ava | m. favour  |
ava | m. (cf nirav/at-.)  |
ava | ind. (as a prefix to verbs and verbal nouns expresses) off, away, down etc.  |
ava | ind. (exceptionally as a preposition with ablative) down from  |
ava | ind. (for another use of this prepositionSee ava-kokila-.)  |
ava | (only genitive case dual number av/or-with vām-,"of you both", corresponding to s/a tv/am-,"thou", etc.) , this (vā-for vām-) [ Zend pronoun ava-; Slavonic or Slavonian ovo; confer, compare also the syllable, in, , etc.; Latin au-t, autem-,etc.]  |
avabaddha | mfn. put on (as a helmet)  |
avabaddha | mfn. fastened on, fixed, sticking (as an arrow or a nail, etc.) etc.  |
avabaddha | mfn. captivated, attached to  |
avabādh | A1. (1.pl. -bādhāmahe-; perf. 3. sg. -babādh/e-) Ved. to keep off  |
avabadhā | f. equals abadhā- q.v  |
avabāḍha | mfn. ( baṃh-), digged out, discovered (said of the valag/a- q.v)  |
avabāhuka | m. spasm in the arm  |
avabandh | A1. (ind.p. -badhya-) to tie or fix on, put on  |
avabandha | m. "palsy" See vartmāvab-.  |
avabhā | -bhāti-, to shine downwards (varia lectio -bhari-,fr. ava-bhṛ- ) ; to shine, be brilliant ; to appear, become manifest  |
avabhagna | mfn. broken off  |
avabhagna | mfn. broken, injured (as honour)  |
avabhaṅga | m. breaking off (as of the shaft of a bow)  |
avabhaṅga | m. hollowing or sinking (of the nose)  |
avabhañj | (ind.p. -bhajga-) to break off, smash.  |
avabhañjana | n. breaking or tearing off  |
avabharjana | n. ( bhṛj-),"frying", destroying (as seeds)  |
avabharjita | mfn. "fried", destroyed (as seeds)  |
avabharjita | mfn. ( bhṛj-, Causal) roasted, parched, id est burned, destroyed,  |
avabharts | (p. -bhartsayat-) to deter by threatening ; to deter by scolding scold v 641 and 7115  |
avabhartsana | n. scolding, threstening,  |
avabhās | -bhāsate-, to shine forth, be brilliant ; to become manifest, appear as (instrumental case): Causal P. (parasmE-pada -bhāsayat-,wrongly written -bhāṣayat- ) to illuminate etc. ; to make manifest  |
avabhāsa | m. splendour, lustre, light  |
avabhāsa | m. appearance (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with words expressing a colour)  |
avabhāsa | m. (in vedānta- philosophy) manifestation  |
avabhāsa | m. reach, compass, see, śravaṇāvabh-.  |
avabhāsaka | mfn. (in vedānta- philosophy) illuminating, making manifest. |
avabhāsakara | m. Name of a devaputra-  |
avabhāṣaṇa | n. speaking against, speaking  |
avabhāsana | n. shining  |
avabhāsana | n. becoming manifest  |
avabhāsana | n. (in Vedic or Veda philosophy) illuminating.  |
avabhāsanaśikhin | m. Name of a nāga- demon  |
avabhāsaprabha | m. plural Name of a class of deities  |
avabhāsaprāpta | m. Name of a world  |
avabhāsin | mfn. shining, bright (said of the outer skin of a snake)  |
avabhāsin | mfn. making manifest  |
avabhāṣita | mfn. spoken against, reviled  |
avabhāṣita | mfn. (See ava-bhās-.)  |
avabhāsita | mfn. shining, bright  |
avabhāsita | mfn. illumined, lighted (wrongly written ava-bhāṣita-, ) , etc.  |
avabhāsya | mfn. to be (or being) illumined,  |
avabhedaka | mfn. "piercing (the head)", aching (as hemiplegia) (see ardha-bheda-.)  |
avabhedin | mfn. splitting, dividing  |
avabhid | (imperfect tense 2. sg. -bhinat-,or -/abhinat-or -abhinat-;3. sg. -abhinat-; Aorist 3. sg. -bhet-) to split, pierce  |
avabhinna | mfn. pierced  |
avabhinna | mfn. broken, injured  |
avabhṛ | P. (imperfect tense /avābharat-,or -bharat-,2. sg. -bharas-,Ved. Imper. 2. sg. -bharā-) to throw or push or press down or into ; to throw or cut off : A1. -bharate-, to sink down or disappear (as foam) , to lower : Passive voice (subjunctive -bhriyāte- Aorist -bhāri-) to be pressed upon or in (accusative) (See ava-bhā-).  |
avabhra | See an-avabhr/a-rādhas-.  |
avabhraṭa | mf(ā-)n. equals ava-ṭīṭa- q.v  |
avabhṛtha | m. (once -bh/ṛtha- ) "carrying off, removing", purification or ablution of the sacrificer and sacrificial vessels after a sacrifice  |
avabhṛtha | m. a supplementary sacrifice (See below) see jīvitāvabh-.  |
avabhṛthasāman | n. Name of a sāman-  |
avabhṛthasnāna | n. idem or 'n. bathing or ablution after a sacrificial ceremony '  |
avabhṛthasnapana | n. bathing or ablution after a sacrificial ceremony  |
avabhṛthayajūṃṣi | n. plural the yajus--formulas used for the ava-bhṛtha-  |
avabhṛtheṣṭi | f. a supplementary sacrifice to atone for defects in a principal and preceding one  |
avabhṛti | f. Name of a town (residence of the āvabhṛtya- kings) commentator or commentary on  |
avabhugna | mfn. bent down  |
avabhuj | to incurve  |
avaboddhavya | mfn. to be kept in mind  |
avabodha | m. waking, being awake  |
avabodha | m. perception, knowledge , faculty of being resolute in judgement or action [Comm.] , teaching  |
avabodhaka | mfn. awakening (as faculties), teaching  |
avabodhana | n. informing, teaching, instruction  |
avabodhanīya | mfn. to be reminded, admonished, censured  |
avabodhita | mfn. awakened  |
avabrava | See an-avabrav/a-.  |
avabuddha | mfn. learnt (as skilfulness, kanśala-)  |
avabudh | budhyate- (future 3. plural -bhotsyante- ,rarely P. exempli gratia, 'for example' -budhyati- ;2. sg. -budhyasi- ) to become sensible or aware of, perceive, know Causal (imperfect tense -bodhayat-) to make one aware of, remind of ; to cause to know, inform, explain etc.: Passive voice -budhyate-, to be learnt by (instrumental case)  |
avaca | "lower", in uccāvaca- q.v  |
avacakṣ | A1. -c/aṣṭe- (imperfect tense -cakṣata-; Aorist 1. sg. -acacakṣam-,2. sg. -cakṣi-;Ved.Inf. -c/akṣe-) to look down upon ; to perceive (Inf. in Passive voice sense:"to be seen by")  |
avacakṣaṇam | ind. (gaRa gotādi- q.v)  |
avacana | n. absence of a special assertion etc.  |
avacana | mfn. not expressing anything  |
avacana | mfn. not speaking, silent  |
avacanakara | mfn. not doing what one is bid or advised.  |
avacandramasa | n. disappearance of the moon  |
avacanīya | mfn. not to be spoken, improper  |
avacanīyatā | f. impropriety of speech.  |
avacanīyatva | n. impropriety of speech.  |
avacar | (3. plural -caranti-) to come down from (ablative) : Causal (Potential -cārayet-; ind.p. -carya-) to apply (in med.)  |
avacara | m. the dominion or sphere or department of (in compound See kāmāvacara-, dhyānāv-,etc.) (see tālāvacara-and yajñāvacar/a-.)  |
avacaraka | m. a footman, runner,  |
avacāraṇa | mfn. running, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
avacāraṇa | n. (in med.) application  |
avacarantikā | f. (diminutive of pr. p. f. ntī-) stepping down from (ablative) (see pravar tamanak/a-.)  |
avacārita | mfn. (in med.) applied  |
avacaskara | mfn. silent, not speaking.  |
avacatnuka | m. (?) , Name of a country  |
avacaya | m. gathering (as flowers, fruits, etc.)  |
avacāyin | mfn. gathering  |
avacchad | ( chad-), -cchādayati- (ind.p. -cchādya-) to cover over, overspread etc. ; to cover, conceal ; to obscure, leave in darkness  |
avacchada | m. a cover  |
avacchādana | n. covering, (Scholiast or Commentator).  |
avacchanna | mfn. covered over, overspread, covered with (instrumental case) etc.  |
avacchanna | mfn. filled (as with anger)  |
avacchāta | mfn. skinned  |
avacchāta | mfn. reaped  |
avacchāta | mfn. emaciated (as by abstinence)  |
avaccheda | m. anything cut off (as from clothes)  |
avaccheda | m. part, portion (as of a recitation)  |
avaccheda | m. separation, discrimination  |
avaccheda | m. (in logic) distinction, particularising, determining  |
avaccheda | m. a predicate (the property of a thing by which it is distinguished from everything else).  |
avacchedaka | mfn. distinguishing, particularising, determining  |
avacchedaka | m. "that which distinguishes", a predicate, characteristic, property  |
avacchedana | n. cutting off  |
avacchedana | n. dividing  |
avacchedana | n. discriminating, distinguishing  |
avacchedāvaccheda | m. removing distinctions, generalising  |
avacchedya | mfn. to be separated.  |
avacchid | ( chid-) to refuse any one : Passive voice /ava-cchidyate-, to be separated from (ablative)  |
avacchinna | mfn. separated, detached etc.  |
avacchinna | mfn. (in logic) predicated (id est separated from everything else by the properties predicated) , distinguished, particularised  |
avacchita | mfn. skinned  |
avacchita | mfn. reaped  |
avaccho | ( cho-), (ind.p. -cchāya-) to cut off ; to skin  |
avacchurita | n. a horse-laugh  |
avacchuritaka | n. a horse-laugh  |
avaci | (parasmE-pada -cinvat- ; ind.p. -icitya-; infinitive mood -cetum- ) to gather, collect (as fruits from a tree, vṛkṣam- phalāni-[double accusative ] ) ; (p.f. -cinvatī-), to draw back or open one's garment  |
avaci | (3. plural -cinvanti-) to examine  |
avacicīṣā | f. (Desiderative) a desire to gather  |
avacīravicīraka | mfn. dilapidation, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
avacita | mfn. gathered.  |
avacṛt | (Potential -cṛt/et-) to let loose  |
avacūḍa | m. the pendent crest or streamer of a standard,  |
avacūḍā | f. a pendent, tuft or garland (an ornament of peacock feathers hanging down)  |
avacūla | m. equals ava-cūḍa- m.  |
avacūla | See ava-cūḍa-, column 1.  |
avacūlaka | n. a chowri or brush (formed of a cow's tail, peacock's feathers, etc., for warding off flies) |
avacūri | f. a gloss, short commentary.  |
avacūrikā | f. a gloss, short commentary.  |
avacūrṇ | -cūrṇayati-, (ind.p. -cūrṇya-) to sprinkle or cover with meal, dust, etc. (see )  |
avacūrṇana | n. sprinkling with  |
avacūrṇita | mfn. sprinkled with powder, etc. etc.  |
avacūrṇita | mfn. (with flowers)  |
avaḍa | m. a kind of field,  |
avadagdha | mfn. burnt down  |
avadāgha | m. (gaRa nyaṅkv-ādi- q.v)  |
avadah | (imperfect tense 2. sg. /avādahas-) "to burn down from", expel from (ablative) with heat or fire ; (ind.p. -dahya-) to burn down, consume  |
avadāha | m. "burning down", the root of the fragrant grass Andropogon Muricatus  |
avadāheṣṭa | n. idem or 'm. "burning down", the root of the fragrant grass Andropogon Muricatus '  |
avadal | -dalati-, to burst, crack asunder  |
avadalita | mfn. burst, cracked  |
avadaṃśa | m. any pungent food (which excites thirst), stimulant  |
avadāna | n. a great or glorious act, achievement (object of a legend ) (For 2. ava-d/āna-See avado-.)  |
avadāna | n. cutting or dividing into pieces etc. |
avadāna | n. a part, portion  |
avadāna | n. equals ava-dāha- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ava-dah-)  |
avadānakalpalatā | f. "storehouse of legends of buddha-'s life and acts", Name (also title or epithet) of a celebrated work, n. 1.  |
avaḍaṅga | or avadraṅga- m. a market, mart  |
avadānīya | n. particle or portion (of meat)  |
avadanta | m. "not speaking", a baby  |
avadānya | mfn. (see abhy-avad-) "niggardly", (gaRa cārv-ādi- q.v)  |
avadāra | m. "breaking through" accusative ram- with i-, to break or burst through  |
avadāraka | mfn. splitting open id est digging (the earth)  |
avadaraṇa | n. breaking (as a boil etc.), bursting, separating  |
avadāraṇa | mfn. breaking, shattering in pieces  |
avadāraṇa | n. breaking, shattering  |
avadāraṇa | n. breaking open, bursting open  |
avadāraṇa | n. "opening (the ground)", a spade or hoe  |
avadārita | mfn. rent or burst open  |
avadat | mfn. not speaking  |
avadāta | mfn. ( das-), cleansed, clean, clear  |
avadāta | mfn. , blameless, excellent etc., of white splendour, dazzling white  |
avadāta | mfn. clear, intelligible  |
avadāta | m. white colour  |
avadātavasana | mfn. "clothed in white", laical,  |
avadatta | mfn. (1. dā-)  |
avadāvada | mfn. undisputed, uncontested  |
avaday | -dayate- (1. sg. -daye-) to give or pay a sum of money (for the purpose of silencing or keeping one off)  |
avadeya | mfn. to be divided commentator or commentary on  |
avadha | mfn. ( vadh-), not hurting, innoxious, beneficent ([ ;"indestructible", ])  |
avadha | m. the not striking or hurting  |
avadha | m. absence of murder  |
avadhā | P. (Aorist 3. plural -/adhuh- ;Imper. 2. sg. -dhehi-and perf. 3. plural -dadh/uh- ; ind.p. -dhāya-;rarely A1. exempli gratia, 'for example' perf. -dadhe- ) to place down, plunge into (locative case), deposit ; to place or turn aside : Passive voice (Imper. -dhīyatām-) to be applied or directed (as the mind) : Causal (Potential -dhāpayet-) to cause. to put into (locative case)  |
avadham | -dhamati- (said of spirituous liquor) to stir up (as the parts of the body) : Passive voice to shake, tremble, shudder  |
avadhāna | n. attention, attentiveness, intentness , (see sāvadhana-.)  |
avadhāna | fixing, fastening,  |
avadhānatā | f. ([ ]) ([ ]) attentiveness.  |
avadhānatva | n. ([ ]) attentiveness.  |
avadhānavat | mfn. attentive, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
avadhānavattā | (f.)  |
avadhānin | mfn. "attentive", (gaṇa- iṣṭādi-, q.v)  |
avadhāra | m. accurate determination limitation  |
avadhāraka | mfn. determining, bearing upon, meaning  |
avadhāraka | mfn. restricting  |
avadhāraṇa | am- n. ascertainment, affirmation, emphasis  |
avadhāraṇa | n. stating or holding with positiveness or assurance  |
avadhāraṇa | n. accurate determination, limitation (of the sense of words), restriction to a certain instance or instances with exclusion of any other  |
avadhāraṇa | mfn. restrictive  |
avadhāraṇīya | mfn. to be ascertained, determined or known, (an-- negative)  |
avadhāraṇīya | mfn. to be considered as ascertained or determined , to be restricted to (instrumental case)  |
avadhārha | mfn. not worthy of death  |
avadhārita | mfn. ascertained, known, certain, heard, learnt  |
avadhārita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with śreṇy-ādi-) "known as", (gaRa kṛtādi- q.v)  |
avadhāritin | mfn. (gaRa iṣṭād- q.v)  |
avadharṣya | See an-avadh-.  |
avadhārya | mfn. to be ascertained or known  |
avadhārya | mfn. "to be made out or understood" See dur-avadh-.  |
avadhātavya | n. impersonal or used impersonally to be attended to.  |
avadhāv | -dh/āvati- to run down drop down from (ablative)  |
avadhes | ind. ablative until, up to, as far as, as long as (genitive case [ ],or in compound)  |
avadheya | n. equals -dhātavya- q.v  |
avadhi | m. attention  |
avadhi | m. a term, limit etc.  |
avadhi | m. conclusion, termination etc.  |
avadhi | m. surrounding district, environs, neighbourhood  |
avadhi | m. a hole, pit  |
avadhi | m. period, time  |
avadhi | ind. until, up to (in compound)  |
avadhī | (imperfect tense -dīdhet-) to watch or lie in wait for (dative case) |
avadhijñāna | n. "perception extending as far as the furthest limits of the world" id est the faculty of perceiving even what is not within the reach of the senses, Name of the third degree of knowledge  |
avadhijñānin | mfn. having the above knowledge  |
avadhika | (?), mfn. occurring after (compound),  |
avadhimat | mfn. limited, bounded  |
avadhīr | (ind.p. ava-- dhīraya-) to disregard, disrespect, repudiate  |
avadhīraṇa | n. treating with disrespect, repudiating  |
avadhīraṇā | f. treating with disrespect, repudiating  |
avadhīrin | mfn. despising  |
avadhīrin | mfn. excelling  |
avadhīrita | mfn. disrespected, disregarded, etc.  |
avadhīrita | mfn. surpassed, excelled  |
avadhīyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice p.) being confined within (accusative ;or locative case ) .  |
avadhṛ | Caus. -dhārayati- (ind.p. dhārya-; Passive voice -dhāryate-) to consider, ascertain, determine accurately, limit, restrict etc., to hear, learn ; to conceive, understand, make out, become acquainted with ; to reflect upon, think of (accusative or a phrase with iti-), (ind.p. PrakritodhAria) etc. ; to communicate : Passive voice -dhriyate-, to be ascertained, be certain commentator or commentary on  |
avadhra | mfn. innoxious, beneficent  |
avadhra | See a-vadh/a-.  |
avadhṛṣya | See an-avadh-.  |
avadhṛta | mfn. ascertained, determined, certain,  |
avadhṛta | mfn. heard, learnt , understood, made out commentator or commentary on  |
avadhṛta | n. plural (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) the organs of senses  |
avadhū | Ved. P. (Imper. 2. sg. -dhūnuhi-,2. plural -dhūnutā-) to shake off or out or down etc.: A1. (2. sg. -dhūnuṣ/e-; imperfect tense 2. sg. -dhūnuthās-; Aorist -adhūṣata-; perf. Potential -dudhuvīta-; parasmE-pada -dhūnvān/a-) to shake off (as enemies or evil spirits or anything disagreeable), frighten away : Causal (Potential -dhūnayet-) to shake  |
avadhūka | mfn. having no wife,  |
avadhūlana | n. (see dhūli-) scattering over, strewing  |
avadhūlita | mfn. scattered over, covered  |
avadhūnana | n. shaking, causing to shake  |
avadhūnana | n. agitation, shaking (of the earth)  |
avadhūpita | mfn. perfumed with incense (varia lectio)  |
avadhūta | mfn. shaken off (as evil spirits)  |
avadhūta | mfn. removed, shaken away etc.  |
avadhūta | mfn. discarded, expelled, excluded etc.  |
avadhūta | mfn. disregarded, neglected, rejected etc.  |
avadhūta | mfn. touched  |
avadhūta | mfn. shaken, agitated (especially as plants or the dust by the wind), fanned etc.  |
avadhūta | mfn. that upon which anything unclean has been shaken out or off (see avakṣuta-)  |
avadhūta | mfn. unclean  |
avadhūta | mfn. one who has shaken, off from himself worldly feeling and obligation, a philosopher (brahma-vid-)  |
avadhūta | m. Name of a śaiva- philosopher  |
avadhūta | n. rejecting, repudiating (= ) .  |
avadhūtapraṇipāta | mf(ā-)n. rejecting an act of homage  |
avadhūtaveṣa | mfn. "wearing unclean clothes"or"wearing the clothes of one who is rejected", or"having discarded clothes"  |
avadhūya | ind.p. shaking off, rejecting, discarding etc.  |
avadhūya | disregarding commentator or commentary on  |
avadhvaṃs | A1. (perf. -dadhvase-) to be scattered or dispersed ; -dhvaṃsate-, to sprinkle, strew with (instrumental case) : Causal -dhvaṃsayati- idem or 'See a-vadh/a-.'  |
avadhvaṃsa | m. sprinkling  |
avadhvaṃsa | m. meal, dust  |
avadhvaṃsa | m. abandoning  |
avadhvaṃsa | m. despising, disrespect  |
avadhvasta | mfn. sprinkled  |
avadhvasta | mfn. spotted, stippled  |
avadhvasta | mfn. abandoned  |
avadhvasta | mfn. despised (see apa-dhvasta-.)  |
avadhya | mfn. not to be killed, inviolable  |
avadhya | See a-vadh/a-.  |
avadhyai | (perf. -dadhyau-)to think Ill of (accusative), disregard  |
avadhyāna | n. disregard  |
avadhyatā | (avadhy/a--) f. inviolability  |
avadhyāta | mfn. disregarded  |
avadhyatva | n. idem or '(avadhy/a--) f. inviolability '  |
avadhyāyin | mfn. disregarding (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
avadhyeya | mfn. to be disregarded  |
avadih | cl.2 P. -degdhi-, to besmear  |
avaḍīna | n. ( ḍī-), the flight of a bird, flying downwards  |
avadīp | (parasmE-pada -dipyamāna-) to burst out in a flame : Causal to kindle  |
avadīrṇa | mfn. torn, rent etc.  |
avadīrṇa | mfn. melted, liquefied  |
avadīrṇa | mfn. "bewildered" See bhayāvadīrṇa-.  |
avadiś | (Imper. 2. plural -didiṣṭana-) to show or practise (kindness etc.) : Causal (Aorist subjunctive 1. sg. -dediśam-) to inform  |
avado | -dyati- (ind.p. -dāya- ) Ved. to cut off, divide (especially the sacrificial cake and other objects offered in a sacrifice) etc. ; to cut into pieces ; (Aorist Potential A1.1. sg. -diṣīya-[derived fr. ava-dā-,"to present", by ];perhaps fr. ava-day-above) to appease, satisfy with (instrumental case)  |
avadoha | m. milk  |
avadoha | See ava-duh-.  |
avadola | m. swinging, (according to to Scholiast or Commentator nava-- d-).  |
avadṝ | (Aorist subjunctive -darṣat- Potential -driṇīyāt- ; ind.p. -dīrya- ) to split or force open, to rend or tear asunder: Causal (Potential -dārayet-; parasmE-pada -dārayat-) to cause to burst, rend or split : Passive voice -dīryate-, to be split, burst  |
avadrai | (future p. -drāsy/at-) to fall asleep (see an-avadrāṇ/a-.)  |
avadraṅga | an earnest (?),  |
avadraṅga | See avaḍanga-.  |
avadṛś | Passive voice -dṛśyate-, to be inferred or inferrible  |
avaduh | (Aorist subjunctive A1.3. sg. -dhukṣata-) to give milk to (dative case) , 1 3. Causal -dohayati-, to pour over with milk  |
avadya | mfn. ( )"not to be praised" , blamable, low, inferior  |
avadya | mfn. disagreeable  |
avadya | n. anything blamable, want, imperfection, vice etc.  |
avadya | n. blame, censure  |
avadya | n. shame, disgrace  |
avadyabhī | f. fear of vices or sin  |
avadyagohana | mfn. concealing imperfection  |
avadyapa | See mith/o-avadya-pa-.  |
avadyat | mfn. (pr.p.) breaking off  |
avadyavat | (avady/a-.) mfn. disgraceful, lamentable  |
avadyotaka | mfn. illustrating, making clear commentator or commentary on  |
avadyotana | n. illustrating  |
avadyotin | mfn. equals -dyotaka-.  |
avadyut | Caus. -dyotayati-, to illustrate, show, indicate, Comm. on  |
avagā | (Aorist subjunctive -gat-) to pass away, be wanting , (Aorist 2. sg. -g/ās-,3. sg. avāgāt-) to go to, join with (instrumental case) ; (accusative)  |
avagadha | m. plural Name of a people  |
avagāḍha | mfn. immersed, bathed, plunged into (accusative [ ]; locative case [ ];rarely genitive case [ ];often in compound [ ])  |
avagāḍha | mfn. that in which one bathes  |
avagāḍha | mfn. deepened, low  |
avagāḍha | mfn. curdling (as blood)  |
avagāḍha | mfn. having disappeared, vanished  |
avagāḍhavat | mfn. bathing, plunging, diving.  |
avagadita | mfn. unsaid  |
avagāh | -gāhate- (ind.p. -gāhya- ; pr.p. P. -gāhat-,R.; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -gāhe- ) to plunge into, bathe in (locative case) ; to go deep into, be absorbed in (locative case or accusative)  |
avagāha | m. plunging, bathing  |
avagāha | m. a bucket  |
avagāhana | n. immersion, bathing.  |
avagāhita | mfn. that in which one bathes (as a river)  |
avagai | See ava-gīta-.  |
avagal | (imperfect tense avāgalat-) to fall down, slip down,  |
avagalbh | -galbhate-or -galbhayate-, to be brave, valiant  |
avagalita | mfn. fallen down  |
avagam | -gacchati- (subjunctive -g/acchāt-; ind.p. -g/atya- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood /avagantos- ) to go down, descend to (accusative or locative case) ; (with accusative) to come to, visit, approach ; to reach, obtain ; to get power or influence ; to go near, undertake ; to hit upon, think of, conceive, learn, know, understand, anticipate, assure one's self, be convinced ; to recognize, consider, believe any one (accusative) to be (accusative) : Causal P. (3. plural -gamayanti-;Imper. 2. sg. -gamaya-) to bring near, procure ; to cause to know, teach  |
avagama | m. understanding, comprehension, intelligence  |
avagamaka | mfn. making known, conveying a sense, expressive of.  |
avagamana | n. the making known, proclamation  |
avagamana | attachment, devotion,  |
avagamayitṛ | mfn. (fr. Causal) one who procures  |
avagamin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' conceiving, understanding  |
avagamya | mfn. intelligible.  |
avagaṇ | (ind.p. -gaṇayya-) to disregard, disrespect  |
avagaṇa | mfn. separated from one's companions, isolated  |
avagaṇa | mfn. (varia lectio ava-guṇa- ) |
avagāṇa | m. plural Name of a people (the modern Afghans)  |
avagaṇana | n. disregard, contempt  |
avagaṇḍa | m. (equals yuva-gaṇḍa- q.v) a boil or pimple upon the face  |
avagaṇita | mfn. disregarded  |
avagaṇita | mfn. despised  |
avagantavya | mfn. to be known or understood, intended to be understood, meant.  |
avagantos | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ava-- gam-.  |
avagarhita | mfn. despised (varia lectio garhita-).  |
avagata | mfn. conceived, known, learnt, understood, comprehended  |
avagata | mfn. assented to, promised  |
avagatha | See ava-- 1. gā-.  |
avagatha | mfn. bathed early in the morning  |
avagati | f. conceiving, guessing, anticipating  |
avagharṣaṇa | n. rubbing off, scrubbing  |
avaghāta | m. a blow etc.  |
avaghāta | m. threshing corn by bruising it with a wooden pestle in a mortar of the same material etc.  |
avaghāta | m. (for ava ghaṭṭa- q.v) a hole in the ground  |
avaghaṭarikā | f. Name of a musical instrument (see ghāṭarī-.)  |
avaghātin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' threshing  |
avaghātin | mfn. striking  |
avaghaṭṭ | Caus. (p. -ghaṭṭayat-) to push away, push open ; to push together, rub ; to stir up  |
avaghaṭṭa | m. n. cave, cavern  |
avaghaṭṭana | n. pushing together, rubbing  |
avaghaṭṭana | n. coming into contact with each other  |
avaghaṭṭita | mfn. rubbed or pushed together  |
avaghoṣa | m. See jayāvaghoṣa-.  |
avaghoṣaṇa | n. proclaiming  |
avaghoṣaṇā | f. announcement, publication,  |
avaghoṭita | mfn. ( ghuṭ-), (said of a palanquin)"covered"or,"cushioned (?)"  |
avaghrā | (Imper. 2. plural -jighrata-;Pot, -jighret-[ ] or -ghrāyāt-[ ] ind.p. -ghrāya-) to smell at etc. ; to touch with the mouth, kiss etc.: Caus. -ghrāpayati-, to cause to smell at  |
avaghra | mfn. "kissing", being in immediate contact with  |
avaghra | m. (equals ava-ghrāṇa-) smelling at  |
avaghrāṇa | n. smelling at  |
avaghrāṇa | n. smelling  |
avaghrāpaṇa | n. causing to smell at  |
avaghrāta | mfn. kissed  |
avaghrāyam | ind. so as to smell at  |
avaghreya | mfn. to be smelt at  |
avaghṛṣ | (ind.p. -ghṛṣya-;3. plural -ghṛṣyanti-for Passive voice ṣyante-) to rub off, rub to pieces : Causal (parasmE-pada -gharṣayat-) to rub or scratch off ; to rub with  |
avaghūrṇ | (p. -ghūrṇamāna-) to move to and fro, be agitated  |
avaghūrṇa | mfn. shaking, agitated  |
avaghūrṇita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. shaking, agitated '  |
avaghuṣ | (Passive voice imperfect tense -ghuṣyata-) to proclaim aloud  |
avaghuṣita | mfn. approved of.  |
avaghuṣṭa | mfn. "proclaimed aloud", offered publicly (as food) (see ghuṣṭānna-and saṃghuṣṭa-)  |
avaghuṣṭa | mfn. sent for, summoned  |
avaghuṣṭa | mfn. addressed aloud (to attract attention) |
avaghuṣṭa | mfn. filled with cries or noise  |
avagīrṇa | mfn. swallowed down  |
avagīta | mfn. ( gas-), sung depreciatingly  |
avagīta | mfn. sung of frequently, well known, trite  |
avagīta | mfn. censured, blamable, despicable, vile  |
avagīta | n. satire in song, blame, censure  |
avagītha | n. early recitation at a sacrifice,  |
avagoraṇa | n. menacing  |
avagorya | mfn. to be menaced  |
avagṝ | only A1. ( [ parasmE-pada -giramāṇa- ; Aorist avāgīrṣṭa- ],but P. subjunctive -garat- ) to swallow down: Intensive (subjunctive 2. sg. -jalgulas-) idem or 'n. embracing.'  |
avagrah | -gṛhṇāti- (Potential -gṛh ṇīyāt-) to let loose, let go ; to keep back from (ablative), impede, stop ; to divide ; (in grammar) to separate (as words or parts of a word) etc. (see ava-grāham-below) ; to perceive (with one's senses), distinguish : Causal (ind.p. -grāhya-) to separate (into pieces).  |
avagraha | m. separation of the component parts of a compound, or of the stem and certain suffixes and terminations (occurring in the pada- text of the veda-s) etc.  |
avagraha | m. the mark or the interval of such a separation  |
avagraha | m. the syllable or letter after which the separation occurs , the chief member of a word so separated  |
avagraha | m. obstacle, impediment, restraint etc.  |
avagraha | mark of the elision of an initial a-  |
avagraha | m. (equals varṣa pratibandha- ) drought  |
avagraha | m. nature, original temperament  |
avagraha | m. "perception with the senses", a form of knowledge  |
avagraha | m. an imprecation or term of abuse  |
avagraha | m. an elephant's forehead  |
avagraha | m. a herd of elephants  |
avagraha | m. an iron hook with which elephants are driven  |
avagrāha | m. obstacle, impediment (used in imprecations)  |
avagrāha | m. ( ; see also ava-graha-) drought  |
avagrāha | m. (varia lectio for avagāha- q.v) a bucket  |
avagrāha | m. the forehead of an elephant  |
avagrāham | ind. so as to separate (the words) , (see padāvagrāham-)  |
avagrahaṇa | n. the act of impeding or restraining  |
avagrahaṇa | n. disrespect  |
avagrahaṇī | f. equals gṛhāva-- grahaṇī- q.v  |
avagrahāntara | n. (equals ava-graha-) the interval of the separation called avagraha-  |
avagrahaśaka | Name (also title or epithet) of a pariśiṣṭa- of the  |
avagṛhya | mfn. (in grammar) separable  |
avagṛhya | ind.p. having separated, laying hold with the feet (pādābhyām-) , forcibly, by force  |
avaguh | -gūhati- ([ ]), te- ([ etc.]) , to cover, hide, conceal, put into or inside ; to embrace  |
avagūhana | n. hiding, concealing  |
avagūhana | n. embracing.  |
avaguṇa | mfn. deficient in good qualities (See ava-gaṇa-).  |
avaguṇḍita | mfn. pounded, ground, pulverulent  |
avaguṇṭh | -guṇṭhayati- (ind.p. -guṇṭhya-) to cover with, conceal, etc.  |
avaguṇṭhana | n. hiding, veiling  |
avaguṇṭhana | n. (often kṛtāvaguṇṭhana-,"enveloped in")  |
avaguṇṭhana | n. a veil etc.  |
avaguṇṭhana | n. a peculiar intertwining of the fingers in certain religious ceremonies  |
avaguṇṭhana | n. sweeping  |
avaguṇṭhanavat | mfn. covered with a veil  |
avaguṇṭhikā | f. a veil |
avaguṇṭhita | mfn. covered, concealed, veiled, screened  |
avaguṇṭhitamukha | mfn. having the face veiled.  |
avagur | (Potential -guret- ; imperfect tense avāgurat- ; ind.p. -gūrya- ) to assail any one (locative case or dative case) with threats.  |
avagūraṇa | n. rustling, roaring  |
avagūrṇa | mfn. assailed with threats  |
avahā | (aor.3. sg. av/ahāh-[for hās-t-], perf. 3. sg. -jah/ā- ind.p. -h/āya-) to leave, quit Passive voice hīyate- (future -hasyate- ) to be left remaining, remain behind ,"to remain behind" id est to be excelled (1. sg. hīye-) to be abandoned Causal (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -jīhipas-) to cause to remain behind on or to deviate from (a path ablative)  |
avahālikā | f. ( hal-), a wall, hedge (see nir av-.)  |
avahan | (subjunctive 2. sg. -han- ;Imper. 2. plural -hantanā- Imper. 2. sg. -jahi-; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. -/ahan-,or ahan-; perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha-) to throw down, strike, hit ; Ved. to drive away, expel, keep off, fend off etc. ; chiefly Vedic or Veda to thresh (parasmE-pada fem. -ghnatī-) etc.: A1. -jighnate-, to throw down : Causal (Pot -ghātayet-) to cause to thresh : Intensive (Imper. 2. sg. -jaṅghanīhi-) to drive away, fend off  |
avahanana | n. threshing, winnowing (see adhy-avah-)  |
avahanana | n. the left lung commentator or commentary on  |
avahantṛ | m. one who throws off or wards off  |
avahāra | m. truce, suspension of arms , cessation of playing etc.  |
avahāra | m. summoning, inviting  |
avahāra | m. a thief.  |
avahāra | m. a marine monster  |
avahāra | m. (equals dharmāntara-) apostacy, abandoning a sect or cast (?)  |
avahāra | m. (equals apanetavya-draya or upan-) a tax, duty (?)  |
avahāraka | mfn. one who stops fighting etc.  |
avahāraka | m. a marine monster (see yuddhāvahdrika-.) |
avaharaṇa | n. putting aside, throwing away  |
avahārika | n. booty, plunder,  |
avaharṣista | mfn. ( hṛṣ-), caused to shiver  |
avahārya | mfn. to be caused to pay (as a person)  |
avahārya | mfn. to be caused to be paid (as a sum)  |
avahas | to laugh at, deride  |
avahāsa | m. jest, joke  |
avahāsa | m. derision  |
avahasana | n. deriding  |
avahasta | m. the back of the hand  |
avahāsya | mfn. to be derided, exposed to ridiculous, ridiculous  |
avahāsyatā | f. ridiculousness  |
avahat | mfn. not flowing, stagnant (as water),  |
avahata | mfn. threshed, winnowed  |
avahela | f(ā-)n. ( hel-for hed-), disrespect  |
avahelana | n. disrespect  |
avahelayā | ind. instrumental case without any trouble, quite easily (see sāvahelam-.)  |
avahelita | mfn. disrespected  |
avahelita | n. disrespect  |
avahita | mfn. plunged into (locative case)  |
avahita | mfn. fallen into (as into water or into a hole of the ground)  |
avahita | mfn. placed into, confined within etc.  |
avahita | mfn. (gaṇa- pravṛddhādi- q.v) attentive  |
avahita | See ava-dhā-.  |
avahitāñjali | mfn. with joined hand  |
avahitapāṇi | mfn. holding in the hand,  |
avahitatā | f. application, attention  |
avahittha | n. (corrupted fr. abahiḥ-stha-?) dissimulation  |
avahitthā | f. idem or 'n. (corrupted fr. abahiḥ-stha-?) dissimulation'  |
avahni | mfn. (probably) not sacrificing,  |
avahṛ | A1. -harate- (generally ind.p. -hṛtya-) to move down (as the arms), take down, put down or aside ; (P.Imper. 2. sg. -hara-) P. -harati- to bring together, amass (?) : Causal to cause to pay taxes : Causal Passive voice (3 plural -hāryante-) to be caused to pay taxes  |
avahṛta | mfn. for apa-h-, taken off  |
avahu | (3. plural -juhvati-) to shed (as drops of sweat)  |
avahvara | See /an-av-.  |
avahve | A1. (1. sg. -hvaye-) to call down from  |
avaibhīdaka | mfn. not having its origin on a vibhīdaka- tree  |
avaidha | mfn. not conformable to rule, unprescribed commentator or commentary on  |
avaidhavya | n. non-widowhood |
avaidika | mfn. non-Vedic.  |
avaidya | mfn. unlearned  |
avairahatya | n. the non-destruction of men (a-virahatya-)  |
avaiṣamya | n. symmetry, .  |
avaiśāradya | n. want of confidence,  |
avaivartika | mfn. never returning (for a new birth), .  |
avaivartikatva | (n.)  |
avajaghnat | mfn. (irreg. p. in Passive voice sense; -hanyamāna- commentator or commentary) being beaten or struck by (instrumental case)  |
avajāta | mfn. misborn (?),  |
avajaya | m. overcoming, winning by conquest  |
avajayana | n. means of subduing or healing a disease,  |
avaji | (imperfect tense avājayat-; ind.p. -jitya-) to spoil (id est deprive of by conquest) , win ; to ward off , to conquer : Desiderative (parasmE-pada -jigīṣat-) to wish to win or recover  |
avajihva | mfn. tongueless,  |
avajita | mfn. won by conquest , contemned  |
avajiti | f. conquest, victory  |
avajñā | -jānāti- (ind.p. -jñaya-; perf. Passive voice -jajñle- ) to disesteem, have a low opinion of, despise, treat with contempt etc. ; to excel  |
avajñā | f. contempt, disesteem, disrespect (with locative case or genitive case)  |
avajñāna | n. ( ) = 2. ava-jñā-  |
avajñāta | mfn. despised, disrespected  |
avajñāta | mfn. given (as alms) with contempt.  |
avajñayā | ind. instrumental case with disregard, indifferently (see sāvājñam-.)  |
avajñeya | mfn. to be contemned, disesteemed etc.  |
avajñopahata | mfn. treated with contempt, humiliated.  |
avajṛmbh | A1. to yawn  |
avajval | Caus. -jvalayati- ([ ]) or -jvāl-, ([ ]), to set on fire.  |
avajvāla | m. hot infusion, (Scholiast or Commentator).  |
avajvalana | n. illumining, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
avajyotana | n. causing a light to shine upon, illumining  |
avajyotya | ind.p. having lighted (a lamp)  |
avajyut | Caus. -jyotayati-, to light up or cause a light to shine upon, illumine  |
avaka | m. a grassy plant growing in marshy land (Blyxa Octandra Rich., otherwise called śaivāla-)  |
avakā | f. (gaRa kṣipakādi- q.v) idem or 'm. a grassy plant growing in marshy land (Blyxa Octandra Rich., otherwise called śaivāla-) ' |
avakāda | mfn. eating the above plant  |
avakalana | n. burning with kuśa- grass,  |
avakalita | mfn. (2. kal-), seen, observed  |
avakalkana | n. mingling, mixing together  |
avakalpita | See ava-kḷp-.  |
avakalpita | mfn. (gaRa śreṇy'-ādi- q.v)  |
avakāṅkṣ | to desire, long for ; p. negative an-avakāṅkṣamāṇa-, not wishing impatiently (said of ascetics who, having renounced all food, expect death without impatience)  |
avakara | See ava-kṝ-.  |
avakara | a kind of plant (growing on garbage heaps),  |
avakara | m. dust or sweepings  |
avakarakuṭa | m. heap of sweepings  |
avakarṇaya | Nom. P. yati-, not to listen or attend to  |
avakarṣaṇa | n. taking off, etc.  |
avakarta | m. a part cut off, strip, N.  |
avakartana | n. cutting off, N.  |
avakartin | See carmāvak- |
avakarttṛ | See carmāvak-.  |
avakāś | -kāśate-, to be visible, be manifest : Causal P. -kāśayati- (future parasmE-pada -kāśayiṣyat-) to cause to look at : Intensive parasmE-pada -c/ākaśat- shining ; seeing .  |
avakāśa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) place, space  |
avakāśa | m. room, occasion, opportunity, (avakāsāṃ-1. kṛ-or dā-to make room, give way, admit etc.; avakāśaṃ- labh-or āp-,to get a footing, obtain a favourable opportunity etc.;to find scope, happen take place; avakāśaṃ- rudh-,not to give way, hinder ) .  |
avakāśa | m. aperture ( avakāśena śena- instrumental case ind.between )  |
avakāśa | m. intermediate time  |
avakāśa | m. "a glance cast on anything", Name of certain verses, during the recitation of which the eyes must be fixed on particular objects (which therefore are called avakāśya- q.v)  |
avakāśada | mfn. giving opportunity, granting the use of (in compound)  |
avakāśavat | (avakās/a--) mfn. spacious  |
avakāśe | ind. (probably) about dawn,  |
avakāśena | ind. avakāśa |
avakāśya | mfn. "to be looked at", admitted in the recitation of the avakāśa- verses  |
avakaṭa | mfn. (formed like ut-kaṭa-, pra-kaṭa-, vi-kaṭa-, saṃ-kaṭa-)  |
avakaṭikā | f. dissimulation  |
avakeśa | mfn. having the hair hanging down  |
avakeśin | mfn. "having its filaments (keśa-= kesara- q.v) turned downwards (so that they remain uncopulated)", unfruitful, barren (as a plant)  |
avakeśin | m. a barren tree,  |
avakhāda | m. "a devourer, destroyer" ([ ]), or mfn. "devouring, destroying" ([ ])  |
avakhāda | according to to others from khad- = khid-,"hindrance, annoyance".  |
avakhaṇḍ | -khaṇḍayati-, to break into pieces ; to annihilate, destroy commentator or commentary on  |
avakhaṇḍana | n. breaking into pieces  |
avakhaṇḍana | n. destroying commentator or commentary on  |
avakhyā | (Imper. 2. plural -khy/ata-; imperfect tense ava-khyat-) to look down ; (with accusative) to see, perceive : Causal -khyāpayati-, to cause to look at  |
avakīlaka | m. a peg or plug  |
avakin | mfn. filled with avakā- plants commentator or commentary on  |
avakiraṇa | See ava-- 1. kṝ-.  |
avakiraṇa | n. sweepings  |
avakīrṇa | mfn. who has spilt his semen virile, i.e. violated his vow of chastity , poured upon, covered with, filled , (see sapta dvārāvakīrṇa-)  |
avakīrṇa | mfn. = ā-- k-,  |
avakirṇajaṭābhāra | mfn. whose tresses of hair are scattered or have become loose  |
avakīrṇin | mfn. (equals /ava-kīrṇa-) who has violated his vow of chastity  |
avakleda | m. trickling, descent of moisture  |
avakleda | m. fetid discharge  |
avakledakledana | n. trickling, descent of moisture  |
avakledakledana | n. fetid discharge  |
avaklinnapakva | mfn. trickling because of being over-ripe, (gaRa rājadantādi- q.v)  |
avakḷp | -kalpate-, to correspond to, answer, be right etc. ; to be fit for, serve to (dative case) : Causal , -kalpayati-, to put in order, prepare, make ready etc. ; to employ becomingly ; to consider as possible : Desiderative of Causal (imperfect tense 3. plural avācikalpayiṣan-) to wish to prepare or to make ready  |
avakḷpti | f. considering as possible (an-- negative)  |
avakokila | mfn. (equals avakruṣṭaḥ kokilayā-) called down to by the koil (singing in a tree above ?) commentator or commentary  |
avakolba | mf(ā-)n. covered or surrounded with avakā- plants  |
avakolba | See /avaka-.  |
avakṛ | (ind . p. -kṛtvā [mukhāny] ava-) to direct downwards (as the face)  |
avakṝ | -kirati- (imperfect tense avākirat-; ind.p. -kīrya-) to pour out or down, spread, scatter, etc. ; (Potential -k/iret-) to spill one's semen virile (see /ava-kīrṇa-and rṇin-below) ; to shake off, throw off, leave ; to bestrew, pour upon, cover with, fill etc.: Passive voice -kīryate- (perf. -cakre- ,according to commentator or commentary also A1. -kirate- Aorist avākirṣṭa-) to extend in different directions, disperse, pass away ; A1. (Aorist 3. plural avākīrṣata-) to fall off, become faithless, , (see ava-s-kṝ-)  |
avakra | mfn. not crooked, straight  |
avakra | mfn. upright, honest.  |
avakragamitā | f. having a straight gait (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-), .  |
avakrakṣin | mfn. (see kr/akṣamāṇa-) rushing down  |
avakram | (optative, -krāmet-) to step down upon (accusative) ; (Aorist 3. plural -kramuḥ-[ see ]; pr. p. kr/āmat-) to tread down, overcome ; to descend (into a womb) : Causal (parasmE-pada -kramayat-) to cause to go down |
avakramaṇa | n. descending (into a womb), conception  |
avakrāmin | mfn. running away  |
avakrand | (Imper. -krandatu-,2. sg. -kranda-; Aorist -cakradat, 2. sg: cakradas-) to cry out, roar Caus. (Aorist acikradat-) to rush down upon (accusative) with a loud cry  |
avakranda | m. roaring, neighing  |
avakrandana | n. crying, weeping aloud  |
avakrānti | f. idem or 'n. descending (into a womb), conception '  |
avakraya | m. letting out to hire  |
avakraya | m. rent, revenue  |
avakrī | only A1. -kriṇīte- ( ;but also P. Potential -krīṇīyāt- ,[ apa-krīṇīyāt- ]; ind.p. -krīya- ) to purchase for one's self hire, bribe.  |
avakrīḍ | A1. to play (?)  |
avakriyā | f. non-performance of prescribed acts  |
avakriyā | See ava-- 1. kṛ-.  |
avakrośa | m. a discordant noise  |
avakrośa | m. an imprecation  |
avakrośa | m. abuse  |
avakṛpta | mfn. corresponding with, right, fit  |
avakṛpta | mfn. (/an-- negative)  |
avakṛś | Caus. (3. plural -karś/ayanti-) to emaciate, make lean or mean-looking  |
avakṛṣ | -karṣati- (ind.p. -kṛṣya-;once[ ] Passive voice Opt. -kṛṣyeta-in the sense of P.or A1.) to draw off or away, take off (as a garment or wreath, etc.) etc. ; to turn off, remove ; to drag down (See avakṛṣṭa-below) ; to entice, allure  |
avakṛṣṭa | mfn. dragged down, being underneath anything (in comp.)  |
avakṛṣṭa | mfn. "removed", being at some distance  |
avakṛṣṭa | mfn. (also Comparative degree avakṛṣṭatara avakṛṣṭa-tara- mfn. "farther off from" [ ablative ] commentator or commentary on )  |
avakṛṣṭa | mfn. inferior, low, outcast  |
avakṛṣṭatara | mfn. avakṛṣṭa  |
avakṛt | (ind.p. -kṛtya-) to cut off ; (p. -kṛntat-) to destroy Caus. (Opt. -kartayet-) to cause to cut off  |
avakṛta | mfn. directed downwards as a root  |
avakṛtta | mfn. cut off  |
avakruṣṭa | mfn. "called down to" See ava-kokila-.  |
avakṣai | only past participle  |
avakṣālana | n. (2. kṣal-), washing by immersion or dipping in.  |
avakṣāma | mfn. (see ) meagre, lean  |
avakṣāṇa | mfn. burnt down  |
avakṣar | Caus. (ind.p. -kṣā rayitvā-) to cause to flow down upon (accusative)  |
avakṣaya | m. destruction, waste, loss  |
avakṣāyam | ind. so as to give a blow  |
avakṣayaṇa | See aṅgārāvakṣ/ayaṇa-.  |
avakṣepa | m. blaming, reviling, scolding commentator or commentary  |
avakṣepaṇa | n. throwing down, overcoming  |
avakṣepaṇa | n. reviling, blame, despising  |
avakṣepaṇī | f. bridle  |
avakṣi | (Potential -kṣiṇuyāt-) to remove : Passive voice -kṣīyate-, to waste away  |
avakṣīṇa | mfn. wasted, emaciated  |
avakṣip | -kṣipati- (subjunctive -kṣi p/at- ; parasmE-pada -kṣip/at- mfn. ) to throw down, cause to fly down or away, hurl etc. ; to revile (varia lectio apa-for ava) ; to grant, yield Caus. (Aorist subjunctive 3. plural -cikṣipan-) to cause to fall down  |
avakṣipta | mfn. thrown down  |
avakṣipta | mfn. said sarcastically, imputed, insinuated  |
avakṣipta | mfn. blamed, reviled  |
avakṣṇu | (I. sg. -kṣṇaumi-) to rub off, efface  |
avakṣud | (ind.p. -kṣudya-) to stamp or pound or rub to pieces  |
avakṣuta | mfn. sneezed upon  |
avaktavya | mfn. not to be said, indescribable  |
avaktṛ | mfn. who does not speak  |
avaktra | mf(ā-)n. having no mouth (as a vessel)  |
avakūj | (Opt. -kūjet-) to make a sound, utter (with na- negative not to make any allusion to, be silent)  |
avakūl | to singe, burn  |
avakuñcana | n. curving, flexure, contraction  |
avakuṇṭhana | n. (equals ava-guṇṭhana- q.v) investing, surrounding, covering  |
avakuṇṭhita | mfn. invested, surrounded  |
avakuṣ | to rub downwards  |
avakuṭ | (ind.p. -kuṭya-) to break or cut into pieces,  |
avakuṭāra | mfn. (see ava-kaṭa-)  |
avakuṭārikā | f. equals ava-kaṭikā- q.v  |
avakuts | to blame, revile  |
avakutsita | n. blame, censure  |
avakvaṇa | m. a discordant or false note  |
avakvātha | m. imperfect digestion or decoction  |
avalag | Caus. -lagayati-, to fasten to commentator or commentary on  |
avalagita | n. an addition made in the prologue of a drama and not having any particular reference to the latter  |
avalagna | mfn. hanging down from (in compound)  |
avalagna | mn. the waist,  |
avalakṣa | mfn. equals bal/akṣa- q.v  |
avalamb | -lambate- (ind.p. -lambya-,exceptionally P. exempli gratia, 'for example' Potential -lambet- ) to hang down, glide or slip down, descend etc. ; (pr. p. P. -lambat-) to set (as the sun) ; to catch hold of. cling to, hang to, hold on or support one's self by, rest upon as a support, depend upon (generally accusative;but also locative case [ ] or instrumental case [ ]), to hold up anything (to prevent its falling down) ; to enter a state or condition (as māyām-, mānuṣyatvam-, dhairyam-,etc.) ; to devote one's self to (accusative) ; "to incline towards", choose as a direction : Causal (ind.p. -lambya-) to hang up ; to grasp (for support)  |
avalamba | mf(ā-)n. hanging down from (locative case ) or to (in compound )  |
avalamba | m. hanging on or from  |
avalamba | m. depending, resting upon  |
avalamba | m. dependance, support, a prop, a stay (see nir-avat-), a perpendicular (see pṛṣṭhyāvat-.)  |
avalambaka | mfn. hanging down  |
avalambaka | m. (in geometry) a perpendicular  |
avalambaka | n. Name of a metre.  |
avalambana | n. hanging on, clinging to  |
avalambana | n. leaning against (locative case)  |
avalambana | n. hanging down  |
avalambana | n. depending upon, dependance, support etc.  |
avalambana | n. making a halt, stopping at (loc.adv.)  |
avalambin | mfn. hanging down so as to rest upon, hanging on or from, depending on  |
avalambin | mfn. clinging to, reclining, resting upon.  |
avalambita | mfn. hanging down, hanging on, suspended from, clinging to etc.  |
avalambita | mfn. crouching or settling down  |
avalambita | mfn. depending upon, resting upon as a support etc.  |
avalambita | mfn. placed upon  |
avalambita | mfn. supported or protected by  |
avalambita | mfn. (in Passive voice sense) clung to, caught hold of  |
avalambita | mfn. (fr. Causal) having been made to hang down, let down (as a basket by a string)  |
avalambitavya | mfn. to be caught hold of or grasped, to be clung to.  |
avalaṅgh | (ind.p. -laṅghya-) to pass or spend (time).  |
avalaṅghita | mfn. passed (as time)  |
avaleha | m. licking, lapping  |
avaleha | m. an extract, electuary  |
avalehaka | mfn. licking  |
avalehana | n. licking  |
avalehana | n. equals -lehikā-  |
avalehikā | f. (equals -leha-before) an extract, electuary  |
avalehin | mfn. lickerish, fond of dainties, ([ ;"sṛkkiṇī lelīhāna- id est sadā kruddha-"commentator or commentary ])  |
avalekha | m. anything scraped off  |
avalekhā | f. drawing painting  |
avalekhana | n. brushing, combing  |
avalekhanī | f. brush, comb  |
avalepa | m. glutinousness (as of the mouth) |
avalepa | m. ointment  |
avalepa | m. ornament  |
avalepa | m. pride, haughtiness (see an-- negative)  |
avalepana | n. ointment  |
avalepana | n. proud behaviour  |
avalguja | m. the plant Vernonia Anthelminthica  |
avalgukārin | mfn. not dealing fairly with (locative case),  |
avalgulī | f. Name of a poisonous insect  |
avalī | A1. (parasmE-pada -līyamāna-; imperfect tense 3. plural avāliyanta-) to stick to (locative case) ; to bow, stoop , to hide one's self in (locative case) (pr. p. P.4, liyat-).  |
avalīḍha | mfn. licked, lapped etc.  |
avalīḍha | mfn. touched (by a flickering object)  |
avalīḍha | mfn. touched (as by a finger-nail) (see ardhāval-)  |
avalīḍhā | f. disregard  |
avalih | P. -leḍhi- (imperfect tense avāleṭ-; Potential -lihet-[ ]or -lihyāt-; ind.p. -lihya-; rarely A1. sg. -lihe- ) to lick, lap etc.: Intensive (parasmE-pada -lelihat-) to flicker (as a flame)  |
avalikh | (Potential -likhet- ind.p. -likhya-) to scratch, graze  |
avalīlā | f. "play, sport"  |
avalīlayā | ind. instrumental case quite easily.  |
avalīna | mfn. sitting down (as a bird)  |
avalīna | mfn. cowering down in, hiding one's self in (locative case)  |
avalīna | mfn. "engaged in"(in compound), beginning to  |
avalip | P. (indeclinable -lipya-) to smear, : A1. (parasmE-pada -limpamāna-) to smear one's self.  |
avalipsa | m. a kind of amulet,  |
avalipta | mfn. smeared  |
avalipta | mfn. furred (as the tongue)  |
avalipta | mfn. (equals /api-ripta- q.v) blind (?)  |
avalipta | mfn. proud, arrogant  |
avaliptatā | f. ([ ]) pride, arrogance.  |
avaliptatva | n. ([ ]) pride, arrogance.  |
avalita | mfn. not bent or curved,  |
avalka | m. Gymnema Sylvestre,  |
avalobhana | See an-aval-.  |
avalok | cl.1 A1. -lokate-, to look : cl.10 P. -lokayati- (parasmE-pada -lokayat-; ind.p. -lokya-) to look upon or at, view, behold, see, notice, observe  |
avaloka | m. looking upon or at, viewing , look, glance  |
avalokaka | mfn. wishing to view (as a spy)  |
avalokana | n. seeing, beholding, viewing, observing  |
avalokana | n. a look, glance  |
avalokana | n. "looking like", appearance of (in compound)  |
avalokana | n. (ā-). the aspect (of planets)  |
avalokanaka | mfn. having a fine view, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
avalokanīya | mfn. worthy to be looked at  |
avalokayitavya | mfn. to be observed  |
avalokayitṛ | mfn. one who views.  |
avalokeṣu | ind. before the (looks or) eyes of(genitive case)  |
avalokin | mfn. looking  |
avalokin | mfn. looking at, beholding (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
avalokita | mfn. seen viewed, observed, viewed by, i.e. being in sight of a planet  |
avalokita | m. equals avalokiteśvara- below  |
avalokitā | f. Name of a woman,  |
avalokita | n. looking at, beholding  |
avalokita | m. (also) Name (also title or epithet) of a poet,  |
avalokitavrata | m. Name of a Buddhist.  |
avalokiteśvara | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-, worshipped by the northern Buddhists.  |
avalokya | mfn. to be looked at  |
avaloma | mfn.  |
avalopa | m. interruption  |
avalopa | hurting, wounding,  |
avalopana | n. cutting off, destruction,  |
avalopya | mfn. to be torn off  |
avalumpana | n. rushing upon (as of a wolf)  |
avalūna | mfn. ( lū-), cut off  |
avaluñc | (ind.p. -luñcya-) to tear out (as hairs)  |
avaluñcaṇa | n. tearing out (of hairs) opening or unstitching (of a seam)  |
avaluṇṭhana | n. ( luṇṭh-), robbing  |
avaluṇṭhana | n. wallowing on the ground  |
avaluṇṭhita | mfn. robbed  |
avaluṇṭhita | mfn. rolled or wallowed on the ground  |
avalup | P. A1. (3. plural -lumpanti-) to cut or take off ; to take away by force, wrest , to suppress, extinguish ; to rush or dash upon (as a wolf on his prey) (see vṛkāvalupta-.)  |
avalupti | f. falling off  |
avama | mf(/ā-)n. undermost, inferior, lowest base etc.  |
avama | mf(/ā-)n. next, intimate  |
avama | mf(/ā-)n. last, youngest , (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with numerals) less by  |
avama | n. (scilicet dina-) or (āni-) plural the difference (expressed in days of twenty-four hours) existing between the lunar months and the corresponding solar ones  |
avamā | (ind.p. -m/āya-) to measure off  |
avamajj | (parasmE-pada f. majjanti-) to immerse  |
avaman | A1. (Potential -manyeta- Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. maṃsthāḥ-,2.pl. -madhvam- ; Epic also P. -manyati- future -maṃsyati- ) to despise, treat contemptuously etc. ; to repudiate refuse : Passive voice -manyate- to be treated contemptuously: Causal (Potential -mānayet-) to despise, treat contemptuously  |
avamāna | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) disrespect contempt  |
avamāna | m. dishonour, ignominy  |
avamānana | f(ā-)n. disrespect, -  |
avamānana | f(ā-)n. abuse, insult |
avamānanīya | mfn. equals -mantavya-  |
avamānatā | f. dishonourableness.  |
avamānin | mfn. contemning, despising (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
avamānin | mfn. Sak.  |
avamānita | mfn. disrespected, despised etc.  |
avamānita | mfn. neglected, not taken notice of.  |
avamānitā | f. disrespectfulness.  |
avamānitva | n. disrespectfulness.  |
avamantavya | mfn. to be treated with disrespect, contemptible  |
avamantha | m. swellings caused by boils or contusions  |
avamanthaka | m. swellings caused by boils or contusions  |
avamantṛ | mfn. despising, disrespectful towards (genitive case [ ] or accusative [ ]or in compound [ ])  |
avamanya | ind.p. equals -matya-  |
avamānya | mfn. equals -mantavya-  |
avamanyaka | mfn. equals -mantṛ- (with genitive case) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
avamarda | m. oppression, giving pain  |
avamarda | m. a kind of eclipse  |
avamarda | m. Name of an owl  |
avamardana | mfn. crushing, oppressing, giving pain  |
avamardana | n. rubbing (as of hands and feet)  |
avamardana | n. oppression, giving pain  |
avamardita | mfn. crushed, destroyed  |
avamārjana | See ava-mṛj-.  |
avamārjana | n. an instrument (or"water" ) for rubbing down (a horse), a curry-comb ([ Transl.]) (["that which is rubbed off" ])  |
avamārjana | n. wipings  |
avamarśa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) touch, contact (varia lectio)  |
avamarśa | m. reflecting upon  |
avamarśam | ind. so as to touch (see /an-avam-)  |
avamarśita | mfn. touched id est disturbed (as a sacrifice)  |
avamata | mfn. despised, disregarded, contemned  |
avamatāṅkuśa | mfn. "disdaining the hook", a restive elephant  |
avamath | (ind.p. -mathya-) to cleanse (as a wound) by pricking or stirring (with an instrument),  |
avamati | f. version, dislike , disregard, contempt  |
avamati | m. a master, owner  |
avamatya | ind.p. despising  |
avamehana | n. urining upon  |
avamehanīya | mfn. to be urined upon, (an-- negative)  |
avamih | -mehati-, to urine towards or upon (accusative) ; to urine ; to pour out (as soma-)  |
avamocana | n. loosening  |
avamocana | n. setting at liberty  |
avamocana | n. "where horses are unharnessed", stage, a place for resting or settling  |
avamocana | n. (also) putting on (?),  |
avamohana | n. a narcotic,  |
avamṛd | (imperfect tense avāmṛdnāt-;p. -mṛdnat-) "to grind down", crush, tread down ; to rub  |
avamṛj | -mārṣṭi- (ind p. mṛjya-) to wipe or rub off commentator or commentary on ; to wipe or rub, clean by wiping etc.: Passive voice (Potential -mṛjyeta-with the sense of A1.) to rub one's (limbs, gātrāṇi-)  |
avamṛś | (Potential -mṛś/et-; subjunctive 3. plural -mṛś/ān-; Aorist avāmṛkṣat-; ind.p. 1. -m/ṛśya-) Vedic or Veda to touch etc. ; to reflect upon : Causal to cause to touch  |
avamṛśya | See an-vamṛlsy/a-.  |
avaṃśa | m. a low or despised family  |
avaṃśa | n. "that which has no pillars or support", the ether  |
avaṃśya | mfn. not belonging to the family  |
avamuc | P. (parasmE-pada -muñc/at-) to loosen ; to let go ; (ind.p. -mucya-) to unharness ; (generally ind.p. -mucya-) to take off (as a garment etc.) etc.: A1. (parasmE-pada -muñc/am/ana-) to liberate one's self from, strip off  |
avamūrch | (Potential -mūrchet-) to be appeased or allayed (as a quarrel)  |
avamūrdhaka | mfn. with hanging head,  |
avamūrdhaśaya | mfn. lying with the head hanging down (gaRa pārśvādi- q.v)  |
avamuṣ | to take away  |
avamūtr | (parasmE-pada -mūtrayat-) to urine upon  |
avamūtraṇa | n. urining upon  |
avamūtrita | mfn. urined upon  |
avamūtrita | mfn. wetted by the fluid excretion (of an insect)  |
avana | n. favour, preservation, protection etc. (see an.avana-)  |
avana | n. (equals tarpaṇa-) satisfaction  |
avana | n. joy, pleasure  |
avana | n. (for the explan. of 2. /eva-) desire, wish  |
avana | n. speed  |
avana | mfn. preserving, a preserver,  |
avana | See av-.  |
avanaddha | mfn. bound on, tied, covered with (instrumental case or in compound) etc. (see carmāvanaddha-)  |
avanaddha | n. a drum  |
avanah | (ind.p. -nahya-) to cover with (instrumental case)  |
avanāha | m. binding or putting on  |
avanakṣ | (2. dual number -nakṣathas-) to overtake any one (genitive case)  |
avanakṣatra | n. disappearance of the luminaries  |
avanam | (parasmE-pada -namat-; ind.p. -namya-) to bow, make a bow to ; (perf. A1.3. plural -nanāmire-) to bow down (as the head) : Causal (ind.p. -nāmya-) to bend down ; to bend (a bow)  |
avanāma | m. bending, bowing  |
avanāmaka | mfn. what depresses or causes to bow or bend  |
avanāmin | mfn. being bent down (as the branches of a tree)  |
avanāmita | mfn. bent down (see an-avanāmita-vaij-)  |
avanamra | mf(ā-)n. bowed, bent  |
avanard | (Potential -nardet-) to slur or trill (a term applicable to chanting in the Hindu ritual) (see ni-nard-.)  |
avanaś | (perf. 3. plural -neśuḥ-) to disappear, perish  |
avanata | mfn. bowed, bent down etc.  |
avanata | mfn. bending, stooping, deepened, not projecting  |
avanāṭa | mf(ā-)n. equals ava-ṭīṭa- q.v  |
avanatakaya | mfn. bending the body, crouching down.  |
avanatamukha | mfn. with downcast countenance.  |
avanatānana | mfn. equals avanata-mukha- above  |
avanāṭanasika | mfn. flat-nosed  |
avanataśirṣan | mfn. bowing the head.  |
avanati | f. setting (of luminaries)  |
avanati | f. bowing down, stooping  |
avanati | f. parallax  |
avanatottarakāya | mfn. bowing the upper part of the body  |
avanaya | m. equals ava-nāya-  |
avanāya | m. ( ) placing down  |
avanayana | n. equals ava-nāya-  |
avanayana | n. pouring down  |
avañcanatā | f. honesty,  |
avandhya | mf(ā-)n. = a-bandhya-2 q.v  |
avandhya | mf(ā-)n. Name of a place.  |
avanega | See prātar-avaneg/a-.  |
avanegya | mfn. serving for washing  |
avaneja | See pādāvan-.  |
avanejana | mf(ī-)n. washing, serving for washing (the feet)  |
avanejana | n. ablution (of hands [SBr.] or feet[ ])  |
avanejana | n. water for washing (hands[ ] or feet see pādāvan-).  |
avanejya | See pādāvan-.  |
avanektṛ | See pādāvan-.  |
avaneya | mfn. to be led away  |
avanī | f. the plant Ficus Heterophylla  |
avanī | f. Name of a river (See av/ani-.)  |
avani | f. course, bed of a river  |
avani | f. stream, river , the earth etc.  |
avani | f. the soil, ground  |
avani | f. any place on the ground  |
avani | f. plural the fingers  |
avanī | f. the earth  |
avanī | (future 2. sg. -neṣyasi-) to lead or bring down into (water) ; to put into (locative case) ; -nayati-, Ved. to pour down or over  |
avanibhṛt | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain, a king  |
avanībhṛt | m. (equals avani-bh-above) a king  |
avanicara | mfn. roving over the earth, vagabond.  |
avanīdhara | m. "earth-upholder", a mountain.  |
avanīdhra | m. id.  |
avaniḥsaraṇa | n. keeping away from (ablative),  |
avanij | (ind.p. -nija-; perf. A1. -nije-for -ninije-) to wash (especially the feet) : A1. -nenikte- (1.sg. -nenije-) to wash one's self. : Causal -nejayati-, to cause to wash |
avanija | m. "son of the earth", the planet Mars  |
avanikta | mfn. washed  |
avanimaṇḍala | n. globe of the earth.  |
avaniṃgata | mfn. prostrate on the ground.  |
avanīmukha | mfn. turned towards the earth,  |
avaninī | (ind.p. -nīya-) to put or bring into (water) ; to pour down  |
avanipa | m. "lord of the earth", a king  |
avanipāla | m. "protector of the earth", a king  |
avanīpāla | m. equals avani-p- above  |
avanipālaka | m. idem or 'm. "protector of the earth", a king '  |
avanipati | m. idem or 'm. "lord of the earth", a king '  |
avanīpati | m. equals avani-p- above  |
avaniruh | ([ ]) ([ das-.]) m. "grown from the earth", a tree.  |
avaniruha | ([ das-.]) m. "grown from the earth", a tree.  |
avanīśa | m. "lord of the earth", a king  |
avaniścaya | m. inference, deduction, ascertainment  |
avaniṣṭhiv | (p. -ṣṭhīvat-) to spit upon  |
avaniṣṭhīvana | n. spitting upon  |
avanisuta | m. equals -ja- above  |
avanīsvara | m. "lord of the earth", a king  |
avanīta | mfn. led or pushed down into (locative case)  |
avanīya | mfn. to be poured out or down  |
avanīyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice p.) being led down into water (as a horse)  |
avantaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
avantaka | m. Name of a Buddhist school.  |
avanti | m. plural Name of a country and its in habitants  |
avanti | m. Name of a river.  |
avantī | f. ( ) Oujein, N. etc.  |
avantī | f. the queen, of Oujein (see āvantya-)  |
avantī | f. (equals avanti-) Name of of river.  |
avantibhūpāla | m. the king of avanti- id est bhoja-.  |
avantibrahma | m. a Brahman living in the country of the avanti-s  |
avantīḍeśa | m. the region of avanti-.  |
avantideva | m. (equals -varman- q.v) Name of a king  |
avantikā | f. the modern Oujein (one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus to die at which secures eternal happiness), the language of the, avanti-s  |
avantikhaṇḍa | n. a portion of the skanda-purāṇa-  |
avantimihira | m. Name (also title or epithet) of varāha-mihira-,  |
avantīnagara | n. the city avantī-  |
avantinagari | f. the city of the avanti-s, Oujein  |
avantipura | n. idem or 'f. the city of the avanti-s, Oujein '  |
avantipura | n. Name of a town in kāśmīra-, built by avantivarman-  |
avantipurī | f. Oujein  |
avantīsaras | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
avantisena | m. Name of a man  |
avantisoma | m. sour gruel (prepared from the fermentation of, rice-water)  |
avantīsundari | f. Name of a woman  |
avantisvāmin | m. Name of a sanctuary built by avantivarman-  |
avantīśvara | m. id.  |
avantivardhana | m. Name of a son of pālaka-  |
avantivarman | m. Name of a king  |
avantivarman | m. of a poet,  |
avantivatī | f. Name of the wife of pālaka-  |
avantyaśmaka | n. sg. or m. plural the avanti-s and the aśmaka-s, (gaRa rajadantādi-and kārtakaujapādi- q.v)  |
avanu | A1. (3. plural -navante-) to move towards (accusative)  |
avapad | -padyate- (subjunctive P. -padāti- ; preceding A1.3. sg. -padīṣṭa- ; Aorist subjunctive A1.3. sg. -pādi- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (ablative) -p/adas- ) Vedic or Veda to fall down, glide down into (accusative) etc. ; (Imper. A1.3. plural -padyantām-; subjunctive P.2. sg. -patsi-; Potential P.1. sg. -padyeyam-) to drop from (ablative), be deprived of (ablative) ; (subjunctive A1.1. sg. -padyai-) to fall, meet with an accident ; (future 3. plural -patsyanti-) to throw down : Causal (Imper. 2. sg. -pādaya-; ind.p. -pādya-) to cause to glide or go down  |
avapāda | m. falling  |
avapāka | mfn. having no momentum (see vap/ā-)  |
avapana | n. not shaving,  |
avapāna | n. drinking  |
avapāna | n. a pond or pool for watering  |
avapanna | mfn. fallen down, that upon which anything has fallen down  |
avapanna | mfn. See keśa-kīṭāvap- and kīṭāvap- "fallen down" See svayamavapann/a-.  |
avapaś | P. -paśyati- (2. plural -paśyata-; parasmE-pada -p/aśyat-) to look down upon (accusative) : A1. -paśyate-, to look upon  |
avapāśita | mfn. having a snare laid upon, snared  |
avapaṭ | (ind.p. -pāṭya-) to split, tear into pieces Passive voice -pātyate-, to crack, flaw, split  |
avapat | (p. -patat- ind.p. -patya-See ava-pāta-; imperfect tense avāpatat- etc.) to fly down, jump down, fall down: Caus. (p. -pātayat-) to throw down  |
avapāta | m. falling down  |
avapāta | m. (an-- negative) (see śastrāvap-)  |
avapāta | m. descent, descending upon  |
avapāta | m. flying down  |
avapāta | m. a hole or pit for catching game in |
avapātam | ind. with ava-patya- (ind.p.), falling or flying down like (in compound)  |
avapatana | n. falling down, (see avarāvap-.) jaina- Prakrit ovaDaNa See śastrāvapāta-.  |
avapātana | n. felling, knocking or throwing down  |
avapātana | n. (in dramatical language) a scene during which a person enters the stage in terror but leaves it at the end in good humour  |
avapāṭikā | f. laceration of the prepuce  |
avapatita | mfn. fallen down from (in compound)  |
avapatita | mfn. that upon which anything (in compound) has fallen down (See keśa-kīṭāvap-)  |
avapatita | mfn. (said of the voice) unclear, (an--neg.)  |
avapātrita | mfn. a person not allowed by his kindred to eat or drink from the same vessel (see apa-pātrita-.)  |
avapīḍ | (ind.p. -piḍya-) to press down, compress , (Potential -pīḍayet-) to press out (as a wound)  |
avapīḍa | m. pressing down  |
avapīḍa | m. one of the five sternutatories or drugs producing sneezing  |
avapīḍaka | m. (equals -pīḍa-) a sternutatory  |
avapīḍana | n. the act of pressing down  |
avapīḍana | n. pressing down (the eye-lids) commentator or commentary on  |
avapīḍana | n. a sternutatory  |
avapīḍanā | f. damage, violation  |
avapīḍita | mfn. pressed down, thrown down  |
avapīḍita | mfn. pressed, oppressed, pressed out (as a wound)  |
avapiṇḍita | mfn. (said of dewdrops) fallen down in the shape of little globules (piṇḍa- q.v)  |
avapiṣ | (ind.p. -piṣya-) to crush or grind into pieces, grind  |
avaplu | A1. (perf. -pupluve-) to jump down (as from a cart)  |
avapluta | mfn. plunged into  |
avapluta | mfn. jumped down from etc.  |
avapluta | mfn. gone away from, departed from  |
avapluta | n. jumping down  |
avaplutya | ind.p. jumping down etc.  |
avaplutya | jumping away from (ablative) |
avaplutya | hastening away or off  |
avapothikā | f. anything used for knocking down, as stones etc. thrown from the walls of a city on the besiegers  |
avapothita | mfn. thrown or knocked down  |
avaprajjana | n. ( pṛj-), the end of the warp of a web (opposed to 2. pra-vayaṇa- q.v)  |
avaprasnuta | mfn. wetted by the fluid excretion (of a bird)  |
avaprasruta | mfn. wetted by the fluid excretion (of a bird)  |
avapṛṣṭhībhūta | mfn. set on the path of Buddhahood (?),  |
avapṛṣṭhīkṛta | mfn. set on the path of Buddhahood (?),  |
avapuñjita | mfn. collected into small heaps (as sweepings).  |
avapūraṇa | n. filling or covering with (compound),  |
avapūrṇa | mfn. filled with (m compound)  |
avapus | mfn. bodiless, formless,  |
avaputh | Caus. (p. -pothayat-; Potential -pothayet-) to throw or knock down  |
avara | mf(ā-)n. (fr. 2. /ava-), below inferior  |
avara | mf(ā-)n. low, mean, unimportant of small value etc.  |
avara | mf(ā-)n. posterior, hinder, later, last, younger etc.  |
avara | mf(ā-)n. nearer  |
avara | mf(ā-)n. western  |
avara | mf(ā-)n. preceding (with ablative,opposed to p/ara-)  |
avarā | f. "after-birth" See avarāvapatana- below  |
avarā | f. (equals aparā- q.v) the hind quarter of an elephant  |
avarā | f. Name of durgā-  |
avara | n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ā-).) the least, the lowest degree, lowest sum (see kārṣāpaṇāvara-, trirātrāvara-, try-avara-, daśāvara-, saṃvatsarāvara-) ; the hind thigh of an elephant  |
avarādh | (Aorist 2. sg. -arātsīs-) to commit a fault ; -rādhnoti-, to turn out ill, fail  |
avaraja | mf(ā-)n. of low birth, inferior, younger, junior  |
avaraja | m. a śūdra-  |
avaraja | m. a younger brother  |
avaraja | m. (with ablative)  |
avarajā | f. a younger sister  |
avarakaṅka | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a city,  |
avaramb | (parasmE-pada -r/ambamāṇa-) to hang down equals ava-lamb- q.v  |
avaraṅgasāha | = Aurungzeb (a Muhammedan king of the 17th century; sāha-= the Persian $).  |
avarapara | mf(ā-)n. preceding and following,  |
avaraparam | ind. one upon the other , successively (see avaras-par/a-below) .  |
avarapuruṣa | m. a descendant  |
avarārdha | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' the least part, the minimum  |
avarārdha | mfn. belonging to the lower half,  |
avarārdham | ind. at least  |
avarārdhatas | ind. from below  |
avarārdhya | mfn. being on the lower or nearer side  |
avarārdhya | mfn. beginning from below  |
avarārdhya | n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ā-).) the least part, the minimum,  |
avarārdhya | mfn. being the minimum (see an-avarārdhya-.)  |
avaraśaila | ās-, m. pl."living or originated on the western mountain (in the monastery called avara śaila-saṅghārāma-) ", Name of a Buddhist school.  |
avaraspara | mfn. ([ avara-para-]) having the last first or the hindermost foremost, inverted  |
avarastāt | ind. below etc.  |
avarata | See an-avarata-.  |
avaratara | (/avara--) mfn. (Comparative degree) farther down  |
avaratas | ind. ( ) below etc.  |
avaratas | ind. at least  |
avarati | f. stopping, ceasing  |
avarāvapatana | n. dropping of or discharge of the secundines, miscarriage  |
avarāvara | mfn. lowest, most inferior of all  |
avaravarṇa | m. "a low or despised caste" See -varṇa-ja-  |
avaravarṇa | m. "belonging to a low caste", a śūdra-  |
avaravarṇaja | m. "born in a low caste", a śūdra-  |
avaravayas | mfn. younger  |