ati | ind. ([probably neut. of an obsolete adjective (cf. mfn.) atin-,passing, going, beyond;See at-,and confer, compare Old German anti,unti,inti,unde,indi,etc.; English and; German und; Greek , Latin ante; Lithuanian ant; Armorican or the language of Brittany ti; Zend aiti]).  |
ati | As a prefix to verbs and their derivatives, expresses beyond, over, and, if not standing by itself, leaves the accent on the verb or its derivative; as, ati-kram- ( kram-), to overstep, Vedic or Veda infinitive mood ati-kr/ame-, (fit) to be walked on, to be passed , ati-kr/amaṇa- n. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order When prefixed to nouns, not derived from verbs, it expresses beyond, surpassing, as, ati-kaśa-, past the whip, ati-mānuṣa-, superhuman, etc. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
ati | ind. As a separable adverb or preposition (with accusative), Ved. beyond(with genitive case) over, at the top of  |
ati | is often prefixed to nouns and adjectives, and rarely to verbs, in the sense excessive, extraordinary, Intensive  |
ati | excessively, too  |
ati | exceedingly, very  |
ati | in such compounds the accent is generally on /ati-.  |
atibādh | to molest or annoy exceedingly. |
atibahu | mfn. (/ati--) very much  |
atibahu | mfn. too much  |
atibāhu | m. "having extraordinary arms", Name of a ṛṣi- of the fourteenth manvantara-  |
atibāhu | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
atibala | mfn. very strong or powerful  |
atibala | m. an active soldier  |
atibala | m. Name of a king  |
atibalā | f. a medicinal plant (Sidonia Cordifolia and Rhombifolia, or Annona Squamosa)  |
atibala | m. Name of a powerful charm  |
atibala | m. of one of dakṣa-'s daughters.  |
atibālaka | m. an infant  |
atibālaka | mfn. infantine.  |
atibhā | -bh/āti-, to blaze or be very bright  |
atibhāra | m. an excessive burden, excessive obscurity (of a sentence)  |
atibhāra | excess  |
atibhāra | m. Name of a king.  |
atibhāra | m. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ati-.  |
atibhārabhūta | mfn. exceeding, surpassing (genitive case), .  |
atibhāraga | m. "heavy-burden-bearer", a mule.  |
atibhāva | m. superiority, overcoming.  |
atibhī | m. "very terrific", lightning  |
atibhīṣaṇa | mfn. very terrific.  |
atibhojana | n. eating too much  |
atibhojana | n. morbid voracity.  |
atibhṛ | A1. to pass or extend over (perf. 2. sg. jabhriṣe-)  |
atibhṛta | mfn. well filled.  |
atibhrū | mfn. having extraordinary eyebrows.  |
atibhū | (perf. -babhūva-), to originate or take rise in an excessive way ; P. (once A1. ), to excel, surpass etc.: Desiderative to intend to surpass  |
atibhūmi | f. extensive land  |
atibhūmi | f. culmination, eminence, superiority  |
atibhūmi | f. excess.  |
atibhūṣ | to adorn one's self before (another) ; to adorn richly.  |
atibībhatsa | mfn. excessively disagreeable.  |
atibodhisattva | mfn. exceeding a bodhi-sattva-,  |
atibrahmacarya | n. excessive abstinence or continence.  |
atibrahman | m. Name of a king.  |
atibṛh | to push out intensely (scilicet retas-;used only for the etymology of vṛṣabha-)  |
atibrū | or abhi-brū-, to insult, abuse  |
aticamū | mfn. (victorious) over armies  |
aticaṇḍa | mfn. very violent.  |
aticāpalya | n. extraordinary mobility or unsteadiness.  |
aticar | to pass by ; to overtake, surpass ; to transgress, offend, be unfaithful to.  |
aticara | mfn. transient, changeable  |
aticarā | f. the shrub Hibiscus Mutabilis.  |
aticāra | m. passing by, overtaking, surpassing  |
aticāra | m. accelerated motion, especially of planets  |
aticāra | m. transgression.  |
aticaraṇa | n. excessive practice.  |
aticaraṇa | See .  |
aticārin | mfn. surpassing, transgressing.  |
aticchanda | m. (probably) too much wilfulness or criticism, (Bombay edition - ccheda-).  |
aticchandas | mfn. past worldly desires free from them  |
aticchandas | fn. (ās-, as-) Name of two large classes of metres  |
aticchandas | n. (as-) Name of a particular brick in the sacrificial fire-place.  |
aticeṣṭ | to make extraordinary or excessive efforts.  |
atichattra | m. a mushroom  |
atichattrā | f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa)  |
atichattrā | f. the plant Barleria Longifolia.  |
atichattraka | m. a mushroom  |
atichattrakā | f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa)  |
atichattraka | f. the plant Barleria Longifolia.  |
aticira | mfn. very long  |
aticiram | ind. a very long time  |
aticirasya | ind. for a very long time  |
aticirāt | ind. at last.  |
aticiraya | Nom. P. yati-, to linger,  |
aticitrīya | Nom. A1. yate-, to cause great astonishment,  |
aticṛt | to stick on, fasten  |
atidā | to surpass in giving , to pass over in giving  |
atidagdha | mfn. badly burnt  |
atidagdha | n. Name of a bad kind of burn.  |
atidagh | to go beyond, to pass (3. sg. /ate-dhak-,2. dual number /ati-dhaksam-)  |
atidah | to burn or blaze across to burn or distress greatly.  |
atidāha | m. great heat  |
atidāha | m. violent inflammation  |
atidaṃh | (only in - daṃhīḥ-, used in explaining adhi-- dhak-), .  |
atidāna | n. munificence  |
atidāna | n. excessive munificence.  |
atidānta | m. Name of a prince.  |
atidantura | (/ati--) mfn. whose teeth are too prominent |
atidarpa | m. excessive conceit  |
atidarpa | m. Name of a snake  |
atidarpa | mfn. excessively conceited.  |
atidarśin | mfn. very far-sighted.  |
atidāruṇa | mfn. very terrible.  |
atidāś | to favour with a gift, present  |
atidātṛ | m. a very or too liberal man.  |
atidatta | m. Name of a brother of datta- and son of rājādhideva-  |
atideśa | m. transfer, extended application, inference, analogy, overruling influence, assimilation  |
atideśa | m. a rule providing for more than the usual rule  |
atideśa | m. putting one thing instead of another, substitution  |
atideśa | m. rūpātideśa-, such a rule as affecting the form of a word  |
atideśa | mfn. overruling, previously stated.  |
atideva | m. a superior god  |
atideva | m. surpassing the gods.  |
atidhā | to put away.  |
atidhanvan | m. Name of a Vedic teacher, a descendant of śunaka-  |
atidhāv | to run or rush over.  |
atidhavala | mfn. very white.  |
atidhenu | mfn. distinguished for his cows ,  |
atidhṛti | f. Name of a class of metres (belonging to those called aticchandas-,and consisting of four lines, each containing nineteen syllables)  |
atidhṛti | f. (in arithmetic) nineteen. |
atidhvaṃs | to raise the dust in running through or over (3. plural Conj. Aorist ati-dhvas/an-)  |
atidhyai | to meditate deeply  |
atidigdha | a poisoned arrow, .  |
atiḍīna | n. extraordinary flight (of birds)  |
atidīpya | m. "very brilliant", the plant Plumbago Rosea.  |
atidīrgha | (/ati--) mfn. very long, too long,  |
atidiś | to make over, transfer, assign: Passive voice -diśyate-, (in grammar) to be overruled or attracted or assimilated.  |
atidiṣṭa | mfn. overruled, attracted, influenced, inferred, substituted.  |
atidiv | (ind.p. d/īvyā-[ equals vya-]), to play higher ; to risk (in playing)  |
atidoṣa | m. a great fault.  |
atidoṣam | ind. after dusk (varia lectio abhi-- d-),  |
atidṛp | to be excessively conceited.  |
atidru | to run by, pass hastily ; to pass over  |
atiduḥkhita | (or -duṣkhita-) mfn. greatly afflicted, very sad.  |
atiduḥsaha | mfn. very hard to bear, quite unbearable.  |
atidūra | mfn. very distant  |
atidūra | n. a great distance.  |
atidurdharṣa | mfn. very hard to approach, very haughty.  |
atidurgata | mfn. very badly off.  |
atidurlambha | mfn. very hard to attain.  |
atiduṣkara | mfn. very difficult.  |
atidvaya | mfn. unparalleled, unique,  |
atiga | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') exceeding, overcoming, surpassing (see śokātiga-)  |
atiga | mfn. transgressing, violating.  |
atigāḍha | mfn. very important  |
atigāḍha | mfn. very intensive  |
atigāḍha | mfn. See .  |
atigāḍham | ind. exceedingly  |
atigāḍham | ind. excessively.  |
atigāh | "to emerge over", to rise upon  |
atigahana | mfn. very deep  |
atigahana | mfn. very impenetrable.  |
atigam | or ati-gā-, to pass by or over ; to surpass, overcome ; to escape ; neglect ; to pass away, die. |
atigaṇḍa | mfn. having large cheeks or temples  |
atigaṇḍa | m. Name of the yoga- (or index) , star of the 6th lunar mansion.  |
atigandha | mfn. having an overpowering smell  |
atigandha | m. sulphur  |
atigandha | m. lemon-grass (Andropogon Schaenunthes)  |
atigandha | m. the Champac flower (Michelia Champaca)  |
atigandha | m. a kind of jasmin.  |
atigandhālu | m. Name of the creeper putradātrī-.  |
atigārgya | m. an excellent gārgya-, on .  |
atigarīyas | n. (Comparative degree of ati-guru-), a higher or too high price  |
atigarīyas | n. ati-gariyasā- (instrumental case) krī-, to buy too dear  |
atigarj | to speak loudly or provokingly or in a threatening voice  |
atigarvita | mfn. very conceited.  |
atigata | mfn. having passed  |
atigata | mfn. being past.  |
atigava | mfn. (a bull) covering the cow  |
atigha | m. ( han-),"very destructive", a weapon, bludgeon  |
atigha | m. wrath.  |
atighnī | f. utter oblivion or profound sleep (obliterating all that is disagreeable in the, past, and regarded as the highest condition of bliss)  |
atighnya | (4) mfn. one who is in the condition ati-ghnī-  |
atigo | f. an excellent cow  |
atigrah | to take beyond or over the usual measure ; to surpass  |
atigraha | m. act of taking over or beyond surpassing, one who takes or seizes to an extraordinary extent, (in philosophy) equals atigrāha-.  |
atigrāha | m. the object of a graha- (q.v) or organ of apprehension (these are eight, and their corresponding ati-grahas-or objects, are apāna-,"fragrant substance"; nāman-"name"; rasa-"flavour"; rūpa-"form"; sabda-"sound"; kāma-"desire"; karman-"action"; sparśa-"touch")  |
atigrāhya | m. Name of three successive libations made, (or cups filled) at the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice  |
atiguhā | f. the plant Hemionites Cordifolia.  |
atiguṇa | mfn. having extraordinary qualities.  |
atigupta | mfn. closely concealed, very mysterious.  |
atigur | (Potential /ati jugury/āt-), to cry out, give a shriek  |
atiguru | mfn. very heavy.  |
atihā | to jump over ; to pass jumping from one place to another.  |
atihan | Desiderative -jighāṃsati- (for -jighāsati-fr.2. hā-?), to try to escape  |
atihāra | m. addition,  |
atihāsa | m. excessive laughter.  |
atihasita | n. excessive laughter.  |
atihasita | n. (in rhetoric) excessive or foolish laughter,  |
atihastaya | Nom. (fr. ati-hasta-) P. atihastayati-, to stretch out the hands ; (fr. atihastin-), to overtake on an elephant.  |
atihata | mfn. firmly fixed  |
atihata | mfn. utterly destroyed  |
atihimam | ind. after the frost  |
atihimam | ind. past the cold.  |
atihita | mfn. put away or aside  |
atihṛ | to hold over ; to reach over ; to cause to jut over ; to additions  |
atihrasva | (/ati--) mfn. excessively short  |
atihve | (1. sg. A1. -hvaye-), to call over to one's side  |
atijāgara | mfn. very wakeful  |
atijāgara | m. the black curlew.  |
atijagatī | f. Name of a class of metres (belonging to those called aticchandas-,and consisting of four lines, each containing thirteen syllables).  |
atijala | mfn. well watered.  |
atijana | mfn. "beyond men", uninhabited.  |
atijara | mfn. very aged  |
atijaras | mfn. very aged  |
atijāta | mfn. superior to parentage.  |
atijava | m. extraordinary speed  |
atijava | mfn. very fleet.  |
atiji | (Aorist /aty-ajaiṣīt-), to conquer  |
atijīrṇa | mfn. very aged.  |
atijīrṇatā | f. extreme old age.  |
atijīv | to survive ; to surpass in the mode of living.  |
atijīva | mfn. quite alive, very lively  |
atikalyam | ind. very early, too early.  |
atikalyāṇa | mf(ī-)n. "past or beyond beauty", not beautiful  |
atikandaka | m. the plant hastikanda-.  |
atikānta | mfn. excessively beloved.  |
atikarṣaṇa | (for -karśana-?) n. excessive exertion.  |
atikaśa | mfn. beyond the whip, unmanageable  |
atikatha | mfn. exaggerated  |
atikathā | f. an exaggerated tale  |
atikatha | f. See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
atikatha | mfn. transgressing tradition or law deviating from the rules of caste (See also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ati-.)  |
atikaṭhora | mfn. very hard, too hard.  |
atikāya | mfn. of extraordinary body or size, gigantic  |
atikāya | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
atikeśara | m. the plant Trapa Bispinosa.  |
atikhara | mfn. very pungent or piercing.  |
atikhaṭva | mfn. beyond the bedstead, able to do without a bedstead  |
atikhyā | to survey, overlook (3. sg. imperfect tense /aty-akhyat-) ; to neglect, pass over, abandon (2. sg. Conj. /ati-khyas-,2. dual number Conj. /ati-khyatam-)  |
atikiriṭa | (/ati--) ([Comm.]) mfn. having too small teeth  |
atikirīṭa | ([Comm.]) mfn. having too small teeth  |
atikram | to step or go beyond or over or across, (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood ati-kr/ame-,to be walked on ) ; to pass, cross ; to pass time ; to surpass, excel, overcome ; to pass by, neglect ; to overstep, transgress, violate ; to pass on or away ; to step out ; to part from, lose: Caus. -krāmayati-, or -kramayati-, to allow to pass (as time) ; to leave unnoticed.  |
atikrama | m. passing over, overstepping  |
atikrama | m. lapse (of time)  |
atikrama | m. overcoming, surpassing, conquering  |
atikrama | m. excess, imposition, transgression, violation  |
atikrama | m. neglect  |
atikrama | m. determined onset.  |
atikrāmaka | mfn. exceeding, transgressing  |
atikramaṇa | n. the act of passing over , surpassing, overstepping  |
atikramaṇa | n. excess  |
atikramaṇa | n. passing, spending (time).  |
atikramaṇa | mf(ī-)n. committing excess or sin (sexually),  |
atikramaṇīya | mfn. to be passed beyond or over  |
atikramaṇīya | mfn. generally negative an-atikramaṇiya- q.v  |
atikramin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') exceeding, violating, etc.  |
atikramya | ind. having passed beyond or over.  |
atikrānta | mfn. having passed or transgressed  |
atikrānta | mfn. exceeded, surpassed, overcome.  |
atikrāntaniṣedha | mfn. one who has neglected a prohibition.  |
atikrāntātikrānta | mfn. one who has crossed the stream of sorrow,  |
atikrānti | f. transgression  |
atikṛcchra | m. extraordinary pain or penance lasting twelve days  |
atikṛcchra | mfn. (said of viṣṇu-),  |
atikṛcchram | ind. with great difficulty,  |
atikṛṣ | to drag over or beyond.  |
atikṛśa | (/ati--) mfn. very thin, emaciated.  |
atikṛṣṇa | (/ati--) mfn. very or too dark, very or too deep blue.  |
atikṛta | mfn. over done, exaggerated.  |
atikṛtārtha | mfn. very clever or skilful,  |
atikṛti | f. excess,  |
atikṛti | or better abhi-kṛti- q.v  |
atikruddha | mfn. excessively angry.  |
atikrudh | f. excessive anger  |
atikruṣṭa | (/ati--) n. extraordinary cry or wailing  |
atikṣar | to overflow or flow through etc. (3. sg. Aorist /akṣār /ati- ).  |
atikṣip | to throw beyond.  |
atikṣipta | mfn. thrown beyond  |
atikṣipta | n. (in med.) sprain or dislocation of a particular kind  |
atikulva | (/ati-.) mfn. too bald  |
atikup | to become very angry.  |
atikūrd | to jump about.  |
atikutsita | mfn. greatly despised.  |
atilakṣmī | mfn. very prosperous  |
atilakṣmī | f. (īs-) extraordinary prosperity.  |
atilamba | mfn. very extensive.  |
atilaṅgh | Caus. -laṅghayati-, to transgress  |
atilaṅghana | n. excessive fasting  |
atilaulya | n. excessive eagerness or desire.  |
atilihā | or aṭhillā- f. Name of a Prakrit metre (of four lines each containing sixteen mātra-s).  |
atilobha | mfn. very greedy or covetous.  |
atilobha | m. excessive greediness or covetousness.  |
atilobhatā | f. excessive greediness or covetousness.  |
atilohita | mfn. very red.  |
atiloma | (/ati--) ([ ]) mfn. very hairy, too hairy.  |
atilomaśa | (/ati--) ([ ]) mfn. very hairy, too hairy.  |
atilomaśā | f. Convolvulus Argenteus.  |
atilubdha | mfn. very greedy or covetous.  |
atilulita | mfn. closely attached or adhering.  |
atimadhyandina | n. high noon.  |
atimaithuna | n. excess of sexual intercourse.  |
atimāla | mfn. excelling a necklace (in beauty), .  |
atimām | (accusative of aty-aham- q.v), surpassing me  |
atiman | -manyate- (1. plural -manāmah/e'ti-), to disdain, despise etc. ; to value less than one's self ; to pride one's self  |
atimāna | m. great haughtiness.  |
atimaṅgalya | mfn. very auspicious  |
atimaṅgalya | m. Aegle or Crataeva Marmelos.  |
atimānin | mfn. very haughty.  |
atimānitā | f. great haughtiness.  |
atimānita | mfn. honoured highly  |
atimānita | mfn. see atimān/a- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ati-.  |
atimanorathakrama | m. excess of desire, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding v, 35.  |
atimānuṣa | mfn. superhuman, divine  |
atimanuṣyabuddhi | mfn. having a superhuman intellect.  |
atimāra | or ati-bhāra- m. Name of a prince.  |
atimarśa | m. close contact.  |
atimarśam | ind. ( mṛś-), so as to encroach  |
atimartya | mfn. superhuman.  |
atimāruta | mfn. very windy  |
atimāruta | m. a hurricane  |
atimaryāda | mfn. exceeding the proper limit  |
atimaryādam | ind. beyond bounds.  |
atimati | f. (/ati--) haughtiness  |
atimati | mfn. exceedingly wise  |
atimātra | mfn. exceeding the proper measure  |
atimātram | ind. beyond measure.  |
atimātraśas | ind. beyond measure.  |
atimāya | mfn. emancipated from māyā- or Illusion, finally liberated.  |
atimāya | mfn. past illusion,  |
atimemiṣa | (/ati--) mfn. (1. miṣ-), opening the eyes too much, staring  |
atimirmira | (/ati--) mfn. twinkling exceedingly  |
atimita | mfn. over measured, beyond measure, exceeding.  |
atimita | mfn. not moistened.  |
atimodā | f. extraordinary fragrance  |
atimodā | f. the tree Jasminum Arboreum.  |
atimokṣa | m.  |
atimokṣa | m. See ati-muc-.  |
atimokṣa | m. final liberation  |
atimokṣin | mfn. escaping  |
atimṛtyu | mfn. overcoming death  |
atimuc | Passive voice -mucyate-, to avoid, escape  |
atimucya | ind.p. having dismissed or, given up.  |
atimukta | mfn. entirely liberated  |
atimukta | mfn. quite free from sensual or worldly desire  |
atimukta | mfn. seedless, barren  |
atimukta | m. the tree Dalbergia Oujeinensis  |
atimukta | m. Gaertnera Racemosa,  |
atimukta | m. "surpassing pearls in whiteness", Name of certain shrubs.  |
atimuktaka | m. = the preceding  |
atimuktaka | m. mountain ebony  |
atimuktaka | m. the tree harimantha-.  |
atimuktaka | m. "surpassing pearls in whiteness", Name of certain shrubs.  |
atimukti | (/ati-.) f. final liberation (from death)  |
atimukti | f. final liberation. See ati-.  |
atimukti | f. (also) a particular class of oblations,  |
atimūrti | f. "highest shape", Name of a ceremony.  |
atinam | to bend aside, keep on one side.  |
atinam | (Causal - nāmayati-), to pass time,  |
atināman | m. Name of a saptarṣi- of the sixth manvantara-.  |
atināṣṭra | mfn. beyond danger, out of danger  |
atinau | mfn. disembarked  |
atined | to stream or flow over, foam over  |
atinī | to lead over or beyond, to help a person over anything etc. ; to allow to pass away: Intensive A1. -nenīy/ate-, to bring forward  |
atinīca | mfn. excessively low.  |
atinicṛt | (or wrongly written ati-nivṛt-) f. Name of a Vedic metre of three pāda-s (containing respectively seven, six and seven syllables)  |
atinidra | mfn. given to excessive sleep  |
atinidrā | f. excessive sleep  |
atinidram | ind. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order () .  |
atinidram | ind. beyond sleeping time See also ati-nidra- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ati-.  |
atinihnutya | ind.p. ( hnu-), denying obstinately.  |
atiniḥśvas | to breathe or sigh violently.  |
atinipuṇa | mfn. very skilful.  |
atiniṣṭan | ( tan-), (perf. Potential 3. plural /ati-n/iṣ-ṭatanyuḥ-) to penetrate (with rays)  |
atinu | Caus. to turn away  |
atinud | to drive by  |
atipā | Causal P. -pāyayati-, to give to drink in great quantity  |
atipad | to go beyond (accusative), jump over ; to neglect, transgress: Caus. -pādayati- to allow to pass by.  |
atipada | mfn. (in prosody) too long by one pada- or foot,  |
atipāda | m. going too far, overstepping,  |
atipādanicṛt | f. Name of a Vedic metre of three pāda-s (containing respectively six, eight and seven syllables). |
atipañcā | f. a girl who is past five.  |
atipanna | mfn. gone beyond, transgressed, missed  |
atipanna | mfn. past.  |
atipara | mfn. one who has over come his enemies  |
atipara | m. a great enemy.  |
atipāraya | mfn. carrying across, .  |
atiparī | ( pari-i-), to pass round  |
atiparokṣa | mfn. far out of sight, no longer discernible.  |
atiparokṣavṛtti | mfn. (in grammar) having a nature that is no longer discernible id est obsolete.  |
atipaś | to look beyond, look through  |
atipat | to fall or fly by or past or beyond or over, to neglect, miss: Caus. -pātayati-, to cause to fly by, to drag away, to make effectless.  |
atipāta | m. passing away, lapse, neglect, transgression  |
atipāta | m. ill-usage, opposition, contrariety.  |
atipātaka | n. a very heinous sin.  |
atipatana | n. act of falling or flying beyond, passing, missing, transgressing.  |
atipaṭh | Passive voice -pathyate-, to be greatly proclaimed or celebrated  |
atipathin | (Nominal verb -panthās-) m. a better road than common  |
atipaṭīkṣepa | varia lectio for a-paṭīkṣepa- m. omitting to remove or non-removal of the theatrical curtain.  |
atipātin | mfn. overtaking, excelling in speed  |
atipātin | mfn. (in med.) running a rapid course, acute, neglecting.  |
atipatita | mfn. passed beyond, transgressed, missed.  |
atipātita | mfn. completely displaced or broken  |
atipātita | n. (in med.) complete fracture of a bone.  |
atipatti | f. going beyond, passing, lapse  |
atipatti | f. kriyātipatti-, the passing by of an action unaccomplished  |
atipattra | m. the Teak tree  |
atipattra | m. the tree hastikanda-.  |
atipātya | mfn. to be passed over, to be neglected.  |
atipeśala | mfn. very dexterous.  |
atipitāmaha | m. surpassing his own paternal grandfather  |
atipitṛ | m. surpassing his own father  |
atipṛ | to convey across, to help over ; to cross, pass over ; to keep (a promise): Caus. -pārayati- to lead or convey over  |
atipṝ | cl.4 P. -pūryati-, to become full or overflowing  |
atiprabandha | m. complete continuity.  |
atiprach | to go on asking  |
atipracit | -cekite- (equals -cikite- ;= Intensive -cekitte- ), to be clearly distinct or distinguishable  |
atipracyu | to pass by : Causal -cyāvayati-, to cause to pass by  |
atiprage | ind. very early  |
atiprahā | cl.3 A1. -jihīte-, to give or hand over  |
atiprajval | to flame or blaze exceedingly  |
atiprakāśa | mfn. very notorious.  |
atipramāṇa | mfn. beyond measure immense.  |
atiprāṇam | ind. exceeding life.  |
atiprāṇapriya | mfn. dearer than life.  |
atipraṇaś | (2 naś-), to be entirely deprived of (accusative)  |
atipraṇaya | m. excessive kindness, partiality.  |
atipraṇī | ( nī-) to lead by or beyond  |
atipraṇud | ( nud-) to press or incite very strongly.  |
atipraṇudya | ind. having pushed far forward.  |
atiprapad | Caus. -pādayati-, to help to pass into the other world (Comm.)  |
atiprasad | P. -sidati-, to be come completely cheerful.  |
atiprasakti | f. excessive attachment  |
atiprasakti | f. unwarrantable stretch of a rule.  |
atipraśaṃs | to praise highly.  |
atiprasaṅga | m. excessive attachment  |
atiprasaṅga | m. unwarrantable stretch of a rule.  |
atiprasaṅga | m. (also) too much diffuseness,  |
atiprasanna | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) too much grace has been shown,  |
atiprasiddha | mfn. very notorious.  |
atipraśna | m. an extravagant question, a question regarding transcendental objects.  |
atipraśnya | mfn. to be asked such a question  |
atiprasṛ | Intensive -sarsṛte-, to outstrip, surpass  |
atipraśṛdh | (Causal - śardhayati-), to obtrude or force anything upon any one (dative case), .  |
atiprasṛta | mfn. issued violently.  |
atipraśru | cl.5 A1. -śṛṇve- (Vedic or Veda 3. sg.) , to become known or famous more than others  |
atiprasthā | to have an advantage over  |
atiprauḍha | mfn. full-grown.  |
atiprauḍhayauvana | mfn. being in the full enjoyment of youth.  |
atipravā | cl.4 P. -vāyati-, to blow violently  |
atipravah | to extend or carry beyond.  |
atipravaraṇa | n. excess in choosing.  |
atiprave | to add in weaving, weave on an additional piece  |
atipraviddha | mfn. ( vyadh-), frightened away, scared  |
atipravṛddha | mfn. enlarged to excess, overbearing  |
atipravṛt | to issue violently (as blood from a wound) ; to have an intense effect (as venom)  |
atipravṛtti | f. issuing abundantly.  |
atiprayam | to give or hand over  |
atiprayuj | to separate from (with instrumental case)  |
atipreṣita | n. the time following the praiṣa- ceremony  |
atipru | to jump over, to escape  |
atipū | P. to clarify or purify through (3. plural Aorist /ati apāviṣuḥ-) : A1. -pavate-, to purify or purge by flowing through (especially used of the soma- juice, which is considered to be a purgative)  |
atipuruṣa | (/ati--) ([ ]) m. a first-rate man, hero.  |
atipūruṣa | (/ati--) ([ ]) m. a first-rate man, hero.  |
atipūta | mfn. quite purified, over-refined.  |
atirabhasa | m. extraordinary speed.  |
atirai | exceeding one's income, extravagant  |
atirāj | to shine over (aor.Subj. 3. sg. /ati rāṭ-)  |
atirājakumāri | mfn. superior to a princess  |
atirājan | m. an extraordinary king  |
atirājan | m. one who surpasses a king ([ see also sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ]) |
atirājan | m. a supreme king, superior to a king  |
atirājaya | Nom. P. atirājayati-, to surpass a king  |
atirājñī | f. (a woman) superior to a king  |
atirakta | mfn. very red  |
atiraktā | f. one of agni-'s seven tongues.  |
atiraṃhas | mfn. extremely rapid  |
atirasā | f. "very succulent", Name of various plants (mūrvā-, rāsnā-, klītanaka-).  |
atiratha | m. a great warrior (fighting from a car)  |
atirātra | mfn. prepared or performed over-night  |
atirātra | m. an optional pan of the jyotiṣṭoma- sacrifice  |
atirātra | m. commencement and conclusion of certain sacrificial acts  |
atirātra | m. the concluding Vedic verse chanted on such occasions |
atirātra | m. Name of a son of cākṣuṣa- the sixth manu-.  |
atirātrasavanīyapaśu | m. the victim sacrificed at the atirātra-.  |
atirātrayājin | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a dramatic author (of the 16th century D.).  |
atireka | m. surplus, excess  |
atireka | m. redundancy  |
atireka | m. difference.  |
atirekin | mfn. surpassing.  |
atiri | neut. of ati-raj- q.v  |
atiric | Passive voice -ricyate-, to be left with a surplus, to surpass (in a good or bad sense with ablative or accusative) ; to be superior, predominate, prevail: Caus. -recayati-, to do superfluously, to do too much  |
atirikta | mfn. left with or as a surplus, left apart  |
atirikta | mfn. redundant, unequalled  |
atirikta | mfn. different from (with ablative)  |
atiriktāṅga | mfn. having a redundant limb or finger or toe  |
atiriktāṅga | n. a redundant limb or finger or toe.  |
atiriktatā | f. redundancy, etc.  |
atiroga | m. consumption  |
atiroka | m. a passage for light, vista,  |
atiromaśa | mfn. very hairy, too hairy  |
atiromaśa | m. a wild goat, a kind of monkey.  |
atiruc | to shine over or along ; to surpass in shining.  |
atiruc | m. a horse's fetlock or knee  |
atirucira | mfn. very lovely  |
atirucirā | f. Name of two metres (a variety of the atijagatī-;another called cuḍikā-or culikā-).  |
atiruh | to climb or ascend over ; to grow higher  |
atirūpa | mfn. very beautiful  |
atirūpa | n. extraordinary beauty.  |
atiruṣ | mfn. very angry.  |
atisādhvasa | n. excessive fear.  |
atiśakkarī | or ati-śakvar- f. a class of metres of four lines, each containing fifteen syllables. It has eighteen varieties.  |
atiśakra | mfn. superior to indra-.  |
atiśakta | mfn. very powerful  |
atiṣakta | or (in later texts) atisakta- mfn. ( sañj-), connected with  |
atiśakti | mfn. very powerful  |
atiśakti | f. great power or valour.  |
atisakti | f. excessive attachment.  |
atiśaktibhāj | mfn. possessing great power.  |
atisaktimat | mfn. excessively attached.  |
atiśaktitā | f. great power or valour.  |
atiśākvara | mfn. written in or connected with the ati-śakvarī- metre.  |
atisamartha | mfn. very competent.  |
atisaṃcaya | m. excessive accumulation.  |
atisaṃdhā | to overreach, deceive ; to wrong or injure  |
atisaṃdhāna | n. overreaching, cheating.  |
atisaṃdheya | mfn. easy to be settled or conciliated.  |
atisaṃdheya | mfn. easy to be conciliated, easy to be settled.  |
atisamīpa | mfn. very near.  |
atisamparka | m. excessive (sexual) intercourse.  |
atiśaṃs | to recite beyond measure, to continue reciting ; to omit in reciting  |
atiśaṃsana | n. ( ) continued recitation.  |
atiśaṃsanā | f. ( ) continued recitation.  |
atisaṃskṛta | mfn. highly finished.  |
atisaṃtapta | mfn. greatly afflicted.  |
atisāṃvatsara | mfn. extending over more than a year  |
atisāmyā | f. the sweet juice of the Bengal Madder, Rubia Manjith.  |
atisandham | ind. so as to violate an agreement or any fixed order  |
atisandhita | mfn. overreached, cheated.  |
atiśaṅk | to suspect strongly ; to suspect falsely ; to be concerned about.  |
atiśaṅkā | f. excessive timidity.  |
atisāntapana | n. a kind of severe penance (inflicted especially for eating unclean animal food).  |
atisara | m. effort, exertion  |
atisāra | m. purging, dysentery.  |
atisāra | transgression (in sā- ti-- s-), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
atisārakin | mfn. afflicted with purging or dysentery.  |
atisarasvatī | f. a particular personification,  |
atisarga | m. act of parting with, dismissal, giving away  |
atisarga | m. granting permission, leave  |
atisarga | m. atisarg/am- 1. d/a-, to bid any one farewell  |
atisarga | remnant  |
atisārin | mfn. afflicted with purging or dysentery.  |
atisārin | mfn. afflicted with purging or dysentery.  |
atisarjana | n. the act of giving away, granting  |
atisarjana | n. liberality  |
atisarjana | n. a gift  |
atisarjana | n. sending out of the world, killing.  |
atisarva | mfn. too complete  |
atisarva | mfn. superior to all See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
atisarva | mfn. superior to all  |
atisarva | m. the Supreme.  |
atiśarvara | n. the dead of night  |
atiśasta | mfn. very excellent.  |
atiśastra | mfn. superior to weapons.  |
atiśāta | mfn. causing great joy, delightful,  |
atisauhitya | n. excessive satiety exempli gratia, 'for example' being spoiled, stuffed with food, etc.  |
atisauparṇa | mfn. superior to (the powers of) suparṇa- or garuḍa-.  |
atisaurabha | mfn. very fragrant  |
atisaurabha | n. extraordinary fragrance.  |
atiśaya | m. pre-eminence, eminence  |
atiśaya | m. superiority in quality or quantity or numbers  |
atiśaya | m. advantageous result  |
atiśaya | m. one of the superhuman qualities attributed to jaina- arhat-s  |
atiśaya | mfn. pre-eminent, superior, abundant  |
atisāyam | ind. very late in the evening.  |
atiśayam | ind. eminently, very.  |
atiśayana | mf(ī-)n. eminent, abundant  |
atiśāyana | n. excelling  |
atiśāyana | n. excessiveness.  |
atiśayanam | ind. excessively  |
atiśayanī | f. Name of a metre of four lines, also called citralekhā-.  |
atiśayavat | mfn. excessive,  |
atiśayena | ind. eminently, very.  |
atiśayin | mfn. excelling, abounding.  |
atiśāyin | mfn. excelling, abounding  |
atiśāyin | mfn. excessive.  |
atiśayita | mfn. surpassing, superior.  |
atiśayokti | f. hyperbolical language  |
atiśayokti | f. extreme assertion  |
atiśayokti | f. verbosity.  |
atiśayopamā | f. (in rhetoric) an exaggerated simile,  |
atisena | m. Name of a prince.  |
atiśeṣa | m. remainder, remnant (especially of time)  |
atisev | to use or enjoy immoderately, to practise excessively ; see ati-sevā- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ati-.  |
atisevā | f. excessive addiction (to a habit).  |
atiśi | cl.3 A1. -s/iśīte-, to sharpen up (a weapon) for attacking  |
atiśī | -śete-, to precede in lying down ; to surpass, excel ; to act as an incubus, annoy : Passive voice -śayyate-, to be excelled or surpassed.  |
atiśī | to fall or drop beyond ; to get out from (accusative), leave  |
atisiddhi | f. great perfection.  |
atiśīlaya | Nom. P. yati-, to practise or use excessively.  |
atiśiṣ | to leave remaining. Passive voice -śiṣyate-, to remain.  |
atiśiṣṭa | mfn. remaining  |
atiṣita | mfn. tied or bound round (so as to prevent the flow of any liquid)  |
atiśītam | ind. past or beyond the cold, after the winter.  |
atisitāṅgavihaṃga | m. a swan,  |
atiṣkadvan | mf(arī-)n. jumping over, transgressing.  |
atiṣkand | ( skand-) to cover (said of a bull) ,; to leap or jump over, Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (dative case) ati-ṣk/ade- ; Ved. infinitive mood (ablative) -ṣk/adas- ; to omit ; /an-atiskandat- (mfn.) not omitting anything, uniform  |
atiślakṣṇa | (/ati--) mfn. too tender  |
atiśliṣ | to fasten or tie over.  |
atisnigdha | mfn. very smooth, very nice, very affectionate  |
atiśobhana | mfn. very handsome.  |
atisparśa | m. too marked contact (of the tongue and palate) in pronunciation.  |
atisphira | mfn. very tremulous.  |
atisṛ | Caus. to cause to pass through: Passive voice -sāryate- ; to be purged  |
atiśrama | see śramā- panayana- (parasmE-pada 1096).  |
atisraṃs | to drop or turn away from, to escape  |
atisrāvita | mfn. caused to flow excessively (as a wound)  |
atiśreṣṭha | mfn. superior to the best, best of all.  |
atiśreṣṭhatva | n. pre-eminence.  |
atiśreyasi | m. a man superior to the most excellent woman.  |
atiśrī | mfn. very prosperous  |
atisṛj | to glide over or along ; to send away dismiss, abandon ; to leave as a remnant, to remit, forgive ; to give away, present, to create in a higher degree  |
atisṛjya | mfn. to be dismissed  |
atisṛjya | mfn.  |
atisṛp | to glide or creep over, get over  |
atisṛṣṭi | (/ati--) f. an extraordinary or excellent creation  |
atisṛṣṭi | f. a higher creation  |
atisru | to flow over or flow excessively.  |
atisruta | mfn. that which has been flowing over (Name of soma-)  |
atiṣṭhā | ( sthā-) to be at the head of, govern ; to jut over or out  |
atiṣṭhā | f. precedence, superiority etc.  |
atiṣṭhā | mf. (ās-) superior in standing, surpassing.  |
atiṣṭhat | mfn. not standing, unstable  |
atiṣṭhāvan | m. superior in standing, surpassing.  |
atiṣṭhāvat | mfn. ([ ]) superior in standing, surpassing.  |
atisthira | mfn. very stable.  |
atisthūla | mfn. (/ati-.) excessively big or clumsy  |
atisthūla | mfn. excessively stupid.  |
atiṣṭigham | ( stigh-) ind. so as to overwhelm  |
atistri | mf(is-,or ī-)n. surpassing a woman  |
atistri | mf(is-,or ī-)n. See Gram. 123. b-.  |
atiṣṭu | ( stu-) to go on too far in reciting hymns of praise,  |
atistuti | f. excessive praise  |
atiśubh | to be brilliant, to please: Caus. -śobhayati-, to make brilliant, adorn.  |
atisuhita | mfn. excessively kind, over-kind.  |
atisuhita | mfn. perfectly satiated,  |
atisujana | mfn. very moral, very friendly.  |
atiśukla | mfn. very white, too white.  |
atiśukra | (/ati--) mfn. too bright.  |
atisulabha | mfn. very easily obtainable.  |
atisundara | mfn. very handsome  |
atisundara | mf. a metre belonging to the class aṣṭi- (also called citra-or cañcalā-).  |
atiśva | mf(ī-)n. superior to, or worse than, a dog  |
atiśvā | m. Name of a tribe (?), (gaRa pakṣādi- q.v)  |
atisvapna | m. excessive sleep  |
atisvapna | n. excessive tendency to dreaming.  |
atisvārya | mfn. the last of the seven notes |
atisvastha | mfn. enjoying excellent health.  |
atisvinna | mfn. caused to perspire abundantly,  |
atisvṛ | to hold or sustain a note  |
atitamām | ind. (superlative degree of ati-) in a very high degree, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
atitap | to be very hot ; to heat ; to affect greatly: Caus. -tāpayati-, to heat much.  |
atitapasvin | mfn. very ascetic.  |
atitarām | ind. (Comparative degree of /ati-), above in rank (with accusative), KenaUp. |
atitarām | ind. better, higher, more (with ablative) |
atitarām | ind. very much, exceedingly, excessively. |
atitārin | mfn. crossing  |
atitārya | mf(/ā-)n. to be crossed or passed over or overcome  |
atitata | mfn. ( tan-), stretching far, making one's self big, conceited  |
atithi | m. ( at-,or said to be from a-tithi-,"one who has no fixed day for coming") , a guest, a person entitled to hospitality  |
atithi | m. Name of agni-  |
atithi | m. of an attendant on soma-  |
atithi | m. Name of suhotra- (king of ayodhyā-, and grandson of rāma-).  |
atithībhū | (P. - bhavati-), to become the guest of (genitive case), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
atithideva | mfn. one to whom a guest is as a divinity  |
atithidharma | m. rights of hospitality  |
atithidharmin | mfn. entitled to hospitality  |
atithidveṣa | m. hatred of guests, inhospitality.  |
atithigva | m. "to whom guests should go", Name of divodāsa- and of another mythical hero  |
atithīkṛ | (P. - karoti-), to grant anything (accusative) to a guest,  |
atithīkṛ | to cause anything (accusative) to be a guest, id est to make it arrive at (locative case), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
atithikriyā | f. hospitality.  |
atithin | mfn. ( at-), travelling  |
atithin | m. Name of a king (also suhotra- and atithi- q.v)  |
atithipati | (/atithi--) m. a host, entertainer of a guest  |
atithipūjā | f. showing honour to a guest.  |
atithipūjana | n. showing honour to a guest.  |
atithisatkāra | m. honourable treatment of a guest.  |
atithisevā | f. attention to a guest.  |
atithitva | n. state of a guest, hospitality.  |
atithivat | ind. like a guest.  |
atithyartha | mfn. hospitable,  |
atitikṣamāṇa | mfn. unable to endure,  |
atitīkṣṇa | mfn. very sharp.  |
atitīvra | mfn. very sharp, pungent or acid  |
atitīvrā | f. dub grass.  |
atitṝ | to pass through or by or over, cross, overcome, escape: Desiderative -titīrṣati-, to be desirous of crossing or overcoming  |
atitrasnu | mfn. over timid.  |
atitṛd | to cleave, split ; to pierce through, penetrate  |
atitṛṇṇa | mfn. seriously hurt.  |
atitṛṇṇa | mfn. ( tṛd-) cleft, split, penetrated,  |
atitṛp | to be satiated.  |
atitṛpti | f. too great satiety.  |
atitṛṣṇa | mfn. excessively thirsty, rapacious  |
atitṛṣṇā | f. excessive thirst.  |
atitvam | surpassing thee  |
atitvam | atitvām-, atitvān- accusative singular and plural him that surpasses thee, them that surpass thee  |
atitvam | (fictitious forms coined by grammarians.)  |
atitvar | to hasten overmuch.  |
atityad | surpassing that  |
ativā | cl.2 P. -vāti-, to blow beyond ;cl.4 P. -vayati-, to blow violently ; (ati-vāyati-), pr.p. locative case (ind.) the wind blowing strongly  |
ativac | to blame, to speak too loudly either in blaming or praising.  |
ativad | to speak louder or better, to surpass or overpower in disputing etc. ; to ask for too much  |
ativāda | m. abusive language  |
ativāda | m. reproof  |
ativāda | m. Name of a Vedic verse  |
ativādin | mfn. very talkative.  |
ativah | to carry over or across to pass by ; to pass (time) : Causal vāhayati-, to let pass, get over or through, endure ; to let time pass, spend.  |
ativāhana | n. excessive toiling.  |
ativāhana | n. excessive toiling or enduring.  |
ativāhika | mfn. "swifter than the wind", Name of the liṅga-śarīra- (butSee ātivāhika-)  |
ativāhika | m. an inhabitant of the lower world.  |
ativāhya | mfn. to be passed (as time, etc.)  |
ativāhya | n. the passing of time.  |
ativaicakṣaṇya | n. great proficiency.  |
ativaiśasa | mfn. very adverse or destructive.  |
ativakra | mfn. very crooked or curved  |
ativakrā | f. one of the eight descriptions of planetary motion.  |
ativaktṛ | mfn. very loquacious.  |
ativālaka | See -bālaka- above.  |
ativara | m. an extra donation,  |
ativartana | n. a pardonable offence or misdemeanour.  |
ativartin | mfn. passing beyond, crossing, passing by, surpassing  |
ativartin | mfn. guilty of a pardonable offence.  |
ativartula | mfn. very round  |
ativartula | m. a kind of grain or pot-herb.  |
ativāsa | m. a fast on the day before performing the śrāddha-.  |
ativāta | m. high wind, a storm.  |
ativayam | (Nominal verb plural of aty-aham- q.v), surpassing me.  |
ativela | mfn. passing the proper boundary, excessive  |
ativelam | ind. excessively.  |
ativepathu | m. excessive tremor  |
ativepathu | mfn. trembling excessively.  |
ativepathumat | mfn. trembling excessively.  |
ativī | to outstrip  |
atividdha | mfn. pierced through, wounded.  |
atividhā | cl.3 A1. -dhatte-, to distribute too much  |
ativikaṭa | mfn. very fierce  |
ativikaṭa | m. a vicious elephant.  |
ativilambin | mfn. very dilatory.  |
ativilaṅgh | Caus. -laṅghayati-, to pass by without taking notice of  |
ativiluḍ | Caus. -loḍayati-, to disturb, destroy  |
ativipina | mfn. having many forests, very impenetrable  |
ativirāj | to shine or be brilliant exceedingly  |
ativīryaprabha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Tatha1-gata, .  |
ativiṣa | mfn. exceedingly poisonous, counteracting poison  |
ativiṣā | f. the plant Aconitum Ferox  |
ativiśrabdha | mfn. entirely trusting or confiding in  |
ativiśrabdham | ind. quite confidently.  |
ativiśrabdhanavoḍhā | f. a fond but pert young wife.  |
ativiśrambh | Caus. -śrambhayati-, to make too familiar or too intimate  |
ativiśva | m. "superior to all or to the universe", Name of a muni-  |
ativiśvas | to confide or trust too much (generally with na- negative)  |
ativivṛt | Caus. -vartayati-, to separate too far, to make too great distinction between  |
ativoḍhṛ | m. one who carries over or across  |
ativraj | to pass by ; to fly over ; to pass or wander through.  |
ativṛddha | mfn. very large  |
ativṛddha | mfn. very old.  |
ativṛddhi | f. extraordinary growth.  |
ativṛdh | to surpass in growing, grow beyond  |
ativṛṃhita | mfn. ( vṛṃh-), strengthened |
ativṛṣ | to rain violently.  |
ativṛṣṭi | f. excessive rain.  |
ativṛṣṭihata | mfn. injured by heavy rain.  |
ativṛt | to pass beyond, surpass, cross ; to get over, overcome ; to transgress, violate, offend, especially by unfaithfulness ; to pass away ; to delay.  |
ativṛtti | f. surpassing  |
ativṛtti | f. hyperbolical meaning  |
ativṛtti | f. (in med.) excessive action.  |
ativyadh | (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood ati-vidhe- ), to pierce through  |
ativyādhin | mfn. piercing through, wounding  |
ativyādhya | mfn. vulnerable.  |
ativyāpta | mfn. stretched too far (as a rule or principle).  |
ativyāpti | f. unwarrantable stretch (of a rule or principle)  |
ativyasta | mfn. too widely separated,  |
ativyathā | f. excessive pain.  |
ativyathana | n. infliction of (or giving) excessive pain  |
ativyaya | m. lavish expenditure.  |
atiyā | to pass over or before ; to surpass etc. ; to pass by ; to transgress  |
atiyaj | to neglect or pass in offering a sacrifice  |
atiyāja | m. "great sacrificer", very pious  |
atiyaśa | ([ ]) mfn. very illustrious.  |
atiyaśas | mfn. very illustrious.  |
atiyātrā | f. passing over,  |
atiyātrā | fare for crossing (?),  |
atiyava | m. a sort of barley.  |
atiyoga | m. excessive union, excess,  |
atiyuvan | mfn. very youthful  |
atiyūyam | (Nominal verb plural of ati-tvam- q.v), surpassing thee.  |
abhihati | f. striking (as of an arrow)  |
abhihati | f. (in arithmetic) multiplication  |
abhihati | f. the product of multiplied numbers.  |
abhimati | f. self reference, referring all objects to self (as the act of ahaṃkāra- or personality)  |
abhinnagati | mfn. not changing its course  |
abhipratigṝ | "to call out to (accusative) alternately ", answer in singing ; (cf prati--1 -gṝ-.)  |
abhipratipad | P. (future -patsyati-) to begin with or at (accusative)  |
abhipratipiṣ | (perf. -pipeṣa-) to dash or crush out  |
abhirāmapaśupati | m. Name of a poetry or poetic  |
abhirati | f. pleasure, delighting in (locative case or in compound)  |
abhirati | f. Name of a world  |
abhirūpapati | m. "having an agreeable master", (a rite) to secure such a master in the next world  |
abhiṣekabhūmipratilambha | m. attainment of the royal station, .  |
abhivratin | mfn. bent on (compound),  |
abhramūpati | ( ), m. Name (also title or epithet) of indra-'s elephant.  |
abhyatikram | (ind.p. -kramya-;Inf. -krāntuṃ-) to step over, walk through ; to overpower ; to transgress, violate  |
abhyatikṣar | (imperfect tense -akṣarat-) to flow over to (accusative)  |
abhyatinī | to bring or place upon (locative case)  |
abhyatiric | Passive voice -/ati-ric-yate-, or -ati-ricy/ate- (subjunctive abhy-/ati-r/icyātai-; Potential -/ati-ricyeta-) Ved. to remain for the sake of (accusative)  |
abhyatisṛj | (1. plural -/ati-sṛjāmas-) to let pass |
abhyatita | mfn. ( at-), one who has walked towards (accusative), one who visits (used for the etymology of atithi-)  |
abhyativad | P. (equals ati-vad- q.v) "to speak louder or better", surpass in disputing  |
abhyativṛt | -vartate-, to drive past (varia lectio)  |
abhyudgati | f. going to meet,  |
abjinīpati | m. the sun  |
acalamati | m. Name of a māraputra-.  |
adabdhavratapramati | (/adabdha--) mfn. of unbroken observances and superior mind (or"of superior mind from having unbroken observances")  |
ādhānapaddhati | f. idem or 'f. Name of work '  |
adhikasāptatika | mfn. (containing or costing) more than seventy.  |
adhikatithi | mf. an intercalary lunar day.  |
adhipati | m. equals adhi-pa-  |
adhipati | m. (in med.) a particular part of the head (where a wound proves instantly fatal) .  |
adhipativatī | (/adhipati--) f. containing the lord in herself  |
adhisenāpati | f. the chief commander of an army,  |
adhitiṣṭhati | See adhi-ṣṭhā-.  |
adhivasati | f. a dwelling, habitation,  |
adhivyatikrama | m. passing over or through (compound),  |
adhogati | f. descent, downward movement, degradation.  |
adhogati | mfn. going downwards, descending.  |
adhvagati | m. travelling, a journey,  |
adhvapati | m. lord of the roads  |
adhyardhapratika | mfn. amounting to one and a half kārṣāpaṇa-.  |
adhyardhaviṃśatikīna | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half score or thirty.  |
adhyātmarati | m. a man delighting in the contemplation of the Supreme Spirit.  |
ādityagati | f. course of the sun  |
ādityavratika | mfn. performing the above rite on  |
adobhavati | he becomes that.  |
adripati | m. "lord of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
agaṇitapratiyāta | mfn. returned without (or because of not) having been noticed  |
agastyagṛhaspatika | mfn. having agastya- for a householder,  |
āgati | f. arrival, coming, return etc.  |
āgati | f. origin  |
āgati | f. rise, origination (as of the world)  |
agati | mfn. not going, halting, without resource, helpless  |
agati | f. stoppage  |
agati | f. want of resort or resource, unsuccessfulness , not cohabiting with a woman.  |
agatika | mf(ā-)n. without resort or resources  |
agatika | mf(ā-)n. not to be walked on (as an evil path)  |
agatikagati | f. the resort of one who has no resort, a last resource  |
agnipratiṣṭhā | f. consecration of fire, especially of the nuptial fire.  |
agradravasaṃhati | f. the thin upper part of milk or curds,  |
ahaḥpati | etc. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /ahar-.  |
ahaḥpati | m. equals aharp/ati- q.v commentator or commentary  |
ahalyāpati | m. idem or 'm. "lover of ahalyā- (see )", indra- '  |
ahammati | f. idem or 'm. equals -buddhi- before '  |
ahammati | mfn. egoistic, arrogant,  |
aharpati | m. ( commentator or commentary) lord of the day  |
aharpati | m. the sun  |
aharpati | m. a Name of śiva-  |
ahati | f. equals ahata-tā- q.v  |
āhati | f. hitting, striking  |
āhati | f. a blow, hit etc.  |
āhati | f. (in arith.) a product,  |
ahipati | m. "sovereign of the snakes", Name of śeṣa-, vāsuki-, and others  |
ahivratin | mfn. one who lives like a snake (only on air),  |
aikaśatika | mfn. (fr. eka-śata-), possessing 101 on  |
ajagati | mfn. "accessible (only) to goats", steep (as a road),  |
ājipati | m. lord of the battle (vocative case)  |
ājñāpratighāta | m. disobedience, insubordination  |
ākāśagati | f. going through the atmosphere  |
ākāśapratiṣṭhita | m. Name of a buddha-.  |
ākrāntamati | mfn. mentally overcome, having the mind engrossed or deeply impressed.  |
akṣayamati | m. Name of a Buddhist.  |
alaghupratijña | mfn. solemnly pledged or promised.  |
alakādhipati | ([ ]) m. "lord of alakā-", a Name of kubera-  |
alakasaṃhati | f. rows of curls.  |
alakṣyagati | mfn. moving invisibly.  |
alati | m. a kind of song  |
alatikā | f. a soil destitute of creeping plants,  |
alpamati | mfn. equals -buddhi- above ,  |
amarapati | m. idem or 'm. "lord of the gods", Name of indra- '  |
āmardakatirthanātha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a śaiva- ascetic,  |
amati | f. want, indigence  |
amati | f. "unconsciousness", generally  |
amati | f. form, shape, splendour, lustre  |
amati | f. time  |
amati | f. moon  |
amatipūrva | mfn. unconscious, unintentional.  |
amatipūrvaka | mfn. unconscious, unintentional.  |
amatis | mfn. poor, indigent  |
ambhaḥpati | m. "the lord of the waters", varuṇa-.  |
ambikāpati | m. Name of śiva-  |
ambikāpati | m. Name of rudra- or śiva-  |
ambupaddhati | f. current, stream, flow of water  |
ambupati | m. equals 2 -pa- , the ocean.  |
amedhyapratimantraṇa | n. conjuring of unlucky omens,  |
aṃhasaspati | m. ([ ]) lord of perplexity id est an intercalary month  |
aṃhasaspati | m. see āṃhaspatya-.  |
aṃhaspati | or  |
aṃhati | f. anxiety, distress, trouble  |
aṃhati | f. illness ; ([ confer, compare Latin ango])  |
aṃhati | f. a gift (also f(aṃhatī-).)  |
amitagati | m. Name of a vidyādhara-  |
amitagati | m. Name of a jaina- author.  |
amitamati | mfn. of unbounded wisdom,  |
amlatiktakaṣāya | mfn. astringent (and) bitter (and) sour  |
amlatiktakaṣāya | m. astringent (and) sour (and) bitter taste,  |
amṛtagati | f. Name of a metre (consisting of four times ten syllables).  |
amṛtalatikā | f. a creeping plant that gives nectar |
amṛtamati | f. (equals -gati- q.v) Name of a metre.  |
aṃśupati | m. "lord of rays", the sun  |
anāgati | f. non-arrival  |
anāgati | f. non-attainment  |
anāgati | f. non-accession.  |
anaṅgalatikā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of nāṭaka-  |
anantamati | m. Name of a bodhisattva-.  |
ananyagati | f. sole resort or resource.  |
ananyagati | mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left.  |
ananyagatika | mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left.  |
ananyapratikriya | mfn. having no other means of resistance or redress.  |
anapayati | ind. (locative case pr.p. i-with apa-?),"before the sun makes a start", very early  |
anāryatikta | m. the medicinal plant Gentiana Cherayta.  |
ānati | f. bending, bowing, stooping  |
ānati | f. submission, obedience, inferiority commentator or commentary on etc.  |
ānati | f. contentedness  |
ānati | f. saluting  |
anati | not very -, not too -, not past -. (Words commencing with an-ati-are so easily analysed by referring to ati-,etc., that few need be enumerated.)  |
anatidagdha | mfn. not burned all over,  |
anatidāha | m. not too much burning, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anatidbhuta | mfn. unsurpassed |
anatidṛśrina | mfn. = (or wrong reading for) an-- atidṛśy/a-,  |
anatidṛśya | mfn. not transparent : (or = aty-adṛśya-), quite indiscernible.  |
anatikrama | m. not transgressing  |
anatikrama | m. moderation, propriety.  |
anatikramaṇīya | mfn. not to be avoided, not to be transgressed, inviolable.  |
anatimānin | mfn. not too self-conceited,  |
anatineda | m. not foaming over  |
anatipraśnya | mfn. not to be too much questioned about,  |
anatireca | n. not abundance  |
anatirikta | mfn. not abundant  |
anatisṛṣṭa | mfn. not allowed,  |
anativṛtti | f. congruity.  |
anativyādhya | mfn. invulnerable  |
anatyantagati | f. the sense of"not exceedingly", sense of diminutive words.  |
añcati | m. wind  |
añcati | m. fire  |
aṅgasaṃhati | f. compactness of limb, symmetry of body.  |
aṅgati | m. ( ag-), fire  |
aṅgati | m. a Brahman who maintains a sacred fire  |
aṅgati | m. brahmā-  |
aṅgati | m. viṣṇu-  |
aṅgati | m. see aṅkati-.  |
aṅkati | m. wind  |
aṅkati | m. fire  |
aṅkati | m. brahmā-  |
aṅkati | m. a Brahman who maintains the sacred fire  |
aṅkati | m. Name of a teacher of the sāma-veda-.  |
annagati | f. the oesophagus, gullet.  |
annapati | (/anna--) m. the lord of food, Name of savitṛ-, agni-, śiva-.  |
antagati | (/anta--) ([ ]) mfn. going to the end, perishing.  |
antaḥpratihāram | ind. within the syllables forming a pratyāhāra-,  |
antaḥpratiṣṭhāna | n. residence in the interior.  |
antaḥpratiṣṭhita | mfn. residing inside.  |
antarapatita | mfn. "fallen between", unimportant, indifferent,  |
antikagati | f. going near.  |
anugati | f. following, imitation, dying out.  |
ānugatika | mfn. (fr. anu-gata-), relating to or proceeding from, following  |
anugatika | m. a follower, an imitator.  |
ānuhārati | mf. a descendant of anu-harat-  |
anulomapratiloma | (said of a mythical sea and mountain),  |
anumati | f. assent, permission, approbation  |
anumati | f. personified as a goddess etc.  |
anumati | f. the fifteenth day of the moon's age (on which it rises one digit less than full, when the gods or manes receive oblations with favour)  |
anumati | f. also personified as a goddess , oblation made to this goddess.  |
anumatipattra | n. (in law) a deed expressing assent.  |
anunayapratighaprahāṇa | n. abandoning the obstacles to conciliatory behaviour  |
anupamamati | m. Name of a contemporary of śākya-muni-.  |
anupati | ind. after the husband  |
anupatita | mfn. fallen, descended  |
anupatita | mfn. followed.  |
anupratidhā | to offer after another (accusative) (Passive voice -dhīyate-).  |
anupratikrāmam | ind. ( kram-), returning  |
anupratiṣṭhā | ( sthā-) to follow in getting a firm footing or in prospering : Desiderative -tiṣṭhāsati-, to wish to get a firm footing after  |
ānurāhati | mf. a descendant of anu-rahat- (see ānuhārati-).  |
anurati | f. love, affection  |
anurati | f. attachment.  |
ānurohati | mf. a descendant of anu-rohat- (according to varia lectio for hārati- q.v)  |
anusaṃtati | f. continuation  |
anuśatika | mfn. accompanied with or bought for a hundred.  |
anuśatikādi | a gaRa of , containing the compounds the derivatives of which have vṛddhi- in both parts, as ānuśātika-, etc.  |
anvatisic | to pour out over or along  |
anvayavyatireka | n. agreement and contrariety  |
anvayavyatireka | n. a positive and negative proposition  |
anvayavyatireka | n. species and difference  |
anvayavyatireka | n. rule and exception  |
anvayavyatireka | n. logical connection and disconnection.  |
anvayavyatirekin | mfn. (in philosophy) affirmative and negative.  |
anyāyamati | mfn. having improper thoughts,  |
anyonyāpatitatyāgin | mfn. deserting each other without either losing caste,  |
anyonyavyatikara | m. reciprocal action, relation or influence.  |
apahati | f. removing, destroying  |
apāmpati | m. the ocean  |
apāmpati | m. Name of varuṇa-.  |
apaspati | m. Name of a son of uttānapāda-  |
apaspati | See 2. ap/as-.  |
apati | m. not a husband or master  |
apati | f. "without a husband or master", either an unmarried person or a widow.  |
āpati | m. incessantly moving (as the wind)  |
āpati | m. a present lord (?), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
apatighnī | (/a-pati--) f. not killing a husband  |
apatikā | equals a-pati- f.  |
āpatika | mfn. accidental, unforeseen, coming from fate commentator or commentary on  |
āpatika | m. a hawk, a falcon  |
apatiputrā | f. without a husband and children.  |
apatitā | f. state of being without a husband.  |
apatita | (in compound)  |
āpatita | mfn. happened, befallen  |
āpatita | mfn. alighted, descended.  |
apatitānyonyatyāgin | mfn. deserting one another (as the father deserting a son, the teacher a pupil etc.) without (the latter) being ejected from caste, .  |
apativratā | f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife.  |
āplavavratin | m. one whose duty is to perform the samāvartana- ablution (on returning home after completing his studies), an initiated householder  |
āplutavratin | m. equals ā-plava-vratin- q.v  |
appati | m. ([ ]) the ocean  |
appati | m. Name of varuṇa-.  |
appati | m. See 2. /ap-.  |
aprati | mfn. without opponents, irresistible  |
aprati | n. irresistibly  |
apratibala | mfn. of unequalled power  |
apratibandha | m. absence of obstruction  |
apratibandha | mfn. unimpeded, undisputed, direct (inheritance), not collateral or presumptive.  |
apratibha | mfn. modest, bashful  |
apratibhā | f. shyness, timidity  |
apratibhaṭa | mfn. irresistible,  |
apratibodha | mfn. without consciousness  |
apratibodhavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. without consciousness '  |
apratibruvat | mfn. not contradicting  |
apratidhṛṣṭa | mfn. "irresistible", in compound with  |
apratidhṛṣṭaśavas | mfn. of irresistible power  |
apratidhṛṣya | mfn. irresistible  |
apratidhura | mfn. without a match in going at the pole of a carriage (as a horse)  |
apratidvandva | mfn. "not having an adversary in battle", not to be vanquished, irresistible  |
apratidvandvatā | f. unrivalledness.  |
apratigha | mfn. ( han-), not to be kept off, not to be vanquished  |
apratigrāhaka | mf(ikā-)n. not accepting  |
apratigrahaṇa | n. not accepting (a girl into marriage), not marrying  |
apratigrāhya | mfn. unacceptable.  |
apratigṛhya | mfn. one from whom one must not accept anything  |
apratihāra | m. not stopping  |
apratihāra | mfn. without the syllables contained in the pratihāra- (q.v)  |
apratihārya | mfn. not to be repelled, irresistible  |
apratihata | mfn. uninterrupted, unobstructed, irresistible  |
apratihata | mfn. unaffected, unimpaired, indestructible, uninjured, not passed away  |
apratihatanetra | m. "whose eyes are unimpeded", Name of a deity  |
apratihataraśmirāgaprabha | m. = amitā- bha-, .  |
apratikara | mfn. trusted, confidential  |
apratikāra | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. not admitting of any relief or remedy.  |
apratikareṇa | ind. without recompense (see a-prat/ā-.)  |
apratikārin | mfn. (said of patients) not using a remedy, not permitting the employment of a remedy  |
apratikarman | mfn. of unparalleled deeds  |
apratikhyāta | mfn. not seen  |
apratikṛṣṭa | mfn. unruffled (as a garment),  |
apratikūla | mf(ā-)n. not resisting, not obstinate.  |
apratilabdhakāma | mfn. never satiated in one's desires.  |
apratilomayat | mfn. not adverse or contrary,  |
apratima | mf(ā-)n. unequalled, incomparable, without a match.  |
apratimalla | mfn. unrivalled,  |
apratimāna | mfn. incomparable  |
apratimanyūyamāna | mfn. being unable to show resentment or to retaliate anger for anger |
apratimeya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. incomparable '  |
āpratinivṛt | to cease completely.  |
āpratinivṛttaguṇormicakra | mfn. (scilicet jñāna-,knowledge) through which the whole circle of wave-like qualities (of passion etc.) subside or cease completely  |
apratinoda | m. not repelling  |
apratipad | mfn. confused (vikala-)  |
apratipadyamāna | mfn. not consenting to (accusative)  |
apratipakṣa | mfn. without a rival or opponent.  |
apratipanna | mfn. unascertained  |
apratipanna | mfn. unaccomplished.  |
apratipaṇya | mfn. not to be bartered or exchanged.  |
apratipatti | f. non-ascertainment  |
apratipatti | f. not understanding  |
apratipatti | f. the state of being undecided or confused  |
apratipatti | f. non-performance, failure.  |
apratiratha | mfn. idem or 'mfn. "not having an adversary", irresistible (see gaRa gamyādi-.)'  |
apratiratha | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (son of indra- and composer of the hymn )  |
apratiratha | m. Name of a son of rantināra-  |
apratiratha | n. Name of the above-named hymn (composed by apratiratha-)  |
apratirava | mfn. uncontested, undisputed.  |
apratirūpa | mf(ā-)n. of unequalled form, incomparable ([ see 2. a-pratirūpa-,p. 58]) .  |
apratirūpa | mf(ā-)n. not corresponding with, unfit  |
apratirūpa | mf(ā-)n. odious, disagreeable (For 1.See a-prat/i-.)  |
apratirūpakathā | f. incomparable or unanswerable discourse  |
apratisādhya | mfn. incurable, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
apratisaṃkhyā | f. "not observing", in compound with  |
apratisaṃkhyā | inconsiderateness,  |
apratisaṃkhyānirodha | m. the unobserved annihilation of an object  |
apratisaṃkrama | mfn. having no intermixture.  |
apratiśaṃsat | mfn. not reciting or shouting towards  |
apratiśāsana | mfn. not subject to the orders of another, not giving a counter or rival order, completely under subjection.  |
apratiśasta | mfn. not shouted towards idem or 'mfn. not reciting or shouting towards '  |
apratiṣedha | m. "non-prohibition", non-negation, an invalid objection  |
apratiṣekya | mfn. (a ceremony) at which there is no pouring upon  |
apratiṣiddha | mfn. (2. sidh-), unprohibited, unforbidden  |
apratiṣikta | mfn. not poured upon, not moistened  |
apratiṣkṛta | mfn. to whom nothing has been opposed  |
apratiṣkuta | mfn. not to be kept off, unrestrainable  |
apratiṣṭabdha | mfn. not supported by(instrumental case) (see a-pratistabdha-below.)  |
apratistabdha | mfn. unrestrained (see a-pratiṣṭabdha-above.)  |
apratiṣṭha | mfn. having no solid ground, no value, fluctuating, unsafe  |
apratiṣṭha | m. Name of a hell  |
apratiṣṭhā | f. instability  |
apratiṣṭhāna | mfn. having no solid ground  |
apratiṣṭhāyuka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having no solid ground '  |
apratiṣṭhita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. having no solid ground ' '  |
apratiṣṭhita | mfn. unlimited  |
aprativādin | mfn. not contradicting  |
aprativāṇi | mfn. unhindered,  |
aprativīrya | mfn. of irresistible power  |
aprativīrya | mfn. prativīrya |
aprativīryārambha | mfn. not having sufficient strength to undertake anything  |
apratiyatnapūrva | mf(ā-)n. not produced ("by force"=) artificially, natural  |
apratiyodhin | mfn. "not having an adversary", irresistible (see gaRa gamyādi-.)  |
apratiyogin | mfn. not opposed to, not incompatible with  |
apratiyogin | mfn. not correlative to.  |
apsaraḥpati | m. "lord of the āpsarasa-s", indra-  |
apsarāpati | m. "lord of the āpsarasa-s", Name of the gandharva- śikhaṇḍin-  |
apūrvapati | f. one who has had no husband before  |
ārāmādhipati | m. a head gardener, .  |
aramati | mfn. without relaxation or repose  |
aramati | f. "readiness to serve, obedience, devotion"(generally personified as) a goddess protecting the worshippers of the gods and pious works in general  |
aramati | (mfn.) patient [ ]  |
araṇyanṛpati | m. "king of the forest", the tiger  |
arati | f. dissatisfaction, discontent, dulness, languor etc.  |
arati | f. anxiety, distress, regret etc.  |
arati | f. anger, passion  |
arati | f. a bilious disease  |
arati | mfn. discontented  |
arati | m. ( ri- see ara-, /aram-),"moving quickly", a servant, assistant, manager, administrator (for See 2. aratn/i-)  |
ārati | f. stopping, ceasing  |
aratijña | mfn. "not knowing pleasure", dull, spiritless  |
aratika | mfn. without rati- (the wife of kāma-) |
arcinetrādhipati | m. Name of a yakṣa-  |
ardhatikta | mfn. "half-bitter", the plant Gentiana Chirata.  |
arṇavapati | m. "lord of the seas", the ocean  |
ārogyapratipadvrata | n. a ceremony for gaining health.  |
arthagati | f. understanding the sense  |
arthagati | f. meaning, sense,  |
arthapati | m. "lord of wealth", a rich man etc.  |
arthapati | m. a king etc.  |
arthapati | m. Name of kubera-  |
arthapati | m. of the grandfather of the poet bāṇa- (see ārtha-patya-.)  |
aryamagṛhapati | (aryam/a--) mfn. having aryaman- as gṛhapati- (i.e. as keeper of the precedence in a grand sacrifice)  |
aryapati | (ary/a--) mf(patnī-)n. (said of the dawns and of the waters) having kind or favourable lords (?)  |
asālatiprakāśa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a dictionary (written under asālati-, king of Kashmir).  |
asaṃgati | f. "incongruity, improbability", Name of a rhetorical figure etc.  |
asaṃgati | f. non-association with  |
asaṃmati | f. dishonour  |
asaṃprati | ind. (gaRa tiṣṭhadgvādi- q.v ) not according to the moment or to present circumstances  |
asāṃpratikatā | f. improper behaviour  |
aśanapati | m. (vocative case) lord of food  |
asanmati | f. a wrong opinion  |
asanmati | f. "no intention" accusative tim- with 1. kṛ-, not to care for (locative case)  |
asanmati | and -mantr/a- See /a-sat-.  |
āśāpati | m. ( ) guardian or lord of the regions or quarters  |
asatpratigraha | m. (= - parigraha-),  |
asitagati | m. "having a black course", fire (- dyuti-,"shining like fire"),  |
aṣṭanavati | f. equals aṣṭ/ā-n- q.v  |
aṣṭānavati | (aṣṭ/ā--) f. ninety-eight  |
aṣṭanavatitama | mfn. =  |
aṣṭapati | (aṣṭ/a--) mf(-patnī-)n (-pat-), having eight husbands  |
aṣṭasaptati | f. seventy-eight.  |
aṣṭāsaptati | (aṣṭ/ā--) f. seventy-eight  |
aṣṭasaptatitama | mfn. the seventy-eight.  |
aṣṭāviṃśati | f. twenty-eight etc.  |
aṣṭāviṃśatidhā | ind. twenty-eightfold  |
aṣṭāviṃśatiśata | n. a hundred and twenty-eight  |
astrakṣatimat | mfn. wounded by arrows,  |
āśugatitva | n. the going or moving quickly  |
aśvagati | f. "the pace of a horse", Name of a metre (containing four verses of eighteen [or sixteen?] syllables each).  |
aśvapati | m. lord of horses (vocative case;said of indra-)  |
aśvapati | m. Name of a kaikeya-  |
aśvapati | m. of a brother-in-law of daśaratha-  |
aśvapati | m. of an asura-  |
aśvapati | m. of a king of Madras and father of sāvitri-  |
ātati | f. darkness,  |
ātmagati | f. one's own way  |
ātmagati | f. "course of the soul's existence", life of the spirit  |
ātmapratikṛti | f. one's own reflection or image  |
ātmarati | mfn. rejoicing in the supreme spirit  |
aṭṭapatibhāgākhyagṛhakṛtya | n. business of the house called the market-master's department (an office in Kashmir)  |
atyantagati | f. complete accomplishment  |
atyantagati | f. (in grammar) the sense of"completely."  |
atyantatiraskṛtavācyadhvani | f. (in rhetoric) a metaphoric  |
atyatikram | to approach for sexual intercourse  |
atyatiric | Passive voice -ricyate-, to surpass exceedingly.  |
aurdhvadehikapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
avagati | f. conceiving, guessing, anticipating  |
avāggati | f. the way downwards (to the hell)  |
avamati | f. version, dislike , disregard, contempt  |
avamati | m. a master, owner  |
avanati | f. setting (of luminaries)  |
avanati | f. bowing down, stooping  |
avanati | f. parallax  |
avanipati | m. idem or 'm. "lord of the earth", a king '  |
avanīpati | m. equals avani-p- above  |
avapatita | mfn. fallen down from (in compound)  |
avapatita | mfn. that upon which anything (in compound) has fallen down (See keśa-kīṭāvap-)  |
avapatita | mfn. (said of the voice) unclear, (an--neg.)  |
avarati | f. stopping, ceasing  |
āvasati | f. shelter, night's lodging  |
āvasati | f. night (id est the time during which one rests) .  |
avatati | f. stretching, extending  |
avatitīrṣu | mfn. intending to descend  |
avijñātagati | mfn. whose course is unknown  |
avijñātagati | m. Name of a son of anila-  |
aviplutamati | mfn. whose mind is not deviating  |
avirati | f. incontinence, intemperance  |
avratika | mfn. equals avrata-vat- q.v  |
avratin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals avrata-vat- q.v '  |
avyaktagati | mfn. going imperceptibly.  |
avyaticāra | m. the absence of mutual permutation  |
avyatikīrṇa | mfn. unmixed, unblended, distinct, separate  |
avyatikrama | m. non-transgression  |
avyatimoha | m. the not confounding by error  |
avyatireka | m. non-exclusion, non-exception  |
avyatireka | mfn., (equals avyabhicārin-) unerring  |
avyatirekin | mfn. unerring.  |
avyatiṣakta | mfn. not intermingled  |
avyatiṣaṅgam | ind. without exchanging one for another  |
ayaḥpratimā | f. iron image  |
āyatāyati | f. long continuance, remote futurity  |
ayati | m. no ascetic  |
ayati | m. Name of one of the six sons of nahuṣa-  |
āyati | f. stretching, extending  |
āyati | f. extension, length  |
āyati | f. following or future time  |
āyati | f. the future,"the long run" etc.  |
āyati | f. posterity, lineage  |
āyati | f. descendant, son  |
āyati | f. expectation, hope  |
āyati | f. majesty, dignity  |
āyati | f. restraint of mind  |
āyati | f. Name of a daughter of meru-  |
āyatikṣama | mfn. fit or useful for future time  |
āyatimat | mfn. long, extended  |
āyatimat | mfn. stately, dignified  |
āyatimat | mfn. self-restrained  |
ayatit | mfn. ( yat-), not going side by side (["not making efforts" ])  |
ayodhyādhipati | m. the sovereign of ayodhyā-.  |
āyuḥpati | mf(inī-)n. presiding over longevity (see āyuṣpati-.)  |
āyuṣpati | mf(tnī-)n. ruling over long life  |
baddhapratijña | mf(ā-)n. one who has made a promise or vow  |
baddhapratiśrut | mfn. echoing, resonant with echoes  |
baddhavasati | mfn. having one's abode fixed, dwelling in (locative case) |
bādhabuddhipratibadhyapratihandhakatāvicāra | m.  |
bādhabuddhipratibadhyatāvāda | m.  |
bahirgrāmamapratiśraya | mfn. living outside the village  |
bāhulatikā | f. bāhulatā |
bahumāṣatila | mf(/ā-)n. rich in beans and sesamum  |
bahumati | f. high opinion or esteem  |
bāhupratibāhu | m. dual number (in geometry) the opposite sides of a figure  |
bahupratigrāhya | mfn. one who is able to give presents to many,  |
bahupratijña | mfn. containing more than one proposition, complicated  |
bahupratijña | mfn. (in law) comprising many counts (as a plaint)  |
bahusaṃtati | mfn. having a numerous posterity or after-growth  |
bahusaṃtati | m. Bambusa Spinosa  |
bāhusvatika | m. or n. "arm-cross", the arms crossed )  |
bahvṛcapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
baiḍālavrati | m. one who leads a chaste or continent life merely from the absence of women or temptation  |
baiḍālavratika | ( ) mfn. acting like a cat, hypocritical, a religious impostor (equals bhaṇḍa-tapasvin-).  |
baiḍālavratin | ( ) mfn. acting like a cat, hypocritical, a religious impostor (equals bhaṇḍa-tapasvin-).  |
bakavratika | m. a hypocrite (especially a false devotee)  |
bakavratin | m. a hypocrite (especially a false devotee)  |
bālagaṇapatipūjā | f. Name of work.  |
bālagrahapratiṣedha | m. Name of work  |
bālamati | mfn. of childish intellect  |
bālāmayapratithedha | m. Name of work  |
bālāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
balapati | m. (b/ala--) lord of strength  |
balapati | m. a general, commander  |
bālārcāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bālārkapratimā | f. the image or reflection of the orient sun  |
bālāvabodhapaddhati | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on  |
balavipulahetumati | n. Name of an asura-  |
balidānapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
balipratigrāhaka | mf(ikā-)n. receiving oblations  |
bāliśamati | mfn. childish-minded, foolish  |
ballavayuvati | f. (tī- ), a young cowherdess,  |
bandhupati | m. lord of kindred or relations gaRa aśvapaty-ādi-.  |
baṭukabhairavapūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
baṭukapañcāṅgaprayogapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
baṭukapūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bauddhasaṃgati | f. Name of work on alaṃ-kāra- (quoted in )  |
baudhāyanatati | f. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāpratipada | n. Name of work  |
bhagavadgītāsamaṅgalācāraślokapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhāgavati | m. (prob.) patronymic fr. bhaga-vat-  |
bhāgavatīmatapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhagavatpratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bhaginīpati | ( ) m. a sister's husband.  |
bhagnapratijña | mfn. one who has broken a promise, faithless  |
bhairavapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhaktapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
bhaktipratipādaka | mn. Name of work  |
bhaṇati | wrong reading for ṇiti-.  |
bhāṇḍapati | m. a possessor of wares, merchant  |
bhāṇḍapratibhāṇḍaka | n. "commodity for commodity", computation of the exchange of goods, barter  |
bhaṇḍīralatikā | f. equals next  |
bhānumatin | m. (fr. bhānumat-or -matī-) Name of a man  |
bhapati | m. lord of asterism, the moon  |
bharadvājagārgapariṇayapratiṣedhavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
bhāradvājagārgyapariṇayapratiṣedhavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
bhāratīyati | m. Name of an author  |
bhartṛvyatikrama | m. transgression against a husband  |
bhāryāpati | m. dual number man and wife gaRa rāja-dantādi-  |
bhāryāpatitva | n. wedlock, matrimony  |
bhāspati |  |
bhatila | m. a servant,  |
bhatila | a dog,  |
bhaṭṭapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhavanapati | m. equals -svāmin-  |
bhavanapati | m. plural (with jaina-s) a particular class of gods  |
bhavānīpati | m. equals -kānta-  |
bhavānīpūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhavapratisaṃdhi | m. entering into existence  |
bhavasaṃtati | f. an uninterrupted series of births and transmigrations  |
bhāvayatin | m. an ascetic by life or conduct  |
bhekīpati | m. a male frog  |
bhīmatithi | f. equals bhīmaikādaśī- |
bhinnagati | mfn. going with great strides or quickly  |
bhinnasaṃhati | mfn. whose union is broken, disunited  |
bhīṣayati | See bhī-.  |
bhīṣugati | (?) mfn. intimidating  |
bhogapati | m. "revenue-lord", the governor of a town or province  |
bhojanṛpati | m. equals -narendra-  |
bhojapati | m. the king of the bhoja-s, king bhoja-  |
bhojapati | m. Name of kaṃsa-  |
bhojapati | m. equals -rāja-  |
bhrāṣṭravratin | m. Name of a man  |
bhṛgūlāpati | wrong reading for bhṛgūṇām p-.  |
bhṛgupati | m. "chief of the bhṛgu-s", Name of paraśu-rāma-  |
bhrūṇahati | f. ( ) the killing of an embryo.  |
bhūgandhapati | m. Name of śiva-  |
bhujagapati | m. the king of serpents  |
bhujapratibhuja | n. opposite sides in a plane figure  |
bhūmipati | m. "earth-lord", a king, prince etc.  |
bhūmīpati | m. equals bhūmi-p- q.v  |
bhūmipatitva | n. sovereignty, kingship  |
bhūpati | m. (bh/ū--) "lord of the earth", Name of rudra-  |
bhūpati | m. of indra-  |
bhūpati | m. of baṭuka-bhairava-  |
bhūpati | m. of one of the viśve-devāḥ-  |
bhūpati | m. a king, monarch, prince etc.  |
bhūpati | m. a particular bulbous plant existing on the himavat-  |
bhūpati | m. a particular rāga-  |
bhūpati | m. Name of a poet (perhaps bhoja-; see bhū-pāla-)  |
bhūpati | m. of an author  |
bhūpati | m. of a priest of the gods  |
bhūpati | m. plural Name of a particular class of gods under manu- raivata-  |
bhūpatistuti | f. Name of a hymn.  |
bhūpatita | mfn. fallen to the earth  |
bhūpativeśman | n. a king's palace  |
bhūpratimādāna | n. Name of work  |
bhūrati | m. "earth-joy", Name of a magical spell recited over weapons  |
bhūtādhipati | m. the lord of all beings  |
bhūtapati | m. "lord of beings"(especially of evil beings, Name of rudra-- śiva-, bhava-, śarva- and agni-) etc.  |
bhūtapati | m. Ocimum Sanctum  |
bhūtapratiṣedha | m. the warding off evil spirits or demons  |
bhuvanapati | (bh/uv-) m. the lord of beings or of the world (also wrong reading for bhavana-p-).  |
bhuvanapratiṣṭhādānavidhi | m. Name of a chapter of  |
bhuvaneśvarīpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhuvaneśvaryarcanapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bhuvapati | (bh/uva--) m. the lord of the atmosphere.  |
biḍālavratika | mfn. "acting like a cat", false, hypocritical (see baiḍāla-vr-).  |
bījamati | f. (in algebra) a mind capable of analysis or of comprehending causes  |
bimbapratibimba | (in the beginning of a compound) original and counterfeit, object of comparison and that with which it is compared  |
bimbapratibimbabhāva | m. ( ) condition of original and counterfeit etc.  |
bimbapratibimbatā | f. ( )  |
bimbapratibimbatva | n. ( )  |
bimbapratibimbavāda | m. Name of work  |
bimbapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
bimbapratiṣṭhāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
bindupratiṣṭhāmaya | mf(ī-)n. founded or based upon the anusvāra-  |
bisavati | (b/isa--) f. a place abounding in lotus-fibres  |
bodhāraṇyayati | m. Name of the Guru of bhāratī-yati-  |
brahmacaitanyayati | m. Name of an author  |
brahmajñānavipratipatti | f. Name of work  |
brahmamati | m. Name of a demon  |
brāhmaṇapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmaṇaspati | m. (fr. brahmaṇas- genitive case of brahman-+ p-) equals b/ṛhas-p/ati- etc. ( brahmaṇaspatisūkta -sūkta- n.Name of work)  |
brahmaṇaspatisūkta | n. brahmaṇaspati |
brahmapati | (br/ahma--) m. equals brahmaṇas-pati-  |
brahmaprajāpati | m. dual number brahmā- and prajāpati-  |
brahmapratiṣṭhāprayoga | m. Name of work  |
brahmasiddhāntapaddhati | f. brahmasiddhānta |
brahmāstrapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmāstravidhānapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmāstravidyāpūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmasūtrasaṃgati | f. Name of Comm. on the brahma-sūtra-  |
brahmatvapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmavidāśīrvādapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
brahmavidyāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
bṛhacchṛṅgāratilaka | (hac-+ śṛ-), n. the larger śṛṅgāra-tilaka-  |
bṛhadasṛnmati | m. "having a great inclination for blood", a particular demon  |
bṛhadbṛhaspati | m. Name of the larger recension of bṛhas-pati-'s law-book.  |
bṛhaddhomapaddhati | (d-ho-) f. Name of work  |
bṛhanmati | mfn. high-minded  |
bṛhanmati | m. Name of the author of , ,  |
bṛhaspati | m. (also written vṛh-p-;fr. 3. bṛk pati-; see brahmaṇas-pati-) "lord of prayer or devotion"Name of a deity (in whom Piety and Religion are personified;he is the chief offerer of prayers and sacrifices, and therefore represented as the type of the priestly order, and the purohita- of the gods with whom he intercedes for men;in later times he is the god of wisdom and eloquence, to whom various works are ascribed;he is also regarded as son of aṅgiras-, husband of tārā- and father of kaca-, and sometimes identified with vyāsa-;in astronomy he is the regent of Jupiter and often identified with that planet) etc., etc. (see )  |
bṛhaspati | m. Name of a prince (great-grandson of aśoka-)  |
bṛhaspati | m. of a king of kaśmīra-  |
bṛhaspati | m. of the author of a law-book  |
bṛhaspati | m. of a philosopher  |
bṛhaspati | m. of other authors (also with miśra-and ācārya- see above )  |
bṛhaspati | m. (with āṅgirasa- see above) Name of the author of  |
bṛhaspaticakra | n. "cycle of bṛhas-pati-", the Hindu cycle of 60 years  |
bṛhaspaticakra | n. a particular astrological diagram  |
bṛhaspaticāra | m. Name of  |
bṛhaspatidatta | m. Name of a man  |
bṛhaspatigupta | m. Name of man  |
bṛhaspatika | m. (fr. ti-datta-) familiar diminutives on  |
bṛhaspatikaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatila | m. (fr. ti-datta-) familiar diminutives on  |
bṛhaspatimat | mfn. accompanied by bṛhaspati-,  |
bṛhaspatimata | n. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatimiśra | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on  |
bṛhaspatipakṣata | f. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatipraṇutta | (bṛhas-p/ati-.) mfn. expelled by bṛhaspati-  |
bṛhaspatiprasūta | (bṝhas-p/ati--) mfn. enjoined by bṛhaspati-  |
bṛhaspatipurohita | mfn. having bṛhas-pati- for a purohita-  |
bṛhaspatipurohita | m. Name of indra-  |
bṛhaspatisama | mfn. equal to bṛhaspati-, like bṛhaspati-  |
bṛhaspatisaṃhitā | f. Name of two works.  |
bṛhaspatiśānti | f. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatiśāntikarman | n. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatisava | m. Name of a festival lasting one day (said to confer the rank, of a purohita- on those observing it)  |
bṛhaspatisavahautraprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatisavakḷpti | f. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatisavaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatisiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatiśiras | mfn. " bṛhaspati--headed", (prob.) having the head shaved like bṛhaspati-  |
bṛhaspatismṛti | f. bṛhaspati-'s law-book.  |
bṛhaspatistoma | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
bṛhaspatistotra | n. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatisuratā | f. a proper N.  |
bṛhaspatisuta | (b/ṛhas-p/ati--) mfn. pressed out (as soma- juice) by bṛhas-pati-  |
bṛhaspatisutra | n. Name of work  |
bṛhaspatitantra | n. Name of work  |
bṛhaspativāra | m. Jupiter's day, Thursday.  |
bṛhaspativat | mfn. equals -mat-  |
bṛhaspatiya | m. (fr. ti-datta-) familiar diminutives on  |
bṛhatikā | f. an upper garment, mantle, wrapper  |
bṛhatikā | f. Solanum Indicum  |
bṛhatīpati | m. the planet Jupiter  |
bṛhattantrapati | m. a particular functionary  |
bṛhattantrapati | m. equals dharmādhikārin-,  |
bṛhattantrapatitva | n.  |
buddhimatikā | f. Name of a woman  |
cakitagati | mfn. walking timidly or hurriedly,  |
cakragati | f. rotation, revolution  |
cakravadgati | mfn. turning like a wheel  |
cakṣuṣpati | m. the lord of the eyes  |
camupati | See mū-p-.  |
camūpati | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ' ' ' etc.  |
camūpati | m. (camu-p- )  |
caṇḍīpati | m. " caṇḍī-'s lord", śiva-  |
candrapati | m. Name of a man.  |
cāndravratika | mfn. acting in the manner (vrata-) of the moon  |
caraṇānati | f. equals ṇa-patana- ( ) .  |
caraṇapatita | mfn. equals -ga-  |
carmatila | mfn. having the skin covered with pimples resembling the seeds of sesamum Va1rtt. 1  |
cārumati | m. Name of a parrot  |
catin | mfn. equals c/atat-  |
catita | mfn. class. equals catt/a-  |
catuḥsaptati | f. 74  |
catuḥsaptatitama | mfn. equals ptata- (chapter of )  |
caturgati | mfn. having 4 kinds of going  |
caturgati | mfn. "going on 4 feet", a tortoise  |
caturnavati | f. 94, in compound caturnavatitama -tama- mfn. the 94th (a chapter of )  |
caturnavatitama | mfn. caturnavati |
caturṛddhipādacaraṇatalasupratiṣṭhita | mfn. well-established on the soles of the feet of the supernatural power (Buddha)  |