anu | mfn. equals aṇu- q.v  |
anu | m. a non-Aryan man  |
anu | m. Name of a king (one of yayāti-'s sons)  |
anu | m. of a non-Aryan tribe  |
anu | ind. (as a prefix to verbs and nouns, expresses) after, along, alongside, lengthwise, near to, under, subordinate to, with. (When prefixed to nouns, especially in adverbial compounds), according to, severally, each by each, orderly, methodically, one after another, repeatedly. (As a separable preposition, with accusative) after, along, over, near to, through, to, towards, at, according to, in order, agreeably to, in regard to, inferior to (As a separable adverb) after, afterwards, thereupon, again, further, then, next.  |
anubaddha | mfn. bound to, obliged to, connected with, related to, belonging to  |
anubaddha | mfn. followed by.  |
anubādh | Passive voice (p -bādhyamāna-) to be oppressed or tormented  |
anubadhnat | mfn. following, seeking  |
anubala | n. rear-guard, an auxiliary army following another.  |
anubandh | to attach, tie ; to bind (by an obligation) ; to stick, adhere, follow, endure ; to be followed by  |
anubandha | m. binding, connection, attachment  |
anubandha | m. encumbrance  |
anubandha | m. clog  |
anubandha | m. uninterrupted succession  |
anubandha | m. sequence, consequence, result  |
anubandha | m. intention, design  |
anubandha | m. motive, cause  |
anubandha | m. obstacle  |
anubandha | m. inseparable adjunct or sign of anything, secondary or symptomatic affection (supervening on the principal disease)  |
anubandha | m. an indicatory letter or syllable attached to roots, etc. (marking some peculiarity in their inflection; exempli gratia, 'for example' an i-attached to roots, denotes the insertion of a nasal before their final consonant)  |
anubandha | m. a child or pupil who imitates an example set by a parent or preceptor  |
anubandha | m. commencement, beginning  |
anubandha | m. anything small or little, a part, a small part  |
anubandha | m. (in arithmetic) the junction of fractions  |
anubandha | m. (in philosophy) an indispensable element of the vedānta-  |
anubandhaka | mf(ikā-)n. connected, allied  |
anubandhaka | mf(ikā-)n. related.  |
anubandhana | n. binding, connection, succession, unbroken series.  |
anubandhī | f. hickup  |
anubandhī | f. thirst  |
anubandhin | mfn. connected with, attached  |
anubandhin | mfn. having in its train or as a consequence, resulting  |
anubandhin | mfn. continuous, lasting, permanent.  |
anubandhitva | n. the state of being accompanied or attended or followed.  |
anubandhya | mfn. principal, primary, liable to receive an adjunct (as a root, a disease) (see anū-b/andhya-.)  |
anubha | mfn. (dual number) neither, no one (of two),  |
anubhā | to shine after another (accusative)  |
anubhaj | to worship  |
anubhartṛ | mf(tr/ī-)n. supporting, strengthening ( ), penetrating ( )  |
anubhāṣ | to speak to, address ; to confess.  |
anubhāsa | m. a kind of crow.  |
anubhāṣaṇa | am-. See an-anubhāṣaṇa-.  |
anubhāṣita | n. spoken words, talk, speech,  |
anubhāṣitṛ | mfn. speaking to, saying  |
anubhava | m. perception, apprehension, fruition  |
anubhava | m. understanding  |
anubhava | m. impression on the mind not derived from memory  |
anubhava | m. experience, knowledge derived from personal observation or experiment  |
anubhava | m. result, consequence.  |
anubhava | cognition, consciousness,  |
anubhava | custom, usage,  |
anubhāva | m. sign or indication of a feeling (bhāva-) by look or gesture  |
anubhāva | m. dignity, authority, consequence  |
anubhāva | m. firm opinion, ascertainment, good resolution, belief.  |
anubhāvaka | mf(ikā-)n. causing to apprehend, making to understand.  |
anubhāvakatā | f. understanding.  |
anubhavam | ind. at every birth,  |
anubhāvana | n. the act of indicating feelings by sign or gesture  |
anubhavārūḍha | mfn. subjected to trial or experiment.  |
anubhavasiddha | mfn. established by experience or perception.  |
anubhāvin | mfn. perceiving, knowing  |
anubhāvin | mfn. being an eye-witness  |
anubhāvin | mfn. showing signs of feeling.  |
anubhāvya | mfn. to be (or being) perceived,  |
anubhaya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (dual number) neither, no one (of two), ',  |
anubhayātman | mfn. of neither kind,  |
anubhayātmatā | (f.)  |
anubhid | to split or break along  |
anubhitti | ind. along a mat  |
anubhoga | m. (in law) enjoyment, a grant of hereditary land in return for service.  |
anubhṛ | to support ; to insert, enter  |
anubhrāj | to illuminate.  |
anubhrātṛ | m. a younger brother.  |
anubhū | to enclose, embrace ; to be after, attain, equal etc. ; to be useful, to help ; to turn or incline to ; to notice, perceive, understand ; to experience, to attempt. |
anubhū | mfn. perceiving, understanding (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
anubhuj | to suffer the consequence of one's actions ; to enjoy successively ; to enjoy, participate ; to pass (an asterism)  |
anubhūta | mfn. perceived, understood, apprehended  |
anubhūta | mfn. resulted, followed as a consequence  |
anubhūta | mfn. that has experienced, tasted, tried or enjoyed.  |
anubhūti | f. perception  |
anubhūti | f. knowledge from any source but memory  |
anubhūti | f. (in philosophy) knowledge gained by means of the four pramāṇa-s (perception by the senses, inference, comparison, and verbal authority)  |
anubhūti | f. dignity, consequence.  |
anubhūtiprakāśa | m. Name of a metrical paraphrase of the twelve principal upaniṣad-s by vidyāraṇya-muni-.  |
anubhūtisvarūpācārya | m. Name of the author of the grammar sārasvatī-prakriyā-.  |
anubhūya | ind. having experienced.  |
anubhūyamāna | mfn. being under trial  |
anubhūyamāna | mfn. being experienced or enjoyed.  |
anubimba | m. n. reflected image,  |
anubimbana | n. the being a reflected image, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anubimbita | mfn. reflected, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anubodha | m. recollection  |
anubodha | m. an after-thought  |
anubodha | m. reviving the scent of a faded perfume, replacing perfumes.  |
anubodha | perception,  |
anubodhana | n. recollecting, reminding.  |
anubodhita | mfn. reminded  |
anubodhita | mfn. convinced by recollection.  |
anubrāhmaṇa | n. a work resembling a brāhmaṇa-  |
anubrāhmaṇam | ind. according to the brāhmaṇa-  |
anubrāhmaṇika | ([Comm. on ]) ([ ]) m. a knower of an anu-brāhmaṇa-.  |
anubrāhmaṇin | ([ ]) m. a knower of an anu-brāhmaṇa-.  |
anubrū | cl.2 P. -bravīti- to pronounce, recite ; to utter ; to address, invite (with dative case) etc. ; to repeat another's words, learn by heart (by repeating another's words)  |
anubudh | to awake ; to recollect ; to learn (by information): Caus. -bodhayati-, to communicate, to remind,  |
anucakṣ | (perf. -cac/akṣa-; imperfect tense A1. -acaṣṭa-) to look at or up to |
anucar | to walk or move after or along ; to follow, pursue, seek after ; to follow out, adhere to, attend ; to behave: Caus. -cārayati-, to let or cause to traverse: Intensive p. -carcūry/amāṇa-, continuing following  |
anucara | mf(/ī-)n. following, attending  |
anucara | m. companion, follower, servant  |
anucarā | f. (rarely ā-) a female attendant.  |
anucāraka | m. a follower, attendant, (gaRa mahiṣy-ādi- q.v)  |
anucaraṇa | n. going after, wandering,  |
anucaraṇacarita | n. acts, deeds, adventures,  |
anucarci | mfn. reciting or repeating (in a chorus)  |
anucarī | f. a female attendant.  |
anucārikā | f. a female follower or attendant.  |
anucārin | mfn. following, attending.  |
anucca | mfn. not high, low, humble  |
anucca | mfn. (equals an-udātta-), accentless  |
anuccais | ind. not aloud, in a low voice.  |
anuccalat | mfn. not moving or going from (ablative),  |
anuccāra | m. non-pronunciation, skipping words (in reciting hymns). See uc-car-.  |
anuccāraṇa | n. non-pronunciation, skipping words (in reciting hymns). See uc-car-.  |
anucchāda | m. ( chad-), a garment which hangs down (probably that part of the lower garment which hangs down in front from the waist to the feet)  |
anuccheda | m. equals an-uc-chitti-.  |
anucchedya | mfn. indestructible, not severable.  |
anucchid | ( chid-) to cut along or lengthwise.  |
anucchindat | mfn. not destroying.  |
anucchindat | mfn. cutting lengthwise.  |
anucchinna | mfn. not cut off  |
anucchinna | mfn. unextirpated.  |
anucchiṣṭa | mfn. ( śiṣ-with ud-), without remains or leavings of food, pure  |
anucchiṣṭa | mfn. not mere remains  |
anucchitti | f. ( chid-), not cutting off, non-extirpation, non-destruction, indestructibility.  |
anucchittidharman | (/anucchitti--) mfn. possessing the virtue (or faculty) of being indestructible  |
anuccho | ( cho-) cl.4 P. (Imper. 2. sg. -chya-) to cut open or cut up  |
anuci | (Imper. A1. -cikitām-) to remember  |
anucint | to meditate, consider, recall to mind ; Caus. to make to consider.  |
anucintā | f. thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting  |
anucintā | f. anxiety.  |
anucintana | n. thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting  |
anucintana | n. anxiety.  |
anucintita | mfn. recollected, recalled, thought of.  |
anucita | mfn. (1. ci-), set or placed along or lengthwise or in rows  |
anucita | mfn. improper, wrong, unusual, strange.  |
anucitārtha | m. an unusual meaning.  |
anudā | (Passive voice -dāyi-) to permit, restore ; to give way, yield ; to remit ; to pay one out (?)  |
anuda | See anānud/a-.  |
anudagra | mfn. not lofty, low  |
anudagra | mfn. not projecting.  |
anudah | to burn up etc. ; to take fire (aor.Subj. 2. sg. -dakṣi-[for dhakṣi-]) ; to be consumed by fire subsequently after (accusative) |
anudairghya | mfn. longitudinal.  |
anudaka | mf(/ā-)n. waterless  |
anudaka | mf(/ā-)n. without adding water  |
anudakam | ind. without touching water  |
anudaṇḍi | f. back bone  |
anudapāna | n. "non-water-drinking", thirst,  |
anudara | mf(ā-)n. (See 3. a-) thin, lank  |
anudāra | mfn. niggardly, mean.  |
anudāra | mfn. adhered to or followed by a wife.  |
anudarśa | m. representation, admonition,  |
anudarśana | n. consideration, regard.  |
anudarśin | mfn. considering, foreseeing.  |
anudatta | mfn. granted, remitted, given back commentator or commentary  |
anudātta | mfn. not raised, not elevated, not pronounced with the udātta- accent, grave  |
anudātta | mfn. accentless, having the neutral general tone neither high nor low (id est both the grave or non-elevated accent explained by pāṇini- as sannatara- q.v - which immediately precedes the udātta-, and also the general accentless, neutral tone, neither high nor low, explained as eka-śruti-)  |
anudātta | mfn. having the one monotonous ordinary intonation which belongs to the generality of syllables in a sentence  |
anudātta | m. one of the three accents to be observed in reading the veda-s, the grave accent.  |
anudāttadi | n. (in grammar) a nominal base of which the first syllable is anudātta-.  |
anudāttatara | m. "more than anudātta-, still lower in sound than anudātta-" id est the very anudātta- accent (or a syllable having this accent which immediately precedes a syllable having the udātta- or svarita- accent, and is therefore more depressed than the ordinary anudātta- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
anudāttet | m. a verbal root having for its anubandha- the anudātta- accent to indicate that it takes the ātmane-pada- terminations only  |
anudāttet | m. also anudāttopadeśa-.  |
anudāttodaya | n. a syllable immediately preceding the anudātta- accent.  |
anudaya | m. non-rising, the not rising (of a luminary).  |
anudbhaṭa | mfn. not exalted, unassuming.  |
anuddhāna | n. non-abandonment,  |
anuddhāra | m. non-partition, not taking a share  |
anuddhāra | m. non-removal. |
anuddharaṇa | n. ( hṛ-), non-removal  |
anuddharaṇa | n. not offering, not establishing or proving.  |
anuddhata | mfn. ( han-), not lifted up, humble  |
anuddhata | mfn. unsurpassed  |
anuddhata | mfn. unopposed  |
anuddhata | m. not a high place  |
anuddhṛta | mfn. non-removed, not taken away  |
anuddhṛta | mfn. uninjured, undestroyed  |
anuddhṛta | mfn. unoffered  |
anuddhṛta | mfn. undivided, unpartitioned  |
anuddhṛta | mfn. unestablished, unproved.  |
anuddhṛtābhyastamaya | m. sunset (abhy-astamaya-) taking place whilst the āhavanīya- fire continues unremoved from the gārhapatya-  |
anudeham | ind. behind the body  |
anudeśa | m. a rule or injunction pointing back to a previous rule  |
anudeśa | m. reference to something prior.  |
anudeśin | mfn. pointing back, referring back  |
anudeśin | mfn. being the object of an anudeśa-  |
anudeśin | mfn. residing at the same place  |
anudeya | n. a present  |
anudeyī | f. a bride's maid ( and )  |
anudeyī | f. (["gift" ])  |
anudghāta | m. no blow or jolt or jerk,  |
anudgīrṇa | mfn. not vomited forth, not disdained  |
anudgīrṇa | mfn. not spurned.  |
anudgṛhṇat | mfn. not ceasing,  |
anudhā | to add in placing upon ; to stimulate to ; to concede, allow, (Passive voice Aorist -dhāyi-)  |
anudham | (3. plural dh/amanty /anu-) to sprinkle over  |
anudhanv | (perf. A1.3. sg. -dadhanv/e-) to run near  |
anudhāv | to run after, run up to ; to follow ; to pursue.  |
anudhāv | to cleanse.  |
anudhāvana | n. chasing, pursuing, running after  |
anudhāvana | n. close pursuit of any object, going after a mistress.  |
anudhāvana | n. cleaning, purification.  |
anudhāvita | mfn. pursued, run after (literally or figuratively).  |
anudhe | Caus. -dhāpayati-, to cause to suck, to put to the breast  |
anudhī | (parasmE-pada A1. -d/īdhyāna-; imperfect tense P.3. pl. -dīdhiyuḥ-) to think of  |
anudhūpita | mfn. ( dhūp-), puffed up, proud  |
anudhvaṃs | A1. (perf. -dadhvas/e-) to fall or drop upon  |
anudhyā | f. sorrow  |
anudhyai | to consider attentively, think of, muse ; to miss, ; to bear a grudge  |
anudhyāna | n. meditation, religious contemplation, solicitude.  |
anudhyāyin | mfn. contemplating, meditating  |
anudhyāyin | mfn. missing  |
anudigdha | mfn. ( dih-), covered (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
anudinam | ind. every day.  |
anudiś | to point out for, assign.  |
anudiśam | ind. in every quarter.  |
anudita | mfn. not risen, not appeared.  |
anudita | mfn. unsaid, unuttered  |
anudita | mfn. unutterable, blamable (see a-vady/a-) (See 1. /an-udita- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order an-udaya-).  |
anudivasam | ind. idem or 'ind. every day.'  |
anudṝ | Passive voice -dīryate-, to break through after (another) ; to be scattered or confused in consequence of the confusion of others.  |
anudra | mfn. waterless  |
anudraṣṭavya | mfn. to be observed, visible.  |
anudraṣṭavya | ( ) mfn. unextinguished  |
anudravaṇa | n. quick recitation, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
anudṛbh | to make into bundles or chains,  |
anudṛś | (ind.p. -d/ṛśya- ) to survey, behold ; to keep in view or in mind, to foresee: Causal P. -darśayati-, to show, tell, teach: Passive voice -dṛśyate- (also perf. A1. -dadṛśe- ), to become or be visible.  |
anudṛṣṭi | f. Name of the ancestress of ānudṛṣṭineya-, (gaRa śubhrādi-and kalyāṇy-ādi-.)  |
anudru | to run after, follow ; to accompany ; to pursue ; to run over in reciting  |
anudruta | mfn. followed, pursued  |
anudruta | mfn. having followed or pursued  |
anudruta | mfn. accompanied  |
anudruta | n. a measure of time in music (half a druta-, or one-fourth of a mātrā- or of the time taken to articulate a short vowel).  |
anuduṣ | to become demoralized as a result of  |
anudvāha | m. non-marriage, celibacy.  |
anudvāra | mfn. having a door or entrance behind,  |
anudvāta | mfn. unextinguished,  |
anudvega | mfn. free from anxiety  |
anudvega | m. freedom from uneasiness.  |
anudvegakara | mfn. not causing apprehension, not overawing.  |
anudvejayat | mfn. not stimulating,  |
anudvigna | mfn. free from apprehension or perplexity, easy in mind  |
anudvīpa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of six islands (as aṅga-dvīpa- etc.),  |
anudviṣ | to wreak one's anger upon  |
anudya | mfn. unutterable  |
anudyamāna | mfn. not being spoken  |
anudyata | mfn. ( yam-), inactive, idle, destitute of perseverance.  |
anudyoga | m. absence of exertion or effort, inactivity, laziness.  |
anudyogin | mfn. inactive, lazy, indifferent.  |
anudyūta | n. continuation of the play at dice, Name of the chapters 70-79 in the second book of the  |
anuga | mf(/ā-)n. going after, following, corresponding with, adapted to  |
anuga | mf(/ā-)n. a companion  |
anuga | mf(/ā-)n. a follower, a servant  |
anuga | mf(/ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') followed by  |
anugā | f. Name of an apsaras-.  |
anugā | to undergo, .  |
anugā | to go after, follow ; to act in conformity to, or according to the wishes of  |
anugāḍha | mfn. plunged or immersed in.  |
anugādin | mfn. repeating another's words  |
anugāh | to plunge after, be immersed in.  |
anugai | to sing after or to (a person or tune) ; to celebrate in song: Caus. -gāpayati-, to make one sing after or to.  |
anugam | cl.1 P. -gacchati-, -gantum-, to go after, follow, seek, approach, visit, arrive ; to practise, observe, obey, imitate ; to enter into ; to die out, be extinguished: Causal -gamayati-, to imitate cause to die out.  |
anugama | m. following, going after in life or death  |
anugama | m. post-cremation of a widow  |
anugama | m. imitating, approaching.  |
anugamana | n. following, going after in life or death  |
anugamana | n. post-cremation of a widow  |
anugamana | n.imitating, approaching.  |
anugāmin | mfn. following, a companion.  |
anugāmuka | mfn. habitually or constantly following or attending.  |
anugamya | mfn. to be followed or imitated.  |
anugaṇ | to count over.  |
anugāna | n. "after-song", (- śas-),  |
anugānaśas | (ind.)  |
anugaṇḍikā | f. a chain of hills,  |
anugaṅgam | ind. along the Ganges  |
anugaṇita | mfn. counted over.  |
anugaṇitin | mfn. one who has counted over, (gaRa iṣṭādi- q.v)  |
anugantavya | mfn. to be followed (as a husband by a wife in death)  |
anugantavya | mfn. worthy of being imitated, to be looked for or discovered  |
anugantī | f. (for anu-- gantrī-?) a message,  |
anugāpana | n. causing to sing after,  |
anugara | m. invitation addressed to a reciter, on .  |
anugarj | to shout or roar after.  |
anugarjita | n. roaring after, echo |
anugata | mfn. followed by, having anything (as a skin) hanging behind  |
anugata | mfn. following  |
anugata | mfn. a follower  |
anugata | mfn. acquired  |
anugata | mfn. extinguished  |
anugata | mfn. tallying with  |
anugata | n. moderate time (in music).  |
anugatārtha | mfn. having a corresponding meaning.  |
anugati | f. following, imitation, dying out.  |
anugatika | m. a follower, an imitator.  |
anugavam | ind. so as to suit (or follow) the cows  |
anugavīna | m. a cowherd  |
anugāyas | mfn. ( gai-), followed by shouts or hymns  |
anugāyas | mfn. ("to be praised in hymns" )  |
anugeya | mfn. to be sung after,  |
anughaṭana | n. continuation (of a tale),  |
anughaṭṭ | to stroke, rub lengthwise.  |
anughrā | "to smell at", kiss  |
anughuṣ | (Ved. ind.p. -gh/uṣyā-) to name aloud  |
anugiram | ind. on the mountain  |
anugīta | mfn. (also) sung after,  |
anugīta | n. an imitative song,  |
anugītā | f. "an after-song", Name of part of the fourteenth book of the mahābhārata- (chaps. 16-92).  |
anugīti | f. Name of a metre (of two verses, the first containing twenty-seven, the second thirty-two mātrā-s)  |
anugodam | ind. near the godāvarī-.  |
anugoptṛ | m. a protector, defender,  |
anugṝ | -gṛṇāti-, to join in praising , to rejoin, answer ; to repeat  |
anugra | or an-ugr/a- mf(ā-)n. not harsh or violent, mild, gentle  |
anugrah | to follow in taking or plundering , to support ; to uphold ; to receive, welcome ; to treat with kindness, favour, oblige ; to foster.  |
anugraha | m. favour, kindness, showing favour, conferring benefits, promoting or furthering a good object  |
anugraha | m. assistance  |
anugraha | m. facilitating by incantations  |
anugraha | m. rear-guard  |
anugraha | m. Name of the eighth or fifth creation  |
anugrāhaka | mf(ikā-)n. favouring, furthering, facilitating  |
anugrāhaka | mf(ikā-)n. favourable, kind, gracious.  |
anugrahakātara | mfn. anxious to please or for favour.  |
anugrahaṇa | n. anu-graha-.  |
anugrahaṇa | practising, practice,  |
anugrahasarga | m. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) creation of the feelings or mental conditions.  |
anugrahin | m. proficient in magic skill.  |
anugrāhin | mfn. gracious, favourable.  |
anugrahita | mfn. occupied, engaged  |
anugrahītṛ | m. a favourer, furtherer,  |
anugrāhya | mfn. to be favoured or furthered.  |
anugrāmam | ind. village after village , into, a village  |
anugrāsaka | m. a mouthful (of boiled rice, etc.)  |
anugrāsaka | m. the equivalent of a mouthful.  |
anugṛdh | (pr. p. -gṛdhyat-) to be reedy after (locative case)  |
anugṛhīta | mfn. favoured, obliged.  |
anugu | ind. behind the cows  |
anuguṇa | mf(ā-)n. having similar qualities, congenial to  |
anuguṇa | mf(ā-)n. according or suitable to  |
anuguṇa | m. natural peculiarity.  |
anuguṇam | ind. according to one's merits  |
anuguṇaya | Nom. P. -guṇayati-, to favour  |
anugupta | mfn. protected, sheltered, concealed.  |
anuha | m. Name of a son of vibhrātra- and father of brahma-datta-  |
anuhā | cl.3 A1. -jihīte-, to run after, catch etc. ; to follow, join  |
anuhāraka | mf(ikā-)n. imitating.  |
anuharamāṇa | mfn. imitating.  |
anuharaṇa | n. imitation  |
anuharaṇa | n. resemblance.  |
anuharaṇa | inheriting,  |
anuharaṇahāra | m. imitation  |
anuharaṇahāra | m. resemblance.  |
anuharat | mfn. imitating  |
anuharat | m. (an-) Name of a man, (gaRa anuśatikādi- q.v)  |
anuhārya | mfn. to be imitated  |
anuhārya | m. equals anv-ā-hārya-  |
anuhava | See anu-hve-.  |
anuhava | m. inviting, stirring up  |
anuhlāda | m. Name of a son of hiraṇya-kaśipu-  |
anuhoḍa | m. a cart (?), (gaRa anuśatikādi- q.v)  |
anuhoma | m. after-oblation,  |
anuhṛ | to imitate ; to resemble: A1. -harate-, to take after (one's parents).  |
anuhṛ | to carry behind,  |
anuhrāda | m. Name of a son of hiraṇya-kaśipu-  |
anuhuṃkṛ | to roar in imitation of.  |
anuhurch | to fall down after another  |
anuhve | to call again, call after, call back : Intensive -johavīti-, to call repeatedly  |
anuja | mfn. born after, later, younger  |
anuja | m. a younger brother, a cadet  |
anuja | m. the plant trāyamāṇa-  |
anuja | n. the plant prapauṇḍarīka-  |
anujā | f. a younger sister  |
anujāgṛ | to watch as an attendant.  |
anujalp | to follow in talking ; A1. -jalpate-, to entertain by conversation.  |
anujan | cl.4 A1. -jāyate-, to follow in being born or produced or arising ; to take after (one's parents)  |
anujanam | ind. according to people, popularly.  |
anujanman | m. a younger brother, younger.  |
anujap | to follow or imitate in muttering.  |
anujāsutā | f. the son of a younger sister,  |
anujāta | mfn. after-born, later, younger  |
anujāta | mfn. taking after (one's parents)  |
anujāta | mfn. born again, regenerated by the sacred cord  |
anujāta | m. a younger brother  |
anujātā | f. a younger sister.  |
anuji | to subdue: Desiderative -jigīṣate-, to be desirous of subduing.  |
anujighra | mfn. snuffling at  |
anujighra | See anu-ghrā-.  |
anujighṛkṣā | f. desire to show favour or kindness  |
anujighṛkṣā | f. intention to include  |
anujighṛkṣā | See anu-grah-. |
anujīrṇa | mfn. grown old or decayed after or in consequence of  |
anujīv | to follow or imitate in living ; to live for any one ; to live by or upon something ; to live submissively under, be dependent on: ; Caus. -jīvayati-, to restore to life  |
anujīvin | mfn. living by or upon  |
anujīvin | mfn. dependent  |
anujīvin | m. a dependent, follower  |
anujīvin | m. Name of a crow  |
anujīvisātkṛta | mfn. made wholly subservient  |
anujīvya | mfn. to be followed in living.  |
anujjhat | mfn. not quitting.  |
anujjhita | mfn. undiminished, unimpaired, not left or lost.  |
anujñā | to permit, grant, allow, consent ; to excuse, forgive ; to authorize ; to allow one to depart, dismiss, bid farewell to ; to entreat ; to behave kindly: Caus. -jñāpayati-, to request, ask permission, ask for leave to depart, to take leave: Desiderative -jijñāsati- or -te-, to wish to allow or permit  |
anujñā | f. assent, assenting, permission  |
anujñā | f. leave to depart  |
anujñā | f. allowance made for faults  |
anujñā | f. an order or command.  |
anujñaiṣaṇā | f. asking permission, taking leave.  |
anujñākṣepa | m. (in rhetoric) an objection expressed by a feigned consent, .  |
anujñāna | n. equals 2. anu-jñā-.  |
anujñāpaka | m. one who commands or enjoins.  |
anujñāpana | n. equals anu-jñapti-.  |
anujñāpana | taking leave,  |
anujñāpana | asking l, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
anujñāprārthanā | f. asking permission, taking leave.  |
anujñapti | f. authorization, permission.  |
anujñāpya | mfn. to be allowed or permitted,  |
anujñāta | mfn. assented to, permitted, allowed  |
anujñāta | mfn. ordered, directed, instructed  |
anujñāta | mfn. accepted  |
anujñāta | mfn. authorized, honoured  |
anujñāta | mfn. allowed to depart, dismissed.  |
anujuṣ | to seek ; to devote one's self to, indulge in  |
anujyeṣṭha | mfn. next eldest  |
anujyeṣṭham | ind. after the eldest, according to seniority  |
anuka | mf(ā-)n. subordinate, dependent  |
anuka | mf(ā-)n. "being after", lustful  |
anukā | P. - kāyati- = abhidhatte-,  |
anukaccham | ind. along or on the shore,  |
anukāla | mfn. opportune, occasional  |
anukālam | ind. opportunely, occasionally.  |
anukalam | ind. by the sixteenth (part),  |
anukalpa | See anu-kḷp-.  |
anukalpa | m. permission to adopt an alternative or substitute (exempli gratia, 'for example' instead of kuśa- grass you may use Durba)  |
anukalpita | mfn. followed by (instrumental case)  |
anukam | Caus. (imperfect tense -akāma-yata-) to desire (with infinitive mood)  |
anukāma | m. desire  |
anukāma | mfn. according to one's desire, agreeable  |
anukāmakṛt | mfn. fulfilling one's desire  |
anukāmam | ind. as desired, at pleasure  |
anukāmin | mfn. desirous  |
anukāmīna | mfn. one who acts as he pleases  |
anukamp | to sympathize with, compassionate: Causal P. (imperfect tense -akampayat-) idem or 'mfn. one who acts as he pleases '  |
anukampā | f. idem or 'mfn. pitiable.'  |
anukampaka | m. "sympathizer", Name of a king  |
anukampaka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' sympathizing with, compassionating.  |
anukampana | n. sympathy, compassion.  |
anukampanīya | mfn. pitiable.  |
anukampāyin | mfn. condoling.  |
anukampin | mfn. sympathizing with.  |
anukampita | mfn. compassionated.  |
anukampitātman | mfn. having a compassionate spirit.  |
anukampya | mfn. pitiable, worthy of sympathy  |
anukampya | m. an ascetic , expeditious (explained by tarasvin-,perhaps for tapasvin-)  |
anukampya | m. (also) a relative, friend,  |
anukanakhalam | ind. over kanakhala-,  |
anukaniyas | an-, asi-, as-, the next youngest  |
anukāṅkṣ | to long for, desire.  |
anukāṅkṣā | f. desire after.  |
anukāṅkṣin | mfn. longing for.  |
anukaṇṭhī | f. a necklace consisting of one string,  |
anukapolam | ind. along the cheek  |
anukara | mfn. imitating  |
anukara | m. an assistant  |
anukāra | m. imitation, resemblance.  |
anukāra | dancing, a dance,  |
anukaraṇa | n. the act of imitation or of following an example  |
anukaraṇa | n. resemblance, similarity.  |
anukārin | mfn. imitating, acting, mimicking.  |
anukarman | n. imitation  |
anukarman | n. a subsequent rite or ceremony  |
anukarman | m. Name of one of the viśvedevā-s  |
anukarṣa | See anu-kriṣ-.  |
anukarṣa | m. attraction, drawing  |
anukarṣa | m. invoking, summoning by incantation  |
anukarṣa | m. the bottom or the axle-tree of a carriage, grammatical attraction (including a subsequent in a preceding rule)  |
anukarṣa | m. lagging behind in a ceremony, delayed performance of a duty.  |
anukarṣan | m. the bottom of a carriage  |
anukarṣaṇa | n. equals anu-karṣa-.  |
anukarṣaṇa | a drinking vessel,  |
anukartṛ | mfn. an imitator, imitating  |
anukartṛ | m. a mimic, actor, performer.  |
anukārya | mfn. to be imitated or copied, to be acted (dramatically)  |
anukārya | n. subsequent business  |
anukath | to relate after (some one or something else) ; to repeat (what has been heard).  |
anukathana | n. orderly narration, discourse conversation.  |
anukathita | mfn. related after (something else)  |
anukathita | mfn. repeated.  |
anukhañja | m. Name of a country.  |
anukhyā | (perf. 2. dual number -cakhya-thuḥ-) to descry  |
anukhyāti | f. act of descrying or revealing  |
anukhyātṛ | m. a discoverer, revealer  |
anukīrṇa | mfn. crowded, crammed foll.  |
anukīrt | to relate after or in order ; to narrate.  |
anukīrtana | n. the act of narrating or proclaiming or publishing.  |
anukḷp | to follow in order : Causal -kalpayati-, to cause to follow or imitate in order.  |
anukḷpti | f. (in vaiśeṣika- philosophy) agreement.  |
anukṛ | to do afterwards, to follow in doing ; to imitate, copy ; to equal ; to requite ; to adopt: Caus. -kārayati-, to cause to imitate.  |
anukṝ | (1. sg. -kir/āmi-) to scatter along ; to strew, fill with, crowd: Passive voice -kīryate-, to become crowded or filled.  |
anukrakaca | mfn. dentated like a saw, serrated.  |
anukram | to go on, go after, follow ; to go through in order, enumerate, supply with an abstract or index. |
anukrama | m. succession, arrangement, order, method  |
anukrama | m. an index showing the successive contents of a book  |
anukramam | ind. in due order.  |
anukramaṇa | n. proceeding methodically or in order  |
anukramaṇa | n. following.  |
anukramaṇī | f. a table or chapter of contents, index to a collection of Vedic hymns (giving the first word of each hymn, the number of verses, name and family of poets, names of deities and metres).  |
anukramaṇikā | f. a table or chapter of contents, index to a collection of Vedic hymns (giving the first word of each hymn, the number of verses, name and family of poets, names of deities and metres).  |
anukrand | (perf. A1. -cakrad/e-) to shout or cry after one  |
anukrānta | mfn. gone over, read, or done in due order  |
anukrānta | mfn. enumerated, mentioned in the anukramaṇī-.  |
anukrī | mfn. ( krī-), bought subsequently (id est not early on the first day) (see pari-krī-, śata-krī-.)  |
anukrīḍ | to play  |
anukriyā | f. imitation, doing anything in like manner or subsequently  |
anukriyā | f. a subsequent rite.  |
anukrośa | m. tenderness, compassion.  |
anukrośākṣepa | m. (in rhetoric) an objection based on compassion or sympathy, .  |
anukrośin | mfn. compassionate, sympathetic,  |
anukṛp | -kṛpate-, to mourn for, long for Nom. A1. -kṛpāyate-, to compassionate, condole with  |
anukṛś | Caus. -karśayati-, to emaciate.  |
anukṛṣ | to drag or draw after, attract: Caus. -karṣayati-, to cause to drag after, draw, attract ; to subject.  |
anukṛṣṭa | mfn. drawn after, attracted  |
anukṛṣṭa | mfn. included or implied in a subsequent rule.  |
anukṛt | (p. -kṛntat-) to go on destroying  |
anukṛta | mfn. imitated, made like.  |
anukṛti | f. imitation, a copy, compliance.  |
anukṛtya | mfn. fit to be imitated  |
anukruś | to shout at : Caus. (ind.p. -krośya-) to join in lamenting, show sympathy for  |
anukṣaṇam | ind. momentarily, perpetually, every instant.  |
anukṣapam | ind. night after night  |
anukṣar | (3. plural -kṣāranti-;Imper. 2. sg. -kṣara-) to flow into or upon  |
anukṣattṛ | m. a doorkeeper's or charioteer's mate or attendant  |
anukṣetra | n. stipend given to temple-servants in Orissa (in commutation probably of the proceeds of an endowment).  |
anukṣi | -kṣiyati- (Imper. 2. sg. -kṣiya-) to settle along  |
anukṣi | Passive voice (p. -kṣīyamaṇa-) to decay or vanish gradually  |
anukta | mfn. ( vac-), unuttered, unsaid, unheard of, extraordinary.  |
anuktanimitta | n. a reason which is unuttered or unheard of or extraordinary  |
anuktanimitta | mfn. having such a reason.  |
anuktasiddhi | f. (in dramatic language) a veiled or indirect compliment,  |
anuktha | mfn. hymnless, not singing hymns  |
anuktha | mfn. not followed by an uktha-  |
anukti | f. the not speaking, improper speech.  |
anukūj | to follow in cooing or singing or groaning.  |
anukūla | mf(ā-)n. following the bank (kūla-) or slope or declivity  |
anukūla | mf(ā-)n. according to the current  |
anukūla | mf(ā-)n. favourable, agreeable  |
anukūla | mf(ā-)n. conformable to  |
anukūla | mf(ā-)n. friendly, kind, well-disposed  |
anukūla | m. a faithful or kind and obliging husband  |
anukūlā | f. Croton Polyandrum  |
anukūla | m. Name of a metre  |
anukūla | n. (in poetry) narrative of calamity leading finally to happiness.  |
anukūlanāyaka | m. a kind husband or lover.  |
anukūlatā | f. concord, good-will, favour, conformity, consent  |
anukūlatā | f. prosperity.  |
anukūlavāyu | m. a favourable wind.  |
anukūlaya | Nom. P. anukūlayati-, to act in a friendly way towards, favour.  |
anukuñcita | mfn. bent, made, crooked.  |
anukuṣ | to drag along |
anulā | f. Name of a female arhat- or Buddhist saint  |
anulā | f. also of a queen of Ceylon. |
anulabh | to grasp or take hold of (from behind) : Desiderative -lipsate-, to intend to grasp  |
anulagna | mfn. attached to  |
anulagna | mfn. followed  |
anulagna | mfn. intent on, pursuing after.  |
anulakṣya | ind.p. conforming to.  |
anulamba | mfn. dependent, subordinate,  |
anulāpa | m. ( lap-), repetition of what has been said, tautology.  |
anulāsa | a peacock.  |
anulāsya | m. a peacock.  |
anulbaṇa | mf(ā-)n. not excessive, not prominent, keeping the regular measure  |
anulepa | m. unction, anointing, bedaubing.  |
anulepaka | mfn. anointing the body with unguents  |
anulepana | n. anointing the body  |
anulepana | n. unguent so used  |
anulepana | n. oily or emollient application.  |
anulepikā | f. (gaRa mahiṣy-ādi- q.v)  |
anulepin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') smeared or anointed with,  |
anulī | to disappear after  |
anulip | P. to anoint, besmear ; A1. to anoint one's self after (bathing): Causal -lepayati-, to cause to be anointed.  |
anulipta | mfn. smeared, anointed.  |
anuliptāṅga | mfn. having the limbs anointed.  |
anuloma | mf(ā-)n. "with the hair or grain"(opposed to prati-loma- q.v), in a natural direction, in order, regular, successive  |
anuloma | mf(ā-)n. conformable  |
anulomā | f. a woman of a lower caste than that of the man's with whom she is connected  |
anuloma | m. plural "descendants of an anulomā-", mixed castes, (gaRa upakādi- q.v)  |
anulomaja | mfn. offspring of a mother inferior in caste to the father ([ ]), (as the mūrdhāvasikta- of a Brahman father and kṣatriyā- mother, and so on with the ambaṣṭha- niṣāda- or pāraśava-, māhiṣya-, ugra-, karaṇa-.)  |
anulomakalpa | m. the thirty-fourth of the atharva-pariśiṣṭa-s.  |
anulomakṛṣṭa | mfn. ploughed in the regular direction (with the grain).  |
anulomam | ind. in regular order  |
anulomana | n. due regulation, sending or putting in the right direction  |
anulomana | n. carrying off by the right channels, purging  |
anulomapariṇītā | f. married in regular gradation.  |
anulomapratiloma | (said of a mythical sea and mountain),  |
anulomārtha | mfn. one who holds favourable views on any question.  |
anulomāya | mfn. having fortune favourable.  |
anulomaya | Nom. P. anu-lomayati-, to stroke or rub with the hair ; to send in the right direction or so as to carry off by the right channels  |
anulomaya | to make favourable,  |
anulomikī | f. (with kṣānti-) resignation to natural consequences, (confer, compare an-- utpattika-- dharma-- kṣānti-, and ghoṣā- nugā-, ).  |
anulubh | Caus. -lobhayati-, to long for, desire  |
anumā | Intensive (imperfect tense amīmed /anu-) to roar or bleat towards  |
anumā | to be behind in measure, to be unable to equal ; to infer, conclude, guess, conjecture: Passive voice -mīyate-, to be inferred or supposed. |
anumā | f. inference, a conclusion from given premises.  |
anumad | to rejoice over, to gladden, to praise  |
anumadhyama | mfn. next oldest to the middle  |
anumādya | (4, 5) mfn. to be praised in succession, to be granted with acclamation or praise  |
anumādya | See anu-mad-.  |
anumālinītīram | ind. on the bank of the mālinī-,  |
anuman | to approve, assent to, permit, grant: Causal P. -mānayati-, to ask for permission or leave, ask for (accusative) ; to honour.  |
anumāna | m. permission, consent  |
anumāna | n. the act of inferring or drawing a conclusion from given premises  |
anumāna | n. inference, consideration, reflection  |
anumāna | n. guess, conjecture  |
anumāna | n. one of the means of obtaining true knowledge (See pramāṇa-).  |
anumānacintāmaṇi | m. works on anumāna-.  |
anumānakhaṇḍa | n. works on anumāna-.  |
anumānamaṇidīdhiti | f. a similar work written by raghunātha-.  |
anumanana | n. assenting  |
anumānaprakāśa | m. works on anumāna-.  |
anumānokti | f. inferential argument, reasoning.  |
anumantavya | mfn. to be consented to or acknowledged,  |
anumantṛ | mfn. consenting to, permitting  |
anumantr | to accompany with or consecrate by magic formulas ; to dismiss with a blessing.  |
anumantraṇa | n. consecration by hymns and prayers.  |
anumantraṇamantra | m. a hymn used in consecrating.  |
anumantrita | mfn. so consecrated.  |
anumanyamāna | mfn. minding, assenting.  |
anumāpaka | mf(ikā-)n. causing an inference (as an effect).  |
anumaraṇa | See anu-mṛ-.  |
anumaraṇa | n. following in death  |
anumaraṇa | n. post-cremation or concremation of a widow  |
anumaraṇa | n. the burning of a widow with (her husband's corpse or with part of his dress when his body is not on the spot; see saha-maraṇa-).  |
anumārg | to search through,  |
anumārga | m. following, seeking (eṇa-, with genitive case ="after"),  |
anumārgāgata | mfn. met half-way,  |
anumariṣyat | mfn. about to follow in death.  |
anumarśam | ind. so as to seize or take hold of  |
anumaru | m. (used in the plural) a country next to a desert  |
anumāṣam | ind. like a kidney bean, (gaRa parimukhādi- q.v)  |
anumata | mfn. approved, assented to, permitted, allowed, agreeable, pleasant  |
anumata | mfn. loved, beloved  |
anumata | mfn. concurred with, being of one opinion  |
anumata | n. consent, permission, approbation  |
anumatakarmakārin | mfn. doing what is allowed. acting according to an agreement.  |
anumatavajra | mfn. one who has received the thunderbolt by consent (?),  |
anumate | ind. with consent of.  |
anumati | f. assent, permission, approbation  |
anumati | f. personified as a goddess etc.  |
anumati | f. the fifteenth day of the moon's age (on which it rises one digit less than full, when the gods or manes receive oblations with favour)  |
anumati | f. also personified as a goddess , oblation made to this goddess.  |
anumatipattra | n. (in law) a deed expressing assent.  |
anumātṛ | mfn. drawing inferences, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
anumeya | mfn. to be measured  |
anumeya | mfn. inferable, to be inferred, proved or conjectured.  |
anumid | -medyati-, to become fat after another  |
anumimāna | mfn. parasmE-pada A1. concluding, inferring.  |
anumita | mfn. inferred, conjectured.  |
anumiti | f. conclusion from given premises.  |
anumīyamāna | mfn. Passive voice parasmE-pada being inferred.  |
anumlocā | ([ ]) f. Name of an apsaras-.  |
anumlocantī | ([ ]) ([ ]) f. Name of an apsaras-.  |
anumluc | (only used for the etymol. of anu-ml/ocantī-,below), to rise from the resting-place (?)  |
anumoda | m. a subsequent pleasure, the feeling of pleasure from sympathy.  |
anumodaka | mf(ikā-)n. assenting, showing sympathetic joy.  |
anumodana | n. pleasing, causing pleasure, applauding  |
anumodana | n. assent, acceptance  |
anumodana | n. sympathetic joy.  |
anumodin | mfn. causing pleasure to (genitive case),  |
anumodita | mfn. pleased, delighted, applauded  |
anumodita | mfn. agreeable, acceptable.  |
anumṛ | to follow in death  |
anumṛgya | mfn. ( mṛg-), to be sought after  |
anumṛgyadāśu | mfn. granting all that is sought.  |
anumṛj | to rub lengthways for polishing or cleaning etc. Intensive participle -m/armṛjāna-, stretching (the arms) repeatedly towards  |
anumroka | see mrokā- numroka- (parasmE-pada 837).  |
anumṛś | to grasp, seize etc. ; to consider, think of, reflect: Caus. -marśayati-, to touch or take hold of for the sake of examining  |
anumṛt | mfn. dying after, following in death,  |
anumṛtā | f. the woman who burns with a part of her husband's dress.  |
anumud | to join in rejoicing ; to sympathize with, to rejoice ; to allow with pleasure, express approval, applaud, permit: Caus. -modayati-, to express approval, permit.  |
anumuh | to feel distressed at, to be troubled about or after another  |
anunad | to sound towards (accusative): Causal P. -nādayati-, to make resonant or musical.  |
anunāda | m. sound, vibration  |
anunāda | m. reverberation, echo.  |
anunadi | ind. along the river,  |
anunādin | mfn. resounding, echoing, resonant.  |
anunādita | mfn. made to resound.  |
anunam | A1. to incline to : Causal P. -nāmayati-, to cause to bow  |
anunand | to enjoy. |
anunāsika | mfn. nasal, uttered through the nose (as one of the five nasal consonants, or a vowel, or the three semivowels y-, v-, l-,under certain circumstances;in the case of vowels and semivowels, the mark ँ is used to denote this nasalization)  |
anunāsika | mfn. the nasal mark ँ  |
anunāsika | n. a nasal twang  |
anunāsika | n. speaking through the nose (a fault in pronunciation).  |
anunāsikādi | m. a compound letter commencing with a nasal.  |
anunāsikalopa | m. dropping of a nasal sound or letter.  |
anunāsikānta | m. a radical ending in a nasal.  |
anunāsikatva | n. nasality.  |
anunāsikopadha | mfn. having a nasal penultimate  |
anunāsikopadha | mfn. succeeding a syllable with a nasal sound.  |
anunaya | m. conciliation, salutation, courtesy, civility, showing respect or adoration to a guest or a deity  |
anunaya | m. humble entreaty or supplication, reverential deportment  |
anunaya | m. regulation of conduct, discipline, tuition  |
anunaya | mfn. conciliatory, kind  |
anunāyaka | mf(ikā-)n. submissive, humble.  |
anunayam | ind. fitly becomingly.  |
anunayamāna | mfn. conciliating, honouring.  |
anunayāmantrana | n. conciliatory address.  |
anunayapratighaprahāṇa | n. abandoning the obstacles to conciliatory behaviour  |
anunāyikā | f. a female character subordinate to a nāyikā- or leading female character in a drama.  |
anunayin | mfn. courteous, supplicating.  |
anuneya | mfn. to be conciliated  |
anunī | (subjunctive 2. sg. -nayas-; Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -neṣi-,2 plural -neṣathā-) to bring near, lead to ; to induce, win over, conciliate, pacify, supplicate.  |
anunidhānam | ind. according to position, in right order,  |
anunikram | -krāmati- (subjunctive -krāmāt-) to follow in the steps  |
anunikṣ | to pierce along  |
anuninīṣā | f. the wish to propitiate,  |
anuninīṣu | mfn. desirous of conciliating.  |
anunipad | -padyate-, to lie down by the side of  |
anunirdah | (Imper. 2. sg. -daha) to burn down in succession  |
anunirdeśa | m. description or relation following a previous model.  |
anunirjihāna | mfn. (pr.p. A1.2. hā-), proceeding out of  |
anunirvā | -vāti-, to become extinct, go out after.  |
anunirvap | to take out from for scattering or sharing subsequently  |
anunirvāpya | mfn. to be taken out and shared subsequently  |
anunirvāpyā | f. Name of a ceremony,  |
anuniśam | (ind.p. -śamya-) to hear, perceive ; to consider  |
anuniśam | ind. every night  |
anuniśītham | ind. at mid night  |
anunīta | mfn. disciplined, taught  |
anunīta | mfn. obtained  |
anunīta | mfn. respected  |
anunīta | mfn. pleased, pacified  |
anunīta | mfn. humbly entreated.  |
anunīti | f. conciliation, courtesy, supplication.  |
anunitud | (imperfect tense 3. plural -atudan-) to wound with a stab, goad,  |
anunivṛj | (imperfect tense 3. sg. -vṛṇak-) to plunge into (locative case)  |
anunivṛt | Caus. -vartayati-, to bring back  |
anuniyuj | to attach to, place under the authority of  |
anunmāda | m. not being mad, soberness  |
anunmāda | mfn. equals an-unmatta-.  |
anunmadita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not mad, sane, sober, not wild.'  |
anunmatta | mfn. not mad, sane, sober, not wild.  |
anunnata | mfn. not elevated, not lifted up.  |
anunnatagātra | mfn. having limbs that are not too stout, prominent or protuberant |
anunnatānata | mfn. not raised nor lowered, level.  |
anunṛt | to dance after (accusative) ; to dance before (accusative)  |
anunu | Intensive (imperfect tense 3 plural -nonavur-; pr. p. Nominal verb plural m. -n/onuvatas-) to follow with acclamations of praise  |
anupā | to drink after or there upon, follow in drinking, drink at ; Caus. (Potential -pāy/ayet-) to cause to drink afterwards |
anupā | Causal P. A1. -pālayati-, te-, to preserve, keep, cherish ; to wait for, expect.  |
anupabādha | mf(/ā-)n. unobstructed  |
anupabhujyamāna | mfn. not being enjoyed.  |
anupabhukta | mfn. unenjoyed, unpossessed.  |
anupac | to make ripe by degrees : Passive voice to become ripe by degrees  |
anupacarita | mfn. not transferred, Sa1m2khyas., Scholiast or Commentator  |
anupad | to follow, attend, be fond of ; to enter ; to enter upon ; to notice, understand ; to handle.  |
anupad | mfn. coming to pass  |
anupada | mfn. following closely  |
anupada | m. Name of a man or tribe, (gaRa upakādi- q.v)  |
anupada | n. a chorus, refrain, burden of a song or words sung again after regular intervals  |
anupada | n. Name of an upāṅga- belonging to the sāma-veda-  |
anupada | n. word for word  |
anupada | n. on the heels of, close behind or after.  |
anupadam | ind. step by step  |
anupādāna | n. not mentioning, omission, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anupadasta | ([ ]) or an-upadasya- ([ ]) or /an-upadasyat- ([ ]) or /an-upadasvat- ([ ]) or /an upadāsuka- ([ ]) mfn. not drying up, not decaying.  |
anupadasūtra | n. a commentary explaining the text (of a brāhmaṇa-) word for word.  |
anupadavī | f. a road followed after another  |
anupāde | ind. behind (a person's feet),  |
anupadeṣṭavya | mfn. not to be commended,  |
anupadeṣṭṛ | m. one who does not teach.  |
anupadha | m. "having no penultimate", a letter or syllable (as a sibilant or h-) not preceded by another.  |
anupādhirāmaṇīya | see 1. upā- dhi- (parasmE-pada 213).  |
anupadhiśeṣa | mfn. in whom there is no longer a condition of individuality  |
anupadhmāta | mfn. not blown upon,  |
anupadin | m. a searcher, an inquirer, one who follows or seeks for  |
anupadīnā | f. a boot, buskin  |
anupadiṣṭa | mfn. untaught, uninstructed.  |
anupagatajara | mfn. not impaired by old age or infirmity,  |
anupaghātārjita | mfn. acquired without detriment (to the paternal estate).  |
anupaghnat | mfn. not detrimental  |
anupaghnat | mfn. not touching  |
anupagītam | ind. so that no other person accompanies in singing  |
anupagṛhīta | mfn. unchanged,  |
anupahata | mfn. unimpaired, unvitiated  |
anupahata | mfn. not rendered impure.  |
anupahatakarṇendriyatā | f. having the organ of hearing uninjured (one of the 80 minor marks 0f a buddha-), .  |
anupahatakruṣṭa | mfn. whose organs of hearing are unimpaired  |
anupahita | mfn. unconditioned,  |
anupahūta | mfn. not called upon or invited  |
anupahūta | mfn. not accompanied with invitations  |
anupahūyamāna | mfn. not being invited  |
anupajīvanīya | mfn. yielding no livelihood, (Compar. -tara-,"yielding no livelihood at all")  |
anupajīvanīya | mfn. having no livelihood  |
anupakārin | mfn. not assisting, disobliging, ungrateful, not making a return for benefits received  |
anupakārin | mfn. unserviceable, useless.  |
anupākhya | mfn. not clearly discernible  |
anupakiñca | mfn. "having nothing defective", not hoarse, not faltering (voice),  |
anupakṛta | mfn. unassisted.  |
anupākṛta | mfn. not rendered fit for sacrificial purposes  |
anupākṛtamāṃsa | n. flesh of an animal not prepared for sacrifice.  |
anupākruṣṭa | mfn. irreproachable,  |
anupakṣita | mfn. uninjured, undecaying  |
anupāl | See 2. anu-- 2. pā-.  |
anupalabdha | mfn. unobtained, unperceived, unascertained.  |
anupalabdhi | f. non-perception, non-recognition.  |
anupalabdhisama | mf(ā-) trying to establish a fact (exempli gratia, 'for example' the reality and eternity of sound) from the impossibility of perceiving the non perception of it, sophistical argument  |
anupalābha | m. not catching  |
anupalabhyamāna | mfn. not being perceived  |
anupalakṣita | mfn. untraced, unperceived, unmarked, indiscriminated.  |
anupalakṣya | mfn. not to be traced, imperceptible.  |
anupalakṣyavartman | mfn. having ways that cannot be traced.  |
anupalāla | m. Name of a demon dangerous to children  |
anupalambha | m. non-perception.  |
anupalambhana | n. want of apprehension or knowledge.  |
anupālana | n. preserving, keeping up.  |
anupālayat | mfn. keeping, maintaining.  |
anupalīḍha | mfn. unlicked,  |
anupālin | mfn. preserving, keeping up.  |
anupalipta | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, .  |
anupālu | n. Name of a plant, wild Calladium (?).  |
anupālya | mfn. to be guarded or kept or maintained (as truth),  |
anupama | mf(ā-)n. incomparable, matchless  |
anupama | mf(ā-)n. excellent, best  |
anupamā | f. the female elephant of the south-east or of the north-east.  |
anupamamati | m. Name of a contemporary of śākya-muni-.  |
anupamardana | n. non-demolition or refutation of a charge.  |
anupameya | mfn. incomparable.  |
anupamita | mfn. uncompared, matchless.  |
anupāna | n. a fluid vehicle in medicine  |
anupāna | n. drink taken with or after medicine  |
anupāna | n. drink after eating  |
anupāna | n. drink to be had near at hand, (Comm. on)  |
anupāna | See 1. anu-- 1. pā-.  |
anupanāha | m. want of close attachment or adherence (?)  |
anupanāha | m. not a perpetual enmity,  |
anupanata | mfn. not occurred, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
anupānatka | mfn. shoeless  |
anupānīya | n. drink to be had near at hand commentator or commentary on  |
anupānīya | mfn. fit to be drunk after  |
anupānīya | mfn. serving as a liquid vehicle of medicine.  |
anupanyāsa | m. failure of proof or determination, uncertainty, doubt. |
anupanyasta | mfn. not laid down clearly, not established  |
anupapādaka | m. plural "having no material parent", Name of a class of buddha-s, called dhyānibuddha-s.  |
anupapanna | mfn. not done, unaccomplished, uneffected  |
anupapanna | mfn. unproved  |
anupapanna | mfn. irrelevant, inconclusive, inapplicable  |
anupapanna | mfn. impossible  |
anupapanna | mfn. inadequately supported.  |
anupapatti | f. non-accomplishment  |
anupapatti | f. failure of proof  |
anupapatti | f. inconclusive argumentation  |
anupapatti | f. irrelevancy, inapplicability  |
anupapatti | f. insufficiency of means, adversity.  |
anupaplava | mfn. free from disaster or overwhelming calamity.  |
anupapluta | mfn. not overwhelmed (with calamity).  |
anuparābhū | to spoil or destroy after another : Causal -bhāvayati- idem or 'to fly or hasten by the side of another '  |
anuparāga | mfn. free from passion,  |
anuparāgam | to follow one who is escaping  |
anuparāmṛś | to seize  |
anuparāpat | to fly or hasten by the side of another  |
anuparāsru | (said of a leaky vessel) to flow with water subsequently  |
anuparata | mfn. uninterrupted, not stopped.  |
anupare | ( -parā-i-), (Imper. 2. sg. -p/arehi-; imperfect tense -p/araīt-) to follow in walking off  |
anuparī | ( i-), -pary-eti- (3. plural -p/ari-yanti- ,irreg. -paryanti- ), to follow in going round, to make the round of. |
anuparicāram | ind. equals anuparikr/āmam-  |
anuparidhi | ind. along or at the three paridhi-s of the sacrificial fire  |
anuparigā | to make the round of, traverse  |
anuparigrah | to grasp all round, surround,  |
anuparigrah | to favour, befriend,  |
anuparihāram | ind. surrounding  |
anuparikṝ | to scatter alongside, to bestrew  |
anuparikram | to walk round in order, to make the circuit of, visit in a regular round.  |
anuparikrāmam | ind. while walking round in order  |
anuparikramaṇa | n. walking round in order  |
anuparimṛj | (Causal ind.p. - mārjya-), to wipe all round,  |
anupariṇī | ( nī-) to lead or carry about  |
anuparipāṭikrama | m. regular order  |
anupariplu | (Causal - plāvayati-), to wash,  |
anuparisic | to pour round,  |
anupariśrit | ind. along or at the surrounding fence  |
anuparisru | to run after  |
anuparivārita | mfn. surrounded, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anuparivṛt | to return, be repeated  |
anupariyā | to pass through in order  |
anuparodha | m. not prejudicing or injuring,  |
anuparodhatas | (with genitive case ="without prejudice to"),  |
anupārśva | mfn. along or by the side  |
anupārśva | mfn. lateral.  |
anuparvata | m. a promontory, headland,  |
anuparyādhā | (Potential -dadhyāt-) to place round in order  |
anuparyāgā | (Aorist 3. plural -āgur-) to revolve, return to  |
anuparyāvṛt | to follow in going off, to follow  |
anuparye | ( -ā-i-), -pary-aiti-, to make the whole round of  |
anuparyukṣ | to sprinkle round  |
anupaś | P. A1. -paśyati-, te-, to look at, perceive, notice, discover etc. ; to consider, reflect upon (accusative) etc. ; to look upon as, take as ; (perf. A1. parasmE-pada -paspaśān/a-) to show (as the path) ( )  |
anupāsana | n. want of attention to.  |
anupaśānta | mfn. not calm  |
anupaśānta | m. Name of a Buddhist mendicant.  |
anupasarga | m. a word that is not an upasarga- q.v , or destitute of one  |
anupasarga | m. that which needs no additions (as a divine being)  |
anupaśaya | m. any aggravating circumstance (in a disease).  |
anupasecana | mfn. having nothing that moistens (exempli gratia, 'for example' no sauce)  |
anupāsita | mfn. not attended to, neglected.  |
anupaskṛta | mfn. unfinished, unpolished  |
anupaskṛta | mfn. not cooked  |
anupaskṛta | mfn. genuine  |
anupaskṛta | mfn. blameless  |
anupaskṛta | mfn. unrequited.  |
anupasthāna | n. not coming near  |
anupasthāna | n. not being at hand, absence.  |
anupasthāpana | n. not placing near, not producing, not offering  |
anupasthāpana | n. not having ready or at hand.  |
anupasthāpayat | mfn. not presenting, not having at hand.  |
anupasthāpita | mfn. not placed near, not ready, not at hand, not offered or produced.  |
anupasthāyin | mfn. absent, distant.  |
anupasthita | mfn. not come near, not present, not at hand  |
anupasthita | mfn. not complete  |
anupasthita | n. a word not upasthita- q.v  |
anupasthiti | f. absence, not being at hand  |
anupasthiti | f. incompleteness  |
anupastīrṇaśāyin | mfn. lying upon the bare ground,  |
anupaśya | mfn. perceiving, seeing  |
anupat | to pass by (accusative) flying ; to fly after, run after, go after, follow: Caus. (Imper. 2. sg. -pātaya-) to fly along ; to throw (a person) down together with oneself  |
anupāta | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
anupāṭa | m. splitting or cutting down (a kind of torture),  |
anupāta | m. falling subsequently upon, alighting or descending upon in succession  |
anupāta | m. following  |
anupāta | m. going, proceeding in order, or as a consequence  |
anupāta | m. a degree of latitude opposite to one given, the Antaeci (?)  |
anupāta | m. proportion (in arithmetic)  |
anupāta | m. arithmetical progression, rule of three.  |
anupātaka | n. a crime similar to a mahāpātaka- q.v (falsehood, fraud, theft, adultery, etc.)  |
anupātam | ind. in regular succession.  |
anupatana | n. falling on or upon  |
anupatana | n. following  |
anupatana | n. (in mathem.) proportion.  |
anupaṭh | to say after, read through, repeat  |
anupatha | mfn. following the road  |
anupatha | m. a road followed after another  |
anupatha | m. a servant  |
anupatham | ind. along the road.  |
anupaṭhita | mfn. read through (aloud), recited.  |
anupaṭhitin | m. (one who has read through or recited) , proficient, (gaRa iṣṭādi- q.v)  |
anupati | ind. after the husband  |
anupātin | mfn. following as a consequence or result.  |
anupatita | mfn. fallen, descended  |
anupatita | mfn. followed.  |
anupātta | mfn. not caught (as fire),  |
anupātta | not mentioned explicitly,  |
anupavītin | m. one uninvested with the sacred thread.  |
anupāvṛtta | m. plural Name of a people  |
anupāya | m. bad means (ena-,"to no purpose"),  |
anupāya | mfn. (a Stobha) in which the chorus of chanting priests does not join, (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
anupayat | mfn. not going to (a wife varia lectio yāt-), .  |
anupāyin | mfn. not using means or expedients.  |
anupayoga | m. unserviceableness, uselessness.  |
anupayogin | mfn. unsuitable, useless.  |
anupayukta | mfn. unsuited, unsuitable, improper  |
anupayukta | mfn. useless, unserviceable  |
anupeta | ([ ]) or anupeta-pūrva- ([ ]), mfn. not yet entered at a teacher's (for instruction).  |
anupeta | not affected by, devoid of (compound),  |
anupeya | mfn. not to be married,  |
anupeyamāna | mfn. not being approached (sexually),  |
anupiṇḍam | ind. at every piṇḍa- (quod vide),  |
anupiś | (perf. -pipeśa-) to fasten along  |
anupiṣ | (ind.p. -piṣya-) to strike against, to touch  |
anuplava | m. a companion or follower  |
anuplu | to float (as clouds) after ; to follow.  |
anupopta | mfn. not filled up or covered by heaping up,  |
anupoṣaṇa | n. not fasting. |
anupṝ | Caus. (Imper. -pūrayatu-) to fill  |
anuprabhā | to shine upon  |
anuprabhūṣ | (p. -bh/ūṣat-) to serve, attend, offer  |
anuprabhūta | mfn. passing through, penetrating, (/anu pr/a-bhuta-)  |
anuprabhūta | mfn. penetrated  |
anuprach | (with accusative of the person and thing) , to ask, to inquire after.  |
anupradā | to surrender, make over ; to additions  |
anupradāna | n. a gift, donation  |
anupradāna | n. addition, increase  |
anupradātṛ | m. an increaser,  |
anupradhāv | to rush after : Caus. (perf. -dhāvay/āṃ cakāra-) to drive after  |
anupradhāvita | mfn. hurried, eager  |
anupraharaṇa | n. throwing into the fire  |
anuprahita | mfn. ( hi-), sent after  |
anuprahita | shot off,  |
anuprahṛ | to throw into the fire  |
anuprahṛtabhājana | n. the substitute for what is thrown into the fire,  |
anuprahṛtya | mfn. to be thrown into the fire, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anupraiṣa | m. a subsequent invitation  |
anuprajan | to be born after ; (with prajām-) to propagate again and again : Causal -janayati-, to cause to be born subsequently.  |
anuprajñā | (pr. p. -jān/at-) to track, trace, discover  |
anuprajñāna | n. tracking, tracing.  |
anuprakamp | Caus. (Potential -kampayet-,3. plural yeyur-) to follow in shaking or agitating  |
anupramāṇa | mfn. having a suitable size or length.  |
anupramuc | to let loose or go successively  |
anupramud | Caus. -modayati-, to consent  |
anuprāṇ | ( an-) cl.2 P. -prāṇiti-, to breathe after  |
anupraṇud | ( nud-) to push away from one's self ; to frighten away, put to flight.  |
anuprāp | ( āp-) to come or go up to, reach, attain ; to arrive ; to get ; to get back ; to get by imitating.  |
anuprapā | P. (3. plural -pibanti-) to drink one after the other ; A1. (3. plural -pipate-[sic] and -pibate-) to drink after another (accusative)  |
anuprapad | to enter or approach or arrive after ; to follow, act in conformance to.  |
anuprapādam | ind. going in succession  |
anuprapanna | mfn. following after, conformed to.  |
anuprapat | (Aorist 3. pl. -paptan-) to fly towards  |
anuprapātam | ind. going in succession  |
anuprapattavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be followed or conformed to,  |
anuprāpta | mfn. arrived, returned  |
anuprāpta | mfn. obtained  |
anuprāpta | mfn. having reached, having got.  |
anupraroha | mfn. coming up or growing in accordance with.  |
anupraruh | to grow in accordance with |
anuprās | (2 as-), -pr/āsyati-, to throw after  |
anuprāsa | m. alliteration, repetition of similar letters, syllables, and words  |
anuprasad | to be content or satisfied with (accusative)  |
anuprasakta | mfn. strongly attached  |
anuprasakti | f. close connection with.  |
anuprasañj | to adhere to, fasten  |
anuprasarpaka | creeping after ( , Scholiast or Commentator)  |
anuprasarpin | ( ), mfn. creeping after  |
anupraśna | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
anupraśna | m. a subsequent question (having reference to what has been previously said by the teacher).  |
anuprasṛ | Causal (imperfect tense 3. plural -prāsārayanta-) to extend over : Intensive participle -s/arsrāṇa-, moving along (accusative)  |
anuprasṛp | to creep towards or after : Causal (optative 3. plural -sarpayeyuḥ-) to cause to pass round (accusative),  |
anuprasṛptin | mfn. one who has crept after,  |
anuprasthā | to start after another: Caus. -sthāpayati-, to cause to follow  |
anuprastha | mfn. latitudinal  |
anuprastha | mfn. according to width, following the breadth or latitude.  |
anupraṣṭṛ | mfn. (from anu-- prach-) inquiring after all things, desirous of knowledge,  |
anuprastṛ | to scatter along or upon  |
anupraśuc | -śocate-, to regret or mourn deeply  |
anuprasūta | mfn. (4. su-), created afterwards  |
anuprath | A1. -prathate-, to extend or spread along (accusative) ; to praise, (Comm. on)  |
anupratidhā | to offer after another (accusative) (Passive voice -dhīyate-).  |
anupratikrāmam | ind. ( kram-), returning  |
anupratiṣṭhā | ( sthā-) to follow in getting a firm footing or in prospering : Desiderative -tiṣṭhāsati-, to wish to get a firm footing after  |
anupravacana | n. study of the veda- with a teacher.  |
anupravacanādi | a gaRa of  |
anupravacanīya | mfn. belonging to, or necessary for anupravacana-  |
anupravad | to repeat another's words ; to speak of : Causal -vādayati-, to cause to resound, to play (an instrument)  |
anupravah | to drag (or carry) about ; to go or get forward  |
anupravap | (Atmane-pada - vapate-), to shave or be shaved in turn,  |
anupravartana | n. urging to (locative case),  |
anupravartita | mfn. set going again,  |
anupraveśa | m. entrance into  |
anupraveśa | m. imitation  |
anupraveśana | n. ([ gaṇa- anupravacanādi- q.v ]) entrance into  |
anupraveśana | n. imitation  |
anupraveśanīya | mfn. connected with entering, (gaRa anupravacanādi- q.v)  |
anupraviś | to follow in entering, enter ; to attack.  |
anupraviś | (Causal - veśayati-), to send home, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anupraviśya | ind.p. having entered into.  |
anupravraj | to follow into exile  |
anupravraj | to become an ascetic after, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anupravrajana | n. the becoming an ascetic after (another), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anupravṛj | -pr/a-vṛṇakti-, to send or throw after  |
anupravṛt | (imperfect tense -pr/āvartata-; perf. -vāvṛte-) to proceed along or after  |
anupravṛtta | mfn. following after (accusative)  |
anupravṛtti | f. (accusative with kṛ-,"to pay attention to"), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anuprayā | to follow after ; to start after, accompany.  |
anuprayam | to offer  |
anuprayoga | m. additional use.  |
anuprayoktavya | mfn. to be joined or employed in addition or after.  |
anuprayuj | to employ after, add after (ablative) to join, follow  |
anuprayujyamāna | mfn. being employed in addition or after or afterwards.  |
anupre | ( i-) cl.2 P. -praiti-, to follow etc. ; to follow in death ; to seek after  |
anuprekṣ | ( īkṣ-) to follow with the eyes.  |
anupreṣ | ( iṣ-), Causal P. -preṣayati- to send forth after.  |
anupreṣaṇa | n. sending after, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
anupriya | mfn. liked, dear,  |
anupṛkta | mfn. mixed with  |
anuproh | (1 ūh-), to insert  |
anupṛṣṭhya | mf(ā-)n. (held or extended) lengthwise  |
anupta | mfn. (2. vap-), unsown (as seed).  |
anuptasasya | mfn. fallow, meadow (ground, etc.)  |
anuptrima | mfn. grown without being sown  |
anupū | A1. (/anu-pavate-) to purify in passing along  |
anupūraṇa | n. subsequent filling, Sa1m2khyas., Scholiast or Commentator  |
anupuruṣa | m. the before mentioned man , a follower  |
anupūrva | mf(ā-)n. regular, orderly, in successive order from the preceding  |
anupūrvadaṃṣṭra | mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to buddha-, some of them also to mahāvīra-) and  |
anupūrvadaṃṣṭratā | f. having regular eye teeth (idem or 'mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to buddha-, some of them also to mahāvīra-) and '), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anupūrvagātra | mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to buddha-, some of them also to mahāvīra-) and  |
anupūrvagātratā | f. having regular members (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-),  |
anupūrvaja | mfn. descended in a regular line  |
anupūrvakeśa | mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to buddha-, some of them also to mahāvīra-) and  |
anupūrvam | ind. in regular order, from the first  |
anupūrvanābhi | mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to buddha-, some of them also to mahāvīra-) and  |
anupūrvāṅgulitā | f. having regular fingers (idem or 'ind. equals anu-pūrv/am-.'), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anupūrvapāṇilekha | mfn. having regular hair, regularly shaped limbs, regular teeth, a regularly shaped navel, regular lines in the hands (all these are epithets given to buddha-, some of them also to mahāvīra-) and  |
anupūrvaśas | ind. equals anu-pūrv/am-.  |
anupūrvavatsā | (anupūrv/a--) f. a cow which calves regularly  |
anupūrveṇa | ind. in regular order or succession, from the first, from the beginning, from above downwards.  |
anupūrveṇa | gradually, by degrees,  |
anupūrvya | mfn. regular, orderly  |
anupuṣ | to go on prospering ; to prosper after another (accusative)  |
anupuṣpa | m. a kind of reed (Saccharum Sara Roxb.)  |
anurāddha | mfn. effected, accomplished  |
anurāddha | mfn. obtained  |
anurādh | to carry to an end ; to finish with (genitive case)  |
anurādha | mfn. See anūrādh/a-  |
anurādha | mfn. born under the asterism anurādhā-  |
anurādha | m. Name of a Buddhist  |
anurādha | m. plural the seventeenth of the twenty-eight nakṣatra-s or lunar mansions (a constellation described as a line of oblations).  |
anurādhā | ([ etc.]) f. the seventeenth of the twenty-eight nakṣatra-s or lunar mansions (a constellation described as a line of oblations).  |
anurādhagrāma | m. the ancient capital of Ceylon founded by the above-named anurādha-.  |
anurādhapura | n. the ancient capital of Ceylon founded by the above-named anurādha-.  |
anurāga | m. attachment, affection, love, passion  |
anurāga | m. red colour  |
anurāgavat | mfn. affectionate, attached, in love with  |
anurāgavat | mfn. red  |
anurāgeṅgita | n. gesture expressive of passion.  |
anurāgin | mfn. impassioned, attached  |
anurāgin | mfn. causing love  |
anurāgiṇī | f. personification of a musical note.  |
anuragitā | f. the state of being in love with.  |
anurahasam | ind. in secret, apart  |
anurāj | to be brilliant or shine in accordance with (said of corresponding metres)  |
anurajju | ind. along the rope  |
anurakṣ | to guard while following ; to guard, take care of.  |
anurakṣaṇa | n. the act of guarding.  |
anurakta | mfn. fond of, attached, pleased  |
anurakta | mfn. beloved.  |
anuraktaloka | m. a person to whom every one is attached.  |
anuraktapraja | mfn. beloved by his subjects.  |
anurakti | f. affection, love, devotion.  |
anuram | P. -ramati-, to cease to go or continue, stop : A1. to be fond of |
anuraṇana | n. sounding conformably to, echoing  |
anurañj | to become red in imitation of ; to be attached or devoted: Causal P. -rañjayati-, to win, conciliate, gratify.  |
anurañjaka | mf(ikā-)n. attaching, conciliating.  |
anurañjana | n. the act of attaching or conciliating affection, love  |
anurañjana | n. pleasing.  |
anurañjita | mfn. conciliated, delighted.  |
anuras | to answer to a cry or to a sound.  |
anurasa | m. (in poetry) a subordinate feeling or passion  |
anurasa | m. a secondary flavour (as a little sweetness in a sour fruit, etc.)  |
anurasita | n. echo  |
anurata | mfn. fond of, attached to.  |
anuratha | m. Name of a son of kuruvatsa- and father of puruhotra-  |
anuratham | ind. behind the carriage  |
anurathyā | f. a path along the margin of a road, side road  |
anurati | f. love, affection  |
anurati | f. attachment.  |
anurātram | ind. in the night  |
anurevatī | f. Name of a plant.  |
anurī | cl.4 A1. -rīyate-, to flow after ; (parasmE-pada -r/īyamāṇa-)  |
anuric | Passive voice -ricyate-, to be emptied after  |
anuriṣ | cl.4 P. -riṣyati-, to be injured after (accusative)  |
anurodha | m. obliging or fulfilling the wishes (of any one)  |
anurodha | m. obligingness, compliance  |
anurodha | m. consideration, respect  |
anurodha | m. reference or bearing of a rule.  |
anurodhana | n. obliging or fulfilling the wishes of  |
anurodhana | n. means for winning the affection of.  |
anurodhin | mfn. complying with, compliant, obliging, having respect or regard to.  |
anurodhitā | f. the state of being so  |
anuroha | m. mounting or growing up to  |
anuru | to imitate the cry or answer to the cry of (accusative)  |
anuru | mf(us-or vī-)n. not great.  |
anuruc | Causal P. -rocayati-, to choose, prefer  |
anurud | to lament, bewail.  |
anuruddha | mfn. checked, opposed  |
anuruddha | mfn. soothed, pacified  |
anuruddha | m. Name of a cousin of śākyamuni-.  |
anurudh | to bar (as a way) ; to surround, confine, overcome etc. ; cl.4 A1. -rudhyate- or Epic P. -rudhyati- (2. sg. -rudhyase- ), to adhere to, be fond of, love ; to coax, soothe, entreat.  |
anurudh | mfn. adhering to, loving (see anū-r/udh-.)  |
anuruh | P. to ascend, mount ; A1. to grow  |
anuruhā | f. a grass (Cyperus Pertenius).  |
anurūpa | mfn. following the form, conformable, corresponding, like, fit, suitable  |
anurūpa | mfn. adapted to, according to  |
anurūpa | m. the Antistrophe which has the same metre as the stotriya- or Strophe  |
anurūpa | m. the second of three verses recited together  |
anurūpa | n. conformity, suitability  |
anurūpaceṣṭa | mfn. endeavouring to act becomingly.  |
anurūpam | ind. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' conformably, according.  |
anurūpatas | ind. conformably.  |
anurūpeṇa | ind. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' conformably, according.  |
anuruta | mfn. resounding with  |
anuṣa | m. a demon,  |
anuśabdita | mfn. verbally communicated  |
anuśabdita | mfn. spoken of.  |
anuśabdya | ind.p. having communicated  |
anuṣac | ( sac-) to adhere to, keep at the side of  |
anusainya | n. the rear of an army  |
anuśak | to be able to imitate or come up with : Desiderative Causal P. -śikṣayati-, to teach, instruct.  |
anuṣak | ind. in continuous order, one after the other, (gaRa svar-ādi- q.v)  |
anuṣak | ind. see ānuṣ/ak-.  |
anuṣakta | mfn. closely connected with, supplied from something preceding.  |
anusaktham | ind. along the thigh,  |
anuṣakti | f. clinging to, adherence,  |
anuśam | to become calm after or in consequence of  |
anusāma | mfn. at every sāman- verse (?)  |
anusamācar | to carry out, accomplish  |
anusamādhā | to calm, compose.  |
anusamāhṛ | to join or bring in order again  |
anusamāp | Causal P. to complete or accomplish further or subsequently  |
anusamāpana | n. regular completion  |
anusamārabh | A1. to place one's self in order after, cling to (accusative) : Causal A1. (imperfect tense -/ārambhayata-) to cause to cling to one's self (locative case)  |
anusamāruh | to rise after  |
anusamaś | to overtake, reach  |
anusamas | -s/am-asyati-, to add further  |
anusamaya | See anu-sam-i-.  |
anusamaya | m. regular connection (as of words)  |
anusambaddha | mfn. ( bandh-), connected with, accompanied by.  |
anusambhid | to bring into contact, combine  |
anusambhū | to be produced after, proceed after  |
anusaṃcar | to walk along side, to follow, join ; to visit ; to pursue, seek after ; to penetrate, traverse, cross ; to become assimilated: Causal P. -cārayati-, to join, become identified or assimilated with.  |
anusaṃcara | mfn. following or accompanying (with accusative)  |
anusaṃcint | to meditate.  |
anusaṃdah | to burn up along the whole length  |
anusaṃdhā | to explore, ascertain, inspect, plan, arrange ; to calm, compose, set in order ; to aim at.  |
anusaṃdhāna | n. investigation, inquiry, searching into, close inspection, setting in order, arranging, planning  |
anusaṃdhāna | n. aiming at  |
anusaṃdhāna | n. plan, scheme, congruous or suitable connection  |
anusaṃdhāna | n. (in the vaiśeṣika- philosophy) the fourth step in a syllogism (id est the application) .  |
anusaṃdhānin | mfn. investigating, searching, skilful at concerting or carrying out schemes.  |
anusaṃdhānīya | mfn. to be attended to,  |
anusaṃdhātavya | mfn. to be explored, to be investigated, to be looked after, etc.  |
anusaṃdhāyin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be attended to, '  |
anusaṃdheya | mfn. to be investigated, worthy of inquiry or scrutiny, etc.  |
anusaṃdhi | m. (in dramatic language) juncture of a patākā- or episode,  |
anusaṃdiś | to assign, to make over.  |
anusaṃdṛś | (ind.p. -dṛśya-) to consider successively  |
anusaṃgrah | to oblige, favour ; to salute by laying hold of the feet. |
anusaṃhitam | ind. according to the saṃhitā- text  |
anusaṃhṛ | to drag (the foot) ; to compress, reduce a subject  |
anusami | cl.2 P. -eti-, to visit conjointly or successively ; to join in following or being guided by ; to join, become assimilated with.  |
anusamīkṣ | to keep in view, have in view  |
anusaṃjñapti | f. explanation,  |
anusaṃjvar | to feel distressed after (another) (anu-saṃ-car- ) ; to be troubled, become envious.  |
anusaṃkal | to drive or convey along or after  |
anusaṃkhyā | Causal P. -khyā-payati-, to cause to observe, show  |
anusaṃkram | to walk or go up to, to reach  |
anusamman | to approve  |
anusamprāp | ( āp-) to arrive, reach, get.  |
anusamprāpta | mfn. arrived, come. |
anusamprayā | to go towards  |
anusaṃrabh | A1. to catch hold of ; to catch hold of mutually  |
anusaṃrakta | mfn. attached or devoted to.  |
anuśaṃs | to recite or praise after another etc. ; (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (dative case) anu-ś/ase-) to join in praising  |
anuśaṃsa | m. speaking ill,  |
anuśaṃsa | comfort, privilege,  |
anusaṃsarpam | ind. creeping after  |
anuśaṃsaśaṃsana | n. subsequent recitation, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
anusaṃsmṛ | to remember, to long for (the dead or absent).  |
anusaṃspṛś | Caus to cause to touch after  |
anusaṃsṛ | Causal P. -sārayati-, to cause to follow, to pass or go on before  |
anusaṃsṛ | (Causal, also) to make progress through, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
anusaṃsṛp | to creep or crawl after  |
anusaṃsṛṣṭa | mfn. joined to (instrumental case)  |
anusaṃsthā | P. to follow (a road) : A1. to become finished after : Causal P. -sthāpayati-, to encourage  |
anusaṃsthita | mfn. following  |
anusaṃsthita | mfn. dead or deceased after (another)  |
anusaṃsyand | Intensive (parasmE-pada Nominal verb m. /anu saṃ-s/aniṣyadat-) to run after (see )  |
anusaṃtan | to overspread, diffuse, extend everywhere ; to join on, continue.  |
anusaṃtāna | m. offspring, a son,  |
anusaṃtati | f. continuation  |
anusaṃtṝ | to carry to the end, go on (in spinning)  |
anusamudram | ind. along the sea  |
anusaṃvā | to blow towards in order  |
anusaṃvah | to draw or run by the side of ; to convey along  |
anusaṃvarṇ | to approve of,  |
anusaṃvatsaram | ind. year after year.  |
anusaṃvicar | to visit successively, make the round of  |
anusaṃvid | to know together with, or in consequence of (something else)  |
anusaṃviś | to retire for sleep after  |
anusaṃvīta | mfn. ( vye-), wrapped up, covered  |
anusaṃvraj | to go after, follow  |
anusaṃvṛjin | mfn. blameless (?),  |
anusaṃvṛjina | mfn. blameless (?),  |
anusaṃyā | to go up and down (as guards) ; to go to or towards.  |
anuṣaṇḍa | mn. Name of a place or country, (gaRa kacchādi- q.v)  |
anusandhyam | ind. evening after evening, every twilight.  |
anuṣaṅga | m. close adherence, connection, association, conjunction, coalition, commixture  |
anuṣaṅga | m. connection of word with word, or effect with cause  |
anuṣaṅga | m. necessary consequence, the connection of a subsequent with a previous act |
anuṣaṅga | m. (in the dhātupāṭha-) the nasals connected with certain roots ending in consonants (as in tṛmph-)  |
anuṣaṅga | m. tenderness, compassion  |
anuṣaṅgika | mfn. consequent, following as a necessary result  |
anuṣaṅgika | mfn. connected with, adhering to, inherent, concomitant.  |
anuṣaṅgin | mfn. addicted or attached to, connected with, or"common, prevailing"  |
anuṣañj | ( sañj-) cl.1 A1. or Passive voice -ṣajjate-, -ṣajyate-, to cling to, adhere, be attached to.  |
anuṣañjana | n. connection with what follows, concord  |
anuṣañjana | n. grammatical relation.  |
anuṣañjanīya | mfn. to be connected, supplied.  |
anusānu | ind. along a table-land or summit, from ridge to ridge.  |
anuśap | to curse  |
anuśara | m. ( śṝ-), Name of a rākṣasa-.  |
anusāra | anu-sārin-, etc. See under anu-sṛ- below.  |
anusara | mf(ī-)n. following, a companion.  |
anusāra | m. going after, following  |
anusāra | m. custom, usage  |
anusāra | m. nature, natural state or condition of anything  |
anusāra | m. prevalence, currency  |
anusāra | m. received or established authority, especially of codes of law  |
anusāra | m. accordance, conformity to usage  |
anusāra | m. consequence, result  |
anusāra | m. (eṇa-), or  |
anusāraka | mfn. following, attendant on, according or conformable to  |
anusāraka | mfn. penetrating, scrutinizing, investigating.  |
anusaraṇa | n. following, going after  |
anusaraṇa | n. tracking, conformity to, consequence of  |
anusaraṇa | n. custom, habit, usage.  |
anusaraṇa | visiting,  |
anusāratas | ind. conformably to.  |
anusarga | m. secondary creation,  |
anusārin | mfn. following, attendant on, according or conformable to  |
anusārin | mfn. penetrating, scrutinizing, investigating.  |
anusarpa | m. a serpent-like being  |
anusarpaṇa | n. following,  |
anusartavya | mfn. to be followed,  |
anusartavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be conformed to,  |
anusartṛ | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') visiting in turn,  |
anusartṛ | following, seeking,  |
anusāryaka | n. a fragrant substance.  |
anuśās | to rule, govern ; to order ; to teach, direct, advise, address ; to punish, chastise, correct.  |
anuśāsaka | mfn. one who governs, instructs, directs or punishes.  |
anuśāsana | n. instruction, direction, command, precept  |
anuśāsanapara | mfn. obedient.  |
anuśāsanīya | mfn. to be instructed.  |
anuśāsanīyaśāsya | mfn. to be instructed.  |
anuśāsat | mfn. showing (the way) |
anuśāsin | mfn. punishing  |
anuśāsin | ruling,  |
anuśāsita | mfn. directed  |
anuśāsita | mfn. defined by rule.  |
anuśāsitṛ | mfn. governing, instructing  |
anuśāsti | f. instruction,  |
anuśastra | n. any subsidiary weapon or instrument, anything used in place of a regular surgical instrument (as a finger-nail)  |
anuṣaṭ | ind. in continuous order, one after the other (gaRa svar-ādi- q.v)  |
anuṣaṭ | ind. see ānuṣ/ak-.  |
anusātam | ind. according to delight.  |
anuśatika | mfn. accompanied with or bought for a hundred.  |
anuśatikādi | a gaRa of , containing the compounds the derivatives of which have vṛddhi- in both parts, as ānuśātika-, etc.  |
anuṣatya | mfn. being conformable to truth (satya-)  |
anusavanam | ind. at every sacrifice etc.  |
anusavanam | ind. constantly  |
anuśaya | m. close connection as with a consequence, close attachment to any object  |
anuśaya | m. (in philosophy) the consequence or result of an act (which clings to it and causes the soul after enjoying the temporary freedom from transmigration to enter other bodies)  |
anuśaya | m. repentance, regret  |
anuśaya | m. hatred  |
anuśaya | m. ancient or intense enmity  |
anuśayākṣepa | m. (in rhetoric) objection expressing (or resulting from) repenting, .  |
anusāyam | ind. evening after evening, every evening, (gaRa parimukhādi- q.v)  |
anuśayāna | mfn. repenting, regretting  |
anuśayānā | f. a heroine or female character who regrets the loss of her lover (in dramas).  |
anuśayavat | mfn. equals anu-śayin-.  |
anuśayī | f. a disease of the feet, a boil or abscess on the upper part  |
anuśayī | f. a boil on the head.  |
anuśayin | mfn. having the consequence of an act, connected as with a consequence  |
anuśayin | mfn. devotedly attached to, faithful  |
anuśayin | mfn. repentant, penitent, regretful, sorry for  |
anuśayin | mfn. hating deeply.  |
anuśayin | indifferent to everything,  |
anuśāyin | mfn. lying or extending along  |
anuśayitavya | mfn. to be regretted.  |
anuṣeka | m. rewatering or sprinkling over again  |
anuṣekaṣecana | n. rewatering or sprinkling over again  |
anusev | to practise, observe.  |
anusevin | mfn. practising, observing, habitually addicted to.  |
anuśī | cl.2 A1. -śete-, to sleep with, lie along or close, adhere closely to.  |
anuṣic | ( sic-), Ved. to pour upon or into ; to drip upon.  |
anusic | See anu-ṣic-.  |
anusiddha | mfn. (3. sidh-), gradually effected or realized  |
anuṣidh | ( sidh-), Intensive (parasmE-pada -s/eṣidhat-) to bring back along the path  |
anuśikha | m. Name of a nāga- or snake priest  |
anuśikṣā | f. learning or striving after,  |
anuśikṣin | mfn. exercising one's self in, practising  |
anuṣikta | mfn. dripped upon  |
anuśīlana | n. constant practice or study (of a science, etc.), repeated and devoted service.  |
anuśīlaya | Nom. P. -śīlayati-, to practise in imitation of  |
anuśīlita | mfn. studied carefully, attended to.  |
anusīram | ind. along the plough, (gaRa parimukhādi-, q.v)  |
anuśiṣṭa | mfn. taught, revealed  |
anuśiṣṭa | mfn. adjudged, done conformably to law.  |
anuśiṣṭa | mfn. giving false evidence (?),  |
anuśiṣṭi | f. instruction, teaching, ordering.  |
anuśiśu | f. followed by its young (as by a foal, etc.)  |
anuśiṣya | ind.p. having ruled or ordered.  |
anusītam | ind. along the furrow  |
anusītam | ind. (gaRa parimukhādi- q.v)  |
anuśivam | ind. after śiva-.  |
anuskandam | ind. having gone into in succession  |
anuśloka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a sāman-,  |
anusmaraṇa | n. remembering, repeated recollection.  |
anusmṛ | to remember, recollect: Causal P. -smārayati-, or -smarayati-, to remind (with accusative)  |
anusmṛta | mfn. remembered.  |
anusmṛti | f. cherished recollection, recalling some idea to the exclusion of all others.  |
anusmṛti | Name (also title or epithet) of a poem (consisting of 72 verses from on the necessity of remembering viṣṇu- at death).  |
anuṣṇa | mf(ā-)n. not hot, cold  |
anuṣṇa | mf(ā-)n. apathetic  |
anuṣṇa | mf(ā-)n. lazy  |
anuṣṇa | n. the blue lotus, Nymphaea Caerulea  |
anuṣṇā | f. Name of a river.  |
anuṣṇagu | m. "having cold rays", the moon.  |
anuṣṇaka | mfn. not hot, cold  |
anuṣṇaka | mfn. chilly, etc.  |
anuṣṇāśīta | mfn. neither hot nor cold.  |
anuṣṇavallikā | f. the plant Niladurba.  |
anusneham | ind. after (adding) oil  |
anuśobhin | mfn. shining.  |
anuśocaka | mfn. grieving, one who repents  |
anuśocaka | mfn. occasioning repentance.  |
anuśocana | n. sorrow, repentance.  |
anuśocin | mfn. regretful, sorrowful.  |
anuśocita | mfn. regretted, repented of.  |
anuśoka | m. sorrow, repentance, regret  |
anusomam | ind. according to the (practice with the) soma-, as with the soma-  |
anuspandyam | ind. along the cord,  |
anuspaṣṭa | mfn. noticed  |
anuspaṣṭa | See anu-paś-.  |
anusphur | to whizz towards  |
anusphura | mfn. whizzing (as an arrow)  |
anuspṛś | to touch, extend to  |
anusṛ | to go after: Causal P. -sārayati-, to pursue.  |
anuśrath | cl.6 P. -śṛnthati-, to untie : Causal P. (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -śiśrathaḥ-) to frighten ([ ;"to abolish" ]) : A1. -śrathayate-, to annihilate or soften the effect of.  |
anuśrava | m. Vedic tradition (acquired by repeated hearing)  |
anusrayāman | m. not going out during daylight  |
anusṛj | to dismiss, let go : P. A1. -sṛjati-, te-, to create successively etc.: Passive voice to be created in succession to  |
anusrotasa | mfn. in the direction of the current of a river,  |
anuśrotavya | mfn. to be heard,  |
anusṛp | to glide after or towards, to approach.  |
anusṛṣṭa | mfn. created in succession  |
anusṛta | mfn. followed, conformed to.  |
anusṛtavatsā | f. (scilicet vivṛtti-) hiatus between a long or short syllable,  |
anusṛti | f. going after, following, conforming to  |
anusṛti | f. Name of a woman, (gaRa kalyāṇy-ādi- q.v)  |
anuśru | cl.5 P. -śṛṇoti-, to hear repeatedly (especially what is handed down in the veda-): Desiderative A1. -śuśrūṣate-, to obey.  |
anuśru | (Causal - śrāvayati-), to announce,  |
anuśruta | mfn. handed down by Vedic tradition.  |
anuṣṭabdha | mfn. ( stambh-), (used for an etymology) raised,  |
anustanita | n. continual thundering,  |
anustaraṇa | m. ( stṛ-), an animal which is fit to be chosen as a secondary victim  |
anustaraṇī | f. the cow sacrificed at the funeral ceremony |
anuṣṭhā | ( sthā-) to stand near or by ; to follow out ; to carry out, attend to ; to perform, do, practise ; to govern, rule, superintend ; to appoint: Passive voice -ṣṭhīyate-, to be done ; to be followed out: Desiderative -tiṣṭhāsati-, to be desirous of doing, etc.  |
anuṣṭhā | mfn. standing after id est in succession  |
anuṣṭhāna | n. carrying out, undertaking  |
anuṣṭhāna | n. doing, performance  |
anuṣṭhāna | n. religious practice  |
anuṣṭhāna | n. acting in conformity to  |
anuṣṭhānakrama | m. the order of performing religious ceremonies.  |
anuṣṭhānaśarīra | n. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) the body which is intermediate between the liṅga-- or sūkṣma-- and the sthūla-śarīra- (generally called the adhiṣṭhāna-śarīra- q.v)  |
anuṣṭhānasmāraka | mf(ikā-)n. reminding of religious ceremonies.  |
anuṣṭhānī | f. performance, action  |
anuṣṭhānika | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a class of Theistic Reformers, .  |
anuṣṭhāpaka | mf(ikā-)n. causing to perform.  |
anuṣṭhāpana | n. the causing to perform an act.  |
anuṣṭhātavya | mfn. to be accomplished.  |
anuṣṭhātṛ | m. the undertaker of any work  |
anuṣṭhāyin | mfn. doing, performing an act.  |
anuṣṭheya | mfn. to be effected, done or accomplished |
anuṣṭheya | mfn. to be observed  |
anuṣṭheya | mfn. to be proved or established.  |
anuṣṭhi | f. "being near, present, at hand"  |
anuṣṭhita | mfn. done, practised  |
anuṣṭhita | mfn. effected, executed, accomplished  |
anuṣṭhita | mfn. followed, observed  |
anuṣṭhita | mfn. done conformably.  |
anuṣṭhu | presently, immediately.  |
anuṣṭhuṣṭhuyā | presently, immediately.  |
anuṣṭhyā | ind. only inst. immediately  |
anuṣṭhyā | See anu-ṣṭhi-.  |
anuṣṭobhana | n. praising after  |
anustotra | n. "praising after", Name of a treatise relating to the sāma-veda-.  |
anuṣṭra | m. no camel id est a bad camel.  |
anuṣṭra | mfn. that from which camels are excluded, .  |
anuṣṭu | ( stu-) to praise  |
anuṣṭubgarbhā | f. a metre (like that in ) of the class uṣṇih-  |
anuṣṭubh | ( stubh-) to praise after, to follow in praising  |
anuṣṭubh | f. p- (Nominal verb ṣṭ/uk- ) following in praise or invocation  |
anuṣṭubh | f. a kind of metre consisting of four pāda-s or quarter-verses of eight syllables each (according to the ,quoted in ,so called because it anuṣṭobhati- id est follows with its praise the gāyatrī-, which consists of three pāda-s)  |
anuṣṭubh | f. (in later metrical systems, the anuṣṭubh- constitutes a whole class of metres, consisting of four times eight syllables)  |
anuṣṭubh | f. hence the number eight  |
anuṣṭubh | f. speech, sarasvatī-  |
anuṣṭubh | mfn. praising  |
anuṣṭubh | see 2. st/ubh- (parasmE-pada 1259)  |
anuṣṭupchandas | mfn. having anuṣṭubh- for metre  |
anuṣṭupkarmīṇa | mfn. being performed with an anuṣṭubh- verse  |
anuṣṭupsampad | f. completion of an anu-ṣṭubh-,  |
anuṣṭupśiras | ([ ]) mfn. having an anuṣṭubh- verse at the head.  |
anuṣṭupśīrṣan | ([ ]) mfn. having an anuṣṭubh- verse at the head.  |
anuṣṭuti | f. praise  |
anusū | m. Name of work commentator or commentary  |
anuśuc | to mourn over, regret, bewail: Causal P. -śocayati-, to mourn over.  |
anusūcaka | mf(ikā-)n. ( sūc-), indicative of, pointing out.  |
anusūcana | n. pointing out, indication.  |
anusūpam | ind. in every condiment.  |
anuśuṣ | to dry up gradually etc. ; to become emaciated by gradual practice of religious austerity ; to languish after another.  |
anuśuśrūṣā | f. obedience,  |
anuṣvadham | (fr. sva-dhā-) ind. according to one's will, voluntary  |
anusvan | (3. sg. Aorist Passive voice - ṣv/aṇi-), to roar after, .  |
anusvāna | m. sounding conformably  |
anuṣvāpam | ind. ( svap-), continuing to sleep  |
anusvāra | m. ( svṛ-), after-sound, the nasal sound which is marked by a dot above the line, and which always belongs to a preceding vowel.  |
anusvārāgama | m. an augment consisting in the addition of an anusvāra-.  |
anusvāravat | mfn. having the anusvāra-.  |
anusvāravyavāya | m. separation between two sounds caused by an anusvāra-.  |
anuśvas | to breathe continually.  |
anuṣyand | ( syand-), Ved. infinitive mood -ṣy/ade- ([ ]) and Causal -syanday/adhyai- ([ ]) , to run along: -syandate- and -ṣyandate- with a differentiation in meaning like that in abhi-ṣyand- q.v  |
anuṣyanda | m. a hind-wheel  |
anusyūta | mfn. ( siv-), sewed consecutively, strung together or connected regularly and uninterruptedly.  |
anutakṣ | (imperfect tense 2. plural -/atakṣata-) to create or procure for the help of (dative case)  |
anutamām | (superl.) ind. most  |
anutan | to extend along, to carry on, continue, develop.  |
anutap | to heat ; to vex, annoy : Passive voice -tapy/ate- (rarely -tapyati-[ ]) , to suffer afterwards, repent ; to desiderate, miss: Causal -tāpayati-, to distress.  |
anutāpa | m. repentance, heat.  |
anutāpaka | mf(ikā-)n. causing repentance,  |
anutāpana | mfn. occasioning remorse, repentance or sorrow.  |
anutāpāṅka | Name (also title or epithet) of a drama.  |
anutāpin | mfn. penitent, regretting.  |
anutapta | mfn. heated  |
anutapta | mfn. filled with regret  |
anutaptā | f. Name of a river  |
anutara | See anu-tṝ- below.  |
anutara | n. fare, freight  |
anutark | to follow in thought, to regard as or take for.  |
anutarṣa | m. thirst, wish, desire , a drinking vessel (used for drinking spirituous liquors)  |
anutarṣa | m. "thirst"and"an intoxicating drink", .  |
anutarṣaṇa | n. a vessel from which spirituous liquor is drunk  |
anutarṣaṇa | n. distributing liquor  |
anutarṣula | mfn. causing desire  |
anutaṭam | ind. along the shore  |
anutilam | ind. grain after grain (of Sesamum), by grains, very minutely, (gaRa parimukhādi- q.v)  |
anutiṣṭhamāna | See 1. anuṣṭhā-.  |
anutiṣṭhamāna | mfn. following out, carrying out, performing, attending to.  |
anutiṣṭhāsu | mfn. intending to perform anything, on .  |
anutka | mfn. free from regret, not regretting, self-complacent, not repenting of.  |
anutkarṣa | m. non-elevation, inferiority.  |
anutoda | m. repetition (of a song),  |
anutoda | n. (with gautamasya-) Name (also title or epithet) of a sāman-,  |
anutpāda | m. non-production, not coming into existence  |
anutpāda | m. not taking effect.  |
anutpāda | mfn. having no origin, .  |
anutpādakṣānti | f. acquiescence in not having to undergo another birth.  |
anutpādana | n. not producing, non-production.  |
anutpādya | mfn. not to be created, eternal.  |
anutpanna | mfn. unborn, unproduced  |
anutpanna | mfn. uneffected, unaccomplished.  |
anutpatti | f. failure, non-production  |
anutpatti | mfn. not (yet) produced  |
anutpattikadharmakṣānti | f. acquiescence in the state which is still future, preparation for a future state  |
anutpattikadharmakṣānti | f. (with Buddhists) resignation to consequences which have not yet arisen, (confer, compare ).  |
anutpattisama | mf(ā-) (in nyāya- philosophy) arguing against a thing by trying to show that nothing exists from which it could spring.  |
anutpūta | mfn. not completely purified,  |
anutṝ | (3. plural -taranti-) to follow across or to the end  |
anutṛd | (Imper. 2. sg. -tṛndhi-; imperfect tense 2. dual number -atṛntam-; perf. -tatarda-) to split open  |
anutṛp | to take one's fill (or refreshment) after or later than another. |
anutsāha | m. non-exertion, want of effort  |
anutsāha | m. want of energy or determination  |
anutsāha | m. listlessness  |
anutsāha | mfn. deficient in determination.  |
anutsāhatā | f. want of determination  |
anutsanna | mfn. not lost  |
anutseka | m. absence of arrogance or highmindedness.  |
anutsekin | mfn. not arrogant or puffed up  |
anutsikta | mfn. not overflown or filled up,  |
anutsṛṣṭa | mfn. not letting loose a sacrificial victim,  |
anutsṛṣṭa | not discontinued, incessantly celebrated,  |
anutsuka | mfn. not eager, calm, retiring  |
anutsuka | mfn. moderate.  |
anutsukatā | f. moderateness  |
anutsūtra | mfn. not anomalous.  |
anutta | mfn. not cast down, invincible  |
anutta | (according to to some) = /anu-- tta- (for anu-- datta-), admitted.  |
anuttama | mf(ā-)n. unsurpassed, incomparably the best or chief, excellent  |
anuttama | mf(ā-)n. excessive  |
anuttama | mf(ā-)n. not the best  |
anuttama | mf(ā-)n. (in grammar) not used in the uttama-, or first person.  |
anuttamāmbhas | n. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) indifference to and consequent abstinence from sensual enjoyment (as fatiguing) .  |
anuttamāmbhasika | n. indifference to and abstinence from sensual enjoyment (as involving injury to external objects).  |
anuttamanya | (/a-nutta--) m. "of invincible wrath", indra-  |
anuttāna | mfn. lying with the face towards, the ground  |
anuttāna | mfn. not supine  |
anuttāna | mfn. not flat  |
anuttara | mfn. chief, principal  |
anuttara | mfn. best, excellent  |
anuttara | mfn. without a reply, unable to answer, silent  |
anuttara | mfn. fixed, firm  |
anuttara | mfn. low, inferior, base  |
anuttara | mfn. south, southern  |
anuttara | n. a reply which is coherent or evasive and therefore held to be no answer  |
anuttara | m. plural a class of gods among the jaina-s.  |
anuttaraṃga | mfn. not surging or billowy,  |
anuttarapūjā | f. (with Buddhists) highest worship (of seven kinds  |
anuttarapūjā | confer, compare vandana-), .  |
anuttarayogatantra | n. title of the last of the four bauddhatantra-s.  |
anuttaropapātika | m. plural a class of gods  |
anuttaropapātikadaśā | f. plural title of the ninth aṅga- of the jaina-s treating of those gods.  |
anutthāna | n. ( sthā-), the not rising, want of exertion or of energy  |
anutthita | mfn. not risen, not grown up (as grain).  |
anuttuṇḍita | mfn. not having the front protruding,  |
anutūlaya | Nom. P. -tūlayati-, to rub lengthwise (with a brush or cotton).  |
anutunna | mfn. ( tud-), depressed or repressed (in sound), muffled  |
anuvā | cl.2 P. -vāti-, to blow upon, blow along or after  |
anuvā | f. blowing after (see anuvā-.).  |
anuvac | to recite the formulas inviting to the sacrificial ceremony ; to repeat, reiterate, recite ; to communicate ; to study: Caus. -vacayati-, to cause to recite the inviting formulas, to cause to invite for some sacrificial act  |
anuvāc | f. equals anu-vāky/ā-  |
anuvacana | n. speaking after, repetition, reciting, reading  |
anuvacana | n. lecture  |
anuvacana | n. a chapter, a section  |
anuvacana | n. recitation of certain texts in conformity with injunctions (praiṣa-) spoken by other priests.  |
anuvācana | n. the act of causing the hotṛ- to recite the passages of the ṛg-- veda- in obedience to the injunction (praiṣa-) of the adhvaryu- priest  |
anuvācanapraiṣa | m. an injunction to recite as above |
anuvacanīya | mfn. referring to the anuvacana-, (gaRa anupravacanādi- q.v)  |
anuvad | P. (with accusative) to repeat the words of ; to imitate (in speaking) ; to resound ; to repeat, insist upon ; (according to ,also A1.if without object or followed by a Gen.) Passive voice (anūdyate-) to be expressed correspondingly ; see anudita- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
anuvāda | m. saying after or again, repeating by way of explanation, explanatory repetition or reiteration with corroboration or illustration, explanatory reference to anything already said  |
anuvāda | m. translation  |
anuvāda | m. a passage of the brāhmaṇa-s which explains or illustrates a rule (vidhi-) previously propounded (such a passage is sometimes called anuvāda-vacana-)  |
anuvāda | m. confirmation  |
anuvāda | m. slander, reviling  |
anuvāda | (used in explaining dhvani-),  |
anuvādaka | mfn. repeating with comment and explanation, corroborative, concurrent, conformable, in harmony with  |
anuvādaka | mfn. (the masculine of the last is also the name of any one of the three notes of the gamut.)  |
anuvādin | mfn. repeating with comment and explanation, corroborative, concurrent, conformable, in harmony with  |
anuvādin | mfn. (the masculine of the last is also the name of any one of the three notes of the gamut.)  |
anuvādinī | f. a lute,  |
anuvādita | mfn. translated.  |
anuvādya | mfn. to be explained by an anuvāda-, to be made the subject of one  |
anuvādya | n. the subject of a predicate.  |
anuvādyatva | n. the state of requiring to be explained by an anuvāda-.  |
anuvah | to convey or carry along ; to take after commentator or commentary on  |
anuvaha | m. "bearing after", one of the seven tongues of fire.  |
anuvaineya | Name of a country.  |
anuvāka | m. saying after, reciting, repeating, reading  |
anuvāka | m. a chapter of the veda-s, a subdivision or section.  |
anuvāka | See anu-vac-.  |
anuvākānukramaṇī | f. a work referring to the ṛg-- veda-, attributed to śaunaka-.  |
anuvākasaṅkhyā | f. the fourth of the eighteen pariśiṣṭa-s of the yajur-veda-.  |
anuvakra | mfn. somewhat crooked or oblique.  |
anuvakraga | mfn. having a somewhat oblique course (as a planet, etc.)  |
anuvaktavya | mfn. to be repeated  |
anuvaktṛ | mfn. speaking after  |
anuvaktṛ | mfn. replying.  |
anuvākya | mfn. to be recited  |
anuvākya | mfn. to be repeated, reiterated  |
anuvākyā | f. the verse to be recited by the hotṛ- or maitrāvaruṇa- priest, in which the god is invoked to partake of the offering intended for him  |
anuvākyavat | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. furnished or accompanied with an anuvākyā-.  |
anuvākyāvat | ([ ]) mfn. furnished or accompanied with an anuvākyā-.  |
anuvaṃśa | m. a genealogical list or table  |
anuvaṃśa | m. collateral branch of a family  |