antika | mfn. (with genitive case or ablative) near, proximate (Comparative degree nedīyas-,superl. nediṣṭha-) | ||||||
antika | n. vicinity, proximity, near exempli gratia, 'for example' antikastha-, remaining near | ||||||
antika | n. near, close by | ||||||
antika | n. within the presence of | ||||||
antika | mfn. (fr. anta-), only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' reaching to the end of, reaching to (exempli gratia, 'for example' nāsā | ||||||
antikagati | f. going near. | ||||||
antikam | ind. (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') until, near to, into the presence of | ||||||
antikatā | f. nearness, vicinity, contiguity. | ||||||
anātyantika | mfn. not perpetual, not final, intermittent, recurrent. | ||||||
ātyantika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. aty-anta-), continual, uninterrupted, infinite, endless etc. | ||||||
ātyantika | mf(ī-)n. entire, universal (as the world's destruction etc.) | ||||||
atyantika | mfn. too close | ||||||
atyantika | n. too great nearness | ||||||
āvantika | mfn. belonging to or coming from avanti- | ||||||
āvantika | m. Name of a Buddhist school | ||||||
haimantika | mfn. equals prec. | ||||||
haimantika | mfn. equals hematam adhī | ||||||
jīvantika | m. equals jīvā | ||||||
pāryantika | mf(ī-)n. (-anta-) final, concluding, last | ||||||
pāryantika | etc. See under pāry-, . | ||||||
pratyantika | mfn. being or situated at the border | ||||||
prātyantika | m. (fr. -anta-) a neighbouring chief | ||||||
saimantika | n. (fr. sīmanta-) red-lead (so called because used to make a mark along hair-parting) | ||||||
samantikam | ind. contiguously, near (Comparative degree ka-taram-) | ||||||
vadantika | m. plural Name of a people | ||||||
vaijayantika | mf(ā-or ī-)n. bearing a flag, a flag-bearer | ||||||
vāsantika | mf(ā-)n. relating to spring, vernal etc. | ||||||
vāsantika | mf(ā-)n. equals vasantam adhī | ||||||
vāsantika | m. the spring festival | ||||||
vāsantika | m. an actor dancer the buffoon in a drama (equals vidūṣaka- q.v) |
antika | अन्तिक a. [अन्तः सामीप्यम् अस्यास्तीति मत्वथर्यिः ठन्; according to Nir. from आ-नी; अन्तिकं कस्मात् आनीतं भवति सन्निकृष्टत्वात्] 1 Near, proximate (with gen. or abl. P. II.3.34). वैरमन्तिकमासाद्य यः प्रीतिं कर्तुमिच्छति । मृन्मयस्येव भग्नस्य यथा सन्धिर्न विद्यते ॥ Mb.12.139.69. -2 Reaching to the end of, reaching to; नासान्तिक Ms.2.46. -3 Lasting till, until; as far as, up to; षट्त्रिंशदाब्दिकं चर्यं गुरौ त्रैवेदिकं व्रतम् Ms.3.1; ग्रहणान्तिकम् Y.1.36. -कम् Nearness, proximity, vicinity, presence; न त्यजन्ति ममान्तिकम् H. 1.43; oft. in comp.; ˚न्यस्त R.2.24; कर्ण-˚चरः Ś.1.23; सिंहासनान्तिकचरेण सहोपसर्पन् M.1.12 a servant in attendance upon the throne. -कः A class of two storeyed buildings; Māna.2.94.26-27. -adv. (with abl. or gen. or as last member of comp.) Near (to), in the vicinity; अन्तिकं ग्रामात् -ग्रामस्य वा Sk.; into the presence or proximity of; दूरस्थस्यैत्य चान्तिकम् Ms.2.197; प्रविष्टे पितुर- न्तिकम् Rām.; so जनान्तिकम्, मृगान्तिकम्; अन्तिकेन near (with gen.) अन्तिकेन ग्रामस्य P.II.3.35; अन्तिकात् near, closely, within the presence of; from the proximity of, from near, from (abl. or gen. or acc.); ˚कादागतः P.VI.2.49; रजःकणैःस्पृशद्भिर्गात्रमन्तिकात् Rām.; क्रीणीयाद्यस्त्वपत्यार्थं मातापित्रोर्यमन्तिकात् Ms.9.174 from; so नैव प्रवृत्तिं शृणुमस्तयोः कस्यचिदन्तिकाम् Rām.; अन्तिके near, closely, in the presence of or proximity of; दूरस्थं चान्तिके च तत् Bg.13.15; दमयन्त्यास्तदान्तिके निपेतुः Nala. 1.22; ˚के स्त्रियाः Ms.2.22. -Comp. -आश्रयः resorting to what is near, contiguous support (that given by a tree to a creeper). |
atyantika | अत्यन्तिक a. [अत्यन्तं गच्छति; अत्यन्त-ठन्] 1 Going too much or too fast. -2 Very near. -3 Not near, distant. -कम् [अतिशयितम् अन्तिकं नैकठ्यम्] 1 Close proximity, immediate neighbourhood or being in close proximity. -2 [अतिक्रान्तम् अन्तिकम्.] Great distance. |
anātyantika | अनात्यन्तिक a. 1 Not constant or perpetual, not final. -2 Intermittent, recurrent. |
ātyantika | आत्यन्तिक a. (-की f.) [अत्यन्त भवार्थे ठञ्] 1 Continual, uninterrupted, endless, infinite, permanent, everlasting; स आत्यन्तिको भविष्यति Mu.4; विष्णुगुप्तहतकस्यात्यन्ति- कश्रेयसे 2.15; Ms.2.242; Bg.6.21. -2 Excessive, abundant, superlative. -3 Supreme, absolute; आत्यन्तिकी स्वत्वनिवृत्तिः Mitā. -Comp. -दुःखनिवृत्तिः f. absolution. -प्रलयः the grand or universal destruction of the world. |
āvantika | आवन्तिक a. (-की f.) Coming from or belonging to Avantī. -कः N. of a Buddhist school. |
jīvantikaḥ | जीवन्तिकः A fowler. |
pāryantika | पार्यन्तिक a. (-की f.) Final, last, conclusive. |
prātyantikaḥ | प्रात्यन्तिकः 1 A prince of the Pratyantas, q. v. -2 A neighbouring chief. |
vāsantika | वासन्तिक a. (-की f.) Vernal; द्रुमान् वासन्तिकान् दृष्ट्वा बभूवुर्भयशङ्किताः Rām.4.53.4; वासन्तिकैस्तरुभिः Ś.6. -कः 1 The Vidūṣaka or buffoon in a drama. -2 An actor. |
vaijayantikaḥ | वैजयन्तिकः A standard-bearer. |
saimantikam | सैमन्तिकम् Red lead. |
haimantika | हैमन्तिक a. [हेमन्ते काले भवः ठञ्] 1 Wintry, cold. -2 Growing in winter. -कम् A kind of rice. |
antika | n. vicinity, presence: -m, ad. near, up to; ab. from near; close to; from; in., lc. near, close to, before (g., --°ree;); -kara, a. moving about (--°ree;). |
anantikastha | a. not remain ing near. |
ātyantika | a. (î) lasting to the end; unalterable; absolute. |
āvantika | a. relating to Avanti: â, f. N. |
prātyantika | m. neighbouring chief. |
vāsantika | a. (î) vernal; m. spring festival. |
antika | adjective lasting till (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) reaching to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) reaching to the end of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) until (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 8921/72933 | |
antika | adjective near (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26400/72933 | |
antika | noun (neuter) proximity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) vicinity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 1751/72933 | |
atyantika | adjective too close (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 42315/72933 | |
adantika | adjective without teeth Frequency rank 31631/72933 | |
anantika | adjective Frequency rank 31732/72933 | |
anātyantika | adjective intermittent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) not final (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) not perpetual (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) recurrent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 31801/72933 | |
anicchantika | adjective Frequency rank 42943/72933 | |
anicchantikatā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 42944/72933 | |
ātyantika | adjective continual (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) endless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) entire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) infinite (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) uninterrupted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) universal (as the world's destruction etc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6661/72933 | |
ānantika | adjective Frequency rank 46408/72933 | |
āvantika | adjective belonging to or coming from Avanti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 46694/72933 | |
icchantika | adjective one who is destitute of Buddha nature Frequency rank 15536/72933 | |
jīvantika | noun (masculine neuter) a kind of plant Frequency rank 35198/72933 | |
vāsantika | adjective relating to spring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) vernal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 25352/72933 | |
saimantika | noun (neuter) red lead (so called because used to make a mark along hair-parting) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sindūra Frequency rank 71455/72933 | |
haimantika | adjective Frequency rank 16333/72933 |