au | the fourteenth vowel of the alphabet (having the sound of Englishouinour).  |
au | ind. an interjection  |
au | ind. a particle of addressing  |
au | ind. calling  |
au | ind. prohibition  |
au | ind. ascertainment  |
au | m. Name of ananta- or śeṣa-  |
au | m. a sound  |
au | m. the setu- or sacred syllable of the śūdra-s, ([ ])  |
au | f. (aus-) the earth  |
aucathya | m. a descendant of ucathya-, Name of dīrghatamas- (equals autathya-below )  |
auccaiḥśravasa | m. (fr. uccaiḥ-śravas-), Name of indra-'s horse  |
auccaiḥśravasa | m. a horse  |
auccāmanyava | m. a descendant of uccāmanyu-  |
auccya | n. (fr. ucca-), height, distance (of a planet)  |
aucitī | f. (fr. ucita-), fitness, suitableness, decorum  |
aucitya | n. fitness, suitableness, decorum etc.  |
aucitya | n. the state of being used to, habituation  |
aucityālaṃkāra | m. Name of work  |
audabhṛjji | m. a descendant of uda-bhṛjja-  |
audabuddhi | m. a descendant of udabuddha- gaRa pailādi-  |
audajñāyani | m. a descendant of udajña- ([ reads udanya-]) gaRa tikādi-  |
audaka | mf(ī-)n. (fr. udaka-), living or growing in water, relating to water, aquatic, watery etc.  |
audakā | f. a town surrounded by water  |
audakaja | mfn. coming from aquatic plants  |
audaki | m. a descendant of udaka- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
audaki | m. plural Name of a warrior tribe gaRa dāmany-ādi-  |
audakīya | m. a king of the audaki-s  |
audala | m. a descendant of udala-  |
audala | n. Name of a sāman-  |
audamajji | m. a descendant of uda-majja-  |
audambarī | f. (with saṃhitā-) Name (also title or epithet) of a work on bhakti- (according to to nimbārka-).  |
audamegha | m. plural the school of audameghyā-  |
audameghi | m. a descendant of uda-megha-  |
audameghīya | mfn. belonging to audameghi- ([ varia lectio audameyi- ]) gaRa raivatakādi-  |
audameghyā | f. of audameghi- above  |
audañcana | mfn. (fr. ud-añcana-), contained in a bucket  |
audañcanaka | mfn. relating to a bucket gaRa arīhaṇādi-  |
audañcavi | m. a descendant of udañcu- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
audanika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. odana-), one who knows how to cook mashed grain gaRa saṃtāpādi-  |
audaṅki | m. a descendant of udaṅka- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
audaṅki | m. plural Name of a warrior tribe gaRa dāmany-ādi-  |
audaṅkīya | m. a king of the audaṅki-s |
audanvata | mfn. (fr. udanvat-), relating to the sea, marine  |
audanvata | m. a descendant of udanvat- on  |
audanya | m. (fr. udanya-), Name of the ṛṣi- muṇḍibha-  |
audanyava | m. (fr. udanyu-) idem or 'm. (fr. udanya-), Name of the ṛṣi- muṇḍibha- '  |
audanyāyani | m. a descendant of udanya- gaRa tikādi- ([ ])  |
audanyi | m. idem or 'm. a descendant of udanya- gaRa tikādi- ([ ]) ' gaRa pailādi- ]  |
audapāna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. uda-pāna-), raised from wells or drinking fountains (as a tax etc.)  |
audapāna | mf(ī-)n. belonging or relating to a well  |
audapāna | mf(ī-)n. coming from the village udapāna-, gaṇa-s on  |
audara | mfn. (fr. udara-), being in the stomach or belly  |
audara | mfn. gastric (as a disease)  |
audareiṣa | mfn. directed to agni-,  |
audarika | mf(ī-)n. gluttonous, a belly-god, glutton etc.  |
audarika | mf(ī-)n. greedy  |
audarika | mf(ī-)n. fit for or pleasant to the stomach (as food)  |
audarika | mf(ī-)n. dropsical  |
audārika | m. (fr. udāra-), (with jaina-s) the gross body which invests the soul  |
audārikaśarīra | n. the coarse body (perishing at death),  |
audarya | mfn. being in the stomach or belly  |
audarya | mfn. being in the womb  |
audārya | n. generosity, nobility, magnanimity etc.  |
audārya | n. liberality  |
audārya | n. noble style  |
audāryacintāmaṇi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Prakrit grammar.  |
audāryatā | f. liberality  |
audāsīnya | n. (fr. ud-āsīna-), indifference, apathy, disregard  |
audasthāna | mfn. (fr. uda-sthāna-), accustomed to stand in water  |
audasthāna | mfn. relating to one who stands in water, gaṇa-s on  |
audaśuddhi | m. a descendant of uda-śuddha- gaRa pailādi-  |
audaśvita | and audaśvitka- mfn. (fr. uda-śvit-), dressed with or made of buttermilk, like buttermilk |
audāsya | n. (fr. 2. ud-āsa-) idem or 'n. (fr. ud-āsīna-), indifference, apathy, disregard '  |
audāttya | n. (fr. udātta-), the state of having the high tone or accent.  |
auḍava | mf(ī-)n. (fr. uḍu-), relating to a constellation  |
auḍava | m. (in mus.) a mode which consists of five notes only  |
auḍavā | f. a particular rāgiṇī- q.v (see oḍava-.)  |
audavāhi | m. a descendant of uda-vāha-  |
audavāpi | m. a descendant of uda-vāpa- gaRa raivatikādi- ( reads audavāhi-).  |
audavāpīya | mfn. relating to audavāpi-  |
auḍavi | m. plural Name of a warrior tribe gaRa dāmany-ādi- )  |
auḍavīya | m. a king of the auḍavi-s  |
audavraja | mf(ī-)n. composed by uda-vraja-.  |
audavraji | m. a descendant of uda-vraja-  |
audayaka | m. plural (fr. ud-aya-), a school of astronomers (who reckoned the first motion of the planets from sunrise).  |
auḍāyana | m. a descendant of uḍa- (?) or of auḍa- ([ ?]), gaRa aiṣukāry-ādi-  |
audayana | mfn. relating to or coming from (the teacher) udayana-  |
auḍāyanabhakta | mfn. inhabited by auḍāyana-s (as a country)  |
audayika | mfn. to be reckoned from sunrise  |
audayika | mfn. relating to or happening in an auspicious time, prosperous  |
audayika | mfn. (with bhāva-,the state of the soul when actions arise )  |
audbhāri | m. a descendant of ud-bhāra-, Name of khaṇḍika-  |
audbhaṭa | m. plural the pupils of ud-bhaṭa-  |
audbhettra | n. (fr. ud-bhettṛ-) idem or 'n. forcing one's way to an aim, success, victory '  |
audbhettriya | n. idem or 'n. (fr. ud-bhettṛ-) idem or 'n. forcing one's way to an aim, success, victory ' '  |
audbhida | mfn. (fr. 2. ud-bhid-), coming forth, springing forth, breaking through, issuing from  |
audbhida | mfn. forcing one's way towards an aim, victorious  |
audbhida | n. (with and without lavaṇa-) fossil salt  |
audbhida | n. (scilicet udaka-) water breaking through (the earth and collecting in a mine )  |
audbhidya | n. forcing one's way to an aim, success, victory  |
audbhijja | mfn. (fr. udbhij-ja-), coming forth from the earth  |
audbhijja | n. fossil salt  |
audbilya | n. (fr. ud-bila-), excessive joy |
auddālaka | n. (fr. ud-dālaka-), a kind of honey (taken from certain bees which live in the earth)  |
auddālaka | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
auddālakāyana | m. a descendant of auddālaki-  |
auddālaki | m. a descendant of uddālaka-, Name of several men  |
auddaṇḍaka | mfn. (fr. ud-daṇḍa-), relating to one who holds up a staff gaRa arīhaṇādi-  |
auddeśika | mfn. (fr. ud-deśa-), pointing out, indicative of, showing, enumerating  |
auddeśika | mfn. prepared for the sake of (mendicants;said of alms)  |
auddhārika | mfn. (fr. ud-dhāra-), belonging to or forming the part to be set aside  |
auddhatya | n. (fr. ud-dhata-), arrogance, insolence, overbearing manner, disdain  |
auddhatya | (with Buddhists) self-exaltation (one of the 10 fetters which bind a man to existence),  |
auddhava | m. plural (fr. ud-dhava-), grass left over of the sacrificial straw  |
auddhava | mf(ī-)n. consisting of such grass  |
auddhava | mf(ī-)n. coming from or spoken by uddhava-, relating to uddhava-  |
auddhavamaya | mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. coming from or spoken by uddhava-, relating to uddhava- ' commentator or commentary on  |
audgāhamāni | m. a descendant of udgāhamāna-  |
audgātra | mfn. relating to the udgātṛ- priest commentator or commentary on etc.  |
audgātra | n. the office of the udgātṛ- priest  |
audgātrasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
audgrabhaṇa | n. (fr. ud-grabhaṇa-), Name of a particular offering  |
audgrabhaṇatva | n. the being such an offering  |
audgrahaṇa | n. idem or 'n. the being such an offering '  |
audhasa | mfn. (fr. ūdhas-), being or contained in the udder (as milk)  |
audheya | m. plural Name of a family  |
audheya | m. of a school (belonging to the White yajur-veda-),  |
audīcya | mfn. (fr. udīcī- f.of 2. udaṅc-), coming from or relating to the northern country, northern commentator or commentary on commentator or commentary on  |
audīcyaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
auḍra | varia lectio for oḍra- q.v  |
audrāyaṇa | m. (for Prakrit uddāyan-- a-) Name (also title or epithet) of a prince,  |
auḍulomi | m. a descendant of uḍu-loman-, Name of a philosopher  |
auḍumbara | See /audumbara-.  |
audumbara | mf(ī-)n. (in class. Sanskrit commonly written auḍu-) (fr. ud[ḍ]umb/ara-), coming from the tree udumbara- or Ficus Religiosa, made of its wood etc.  |
audumbara | mf(ī-)n. made of copper  |
audumbara | m. a region abounding in udumbara- trees on  |
audumbara | m. a kind of worm  |
audumbara | m. Name of yama-  |
audumbara | m. plural Name of a race  |
audumbara | m. of a class of ascetics  |
audumbara | n. an udumbara- wood  |
audumbara | n. a piece of udumbara- wood  |
audumbara | n. the fruit of the udumbara- tree  |
audumbara | n. a kind of leprosy  |
audumbara | n. copper  |
audumbaracchada | m. Croton Polyandrum  |
audumbaraka | m. the country inhabited by the udumbara-s gaRa rājanyādi-  |
audumbaratā | f.  |
audumbaratva | n. the state of being made of the udumbara- tree  |
audumbarāyaṇa | m. a descendant of udumbara-, Name of a grammarian.  |
audumbarāyaṇa | a married Brahman,  |
audumbarāyaṇi | m. a descendant of the last.  |
audumbarī | f. (with and without śākhā-) a branch of the udumbara- tree : etc.  |
audumbarī | f. a kind of musical instrument  |
audumbari | m. a king of the udumbara-s commentator or commentary on  |
auḍupa | mfn. (fr. uḍupa-), relating to a raft or float, gaRa saṃkalādi-  |
auḍupika | mfn. carrying over in a boat gaRa utsaṅgādi-  |
audvāhika | mfn. (fr. ud-vāha-), relating to or given at marriage  |
audvepa | mfn. (fr. ud-vepa- gaRa saṃkalādi- ), resulting from tremor or trembling (?).  |
audyāva | mf(ī-)n. (fr. udyāva- gaRa ṛgayanādi- ), treating of the art of mixing or joining (?).  |
augha | m. (fr. ogha-vah-), flood, stream (see ogha-.)  |
augrasainya | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a descendant of ugra-sena- ' on vArttika 7 on ' , Name of yudhāṃśrauṣṭi-  |
augraseni | m. a descendant of ugra-sena-  |
augrasenya | m. idem or 'm. a descendant of ugra-sena- ' on vArttika 7 on  |
augreya | m. a descendant of ugra- gaRa śubhrādi-  |
augrya | n. (fr. ugra-), horribleness, dreadfulness, fierceness |
aujasa | n. (fr. ojas-), gold  |
aujasa | Name (also title or epithet) of a tīrtha- (varia lectio ausaja-),  |
aujasika | mfn. energetic, vigorous  |
aujasya | mfn. conducive to or increasing vitality or energy  |
aujasya | n. vigour, energy  |
aujjāgari | see sundara-- miśtra-, parasmE-pada 1227.  |
aujjayanaka | mfn. relating to or coming from the town ujjayanī- gaRa dhūmādi-  |
aujjayanika | m. a king of ujjayanī-  |
aujjihāni | m. a descendant of ujjihāna- gaRa pailādi-  |
aujjvalya | n. (fr. uj-jvala-), brightness, brilliancy  |
aujjvalya | n. splendour, beauty  |
aukāra | m. the letter or sound au-  |
aukheya | m. plural idem or 'm. plural the descendants or pupils of ukha-.'  |
aukhīya | m. plural the descendants or pupils of ukha-.  |
aukhya | mfn. (fr. ukhā-), boiled or being in a caldron  |
aukhyeyaka | mfn. equals ukhyā-jāta- gaRa kattry-ādi-  |
aukṣa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. ukṣan-) coming from or belonging to a bull  |
aukṣa | n. a multitude of bulls  |
aukṣagandhi | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
aukṣaka | n. a multitude of bulls  |
aukṣaṇa | m. a descendant of ukṣan-.  |
aukṣṇa | mfn. ( ) relating to or coming from a bull  |
aukṣṇa | m. a descendant of ukṣan- on  |
aukṣṇa | mfn. ( ) relating to or coming from a bull  |
aukṣṇa | m. a descendant of ukṣan- on  |
auktha | m. a descendant or pupil of aukthya- gaRa kaṇvādi-  |
aukthika | mfn. one who knows or studies the uktha-s  |
aukthikya | n. the tradition of the aukthika-s  |
aukthya | m. a descendant of uktha- gaRa gargādi-  |
aukthya | n. See mahad-aukthya-.  |
aula | m. Arum Campanulatum (equals ola-)  |
aulabhīya | m. a king of the ulabha-s gaRa dāmany-ādi-  |
aulāna | m. Name of śāntanava- ([ ])  |
aulapi | m. plural (fr. ulapa-) Name of a warrior-tribe gaRa dāmany-ādi-  |
aulapin | m. plural the school of ulapa- on  |
aulapīya | m. a king of the aulapi-s above.  |
aulūka | m. (fr. ulūka-), Name of a village  |
aulūka | n. a number of owls gaRa khaṇḍikādi-  |
aulūkhala | mfn. (fr. ulūkhala-), coming from a mortar, ground or pounded in a mortar  |
aulūkhalau | m. dual number mortar and pestle  |
aulūkīya | mfn. (fr. aulūka-) on vArttika 2 on  |
aulūkya | m. a descendant of ulūka- gaRa gargādi-  |
aulūkya | m. a follower of the vaiśeṣika- doctrine (see ulūka-).  |
aulūkyadarśana | n. Name of the vaiśeṣika- system (erroneously printed aulukya-d-).  |
auluṇḍya | m. a descendant of uluṇḍa-, Name of supratīta-  |
aulvaṇya | n. (fr. ulvaṇa-), excess, superabundance (?).  |
aum | ind. the sacred syllable of the śūdra-s (See 3. au-).  |
auma | mf(ī-)n. (fr. umā-), made of flax, flaxen  |
auma | mfn. relating to the goddess umā-,  |
aumaka | mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. umā-), made of flax, flaxen '  |
aumāpata | n. (fr. umā-pati-), relating to or treating on umā-'s husband or śiva-  |
aumāpata | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a work (on music, apparently by umā-pati-).  |
aumbheyaka | mfn. (fr. umbhi- gaRa kattry-ādi- ), relating to one who fills up ( ?)  |
aumika | mf(ī-)n. relating to flax gaRa aśvādi-  |
aumīna | n. a field of flax  |
aunmukhya | n. (fr. un-mukha-), expectancy  |
aunnatya | n. (fr. un-nata-), elevation, height  |
aunnetra | n. the office of the un-netṛ- priest gaRa udgātr-ādi-  |
aunnidrya | n. sleeplessness,  |
aupabāhavi | m. a descendant of upa-bāhu- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
aupabhṛta | mfn. belonging to or being in the ladle called upa-bhṛt-  |
aupabindavi | m. a descendant of upa-bindu-  |
aupacandhani | varia lectio for aupajandhani-, column 2.  |
aupacārika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. upacāra-), honorific, complimentary (as a name or title) commentator or commentary on  |
aupacārika | mf(ī-)n. not literal, figurative, metaphorical  |
aupacāyika | n. a kind of śrāddha-,  |
aupacchandasika | mfn. (fr. upa-cchandas-), conformable to the veda-, Vedic  |
aupacchandasika | n. Name of a metre (consisting of four lines of alternately eleven and twelve syllabic instantsSee grammar 969). |
aupādānika | mfn. (fr. upādāna-), effected by assuming or adopting.  |
aupadeśika | mf(ī-)n. living by teaching gaRa vetanādi- )  |
aupadeśika | mf(ī-)n. depending on or resulting from a special rule commentator or commentary on and  |
aupadeśika | mf(ī-)n. (in grammar) denoting or relating to an originally enunciated grammatical form (See upadeśa-)  |
aupadeśikatva | n. the state of resulting from a special rule commentator or commentary on  |
aupadharmya | n. (fr. upadharma-), false doctrine, heresy  |
aupadhenava | m. a descendant of upadhenu-, Name of a physician  |
aupadheya | mfn. serving for the upadhi- (a particular part of the wheel of a carriage)  |
aupadheya | n. the part of a wheel called upadhi- on  |
aupadhika | mfn. (fr. upa-dhi-), deceitful, deceptive  |
aupadhika | m. an impostor, cheat  |
aupadhika | m. an extortioner of money , (copadhikā-misprint for caupadhikā-.)  |
aupādhika | mfn. (fr. upādhi-), relating to or depending on special qualities, limited by particular conditions, valid only under particular suppositions commentator or commentary on &  |
aupādhyāyaka | mfn. (fr. upādhyāya-), coming from a teacher on  |
aupadraṣṭrya | n. (fr. upadraṣṭṛ-), the state of being an eye-witness, super-intendence  |
aupadravika | mfn. (fr. upa-drava-), relating to or treating of symptoms  |
aupagātra | n. the state of an upa-gātṛ- q.v  |
aupagava | mf(ī-)n. coming from or composed by upagu-  |
aupagava | n. Name of two sāman-s  |
aupagava | mf(ī-). a descendant of upagu- on  |
aupagavaka | n. an assemblage of aupagava-s  |
aupagavaka | m. an admirer or worshipper of upagu- on  |
aupagavi | m. a descendant of aupagava-, Name of uddhava-  |
aupagavīya | m. a pupil of aupagavi-  |
aupagrahika | m. (fr. upagraha-) idem or 'm. (fr. upagrasta-), the sun or moon in eclipse '  |
aupagrastika | m. (fr. upagrasta-), the sun or moon in eclipse  |
aupahārika | mfn. (fr. upa-hāra-), fit for an offering  |
aupahārika | n. that which forms an oblation, an oblation, offering  |
aupahastika | mfn. (fr. upa-hasta- gaRa vetanādi- [not in ]), living by presents (? pratigraheṇa jīvati- )  |
aupajandhani | m. a descendant of upa-jandhani-, Name of a teacher  |
aupajaṅghani | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher (confer, compare jandhani-),  |
aupajānuka | mfn. (fr. upa-jānu-), being on or near the knees  |
aupakalāpya | mfn. (fr. upakalāpa- gaRa parimukhādi- on ), being on or near the girdle (?).  |
aupākaraṇa | mfn. (fr. upākaraṇa-), relating to the preparatory ceremony before beginning the study of the veda-  |
aupākaraṇa | n. (am-) the time of that ceremony  |
aupakārika | mfn. beneficial, useful,  |
aupakarṇika | mfn. (fr. upakarṇa-), being on or near the ears  |
aupakārya | n. a preparatory or secondary action,  |
aupakāryā | f. equals upa-kāryā- q.v  |
aupakāyana | m. a descendant of upaka-, Name of an author  |
aupakurvāṇaka | equals upakurvāṇaka- q.v  |
aupala | mfn. (fr. upala-), made of stone, stony  |
aupala | mfn. raised from stones (as taxes) gaRa suṇḍikā-  |
aupalā | f. Name of a śakti-  |
aupala | f. (varia lectio omalā-.)  |
aupamānika | mfn. (fr. upamāna-), derived by analogy commentator or commentary on  |
aupamanyava | m. a descendant of upa-manyu-  |
aupamanyava | m. plural Name of a school belonging to the yajur-veda-. |
aupamika | mfn. (fr. 3. upa-mā-), serving for or forming a comparison  |
aupamya | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the state or condition of resemblance or equality, similitude, comparison, analogy (see anaup-, ātmaup-,etc.)  |
aupānahya | mfn. (fr. upā-nah-), serving or used for making shoes (as grass or leather )  |
aupanāsika | mfn. (fr. nāsā-with upa-), being on or near the nose  |
aupanāyanika | mfn. (fr. upa-nāyana-), relating to or fit for the ceremony called upanayana- q.v  |
aupanāyika | mfn. (fr. upa-nāya-), belonging to or serving for an offering  |
aupanidhika | mfn. (fr. upanidhi-), relating to or forming a deposit  |
aupaniṣada | mf(ī-)n. contained or taught in an upaniṣad-  |
aupaniṣada | mf(ī-)n. a follower of the upaniṣad-s, a vedāntin- commentator or commentary on  |
aupaniṣadika | mfn. upaniṣad--like  |
aupaniṣatka | mfn. (fr. upaniṣad- gaRa vetanādi- ), subsisting by teaching an upaniṣad-.  |
aupanīvika | mfn. (fr. upa-nīvi-), on or near the nīvi- (q.v)  |
aupānuvākya | mfn. (fr. upānuvākya-), contained in the portion of the called upānuvākya- |
aupānuvākyakāṇḍa | n. equals upānuvākya- commentator or commentary on  |
aupapādika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (fr. upa-pāduka-), self-produced '  |
aupapāduka | mfn. (fr. upa-pāduka-), self-produced  |
aupapakṣya | mfn. (fr. upa-pakṣa-), being in the armpit (as hair)  |
aupapātika | mfn. (fr. upa-pātaka- irregular), one who has committed a secondary crime  |
aupapātika | n. (fr. upa-pāta-) Name of the first jaina- upāṅga-.  |
aupapattika | mfn. (fr. upa-patti-), present, ready at hand, fit for the purpose  |
aupapatya | n. (fr. upa-pati-), intercourse with a paramour, adultery  |
aupara | m. a descendant of upara-, Name of daṇḍa-  |
auparādhayya | n. (fr. uparādhaya- gaRa brāhmaṇādi- ), the state of being serviceable or officious.  |
auparājika | mf(ī-and ā-)n. (fr. upa-rāja- gaRa kāśy-ādi- ), relating to a viceroy.  |
auparava | mfn. relating to the hole called upa-rava-, q.v commentator or commentary on  |
aupariṣṭa | mfn. (fr. upariṣṭāt- on ), being above.  |
aupariṣṭaka | n. (scilicet rata-) a kind of coitus,  |
auparodhika | mfn. (fr. upa-rodha-), relating to a check or hindrance  |
auparodhika | mfn. a staff of the wood of the pīlu- tree  |
aupaśa | See sv-aupaś/a-.  |
aupaśada | m. (fr. upa-śada-), Name of an ekāha- |
aupasada | mfn. occupied with or relating to the upa-sad- (q.v) ceremony  |
aupasada | mfn. (an adhyāya- or anuvāka-) in which the word upasad- occurs gaRa vimuktādi-  |
aupasada | m. a particular ekāha- (incorrect varia lectio for aupaśada-,).  |
aupaśāla | mfn. (fr. śālā-with upa-), near the house or hall  |
aupasaṃdhya | mfn. (fr. saṃdhyā-with upa-), relating to dawn  |
aupaśamika | mfn. (fr. upa-śama-), (with jaina-s) resulting from the ceasing (of the effects of past actions)  |
aupasaṃkhyānika | mfn. (fr. upa-saṃkhyāna-), depending on the authority of any addition or supplement, mentioned or occurring in one  |
aupasaṃkhyānika | mfn. supplementary commentator or commentary on  |
aupasaṃkramaṇa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. upa-saṃkramaṇa-), that which is given or proper to be done on the occasion of passing from one thing to another gaRa vyuṣṭādi-  |
aupāsana | m. (scilicet agni-), (fr. upāsana-), the fire used for domestic worship etc.  |
aupāsana | m. (scilicet piṇḍa-) a small cake offered to the Manes and  |
aupāsana | mf(ā-)n. relating to or performed at an aupāsana- fire (as the evening and morning oblations)  |
aupāsanaprayoga | m. the manner of performing the rites at the aupāsana- fire commentator or commentary on  |
aupāsanika | m. the aupāsana- fire commentator or commentary on  |
aupasargika | mfn. (fr. upa-sarga-), superior to adversity, able to cope with calamity gaRa saṃtāpādi- superinduced, produced in addition to (or out of another disease)  |
aupasargika | mfn. infectious (as a disease)  |
aupasargika | mfn. connected with a preposition, prepositive  |
aupasargika | mfn. portentous  |
aupasargika | mfn. relating to change etc.  |
aupasargika | m. irregular action of the humors of the body (producing cold sweat etc.)  |
aupasīrya | mfn. (fr. upa-sīra- gaRa parimukhādi- on ), being on or near a plough.  |
aupaśivi | m. a descendant of upa-śiva-, Name of a grammarian.  |
aupaśleṣika | mfn. (fr. upaśleṣa-), connected by close contact  |
aupasthāna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. upasthāna-), one whose business is to serve or wait on or worship gaRa chattrādi-  |
aupasthānika | mf(ī-)n. one who lives by waiting on or worshipping gaRa vetanādi-  |
aupasthika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. upa-stha-), living by the sexual organ (id est by fornication)  |
aupasthūṇya | mfn. (fr. upa-sthūṇa- gaRa parimukhādi- on ), being near or on a post.  |
aupasthya | n. cohabitation, sexual enjoyment  |
aupasvastī | f. Name of a woman.  |
aupasvastīputra | m. Name of a teacher  |
aupatasvini | m. a descendant of upatasvina-, Name of a ṛṣi-  |
aupavāhya | mfn. (fr. upa-vāha-), designed for driving or riding (as a carriage or elephant etc.)  |
aupavāhya | m. a king's elephant, any royal vehicle.  |
aupavāsa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. upa-vāsa- gaRa vyuṣṭādi- ), given during fasting, relating to fasting.  |
aupavasathika | mfn. designed for or belonging to the upa-vasatha- (q.v) ceremony  |
aupavasathika | n. Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of the sāma-veda-.  |
aupavasathya | mfn. equals aupavasathika- above  |
aupavāsika | mf(ī-)n. fit or suitable for a fast gaRa guḍādi-  |
aupavāsika | mf(ī-)n. able to fast gaRa saṃtāpādi-  |
aupavasta | n. (fr. upa-vasta-), fasting, a fast  |
aupavastha | n. equals aupavasta- above.  |
aupavastra | n. fasting  |
aupavastraka | n. food suitable for a fast  |
aupavāsya | n. fasting  |
aupaveśi | m. a descendant of upa-veśa-, Name of aruṇa-  |
aupaveṣika | mfn. (fr. upa-veṣa- gaRa vetanādi- ), living by entertainment (?).  |
aupāvi | m. a descendant of upāva-, Name of jānaśruteya-  |
aupavīlī | f. varia lectio for ovilī- q.v  |
aupavītika | n. (fr. upa-vīta-), investiture with the sacred thread  |
aupayaja | mfn. belonging to the verses called upayaj-, q.v  |
aupayaugika | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') relating to the application of (a remedy etc.)  |
aupayika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. upāya- gaRa vinayādi- ;with shortening of the ā- on ), answering a purpose, leading to an object, fit, proper, right etc.  |
aupayika | mf(ī-)n. belonging to  |
aupayika | mf(ī-)n. obtained through a means or expedient  |
aupayika | n. a means, expedient  |
aupāyika | mfn. equals aupayika- q.v  |
aupayikatā | f.  |
aupayikatva | n. fitness, properness commentator or commentary on  |
aupendra | mfn. relating to viṣṇu-,  |
aupodghātika | mfn. (fr. upodghāta-), occasioned, occasional commentator or commentary on  |
aupoditeya | m. a descendant of aupoditī-  |
aupoditi | mf(ī-). a descendant of upodita-  |
aupoditi | m. Name of tumiñja-  |
aurā | f. Name of a woman.  |
aurabhra | mfn. (fr. ura-bhra-), belonging to or produced from a ram or sheep etc.  |
aurabhra | m. a coarse woollen blanket  |
aurabhra | m. Name of a physician  |
aurabhra | n. mutton, the flesh of sheep  |
aurabhra | n. woollen cloth  |
aurabhraka | n. a flock of sheep  |
aurabhrika | mfn. relating to sheep  |
aurabhrika | m. a shepherd  |
aurabhrika | m. (also) a sheep butcher, .  |
auraga | mfn. (fr. ura-ga-), relating or belonging to a snake, serpentine  |
auraga | n. Name of the constellation āśleṣā-  |
auraśa | varia lectio for 2. aurasa- below.  |
aurasa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. uras-), belonging to or being in the breast, produced from the breast  |
aurasa | mf(ī-)n. innate, own, produced by one's self  |
aurasa | m. a sound produced from the breast  |
aurasa | m. an own son, legitimate son (one by a wife of the same caste married according to the prescribed rules) etc.  |
aurasa | mfn. coming from or belonging to uraśā- gaRa sindhv-ādi-  |
aurasāyani | m. a descendant of uras- gaRa tikādi-  |
aurasāyani | m. a descendant of aurasa-  |
aurasī | f. a legitimate daughter,  |
aurasi | m. a descendant of uras- (?).  |
aurasika | mfn. like a breast gaRa aṅguly-ādi-  |
aurasya | mfn. belonging to or produced from the breast (as a sound)  |
aurasya | mfn. produced by one's self, own, legitimate (see 1. aurasa-.)  |
aurava | n. (fr. uru-), width, dimension, extension, spaciousness gaRa pṛthv-ādi-  |
aurava | m. a descendant of uru-, Name of the ṛṣi- arga-.  |
aurdāyanī | f. a descendant of urdi- on  |
aurdhva | (fr. ūrdhva- q.v), in the following compounds:  |
aurdhvabhaktika | mfn. (fr. ūrdhva-bhakta-), used or applied after a meal  |
aurdhvadaihika | mfn. equals aurdhvadehika-  |
aurdhvadeha | mfn. (fr. ūrdhva-deha-), relating or referring to the state after death, relating to future life  |
aurdhvadehika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (fr. ūrdhva-deha-), relating or referring to the state after death, relating to future life '  |
aurdhvadehika | mfn. relating to a deceased person, performed in honour of the dead, funereal, funeral  |
aurdhvadehika | n. the obsequies of a deceased person, any funeral ceremony  |
aurdhvadehika | n. whatever is offered or performed on a person's decease (as burning of the body, offering cakes, distributing alms etc.)  |
aurdhvadehikakalpavalli | f. Name of work  |
aurdhvadehikanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
aurdhvadehikapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
aurdhvadehikaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
aurdhvakālika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. (fr. ūrdhva-kāla-), relating to subsequent time gaRa kāśy-ādi-  |
aurdhvaṃdamika | mfn. (fr. ūrdhvaṃ-dama-), belonging to an elevated or upright person or thing on  |
aurdhvasadmana | n. (fr. ūrdhva-sadman-), Name of a sāman-  |
aurdhvasrotasika | m. (fr. ūrdhva-srotas-), a śaiva- (q.v)  |
auriṇa | n. equals airiṇa- q.v  |
aurjasya | n. (fr. ūrjas-), a particular style of composition,  |
aurjitya | n. (fr. ūrjita-), strength, vigour commentator or commentary on  |
aurmileya | m. a descendant of urmilā-  |
aurmya | m. (fr. ūrmi-?), a particular personification  |
aurṇa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. ūrṇā-), made of wool, woollen  |
aurṇaka | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. ūrṇā-), made of wool, woollen '  |
aurṇanābha | m. a descendant of ūrṇanābha- gaRa śivādi-  |
aurṇanābhaka | mfn. inhabited by the ūrṇanābha-s (as a country) gaRa rājanyādi-  |
aurṇavābha | m. a descendant of ūrṇavābhi-, Name of a demon  |
aurṇavābha | m. Name of a grammarian  |
aurṇavābha | m. of several other men  |
aurṇāvatya | m. (Nominal verb plural vatās-), a descendant of ūrṇāvat-  |
aurṇāyava | n. (fr. ūrṇāyu-), Name of a sāman-  |
aurṇika | mf(ī-)n. woollen gaRa aśvādi-  |
aurukṣaya | n. (fr. uru-kṣaya-), Name of a sāman-.  |
aurukṣayasa | m. a descendant of urukṣaya-s |
aurva | m. a descendant of ūrva-, Name of a ṛṣi- etc.  |
aurva | m. (in later mythology he is called aurva- bhārgava- as son of cyavana- and grandson of bhṛgu-;he is the subject of a legend told in ;there it is said that the sons of kṛtavīrya-, wishing to destroy the descendants of bhṛgu- in order to recover the wealth left them by their father, slew even the children in the womb;one of the women of the family of bhṛgu-, in order to preserve her embryo, secreted it in her thigh[ ūru-],whence the child at its birth was named aurva-;on beholding whom, the sons of kṛtavīrya- were struck with blindness, and from whose wrath proceeded a flame that threatened to destroy the world, had not aurva- at the persuasion of the bhārgava-s cast it into the ocean, where it remained concealed, and having the face of a horse; aurva- was afterwards preceptor to sagara- and gave him the āgneyāstram-, with which he conquered the barbarians who invaded his possessions; see vaḍavā-mukha-, vaḍavāgni-)  |
aurva | m. Name of a son of vasiṣṭha-  |
aurva | m. plural Name of a class of pitṛ-s  |
aurva | mfn. produced by or relating to the ṛṣi- aurva-  |
aurva | m. the submarine fire (cast into the ocean by aurva- bhārgava- see above ).  |
aurva | mf(ī-)n. (fr. urvī-), relating to the earth, of the earth  |
aurva | n. fossil salt  |
aurvadahana | m. the submarine fire  |
aurvāgni | m. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.'  |
aurvakalpagrantha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.  |
aurvānala | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.' '  |
aurvaprakāra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.  |
aurvaprayoga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.  |
aurvara | mfn. (fr. urvarā-), relating to or coming from the earth, coming from the ground (as dust)  |
aurvaśa | mfn. containing the word urvaśī- (as an adhyāya- or anuvāka-) gaRa vimuktādi-  |
aurvaśeya | m. a descendant of urvaśī-  |
aurvaśeya | m. Name of agastya-  |
aurvāya | Nom. A1. aurvāyate-, to behave like the submarine fire |
aurvī | f. a female descendant of ūrva- on  |
auṣadaśvi | m. a descendant of oṣadaśva-, Name of vasumat-  |
auṣadha | mf(ī-)n. (fr. oṣadhi-), consisting of herbs  |
auṣadha | n. herbs collectively, a herb etc.  |
auṣadha | n. herbs used in medicine, simples, a medicament, drug, medicine in general etc.  |
auṣadha | n. a mineral  |
auṣadha | n. a vessel for herbs.  |
auṣadhakalpagrantha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.  |
auṣadhapeṣaka | m. one who grinds or pounds medicaments  |
auṣadhaprakāra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.  |
auṣadhaprayoga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work on medicine.  |
auṣadhāvali | f. Name of a medical work composed by prāṇa-kṛṣṇa-.  |
auṣadhī | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī-  |
auṣadhi | or ī- f. equals oṣadhi- q.v  |
auṣadhīkṛ | to make into a medicament  |
auṣadhīya | mfn. medicinal  |
auṣadhīya | mfn. consisting of herbs, herby.  |
auśana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. uśanas-) equals auśanasa- below on  |
auśana | n. Name of several sāman-s commentator or commentary on  |
auśāna | mfn. (perhaps present tense parasmE-pada of ā-vaś- ) wishing for, desirous (somena saha miśrī-bhāvaṃ kāmayamāna- )  |
auṣaṇa | n. (fr. uṣaṇa-), pungency  |
auśanasa | mf(ī-)n. relating to or originating from uśanas-, peculiar to him etc.  |
auśanasa | mf(ī-). a descendant of uśanas-  |
auśanasa | n. (scilicet śāstra-) the law-book of uśanas-  |
auśanasa | n. Name of an upa-purāṇa-  |
auśanasa | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
auṣaṇaśauṇḍī | f. black pepper |
auśanasya | mfn. originating from uśanas-  |
auṣara | n. (fr. ūṣara-), fossil salt  |
auṣara | n. iron stone  |
auṣaraka | n. fossil salt  |
auṣasa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. uṣas-), relating to dawn, early, matutinal  |
auṣasa | n. Name of several sāman-s.  |
auṣasī | f. daybreak, morning  |
auṣasika | mfn. walking out at daybreak  |
auṣasika | mfn. early, matutinal etc.  |
auṣastya | mfn. relating to or treating of the sage uṣasti-.  |
auśata | m. a descendant of uśata-  |
auṣata | incorrect for auśata- q.v  |
auśija | mfn. (fr. uśij-), desirous, zealous, wishing  |
auśija | mfn. Name of kakṣīvat- and other ṛṣi-s  |
auṣija | incorrect for auśija- q.v  |
auṣika | mfn. (fr. 2. uṣ-) idem or 'mfn. early, matutinal etc. ' on  |
auśīnara | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the uśīnara-s etc.  |
auśīnarī | f. Name of a wife of purūravas-  |
auśīnari | m. a king of the uśīnara-s  |
auśīra | mfn. made of uśīra-  |
auśīra | mn. the stick which serves as a handle to the cow's tail used as a fan or chowri  |
auśīra | mn. the cow's tail used as a fan, the chowri  |
auśīra | n. an unguent made of uśīra-  |
auśīra | n. a bed (used also as a seat)  |
auśīra | n. a seat, chair, stool  |
auśīra | n. equals uśīra- q.v  |
auśīrikā | f. the shoot (of a plant)  |
auśīrikā | f. a basin, bowl  |
auṣmya | n. (fr. uṣmaṅ-) idem or 'n. (fr. uṣṇa-), heat, warmth, burning '  |
auṣṇa | heat,  |
auṣṇiha | mfn. in the uṣṇih- metre, beginning with an uṣṇih- etc.  |
auṣṇiha | n. equals uṣṇih- gaRa prajñādi-  |
auṣṇīka | m. plural Name of a people  |
auṣṇya | n. (fr. uṣṇa-), heat, warmth, burning  |
auṣṭha | mfn. (fr. oṣṭha-), lip-shaped  |
auṣṭīna | mfn. being on the lips,  |
auṣṭra | mfn. (fr. uṣṭra-), relating to or coming from a camel etc.  |
auṣṭra | mfn. abounding in camels or buffaloes (as a country) commentator or commentary on  |
auṣṭra | n. the skin of a buffalo  |
auṣṭra | n. the camel genus  |
auṣṭra | n. camel-nature  |
auṣṭraka | mfn. coming from a camel  |
auṣṭraka | n. a herd or multitude of camels  |
auṣṭrākṣi | m. a descendant of uṣṭrākṣa-, Name of a teacher  |
auṣṭraratha | mfn. (fr. uṣṭra-ratha-), belonging to a carriage drawn by camels (as a wheel) on  |
auṣṭrāyaṇa | m. a descendant of uṣṭra- gaRa arīhaṇādi-  |
auṣṭrāyaṇaka | mfn. relating to the above  |
auṣṭrika | mfn. coming from a camel (as milk)  |
auṣṭrika | mfn. an oil-miller (tailika- )  |
autaṅka | varia lectio for auttaṅka- below.  |
autathya | m. a descendant of utathya-, Name of dīrghatamas- (see aucathy/a-above) .  |
autathyeśvara | n. Name of a liṅga-.  |
autkaṇṭhya | n. (fr. ut-kaṇṭha-), desire, longing for  |
autkaṇṭhya | n. intensity  |
autkaṇṭhyavat | mfn. desirous, longing for  |
autkarṣa | n. (fr. ut-karṣa-), excellence, superiority  |
autkarṣya | n. idem or 'n. (fr. ut-karṣa-), excellence, superiority '  |
autkaṭya | n. excess, superabundance, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
autkṣepa | mf(ī-). a descendant of ut-kṣepa- gaRa śivādi-  |
autkṣepa | mf(ī-). ( reads ut-kṣipā-.)  |
autkya | n. (fr. ut-ka-), desire, longing for  |
autpāda | mfn. (fr. ut-pāda- gaRa ṛgayanādi- ), knowing or studying a book on birth or production  |
autpāda | mfn. contained in such a book  |
autpāta | mfn. (fr. ut-pāta- gaRa ṛgayanādi- ), treating of or contained in a book which treats of portents  |
autpātika | mf(ī-)n. astounding, portentous, prodigious, calamitous  |
autpātika | m. Name of the third act of the mahānāṭaka-.  |
autpattika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. ut-patti-), relating to origin, inborn, original, natural etc.; a4@priori  |
autpattika | mf(ī-)n. inherent, eternal  |
autpuṭa | mfn. (fr. ut-puṭa- gaRa saṃkalādi- ) equals utpuṭena nirvṛtta-.  |
autpuṭika | mfn. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. ut-puṭa- gaRa saṃkalādi- ) equals utpuṭena nirvṛtta-.' gaRa utsaṅgādi- ) equals utpuṭena hāraka-.  |
autra | mfn. (etymology unknown;perhaps fr. ut-tara- ), superficial, rough, inexact (in mathematics)  |
autsa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. utsa-), produced or being in a well  |
autsaṅgika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. utsaṅga- gaRa utsaṅgādi- ) equals utsaṅgena hāraka-.  |
autsargika | mfn. (fr. ut-sarga-), belonging to or taught in a general rule, general, not particular or special, generally valid etc.  |
autsargika | mfn. terminating, completing, belonging to a final ceremony by which a rite is terminated  |
autsargika | mfn. abandoning, leaving  |
autsargika | mfn. natural, inherent  |
autsargika | mfn. derivative  |
autsargikatva | n. generality (of a rule etc.) commentator or commentary on  |
autsāyana | m. a descendant of utsa- gaRa aśvādi-  |
autsukya | n. (fr. ut-suka-), anxiety, desire, longing for, regret etc.  |
autsukya | n. eagerness, zeal, fervour, officiousness  |
autsukya | n. impatience  |
autsukyavat | mfn. impatient, waiting impatiently for (dative case)  |
auttameya | m. a descendant of auttami- |
auttami | m. a descendant of uttama-, Name of the third manu-  |
auttamika | mfn. (fr. uttama-), relating to the gods who are in the highest place (in the sky)  |
auttānapāda | m. a descendant of uttāna-pāda-, Name of dhruva- (or the polar star)  |
auttānapādi | m. idem or 'm. a descendant of uttāna-pāda-, Name of dhruva- (or the polar star) '  |
auttaṅka | mf(ī-)n. relating or belonging to uttaṅka-  |
auttara | mfn. (fr. 1. uttara-), living in the northern country  |
auttarabhaktika | mfn. (fr. bhakta-with uttara-), employed or taken after a meal  |
auttarādharya | n. (fr. uttarādhara-), the state of being below and above  |
auttarādharya | n. the state of one thing being over the other  |
auttarādharya | n. confusion  |
auttarāha | mfn. (fr. uttarāha-), of or belonging to the next day vArttika on  |
auttarapadika | mfn. (fr. uttara-pada-), belonging to or occurring in the last member of a compound  |
auttarapathika | mfn. (fr. uttara-patha-), coming from or going towards the northern country  |
auttarārdhika | mfn. (fr. uttarārdha-), being on or belonging to the upper or northern side  |
auttaravedika | mfn. (fr. uttara-vedi-), relating to or performed on the northern altar  |
auttareya | m. a descendant of uttarā-  |
autthānika | mfn. (fr. ut-thāna-), relating to the getting up or sitting up (of a child)  |
auvelī | f. idem or 'f. varia lectio for ovīlī- q.v '  |
auveṇaka | n. a kind of song (gītaka-)  |
auvīlī | f. varia lectio for ovīlī- q.v  |
abdhijau | m. dual number the aśvin-s  |
abhaujiṣya | n. "not the state of a servant", independence (see a-bhujiṣya- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order a-bhukta-.)  |
abhautika | mfn. not relating to or produced by the gross elements, not material commentator or commentary on  |
abhijidviśvajitau | f. dual number the two soma- sacrifices called abhijit- and viśvajit-  |
abhinavayauvana | mf(ā-)n. youthful  |
abhiśauri | ind. towards śauri- or (kṛṣṇa-)  |
abhividhau | ind. inclusively  |
ādau | ind. in the beginning, at first.  |
adharauṣṭha | m. the lower lip  |
adharauṣṭha | n. the lower and upper lip.  |
adharauṣṭharucaka | n. lovely lips,  |
adhaupāsana | n. sexual intercourse commentator or commentary on  |
ādhibhautika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. adhibhūta-), belonging or relating to created beings  |
ādhibhautika | mf(ī-)n. elementary, derived or produced from the primitive elements, material.  |
adhyardhasauvarṇika | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half suvarṇa-.  |
ādityacandrau | m. dual number sun and moon.  |
āgamakaumudī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208)  |
agaukas | See 2. a-ga-.  |
agaukas | m. "mountain-dweller", a lion  |
agaukas | m. "tree-dweller", a bird  |
agaukas | m. the śarabha- q.v  |
aghaughamarṣaṇa | mfn. destroying a whole mass of sins.  |
agiraukas | mfn. (girā- instrumental case of gir-,and okas-), not to be kept back by hymns, Name of the marut-s  |
agnāmarutau | m. dual number agni- and marut-  |
āgnāpauṣṇa | mfn. belonging to agni- and pūṣan-  |
agnaukaraṇa | n. burnt offering, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
agnīndrau | m. dual number agni- and indra-  |
agnīparjanyau | Voc. m. dual number agni- and parjanya-  |
agniśaucavastra | n. a fine muslin garment,  |
agnīṣomau | m. dual number agni- and soma-  |
agnīvaruṇau | m. dual number agni- and varuṇa-  |
agniyauna | mfn. produced from fire,  |
aiḍakautsa | n. Name of certain sāman-s.  |
aiḍakrauñca | n. Name of certain sāman-s.  |
aiḍasauparṇa | n. Name of certain sāman-s.  |
aihalaukika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. iha-loka-), of this world, happening in this world, terrestrial etc. gaRa anuśatikādi-  |
aikabhautika | mfn. (fr. eka-bhūta-), consisting of one element  |
aindrāpauṣṇa | mfn. belonging to indra- and pūṣan-  |
aindrāsaumya | mfn. belonging to indra- and soma-  |
aiṣṭikapaurtika | mfn. connected with sacrifices and with doing good works (not included under the head of sacrifices) , (antarvedikaṃ bahirveḍikaṃ ca- )  |
ajātaulvali | m. Name of a muni- who lived on the milk of goats (an example of compounds in which the middle term is left out, gaRa śākapārthivādi- q.v).  |
ājñātakauṇḍinya | m. Name of one of the first five pupils of śākyamuni-.  |
akālakaumudī | f. an irregular festival, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ākauśala | n. (fr. a-kuśala- ) inexpertness, want of skill  |
akauśala | n. unskilfulness  |
akauśala | n. see ākauśala-.  |
akṣaśauṇḍa | mfn. fond of gambling.  |
akṣauhiṇī | f. an army consisting of ten anīkinī-s, or 21870 elephants, 21870 chariots, 65610 horse, and 109350 foot. (Since an anīkinī- consists of 27 vāhinī-s, and 27 is the cube of 3, akṣauhiṇī-may be a compound of 2. akṣa-and vāhinī-;or it may possibly be connected with 1. akṣa-,axle, car.)  |
alaṃkārakaustubha | m. work on rhetoric  |
alaukika | mf(ī-)n. not current in the world, uncommon, unusual (especially said of words)  |
alaukika | mf(ī-)n. not relating to this world, supernatural.  |
alaukika | See a-loka-.  |
alaukikatva | n. rare occurrence (of a word)  |
amarakoṣakaumudī | f. title of a commentary on amara-siṃha-'s dictionary.  |
amauktika | mfn. having no pearls,  |
amauna | n. the state of not being a muni- or not keeping the vows of a muni-  |
amautradhauta | mfn. not washed (by a washerman) with alkaline lye  |
ambaraukas | m. "sky-dweller", a good  |
amitaujas | mfn. of unbounded energy, almighty Name of brahman-'s paryanka-  |
amitaujas | mfn. Name of a man, (gaRa bāhv-ādi- q.v)  |
āmitauji | m. a descendant of amitaujas-, (gaRa bāhv-ādi- )  |
ānandacaula | m. Name of a teacher.  |
anaucitī | f. indecorous conduct,  |
anaucitya | n. unfitness  |
anauddhatya | n. freedom from haughtiness  |
anauddhatya | n. not standing high (said of the water of a river)  |
anaujasya | n. want of vigour  |
anaupādhika | mfn. (with sambandha-), .  |
anaupama | mfn. = mya-,  |
anaupamya | mfn. unparalleled.  |
anaurasa | m. not one's own son, adopted.  |
anauṣadha | irremediable, incurable,  |
āṅgalaukika | m. a dream caused through bile or phlegm,  |
antaḥkraurya | n. inward cruelty, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
antarbhauma | mfn. being in the interior of the earth, subterranean  |
antarjalaugha | m. an inner mass of water,  |
ānuṣṭubhauṣṇiha | mfn. consisting of the two metres anu-ṣṭubh- and uṣṇih-  |
āpastambaśrauta | n. Name of work by āpastamba- and his school.  |
apaulkasa | m. not a paulkasa-  |
apauruṣa | n. unmanliness  |
apauruṣa | n. superhuman power  |
apauruṣa | mfn. unmanly  |
apauruṣa | mfn. superhuman. |
apauruṣeya | mfn. not coming from men  |
apauṣkalya | n. immaturity.  |
aprāptayauvana | mfn. not arrived at puberty.  |
aprauḍha | mf(ā-)n. not arrogant, timid, gentle  |
aprauḍha | mf(ā-)n. not capable of (Inf.)  |
aprauḍhā | f. an unmarried girl  |
aprauḍhā | f. one very recently married and not come to womanhood.  |
araṇyaukas | m. "whose abode is the forest", a Brahman who has left his family and become an anchorite  |
araudra | mfn. not formidable.  |
ardhadrauṇika | mfn. equals ārdhadr- q.v , measuring half a droṇa-  |
ārdhadrauṇika | mfn. measuring or bought with half a droṇa-  |
ardhakauḍavika | mfn. equals ārdhak- q.v , measuring half a kuḍava-  |
ārdhakauḍavika | mfn. measuring half a kuḍava-  |
ardhendumauli | m. "whose diadem is a half-moon", śiva-  |
arkajau | m. dual number Name of the aśvin-s  |
arthaśabdau | m. dual number equals śabdārthau-, word and sense, (gaRa rājadantādi-.)  |
arthaśauca | n. purity, honesty in money matters (see -prayoga-above)  |
arthaugha | m. a heap of effects or property  |
arthaugha | m. a treasure  |
asakau | mf. equals asau- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ad/as-), only used in connection with yak/aḥ- and yak/ā- (for y/aḥ-and y/ā-) (see ) |
asamaujas | m. Name of a man  |
asau | (Nominal verb) and /asau- (vocative case)  |
asau | See ad/as- and amu- - 1.  |
aśauca | n. (equals āśauca- q.v ) impurity, contamination, defilement (contracted by the death of a relation, or by the commission of prohibited acts, etc.) |
aśauca | n. uncleanness  |
aśauca | See a-śuci-.  |
āśauca | n. (fr. a-śuci- ), impurity  |
āśaucanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
āśaucin | mfn. impure.  |
asauhṛda | n. enmity  |
asaukṛ | to do such and such a thing (gaRa sākṣād-ādi-, q.v)  |
asaumya | mfn. unlovely, disagreeable, displeasing  |
asaumya | mfn. unpropitious  |
asaunāman | mfn. in asau--n-  |
asaundarya | n. ugliness.  |
aśauṇḍīrya | n. idem or 'n. want of self confidence, unmanliness edition Bomb.' edition Calc.  |
aśaurya | n. want of heroism.  |
asauṣṭhava | n. want of lightness or suppleness (of body)  |
aśauṭīrya | n. want of self confidence, unmanliness edition Bomb.  |
asauvarṇa | mfn. not consisting of gold  |
asauyaja | Name of a praiṣa- (with the address amuka yaja-)  |
aśvinīputrau | m. dual number the twin sons of aśvinī-  |
aśvinīsutau | m. dual number the twin sons of aśvinī-  |
atilaulya | n. excessive eagerness or desire.  |
atinau | mfn. disembarked  |
atiprauḍha | mfn. full-grown.  |
atiprauḍhayauvana | mfn. being in the full enjoyment of youth.  |
atisauhitya | n. excessive satiety exempli gratia, 'for example' being spoiled, stuffed with food, etc.  |
atisauparṇa | mfn. superior to (the powers of) suparṇa- or garuḍa-.  |
atisaurabha | mfn. very fragrant  |
atisaurabha | n. extraordinary fragrance.  |
atītanauka | mfn. passed out of a ship, landed.  |
ātmaupamya | n. "likeness to self" instrumental case myena-, by analogy to one's self  |
āvikasautrika | mfn. made of woollen threads  |
ayaudhika | m. not a warrior, (gaRa cārvādi- q.v)  |
ayaudhika | See /a-yuddha-.  |
ayaugapadya | n. non-contemporaneous existence, unsimultaneousness  |
ayaugika | mfn. having no regular derivation.  |
ayaugika | not being applied,  |
ayauktika | mfn. incongruous  |
āyurvedasaukhya | n. Name of work  |
baddhamauna | mfn. observing silence, silent  |
bādhyaugāyana | m. patronymic fr. badhyoga- gaRa haritādi-.  |
bahiḥśauca | n. external purification,  |
bahubhauma | mf(ī-)n. equals -bhūmika-  |
bahulauṣadika | mfn. overgrown with herbs  |
bahumaulya | wrong reading for -mūlya-  |
bahvauṣadhika | mfn. abounding in herbs (prob. wrong reading for oṣ-).  |
bālagaurītīrtha | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place in śrī-māla-  |
balākākauśika | m. Name of a preceptor  |
balaugha | m. a multitude of troops, numerous force  |
bandhakaumudī | f. Name of a poem and a work on metrics.  |
bandicaura | ( ) m. "plunder-seizer", a housebreaker (especially one breaking into a temple or place where sacred fire is preserved), burglar, robber.  |
baubhukṣa | mf(ī-)n. one who is always hungry, a starveling gaRa chattrādi-  |
bauddha | mf(ī-)n. (fr. buddhi-) being in the mind, mental (= not uttered)  |
bauddha | mf(ī-)n. relating to intellect or understanding  |
bauddha | mf(ī-)n. (fr. buddha-), relating or belonging to buddha-, Buddhist etc. (see ) .  |
bauddhadaraśana | n. Buddhist doctrine, Name of  |
bauddhadhikkāra | m. Name of work (-ātma-tattva-viveka-)  |
bauddhadhikkāradīdhiti | f. Name of Comm. on it.  |
bauddhadhikkāragādādharī | f. Name of Comm. on it.  |
bauddhadhikkāraguṇāandī | f. Name of Comm. on it.  |
bauddhadhikkārarahasya | n. Name of Comm. on it.  |
bauddhadūṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bauddhamata | n. Buddha doctrine, Name of work  |
bauddhamatadūṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bauddhamatanivarhaṇa | n. Name of work  |
bauddhasaṃgati | f. Name of work on alaṃ-kāra- (quoted in )  |
bauddhaśāstra | n. Buddha doctrine, Name of work  |
baudha | mf(ī-)n. relating to budha- or the planet Mercury (with ahan- n.day of Mercury, Wednesday )  |
baudha | m. patronymic of purū-ravas-  |
baudhāyana | m. patronymic of an ancient teacher (author of gṛhya--, dharma-- and śrauta- - sūtra-s)  |
baudhāyana | m. Name of a vidūṣaka-,  |
baudhāyana | mf(ī-)n. relating to or composed by baudhāyana-  |
baudhāyana | mf(ī-)n. pl. his race or school  |
baudhāyanacarakasautrāmaṇī | f. Name of work  |
baudhāyanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
baudhāyanasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
baudhāyanaśikṣā | f. Name of work  |
baudhāyanasmṛti | f. Name of work  |
baudhāyanaśrautaprayogasāra | m. Name of work  |
baudhāyanatati | f. Name of work  |
baudhāyanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
baudhāyanīpariśiṣṭa | n. Name of work  |
baudhāyanīya | mfn. relating or belonging to baudhāyana-  |
baudhāyanīya | m. plural Name of a school of the black yajur-veda-.  |
baudhāyanīyaprayogasāra | m. Name of work  |
baudheya | m. plural Name of a school (see bodheya-).  |
baudhi | m. patronymic fr. bodha-  |
baudhi | m. fr. baudhi-, Va1rtt. 1.  |
baudhīputra | m. Name of a teacher  |
baudhnya | m. plural (fr. budhna-) Name of a school (see baudheya-, bodheya-).  |
baudhya | mfn. born in bodha- gaRa śaṇḍikādi-  |
baudhya | m. patronymic fr. bodha- ( ) , Name of a teacher  |
bhadragaura | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhādramauñja | mf(ī-)n. made from the plants bhadra- and muñja- (as a girdle)  |
bhadraśaunaka | m. Name of an ancient physician  |
bhadraudanī | f. Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia  |
bhagavadyauvanodgama | m. Name of chapter of the kṛṣṇa-krīḍita-.  |
bhagavannāmakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
bhāgavatakaumudī | f. an explanation of some difficult passages in the  |
bhārauhī | See bhāra-vah-.  |
bhāryāsauśruta | m. a sauśruta- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) ruled by his wife  |
bhāṣākaumudī | f. Name of work  |
bhāṣaṇīkṣaulema | m. bhāṣaṇī |
bhasmakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
bhāṭṭakaustubha | m. or n. Name of work  |
bhaugaka | m. patronymic fr. bhogaka- gaRa bidādi-.  |
bhaujakaṭa | mfn. relating to or coming from bhoja-kaṭa-  |
bhaujaṃga | mf(ī-)n. (fr. bhujaṃ-ga-) relating to a snake, serpent-like  |
bhaujaṃga | n. (scilicet bha-) the serpent constellation, the nakṣatra- āśleṣa-  |
bhauji | m. patronymic fr. bhoja- gaRa gahādi-.  |
bhaujiṣya | n. (fr. bhujiṣya-) slavery, servitude,  |
bhaujīya | mfn. relating to bhauji-  |
bhaujya | n. the rank of a king with the title of bhoja-  |
bhaulī | f. (in music) Name of a rāga-.  |
bhaulikāyani | m. patronymic fr. next gaRa tikādi-.  |
bhauliki | m. (f(ī-).) gaRa gaurādi-.  |
bhaulikividha | mfn. inhabited by bhauliki-  |
bhaulikyā | f. gaRa krauḍy-ādi-.  |
bhauliṅgi | m. a king of bhū-liṅga- gaRa pailādi-  |
bhauliṅgī | f. a princess of bhū-liṅga- gaRa gaurādi-.  |
bhauliṅgika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. relating to bhauliṅgi- on  |
bhauma | mf(ī-)n. relating or dedicated to the earth, produced or coming from the earth, earthly, terrestrial etc. etc. (with naraka- m.= hell on earth ;with brahman- n.= the veda- )  |
bhauma | mf(ī-)n. consisting or made of earth, earthy etc.  |
bhauma | mf(ī-)n. coming from the land (as revenue etc.)  |
bhauma | mf(ī-)n. (fr. bhauma-,the planet Mars) relating to the planet Mars or to his day, falling on Tuesday  |
bhauma | m. a red-flowering punar-navā-  |
bhauma | m. equals ambara-  |
bhauma | m. Name of the 27th muhūrta-  |
bhauma | m. metron. of a particular earth-deity  |
bhauma | m. of atri-  |
bhauma | m. of the daitya- naraka-  |
bhauma | m. of the planet Mars (whose day is Tuesday) etc.  |
bhauma | m. or n. Name of  |
bhauma | n. dust of the earth (plural)  |
bhauma | n. corn, grain  |
bhauma | n. (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') floor, story  |
bhaumacāra | m. "the course of the planet Mars", Name of a chapter of bhaṭṭotpala-'s commentator or commentary on  |
bhaumadarśanacāra | m. Name of a chapter of the mīna-jātaka-.  |
bhaumadevalipi | f. Name of a kind of writing  |
bhaumaka | m. any animal living in the earth  |
bhaumana | m. Name of viśva-karman- (prob. wrong reading for bhauvana-).  |
bhaumapūjā | f. Name of work  |
bhaumapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhaumaratna | n. coral  |
bhaumasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
bhaumasānti | f. Name of work  |
bhaumastotra | n. Name of work  |
bhaumasūkta | n. Name of work  |
bhaumavāra | m. "Mars-day", Tuesday  |
bhaumavāravratavidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhaumāvatāravarṇana | n. Name of work  |
bhaumavrata | n. Name of a particular observance or ceremony  |
bhaumavratakathā | f. Name of work  |
bhaumavratapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhaumī | f. "produced from the earth", Name of sitā-  |
bhaumika | mf(ī-)n. being on the earth, collected on the ground or any particular piece of ground  |
bhaumya | mfn. being on the earth, earthly, terrestrial  |
bhauṇḍa | m. Name of a poet  |
bhauṇikyā | f. patronymic fr. bhuṇika- on |
bhaupāla | m. (fr. bhū-pāla-) the son of a prince, a king  |
bhaura | m. patronymic fr. bhūri- gaRa śivādi-.  |
bhaurika | m. (fr. bhūri-,gold) a treasurer  |
bhaurika | m. (plural) Name of a country belonging to prācya-  |
bhaurikāyaṇi | m. patronymic fr. next gaRa tikādi-.  |
bhaurikī | f. a mint  |
bhauriki | m. patronymic (f i-) gaRa gaurādi-.  |
bhaurikika | mf(ā-and ī-)n., fr. bhauriki- on  |
bhaurikividha | mfn. inhabited by bhauriki-  |
bhaurikyā | f. gaRa krauḍy-ādi-.  |
bhauṭa | m. a Tibetan (wrong reading bhauṭṭa-).  |
bhauṭa | bhauṭṭa- See above.  |
bhauta | mf(ī-)n. (fr. bhūta-) relating to living beings, meant for them (as a sacrifice)  |
bhauta | mf(ī-)n. (also ta-ka-) relating to or possessed by evil spirits or demons, crazy, mad, an idiot  |
bhauta | mf(ī-)n. formed of the element, material  |
bhauta | m. equals devalaka-  |
bhauta | n. a multitude of bhūta-s  |
bhautaprāya | mfn. like an idiot, deranged, imbecile  |
bhautatulya | mfn. like an idiot, deranged, imbecile  |
bhautī | f. "time of ghosts", night  |
bhautika | mf(ī-)n. equals prec. mfn. etc.  |
bhautika | n. a pearl  |
bhautika | m. (fr. bhūti-,ashes?) Name of śiva-  |
bhautika | m. a sort of monk  |
bhautika | n. anything elemental or material  |
bhautika | n. a pearl  |
bhautika | n. plural the qualities of the elements (5 with Buddhists)  |
bhautya | m. (fr. bhūti-) Name of a manu-  |
bhautya | mf(ī-)n. relating to him  |
bhauvādika | mfn. (fr. bhū+ādi-) belonging to that class of roots which begins with bhū-, belonging to the first class |
bhauvana | mfn. (fr. bhuvana-) belonging to the world  |
bhauvana | m. patronymic of viśva-karman- (see bhaumana-), of sādhana- etc.  |
bhauvanāyana | m. patronymic fr. bhuvana- or bhauvana-  |
bhauvāyana | m. (fr. 2. bh/ū-,or bhuva-) patronymic of kapi-vana-  |
bhāvakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
bhāvārthakaustubha | n. Name of work  |
bhayacaurya | n. a theft committed with fear or danger  |
bhīmaujas | mfn. having terrible strength  |
bhinnanau | mfn. "whose ship is broken", shipwrecked  |
bhinnanauka | mfn. "whose ship is broken", shipwrecked  |
bhitticaura | m. "wall-burglar", a house-breaker  |
bhrauṇaghna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. bhrūṇa-han-)  |
bhrauṇaghna | etc. See under bhrūṇa-.  |
bhrauṇahatya | n. (fr. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. bhrūṇa-han-) ') the killing of an embryo  |
bhrauveya | m. metron, fr. bhrū-  |
bhrauveya | See above.  |
bhūtabhautika | mfn. consisting of the elements or of anything formed from them  |
bhūtigaurī | f. Name of śiva-'s wife  |
bhuvanaukas | m. "inhabitant of heaven", a god  |
bilaukas | mfn. and m. equals bilavāsa-  |
bodhāyanaśrauta | n. Name of work  |
brahmagaurava | n. the potency (of the weapon given) by brahmā-  |
brahmalaukika | mfn. inhabiting brahmā-'s world  |
brāhmalaukika | mfn. (fr. brahma-loka-) possessing claims to brahmā-'s world  |
brahmaudana | m. boiled rice distributed to Brahmans and especially to the chief priest at a sacrifice  |
brāhmaudanika | m. (fr. brahmaudana-;with or scilicet agni-) the fire on which the rice for the priests is boiled  |
brahmaupagava | m.  |
bṛhadgaurīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance  |
bṛhadgaurīvrata | n. Name of work (also bṛhadgaurīvratakathā ta-kathā- f.)  |
bṛhadgaurīvratakathā | f. bṛhadgaurīvrata |
bṛhannaukā | f. Name of a favourable position in the game of catur-aṅga-  |
bṛhaspatisavahautraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bṛhatkaustubhālaṃkāra | m. Name of work  |
budhakauśika | m. Name of an author  |
cakramauli | "having a circular diadem", Name of a rākṣasa- |
cakramaulin | mfn. having the wheels turned upwards  |
caṇḍakauśika | m. Name of a son of kakṣīvat-  |
caṇḍakauśika | n. Name of a drama  |
candanagaura | mfn. white as the moon,  |
candralauha | n. idem or 'n. silver '  |
candralauhaka | n. idem or 'n. idem or 'n. silver ' '  |
candramauli | mfn. moon-crested (a daitya-)  |
candramauli | m. equals -mukuṭa-  |
candramauli | m. Name of a man  |
candramauli | f. a particular blood-vessel in the vulva  |
candramaulin | m. equals -mukuṭa-  |
candrārdhamauli | m. idem or 'm. equals candra-mukuṭa- '  |
catuḥsauvarṇaka | mfn. having the weight of four suvarṇa-s, .  |
cāturbhautika | mfn. consisting of 4 elements (catur-bhūta-)  |
cauḍa | mfn. fr. coḍa- See -deśa-  |
cauḍa | mfn. relating to a crest (cūḍā-)  |
cauḍa | mfn. relating to tonsure  |
cauḍa | n. equals caula-  |
cauḍadeśa | m. the coḍa- (cola-) country,  |
cauḍakarman | n. equals caula-k-  |
cauḍāli | m. metron. fr. cūḍālā- gaRa bāhv-ādi-.  |
cauḍārya | mfn. fr. cūḍāra- gaRa pragady-ādi-.  |
caudāyani | m. patronymic See cod-.  |
cauḍi | m. metron. fr. cūḍā- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
cauḍi | m. see cauli-.  |
cauḍikya | n. the state of being cūḍika- gaRa purohitādi-.  |
cauḍitikya | n. idem or 'n. the state of being cūḍika- gaRa purohitādi-.' ( )  |
cauhāṇa | or hāna- Name of king vaijana-'s dynasty (16th century).  |
cauhāra | m. a kind of dill  |
cauhittha | Name of a man  |
caukrya | n. (fr. cukra-) sourness, acidity gaRa dṛḍhādi-.  |
caukṣa | mfn. (fr. cukṣā- gaRa chattrādi-) equals cokṣa-, pure, clean (persons)  |
caukṣa | m. plural Name of a family  |
caukṣya | mfn. clean  |
caula | n. (fr. c/ūlā- equals c/ūḍā-) the tonsure ceremony (See cūḍā-karaṇa-),  |
caula | n.  |
caula | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (gaRa cūrṇādi-) See cūlā-.  |
caulakarman | n. idem or 'mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (gaRa cūrṇādi-) See cūlā-.'  |
caulakāyana | patronymic fr. cūlaka-  |
caulaśrīpatitīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
cauli | m. equals cauḍi-, (lakāyana-B, lika-V) .  |
caulukya | m. (gaRa kaṇvādi-) patronymic fr. culuka-, Name of king kumāra-pāla-  |
cauṇḍa | mfn. (fr. cuṇḍa-for ḍya-) idem or 'mfn. coming from a well (cuṇṭī-) '  |
cauṇḍapa | m. "well-water-drinker", Name of the author of prayoga-ratna-mālā-.  |
cauṇḍarāja | m. Name of a king  |
cauṇḍya | mfn. equals ḍa-  |
cauṇṭya | mfn. coming from a well (cuṇṭī-)  |
caupāyana | m. patronymic fr. cupa- gaRa aśvādi-.  |
caupayata | m. patronymic fr. copayat- ( cup-, Causal parasmE-pada)  |
caupayatavidha | mfn. inhabited by caupayata-s gaRa bhauriky-ādi-.  |
caupayatāyani | m. patronymic fr. ta- gaRa tikādi-.  |
caupayatyā | f. of ta- gaRa krauḍy-ādi-.  |
caura | mfn. ( cur-) thievish (equals cor/a- gaRa prajñādi-; gaRa chattrādi-) a thief. robber (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc.  |
caura | mfn. a dishonest or unfair dealer, usurper (also in compound translatable as adjective (cf. mfn.))  |
caura | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' kavi--,"a plagiarist")  |
caura | mfn. a (heart-) captivator  |
caura | mfn. the perfume coraka-  |
caura | mfn. "plagiarist", Name of a poet (see cora-)  |
caura | mfn. plural Name of a family ( and )  |
caurabhavānī | f. Name of a tīrtha-  |
cauradhvajabaddhaka | m. a notorious thief.  |
caurādika | mfn. belonging to the cur-ādi- roots.  |
cauragata | mfn. stolen  |
caurahṛta | mfn. taken by robbery  |
cauraka | m. the perfume coraka-  |
cauraka | f. (gaRa manojñādi-) equals rakarman-  |
caurakarman | n. thievery, theft  |
caurakayā | ind. [instr.clandestinely, in the back of(genitive case)]  |
caurakilbiṣa | n. the crime or guilt of a thief, .  |
cauraṃkāram | ind. for cor-.  |
caurāṃśā | f. a metre of 4 x 6 syllables.  |
cauraṅgin | m. Name of a teacher, .  |
caurāpahṛta | mfn. equals ra-h-.  |
caurapañcāśikā | f. irregular abbreviation for caurī-surata-p- (for cauḍī--,Prakrit fr. cāpotkaṭī--?) "50 stanzas on secret love (or on the love of the cāpotkaṭa- princess)", a famous poem by bilhaṇa-.  |
caurapuṣpauṣadhi | f. equals cora-puṣpī-  |
caurarūpa | m. a clever thief.  |
caurarūpin | mfn. thief-natured  |
caurasyakula | n. a gang of thieves ,  |
cauratara | m. (Comparative degree) a great thief.  |
cauratas | ind. from theft  |
cauratas | ind. from robbers  |
caurāṭavī | f. a forest inhabited by robbers  |
caurī | f. a female thief. (heart-)captivator  |
caurī | f. equals ra-karman-  |
caurī | ind. (See ra-) in compound  |
caurī | f. (See ra-) in compound  |
caurībhūta | mfn. set on by thieves  |
caurikā | f. "a female thief" See taila--  |
caurikāka | (fr. rin-?) See ciri-k-.  |
caurīsurata | n. equals " caurya-surata- " -pañcāśikā- See caura-p-.  |
cauroddharaṇa | n. extirpation of robbers.  |
cauroddhartṛ | m. idem or 'm. "thief-extirpator", a thief-catcher.'  |
cauroddhraṇika | m. "thief-extirpator", a thief-catcher.  |
caurola | Name of a metre  |
caurya | n. (gaRa brāhmaṇādi-) equals ra-karman- etc.  |
caurya | n. trickery  |
caurya | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with śulka-) defraudation  |
caurya | yaka- See caura-.  |
cauryaka | n. equals ra-karman-  |
cauryarata | n. secret sexual enjoyment, . |
cauryārjita | mfn. acquired by robbery  |
cauryasurata | n. equals -rata-  |
cauryavidyā | f. "thieving science", a treatise ascribed to yogācārya- (imparted to him by kārttikeya-)  |
cauryavṛtti | mfn. living on thievery (varia lectio ra-v-)  |
cauryavṛtti | f. practice of theft or robbery  |
cautapallava | mf(ī-)n. relating to a cūta- shoot (pallava-)  |
chautu | m. Name of a man  |
cikitsākaumudī | f. Name of a med. work by kāśī-rāja-  |
citraudana | mn. trānna-  |
cittacaura | m. "heart-thief", a lover  |
cyautna | mfn. animating, promoting (with accusative)  |
cyautna | n. shaking, concussion,  |
cyautna | n. enterprise, contrivance, strength ( )  |
cyautna | See 2. cyu-.  |
daivāhaurātra | n. a day and night of the gods (= a year of men) (see daityāho--).  |
daivalaukika | mf(ī-)n. celestial and worldly  |
dakṣiṇataupacāra | mfn. having the entrance on the south  |
dakṣiṇataupavītin | mfn. wearing the sacred thread on the right, iii, 17, 11  |
dānakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
dānakaustubha | mn. Name of work  |
dānakelikaumudī | f. Name of work  |
dānakriyākaumudī | f. Name of work  |
dānaśauṇḍa | mfn. "intoxicated with giving", very liberal  |
dānaukas | m. delighting in a sacrificial meal (indra-)  |
daṇḍagaurī | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
dantauṣṭhaka | mfn. paying attention to one's teeth and lips  |
dantyauṣṭhya | mfn. denti-labial  |
darśapaurṇamāsa | mfn. in compound  |
darśapaurṇamāsahautra | n. Name of work  |
darśapaurṇamāsaprāyaścittavidhi | m. Name of work  |
darśapaurṇamāsavidhi | m. Name of work  |
darśapaurṇamāseṣṭi | - f. equals darśa-pūrṇ-.  |
dārśapaurṇamāsika | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the darśa-pūrṇamāsa- sacrifice  |
darvihaumika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. darvīhoma-) relating to an oblation made with a ladle  |
daśataulika | m. Name of a weight  |
dāśaudanika | mf(ī-)n.  |
dāśaudanika | m. (scilicet yajña-) Name of a particular sacrificial rite  |
dāśaudanikī | f. the priest's fee at it  |
dātyauha | m. a gallinule (according to to ditya-vah-).  |
dauḥ | vṛddhi- form of duḥ-, in compound for dus- q.v  |
dauhadika | m. (fr. dohada-) a landscape gardener  |
dauhadika | m. morbid or ardent desire |
dauhika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. doha-) gaRa chedādi-.  |
dauhitra | m. (fr. duhitṛ-) a daughter's son etc.  |
dauhitra | m. Name of a prince (varia lectio trya-)  |
dauhitra | n. a rhinoceros  |
dauhitra | n. sesamum-seed  |
dauhitra | n. ghee from a brownish cow  |
dauhitradauhitra | m. the son of the daughter of the daughter's son  |
dauhitraka | mf(ī-)n. relating to a daughter's son  |
dauhitravat | mfn. having a daughter's son  |
dauhitrāyāṇa | m. the son of a daughter's son gaRa haritādi-.  |
dauhitrī | f. a daughter's daughter  |
dauhṛda | ( ) equals daurhṛ- (See daur-under dauḥ-).  |
dauhṛdinī | ( ) equals daurhṛ- (See daur-under dauḥ-).  |
dauhṛdinī | f. a woman with two hearts (id est a pregnant woman, = dvihṛdayā-; > confer, compare dohada-),  |
dauḥśaleya | m. prob. metron. fr. duh-śala-  |
dauḥṣanti | (d/auḥ--) m. patronymic fr. duḥ-ṣanta-  |
dauḥśāsana | mf(ī-)n. belonging to duḥ-śāsana-,  |
dauḥśāsani | m. patronymic fr. duḥ-śāsana-  |
dauḥśīlya | n. bad character or disposition, wickedness  |
dauḥṣṭhava | n. (fr. duḥṣṭhu-) badness, wickedness  |
dauḥsthya | n. (fi. duḥ-stha-) bad condition  |
dauḥstra | n. (fr. duḥstrī-) discord between women (gaRa yuvādi-).  |
dauḥṣvapnya | n. evil dreams  |
daukūla | mf(ī-)n. (fr. dukūla-) covered with fine cloth (also kūlaka-,or gūla-)  |
daukūla | n. a cloth made of dukūla-  |
dauleya | m. (fr. duli-) a turtle or tortoise  |
daulmi | m. Name of indra- (see dalmi-and dālmi-).  |
ḍauṇḍubha | mfn. belonging to a ḍuṇḍubha-  |
daundubhi | f. deceit,  |
daundubhī | f. the journey of the bridegroom to the bride, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
daur | vṛddhi- of dur- for dus-.  |
daurārddhi | (d/aur--) f. ( ridh-). want of success  |
daurātmya | n. bad-heartedness, wickedness, depravity etc.  |
daurātmyaka | mfn. wicked, evil (deed)  |
daurbala | (varia lectio for)  |
daurbalya | n. weakness, impotence  |
daurbhāgineya | m. the son of a woman disliked by her husband (gaRa kalyāṇy-ādi-)  |
daurbhāgineyī | f. the daughter of a disliked woman.  |
daurbhāgya | n. (fr. dur-bhaga-or -bhagā-) ill-luck, misfortune  |
daurbhāgya | n. (d/aur-.), unhappiness of a woman disliked by her husband  |
daurbhikṣa | n. famine  |
daurbhrātra | n. discord between brothers gaRa yuvādi-.  |
daurbrāhmaṇya | n. the state of being a bad Brahman  |
daureśravasa | m. (fr. dūre-śravas-) patronymic of the serpent-priest pṛthu-śravas-  |
daureśruta | m. (fr. dūre-śruta-) patronymic of the serpent-priest timirgha-  |
daurga | See daurga-.  |
daurga | mf(ī-)n. relating to durga- or durgā-  |
daurga | m. plural the school of durga-  |
daurga | n. a work by durga-  |
daurgaha | m. "descendant of dur-gaha-" patronymic of puru-kutsa- ( "horse") .  |
daurgandha | ( ) ( ), m.  |
daurgandhi | ( ), m.  |
daurgandhya | ( ) n. bad smell, fetor.  |
daurgasiṃha | mf(ī-)n. belonging to or composed by durga-siṃha-  |
daurgatya | n. distress, misery, poverty  |
daurgāyaṇa | m. fr. durga- gaRa naḍādi-.  |
daurgya | n. difficulty, inaccessibility  |
daurhārda | n. badness of mind, wickedness, enmity, gaRa yuvādi-.  |
daurhṛda | n. idem or 'n. badness of mind, wickedness, enmity, gaRa yuvādi-.'  |
daurhṛda | m. villain  |
daurhṛda | m. morbid longing of pregnant women  |
daurhṛdinī | f. a pregnant women  |
daurita | n. mischief. harm  |
daurjana | mf(ī-)n. consisting of bad people (company)  |
daurjanya | n. wickedness, depravity |
daurjanya | n. evil, wrong  |
daurjanya | n. ill-will, envy,  |
daurjīvitya | (d/aur--) n. a miserable existence  |
daurlabhya | n. difficulty of attainment, rarity  |
daurmadya | n. brawl, fight  |
daurmanasāyana | m. patronymic fr. dur-manas- gaRa aśvādi-.  |
daurmanasya | n. dejectedness, melancholy, despair  |
daurmantrya | n. bad consultation or advice (varia lectio dur-mantra-).  |
daurmatya | n. bad disposition,  |
daurmitri | m. metron. fr. dur-mitrā- (gaRa bāhv-ādi-).  |
daurmukhi | m. patronymic fr. dur-mukha-  |
daurudhara | mfn. (fr. durudharā-)  |
daurvacasya | n. evil speech  |
daurvarṇika | n. bad mark  |
daurvāsa | mf(ī-)n. relating to dur-vāsas-  |
daurvāsa | n. (scilicet purāṇa-) Name of an upapurāṇa-.  |
daurvāsasa | mf(ī-)n. relating to dur-vāsas-  |
daurvāsasa | n. (scilicet purāṇa-) Name of an upapurāṇa-.  |
daurvīṇa | n. (fr. dūrvā-) the sap or juice of bent grass  |
daurvīṇa | n. equals mṛṣṭa-parṇa- (a clean leaf ) or iṣṭa-parṇa-  |
daurvratya | (d/aur--) n. disobedience, ill conduct  |
dauryodhana | mf(ī-)n. belonging or relating to dur-yodhana-  |
dauryodhani | m. patronymic fr. Dur-yodhana, .  |
dauś | vṛddhi- of duś- for dus-.  |
dauṣ | vṛddhi- of duṣ- for dus-.  |
dauścarmya | n. a disease of the skin or of the prepuce  |
dauścarya | n. ill conduct, wickedness  |
dauṣka | mf(ī-)n. (fr. dos-) one who swims or crosses a stream by the help of his arms  |
dauṣka | mf(ī-)n. going on the arms  |
dauṣkṛtya | n. badness, wickedness  |
dauṣkula | mf(ī-)n. sprung from a bad or low race  |
dauṣkuleya | mf(ī-)n. sprung from a bad or low race  |
dauṣkulya | mfn. id.,  |
dauṣkulya | n. low extraction  |
dauṣmanta | wrong reading for prec.  |
dauṣmanti | wrong reading for prec.  |
dauṣpuruṣya | n. the state of a bad man gaRa yuvādi-.  |
dauṣṭhava | See dauḥ-ṣ- (above) .  |
dauṣṭya | n. (fr. duṣṭa-) depravity, wickedness  |
dauṣyanta | mf(ī-)n. relating to duṣyanta-  |
dauṣyanta | m. Name of a mixed caste  |
dauṣyanti | m. patronymic of bharata- (wrong reading dauṣv-).  |
dautya | n. (fr. dūta-) the state or function of a messenger, message, mission etc. ( dautyaka yaka- n. )  |
dautyaka | n. dautya |
dauvālika | m. plural Name of a people  |
dauvārika | m. (fr. dvār-,or dvāra-) door-keeper, warder, porter (f(kī-). )  |
dauvārika | m. a kind of demon or genius  |
deśasaukhya | n. Name of a chapter of the ṭoḍarānanda-.  |
devaukas | n. "divine abode", mount meru-  |
dhanayauvanaśālin | mfn. endowed with wealth and youth  |
dhānyacaura | m. a stealer of corn  |
ḍhauk | cl.1 A1. kate- (perfect tense ḍuḍhauke-[ ] ), to approach (with accusative) : Causal ḍhaukayati- (Aorist aḍuḍhaukat- ), to bring near (to genitive case), cause to come near, offer, to any one (dative case) : Desiderative ḍuḍkaukiṣate- : Intensive ḍoḍhaukyate-, Va1rtt. 1 ; see upa-.,  |
ḍhaukana | n. offering, present  |
ḍhaukana | n. see upa--.  |
ḍhaukana | n. (also) bringing near (in svayam-- asana-- ḍh-, see parasmE-pada 1278).  |
ḍhaukita | mfn. brought near  |
dhaumaka | m. (fr. dhūma- ) Name of a district  |
dhaumata | m. or n. myrrh  |
dhaumatāyana | gaRa arīhaṇādi- (not in )  |
dhaumatāyanaka | gaRa arīhaṇādi- (not in )  |
dhaumāyana | m. patronymic fr. dhūma- gaRa aśvādi-.  |
dhaumīya | mfn. smoky |