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Grammar Search
"asram" has 2 results
asram: neuter nominative singular stem: asra
asram: neuter accusative singular stem: asra
Amarakosha Search
3 results
rodanam2.6.94NeuterSingularasru, netrāmbu, asram, aśru
rudhiram2.6.64NeuterSingularkṣatajam, śoṇitam, asṛk, lohitam, asram, raktam
satatam1.1.66NeuterSingularanavaratam, aśrāntam, ajasram, santatam, aviratam, aniśam, nityam, anāratameternal or continually
Monier-Williams Search
26 results for asram
asramātṛ f. (equals asṛk-kara- q.v) chyle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asramātṛkāf. (equals asṛk-kara- q.v) chyle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ajasramind. perpetually, for ever, ever. [ gaṇa- svar-ādi-,etc.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daśasāhasramten thousand times, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramind. sahasra
sahasramaṅgalaName of a place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramanyu(sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand-fold courage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramarīcim. thousand-rayed, Name of the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramaulim. "thousand-crested", Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasrambharamfn. bringing a thousand View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasrambharimfn. nourishing a thousand, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramīḍha (sah/asra--) mfn. characterized by a thousand combats (said of a battle) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramīlha(sah/asra--) mfn. characterized by a thousand combats (said of a battle) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramukhamfn. having a thousand exits View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramūlamfn. (sah/asra-.) having a thousand roots View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramūlīf. Anthericum Tuberosum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramūrdham. "thousand -headed"Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramūrdhanmfn. thousand-headed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramūrdhanm. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramūrdhanm. of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramūrdhaśravaṇākṣināsikamfn. having a thousand heads and ears and eyes and noses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramūrtimfn. appearing in a thousand forms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramuṣka(sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand testicles (according to to also"having many flames") . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasramūti(sah/asra--) mfn. helping a thousand-fold (see sahasroi-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trisāhasramahāsāhasram. (with or without loka-dhātu-) Name of a world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trisāhasramakāsāhasrikamfn. governing that world, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
2 results
jasram जस्रम् Exhaustion, fatigue.
sahasram सहस्रम् [समानं हसति हस्-र Tv.] 1 A thousand. -2 A large number. -Comp. -अंशु, -अर्चिस्, -कर, -किरण, -दीधिति, -धामन्, -पाद, -मरीचि, -रश्मि m. the sun; तदण्डमभवद्धैमं सहस्रांशुसमप्रभम् Ms.1.9; तं चेत् सहस्रकिरणो धुरि नाकरिष्यत् Ś.7.4; पुनः सहस्रार्चिषि संनिधत्ते R.13.44; धाम्नाति- शाययति धाम सहस्रधाम्नः Mu.3.17; सहस्ररश्मेरिव यस्य दर्शनम् Śi.1.53. -अक्ष a. 1 thousand-eyed. -2 vigilant. (-क्षः) 1 an epithet of Indra. -2 of Puruṣa; सहस्र- शीर्षा पुरुषः सहस्राक्षः सहस्रपात् Rv.1.9 1. -3 of Śiva. -4 of Viṣṇu. -अरः, -रम् a kind of cavity in the top of the head, resembling a lotus reversed (said to be the seat of the soul). -आननः N. of Viṣṇu. -अधिपतिः a governor of one thousand villages. -अवरः a fine below a thousand, or from five hundred to a thousand Paṇas. -काण्डा white Dūrvā grass. -कृत्वस् ind. a thousand times. -गु a. possessing a thousand cows (epithet of the sun, also of Indra.) -गुण a. a thousand-fold. -णी a leader of thousands (epithet of Brahman); विलक्ष्य दैत्यं भगवान् सहस्रणीः Bhāg.3.18.21. -घातिन् n. a particular engine of war. -द a. liberal. (-दः) an epithet of Śiva. -दंष्ट्रः a kind of fish. -दृश्, -नयन, -नेत्र, -लोचन m. 1 epithets of Indra. -2 of Viṣṇu. -दोस् m. an epithet of Arjuna Kārtavīrya. -धारः the discus of Viṣṇu. (-रा) a stream of water for the ablution of an idol poured through a vessel pierced with a number of holes. -पत्रम् 1 a lotus; विलोलनेत्रभ्रमरैर्गवाक्षाः सहस्रपत्राभरणा इवासन् R.7.11. -2 the Sārasa bird. -पाद् m. 1 an epithet of Puruṣa; Rv.1.9.1. -2 of Śiva. -3 of Viṣṇu. -4 of Brahman. -पादः 1 N. of Viṣṇu. -2 A kind of duck. -3 The sun; L. D. B. -बाहुः 1 an epithet of king Kārtavīrya q. v. -2 of the demon Bāṇa. -3 of Śiva (or of Viṣṇu according to some). -भक्तम् a particular festival at which thousands are treated. -भिद् m. musk. -भुजः, -मौलिः m. epithets of Viṣṇu. -भुजा f. N. of Durgā. -मूर्ति a. appearing in a thousand forms. -मूर्धन् m. N. of Viṣṇu. -रुच् the sun. -रोमन् n. a blanket. -वदनः N. of Viṣṇu. -वीर्या Dūrvā grass. -वेधम् 1 sorrel -2 a kind of sour gruel. -वेधिन् m. musk. (-n.) asa-fœtida. -शिखरः an epithet of the Vindhya mountain. -शिरस्, शीर्षन्, शीर्ष a. thousandheaded (epithet of Viṣṇu); सहस्रशीर्षा पुरुषः Ṛv.1. 9.1; सहस्रशीर्षापि ततो गरुत्मता Bhāg.4.1.1. -श्रवणः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -हर्यश्वः the car of Indra. -हस्तः an epithet of Śiva.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results2 results
ajasram indum (KS. indram ?) aruṣaṃ bhuraṇyum # VS.13.43a; TS.; MS.2.7.17a: 102.4; KS.16.17a; śB. P: ajasram indum Apś.16.27.10; Mś.
tvaksahasram airaya (var. lect. aireye, aireya) # Mś. See tvam agne sahasram.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"asram" has 1 results
sārasvatasiddhāntacandrikāa work on the Sarasvata Vyakarana by a grammarian named Ramasrama.
Vedabase Search
66 results
trayodaśa-abda-sāhasram for thirteen thousand yearsSB 9.11.18
ajasram foreverBG 16.19
ajasram alwaysSB 4.12.18
ajasram incessantlySB 5.2.9
ajasram continuouslySB 6.3.28
ajasram incessantlySB 9.5.8
ajasram incessantlySB 10.87.50
ajasram again and againCC Madhya 25.40
ajasram everBs 5.42
sa-asram with tearsCC Antya 1.145
catuḥ-asram quadrangularBs 5.5
aṣṭa-daśa-sāhasram eighteen thousandSB 12.13.4-9
dvi-aṣṭa-sāhasram sixteen thousandCC Adi 1.71
dvi-aṣṭa-sāhasram sixteen thousandCC Madhya 20.170
aṣṭādaśa-yojana-sahasram eighteen thousand yojanasSB 5.16.27
catuḥ-asram quadrangularBs 5.5
caturdaśa-sahasram fourteen thousandSB 9.10.9
aṣṭa-daśa-sāhasram eighteen thousandSB 12.13.4-9
dvādaśa-sahasram 20,000 yojanas (160,000 miles)SB 5.24.2
dvi-sahasram two thousand yojanasSB 5.16.10
dvi-sahasram two thousand yojanasSB 5.16.27
dvi-aṣṭa-sāhasram sixteen thousandCC Adi 1.71
dvi-aṣṭa-sāhasram sixteen thousandCC Madhya 20.170
sa-asram with tearsCC Antya 1.145
sahasram one thousandSB 2.10.11
sahasram thousandsSB 3.8.6
sahasram one thousandSB 3.8.12
sāhasram one thousandSB 3.11.22
varṣa-sāhasram a thousand yearsSB 3.20.15
sāhasram one thousandSB 4.9.22
sāhasram thousandSB 4.12.13
sahasram a thousandSB 4.30.17
ṣoḍaśa-sahasram sixteen thousand yojanasSB 5.16.7
dvi-sahasram two thousand yojanasSB 5.16.10
aṣṭādaśa-yojana-sahasram eighteen thousand yojanasSB 5.16.27
dvi-sahasram two thousand yojanasSB 5.16.27
dvādaśa-sahasram 20,000 yojanas (160,000 miles)SB 5.24.2
sahasram one thousandSB 5.24.2
sāhasram one thousandSB 6.13.15
sahasram one thousandSB 8.2.29
caturdaśa-sahasram fourteen thousandSB 9.10.9
trayodaśa-abda-sāhasram for thirteen thousand yearsSB 9.11.18
sahasram one thousandSB 9.15.4
varṣa-sahasram one thousand yearsSB 9.19.18
sahasram thousandsSB 9.20.23
tri-sāhasram three thousandSB 10.58.50-51
sahasram thousandSB 10.61.4
sahasram one thousandSB 10.61.29
sahasram one thousandSB 10.62.6
sahasram one thousandSB 10.68.50-51
sāhasram thousandSB 10.69.1-6
sahasram thousandsSB 10.75.33
sāhasram thousandSB 10.90.29
ṣoḍaśa-sahasram sixteen thousandSB 11.6.18
sahasram one thousandSB 12.2.26
sahasram one thousandSB 12.4.2
aṣṭa-daśa-sāhasram eighteen thousandSB 12.13.4-9
dvi-aṣṭa-sāhasram sixteen thousandCC Adi 1.71
dvi-aṣṭa-sāhasram sixteen thousandCC Madhya 20.170
ṣoḍaśa-sahasram sixteen thousand yojanasSB 5.16.7
ṣoḍaśa-sahasram sixteen thousandSB 11.6.18
trayodaśa-abda-sāhasram for thirteen thousand yearsSB 9.11.18
tri-sāhasram three thousandSB 10.58.50-51
varṣa-sāhasram a thousand yearsSB 3.20.15
varṣa-sahasram one thousand yearsSB 9.19.18
aṣṭādaśa-yojana-sahasram eighteen thousand yojanasSB 5.16.27
5 results
asramātṛkā noun (feminine) chyle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 46054/72933
ajasram indeclinable ever (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
for ever (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
perpetually (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4923/72933
sahasramūrti adjective appearing in a thousand forms (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 69689/72933
sahasramūrdhan noun (masculine) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22566/72933
sahasramūlī noun (feminine) Anthericum Tuberosum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 69690/72933
Wordnet Search
"asram" has 11 results.


rudhiram, raktam, asram, tvagjam, kīlālam, kṣatajam, śoṇitam, lohitam, asṛk, śoṇam, loham, carmajam   

śarīrastha-dhamanīṣu pravahan tāmraḥ dravapadārthaḥ vā śarīrastha-rasabhava-dhātuḥ।

śarīrāt rudhire prasyandamāne api bhaṭāḥ raṇe samāsthiṣata। /askandamāne rudhire sandhānāni prayojayet।


keśaraḥ, kesaraḥ, agnisekharaḥ, ambaram, asṛk, kanakagauram, kāntam, kāleyam, kāveram, kāśmīra, kucandanam, kusumātmakam, kesaravara, goravaḥ, gauram, ghasram, ghusṛṇam   

kṣupaviśeṣaḥ śītapradeśe jātaḥ kṣupaḥ yaḥ sugandhārthe khyātaḥ।

keśarāt prāptaḥ sugandhitaḥ padārthaḥ dhārmikakārye api upayujyate।


aśru, asru, aśram, asram, bāṣpaḥ, netrāmbu, netrajalam, netrodakam, netrajam, locam   

ānande duḥkhe pīḍāyāṃ vā nayanayoḥ āgataḥ dravapadārthaḥ।

tasya kathāṃ śrutvā aśrūṇi āgatāni mama netrayoḥ।


agnisikhaḥ, agnisekharaḥ, ambaram, asṛk, kanakagauram, kaśmīrajanma, kāntam, kāveram, kāśmīram, kāśmīrajanmā, kāśmīrasambhavam, kucandanam, kusumātmaka, kesaravaram, goravaḥ, gauram, ghasram, ghusṛṇam, ghoraḥ, javā, jāguḍam, dīpakaḥ, dīpakam, nakulī, pāṭalam, piṇyākaḥ, piṇyākam, piśunam, pītakāveram, pītacandanam, pītikā, pītakam, pītanam, puṣparajaḥ, priyaṅgum, bālhikam, bāhlika, raktam, raktacandanam, raktasaṃjñam, raktāṅgam, rañjanaḥ, rudhiram, rohitam, lohitacandanam, vareṇyam, varṇam, varṇyam, vahniśikham, vahniśekharam, veram, śaṭham, śoṇitam, saṃkocam, saṃkocapiśunam, surārham, sūryasaṃjñam, saurabham, haricandanam   

puṣpe vartamānaḥ strīliṅgī avayavaviśeṣaḥ yaḥ keśa sadṛśaḥ asti।

agnisikhaḥ kṣapasya jananāṅgena sambadhitaḥ asti।


catuṣkoṇaḥ, caturasram, caturbhujaḥ   

catvāraḥ koṇāḥ yasya।

granthāḥ catuṣkoṇāḥ santi।



aṅkānāṃ sthānānāṃ gaṇanāyām ekakāt ārabhya caturthaṃ sthānaṃ yatra sahasraguṇitasya bodhaḥ bhavati।

dvyadhikapañcasahasram ityasyāṃ saṅkhyāyāṃ pañca sahasrasya sthāne asti।


daśasahasram, ayutam, १००००   

daśasahasreṇa saha guṇanena prāptā saṅkhyā।

daśasahasraṇāṃ rūpyakāṇām abhikāṅkṣayā tena bālāpahāraḥ kṛtaḥ।


daśasahasram, ayutam, १००००   

bahvaṅkī-saṅkhyāyāṃ dakṣiṇatatamāt ekakasthānāt vāmataḥ pañcamo'ṅkaḥ yaḥ tad aṅkasya daśasahasreṇa saha guṇanena prāptāṃ saṅkhyām avabodhayati।

pañcaviṃśatisahasram ityatra dve daśasahasrasya sthāne vartate।


daśasahasram, śataśatāni   

sā saṅkhyā yā śatasya śatena saha guṇanena prāpyate।

tena mahyaṃ daśasahasrāṇi rūpyakāṇi prārthitāni।



kṣipyamāṇaṃ śastram।

dhanuḥ dūravedhinyādīni asrāṇi santi।



ekaṃ sthānam ।

sahasramaṅgalasya ullekhaḥ rājataraṅgiṇyām asti

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