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Grammar Search
"amla" has 2 results
amla: masculine vocative singular stem: amla
amla: neuter vocative singular stem: amla
Amarakosha Search
3 results
anantaḥ3.3.88MasculineSingularamla, paruṣaḥ
cāṅgerīFeminineSingularcukrikā, dantaśaṭhā, ambaṣṭhā, amlaloṇikā
sahasravedhīFeminineSingularamlavetasaḥ, śatavedhī, cukraḥ
Monier-Williams Search
3 results for amla"
amlamfn. sour, acid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amlam. (with or without rasa-) acidity, vinegar , wood sorrel (Oxalis Corniculata), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amlamn. sour curds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
amla अम्ल a. [अम्-क्ल Uṇ.4.18.] Sour, acid; कट्वम्ललवणा- त्युष्णतीक्ष्णरूक्षविदाहिनः (आहाराः) Bg.17.9. -म्लः 1 Sourness, acidity, one of the six kinds of tastes or rasas q. v. यो दन्तहर्षमुत्पादयति मुखास्रावं जनयति श्रद्धां चोत्पादयति सो$म्लः (रसः) Suśr. -2 Vinegar. -3 Wood-sorrel. -4 = अम्ल- वेतस q. v. -5 The common citron tree. -6 Belch. -म्ली = चाङ्गेरी. -म्लम् Sour curds, butter-milk, with a fourth part of water. -Comp. -अक्त a. acidulated. -अङ्कुशः a variety of sorrel (˚वेतस्). -अध्यूषितम् a disease of the eye. -उद्गारः sour eructation. -काण्डम् N. of a plant (लवणतृण). -केशरः the citron tree. -गन्धि a. having a sour smell. -गोरसः sour butter-milk. -चुक्रिका, -चूडा a sort of a sorrel. -जम्बीरः, -निम्बकः the lime-tree. -त्वक् A seed of the tree Chirongia sapida (Mar. चारोळी). -नायकः = ˚वेतसः q. v. -निशा N. of a plant (शठी; Mar. आंबेहळद, कापूरकाचरी) -पञ्चक, -पञ्चफलम् a collection of five kinds of vegetables and fruits; कौलं च दाडिमं चैव वृक्षाम्लं चुक्रिका तथा । अम्लवेतसमित्येतदम्लपञ्चफलं स्मृतम् ॥ or जम्बीरं नागरङ्गं च तथाम्लं वेतसं पुनः । तिन्तिडीकं वीजपूरमम्लपञ्चफलं स्मृतम्. -पुत्रः N. of a plant (अश्मन्तक). (-त्री) तलाशीलता and क्षुद्राम्लिका -पनसः N. of a tree (लकुच). -पित्तम् acidity of stomach, sour bile. -पूरम् = वृक्षाम्लम् q. v. -फलः the tamarind tree. (-लम्) tamarind fruit. -भेदनः = ˚वेतस q. v. -मेहः a kind of urinary disease. -रस a. having an acid taste. (-सः) sourness, acidity. -रुहा a kind of betel (मालवदेशजनागवल्लीभेदः). -लोणिका, -लोणी, -लोलिका wood sorrel (Mar. चुका). -वर्गः a class of sour things including plants with acid leaves and fruits. -वल्ली N. of a plant (त्रिवर्णिका नाम कन्दविशेषः). -वाटकः hog-plum. -वाटिका a sort of betel. -वस्तूकः a sorrel (चुक्रम्). -वृक्षः the tamarind tree. -वेतसः a kind of sorrel (Mar. चुका, चांगेरी). -शाकः a sort of sorrel (शाकाम्ल, शुक्राम्ल, अम्ल, चुक्रिका, चूड) commonly used as a pot-herb. (-कम्) = वृक्षाम्लम्, चुक्रम्. -सारः 1 the lime tree. -2 a sort of sorrel (˚वेतस). -3 N. of a plant (हिंताल). (-रम्) rice-water after fermentation (काञ्जिकम्). -हरिद्रा N. of a plant (˚निशा).
Macdonell Search
1 result
amla a. sour.
Vedabase Search
3 results
amla noun (neuter) acid acid substance buttermilk (Takra) sour curds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sour wheat gruel
Frequency rank 728/72933
amla adjective acid (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 543/72933
amla noun (masculine) acidity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
vinegar (Oxalis Corniculata) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6969/72933


Go to nimbu


sour taste; amlameha acid urine.

Wordnet Search
"amla"" has 1 results.


amla, khaṭṭa, amlarasa, khaṭvara, śuktaka   

apakvāmratintilīkādīnām āmraphalānām iva svādaḥ yasya।

amleṣu phaleṣu ka ityākhyasya jīvasattvasya bāhulyam asti।

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