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Monier-Williams Search
2 results for anantavat
anantavatmfn. eternal, infinite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anantavatm. (ān-) (in the upaniṣad-s) one of brahmā-'s four feet (earth, intermediate space, heaven, and ocean) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
anantavat अनन्तवत् a. [अस्त्यर्थे मतुप्] Endless, eternal. m. One of Brahman's four feet; earth, intermediate region, heaven, and ocean. पृथिवी कलान्तरिक्षं कला द्यौः कला समुद्रः कलैष वै सोम्य चतुष्कलः पादो ब्रह्मणो$नन्तवान्नाम । Ch. Up.4.6.3.
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