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Grammar Search
"apatyam" has 3 results
apatyam: neuter nominative singular stem: apatya
apatyam: neuter accusative singular stem: apatya
apatyam: first person singular present imperfect class 4 parasmaipadapat
Amarakosha Search
1 result
Monier-Williams Search
2 results for apatyam
śakaṭan. (with prājāpatyam-,or rohiṇyāḥ- see rohiṇī-ś-) the five stars forming the asterism rohiṇī- compared to a cart etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upasthāP. A1. -tiṣṭhati-, -te- (irregular Aorist Potential 3. plural -stheṣus- ) to stand or place one's self near, be present (A1.if no object follows ) ; to stand by the side of, place one's self near, expose one's self to (with locative case or accusative) etc. ; to place one's self before (in order to ask), approach, apply to etc. ; to come together or meet with, become friendly with, conciliate (only A1. vArttika on ) ; to lead towards (as a way, only A1. ) ; to go or betake one's self to ; to stand near in order to serve, attend, serve etc. ; to attend on, worship (only A1. on , exempli gratia, 'for example' arkam upatiṣṭhate-,he worships the sun;but arkam upatiṣṭhati-,he exposes himself to the sun ) etc. ; to serve with, be of service or serviceable by, attend on with prayers (exempli gratia, 'for example' aindryā gārhapatyam upatiṣṭhate-,he attends on the gārhapatya- with a ṛc- addressed to indra-;but bhartāraṃ upatiṣṭhati yauvanena-,(she) attends on her husband with youthfulness ) etc. ; to stand under (in order to support), approach for assistance, be near at hand or at the disposal of etc. ; to fall to one's share, come to the possession of etc. ; to rise against ; to start, set out : Causal -sthāpayati-, to cause to stand by the side of, place before, cause to lie down by the side of (exempli gratia, 'for example' a woman) etc. ; to cause to come near, bring near, procure, fetch etc. ; (in grammar) to add iti- after a word (in the pada-pāṭha-) (see upasthita-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
5 results
apatyam अपत्यम् [न पतन्ति पितरो$नेन, पत् बाहु˚ करणे यत् न. त.; some derive it from अप, the termination त्य being added to it, as in तत्रत्य, अत्रत्य, sprung from a stock; Yāska gives two etymologies : अपत्यं कस्मात् अपततं भवति पितुः सकाशादेत्य पृथगिव ततं भवति, अनेन जातेन सता पिता नरके न पततीति चा] Offspring, child, progeny, issue (of animals and men); offspring in general (male or female); sons or grandsons and other later generations of a Gotra; अपत्यं पौत्रप्रभृत्ति गोत्रम् P.IV.1.162; अपत्यैरिव नीवार भागधेयो चितैर्मृमैः R.1.5. (Bhavabhūti calls apatya 'a knot for tying parents together' अन्योन्यसंश्लेषणम् पित्रोः; अन्तः- करणतत्त्वस्य दम्पत्योः स्नेहसंश्रयात् । आनन्दग्रन्थिरेको$यमपत्यमिति वध्यते ॥ U.3.17). -2 A partronymic affix; स्त्रीपुंसयोरपत्यान्ताः Ak.; ˚अधिकारप्रकरणम् Sk.; -Comp. -काम a. desirous of progeny. -जीवः N. of a plant (Mar. पुत्रजीवी). -द a. giving offspring (as a Mantra &c.) -ता State of childhood; शूद्रावेदी पतति......तदपत्यतया भृगोः Ms.3.16. (-दा) N. of a plant (गर्भदात्रीवृक्ष). -पथः the vulva. -प्रत्ययः a patronymic affix. -विक्रयिन् m. a seller of his children, a father who sells his girl for money to a bridegroom. -शत्रुः [अपत्यं शत्रुर्गर्भभेदनेन नाशकं यस्याः सा] 1 'having the child for its enemy', a crab (said to die in producing young). -2 a serpent. -साच् a. Ved. accompanied with offspring.
ānapatyam आनपत्यम् Childlessness.
ārthapatyam आर्थपत्यम् Power over a thing, possession of a thing.
aikapatyam ऐकपत्यम् 1 Sole sovereignty, supreme power. -2 Absolute monarchy.
aupapatyam औपपत्यम् Happiness occurring from a paramour; adultery; जुगुप्सितं च सर्वत्र औपपत्यं कुलस्त्रियाः Bhāg. 1.29.26.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results16 results
asmadartham apatyam GDh.28.18.
kaver apatyam ā duhe RV.9.10.8c; SV.2.476c.
prajām apatyaṃ balam ichamānaḥ RV.1.179.6b.
agnaye svāhā somāya pavitravate varuṇāya dhanvantaraye manasā prājāpatyaṃ brahmaṇe 'gnaye sviṣṭakṛte # Svidh.1.3.7.
asthūri ṇau gārhapatyaṃ dīdāyañ śataṃ (KS. -yac chataṃ) himā dvāyū # MS.1.4.2: 49.1; KS.5.5; 7.3. See tayor asthūri.
ākhor idaṃ kṣaitrapatyam # AVP.1.99.4a.
karomi te prājāpatyam # ApMB.1.13.1a (ApG.3.8.13); HG.1.25.1a. See kṛṇomi etc.
kṛṇomi te prājāpatyam # AVś.3.23.5a; AVP.3.14.5a. See karomi etc.
kṣumantaṃ vājaṃ svapatyaṃ rayiṃ dāḥ # RV.2.4.8d.
tapo yonir asi (KS. asi prājāpatyam) # MS.2.13.2: 153.6; 3.2.6: 23.3; KS.39.2; Mś.
tayor (Apś. tayor nāv) asthūri (Mś. asthūri ṇau) gārhapatyaṃ dīdayac chataṃ (Mś. dīdāyañ śataṃ, but most mss. -yat śataṃ) himā dvā yū # śB.; Kś.6.4.3; Apś.11.19.8; Mś. See asthūri.
tvayā śūrtā vahamānā apatyam # RV.1.174.6d.
prajāvantaṃ svapatyaṃ kṣayaṃ naḥ # RV.7.1.12b.
mano 'si prājāpatyam # TS.; 10.5; KS.4.14; 31.15; Apś.4.9.4; Mś.
maiṣām agne vāstu bhūn mo apatyam # AVś.7.108.1d.
yadā gārhapatyam asaparyait # AVś.14.2.20a.
Vedabase Search
18 results
apatyam a childSB 7.5.37
apatyam a sonSB 6.18.69
apatyam childSB 10.4.15
apatyam issueSB 2.7.4
apatyam offspringSB 9.22.7
apatyam sonSB 3.33.22
apatyam the childSB 10.89.43-44
apatyam the childrenSB 5.18.19
apatyam upon her sonSB 10.16.21
sa-apatyam along with his one hundred sonsSB 3.20.2
kad-apatyam bad sonSB 4.13.46
nabhaga-apatyam was the son of Mahārāja NabhagaSB 9.4.1
tasya apatyam his sonSB 9.22.43
aupapatyam adulterous affairsSB 10.29.26
kad-apatyam bad sonSB 4.13.46
nabhaga-apatyam was the son of Mahārāja NabhagaSB 9.4.1
sa-apatyam along with his one hundred sonsSB 3.20.2
tasya apatyam his sonSB 9.22.43
1 result
apatyamārga noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 43600/72933
Wordnet Search
"apatyam" has 3 results.


vaṃśajaḥ, santānaḥ, santānam, santatiḥ, apatyam, pravaram, prajā, sūnuḥ, prasavaḥ, prasūtiḥ, tantuḥ   

vaṃśe jātaḥ।

vayaṃ manoḥ vaṃśajāḥ।


apatyam, santānam, santatiḥ   

kasyacit putrī putro vā। [na patanti pitaro.nena];

kati apatyāni santi bhavatām। / apatyairiva vīvārabhāgadheyocitairmṛgaiḥ।


apatyam, saṃtatiḥ, prajā, prasūtiḥ, santānaḥ, santanaḥ, tokaḥ, vaṃśaḥ, tuk, sūnuḥ, gayaḥ   

kasyāpi manuṣyasya paśupakṣiṇāṃ vā śarīrāt prasūtaḥ putraḥ kanyā vā।

paśūnām apekṣayā manuṣyasya apatyaṃ svasya pitarau dīrghakālaṃ yāvat āśrayate।

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