anta | m. end, limit, boundary, term  |
anta | m. end of a texture  |
anta | m. end, conclusion  |
anta | m. end of life, death, destruction (in these latter senses some times neut.)  |
anta | m. a final syllable, termination  |
anta | m. last word of a compound  |
anta | m. pause, settlement, definite ascertainment, certainty  |
anta | m. whole amount  |
anta | m. border, outskirt (exempli gratia, 'for example' grāmānte-,in the outskirts of the village)  |
anta | m. nearness, proximity, presence  |
anta | m. inner part, inside  |
anta | m. condition, nature  |
anta | m. (e-) locative case Calcutta edition in the end, at last  |
anta | m. in the inside  |
anta | mfn. near, handsome, agreeable ([ confer, compare Gothic andeis,Themeandja; German Ende; English end:with anta-are also compared the Greek , ; Latin ante; the Gothic andainanda-vaurd,etc.; and the German ent exempli gratia, 'for example' inentsagen]).  |
anta | antena- finally,  |
anta | antāya-- kṛ- to fight obstinately  |
anta | antād- antam- parikramya- walking to and fro ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
antabhāj | mfn. standing at the end (of a word)  |
antabhava | mfn. being at the end, last.  |
antacara | mfn. going to the frontiers, walking about the frontiers  |
antadīpaka | n. a figure in rhetoric.  |
antadīpaka | n. a particular rhetorical figure (exempli gratia, 'for example' )  |
antadvīpa | Name (also title or epithet) of a country to the north of madhyadeśa- (pin-,an inhabitant of it),  |
antadvīpin | m. an inhabitant of it  |
antaga | mfn. going to the end, thoroughly conversant with.  |
antagamana | n. the act of going to the end, finishing  |
antagamana | n. going to the end of life, dying.  |
antagāmin | mfn. going to the end, perishing.  |
antagata | mfn. gone to the end  |
antagata | mfn. being at the end of  |
antagata | mfn. thoroughly penetrating  |
antagati | (/anta--) ([ ]) mfn. going to the end, perishing.  |
antaḥ | (for ant/ar-See column 2) .  |
antaḥkalpa | m. a certain number of years  |
antaḥkaraṇa | n. the internal organ, the seat of thought and feeling, the mind, the thinking faculty, the heart, the conscience, the soul.  |
antaḥkhyā | to inquire into, investigate  |
antaḥkoṇa | m. the inner corner.  |
antaḥkopa | m. inward wrath.  |
antaḥkośa | n. the interior of a store-room  |
antaḥkoṭarapuṣpī | equals aṇḍa-koṭara-puṣpī- q.v  |
antaḥkratu | ind. during a sacrifice,  |
antaḥkraurya | n. inward cruelty, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
antaḥkṛmi | m. a disease caused by worms in the body.  |
antaḥkuṭila | mfn. internally crooked  |
antaḥkuṭila | mfn. fraudulent  |
antaḥkuṭila | m. a couch  |
antaḥpadam | ind. in the middle of an inflected word  |
antaḥpādam | ind. within the pāda- of a verse  |
antaḥpade | ind. in the middle of an inflected word  |
antaḥpāla | m. one who watches the inner apartments of a palace  |
antaḥparidhāna | n. the innermost garment.  |
antaḥparidhi | ind. in the inside of the pieces of wood forming the paridhi-  |
antaḥparimārjana | n. an internal remedy,  |
antaḥparśavya | n. flesh between the ribs  |
antaḥpārśva | (/antaḥ--) = antaḥ-- pārśvy/a-,  |
antaḥpārśvya | n. flesh between or at both sides  |
antaḥpaś | to look between, look into  |
antaḥpaśu | ind. from evening till morning (while the cattle are in the stables)  |
antaḥpaṭa | m. n. a cloth held between two persons who are to be united (as bride and bridegroom, or pupil and teacher) until the right moment of union is arrived.  |
antaḥpāta | m. ([ ]) a post fixed in the middle of the place of sacrifice  |
antaḥpāta | m. (in grammar) insertion of a letter  |
antaḥpātin | mfn. inserted, included in.  |
antaḥpātin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') occurring in the interior of anything, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
antaḥpātita | mfn. inserted, included in.  |
antaḥpātra | n. the interior of a vessel  |
antaḥpātya | m. ([ ]) a post fixed in the middle of the place of sacrifice  |
antaḥpātya | m. (in grammar) insertion of a letter  |
antaḥpavitra | the soma- when in the straining-vessel  |
antaḥpeya | n. supping up, drinking  |
antaḥpracalita | mfn. inwardly moved,  |
antaḥprajña | mfn. internally wise, knowing one's self.  |
antaḥprakṛti | f. the heart, the soul, the internal nature or constitution of a man.  |
antaḥpramoda | m. inner joy,  |
antaḥprāṇin | m. a worm (varia lectio aṇu-- pr-).  |
antaḥpratihāram | ind. within the syllables forming a pratyāhāra-,  |
antaḥpratiṣṭhāna | n. residence in the interior.  |
antaḥpratiṣṭhita | mfn. residing inside.  |
antaḥpraveśa | m. entering within,  |
antaḥpūjā | f. inward or silent worship,  |
antaḥpura | n. the king's palace, the female apartments, gynaeceum  |
antaḥpura | n. those who live in the female apartments  |
antaḥpura | n. a queen.  |
antaḥpuracara | m. guardian of the women's apartments.  |
antaḥpuracārikā | f. a female attendant in the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpurādhipatya | n. supremacy over the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpurādhyakṣa | m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain.  |
antaḥpurajana | m. the women of the palace.  |
antaḥpurapracāra | m. the gossip of the women's apartments.  |
antaḥpurarakṣaka | m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain.  |
antaḥpurasahāya | m. belonging to the women's apartments (as a eunuch, etc.)  |
antaḥpurāvacara | m. an attendant in the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpuravartin | m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain.  |
antaḥpuravṛddhā | f. an old female attendant in the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpurevāsa | mfn. living in the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpurika | m. superintendent of the gynaeceum or harem  |
antaḥpurikā | f. a woman in the harem.  |
antaḥpurīya | Nom. P. yati-, to behave as in the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpūya | mfn. ulcerous.  |
antaḥpūya | mfn. containing pus,  |
antaḥsadas | n. the interior of an assembly hall,  |
antaḥsadas | ind. (= sadasam-),  |
antaḥsadasam | ind. in the middle of the assembly  |
antaḥśailaja | m. a native of antar-giri-,  |
antaḥsalila | mf(ā-)n. having its waters hidden (said of the sarasvatī-),  |
antaḥsalilam | ind. in the waters,  |
antaḥsalilastha | mfn. (standing in water, )  |
antaḥśalya | (ant/aḥ--) mfn. having a pin or extraneous body sticking inside |
antaḥsāma | ind. within a sāman-,  |
antaḥsāmika | mfn. appearing within a sāman-,  |
antaḥsaṃjña | mfn. internally conscious  |
antaḥśānti | f. inner calm,  |
antaḥsānu | ind. in the mountain ridge,  |
antaḥśara | m. interior reed or cane  |
antaḥśara | m. an internal arrow or disease.  |
antaḥsāra | mfn. having internal essence  |
antaḥsāra | m. internal treasure, inner store or contents.  |
antaḥśarīra | n. the internal and spiritual part of man.  |
antaḥsattva | n. inner nature,  |
antaḥsattvā | f. a pregnant woman  |
antaḥsattvā | f. the marking nut (Semecarpus Anacardium).  |
antaḥśava | mfn. containing a corpse,  |
antaḥsenam | ind. into the midst of the armies.  |
antaḥśilā | f. equals antra-śilā-.  |
antaḥśīrṇa | mfn. withered or rotten within,  |
antaḥśleṣa | ([ ]) m. internal support.  |
antaḥśleṣaṇa | ([ ]) n. internal support.  |
antaḥsmayin | see smayin-, parasmE-pada 1271  |
antaḥsmera | mfn. smiling inwardly,  |
antaḥsmita | n. inward smile,  |
antaḥspandya | mfn. situated within the measuring cord,  |
antaḥśri | (/antaḥ--), ind. (said of a particular pronunciation),  |
antaḥstha | mfn. (generally written antasth/a-) being in the midst or between etc.  |
antaḥstha | mf. a term applied to the semivowels, as standing between the consonants and vowels etc.  |
antaḥsthā | f. interim, meantime  |
antaḥsthā | to stand in the way of, stop  |
antaḥsthāchandas | n. Name of a class of metres.  |
antaḥsthamudgara | m. (in anatomy) the malleus of the ear.  |
antaḥsthībhāva | m. transition into a semivowel,  |
antaḥstobha | mfn. containing a stobha-,  |
antaḥstomabhāgam | mfn. within the bricks called stoma-bhāgā-,  |
antaḥsukha | mfn. internally happy.  |
antaḥsuṣirin | mfn. hollow in the interior,  |
antaḥsveda | m. "sweating internally", an elephant  |
antaja | mfn. last born.  |
antajāti | See antyajāti-.  |
antaka | m. border, boundary  |
antaka | mfn. making an end, causing death  |
antaka | m. death  |
antaka | m. yama-, king or lord of death etc.  |
antaka | m. Name of a man favoured by the aśvin-s Name of a king.  |
antakadruh | Nominal verb -dhr/uk- f. demon of death  |
antakāla | m. time of death, death.  |
antakāmana | n. the jaws of Death, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
antakapura | n. the city or dwelling of Death (accusative with Causal of gam-,"to kill"),  |
antakara | mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive.  |
antakaraṇa | mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive.  |
antakaraṇa | n. causing an end of, abolishing (compound),  |
antakārin | mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive.  |
antakarman | mfn. (= anta-- kara-), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding iii, 59  |
antakṛddaśā | f. plural Name of the eighth of the twelve sacred aṅga- texts of the jaina-s (containing ten chapters).  |
antakṛt | mfn. making an end  |
antakṛt | m. (t-) death.  |
antalīna | mfn. hidden, concealed.  |
antalopa | m. (in grammar) the dropping of the final of a word. |
antam | ind. as far as (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' udakāntam-,as far as the water)  |
antama | mfn. ([once antam/a- ]) next, nearest  |
antama | mfn. intimate (as a friend)  |
antama | mfn. the last  |
antama | and antamā- See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /anta-.  |
antamasthā | f. a metre of 46 syllables,  |
antanāman | (/anta--), mfn. denoting"the end",  |
antanetra | n. the hem of a garment,  |
antapāla | m. a frontier-guard.  |
antapluta | mfn. pronounced with prolation of the last syllable,  |
antar | ind. within, between, amongst, in the middle or interior. (As a preposition with locative case) in the middle, in, between, into; (with accusative) between; (with genitive case) in, in the middle. (ifc.) in, into, in the middle of, between, out of the midst of ([ confer, compare Zend $; Latin inter; Gothic undar]).  |
antar | is sometimes compounded with a following word like an adjective, meaning interior, internal, intermediate.  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. being in the interior, interior  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. near, proximate, related, intimate  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. lying adjacent to  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. distant  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. different from  |
antara | mf(ā-)n. exterior  |
antara | n. the interior  |
antara | n. a hole, opening  |
antara | n. the interior part of a thing, the contents  |
antara | n. soul, heart, supreme soul  |
antara | n. interval, intermediate space or time  |
antara | n. period  |
antara | n. term  |
antara | n. opportunity, occasion  |
antara | n. place  |
antara | n. distance, absence  |
antara | n. difference, remainder  |
antara | n. property, peculiarity  |
antara | n. weakness, weak side  |
antara | n. representation  |
antara | n. surety, guaranty  |
antara | n. respect, regard  |
antara | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'), different, other, another exempli gratia, 'for example' deśāntaram-, another country  |
antarā | ind. in the middle, inside, within, among, between  |
antarā | ind. on the way, by the way  |
antarā | ind. near, nearly, almost  |
antarā | ind. in the meantime, now and then  |
antarā | ind. for some time  |
antarā | ind. (with accusative and locative case) between, during, without.  |
antarā | antarā- ca- - antarā- ca-, (with two accusatives of places) between - and -  |
antarābhakta | n. medicine taken between two meals,  |
antarābhara | See antar/ā-.  |
antarābhara | mfn. bringing close to, procuring  |
antarābhavadeha | m. the soul in its middle existence between death and regeneration.  |
antarabhāvanā | f. composition by the difference,  |
antarābhavasattva | n. the soul in its middle existence between death and regeneration.  |
antaracakra | n. the whole of the thirty-two intermediate regions of the compass  |
antaracakra | n. a technical term in augury.  |
antarada | mfn. (3. dā-), cutting or hurting the interior or heart.  |
antarādhā | A1. -dhatte-, to receive into one's self, contain  |
antarādhāna | (ant/ar--) mfn. "having a bit inside", bridled  |
antarādiś | f. equals antardiś/ā- q.v  |
antaradiśā | ([ ]) f. an intermediate region or quarter of the compass (see antarā-diś-and antar-deś/a-.)  |
antaradvīpa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of the seven dvīpa-s south of bhārata-varṣa-,  |
antarāgama | m. (in grammar) an additional augment between two letters.  |
antarāgamana | n. passing between,  |
antarāgāra | m. the interior of a house  |
antaragni | m. the interior fire, digestive force  |
antaragni | mfn. being in the fire  |
antarajña | mfn. knowing the interior, prudent, provident, foreseeing.  |
antarākāśa | m. intermediate place,  |
antarākāśa | m. the sacred ether or brahma- in the interior part or soul of man.  |
antarakośa | m. an interior case or sheath  |
antarākūṭa | n. hidden intention.  |
antarāla | n. intermediate space  |
antarāla | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order antar-.  |
antarālaka | n. ([ ]) intermediate space  |
antarālake | ind. locative case in the midst, in midway (āla-is probably for ālaya-).  |
antarāle | ind. locative case in the midst, in midway (āla-is probably for ālaya-).  |
antaram | ind. in the interior, within ([ confer, compare Gothic anthar,Themeanthara; Lithuanian antra-s,"the second"; Latin alter]).  |
antarāṃsa | m. the part of the body between the shoulders, the breast  |
antaraṅga | mfn. interior, proximate, related, being essential to, or having reference to the essential part of the aṅga- or base of a word  |
antaraṅga | n. any interior part of the body  |
antaraṅgatva | n. the state or condition of an antaraṅga-.  |
antarañj | to assume, take up into one's self  |
antarantaḥstha | mfn. containing a semivowel,  |
antarāntarāt | ind. here and there,  |
antarānveṣin | mfn. waiting for an opportunity,  |
antarāpaṇa | m. a market inside (a town)  |
antarapatita | mfn. "fallen between", unimportant, indifferent,  |
antarāpatyā | f. a pregnant woman  |
antaraprabhava | mfn. of mixed origin or caste  |
antarapraśna | m. an inner question  |
antarapraśna | m. a question which is contained in and arises from what has been previously stated.  |
antaraprekṣin | mfn. perceiving a weak point,  |
antarapūruṣa | m. the internal man, the soul |
antarārāma | mfn. rejoicing in one's self (not in the exterior world)  |
antarās | to sit down into (accusative)  |
antarāśṛṅgam | ind. between the horns  |
antarāśṛṅgīya | mfn. being between the horns, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
antarastha | mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward  |
antarastha | mfn. separate, apart.  |
antarasthāyin | mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward  |
antarasthāyin | mfn. separate, apart.  |
antarasthita | mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward  |
antarasthita | mfn. separate, apart.  |
antarata | mfn. delighting in destruction.  |
antaratama | mfn. nearest  |
antaratama | mfn. immediate, intimate, internal  |
antaratama | mfn. like, analogous  |
antaratama | m. a congenial letter, one of the same class.  |
antaratara | mfn. nearer  |
antaratara | mfn. very intimate  |
antaratas | ind. in the interior, within ([ confer, compare Gothic anthar,Themeanthara; Lithuanian antra-s,"the second"; Latin alter]).  |
antaratas | ind. internally, inside, within, r.  |
antaratas | within (as preposition with genitive case),  |
antarātmaka | mf(ī-)n. interior  |
antarātman | m. the soul  |
antarātman | m. the internal feelings, the heart or mind  |
antarātmeṣṭakam | ind. in the space between one's self and the (sacrificial) bricks  |
antaravāsaka | n. the inner garment (of a Buddhist monk),  |
antaravayava | m. an inner limb or participle  |
antarāvedī | f. a veranda resting on columns  |
antarāya | See antar-i-.  |
antarāya | See antar-i-.  |
antaraya | m. impediment, hindrance (see /an-antaraya-.)  |
antaraya | Nom. P. -ayati- See antar-i-.  |
antarāya | m. intervention, obstacle.  |
antarayaṇa | n. going under, disappearing  |
antarayana | m. Name of a country  |
antarbāṣpa | m. suppressed tears  |
antarbāṣpa | mfn. containing tears.  |
antarbhauma | mfn. being in the interior of the earth, subterranean  |
antarbhāva | m. disappearance,  |
antarbhava | mfn. being within, inward, internal, generated internally.  |
antarbhāva | m. the being included by (locative case), internal or inherent nature or disposition.  |
antarbhavana | n. the interior of a house.  |
antarbhāvanā | f. inward meditation or anxiety  |
antarbhāvanā | f. (in arithmetic) rectification of numbers by the differences of the products.  |
antarbhavana | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ant/ar-.  |
antarbhāvanā | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ant/ar-.  |
antarbhāvita | mfn. included, involved.  |
antarbheda | m. inner division,  |
antarbhinna | mfn. inwardly divided or torn,  |
antarbhū | to be (contained or inherent or implied) in  |
antarbhūmi | f. the inner part of the earth.  |
antarbhūmi | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ant/ar-.  |
antarbhūta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') being or contained in anything, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
antarbhūta | mfn. being within, internal, inner.  |
antarbhūtatva | n.  |
antarbhūtatva | n. See antar-bhāva-.  |
antardadhana | n. the distillation of spirituous liquor (or a substance used to cause fermentation)  |
antardadhāna | mfn. vanishing, disappearing, hiding one's self  |
antardadhāna | mfn. (see antar-dhā-.) |
antardagdha | mfn. burnt inwardly.  |
antardāha | m. internal heat, or fever.  |
antardaśā | f. (in astrology) intermediate period.  |
antardaśāha | n. an interval of ten days  |
antardaśāhāt | ind. before the end of ten days  |
antardāva | m. the middle of a fire  |
antardeśa | m. an intermediate region of the compass  |
antardhā | A1. -dhatte-, to place within, deposit ; to receive within ; to hide, conceal, obscure ; to hide one's self: Passive voice -dhīyate- to be received within, to be absorbed ; to be rendered invisible ; to disappear, vanish ; to cease: Causal -dhāpayati- ; to render invisible, to cause to disappear.  |
antardhā | f. concealment, covering  |
antardhairya | n. inner firmness or constancy,  |
antardhana | n. a hidden or inner treasure,  |
antardhāna | n. disappearance, invisibility  |
antardhāna | n. antardhānam- i- or gam-, to disappear  |
antardhāna | m. Name of a son of pṛthu-.  |
antardhānacara | mfn. going invisibly.  |
antardhānagata | mfn. disappeared.  |
antardhāpita | mfn. rendered invisible.  |
antardhāyaka | mf(ikā-)n. rendering invisible.  |
antardhi | m. concealment, covering  |
antardhi | m. disappearance  |
antardhi | m. interim, meantime  |
antardhināman | mfn. named concealment,  |
antardhvānta | n. inner darkness,  |
antardhyāna | n. profound inward meditation.  |
antardiś | f. equals -deś/a- below  |
antardivākīrtya | m. concealing a caṇḍāla-,  |
antardṛṣṭi | mfn. looking into one's own soul.  |
antarduḥkha | mfn. afflicted in mind, sad.  |
antarduṣṭa | mfn. internally bad, wicked, vile.  |
antardvāra | n. a private or secret door within the house  |
antare | ind. amidst, among, between  |
antare | ind. with regard to, for the sake of, on account of.  |
antareṇa | ind. amidst, between  |
antareṇa | ind. (with accusative) within, between, amidst, during  |
antareṇa | ind. except, without, with regard to, with reference to, on account of.  |
antareṣa | m. the space between the two shafts of a carriage,  |
antargā | to go between ; to separate, exclude from (with ablative)  |
antargaḍu | mfn. "having worms within", unprofitable, useless.  |
antargalagata | mfn. sticking in the throat,  |
antargam | to go between (so as to exclude from[ ablative ])  |
antargaṇa | m. a gaṇa- contained in another gaṇa-, Sch.  |
antargaṅgā | f. the under-ground Ganges (as supposed to communicate under-ground with a sacred spring in Mysore).  |
antargarbha | mfn. inclosing young, pregnant  |
antargata | mfn. gone between or into, being in, included in  |
antargatagāmin | mfn. gone between or into, being in, included in |
antargatagāmin | mfn. being in the interior, internal, hidden, secret  |
antargatagāmin | mfn. disappeared, perished  |
antargatagāmin | mfn. slipped out of the memory, forgotten.  |
antargatamanas | mfn. whose mind is turned inwards, engaged in deep thought, sad, perplexed.  |
antargatopamā | f. a concealed simile (the particle of comparison being omitted).  |
antargeha | n. interior of the house, inner apartment  |
antargeham | ind. in the interior of a house.  |
antarghaṇa | m. a place between the entrance-door and the house  |
antarghaṇa | m. Name of a village  |
antarghana | m. a place between the entrance-door and the house  |
antarghana | m. Name of a village  |
antarghāta | m. a place between the entrance-door and the house  |
antarghāta | m. Name of a village  |
antargiri | m. "situated among the mountains", Name of a country  |
antargoṣṭha | mfn. (ant/ar--) being inside of the stable  |
antargoṣṭha | m. inside of a stable  |
antargṛha | n. interior of the house, inner apartment  |
antargṛham | ind. in the interior of a house.  |
antargudavalaya | m. (in anatomy) the sphincter muscle.  |
antargūḍhaviṣa | mfn. having hidden poison within.  |
antarhan | forms the ind.p. -hatya- , and the Passive voice -haṇyate-  |
antarhaṇana | n. abolishing  |
antarhanana | m. Name of a village  |
antarhāsa | m. laughing inwardly  |
antarhāsa | m. suppressed laughter  |
antarhāsam | ind. with suppressed laugh.  |
antarhastam | ind. in the hand, within reach of the hand  |
antarhastīna | mfn. being in the hand or within reach  |
antarhita | mfn. placed between, separated  |
antarhita | mfn. covered, concealed, hidden, made invisible, vanished, invisible  |
antarhita | mfn. hidden from (with ablative)  |
antarhitātman | m. "of concealed mind", Name of śiva-.  |
antarhiti | (ant/ar--), f. concealment,  |
antarhṛdaya | mfn. turned inwards in mind  |
antari | -ayati- to come between ; (perf. -ayāṃ cakāra-) to conceal, cause to disappear ; -eti- to stand in any one's way, separate ; to exclude from (ablative,rarely genitive case) ; to pass over, omit ; to disappear: Intensive -īyate-, to walk to and fro between (as a mediator)  |
antarīkṛ | (P. - karoti-), to take in the middle,  |
antarikṣa | n. the intermediate space between heaven and earth  |
antarikṣa | n. (in the veda-) the middle of the three spheres or regions of life  |
antarikṣa | n. the atmosphere or sky  |
antarikṣa | n. the air  |
antarikṣa | n. talc.  |
antarīkṣa | n. equals ant/arikṣa-.  |
antarikṣacara | mfn. passing through the atmosphere  |
antarikṣacara | m. a bird.  |
antarikṣaga | mfn. passing through the atmosphere  |
antarikṣaga | m. a bird.  |
antarikṣakṣit | mfn. dwelling in the atmosphere  |
antarikṣaloka | m. the intermediate region or sky as a peculiar world  |
antarikṣanāman | mfn. called atmosphere,  |
antarikṣaprā | mfn. (1. pṛ-), travelling through the atmosphere  |
antarikṣaprut | mfn. ( pru-), floating over the atmosphere  |
antarikṣasad | mfn. dwelling in the atmosphere  |
antarikṣasadya | n. residence in the atmosphere  |
antarikṣasaṃśita | (ant/arikṣa--) mfn. sharpened in the atmosphere  |
antarikṣāsana | n. a particular posture in sitting,  |
antarikṣayānī | f. Name of a brick  |
antarikṣāyatana | mfn. having its abode in the atmosphere  |
antarikṣodara | mfn. having an interior as comprehensive as the atmosphere.  |
antarikṣya | (5) mfn. atmospheric  |
antarindriya | n. (in vedānta- philosophy) an internal organ (of which there are four, viz. manas-, buddhi-, ahaṃkāra-,and citta-).  |
antarīpa | n. (fr. 2. ap-), an island  |
antariṣ | (3. plural -icchanti-) to wish, long for  |
antarita | mfn. gone within, interior, hidden, concealed, screened, shielded  |
antarita | mfn. departed, retired, withdrawn, disappeared, perished  |
antarita | mfn. separated, excluded  |
antarita | mfn. impeded  |
antarita | n. (?) remainder (in arithmetic)  |
antarita | n. a technical term in architecture.  |
antariti | (ant/ar--), excluding,  |
antariti | f. exclusion  |
antarīya | n. an under or lower garment  |
antarja | mfn. bred in the interior (of the body, as a worm).  |
antarjalacara | mfn. going in the water.  |
antarjalaugha | m. an inner mass of water,  |
antarjambha | m. the inner part of the jaws  |
antarjana | m. plural the inhabitants of a house,  |
antarjanman | n. inward birth.  |
antarjānu | ind. between the knees  |
antarjānu | ind. holding the hands between the knees  |
antarjānu | mfn. holding the hands between the knees.  |
antarjāta | mfn. inborn, inbred, innate.  |
antarjaṭhara | n. the stomach  |
antarjñāna | n. inward knowledge.  |
antarjvalana | n. internal heat, inflammation.  |
antarjyotis | (ant/ar--) mfn. having the soul enlightened, illuminated  |
antarlamba | mfn. acute-angular  |
antarlamba | m. a triangle in which the perpendicular falls within, an acute-angled triangle.  |
antarlīna | mfn. inherent.  |
antarloma | mfn. (ant/ar--) (said of anything) the hairy side of which is turned inwards  |
antarloma | mfn. covered with hair on the inner side.  |
antarmadāvastha | mfn. having latent or unmanifested ruttish desires,  |
antarmanas | mfn. sad, perplexed  |
antarmandira | n. inner apartments (reserved for women),  |
antarmarman | n. the innermost heart,  |
antarmoda | m. inner joy,  |
antarmṛta | mfn. still-born  |
antarmudra | m. "sealed inside", Name of a form of devotion.  |
antarmukha | mfn. going into the mouth  |
antarmukha | mfn. turned inwards,  |
antarmukha | n. a kind of scissors used in surgery  |
antarmukha | n. the interior of the mouth,  |
antarmukham | ind. inwardly,  |
antarnagara | n. the palace of a king  |
antarnihita | mfn. placed within, put in  |
antarnikhāta | mfn. engraven,  |
antarniṣṭha | mfn. engaged in internal reflection.  |
antarniveśana | n. an inner apartment,  |
antarniviṣṭa | mfn. gone within, being within.  |
antarupātī | ( i-), -upātyeti- to enter over a threshold or boundary  |
antaruṣya | m. (5. vas-), an intermediate resting-place,  |
antaruṣya | m. see daśāntaruṣy/a-.  |
antarvacana | mfn. ("having words inserted","containing or expressing, as it were, words"),  |
antarvami | m. flatulence, indigestion.  |
antarvaṃśa | m. equals antaḥ-pura-.  |
antarvaṃśika | m. superintendent of the women's apartments.  |
antarvaṇa | mfn. situated in a forest  |
antarvaṇam | ind. within a forest  |
antarvāṇi | mfn. skilled in sacred sciences.  |
antarvarta | m. the act of filling up gaps with grass  |
antarvartin | mfn. internal, included, dwelling in.  |
antarvartinī | f. pregnant,  |
antarvas | to dwell inside, abide in the interior ; to stop in the midst of (see antar-uṣya- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ant/ar-.)  |
antarvāsas | n. an inner or under garment  |
antarvasat | mfn. internal, included, dwelling in.  |
antarvastra | n. an under garment  |
antarvasu | m. Name of a soma- sacrifice  |
antarvat | (ant/ar--) mf(vatī-[ ]or vatnī-)n. pregnant  |
antarvāvat | (others"far apart, far and wide"),  |
antarvāvat | ind. inwardly  |
antarvedi | ind. within the sacrificial ground etc.  |
antarvedī | f. the Doab or district between the gaṅgā- and yamunā- rivers  |
antarvedi | m. plural (ayas-) Name of the people living there  |
antarvega | m. internal uneasiness or anxiety  |
antarvega | m. inward fever.  |
antarveśman | n. the inner apartments, the interior of a building.  |
antarveśmika | m. superintendent of the women's apartments.  |
antarvidvas | mfn. (perf. p. 1. vid-), knowing exactly  |
antarvigāhana | n. entering within  |
antarvṛtti | f. internal condition,  |
antarya | mfn. interior, (gaRa dig-ādi- q.v)  |
antaryāga | m. inner sacrifice,  |
antaryajana | n. inner sacrifice,  |
antaryakṣa | (used in explaining antarikṣa-),  |
antaryam | (Imper. 2. sg. -yaccha-) to hinder, stop ; (Imper. -yacchatu-) to keep inside  |
antaryāma | m. a soma- libation performed with suppression of the breath and voice  |
antaryāma | speaking to one's self, unheard by another,  |
antaryāmagraha | m. idem or 'speaking to one's self, unheard by another, '  |
antaryāmin | m. "checking or regulating the internal feelings", the soul  |
antaryoga | m. deep thought, abstraction.  |
antas | for ant/ar- See .  |
antasad | m. a pupil (who dwells near his teacher).  |
antaśas | ind. even down to,  |
antasatkriyā | f. the funeral ceremonies  |
antaśayyā | f. a bed or mat on the ground  |
antaśayyā | f. death  |
antaśayyā | f. the place for burial or burning  |
antaśayyā | f. bier  |
antaścakṣus | n. the inner eye,  |
antaścaṇḍāla | (= antar-- divākīrtya-),  |
antaścar | to move between, to move within  |
antaścara | mfn. penetrating within,  |
antaśchid | to cut off, intercept  |
antaspatha | (/antas--) mfn. being on the way  |
antastāpa | m. inward heat  |
antastapta | mfn. internally heated or harassed.  |
antastha | mfn. standing at the end  |
antastha | mfn. See also antaḥ-sth/a-.  |
antastoya | mfn. containing water inside  |
antastuṣāra | mfn. having dew in the interior.  |
antastya | n. intestines  |
antasvarita | m. the svarita- accent on the last syllable of a word  |
antasvarita | n. a word thus accentuated.  |
antatas | ind. from the end, from the term  |
antatas | ind. lastly, finally  |
antatas | ind. in the lowest way  |
antatas | ind. in part  |
antatas | ind. within.  |
antatvāṣṭrī | see tvāṣṭrī-- sāman- (parasmE-pada 464)  |
antavahni | m. the fire of the end (by which the world is to be burnt).  |
antavaśāyin | m. a barber  |
antavaśāyin | m. a cāṇḍāla- etc. see ante-'vasāyin-  |
antavaśāyin | m. Name of a muni-  |
antavāsin | equals ante-vāsin- q.v  |
antavat | mfn. having an end or term, limited, perishable etc.  |
antavat | mfn. containing a word which has the meaning of anta-  |
antavat | ind. like the end  |
antavat | ind. like the final of a word  |
antavelā | f. hour of death  |
antaya | Nom. P. antayati-, to make an end of  |
abhimantavya | mfn. to be considered  |
abhimantavya | mfn. to be desired.  |
abhyantara | mf(ā-)n. interior, being inside of, included in (locative case; genitive case or in compound [ see gaṇābhyantara-])  |
abhyantara | mf(ā-)n. initiated in, conversant with (locative case)  |
abhyantara | mf(ā-)n. next, nearly related, intimate  |
abhyantara | n. inner part, interior, inside, middle etc.  |
abhyantara | n. (generally locative case; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') interval, space of time  |
abhyantara | m. "on intimate terms", a lover,  |
ābhyantara | mfn. (fr. abhy-antara-), being inside, interior, inner  |
abhyantaracārin | mfn. moving inside,  |
abhyantaradoṣakṛt | mfn. "doing a wrong to one's own land", raising a sedition or mutiny  |
abhyantaraka | m. an intimate friend  |
abhyantarakalā | f. plural the secret arts or the arts of coquetry  |
abhyantaram | ind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') into  |
ābhyantaram | ind. inside.  |
ābhyantaranṛtta | n. perfect dancing (according to the nāṭya-śāstra-s),  |
ābhyantaraprayatna | m. internal effort (of the mouth in producing articulate utterance) commentator or commentary on  |
abhyantaratas | ind. in the interior, inwards  |
abhyantarāyāma | m. curvature of the spine by spasm, emprosthonos (see bāhyāyāma-.)  |
abhyantarī | (for abhyantara-in compound with1. kṛ-and its derivatives) .  |
ābhyantarika | mfn. equals ābhyantara-.  |
abhyantarīkaraṇa | n. initiating in (locative case)  |
abhyantarīkṛ | to put between, insert  |
abhyantarīkṛta | mfn. initiated in (locative case)  |
abhyantarīkṛta | mfn. made intimate  |
abhyupagantavya | mfn. to be gone to or set out for (dative case)  |
abhyupagantavya | mfn. to be assented to or agreed upon  |
abhyupagantavya | mfn. to be admitted commentator or commentary on and on  |
acyutadanta | m. Name of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called ācyutadanti- or ācyutanti- (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes).  |
acyutanta | m. Name of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called ācyutadanti- or ācyutanti- (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes).  |
adanta | mfn. toothless  |
adanta | m. a leech  |
adanta | mfn. (in grammar) ending in at- id est in the short inherent vowel a-.  |
adantajāta | mfn. one who has not teethed,  |
adantaka | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. toothless.  |
adantaka | ([ ]) mfn. toothless.  |
adhidanta | m. a redundant tooth  |
adhigantavya | mfn. attainable, to be studied.  |
adhikadanta | m. a redundant tooth which grows over another (see adhi-danta-.)  |
adhvagantavya | m. measure of length applicable to roads.  |
adhvagatyanta | m. measure of length applicable to roads.  |
ādyanta | n. or au- dual number plural beginning and end, etc.  |
ādyanta | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' beginning and ending with  |
ādyantavat | mfn. "having beginning and end", finite  |
ādyantavat | ind. as if it were the beginning and the end  |
ādyantayamaka | n. "homophony in the beginning and end of a stanza", Name of a figure in poetry (occurring in etc.)  |
āgantavya | n. impersonal or used impersonally to be come to (accusative or locative case or adverb of place) |
ahidanta | mfn. having the teeth of a serpent  |
ahorathantara | n. commentator or commentary  |
ajanta | mfn. ending in a vowel.  |
ajanta | mfn. See 2. ac-.  |
ājyanta | m. the goal in a race-course  |
alūkṣantatva | n. the having greasy substances (like butter) near at hand (for oblations)  |
anādyananta | mfn. without beginning and without end  |
anādyanta | mfn. without beginning and end  |
anādyanta | m. Name of śiva-.  |
ananta | mf(ā-)n. endless, boundless, eternal, infinite  |
ananta | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
ananta | m. of śeṣa- (the snake-god)  |
ananta | m. of śeṣa-'s brother vāsuki-  |
ananta | m. of kṛṣṇa-  |
ananta | m. of his brother baladeva-  |
ananta | m. of śiva-  |
ananta | m. of rudra-  |
ananta | m. of one of the viśva-deva-s  |
ananta | m. of the 14th arhat-, etc.  |
ananta | m. the plant sinduvāra-, Vitex Trifolia  |
ananta | m. Talc  |
ananta | m. the 23rd lunar asterism, śravaṇa-  |
ananta | m. a silken cord (tied round the right arm at a particular festival)  |
ananta | m. the letter ā-  |
ananta | m. a periodic decimal fraction?  |
ananta | m. the number one  |
ananta | m. Name of pārvatī- and of various females, the plant śārivā-  |
ananta | m. Periploca Indica or Asclepias Pseudosarsa or Asthmatica (the root of which supplies a valuable medicine)  |
ananta | n. the sky, atmosphere  |
ananta | n. Talc.  |
anantabhaṭṭa | m. Name of a man.  |
anantacāritra | m. Name of a bodhisattva-.  |
anantacaturdaśī | f. the fourteenth lunar day (or full moon) of bhādra-, when ananta- is worshipped.  |
anantadeva | m. Name of various persons, especially of a king of Kashmir.  |
anantadṛṣṭi | m. Name of śiva-.  |
anantaga | mfn. going or moving for ever or indefinitely  |
anantaguṇa | mfn. having boundless excellencies.  |
anantaḥpādam | ind. not within the pāda- of a verse, .  |
anantajit | m. Name of the fourteenth jaina- arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-.  |
anantaka | mfn. endless, boundless, eternal, infinite  |
anantaka | n. the infinite (id est infinite space) .  |
anantakara | mfn. rendering endless, magnifying indefinitely  |
anantamati | m. Name of a bodhisattva-.  |
anantamāyin | mfn. endlessly illusory or delusive or deceitful.  |
anantamula | m. the medicinal plant śārivā-.  |
anantanemi | m. Name of a king of mālava-, a contemporary of śākyamuni-.  |
anantapāla | m. Name of a warrior chief in Kashmir.  |
anantapāra | mfn. of boundless width.  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. having no interior  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. having no interstice or interval or pause  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. uninterrupted, unbroken  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. continuous  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. immediately adjoining, contiguous  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. next of kin, etc.  |
anantara | mf(ā-)n. compact, close  |
anantara | m. a neighbouring rival, a rival neighbour  |
anantara | n. contiguousness  |
anantara | n. brahma- or the supreme soul (as being of one entire essence)  |
anantara | n. after  |
anantara | n. afterwards.  |
anantara | m. (also) the next (younger) brother after (ablative),  |
anantaraja | m. "next-born", the son of a kṣatriyā- or vaiśyā- mother by a father belonging to the caste immediately above the mother's  |
anantarajāta | m. idem or 'm. "next-born", the son of a kṣatriyā- or vaiśyā- mother by a father belonging to the caste immediately above the mother's '  |
anantarajāta | m. also the son of a śūdrā- mother by a vaiśya- father.  |
anantaram | ind. immediately after  |
anantarāma | m. Name of a man.  |
anantarāśi | m. (in arithmetic) an infinite quantity  |
anantarāśi | m. a periodic decimal fraction (?).  |
anantaraya | m. non-interruption and (see antaraya-.)  |
anantarāyam | ind. without a break and  |
anantarhita | mfn. ( dhā-), not concealed, manifest  |
anantarhita | mfn. not separated by a break.  |
anantarhiti | f. the not being covered or concealed,  |
anantarita | mfn. not separated by any interstice  |
anantarita | mfn. unbroken.  |
anantariti | f. not excluding or passing over  |
anantarīya | mfn. concerning or belonging to the next of kin, etc., (gaRa gahādi- q.v)  |
anantarūpa | mfn. having innumerable forms or shapes.  |
ānantarya | n. (fr. an-antara- ), immediate sequence or succession etc.  |
ānantarya | n. proximity, absence of interval  |
ānantarya | an unpardonable sin (said by Buddhists to be five, viz."matricide","parricide","killing an Arhat","shedding the blood of a buddha-","causing divisions among the brotherhood"),  |
ānantaryasamādhi | m. a particular samādhi-, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding 101.  |
ānantaryatṛtīyā | f. the third day (of a religious rite)  |
anantaśakti | mfn. omnipotent  |
anantaśakti | m. Name of a king.  |
anantaśayana | n. Travancore.  |
anantaśāyin | m. "reclining on (the serpent) Ananta", Name (also title or epithet) of viṣṇu-,  |
anantaśīrṣā | f. Name of the snake king vāsuki-'s wife.  |
anantaśuṣma | (anant/a--) mfn. possessing boundless strength or endlessly roaring (?)  |
anantatā | (anant/a--) f. eternity, infinity  |
anantatāna | mfn. extensive.  |
anantatīrtha | m. Name of an author.  |
anantatīrthakṛt | m. = anantajit-.  |
anantatṛtīyā | f. the third day of bhādra- (said to be sacred to viṣṇu-).  |
anantatṛtīyāvrata | Name of the twenty-fourth adhyāya- of the bhaviṣyottara-purāṇa-.  |
anantatva | n. equals -tā- q.v  |
anantavarman | m. Name of a king.  |
anantavat | mfn. eternal, infinite  |
anantavat | m. (ān-) (in the upaniṣad-s) one of brahmā-'s four feet (earth, intermediate space, heaven, and ocean) .  |
anantavāta | m. a disease of the head (like tetanus).  |
anantavijaya | m. Name of yudhiṣṭhira-'s conch shell.  |
anantavikramin | m. Name of a bodhisattva-.  |
anantavīrya | m. Name of the twenty-third jaina- arhat- of a future age.  |
anantavrata | n. ceremony or festival in honour of ananta- or viṣṇu- (on the day of the full moon in bhādra-)  |
anantavrata | n. Name of the 102nd adhyāya- of the bhaviṣyottara-purāṇa-.  |
anatyantagati | f. the sense of"not exceedingly", sense of diminutive words.  |
anavanāmitavaijayanta | m. "having victorious banners unlowered","ever glorious", a future universe  |
anugantavya | mfn. to be followed (as a husband by a wife in death)  |
anugantavya | mfn. worthy of being imitated, to be looked for or discovered  |
anumantavya | mfn. to be consented to or acknowledged,  |
anuvedyantam | ind. along the edge of the sacrificial ground  |
aṇvanta | m. a hair-splitting question  |
anyataratodanta | mf(ā-)n. having teeth on one side (only)  |
aparahemanta | m. n. the latter part of winter.  |
aparyanta | mfn. unbounded, unlimited  |
apatanta | = āpatant/a- (parasmE-pada 1319),  |
āpatanta | a species of grain,  |
arhanta | mfn. worthy  |
arhanta | m. a buddha-  |
arhanta | m. a Buddhist mendicant  |
arhanta | m. a Name of śiva-  |
arokadanta | mfn. having black or discoloured teeth  |
aśmanta | n. a fire-place  |
aśmanta | n. a field  |
aśmanta | m. Name of a marutvat-  |
aśmanta | m. ([? confer, compare Greek ; Latin caminus]), (varia lectio aśvanta-.)  |
aśmanta | mfn. (? śam-), inauspicious  |
aśmanta | mfn. unbounded  |
aśmanta | n. death  |
aśmanta | n. (varia lectio aśvanta-and this perhaps for asv-anta-,"end of life"?)  |
aśmantaka | n. a fire. place  |
aśmantaka | n. a shade for a lamp  |
aśmantaka | m. (equals aśmāntaka- q.v) Name of a plant  |
asthidantamaya | mfn. made of bones or ivory  |
aśvanta | varia lectio for aśmanta- q.v  |
asvanta | See aśvanta-.  |
asvanta | mfn. (sv-anta-), ending ill, having an unfavourable issue  |
asvanta | mfn. (See also asv-anta- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order aśvanta-.)  |
aśvantaka | m. equals aśva-ghna- q.v  |
athānantaram | ind. now.  |
atyanta | mfn. beyond the proper end or limit  |
atyanta | mfn. excessive, very great, very strong  |
atyanta | mfn. endless, unbroken, perpetual  |
atyanta | mfn. absolute, perfect  |
atyanta | mfn. to the end  |
atyanta | mfn. quite  |
atyantaga | mfn. going very much or very fast  |
atyantagāmin | mfn. equals -ga- above.  |
atyantagata | mfn. completely pertinent  |
atyantagata | mfn. always applicable  |
atyantagata | mfn. gone forever  |
atyantagati | f. complete accomplishment  |
atyantagati | f. (in grammar) the sense of"completely."  |
atyantaguṇin | mfn. having extraordinary qualities.  |
atyantakopana | mfn. very passionate.  |
atyantam | ind. excessively, exceedingly, in perpetuity, absolutely, completely  |
atyantapiḍana | n. act of giving excessive pain.  |
atyantasamparka | m. excessive sexual intercourse.  |
atyantasaṃyoga | m. (in grammar) immediate proximity.  |
atyantaśas | ind. in an exaggerated manner, exeessively,  |
atyantasukumāra | mfn. very tender  |
atyantasukumāra | m. a kind of grain, Panicum Italicum.  |
atyantatiraskṛtavācyadhvani | f. (in rhetoric) a metaphoric  |
atyantavāsin | m. a student who perpetually resides with his teacher. |
avadanta | m. "not speaking", a baby  |
avagantavya | mfn. to be known or understood, intended to be understood, meant.  |
avamantavya | mfn. to be treated with disrespect, contemptible  |
āvanta | m. (fr. avanti-), a king of avanti- (the district of Oujein)  |
āvanta | m. Name of a son of dhṛṣṭa- , (see avanta-)  |
avantaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
avantaka | m. Name of a Buddhist school.  |
āvantaka | mfn. belonging to or coming from avanti-  |
āvantaka | m. plural the inhabitants of avanti-  |
āvapantaka | mf(ik/ā-)n. scattering  |
aviraladantatā | f. the having teeth without gaps (one of the 32 signs of perfection), .  |
avyanta | mfn. not very distant, growing near (ablative)  |
bāhudantaka | n. (with śāstra-) Name of a treatise on morals abridged by indra- (see next) .  |
bahumantavya | mfn. to be thought much of or esteemed highly, estimable  |
bāhyābhyantara | mfn. external and internal (as diseases)  |
bhadanta | dāka-, dra- See under bhand- below.  |
bhadanta | m. ( ) a term of respect applied to a Buddhist, a Buddhist mendicant  |
bhadanta | m. varia lectio for bha-datta- q.v  |
bhadantadharmatrāta | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantaghoṣaka | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantagopadatta | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantajñānavarman | m. Name of a poet  |
bhadantarāma | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers.  |
bhadantaśrīlābha | m. Name of a Buddhist teacher.  |
bhadantavarman | m. Name of a poet  |
bhadradanta | m. Name of an elephant  |
bhagavanta | m. Name of the author of the mukunda-vilāsa-.  |
bhagavantabhāskara | m. Name of a law-book by nīla-kaṇṭha- (17th cent.)  |
bhagavantadeva | m. Name of a prince (king of bhareha-, son of sāhi-deva- and a patron of nīlakaṇṭha- see next)  |
bhagnadantanakha | mfn. having the teeth and claws broken  |
bhaṅgyantareṇa | ind. in an indirect manner  |
bhaṅgyantareṇa | ind. in another manner  |
bharadvājadhanvantari | m. Name of a divine being  |
bhasanta | m. time  |
bhāsanta | mfn. splendid, beautiful  |
bhāsanta | m. the sun or the moon or a star  |
bhāsanta | m. the bird bhāsa-  |
bhavanta | m. time  |
bhavanta | m. present time  |
bhramanta | m. a small house  |
bhūmyanantara | mfn. belonging to the next country  |
bhūmyanantara | m. the king of an adjacent country  |
bṛhanta | mfn. equals bṛh/at-, large, great  |
bṛhanta | m. Name of a king  |
caladanta | m. a loose tooth  |
caranta | m. Name of a man  |
caturanta | mf(ā-)n. bordered on all 4 sides (the earth)  |
caturdanta | mfn. "having 4 tusks", indra-'s elephant airāvata-  |
caturdanta | mfn. Name of an elephant  |
cirantana | mfn. (fr. raṃ-t-, ) idem or 'mfn. ancient '  |
cirantana | mfn. existing from ancient times  |
cirantana | m. brahmā-  |
cirantana | m. śiva-  |
cirantana | m. plural the ancients  |
cūḍādanta | m. a piece of wood projecting from a wall  |
daivādyanta | mfn. beginning and ending with a ceremony in honour of the gods (opp. to pitrādy-)  |
danta | m. (fr. &) equals d/at- etc. (n. ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',f(ā-).[ ]orf(ī-).[ ] )  |
danta | m. the number 32  |
danta | m. an elephant's tusk, ivory etc. |
danta | m. the point (of an arrow? athar/ī-)  |
danta | m. the peak or ridge of a mountain,  |
danta | m. an arbour  |
danta | m. a pin used in playing a lute,  |
dantabhāga | m. the fore-part of an elephant's head (where the tusks appear)  |
dantabhāga | m. part of a tooth  |
dantabhaṅga | m. fracture of the teeth  |
dantabīja | m. pomegranate  |
dantabījā | f. idem or 'm. pomegranate '  |
dantabījā | f. Name of a gourd  |
dantabījaka | m. equals ja-  |
dantacāla | m. looseness of the teeth  |
dantacchada | m. ( on ) "tooth cover", a lip etc.  |
dantacchadā | f. Momordica monadelpha (its red fruit being compared to the lips)  |
dantacchadana | n. equals da-  |
dantacchadopamā | f. idem or 'f. Momordica monadelpha (its red fruit being compared to the lips) '  |
dantacchedana | n. biting through  |
dantadarśana | n. (a dog's) showing the teeth  |
dantadhāva | m. cleaning the teeth  |
dantadhāvana | n. idem or 'm. cleaning the teeth ' etc.  |
dantadhāvana | n. equals -pavana-  |
dantadhāvana | n. Name of a chapter of  |
dantadhāvana | m. Acacia Catechu  |
dantadhāvana | m. Mimusops Elengi  |
dantadhāvana | m. a kind of karañja-  |
dantadhāvanaka | m. Name of a tree  |
dantadhāvanaprakaraṇa | n. Name of  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. Name of  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. of a chapter of  |
dantadhāvanavidhi | m. of  |
dantadyut | f. brightness of the teeth  |
dantagharṣa | m. chattering of the teeth  |
dantaghāṭa | m. equals -kāra- ( )  |
dantaghata | m. a bite  |
dantaghāṭaka | m. equals -kāra- ( ) .  |
dantagrāhitā | f. the state of injuring the teeth  |
dantaharṣa | m. morbid sensitiveness of the teeth  |
dantaharṣa | m. equals -gh-  |
dantaharṣaka | m. equals -karṣaṇa-  |
dantaharṣaṇa | m. equals -karṣaṇa-  |
dantahastin | mfn. having tusks and a trunk  |
dantahīna | mfn. toothless.  |
dantajāha | n. the root of a tooth gaRa karṇādi-.  |
dantajanman | n. growth of the teeth  |
dantajāta | mf(ā- Va1rtt. 1)n. ( )  |
dantajāta | mf(ā-)n. ( ; gaRa āhitāgny-ādi-) equals jāta-danta- ; (a-- negative)  |
dantaka | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "a tooth" See a--, kṛmi--, śyāva--  |
dantaka | m. a projection in a rock  |
dantaka | m. "a pin projecting from a wall" See nāga--  |
dantaka | mfn. paying attention to one's teeth  |
dantakāra | m. an ivory worker  |
dantakarṣaṇa | m. "teeth-injuring", the lime  |
dantakaśa | m. the tusk of an elephant compared to a flower-cup,  |
dantakāṣṭha | n. a small piece of the wood (of particular trees) used for cleaning the teeth  |
dantakāṣṭha | n. cleaning the teeth with the danta-kāṣṭha-, 4996  |
dantakāṣṭha | m. Name of various trees the wood of which is used for cleaning the teeth (Flacourtia sapida ;Asclepias gigantea, Ficus indica, Acacia Catech, Pongamia glabra, Terminalia alata)  |
dantakāṣṭhābhakṣaṇa | n. "omitting to use the d- ", Name of  |
dantakāṣṭhaka | m. N. Tabernaemontana coronaria  |
dantakrūra | m. Name of a prince, .  |
dantakumāra | m. of a man.  |
dantakūra | Name of a place  |
dantalekhaka | m. one who lives by painting the teeth on  |
dantalīna | mfn. that to which the teeth adhere (?), , Scholiast or Commentator  |
dantamadhya | n. the space between an elephant's tusks  |
dantamala | n. impurity of the teeth  |
dantamāṃsa | n. the gums  |
dantamaya | mfn. made of ivory  |
dantamūla | n. equals -jāha-  |
dantamūla | n. equals -śopha-  |
dantamūlikā | f. equals dantikā-  |
dantamūlīya | mfn. belonging to l/a-, dental (letter)  |
dantaniṣkāśita | mfn. showing the teeth (a jackal) (varia lectio)  |
dantapāli | f. an ivory hilt (of a sword)  |
dantapālī | f. the gums  |
dantapāñcālikā | f. an ivory doll,  |
dantapāta | m. the falling out of the teeth  |
dantapattra | n. a kind of ear-ring  |
dantapattra | Nom. ttrati- to represent that ear-ring  |
dantapattraka | n. a kind of jasmine (its petals being compared to the teeth)  |
dantapattrikā | f. an ivory ear-ring  |
dantapattrikā | f. a comb  |
dantapavana | n. "tooth-cleaner", a small piece of wood (equals -kāṣṭha-)  |
dantapāvana | n. equals -dhāva-  |
dantaphala | m. Feronia elephantum  |
dantaphala | n. equals -puṣpa-  |
dantaphalā | f. long pepper  |
dantaphala | n. Name of a gourd  |
dantaprakṣālana | n. equals -dhāva-  |
dantaprakṣālanapavana | m.  |
dantapraveṣṭa | a case round an elephant's tusk  |
dantapuppuṭa | m. gum boil  |
dantapuppuṭaka | m.  |
dantapura | n. "city of buddha-'s tooth", the capital of kaliṅga-  |
dantapuṣpa | n. Strychnos potatorum  |
dantaracanā | f. equals -dhāva-  |
dantarajas | n. equals -mala-  |
dantaroga | m. tooth-ache ,  |
dantarogin | mfn. suffering from ga-,  |
dantasadman | n. "tooth-abode", the mouth  |
dantasaṃgharṣa | m. gnashing the teeth  |
dantaśāṇa | m. tooth-powder  |
dantaśaṅku | n. a pair of pincers for drawing teeth  |
dantaśarkarā | f. tartar of the teeth, 23; .  |
dantaśaṭha | mfn. "bad for the teeth", acid  |
dantaśaṭha | m. acidity  |
dantaśaṭha | m. Name of several trees with acid fruits and (n.) Name of the fruits (equals -karṣaṇa-,Citrus Auraritium equals -phala-,Averrhoa Carambola ), 42 and 46  |
dantaśaṭhā | f. Oxalis pusilla  |
dantaśirā | f. a back tooth  |
dantaśirā | f. the gums  |
dantaskavana | n. picking the teeth  |
dantaśliṣṭa | mfn. entangled in the teeth  |
dantaśodhana | n. equals -dhāva-  |
dantaśodhanacūrṇa | n. tooth-powder  |
dantaśodhanī | f. a tooth-pick  |
dantaśopha | m. swelling of the gums  |
dantaśuddhi | f. equals -dhāva-.  |
dantaśūla | mn. equals -roga-  |
dantaūla | mfn. having teeth gaRa sidhmādi-.  |
dantauṣṭhaka | mfn. paying attention to one's teeth and lips  |
dantavaidarbha | m. looseness of the teeth through external injury  |
dantavakra | m. Name of a karūṣa- prince (also called vakradanta-and vakra-;described as a dānava- or asura-)  |
dantavaktra | for -vakra-.  |
dantavalka | n. the enamel of the teeth  |
dantavāṇijya | n. ivory trade (forbidden to Jain laymen) |
dantavarṇa | mfn. "tooth-coloured", brilliant  |
dantavāsas | (m. ) equals -cchada-  |
dantavastra | mn. equals -cchada-  |
dantavat | mfn. having teeth  |
dantaveṣṭa | n. equals tana-  |
dantaveṣṭa | n. the gums (dual number"the gums of the upper and lower jaw") (of an elephant) , tumour of the gums,  |
dantaveṣṭaka | m. idem or 'n. the gums (dual number"the gums of the upper and lower jaw") (of an elephant) , tumour of the gums, ' , 11  |
dantaveṣṭaka | m. dual number the gums of the upper and lower, jaw  |
dantaveṣṭana | n. equals -praveṣṭa-  |
dantavidradhī | f. an abscess of the teeth  |
dantavighāta | m. equals -gh-  |
dantavīṇā | f. "tooth-guitar", ṇāṃ vādayat- mfn. "playing the ṇā- ", chattering with the teeth  |
dantavyāpāra | m. ivory work  |
dantavyasana | n. fracture or decay of the teeth or of a tusk.  |
dantidanta | m. "an elephant's tusk"  |
dantidantamaya | mfn. made of ivory  |
dasyuhantama | mfn. (superl.) most destructive to the dasyu-s, (agni-); (Light) (Buddha)  |
dasyuhantama | mfn. see  |
dauṣmanta | wrong reading for prec.  |
dauṣyanta | mf(ī-)n. relating to duṣyanta-  |
dauṣyanta | m. Name of a mixed caste  |
dhanvantara | n. the space or distance of a dhanu- or 4 hasta-s  |
dhanvantara | n. Name of śiva-, ( "bow-string";but see tari-).  |
dhānvantara | ( ) mfn. relating to or proceeding from dhanvan-tari- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
dhanvantari | m. (for vani-t-),"moving in a curve", Name of a deity to whom oblations were offered in the north-east quarter (where tare- wrong reading for tareḥ-)  |
dhanvantari | m. of the sun  |
dhanvantari | m. the physician of the gods (produced at the churning of the ocean with a cup of amṛta- in his hands, the supposed author of the āyur-veda-, who in a later existence is also called divo-dāsa-, king of kāśi-, and considered to be the founder of the Hindu school of medicine)  |
dhanvantari | m. Pur (dhānv-)  |
dhanvantari | m. Name of the author of a medical dictionary (perhaps the same mentioned among the 9 gems of the court of vikramāditya-)  |
dhanvantaridarpabhaṅga | m. "the breaking of dhanvan-'s pride", Name of a chapter of  |
dhanvantarigrantha | m. Name of work  |
dhanvantarigrastā | f. Helleborus Niger  |
dhanvantariguṇāguṇayogasata | n. Name of work  |
dhanvantarinighaṇṭu | m. Name of work  |
dhanvantaripañcaka | n. Name of work  |
dhanvantarisāranidhi | m. Name of work  |
dhanvantarivilāsa | m. Name of work  |
dhanvantarīya | mfn. composed by dhanvantarīya- (also read dhānv-)  |
dhānvantarīya | ( ) mfn. relating to or proceeding from dhanvan-tari- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
dhanvantariyajña | m. the sacrifice offered to dhanvan-  |
dhānvantarya | ( ) mfn. relating to or proceeding from dhanvan-tari- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
dhautadanta | mfn. having clean teeth  |
diganta | etc. See |
diganta | m. "the end of the horizon", remote distance |
diganta | mfn. being in remote distance  |
digantara | n. another region, a foreign country etc.  |
digantara | n. a quarter of the sky  |
digantara | n. (also plural) space, the atmosphere  |
dīrghadanta | mf(ī-)n. "long-toothed"  |
dṛganta | m. the outer corner of the eye  |
duḥṣanta | m. older form for duṣyanta- (q.v)  |
duḥṣvanta | wrong reading for duṣy-.  |
duranta | mfn. having no end, infinite  |
duranta | mfn. having a bad end, miserable etc.  |
durantabhāva | mfn. exceedingly passionate |
durantacintā | f. infinite sorrow  |
durantadeva | m. the god who removes difficulties (gaṇeśa-)  |
durantaka | mfn. equals -anta- (śiva-)  |
durantakṛcchra | m. or n. infinite danger  |
durantakṛt | mfn. doing what is endless or suffering endless pains  |
durantamoha | mfn. whose infatuation has a bad ending or has no end  |
durantaparyanta | mfn. having a bad end  |
durantaśakti | mfn. having endless power  |
durantavīrya | mfn. having endless energy  |
dūreanta | mfn. ending in the remote distance, boundless (heaven and earth)  |
durjayanta | m. Name of a mountain  |
duṣmanta | wrong reading for duṣyanta- below.  |
duṣvanta | wrong reading for duṣyanta- above.  |
duṣyanta | m. (fr. dus-+ so-?or parasmE-pada of duṣ-?,older form duḥ-ṣanta-) Name of a prince of the lunar race (descendant of puru-, husband of śakuntalā- and father of bharata-)  |
dvādaśābdānantarāvalokanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
dvidanta | mfn. equals -dat-  |
dvidanta | m. elephant  |
dvyantara | mf(ā-)n. separated by 2 intermediate links  |
ekadanta | m. "one-toothed", Name of gaṇeśa-  |
etadanta | mfn. terminating with this, ending thus  |
gaḍayanta | m. (fr. pr. p.)"covering" , a cloud (see gaṇḍ-.)  |
gajadanta | m. an elephant's tusk, ivory  |
gajadanta | m. a pin projecting from a wall  |
gajadanta | m. Name of gaṇeśa- (who is represented with an elephant's head)  |
gajadanta | m. a particular position of the hands  |
gajadantamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of ivory  |
gajadantaphalā | f. a kind of pumpkin  |
galitadanta | mfn. having the teeth decayed, toothless  |
galitanakhadanta | mfn. one who has lost his claws and teeth  |
gaṇābhyantara | m. "one of a troop or corporation", a member of any (religious) association, .  |
gaṇḍayanta | (see gaḍ-.)  |
gantavai | See  |
gantave | g/antav/ai-, fr. gam- q.v  |
gantave | See  |
gantavya | See  |
gantavya | mfn. to be gone etc.  |
gantavya | mfn. to be accomplished (a way)  |
gantavya | mfn. to be gone to or attained etc.  |
gantavya | mfn. to be approached for sexual intercourse  |
gantavya | mfn. to be undergone,  |
gantavya | mfn. to be approached with an accusation or accused of (instrumental case)  |
gantavya | mfn. to be understood  |
gantavya | mfn. approaching, imminent  |
giriśanta | mfn. (equals -śa-) inhabiting mountains (rudra-- śiva-)  |
godanta | m. a cow's tooth  |
godanta | m. yellow orpiment |
godanta | m. a white mineral substance (apparently an earthy salt)  |
godanta | mfn. having cow's teeth  |
godanta | mfn. armed, armed with a coat of mail  |
godanta | m. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-  |
godanta | m. of a dānava-  |
godantamaṇi | m. a particular precious stone  |
gomanta | m. Name of a mountain (varia lectio nda-) etc.  |
gomanta | m. an owner of cattle  |
gomanta | m. a herd of cattle  |
gomanta | m. a multitude of cattle-owners  |
gomanta | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio goghnata-).  |
gopadanta | m. Name of an author  |
grāmasīmanta | (= - sīmā-),  |
grīṣmahemanta | m. dual number summer and winter  |
gurvanta | mfn. equals ante-guru-, heavy at the end  |
haimanta | mf(/ī-)n. (fr., hemanta-) wintry, relating or suitable to or growing in winter  |
halanta | mfn. ending in a consonant  |
halanta | m. or n. Name of work  |
hanta | ind. an exclamation or inceptive particle (expressive of an exhortation to do anything or asking attention, and often translatable by"come on!""here!""look!""see!"in later language also expressive of grief, joy, pity, haste, benediction etc. and translatable by"alas!""ah!""oh!" etc.;often repeated or joined with other particles exempli gratia, 'for example' hā hanta-, hanta hanta-, hanta tarhi-)  |
hantakāra | m. the exclamation hanta- (a particular formula of benediction or salutation;also explained as 16 mouthfuls of alms, in among the four teats of the cow, vāc-.)  |
hantavai | See root, .  |
hantave | See root, .  |
hantavya | mfn. to be slain or killed, to be punished with death etc.  |
hantavya | mfn. to be violated (as justice)  |
hantavya | mfn. to be refuted  |
hanumanta | in compound for mat-.  |
hanumantabhaṭṭīya | n. Name of a poem.  |
harimanta | m. Name of an āṅgirasa- (author of )  |
hastidanta | m. the tusk of an elephants (See hāstidanta-)  |
hastidanta | m. a pin or peg projecting from a wall  |
hastidanta | mn. a radish  |
hastidanta | n. ivory  |
hāstidanta | mfn. (fr. hasti-d-) consisting or made of ivory  |
hastidantaka | mn. a radish  |
hastidantaphalā | f. Cucumis Utilissimus  |
hastidantavastramaya | mf(ī-)n. made of ivory or cloth  |
havirantaraṇa | n. passing over an oblation  |
hemanta | m. winter, the cold season (comprising the two months agra-hāyaṇa- and pauṣa- id est from middle of November to middle of January) etc.  |
hemanta | hemavala- See p.1304, columns 1 and 2.  |
hemantajabdha | (t/a--) mfn. swallowed by winter (id est"hidden away or disappeared in winter")  |
hemantamegha | m. a winter-cloud  |
hemantanātha | m. "lord of winter", the wood-apple tree (equals kapittha-)  |
hemantapratyavarohaṇa | n. redescending into winter (a kind of ceremony)  |
hemantaṛtuvarṇana | n. "description of the winter season", Name of work  |
hemantasamaya | m. winter time  |
hemantasiṃha | m. Name of a king of karṇapūra-  |
hemantaśiśira | m. dual number (see ) winter and spring  |
hetvantara | n. another argument  |
hiraṇyadanta | mfn. equals -dat-  |
humphaḍanta | m. plural (scilicet mantrāḥ-) mystical texts ending in the exclamations hum- and phaṭ-  |
īṣādanta | mfn. having tusks as long as a pole  |
īṣādanta | m. an elephant with a large tusk  |
ityanta | mfn. ending thus commentator or commentary on  |
jagadanta | m. the end of the world  |
jagadantaka | m. "world-destroyer", death ( jagadantakāntaka kāntaka- mfn.destroying death) .  |
jagadantakāntaka | mfn. jagadantaka |
jagadantarātman | m. "innermost soul of the universe", viṣṇu-  |
janayanta | mfn. generating, producing  |
jānvantarā | ind. between the knees,  |
jaranta | m. an old man  |
jaranta | m. a buffalo  |
jarantaka | m. a father-in-law  |
jātadanta | mfn. (gaRa āhitāgny-ādi-) having teeth growing (a child)  |
jātyantarīyaka | mfn. belonging to another (future) birth,  |
jayanta | mf(ī-)n. victorious  |
jayanta | m. the moon  |
jayanta | m. Name of a dhruvaka-  |
jayanta | m. śiva-  |
jayanta | m. Name of a son of indra- |
jayanta | m. of a rudra-  |
jayanta | m. of a son of dharma- (equals upendra-)  |
jayanta | m. of a-krūra-'s father  |
jayanta | m. of a gandharva- (vikramāditya-'s father)  |
jayanta | m. of bhīma-sena- at virāṭa-'s court  |
jayanta | m. of a minister of daśaratha-  |
jayanta | m. of a gauḍa- king  |
jayanta | m. of a Kashmir Brahman,  |
jayanta | m. of a writer on grammar  |
jayanta | m. of a mountain  |
jayanta | m. plural a subdivision of the anuttara- deities  |
jayanta | n. Name of a town  |
jayanta | n. Sesbania aegyptiaca  |
jayanta | n. barley planted at the commencement of the daśa-harā- and gathered at its close  |
jayanta | n. kṛṣṇa-'s birthnight (the 8th of the dark half of śrāvaṇa-, the asterism rohiṇī- rising at midnight )  |
jayanta | n. the 9th night of the karma-māsa-  |
jayanta | n. the 12th night of month punar-vasu-  |
jayanta | n. durgā-, dākṣāyaṇī- (in hastinā-pura- ;tutelary deity of the vasūdreka-s )  |
jayanta | n. Name of a daughter of indra-  |
jayanta | n. of ṛṣabha-'s wife (received from indra-)  |
jayanta | n. of a yoginī-  |
jayanta | n. of a surāṅganā- Concl.  |
jayanta | n. of a river  |
jayanta | n. of a country  |
jayanta | n. of a town  |
jāyanta | m. (fr. jay-) patronymic of bharata-  |
jayantasvāmin | m. Name of the author of a treatise on Vedic accent.  |
jīvanta | mfn. long-lived  |
jīvanta | m. life  |
jīvanta | m. a drug  |
jīvanta | m. equals va śāka-  |
jīvanta | m. Name of a man  |
jīvanta | m. gaRa karṇādi-  |
jīvantaka | m. equals va-śāka-  |
jīvantasvāmin | m. Name of a Jain saint  |
jvalantaśikharā | f. "flame-tufted", Name of a gandharva- virgin  |
kākadanta | m. "crow's tooth", anything impossible or not existing, chimera (see śaśa-viṣāṇa-) etc.  |
kākadantaki | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe gaRa dāmany-ādi-.  |
kākadantakīya | m. a prince of the kāka-dantaki-s  |
kākadantavicāra | m. a discussion about nothing commentator or commentary on  |
kāladantaka | m. Name of a nāga- (a son of vāsuki-)  |
kalantaka | = the next.  |
kamantaka | m. Name of a man  |
kamantaka | m. plural Name of his descendants gaRa upakādi-  |
kanta | mfn. (fr. 1. kam- ind.), happy  |
kanta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. happy, prosperous ' ' ' ' '  |
kāratantavikā | f. fr. kara-tantu- Va1rtt. 3 and 24  |
kāratantavikī | f. fr. kara-tantu- Va1rtt. 3 and 24  |
karidanta | m. an elephant's tusk  |
karidanta | m. ivory  |
kaṣāyadanta | m. "having red teeth", a kind of mouse  |
kauṇapadanta | m. Name of bhīṣma- (uncle of the pāṇḍu-s)  |
kavantaka | m. Name of a man  |
kavantaka | m. plural his descendants gaRa upakādi-.  |
kimantara | mf(ā-)n. being at what distance from each other?  |
kimparyantam | ind. to what extent? how far? how long?  |
kiṃvadanta | m. Name of an imp (inimical to children)  |
kṛdanta | m. a word ending with a kṛt- affix (such a word would be called by simply kṛt-).  |
kṛdanta | See 1. kṛt-, p.301.  |
kṛmidantaka | m. toothache with decay of the teeth  |
kṛṣṇadanta | mfn. having black teeth  |
kṣantavya | ntṛ- See kṣam-.  |
kṣantavya | mfn. to be borne or endured or suffered or submitted to patiently  |
kṣantavya | mfn. to be pardoned or forgiven etc.  |
kṣantavya | n. impersonal or used impersonally pardon to be given by any one (genitive case) for (ablative)  |
kuḍmalāgradanta | mfn. one whose teeth look like buds  |
kundasamadanta | mfn. one whose teeth are like the jasmine.  |
kusumadanta | m. (equals puṣpa-d-), Name of a mystical being  |
kūṭadanta | mfn. having prominent teeth,  |
madhumanta | n. Name of a town  |
madhyadanta | m. a front tooth  |
mahādanta | m. the tusk of an elephant  |
mahādanta | mfn. having large teeth or tusks (said of śiva-)  |
mahādanta | m. an elephant with long tusks  |
mahanta | m. the superior of a monastery  |
mahāsāmanta | m. a great vassal  |
mahiṣvanta | mfn. (fr. mahis-,1. mah-?), refreshing, delighting (others"great"; equals ṛbīsa-).  |
mānatantavya | prob. wrong reading for mānut-  |
maṇḍayanta | m. (only ) an ornament  |
maṇḍayanta | m. an actor  |
maṇḍayanta | m. an assembly of women  |
maṇḍayanta | m. food  |
mantavya | mfn. to be thought etc.  |
mantavya | mfn. to be regarded or considered as (Nominal verb)  |
mantavya | mfn. (with doṣeṇa-), to be accused of a fault (varia lectio gantavya-)  |
mantavya | mfn. to be admitted or assumed or stated etc.  |
mantavya | mfn. to be approved or sanctioned (varia lectio anu-m-)  |
mantavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) one should think or suppose  |
mantavya | m/antu-, mant/ṛ- See .  |
mānutantavya | m. (fr. manu-tantu-) patronymic of aikādaśākṣa-  |
manvantara | n. the period or age of a manu- (it comprises about 71 mahā-yugas-[q.v.], which are held equal to 12, 000 years of the gods or 4, 320, 000 human years or 1/14th of a day of brahmā-;each of these periods is presided over by its own special manu- [see manu-,];six such manv-antara-s have already elapsed, and the 7th, presided over by manu- vaivasvata-, is now going on; 7 more are to come, making 14 manv-antara-s, which together make up one day of brahmā-) (especially i, 79) etc. |
manvantarā | f. Name of various festivals (of the 10th day of the light half of the month āṣāḍha-, of the 8th in the dark half of the same month, and of the 3rd in the light half of bhādra-)  |
manvantara | etc. See .  |
manvantaravarṇana | n. Name of chapter of  |
markaṭadanta | mf(ā-or ī-)n. monkey-toothed  |
mārutantavya | wrong reading for mānvtantavya- q.v  |
mayanta | ( ) and m/aganda- ( ) n. Name of a metre.  |
munijñānajyanta | m. Name of a scribe  |
mūṣikādanta | mfn. "mouse-toothed", having the teeth of a mouse  |
nāgadanta | m. elephant's tusk or ivory  |
nāgadanta | m. a peg in the wall to hang things upon  |
nāgadantaka | m. equals -danta- m.  |
nāgadantaka | n. a particular posture in yoga-,  |
nāgadantamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of ivory  |
nairantarya | n. uninterruptedness, close succession, continuousness, compactness ( nairantaryeṇa yeṇa- ind.uninterruptedly, continually ) |
nairantarya | n. immediate consequence  |
nairantaryeṇa | ind. nairantarya |
naivāntavānnānantavāṃśca | (sc. loka-), not finite and not infinite  |
nandanta | mf(ī-)n. rejoicing, gladdening  |
nandanta | m. son, friend, king  |
nandayanta | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(antī-)n. equals prec. mfn.'  |
nantavya | mfn. ( nam-) to be bent or bowed  |
nantavya | mfn. to be saluted or honoured  |
naradanta | m. a man's tooth  |
nariṣyanta | m. idem or 'm. Name of a son of manu- vaivasvata- '  |
nariṣyanta | m. of a son of marutta-  |
nātyantadūra | mfn. not very distant or remote  |
netraparyanta | m. the outer corner of the eye  |
nigantavya | mfn. to be studied or learned  |
nihantavya | mfn. to be struck down or killed or destroyed  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. having no interval (in space or time), close, compact, dense, uninterrupted, perpetual, constant ( nirantaratā -tā- f.) etc.  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. faithful true  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. abounding in, full of (compound)  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. not other or different, identical etc.  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. not hidden from view  |
nirantarābhyāsa | m. constant repetition or study, diligent exercise or practice  |
nirantaragrihavāsin | mfn. living in the next house  |
nirantarāla | mfn. without an intervening space, close, narrow  |
nirantarālatā | f.  |
nirantaram | ind. closely, tightly, firmly,  |
nirantaram | ind. constantly, continually etc.  |
nirantaram | ind. immediately, at once  |
nirantarapayodharā | f. having closely contiguous breasts (clouds)  |
nirantaraśarīra | mfn. one whose body is densely transfixed with (arrows)  |
nirantaratā | f. nirantara |
nirantarātkaṇṭhā | f. continual longing for  |
nirantaraviśeṣa | mfn. (plural) being without difference in regard to (locative case), being treated alike  |
nirantarodbhinna | mfn. densely sprouted  |
nirdanta | mfn. (elephant) having no teeth or tusks  |
nirdayadantadaṃśa | m. unmerciful or passionate biting (with the teeth)  |
niṣparyanta | mfn. boundless, unlimited  |
niṣparyāyanta | out of order  |
niyantavya | mfn. to be restrained or checked or controlled or forced etc.  |
niyantavyatva | n.  |
nyanta | m. or n. proximity (see )  |
pādādyantayamaka | n. paronomasia at the beginning and end of a verse ( ) .  |
pāṇḍaradanta | mfn. having white teeth or tusks (elephant)  |
paṅkadanta | mfn. having mud or clay between the teeth |
parapauravatantava | m. Name of a son of viśvāmitra-  |
parigantavya | mfn. to be got or obtained  |
parisamanta | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' taka-) circumference, circuit  |
paryanta | m. circuit, circumference, edge, limit, border  |
paryanta | m. side, flank, extremity, end etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"bounded by","extending as far as"[f(ā-).];or in the beginning of a compound"adjoining, neighbouring")  |
paryanta | mf(ā-)n. coming to an end with, being a match for  |
paryanta | mf(ā-)n. extending in all directions (varia lectio pary-asta-).  |
paryantabhū | f. ground contiguous to the skirts of a river or mountain  |
paryantadeśa | m. a neighbouring or adjacent district  |
paryantam | ind. entirely, altogether,  |
paryantam | ind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') to the end of, as far as  |
paryantam | ind. paryantāt paryantam-, from one end to the other  |
paryantaparvata | m. an adjoining hill  |
paryantasaṃsthita | ( ) mfn. limitative, confining, neighbouring.  |
paryantastha | ( ) mfn. limitative, confining, neighbouring.  |
paryantasthita | ( ) mfn. limitative, confining, neighbouring.  |
paṭahānantara | mfn. (speech) accompanied by the sound of a drum  |
patantaka | m. (fr. patat-) a kind of aśva-medha- performed in a hurried manner  |
patitotthitadanta | mfn.  |
pauravatantava | See para-p-t- () .  |
phaladantavat | mfn. having fruit-teeth or fruit for teeth  |
piṅgadanta | m. "yellow-toothed", Name of a man  |
pitrādyanta | mfn. beginning and ending with (a rite to) the pitṛ-s (as a śrāddha-), .  |
prahantavya | mfn. to be killed or slain  |
prāṇanta | m. ( ) air, wind  |
prāṇanta | m. a kind of collyrium  |
praṇatāśeṣasāmanta | one to whom all his neighbours bow or are submissive  |
prātaranta | mfn. ending in the morning, Scholiast or Commentator  |
pratihantavya | mfn. to be opposed or resisted  |
pratimanvantara | n. every manv-antara-  |
pratimanvantaram | ind. in each Manv-antara. ( )  |
pratimanvantare | ind. in each Manv-antara. ( )  |
pratisāmanta | m. "a hostile neighbour", enemy, adversary  |
pratisamantam | (pr/ati--) ind. on every side, everywhere  |
pratyanantara | mfn. being in the immediate neighbourhood of (genitive case)  |
pratyanantara | mfn. standing nearest (as an heir)  |
pratyanantara | mfn. closely connected with, immediately following  |
pratyanantaram | ind. immediately after (ablative)  |
pratyanantaram | ind. next in succession  |
pratyanantarībhū | to betake one's self close to (genitive case)  |
pratyanta | mfn. bordering on, adjacent or contiguous to, skirting  |
pratyanta | m. a border, frontier  |
pratyanta | m. a bordering country id est a country occupied by barbarians  |
pratyanta | m. (plural) barbarous tribes  |
pratyantadeśa | m. a country bordering upon another,  |
pratyantajanapada | n. a bordering country  |
pratyantajanapadopapatti | f. birth in a bordering or barbarous country (with Buddhists one of the eight inauspicious ways of being born)  |
pratyantaparvata | m. an adjacent (small) hill  |
pratyantarībhū | equals -anantarī-bhū-  |
pratyantavāsa | n. (!) a frontier-place  |
pratyayāntaśabdakṛdantavyūha | m. Name of work  |
pravālāśmantaka | m. or n. (prob.) coral  |
priyavasantaka | m. "the desired spring"and"the dear vasantaka-" |
pūṣadantahara | m. "taking away pūṣan-'s teeth", Name of śiva-  |
puṣpadanta | m. "flower-toothed", Name of śiva-  |
puṣpadanta | m. of an attendant of śiva-  |
puṣpadanta | m. of an attendant of viṣṇu-. |
puṣpadanta | m. (also -ka-) of a gandharva- (author of the mahimnaḥ- stavaḥ-)  |
puṣpadanta | m. of a vidyā-dhara-  |
puṣpadanta | m. of a serpent-demon  |
puṣpadanta | m. (with jaina-s) of the 9th arhat- of present avasarpiṇī-  |
puṣpadanta | m. of a particular being  |
puṣpadanta | m. of the elephant of the north-west quarter  |
puṣpadanta | m. of the mountain śatruṃ-jaya-  |
puṣpadanta | m. (dual number) sun and moon  |
puṣpadanta | n. Name of a temple  |
puṣpadanta | n. of a palace  |
puṣpadanta | n. of a gate  |
puṣpadantabhid | m. Name of śiva- (prob. wrong reading for pūṣa-danta-bhid-)  |
puṣpadantatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
puṣpadantavat | mfn. one who has flowered teeth  |
rājadanta | m. (for dantarājaḥ- equals dantānāṃ rājā- ) a principal tooth, front tooth  |
rājadanta | m. Name of a man (see next) .  |
rājakulānumantavya | mfn. to be approved by kings  |
rāmodanta | m. Name of a poem.  |
rantavya | 2. ranti-, rantu-, rantṛ- See under ram-, .  |
rantavya | mfn. to be rejoiced at or enjoyed, to be toyed with or carnally known  |
rantavya | n. pleasure, enjoyment, play  |
rasābhyantara | mfn. filled with water or love  |
rasantama | m. equals r/asa-tama-  |
raticaraṇasamantasvara | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
revanta | m. Name of a son of sūrya- and chief of the guhyaka-s  |
revanta | m. the 5th manu- of the present kalpa- (see next and raivata-).  |
revantamanusū | f. "mother of manu- revanta-", Name of saṃjñā- (wife of sūrya-)  |
ṛkṣavanta | n. Name of a town  |
rohanta | m. a particular tree (others"any tree")  |
ṛtvanta | m. the close of a season  |
ṛtvanta | m. the termination of menstruation  |
ṛtvanta | mfn. forming the close of a season (as a day)  |
śabdānantasāgarasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
ṣaḍbhāṣāsubantarūpādarśa | m. Name of work  |
sādhanta | m. a beggar, mendicant  |
sādyanta | mfn. having beginning and end, complete, entire ( sādyantam am- ind.,"from beginning to end")  |
sādyantam | ind. sādyanta |
sāgaraparyanta | mf(ā-)n. bounded by the sea (as the earth)  |
sahantama | mfn. (superl. of sahat-) strongest, most powerful  |
śaktisiddhanta | m. Name of work  |
śakyasāmantatā | f. the state of being able to conquer neighbouring kings  |
samacatvāriṃśadantatā | f. the having 40 even teeth (one of the 32 signs of perfection in a buddha-)  |
samadanta | mfn. having even teeth  |
samadantatā | f. one of the 32 signs of perfection (of a buddha-)  |
samāgantavya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be met or approached  |
samanantara | mf(ā-)n. immediately contiguous to or following (ablative or genitive case; yaccātra sam-anantaram-,"and what is immediately connected with it")  |
samanantaram | ind. immediately behind or after (genitive case or ablative or compound)  |
samanta | mf(ā-)n. "having the ends together", contiguous, neighbouring, adjacent  |
samanta | mf(ā-)n. "being on every side", universal, whole, entire, all ( samantam s/amantam- ind."in contiguity or conjunction with","together with"; samantam samant/am- ind.or samantāt tāt- ind.or samantatas ta-tas- ind."on all sides, around","or, wholly, completely"; samantena tena- ind."all round";with na-= "nowhere") etc.  |
samanta | n. (also with agneḥ-, varuṇasya-,or vasiṣṭhasya-) Name of various saman-s  |
samanta | n. or m. (?) Name of a country  |
sāmanta | mfn. (fr. sam-anta-) being on all sides  |
sāmanta | mfn. bordering, limiting  |
sāmanta | m. a neighbour  |
sāmanta | m. a vassal, feudatory prince, the chief of a district (paying tribute to a lord paramount) etc.  |
sāmanta | m. a minister(?) (varia lectio)  |
sāmanta | m. a leader, general, captain, champion  |
sāmanta | m. Name of the author of the tājika-sāra-ṭīkā- (1620 A.D.)  |
sāmanta | n. a neighbourhood  |
samantabhadra | mfn. wholly auspicious  |
samantabhadra | m. a buddha- or a jina-  |
samantabhadra | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- (see )  |
samantabhadra | m. of a poet etc.  |
samantabhadra | n. Name of a grammar.  |
samantabhuj | m. "all-devouring", Name of agni- or fire  |
sāmantacakra | n. a circle of neighbouring princes  |
samantacāritramati | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
samantadarśin | m. Name of a buddha-  |
samantadugdhā | f. a species of Euphorbia  |
samantadugdhī | f. equals snuhā-  |
samantagandha | m. a kind of flower  |
samantagandha | m. Name of a deva-putra-  |
sāmantaja | n. (danger) arising from a vassal  |
śamantakastotra | n. Name of a stotra- (prob. wrong reading for śamāntaka--,or syamantaka-st-).  |
sāmantakena | ind. in the neighbourhood  |
samantakusuma | m. Name of a deva-putra-  |
samantam | ind. samanta |
samantam | ind. samanta |
samantamukhadhārinī | f. Name of a Buddhist sūtra-.  |
samantanetra | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
sāmantapāla | m. Name of a king  |
samantapañcaka | n. Name of the district kuru-kṣetra- or of a tīrtha- in it (where paraśu-rāma- is said to have destroyed the kṣatriya-s) |
samantaparyāyin | mfn. all-embracing  |
samantaprabha | m. a kind of flower  |
samantaprabha | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
samantaprabhāsa | m. Name of a buddha-  |
samantaprasādika | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- (varia lectio -prās-)  |
samantaprāsādika | mfn. affording help or assistance on all sides (also varia lectio for prec.)  |
samantaprāsādikatā | f. complete readiness to offer help (one of the 8 minor marks of a buddha-)  |
sāmantapratyaya | m. the evidence or testimony of near neighbours  |
samantara | m. pl, Name of a people  |
sāmantarāja | m. (with hari-) Name of the author of the sūrya-prakāśa-  |
samantaraśmi | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-  |
samantaśitibāhu | (samant/a--) mfn. having both fore-feet white  |
samantaśitirandhra | (samant/a--) mfn. having both ear-cavities white on Va1rtt. 27.  |
samantasphāraṇamukhadarśana | m. Name of a garuḍa-rāja-  |
samantasthūlāvalokana | m. or n. (?) a kind of flower  |
samantatas | ind. See above.  |
samantatas | ind. samanta |
sāmantavāsin | mfn. dwelling on the borders, neighbouring, a neighbour  |
samantavilokitā | f. Name of a particular Buddhist world  |
samantavyūhasāgaracaryavyavalokana | m. Name of a garuḍa-rāja-  |
saṃdaṣṭadantacchada | mfn. biting or compressing the lips  |
samidanta | mfn. ending with the word samidh-  |
sammantavya | mfn. to be highly valued  |
sampannadanta | mfn. possessing teeth  |
saṃśranta | mfn. ( śram-) completely wearied, languid, exhausted  |
samudanta | mfn. rising above the edge, about to overflow  |
samudraparyanta | mf(ā-)n. sea-bound (as the earth)  |
samupagantavya | mfn. to be gone to etc.  |
samupagantavya | n. it is to be gone to etc. (asya viśvāse samupagantavyam-,"one should place confidence in him")  |
saṃyantavya | mfn. to be restrained or controlled  |
śaṃyvanta | mf(ā-)n. ending with the formula śaṃy/os-  |
ṣaṇmāsābhyantare | ind. with in the space of six months  |
śanta | śanti- etc. See .  |
śanta | mfn.  |
santa | m. equals saṃha-tala-  |
santa | m. Name of a son of satya-  |
santaka | mf(ikā-)n. (fr. sat-) belonging to (genitive case)  |
śantanu | śantama- etc. See śaṃ-tanu-, ś/aṃtama-, .  |
sāptatantava | m. plural (fr. sapta-tantu-) Name of a particular sect  |
śaradanta | m. the end of autumn, winter  |
śarīranta | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the hairs on the body  |
śarīrantakara | mfn. making an end of or destroying the body  |
sarvābhyantara | mfn. the innermost of all.  |
śātapanta | (only dual number nta-;prob. wrong reading)  |
saumanta | mfn. taught or enjoined by su-mantu-  |
sāvantamiśra | m. Name of a man  |
sāyantana | mf(ī-)n. relating to evening, vespertine,  |
sāyantanamallikā | f. evening jasmine  |
sāyantanasamaya | m. eventide |
śeṣānanta | m.  |
siddhimanvantara | n. Name of a place  |
śikhāgradanta | (śikhāg-) mfn.  |
sīmanta | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ā-; see sīmānta-) parting of the hair etc.  |
sīmanta | m. equals sīmanton-nayana- below  |
sīmanta | m. a line of separation on the human body (14 are enumerated, corresponding to the joints of the bones or asthi-saṃghāta-s)  |
sīmanta | m. a boundary, limit  |
sīmanta | m. Name of a son of king bhadra-sena-  |
sīmanta | m. of a poet  |
sīmantadṛśvan | mfn. (perhaps for sīmānta-d-) equals pāra-dṛśvan-  |
sīmantaka | mf(ikā-)n. having the hair parted (in pregnancySee above )  |
sīmantaka | m. hair-parting  |
sīmantaka | m. (with jaina-s) Name of a prince in one of the seven jaina- hells  |
sīmantaka | n. red lead, vermilion (with which a mark is made along the division of the hair)  |
sīmantaka | n. a kind of ruby |
sīmantakaraṇa | n. the act or ceremony of parting the hair  |
sīmantakarmapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
sīmantamaṇi | m. equals cūḍā-maṇi-  |
sīmantavat | mfn. separated or parted by a straight line  |
sīmantavidhi | m. Name of work  |
sīmantaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make a parting, traverse (the sea) in a straight line  |
śīrṇadanta | mfn. one whose teeth have fallen out, toothless  |
smṛtyantara | n. another law-book  |
ṣoḍanta | mfn. equals -ḍat-  |
śravaṇapathaparyantagamana | n. reaching to the limit of hearing  |
sravanta | mfn. flowing, dropping  |
śrīmanta | mfn. (mc.) equals -mat-  |
śrīrāmodanta | m. Name of work  |
sṛṣṭyantara | m. the offspring of intermarriage between the four original castes (created by brahmā-)  |
sṛṣṭyantaraja | m. the descendant of such offspring  |
śrutyantasuradruma | m. Name of work  |
subanta | n. technical expression for an inflected noun as ending with a case-termination  |
subantaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
subantaprakriyāsarvasva | n. Name of work  |
subantarūpāvalī | f. Name of work  |
subantasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
subantaśiromaṇi | m. Name of work  |
subantavāda | m. Name of work  |
subantavyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
śubhadanta | mf(ī-)n. having good teeth  |
śubhradanta | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mf(/ī-)n. having white teeth '  |
sudanta | mfn. having good or handsome teeth  |
sudanta | m. a good tooth  |
sudanta | m. a particular samādhi-,  |
sudanta | m. an actor, dancer  |
sudanta | m. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-  |
śuddhadanta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. white-toothed '  |
śuddhadanta | mfn. made of pure ivory  |
suhemanta | m. a good winter |
suhemanta | mfn. having a good winter,  |
śukradanta | m. "white toothed", Name of a man |
suptiṅanta | n. an inflected noun or verb as ending with a case-termination or verbal termination (See tiṅ-)  |
suptiṅantaparibhāṣā | f. Name of work  |
suptiṅantasāgarasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
śūradanta | m. Name of a Brahman  |
suṣkanta | m. Name of a son of dharmanetra- (varia lectio suṣmanta-)  |
suṣmanta | See suṣkanta- above.  |
suvasanta | m. a beautiful spring season  |
suvasanta | m. the day of full moon in the month caitra-  |
suvasanta | m. a festival in honour of kāma-deva- in the moon caitra-  |
suvasantaka | m. a particular festival (equals prec.)  |
suvasantaka | m. Gaertnera Racemosa  |
śvādanta | mfn. |