ambu | n. water etc. | ||||||
ambu | n. a kind of Andropogon | ||||||
ambu | n. Name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables) | ||||||
ambu | n. the number,"four" | ||||||
ambubhakṣya | mfn. subsisting on water, | ||||||
ambubhṛt | m. a cloud | ||||||
ambubhṛt | m. talc | ||||||
ambubhṛt | m. the grass Cyperus Pertenuis | ||||||
ambucāmara | n. "water-chowri", the aquatic plant Valisneria. | ||||||
ambucara | mfn. moving in the water, aquatic. | ||||||
ambucārin | mfn. moving in water (as a fish, etc.) (see ap-cara- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. /ap-). | ||||||
ambuda | m. "giving water", a cloud, the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis | ||||||
ambudaiva | n. "having the waters as deity", Name of the astrological mansion pūrvāṣāḍhā- | ||||||
ambudāraṇya | n. Name of a forest. | ||||||
ambudeva | n. "having the waters as deity", Name of the astrological mansion pūrvāṣāḍhā- | ||||||
ambudhakāminī | f. "ocean-lover", a river, | ||||||
ambudhara | m. "water-holder", a cloud. | ||||||
ambudhāra | m. a cloud, | ||||||
ambudhi | m. receptacle of waters, the ocean | ||||||
ambudhi | m. the number,"four" | ||||||
ambudhikāminī | f. a river | ||||||
ambudhisravā | f. the plant Aloes Perfoliata. | ||||||
ambuga | mfn. "water-goer", living in water. | ||||||
ambughana | m. hail, frozen rain | ||||||
ambuhasta | m. a water-elephant (confer, compare jala-- dvīpa-), | ||||||
ambuja | mfn. produced in water, water born, aquatic, | ||||||
ambuja | m. the plant Barringtonsa Acutangula Gaertn. | ||||||
ambuja | m. a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo) | ||||||
ambuja | m. a muscle-shell , the thunderbolt of indra- ("cloud-born") | ||||||
ambujabāndhava | m. "lotus-friend", the sun, | ||||||
ambujabhū | m. "being in a lotus", the god brahmā-. | ||||||
ambujākṣa | mf(ī-)n. lotus-eyed. | ||||||
ambujanman | n. a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo) | ||||||
ambujāsanā | f. "lotus-seated", lakṣmī-, | ||||||
ambujastha | mfn. sitting on a lotus. | ||||||
ambujinī | f. a lotus plant, | ||||||
ambujīvin | mfn. living by water (as a fisherman etc.), | ||||||
ambukaṇa | m. "a drop of water", a shower | ||||||
ambukaṇṭaka | m. the short-nosed alligator | ||||||
ambukāntāra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of varuṇa-, | ||||||
ambukapha | m. cuttlefish-bone, | ||||||
ambukapi | m. Delphinus Gangeticus, | ||||||
ambukeśara | m. lemon tree | ||||||
ambukirāta | m. the short-nosed alligator | ||||||
ambukīśa | m. a porpoise (especially the Gangetic, Delphinus Gangeticus) | ||||||
ambukriyā | f. a funeral rite (equals jala-kriyā-), | ||||||
ambukukkuṭa | m. a water-fowl, | ||||||
ambukūrma | m. a porpoise (especially the Gangetic, Delphinus Gangeticus) | ||||||
ambulīlāgeha | n. a pleasure-house standing in water, | ||||||
ambumat | mfn. watery, having or containing water | ||||||
ambumatī | f. Name of a river | ||||||
ambumātraja | mfn. produced only in water. | ||||||
ambumaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of water, | ||||||
ambumuc | m. a cloud | ||||||
ambuñananā | f. "having a lotus face", Name of the tutelary deity of the ojiṣṭha- family | ||||||
ambunātha | m. "lord of the waters", the ocean | ||||||
ambunidhi | m. "treasury of waters", the ocean. | ||||||
ambunivaha | m. "water-bearer", a cloud | ||||||
ambupa | m. "drinking water", the plant Cassia Tora or Alata | ||||||
ambupa | m. "lord of the waters", varuṇa- | ||||||
ambupaddhati | f. current, stream, flow of water | ||||||
ambupakṣin | m. aquatic bird | ||||||
ambupāta | m. current, stream, flow of water | ||||||
ambupati | m. equals 2 -pa- , the ocean. | ||||||
ambupattrā | f. (equals -da-), the plant Cyperus Hex. Calcutta edition | ||||||
ambuprasāda | m. the clearing nut tree, Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water[ see ];they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel, and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains). | ||||||
ambuprasādana | n. the clearing nut tree, Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water[ see ];they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel, and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains). | ||||||
ambupriya | m. a kind of ratan (also called vidula-), | ||||||
amburāja | m. equals nātha- | ||||||
amburāja | m. equals -pa- 2 | ||||||
amburāśi | m. "heap of waters", the ocean | ||||||
amburaya | m. a current | ||||||
amburohiṇī | f. idem or 'f. the lotus ' | ||||||
amburuha | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "water-growing", the day-lotus | ||||||
amburuhā | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis. | ||||||
amburuhiṇī | f. the lotus | ||||||
ambusamplava | m. a flow of water, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding | ||||||
ambusarpiṇī | f. "water-glider"a leech | ||||||
ambusecanī | f. (-vāhinī-) a wooden baling vessel | ||||||
ambuśirīṣikā | f. Name of a plant | ||||||
ambuśītā | f. Name of a river | ||||||
ambusūkara | m. a kind of porcine crocodile, | ||||||
ambutāla | m. (equals -cāmara-) the plant Valisneria. | ||||||
ambutaskara | m. "water thief", the sun | ||||||
ambuvācī | f. four days in āṣāḍha- (the tenth to the thirteenth of the dark half of the month, when the earth is supposed to be unclean, and agriculture is prohibited) | ||||||
ambuvācīprada | n. the tenth in the second half of the month āṣāḍha-. | ||||||
ambuvācītyaga | m. the thirteenth of the same | ||||||
ambuvāha | m. a cloud etc. | ||||||
ambuvāha | m. the grass Cyperus Pertenuis | ||||||
ambuvāha | m. a water-carrier | ||||||
ambuvāha | m. talc | ||||||
ambuvāha | m. the number,"seventeen" | ||||||
ambuvāhin | mfn. carrying or conveying water | ||||||
ambuvāhinī | f. a wooden baling vessel | ||||||
ambuvāhinī | f. Name of a river (varia lectio madhu-vāhinī-) | ||||||
ambuvallī | f. Momordica Charantia, | ||||||
ambuvardhana | n. high sea-tide, | ||||||
ambuvāsa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of varuṇa-, | ||||||
ambuvāsī | f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia Suaveolens) | ||||||
ambuvāsinī | f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia Suaveolens) | ||||||
ambuvega | m. a current of water, | ||||||
ambuvetasa | m. a kind of cane or reed growing in water. | ||||||
ambuyantra | n. clepsydra | ||||||
abhisambuddha | mfn. deeply versed in | ||||||
abhisambuddha | mfn. having attained the bodhi- | ||||||
abhisambudh | (with samyak-- sambodhin-), to obtain the highest perfect knowledge, Sukh, i. | ||||||
āḍhakajambuka | mfn. | ||||||
ahambuddhi | f. equals ahaṃ-karaṇa- below | ||||||
ahambuddhi | f. pride, haughtiness, ( anahambuddhi an-ah/am--buddhi- negative mfn."free from pride") | ||||||
alambuṣa | m. the palm of the hand with the fingers extended | ||||||
alambuṣa | m. Name of a plant | ||||||
alambuṣa | m. of a rākṣasa- | ||||||
alambuṣā | f. a barrier, a line or anything not to be crossed | ||||||
alambuṣā | f. a sort of sensitive plant | ||||||
alambuṣā | f. Name of an apsaras- | ||||||
anahambuddhi | mfn. ahambuddhi | ||||||
anālambukā | ([ ]) or better | ||||||
anambu | m. "waterless", the bird cātaka-, | ||||||
bamburevaṇa | m. or n. (?) Name of a place | ||||||
bhūjambu | f. wheat | ||||||
bhūjambu | f. Flacourtia Sapida or its fruit | ||||||
bhūmijambu | f. a species of plant | ||||||
bhūmijambu | f. Premna Herbacea | ||||||
bhūmijambukā | f. a species of plant | ||||||
bhūmijambukā | f. Premna Herbacea | ||||||
ḍambura | ? | ||||||
jalagambu | m. Name of a son of sūrya- | ||||||
jalajambukā | f. a kind of jambu- | ||||||
jalajambukālatā | f. Name of an aquatic plant | ||||||
jambu | f. the rose apple tree (Eugenia Jambolana or another species) etc. | ||||||
jambu | f. the shrub nāga-damanī- | ||||||
jambu | n. the rose apple fruit | ||||||
jambu | mf. (?; gaRa varaṇā | ||||||
jambu | mf. Name of a fabulous river (flowing from the mountain meru-;formed by the juice of the fruits of the immense jambu- tree on that mountain see ) | ||||||
jambu | mf. see āḍhaka--, kāka--, go-rakṣa--, mahā--. | ||||||
jambudhvaja | m. "having the jambu- tree as its standard" equals -dvīpa-, | ||||||
jambudhvaja | m. Name of a nāga- | ||||||
jambudvīpa | m. the central one of the 7 continents surrounding the mountain meru- (= India ;named so either from the jambu- trees abounding in it, or from an enormous jambu- tree on Mount meru- visible like a standard to the whole continent) etc. | ||||||
jambudvīpaprajñapti | f. "(mythical) geography of jambudvīpa-", Name of upā | ||||||
jambudvīpavaralocana | m. Name of a samādhi- | ||||||
jambudvīpeśvara | m. a sovereign of India, . | ||||||
jambuka | m. a jackal etc. | ||||||
jambuka | m. a low man | ||||||
jambuka | m. Eugenia Jambos | ||||||
jambuka | m. a kind of Bignonia | ||||||
jambuka | m. Name of varuṇa- | ||||||
jambuka | m. of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue | ||||||
jambuka | m. of a śūdra-, (śamb-,C) | ||||||
jambukā | f. a female jackal | ||||||
jambukeśa | n. Name of liṅga- | ||||||
jambukeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-, | ||||||
jambula | m. a kind of disease of the outer ear | ||||||
jambula | m. equals bu-, Eugenia Jambolana | ||||||
jambula | m. Pandanus odoratissimus | ||||||
jambumālin | m. Name of a rakṣas- | ||||||
jambumat | m. "rich in jambu- trees", a mountain | ||||||
jambumat | m. a monkey | ||||||
jambumatī | f. an apsaras- | ||||||
jambuparvata | m. equals dvīpa- | ||||||
jambuprastha | m. Name of a village (mbū-p-,B) . | ||||||
jamburudra | m. Name of a nāga- | ||||||
jambusara | the town Jumbooseer (in gurjara-, between Cambay and Baroch). | ||||||
jambuvanaja | n. "growing in jambu- forests", the white flower of the China rose | ||||||
jantukambu | n. a shell inhabited by an animal | ||||||
kalambukā | f. Convolvulus repens | ||||||
kalambuṭa | n. fresh butter | ||||||
kambu | m. (u- n. ) a conch | ||||||
kambu | m. a shell etc. | ||||||
kambu | m. a bracelet or ring made of shells | ||||||
kambu | m. a bracelet in general | ||||||
kambu | m. three lines or marks in the neck (indicative of good fortune) | ||||||
kambu | m. the neck | ||||||
kambu | m. an elephant | ||||||
kambu | m. a tube-shaped bone | ||||||
kambu | m. a vein or tubular vessel of the body | ||||||
kambu | m. a sort of Curcuma | ||||||
kambugrīva | mf(ā-)n. equals -kaṇṭha- above etc. | ||||||
kambugrīva | m. "shell-neck", Name of a tortoise | ||||||
kambugrīvā | f. a shell-like neck (id est one marked with three lines, see above) | ||||||
kambuja | m. a kind of drum. | ||||||
kambuka | m. a conch, shell | ||||||
kambuka | m. a mean person | ||||||
kambukā | f. Physalis Flexuosa | ||||||
kambuka | n. Name of a town | ||||||
kambukaṃdhara | mfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. "shell-neck", having folds in the neck like a spiral shell (see above) ' | ||||||
kambukaṇṭha | mf(ī-)n. "shell-neck", having folds in the neck like a spiral shell (see above) | ||||||
kambukāṣṭhā | f. Physalis Flexuosa | ||||||
kambumālinī | f. idem or 'f. Andropogon Aciculatus ' | ||||||
kambupuṣpī | f. Andropogon Aciculatus | ||||||
kṣudrakambu | m. a small shell | ||||||
laladambu | m. (fr. pr. p. lalat-+ a-) the citron tree | ||||||
lambuka | m. Name of the 15th astrological yoga- (see lambaka-) | ||||||
lambuka | m. Name of a serpent-demon | ||||||
lambuṣā | f. a necklace of seven strings | ||||||
mahājambu | f. a species of plant | ||||||
mahākambu | mfn. stark naked (said of śiva-) | ||||||
mṛgajambuka | m. dual number a deer and a jackal | ||||||
nadyambujīvana | mfn. (country) thriving by river-water | ||||||
nirambu | mfn. abstaining from water | ||||||
nirambu | mfn. destitute of water | ||||||
pratisambuddha | mfn. ( | ||||||
raṇajambuka | m. Name of a man | ||||||
śabarajambu | Name of a place (See śābarajambuka-). | ||||||
śābarajambuka | mfn. (fr. śabara-jambu-) | ||||||
śākajambu | m. Name of a place | ||||||
śākajambuka | mfn. | ||||||
samarajambuka | m. "battle-jackal", Name of a man | ||||||
śambu | m. a bivalve shell | ||||||
śambu | m. Name of a man, | ||||||
sambubodhayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to arouse or make attentive | ||||||
sambubodhayiṣu | mfn. wishing to convert | ||||||
sambuddha | mfn. wide awake, clever, wise, prudent | ||||||
sambuddha | mfn. well perceived, perfectly known or understood | ||||||
sambuddha | m. a buddha- or a jaina- deified sage (see ) . | ||||||
sambuddhi | f. perfect knowledge or perception | ||||||
sambuddhi | f. calling out to (a person in the distance), making one's self heard | ||||||
sambuddhi | f. the vocative case or its termination | ||||||
sambuddhi | f. an epithet | ||||||
sambudh | A1. -budhyate- (pr. p. -budhyamāna- q.v), to wake up ; to perceive or understand thoroughly, notice, observe, know etc.: Causal -bodhayati-, to cause to wake up, rouse ; to cause to know, inform, advise, instruct ; teach (two accusative) etc. ; to call to on ; to cause to agree : Desiderative of Causal See sam-bubodhayiṣu-. | ||||||
sambudhyamāna | mfn. being quite aware | ||||||
śambuka | m. (see below and śāmbuka-) a bivalve shell | ||||||
śambuka | m. a particular noxious insect | ||||||
śambuka | m. Name of a śūdra- (Bombay edition jambuka-) (varia lectio kañcuka-) | ||||||
śambuka | m. of a poet | ||||||
śambukka | m. a bivalve shell | ||||||
śambuvardhana | m. Name of a man | ||||||
samyaksambuddha | mfn. one who has attained to complete enlightenment (said of the buddha-) | ||||||
samyaksambuddhi | f. | ||||||
śaradambudhara | m. an autumnal cloud | ||||||
sṛgālajambu | f. a water-melon | ||||||
sṛgālajambu | f. the fruit of the jujube | ||||||
tarambuja | n. (borrowed fr. $) a water-melon (see kharbūja-), Tantr. | ||||||
tryambuka | a kind of fly | ||||||
varaṇḍalambuka | m. the string of a fish-hook (?) | ||||||
vṛṣṭyambu | n. rain-water |
ambu | अम्बु n. [अम्ब्-शब्दे उण्] 1 Water; गाङ्गमम्बु सितमम्बु यामुनम् K. P.1. -2 The watery element of the blood (cf. imber). -3 N. of a metre. -4 A term in astrology (लग्नावधिकं चतुर्थस्थानम्). -Comp. -कणः a drop of water. -कण्टकः (short-nosed), alligator. -कन्दः An acquatic plant Trapa bispinosa (Mar. शिंगाडा). -किरातः alligator. -कीशः, कूर्मः a tortoise (शिशुमार); particularly Gangetic. -केशरः lemon-tree (छालङ्गवृक्ष). -क्रिया libation of water; Bk.; presentation of water to the Manes of the deceased. -कुक्कुटी An acquatic hen. -ग, -चर, -चारिन् a. moving or living in water, aquatic (as fish &c.); अद्रिं दधाराम्बुचरात्मना Bhāg.8.5. 11; Ms.12.57. -घनः hail. -चत्वरम् a lake. -चामरम् an aquatic plant (शैवाल). -ज a. produced in water, aquatic (opp. स्थलज); सुगन्धीनि च माल्यानि स्थलजान्यम्बु- जानि च Rām. (-जः) 1 the moon. -2 camphor. -3 the Sārasa bird. -4 the conch; दध्मौ तारेण चाम्बुजम् Mb.7.173.9. -5 N. of a tree (हिज्जल). (-जम्) 1 a lotus; इन्दीवरेण नयनं मुखमम्बुजेन Ś. Til.3; A. Rām. 4.1.2. -2 the thunderbolt of Indra. ˚भूः, ˚आसनः 'the lotus-born god' Brahmā; A. Rām. ˚आसना the goddess Lakṣmī. -जन्मन् n. a lotus; -m. 1 the moon. -2 the conch. -3 Sārasa. -तस्करः 'waterthief', the sun (whose heat drinks up water). -तालः = ˚चामर. -द a. giving or yielding water. (-दः) 1 a cloud; नवाम्बुदानीकमुहूर्तलाञ्छने R.3.53; -देवम्, -दैवम् The astronomical mansion पूर्वाषाढा. -धर [धरतीति धरः, अम्बूनां धरः; धृ-अच्] 1 a cloud; वशिनश्चाम्बुधराश्च योनयः Ku.4.43; शरत्प्रमृष्टाम्बुधरोपरोधः R.6.44. -2 the plant मुस्तक. -3 talc. -धिः [अम्बूनि धीयन्ते अत्र; धा-कि] 1 any receptacle of waters; such as a jar; अम्बुधिर्घटः Sk. ˚-स्रवा Aloe perfoliata (Mar. कोरफड). -2 the ocean; क्षार˚ Bh.2.6. -3 the number four (in Math.). ˚प्रसवा N. of a plant (घृतकुमारी). -नाथः The ocean. -नामन् Andropogon muricatum (Mar. वाळा). -निधिः 'treasure of waters', the ocean; देवासुरैरमृतम्बुनिधिर्ममन्थे Ki.5.3. -प a. drinking water. (-पः) 1 the ocean. -2 Varuṇa, the regent of waters; रक्षो$म्बुपानिलशशीशपुराणि चाष्टौ Śid. Śir; शक्राम्बुपयमानां च चतुर्थस्त्वं भविष्यसि Rām.7.4.17. -3 N. of a plant (चक्रमर्दक; Mar.टाकळा). -पतिः Varuṇa; यथाम्बुपतिमित्रौ हि तारकं दैत्यसत्तमम् (अधावताम्) Mb.7.155.36. -पत्रा N. of a plant (उच्चटावृक्ष; Mar. फुरडी). -पद्धतिः f. -पातः current, flow or stream of water, cascade; गङ्गाम्बुपातप्रतिमा गृहेभ्यः Bk.1.8. -प्रसादः -प्रसादनम् [अम्बूनि प्रसादयति] the clearing nut tree (कतक Mar. निवळी). Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this tree are used for purifying water; when rubbed on the inner surface of the vessel, they precipitate the impurities which the water contains; (फलं कतकवृक्षस्य यद्यप्यम्बुप्रसादकम् । न नामग्रहणादेव तस्य वारि प्रसीदति) Ms.6.67. -भवम् a lotus. -भृत् m. 1 water-bearer, a cloud. -2 the ocean. -3 = ˚पत्रा q. v. -4 N. of a plant मुस्तक. -5 talc. -मात्रज a. produced only in water. (-जः) a conchshell. -मुच् m. a cloud; ध्वनितसूचितमम्बुमुचां चयम् Ki.5.12. -राजः 1 the ocean. -2 Varuṇa. -राशिः receptacle or store of water, the ocean; त्वयि ज्वलत्यौर्वं इवाम्बुराशौ Ś.3.3; चन्द्रोदयारम्भ इवाम्बुराशिः Ku.3.67, R.6.57;9.82. -रुह् n. 1 a lotus. -2 Sārasa. -रुहः, हम्, a lotus; विपुलिनाम्बुरुहा न सरिद्वधूः Ki.5.1. (-हा) N. of the land-lotus plant (स्थलपद्मिनी). -रोहिणी a lotus. -वाची [अम्बु तद्वर्षणं वाचयति सूचयति] an epithet applied to the earth during four days from the 1th to the 13th in the dark half of the month of Āṣāḍha when it is supposed to be unclean (रजस्वला इव) and agriculture is prohibited; Brav. P.2.77. ˚प्रदः the 1th day; ˚त्यागः 13th day. -वासिनी, -वासी N. of a plant (पाटला), the trumpet flower. -वाहः [अम्बु वहतीति] 1 a cloud; तडित्वन्त- मिवाम्बुवाहम् Ki.3.1; भर्तुर्मित्रं प्रियमविधवे विद्धि मामम्बुवाहम् Me. 11. -2 a lake. -3 water-bearer. -4 the number 17. -5 a sort of grass. -वाहिन् a. carrying or conveying water. -m. 1 a cloud. -2 = मुस्तक. (-नी) 1 a wooden vessel, a sort of bucket. -2 a woman fetching water. -3 N. of a stream. -विहारः sporting in water. -विस्रवा = घृतकुमारी. -वेग a. flowing quickly; यथानदीनां बहवो$म्बुवेगाः Bg.11.28. -वेतसः a kind of cane or reed growing in water. (Mar. लव्हाळा). -शिरीषिका N. of plant. -सरणम् flow or current of water. -सर्पिणी a leech (अम्बुनि सर्पति). -सेचनी a wooden baling vessel. |
ambujinī | अम्बुजिनी The lotus-creeper. -कुटुम्बिन् m. The sun, Śāhendra.1.4. |
ambumat | अम्बुमत् a. Watery, containing water. -ती N. of a river. अम्बुरः, (-म्बरः) A threshold of a door. |
kambu | कम्बु a. (-म्बु or -म्बू f.) Spotted, variegated. -म्बुः -म्बु (m., n.) A conch-shell; स्मरस्य कम्बुः किमयं चकास्ति दिवि त्रिलोकीजयवादनीयः N.22.22; Śi.18.54. -म्बुः 1 An elephant. -2 The neck. -3 The variegated colour. -4 A vein of the body. -5 A bracelet; कम्बुकेयूरधारिण्यः Mb.3.233.46. -6 A tube-shaped bone. -Comp. -आतायिन् m. a kind of kite. -कण्ठी a lady having the neck like a conch-shell. -ग्रीवा 1 a conch-shaped neck, (i. e. a neck marked with three lines like a shell and considered as a sign of great fortune). -2 a lady having the neck like the conch-shell. |
kambukaḥ | कम्बुकः 1 A conch-shell. -2 A mean or contemptible person. |
kalambuṭa | कलम्बुट (Fresh) Butter. |
jambu | जम्बु म्बू f. 1 The rose apple tree and its fruit; द्राक्षेक्षुरम्भाजम्बूभिः Bhāg.8.2.13. -Comp. -खण्डः, -द्वीपः, -पर्वतः N. of one of the seven continents surrounding the mountain Meru. -नदी one of the seven heavenly rivers. -प्रस्थः N. of a village; तोरणं दक्षिणार्धेन जम्बूप्रस्थं समागमत् Rām.2.71.11. -मालिन् N. of a Rākśasa killed by हनुमत्. |
jambu | जम्बु (म्बू) कः (-की f.) 1 A jackal. -2 A low man. -3 The rose apple tree. -4 An epithet of Varuṇa. |
jambulaḥ | जम्बुलः [जम्बुं तन्नामफलं लाति ला-क] 1 A kind of tree (= जम्ब q. v.). -2 The Ketaka plant. -लम् Jest or jesting compliments addressed to the bride and the bridegroom by the friends and female relatives of the bridegroom (or of the bride). -Comp. -मालिका the same as above. |
lambuṣā | लम्बुषा A necklace of seven strings. |
ambu | n. water; -kârin, a. living in the water; m. aquatic animal. |
ambuda | m. cloud: -nâsa, m. dis persion of clouds; -dhara, m. cloud; -dhi, m. sea; -nidhi, m. id.; -pakshin, m. water-bird; -pati, m. Varuna; sea; -paddhati, f. current; -muk, m. cloud; -raya, m.current; -râsi, m. sea; -ruha, n. day-flowering lotus; -ruhinî, f. lotus; -lîlâ-geha, n. pleasure-house in the water; -vâha, m. cloud; -vega, m. current. |
ambuja | a. aquatic; m. n. (day) lotus: -bândhava, m. sun; -½aksha, a. (î) lotus eyed; -½âsanâ, f. Lakshmî (lotus-seated). |
atyambupāna | n. drinking too much water. |
kambu | m. shell; bracelet of shells; -ka, n. N. of a town; -kantha, a. (î) having a shell-like neck, i. e. with three folds; -grî va, m. N. of a tortoise. |
jambudvīpa | m. Isle of the Jambu-tree, N. of the central terrestrial island (v. dvîpa) comprising India, so called because overlooked by a gigantic Jambu-tree growing on the summit of mount Meru. |
jambuka | m. jackal; vile person. |
jambu | n. rose-apple; f. (also û) rose apple-tree. |
śaradambudhara | m. autumnal cloud. |
idaṃ | kasāmbu cayanena citam # AVś.18.4.37a. P: idaṃ kasāmbu Kauś.86.1. |
kiyāmbv | atra rohatu # RV.10.16.13c. See kyāmbūr. |
trir | bhṛgubhyo aṅgirobhyaḥ # AVś.19.39.5a. See triḥ śāmbubhyo. |
triḥ | śāmbubhyo girayebhyaḥ # AVP.7.10.5a. See trir bhṛgubhyo. |
paraḥ | kambūkāṃ apa mṛḍḍhi dūram # AVś.11.1.29b. P: paraḥ kambūkān Kauś.63.7. |
ambu | noun (neuter) a kind of Andropogon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a metre (consisting of ninety syllables) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the number four (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the kañcuka called jala Frequency rank 661/72933 | |
ambubhṛt | noun (masculine) cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) talc (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the grass Cyperus Pertenuis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26608/72933 | |
ambucara | adjective aquatic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) moving in the water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 44696/72933 | |
ambuda | noun (masculine) cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 3084/72933 | |
ambudhara | noun (masculine) cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9764/72933 | |
ambudhi | noun (masculine) receptacle of waters (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the number four (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the ocean (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 7646/72933 | |
ambudhisravā | noun (feminine) Aloe perfoliata Frequency rank 44700/72933 | |
ambuja | noun (masculine neuter) a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a muscle-shell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) salt the plant Barringtonsa Acutangula Gaertn (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 2684/72933 | |
ambujaka | noun (neuter) a lotus Frequency rank 44697/72933 | |
ambujanman | noun (neuter) a lotus (Nymphaea Nelumbo) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 32471/72933 | |
ambujasaṃbhava | noun (masculine) name of Brahmā Frequency rank 32472/72933 | |
ambujābhākṣa | noun (masculine) name of Viṣṇu Frequency rank 26606/72933 | |
ambujāla | noun (masculine) name of Śiva Frequency rank 44698/72933 | |
ambuka | noun (neuter) water Frequency rank 44693/72933 | |
ambukaṇa | noun (masculine) a shower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 44694/72933 | |
ambukukkuṭikā | noun (feminine) a kind of bird Frequency rank 44695/72933 | |
ambukukkuṭī | noun (feminine) a kind of bird Frequency rank 32470/72933 | |
ambumant | adjective having or containing water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) watery (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26609/72933 | |
ambumuc | noun (masculine) cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 44704/72933 | |
ambumūlikā | noun (feminine) a kind of siddhauṣadhī Frequency rank 44705/72933 | |
ambumṛd | noun (feminine) jalamṛd Frequency rank 32475/72933 | |
ambunidhi | noun (masculine) the ocean (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18886/72933 | |
ambupa | noun (masculine) name of Sūrya
Varuṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26607/72933 | |
ambupa | adjective Wasser trinkend Frequency rank 32473/72933 | |
ambupippalī | noun (feminine) a kind of plant (cmp. jalapippalī) Frequency rank 44701/72933 | |
ambuprasāda | noun (masculine) Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the clearing nut tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 44702/72933 | |
ambuprasādana | noun (masculine neuter) Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the clearing nut tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 32474/72933 | |
ambuprasādanaphala | noun (masculine) Strychnos potatorum Frequency rank 44703/72933 | |
amburaya | noun (masculine) a current (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 44706/72933 | |
amburuha | noun (neuter) the day-lotus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12357/72933 | |
amburuhā | noun (feminine) Hibiscus Mutabilis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 44707/72933 | |
amburāśi | noun (masculine) the ocean (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 20738/72933 | |
ambutara | noun (neuter) vāritara Frequency rank 44699/72933 | |
ambuvallikā | noun (feminine) Momordica Charantia Frequency rank 44708/72933 | |
ambuvallī | noun (feminine) a kind of divyauṣadhī Frequency rank 32476/72933 | |
ambuvaśya | noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha Frequency rank 44709/72933 | |
ambuvetasa | noun (masculine) a kind of cane or reed growing in water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26612/72933 | |
ambuvācī | noun (feminine) four days in Āshāḍha (the tenth to the thirteenth of the dark half of the month) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 44710/72933 | |
ambuvāha | noun (masculine) a water-carrier (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) cloud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) talc (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the grass Cyperus Pertenuis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the number 17 (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26611/72933 | |
ambuvāsinī | noun (feminine) Bignonia Suaveolens (trumpet flower) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26610/72933 | |
ambuvāsī | noun (feminine) the trumpet flower (Bignonia Suaveolens) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 44711/72933 | |
anambupāna | noun (neuter) not drinking water Frequency rank 42735/72933 | |
alambuṣa | noun (masculine) name of a plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Rākṣasa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the palm of the hand with the fingers extended (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 7270/72933 | |
alambuṣā | noun (feminine) a barrier (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a line or anything not to be crossed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a sort of sensitive plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an Apsaras (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an artery Frequency rank 10565/72933 | |
alambusā | noun (feminine) a sort of lajjālukā, a sensitive plant
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name of an Apsaras Frequency rank 15463/72933 | |
ahambuddhi | noun (feminine) haughtiness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) pride (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 46082/72933 | |
kambu | noun (masculine feminine neuter) conch (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) shell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 7397/72933 | |
kambu | noun (masculine) an elephant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bracelet in general (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bracelet or ring made of shells (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Daitya neck (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sort of Curcuma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) three lines or marks in the neck (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) tube-shaped bone (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) vein or tubular vessel of the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14800/72933 | |
kambuka | noun (masculine) conch (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) shell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 48612/72933 | |
kambukā | noun (feminine) Physalis Flexuosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33828/72933 | |
kambukaṇṭha | adjective "shell-neck" (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) having folds in the neck like a spiral shell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 48613/72933 | |
kambukaṃdhara | adjective Frequency rank 48614/72933 | |
kambukāṣṭhā | noun (feminine) Physalis Flexuosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 48615/72933 | |
kambukeśvara | noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha at the Narmadā Frequency rank 48616/72933 | |
kambukeśvaratīrthamāhātmyavarṇana | noun (neuter) name of Skandapurāṇa, Revākhaṇḍa, 120 Frequency rank 48617/72933 | |
kambugrīva | noun (neuter) a shell (śaṅkha) Frequency rank 48618/72933 | |
kambugrīva | noun (masculine) name of a tortoise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27395/72933 | |
kambugrīvā | noun (feminine) Andropogon Aciculatus
[rel.] name of Devī Frequency rank 27396/72933 | |
kambutīrtha | noun (neuter) the Tīrtha called Kambukeśvara Frequency rank 33829/72933 | |
kambudā | noun (feminine) name of a river Frequency rank 48619/72933 | |
kambupuṣpī | noun (feminine) Andropogon Aciculatus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33830/72933 | |
kambumālinī | noun (feminine) a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33831/72933 | |
kujambukā | noun (feminine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 49562/72933 | |
jantukambu | noun (masculine neuter) a shell inhabited by an animal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 52669/72933 | |
jambu | noun (masculine feminine) -dvīpa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a fabulous river (flowing from the mountain Meru) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35111/72933 | |
jambu | noun (neuter) the rose apple fruit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 28067/72933 | |
jambu | noun (feminine) Jambudvīpa
Ardisia humilis Vahl (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 556)
Eugenia Jambolana Lam. (the rose apple tree) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Jambosa jambos Millisp. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 555) Premna herbacea Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 556) Syzygium caryophyllaeum Gaertn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 556) Syzygium fruticosum DC. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 555) Syzygium operculatum Gamble (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 556) Syzygium rubicundum Wight et Arn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 556) the rose apple tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the shrub nāga-damanī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 3250/72933 | |
jambukā | noun (feminine) a female jackal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 52698/72933 | |
jambuka | noun (masculine) a jackal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of Bignonia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a low man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Eugenia Jambos (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Śūdra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an attendant in Skanda's retinue (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Varuṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 5496/72933 | |
jambukeśvara | noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha Frequency rank 28069/72933 | |
jambukeśvaratīrtha | noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 52699/72933 | |
jambudvīpa | noun (masculine) the central one of the 7 continents surrounding the mountain Meru (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14901/72933 | |
jambudhvaja | noun (masculine) name of a teacher Frequency rank 52700/72933 | |
jambunāyikā | noun (feminine) [rel.] name of a Śakti of Śiva Frequency rank 52701/72933 | |
jambumālin | noun (masculine) name of a Rakṣas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 14902/72933 | |
jalajambukā | noun (masculine feminine) a kind of Jambu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 35132/72933 | |
tuṣambukā | noun (feminine) a kind of rasaudhī Frequency rank 53722/72933 | |
nirambuda | adjective cloudless Frequency rank 56093/72933 | |
nṛpajambu | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 56705/72933 | |
bhūmijambukā | noun (feminine) a species of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37904/72933 | |
mahājambu | noun (feminine) a species of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61697/72933 | |
vṛṣṭyambu | noun (neuter) rain-water (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66518/72933 | |
śambuka | noun (masculine) a bivalve shell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a particular noxious insect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a poet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Śūdra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22375/72933 | |
sambuddha | noun (masculine) a Buddha or a Jaina deified sage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 69311/72933 | |
sambuddhi | noun (feminine) an epithet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) calling out to (a person in the distance) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) making one's self heard (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) perfect knowledge or perception (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the vocative case or its termination (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12261/72933 | |
sambudh | verb (class 4 ātmanepada) to know
to notice
to observe
to perceive or understand thoroughly
to wake up Frequency rank 7757/72933 | |
sambubodhayiṣu | adjective wishing to arouse or make attentive (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 69312/72933 | |
sṛṣṭyambuja | noun (neuter) the menorrhea of a sixteen year old girl (Ḍhuṇḍhukanātha (2000), 22) Frequency rank 18647/72933 |