asu | m. (1. as-), Ved. breath, life etc.  |
asu | m. life of the spiritual world or departed spirits  |
asu | m. (in astronomy)"respiration" , = four seconds of sidereal time or one minute of arc  |
asu | m. equals prajñā-  |
asu | m. plural (in later language only /asavas-) the vital breaths or airs of the body, animal life  |
asu | n. grief  |
asu | n. (equals citta-) the spirit  |
asubhaṅga | m. breaking of life  |
asubhaṅga | m. fear about life, danger of life  |
asubhṛt | m. a living being, a creature, man  |
asudhāraṇa | n. life  |
asugama | mfn. not easily passable (as a way)  |
asugama | mfn. difficult to be understood commentator or commentary  |
asugandha | m. a bad smell  |
asugandha | mfn. not fragrant  |
asuhṛd | m. not a friend, N.  |
asuhṛd | m. an enemy  |
asuhṛd | mfn. having no friend  |
asukara | mfn. not easy to be done, difficult, arduous  |
asukas | Nominal verb sg. equals asak/au- q.v commentator or commentary (see amuka-.)  |
asukha | mf(ā-)n. unhappy, sorrowful etc.  |
asukha | mf(ā-)n. painful  |
asukha | mf(ā-)n. not easy to (Inf.)  |
asukha | n. sorrow, pain, affliction  |
asukhapīḍita | mfn. pained with grief.  |
asukhasaṃcāra | mf(ā-)n. (a place) on which it is not easy or safe to dwell  |
asukhāvaha | mf(ā-)n. producing unhappiness  |
asukhāviṣṭa | mfn. afflicted with grief or pain.  |
asukhāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be uneasy,  |
asukhin | mfn. unhappy, sorrowful  |
asukhodarka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. causing or ending in unhappiness '  |
asukhodaya | mfn. causing or ending in unhappiness  |
asulabha | mf(ā-)n. difficult of attainment, rare  |
asumat | mfn. (/asu--) living  |
asumat | m. (ān-) life, the principle of vitality, the portion of the spirit connected with the attributes of existence  |
asuṃbhara | mf(ā-)n. only (supporting id est) caring for one's life  |
asumna | mfn. contrary, adverse  |
asundara | mfn. not good or right, improper commentator or commentary on  |
asunīta | (/asu--) n. "the world of spirits", or m. "the lord of spirits (id est yama-)"  |
asunīti | f. (/asu--) the world of spirits  |
asunīti | f. personified as a female deity (invoked for the preservation of life ), or as yama- (lord of the dead )  |
asunva | mf(/ā-)n. "not pressing out the soma- juice", not worshipping the gods  |
asunvat | mfn. idem or 'mf(/ā-)n. "not pressing out the soma- juice", not worshipping the gods '  |
asupratāra | mfn. difficult to be crossed, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
asupta | mfn. not asleep  |
asuptadṛś | mfn. never closing the eyes in sleep, ever-seeing  |
asura | mfn. (2. as- ), spiritual, incorporeal, divine  |
asura | m. a spirit, good spirit, supreme spirit (said of varuṇa-)  |
asura | m. the chief of the evil spirits  |
asura | m. an evil spirit, demon, ghost, opponent of the gods  |
asura | m. etc. [these asura-s are often regarded as the children of diti- by kaśyapa-See daitya-;as such they are demons of the first order in perpetual hostility with the gods, and must not be confounded with the rākṣasa-s or imps who animate dead bodies and disturb sacrifices]  |
asura | m. a Name of rāhu- etc.  |
asura | m. the sun  |
asura | m. a cloud (see )  |
asura | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe, (gaRa parśv-ādi-, q.v)  |
asura | m. of a Vedic school  |
asurā | f. night  |
asura | m. a zodiacal sign  |
asura | m. the plant Sinapis Ramosa Roxb. ([In later Sanskrit sura-has been formed from asura-,as sita-from asita- q.v ])  |
asura | See /asu-.  |
asurabrahma | m. a priest of the asura-s  |
asurācārya | m. equals asura-guru- q.v |
asurādhipa | m. (equals asura-rāj-) a Name of bali- vairocani-  |
asurādhipa | m. of māyādhara-  |
asuradruh | m. "enemy of the asura-s", a god  |
asuradviṣ | m. "enemy of the asura-s", a Name of viṣṇu-  |
asuradviṣ | q.v  |
asuraguru | m. "teacher of the asura-s", the planet Venus (or śukra-) (see amarāri-pūjya-.)  |
asurahan | mf(-ghn/ī-)n. destroying the asura-s  |
asurāhva | n. "named after an asura- (id est after kaṃsa-, see kāṃsya-) ", bell-metal  |
asurakṣa | mf(ā-)n. difficult to guard or preserve, perishable  |
asurakṣayaṇa | mfn. destroying the asura-s  |
asurakṣiti | (/asura--.) mfn. idem or 'mfn. destroying the asura-s '  |
asurakumāra | m. plural the first of the ten classes of bhavanavāsin- deities  |
asuraloka | m. the world of the demons  |
asuramāyā | f. demoniacal magic  |
asurarāj | m. king of the asura-s (Name of the asura- baka-)  |
asurarakṣasa | n. a demoniacal being having the qualities of an asura- as well as of a rakṣas-  |
asurarakṣasa | n. plural (/āni-) asura-s and rākṣasa-s  |
asurārdana | m. "harasser of A", a god,  |
asurāri | m. equals asura-dviṣ- q.v  |
asuraripu | m. equals -dviṣ- q.v  |
asurasā | f. the plant Basilicum Pilosum Benth.  |
asurasūdana | m. =  |
asuratamasa | n. the darkness of the (world of the) demons  |
asuratva | n. spirituality, divine dignity  |
asuratva | n. the being an asura- or opponent of the gods  |
asuraviśa | n. the race of asura-s,  |
asurayoni | m. or f. the womb of asura-s  |
asurejya | m. equals asura-guru- q.v  |
asurendra | m. lord of the asura-s  |
asurī | f. a female demon, the wife of an asura-, (see āsurī-and mahāsurī-)  |
asuri | (probably) m. (said to be from 2. as-) war, battle (= saṃgrāma-),  |
asurya | mfn. (4) incorporeal, spiritual, divine  |
asurya | mfn. ( ) demoniacal, belonging or relating to the asura-s  |
asurya | m. (^as-) (equals /asura- m. q.v) the supreme spirit  |
asurya | n. (3) spirituality, divine nature  |
asurya | n. the incorporeal, the collective body of spiritual beings ([ accentuates asury/a-in accordance with similar cases, as 2. samary/a-(3) n.compared with 1. samary/a-(4) mfn.])  |
asusama | m. "dear as life", a husband, lover  |
asusamāpta | mfn. imperfect  |
asuṣira | mfn. not hollow  |
asuṣiratva | (/as-) n. the not being hollow  |
asustha | mfn. unwell, indisposed, uncomfortable  |
asusthatā | f. indisposition, sickness.  |
asusthirādara | mfn. continually solicitous about one's life  |
asusū | mfn. "exciting life (as kāma-'s arrows)", an arrow  |
asusū | See /asu-.  |
asuṣupta | mfn. not fast asleep  |
asuṣvi | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mf(/ā-)n. "not pressing out the soma- juice", not worshipping the gods ' '  |
asuṣvi | See /a-suta-.  |
asuta | mfn. (3. su-), not pressed out, not ready (as the soma- juice)  |
asutara | mfn. ( tṛ-), not to be easily passed  |
asutṛp | mfn. enjoying or profiting by (another's) life, bringing it into one's possession , (see paśu-t/ṛp-)  |
asutṛp | mfn. enjoying one's life, devoted to worldly pleasures (once asu-tṛpa-in the same sense) .  |
asutṛp | and asu-tṛpa- See /asu-.  |
asutṛpa | mfn. See before.  |
asutyāga | m. giving up one's life  |
asuvargya | mfn. for a-svargy/a- q.v  |
asuvilāsa | m. Name of a metre (of four times eleven syllables).  |
asuvyaya | m. sacrifice of one's own life,  |
ābharadvasu | mfn. bringing property or goods  |
ābharadvasu | m. Name of a man. ( ābharadvasava sava- n."composed by ābharad-vasu-", Name of a sāman-.)  |
abhiprasupta | mfn. ( svap-), fallen asleep  |
adhyardhasuvarṇa | mfn. amounting to or worth one and a half suvarṇa-.  |
aduḥkhasukhavedanā | f. the nonperception of either pain or pleasure, .  |
adyasutyā | f. preparation and consecration of the soma- on the same day  |
āghṛṇīvasu | mfn. rich with heat (Name of agni-) (vocative case)  |
ājanmasurabhipattra | m. Name of a plant (the leaves of which are fragrant from their first appearance)  |
ākāravarṇasuślakṣṇa | mfn. delicate in shape and colour.  |
akṣitāvasu | m. "possessed of undecaying wealth", Name of indra-  |
alaṃkārasuvarṇa | n. gold used for ornaments  |
alīkasupta | n. pretended sleep  |
alīkasuptaka | n. pretended sleep |
ālokasuvegadhvaja | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a serpent-demon, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
amāvasu | m. Name of a prince (a descendant of purūravas-) |
antarvasu | m. Name of a soma- sacrifice  |
ardhasuptaka | mf(ikā-)n. half-asleep,  |
arkasuta | m. (equals -tanaya- q.v) Name of karṇa-  |
arkasutā | f. Name of the river yamunā-  |
arvāgvasu | mfn. (arv/āg-) offering riches  |
arvāgvasu | m. (us-) (for arvā-vasu- q.v), Name of a hotṛ- of the gods  |
arvāvasu | m. Name of a hotṛ- or brahman- of the gods  |
arvāvasu | m. of a son of raibhya-  |
āryasuta | (equals -putra-) mfn. a husband  |
asaṃkasuka | mfn. not undetermined, firm, steady  |
aśmakasumantu | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
aśvasukta | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
ātmasukha | m. Name of a man.  |
atyantasukumāra | mfn. very tender  |
atyantasukumāra | m. a kind of grain, Panicum Italicum.  |
avasupta | mfn. ( svap-), asleep  |
avasuṣirā | f. the neck,  |
āyadvasu | mfn. one to whom wealth or property comes  |
bālasuhṛd | m. equals -mitra-  |
bālātripurasundarīpūjanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bhadrasuta | m. equals bhadrātmaja-  |
bhagīrathasutā | f. equals -kanyā-  |
bhavadvasu | (bh/avad--) mfn. having wealth present id est wealthy, opulent  |
bhīmasutā | f. equals -jā-  |
bhrātṛśvasura | m. a husband's eldest brother  |
bhuktasupta | mfn. sleeping after a meal  |
bhūlokasuranāyaka | m. an indra- of the earth  |
bhūpasuta | m. equals -putra-  |
bhūrivasu | m. "having much wealth", Name of a minister or councillor,  |
bhūrivasu | m. of a Brahman  |
bhuvadvasu | mfn. giving wealth (prob. a mistake of ,where read bhuvad-[for abhuvat-] v/asuḥ-). |
bodhasudhākara | m. Name of work  |
brahmajālasutra | n. Name of a sūtra- (see ) .  |
brahmasuta | m. " brahmā-'s son", Name of the ketu- brahmadaṇḍa-  |
brahmasutā | f. brahmā-'s daughter  |
brahmasuvarcalā | f. a species of plant (Helianthus or Clerodendrum Siphonantus )  |
brahmasuvarcalā | f. an infusion of it (drunk as a penance)  |
brahmatattvasubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
bṛhadvasu | m. Name of two men  |
budhasuta | m. " bhaṭṭotpala-'s son", Name of purū-ravas- (the first king of the lunar dynasty)  |
candrasurasa | m. Vitex Negundo  |
candrasuta | m. equals -ja-  |
caturṛddhipādacaraṇatalasupratiṣṭhita | mfn. well-established on the soles of the feet of the supernatural power (Buddha)  |
cauryasurata | n. equals -rata-  |
cirasuptabuddhi | mfn. one whose mind has been long asleep, long senseless  |
citrakathālāpasukha | mfn. happy in telling charming stories  |
citrasudhānidhi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
citrāvasu | mfn. rich in (brilliant ornaments id est) shining stars ( )  |
citrāvasu | n. (scilicet yajus-) the verse  |
dakṣasuta | m. a son of dadhīca-, god (see -pitṛ-)  |
dakṣasutā | f. a daughter of dadhīca-  |
dakṣasuta | f. plural the Moon's wives  |
damaghoṣasuta | m. idem or 'm. "son of dakṣa-", śiśu-pāla- ' , .  |
dārasuta | n. sg. wife and child  |
dāvasu | m. Name of an āṅgirasa-  |
dāvasunidhana | n. Name of a sāman-  |
dehasukha | mfn. agreeable to the body  |
devasumanas | n. "divine flower", a species of flower  |
devasumati | f. favour of the gods  |
devasunda | m. Name of a lake  |
devasuṣi | m. a divine tube or vital air (5 in number, viz. prāṇa-, vy-āna-, apāna-, sam-āna-, ud-āna-)  |
dharmadṛḍhābhedyasunilambba | m. Name of a king of the garuḍa-s  |
dharmaśāstrasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
dharmasubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
dharmasuta | m. "son of dharma-", Name of yudhiṣṭhira-  |
dharmavasuprada | mfn. granting virtue and wealth (viṣṇu-)  |
dhiyāvasu | mfn. rich in devotion  |
dīrghasurata | m. equals -rata-  |
divākarasuta | m. "son of the sun", the planet Saturn  |
divākarasutā | f. "daughter of the sun", Name of the river yamunā-  |
divāvasu | mfn. beautiful by day (?)  |
dravavasu | m. Name of a prince  |
duḥṣamasuṣamā | f. (with jaina-s) idem or 'f. (with jaina-s) Name of two spokes in the wheel of time (viz. the 5th in the ava-sarpiṇī- and the 2nd in the ut-sarpiṇī-) ' (the 4th and 3rd resp.)  |
ekaduḥkhasukha | mfn. having the same sorrows and joys, sympathizing.  |
ekāntasuṣamā | f. "containing only good years", (with jaina-s) Name of two spokes in the wheel of time (the first of avasarpiṇī- and the sixth of utsarpiṇī-, qq. v.)  |
gajasukumāracaritra | n. Name of work  |
gandhasukhī | f. equals -śuṇḍinī-  |
garbhasubhaga | mf(ā-)n. blessing the foetus.  |
gaurasuvarṇa | n. a kind of vegetable  |
ghoṣavasu | m. Name of a prince of the kāṇva- dynasty  |
govindārcanasudhā | f. "nectar of kṛṣṇa-'s praise", Name of a work  |
grāmasukha | n. equals grāmya-s-  |
grāmyasukha | n. "a villager's pleasure", sleep, sexual intercourse (grāmya sukha-,ix, 18, 40) .  |
grīṣmasundaraka | m. Erythraea centaureoides (or Mollugo spergula)  |
guṇaleśasukhada | "giving pleasure to people of little understanding", Name of work  |
guṇasundara | m. Name of a daśa-pūrvin-  |
gūrtāvasu | mfn. one whose treasures are welcome, ix, 132, 1.  |
hasurāja | m. Name of a man  |
hāyanasundara | m. or n. Name of work  |
hāyanasunettama | m. or n. Name of work  |
himaśailasutā | f. idem or 'f. "daughter of himālaya-", Name of pārvatī- '  |
hitasutra | n. Name of work  |
horāsārasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
horāśāstrasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
hutāśasuta | m. plural " agni-'s sons", Name of particular ketu-s  |
icchāvasu | m. "possessing all wished-for wealth", Name of kuvera-  |
idadvasu | mfn. rich in this and that  |
indrasuparṇa | m. dual number indra- and suparṇa-,  |
indrasurā | f. a species of Colocynth  |
indrasurasa | m. a shrub (the leaves of which are used in discutient applications), Vitex Negundo  |
indrasurisa | m. equals -surasa-.  |
indrasuta | m. "son of indra-", Name of the monkey-king vālin-  |
indrasuta | m. of arjuna-  |
indrasuta | m. of jayanta-  |
jaladharagarjitaghoṣasusvaranakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijña | m. "having a voice musical as the sound of the thunder of the clouds and conversant with the appearance of the regents of the nakṣatra-s", Name of a buddha-,  |
jalajasumanā | f. Andropogon aciculatus  |
jambhasuta | (j/ambh-) mfn. pressed with the jaws, chewed  |
janakasutā | f. equals -tanayā-.  |
janmavasudhā | f. equals -bhū- |
jasu | f. exhaustion, weakness  |
jasu | f. "resting-place", hiding-place (?),  |
jasuri | mfn. starved  |
jasuri | m. indra-'s thunderbolt  |
jenyāvasu | mfn. having genuine [or"acquired" fr. ji-] wealth,  |
jenyāvasu | mfn.  |
jīvasuta | mf(ā-)n. equals -praja-  |
kalindasutā | f. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. idem or 'f. Name (also title or epithet) of the river yamunā-, ' ' ' '  |
kāmasuta | m. aniruddha- (the son of kāma-deva-)  |
karṇasubhaga | mfn. pleasant to the ear, pleasant to be heard  |
karṇasundarī | f. Name of a drama.  |
kārṣṇasundari | m. plural the descendants of kṛṣṇa-sundara-  |
kasun | the kṛt- suffix as forming in the veda- an indeclinable (avyaya- ) infinitive with ablative sense (see vi-s/ṛpas-, ā-t/ṛdas-.)  |
kavirājavasuṃdhara | m. Name of a man.  |
kāvyasudhā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on a work on artificial poems.  |
krīḍārājatasudhāpātra | Nom. P. trati-, to represent a silver liquor-cup used as an object of amusement  |
kṛṣṇasundara | m. Name of a man, and m. plural his descendants gaRa upakādi- and tika-kitavādi-.  |
kṛtadvasu | mfn. distributing goods (?)  |
kṣetravasudhā | f. cultivated land  |
kṣīṇasukṛta | mfn. one whose stock of merit is exhausted  |
kṣīrasāgarasutā | f. "born from the ocean of milk", Name of lakṣmī-.  |
kṣudrasuvarṇa | n. bad gold, prince's metal  |
kulasundarī | f. Name of a deity  |
kumudasuhṛd | m. equals -bandhu-  |
laghunyāyasudhā | f. Name of work  |
lakṣasupta | mfn. pretending to be asleep, feigning sleep (varia lectio lakṣa-s-).  |
lakṣyasupta | mfn. pretending to be asleep (see lakṣa-sapta-).  |
lallavārāhasuta | m. Name of an astronomer  |
lokasundara | mf(ī-)n. thought beautiful by all, generally admired  |
lokasundara | m. Name of a buddha-  |
lūhasudatta | m. Name of a man (equals lūha-)  |
madanasundarī | f. Name of various women  |
madrasutā | f. "daughter of the king of Madras", Name of mādrī- (the second wife of pāṇḍu-)  |
mahāprasuta | m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
mahātripurasundarīkavaca | n. Name of a kind of magical spell  |
mahātripurasundarīmantranāmasahasra | n. Name of a chapter of the vāmakeśvara-tantra-.  |
mahātripurasundarītāpanīyopaniṣad | f. Name of two upaniṣad-s.  |
mahātripurasundarītāpanīyopaniṣadaryuttaratāpanī | f. Name of two upaniṣad-s.  |
mahāvasu | (mah/ā--) mfn. possessing much substance, very wealthy  |
mahimasundara | m. Name of a man  |
manāvasu | mfn. rich in devotion, faithful  |
mandasubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
maṇiratnasuvarṇin | mfn. containing precious stones and gold  |
manmathasuhṛd | m. equals -sakha-  |
mārgavartmasu | ind. everywhere  |
mārutasuta | (A.) m. "son of the wind", Name of hanumat-.  |
masura | m. a sort of lentil or pulse  |
masurā | f. See below.  |
masurā | f. equals masura-  |
masurā | f. a harlot, courtezan  |
masurakarṇa | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi-.  |
masurakṣita | (?) m. Name of a king  |
mātulasutāpariṇaya | m. Name of work  |
mayivasu | mfn. (fr. mayi- locative case sg. of 3. ma-+ vasu-) good in me (used in particular formulas)  |
meghasuhṛd | m. "cloud-friend", a peacock (delighting in rainy weather)  |
mithyāprasupta | mfn. falsely asleep, feigning sleep  |
mitrāvasu | m. Name of a son of viśvā-vasu- (king of the siddha-s)  |
modamañjarīguṇaleśamātrasucakāṣṭaka | n. Name of stotra-s.  |
mudāvasu | m. Name of a son of prajāti-  |
mugdhabodhasubodhinī | f. Name of work connected with vopadeva-'s grammar  |
mukhasukha | n. causing ease of pronunciation  |
mukhasura | n. lip-nectar  |
nadarājasutā | f. Name of śrī-  |
nāgasugandhā | f. the ichneumon plant (see nākulī-)  |
naiṣṭhikasundara | mfn. naiṣṭhika |
nandasundara | m. Name of an author  |
nandasuta | m. equals -kumāra-  |
nandimukhasughoṣa | m. Name of a man ( nandimukhasughoṣāvadāna ṣāvadāna- n.Name of work )  |
nandimukhasughoṣāvadāna | n. nandimukhasughoṣa |
narasaṃvādasundara | m. or n. Name of work  |
narmasuhṛd | m. equals -saciva-  |
nasukara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. not easy to be done, difficult  |
nayanasukha | m. Name of an author  |
niḥśaṅkasupta | mfn. sleeping calmly,  |
nikāmasukhin | mfn. exceedingly happy  |
nilayasundara | m. Name of a man  |
nirāḍambarasundara | mfn. beautiful without drums id est without praise, beautiful in itself  |
nirastasukhodaya | mf(ā-)n. hopelessly unfortunate (literally whose fortune has given up rising)  |
nirvasu | mfn. without property, poor  |
nirvasutva | n.  |
nṛpasuta | m. a king's son, prince  |
nṛpasutā | f. a king's daughter  |
nṛpasutā | f. the musk-rat,  |
nyāyasudhā | f. Name of work  |
padmasundara | m. Name of an author  |
pākasutvan | mfn. offering soma- with a simple or sincere mind  |
pakṣasundara | m. Symplocos Racemosa  |
paṇasundarī | ( ) f. a venal woman, a prostitute, harlot.  |
pañcasugandhaka | n. a collection of 5 kinds of aromatic vegetable substances (viz. cloves, nutmeg, camphor, aloe wood, and kakkola- q.v)  |
paradhanāsvādanasukha | n. feeding luxuriously at another's expense  |
parāgvasu | mfn. keeping off wealth (opp to arvāg-v-; see parā-v-).  |
paramārthasupta | mfn. really asleep  |
pāraskaragṛhyasutra | n. Name of work  |
parasparasukhaiṣin | mfn. wishing one another's happiness  |
parāvasu | mfn. keeping off wealth (see parāg-v-)  |
parāvasu | m. Name of the 40th year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years (see parābhava-)  |
parāvasu | m. of a gandharva- (associated with viśvā-vasu-)  |
parāvasu | m. of a son of raibhya- (associated with arvā-vasu-)  |
paribhraṣṭasukha | mfn. fallen from happiness  |
pārthivasutā | f. a king's daughter  |
pathasundara | m. or n. Name of a plant (varia lectio pattra-s-).  |
pattrasundara | m. or n. (?) a species of plant  |
pāvakasuta | m. patronymic of su-darśana-  |
payodasuhṛd | m. payoda |
prabhūvasu | mfn. (bh/ū-- bh/u--) abundantly wealthy (said of indra- and soma-)  |
prabhūvasu | m. Name of a descendant of aṅgiras-, author of  |
prabodhasudhākara | m. Name of work  |
prākṛtasubhāṣitāvalī | f. Name of work  |
pramuditapralambasunayana | m. Name of a gandharva- prince  |
prasādasumukha | mf(ī-)n. inclined to favour (others"having a clear or serene face")  |
praśnasudhākara | m. Name of work  |
prasu | Caus. -sāvayati-, to cause continuous pressing (of soma-)  |
prasuhma | m. plural Name of a people  |
prasup | pra-supta- etc. See under pra-svap-.  |
prasup | mfn. asleep  |
prasupta | mfn. fallen into sleep, fast asleep, sleeping, slumbering etc.  |
prasupta | mfn. closed (said of flowers)  |
prasupta | mfn. having slept  |
prasupta | mfn. asleep id est insensible  |
prasupta | mfn. quiet, inactive, latent  |
prasuptatā | f. equals next  |
prasupti | f. sleepiness (paralysis )  |
prasuśruta | m. Name of a prince (son of maru-) (see pra-śuśruka-).  |
prasut | mfn. streaming forth (as soma- from the press)  |
prasut | f. (continued) pressing (of soma-)  |
prasuta | mfn. (pr/a--) pressed or pressing continuously  |
prasuta | m. the soma- so pressed  |
prasuta | n. continued pressing of soma-  |
prasuta | m. or n. a particular high number (See mahā-pr-).  |
prasuti | f. a soma- sacrifice  |
prasuva | m. equals sava- above |
pratadvasu | mfn. (for prathad-v-,or pra-tata-v-) increasing wealth (equals prāpta-vasu- ; equals vistīrṇa-dhanu- )  |
prathamasukṛta | n. a former service or kindness  |
pravasu | m. Name of a son of īlina-  |
pravātasubhaga | mfn. (a spot), delightful by (reason of) a fresh breeze  |
prāyaścittasubodhinī | f. Name of work |
prāyaścittasudhānidhi | m. Name of work |
prāyaścittasutra | n. Name of work |
priyasuhṛd | m. a dear friend, kind or good friend  |
priyasukha | m. Name of an author  |
punarasu | mfn. breathing or coming to life again  |
punarvasu | m. (p/unar--) "restoring goods", Name of the 5th or 7th lunar mansion etc. (mostly dual number see ; punarvasutva -tv/a- n. )  |
punarvasu | m. Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
punarvasu | m. of śiva-  |
punarvasu | m. of kātyāyana- or vararuci-  |
punarvasu | m. of a son of taittiri- (son of abhijit- and father of āhuka-)  |
punarvasu | m. of a son of abhijit- (ari-dyota-) and father of āhuka-  |
punarvasu | m. of other men  |
punarvasu | m. of a particular world  |
punarvasu | m. commencement of wealth  |
punarvasutva | n. punarvasu |
puṇyasundara | (or -gaṇī-) m. Name of a grammarian  |
purāvasu | m. Name of bhīṣma-  |
purovasu | mfn. preceded or accompanied by wealth  |
puruṣārthasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
purūvasu | mfn. abounding in goods or riches  |
pūrvasupta | mfn. formerly or already fallen asleep  |
puṣpasārasudhānidhi | m. puṣpasāra |
radāvasu | mfn. ( radav-) dispensing wealth  |
rādhārasasudhānidhi | m.  |
raghuvaṃśasubodhinī | f. Name of Comm. of raghu-vaṃśa-.  |
rahasyocchiṣṭasumukhīkalpa | m. Name of work  |
rājahaṃsasudhābhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
rājasiṃhasudhāsaṃgraha | m. Name of a medical work (written by mahādeva-, at the request of king rāja-siṃha-, and also called -sudhā-sindhu-).  |
rājasukha | n. a kind's happiness or welfare  |
rājasundaragaṇi | m. Name of a preceptor  |
rājasuta | m. a kind's son, prince  |
rājasutā | f. a princess  |
rājyasukha | n. the pleasure of royalty, enjoyment of a kingdom  |
rāmānujasuprabhāta | n. Name of work |
rāmasubrahmaṇya | m. (with śāstrin-) Name of an author  |
rasaprakāśasudhākara | m. rasaprakāśa |
rasārṇavasudhākara | m. Name of work  |
rasasudhākara | m. Name of work  |
rasasudhāmbhodhi | m. Name of work  |
rasasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
rāsasundaramahākāvya | n. Name of work  |
rasuna | m. Allium Ascalonicum (see laśuna-).  |
ratikhedasupta | mfn. sleeping after the fatigue of sexual enjoyment  |
rekhājātakasudhākara | m. Name of work (on prognostications from lines on various parts of the body).  |
ṛtāvasu | (vocative case) mfn. one whose wealth is piety, pious, faithful  |
ruddhavasudha | mfn. filling the earth  |
ruddhavasudha | mfn. covering id est touching the earth  |
rudrasundarī | f. Name of a goddess  |
rudrasuta | m. a patronymic of skanda-  |
śabdārṇavasudhānidhi | m. Name of a grammar  |
saccaritrasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
śacīvasu | mfn. (only in vocative case) idem or '(ś/acī--) mfn. mighty or helpful (often in vocative case -vas-) '  |
sādhanasubodhanī | f. Name of work  |
sahajasuhṛd | m. a natural friend  |
sahasuralalanālalāmayūthapati | mfn. with the leaders of the troops who form the ornament of the gods' wives  |
sahavasu | (sah/a--) mfn. with wealth or with one's property (according to to "Name of an asura-")  |
sāhityasudhā | f. Name of work  |
sāhityasudhāsamudra | m. Name of work  |
śailasutā | f. equals -kanyā-  |
śailasutā | f. a kind of plant (equals mahā-jyotiṣmatī-)  |
śailasutācaraṇarāgayoni | mfn. produced by the colour of pārvati-'s feet  |
śailasutākānta | m. "husband of pārvati-", Name of śiva-  |
śailasutāpati | m. equals -sutākānta-  |
śailedrasutā | f. idem or 'f. "daughter of himālaya-", Name of pārvatī- and of gaṅgā- '  |
śakrasudhā | f. " indra-'s nectar", gum olibanum  |
śakrasuta | m. " indra-'s son", Name of the monkey vālin-  |
śakrasuta | m. of arjuna- (see -nandana-)  |
samaduḥkhasukha | mfn. sharing grief and joy with another  |
samaduḥkhasukha | mfn. indifferent to pain and pleasure  |
samānasukhaduḥkha | mfn. having joys and sorrows in common ( samānasukhaduḥkhatā -tā- f.)  |
samānasukhaduḥkhatā | f. samānasukhaduḥkha |
samaravasudhā | f. (equals -bhū-)  |
śamasudhā | f. the nectar of tranquillity  |
śamasukha | n. the joy or happiness of tranquillity  |
samasupti | f. equal or general sleep (="the end of a kalpa- and dissolution of the universe")  |
sāmasurasa | n. dual number varia lectio for -saras-.  |
samayasundaragaṇi | m. Name of an author  |
saṃgītasudhā | f. Name of work  |
saṃgītasudhākara | m. Name of work  |
saṃgītasundarasetu | m. Name of work  |
saṃkasuka | mfn. (fr. sam-+1. kas-;often written saṃkusuka-,or śaṃkusuka-) splitting, crumbling up (applied to agni- as the destroyer of the body)  |
saṃkasuka | mfn. (saṃk/as-), crumbling away  |
saṃkasuka | mfn. unsteady, irresolute (according to to also equals durbala-, manda-, saṃkīrṇa-, apavāda-śīla-, durjana-and saṃśleṣaka-)  |
saṃkasuka | m. Name of the author of (having the patronymic yāmāyana-)  |
sampadvasu | m. Name of one of the seven principal rays of the sun (supposed to supply heat to the planet Mars; see saṃyad-v-)  |
samprasupta | mfn. ( svap-) fallen fast asleep, sleeping  |
samprasupta | mfn. closed (not expanded, as a flower)  |
saṃsārasukha | n. the joys of the world  |
samudrasubhagā | f. "ocean's-favourite", the Ganges  |
saṃvasu | m. one who dwells along with, a fellow-dweller  |
saṃyadvasu | mfn. (y/ad-v-) having continuous wealth  |
saṃyadvasu | m. one of the seven rays of the sun  |
śāntasumati | m. Name of a deva-putra- (see śānta-mati-).  |
śaradvasu | m. Name of a muni-  |
sāraṇasundara | m. a particular mixture  |
sārasundarī | f. Name of work  |
sārātsārasusaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
sarojasundara | m. or n. (?) Name of work  |
sarpasugandhā | f. a kind of plant  |
sarvāṅgasundara | mfn. beautiful in every member, completely beautiful  |
sarvāṅgasundara | m. (also sarvāṅgasundararasa -rasa- m."whose essence is good for all the limbs") a particular drug or medicament  |
sarvāṅgasundararasa | m. sarvāṅgasundara |
sarvāṅgasundarī | f. Name of various Comms.  |
sarvasukhaduḥkhanirabhinandin | m. a particular samādhi-  |
sarvasukhāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to feel every pleasure or delight  |
sarvasukkakṛt | mfn. causing universal happiness  |
sarvasulabha | mfn. easy to be obtained by every one  |
sarvasurabhi | n. everything fragrant, all perfumes |
sārvasurabhi | mfn. (or fr. sarva-s-) fragrant with all odours  |
sarvatathāgatasuratasukhā | f. Name of tantra- deity  |
sarvāvasu | m. a particular sun-beam  |
śaśāṅkasuta | m. (equals śaśāṅka-ja-)  |
sasubrahmaṇya | mfn. with the subrahmaṇya-  |
sasudarśana | mfn. armed with viṣṇu-'s discus (called sudarśana-)  |
sasugandha | mfn. having a pleasant smell, fragrant  |
sasugandhigātra | mfn. accompanied by perfumed men  |
sasuhṛd | mfn. having friends or kinsfolk  |
sasuhṛjjana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having friends or kinsfolk '  |
sasuhṛnmitrabāndhava | mfn. with friends and companions and relatives  |
sasundarīka | mfn. with a beautiful woman or wife  |
sasuparṇa | mfn. with the suparṇa- texts.  |
sasura | mfn. along with the gods  |
sasura | mfn. with liquor, having liquor  |
sasura | mfn. intoxicated  |
sasuracāpam | ind. with indra-'s bow  |
sasuta | mf(ā-)n. having a son, together with sons or children  |
sasuta | mfn. with the charioteer  |
sasutvan | mfn. accompanied by soma--offering priests  |
sasuvarṇa | mfn. with gold  |
śatadvasu | (śat/ad--) mfn. (according to to ) śata-vasu-, having hundreds of treasures, containing much wealth  |
śatasukha | n. hundred-fold happiness, endless delight  |
satyavasu | m. Name of a class of the viśve- devāḥ-  |
saubhāgyasundarītīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
saubhāgyasundarītīrtha | n. of chapter of the śiva-purāṇa-.  |
saubhāgyasundarīvratakathā | f. Name of work  |
saukhasuptika | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'mfn. one who asks another whether he has slept well gaRa susnātādi-.' or an official who asks a prince whether he has slept well '  |
siddhāntasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
siddhāntasundara | m. or n. (also called sundara-siddhānta-) Name of work  |
siddhasusiddha | mfn. "exceedingly efficacious"(said of a particular mantra-)  |
śiñjadvalayasubhaga | mfn. pleasant with tinkling bracelets or zones  |
śithilavasu | mfn. having diminished wealth  |
śithilavasu | mfn. shining with diminished rays  |
śivaprasādasundarastava | m. Name of work  |
śivasundarī | f. " śiva-'s wife", Name of pārvati-  |
śivatattvasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
skhalitasubhagam | ind. dashing or leaping along pleasantly (over a rocky bed, said of a stream)  |
śmaśānasumanas | n. a flower from a burning-grounds  |
smṛtisarojasundara | mn. (?) Name of work  |
somarājasuta | m. "son of the Moon", the planet Mercury |
somasundara | m. Name of an author  |
somasuryaprakāśa | mfn. bright as the sun and moon  |
somasut | mfn. pressing soma- etc.  |
somasut | m. a soma--distiller, a priest who offers the soma--juice at a sacrifice  |
somasuta | m. "a son of the Moon", Name of budha-  |
somasutā | f. "daughter of the Moon", the river narmada- (Nerbudda)  |
somasuti | (s/oma--) f. the pressing of soma-  |
somasutvan | mfn. pressing soma-  |
somasutvan | m. one who offers soma- libations  |
somasutvat | mfn. possessing offerers of soma--juice (said of a hermitage, a sacrifice etc.)  |
somasutyā | f. idem or '(s/oma--) f. the pressing of soma- '  |
sparśasukha | mfn. pleasant to the touch  |
śravaṇasubhaga | ( ) mfn. pleasant to the ear.  |
śravaṇasukha | ( ) ( ) mfn. pleasant to the ear.  |
śrīraṅganāthasuprabhāta | n. Name of work  |
śrīvasukra | m. Name of a grammarian  |
śṛṅgārasudhākara | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on the rāmāyaṇa-.  |
śṛṅgārasundarī | f. Name of a princess  |
śṛṅgasukha | n. (prob.) horn-music  |
śrotrāśayasukha | mfn. pleasant to the seat of hearing or ear, melodious  |
śrotrasukha | mfn. sounding agreeably, melodious, musical  |
śrutyantasuradruma | m. Name of work  |
stanitasubhagam | ind. with pleasant rumbling sounds  |
subhāṣitasudhā | f. Name of work  |
subhāṣitasudhānandalaharī | f. Name of work  |
subhāṣitasuradruma | m. Name of work  |
sudarśanasukarṇakacarita | m. Name of work  |
śuddhodanasuta | m. "son of S3uddh'odana", gautama- buddha-  |
śukasuktisudhākara | m. Name of work  |
sukhaduḥkhasuhṛd | m. a friend in joy and sorrow  |
sukhaprasupta | mfn. sleeping placidly |
sukhasukhena | ind. most willingly, with all the heart  |
sukhasupta | mfn. sweetly sleeping, comfortably asleep  |
sukhasupti | f. placid sleep (see saukhasuptika-)  |
sukhasuptikā | f. (equals -supti-)  |
sukhasuptikāpraśna | m. the question whether any one has slept well (see sukha-śayita-pracchaka-).  |
sukhasuptiprabodhita | m. "awakened from pleasure sleep", Name of śiva-  |
śukrasuta | m. son of the planet Venus  |
śunakasuta | m. equals śaunaka-  |
sundopasunda | m. dual number the two daitya-s sunda- and upasunda-  |
suparṇasuvana | mfn. serving as the breeding-place of eagles  |
suralokasundarī | f. "celestial woman", an apsaras-  |
suralokasundarī | f. Name of durgā-  |
surasundara | m. a beautiful deity  |
surasundarasenā | f. the army of the gods ( surasundarasenāgaṇapati -gaṇa-pati- m."the chief of the celestial host")  |
surasundarasenā | f. Name of a woman  |
surasundarasenāgaṇapati | m. surasundarasenā |
surasundarī | f. a lovely celestial female, apsaras- ( surasundarījana -jana- m. plural)  |
surasundarī | f. Name of durgā-  |
surasundarī | f. of a fairy  |
surasundarī | f. of a woman  |
surasundarī | f. a particular yoginī-  |
surasundarījana | m. surasundarī |
surasuta | m. a son of a gods  |
surasutā | f. a daughter of a gods  |
sūrasuta | m. "son of the Sun", the planet Saturn  |
surasutopama | mfn. similar to the children of the gods  |
sūryasuta | m. "son of the Sun", Name of the planet Saturn  |
sūryasuta | m. of the monkey su-grīva-  |
sūryāvasu | mfn. one whose wealth is sūryā- (said of the aśvin-s)  |
sutasuta | m. a son's son, a grandson  |
suvasu | (?) f. Name of an apsaras-  |
suyavasu | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
svarasubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
svargasukha | n. the bliss of heaven  |
śvasuna | m. Conyza Lacera  |
śvasuta | m. Conyza Lacera  |
svavasu | (sv/a--) varia lectio of the pada-pāṭha- for sv/ā-v-  |
svāvasu | mfn. guarding one's possessions (see sv/a-v-).  |
svayaṃvarasuhṛd | m. a self-chosen friend ( svayaṃvarasuhṛttva hṛt-tva- n.)  |
svayaṃvarasuhṛttva | n. svayaṃvarasuhṛd |
śvetasurasā | f. a white -flowering variety of the Vitex Negundo or Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis  |
śyāmasujayanta | m. Name (also title or epithet) of teachers,  |
śyāmasundara | m. "dark and beautiful", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
śyāmasundara | m. (also with cakravartin-) Name of various men  |
tapanasutā | f. "sun-daughter", the yamunā- river  |
taptasurākuṇḍa | m. "jar or hole filled with burning spirituous liquor", Name of, a hell  |
tārkṣasuta | See kṣya--.  |
tārkṣyasuta | m. "son of kaśyapa-", garuḍa-  |
tiṣyapunarvasu | m. dual number the asterisms Terminalia and puṣa-, and (n. sg.)  |
tīvrasut | mfn. being a pungent juice (soma-)  |
tīvrasut | m. equals -sava-  |
trailokyasundara | m. Name of a mixture  |
trailokyasundarī | f. Name of work  |
trasura | mfn. timid, fearful  |
tripurasundarī | f. durgā-  |
tuhinakarasutā | f. "moon-daughter", the river narmadā-  |
tūlasadṛśasukumārapāṇitā | f. the having hands soft as cotton (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-), .  |
turvasu | m. (later form of śa-) Name of a son of yayāti- by devayānī- and brother of yadu-  |
tvāvasu | mfn. having thee as a possession, .  |
udāvasu | m. Name of a son of janaka- (king of videha-) |
ulūkhalasuta | mfn. pressed out or pounded in a mortar (as the soma-)  |
upalabdhasukha | mfn. one who has experienced pleasure.  |
upasunda | m. "the younger brother of sunda-", Name of a daitya-  |
upasuparṇam | ind. upon suparṇa- or garuḍa-  |
upāvasu | mfn. bringing near or procuring riches  |
uṣṇasundara | m. Name of several plants.  |
uttamasukha | m. Name of a man.  |
vādasudhākara | m. Name of work  |
vādasudhāṭīkāratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
vaidikasubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
vaiṣṇavadharmasuradrumamañjari | f. Name of work  |
vājaprasuta | (v/āja--) mfn. started for a race or impelled by courage  |
vājinīvasu | mfn. (vāj/inī--) equals prec.  |
vājinīvasu | mfn. bestowing strength or power  |
vakasuhāṇa | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
vākyasudhā | f. Name of work  |
varadarājasuprabhāta | m. varadarāja |
varasundarī | f. a very beautiful woman  |
varasundarī | f. a kind of metre  |
vārasundarī | ( ) f. equals -kanyakā-.  |
varasurata | mf(ā-)n. well acquainted with the secrets of sexual enjoyment, Hit,  |
varcāvasu | m. a particular sunbeam (in a quotation)  |
varcāvasu | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
varṣapasuprayoga | m. Name of work  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. (for 2.See) excellent, good, beneficent  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. sweet  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. dry  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. Name of the gods (as the"good or bright ones", especially of the āditya-s, marut-s, aśvin-s, indra-, uṣas-, rudra-, vāyu-, viṣṇu-, śiva-, and kubera-)  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a particular class of gods (whose number is usually eight, and whose chief is indra-, later agni- and viṣṇu-;they form one of the nine gaṇa-s or classes enumerated under gaṇa-devatā- q.v;the eight vasu-s were originally personifications, like other Vedic deities, of natural phenomena, and are usually mentioned with the other gaṇa-s common in the veda-, viz. the eleven rudra-s and the twelve āditya-s, constituting with them and with dyau-s,"Heaven", and pṛthivī-,"Earth"[or, according to some, with indra- and prajā-pati-, or, according to others, with the two aśvin-s], the thirty-three gods to which reference is frequently made;the names of the vasu-s, according to the viṣṇu-purāṇa-, are, 1. āpa- [connected with ap-,"water"];2. dhruva-,"the Pole-star";3. soma-,"the Moon";4. dhava- or dhara-;5. anila-,"Wind";6. anala- or pāvaka-,"Fire";7. pratyūṣa-,"the Dawn";8. prabhāsa-,"Light";but their names are variously given; ahan-,"Day", being sometimes substituted for 1;in their relationship to Fire and Light they appear to belong to Vedic rather than Puranic mythology) etc.  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. a symbolical Name of the number"eight"  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. a ray of light  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. a particular ray of light  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. equals jina- (only the sun;the moon;fire;a rope, thong;a tree;Name of two kinds of plant equals baka-and pīta-madgu-;a lake, pond;a kind of fish;the tie of the yoke of a plough;the distance from the elbow to the closed fist)  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. Name of a ṛṣi- (with the patronymic bharad-vāja-, author of ,reckoned among the seven sages)  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of manu-  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of uttāna-pāda-  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a prince of the cedi-s also called upari-cara-  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of īlina-  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of kuśa- and the country called after him  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of vasu-deva-  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of vatsara-  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of hiraṇya-retas- and the varṣa- ruled by him  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of bhūtajyotis-  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a son of naraka-  |
vasu | mf(u-or vī-)n. of a king of kaśmīra- |
vasu | (u-) f. light, radiance  |
vasu | f. a particular drug  |
vasu | f. Name of a daughter of dakṣa- and mother of the vasu-s (as a class of gods)  |
vasu | n. (in veda- genitive case v/asos-, v/asvas-and v/asunas-;also plural,exceptionally m.) wealth, goods, riches, property etc. ( vasoṣpati soṣ-pati- m.prob."the god of wealth or property" [ asoṣ-p-,"the god of life"]; vasordhārā sor-dh/ārā- f."stream of wealth", Name of a particular libation of ghṛta- at the agni-cayana- etc.;of the wife of agni- ;of the heavenly gaṅgā- ;of sacred bathing-place ;of a kind of vessel ; vasordhārāprayoga sor-dh/ārā-prayoga- m.Name of work)  |
vasu | n. gold (See -varma-dhara-)  |
vasu | n. a jewel, gem, pearl (See -mekhala-)  |
vasu | n. any valuable or precious object  |
vasu | n. (also f.) a particular drug  |
vasu | n. a kind of salt (equals romaka-)  |
vasu | n. water  |
vasu | n. a horse (?)  |
vasu | n. equals śyāma-  |
vasu | m. or n. (for 1.See) dwelling or dweller (See s/aṃ-vasu-).  |
vasu | 1. 2. vasu-. See pp. 930 and 932.  |
vasubandhu | m. Name of a celebrated Buddhist scholar (wrong reading -bandha-).  |
vasubha | n. the constellation dhaniṣṭhā- (presided over by the vasu-s)  |
vasubha | n. Name of a town  |
vasubhāga | m. Name of a poet  |
vasubharita | mfn. full of treasures.  |
vasubhaṭṭa | m. Aeschynomene or Sesbana Grandiflora  |
vasubhṛdyāna | m. Name of a son of vasiṣṭha-  |
vasubhūta | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
vasubhūti | m. Name of various men  |
vasucandra | m. Name of a warrior  |
vasucarita | n. Name of a campū-.  |
vasucchidrā | f. Name of a medicinal plant  |
vasuda | mf(ā-)n. granting wealth or treasures  |
vasuda | m. Name of kubera-  |
vasudā | f. the earth  |
vasuda | m. Name of a goddess  |
vasuda | m. pf one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
vasuda | m. of a gandharvī-  |
vasudā | mfn. granting wealth, generous (said of the earth) .  |
vasudaiva | n. equals -devata- above  |
vasudaivata | n. equals -devata- above  |
vasudāma | m. Name of a particular divine being  |
vasudāmā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
vasudāman | m. Name of a son of bṛhad-ratha-  |
vasudāna | mfn. idem or 'mfn. granting wealth, generous (said of the earth) .'  |
vasudāna | m. Name of various men  |
vasudāna | m. (prob.) n. Name of a varṣa- called after a vasu-dāna-  |
vasudatta | m. Name of various men  |
vasudattā | f. Name of various women (especially of the mother of vara-ruci-)  |
vasudattaka | m. an endearing form of -datta-  |
vasudattapura | n. Name of a town  |
vasudāvan | mfn. (also with genitive case v/asoḥ-) equals -d/ā-  |
vasudeva | m. Name of the father of kṛṣṇa- (he was the son of śūra-, a descendant of yadu- of the lunar line, and was also called ānaka-dundubhi- q.v,because at his birth the gods, foreseeing that viṣṇu- would take a human form in his family, sounded the drums of heaven for joy;he was a brother of kuntī- or pṛthā-, the mother of the paṇḍu- princes, who were thus cousins of kṛṣṇa-;See 1. kṛṣṇa-) etc.  |
vasudeva | m. of a king of the kaṇva- dynasty  |
vasudeva | m. of kṛṣṇa-  |
vasudeva | m. of the grandfather of the poet māgha-  |
vasudeva | m. (also with brahma-prasāda-) of two authors  |
vasudevā | f. Name of a daughter of śva-phalka-  |
vasudeva | n. the lunar mansion dhaniṣṭhā-  |
vasudevabhū | m. "son of vasu-deva-", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
vasudevabrahmaprasāda | m. Name of an author  |
vasudevajanman | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
vasudevaputra | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
vāsudevasuta | m. Name of author  |
vasudevatā | f. a goddess granting wealth (see vasu-devatā-below)  |
vasudevata | n. ( ) or f(ā-). ( ) the lunar mansion dhaniṣṭhā- (presided over by the vasu-s).  |
vasudevātmaja | m. idem or 'm. "son of vasu-deva-", Name of kṛṣṇa- '  |
vasudevyā | f. idem or 'n. ( ) or f(ā-). ( ) the lunar mansion dhaniṣṭhā- (presided over by the vasu-s).'  |
vasudevyā | f. the 9th day of a fortnight  |
vasudeya | n. the granting of wealth, liberality  |
vasudhā | mfn. producing wealth, liberal ( vasudhātama -tama- mfn., vasudhātara -tara- mfn.more or most liberal)  |
vasudhā | f. the earth  |
vasudhā | f. a country, kingdom etc.  |
vasudhā | f. the ground, soil  |
vasudhā | f. earth (as a material)  |
vasudhā | f. Name of lakṣmī-  |
vasudhā | f. an anapaest  |
vasudhādhara | mfn. bearing or supporting the earth (said of viṣṇu-)  |
vasudhādhara | m. a mountain  |
vasudhādhara | m. a prince, king  |
vasudhādhātri | m. idem or 'm. a king, prince '  |
vasudhādhava | m. a king, prince  |
vasudhādhipa | m. (-dhādhipa- etc.) lord of the earth, a king |
vasudhādhipati | m. ( ) lord of the earth, a king |
vasudhādhipatya | n. (-dhādhip-) kingdom, royalty  |
vasudhāgama | m. the products of the soil  |
vasudhākharjūrikā | f. a kind of date  |
vasudhāna | mf(ī-)n. containing or keeping wealth  |
vasudhāna | n. granting wealth  |
vasudhānagara | n. the capital of varuṇa- in the western ocean  |
vasudhānāyaka | m. "earth-leader", a king  |
vasudhāparipālaka | m. earth-guardian (Name of kṛṣṇa-)  |
vasudhāpati | m. idem or 'm. "earth-leader", a king '  |
vasudhara | m. Name of a poet  |
vasudharā | f. (with Buddhists) Name of a goddess  |
vasudhāra | mfn. holding wealth or treasure  |
vasudhāra | m. Name of a mountain  |
vasudhārā | f. (with Buddhists) Name of a goddess  |
vasudhāra | m. a female śakti- peculiar to the jaina-s  |
vasudhāra | m. Name of a river  |
vasudhāra | m. of the capital of kubera-  |
vasudhāra | m. a stream of wealth, stream of gifts  |
vasudhārāmaya | mfn. consisting of a stream of wealth  |
vasudhāreṇu | m. earth-dust  |
vasudhāriṇī | f. "treasure-holding", the earth  |
vasudharman | m. Name of a man  |
vasudharmikā | f. crystal  |
vasudhāsuta | m. the planet Mars  |
vasudhātala | n. the surface of the earth, the earth  |
vasudhātala | n. the ground, soil  |
vasudhātama | mfn. vasudhā |
vasudhātara | mfn. vasudhā |
vasudhātukārikā | f. Name of work  |
vasudhāvilāsin | m. a king, prince  |
vasudheya | n. (in a formula) the bestowal of wealth, (or) possession of wealth  |
vasudhita | (prob.) n. possession of wealth (Vedic or Veda)  |
vasudhiti | mfn. (v/asu--) possessing wealth, bestowing wealth  |
vasudhiti | f. the bestowal of wealth or a treasury  |
vasugupta | m. Name of an author  |
vasuguptācārya | m. Name of an author  |
vasuhaṭṭa | m. ( ) a kind of tree equals baka-  |
vasuhaṭṭa | m. equals baka-puṣpa- or Sesbana Grandiflora  |
vasuhaṭṭaka | m. (L.) a kind of tree equals baka-  |
vasuhaṭṭaka | m. equals baka-puṣpa- or Sesbana Grandiflora  |
vasuhoma | m. Name of a king of the aṅga-s  |
vasujit | mfn. gaining wealth  |
vasujyeṣṭha | m. Name of a king  |
vasuka | m. (in a formula) is said to equals vāsayitṛ- (prob."one who clothes")  |
vasuka | m. Name of various plants (according to to = Calotropis Gigantea;Agati Grandiflora;Adhatoda Vasika and Chenopodium)  |
vasuka | m. a kind of measure (in music)  |
vasuka | n. a kind of salt  |
vasukalpa | m. Name of poets  |
vasukalpadatta | m. Name of poets  |
vasukarṇa | m. Name of a ṛṣi- with the patronymic vāsukra- (author of ).  |
vasukīṭa | m. "money-worm", a suppliant, beggar  |
vasukra | m. Name of a ṛṣi- with the patronymic aindra- (author of )  |
vasukra | m. of another ṛṣi- with the patronymic vāsiṣṭha- (author of )  |
vasukra | m. (with prefix śrī-) of a grammarian  |
vasukrapatnī | f. Name of the authoress of  |
vasukṛmi | m. equals -kīṭa- above  |
vasukṛt | m. Name of a ṛṣi- with the patronymic vāsukra- (author of ).  |
vasula | m. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. 1. vasu-) valuable, rich ') a god  |
vasula | m. an endearing form for vasu-datta-  |
vasulakṣmī | f. Name of a sister-in-law of agni-mitra- (in prakṛt-)  |
vasulakṣmīkalyāṇa | n. Name of a kāvya-.  |
vasumadgaṇa | mfn. (v/a-) having or attracting the troop consisting of the vasu-s (said of soma-)  |
vasumadgaṇa | mfn. Name of (as beginning with this word)  |
vasumanas | m. Name of a king of kosala-  |
vasumanas | m. (with rauhidaśva-) Name of the author of  |
vasumat | mfn. (v/asu--) having or possessing or containing treasures, wealthy, rich (-tara-, Comparative degree) etc.  |
vasumat | mfn. attended by the vasu-s etc.  |
vasumat | m. Name of a son of manu- vaivasvata-  |
vasumat | m. of kṛṣṇa-  |
vasumat | m. of a king  |
vasumat | m. of various other persons  |
vasumat | m. of a mountain in the North  |
vasumatī | f. (atī-) See below  |
vasumati | m. Name of a Brahman  |
vasumatī | f. (of -mat-) the earth  |
vasumatī | f. a country, kingdom, region etc.  |
vasumatī | f. the ground  |
vasumatī | f. Name of two kinds of metre  |
vasumatī | f. Name of various women  |
vasumatīcitrāsana | n. Name of work  |
vasumatīcitrasenāvilāsa | m. Name of work  |
vasumatīcitrasenīya | n. Name of work  |
vasumatīpariṇaya | m. Name of work  |
vasumatīpati | m. a prince, king  |
vasumatīpṛṣṭha | n. the surface of the (spherical) earth  |
vasumatīsūnu | m. metron. of naraka-  |
vasumattā | f. the state of being wealthy, wealth  |
vasumaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of wealth or of good things |
vasuṃdhara | mfn. containing wealth  |
vasuṃdhara | m. Name of a poet etc.  |
vasuṃdhara | m. of another man  |
vasuṃdhara | m. plural Name of the vaiśya-s in śālmaladvīpa-  |
vasuṃdhara | m. of a people  |
vasuṃdharā | f. See below  |
vasuṃdharā | f. the earth  |
vasuṃdharā | f. a country, kingdom etc.  |
vasuṃdharā | f. the soil, the ground (also vasuṃdharāpṛṣṭha rā-pṛṣṭha- n.) etc.  |
vasuṃdharā | f. Name of a minute portion of prakṛti-  |
vasuṃdharā | f. (with Buddhists) Name of a goddess  |
vasuṃdharā | f. of a daughter of śva-phalka-  |
vasuṃdharā | f. of a princess  |
vasuṃdharā | f. of another woman  |
vasuṃdharā | f. dual number Name of the two kumārī-s (set up with indra-'s bannerSee kumāri-)  |
vasuṃdharābhṛt | m. a mountain  |
vasuṃdharādhara | m. a mountain  |
vasuṃdharādhava | m. a king, prince  |
vasuṃdharāpṛṣṭha | n. vasuṃdharā |
vasuṃdharāśunāsīra | m. a prince, king (wrong reading -sunā-s-).  |
vasuṃdhareśā | f. "having the keeper of wealth (kṛṣṇa-) for lord"Name of rādhā-  |
vasumekhala | mfn. wearing a jewelled girdle  |
vasumitra | m. Name of various men  |
vasuna | m. a sacrifice  |
vasunāga | m. Name of a poet  |
vasunanda | m. Name of a king  |
vasunandaka | equals kheṭaka-  |
vasunemi | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
vasunetra | m. Name of a Brahman  |
vasunītha | mfn. idem or '(v/asu--) mfn. bringing wealth '  |
vasunīti | (v/asu--) mfn. bringing wealth  |
vasupāla | m. "protector of wealth", a king  |
vasupālita | m. Name of various men  |
vasupati | m. (v/asu--) lord of wealth or of good things (also with v/asūnām-;Name of agni-, indra-, savitṛ- and kubera-)  |
vasupati | m. "lord of the vasu-s", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
vasupatnī | f. (said of the cow) mistress of wealth (also with v/asūnām-)  |
vasupātṛ | mfn. "protector of the vasu-s", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
vasuprabhā | f. one of the 7 tongues of fire  |
vasuprabhā | f. Name of kubera-'s capital  |
vasuprada | mfn. bestowing wealth  |
vasuprada | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
vasuprāṇa | m. "breath of the vasu-s", fire  |
vasupūjyarāj | m. Name of the father of the 12th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
vasura | mfn. (fr. 1. vasu-) valuable, rich  |
vasura | vasula-, vasūya- etc. See p.931.  |
vasurāja | m. the king vasu-  |
vasurakṣita | m. Name of a man  |
vasuraṇva | mfn. delighted with wealth,  |
vasurāta | m. Name of a man  |
vasuratha | m. Name of a poet  |
vasuretas | m. fire or the god of fire  |
vasuretas | m. Name of śiva- (also taḥ-su-vapuḥ-)  |
vasurocis | m. (v/asu--) Name of a man  |
vasurocis | m. (plural) of his family  |
vasurocis | n. equals yajña-  |
vasurocis | n. a religious ceremony in which the vasu-s are especially worshipped  |
vasuruc | mfn. (perhaps) bright like the vasu-s or the gods  |
vasuruc | mfn. a proper N.  |
vasuruci | (v/asu--) m. Name of a gandharva-  |
vasurūpa | mfn. having the nature of the vasu-s (said of śiva-) (also applied to an ancestor on offering the piṇḍa- )  |
vasuśakti | m. Name of a man  |
vasusampatti | f. accession or acquisition of wealth  |
vasusampūrṇa | mfn. filled with wealth  |
vasusāra | m. Name of a man  |
vasusārā | f. kubera-'s capital  |
vasuṣeṇa | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
vasuṣeṇa | m. of karṇa- (half brother of the pāṇḍu- princes by the same mother, pṛthā-;the name is supposed by some to have reference to his wealth which he distributed liberally; see karṇa-)  |
vasuṣeṇa | m. of a merchant  |
vasusena | m. Name of a poet  |
vasuśravas | mfn. (v/asu--) (perhaps) famous for wealth (or"flowing-with wealth")  |
vasuśravas | mfn. Name of śiva-  |
vasuśreṣṭha | mfn. the best of the vasu-s (said of kṛṣṇa-)  |
vasuśreṣṭha | m. Name of a king  |
vasuśreṣṭha | n. "best of treasure", silver  |
vasuśreṣṭha | n. wrought gold  |
vasuśrī | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
vasuśruta | m. (prob.) a person renowned for wealth  |
vasuśruta | m. (with ātreya-) Name of the author of  |
vasusthalī | f. the capital of kubera-  |
vasutā | (vas/u--) f. wealth, riches (or) liberality  |
vasutāti | (vas/u--) f. wealth, riches (or) liberality  |
vasutti | (v/asu--) f. (for -datti-; see bhaga-tti-, maghatti-) the granting of wealth, enrichment  |
vasutva | n. wealth, riches  |
vasutvana | n. wealth, riches  |
vasuvāha | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
vasuvāhana | mfn. carrying wealth, bringing treasures  |
vasuvallikā | f. Serratula Anthelmintica  |
vasuvan | mfn. equals -v/ani- (with vasu-dh/eyasya-)  |
vasuvana | n. Name of a mythical country  |
vasuvani | mfn. asking wealth (or) bestowing wealth  |
vasuvani | f. a request or prayer for wealth  |
vasuvarmadhara | mfn. wearing a golden armour  |
vasuvat | (v/asu--) mfn. united with the vasu-s (said of agni-)  |
vasuvid | mfn. bestowing wealth etc.  |
vasuvinda | mfn. gaining wealth  |
vasuvīrya | n. (prob.) the power of the vasu-s  |
vasuvittama | mfn. one who bestows great wealth  |
vasuvrata | n. a kind of penance (eating only ground rice for twelve days)  |
vasuvṛṣṭi | f. a shower of wealth or of treasures  |
vātasuta | m. a dissolute companion of a king or of a courtezan who knows one art (kalā-) (see -putra-).  |
vedāntasudhārahasya | n. Name of work  |
veṅkaṭeśasuprabhāta | n. Name of work  |
vetasu | m. Name of a man or of an asura- (plural his descendants)  |
vibhāvasu | mfn. abounding in light (applied to agni-, soma-, and kṛṣṇa-)  |
vibhāvasu | m. fire or the god of fire etc.  |
vibhāvasu | m. the sun  |
vibhāvasu | m. the moon  |
vibhāvasu | m. a sort of necklace or garland  |
vibhāvasu | m. Name of one of the 8 vasu-s  |
vibhāvasu | m. of a son of naraka-  |
vibhāvasu | m. of a dānava-  |
vibhāvasu | m. of a ṛṣi-  |
vibhāvasu | m. of a mythical prince dwelling on the mountain gaja-pura-  |
vibhāvasu | m. of a gandharva- (who is said to have stolen the soma- from gāyatrī- as she was carrying it to the gods)  |
vibhūvasu | mfn. (vibh/ū-.) possessing mighty treasures or wealth  |
vicārasudhākara | m. Name of work |
vicārasudhārṇava | m. Name of work |
vidadvasu | (vid/ad--) mfn. possessing or granting wealth  |
vidhirasāyanasukhopajīvinī | f. Name of work  |
vidhirasāyanasukhopayoginī | f. Name of work  |
vighnitasamāgamasukha | mfn. having the joy of union frustrated  |
vikasuka | (v/i--) m. a particular agni-  |
vimānasuddhipūjā | f. Name of work  |
vinayasundara | m. Name of author  |
vīrabhadrasutā | f. a daughter of vīra-bhadra-  |
vīrasenasuta | m. "son of vīra-sena-", Name of nala- (the hero of several well-known poems exempli gratia, 'for example' the nalopākhyāna-, naiṣadha-, nalodaya-)  |
virocanasuta | m. "son of virocana-"Name of bali- (sovereign of mahābali-pura-)  |
viṣayasukha | n. the pleasures of sense  |
viśpalāvasu | (viśp/alā-.) mfn. (prob.) kind or friendly to viśpalā- (said of the aśvin-s)  |
viśrabdhasupta | mfn. sleeping peacefully  |
viśvakarmasutā | f. equals viśva-karma-jā-  |
viśvasuvid | mfn. granting everything well  |
viśvavasu | m. "wealth of all", Name of a son of purū-ravas- (see viśv/ā-vasu-).  |
viśvāvasu | mfn. (viśv/ā--) beneficent to all (said of viṣṇu-)  |
viśvāvasu | m. Name of a gandharva- (regarded as the author of the hymn ) etc.  |
viśvāvasu | m. of a sādhya-  |
viśvāvasu | m. of a marut-vat-  |
viśvāvasu | m. of a son of purū-ravas- (said to be one of the viśve- devāḥ-)  |
viśvāvasu | m. of a prince of the siddha-s  |
viśvāvasu | m. of a son of jamad-agni-  |
viśvāvasu | m. of one of the manu-s  |
viśvāvasu | m. of a poet  |
viśvāvasu | m. of the 39th year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years  |
viśvāvasu | m. of the 7th muhūrta-  |
viśvāvasu | f. night  |
viśvāvasu | f. Name of a particular night  |
viśvāvasumantra | m. Name of work  |
vrajasundarī | ( ) ( ) f. equals -rāma-.  |
vṛddhasuśruta | m. the older suśruta- or an older recension of suśruta-'s work  |
vṛṣaṇvasu | mfn. (v/ṛṣaṇ--) possessing or bringing great wealth  |
vṛṣaṇvasu | n. the treasure of indra-  |
vṛttasudhodaya | m. Name of work  |
vyājasupta | mf(ā-)n. feigning sleep  |
vyājasupta | n. feigned sleep  |
vyasu | mf(u-)n. lifeless, dead  |
vyasutva | n. loss of life  |
yajñatantrasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
yallabhaṭṭasuta | m. Name of the author of commentator or commentary on  |
yauvanasukha | n. the joys of youth or of love  |
yavasurā | f. an intoxicating drink prepared from barley-meal  |
yogānuśāsanasutravṛtti | f. Name of work  |
yogasudhākara | m. Name of work  |
yogasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |