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Grammar Search
"ante" has 6 results
ante: neuter nominative dual stem: anta
ante: feminine nominative dual stem: anta
ante: neuter accusative dual stem: anta
ante: feminine accusative dual stem: anta
ante: neuter locative singular stem: anta
ante: masculine locative singular stem: anta
Amarakosha Search
Results for ante
caṇḍālaḥ2.10.19MasculineSingularantevāsī, janaṅgamaḥ, plavaḥ, pukkasaḥ, śvapacaḥ, divākīrttiḥ, cāṇḍālaḥ, niṣādaḥ, mātaṅgaḥ
chātraḥ2.7.13MasculineSingularantevāsī, śiṣyaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
Results for ante
antevāsam. a neighbour, companion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antevasāyinm. a man living at the end of a town or village, a man belonging to the lowest caste View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antevāsiind. in statu pupillari, (gaRa dvidaṇḍy-ādi- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antevāsinSee . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antevāsinmfn. dwelling near the boundaries, dwelling close by View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antevāsinm. a pupil who dwells near or in the house of his teacher etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antevāsinm. equals ante-'vasāyin- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhyantenaind. close to View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ananteśvaraetc., names of persons unknown. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahiranteind. externally and internally View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāhudanteyam. equals -dantin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturanteśam. caturantā
danteyam. indra- (varia lectio datt-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaudanteyam. patronymic fr. go-danta- gaRa śubhrādi- (not in , but in ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumanteśvara n. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hanumanteśvaratīrthan. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hoturantevasinm. the pupil of a hotṛ- priest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jāyanteyam. metron. fr. jayantī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nyanteind. () , near, near to. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nyantenaind. ( etc.) , near, near to. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryanteind. at the end View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samantenaind. samanta
sāmanteyam. Name of a man (varia lectio māmateya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saudanteyam. (fr. idem or 'm. (fr. su-danta-) a patronymic ') a patronymic gaRa śubhrādi-.
Apte Search
Results for ante2 results
ante अन्ते ind. (loc. of अन्त; oft. used adverbially) 1 In the end, at last, at length, lastly, finally. -2 Inside. -3 In the presence of, near, close by. -Comp. -वसायिन्, -वसायी a Chāṇḍāla (अन्त्यज) अशौचमनृतं स्तेयं नास्तिक्यं शुल्कविग्रहः । कामः क्रोधश्च तर्षश्च स्वभावो$न्तेवसायिनाम् Bhāg.11. 17.2;7.11.3. -वासः 1 a neighbour; companion; तव वा इमे$न्तेवासास्त्वमेवैभिः संपिवस्व Ait.Br. -2 a pupil; आचार्यो$न्तेवासिनमनुशास्ति Taitt. Up.1.9. रुतानि शृण्वन्वयसां गणो$न्तेवासित्वमाप स्फुटमङ्गनानाम् Śi.3.55. Ve.3.7. -वासि ind. in a state of pupilage, (in statu pupilavi) -वासिन् = अन्तवासिन् q. v. above.
jāyanteyaḥ जायन्तेयः The son of Jayantī; जायन्तेयान् मुनीन् प्रीतः सोपाध्यायो ह्यपूजयत् Bhāg.11.5.43.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
anta ánta, m. end, iv. 50, 1; edge, proximity: lc. ánte near, x. 34, 16.
Macdonell Search
Results for ante3 results
antevāsa m. neighbour, com panion; -vâsin, m. (abiding near), pupil.
adhyantena (in.) ad. close up to (d.).
nyantena in. ad. in the neighbourhood, of (g. or --°ree;).
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
Results for ante3 resultsResults for ante1 result
antevāsin ‘dwelling near,’ is the epithet of the Brahma- Cārin who lives in the house of his teacher. The expression does not occur before the late Brāhmana period.Secrecy is often enjoined on others than Antevāsins.
Bloomfield Vedic
Results for ante3 resultsResults for ante1 resultResults for ante46 results
ante sīda KS.39.6; Apś.16.31.1.
anante antaḥ parivīta āgāt # RV.4.1.7c.
anante antar aśmani # RV.1.130.3c.
īyante aśvaiḥ suyamebhir āśubhiḥ # RV.5.55.1c.
īyante pradiśaḥ pṛthak # AVP.6.3.7d.
ukṣante aśvāṃ atyāṃ ivājiṣu # RV.2.34.3a.
ukṣante aśvān taruṣanta ā rajaḥ # RV.5.59.1c.
edhante asyā jñātayaḥ # RV.10.85.28c; AVś.14.1.26c; ApMB.1.6.8c. Cf. prec.
kalpante asmā iḍa iḍāṃ priyo bhavati ya evaṃ veda # AVP.9.21.10.
kalpante asmā ṛtavo na ṛtuṣv āvṛścata ṛtūnāṃ priyo bhavati ya evaṃ veda # AVP.9.21.6.
kalpante asmai diśo diśāṃ priyo bhavati ya evaṃ veda # AVP.9.21.4.
kalpante asmai māsā māsāṃ priyo bhavati ya evaṃ veda # AVP.9.21.9.
kalpante asmai viśve devāḥ priyo viśveṣāṃ devānāṃ bhavati ya evaṃ veda # AVP.9.21.12.
kriyante anatidbhutā # RV.8.90.3b.
ganteyānti savanā haribhyām # RV.6.23.4a.
cetante dasyutarhaṇā # RV.9.47.2b.
tayāvahante kavayaḥ purastāt # MS.1.1.2c: 1.7; 4.1.2: 2.18. See ta ā vahanti.
titikṣante abhiśastiṃ janānām # RV.3.30.1c; VS.34.18c.
duhyante gāvo (AVś. nūnaṃ) vṛṣaṇeha dhenavaḥ # AVś.7.73.2c; Aś.4.7.4c; śś.5.10.8c.
nakṣante girvaṇo giraḥ # RV.6.45.28b; SV.1.201b.
nakṣante nākaṃ nirṛter avaṃśāt # RV.7.58.1d.
niviśante suvate cādhi viśve # RV.1.164.22b; AVś.9.9.21b.
pavante madyaṃ madam # RV.9.23.4b; 107.14b; SV.1.518b; 2.206b; JB.3.213b.
pavante vājasātaye # RV.9.13.3a; 42.3b; SV.2.539a; PB.4.2.15.
pavante vāre avyaye # RV.9.64.5c; SV.2.385c; JB.3.136c. Cf. pavate etc.
pratīkṣante (ApMB. -tāṃ) śvaśuro devaraś (ApMB. śvaśruvo devarāś) ca # AVś.14.1.39d; ApMB.1.1.8b.
pruṣāyante vāṃ pavayo hiraṇyaye # RV.1.139.3f.
bādhante viśvam abhimātinam apa # RV.1.85.3c.
bṛhanteva gambhareṣu pratiṣṭhām # RV.10.106.9a.
bhayante viśvā bhuvanāni harmyā # RV.1.166.4c.
bhayante viśvā bhuvanā marudbhyaḥ # RV.1.85.8c.
bhayante viśvā bhuvanā yad abhrāṭ # RV.4.6.5d.
bhrājante rukmair āyudhais tanūbhiḥ # RV.7.57.3b.
bhrājante sūryā iva # RV.8.34.17c.
mantrayante divo amuṣya pṛṣṭhe # RV.1.164.10c; AVś.9.9.10c.
marmṛjyante apasyuvaḥ # RV.9.2.7b; 38.3b; SV.2.393b,629b; JB.3.137b.
marmṛjyante divaḥ śiśum # RV.9.33.5c. See marjayantīr etc.
marmṛjyante dive-dive # RV.4.15.6c.
marmṛjyante devayavaḥ # RV.8.103.7b; SV.2.934b.
marmṛjyante dvīpinam apsv antaḥ # AVś.4.8.7d; AVP.4.2.4d; MS.2.1.9d: 11.11; KS.37.9d; TB.; Apś.18.15.3d.
mahīyante sajoṣasaḥ # RV.10.175.3b.
yajante asya sakhyaṃ vayaś ca # RV.7.36.5a.
yatante vṛthag agnayaḥ # RV.8.43.4c; VS.33.2c.
yācante sumnaṃ pavamānam akṣitam # RV.9.78.3d.
yujyante yasyām ṛtvijaḥ # AVś.12.1.38e.
yudhyante yasyām ākrandaḥ # AVś.12.1.41c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"ante" has 12 results
anteaffix of the present tense. 3rd person. plural or Ātmanep. Ātmanepada substituted for the original affix झ, e g. एधन्ते वर्तन्ते.
aṇ(1)token term ( प्रत्याहार ) for all vowels and semivowels which, when prescribed for an operation, include all such of their sub-divisions as are caused by length, protraction accent or nasalization. cf अणुदित्सवर्णस्य चाप्रत्ययः P. I.1.60;(2) token term for the vowels अ, इ and उ in all Pānini's rules except in the rule I.1.69 given a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. e.g see ढ्रलोपे पूर्वस्य दीर्घोणः P.VI.3. 111, केऽणः P.VII.4.13. and अणोऽ प्रगृह्यस्य. P.VIII.4.57: (3) tad, affix. a ( अ ) prescribed generally in the various senses such as 'the offspring', 'dyed in,' 'belonging to' et cetera, and others except in cases where other specific affixes are prescribed cf प्राग्दीव्यतोऽण् P. IV.1.83; (4) kṛ. affix a ( अ ), applied, in the sense of an agent, to a root with an antecedent word (उपपद) standing as its object. e. g. कुम्भकारः, see P.III.2.1: काण्डलावः, see P.III.3.12.
anvādeśa(1)literally reference to the anterior word or expression: confer, compareअन्वादेशेान्त्यस्य (निःशब्दस्य in T.Pr.VII.3, अकारस्य in V-8) Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.I.58: (2) reference again to what has been stated previously: confer, compare इदमोन्वादेशेशनुदात्तस्तृतीयादौ अन्वादेशश्च कथितानुकथनमात्रम् P.II.4.32 and Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 2 thereon; एकस्यैवाभिधेयस्य पूर्वं शब्देन प्रतिपादितस्य द्वितीयं प्रतिपादनमन्वादेशः Kāś on the a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page..
aāgantukaliterally adventitious, an additional wording generally at the end of roots to show distinctly their form exempli gratia, for example वदि, एधि, सर्ति et cetera, and others; confer, compare इन्धिभवतिभ्यां च P I.2.6: confer, compare also भावलक्षणे स्थेण्कृञ्वदिचरिहृतभिजनिभ्यस्तोमुन्, P.III.4.16, सृपिवृदो. कसुन् P. III.4.17 and a number of other sūtras where इ or तिं is added to the root confer, compare इक्श्तिपौ धातुनिर्देशे, वर्णात्कारः, रादिफः P.III.3.108 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 2.3. 4, where such appendages to be added to the roots or letters are given. The word अागन्तु is an old word used in the Nirukta, but the term आगन्तुक appears to be used for the first time for such forms by Haradatta; confer, compare ह्वरोरिति ह्वृ कौटिल्ये, आगन्तुकेकारे गुणेन निर्देशः Padamañjarī, a commentary on the Kāśikāvṛtti by Haradatta. on VII.2.31. In the traditional oral explanations the second part of a reduplicated word is termed अागन्तुक which is placed second i. e. after the original by virtue of the convention आगन्तूनामन्ते निवेशः, although in fact, it is said to possess the sense of the root in contrast with the first which is called abhyāsa.A nice distinction can, however be drawn between the four kinds of adventitious wordings found in grammar viz.आगन्तु, इत्, अभ्यास and आगम which can be briefly stated as follows; The former two do not form a regular part of the word and are not found in the actual use of the word; besides, they do not possess any sense, while the latter two are found in actual use and they are possessed of sense. Again the agantu word is simply used for facility of understanding exactly and correctly the previous word which is really wanted; the इत् wording, besides serving this purpose, is of use in causing some grammatical operations. अभ्यास, is the first part of the wording which is wholly repeated and it possesses no sense by itself, while, āgama which is added to the word either at the beginning or at the end or inserted in the middle, forms a part of the word and possesses the sense of the word.
kātantraname of an important small treatise on grammar which appears like a systematic abridgment of the Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī. of Pāṇini. It ignores many unimportant rules of Pāṇini, adjusts many, and altogether omits the Vedic portion and the accent chapter of Pāṇini. It lays down the Sūtras in an order different from that of Pāṇini dividing the work into four adhyāyas dealing with technical terms, saṁdhi rules,declension, syntax compounds noun-affixes ( taddhita affixes ) conjugation, voice and verbal derivatives in an order. The total number of rules is 1412 supplemented by many subordinate rules or Vārttikas. The treatise is believed to have been written by Śarvavarman, called Sarvavarman or Śarva or Sarva, who is said to have lived in the reign of the Sātavāhana kings. The belief that Pāṇini refers to a work of Kalāpin in his rules IV. 3.108 and IV.3.48 and that Patañjali's words कालापम् and माहवार्तिकम् support it, has not much strength. The work was very popular especially among those who wanted to study spoken Sanskrit with ease and attained for several year a very prominent place among text-books on grammar especially in Bihar, Bengal and Gujarat. It has got a large number of glosses and commentary works, many of which are in a manuscript form at present. Its last chapter (Caturtha-Adhyāya) is ascribed to Vararuci. As the arrangement of topics is entirely different from Pāṇini's order, inspite of considerable resemblance of Sūtras and their wording, it is probable that the work was based on Pāṇini but composed on the models of ancient grammarians viz. Indra, Śākaṭāyana and others whose works,although not available now, were available to the author. The grammar Kātantra is also called Kālāpa-vyākaraṇasūtra.. A comparison of the Kātantra Sūtras and the Kālāpa-vyākaraṇasūtra. Sūtras shows that the one is a different version of the other. The Kātantra Grammar is also called Kaumāra as it is said that the original 1nstructions for the grammar were received by the author from Kumāra or Kārttikeya. For details see Vol. VII Patañjala Mahābhāṣya published by the D.E. Society, Poona, page 375.
ṇamulkrt affix अम्, causing vrddhi to the final vowel or to the penultimate अ, (!) added to any root in the sense of the infinitive in Vedic Literature when the connected root is शक्: exempli gratia, for example अग्निं वै देवा विभाजं नाशक्नुवन; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. III. 4.14; (2) added to any root to show frequency of a past action, when the root form ending with णमुल् is repeated to convey the sense of frequency : exempli gratia, for example भोजं भोजं व्रजति, पायंपायं व्रजति, confer, compare Kas on P. III. 4.22; (3) added to a root showing past action and preceded by the word अग्रे, प्रथम or पूर्व, optionally along with the krt affix क्त्वा; exempli gratia, for example अग्रेभोजं or अग्रे भुक्त्वा व्रजति; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.III.4.24;(4) added in general to a root specified in P.III.4.25 to 64, showing a subordinate action and having the same subject as the root showing the main action, provided the root to which णमुल् is added is preceded by an antecedent or connected word, such as स्वादुम् or अन्यथा or एवम् or any other given in Panini's rules; confer, compare P. III.4.26 to III.4.64; exempli gratia, for example स्वादुंकारं भुङ्क्ते, अन्यथाकारं भुङ्क्ते, एवंकारं भुङ्क्ते, ब्राह्मणवेदं भोजयति, यावज्जीवमधीते, समूलकाषं कषति, समूलघातं हन्ति, तैलपेषं पिनष्टि, अजकनाशं नष्टः et cetera, and others; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.III.4.26-64. When णमुल् is added to the roots कष्, पिष्, हन् and others mentioned in P. III. 4. 34 to 45, the same root is repeated to show the principal action. The word ending in णमुल् has the acute accent (उदात) on the first vowel (confer, compare P.VI.I. 94) or on the vowel preceding the affix; confer, compare P. VI.1.193.
pūrvapadaanterior member, the first out of the two members of a compound, as contrasted with the next member which is उत्तरपद; confer, compare पूर्वपदोत्तरपदयोरेकोदशः पूर्वपदत्यान्तवद्भवति, Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.VI.1.85 Vart. 4.
pūrvavidhi(1)an operation or karya or the anterior confer, compare P. I. 1.57: cf also Mahabhasya on P. I. 1.57 cf also एकादेशः पूर्वविधौ स्थानिवत् M.Bh. on I.2.4 Vart. 2 and II. 4.62 Vart. 4; (2) an operation or a rule cited earlier in the order of sutras; confer, compare पूविधिमुत्तरो विधिर्वाधते M. Bh on P 1. 1.44 Vart. 13.
paurvāparya(1)a relation between two operations or rules based upon their anterior and ulterior positions, which is many times taken into consideration for deciding their relative strength; (2) the order of words; cf शब्देनार्थान्वाच्यान् दृष्ट्वा बुद्धौ कुर्यात् पौर्वापर्यम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ).on P 1.4.109 Vart. 10 cf also पौर्वापर्यमकालव्यपेतं सेहिता, P. I. 4.109 Vart. 8.
prauḍhamanoramākhaṇḍana(1)a grammatical work written by a grammarian named Cakrapani of the Sesa family of grammarians. The work is meant to refute the arguments of Bhattoji Diksita in his Praudhamanorama; (2) a grammar work written by the famous poet and rhetorician Jagannātha in refutation of the doctrines and explanations given in the Praudhamanorama by the stalwart Grammarian Bhattoji Diksita. The work is not a scholarly one and it has got a tone of banter. It was written by Jagannatha to show that he could also write works on Grammar and the bearded pedant Bhattoji should not be proud of his profound scholarship in Grammar. The work of Jagannatha was named मनोरमाकुचमर्दन possibly by his followers or even by himselfeminine.
manoramākucamardananame given in a bantering tone to the treatise प्रौढमनोरमाखण्डन written by जगन्नाथपण्डित:
saṃnihita(1)present by implication; taken as granted; confer, compare अपि च ऋकारग्रहणे लृकारग्रहणं संनिहितं भवति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 1.9. Vart. 5; (2) nearby, at hand; confer, compare इह सर्वेषु साधनेषु संनिहितेषु कदाचित् पचतीत्येतद् भवति, कदाचिन्न भवति ! Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I. 3.1. Vart. 2; I. 4.23 Vart. 15.
Vedabase Search
Results for ante408 results
ante afterBG 7.19
SB 11.9.29
ante after deathSB 10.10.10
ante at the endBG 8.6
CC Madhya 20.147-148
CC Madhya 4.169
SB 10.1.38
SB 10.35.22-23
SB 10.66.17
SB 10.73.27
SB 10.76.5
SB 10.87.12-13
SB 11.21.33-34
SB 11.4.22
SB 12.2.34
SB 12.2.38
SB 2.1.6
SB 2.7.39
SB 3.20.49
SB 3.25.8
SB 4.24.79
SB 4.9.24
SB 6.16.36
SB 7.15.57
SB 9.12.6
ante at the end ofSB 3.11.36
ante at the end of lifeSB 3.19.38
ante at the end of many birthsSB 4.29.1a-2a
ante at the time of deathSB 7.10.39
ante at the ultimate endSB 6.9.45
ante in the annihilationSB 10.14.19
ante in the endSB 10.68.46
SB 10.73.23
SB 11.31.11
SB 12.2.40
SB 12.2.41
SB 12.3.24
SB 8.6.10
ante in the termination of the causal functionSB 11.19.16
ante ultimatelySB 11.21.43
SB 12.2.43
ante withinSB 10.16.19
ante avasāyibhyaḥ unto the caṇḍālas, the lowest of men (dog-eaters and hog-eaters)SB 7.14.11
ante avasāyibhyaḥ unto the caṇḍālas, the lowest of men (dog-eaters and hog-eaters)SB 7.14.11
ante-vasāyinaḥ outcastesSB 10.70.43
ante-vasāyinaḥ outcastesSB 10.70.43
ante-vāsī the discipleSB 11.10.12
ante-vāsī the discipleSB 11.10.12
antevasāyinām known as antevasāyī or caṇḍālaSB 7.11.30
dvādaśa-abda-ante after twelve yearsSB 9.9.37
abda-ante at the end of the yearSB 9.14.40
abhimanyante hanker forSB 10.64.36
abhiyajante worshipCC Adi 3.58
ādriyante do respectSB 3.30.13
ādriyante endeavor to achieveSB 5.6.17
anante who has unlimited potencySB 1.19.16
anante who is unlimitedSB 4.11.30
anante in the unlimitedSB 5.20.25
anante the unlimitedSB 6.3.26
anante unlimitedSB 6.4.48
anante the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 7.6.25
anante īśe fixed at the lotus feet of the unlimited Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 9.6.51
anante unlimitedlySB 10.5.13
anante against the unlimitedSB 10.14.9
anante who is unlimitedSB 10.14.22
anante who is the unlimitedSB 10.15.35
anante the unlimited oneSB 10.16.20
anante the unlimited LordSB 12.3.48
anante in the unlimitedCC Adi 13.77
anante in the unlimitedCC Madhya 9.29
anante in Lord AnantaCC Madhya 20.371
kṛta-ante in the conclusionBG 18.13
kalpa-ante at the end of Brahmā's daySB 1.6.29
tat-ante at the endSB 1.16.32-33
sahasra-ante of thousands of yearsSB 2.5.34
yuga-ante at the end ofSB 2.7.38
sahasra-ante at the end of one thousandSB 3.6.38
yuga-ante at the end of the millenniumSB 3.33.4
rātra-ante at the end of nightSB 4.8.72
rātra-ante at the end of nightSB 4.8.72
kalpa-ante at the end of the millenniumSB 4.9.14
kalpa-ante (the dissolution) at the end of a kalpaSB 4.10.27
sahasra-ante at the end of a thousandSB 4.30.4
udaka-ante on the bank of the riverSB 5.8.1
yuga-ante at the end of the millenniumSB 5.18.6
saṃvatsara-ante at the end of the yearSB 5.18.15
loka-traya-ante at the end of the three lokas (Bhūrloka, Bhuvarloka and Svarloka)SB 5.20.37
saṃvatsara-ante after one yearSB 6.9.6
sapta-rātra-ante at the end of seven nightsSB 6.16.28
kalpa-ante at the end of the millenniumSB 7.3.11
kalpa-ante at the end of every day of Lord BrahmāSB 7.3.26-27
apara-rātra-ante at the end of the nightSB 8.4.17-24
jala-ante where the water isSB 8.6.39
sahasra-ante at the end of one thousandSB 8.12.44
catuḥ-yuga-ante at the end of every four yugas (Satya, Dvāpara, Tretā and Kali)SB 8.14.4
kalpa-ante at the end of the kalpaSB 8.24.7
atīta-kalpa-ante at the end of the period of the last Manu, or at the end of the last millenniumSB 9.1.2-3
kalpa-ante at the end of the millenniumSB 9.1.8
tat-ante when it endedSB 9.3.30
vrata-ante at the end of observing the vowSB 9.4.30
dvādaśa-abda-ante after twelve yearsSB 9.9.37
saṃvatsara-ante at the end of every yearSB 9.14.39
abda-ante at the end of the yearSB 9.14.40
niśā-ante at the time of devastationSB 10.3.31
salila-ante at the edge of the waterSB 10.15.49-50
jala-ante on the shore of the riverSB 10.22.2-3
dina-ante at the end of the daySB 10.35.24-25
etat-ante after thisSB 11.6.31
kalpa-ante at the time of annihilationSB 11.9.16
sva-ante at the time of deathSB 11.9.26
nāda-ante at the end of the vibration of oṃSB 11.27.23
tat-ante after those (thousand cycles of ages)SB 12.4.3
kalpa-ante at the end of the day of Lord BrahmāSB 12.8.2-5
rāddha-ante in the definitive conclusionsSB 12.11.1
līlā-ante at the end of Our pastimesCC Adi 4.256
utsava-ante after the festivalCC Adi 5.172
cāturmāsya-ante at the end of CāturmāsyaCC Madhya 1.111
nṛtya-ante after dancingCC Madhya 1.145
cāturmāsya-ante at the end of CāturmāsyaCC Madhya 16.59
sva-ante within Her heartCC Antya 1.151
kṛta-antena by death-blowsSB 3.2.18
vastra-antena by the end of the sārīSB 4.25.24
anubhūyante are perceivedSB 7.7.25
anumodante they encourageSB 12.10.29
anuvartante would followBG 3.23
anuvartante followBG 4.11
anuvartante followCC Adi 4.20
anuvartante followCC Adi 4.178
anuvartante followCC Madhya 8.91
apara-rātra-ante at the end of the nightSB 8.4.17-24
api dhīyante are out of sightSB 3.11.29
atīta-kalpa-ante at the end of the period of the last Manu, or at the end of the last millenniumSB 9.1.2-3
bādhante can troubleSB 3.22.37
bādhante they cause troubleSB 10.74.37
bhajante render servicesBG 7.16
bhajante engage in devotional serviceBG 7.28
bhajante become devotedBG 10.8
bhajante they are engaged in worshipingSB 10.15.6
bhajante worshipCC Madhya 24.94
bhajante worshipCC Madhya 24.112
bhajante worshipCC Madhya 24.144
bhajante they are engaged in transcendental loving serviceCC Madhya 24.177
bhajante they engage in devotional serviceCC Madhya 24.189
bhajante worshipCC Madhya 25.156
bhāṣante they speakSB 11.22.4
bhāṣante speakCC Madhya 6.109
bhidyante divide intoSB 2.10.41
bhidyante appear divided in many material formsSB 11.14.5-7
bhidyante are dividedSB 11.14.8
bhidyante they break offSB 11.23.20
bhrājante glitterSB 8.15.17
catuḥ-yuga-ante at the end of every four yugas (Satya, Dvāpara, Tretā and Kali)SB 8.14.4
cāturmāsya-ante at the end of CāturmāsyaCC Madhya 1.111
cāturmāsya-ante at the end of CāturmāsyaCC Madhya 16.59
chidyante cut to piecesSB 1.2.21
chidyante cut to piecesSB 11.20.30
dante in the teethCC Madhya 1.187
dante in the teethCC Madhya 20.98
dante in the mouthCC Antya 5.156
dantera of teethCC Madhya 13.103
dāsyante will awardBG 3.12
dauṣmante the son of Mahārāja DuṣmantaSB 9.20.23
dauṣmante of the son of DuṣmantaSB 12.12.25-26
dhāryante can assimilateSB 1.4.24
dhāryante are sustainedSB 12.6.42
api dhīyante are out of sightSB 3.11.29
dina-ante at the end of the daySB 10.35.24-25
dṛśyante are seenSB 6.15.24
dṛśyante they appearSB 10.3.14
dṛśyante there are seenSB 11.22.8
dṛśyante they appearSB 11.28.15
dṛśyante are seenSB 12.3.26
dṛśyante are seenSB 12.4.37
druhyante they developed enmitySB 11.23.8
dvādaśa-abda-ante after twelve yearsSB 9.9.37
edhante increasingSB 1.8.40
edhante generateSB 3.12.51
etat-ante after thisSB 11.6.31
gāyante are singingCC Madhya 24.177
goṣ-padāyante becomes like a small hole created by the hoof of a calfCC Madhya 24.37
goṣ-padāyante is like a calf's hoofprintCC Antya 3.197
goṣpadāyante a small hole created by the hoof of a calfCC Adi 7.98
gṛhyante are glorifiedSB 7.4.34
hanyante are killed in many ways (especially by slaughterhouses)SB 10.10.9
hanyante are killedSB 12.7.14
hemante before the winter seasonSB 7.14.20-23
hemante during the winterSB 10.22.1
īḍyante are worshiped or discussedSB 4.30.35
īhante they desireBG 16.11-12
īhante actSB 6.14.3
īhante executeSB 8.1.14
anante īśe fixed at the lotus feet of the unlimited Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 9.6.51
jala-ante where the water isSB 8.6.39
jala-ante on the shore of the riverSB 10.22.2-3
jāyante developBG 14.12
jāyante are manifestedBG 14.13
jāyante growSB 9.7.13
jāyanteyāḥ the sons of Jayantī, the wife of ṛṣabhadevaSB 5.4.13
jāyanteyān to the sons of JayantīSB 11.5.43
jñāyante are speculatedSB 10.10.34-35
jñāyante are perceivedCC Madhya 2.52
jñāyante can be knownCC Madhya 20.355
jñāyante are perceivedCC Antya 1.148
kalpa-ante at the end of Brahmā's daySB 1.6.29
kalpa-ante at the end of the millenniumSB 4.9.14
kalpa-ante (the dissolution) at the end of a kalpaSB 4.10.27
kalpa-ante at the end of the millenniumSB 7.3.11
kalpa-ante at the end of every day of Lord BrahmāSB 7.3.26-27
kalpa-ante at the end of the kalpaSB 8.24.7
atīta-kalpa-ante at the end of the period of the last Manu, or at the end of the last millenniumSB 9.1.2-3
kalpa-ante at the end of the millenniumSB 9.1.8
kalpa-ante at the time of annihilationSB 11.9.16
kalpa-ante at the end of the day of Lord BrahmāSB 12.8.2-5
kalpante deserveSB 1.2.25
kalpante become competentSB 1.5.34
kalpante are proneSB 12.4.3
kalpante are subjectSB 12.4.5
kalpyante are conceived ofSB 11.21.6
na kālyante are not being drivenSB 4.5.8
kampante trembleSB 7.8.6
katthante criticize your actsSB 8.7.33
kīrtyante are describedSB 9.14.1
kīrtyante are glorifiedCC Madhya 23.87-91
kriyante are doneBG 17.25
kṛta-ante in the conclusionBG 18.13
kṛta-antena by death-blowsSB 3.2.18
kṣamante are ableSB 5.10.18
kṣīyante terminatedSB 1.2.21
kṣīyante terminatedSB 11.20.30
labhante do achieveBG 2.32
labhante achieveBG 5.25
labhante attainBG 9.21
labhante do gainSB 3.5.40
labhante they attainSB 10.77.32
lakṣyante it is visibleSB 4.21.27
lakṣyante are ascertainedSB 10.30.25
na lakṣyante are not seenSB 10.30.30
likhyante being describedCC Adi 11.1
līlā-ante at the end of Our pastimesCC Adi 4.256
līyante dissolvesSB 12.4.15-19
loka-traya-ante at the end of the three lokas (Bhūrloka, Bhuvarloka and Svarloka)SB 5.20.37
mādayante take pleasureSB 5.2.22
maṃsyante they will considerBG 2.35
maṃsyante will considerSB 4.16.21
maṃsyante people will considerSB 12.3.35
manyante thinkBG 7.24
manyante considerSB 7.8.10
manyante considerSB 10.73.11
modante become joyfulNBS 71
mriyante would dieSB 10.16.5
mriyante they are killedSB 12.3.8
mucyante get reliefBG 3.13
mucyante become freeBG 3.31
mucyante are deliveredSB 8.4.17-24
na kālyante are not being drivenSB 4.5.8
na lakṣyante are not seenSB 10.30.30
na śakyante they cannotSB 10.51.36
nāda-ante at the end of the vibration of oṃSB 11.27.23
nigadyante are calledCC Madhya 20.373
nirūpyante are the objectiveSB 4.1.62
niśā-ante at the time of devastationSB 10.3.31
nivartante come backBG 8.21
nivartante come backBG 9.3
nivartante they come backBG 15.6
nivartante have come backSB 6.5.33
nivartante returnSB 7.4.22-23
nṛtya-ante after dancingCC Madhya 1.145
pacyante they are cookedSB 10.64.37-38
goṣ-padāyante becomes like a small hole created by the hoof of a calfCC Madhya 24.37
goṣ-padāyante is like a calf's hoofprintCC Antya 3.197
parivartante move aroundSB 5.23.3
parivartante undergo permutationSB 12.3.26
paryante at the end of the durationSB 1.6.30
pidhīyante are obscuredSB 7.4.34
prabādhante drive awaySB 5.24.12
prajāyante they take birthSB 3.32.20
pralīyante are annihilatedBG 8.18
pralīyante become mergedSB 11.24.22-27
prapadyante surrenderBG 4.11
prapadyante surrenderBG 7.14
prapadyante surrenderBG 7.15
prapadyante surrenderBG 7.20
prapadyante achieveSB 11.16.3
prapadyante surrenderCC Adi 4.20
prapadyante surrenderCC Adi 4.178
prapadyante surrenderCC Madhya 8.91
prapadyante surrender fullyCC Madhya 20.121
prapadyante surrender fullyCC Madhya 22.23
prapadyante surrender fullyCC Madhya 24.138
prārthayante pray forBG 9.20
pratīkṣante they awaitSB 7.2.55
pratīyante manifestSB 3.6.27
pravartante they flourishBG 16.10
pravartante beginBG 17.24
pravartante sma carried onSB 10.75.4-7
prīyante have affectionSB 10.29.23
pūyante become vanquishedSB 6.2.17
pūyante are purifiedSB 7.10.19
pūyante become purifiedSB 10.70.43
rāddha-ante in the definitive conclusionsSB 12.11.1
rājante they shine forthSB 12.13.14
ramante take pleasure inSB 2.1.7
ramante do enjoySB 2.2.25
ramante take pleasureCC Madhya 9.29
rātra-ante at the end of nightSB 4.8.72
rātra-ante at the end of nightSB 4.8.72
sapta-rātra-ante at the end of seven nightsSB 6.16.28
apara-rātra-ante at the end of the nightSB 8.4.17-24
rocante are pleasingSB 3.24.31
rocante become pleasingSB 4.26.15
sabhājayante glorifySB 3.25.34
sahasra-ante of thousands of yearsSB 2.5.34
sahasra-ante at the end of one thousandSB 3.6.38
sahasra-ante at the end of a thousandSB 4.30.4
sahasra-ante at the end of one thousandSB 8.12.44
sajjante they become engagedBG 3.29
na śakyante they cannotSB 10.51.36
salila-ante at the edge of the waterSB 10.15.49-50
samīhante they endeavorSB 11.7.27
sampralīyante become completely mergedSB 11.24.22-27
sampralīyante merge totallySB 12.4.22
sampratīkṣante are awaitingSB 4.25.8
saṃvatsara-ante at the end of the yearSB 5.18.15
saṃvatsara-ante after one yearSB 6.9.6
saṃvatsara-ante at the end of every yearSB 9.14.39
saṃyujyante they are unitedSB 6.15.3
sandṛśyante are seenBG 11.26-27
sańgacchante becomeSB 5.6.2
santapsyante they will suffer great distressSB 12.2.10
sapta-rātra-ante at the end of seven nightsSB 6.16.28
sevante worshipSB 9.9.13
pravartante sma carried onSB 10.75.4-7
sṛjyante createSB 1.3.5
sumanāyante are transformed into gentlemenCC Adi 17.1
sva-ante at the time of deathSB 11.9.26
sva-ante within Her heartCC Antya 1.151
tapyante undergoBG 17.5-6
tapyante undergoSB 5.18.22
tapyante voluntarily sufferSB 8.7.44
tat-ante at the endSB 1.16.32-33
tat-ante when it endedSB 9.3.30
tat-ante after those (thousand cycles of ages)SB 12.4.3
trasyante are terrifiedSB 1.17.10-11
loka-traya-ante at the end of the three lokas (Bhūrloka, Bhuvarloka and Svarloka)SB 5.20.37
ucyante are saidCC Madhya 23.79-81
udaka-ante on the bank of the riverSB 5.8.1
upajāyante are bornBG 14.2
upalabhante are trying to realizeSB 5.24.20
upālabhante chastiseSB 7.4.45
upalabhyante are situatedSB 5.22.17
upalabhyante are seenSB 5.24.5
upatapyante are afflicted with painSB 5.26.22
upatiṣṭhante honor and followSB 9.18.5
upekṣante neglectSB 5.8.10
utprekṣante as if observingSB 10.12.18
utsādyante are devastatedBG 1.42
utsahante are ableSB 5.20.37
utsava-ante after the festivalCC Adi 5.172
vācyante are enunciatedNBS 15
vardhante increaseSB 5.21.4
vardhante increaseSB 5.21.6
vartante are being engagedBG 3.28
vartante let them be so engagedBG 5.8-9
vartante are actingBG 14.22-25
vartante carry out functionsSB 3.29.44
vartante are going onSB 10.57.38-39
vartiṣyante will liveSB 4.28.21
vasante they are residingSB 10.48.33
vastra-antena by the end of the sārīSB 4.25.24
vibhajyante are dividedSB 5.20.45
vibhāvyante are variously manifestedSB 6.1.41
vibhrājante give off lightSB 4.12.36
vicakṣante can actually seeSB 7.9.47
vidhīyante are allottedSB 5.19.19
vidyante are presentSB 10.15.25
vikatthante talk nonsenseSB 2.5.13
vikatthante boast vainlySB 10.50.19
vikatthante boastCC Madhya 22.32
vikriyante become disturbedSB 4.20.12
vīkṣante are beholdingBG 11.22
vilīyante become merged inSB 3.7.13
vindante experienceSB 10.45.4
vinivartante are practiced to be refrained fromBG 2.59
virājante existCC Madhya 23.67
viyujyante they are separatedSB 6.15.3
vrata-ante at the end of observing the vowSB 9.4.30
yajante they worship by sacrificesBG 4.12
yajante worshipBG 9.23
yajante they perform sacrificeBG 16.17
yajante worshipBG 17.1
yajante worshipBG 17.4
yajante worshipBG 17.4
yajante they worshipSB 5.20.3-4
yajante they worshipSB 5.20.11
yajante they worshipSB 5.20.16
yajante do worshipSB 5.20.22
yajante they worshipSB 5.20.27
yajante worship (the goddess Kālī or Bhadra Kālī)SB 5.26.31
yajante worshipSB 6.18.35
yajante they worshipSB 10.24.9
yajante worshipSB 10.40.5
yajante they worshipSB 11.21.29-30
yatante they endeavorSB 3.24.28
yuga-ante at the end ofSB 2.7.38
yuga-ante at the end of the millenniumSB 3.33.4
yuga-ante at the end of the millenniumSB 5.18.6
catuḥ-yuga-ante at the end of every four yugas (Satya, Dvāpara, Tretā and Kali)SB 8.14.4
yujyante may easily associateSB 10.10.17
Results for ante7 results
antevāsika noun (masculine) antevāsin
Frequency rank 43473/72933
antevāsin noun (masculine) a pupil who dwells near or in the house of his teacher (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7377/72933
antevāsin adjective dwelling close by (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dwelling near the boundaries (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18813/72933
jāyanteya noun (masculine) metron. from jayantī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 52924/72933
bahirante indeclinable externally and internally (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60074/72933
hanūmanteśvara noun (masculine neuter) name of a Tīrtha at the Narmadā
Frequency rank 13271/72933
hanūmanteśvaratīrthamāhātmyavarṇana noun (neuter) name of Skandapurāṇa, Revākhaṇḍa, 83
Frequency rank 72309/72933


1. prolapsed iris; 2. anterior staphyloma or cyst on cornea resembling feces of goat.


1. sun; 2. purple calatropis; madar tree; Calotropis procera, C. gigantea. 3. distillate; a liquid medicinal preparation obtained by distillation of certain liquids or of drugs with volatile constituents, soaked in water using the distillation apparatus ex: ajāmodārka.


1. trembling; quivering; 2. Plant Vallaris solanacea. girikarṇika, kovidāra. (Clitoria ternata and Bauhinia variegata) Calotropis gigantea, Echies dichotomoa, Jasminum sambac, Clotorea ternata are also known by this name; breadflower.


Indian antelope; black antelope.


cow-eared; deer antelope picta.


hide of a deer used as a seat; skin of black antelope


a species of antelope.


deer, antelope.


light, lantern.


dog; antelope; barking deer.


1. large Indian parakeet; 2. bee; 3. an antelope.


Plant crown flower, Calotropis gigantean.


liquid obtained by mixing 48 grams of rice with 385 ml of water keeping for two hours and decanted later.


sour rice or barley gruel, decanted liquid obtained from a mixture of equal quantity of crushed barley and warm water kept overnight.


1. Plant various plants: Calatropis gingantea, Agati grandiflora, Adhatoda vasika, Borreria articularis, Indigofera enneaphylla, Osmanthus fragrans and Chenopodium; Spermacoce hispida; 2. a kind of salt.

Wordnet Search
"ante" has 11 results.



sarvāsu dikṣu।

śikāgosammelanāt paścāt svāmīvivekānandaḥ caturdiganteṣu vikhyātaḥ abhavat।


āvāsin, antevāsin, chātrāvāsin, vidyārthinilayavāsin   

yaḥ chātraḥ vidyām adhyetuṃ vidyālayasya saṅkule vasati।

pituḥ sthānāntaraṇāt anantaraṃ mohanaḥ āvāsī abhavat।


chātraḥ, śiṣyaḥ, vidyārthī, antevāsī, pāṭalikaḥ, pāṭhakaḥ, pravālaḥ, mokam, vajram, vineyaḥ   

yaḥ vidyābhyāsaṃ karoti।

asyāṃ kakṣāyāṃ pañcaviṃśati chātrāḥ santi।



yaḥ gurukule vasati।

kṛṣṇaḥ antevāsī bhūtvā jñānaṃ prāptavān।


śiṣyaḥ, chātraḥ, antevāsī, antesat, anteṣadaḥ   

yaṃ śikṣayati।

śiṣyasya guroḥ saha sudṛḍhāḥ sambandhāḥ āvaśyakāḥ।



chattīsagaḍharājyasya ekaṃ nagaram।

dantevāḍānagare bahulaṃ nakṣalavādīnām ākramaṇāni bhavanti।



chattīsagaḍharājye vartamānam ekaṃ maṇḍalam।

dantevāḍāmaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ dantevāḍānagare asti।


uttejaya, santejaya, saṃtejaya, udīraya, preraya, pravartaya   

bhāvānāṃ protsāhanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

gāyakaḥ svasya utsāhapūrṇagītena śrotāram uttejayati।



samājaviśeṣaḥ yaḥ grāmaprānte nivasati।

antevāsinaḥ kadācit grāmam āgacchanti।



vidyām adhyetuṃ gurusamīpe yaḥ vasati।

prācīne kāle antevāsinebhyaḥ śikṣaṇaṃ dīyate sma।



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

sāmanteyasya ullekhaḥ bhāgavatapurāṇe asti

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