apavarga | m. completion, end (exempli gratia, 'for example' pañcā | ||||||
apavarga | m. the emancipation of the soul from bodily existence, exemption from further transmigration | ||||||
apavarga | m. opp. to svarga- (in philosophy) | ||||||
apavarga | m. final beatitude etc. | ||||||
apavarga | m. gift, donation | ||||||
apavarga | m. restriction (of a rule) | ||||||
apavarga | m. shooting off (an arrow), | ||||||
apavargada | mf(ā-)n. conferring final beatitude. | ||||||
apavargamārga | m. the path of emancipation, | ||||||
dakṣiṇāpratyagapavarga | mfn. terminating in the south-west | ||||||
paścādapavarga | mfn. closed or completed behind | ||||||
prāgapavargam | ind. with its end to the east | ||||||
prātarapavarga | mfn. ending in the morning, Scholiast or Commentator | ||||||
pratyagapavarga | mfn. ending in the west, | ||||||
udagapavargam | ind. ending to the north | ||||||
vyapavarga | m. separation, division, difference | ||||||
vyapavarga | m. cessation, termination, |
apavarga | अपवर्ग &c. |
apavargaḥ | अपवर्गः 1 Completion, end, fufilment or accomplishment of an action; अपवर्गे तृतीया P.II.3.6;III.4. 6; (अपवर्गः = क्रियाप्राप्तिः or समाप्तिः Sk.) तेषां चैवापवर्गाय मार्गं पश्यामि नाण्डज Mb.5.113.17. क्रियापवर्गेष्वनुजीविसात्कृताः Ki.1.14; अपवर्गे तृतीयेति भणतः पाणिनेरपि N.17.68; Ki. 16.49; पञ्च˚ coming to an end in 5 days. -2 An exception, special rule; अभिव्याप्यापकर्षणमपवर्गः Suśr. -3 Absolution, final beatitude; अपवर्गमहोदयार्थयोर्भुवमंशाविव धर्मयोर्गतौ R.8.16; ज्ञानेन चापवर्गः Sāṅkhya K.44 -4 A gift, donation. -5 Abandonment. आत्मदोषापवर्गेण तद्याच्ञा जनमोहिनी Bhāg.1.23.46.; -6 Throwing, discharge (as of arrows); मुष्टेरसंभेद इवापवर्गे Ki.16.2. -7 Cessation, end; क्रियाणामर्थशेषत्वात् प्रत्यक्षतस्तन्निवृत्त्या अपवर्गः स्यात् । Ms.11.1.27. |
vyapavargaḥ | व्यपवर्गः Division, difference. -2 Cessation, termination. |
prāgagra | a. having the point di rected forwards or eastwards; -apavargam, ad. concluding in the east; -abhâva, m. pre vious non-existence; -abhihita, pp. pre viously discussed. |
prātaradhyeya | fp. to be recited early in the morning; -anuvâká, m. early recitation (the litany with which the Prâtah savana begins); -anta, a. ending in the morning; -apavarga, a. id.; -abhivâda, m. morning greeting; -avanegá, m. morning ablution; -ahna, m. early part of the day, forenoon; -âsa, m. morning meal, breakfast; -âsita, pp. having taken one's morning meal, having breakfasted; -âhutí, f.morning sacri fice (the second half of the daily Agnihotra sacrifice). |
apavarga | and liberation | SB 10.82.29-30 |
apavarga | cessation of bodily existence | SB 3.25.12 |
apavarga | ending | SB 5.14.29 |
apavarga | in liberation | CC Madhya 19.216 |
SB 6.17.28 | ||
apavarga | liberation | SB 10.69.45 |
apavarga | of liberation | CC Adi 1.60 |
CC Madhya 22.86 | ||
CC Madhya 23.16 | ||
SB 10.51.55 | ||
SB 10.60.52 | ||
SB 10.60.53 | ||
SB 10.87.40 | ||
SB 3.25.25 | ||
apavarga | of transcendental loving service | SB 4.30.30 |
apavarga | on the path of liberation | CC Madhya 9.270 |
apavarga | the path of liberation | SB 4.24.37 |
apavarga-ākhyam | by the name of liberation | SB 1.18.16 |
apavarga-ākhyam | by the name of liberation | SB 1.18.16 |
apavarga-ākhyam | called apavarga (liberation) | SB 5.3.9 |
apavarga-ākhyam | called apavarga (liberation) | SB 5.3.9 |
apavarga-dvārasya | the gate of liberation | SB 5.24.19 |
apavarga-dvārasya | the gate of liberation | SB 5.24.19 |
apavarga-hetoḥ | desiring liberation | SB 8.7.20 |
apavarga-hetoḥ | desiring liberation | SB 8.7.20 |
apavarga-mūrteḥ | who are liberation personified | SB 12.8.43 |
apavarga-mūrteḥ | who are liberation personified | SB 12.8.43 |
apavarga-śaraṇam | which are the shelter meant for liberation from this horrible condition of material existence | SB 7.9.16 |
apavarga-śaraṇam | which are the shelter meant for liberation from this horrible condition of material existence | SB 7.9.16 |
apavargaḥ | cessation | SB 10.64.26 |
apavargaḥ | freedom | SB 10.60.43 |
apavargaḥ | freedom from all unhappiness | SB 11.19.2 |
apavargaḥ | liberation | SB 4.29.1b |
apavargaḥ | the cessation | SB 10.40.28 |
SB 10.51.53 | ||
apavargaḥ | the path of liberation | SB 1.7.22 |
SB 5.19.19 | ||
SB 7.6.17-18 | ||
apavargam | bestowing liberation | SB 10.60.42 |
apavargam | liberation | SB 10.87.21 |
SB 5.6.17 | ||
apavargam | liberation from all misery | SB 11.20.32-33 |
apavargam | liberation from this world | SB 10.3.39 |
apavargam | the cessation | SB 10.72.4 |
apavargam | the place of cessation | SB 10.90.50 |
apavargam | the source of liberation | SB 10.69.18 |
apavargau | and the places for liberation | SB 5.20.45 |
apavargayoḥ | and liberation | SB 11.23.23 |
apavargayoḥ | and of ultimate liberation | SB 10.81.19 |
apavargayoḥ | nor at the end | SB 11.19.7 |
apavargayoḥ | to liberation | SB 7.13.25 |
svarga-apavarga-adhipateḥ | able to bestow happiness obtainable by living in the heavenly kingdom. by liberation, or by enjoyment of material comfort and then liberation | SB 5.5.25 |
anapavarga | without deterioration of | SB 1.8.43 |
anapavarga-vīryaḥ | whose prowess is never defeated | SB 4.30.43 |
anapavarga | without deterioration | SB 12.11.25 |
svarga-apavarga-adhipateḥ | able to bestow happiness obtainable by living in the heavenly kingdom. by liberation, or by enjoyment of material comfort and then liberation | SB 5.5.25 |
svarga-apavarga-kāmānām | who are desirous of achieving heavenly planets or liberation | SB 5.8.23 |
vyavāya-apavarga | at the end of their period of sexual enjoyment | SB 5.17.12 |
bhava-apavargaḥ | liberation from the nescience of material existence | CC Madhya 22.46 |
bhava-apavargaḥ | liberation from the nescience of material existence | CC Madhya 22.84 |
bhava-apavargam | the only shelter for becoming free from the contamination of material existence | SB 7.8.51 |
svarga-apavargayoḥ | of the heavenly planets and liberation | SB 5.3.13 |
svarga-apavargayoḥ | of elevation to the heavenly planets or liberation from material bondage | SB 8.23.22-23 |
bhava-apavargam | the only shelter for becoming free from the contamination of material existence | SB 7.8.51 |
bhava-apavargaḥ | liberation from the nescience of material existence | CC Madhya 22.46 |
bhava-apavargaḥ | liberation from the nescience of material existence | CC Madhya 22.84 |
svarga-apavarga-kāmānām | who are desirous of achieving heavenly planets or liberation | SB 5.8.23 |
svarga-apavargayoḥ | of the heavenly planets and liberation | SB 5.3.13 |
svarga-apavarga-adhipateḥ | able to bestow happiness obtainable by living in the heavenly kingdom. by liberation, or by enjoyment of material comfort and then liberation | SB 5.5.25 |
svarga-apavarga-kāmānām | who are desirous of achieving heavenly planets or liberation | SB 5.8.23 |
svarga-apavargayoḥ | of elevation to the heavenly planets or liberation from material bondage | SB 8.23.22-23 |
anapavarga-vīryaḥ | whose prowess is never defeated | SB 4.30.43 |
vyavāya-apavarga | at the end of their period of sexual enjoyment | SB 5.17.12 |
apavarga | noun (masculine) completion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) donation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) end (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) exemption from further transmigration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) final beatitude (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) gift (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) restriction (of a rule) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the emancipation of the soul from bodily existence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 3934/72933 |