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Monier-Williams Search
14 results for asmad
asmadbase of the first person plural , as used in compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmadalso by native grammarians considered to be the base of the cases asm/ān- etc. (See above) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmaddevatyamfn. having us as deities View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmadīyamfn. () our, ours View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmadrāta(asm/ad--) mfn. given by us View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmadrātamfn. given by us, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmadruh(Nominal verb -dhr/uh-), (Nominal verb -dhr/uk-), mfn. (fur asmad-dr/uh-by defective spelling) , forming a plot against us, inimical to us View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmadryakind. (dry/ak-) towards us View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmadryañcmfn. (4) turned towards us View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmadvatind. like us View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asmadvidhamfn. one similar to or like us, one of us View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhasmadhāraṇan. application of ashes (on the head and other parts of the body) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhasmadhāraṇavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sabhasmadvijam. plural Name of pāśupata- or śaiva- mendicants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Vedic Search
3 results
asma asmá, prn. stem of 1. prs. pl.; A. asmá̄n us, viii. 48, 3. 11; x. 15, 5; D. asmábhyàm to us, i. 85, 12; x. 14, 12; asmé to us, i. 160, 5; ii. 33, 12; Ab. asmád from us, ii. 33, 2; vii. 71, 1. 2; than us, ii. 33, 11; G. asmá̄kam of us, vi. 54, 6; L. asmé in or on us, ii. 35, 4; iv. 50, 10. 11; viii. 48, 10; asmá̄su on us,iv. 51, 10.
ta Tá, dem. prn., that; he, she, it; n. tád that, i. 1, 6; 35, 6; 154, 2. 5. 6; ii. 35, 11. 15; iv. 51, 10. 11; vii. 86, 2. 3. 4; 103, 5. 7; x. 34, 12. 13; 90, 12; 129, 2. 3. 4; 135, 5; m. A. tám him, ii. 33, 13; 35, 3. 4; iv. 50, 1. 9; vi. 54, 4; that, x. 90, 7; 135, 4; I. téna with it, viii. 29, 4. 10; with him, x. 90, 7; I. f. táyāwith that, i. 85, 11; D. tásmai to him, iii. 59, 5; iv. 50, 82; x. 34, 12; for him, x. 135, 2; to that, viii. 48, 12. 13 (= as such); x. 168, 4; for that, viii. 48, 10; ab. tásmād from him, x. 90, 5. 8. 93. 103;than that, x. 129, 2; G. tásya of him, ii. 35, 9; iii. 59, 4; of that, viii. 48, 8; x. 15, 7; du. m. táu these two, x. 14, 12; f. té these two, i. 160, 1. 5; D. tá̄bhyām to those two, x. 14, 11; pl. N. m. té they, i. 85, 2. 7. 10; viii. 48, 5; x. 15, 3. 53. 12. 13; those, x. 15, 1; 90, 16; = as such, x. 15, 4. 7; f. tá̄s they,iv. 51, 8; those, iv. 51, 72. 9; vii. 49, 1. 2. 3. 4; n. tá̄ those, i. 154, 6; ii. 33, 13; x. 14, 16; tá̄ni those, i. 85, 12; x. 90, 16; A. tá̄n those = that, x. 90, 8; I. tébhis with them, i. 35, 11; x. 15, 8. 14; f. tá̄bhiswith them, x. 168, 2; G. téṣām of them, x. 14, 6; L. tá̄su in them, ii. 33, 13.
ya Yá, rel. prn. who, which, that: N. yás, i. 35, 6; 154, 12. 3. 4; 160, 4; ii. 12, 1-7. 9-15; 33, 5. 7; iii. 59, 2. 7; iv. 50, 1. 7. 9; vi. 54, 1. 2. 4; vii. 61, 1; 63, 1. 3; vii. 71, 4; 86, 1; viii. 48, 102. 12; x. 14, 5; 34, 12; 129, 7; f. yá̄, iv. 50, 3; n. yád, i. 1, 6; ii. 35, 15; vii. 61, 2; 63, 2; 103, 5. 7; x. 15, 6; 90, 23. 12; 129, 1. 3. 4; 135, 7; with kíṃ ca whatever, v. 83, 9; A. yám, i. 1, 4; ii. 12, 5. 7. 9; 35, 11; viii. 48, 1; x. 135, 3. 4; I. yéna, i. 160, 5; ii. 12, 4; iv. 51, 4; f. yáyā, iv. 51, 6; Ab. yásmād, ii. 12, 9; G. yásya, i. 154, 2; ii. 12, 1. 74. 142; 35, 7; v. 83, 43; vii. 61, 2; x. 34, 4; f. yásyās, x. 127, 4; L. yásmin, iv. 50, 8; x. 135, 1; du. yáu, x. 14, 11; pl. N. yé, i. 35, 11; 85, 1. 4; iv. 50, 2; x. 14, 3. 10; 15, 1-4. 8-10. 132. 142; 90, 7. 8; with ké whatever, x. 90, 10; f. yá̄s, vii. 49, 1. 2. 3; n. yá̄ni, ii. 33, 13; yá̄, i. 85, 12; ii. 33, 183; iv. 50, 9; vii. 86, 5; A. m. yá̄n, x. 14, 3; 15, 132; G. f. yá̄sām, vii. 49, 3; L. f. yá̄su, iv. 51, 7; vii. 49, 44; 61, 5.
Macdonell Search
3 results
asmadarthe lc. ad. for my sake.
asmadīya poss. prn. our.
asmadvat ad. like us; -vidha, a. like us.
Bloomfield Vedic
3 results0 results20 results
asmad etv ajaghnuṣī RV.8.67.15c.
asmad dvitīyaṃ pari jātavedāḥ RV.10.45.1b; VS.12.18b; TS.;; MS.2.7.9b: 86.5; KS.16.9b; śB.; ApMB.2.11.21b.
asmad dhṛdo bhūrijanmā vi caṣṭe RV.10.5.1b.
asmad yakṣmam aporṇuta AVP.1.89.4d.
asmad yāvayataṃ pari AVś.1.20.2d.
asmad rathaḥ sutaṣṭo na vājī PB.1.2.9b; 6.6.16b. See asmat sutaṣṭo.
asmadartham apatyam GDh.28.18.
asmaddātrā devatrā gachata madhumatīḥ TS.; P: asmaddātrā devatrā gachata Apś.13.6.14. See asmadrātā.
asmaddviṣaḥ sunītho mā parā daiḥ MS.4.9.12b: 133.4. See asmān sunīte, and dviṣā sunīte.
asmadrātā (MS.śś. add madhumatīr; KS. madhumatī) devatrā gachata (KS. gacha) VS.7.46; MS.1.3.37: 44.1; 4.8.2: 109.3; KS.4.9; 28.4; śB.; śś.7.18.9. P: asmadrātāḥ Kś.10.2.20; Mś. See asmaddātrā.
asmadrātiḥ kadā cana RV.1.139.5d; SV.1.287d.
asmadriyak and asmadriyag see asmadryak, and asmadryag.
asmadryag ā dāvane vasūnām RV.9.93.4d.
asmadryag vāvṛdhānaḥ sahobhiḥ RV.10.116.6c.
asmadryag (TSṭB. -driyag) vāvṛdhe vīryāya RV.6.19.1c; VS.7.39c; TS.; MS.1.3.25c: 38.13; KS.4.8c; śB.; TB.
asmadryak kṛṇutāṃ yācito manaḥ Aś.2.10.16c. See arvācīnaṃ kṛṇutāṃ.
asmadryak chuśucānasya yamyāḥ RV.4.22.8c.
asmadryak (TS. -driyak) saṃ mimīhi śravāṃsi RV.3.54.22b; 5.4.2d; 6.19.3b; TS.; MS.4.12.6d: 196.9; KS.13.15b; 23.12.
asmadryak sūnṛtā īrayantī RV.7.79.5b.
asmadryañco dadato maghāni RV.7.19.10b; AVś.20.37.10b.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"asmad" has 1 results
asmadfirst person; the term is used in the sense of the first person in the grammars of Hemacandra and Śākaṭāyana. confer, compare त्रीणि त्रीण्यन्ययुष्मदस्मदि (Hemacandra's Śabdānuśāsana. III.3.17);
Vedabase Search
3 results
asmad noun (masculine) [gramm.] the pronoun asmad
Frequency rank 20833/72933
asmadvidha adjective one of us (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one similar to or like us (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8229/72933
asmadīya adjective our (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ours (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9552/72933
Wordnet Search
"asmad" has 1 results.


madīya, māmaka, māmakīna, ātmīya, mama, asmadīya, āsmākīna   

yat svakīyam।

etad madīyaṃ gṛham asti।

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