelter of the learnedSB 4.21.44
āśrayam depending onSB 4.29.67
tat-āśrayam placed near thatSB 5.18.38
guṇa-aśrayam material religion, under the modes of material natureSB 6.2.24-25
āśrayam shelterSB 7.1.11
āśrayam which was supportedSB 7.5.3
aguṇa-āśrayam the reservoir of all transcendental qualitiesSB 8.8.23
yat-āśrayam under whose controlSB 10.8.41
sva-āśrayam self-containedSB 10.37.23
āśrayam who is shelteredSB 10.47.1-2
upaśama-āśrayam fixed in detachment from material affairsSB 11.3.21
āśrayam the basisSB 12.4.23
tat-āśrayam which is subsidiary to itSB 12.12.5
āśrayam the shelterCC Madhya 20.97
astra-mayam of weaponsSB 10.55.21
aśubha-āśayam the dirty mindSB 12.3.47
kṛṣṇaḥ asya bhī-bhayam Kṛṣṇa, who is Himself the fearful element of all kinds of fear (when Kṛṣṇa is present, there is no fear)SB 10.13.13
karma-atiśayam excelling in fruitive activitiesSB 4.19.2
sneha-atiśayam very great affectionSB 5.4.18
ativismayam surpassing all wondersSB 3.13.43
ātma-lińga-viparyayam the transformation of their sex into the oppositeSB 9.1.27
svayam ātmā Kṛṣṇa, who is personally the Supreme Soul, the SupersoulSB 10.13.20
ātma-indriya-āśayam his body, senses and mindSB 12.10.4
sva-dhāma-atyayam the destruction of their abodesSB 7.8.15
duḥkha-atyayam diminution of miserable conditionsSB 7.13.30
kāla-atyayam passing the timeSB 9.16.4
avidyā-mayam consisting of the illusory energySB 5.25.8
avinayam rudenessSB 10.67.16
asat-aviṣayam not understood by the atheistsSB 8.12.47
āviṣkṛta-bhuja-yugala-dvayam who manifested Himself with four armsSB 5.3.3
avyayam immutableBG 2.21
avyayam imperishableBG 4.1
avyayam unchangeableBG 4.13
avyayam inexhaustibleBG 7.13
avyayam imperishableBG 7.24
avyayam inexhaustibleBG 7.25
avyayam everlastingBG 9.2
avyayam inexhaustibleBG 9.13
avyayam imperishableBG 9.18
avyayam inexhaustibleBG 11.2
avyayam eternalBG 11.4
avyayam eternalBG 14.5
avyayam eternalBG 15.1
avyayam eternalBG 15.5
avyayam imperishableBG 18.20
avyayam imperishableBG 18.56
avyayam indestructibleSB 1.3.5
avyayam irreproachableSB 1.8.19
avyayam without diminutionSB 7.1.19
avyayam spiritualSB 8.3.19
avyayam who is the supreme eternalSB 8.4.3-4
avyayam never endingSB 8.4.17-24
avyayam the inexhaustibleSB 8.5.21
avyayam without loss of energySB 8.12.9
avyayam the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is inexhaustibleSB 8.16.59
avyayam indestructibleSB 8.24.51
avyayam inexhaustibleSB 10.40.1
avyayam about their well-beingSB 10.49.3
avyayam infallibleSB 10.70.4-5
avyayam welfareSB 10.83.1
avyayam infallibleSB 12.4.15-19
avyayam imperishableBs 5.26
avyayam infallibleMM 27
avyayam the infallibleMM 48
ayaḥ-mayam made of ironSB 11.1.17
yaḥ ayam this systemBG 6.33
janaḥ ayam all the people of the worldSB 6.3.1
janaḥ ayam these people in generalSB 7.9.23
kva ayam what is the value of this bodySB 7.14.13
na ayam nor is HeSB 8.3.22-24
saḥ ayam therefore, this thunderboltSB 8.11.36
dehaḥ ayam this body (now preserved)SB 9.13.8
vadhaḥ ayam the killingSB 10.2.21
kālaḥ ayam here is my death, the supreme timeSB 10.4.3
niṣṭhaḥ ayam something ends thereSB 10.5.30
nītaḥ ayam Kṛṣṇa was taken awaySB 10.11.25
mārgaḥ ayam a broad waySB 10.12.22
dāva-uṣṇa-khara-vātaḥ ayam hot breath coming out exactly like fireSB 10.12.23
saḥ ayam thisSB 10.25.18
saḥ ayam this same personalitySB 11.6.15
saḥ ayam that same (mahat-tattva)SB 11.6.16
arthaḥ ayam this is the meaningCC Madhya 25.143-144
lokaḥ ayam the people of this worldBs 5.61
bala-udayam manifested by the strength ofSB 3.6.35
buddhi-bala-udayam intelligence and bodily strength are presentSB 10.1.48
svayam-bhagavān is the original Personality of GodheadCC Adi 1.42
svayam-bhagavān Himself the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 2.85
svayam-bhagavān-śabdera of the word svayaṃ-bhagavānCC Adi 2.88
svayam-bhagavān Himself the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 2.120
svayam-bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 9.141
svayam bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 9.145
svayam bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 9.147
svayam bhagavān personally the LordCC Madhya 14.220
svayam bhagavān kṛṣṇa Lord Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 15.139
svayam bhagavān the original Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 17.79
svayam bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 20.240
svayam bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 21.92
svayam bhagavān Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 21.97
svayam bhagavān Himself the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 22.7
bhagavān svayam the Supreme Personality of Godhead HimselfCC Madhya 23.67
svayam-bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 24.73
svayam-bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 24.75
svayam bhagavān the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 24.285
svayam-bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 25.52
svayam bhagavān the Personality of Godhead HimselfCC Antya 14.2
svayam-bhagavānera of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 2.83
svayam-bhagavānera of the original Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 4.8
svayam-bhagavattā being Himself the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 2.82
svayam-bhagavattā the quality of being Himself the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 2.83
svayam-bhagavattve in the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 24.84
bhakta-hṛdayam the heart of a devoteeCC Madhya 8.69
bhāvayamānaḥ always thinkingSB 5.7.6
bhayam fearBG 10.4-5
bhayam fearfulnessBG 18.35
bhayam fear itselfSB 1.1.14
akutaḥ-bhayam the life of fearlessnessSB 1.12.28
bhayam fearSB 1.13.18
bhayam dangerSB 1.14.10
bhayam cause of fearSB 1.17.9
mat-bhayam fear meSB 1.17.14
bhayam fearSB 1.17.31
bhayam fearfulnessSB 1.19.14
akutaḥ-bhayam free from all doubts and fearSB 2.1.11
bhayam fearfulnessSB 3.8.20
bhayam fearSB 3.9.6
bhayam-karaḥ horribleSB 3.12.25
bhayam fearfulnessSB 3.15.33
bhayam fearfulnessSB 3.15.48
akutaḥ-bhayam fearing no oneSB 3.17.22
akutaḥ-bhayam fearlesslySB 3.19.2
bhayam fearSB 3.24.40
bhayam fearSB 3.25.41
akutaḥ-bhayam without fearSB 3.25.43
bhayam fearSB 3.26.16
loka-bhayam-karaḥ causing fear throughout the universeSB 3.26.57
bhayam fearSB 3.27.20
bhayam fearSB 3.29.26
bhayam fearSB 3.29.37
akutaḥ-bhayam giving relief from all fearSB 3.31.12
bhayam FearfulnessSB 4.8.4
bhayam dangerSB 4.14.9
bhayam-karān causing panicSB 4.14.37
bhayam fearSB 4.26.24
bhayam fear of deathSB 4.27.18
bhayam FearSB 4.27.23
bhayam fearSB 4.29.51
bhayam fearSB 4.29.75
bhayam fearSB 5.1.17
akutaḥ-bhayam which is free from all kinds of fearful dangerSB 5.6.9
loka-bhayam-kara very fearful to all living entitiesSB 5.8.3
bhayam fearSB 5.8.12
bhayam fearSB 5.9.20
kṣut tṛṭ bhayam hunger, thirst and fearSB 5.10.10
akutaḥ-bhayam the shelter of fearlessnessSB 5.18.14
bhayam fearSB 5.18.20
bhayam fearful conditionsSB 5.22.13
bhayam fearfulnessSB 5.24.11
akutaḥ-bhayam fearlessnessSB 5.24.25
bhayam fearSB 6.8.27-28
loka-bhayam fear created by animals, poison, weapons, water, air, fire and so onSB 6.8.34
bhayam fearSB 6.8.37
akutaḥ-bhayam where there is no fear anywhere or at any timeSB 7.10.47
bhayam fearSB 7.13.33
bhayam fearSB 7.15.22
bhayam fearSB 7.15.43-44
bhayam fear (among them)SB 8.11.28
bhayam fearSB 8.15.23
akutaḥ-bhayam completely free of fearSB 8.22.10
arājaka-bhayam due to fear of the danger of an unregulated governmentSB 9.13.12
bhayam there is a cause of fearSB 10.1.44
bhayam fearSB 10.1.54
bhayam fearSB 10.1.54
bhayam fearSB 10.1.60
bhayam fearSB 10.2.6
bhayam fearfulSB 10.2.41
sarva-graha-bhayam-karaḥ who is fearful to all evil planetsSB 10.6.24
bhayam there was fear of deathSB 10.11.55
kṛṣṇaḥ asya bhī-bhayam Kṛṣṇa, who is Himself the fearful element of all kinds of fear (when Kṛṣṇa is present, there is no fear)SB 10.13.13
aprati-bhayam without fear of othersSB 10.16.9
bhayam fearSB 10.16.61
akutaḥ-bhayam which drive away all fearSB 10.17.24
bhayam fearSB 10.24.13
bhayam fearSB 10.29.15
bhayam her fearSB 10.60.32
bhayam one who has fearSB 10.60.42
bhayam fearSB 10.63.29
bhayam fearSB 10.63.29
akutaḥ-bhayam complete freedom from fearSB 10.70.35
bhayam fearSB 10.77.31
bhayam fearSB 10.87.32
bhayam fearSB 10.87.32
akutaścit-bhayam fearlessnessSB 11.2.33
bhayam fearSB 11.2.37
akutaḥ-bhayam without fear for any reasonSB 11.7.25
bhayam there is fearSB 11.10.30
bhayam there is fearSB 11.10.30
bhayam fearSB 11.10.33
bhayam fearSB 11.26.31
bhayam fearSB 11.28.5
bhayam the fearSB 11.29.49
bhayam fearSB 12.3.30
bhayam fearSB 12.6.71
bhayam fearSB 12.9.17-18
akutaḥ-bhayam free from fearSB 12.11.19
bhayam fearCC Madhya 20.119
bhayam fearCC Madhya 24.137
bhayam fearCC Madhya 25.138
kṛṣṇaḥ asya bhī-bhayam Kṛṣṇa, who is Himself the fearful element of all kinds of fear (when Kṛṣṇa is present, there is no fear)SB 10.13.13
bhinna-hṛdayam whose heart is piercedSB 4.29.54
bhitti-trayam three wallsCC Antya 17.72
svayam-bhūḥ self-born, self-sufficient (appearing only from the breath of Nārāyaṇa and not being learned from anyone else)SB 6.1.40
svayam-bhūḥ self-born BrahmāSB 11.6.32
svayam-bhūḥ without material birth (born directly from the body of Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu)SB 11.13.18
āviṣkṛta-bhuja-yugala-dvayam who manifested Himself with four armsSB 5.3.3
bhūta-indriya-āśayam resting place of the senses and the objects of the sensesSB 4.8.77
bhūta-nilayam the original source of all living entitiesSB 8.1.11
svayam-bhuvam self-bornSB 3.8.15
bhuvana-trayam the three worldsSB 6.9.13-17
bhuvana-trayam the three worldsSB 6.9.44
bhuvana-trayam the three worldsSB 7.1.36
bhuvana-trayam the three worlds (Svarga, Martya and Pātāla)SB 9.14.4
bhuvana-trayam the three worldsSB 10.47.63
bhuvana-trayam rulership over the three worldsSB 11.27.52
bhuvana-trayam the three planetary systemsSB 12.11.5
brahma-mayam made of spiritual knowledgeSB 4.15.16
buddhi-bala-udayam intelligence and bodily strength are presentSB 10.1.48
svayam ca and personallySB 5.19.2
vayam ca and usSB 9.10.28
vayam ca both of usSB 10.5.31
catuṣṭayam the four diplomatic principles (sāma - the process of pacifying, dāna - the process of giving money in charity, bheda - the principle of dividing, and daṇḍa - the principle of punishment)SB 7.5.19
sālokya-ādi-catuṣṭayam the four different types of liberation (sālokya, sārūpya, sāmīpya and sārṣṭi, what to speak of sāyujya)SB 9.4.67
catuṣṭayam having fourSB 10.83.32
catuṣṭayam fourfoldSB 11.19.17
tat catuṣṭayam these four manifestations (of viśva, taijasa, prājña and turīya)SB 12.11.23
catuṣṭayam four kinds ofCC Adi 4.208
catuṣṭayam four special featuresCC Madhya 23.84-85
catuṣṭayam the four kinds ofCC Madhya 24.183
chandaḥ-mayam in the form of the Vedic hymnsSB 4.18.14
chandaḥ-mayam chiefly influenced by the directions in the VedasSB 7.9.21
chandaḥ-mayam consisting of the Vedic metersSB 12.11.11-12
cintāmayam transcendentalSB 2.2.12
dānava-sańkṣayam the total annihilation of the demonsSB 8.11.43
datta-abhayam which assure fearlessnessCC Madhya 24.50
datta-abhayam which assure fearlessnessCC Antya 15.70
dāva-uṣṇa-khara-vātaḥ ayam hot breath coming out exactly like fireSB 10.12.23
sa-dayam mercifullySB 10.29.42
dehaḥ ayam this body (now preserved)SB 9.13.8
deva-mayam in the mode of goodnessSB 2.2.30
sarva-deva-mayam consisting of all the demigodsSB 9.6.35-36
sarva-deva-mayam the heart and soul of all the demigodsSB 9.11.1
sarva-deva-mayam the reservoir of all demigodsSB 9.14.47
sarva-deva-mayam the embodiment of all the demigodsSB 9.15.38
sarva-deva-mayam the all-pervading Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all the demigodsSB 9.16.20
sarva-deva-mayam the reservoir of all the demigodsSB 9.18.48
sarva-deva-mayam who contains within Himself all the demigodsSB 11.5.25
sarva-devatā-mayam consisting of all the demigodsSB 5.23.8
sva-dhāma-atyayam the destruction of their abodesSB 7.8.15
dhārayamāṇaḥ a person employingSB 6.8.36
dhārayamāṇasya having taken into the heartSB 4.8.78
dravya-mayam the owner of all paraphernaliaSB 4.14.21
dravya-mayam requiring much paraphernaliaSB 7.15.48-49
svayam-dṛk self-sufficientSB 4.7.50
svayam-dṛk who is self-illuminatingSB 12.11.24
duḥkha-ālayam place of miseriesBG 8.15
duḥkha-atyayam diminution of miserable conditionsSB 7.13.30
duranvayam difficult to comprehendSB 10.84.14
duratyayam very difficultSB 1.19.2
duratyayam insurmountableSB 4.2.27
duratyayam unsurpassableSB 4.12.8
duratyayam impossible to overcomeSB 4.27.3
duratyayam insurmountableSB 8.24.51
duratyayam very difficult to crossSB 9.8.13
duratyayam very difficult to crossSB 10.1.4
duratyayam insurmountableSB 10.38.7
durjayam and difficult to conquerSB 10.55.14
durjayam difficult to conquerSB 11.23.48
durjayam unconquerableSB 11.29.8
su-durjayam impossible to conquerSB 12.8.7-11
durnayam miscalculationSB 8.9.19
dvāra-trayam the three doorsCC Antya 17.72
dvayam both the weaponsSB 1.7.32
dvayam bothSB 1.15.34
ūru-dvayam the two thighsSB 2.1.27
jānu-dvayam up to the kneesSB 3.28.23
dvayam the pairSB 3.28.25
dvayam twoSB 4.4.20
dvayam bothSB 4.29.34
āviṣkṛta-bhuja-yugala-dvayam who manifested Himself with four armsSB 5.3.3
sapāda-koṭi-dvayam two and a quarter crores (22,500,000)SB 5.21.10
pakṣa-dvayam two fortnightsSB 5.22.5
sapāda-ṛkṣa-dvayam by stellar calculations, two and a quarter constellationsSB 5.22.5
stana-dvayam her two breastsSB 6.14.53
stana-dvayam her two breastsSB 8.8.18
dvayam both of themSB 8.12.8
kara-dvayam palms of the handsSB 10.11.11
dvayam both actions (killing the demon and saving the boys)SB 10.12.28
tīrtha-dvayam these two kinds of holy placesSB 11.6.19
dvayam these two ritualsSB 11.27.14
dvayam dualitySB 11.28.37
tat-dvayam the two of ThemCC Adi 1.5
tat-dvayam the two of ThemCC Adi 4.55
dvitayam consisting of dualitySB 6.15.28
svayam eva personally HimselfSB 2.7.21
svayam eva themselvesSB 5.6.11
svayam eva directly, personallySB 9.24.52
gaja-sāhvayam the city of HastināpuraSB 4.31.30
gaja-āhvayam to Gajāhvaya (Hastināpura, the capital of the Kuru dynasty)SB 10.48.32
gaja-sāhvayam to Hastināpura, the Kuru capitalSB 10.57.8
gaja-āhvayam to HastināpuraSB 10.75.39
gajāhvayam in the capital named Gajāhvaya HastināpuraSB 1.9.48
gajāhvayam to HastināpuraSB 10.68.16
gajāhvayam HastināpuraSB 10.68.41
gajasāhvayam the palace of HastināpuraSB 1.8.45
hṛdayam-gamam very attractiveSB 4.8.57
hṛdayam-gamam the capturer of the heartsSB 10.86.7
hṛdayam-game O most beautiful one, pleasing to the heartSB 9.20.11
nirmala-uḍu-gaṇa-udayam in which all the auspicious stars were visible (in the upper strata of the universe)SB summary
gayam GayaSB 4.13.17
gayam of the name GayaSB 4.24.8
gayam King GayaSB 5.15.9
graha-ṛkṣa-tārā-mayam consisting of all the planets and starsSB 5.23.9
sarva-graha-bhayam-karaḥ who is fearful to all evil planetsSB 10.6.24
guhā-āśayam the Lord dwelling in the heartSB 3.28.19
guhā-śayam present in everyone's heartSB 8.5.26
guha-āśayam who exists in everyone's heartSB 9.18.50
guhā-śayam situated within the heartSB 12.11.26
guhyaka-ālayam to the abode of the Guhyakas (Kailāsa)SB 4.5.26
guṇa-mayam describing all transcendental qualitiesSB 3.9.39
guṇa-mayam the material resultsSB 3.11.15
guṇa-ālayam the reservoir of all transcendental qualitiesSB 4.20.27
guṇa-aśrayam material religion, under the modes of material natureSB 6.2.24-25
guṇa-ālayam the reservoir of all good qualitiesSB 9.2.31
guṇa-mayam composed of the modes of material natureSB 10.29.10-11
guṇa-mayam consisting of the modes of natureSB 11.28.6-7
guṇa-trayam manifesting through the three modes of natureSB 11.28.20
hari-saṃśrayam one who has taken shelter of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 3.22.37
hasta-trayam three cubitsSB 8.24.19
hayam horseSB 4.16.24
hayam horseSB 4.17.4
hayam the horse (stolen by Indra)SB 9.8.8
hayam the horseSB 9.8.9-10
hayam the horseSB 9.8.19
hayam the horseSB 9.8.29
hayam a horseSB 10.56.13
hayam his horseSB 10.56.14
hayam his horseSB 10.57.20
hayam His horseSB 10.69.35
hayamedha of the aśvamedha sacrificeSB 8.18.23
hayamedha-śatasya of one hundred aśvamedha sacrificesSB 9.23.33
hayamedhena by the horse sacrificeSB 6.13.6
hayamedhena by the sacrifice known as aśvamedhaSB 6.13.7
hayamedhena with an aśvamedha sacrificeSB 6.13.18
hema-mayam possessing the luster of goldSB 7.4.4
himālayam towards the Himalaya MountainsSB 1.13.30
himālayam the Himālaya MountainsSB 12.9.30
hiraṇ-mayam made of goldSB 9.2.27
hiraṇmayam golden hueSB 2.10.13
hiraṇmayam known as HiraṇmayaSB 3.26.19
hiraṇmayam goldenSB 4.12.29
hiraṇmayam very brightSB 5.3.3
hiraṇmayam the Lord, whose bodily hue is just like goldSB 5.7.13
hiraṇmayam the original source for the emanation of varieties of material thingsCC Madhya 20.274
hṛdayam heartSB 1.2.2
hṛdayam mindSB 1.4.26
hṛdayam heart and soulSB 1.15.18
hṛdayam intelligenceSB 2.1.34
hṛdayam heartSB 2.3.24
hṛdayam the heartSB 2.6.11
hṛdayam heartSB 2.9.23
hṛdayam the location of the mindSB 2.10.30
hṛdayam heartSB 3.6.24
hṛdayam heartSB 3.21.28
hṛdayam heartSB 3.22.3
hṛdayam a heartSB 3.26.60
hṛdayam His heartSB 3.26.68
hṛdayam His heartSB 3.26.69
hṛdayam His heartSB 3.26.69
hṛdayam the heartSB 3.26.70
hṛdayam-gamam very attractiveSB 4.8.57
yajña-hṛdayam the heart of all sacrificesSB 4.9.24
hṛdayam within the heartSB 4.22.26
hṛdayam the heartSB 4.29.16
bhinna-hṛdayam whose heart is piercedSB 4.29.54
hṛdayam heartSB 5.5.19
antaḥ-hṛdayam in the core of the heartSB 5.25.8
hṛdayam the heartSB 6.2.17
hṛdayam heartSB 6.4.46
aklinna-hṛdayam hard heartedSB 6.18.24
hṛdayam heartSB 6.18.41
hṛdayam the heartSB 7.2.29-31
hṛdayam the mindSB 7.9.48
hṛdayam the core of the heartSB 8.6.16
hṛdayam core of the heartSB 8.7.28
hṛdayam within the core of the heartSB 8.19.9
hṛdayam in the core of the heartSB 8.24.47
hṛdayam in the core of the heartSB 9.4.68
hṛdayam in the core of the heartSB 9.4.68
akṣa-hṛdayam the secrets of the art of gamblingSB 9.9.16-17
tat-hṛdayam the heart of RāvaṇaSB 9.10.23
antaḥ-hṛdayam within the core of the heartSB 9.11.6
hṛdayam the heartSB 9.14.36
hṛdayam-game O most beautiful one, pleasing to the heartSB 9.20.11
hṛdayam their heartsSB 10.59.35
hṛdayam the heartsSB 10.62.14
hṛdayam the heartSB 10.63.35-36
hṛdayam the heartSB 10.65.16
hṛdayam heartSB 10.84.19
hṛdayam-gamam the capturer of the heartsSB 10.86.7
hṛdayam the heartSB 10.87.18
hṛdayam the heartSB 11.2.55
hṛdayam the heart, or confidential purposeSB 11.21.42
hṛdayam heartCC Adi 1.62
hṛdayam the heartCC Adi 1.62
hṛdayam heartCC Adi 8.25
hṛdayam My heartCC Madhya 4.197
bhakta-hṛdayam the heart of a devoteeCC Madhya 8.69
hṛdayam intentionCC Madhya 20.147-148
hṛdayam the heartCC Madhya 24.166
hṛdayam the heartCC Madhya 24.213
hṛdayam the heartCC Madhya 25.128
hṛdayam idam this heartCC Antya 1.171
hṛdayam My heartCC Antya 8.34
hṛt-śayam the lust in our heartsSB 10.31.7
hṛdayam idam this heartCC Antya 1.171
bhūta-indriya-āśayam resting place of the senses and the objects of the sensesSB 4.8.77
ātma-indriya-āśayam his body, senses and mindSB 12.10.4
vayam iva like usSB 10.90.16
layam īyatuḥ became absorbedSB 7.1.20
jagāma vismayam became astonishedSB 10.12.35
jagat-trayam the three worldsSB 6.12.27-29
jagat-trayam the three worldsSB 7.5.49
jagat-trayam the three worldsSB 8.15.33
jagat-trayam the three worldsSB 8.20.20
jala-āśayam reservoir of waterSB 1.18.24-25
jala-āśayam lakesSB 4.6.29
jala-āśayam to the lakesideSB 9.18.5
jala-mayam with water all aroundSB 10.80.37
jala-āśayam having reservoirs of waterSB 12.8.18-20
puṇya-jana-ālayam to the city of the YakṣasSB 4.10.4
janaḥ ayam all the people of the worldSB 6.3.1
janaḥ ayam these people in generalSB 7.9.23
jānu-dvayam up to the kneesSB 3.28.23
jayam all that is meant for conqueringSB 1.2.4
jayam victorySB 3.18.26
jayam JayaSB 4.13.12
ripum-jayam makes one victorious over his enemiesSB 6.13.22-23
jayam victorySB 9.24.67
jīva-mayam full of living entitiesSB 9.9.23-24
jñānam advayam identical knowledgeCC Madhya 25.132
svayam-jyotiḥ self-effulgentSB 3.24.39
svayam-jyotiḥ self-effulgentSB 3.25.17
svayam-jyotiḥ self-effulgentSB 3.26.3
svayam-jyotiḥ self-effulgentSB 7.3.26-27
svayam-jyotiḥ self-illuminatedSB 8.7.29
svayam-jyotiḥ self-manifestedSB 10.14.23
svayam-jyotiḥ self-luminousSB 10.70.4-5
svayam-jyotiḥ self-luminousSB 10.85.24
svayam-jyotiḥ self-luminousSB 11.28.11
svayam-jyotiḥ self-luminousSB 11.28.35
svayam-jyotiḥ self-luminousSB 12.5.8
kāla-atyayam passing the timeSB 9.16.4
kālaḥ ayam here is my death, the supreme timeSB 10.4.3
kāma-āśayam full of lusty desiresSB 7.11.33-34
kāma-āśayam all lusty desiresSB 12.6.6
kāmayamānā like ordinary lustNBS 7
kāmayamānaḥ desiringSB 4.25.12
kāmayamānaiḥ by those who are desiringSB 5.25.14
kāmayamānānām of those passionately longing forSB 3.20.32
loka-bhayam-kara very fearful to all living entitiesSB 5.8.3
kara-dvayam palms of the handsSB 10.11.11
bhayam-karaḥ horribleSB 3.12.25
loka-bhayam-karaḥ causing fear throughout the universeSB 3.26.57
abhayam-karaḥ always killing the causes of fearSB 10.2.16
sarva-graha-bhayam-karaḥ who is fearful to all evil planetsSB 10.6.24
bhayam-karān causing panicSB 4.14.37
karkaśa-āśayam whose heart was hardCC Madhya 6.1
karma-atiśayam excelling in fruitive activitiesSB 4.19.2
karma-āśayam the desire for fruitive activitiesSB 5.5.14
karma-mayam obtainable by the Vedic ritualistic systemSB 5.20.33
karma-mayam producing hundreds and thousands of desires and acting accordinglySB 7.9.21
karma-mayam shaped by fruitive workSB 11.22.37
kṛṣṇa-kathā-udayam that which gives rise to the transcendental narration of Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 1.7.12
kathā-āśrayam related with His topicsSB 1.16.5
kathā-āśrayam connected with the narrationSB 4.17.6-7
dāva-uṣṇa-khara-vātaḥ ayam hot breath coming out exactly like fireSB 10.12.23
sapāda-koṭi-dvayam two and a quarter crores (22,500,000)SB 5.21.10
kṛṣṇa-kathā-udayam that which gives rise to the transcendental narration of Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 1.7.12
kṛṣṇa-vijayam the victory of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.63.53
svayam bhagavān kṛṣṇa Lord Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 15.139
kṛṣṇaḥ asya bhī-bhayam Kṛṣṇa, who is Himself the fearful element of all kinds of fear (when Kṛṣṇa is present, there is no fear)SB 10.13.13
kṛta-ālayam abidingSB 3.29.27
kṛta-ālayam residingSB 3.32.11
kṛta-abhayam which causes fearlessnessSB 7.9.5
kṣayam destructionBG 18.25
yadu-kula-kṣayam annihilation of the Yadu dynastySB 1.13.12
sva-kṣayam his own abodeSB 1.15.49
kṣayam destructionSB 4.7.47
kṣayam diminutionSB 4.12.13
kṣayam diminutionSB 4.12.13
kṣayam abodeSB 4.28.23
kṣayam the planetSB 5.1.21
yama-kṣayam to the place of Yamarāja, the superintendent of deathSB 7.8.5
kṣayam to the abodeSB 10.36.14
kṣayam to destructionSB 10.50.25-28
kṣayam ruiningSB 10.53.57
kṣayam to the abodeSB 10.59.14
yama-kṣayam to the abode of YamarājaSB 10.64.22
kṣayam to destructionSB 11.30.24
kṣayam yāsyanti they will become ruinedSB 12.1.41
kṣayam to destructionSB 12.4.7
kṣayam the eradicationMM 53
kṣut tṛṭ bhayam hunger, thirst and fearSB 5.10.10
yadu-kula-kṣayam annihilation of the Yadu dynastySB 1.13.12
kuvalayam lotus flowerCC Antya 1.169
kuvalayam blue lotus flowersCC Antya 16.74
kva ayam what is the value of this bodySB 7.14.13
layam unto dissolutionSB 3.32.4
layam īyatuḥ became absorbedSB 7.1.20
layam covering over consciousnessSB 11.25.15
līlā-svayam-vara of conjugal pastimesCC Adi 1.57
ātma-lińga-viparyayam the transformation of their sex into the oppositeSB 9.1.27
loka-bhayam-karaḥ causing fear throughout the universeSB 3.26.57
loka-bhayam-kara very fearful to all living entitiesSB 5.8.3
loka-trayam three worldsSB 5.24.24
loka-saṃśayam the doubt of peopleSB 6.3.2
loka-bhayam fear created by animals, poison, weapons, water, air, fire and so onSB 6.8.34
loka-trayam the three worldsSB 8.21.4
lokaḥ ayam the people of this worldBs 5.61
mahā-udayam multigloriesSB 3.16.15
mahā-udayam highly elevatedSB 9.12.2
mahā-udayam from which they achieved the greatest perfectionSB 10.8.46
mahā-udayam the great opulenceSB 10.28.10
mahā-udayam the great celebrationSB 10.75.27
mahā-udayam rising to such an exalted position as the father of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 8.77
mahā-udayam rising to such an exalted position as the father of KṛṣṇaCC Antya 7.34
malayam MalayaSB 10.79.16-17
manaḥ-mayam the mental planeSB 2.2.30
manaḥ-mayam creator of the mindSB 3.1.34
manaḥ-mayam consisting of the mindSB 3.26.25
manaḥ-mayam formed in the mindSB 3.28.30
manaḥ-mayam which is nothing but a mental creation depending chiefly on the mindSB 8.5.28
māyā-manaḥ-mayam it is only imagined to be real by the influence of māyāSB 11.7.7
manaḥ-mayam perceived by the mind, or controlling the mind even of great demigods like Lord ŚivaSB 11.12.17
maṇi-mayam bedecked with jewelsSB 1.15.14
mārgaḥ ayam a broad waySB 10.12.22
mat-bhayam fear meSB 1.17.14
mat-āśrayam concerning MyselfSB 3.4.30
mat-āśrayam under My protectionSB 3.27.28-29
mat-apāśrayam within MeSB 11.25.29
māyā-mayam full of affection for the devoteesSB 5.18.17
māyā-mayam all demonstrated by unlimited potencySB 7.9.36
māyā-mayam magicalSB 10.76.21
māyā-manaḥ-mayam it is only imagined to be real by the influence of māyāSB 11.7.7
māyā-mayam produced by the potency of the Supreme LordSB 11.12.22-23
āścarya-mayam wonderfulBG 11.10-11
tejaḥ-mayam full of effulgenceBG 11.47
vāk-mayam of the voiceBG 17.15
maṇi-mayam bedecked with jewelsSB 1.15.14
manaḥ-mayam the mental planeSB 2.2.30
deva-mayam in the mode of goodnessSB 2.2.30
manaḥ-mayam creator of the mindSB 3.1.34
ambhaḥ rasa-mayam water with tasteSB 3.5.35
guṇa-mayam describing all transcendental qualitiesSB 3.9.39
mayam sum totalSB 3.10.17
guṇa-mayam the material resultsSB 3.11.15
trayī-mayam Vedas personifiedSB 3.13.41
veda-mayam personified VedasSB 3.13.44
tamaḥ-mayam made of ignoranceSB 3.20.19
mayam madeSB 3.22.31
manaḥ-mayam consisting of the mindSB 3.26.25
manaḥ-mayam formed in the mindSB 3.28.30
mayam pervaded bySB 3.33.2
mayam fully engaged inSB 3.33.29
trayī-mayam the sum total of the three VedasSB 4.14.21
dravya-mayam the owner of all paraphernaliaSB 4.14.21
tapaḥ-mayam the goal of all austeritySB 4.14.21
brahma-mayam made of spiritual knowledgeSB 4.15.16
chandaḥ-mayam in the form of the Vedic hymnsSB 4.18.14
mayam the demon named MayaSB 4.18.20
rasa-mayam in the form of juicesSB 4.18.25
māyā-mayam full of affection for the devoteesSB 5.18.17
trayī-mayam established in the VedasSB 5.20.3-4
veda-mayam fully conversant with the Vedic knowledgeSB 5.20.11
āpaḥ-mayam Varuṇa, the lord of waterSB 5.20.22
karma-mayam obtainable by the Vedic ritualistic systemSB 5.20.33
trayī-mayam consisting of the three Vedas (Sāma, Yajur and ṛg)SB 5.22.3
sarva-devatā-mayam consisting of all the demigodsSB 5.23.8
graha-ṛkṣa-tārā-mayam consisting of all the planets and starsSB 5.23.9
avidyā-mayam consisting of the illusory energySB 5.25.8
sattva-rajaḥ-tamaḥ-mayam made of the three modes of material natureSB 5.25.8
mayam consistingSB 5.26.38
hema-mayam possessing the luster of goldSB 7.4.4
karma-mayam producing hundreds and thousands of desires and acting accordinglySB 7.9.21
chandaḥ-mayam chiefly influenced by the directions in the VedasSB 7.9.21
māyā-mayam all demonstrated by unlimited potencySB 7.9.36
mayam unto Maya DānavaSB 7.10.53
yat-mayam in whom everything is restingSB 7.14.34
dravya-mayam requiring much paraphernaliaSB 7.15.48-49
manaḥ-mayam which is nothing but a mental creation depending chiefly on the mindSB 8.5.28
sarva-āścarya-mayam wonderful in every respectSB 8.10.16-18
aśmasāra-mayam made of steelSB 8.11.30
sāra-mayam greatly powerfulSB 8.11.35
hiraṇ-mayam made of goldSB 9.2.27
sarva-deva-mayam consisting of all the demigodsSB 9.6.35-36
śātakaumbha-mayam made of goldSB 9.7.23
roṣa-mayam manifested in the form of angerSB 9.8.12
jīva-mayam full of living entitiesSB 9.9.23-24
sarva-deva-mayam the heart and soul of all the demigodsSB 9.11.1
sarva-deva-mayam the reservoir of all demigodsSB 9.14.47
sarva-deva-mayam the embodiment of all the demigodsSB 9.15.38
sarva-deva-mayam the all-pervading Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all the demigodsSB 9.16.20
sarva-deva-mayam the reservoir of all the demigodsSB 9.18.48
sarva-veda-mayam the ultimate object of all Vedic knowledgeSB 9.18.48
tat-mayam consisting of Him (Kṛṣṇa), and nothing moreSB 10.2.24
viṣṇu-mayam expansions of Vāsudeva, ViṣṇuSB 10.13.19
uda-mayam consisting of waterSB 10.20.5
śilā-mayam full of hailstonesSB 10.25.15
tapaḥ-mayam full of knowledgeSB 10.27.4
guṇa-mayam composed of the modes of material natureSB 10.29.10-11
astra-mayam of weaponsSB 10.55.21
mayam the demon MayaSB 10.71.44-45
mayam madeSB 10.76.7
māyā-mayam magicalSB 10.76.21
mayam full ofSB 10.79.2
jala-mayam with water all aroundSB 10.80.37
mayam consisting ofSB 10.80.45
yat-mayam from whose substanceSB 10.87.30
ayaḥ-mayam made of ironSB 11.1.17
mayam absorbedSB 11.3.54
sarva-deva-mayam who contains within Himself all the demigodsSB 11.5.25
māyā-manaḥ-mayam it is only imagined to be real by the influence of māyāSB 11.7.7
manaḥ-mayam perceived by the mind, or controlling the mind even of great demigods like Lord ŚivaSB 11.12.17
māyā-mayam produced by the potency of the Supreme LordSB 11.12.22-23
yoga-mayam fully cultivated in yoga scienceSB 11.15.29
tapaḥ-mayam the goal of all penanceSB 11.18.9
mayam manifesting on the different levelsSB 11.21.36
karma-mayam shaped by fruitive workSB 11.22.37
guṇa-mayam consisting of the modes of natureSB 11.28.6-7
mayam composed ofSB 12.2.43
trayī-mayam represented by the three VedasSB 12.10.24
chandaḥ-mayam consisting of the Vedic metersSB 12.11.11-12
tamaḥ-mayam composed of the mode of ignoranceSB 12.11.14-15
yat-mayam consisting of whichCC Madhya 19.143
mayam comprisingBs 5.15
mayam comprisingBs 5.26
upasṛta-mṛgī-tanayam to whom the son of the deer was so submissiveSB 5.8.25
mṛkaṇḍu-tanayam the son of MṛkaṇḍuSB 12.8.2-5
muhūrta-trayam for three minutesSB 5.8.1
mukta-āśrayam situated in liberationSB 3.28.35
na ayam nor is HeSB 8.3.22-24
nābhāga-tanayam to the son of Mahārāja NābhāgaSB 9.4.71
yat-nābhi-pańkeruha-sambhavaḥ svayam Lord Brahmā, who personally appeared from the lotus in the navel of whom (the Personality of Godhead)SB 8.21.2-3
nanda-ālayam to the house of Mahārāja NandaSB 10.5.11
nārāyaṇa-āhvayam named NārāyaṇaSB 6.1.28-29
netra-trayam three eyesSB 8.7.30
nilayam the abodeSB 2.7.34-35
vaikuṇṭha-nilayam the abode named VaikuṇṭhaSB 3.15.13
nilayam the abodeSB 4.6.8
nilayam rest or living placeSB 5.20.8
bhūta-nilayam the original source of all living entitiesSB 8.1.11
nilayam not visibleSB 8.15.30
nilayam to the residenceSB 8.19.7
nilayam the home (Mathurā)SB 10.49.7
nirāmayam prophylacticMM 37
niratiśayam unlimitedSB 5.16.25
nirayam to hellSB 5.26.29
nirayam the hellish planetSB 8.21.32
nirayam in hellish lifeSB 8.21.34
nirayam hellSB 10.64.36
nirayam to hellSB 11.25.22
nirbhayam fearlessnessSB 10.3.27
nirmala-uḍu-gaṇa-udayam in which all the auspicious stars were visible (in the upper strata of the universe)SB summary
nirviṣayam without being contaminated by sense objectsSB 2.1.19
nirviṣayam detached from sense objectsSB 3.28.35
niścayam certaintyBG 18.04
tattva-niścayam that which verifies the truthSB 2.4.1
niṣṭhaḥ ayam something ends thereSB 10.5.30
nītaḥ ayam Kṛṣṇa was taken awaySB 10.11.25
pada-trayam three steps onlySB 1.3.19
pada-trayam three paces of landSB 8.13.13
pada-trayam three stepsSB 8.15.1-2
pada-trayam three feetSB 8.19.19
pakṣa-dvayam two fortnightsSB 5.22.5
yat-nābhi-pańkeruha-sambhavaḥ svayam Lord Brahmā, who personally appeared from the lotus in the navel of whom (the Personality of Godhead)SB 8.21.2-3
para-āśrayam shelter for othersSB 1.4.12
parājayam the defeatSB 10.37.15-20
prāptaḥ param vismayam had become extremely astonishedSB 10.13.15
phala-viparyayam the opposite of the desired resultSB 6.16.59
svayam-prabham self-illuminatingSB 3.16.27
prabhava-udayam causing to be strongly arousedSB 8.12.16
svayam-prakāśa the personal manifestationCC Madhya 20.166
pralayam dissolutionBG 14.14
pralayam dissolutionBG 14.15
prāptaḥ param vismayam had become extremely astonishedSB 10.13.15
praśrayam PraśrayaSB 4.1.49-52
sa-praśrayam very humbly in a gentle voiceSB 6.9.2
praśrayam reverenceSB 11.3.23
saṃśayam pratyapadyata she was amazedSB 3.23.35
a-punaḥ-anvayam from which one does not returnSB 6.14.58
puṇya-jana-ālayam to the city of the YakṣasSB 4.10.4
sattva-rajaḥ-tamaḥ-mayam made of the three modes of material natureSB 5.25.8
ambhaḥ rasa-mayam water with tasteSB 3.5.35
rasa-mayam in the form of juicesSB 4.18.25
rasam ālayam the reservoir of all mellowsCC Madhya 25.151
ripum-jayam makes one victorious over his enemiesSB 6.13.22-23
sapāda-ṛkṣa-dvayam by stellar calculations, two and a quarter constellationsSB 5.22.5
graha-ṛkṣa-tārā-mayam consisting of all the planets and starsSB 5.23.9
roṣa-mayam manifested in the form of angerSB 9.8.12
rūpa-āśrayam very beautifulSB 4.15.17
svayam-rūpa His own original form (two-handed Kṛṣṇa)CC Adi 1.81
svayam-rūpa the original formCC Madhya 20.165
svayam-rūpa the original form of the LordCC Madhya 20.166
svayam-rūpe in the original formCC Madhya 20.166
svayam-rūpera of the original formCC Madhya 20.177
sa-praśrayam very humbly in a gentle voiceSB 6.9.2
sa-dayam mercifullySB 10.29.42
svayam-bhagavān-śabdera of the word svayaṃ-bhagavānCC Adi 2.88
sadayam kindlySB 5.3.16
saḥ svayam himselfSB 5.20.31
saḥ ayam therefore, this thunderboltSB 8.11.36
saḥ ayam thisSB 10.25.18
saḥ ayam this same personalitySB 11.6.15
saḥ ayam that same (mahat-tattva)SB 11.6.16
gaja-sāhvayam the city of HastināpuraSB 4.31.30
gaja-sāhvayam to Hastināpura, the Kuru capitalSB 10.57.8
śakti-trayam the effect of the three modes of material natureSB 6.1.51
sālokya-ādi-catuṣṭayam the four different types of liberation (sālokya, sārūpya, sāmīpya and sārṣṭi, what to speak of sāyujya)SB 9.4.67
samayam accepting one anotherSB 4.25.43
samayam equilibriumSB 8.9.22
samayam the conditionSB 10.58.45
yat-nābhi-pańkeruha-sambhavaḥ svayam Lord Brahmā, who personally appeared from the lotus in the navel of whom (the Personality of Godhead)SB 8.21.2-3
saṃśayam doubtsBG 4.41
saṃśayam doubtBG 4.42
saṃśayam doubtBG 6.39
saṃśayam pratyapadyata she was amazedSB 3.23.35
loka-saṃśayam the doubt of peopleSB 6.3.2
saṃśayam doubtSB 7.6.29-30
śaṃśayam doubtSB 10.33.28
saṃśayam doubtSB 11.22.27
saṃśrayam friction with one anotherSB 3.1.21
hari-saṃśrayam one who has taken shelter of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 3.22.37
sandhārayamāṇaḥ manifesting this formSB 5.20.40
sañjayam unto SañjayaSB 1.13.32
yāti sańkṣayam are destroyedSB 3.31.33
sańkṣayam which dissipatesSB 4.30.27
sańkṣayam to complete destructionSB 6.8.27-28
dānava-sańkṣayam the total annihilation of the demonsSB 8.11.43
sańkṣayam to destructionSB 10.25.6
sańkṣayam complete destructionCC Madhya 22.88-90
sapāda-koṭi-dvayam two and a quarter crores (22,500,000)SB 5.21.10
sapāda-ṛkṣa-dvayam by stellar calculations, two and a quarter constellationsSB 5.22.5
sāra-mayam greatly powerfulSB 8.11.35
sarva-devatā-mayam consisting of all the demigodsSB 5.23.8
sarva-āścarya-mayam wonderful in every respectSB 8.10.16-18
sarva-deva-mayam consisting of all the demigodsSB 9.6.35-36
sarva-deva-mayam the heart and soul of all the demigodsSB 9.11.1
sarva-deva-mayam the reservoir of all demigodsSB 9.14.47
sarva-deva-mayam the embodiment of all the demigodsSB 9.15.38
sarva-deva-mayam the all-pervading Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all the demigodsSB 9.16.20
sarva-deva-mayam the reservoir of all the demigodsSB 9.18.48
sarva-veda-mayam the ultimate object of all Vedic knowledgeSB 9.18.48
sarva-graha-bhayam-karaḥ who is fearful to all evil planetsSB 10.6.24
sarva-deva-mayam who contains within Himself all the demigodsSB 11.5.25
sarve vayam all of usBG 2.12
sat-vyayam proper utilizationSB 3.2.32
śata-trayam three hundredSB 12.1.6-8
śātakaumbha-mayam made of goldSB 9.7.23
hayamedha-śatasya of one hundred aśvamedha sacrificesSB 9.23.33
sattva-rajaḥ-tamaḥ-mayam made of the three modes of material natureSB 5.25.8
śayam being drownedSB 2.5.34
guhā-śayam present in everyone's heartSB 8.5.26
sthaṇḍile-śayam lying down on a grass mattress, or kuśāsanaSB 9.10.34
hṛt-śayam the lust in our heartsSB 10.31.7
guhā-śayam situated within the heartSB 12.11.26
śilā-mayam full of hailstonesSB 10.25.15
smara-udayam which gives rise to the influence of CupidSB 10.21.3
smayam SmayaSB 4.1.49-52
smayam very proudSB 4.4.10
smayamānā smilingSB 3.23.49
smayamānā smiling (because she was chaste)SB 9.3.22
smayamāna smilingSB 10.32.2
smayamānā smilingSB 10.62.18-19
smayamāna smilingCC Adi 5.214
smayamāna smilingCC Madhya 8.81
smayamāna smilingCC Madhya 8.140
smayamānaḥ smilingSB 4.22.17
smayamānaḥ slightly smilingSB 5.10.8
smayamānaḥ smilingSB 7.7.1
smayamānaḥ smilingSB 7.10.1
smayamānaḥ smilingSB 7.13.20
smayamānaḥ smilingSB 8.7.4
smayamānaḥ smilingSB 8.11.17
smayamānaḥ smilingSB 10.57.35-36
smayamānaḥ smilingSB 10.81.1-2
smayamānam the Lord's smilingSB 4.8.51
smayamānān who are laughingSB 11.29.16
sneha-atiśayam very great affectionSB 5.4.18
sṛñjayam SṛñjayaSB 9.24.27
stana-dvayam her two breastsSB 6.14.53
stana-dvayam her two breastsSB 8.8.18
sthaṇḍile-śayam lying down on a grass mattress, or kuśāsanaSB 9.10.34
su-durjayam impossible to conquerSB 12.8.7-11
sudurjayam insurmountableSB 3.24.38
sudurjayam which is very, very difficult to overcomeSB 4.9.52
sudurjayam very difficult to achieveSB 4.12.25
sutala-ālayam to the place known as SutalaSB 8.23.9
sva-kṣayam his own abodeSB 1.15.49
sva-tanayam of your own sonSB 4.8.68
sva-viṣayam his own kingdomSB 5.26.6
sva-dhāma-atyayam the destruction of their abodesSB 7.8.15
sva-ālayam to his own abodeSB 8.12.41
sva-āśrayam self-containedSB 10.37.23
svayam himselfBG 4.38
svayam personallyBG 10.12-13
svayam personallyBG 10.15
svayam personallyBG 18.75
svayam personallySB 1.1.14
svayam in personSB 1.3.28
svayam personallySB 1.5.20
svayam himselfSB 1.7.3
svayam HimselfSB 1.11.23
svayam personallySB 1.13.10
svayam in its own waySB 1.13.13
svayam personallySB 1.14.27
svayam personallySB 1.18.49
svayam personallySB 1.19.8
svayam yourselfSB 2.5.5
svayam eva personally HimselfSB 2.7.21
svayam personally HimselfSB 2.10.25
svayam he himselfSB 3.1.16
svayam HimselfSB 3.2.16
svayam HimselfSB 3.2.21
svayam personallySB 3.3.10
svayam themselvesSB 3.3.15
svayam himselfSB 3.3.23
svayam personallySB 3.6.39
svayam in personSB 3.8.15
svayam-bhuvam self-bornSB 3.8.15
svayam automaticallySB 3.8.22
svayam personality (as Viṣṇu)SB 3.9.16
svayam personallySB 3.12.25
svayam his own selfSB 3.13.13
svayam personallySB 3.13.28
svayam personallySB 3.13.30
svayam personallySB 3.13.49
svayam personallySB 3.14.27
svayam-prabham self-illuminatingSB 3.16.27
svayam automaticallySB 3.18.5
svayam of his own accordSB 3.18.28
svayam himselfSB 3.20.16
svayam YourselfSB 3.21.19
svayam personallySB 3.22.5
svayam personallySB 3.23.22
svayam-jyotiḥ self-effulgentSB 3.24.39
svayam HimselfSB 3.25.1
svayam-jyotiḥ self-effulgentSB 3.25.17
svayam-jyotiḥ self-effulgentSB 3.26.3
svayam himselfSB 3.30.10
svayam by himselfSB 3.30.14
svayam himselfSB 3.33.2
svayam YourselfSB 4.7.34
svayam personifiedSB 4.7.45
svayam-dṛk self-sufficientSB 4.7.50
svayam automaticallySB 4.9.47
svayam personallySB 4.16.23
svayam personallySB 4.18.5
svayam selfSB 4.20.7
svayam personallySB 4.20.31
svayam personallySB 4.21.37
svayam personallySB 4.21.40
svayam personallySB 4.22.62
svayam HimselfSB 4.29.50
svayam personallySB 4.29.60
svayam personallySB 5.1.22
svayam himselfSB 5.1.38
svayam by YourselfSB 5.3.9
svayam personallySB 5.3.9
svayam personallySB 5.4.14
svayam personallySB 5.5.16
svayam personallySB 5.5.17
svayam personallySB 5.5.28
svayam personallySB 5.5.28
svayam eva themselvesSB 5.6.11
svayam itselfSB 5.6.17
svayam personallySB 5.7.8
svayam himselfSB 5.9.6
svayam he himselfSB 5.9.6
svayam personallySB 5.9.7
svayam automaticallySB 5.11.3
svayam personalSB 5.11.13-14
svayam personallySB 5.11.17
svayam himselfSB 5.14.10
svayam he himselfSB 5.14.12
svayam his own lifeSB 5.14.40
svayam personallySB 5.15.4
svayam personallySB 5.15.7
svayam personallySB 5.15.13
svayam self-sufficientSB 5.18.20
svayam ca and personallySB 5.19.2
svayam personallySB 5.19.21
svayam personallySB 5.19.26
svayam personallySB 5.19.27
svayam personallySB 5.20.2
svayam himselfSB 5.20.14
svayam himselfSB 5.20.20
svayam himselfSB 5.20.25
saḥ svayam himselfSB 5.20.31
svayam personallySB 5.24.1
svayam personallySB 5.24.24
svayam personallySB 5.24.27
svayam personallySB 5.26.10
svayam himselfSB 5.26.17
svayam he himselfSB 5.26.18
svayam himselfSB 5.26.30
svayam-bhūḥ self-born, self-sufficient (appearing only from the breath of Nārāyaṇa and not being learned from anyone else)SB 6.1.40
svayam personallySB 6.1.42
svayam he, the living entity himselfSB 6.1.50
svayam personallySB 6.2.5-6
svayam itselfSB 6.5.6-8
svayam themselvesSB 6.5.10
svayam himselfSB 6.5.41
svayam himselfSB 6.5.44
svayam personallySB 6.7.10
svayam personallySB 6.7.29-30
svayam HimselfSB 6.8.32-33
svayam personallySB 6.9.33
svayam YourselfSB 6.9.43
svayam personallySB 6.9.50
svayam HimselfSB 6.12.12
svayam independently (without asking permission from Indra)SB 6.13.2
svayam personallySB 6.14.55
svayam himselfSB 6.17.13
svayam himselfSB 6.19.17
svayam HimselfSB 7.1.1
svayam personallySB 7.2.36
svayam themselvesSB 7.2.37
svayam yourselfSB 7.3.12
svayam-jyotiḥ self-effulgentSB 7.3.26-27
svayam itselfSB 7.5.14
svayam personallySB 7.6.20-23
svayam personallySB 7.10.62
svayam personallySB 7.11.26-27
svayam itselfSB 7.11.33-34
svayam personallySB 7.12.20
svayam personallySB 7.14.3-4
svayam HimselfSB 7.15.57
svayam personallySB 8.1.13
svayam is HimselfSB 8.3.3
svayam personallySB 8.3.16
svayam personallySB 8.5.4
svayam personallySB 8.5.17-18
svayam personallySB 8.5.46
svayam personallySB 8.7.16
svayam-jyotiḥ self-illuminatedSB 8.7.29
svayam personallySB 8.16.41
svayam personallySB 8.20.18
yat-nābhi-pańkeruha-sambhavaḥ svayam Lord Brahmā, who personally appeared from the lotus in the navel of whom (the Personality of Godhead)SB 8.21.2-3
svayam personallySB 8.24.49
svayam personallySB 9.2.21
svayam personallySB 9.6.27
svayam personallySB 9.10.39-40
svayam personallySB 9.10.54
svayam personallySB 9.11.24
svayam āgatām who has personally arrivedSB 9.14.23
svayam personallySB 9.15.9
svayam personallySB 9.16.16
svayam personallySB 9.20.15
svayam personallySB 9.24.26
svayam eva directly, personallySB 9.24.52
svayam personallySB 10.1.69
svayam personally deliberatingSB 10.2.23
svayam personallySB 10.2.31
svayam automaticallySB 10.3.47
svayam by itselfSB 10.7.8
svayam personallySB 10.9.1-2
svayam personallySB 10.12.12
svayam ātmā Kṛṣṇa, who is personally the Supreme Soul, the SupersoulSB 10.13.20
svayam himselfSB 10.13.44
svayam-jyotiḥ self-manifestedSB 10.14.23
svayam personallySB 10.15.14
svayam on our ownSB 10.16.58
svayam himselfSB 10.17.4
svayam ThemselvesSB 10.18.13
svayam independentlySB 10.21.9
svayam themselvesSB 10.22.37
svayam HimselfSB 10.23.36
svayam HimselfSB 10.28.12
svayam personallySB 10.33.23
svayam himself (Akrūra)SB 10.39.9
svayam HimselfSB 10.44.37
svayam himselfSB 10.49.3
svayam for himselfSB 10.49.24
svayam himselfSB 10.49.31
svayam-vare by her own choiceSB 10.52.16-17
svayam personallySB 10.56.1
svayam himselfSB 10.56.43
svayam-vare during her ceremony to choose a husbandSB 10.58.57
svayam themselvesSB 10.68.38
svayam-jyotiḥ self-luminousSB 10.70.4-5
svayam HimselfSB 10.70.13
svayam HimselfSB 10.71.40
svayam himselfSB 10.72.20
svayam himselfSB 10.72.33
svayam HimselfSB 10.74.43
svayam HimselfSB 10.80.20-22
svayam HimselfSB 10.81.8
svayam on his own initiativeSB 10.81.14
svayam himselfSB 10.81.28
svayam HimselfSB 10.81.34
svayam HimselfSB 10.81.37
svayam themselvesSB 10.82.11
svayam in personSB 10.82.29-30
svayam HimselfSB 10.83.6-7
svayam of his own accordSB 10.83.15-16
svayam-vare in (your) svayaṃ-vara ceremonySB 10.83.19
svayam-jyotiḥ self-luminousSB 10.85.24
svayam himselfSB 11.3.45
svayam-bhūḥ self-born BrahmāSB 11.6.32
svayam herselfSB 11.7.66
svayam himselfSB 11.7.71
svayam herselfSB 11.9.5
svayam itselfSB 11.10.13
svayam-bhūḥ without material birth (born directly from the body of Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu)SB 11.13.18
svayam MyselfSB 11.15.36
svayam by itselfSB 11.17.25
svayam himselfSB 11.18.6
svayam HimselfSB 11.21.38-40
svayam-jyotiḥ self-luminousSB 11.28.11
svayam established in HimselfSB 11.28.22
svayam-jyotiḥ self-luminousSB 11.28.35
svayam YourselfSB 11.29.4
svayam himselfSB 12.1.18
svayam oneselfSB 12.5.4
svayam-jyotiḥ self-luminousSB 12.5.8
svayam yourselfSB 12.6.69
svayam automaticallySB 12.7.21
svayam himselfSB 12.9.17-18
svayam HimselfSB 12.10.20-21
svayam HimselfSB 12.11.21
svayam-dṛk who is self-illuminatingSB 12.11.24
svayam HimselfCC Adi 1.3
svayam-bhagavān is the original Personality of GodheadCC Adi 1.42
svayam HimselfCC Adi 1.50
līlā-svayam-vara of conjugal pastimesCC Adi 1.57
svayam themselvesCC Adi 1.63
svayam HimselfCC Adi 1.79-80
svayam-rūpa His own original form (two-handed Kṛṣṇa)CC Adi 1.81
svayam HimselfCC Adi 2.5
svayam HimselfCC Adi 2.8
svayam HimselfCC Adi 2.10
svayam HimselfCC Adi 2.67
svayam HimselfCC Adi 2.70
svayam HimselfCC Adi 2.71
svayam-bhagavattā being Himself the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 2.82
svayam-bhagavattā the quality of being Himself the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 2.83
svayam-bhagavānera of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 2.83
svayam-bhagavān Himself the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 2.85
svayam-bhagavān-śabdera of the word svayaṃ-bhagavānCC Adi 2.88
svayam HimselfCC Adi 2.99
svayam HimselfCC Adi 2.106
svayam-bhagavān Himself the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 2.120
svayam-bhagavānera of the original Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 4.8
svayam personallyCC Adi 5.4
svayam HimselfCC Adi 5.79
svayam personally Lord KṛṣṇaCC Adi 5.139
svayam personallyCC Adi 5.155
svayam HimselfCC Adi 7.7
svayam HimselfCC Adi 9.6
svayam HimselfCC Adi 9.6
svayam personallyCC Adi 17.314
svayam personallyCC Madhya 2.74
svayam personallyCC Madhya 2.75
svayam personallyCC Madhya 6.140
svayam personallyCC Madhya 6.147
svayam personallyCC Madhya 6.147
svayam personallyCC Madhya 8.134
svayam personallyCC Madhya 8.195
svayam personallyCC Madhya 9.138
svayam-bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 9.141
svayam HimselfCC Madhya 9.143
svayam bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 9.145
svayam bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 9.147
svayam themselvesCC Madhya 10.12
svayam personallyCC Madhya 10.15
svayam bhagavān personally the LordCC Madhya 14.220
svayam bhagavān kṛṣṇa Lord Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 15.139
svayam bhagavān the original Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 17.79
svayam personallyCC Madhya 17.136
svayam personallyCC Madhya 17.216
svayam personallyCC Madhya 20.57
svayam personallyCC Madhya 20.155
svayam HimselfCC Madhya 20.156
svayam-rūpa the original formCC Madhya 20.165
svayam-rūpa the original form of the LordCC Madhya 20.166
svayam-prakāśa the personal manifestationCC Madhya 20.166
svayam-rūpe in the original formCC Madhya 20.166
svayam-rūpera of the original formCC Madhya 20.177
svayam bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 20.240
svayam personally the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 21.33
svayam personallyCC Madhya 21.34
svayam bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 21.92
svayam bhagavān Kṛṣṇa is the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 21.97
svayam personallyCC Madhya 21.107
svayam bhagavān Himself the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 22.7
svayam HimselfCC Madhya 22.40
bhagavān svayam the Supreme Personality of Godhead HimselfCC Madhya 23.67
svayam-bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 24.73
svayam-bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 24.75
svayam-bhagavattve in the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 24.84
svayam HimselfCC Madhya 24.85
svayam HimselfCC Madhya 24.103
svayam HimselfCC Madhya 24.199
svayam bhagavān the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 24.285
svayam-bhagavān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 25.52
svayam HimselfCC Madhya 25.134
svayam personallyCC Antya 2.67
svayam HimselfCC Antya 5.119
svayam HimselfCC Antya 7.23
svayam personallyCC Antya 11.5
svayam bhagavān the Personality of Godhead HimselfCC Antya 14.2
svayam independentlyCC Antya 16.140
svayam HimselfBs 5.12
svayam personallyBs 5.14
svayam HimselfBs 5.20
svayam personallyBs 5.39
svayam myselfMM 40
svayam itselfNBS 30
svayam in its own rightNBS 59
svayambhu SvayambhuCC Madhya 17.191
svayambhūḥ BrahmāSB 3.12.28
svayambhūḥ Brahmā (the self-born)SB 3.24.9
svayambhūḥ Lord BrahmāSB 3.32.9
svayambhūḥ Lord BrahmāSB 4.19.29
svayambhūḥ Lord BrahmāSB 4.30.41
svayambhūḥ Lord BrahmāSB 6.3.20-21
svayambhūḥ Lord BrahmāSB 6.4.48
svayambhūḥ Lord BrahmāSB 6.9.24
svayambhūḥ one who is self-manifested, who takes birth without a motherSB 9.1.9
svayambhūḥ self-sufficientIso 8
svayambhuvā by Lord BrahmāSB 4.17.24
svayambhuvā by Lord BrahmāSB 4.30.47
svayambhuvā by Lord BrahmāSB 6.6.1
svayambhuvaḥ of BrahmāSB 3.12.23
svayambhuvaḥ of BrahmāSB 3.13.2
svayambhuvaḥ of Lord BrahmāSB 7.11.1
svayambhuvaḥ of BrahmāBs 5.27
svayambhuvam unto the supreme self-sufficientSB 8.3.3
svayambhuve unto Lord BrahmāSB 4.6.1-2
svayambhuve unto the Supreme Lord, who is manifest with no causeSB 6.4.23
svayamvare in the ceremony of choosing her own husbandSB 10.58.30
tāla-trayam as long as three palm treesSB 10.46.25
tamaḥ-mayam made of ignoranceSB 3.20.19
sattva-rajaḥ-tamaḥ-mayam made of the three modes of material natureSB 5.25.8
tamaḥ-mayam composed of the mode of ignoranceSB 12.11.14-15
tanayam son or discipleSB 3.1.25
tanayam sonSB 4.8.10
sva-tanayam of your own sonSB 4.8.68
tanayam sonSB 4.9.44
upasṛta-mṛgī-tanayam to whom the son of the deer was so submissiveSB 5.8.25
tanayam unto the sonSB 7.11.1
nābhāga-tanayam to the son of Mahārāja NābhāgaSB 9.4.71
tanayam the sonSB 9.18.42
tanayam sonSB 10.72.46
mṛkaṇḍu-tanayam the son of MṛkaṇḍuSB 12.8.2-5
tanayam the sonMM 7
tapaḥ-mayam the goal of all austeritySB 4.14.21
tapaḥ-mayam full of knowledgeSB 10.27.4
tapaḥ-mayam the goal of all penanceSB 11.18.9
graha-ṛkṣa-tārā-mayam consisting of all the planets and starsSB 5.23.9
tat-āśrayam placed near thatSB 5.18.38
tat-viparyayam just the opposite of our favorSB 8.21.21
tat-hṛdayam the heart of RāvaṇaSB 9.10.23
tat-mayam consisting of Him (Kṛṣṇa), and nothing moreSB 10.2.24
tat catuṣṭayam these four manifestations (of viśva, taijasa, prājña and turīya)SB 12.11.23
tat-āśrayam which is subsidiary to itSB 12.12.5
tat-dvayam the two of ThemCC Adi 1.5
tat-dvayam the two of ThemCC Adi 4.55
tattva-niścayam that which verifies the truthSB 2.4.1
tattva-viṣayam subject matter about the Absolute TruthSB 3.15.24
tejaḥ-mayam full of effulgenceBG 11.47
tīrtha-dvayam these two kinds of holy placesSB 11.6.19
trayam threeBG 11.20
trayam the three divisionsBG 15.17
trayam threeBG 16.21
pada-trayam three steps onlySB 1.3.19
trayam threeSB 4.24.3
trayam threeSB 4.27.13
trayam threeSB 4.29.21
muhūrta-trayam for three minutesSB 5.8.1
loka-trayam three worldsSB 5.24.24
śakti-trayam the effect of the three modes of material natureSB 6.1.51
bhuvana-trayam the three worldsSB 6.9.13-17
bhuvana-trayam the three worldsSB 6.9.44
jagat-trayam the three worldsSB 6.12.27-29
bhuvana-trayam the three worldsSB 7.1.36
jagat-trayam the three worldsSB 7.5.49
netra-trayam three eyesSB 8.7.30
pada-trayam three paces of landSB 8.13.13
pada-trayam three stepsSB 8.15.1-2
jagat-trayam the three worldsSB 8.15.33
pada-trayam three feetSB 8.19.19
jagat-trayam the three worldsSB 8.20.20
loka-trayam the three worldsSB 8.21.4
hasta-trayam three cubitsSB 8.24.19
bhuvana-trayam the three worlds (Svarga, Martya and Pātāla)SB 9.14.4
tāla-trayam as long as three palm treesSB 10.46.25
bhuvana-trayam the three worldsSB 10.47.63
trayam threeSB 10.68.40
bhuvana-trayam rulership over the three worldsSB 11.27.52
guṇa-trayam manifesting through the three modes of natureSB 11.28.20
śata-trayam three hundredSB 12.1.6-8
vṛtti-trayam the functions of material life in the three phases of waking, sleep and deep sleepSB 12.7.21
bhuvana-trayam the three planetary systemsSB 12.11.5
anguṣṭha-trayam a length of three fingersCC Antya 1.161
dvāra-trayam the three doorsCC Antya 17.72
bhitti-trayam three wallsCC Antya 17.72
trayī-mayam Vedas personifiedSB 3.13.41
trayī-mayam the sum total of the three VedasSB 4.14.21
trayī-mayam established in the VedasSB 5.20.3-4
trayī-mayam consisting of the three Vedas (Sāma, Yajur and ṛg)SB 5.22.3
trayī-mayam represented by the three VedasSB 12.10.24
tritayam in three stagesSB 2.10.9
tritayam group of threeSB 11.24.19
kṣut tṛṭ bhayam hunger, thirst and fearSB 5.10.10
vayam tu as far as we are concernedSB 8.7.34
vayam tu we of courseCC Madhya 25.152
ubhaya-āśrayam dependent on both the demigod and the handSB 2.10.24
ubhaya-āśrayam shelter for bothSB 2.10.26
ubhayam bothSB 1.6.17
ubhayam bothSB 1.7.53-54
ubhayam or bothSB 1.13.44
ubhayam bothSB 2.5.33
ubhayam both (the misconceptions of I and mine)SB 2.9.3
ubhayam both of themSB 3.30.30
ubhayam bothSB 4.28.61
ubhayam bothSB 4.29.29
ubhayam bothSB 6.9.36
ubhayam both (the material world of material elements and the living entity)SB 6.16.52
ubhayam both of themSB 6.16.52
ubhayam both types of consciousness (sleep and wakefulness)SB 6.16.56
ubhayam bothSB 7.7.15
ubhayam both of themSB 7.7.47
ubhayam both (manifestation and annihilation)SB 8.3.4
yatra ubhayam if there are both (behavior and auspiciousness)SB 8.8.22
ubhayam bothSB 10.82.46
ubhayam that which is comprised of both (namely, the material bodies)SB 10.87.24
ubhayam both of theseSB 11.13.25
ubhayam both (the mind and sense objects)SB 11.13.26
ubhayam both (obtaining and not obtaining good food)SB 11.18.33
ubhayam both (heaven and hell)SB 11.20.12
ubhayam belonging to both these categoriesSB 11.22.15
ubhayam bothIso 11
ubhayam bothIso 14
ucchrayam in which there is an increaseSB 6.13.22-23
uda-mayam consisting of waterSB 10.20.5
kṛṣṇa-kathā-udayam that which gives rise to the transcendental narration of Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 1.7.12
bala-udayam manifested by the strength ofSB 3.6.35
mahā-udayam multigloriesSB 3.16.15
udayam to the flourishingSB 3.22.39
udayam opulenceSB 4.19.10
udayam producedSB 4.20.29
udayam creationSB 5.18.38
prabhava-udayam causing to be strongly arousedSB 8.12.16
mahā-udayam highly elevatedSB 9.12.2
buddhi-bala-udayam intelligence and bodily strength are presentSB 10.1.48
nirmala-uḍu-gaṇa-udayam in which all the auspicious stars were visible (in the upper strata of the universe)SB summary
mahā-udayam from which they achieved the greatest perfectionSB 10.8.46
udayam brilliancy by bathing Him, dressing Him and decorating Him with ornamentsSB 10.11.20
smara-udayam which gives rise to the influence of CupidSB 10.21.3
mahā-udayam the great opulenceSB 10.28.10
udayam the riseSB 10.31.17
udayam the unfoldingSB 10.69.37
udayam the manifestationSB 10.69.42
udayam the festivenessSB 10.75.1-2
mahā-udayam the great celebrationSB 10.75.27
udayam the increasingSB 11.6.36
udayam one's prosperitySB 11.17.50
udayam which manifestsSB 12.12.49
mahā-udayam rising to such an exalted position as the father of KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 8.77
udayam appearanceCC Antya 1.177
mahā-udayam rising to such an exalted position as the father of KṛṣṇaCC Antya 7.34
nirmala-uḍu-gaṇa-udayam in which all the auspicious stars were visible (in the upper strata of the universe)SB summary
upacayam increaseSB 4.11.21
upaśama-āśrayam fixed in detachment from material affairsSB 11.3.21
upaśrayamāṇasya of one who is approachingSB 11.26.31
upasṛta-mṛgī-tanayam to whom the son of the deer was so submissiveSB 5.8.25
upavyayam causes lossSB 6.7.35
ūru-dvayam the two thighsSB 2.1.27
dāva-uṣṇa-khara-vātaḥ ayam hot breath coming out exactly like fireSB 10.12.23
vadhaḥ ayam the killingSB 10.2.21
vaikuṇṭha-nilayam the abode named VaikuṇṭhaSB 3.15.13
vāk-mayam of the voiceBG 17.15
valayam braceletsSB 3.15.40
līlā-svayam-vara of conjugal pastimesCC Adi 1.57
svayam-vare by her own choiceSB 10.52.16-17
svayam-vare during her ceremony to choose a husbandSB 10.58.57
svayam-vare in (your) svayaṃ-vara ceremonySB 10.83.19
dāva-uṣṇa-khara-vātaḥ ayam hot breath coming out exactly like fireSB 10.12.23
vayam weBG 1.36
vayam weBG 1.44
sarve vayam all of usBG 2.12
vayam weSB 1.1.19
vayam weSB 1.1.21
vayam weSB 1.8.38
yat vayam as we areSB 1.11.8
vayam weSB 1.11.10
vayam ageSB 1.13.21
vayam weSB 1.17.18
vayam weSB 1.18.18
vayam weSB 1.19.13
vayam of usSB 1.19.21
vayam weSB 1.19.32
vayam all of usSB 3.5.48
vayam weSB 3.5.49
vayam all of usSB 3.5.51
vayam weSB 3.13.44
vayam weSB 3.14.20
vayam weSB 3.14.21
vayam weSB 3.14.26
vayam weSB 3.15.3
vayam weSB 3.16.16
vayam weSB 3.16.25
vayam weSB 3.17.29
vayam WeSB 3.18.10
vayam WeSB 3.18.11
vayam weSB 3.19.30
vayam weSB 3.21.56
vayam weSB 3.23.27
vayam weSB 3.31.16
vayam we areSB 4.1.30
vayam weSB 4.3.8
vayam all of usSB 4.7.27
vayam all of usSB 4.8.81
vayam weSB 4.12.7
vayam weSB 4.13.28
vayam weSB 4.15.26
vayam weSB 4.16.2
vayam weSB 4.16.3
vayam weSB 4.17.10-11
vayam weSB 4.19.28
vayam weSB 4.21.49
vayam all of usSB 4.24.73
vayam ISB 4.25.33
vayam weSB 4.29.1
vayam weSB 4.30.38
vayam weSB 5.1.11
vayam weSB 5.1.14
vayam weSB 5.10.4
vayam weSB 5.10.4
vayam weSB 5.17.22-23
vayam weSB 5.19.15
vayam we (the hearer)SB 5.22.1
vayam weSB 6.3.20-21
vayam weSB 6.3.27
vayam weSB 6.7.27
vayam weSB 6.9.21
vayam weSB 6.9.25
vayam all of usSB 6.9.26-27
vayam weSB 6.9.43
vayam we (the great sages and the ministers and adherents of the King)SB 6.15.5
vayam weSB 6.16.45
vayam weSB 7.1.17
vayam weSB 7.1.31
vayam weSB 7.2.34
vayam weSB 7.2.38
vayam weSB 7.6.29-30
vayam we (Prahlāda Mahārāja)SB 7.7.50
vayam weSB 7.8.48
vayam weSB 7.8.49
vayam weSB 7.8.50
vayam weSB 7.8.52
vayam weSB 7.8.53
vayam weSB 7.8.55
vayam weSB 7.9.13
vayam weSB 7.13.35
vayam weSB 8.1.31
vayam we (the demigods)SB 8.5.31
vayam all of usSB 8.5.37
vayam all of usSB 8.6.13
vayam all of usSB 8.6.14
vayam all of us (the Daityas)SB 8.7.3
vayam tu as far as we are concernedSB 8.7.34
vayam weSB 8.9.4
vayam all of usSB 8.9.7
vayam weSB 8.11.9
vayam weSB 8.21.24
vayam weSB 8.23.7
vayam we alsoSB 9.4.53-54
vayam weSB 9.4.56
vayam all of usSB 9.4.56
vayam all of usSB 9.4.57-59
vayam weSB 9.8.21
vayam weSB 9.10.14
vayam all of usSB 9.10.26
vayam ca and usSB 9.10.28
vayam we (are)SB 9.15.4
vayam weSB 9.15.39
vayam all of usSB 9.16.34
vayam weSB 9.16.35
vayam we (are)SB 9.18.5
vayam ca both of usSB 10.5.31
vayam we areSB 10.12.43
vayam we areSB 10.12.43
vayam weSB 10.14.33
vayam weSB 10.14.48
vayam weSB 10.16.56
vayam weSB 10.16.58
vayam weSB 10.19.10
vayam weSB 10.23.16
vayam weSB 10.23.29
vayam weSB 10.23.41
vayam weSB 10.24.9
vayam weSB 10.24.21
vayam weSB 10.24.24
vayam weSB 10.27.19
vayam weSB 10.27.21
vayam weSB 10.29.35
vayam weSB 10.29.37
vayam weSB 10.31.3
vayam ourselvesSB 10.35.6-7
vayam weSB 10.35.16-17
vayam weSB 10.38.21
vayam weSB 10.39.21
vayam weSB 10.41.10
vayam weSB 10.43.35
vayam WeSB 10.43.37
vayam WeSB 10.43.38
vayam weSB 10.44.45
vayam usSB 10.44.46
vayam WeSB 10.45.23
vayam weSB 10.47.15
vayam weSB 10.47.19
vayam weSB 10.47.58
vayam WeSB 10.48.29
vayam weSB 10.51.31
vayam weSB 10.54.15
vayam weSB 10.54.16
vayam weSB 10.56.31
vayam WeSB 10.56.45
vayam WeSB 10.56.45
vayam weSB 10.58.9
vayam WeSB 10.58.40
vayam WeSB 10.60.14
vayam WeSB 10.60.16
vayam WeSB 10.60.20
vayam WeSB 10.60.56
vayam WeSB 10.60.57
vayam weSB 10.62.25-26
vayam weSB 10.63.37
vayam weSB 10.68.38
vayam weSB 10.68.48
vayam weSB 10.70.25
vayam weSB 10.71.9
vayam weSB 10.72.18
vayam weSB 10.72.28
vayam weSB 10.73.12-13
vayam weSB 10.80.38
vayam weSB 10.82.21
vayam weSB 10.83.39
vayam weSB 10.83.41-42
vayam weSB 10.84.9
vayam weSB 10.84.16
vayam weSB 10.85.41-43
vayam usSB 10.85.44
vayam weSB 10.87.23
vayam weSB 10.88.18-19
vayam WeSB 10.88.32
vayam weSB 10.89.30-31
vayam weSB 10.90.15
vayam iva like usSB 10.90.16
vayam usSB 10.90.18
vayam weSB 10.90.20
vayam weSB 10.90.22
vayam weSB 10.90.23
vayam weSB 10.90.24
vayam weSB 11.6.37-38
vayam weSB 11.6.45
vayam weSB 11.6.48-49
vayam weSB 11.30.6
vayam weSB 11.30.8
vayam weSB 11.30.38
vayam weSB 12.6.4
vayam WeSB 12.9.3
vayam weSB 12.10.19
vayam weSB 12.10.22
vayam weCC Adi 6.75
vayam api we alsoCC Madhya 8.224
vayam api we alsoCC Madhya 9.123
vayam ICC Madhya 10.178
vayam weCC Madhya 23.65
vayam ICC Madhya 24.133
vayam tu we of courseCC Madhya 25.152
vayam WeCC Antya 1.153
vayam all of usCC Antya 1.154
vayam weCC Antya 4.64
vayam weMM 17
veda-mayam personified VedasSB 3.13.44
veda-mayam fully conversant with the Vedic knowledgeSB 5.20.11
sarva-veda-mayam the ultimate object of all Vedic knowledgeSB 9.18.48
vidūṣita-āśayam polluted aim of lifeSB 2.2.37
ananta-vijayam the conch named Ananta-vijayaBG 1.16-18
vijayam victoryBG 1.31
vijayam the victorySB 6.13.22-23
vijayam victorySB 8.21.8
kṛṣṇa-vijayam the victory of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.63.53
vijayam to ArjunaSB 10.89.39
vinayam and humblenessSB 10.15.43
vinirṇayam expositionSB 1.3.10
vinirṇayam complete determinationCC Adi 4.1
viparyayam against the principleSB 1.19.38
viparyayam the reverseSB 6.8.4-6
phala-viparyayam the opposite of the desired resultSB 6.16.59
viparyayam reversalSB 6.16.61-62
viparyayam the oppositeSB 7.13.26
tat-viparyayam just the opposite of our favorSB 8.21.21
viparyayam deviationSB 9.1.17
ātma-lińga-viparyayam the transformation of their sex into the oppositeSB 9.1.27
viparyayam the contrarySB 10.32.16
viparyayam the inevitable failureSB 11.10.2
viparyayam being the oppositeSB 11.13.29
viparyayam the opposite (of what was previously mentioned)SB 11.19.26
tattva-viṣayam subject matter about the Absolute TruthSB 3.15.24
akṣa-viṣayam now a subject matter for seeingSB 3.15.38
viṣayam placeSB 4.25.48
viṣayam the city of sense enjoymentSB 4.25.52
viṣayam to the placeSB 4.25.53
sva-viṣayam his own kingdomSB 5.26.6
vismayam bewildermentSB 4.5.23
vismayam wonderSB 4.6.22
vismayam wonderSB 4.9.65
jagāma vismayam became astonishedSB 10.12.35
prāptaḥ param vismayam had become extremely astonishedSB 10.13.15
vismayam amazementSB 10.30.41
vismayam astonishmentSB 12.8.31
viṣṇu-mayam expansions of Vāsudeva, ViṣṇuSB 10.13.19
vṛddha-āśrayam one who takes shelter of the learnedSB 4.21.44
vṛtti-trayam the functions of material life in the three phases of waking, sleep and deep sleepSB 12.7.21
sat-vyayam proper utilizationSB 3.2.32
vyayamāna decreasingSB 4.24.67
yadu-kula-kṣayam annihilation of the Yadu dynastySB 1.13.12
yaḥ ayam this systemBG 6.33
yajña-hṛdayam the heart of all sacrificesSB 4.9.24
yama-kṣayam to the place of Yamarāja, the superintendent of deathSB 7.8.5
yama-kṣayam to the abode of YamarājaSB 10.64.22
kṣayam yāsyanti they will become ruinedSB 12.1.41
yat vayam as we areSB 1.11.8
yat-mayam in whom everything is restingSB 7.14.34
yat-nābhi-pańkeruha-sambhavaḥ svayam Lord Brahmā, who personally appeared from the lotus in the navel of whom (the Personality of Godhead)SB 8.21.2-3
yat-āśrayam under whose controlSB 10.8.41
yat-mayam from whose substanceSB 10.87.30
yat-mayam consisting of whichCC Madhya 19.143
yathā-āśayam according to the desireSB 6.4.34
yathā-āśayam according to the particular locationsSB 10.85.25
yāti sańkṣayam are destroyedSB 3.31.33
yatra ubhayam if there are both (behavior and auspiciousness)SB 8.8.22
yoga-mayam fully cultivated in yoga scienceSB 11.15.29
āviṣkṛta-bhuja-yugala-dvayam who manifested Himself with four armsSB 5.3.3
47 results
ayamita adjective "unchecked." (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
untrimmed (nails)
Frequency rank 44762/72933
akathayamāna adjective
Frequency rank 31324/72933
adayamāna adjective
Frequency rank 42375/72933
anāsādayamāna adjective
Frequency rank 42921/72933
anuprayam verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to offer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26349/72933
asaṃśayam indeclinable certainly
Frequency rank 4143/72933
āprayam verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to hand over (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to reach (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 46481/72933
āyugakṣayam indeclinable until the end of a yuga
Frequency rank 33134/72933
upayam verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to appropriate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to lay hold of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to marry (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to offer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to prop (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to put under (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to reach forth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to receive (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to seize (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to sleep with (a woman) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to stay (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to take as one's wife (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to take for one's self (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to touch (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7798/72933
upayama noun (masculine) a support (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
appropriation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
kindling a fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
marriage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
marrying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stay (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
taking possession of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27208/72933
upayamana noun (neuter) a support (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
marrying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sleeping with (a woman) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stay (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the taking a wife (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27209/72933
ubhayamukha adjective a pregnant female (so called because the embryo has its face turned in an opposite direction to that of the mother) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 47771/72933
ṛṇatrayamocanatīrthamāhātmyavarṇana noun (neuter) name of SkPur, Revākhaṇḍa, 87
Frequency rank 47900/72933
kuberāditīrthacatuṣṭayamāhātmyavarṇana noun (neuter) name of Skandapurāṇa, Revākhaṇḍa, 133
Frequency rank 49688/72933
dayamāna adjective
Frequency rank 35592/72933
pratiprayam verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to give back (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to restore (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to return (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 58821/72933
prayam verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to answer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to bestow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to cause (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to deliver (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to despatch (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to effect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to extend (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to give (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to give (a daughter) in marriage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to grant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to hold out towards (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to offer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to pay (a debt) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to place upon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to present (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to produce (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to requite (a benefit) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to restore (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to send (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to stretch forth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 866/72933
yathānilayam indeclinable each in its own resting-place or lair (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 62854/72933
yathāmayam indeclinable according to disease
Frequency rank 38494/72933
yathāśayam indeclinable according to intention or wish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
according to stipulation or presumption (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 62895/72933
yathāśrayam indeclinable in respect of or in regard to the connection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38497/72933
yathāsamayam indeclinable according to agreement (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
according to established custom (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
according to time (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
at the proper time (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22080/72933
yathāsampratyayam indeclinable according to agreement (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 62900/72933
vyayamāna adjective expending (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wasting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 66848/72933
samastapādayamaka noun (neuter) (rhet.) a kind of yamaka
Frequency rank 68995/72933
samprayam verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to give back to give in marriage to give or present to to offer or present or bestow together to restore
Frequency rank 7246/72933
sayamaka adjective with Yamaka
Frequency rank 69350/72933
svayam indeclinable of one's own accord (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
of or by one's self spontaneously (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one's self (applicable to all persons) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
self (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
voluntarily (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 238/72933
svayamīśvara noun (masculine) an absolute sovereign (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one's own lord (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72108/72933
svayamukti noun (feminine) (in law) voluntary testmony or evidence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
voluntary declaration or information (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41304/72933
svayamupasthita adjective come voluntarily or of one's own accord (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72109/72933
svayamprabha adjective self-shining (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13882/72933
svayamprabhā noun (feminine) name of a daughter of Hemasāvarṇi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a daughter of Maya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an Apsaras (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72110/72933
svayamprabhu noun (masculine) name of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25987/72933
svayambhu noun (neuter) the menstrual flux
Frequency rank 41305/72933
svayambhū noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 18675/72933
svayambhu adjective
Frequency rank 72111/72933
svayambhu noun (masculine) name of Brahman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[rel.] name of Viṣṇu
Frequency rank 2179/72933
svayambhava noun (masculine) [rel.] name of Śiva
Frequency rank 72112/72933
svayambhuvā noun (feminine) a kind of shrub (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72113/72933
svayambhuva noun (masculine) name of the first Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25988/72933
svayambhoja noun (masculine) name of a son of Pratikṣatra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Śini (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31210/72933
svayambhūta noun (masculine) name of a place (?) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72114/72933
hayamāra noun (masculine) Nerium Odorum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26012/72933
hayamāraka noun (masculine) Nerium Odorum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22747/72933
hayamukha noun (neuter) a horse's face (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a country (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72321/72933
hayamedha noun (masculine) a horses sacrifice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7499/72933


Plant herbs śāliparṅi and priśniparṅi.


cow, gomayam cow dung; gomūtra cow’s urine, goghṛta cow’s ghee


(madhyama.panca.mūla) country mallow balā, hogweed punrṇava, castor eranḍa, Uraria picta and Desmodium gangeticum śūrṇaparṇidvayam.



Wordnet Search
"ayam" has 99 results.


uśīraḥ, abhayam, naladam, sevyam, amṛṇālam, jalāśayam, lāmajjakam, laghulayam, avadāham, iṣṭakāpatham, uṣīram, mṛṇālam, laghu, layam, avadānam, iṣṭam, kāpatham, avadāheṣṭakāpatham, indraguptam, jalavāsam, haripiriyam, vīram, vīraṇam, samagandhikam, raṇapriyam, vīrataru, śiśiram, śītamūlakam, vitānamūlakam, jalamedas, sugandhikam, sugandhimūlakam, kambhu   

mālādūrvāyāḥ sugandhitaṃ mūlam।

vāyuśītake uśīraṃ prayujyate।


padmakandaḥ, kamalakandaḥ, śālūkam, padmamūlam, kaṭāhvayam, śālukam, jalālūkam   

kamalasya mūlam।

śīlā padmakandasya śākaṃ pācayati।


pallavaḥ, pallavam, kisalayaḥ, pravālam, navapatram, valam, kisalam, kiśalam, kiśalayam, viṭapaḥ, patrayauvanam, vistaraḥ   

śākhāgraparvaṇi navapatrastavakaḥ।

saḥ pallavān chinatti।


kendra binduḥ, kendram, madhya-binduḥ, nābhiḥ, madhyam, madhyaḥ, madhyasthānam, madhyasthalam, garbhaḥ, udaram, abhyantaram, hṛdayam   

kasyāpi vṛttasya paridheḥ paṅkteḥ vā yāthārthena madhye vartamāno binduḥ।

asya vṛttasya kendrabinduṃ chindantīṃ rekhāṃ likhatu।


duṣṭatā, durjanatā, asajjanatā, asādhutā, daurātmyam, kusṛtiḥ, daurjanyam, daurhadayam   

durjanasya bhāvaḥ।

durjanatāyāḥ rakṣa।


kṛpayā, sadayam, prītyā, prītipūrvam   

dayayā saha।

mānyāḥ kṛpayā mama kāryaṃ kurvantu।


savismayam, sāścaryam   

vismayena saha।

bālakāḥ savismayam indrajālikasya krīḍāṃ paśyanti।



kālam anusṛtya।

kimapi kāryaṃ yathāsamayaṃ karaṇīyam।


svārjita, svopārjita, svayamarjita   

svena arjitaṃ dhanam।

etad svārjitaṃ dhanam।


kamalam, padmaḥ, utpalam, kumudam, kumud, nalinam, kuvalayam, aravindam, mahotpalam, paṅkajam, paṅkeruham, sarasijam, sarasīruham, sarojam, saroruham, jalejātam, ambhojam, vāryudbhavam, ambujam, ambhāruham, puṇḍarīkam, mṛṇālī, śatapatram, sahasrapatram, kuśeśayam, indirālayam, tāmarasam, puṣkaram, sārasam, ramāpriyam, visaprasūnam, kuvalam, kuvam, kuṭapam, puṭakam, śrīparṇaḥ, śrīkaram   

jalapuṣpaviśeṣaḥ yasya guṇāḥ śītalatva-svādutva-raktapittabhramārtināśitvādayaḥ।

asmin sarasi nānāvarṇīyāni kamalāni dṛśyante। / kamalaiḥ taḍāgasya śobhā vardhate।


sarvocca-nyāyālayam, uccatama-nyāyālayam   

rāṣṭrasya adhikāradṛṣṭyā uccatamaṃ nyāyālayaṃ yasmin paurādinyāyālayasya uccanyayālayasya vā nirṇayaṃ vikartuṃ śakyate।

bhāratasya sarvocca-nyāyālayaṃ dillīnagare asti।


māsaḥ, māḥ, pakṣadvayam, pakṣayugam, nākṣatram, yauvyaḥ, varṣāṃśaḥ, varṣāṅgaḥ   

varṣasya dvādaśatamāṃśāvadhikaḥ kālaḥ yasya kimapi niścitaṃ nāma asti।

asmin māsasya prathame dine karmacārī-divasaḥ asti।


vidyālayaḥ, śālā, pāṭhaśālā, vidyālayam, vidyāveśma, vidyāgṛham, vidyābhyāsagṛham, vidyābhyāsaśālā, śikṣāgṛham, śikṣālayam, śikṣālayaḥ, adhyayanaśālā, adhyayanagṛham, maṭhaḥ, āśramaḥ, avasathaḥ, avasathyaḥ   

vidyāyāḥ ālayaḥ।

asmākaṃ vidyālaye ekādaśa prakoṣṭhāḥ santi/prātaḥ sarve chātrāḥ vidyālayaṃ gacchanti।


mānam, pramāṇam, parimāṇam, mātram, yotuḥ, yautavam, pautavam, druvayam, pāyyam   

vastunaḥ ākṛteḥ iyattāyāḥ vā tolanam।

sohanasya kaṭeḥ mānam 30 iñcaparimāṇam asti।


keyūram, aṅgadaḥ, valayaḥ, valayam, kaṭakavalayī, parihāṭakaḥ, parihārakaḥ, parihārakam, bāhubhūṣā   

alaṅkāraviśeṣaḥ hastālaṅkāraḥ।

śyāmaḥ keyūraṃ dhārayati।



kaṭyāṃ valayīkṛtya baddhā adhovastrasya granthiḥ।

saḥ kaṭivastravalaye dhanaṃ sthāpayati।


āśaṅkā, paribhayaḥ, paribhayam, viśaṅkā   

aniṣṭasya sambhāvanayā manasi jātā kalpanā।

tasya manasi durghaṭanāyāḥ āśaṅkā jātā।


kamalam, aravindam, sarasijam, salilajam, rājīvam, paṅkajam, nīrajam, pāthojam, nalam, nalinam, ambhojam, ambujanma, ambujam, śrīḥ, amburuham, ambupadmam, sujalam, ambhoruham, puṣkaram, sārasam, paṅkajam, sarasīruham, kuṭapam, pāthoruham, vārjam, tāmarasam, kuśeśayam, kañjam, kajam, śatapatram, visakusumam, sahasrapatram, mahotpalam, vāriruham, paṅkeruham   

jalajakṣupaviśeṣaḥ yasya puṣpāṇi atīva śobhanāni santi khyātaśca।

bālakaḥ krīḍāsamaye sarovarāt kamalāni lūnāti।


tejomayaḥ, tejomayī, tejomayam, suprabhaḥ, suprabhā, suprabham, tejiṣṭhaḥ, tejiṣṭham, tejiṣṭhā, tejīyān, tejīyasī, tejīyaḥ, atitaijasaḥ, atitaijasī, atitaijasam, atiśobhanaḥ, atiśobhānā, atiśobhanam, atidīptimān, atidīptimat, atidīptimatī, atikāntimān, atitejasvī, atitejasvinī, atikāntimatī, atikāntamat, atiprabhāvān, mahātejāḥ, mahātejaḥ, mahāprabhaḥ, mahāprabhā, mahāprabham, ujjvalaḥ, ujjvalā, ujjvalam, śobhamānaḥ, śobhamānam, śobhamānā, śubhraḥ, śubhrā, śubhram, bhāsvān, bhāsantaḥ, bhāsantā, bhāsantam, bhāsantaḥ, bhānumān, bhāsuraḥ, bhāsurā, bhāsuram   


tasya kumārasya tejomayaṃ mukhaṃ dṛṣṭvā saḥ uccakulajātaḥ iti vicārya ācāryaḥ taṃ śiṣyatvena svīkṛtavān।


agnyāśayam, agnidam   

ekā dīrghā granthiḥ yā āmāśayasya pṛṣṭhabhāge anuprastharūpeṇa vā sthitā asti tathā ca yasyāḥ pācakarasādayaḥ nirvahanti।

agnyāśayāt nirgataḥ pācakarasaḥ pācane sāhāyyakaḥ bhavati।


hṛdayam, hṛt, marma, hṛtpiṇḍam, raktāśayaḥ, agramāṃsam, bukkaḥ, bukkam, bukkā, bṛkkaḥ, kantuḥ, rikam, bhapat   

avayavaviśeṣaḥ, urasi vāmabhāge vartamānaḥ avayavaḥ yataḥ śuddhaṃ rudhiraṃ śarīre anyāḥ dhamanīḥ pratigacchati।

hṛdayasya sthānam urasi vartate।


niḥsaṃśayam, asandigdham, asaṃśayam   

vinā kam api sandeham।

bhoḥ, niḥsaṃśayam aham etat kāryaṃ kartuṃ samartho asmi।


gomayam, gokṛtam, gohannam, gopurīṣam, goviṭ, jagalam, gośakṛt, gomalam, goviṣṭhā   

goḥ viṣṭhā।

hindudharmānuṣṭhāne gomayasya āvaśyakatā asti। / gomūtraṃ gomayaṃ kṣīraṃ dadhi sarpiḥ kuśodakam ekarātropavāsaśca kṛcchraṃ sāntapanaṃ smṛtam।


ārogyaśālā, cikitsāśālā, rugṇālayam, cikitsāgāram   


ārogyaśālāṃ kurvīta mahauṣaghaparicchadāṃ vidagdhavaidyasaṃyuktāṃ bahūnnarasasaṃyutā।


bhayam, bhītiḥ, bhīrutā, santrāsaḥ, paritrāsaḥ, daraḥ, sādhvasam, trāsaḥ   

vipatteḥ aniṣṭasya vā āśaṅkāyāḥ janitaḥ manovikāraḥ।

saurāṣṭre yaḥ sāmpradāyikaḥ saṃkṣobhaḥ abhūt tasmāt janānāṃ manāṃsi bhayena ākulāni abhavat।


prārthanāgṛham, upāsanālayam   

prārthanārthe gṛham।

sītā prārthanāgṛhe mālāṃ japati।



kāryārthe ālayam yatra viśiṣṭavyāpārasya kāryasya vā vyavasthāpanārthe karmakarāḥ upaviśanti।

saḥ pratidine kāryālayaṃ gacchati।


svayam, svataḥ   


gāndhīmahodayaḥ sāhāyyārthaṃ svayaṃ prāptaḥ।


vivāhaḥ, upayamaḥ, pariṇayaḥ, udvāhaḥ, upayāmaḥ, pāṇipīḍanam, dārakarmaḥ, karagrahaḥ, pāṇigrahaṇam, niveśaḥ, pāṇikaraṇam, saṃbandhaḥ, pāṇigrahaḥ, dārasambandhaḥ, udvahaḥ, dāropasaṃgrahaḥ, pāṇigrāhaḥ, parigrahaḥ, prodvāhaḥ, saṃgrahaḥ, samudvāhaḥ, pariṇītam, adhigamanam, udvahanam, udvāhanam, karārpaṇam, dārādhigamanam, niveśanam, patitvam, patitvanam, parigrahatvam, pariṇayanam, bāndhukyam, maithunam   

saḥ dhārmikaḥ sāmājikaḥ vā saṃskāraḥ yena strīpuruṣau parasparaṃ patipatnīrūpeṇa svīkurutaḥ।

sohanasya vivāhaḥ rādhayā saha jātaḥ।


triguṇaḥ, guṇa, guṇatrayam   

prakṛtyāntargatāḥ tāḥ tisraḥ vṛttayaḥ yāḥ jīveṣu prāpyante।

sattva-raja-tamaḥ iti triguṇānāṃ nāmāni santi।


gomayaḥ, gomayam   

gavādīnāṃ viṣṭhā।

saḥ gomayena kṣetraṃ limpati।


candanam, candrakāntam, tilaparṇakam, bhadraśrayam, varṇakadāru   

vṛkṣasya sugandhitaṃ kāṣṭhaṃ yad gharṣitvā śarīre lepaṃ kurvanti।

candanaṃ śarīrasya kṛte śītalatākārī asti।


parājayam anuman   

parājayasvīkṛtyanukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

pākistānadeśasya senā bhāratīyasenāyāḥ purataḥ svasya parājayam anvamanyata।


mithunam, dvayam, dvandvam, yugam, yugalam, yamalam, yāmalam, yamaḥ, yamakam, yutakam   

sajātīye abhinnarūpe abhinnākāre ca dve vastunī।

ayi, paśya। pārāvatapakṣiṇor mithunam asti tasyāṃ taruśākhākhāyām।


dāridrayam, dīnatā, dainyam, nirdhanatā, vipannatā   

daridrasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

dāridryaṃ sarvān pīḍayati।


vivah, pariṇī, upayam, niviś, parigrah, svīkṛ, nī, samudāvah, samudvah   

strīpuruṣāṇāṃ pariṇayanānukūlavyāpāraḥ।

śrīkṛṣṇaḥ rukmiṇīṃ vyavahat।


jayam āp, viji [ā.pa.], ji, vijayin bhū, saphalībhū   

spardhādiṣu yaśaḥprāptyanukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

maṃjulaḥ rājyastarīyāyāṃ spardhāyāṃ jayam āpnot।



parimāṇaviśeṣaḥ- catvāriṃśat prasthāḥ।

rāmeṇa droṇadvayamātram aṅgāraḥ krītaḥ।



vyākaraṇe vartamānaḥ saḥ śabdaḥ yaḥ sarvāsu vibhaktiṣu liṅgeṣu tathā ca vacaneṣu samānaḥ eva asti।

adya prathamāyāṃ tāsikāyāṃ adhyāpikā avyayasya viṣaye nivedayati।


sāyam, sandhikālaḥ, sandhyāsamayaḥ, pitṛprasūḥ, sandhā, dvijamaitrau, dināntam, niśādi, divasātyayam, sāyāhnaḥ, vikālaḥ, brahmabhūtiḥ, sāyaḥ   

kālaviśeṣaḥ- saḥ samayaḥ yaḥ dinasya ante tathā ca rātreḥ ārambhe asti।

sāyaṃ samaye prāpte saḥ gṛhāt nirgataḥ।



jetuḥ abhinandanārthe arpitā mālā।

janāḥ jetuḥ puruṣasya kaṇṭhe jayamālāṃ sthāpayanti।


triphalā, triphalī, phalatrayam, phalatrikam   


triphalā pacanakriyāyāṃ sāhāyyikā asti।


bhūmadhyarekhā, nirakṣaḥ, viṣuvadvṛttam, vyakṣaḥ, bhūvārāhavṛttam, viṣṇugolaḥ, viṣuvanmaṇḍalam, viṣuvadvalayam   

pṛthivyāḥ madhyabhāgaṃ sūcayantī ekā kālpanikī rekhā yasyāḥ dvau dhruvau samāne antare staḥ।

bhūmadhyarekhāṃ parītaḥ adhikā uṣṇatā bhavati।


āpatkālaḥ, mahadbhayam   

akasmāt udbhūtā vipattiḥ।

vimānasya yantrāvarodhanena āpatkālaḥ udbhūtaḥ।


krāntivalayaḥ, krāntivalayam, krāntimaṇḍalam, krāntivṛttam ayanavṛttam   

karkamakararekhayoḥ vartamānaḥ pṛthivyāḥ bhāgaḥ।

krāntivalayasya pradeśeṣu adhikā uṣṇatā bhavati।


vidyāpīṭham, viśvavidyālayaḥ, vidyālayamaṇḍalam, vidyālayagaṇaḥ, śālāmaṇḍalam   

tad pīṭhaṃ yatra nānāvidyāśākhānām uccastarīyam adhyāpanaṃ bhavati tathā ca yad tatsaṃlagnān vidyālayān samadhitiṣṭhati।

mānasī muṃbaī iti vidyāpīṭhe adhyayanaṃ karoti।


mithunam, dvayam, dvandvam, yugam, yugalam, yamalam, yāmalam, yamaḥ, yamakam, yutakam   

manuṣyādiprāṇināṃ strīpuṃsayoḥ yugmam।

hā hanta hanta! kasyāpi bāṇena viyutam etad mṛgamithunam।


valayaḥ, valayam   


asyāṃ dīpotsave mayā suvarṇasya valayaḥ krītaḥ।




tiṣṭhantaṃ ṭrakayānaṃ svayameva prācalat।


savinayam, namratayā, namram, nirabhimānam, anuddhataṃ, namracetasā, śirasā, prādhvaḥ   

vinayena saha।

śīlā vivāhasya prastāvaṃ savinayaṃ svīkṛtavatī।


anāthālayam, anāthāśramaḥ   

tat sthānaṃ yatra ānāthānāṃ asāhāyānāṃ pālanaṃ kriyate।

mādhavikayā anāthālayāt ekaḥ bālakaḥ ūrīkṛtaḥ।


bhayam, śaṃkā, akṣemaḥ, akṣemam, bhayaśaṃkā, bhayasaṃśayaḥ   

surakṣāyāḥ abhāvaḥ।

kaśmīripaṇḍiteṣu bhayaṃ vardhate eva।


karavīraḥ, pratihāsaḥ, śataprāsaḥ, caṇḍātaḥ, hayamārakaḥ, pratīhāsaḥ, aśvaghnaḥ, hayāriḥ, aśvamārakaḥ, śītakumbhaḥ, turaṅgāriḥ, aśvahā, vīraḥ, hayamāraḥ, hayaghnaḥ, śatakundaḥ, aśvarodhakaḥ, vīrakaḥ, kundaḥ, śakundaḥ, śvetapuṣpakaḥ, aśvāntakaḥ, nakharāhvaḥ, aśvanāśanaḥ, sthalakumudaḥ, divyapuṣpaḥ, haripriyaḥ, gaurīpuṣpaḥ, siddhapuṣpaḥ   

ekaḥ madhyāmākāraḥ vṛkṣaḥ।

karavīre pītaraktaśuklāni puṣpāṇi bhavanti।


viplavaḥ, saṃtrāsaḥ, santrāsaḥ, trāsaḥ, samudvegaḥ, mahāsādhvasam, ākasmikabhayam   

yat janeṣu bhayaṃ janayati yena tāvān mahān tumulaḥ। viplavaḥ, saṃtrāsaḥ, santrāsaḥ, trāsaḥ, samudvegaḥ, mahāsādhvasam, ākasmikabhayam;

yadā lohasuṣyāḥ sīsakagolikā nisṛtā tadā paṇyavīthikāyāṃ viplavaḥ jātaḥ।



sampūrṇajāteḥ ekaḥ rāgaḥ। jayamallāraḥ;

saṅgītajñaḥ jayamallāraṃ gāyati।


vidyālayam, pāṭhaśālā   

tat sthānaṃ yatra prāthamika-mādhyamika-uccamādhyamikastarasya aupacārikī śikṣā pradīyate।

asmin vidyālaye pañcamīṃ kakṣāṃ yāvat śikṣaṇaṃ śakyam।




śālā netrāmayena pīḍitā asti।




vātaparyaye bahu pīḍā bhavati।


jyeṣṭhatā, jyeṣṭhatvam, jyaiṣṭayam, variṣṭhatā   

padena sammānena vā kenāpi jyeṣṭhasya avasthā kriyā bhāvaḥ vā।

atra jyeṣṭhatāyāḥ ādhāreṇa hi nivāsasthānānāṃ vitaraṇaṃ bhavati।



tat nyāyālayaṃ yasmin sampattiḥ tathā ca arthasambandhiprakaraṇāni vimṛśyante।

tasya prakaraṇaṃ pauranyāyālaye asti।



ekā apsarāḥ।

svayamprabhā indrasya atīva priyā āsīt।


kaṅkaṇam, valayam   

ekam ābhūṣaṇam।

kaṅkaṇaṃ bhujāyāṃ dhāryate।


tritayam, trayam, trikam   

trayāṇāṃ janānāṃ samūhaḥ।

prātaḥ idaṃ tritayaṃ kutra gacchati।



kācasya kaṅkaṇam।

śīlāyai kācavalayaṃ rocate।



tat nyāyālayaṃ yasmin aparāddhaprakaraṇāni parāmṛśyante।

etad prakaraṇaṃ daṇḍanyāyālaye asti।


trimūrtiḥ, tritayam, trikam   

trayāṇāṃ janānāṃ samūhaḥ।

prātaḥkāle eṣā trimūrtiḥ kutra gacchati।


yugalam, yugmam, dvayam, dvandvam   

tau dvau vyaktī dvau dravyau vā yau yujyate parasparaṃ saṃgacchate vā।

ayi, paśya। tasya āmravṛkṣasya śākhāyāṃ kokilā-kokilayoḥ yugmaṃ dṛśyate।


ālamb, abhyārabh, upayam, upādhā, upādā, grah   

āśrayārthaṃ kasmiṃścana vastuni bhārasthāpanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

utsthātuṃ saḥ daṇḍam ālambate।


grah, parigrah, upagrah, upayam, āsaṃgrah, āsaṅgrah, ādā, upādhā, upādā, upahan, upālabh, nigrah, pratigrah, abhyādā, upalabha, abhiprayuj, apahan, samālabh, parimṛś, anumṛś, abhipramṛś, abhisaṃspṛś, abhisamṛ, āyu, saṃrabh, abhyārabh, abhisaṃrabh, ākram, ābadh   

balāt svādhikārasthāpanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

sainyaṃ durgaṃ agṛhṇāt।


vināśaḥ, nāśaḥ, vidhvaṃsaḥ, dhvaṃsanam, pradhvaṃsaḥ, nipātaḥ, nibarhaṇam, vicchedaḥ, ucchedanam, upasaṃhāram, kṣayam, dalanam, vimardaḥ, mardanam, samudghātaḥ   

keṣāṃcana vastvādīnāṃ nāśanasya kriyā।

īśvaraḥ śatrūṇāṃ vināśāya eva avatarati।


māṣaparṇī, hayapucchī, kāmbojī, mahāsahā, siṃhapucchī, ṛṣiproktā, kṛṣṇavṛntā, pāṇḍulomaśaparṇinī, ārdramāṣā, māṃsamāṣā, maṅgalyā, hayapucchikā, haṃsamāṣā, aśvapucchā, pāṇḍurā, māṣaparṇikā, kalyāṇī, vajramūlī, śāliparṇī, visāriṇī, ātmodbhavā, bahuphalā, svayambhūḥ sulabhā, ghanā, siṃhavinnā, viśācikā   


māṣaparṇyāḥ upayogaḥ bheṣajarūpeṇa bhavati।


hastināpuram, nāgāhvaḥ, hāstinam, gajāhvayam, gajāhvam, gajasāhvayam, hastinīpuram   

paurāṇikaṃ nagaraṃ yad idānīntanīyāyāḥ dehalyāḥ pañcāśatkilomīṭaraparimitaṃ dūraṃ vartate।

hastināpuraṃ rājñā hastinā sthāpitam āsīt।


tālīśapatram, tālīśam, patrākhyam, śukodaram, dhātrīpatram, arkavedham, karipatram, karicchadam, nīlam, nīlāmbaram, tālam, tālīpatram, tamāhvayam, tālīśapatrakam   

tejaḥpatrasya jāteḥ vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ।

tālīśapatrasya parṇāni kāṇḍasya bhāgadvaye api bhavanti।



antyeṣṭyāḥ paścād asthināṃ saṃcayanam।

pitāmahasya asthisañcayanārthe janāḥ āgatāḥ।


tatsamayam eva, tadā eva, tadā, tatsamaye, tatra eva, tatraiva   

tasmin samaye eva।

bhavadbhyaḥ tatsamayam eva atra saṃśuddhiḥ apekṣitā āsīt।



vastūnāṃ mahāvikrayasya mūlyaṃ yat alpaśaḥ vikrayasya apekṣayā nyūnaṃ bhavati।

ahaṃ vastrādīn mahāvikrayamūlyena eva krīṇāmi।



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

rājataraṅgiṇyāṃ vijayamallaḥ varṇyate



ekā rājakumārī ।

praśastiṣu vijayamahādevī varṇitā



kaviviśeṣaḥ ।

subhāṣitāvalyāṃ vijayamādhavaḥ varṇyate



ekā mahilā ।

pañcadaṇḍacchatra-prabandhe vijayamālikāyāḥ varṇanaṃ prāpyate



ekaḥ vaṇik ।

vijayamalinaḥ varṇanaṃ kathāsaritsāgare prāpyate



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

vijayamitrasya varṇanaṃ rājataraṅgiṇyāṃ prāpyate



sūktaviśeṣaḥ ।

kuberahṛdayam varāhamihireṇa ullikhitam



ekā gardabhī ।

kuvalayamālāyāḥ varṇanaṃ kathāsaritsāgare samupalabhyate



sūktaviśeṣaḥ ।

kuberahṛdayam varāhamihireṇa ullikhitam



ekā gardabhī ।

kuvalayamālāyāḥ varṇanaṃ kathāsaritsāgare samupalabhyate


kṣetrayamānikā, kṣetravacā   

ekaḥ vṛkṣakaḥ ।

kṣetrayamānikāyāḥ varṇanaṃ kośe vartate



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

ṛgvedasya prathamamaṇḍale bhayamānasya nirdeśaḥ kṛtaḥ/e॒tattyatta॑ iṃdra॒ vṛṣṇa॑ u॒kthaṃ vā॑rṣāgi॒rā a॒bhi gṛ॑ṇanti॒ rādhaḥ॑ ṛ॒jrāśvaḥ॒ praṣṭi॑bhiramba॒rīṣaḥ॑ sa॒hade॑vo॒ bhaya॑mānaḥ su॒rādhāḥ॑


kṣetrayamānikā , kṣetravacā   

ekaḥ kṣupaḥ ।

kṣetrayamānikāyāḥ varṇanaṃ kośe vartate



ekaḥ deśaḥ ।

hayamukhasya ullekhaḥ bauddhasāhitye asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

svayamprakāśatīrthasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

svayamprakāśātmanaḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

svayamprakāśānandasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

svayamprakāśendrasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ purūṣaḥ ।

kathāsaritsāgare malayamālī samullikhitaḥ



ekaṃ nagaram ।

padmālayasya ullekhaḥ siṃhāsana-dvātriṃśikāyām asti


pāṇḍukasya ullekhaḥ śatruñjayamahātmye asti