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Grammar Search
"apavarga" has 1 results
apavarga: masculine vocative singular stem: apavarga
Amarakosha Search
1 result
muktiḥ1.5.6FeminineSingularśreyaḥ, niḥśreyasam, amṛtam, mokṣaḥ, kaivalyam, apavarga, nirvāṇambeatitude
Monier-Williams Search
17 results for apavarga
apavargam. completion, end (exempli gratia, 'for example' pañcāpavarga-,coming to an end in five days) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apavargam. the emancipation of the soul from bodily existence, exemption from further transmigration View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apavargam. opp. to svarga- (in philosophy) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apavargam. final beatitude etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apavargam. gift, donation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apavargam. restriction (of a rule) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apavargam. shooting off (an arrow), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apavargadamf(ā-)n. conferring final beatitude. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apavargamārgam. the path of emancipation, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dakṣiṇāpratyagapavargamfn. terminating in the south-west View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paścādapavargamfn. closed or completed behind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāgapavargamind. with its end to the east View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prātarapavargamfn. ending in the morning, Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyagapavargamfn. ending in the west, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udagapavargamind. ending to the north View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyapavargam. separation, division, difference View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyapavargam. cessation, termination, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
apavarga अपवर्ग &c.
apavarga अपवर्गः 1 Completion, end, fufilment or accomplishment of an action; अपवर्गे तृतीया P.II.3.6;III.4. 6; (अपवर्गः = क्रियाप्राप्तिः or समाप्तिः Sk.) तेषां चैवापवर्गाय मार्गं पश्यामि नाण्डज Mb.5.113.17. क्रियापवर्गेष्वनुजीविसात्कृताः Ki.1.14; अपवर्गे तृतीयेति भणतः पाणिनेरपि N.17.68; Ki. 16.49; पञ्च˚ coming to an end in 5 days. -2 An exception, special rule; अभिव्याप्यापकर्षणमपवर्गः Suśr. -3 Absolution, final beatitude; अपवर्गमहोदयार्थयोर्भुवमंशाविव धर्मयोर्गतौ R.8.16; ज्ञानेन चापवर्गः Sāṅkhya K.44 -4 A gift, donation. -5 Abandonment. आत्मदोषापवर्गेण तद्याच्ञा जनमोहिनी Bhāg.1.23.46.; -6 Throwing, discharge (as of arrows); मुष्टेरसंभेद इवापवर्गे Ki.16.2. -7 Cessation, end; क्रियाणामर्थशेषत्वात् प्रत्यक्षतस्तन्निवृत्त्या अपवर्गः स्यात् । Ms.11.1.27.
vyapavarga व्यपवर्गः Division, difference. -2 Cessation, termination.
Macdonell Search
2 results
prāgagra a. having the point di rected forwards or eastwards; -apavargam, ad. concluding in the east; -abhâva, m. pre vious non-existence; -abhihita, pp. pre viously discussed.
prātaradhyeya fp. to be recited early in the morning; -anuvâká, m. early recitation (the litany with which the Prâtah savana begins); -anta, a. ending in the morning; -apavarga, a. id.; -abhivâda, m. morning greeting; -avanegá, m. morning ablution; -ahna, m. early part of the day, forenoon; -âsa, m. morning meal, breakfast; -âsita, pp. having taken one's morning meal, having breakfasted; -âhutí, f.morning sacri fice (the second half of the daily Agnihotra sacrifice).
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"apavarga" has 2 results
apavargaachievement; cf, फलप्राप्तौ सत्यां क्रियापरिसमाप्तिः अपवर्गः see Kāś. on अपवर्गे , तृतीया P.II.3.6.
vyapavarga(1)division of a single thing into its constituent elements; confer, compare स्थानिवद्भावाद् व्यपवर्ग: Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on VII. 2.36, VII.3.44 Vart. 3; (2) distinct comprehension as possessed of a specific quality: cf न हि गौरित्युक्ते व्यपवर्गौ गम्यते शुक्ला नीला कपिला कपॊतेति। M.Bh, on P. I.2.64 Vart 37 ; (3) separation into parts, confer, compare कश्चिदेकेनैव प्रहारेण व्यपवर्गे करोति, M.Bh.on V.I.119 Vart 5; (4) distinct notion as a separate unit after the things have been combined confer, compare एकादेशे कृते व्यपवर्गाभावः संबुद्धिलोपो न प्राप्नोति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. VI.1.69 Vart 3; confer, compare also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on VII.1.80.
Vedabase Search
73 results
apavarga and liberationSB 10.82.29-30
apavarga cessation of bodily existenceSB 3.25.12
apavarga endingSB 5.14.29
apavarga in liberationCC Madhya 19.216
SB 6.17.28
apavarga liberationSB 10.69.45
apavarga of liberationCC Adi 1.60
CC Madhya 22.86
CC Madhya 23.16
SB 10.51.55
SB 10.60.52
SB 10.60.53
SB 10.87.40
SB 3.25.25
apavarga of transcendental loving serviceSB 4.30.30
apavarga on the path of liberationCC Madhya 9.270
apavarga the path of liberationSB 4.24.37
apavarga-ākhyam by the name of liberationSB 1.18.16
apavarga-ākhyam by the name of liberationSB 1.18.16
apavarga-ākhyam called apavarga (liberation)SB 5.3.9
apavarga-ākhyam called apavarga (liberation)SB 5.3.9
apavarga-dvārasya the gate of liberationSB 5.24.19
apavarga-dvārasya the gate of liberationSB 5.24.19
apavarga-hetoḥ desiring liberationSB 8.7.20
apavarga-hetoḥ desiring liberationSB 8.7.20
apavarga-mūrteḥ who are liberation personifiedSB 12.8.43
apavarga-mūrteḥ who are liberation personifiedSB 12.8.43
apavarga-śaraṇam which are the shelter meant for liberation from this horrible condition of material existenceSB 7.9.16
apavarga-śaraṇam which are the shelter meant for liberation from this horrible condition of material existenceSB 7.9.16
apavarga cessationSB 10.64.26
apavarga freedomSB 10.60.43
apavarga freedom from all unhappinessSB 11.19.2
apavarga liberationSB 4.29.1b
apavarga the cessationSB 10.40.28
SB 10.51.53
apavarga the path of liberationSB 1.7.22
SB 5.19.19
SB 7.6.17-18
apavargam bestowing liberationSB 10.60.42
apavargam liberationSB 10.87.21
SB 5.6.17
apavargam liberation from all miserySB 11.20.32-33
apavargam liberation from this worldSB 10.3.39
apavargam the cessationSB 10.72.4
apavargam the place of cessationSB 10.90.50
apavargam the source of liberationSB 10.69.18
apavargau and the places for liberationSB 5.20.45
apavargayoḥ and liberationSB 11.23.23
apavargayoḥ and of ultimate liberationSB 10.81.19
apavargayoḥ nor at the endSB 11.19.7
apavargayoḥ to liberationSB 7.13.25
svarga-apavarga-adhipateḥ able to bestow happiness obtainable by living in the heavenly kingdom. by liberation, or by enjoyment of material comfort and then liberationSB 5.5.25
anapavarga without deterioration ofSB 1.8.43
anapavarga-vīryaḥ whose prowess is never defeatedSB 4.30.43
anapavarga without deteriorationSB 12.11.25
svarga-apavarga-adhipateḥ able to bestow happiness obtainable by living in the heavenly kingdom. by liberation, or by enjoyment of material comfort and then liberationSB 5.5.25
svarga-apavarga-kāmānām who are desirous of achieving heavenly planets or liberationSB 5.8.23
vyavāya-apavarga at the end of their period of sexual enjoymentSB 5.17.12
bhava-apavarga liberation from the nescience of material existenceCC Madhya 22.46
bhava-apavarga liberation from the nescience of material existenceCC Madhya 22.84
bhava-apavargam the only shelter for becoming free from the contamination of material existenceSB 7.8.51
svarga-apavargayoḥ of the heavenly planets and liberationSB 5.3.13
svarga-apavargayoḥ of elevation to the heavenly planets or liberation from material bondageSB 8.23.22-23
bhava-apavargam the only shelter for becoming free from the contamination of material existenceSB 7.8.51
bhava-apavarga liberation from the nescience of material existenceCC Madhya 22.46
bhava-apavarga liberation from the nescience of material existenceCC Madhya 22.84
svarga-apavarga-kāmānām who are desirous of achieving heavenly planets or liberationSB 5.8.23
svarga-apavargayoḥ of the heavenly planets and liberationSB 5.3.13
svarga-apavarga-adhipateḥ able to bestow happiness obtainable by living in the heavenly kingdom. by liberation, or by enjoyment of material comfort and then liberationSB 5.5.25
svarga-apavarga-kāmānām who are desirous of achieving heavenly planets or liberationSB 5.8.23
svarga-apavargayoḥ of elevation to the heavenly planets or liberation from material bondageSB 8.23.22-23
anapavarga-vīryaḥ whose prowess is never defeatedSB 4.30.43
vyavāya-apavarga at the end of their period of sexual enjoymentSB 5.17.12
1 result
apavarga noun (masculine) completion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
donation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
end (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
exemption from further transmigration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
final beatitude (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
gift (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
restriction (of a rule) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the emancipation of the soul from bodily existence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3934/72933


one of tantrayuktis; exception.

Wordnet Search
"apavarga" has 3 results.


mokṣaḥ, muktiḥ, kaivalyam, tathāgatiḥ, apunarbhavaḥ, śreyaḥ, niḥśreyasam, amṛtam, apavargaḥ, nirvāṇama   

jīvasya janmamaraṇabandhanāt bahirgamanam।

santaḥ mokṣaṃ prāpnuvanti।


anupradānam, aṃhitiḥ, apavargaḥ, apasarjanam, ijyaḥ, utsargaḥ, utsarjanam, udāttaḥ, upasattiḥ, upasadaḥ, dattam, dādaḥ, dānīyam, dāyaḥ, namas, niryātanam, nirvapaṇam, pradānam, vilambhaḥ, viśraṇanam, vihāpitam, sparśanam, apavarjanam   

kasyāpi sāmājike dhārmikādeḥ kāryārthe dānarūpeṇa vibhinnajanāt saṅkalitaṃ dhanādiḥ।

tena mandirārthe saṅkalitena anupradānena svasya gṛhaṃ vinirmitam।


muktiḥ, mokṣaḥ, kaivalyam, nirvāṇam, śreyaḥ, niḥśreyasam, apavarga   

mṛtyoḥ kāraṇāt jāyamānā nityasukhāvāptiḥ।

jīrṇena rogeṇa pīḍitaḥ saḥ jīvanāt muktim icchati।

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