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Grammar Search
"antya" has 2 results
antya: masculine vocative singular stem: antya
antya: neuter vocative singular stem: antya
Amarakosha Search
1 result
antaḥ3.1.80MasculineSingularcaramam, antyam, pāścātyam, paścimam, jaghanyam
Monier-Williams Search
64 results for antya
antyamfn. last in place, in time, or in order View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyamfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' immediately following exempli gratia, 'for example' aṣṭamāntya-, the ninth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyamfn. lowest in place or condition, undermost, inferior, belonging to the lowest caste View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyam. the plant Cyperus Hexastachyus Communis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyan. the number 1000 billions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyan. the twelfth sign of the zodiac View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyan. the last member of a mathematical series. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyabhan. the last nakṣatra- (revati-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyabhan. the last sign of the zodiac, the sign Pisces. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyadhanan. last member of an arithmetical series. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyahutif. funeral oblation or sacrifice. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyajamfn. of the lowest caste View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyajam. a śūdra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyajam. a man of one of seven inferior tribes (a washerman, currier, mimic, varuḍa-, fisherman, meda- or attendant on women, and mountaineer or forester). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyajagamanan. intercourse (between a woman of the higher caste) with a man of the lowest caste. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyajāgamanan. intercourse (between a man of the higher caste) with a woman of the lowest caste. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyajanman mfn. of the lowest caste. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyajāti mfn. of the lowest caste. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyajātīyamfn. of the lowest caste. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyakam. a man of the lowest tribe View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyakarmann. funeral rites. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyakriyāf. funeral rites. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyamaṇḍanan. a funeral ornament, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyamūlan. (in arithmetic) the last or greatest root (in the square) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyapada n. (in arithmetic) the last or greatest root (in the square) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyavarṇamf(ā-) a man or woman of the last tribe, a śūdra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyavipulāf. Name of a metre. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyayonif. the lowest origin View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyayonimfn. of the lowest origin. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antyayugam. the last or kali- age. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adantyamfn. not suitable for the teeth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adantyamfn. not dental View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adantyan. toothlessness. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahantyaSee the preceding. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahantyamfn. ahanti
ānantyamfn. (fr. an-anta- ), infinite, eternal etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānantyamfn. bestowing infinite reward View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānantyan. infinity, eternity etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānantyan. immortality, future happiness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anantyamfn. infinite, eternal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anantyan. infinity, eternity. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ārhantyan. (gaRa brāhmaṇādi- ), the state or practice of an arhat- or jaina- saint. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvantyamfn. coming from or being in the country avanti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvantyam. a king or inhabitant of avanti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvantyam. (according to the āvantya-s are offsprings of degraded Brahmans.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avantyaśmakan. sg. or m. plural the avanti-s and the aśmaka-s, (gaRa rajadantādi-and kārtakaujapādi- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavadantyamf(ā-)n. having bhavat- at the end View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhrājobhrādantya(?) m. plural Name of a race View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantyamf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. dental (a letter) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantyamf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. being on the teeth
dantyamf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. suitable to the teeth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantyamf(ā- Scholiast or Commentator)n. see a--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dantyauṣṭhyamfn. denti-labial View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pinvantyapīyāf. (sc. ṛc-) Name of (beginning pinvaty apo-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prācyāvantyam. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratidantyanīkamind. against the army of elephants View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rantyamfn. ( ram-?) pleasant, comfortable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahantyamfn. prevailing, conquering View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāhantyamfn. equals s/ahantya-, conquering, powerful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
santyamfn. bestowing gifts, bountiful (only vocative case in addressing agni-; according to to others fr. sat-= "benevolent, kind") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
santyaSee . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udantyamfn. living beyond a limit or boundary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vairantyam. Name of a king (see prec.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāvadantyamfn. life-long, lasting for life View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
8 results
antya अन्त्य a. [अन्ते भवति वसति &c., अन्ताय हितः; अन्त-यत्] 1 Last, final (as a letter, word &c.); last (in time, order or place) P.I.1.47; as ह of letters, Revatī of asterisms, Mīna of the zodiacal signs. &c.; अन्त्ये वयसि in old age R.9.79; अन्त्यं ऋणम् R.1.71 last debt; ˚मण़्डनम् 8.71 last funeral decoration, Ku.4.22. -2 Immediately following (in comp.); अष्टम˚ ninth. -3 perishable, transitory; देहाद्यपार्थमसदन्यमभिज्ञमात्रं (विन्देत) Bhāg.12.8.44. -4 Lowest (in rank, degree or position), undermost, worst, inferior, base, vile, wretched; ˚अवस्थां गतः Pt.4.11 reduced to the worst plight; अन्त्यासु दशासु Pt.1.336 at perilous (critical) times; belonging to the lowest caste; चण्डाल ˚स्त्रियःMs.11.175; ˚स्त्रीनिषेविणः 12.59; अन्त्यादपि वरं रत्नं स्त्रीरत्नं दुष्कुलादपि; शूद्राश्च सन्तः शूद्राणामन्त्यानामन्त्ययोनयः (साक्ष्यं कुर्युः) 8.68, 3.9; 4.79; Y.1.148, 2.294. -न्त्यः 1 A man of the lowest caste; see above. -2 N. of a plant (मुस्ता Mar. नागर- मोथा) (f. also) (the roots of which are prescribed for colic). -3 The last syllable of a word. -4 The last lunar month i. e. Fālguna. -5 A Mlechcha, foreigner, barbarian. अन्त्येषु स विनिक्षिप्य पुत्रान् यदुपुरोगमान् Mb.1.86.12. -6 (In Vaiśeṣika Phil.) A name for the category विशेष; अन्त्यो नित्यद्रव्यवृत्तिर्विशेषः परिकीर्तितः Bhāṣā P. -न्त्या 1 A technical name for त्रिज्या in astronomy. -2 A woman of the lowest tribe. -न्त्यम् 1 A measure of number; 1 billions (1,,,,.) -2 The 12th sign of the zodiac. -3 The last member or term of a progression (series), the last figure; स्थाप्योन्तवर्गो द्विगुणान्त्यनिघ्नः Līlā. -Comp. -अनुप्रासः see under अनुप्रास. -अवसायिन् m., f. (˚यी, ˚यिनी) a man or woman of the lowest caste, begotten by a chāṇḍāla on a Niṣādī woman; निषादस्त्री तु चाण्डालात्पुत्रमन्त्यावसा- यितम् । स्मशानगोचरं सूते बाह्यानामपि गर्हितम् ॥ Ms.1.39; the following 7 are regarded as belonging to this class; चाण्डालः श्वपचः क्षत्ता सूतो वैदेहकस्तथा । मागधायोगवौ चैव सप्तैते$- न्त्यावसायिनः ॥ सो$हमन्त्यावसायानां हराम्येनां प्रतिगृहात् Mb.12.141.41. see अन्तेवसायिन्. -आश्रमिन् m. one who belongs to the last or mendicant order. -आहुतिः -इष्टिः f. -कर्मन्, -क्रिया last or funeral oblations, sacrifices or rites; ˚कर्म Ms.11.197,5.168; अन्त्याहुतिं हावयितुं सविप्राः Bk. -ऋणम् the last of the three debts which every one has to pay, i. e. begetting children; see अनृण. -गमनम् intercourse by a woman of the higher caste with a man of the lowest caste. -ज. a 1 latest born, younger -2 belonging to the lowest caste; ˚जैर्नृभिः Ms.4.61; ˚स्त्री 8.385. (-जः) 1 a śūdra (अन्त्यः सन् जायते, वर्णमध्ये शेषभवत्वात्). -2 one of the 7 inferior tribes; chāṇḍāla &c.; रजकश्चर्मकारश्च नटो वरुड एव च । कैवर्तमेदभिल्लाश्च सप्तैते चान्त्यजाः स्मृता ॥ Yama; also Ms.8.279; Y.1.273. (-जा) a woman of the lowest caste; Ms.11.59.171; Y.3.231. -जन्मन्, -जाति, -जातीय a. 1 one belonging to the lowest caste; प्रतिग्रहस्तु क्रियते शूद्रादप्यन्त्यजन्मनः Ms.1.11. -2 a Śūdra; ˚तिता Ms.12.9. -3 a chāṇḍāla. -धनम् the last term of a progression or series. -पदम्, -मूलम् the last or greatest root (in a square). -भम् 1 the last lunar mansion रेवती. -2 the last sign of zodiac; मीन Pisces.. -युगम् the last or Kali age. -योनि. a. of the lowest origin; अन्त्याना- मन्त्ययोनयः (साक्ष्यम्) Ms.8.68. (-निः) the lowest source or origin. -लोपः dropping of the last letter or syllable of a word. -वर्णः, -वर्णा a man or woman of the lowest caste, a śūdra male or female. -विपुला N. of a metre.
antyakaḥ अन्त्यकः A man of the lowest tribe. See अन्त्यज.
adantya अदन्त्य a. 1 Not dental. -2 Not fit for the teeth; injurious to them.
anantya अनन्त्य a. [अनन्तस्य इदं-यत्] Endless, eternal, infinite. -न्त्यम् 1 Eternity, infinity. -2 The foot of हिरण्यगर्भ.
ānantyam आनन्त्यम् [अनन्त-ष्यञ्] 1 Infinity, endlessness (in time, space or number); आनन्त्याद् व्यभिचाराच्च K. P.2. -2 Boundlessness. -3 Immortality, eternity; स चानन्त्याय कल्पते Śvet. Up.5.9; Ms.3.266;6.84,9.17; लोकानन्त्यं दिवः प्राप्तिः पुत्रपौत्रप्रपौत्रके Y.1.78,261; स्वधर्मः स्वर्गायानन्त्याय च Kau.1.3; न वयं साध्वि साम्राज्यं स्वाराज्यं भोज्यमप्युत । वैराज्यं पारमेष्ठयं च आनन्त्यं वा हरेः पदम् ॥ Bhāg.1.83.41. -4 An upper world, heaven, future happiness; यस्तु नित्यं कृतमतिर्धर्ममेवाभिपद्यते । अशङ्कमानः कल्याणि सो$मुत्रानन्त्य- मश्नुते Mb.
āvantya आवन्त्य a. [अवन्तिषु भवः ञ्य] Coming from or belonging to Avantī. -त्यः 1 A prince or an inhabitant of Avantī. -2 The offspring of a degraded Brāhmaṇa; see Ms.1.21.
udantya उदन्त्य a. Living beyond a limit or boundary.
dantya दन्त्य a. [दन्ते दन्तमूले वा भवः यत्] 1 Dental. -2 Suitable to the teeth. -न्त्यः (i. e. वर्णः) A letter of the dental class; see दन्तमूलीय above. -Comp. -ओष्ठ्य a. denti-labial.
Macdonell Search
7 results
antya a. last; lowest; m. man of lowest caste, f. â, woman--; -karman, n. last act, cre mation; -ga, a. born in the lowest caste (also n.); -ganman, a. id.; -gâti, a. id.: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -yoni, a. of the lowest birth.
anantya n. endlessness, infinity.
ānantya a. endless; n. -ness, eternity.
āvantya m. king or inhabitant of Avanti.
udantya a. dwelling beyond the boundary.
dantya a. dental (letter); good for the teeth.
santya a. (only vc.) bountiful (Agni; RV.).
Bloomfield Vedic
7 results0 results4 results
antyamitraś etc. see antimitraś.
abhrayantyai svāhā # TB.
asūyantyai cānumatyai ca svāhā # Aś.8.14.4. Cf. under anumataye svāhā.
meghayantyai svāhā # TB.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"antya" has 2 results
antya(1)final letter; अन्ते भवमन्त्यम् (2) final consonant of each of the five groups of consonants which is a nasal अन्त्योनुनासिकः R.T. 17.
anantyanon-final confer, compare अनन्त्यविकारे अन्त्यसदेशस्य when a change does not concern a final letter then it concerns that which immediately precedes the final, Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa. Pari 95. confer, compare also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). VI.1.13 Vārt 5.
Vedabase Search
169 results
antya finalCC Antya 1.11
antya in the lowest positionSB 11.17.20
antya lastCC Adi 13.14
antya the finalCC Madhya 1.18
antya-jāḥ outcastesSB 12.10.25
antya-jāḥ outcastesSB 12.10.25
antya-jāḥ uncivilized menSB 11.12.3-6
antya-jāḥ uncivilized menSB 11.12.3-6
antya-līlā last pastimesCC Madhya 1.20
antya-līlā last pastimesCC Madhya 1.20
antya-līlā of the last division of His pastimesCC Madhya 2.1
antya-līlā of the last division of His pastimesCC Madhya 2.1
antya-līlā the final pastimesCC Adi 13.37
antya-līlā the final pastimesCC Adi 13.37
antya-līlā the last pastimesCC Antya 1.9
antya-līlā the last pastimesCC Antya 1.9
antya-līlā-gaṇera kari anuvāda I beg to repeat all the facts of this Antya-līlāCC Antya 20.102
antya-līlā-gaṇera kari anuvāda I beg to repeat all the facts of this Antya-līlāCC Antya 20.102
antya-līlā-gaṇera kari anuvāda I beg to repeat all the facts of this Antya-līlāCC Antya 20.102
antya-līlā-gaṇera kari anuvāda I beg to repeat all the facts of this Antya-līlāCC Antya 20.102
antya-līlā-gaṇera kari anuvāda I beg to repeat all the facts of this Antya-līlāCC Antya 20.102
antya-līlā-sūtra-gaṇa a synopsis of the antya-līlāCC Antya 1.10
antya-līlā-sūtra-gaṇa a synopsis of the antya-līlāCC Antya 1.10
antya-līlā-sūtra-gaṇa a synopsis of the antya-līlāCC Antya 1.10
antya-līlā-sūtra-gaṇa a synopsis of the antya-līlāCC Antya 1.10
antya-līlāra of the pastimes at the end, known as antya-līlāCC Madhya 1.248
antya-līlāra of the pastimes at the end, known as antya-līlāCC Madhya 1.248
antya the final member (of the lineage described in the Ninth Canto)SB 12.1.1-2
antyaja lower classesSB 7.11.30
antyam and beyond thatSB 1.18.22
antyam temporarySB 12.8.44
abhīpsantya desiringSB 9.14.38
abhiṣiñcantya moistening (the bodies of their sons)SB 9.10.47
abhiṣiñcantya and sprinklingSB 10.75.14
ādi-līlā madhya-līlā antya-līlā āra therefore there are three periods, namely the ādi-līlā, madhya-līlā and antya-līlāCC Madhya 1.21
alakṣayantya not identifyingSB 10.50.21
ānantyam unlimited happiness, liberationSB 4.14.15
ānantyam liberation from material bondageSB 7.15.2
ānantyam unlimited increaseSB 10.74.24
ānantyam immortalitySB 10.83.41-42
anicchantya unwillingSB 10.33.38
añjantya applying kajjalaSB 10.29.6-7
gṛha-antaḥ khelantya who were engaged in childish play within the houseCC Antya 1.153
ādi-līlā madhya-līlā antya-līlā āra therefore there are three periods, namely the ādi-līlā, madhya-līlā and antya-līlāCC Madhya 1.21
ei antya-līlā-sāra the essence of the antya-līlā (Lord Caitanya's pastimes at the end)CC Madhya 2.91
anusmarantya rememberingSB 10.47.36
anvicchantya tracing outSB 10.30.26
anvicchantya searching outSB 10.30.40
apaśyantya not seeingSB 7.2.57
apaśyantya not having seenSB 10.45.50
ādi-līlā madhya-līlā antya-līlā āra therefore there are three periods, namely the ādi-līlā, madhya-līlā and antya-līlāCC Madhya 1.21
asantyajan not giving upSB 11.9.23
aśnantya eatingSB 10.29.6-7
aśnantya taking mealsSB 10.41.26
āvantya of the district of AvantīSB 11.23.31
āvantya ĀvantyaSB 12.6.76-77
āvantya ĀvantyaSB 12.6.80
āvantyau the sons (named Vinda and Anuvinda)SB 9.24.39
āvantyau dual kings of AvantīSB 10.58.30
pauṣyañji-āvantyayoḥ of Pauṣyañji and ĀvantyaSB 12.6.78
bhajantya servingSB 10.89.24
smārayantyaḥ ca and remindingCC Madhya 25.140
carantya while pasturing to findSB 10.13.29
carantya grazingSB 10.19.1
cintayantya thinking aboutSB 10.39.17-18
cintayantya thinkingSB 10.90.14
cūrṇayantya smashingSB 8.10.46
darśayantya showingSB 10.30.35-36
dhyāyantya meditatingSB 10.22.28
duhantya in the middle of milking the cowsSB 10.29.5
ei antya-līlā-sāra the essence of the antya-līlā (Lord Caitanya's pastimes at the end)CC Madhya 2.91
garhayantya condemningSB 6.14.39
gāyantya singingSB 10.22.7
gāyantya singingSB 10.24.34
gāyantya singingSB 10.25.33
gāyantya singingSB 10.30.4
gāyantya singingSB 10.30.43
gāyantya singingSB 10.33.7
gāyantya singingSB 10.33.14
gāyantya chantingSB 10.39.37
gāyantya singingSB 10.47.9-10
gāyantya singingSB 10.53.42-43
ghnantya poundingSB 7.2.29-31
ghnantya strikingSB 9.10.25
gilantya swallowing themSB 10.13.31
gopāyantya acting like Their cowherd boyfriendsSB 10.30.17
gṛha-antaḥ khelantya who were engaged in childish play within the houseCC Antya 1.153
hasantya while laughingSB 10.8.24
hasantya smilingSB 10.65.9
hasantya laughingSB 10.76.31
japantya chantingSB 10.22.4
kāńkṣantya hoping forSB 10.39.34
kathayantya speakingSB 10.16.21
gṛha-antaḥ khelantya who were engaged in childish play within the houseCC Antya 1.153
krandantya crying outSB 10.19.2
lihantya licking the calvesSB 10.13.24
lihantya licking as they do when newborn calves are presentSB 10.13.31
likhantya scratchingSB 10.29.29
ādi-līlā madhya-līlā antya-līlā āra therefore there are three periods, namely the ādi-līlā, madhya-līlā and antya-līlāCC Madhya 1.21
ādi-līlā madhya-līlā antya-līlā āra therefore there are three periods, namely the ādi-līlā, madhya-līlā and antya-līlāCC Madhya 1.21
ādi-līlā madhya-līlā antya-līlā āra therefore there are three periods, namely the ādi-līlā, madhya-līlā and antya-līlāCC Madhya 1.21
ei antya-līlā-sāra the essence of the antya-līlā (Lord Caitanya's pastimes at the end)CC Madhya 2.91
limpantya smearingSB 10.21.17
limpantya applying cosmeticsSB 10.29.6-7
ādi-līlā madhya-līlā antya-līlā āra therefore there are three periods, namely the ādi-līlā, madhya-līlā and antya-līlāCC Madhya 1.21
mṛjantya washing awaySB 10.29.29
nirviśantya enteringSB 10.19.2
pariveṣayantya getting dressedSB 10.29.6-7
paśyantya seeingSB 10.43.28
patantya flowing downSB 5.16.22
pauṣyañji-āvantyayoḥ of Pauṣyañji and ĀvantyaSB 12.6.78
pāyayantya making drinkSB 10.29.6-7
pibantya as if drinking through the eyesSB 9.24.65
pibantya drinkingSB 10.21.13
pibantya drinkingCC Madhya 21.123
pragāyantya singing forthSB 10.32.1
pragāyantya singing loudlySB 10.35.1
pralapantya speaking forthSB 10.32.1
pralimpantya smearing them in turnSB 10.75.15
pramṛjantya cleansing themselves with oilsSB 10.29.6-7
prapāyayantya giving milkSB 10.41.26
prarudantya crying in lamentationSB 9.10.24
prekṣantya seeing such thingsSB 10.8.24
rudantya cryingSB 10.16.11
rudantya cryingSB 10.47.9-10
śabda-yantya making sweet vibrationsSB 7.4.9-12
santyajāmi give upSB 6.10.7
santyajya renouncing completelySB 10.29.31
santyajya abandoningSB 10.36.5
santyajya giving upSB 10.83.35
santyajya leaving behindSB 11.7.69
santyajya giving upSB 11.11.29-32
santyajya giving upCC Madhya 8.62
santyajya giving upCC Madhya 9.264
santyakṣyate are about to give up once and for allSB 11.6.42
santyaktum to give upSB 10.17.24
santyaktum to give upSB 10.47.48
ei antya-līlā-sāra the essence of the antya-līlā (Lord Caitanya's pastimes at the end)CC Madhya 2.91
siñcantya sprinkling with waterSB 4.6.25
siñcantya moisteningSB 7.2.32
siñcantya sprinklingSB 10.5.12
siñcantya sprinklingSB 10.90.10
smarantya rememberingSB 6.16.14
smarantya rememberingSB 10.16.20
smarantya rememberingSB 10.21.4
smarantya rememberingSB 10.39.16
smarantya rememberingSB 10.46.5
smarantya rememberingSB 10.65.15
smarantyau rememberingSB 10.82.36
smārayantyaḥ ca and remindingCC Madhya 25.140
snuvantyau allowed to suck the flowing milk from their breasts very happilySB 10.8.23
śocantya lamenting forSB 7.2.57
śocantyai lamenting forSB 1.7.41
spṛśantya touchingSB 10.21.13
sravantya spilling forthSB 10.16.21
sṛjantya creatingSB 7.2.32
śuśrūṣantya rendering personal serviceSB 10.29.6-7
svapantya sleepingSB 10.41.26
uddharantya carrying onSB 4.16.21
vamantya vomitingSB 3.17.9
varṇayantya engaged in describingSB 10.21.6
varṇayantya engaged in describingSB 10.21.20
vilimpantya smearingSB 10.75.14
vinighnantya beatingSB 10.44.43
visṛjantya sheddingSB 10.44.44
vyañjayantya revealingSB 10.35.8-11
vyañjayantya manifestingCC Madhya 8.276
vyañjayantya manifestingCC Madhya 24.208
śabda-yantya making sweet vibrationsSB 7.4.9-12
17 results
antya adjective belonging to the lowest caste (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
immediately following (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
inferior (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
last in place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
lowest in place or condition (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the ninth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
undermost (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3300/72933
antya noun (neuter) the last member of a mathematical series (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the number 1000 billions (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the twelfth sign of the zodiac (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32052/72933
antyaja noun (masculine) a man of one of seven inferior tribes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a Śūdra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 11899/72933
antyaja adjective of the lowest caste (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12781/72933
antyajanman adjective of the lowest caste (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43474/72933
antyajāta noun (masculine) a Śūdra
Frequency rank 43475/72933
antyakarman noun (neuter) funeral rites (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 23038/72933
antyayoni adjective of the lowest origin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43476/72933
anantya adjective eternal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
infinite (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18768/72933
aparāvantya adjective
Frequency rank 43652/72933
ānantya adjective bestowing infinite reward (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
eternal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
infinite (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17664/72933
ānantya noun (neuter) eternity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
future happiness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
immortality (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
infinity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4174/72933
āvantya adjective coming from or being in the country Avanti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 23399/72933
āvantya noun (masculine) a king or inhabitant of Avanti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
belonging to Avanti
Frequency rank 1777/72933
cakradantya noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 51901/72933
dantya adjective being on the teeth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dental (a letter) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
suitable to the teeth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 28312/72933
vairantya noun (masculine) name of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30374/72933
Wordnet Search
"antya" has 15 results.


śūdraḥ, pādajaḥ, avaravarṇaḥ, vṛṣalaḥ, jaghanyajaḥ, dāsaḥ, antyajanmā, jaghanyaḥ, dvijasevakaḥ   

hindūnāṃ caturvarṇāntargataḥ caturthaḥ varṇaḥ।

adhunāpi naike janāḥ śūdrasya sparśaṃ pāpam iti manyante।


antima, carama, antya   

ante bhavaḥ।

grāmasya antimāyāṃ sīmāyāṃ mandiraṃ asti।


ananta, aparimita, amita, asīma, aparimita, agādha, apāra, asīmita, amita, anantya, amaryāda, ameya, amaryāda   

yasya sīmā nāsti।

hariḥ anantaḥ hareḥ kathā anantā।


śūdra, antavarṇa, antyaja   

hindūdharmaśāstrānusāreṇa cāturvarṇyavyavasthāyāṃ caturthaḥ varṇaḥ।

varṇāśrame śūdrasya kāryaṃ anyasya sevā karaṇīyā। / padbhyām śūdro ajāyata।


antyeṣṭiḥ, antyakarma   


antyeṣṭiḥ iti dhārmikasaṃskāraḥ।


sarasvatī, prajñā, bhāratī, vāgīśvarī, vāgdevī, vīṇāvādinī, śāradā, haṃsavāhinī, girā, ilā, brāhmī, irā, jñānadā, gīrdevī, īśvarī, vācā, vacasāmīśā, varṇamātṛkā, gauḥ, śrīḥ, vākyeśvarī, antyasandhyeśvarī, sāyaṃsandhyādevatā, gaurī   

vidyāyāḥ vāṇyaḥ ca adhiṣṭhātrī devatā।

sarasvatyāḥ vāhanaṃ haṃsaḥ asti।



dantasambandhī atha vā dantamule jihvāghātena uccāryamāṇaḥ varṇaḥ;

dantasthānīyavarṇāḥ dantyāḥ


revatī, antyabham, pauṣṇam   


revatī candrapathe antimaṃ nakṣatram asti।


padmam, antyam   

saṅkhyāviśeṣaḥ, sahasranikharvāṇām samāhāram padmam;

padmam iti mahatī saṅkhyā


caramābhisandhiḥ, antyapratijñā   

antimaḥ pratyādeśaḥ।

adya ahaṃ bhavantaṃ caranābhisandhiṃ dātum āgataḥ yat śvaḥ mama dhanaṃ pratidātavyam iti।


hā, tyaj, parityaj, santyaj, apahā, vihā, prahā, apāhā, utsṛj, visṛj, atisṛj, vyapasṛj, rah, virah, uñjh, proñjh, parihṛ, vṛj, parivṛj, vivraj   

ātmanaḥ samīpasthasya kasya api anāsañjanarūpaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

saḥ mām haṭṭe eva ajahāt।



āryāchandasaḥ prakāraḥ।

antyavipulāyāḥ dvitīyasya dalasya tṛtīyaṃ gaṇaṃ yāvat caraṇaḥ apūrṇaḥ eva bhavati tathā dvayoḥ dalayoḥ dvitīyaḥ tathā caturthaḥ gaṇaḥ bhavati।



yasya varṇasya uccāraṇaṃ dantaiḥ bhavati।

tavargasya sarve varṇāḥ dantyavarṇāḥ santi।



ekaḥ rājā ।

vairantyasya ullekhaḥ kāmandakīya-nītisāraḥ ityasmin granthe asti



ekā jātiḥ ।

suśrutena prācyāvantyāḥ varṇitāḥ

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