Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
avasitaḥ | 3.1.98 | Masculine | Singular | sitaḥ | |
buddham | 3.1.110 | Masculine | Singular | manitam, viditam, pratipannam, avasitam, avagatam, budhitam | |
gṛham | 2.2.4-5 | Neuter | Singular | agāram, vastyam, sadma, geham, ālayaḥ, gṛhāḥ, bhavanam, niśāntam, veśma, nilayaḥ, mandiram, sadanam, niketanam, udavasitam, nikāyyaḥ |
avasita | mfn. one who has put up at any place, who dwells, rests, resides | ||||||
avasita | mfn. brought to his abode (as agni-) | ||||||
avasita | mfn. ended, terminated, finished, completed | ||||||
avasita | mfn. one who has given up anything (ablative ;or in compound ) | ||||||
avasita | mfn. determined, fixed | ||||||
avasita | mfn. ascertained | ||||||
avasita | mfn. known, understood | ||||||
avasita | mfn. one who is determined to (locative case) | ||||||
avasita | mfn. being at end of the line of a verse (See ava-s/āna-) | ||||||
avasita | mfn. stored (as grain etc.) | ||||||
avasita | mfn. gone | ||||||
avasita | n. "a dwelling-place" See navā | ||||||
avasitakārya | mfn. one who has finished what had to be done, satisfied, | ||||||
avasitamaṇḍana | mfn. entirely adorned or dressed, | ||||||
adhyavasita | mfn. ascertained, determined, apprehended. | ||||||
anadhyavasita | mfn. irresolute, | ||||||
anavasita | mfn. not set, not terminated | ||||||
anvavasita | mfn. seized by | ||||||
avyavasita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. inactive, negligent, remiss ' | ||||||
caturvyavasitayamaka | n. a kind of yamaka- (in which the four quarters of a stanza are homophonous), | ||||||
duravasita | mfn. difficult to be ascertained, unfathomed | ||||||
durvyavasita | n. an evil intention | ||||||
niravavasita | mfn. expelled, rejected | ||||||
paryavasita | mfn. (pary-/ava--) living farther off (= not quite near) | ||||||
paryavasita | mfn. (with lokā | ||||||
paryavasita | mfn. finished, concluded, ended etc. | ||||||
paryavasita | mfn. amounting to (locative case) | ||||||
paryavasita | mfn. resolved, settled, definitive | ||||||
paryavasitamati | mfn. thoroughly acquainted or familiar with (locative case) | ||||||
pratyavasita | mfn. relapsed into the old (bad) way of life (Scholiast or Commentator"one who has given up the life of a religious mendicant") | ||||||
pratyavasita | mfn. consumed, eaten (see ) | ||||||
samyagvyavasita | mfn. firmly resolved | ||||||
suparyavasita | mfn. well carried out | ||||||
supratyavasita | mfn. (perhaps) safely returned to one's own country | ||||||
udavasita | n. a house, dwelling | ||||||
vipravasita | mfn. withdrawn, departed (n. impersonal or used impersonally) | ||||||
vyavasita | mfn. finished, ended, done | ||||||
vyavasita | mfn. decided, determined, resolved, undertaken (also n. impersonal or used impersonally;with dative case or infinitive mood) etc. | ||||||
vyavasita | mfn. one who has resolved upon or is determined or willing to (locative case, dative case,or infinitive mood) | ||||||
vyavasita | mfn. settled, ascertained, known (n. impersonal or used impersonally), convinced or sure of anything (with samyak-,"one who has ascertained what is right";with accusative,"one who has acknowledged anything as true") | ||||||
vyavasita | mfn. deceived, tricked, cheated, disappointed | ||||||
vyavasita | mfn. energetic, persevering, making effort or exertion | ||||||
vyavasita | n. resolution, determination | ||||||
vyavasita | n. an artifice, contrivance | ||||||
vyavasitavaseya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be settled or determined | ||||||
vyavasitavasiti | f. ascertainment, determination, resolution | ||||||
yathāvyavasitam | ind. as has been determined |
adhyavasita | अध्यवसित p. p. Attempted, mentally apprehended, determined. |
anavasita | अनवसित a. [न. त.] Not ended or finished; not determined. -ता N. of a kind of Triṣṭubh metre, consisting of four lines with 11 feet in each. |
aniravasita | अनिरवसित a. [P. P. of निर् + अव + सो 4 P.] Śūdras who are not expelled (from dish), i. e. those Śūdras who are not regarded so low as to defile the plates and vessels permanently in which they might have taken their meal. cf. पात्रादनिरवसितानाम् । यैक्ते पात्रं संस्कारेण शुध्यति ते अनिरवरिताः । यैर्भुक्ते पात्रं संस्कारेणापि न सुध्यति ते निर- वसिताः शूद्राणामनिरवसितानाम्; (P.II.4.1 Sk.). |
anvavasita | अन्ववसित a. Connected with, bound or fastened to. |
udavasitam | उदवसितम् [उद्-अव-सो-क्त] A house, dwelling; जानीषे रेभिलस्योदवसितम् Mk.4; Śi.11.18. |
paryavasita | पर्यवसित p. p. 1 Finished, ended, completed. -2 Perished, lost. -3 Determined. -Comp. -मति a. thoroughly acquainted. |
pratyavasita | प्रत्यवसित a. 1 Eaten, drunk. -2 Relapsed into the old (bad) way of life; ये प्रत्यवसिताश्चैव ते वै निरयगामिनः Mb.13.23.67. प्रत्यवस्कन्दः pratyavaskandḥ दनम् danam प्रत्यवस्कन्दः दनम् (In law) A special plea; admitting a fact, but qualifying it in such a manner that it may not appear as a count of accusation. |
vipravasita | विप्रवसित p. p. Withdrawn, departed; भिक्षुभिर्विप्र- वसिते Bhāg.1.6.2. |
vyavasita | व्यवसित p. p. 1 Endeavoured, attempted; स्वजनमनु- गन्तुं व्यवसिता Ś.6.9. -2 Undertaken. -3 Resolved, determined, settled. -4 Devised, planned. -5 Endeavouring, resolving. -6 Persevering, energetic. -7 Cheated, deceived. -8 Convinced, sure (of anything); सम्यग्व्यवसिता बुद्धिस्तव राजर्षिसत्तम Bhāg.1.1.15. -तम् Ascertainment, determination; यत्ते व्यवसितं तात तदस्माकमपि प्रियम् Mb.6.119.37. -2 An artifice, contrivance. |
durvaca | a. ill-spoken, abusive (word); hard to answer; -vakana, n. pl. hard words, abuse (Pr.); -vakas, n. id.; stupid words; a. abusive; hard to answer; -vanig, m. rogue of a merchant; -varna, m. bad colour; im purity; (-várna), a. having a bad colour or complexion; of low caste; n. silver; -vala, a. having a skin disease; -vasa, a. (n. it is) hard to dwell; hard to pass (time); -vasati, f. painful residence; a. hard to bear; -execute or accomplish; -vâk, f. abuse; a. abu sive; -vâkya, a. difficult to utter, harsh (words); n. abuse; ill-tidings; -vâda, m. blame, reproach; -vânta, pp. that has not fully vomited the blood it has sucked (leech); -vâra,a. hard to restrain or check; irresist ible; -vârana, a. id.; -vârttâ, f. ill-tidings; -vârya, fp. hard to restrain or check, irre sistible: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -vâla, a. bald-headed or red-haired or afflicted with skin disease; -vâsanâ, f.false notion; -v&asharp;sas, a. ill-clad; m. N. of an irascible Brâhman; -vâhita, n. heavy burden; -vikatthana, a. disagreeably boastful; -vikalpa, m. unjustifiable irresolution; -vigâha, a. hard to fathom or penetrate; profound; serious, critical; -vigâhya, fp. id.; -vikâra, m. ill-timed hesitation; a. very irresolute; -vigñâna, n. difficult ascer tainment; a. (á) hard to comprehend; -vi- gñeya, fp. hard to distinguish; -vidagdha, pp. perverse;-vidya, a. uneducated; -vidha, a. mean, base; -vidhi, m. evil destiny; -vi naya, m. imprudent behaviour; -vinîta, pp. ill-bred, ill-behaved: -ka, a. id.; -vipâka, m. ill-ripening, evil issue; a. having evil conse quences; -vibhâva, a. hard to comprehend; -vibhâvana, a. hard to perceive; -vibhâvya, fp. id.; indistinctly visible; hard to compre hend; -vilasita, n. wicked trick; -vivâha, m. blamable marriage; -vivekana, a. hard to judge rightly; -vishaha, a. hard to en dure or overcome; irresistible; hard to per form or accomplish; -vritta, n. bad or base conduct, baseness; a. ill-conducted, wicked; poor; m. wicked man; -vritti, f. distress, misery; baseness; -vyavasita, n. evil intent; -vyavasthâpa-ka, a. pronouncing a bad or unfavourable decision; -vyavahâra, m. bad decision of a suit; -vyavahriti, f. evil rumour; -vyasana, n. evil passion, vice; -vyâhrita, pp. ill-spoken; n. unsuitable utterance. |
supakva | a. well-cooked; thoroughly ripe or mature (also fig.); -pa&ndot;ka, m. (?) good clay; -patha, a. easy to read, legible; -pati, m. good husband; -pattra, a. having beau tiful wings; well-feathered (arrow); having a beautiful vehicle; -pátnî, a. f. having a good husband; -páth, m. good path; -pátha, n. (V.), m. (C.) good road (V., C.); virtuous course (C.); -pathin, m. (nm. -panthâs) good path; -pad, a. (-î) swift-footed (RV.1); -pa p[a]t-aní, f. swift flight (RV.1); -parigñâta, pp. well-ascertained; -parisrânta, pp. com pletely exhausted; -parihara, a. easy to avoid; -parîkshana, n. careful examina tion; -parîkshita, pp.carefully examined; -parus, a. having beautiful knots (arrow); -parná, a. (&isharp;) having beautiful wings (RV.); m. a large bird of prey, vulture, eagle (fig. of sun, moon, and clouds; du. = sun and moon; V.); a mythical bird, identified with Garuda (C.): -ketu, m. ep. of Vishnu Krishna; -paryavasita, pp. well carried out; -paryâpta, pp. very spacious (house); -par van, a. having beautiful joints; having beauti ful sections orbooks (Mahâbhârata); famous; -palâyita, (pp.) n. skilful or opportune re treat; -pâni, V. a. beautiful-handed; dex terous-handed; -pâtra, n. good receptacle, worthy person (esp. to receive gifts); -pârá, a. (RV.) easy to cross; easy to bear; easily passing over (rain); conducting to a pros perous issue (also TS.); m. a certain per sonification: (á)-kshatra, a. easily traversing his realm (Varuna; RV.1); -pârsva, a. hav ing beautiful sides; m. N.; -pippalá, a. bear ing good berries (V.); -pihita-vat, pp. act. having (the ears, ac.) carefully closed: -î, f. =finite vb.; -punya, a. very excellent; n. great religious or moral merit; -putra, m. good son; á, a. having manyor good chil dren (V., E.); -purusha, m. a certain per sonification; -pushkala, a. very abundant; -pushta, pp. well-fed; -pushpa, a. having beautiful flowers; -pushpita, den. pp. adorned with beautiful flowers; -pûgita,pp. highly honoured; (sú)-pûta, pp. well-clarified; -pûra, a. easy to fill; (sú)-pûrna, pp. well filled, quite full; -pûrvam, ad. very early in the morning; -pûrvâhne, lc. early in the forenoon; -pésas, a. well-adorned, beauti ful, fair (V., rarely P.). |
iheha | jātā sam avāvaśītām # RV.1.181.4a; N.12.3a. |
avasita | surely | SB 2.7.29 |
avasita-artha | fully convinced of one's interest | SB 4.21.33 |
avasita-artha | fully convinced of one's interest | SB 4.21.33 |
avasita-karma-nirvāṇa-avasaraḥ | Mahārāja Bharata who ascertained the moment of the end of his royal opulence | SB 5.7.8 |
avasita-karma-nirvāṇa-avasaraḥ | Mahārāja Bharata who ascertained the moment of the end of his royal opulence | SB 5.7.8 |
avasita-karma-nirvāṇa-avasaraḥ | Mahārāja Bharata who ascertained the moment of the end of his royal opulence | SB 5.7.8 |
avasita-karma-nirvāṇa-avasaraḥ | Mahārāja Bharata who ascertained the moment of the end of his royal opulence | SB 5.7.8 |
avasita-matiḥ | whose mind is determined | SB 5.14.36 |
avasita-matiḥ | whose mind is determined | SB 5.14.36 |
avasitaḥ | being convinced | SB 11.9.25 |
avasitaḥ | experienced | SB 7.9.30 |
avasitaḥ | known | SB 3.6.38 |
avasitaḥ | situated | SB 3.28.36 |
avasitam | ascertained | SB 10.87.26 |
avasitam | residing | SB 3.31.13 |
avasitam | who is captured | SB 12.6.32 |
avasitasya | who resides | SB 3.28.33 |
anavasita-padavya | whose path cannot be ascertained | SB 5.3.14 |
vijñāna-avasitam | within your knowledge scientifically | SB 2.5.3 |
avyavasita-matīn | who had lost all intelligence in the present situation | SB 10.7.9 |
duravasita | impossible to understand | SB 6.16.47 |
duravasita | incomprehensible | SB 12.12.67 |
kṛta-vyavasitaḥ | making certain of what to do (in giving his body to the demigods) | SB 6.10.11 |
avyavasita-matīn | who had lost all intelligence in the present situation | SB 10.7.9 |
anavasita-padavya | whose path cannot be ascertained | SB 5.3.14 |
paryavasita | settled | SB 5.9.8 |
vijñāna-avasitam | within your knowledge scientifically | SB 2.5.3 |
vyavasita | known | SB 5.1.7 |
vyavasita | determined | SB 11.8.43 |
vyavasitaḥ | situated in determination | BG 9.30 |
vyavasitaḥ | having arrived at the conclusion | SB 4.17.13 |
kṛta-vyavasitaḥ | making certain of what to do (in giving his body to the demigods) | SB 6.10.11 |
vyavasitaḥ | fixed | SB 8.3.1 |
vyavasitaḥ | deciding | SB 9.1.21 |
vyavasitaḥ | determined | SB 9.6.41-42 |
vyavasitaḥ | having firmly decided | SB 9.9.48 |
vyavasitaḥ | fixing his determination | SB 10.56.43 |
vyavasitaḥ | fixing his determination | SB 10.81.38 |
vyavasitaḥ | deciding for certain | SB 11.1.5 |
vyavasitaḥ | established | SB 11.29.20 |
vyavasitam | determination | SB 1.13.37 |
vyavasitam | the fixed decision | SB 3.22.22 |
vyavasitam | determination | SB 4.9.19 |
vyavasitam | contemplation | SB 4.12.33 |
vyavasitam | vow | SB 6.18.71 |
vyavasitam | it was decided | SB 6.18.73 |
vyavasitam | determined | SB 10.63.46 |
vyavasitam | affirmed intention | SB 10.71.18 |
vyavasitam | determined | SB 10.72.7 |
vyavasitam | your resolve | SB 10.73.19 |
vyavasitam | intention | SB 10.88.30 |
vyavasitam | determined | SB 11.2.11 |
vyavasitam | the actual conclusion | SB 11.21.26 |
avasita | adjective ascertained (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) being at end of the line of a verse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) brought to his abode (as Agni) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) completed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dark (? <> sita) determined (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) ended (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) finished (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fixed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) gone (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) known (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one who has given up anything (abl.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one who has put up at any place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one who is determined to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) stored (as grain etc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) terminated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) understood (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 45262/72933 | |
anavasita | adjective not set (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) not terminated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22936/72933 | |
aniravasita | adjective not excluded from (social) contact with higher caste members Frequency rank 31853/72933 | |
aparyavasita | adjective unfulfilled (a vow) Frequency rank 43702/72933 | |
avyavasita | adjective remiss (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 45553/72933 | |
udavasita | noun (neuter) a house (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dwelling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 20925/72933 | |
pratyavasita | adjective consumed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) eaten (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) relapsed into the old (bad) way of life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37258/72933 | |
viparyavasita | adjective (wahrscheinlich) paryavasita Frequency rank 65804/72933 | |
vyavasita | noun (neuter) an artifice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) contrivance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) determination (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) resolution (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17267/72933 |