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Grammar Search
"andhena" has 2 results
andhena: masculine instrumentative singular stem: andha
andhena: neuter instrumentative singular stem: andha
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results3 results
andhena tamasāvṛtāḥ (AVP. -vṛtam) AVP.10.12.12b; VS.40.3b; śB.; īśāU.3b.
andhena tamasā saha AVP.15.19.4b.
andhena yat (TA. yā) tamasā prāvṛtāsīt (TA. prāvṛtāsi) AVś.18.3.3c; TA.6.12.1c.
Vedabase Search
23 results
andhena by dense darknessSB 7.3.26-27
andhena by ignoranceIso 3
andhena tamasā by blinding darknessSB 10.56.19
andhena tamasā by blinding darknessSB 10.56.19
vaira-anubandhena by constant enmitySB 7.1.26
vaira-anubandhena by constant enmitySB 7.1.27
vaira-anubandhena by the bondage of considering the Lord an enemySB 7.10.38
vaira-anubandhena by continuously treating as an enemySB 8.22.6-7
anubandhena with the conceptionCC Antya 3.85
gandhena by the fragranceSB 3.15.17
madhu-gandhena with the scent of honeySB 4.2.25
gandhena by the odorSB 6.13.12-13
gandhena aromaSB 10.65.19
gandhena whose fragranceSB 10.80.20-22
gandhena by the fragranceSB 11.4.13
madhu-gandhena with the scent of honeySB 4.2.25
nirbandhena with determinationSB 7.5.42
skandhena on the shoulderSB 4.29.33
skandhena by the shoulderSB 5.8.13
vaira-anubandhena by constant enmitySB 7.1.26
vaira-anubandhena by constant enmitySB 7.1.27
vaira-anubandhena by the bondage of considering the Lord an enemySB 7.10.38
vaira-anubandhena by continuously treating as an enemySB 8.22.6-7
Wordnet Search
"andhena" has 1 results.


aviratam, nirantaram, anavaratam, avicchinnam, prabandhena   

virāmeṇa vinā।

dvau horāṃ yāvat avirataṃ varṣā bhavati।

Parse Time: 1.757s Search Word: andhena Input Encoding: IAST: andhena