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Grammar Search
"avet" has 4 results
avet: third person singular present optative class 1 parasmaipadaav
avet: third person singular present imperfect class 2 parasmaipadavid
avet: second person singular present imperfect class 2 parasmaipadavid
avet: third person singular present imperfect class 2 parasmaipada
Amarakosha Search
1 result
sahasravedhīFeminineSingularamlavetasaḥ, śatavedhī, cukraḥ
Monier-Williams Search
48 results for avet
avetamfn. elapsed, passed, (/an-- negative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avetamfn. one who has gained, obtained (with accusative), -. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amlavetasam. a kind of dock or sorrel, Rumex Vesicarius View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amlavetasan. vinegar (obtained from fruit) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āmlavetasam. the plant Rumex Vesicarius (= amla-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anavetamfn. not gone away or run off, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asamavetamfn. idem or 'mfn. not inherent, not inseparably connected with, accidental ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asamavetamfn. (plural) not all assembled View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyavetamfn. not separated by (instrumental case), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyavetaseparated by a-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dravetaramfn. "other than fluid", hard, solid, congealed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhītavetanamfn. one who has received his wages, paid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jalavetasam. Calamus Rotang View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛṣṇavetram. the plant Calamus Rotang View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtavetanamfn. one who receives wages (as a hired servant or labourer) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kupyavetaninsee vetanin-, parasmE-pada 1014. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lomavetālam. Name of a demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navetaramfn. "other than new", old View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nihnavettaran. an evasive reply or defence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryavetamfn. elapsed, expired View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravetm. a charioteer Va1rtt. 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravet pra-veya- See pra-- -. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravettṛm. a knower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravettṛ pra-veda- etc. See pra- 1. vid-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājavetrinm. a king's staff-bearer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rutavettṛm. equals prec. m. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samavetamfn. come together, met, assembled, united, all etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samavetamfn. closely connected with, contained or comprised or inherent in (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samavetamfn. approached, come to (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samavetārthamfn. containing a meaning, significant, instructive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samavetatvan. the state of being intimately related or connected View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃyuktasamavetasamavāyam. inherence in that which inheres in the connected View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptasaptakavettṛm. one who knows 7 x 7 sciences View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvaśāstrapravetm. "charioteer of all science", one well acquainted with all science View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvavettṛmfn. all-knower, omniscient ( sarvavettṛtva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvavettṛtvan. sarvavettṛ
savetālamfn. occupied by a vetāla- (said of a dead body) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śītavātoṣṇavetālīf. a kind of female demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śmaśānavetālam. Name of a gambler View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthalavetasam. Calamus Rotang View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ubhayavetanamfn. "receiving wages from both", a spy who seemingly enters the enemy's service View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ubhayavetanamfn. a perfidious or treacherous servant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ubhayavetanatvan. the state of receiving wages from both View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uṣṇavetālīf. Name of a witch View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāntarahasyavettṛm. a knower of the secret doctrine of the vedānta-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīravetasam. Rumex Vesicarius View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavetamfn. separated, divided (especially by insertion of a letter) ( vyavetatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavetatvan. vyaveta
Macdonell Search
4 results
ya prn. rel. (n. -d) who, that, which, what: nearly always followed by the ordinary correlative tad (± etad or idam) or less frequently idam (m. ayam), adas (m. asau), îdris, tâdrisa, etâvat (tathâ sts. corresponding to the n. yad); occasionally either the rel. or the corr. is dropped. Ya is sts. inaccurately employed in the sense of if any (one). Uses of the relative calling for special mention are the following: 1. Ya is often added (without the copula) to emphasize a subject (e.g. âtma parityâgena yad âsritânam rakshanam, tan nîtividâm na sammatam, protection of dependents at the sacrifice of one's own life is not approved by moralists).Sts. it is thus used without emphasis by the side of a simple subject (e. g. andhah sthaviras ka yah, a blind man and one who is old); rarely a nm. rel. of this kind=an ac. (e.g. sarvân rasân apo heta pasavo ye ka mânushâh, he should avoid selling all sorts of condiments, cattle, and human beings). The n. sg. yad of this emphatic rel. is frequently employed without regard to gender or number, when it may be translated by as for, as regards (e.g. asidhâ râvratam idam manye yad arinâ saha samvâ sah, as for dwelling with an enemy, that I consider as hard as the sword-blade vow); before a noun this yad=that is to say (Br.). Immediately following oratio recta ending with iti yad=at the thought that (cp. cj. yad). 2. Two relatives often occur in the same sentence, when the second may be translated by any (e.g. yad rokate yasmai, bhavet tat tasya sundaram, what pleases any one, that to him is beautiful). 3. The meaning of the rel. when repeated (sts. separated by hi) is generalised, ya ya being=whoever, whichever, whatever (followed by the doubled or single corr. tad). 4. Ya is often combined with other prns.: (a) w. tvam, sa, esha, ayam, asau; (b) w. aham (tvam, etc.): yo &zip; ham, I who=since I, or (after a question) that I; (c) w. tad, any soever: yad vâ tad vâ, any, any kind of; anything; (d) w. tvad=or any other (Br., rare); (e) w. intr. ka + ka (V., C., common), + kid (C., very common), + kid api (C., not common), + kana (E., rare), + vâ (C., rare), or + api (C., late, not yet in Manu), immediately following or sts. sepa rated (m. yah kás ka, kas kid, kas kid api, kas kana, ko vâ, or ko &zip; pi, n. yad kim ka, kim kid, kim kid api, kim kana, kim vâ or kim api), whoever, whatever, any soever, any one, no matter who.
yathā rel. ad. & cj. as, like (followed by correlative táthâ; sts. tathâ tathâ, tadvat, evam, V. evá; in V. the pcls. kid, ha, ha vai, iva½a&ndot;ga, iva ha are added, in C. sts. iva redundantly; at the end of a pâda yathâ is sometimes unaccented in this sense like iva); as, for instance; elliptically: as it is or was (rare); properly, correctly (=yathâvat); in order that, (so) that (with subj. or opt. in V.; opt., pr., ft., impf., pf., aor. in C.; sts. with ellipse of syât or bhavet); that (with verbs of saying, thinking, knowing, doubting, hear ing, etc. introducing oratio recta ± iti); as soon as (rare); as if (w. pot., rare): yathâ tathâ, as -therefore; as surely as -so truly (also tena satyena, the logical order of the clauses being sts. inverted); yáthâ yathâ táthâ tathâ (V. also eva&halfacute;eva), according or in proportion as -so, the more -the more; yathâ yathâ½eva, that (w. pot.; corr. tad); yathâ tathâ, in whatever way; in some way or other, anyhow (with na, in no way, not in reality); by commentators used to express that a word is employed adverbially (in such manner that it is, sc.bhavati); yathâ katham- kid, in any way, somehow or other; tad yathâ, that is as follows=namely, for instance; tad yathâ½api nâma, just as if (w. pot.).
saṃyukta pp. √ yug: -samyoga, m. connexion with the connected (e. g. of a trace with a horse, whereby the locomotion of the vehicle is produced); -samavâya, m. inher ence in what is connected (one of the six kinds of perception in Nyâya; e. g. perception of the colour of a vessel); -samaveta-sama vâya, m. inherence in that which inheres in what is connected (e. g. perception of the possession of colour in general in a vessel of a particular colour).
samavetatva n. inherence; -aveta½artha, a. full of meaning.
Bloomfield Vedic
4 results0 results17 results
aṅgebhyo me varcodāḥ pavasva # Mś. P: aṅgebhyo me Apś.12.18.20. Fragment: aṅgebhyo (sc. me varcodau varcase pavethām) TS.
annaṃ ca no bahu bhavet # ViDh.73.30a.
ava kṣudram iva sravet # RV.1.129.6g; N.10.42g.
ahaṃ yavāda urvajre antaḥ # RV.10.27.9b. P: ahaṃ yaveti (!) VHDh.5.424.
ā pra cyavethām apa tan mṛjethām # AVś.18.4.49a. P: ā pra cyavethām Kauś.82.40.
iḍas pade sarvavetu # TB.
katham utsarjanaṃ bhavet # Kauś.68.37d.
cakṣurbhyāṃ me varcodasau (TS. varcodau) varcase (Mś. omits varcase) pavethām # VS.7.27; VSK.9.1.2; TS.; śB.; Mś. P: cakṣurbhyāṃ me Apś.12.18.20.
taṃ naḥ pra brūhi yadi taṃ pravettha # AVP.13.7.9d.
tān naḥ prabrūhi yadi tān pravettha # AVP.13.8.1b.
nānā havete sa janāsa indraḥ # RV.2.12.8d; AVś.20.34.8d; AVP.12.14.8d.
putro aṅgirasām avet # RVKh.10.191.3b.
prāṇāpānābhyāṃ me varcodasau pavethām # Mś. Cf. Apś.12.18.20. See prāṇāya me.
balīyān anvavetya # śB.
yac cānyac chrāddhikaṃ bhavet # śG.4.7.55b.
yad ugram in maghavā viśvahāvet # RV.6.47.15b.
yām adatvā parābhavet # AVś.12.4.45d.
Vedabase Search
178 results
aveta knowSB 3.16.26
avetya knowingSB 10.52.26
avetya knowing it wellSB 1.5.39
abhibhavet takes placeSB 4.6.46
abhibhavet itaḥ go away from this placeSB 10.11.27
abhibhavet can overcomeSB 10.72.11
anayaḥ bhavet may not be very goodSB 10.8.8-9
samaveta-anukalpena by substituting the direct meaning of such incidentsSB 5.13.26
asamaveta-rūpam in an incomplete formSB 5.9.5
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.14
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.15
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.16
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.17
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the use of temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.18
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.19
no bhavet bandhaḥ freedom from all material bondageSB 10.10.41
bhavet would beBG 1.45
bhavet there wereBG 11.12
bhavet achievedSB 1.4.25
bhavet becomesSB 1.11.9
bhavet maySB 1.13.50
bhavet becomesSB 1.17.22
bhavet may result inSB 2.2.33
bhavet it so happensSB 2.2.34
bhavet should beSB 2.9.5
bhavet becomesSB 3.6.14
bhavet becomesSB 3.6.15
bhavet so becomesSB 3.6.23
bhavet developsSB 3.7.19
bhavet may be possibleSB 3.13.7
bhavet it should beSB 3.13.8
bhavet should beSB 3.15.36
bhavet may ariseSB 3.19.34
bhavet may becomeSB 3.29.3
bhavet may ariseSB 3.31.35
bhavet may becomeSB 4.2.21
bhavet he may haveSB 4.7.5
bhavet developsSB 4.12.46
bhavet may happenSB 4.14.37
bhavet can be achievedSB 4.22.15
bhavet there can beSB 6.5.11
bhavet there can beSB 6.5.12
bhavet there can beSB 6.5.13
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.14
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.15
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.16
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.17
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the use of temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.18
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.19
bhavet there may beSB 6.5.43
bhavet should becomeSB 6.8.8-10
bhavet may appearSB 6.8.37
bhavet should becomeSB 6.16.61-62
bhavet can beSB 6.18.43
bhavet he must beSB 7.11.15
bhavet should beSB 7.11.30
bhavet can becomeSB 8.6.21
bhavet should so becomeSB 8.9.7
bhavet will becomeSB 8.22.2
bhavet there isSB 8.22.26
bhavet it so becomesSB 8.23.14
bhavet can becomeSB 8.24.30
bhavet shall becomeSB 9.1.32
bhavet one can becomeSB 9.5.27
bhavet becomesSB 9.7.10
bhavet will becomeSB 9.7.11
bhavet will becomeSB 9.7.12
bhavet should become like thatSB 9.15.11
bhavet one should beSB 9.19.17
bhavet could have beenSB 10.2.35
anayaḥ bhavet may not be very goodSB 10.8.8-9
no bhavet bandhaḥ freedom from all material bondageSB 10.10.41
katham bhavet how could it be soSB 10.12.41
bhavet can beSB 10.14.49
bhavet there can beSB 10.23.30
bhavet occursSB 10.24.6
bhavet one becomesSB 10.33.36
bhavet occursSB 10.40.28
bhavet should occurSB 10.43.38
bhavet must beSB 10.44.9
bhavet will beSB 10.48.35
bhavet occursSB 10.51.53
bhavet must beSB 10.54.21
bhavet must beSB 10.55.34
bhavet will beSB 10.62.8
na bhavet there will not beSB 10.63.29
bhavet arisesSB 10.69.45
na bhavet should not beSB 10.72.32
bhavet will beSB 10.74.23
bhavet may remainSB 10.78.35
bhavet should beSB 10.78.36
bhavet becomesSB 10.79.34
bhavet it becomesSB 10.81.3
bhavet may it beSB 10.83.15-16
bhavet can existSB 10.87.25
bhavet can beSB 10.87.29
bhavet must beSB 10.87.30
bhavet one becomesSB 10.88.5
bhavet there can beSB 11.1.4
bhavet will beSB 11.9.10
bhavet ariseSB 11.13.2
bhavet one should becomeSB 11.13.35
bhavet may becomeSB 11.13.35
bhavet could beSB 11.14.30
bhavet may appearSB 11.15.22
bhavet becomesSB 11.15.30
bhavet may beSB 11.17.1-2
bhavet isSB 11.18.17
bhavet may beSB 11.20.31
bhavet may ariseSB 11.20.35
bhavet isSB 11.21.8
bhavet comes into beingSB 11.21.19
bhavet arisesSB 11.21.19
bhavet must beSB 11.22.10
bhavet he becomesSB 11.25.1
bhavet do occurSB 11.27.14
bhavet he should becomeSB 11.27.44
bhavet will beSB 11.28.25
bhavet isSB 11.29.5
bhavet areSB 12.4.24
bhavet there can beSB 12.4.40
bhavet becomesSB 12.10.33
bhavet there isSB 12.10.42
bhavet one becomesSB 12.12.60
bhavet one must becomeCC Adi 4.34
bhavet bhavetCC Adi 4.35
bhavet may becomeCC Adi 10.1
bhavet becomeCC Adi 14.1
bhavet isCC Madhya 8.111
bhavet isCC Madhya 14.163
bhavet may beCC Madhya 14.192
bhavet can beCC Madhya 17.136
bhavet must beCC Madhya 18.116
bhavet may becomeCC Madhya 19.143
bhavet can there beCC Madhya 19.176
bhavet one becomesCC Madhya 20.313
bhavet should beCC Madhya 22.46
bhavet may beCC Madhya 22.70
bhavet should beCC Madhya 22.84
bhavet there may beCC Madhya 22.88-90
bhavet should beCC Madhya 22.105
bhavet would beCC Madhya 22.146
bhavet isCC Madhya 22.150
bhavet isCC Madhya 22.150
bhavet isCC Madhya 23.14-15
bhavet must beCC Madhya 25.80
bhavet there should beCC Antya 2.119
bhavet becomesCC Antya 7.1
abhibhavet itaḥ go away from this placeSB 10.11.27
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.14
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.15
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.16
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.17
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the use of temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.18
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.19
katham bhavet how could it be soSB 10.12.41
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.14
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.15
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what benefit can there be by performing temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.16
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the benefit of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.17
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what can be the use of temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.18
kim asat-karmabhiḥ bhavet what is the use of engaging in temporary fruitive activitiesSB 6.5.19
na bhavet there will not beSB 10.63.29
na bhavet should not beSB 10.72.32
no bhavet bandhaḥ freedom from all material bondageSB 10.10.41
prabhavet can exert its influenceSB 1.11.6
prabhavet flourishSB 1.18.5
prabhavet exhibitSB 4.21.37
prabhavet would exert its powerSB 11.10.19
asamaveta-rūpam in an incomplete formSB 5.9.5
samaveta-anukalpena by substituting the direct meaning of such incidentsSB 5.13.26
samaveta-yoṣitām (the ceremony was observed) among the assembled women, a ceremony of mothersSB 10.7.4
samaveta appropriateSB 10.85.22
samavetāḥ assembledBG 1.1
samavetāḥ joined togetherSB 10.30.44
samavetān assembledBG 1.25
samavetān assembledSB 3.12.34
samaveta-yoṣitām (the ceremony was observed) among the assembled women, a ceremony of mothersSB 10.7.4
14 results
avetana adjective free of charge
Frequency rank 45514/72933
amlaveta noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 26617/72933
amlavetasa noun (masculine neuter) a kind of dock or sorrel (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Calamus viminalis Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 525) Garcinia pedunculata Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 525) Rheum acuminatum Hook.F. et Thoms. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 525) Rheum moorcroftianum Royle (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 525) Rheum officinale Baill. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 525) Rheum spiciforme Royle (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 525) Rheum webbianum Royle (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 525) Rumes crispus Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 525) Rumex Vesicarius Linn. (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3834/72933
amlavetasa noun (neuter) vinegar (obtained from fruit) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13984/72933
amlavetasaka noun (neuter) amlavetasa
Frequency rank 32490/72933
amlāgrimavetasa noun (masculine) amlavetasa
Frequency rank 44745/72933
asamaveta adjective (pl.) not all assembled (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
accidental (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32829/72933
jalavetasa noun (masculine) Calamus Rotang (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24015/72933
navetara adjective old (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55766/72933
pañcavetasa noun (neuter) name of a Varga
Frequency rank 56928/72933
rutavettṛ noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 63729/72933
vītavetasa noun (masculine) amlavetasa
Frequency rank 66350/72933
vīravetasa noun (masculine) Rumex Vesicarius (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 66374/72933
sāmlavetasa adjective with Amlavetasa
Frequency rank 70364/72933


sour fruits of orange (nāraṅga), rhubarb (amlavetasa), acid lime (nimbu), sweet lime (mātuluṅga), lemon (jambīra).


Plant Himalayan rhubarb; Garcinia pedunculata; Rumex vesicarius; vinegar. Solena amplexicaulis a substitute. Garcinia pedunculata tree is also considered amlavetasa. Rheum emodi is used as another substitute. not yet identified.


Plant four citrous fruits that iclude plums (badari), pomegranate (dāḍima), kokam or butter tree (vṛkṣāmla) and common sorrel (amlavetasa).


Plant Indian willow, Salix tetrasperma.


Plant bījapūraka (citron), jambīra (lemon), nāranga (orange), amlavetasa (bladderdock), tintriṇi (tamarind) is one set; leaves, stembark, flowers, fruits and roots of lime together is another set.

Wordnet Search
"avet" has 13 results.


sammilita, sañcita, upacita, samupacita, samūḍha, saṅgūḍha, sambhṛta, sambhūta, ekīkṛta, ekastha, sannipatita, saṃhata, samaveta, saṅkalita   

itastata ākṛṣya ekatra kṛtam nibandhanam ।

aiṣamaḥ kumbhamahāsammelane sammilitānāṃ janānāṃ dhāvaṃ dhāvaṃ jātam।


sārathiḥ, sūtaḥ, kṣattā, niyāmaka, niṣaṅgathi, pravetā, rathavāhaka, rathasārathi, saṃgrahītā, saṃgrāhaka, sacakrī, sādi, savyeṣṭhā, sthapati   

yaḥ rathaṃ cālayati।

mahābhārate yuddhe śrīkṛṣṇaḥ arjunasya sārathiḥ āsīt।



vetanena vinā kāryarataḥ।

asmākaṃ pradeśe kānicana vidyālayāni santi yatra śikṣakāḥ avetanāḥ kāryaṃ kurvanti।


śāstravid, śāstrajñaḥ, śāstravet   

yaḥ śāstrasya jñātā asti।

śaṅkarācāryaḥ śāstravid āsīt।


sarvajña, sarvavet   

yaḥ sarvaṃ jānāti।

īśvaraḥ sarvajñaḥ asti।


māsikavetanam, māsikavartanam, māsikabhūtiḥ, māsikaṃ vetanam, māsikakarmaṇyā, māsikavidhā, māsikabhṛtyā, māsikabharaṇyam, māsikabharaṇam, māsikamūlyam, māsikanirveśaḥ, māsikapaṇaḥ, māsikaviṣṭiḥ   

pratimāsaṃ dīyamānā karmadakṣiṇā;

agrime māse mama kanyāyāḥ māsikavetanaṃ pañcadaśasahasrarupyakāṇi bhaviṣyati


nivṛttavetanam, anuvṛttiḥ   

karmakarasya tad māsikaṃ vārṣikaṃ vā vetanaṃ yad saḥ tasya parivāro vā tasya nivṛttyāḥ anantaraṃ prāpnoti।

saḥ daśasahasrāṇi rupyakāṇi nivṛttavetanam prāpnoti।


amlavetasaḥ, raktasāraḥ, rājāmlaḥ, vīravetasaḥ, vetasāmlaḥ, vaitasaḥ, śuktā, vedhakaḥ, vṛddharājaḥ, śuktikā, āmlavetasaḥ, śuktikā, śaṅkhadrāvin, vedhin   


amlavetasaḥ paścimeṣu parvateṣu vardhate।



yat ekasmin vetre avalambate।

sainikaḥ ekavetriṇi paṭamaṇḍape upaviṣṭaḥ।


bahirbhūta, paryaveta   

yasya samayasīmā samāptā।

bahirbhūtānām auṣadhānāṃ sevanaṃ prāṇaharaṃ bhavati।


purātattvajñaḥ, purātattvavid, purātattvavettā, purāvaśeṣavid   

purātanānāṃ vastūnāṃ vāstūnāṃ saṃskṛteśca jñātā।

purātattvajñāḥ naikavidhān sthalān anvīkṣante।


naiyāyikaḥ, nyāyavettā, nyāyādhyetā   

yaḥ nyāyaṃ tarkaśāstraṃ vā viśeṣam adhīte।

naiyāyikasya tarkeṇa sarve joṣaṃ sthitāḥ।



ekaḥ dyutakaraḥ ।

śmaśānavetālasya ullekhaḥ kathāsaritsāgare asti

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