śakaṭa | n. (with prājāpatyam-,or rohiṇyāḥ- see rohiṇī-ś-) the five stars forming the asterism rohiṇī- compared to a cart etc. | ||||||
upasthā | P. A1. -tiṣṭhati-, -te- (irregular Aorist Potential 3. plural -stheṣus- ) to stand or place one's self near, be present (A1.if no object follows ) ; to stand by the side of, place one's self near, expose one's self to (with locative case or accusative) etc. ; to place one's self before (in order to ask), approach, apply to etc. ; to come together or meet with, become friendly with, conciliate (only A1. vArttika on ) ; to lead towards (as a way, only A1. ) ; to go or betake one's self to ; to stand near in order to serve, attend, serve etc. ; to attend on, worship (only A1. on , exempli gratia, 'for example' arkam upatiṣṭhate-,he worships the sun;but arkam upatiṣṭhati-,he exposes himself to the sun ) etc. ; to serve with, be of service or serviceable by, attend on with prayers (exempli gratia, 'for example' aindryā gārhapatyam upatiṣṭhate-,he attends on the gārhapatya- with a ṛc- addressed to indra-;but bhartāraṃ upatiṣṭhati yauvanena-,(she) attends on her husband with youthfulness ) etc. ; to stand under (in order to support), approach for assistance, be near at hand or at the disposal of etc. ; to fall to one's share, come to the possession of etc. ; to rise against ; to start, set out : Causal -sthāpayati-, to cause to stand by the side of, place before, cause to lie down by the side of (exempli gratia, 'for example' a woman) etc. ; to cause to come near, bring near, procure, fetch etc. ; (in grammar) to add iti- after a word (in the pada-pāṭha-) (see upasthita-). |
apatyam | अपत्यम् [न पतन्ति पितरो$नेन, पत् बाहु˚ करणे यत् न. त.; some derive it from अप, the termination त्य being added to it, as in तत्रत्य, अत्रत्य, sprung from a stock; Yāska gives two etymologies : अपत्यं कस्मात् अपततं भवति पितुः सकाशादेत्य पृथगिव ततं भवति, अनेन जातेन सता पिता नरके न पततीति चा] Offspring, child, progeny, issue (of animals and men); offspring in general (male or female); sons or grandsons and other later generations of a Gotra; अपत्यं पौत्रप्रभृत्ति गोत्रम् P.IV.1.162; अपत्यैरिव नीवार भागधेयो चितैर्मृमैः R.1.5. (Bhavabhūti calls apatya 'a knot for tying parents together' अन्योन्यसंश्लेषणम् पित्रोः; अन्तः- करणतत्त्वस्य दम्पत्योः स्नेहसंश्रयात् । आनन्दग्रन्थिरेको$यमपत्यमिति वध्यते ॥ U.3.17). -2 A partronymic affix; स्त्रीपुंसयोरपत्यान्ताः Ak.; ˚अधिकारप्रकरणम् Sk.; -Comp. -काम a. desirous of progeny. -जीवः N. of a plant (Mar. पुत्रजीवी). -द a. giving offspring (as a Mantra &c.) -ता State of childhood; शूद्रावेदी पतति......तदपत्यतया भृगोः Ms.3.16. (-दा) N. of a plant (गर्भदात्रीवृक्ष). -पथः the vulva. -प्रत्ययः a patronymic affix. -विक्रयिन् m. a seller of his children, a father who sells his girl for money to a bridegroom. -शत्रुः [अपत्यं शत्रुर्गर्भभेदनेन नाशकं यस्याः सा] 1 'having the child for its enemy', a crab (said to die in producing young). -2 a serpent. -साच् a. Ved. accompanied with offspring. |
ānapatyam | आनपत्यम् Childlessness. |
ārthapatyam | आर्थपत्यम् Power over a thing, possession of a thing. |
aikapatyam | ऐकपत्यम् 1 Sole sovereignty, supreme power. -2 Absolute monarchy. |
aupapatyam | औपपत्यम् Happiness occurring from a paramour; adultery; जुगुप्सितं च सर्वत्र औपपत्यं कुलस्त्रियाः Bhāg. 1.29.26. |
asmadartham | apatyam GDh.28.18. |
kaver | apatyam ā duhe RV.9.10.8c; SV.2.476c. |
prajām | apatyaṃ balam ichamānaḥ RV.1.179.6b. |
agnaye | svāhā somāya pavitravate varuṇāya dhanvantaraye manasā prājāpatyaṃ brahmaṇe 'gnaye sviṣṭakṛte # Svidh.1.3.7. |
asthūri | ṇau gārhapatyaṃ dīdāyañ śataṃ (KS. -yac chataṃ) himā dvāyū # MS.1.4.2: 49.1; KS.5.5; 7.3. See tayor asthūri. |
ākhor | idaṃ kṣaitrapatyam # AVP.1.99.4a. |
karomi | te prājāpatyam # ApMB.1.13.1a (ApG.3.8.13); HG.1.25.1a. See kṛṇomi etc. |
kṛṇomi | te prājāpatyam # AVś.3.23.5a; AVP.3.14.5a. See karomi etc. |
kṣumantaṃ | vājaṃ svapatyaṃ rayiṃ dāḥ # RV.2.4.8d. |
tapo | yonir asi (KS. asi prājāpatyam) # MS.2.13.2: 153.6; 3.2.6: 23.3; KS.39.2; Mś. |
tayor | (Apś. tayor nāv) asthūri (Mś. asthūri ṇau) gārhapatyaṃ dīdayac chataṃ (Mś. dīdāyañ śataṃ, but most mss. -yat śataṃ) himā dvā yū # śB.; Kś.6.4.3; Apś.11.19.8; Mś. See asthūri. |
tvayā | śūrtā vahamānā apatyam # RV.1.174.6d. |
prajāvantaṃ | svapatyaṃ kṣayaṃ naḥ # RV.7.1.12b. |
mano | 'si prājāpatyam # TS.; 10.5; KS.4.14; 31.15; Apś.4.9.4; Mś. |
maiṣām | agne vāstu bhūn mo apatyam # AVś.7.108.1d. |
yadā | gārhapatyam asaparyait # AVś.14.2.20a. |
apatyam | a child | SB 7.5.37 |
apatyam | a son | SB 6.18.69 |
apatyam | child | SB 10.4.15 |
apatyam | issue | SB 2.7.4 |
apatyam | offspring | SB 9.22.7 |
apatyam | son | SB 3.33.22 |
apatyam | the child | SB 10.89.43-44 |
apatyam | the children | SB 5.18.19 |
apatyam | upon her son | SB 10.16.21 |
sa-apatyam | along with his one hundred sons | SB 3.20.2 |
kad-apatyam | bad son | SB 4.13.46 |
nabhaga-apatyam | was the son of Mahārāja Nabhaga | SB 9.4.1 |
tasya apatyam | his son | SB 9.22.43 |
aupapatyam | adulterous affairs | SB 10.29.26 |
kad-apatyam | bad son | SB 4.13.46 |
nabhaga-apatyam | was the son of Mahārāja Nabhaga | SB 9.4.1 |
sa-apatyam | along with his one hundred sons | SB 3.20.2 |
tasya apatyam | his son | SB 9.22.43 |
apatyamārga | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 43600/72933 |