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Monier-Williams Search
2 results for anugai
anugaito sing after or to (a person or tune) ; to celebrate in song: Caus. -gāpayati-, to make one sing after or to. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanugaiP. -gāyati-, to repeat in verse or metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
anugai अनुगै 1 P. 1 To sing after (a person), sing to (a tune); follow in singing; अनुगायति काचिदुदञ्चितपञ्चमरागम् Gīt.1; अनुजगुरथ दिव्यं दुन्दुभिध्वानमाशाः Ki.3.6 sent back, echoed. -2 To sing; to celebrate in song.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results1 result
pitāmahāḥ prapitāmahāś cānugaiḥ saha # TB.; Apś.1.7.13d.
Vedabase Search
18 results
anugai by his attendantsSB 10.75.34-35
anugai by His companionsSB 10.15.42
anugai by His followersSB 10.15.41
anugai by the black beesSB 2.9.14
anugai who are simply followingSB 11.7.37
sunanda-nanda-ādi-anugai by associates like Sunanda and NandaSB 4.7.25
sunanda-ādi-anugai by His followers, like SunandaSB 8.22.15
sunanda-nanda-ādi-anugai by associates like Sunanda and NandaSB 4.7.25
saha anugai along with their followersSB 4.19.4
vibudha-anugai followed by his associatesSB 4.24.24-25
sunanda-ādi-anugai by His followers, like SunandaSB 8.22.15
pada-anugai by infantrySB 9.10.35-38
sunanda-nanda-ādi-anugai by associates like Sunanda and NandaSB 4.7.25
pada-anugai by infantrySB 9.10.35-38
saha anugai along with their followersSB 4.19.4
sunanda-nanda-ādi-anugai by associates like Sunanda and NandaSB 4.7.25
sunanda-ādi-anugai by His followers, like SunandaSB 8.22.15
vibudha-anugai followed by his associatesSB 4.24.24-25
Wordnet Search
"anugai" has 1 results.


gai, anugai, abhigai, pragai, nigai, parigai, udgai, gāyanaṃ kṛ, gānaṃ kṛ   

ālāpena saha dhvanīnām uccāraṇa-vyāpāraḥ yaḥ svaratālabaddhaḥ asti।

sā madhureṇa svareṇa gāyati।

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